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259 lines (217 loc) · 9.35 KB

Disclaimer: This post is opinionated, please take it with a grain of salt and make your own judgement call.

Why should I care about BuckleScript?

BuckleScript is designed for large scale programming under JavaScript platform.

Its goal is not just running OCaml programs under JavaScript platform, but also to try to bring all Javascript developer tools to the OCaml ecosystem, while bringing the type safety and expressiveness of OCaml languages to the Javascript developer community.

If you are interested in compilation-time cost that existing Javascript transpilers (babel, buble or traceur) suffer from or projects like typescript, Elm, or Purescript we think you will probably be interested in BuckleScript as well.

Bucklescript is not a new language. It reuses the existing OCaml programming language while still delivering debug-able and performant JavaScript code. We think it’s better to reuse than having to invent a new language.

We think it’s important that BuckleScript compiles much faster than existing transpilers, generates more efficient code while keeping its Javascript output readable.

When in production mode, BuckleScript will aggressively eliminate dead code at the module level - more than just tree-shaking, it will analyze the program to do a purity analysis and eliminate anything that doesn’t have side-effects. On the global level, it produces code that is readily optimized by linker/bundlers such as the Google Closure Compiler.

Unlike most transpiled languages, BuckleScript generates much smaller code than hand-written Javascript, eliminating the need to split your libraries into small pieces like as done in lodash - we think this should be the compiler and linker’s job.

How does it compare with other transpilers?

  1. It’s OCaml, and we think Ocaml is awesome. The OCaml language is actually, really close to JavaScript after type-erasure. Take purescript which is designed to generate readable Javascript for example, it’s essentially Haskell with strict evaluation semantics. If we just use OCaml instead, we don’t need invent a new language, since it already offers many of the benefits of Haskell, and has a strict evaluation order by default (one of the key differences from Haskell). Moreover, as alluded to, by its full name — Objective Caml, OCaml provides built-in support for Object Oriented programming. OCaml’s structural typing and row-polymorphism captures the flexibility of Javascript programs very well — structural typing is a formalized way of duck-typing. As opposed to Haskell, OCaml does not have an (in our opinion) abstruse way of supporting side-effects, in fact, while it encourages functional programming in general, it natively supports straightforward imperative programming and Object-Oriented programming when you really need it. As a practical programmers, we find this to be a big deal: While we prefer programming in a functional style in general, we realize there are some cases that an imperative style makes perfect sense.

  2. Bucklescript is not just OCaml, but the whole OCaml ecosystem

The OCaml compiler implementation(s) are famous for blazing fast compile times, and as programmer, we think compile times really matter and are a very important feature of a compiled language.


The above picture compares OCaml compilation-times with other languages: S for Scala, K for Koltin, TS for TypeScript.

Bucklescript reuses most of the OCaml compiler (parsing/type checking and pattern match compilation), its type checker was well engineered and written in an imperative style to make it fast.

Before BuckleScript, there already existed an OCaml to JS compiler. BuckleScript stands on the shoulders of such excellent tools. For example, from the very beginning, much like Js_of_ocaml, BuckleScript has an assembly backend, which we use for the best performance in our development environment and our playground to deliver the software to more people without installation - compared with Elm, Purescript, or typescript, none of which support both an ASM backend and a JS backend.

  1. Bucklescript is an optimizing compiler and will do much more in the future.

Since OCaml has a sound type system, and functional languages are generally easier to optimize, unlike typescript, we’ve already done lots of optimizations for efficient Javascript output, and envision much more in the future.

Here’s a naive example to demonstrate the capabilities of BuckleScript:

The following OCaml code:

let test () =
  let m = ref IntMap.empty in
  let count = 1000000 in
  for i = 0 to count do
    m := IntMap.add i i !m
  for i = 0 to count do
    ignore (IntMap.find i !m)

let () = test()

Generates the following output code:

function test() {
  var m = /* Empty */0;
  for(var i = 0; i<= 1000000; ++i){
    m = add(i, i, m);
  for(var i$1 = 0; i$1<= 1000000; ++i$1){
    find(i$1, m);
  return /* () */0;

test(/* () */0);

We re-wrote the example using using Facebook’s immutable library for JavaScript

'use strict';
var Immutable = require('immutable');
var Map = Immutable.Map;
var m = new Map();
var test = function() {
  var count = 1000000;
  for(var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    m = m.set(i, i);
  for(var j = 0; j < count; ++j) {


Now we compare the runtime performance:

  • BuckleScript Immutable Map: 1186ms

  • Facebook Immutable Map: 3415ms

We also compare code Size:

  • BuckleScript (Prod mode): 899 Bytes

  • Facebook Immutable: 55.3K Bytes

How is it faster than hand-written JS code?

It’s hard to explain JS performances in general, however, we will explain some of the optimizations we’ve done. For example, in OCaml, Map is like C++ templates, i.e. it will be instantiated by a comparison function, like below:

module IntMap = Map.Make(struct
  type t = int
  let compare (x : int) y = compare x y

In BuckleScript, this instantiation happens at compile time instead of at runtime, thereby improving the performance. Moreover, the data representation or encoding of types is also optimized for speed. Consider the following example:

(** Map.t *)
type 'a t =
  | Empty
  | Node of 'a t * key * 'a * 'a t * int

Since there are only two branches in this algebraic data type, Empty will be simply encoded as 0 /* Empty / (with comments for readable output) and Node(l, x, data, r, height) will be encoded as /*Node/ [l,x,data,r,height]. Arrays are faster for most operations when compared to objects.

Other optimizations like tail call conversion, inline and constant propagation are also introduced.

How does it reduce generated code size?

We do three levels of dead code elimination. At the module and function levels, BuckleScript will try to find dead code and remove unused values and side-effect free expressions (local variables and functions). At the linker/bundler level, BuckleScript can make use of existing bundlers and even Google Closure Compiler or any existing bundler to do the global analysis, because we produce code that conforms to the standard.

Even bucklescript runtime is written in OCaml itself, this means such runtime can also benefit from dead code elimination.

There are other factors count, mostly code organized in functional style are much easier to do the tree shaking while harder to remove for OO style, OCaml’s standard library and runtime are organized in an independent style, which also helps dead code removal.