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*Total -- 3,786.36kb -> 2,774.43kb (26.73%) /solution/1300-1399/1368.Minimum Cost to Make at Least One Valid Path in a Grid/images/grid1.png -- 15.33kb -> 2.89kb (81.18%) /solution/0400-0499/0427.Construct Quad Tree/images/962_grid.png -- 2.56kb -> 0.56kb (78.03%) /solution/0800-0899/0850.Rectangle Area II/images/rectangle_area_ii_pic.png -- 30.67kb -> 7.74kb (74.77%) /solution/0600-0699/0636.Exclusive Time of Functions/images/diag1b.png -- 33.33kb -> 8.42kb (74.73%) /solution/0400-0499/0427.Construct Quad Tree/images/e2mat.png -- 40.17kb -> 10.30kb (74.36%) /solution/0400-0499/0427.Construct Quad Tree/images/grid1.png -- 11.61kb -> 3.16kb (72.8%) /solution/1300-1399/1302.Deepest Leaves Sum/images/1483_ex1.png -- 16.16kb -> 4.91kb (69.62%) /solution/1300-1399/1335.Minimum Difficulty of a Job Schedule/images/untitled.png -- 5.73kb -> 2.03kb (64.54%) /solution/1300-1399/1329.Sort the Matrix Diagonally/images/1482_example_1_2.png -- 9.18kb -> 3.67kb (60.04%) /solution/1300-1399/1382.Balance a Binary Search Tree/images/1515_ex1.png -- 9.67kb -> 3.91kb (59.63%) /solution/1200-1299/1252.Cells with Odd Values in a Matrix/images/e2.png -- 24.03kb -> 10.31kb (57.08%) /solution/1300-1399/1361.Validate Binary Tree Nodes/images/1503_ex4.png -- 10.60kb -> 4.66kb (56.08%) /solution/1200-1299/1284.Minimum Number of Flips to Convert Binary Matrix to Zero Matrix/images/matrix.png -- 3.44kb -> 1.57kb (54.37%) /solution/1300-1399/1382.Balance a Binary Search Tree/images/1515_ex1_out.png -- 7.68kb -> 3.51kb (54.33%) /solution/0700-0799/0743.Network Delay Time/images/931_example_1.png -- 7.38kb -> 3.44kb (53.36%) /solution/1200-1299/1252.Cells with Odd Values in a Matrix/images/e1.png -- 25.75kb -> 12.13kb (52.9%) /solution/1300-1399/1361.Validate Binary Tree Nodes/images/1503_ex2.png -- 8.32kb -> 3.94kb (52.68%) /solution/1300-1399/1368.Minimum Cost to Make at Least One Valid Path in a Grid/images/grid3.png -- 2.44kb -> 1.16kb (52.52%) /solution/1100-1199/1138.Alphabet Board Path/images/azboard.png -- 18.28kb -> 8.70kb (52.43%) /solution/1200-1299/1260.Shift 2D Grid/images/e1-1.png -- 20.01kb -> 9.53kb (52.39%) /solution/1300-1399/1376.Time Needed to Inform All Employees/images/graph.png -- 11.82kb -> 5.70kb (51.75%) /solution/1200-1299/1290.Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer/images/graph-1.png -- 5.14kb -> 2.49kb (51.55%) /solution/1200-1299/1260.Shift 2D Grid/images/e2-1.png -- 30.92kb -> 15.01kb (51.46%) /solution/1300-1399/1344.Angle Between Hands of a Clock/images/sample_3_1673.png -- 75.25kb -> 36.64kb (51.31%) /solution/1300-1399/1344.Angle Between Hands of a Clock/images/sample_2_1673.png -- 78.05kb -> 38.05kb (51.25%) /solution/1300-1399/1361.Validate Binary Tree Nodes/images/1503_ex1.png -- 7.10kb -> 3.47kb (51.07%) /solution/1300-1399/1361.Validate Binary Tree Nodes/images/1503_ex3.png -- 3.38kb -> 1.75kb (48.44%) /solution/1300-1399/1368.Minimum Cost to Make at Least One Valid Path in a Grid/images/grid2.png -- 4.18kb -> 2.18kb (47.76%) /solution/1200-1299/1254.Number of Closed Islands/images/sample_3_1610.png -- 5.27kb -> 2.77kb (47.45%) /solution/1300-1399/1379.Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree/images/e2.png -- 4.86kb -> 2.62kb (45.97%) /solution/1300-1399/1326.Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden/images/1685_example_1.png -- 9.47kb -> 5.50kb (41.93%) /solution/1200-1299/1210.Minimum Moves to Reach Target with Rotations/images/image-2.png -- 43.26kb -> 25.84kb (40.25%) /solution/0400-0499/0427.Construct Quad Tree/images/new_top.png -- 31.97kb -> 19.27kb (39.73%) /solution/0500-0599/0558.Logical OR of Two Binary Grids Represented as Quad-Trees/images/new_top.png -- 31.97kb -> 19.27kb (39.73%) /solution/0800-0899/0802.Find Eventual Safe States/images/picture1.png -- 33.13kb -> 20.11kb (39.32%) /solution/1200-1299/1210.Minimum Moves to Reach Target with Rotations/images/image-1.png -- 41.66kb -> 25.40kb (39.03%) /solution/0700-0799/0799.Champagne Tower/images/tower.png -- 42.61kb -> 26.02kb (38.94%) /solution/1200-1299/1210.Minimum Moves to Reach Target with Rotations/images/image.png -- 67.98kb -> 42.13kb (38.03%) /solution/1300-1399/1318.Minimum Flips to Make a OR b Equal to c/images/sample_3_1676.png -- 2.61kb -> 1.63kb (37.59%) /solution/1300-1399/1379.Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree/images/e1.png -- 23.42kb -> 14.65kb (37.45%) /solution/0700-0799/0787.Cheapest Flights Within K Stops/images/995.png -- 8.96kb -> 5.63kb (37.21%) /solution/0800-0899/0885.Spiral Matrix III/images/example_2.png -- 7.86kb -> 4.96kb (36.93%) /solution/1200-1299/1292.Maximum Side Length of a Square with Sum Less than or Equal to Threshold/images/e1.png -- 3.02kb -> 1.91kb (36.78%) /solution/1300-1399/1305.All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees/images/q2-e1.png -- 10.09kb -> 6.58kb (34.79%) /solution/0500-0599/0558.Logical OR of Two Binary Grids Represented as Quad-Trees/images/qt2.png -- 232.40kb -> 151.59kb (34.77%) /solution/1300-1399/1315.Sum of Nodes with Even-Valued Grandparent/images/1473_ex1.png -- 26.38kb -> 17.24kb (34.67%) /solution/0400-0499/0427.Construct Quad Tree/images/e2tree.png -- 228.22kb -> 149.18kb (34.64%) /solution/1300-1399/1379.Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree/images/e5.png -- 13.61kb -> 8.96kb (34.19%) /solution/1200-1299/1266.Minimum Time Visiting All Points/images/1626_example_1.png -- 33.01kb -> 21.79kb (33.98%) /solution/0500-0599/0558.Logical OR of Two Binary Grids Represented as Quad-Trees/images/qt1.png -- 138.69kb -> 91.57kb (33.98%) /solution/0500-0599/0558.Logical OR of Two Binary Grids Represented as Quad-Trees/images/qtr.png -- 133.11kb -> 88.34kb (33.63%) /solution/0800-0899/0885.Spiral Matrix III/images/example_1.png -- 3.51kb -> 2.34kb (33.42%) /solution/0400-0499/0427.Construct Quad Tree/images/e1tree.png -- 115.23kb -> 76.80kb (33.35%) /solution/1300-1399/1353.Maximum Number of Events That Can Be Attended/images/e1.png -- 8.90kb -> 5.95kb (33.11%) /solution/1000-1099/1080.Insufficient Nodes in Root to Leaf Paths/images/screen-shot-2019-06-11-at-83301-pm.png -- 33.53kb -> 23.44kb (30.09%) /solution/1200-1299/1254.Number of Closed Islands/images/sample_4_1610.png -- 2.35kb -> 1.69kb (28.17%) /solution/1300-1399/1334.Find the City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance/images/find_the_city_01.png -- 19.25kb -> 14.33kb (25.53%) /solution/1300-1399/1305.All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees/images/q2-e5-.png -- 8.18kb -> 6.10kb (25.44%) /solution/1300-1399/1379.Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree/images/e3.png -- 18.71kb -> 14.03kb (25.02%) /solution/1300-1399/1376.Time Needed to Inform All Employees/images/1730_example_3_5.png -- 18.14kb -> 13.68kb (24.57%) /solution/0800-0899/0814.Binary Tree Pruning/images/1028.png -- 39.56kb -> 29.94kb (24.33%) /solution/1200-1299/1235.Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling/images/sample3_1584.png -- 6.17kb -> 4.69kb (23.99%) /solution/1300-1399/1379.Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree/images/e4.png -- 26.54kb -> 20.19kb (23.94%) /solution/1300-1399/1334.Find the City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance/images/find_the_city_02.png -- 24.83kb -> 18.90kb (23.88%) /solution/1000-1099/1080.Insufficient Nodes in Root to Leaf Paths/images/screen-shot-2019-06-11-at-83517-pm.png -- 20.21kb -> 15.44kb (23.6%) /solution/0800-0899/0872.Leaf-Similar Trees/images/tree.png -- 49.99kb -> 38.70kb (22.59%) /solution/1300-1399/1340.Jump Game V/images/meta-chart.jpeg -- 61.48kb -> 48.06kb (21.83%) /solution/0400-0499/0427.Construct Quad Tree/images/962_grid_divided.png -- 25.09kb -> 20.03kb (20.19%) /solution/1200-1299/1240.Tiling a Rectangle with the Fewest Squares/images/sample_33_1592.png -- 9.26kb -> 7.46kb (19.4%) /solution/0800-0899/0814.Binary Tree Pruning/images/1028_2.png -- 23.24kb -> 18.74kb (19.36%) /solution/0800-0899/0814.Binary Tree Pruning/images/1028_1.png -- 31.83kb -> 26.33kb (17.3%) /solution/1300-1399/1320.Minimum Distance to Type a Word Using Two Fingers/images/leetcode_keyboard.png -- 4.59kb -> 3.80kb (17.2%) /solution/0800-0899/0883.Projection Area of 3D Shapes/images/shadow.png -- 107.65kb -> 92.02kb (14.51%) /solution/0800-0899/0867.Transpose Matrix/images/hint_transpose.png -- 44.49kb -> 38.20kb (14.15%) /solution/1200-1299/1240.Tiling a Rectangle with the Fewest Squares/images/sample_22_1592.png -- 4.02kb -> 3.51kb (12.82%) /solution/0400-0499/0427.Construct Quad Tree/images/962_quad_tree.png -- 46.16kb -> 40.56kb (12.13%) /solution/0800-0899/0812.Largest Triangle Area/images/1027.png -- 7.31kb -> 6.43kb (12.09%) /solution/1200-1299/1226.The Dining Philosophers/images/an_illustration_of_the_dining_philosophers_problem.png -- 595.51kb -> 523.56kb (12.08%) /solution/0800-0899/0858.Mirror Reflection/images/reflection.png -- 36.23kb -> 33.01kb (8.88%) /solution/1300-1399/1319.Number of Operations to Make Network Connected/images/sample_2_1677.png -- 15.04kb -> 13.73kb (8.66%) /solution/0800-0899/0865.Smallest Subtree with all the Deepest Nodes/images/sketch1.png -- 41.86kb -> 38.32kb (8.45%) /solution/0800-0899/0863.All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree/images/sketch0.png -- 40.67kb -> 37.34kb (8.18%) /solution/1200-1299/1235.Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling/images/sample22_1584.png -- 8.77kb -> 8.08kb (7.91%) /solution/0800-0899/0882.Reachable Nodes In Subdivided Graph/images/origfinal.png -- 118.72kb -> 109.40kb (7.85%) /solution/0900-0999/0951.Flip Equivalent Binary Trees/images/tree_ex.png -- 60.38kb -> 55.74kb (7.68%) /solution/1300-1399/1349.Maximum Students Taking Exam/images/image.png -- 76.21kb -> 70.95kb (6.9%) /solution/0900-0999/0941.Valid Mountain Array/images/hint_valid_mountain_array.png -- 20.75kb -> 19.33kb (6.85%) /solution/1300-1399/1319.Number of Operations to Make Network Connected/images/sample_1_1677.png -- 11.57kb -> 10.80kb (6.59%) /solution/1200-1299/1235.Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling/images/sample1_1584.png -- 5.95kb -> 5.58kb (6.27%) /solution/1300-1399/1373.Maximum Sum BST in Binary Tree/images/sample_1_1709.png -- 17.79kb -> 16.82kb (5.44%) /solution/1300-1399/1372.Longest ZigZag Path in a Binary Tree/images/sample_1_1702.png -- 12.06kb -> 11.42kb (5.3%) /solution/1200-1299/1232.Check If It Is a Straight Line/images/untitled-diagram-2.jpg -- 8.59kb -> 8.14kb (5.21%) /solution/1200-1299/1232.Check If It Is a Straight Line/images/untitled-diagram-1.jpg -- 6.63kb -> 6.30kb (5.06%) /solution/1200-1299/1222.Queens That Can Attack the King/images/untitled-diagram-2.jpg -- 16.06kb -> 15.25kb (5.03%) /solution/1200-1299/1222.Queens That Can Attack the King/images/untitled-diagram-1.jpg -- 11.85kb -> 11.28kb (4.79%) /solution/1300-1399/1372.Longest ZigZag Path in a Binary Tree/images/sample_2_1702.png -- 10.16kb -> 9.69kb (4.66%) /solution/0800-0899/0894.All Possible Full Binary Trees/images/fivetrees.png -- 33.74kb -> 32.18kb (4.63%) /solution/1200-1299/1222.Queens That Can Attack the King/images/untitled-diagram.jpg -- 11.50kb -> 10.98kb (4.54%) /solution/1300-1399/1325.Delete Leaves With a Given Value/images/sample_3_1684.png -- 13.93kb -> 13.33kb (4.26%) /solution/1300-1399/1373.Maximum Sum BST in Binary Tree/images/sample_2_1709.png -- 5.26kb -> 5.07kb (3.6%) /solution/1200-1299/1267.Count Servers that Communicate/images/untitled-diagram-1-3.jpg -- 21.24kb -> 20.55kb (3.25%) /solution/1300-1399/1325.Delete Leaves With a Given Value/images/sample_1_1684.png -- 23.61kb -> 22.96kb (2.76%) /solution/1300-1399/1325.Delete Leaves With a Given Value/images/sample_2_1684.png -- 14.98kb -> 14.60kb (2.57%) /solution/1200-1299/1261.Find Elements in a Contaminated Binary Tree/images/untitled-diagram-4-1-1.jpg -- 10.99kb -> 10.75kb (2.19%) /solution/1300-1399/1367.Linked List in Binary Tree/images/sample_1_1720.png -- 14.80kb -> 14.53kb (1.85%) /solution/1300-1399/1367.Linked List in Binary Tree/images/sample_2_1720.png -- 15.09kb -> 14.83kb (1.73%) /solution/1200-1299/1261.Find Elements in a Contaminated Binary Tree/images/untitled-diagram-4.jpg -- 12.60kb -> 12.38kb (1.73%) /solution/1300-1399/1339.Maximum Product of Splitted Binary Tree/images/sample_2_1699.png -- 16.80kb -> 16.58kb (1.28%) /solution/1200-1299/1267.Count Servers that Communicate/images/untitled-diagram-4-1.jpg -- 9.12kb -> 9.04kb (0.94%) /solution/1300-1399/1339.Maximum Product of Splitted Binary Tree/images/sample_1_1699.png -- 15.90kb -> 15.81kb (0.61%) Signed-off-by: ImgBotApp <>
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