| 1 | +(* Copyright (C) 2019-Present Authors of BuckleScript |
| 2 | + * |
| 3 | + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| 4 | + * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by |
| 5 | + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
| 6 | + * (at your option) any later version. |
| 7 | + * |
| 8 | + * In addition to the permissions granted to you by the LGPL, you may combine |
| 9 | + * or link a "work that uses the Library" with a publicly distributed version |
| 10 | + * of this file to produce a combined library or application, then distribute |
| 11 | + * that combined work under the terms of your choosing, with no requirement |
| 12 | + * to comply with the obligations normally placed on you by section 4 of the |
| 13 | + * LGPL version 3 (or the corresponding section of a later version of the LGPL |
| 14 | + * should you choose to use a later version). |
| 15 | + * |
| 16 | + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| 17 | + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| 19 | + * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. |
| 20 | + * |
| 21 | + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License |
| 22 | + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
| 23 | + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *) |
| 24 | + |
| 25 | + let reserved_words = |
| 26 | + [| |
| 27 | + (* keywork *) |
| 28 | + "break"; |
| 29 | + "case"; "catch"; "continue"; |
| 30 | + "debugger";"default";"delete";"do"; |
| 31 | + "else"; |
| 32 | + "finally";"for";"function"; |
| 33 | + "if"; "then"; "in";"instanceof"; |
| 34 | + "new"; |
| 35 | + "return"; |
| 36 | + "switch"; |
| 37 | + "this"; "throw"; "try"; "typeof"; |
| 38 | + "var"; "void"; "while"; "with"; |
| 39 | + |
| 40 | + (* reserved in ECMAScript 5 *) |
| 41 | + "class"; "enum"; "export"; "extends"; "import"; "super"; |
| 42 | + |
| 43 | + "implements";"interface"; |
| 44 | + "let"; |
| 45 | + "package";"private";"protected";"public"; |
| 46 | + "static"; |
| 47 | + "yield"; |
| 48 | + |
| 49 | + (* other *) |
| 50 | + "null"; |
| 51 | + "true"; |
| 52 | + "false"; |
| 53 | + "NaN"; |
| 54 | + |
| 55 | + |
| 56 | + "undefined"; |
| 57 | + "this"; |
| 58 | + |
| 59 | + (* also reserved in ECMAScript 3 *) |
| 60 | + "abstract"; "boolean"; "byte"; "char"; "const"; "double"; |
| 61 | + "final"; "float"; "goto"; "int"; "long"; "native"; "short"; |
| 62 | + "synchronized"; |
| 63 | + (* "throws"; *) |
| 64 | + (* seems to be fine, like nodejs [assert.throws] *) |
| 65 | + "transient"; "volatile"; |
| 66 | + |
| 67 | + (* also reserved in ECMAScript 6 *) |
| 68 | + "await"; |
| 69 | + |
| 70 | + "event"; |
| 71 | + "location"; |
| 72 | + "window"; |
| 73 | + "document"; |
| 74 | + "eval"; |
| 75 | + "navigator"; |
| 76 | + (* "self"; *) |
| 77 | + |
| 78 | + "Array"; |
| 79 | + "Date"; |
| 80 | + "Math"; |
| 81 | + "JSON"; |
| 82 | + "Object"; |
| 83 | + "RegExp"; |
| 84 | + "String"; |
| 85 | + "Boolean"; |
| 86 | + "Number"; |
| 87 | + "Buffer"; (* Node *) |
| 88 | + "Map"; (* es6*) |
| 89 | + "Set"; |
| 90 | + "Promise"; |
| 91 | + "Infinity"; |
| 92 | + "isFinite"; |
| 93 | + |
| 94 | + "ActiveXObject"; |
| 95 | + "XMLHttpRequest"; |
| 96 | + "XDomainRequest"; |
| 97 | + |
| 98 | + "DOMException"; |
| 99 | + "Error"; |
| 100 | + "SyntaxError"; |
| 101 | + "arguments"; |
| 102 | + |
| 103 | + "decodeURI"; |
| 104 | + "decodeURIComponent"; |
| 105 | + "encodeURI"; |
| 106 | + "encodeURIComponent"; |
| 107 | + "escape"; |
| 108 | + "unescape"; |
| 109 | + |
| 110 | + "isNaN"; |
| 111 | + "parseFloat"; |
| 112 | + "parseInt"; |
| 113 | + |
| 114 | + (** reserved for commonjs and NodeJS globals*) |
| 115 | + "require"; |
| 116 | + "exports"; |
| 117 | + "module"; |
| 118 | + "clearImmediate"; |
| 119 | + "clearInterval"; |
| 120 | + "clearTimeout"; |
| 121 | + "console"; |
| 122 | + "global"; |
| 123 | + "process"; |
| 124 | + "require"; |
| 125 | + "setImmediate"; |
| 126 | + "setInterval"; |
| 127 | + "setTimeout"; |
| 128 | + "__dirname"; |
| 129 | + "__filename"; |
| 130 | + "__esModule" |
| 131 | + |] |
| 132 | + |
| 133 | + |
| 134 | +module SSet = Set.Make(String) |
| 135 | +let get_predefined_words (fn : string) = |
| 136 | + let v = ref SSet.empty in |
| 137 | + let in_chan = open_in_bin fn in |
| 138 | + (try |
| 139 | + while true do |
| 140 | + let new_word = input_line in_chan in |
| 141 | + if String.length new_word <> 0 then |
| 142 | + v := SSet.add new_word !v |
| 143 | + done |
| 144 | + with End_of_file -> ()); |
| 145 | + !v |
| 146 | + |
| 147 | +let fill_extra (ss : SSet.t) : SSet.t = |
| 148 | + let v = ref ss in |
| 149 | + for i = 0 to Array.length reserved_words - 1 do |
| 150 | + v := SSet.add reserved_words.(i) !v |
| 151 | + done; |
| 152 | + !v |
| 153 | +let license = {| |
| 154 | +(* Copyright (C) 2019-Present Authors of BuckleScript |
| 155 | + * |
| 156 | + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| 157 | + * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by |
| 158 | + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
| 159 | + * (at your option) any later version. |
| 160 | + * |
| 161 | + * In addition to the permissions granted to you by the LGPL, you may combine |
| 162 | + * or link a "work that uses the Library" with a publicly distributed version |
| 163 | + * of this file to produce a combined library or application, then distribute |
| 164 | + * that combined work under the terms of your choosing, with no requirement |
| 165 | + * to comply with the obligations normally placed on you by section 4 of the |
| 166 | + * LGPL version 3 (or the corresponding section of a later version of the LGPL |
| 167 | + * should you choose to use a later version). |
| 168 | + * |
| 169 | + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| 170 | + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| 172 | + * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. |
| 173 | + * |
| 174 | + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License |
| 175 | + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
| 176 | + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *) |
| 177 | + |
| 178 | +|} |
| 179 | +let binary_search = {| |
| 180 | + |
| 181 | +type element = string |
| 182 | + |
| 183 | +let rec binarySearchAux (arr : element array) (lo : int) (hi : int) key : bool = |
| 184 | + let mid = (lo + hi)/2 in |
| 185 | + let midVal = Array.unsafe_get arr mid in |
| 186 | + (* let c = cmp key midVal [@bs] in *) |
| 187 | + if key = midVal then true |
| 188 | + else if key < midVal then (* a[lo] =< key < a[mid] <= a[hi] *) |
| 189 | + if hi = mid then |
| 190 | + (Array.unsafe_get arr lo) = key |
| 191 | + else binarySearchAux arr lo mid key |
| 192 | + else (* a[lo] =< a[mid] < key <= a[hi] *) |
| 193 | + if lo = mid then |
| 194 | + (Array.unsafe_get arr hi) = key |
| 195 | + else binarySearchAux arr mid hi key |
| 196 | + |
| 197 | +let binarySearch (sorted : element array) (key : element) : bool = |
| 198 | + let len = Array.length sorted in |
| 199 | + if len = 0 then false |
| 200 | + else |
| 201 | + let lo = Array.unsafe_get sorted 0 in |
| 202 | + (* let c = cmp key lo [@bs] in *) |
| 203 | + if key < lo then false |
| 204 | + else |
| 205 | + let hi = Array.unsafe_get sorted (len - 1) in |
| 206 | + (* let c2 = cmp key hi [@bs]in *) |
| 207 | + if key > hi then false |
| 208 | + else binarySearchAux sorted 0 (len - 1) key |
| 209 | + |
| 210 | +let is_reserved s = binarySearch sorted_keywords s |
| 211 | +|} |
| 212 | +let main () = |
| 213 | + let ss = get_predefined_words "keywords.list" in |
| 214 | + let ss = fill_extra ss in |
| 215 | + let keywords_array = |
| 216 | + (SSet.fold |
| 217 | + (fun s acc -> acc ^ "\"" ^ s ^ "\";\n " |
| 218 | + ) ss "let sorted_keywords = [|\n ") ^ "|]\n" |
| 219 | + in |
| 220 | + let oc = open_out_bin "ext/js_reserved_map.ml" in |
| 221 | + output_string oc license ; |
| 222 | + output_string oc keywords_array; |
| 223 | + output_string oc binary_search; |
| 224 | + close_out oc |
| 225 | + |
| 226 | +let () = main () |
| 227 | + |
| 228 | + |
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