File tree
1,268 files changed
lines changed- solution
- 0000-0099/0069.Sqrt(x)
- 0100-0199
- 0156.Binary Tree Upside Down
- 0157.Read N Characters Given Read4
- 0158.Read N Characters Given read4 II - Call Multiple Times
- 0159.Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters
- 0161.One Edit Distance
- 0163.Missing Ranges
- 0170.Two Sum III - Data structure design
- 0186.Reverse Words in a String II
- 0200-0299
- 0243.Shortest Word Distance
- 0244.Shortest Word Distance II
- 0245.Shortest Word Distance III
- 0246.Strobogrammatic Number
- 0247.Strobogrammatic Number II
- 0248.Strobogrammatic Number III
- 0249.Group Shifted Strings
- 0250.Count Univalue Subtrees
- 0251.Flatten 2D Vector
- 0252.Meeting Rooms
- 0253.Meeting Rooms II
- 0254.Factor Combinations
- 0255.Verify Preorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree
- 0256.Paint House
- 0259.3Sum Smaller
- 0261.Graph Valid Tree
- 0265.Paint House II
- 0266.Palindrome Permutation
- 0267.Palindrome Permutation II
- 0269.Alien Dictionary
- 0270.Closest Binary Search Tree Value
- 0271.Encode and Decode Strings
- 0272.Closest Binary Search Tree Value II
- 0276.Paint Fence
- 0277.Find the Celebrity
- 0280.Wiggle Sort
- 0281.Zigzag Iterator
- 0285.Inorder Successor in BST
- 0286.Walls and Gates
- 0288.Unique Word Abbreviation
- 0291.Word Pattern II
- 0293.Flip Game
- 0294.Flip Game II
- 0296.Best Meeting Point
- 0298.Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence
- 0300-0399
- 0302.Smallest Rectangle Enclosing Black Pixels
- 0305.Number of Islands II
- 0308.Range Sum Query 2D - Mutable
- 0311.Sparse Matrix Multiplication
- 0314.Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal
- 0317.Shortest Distance from All Buildings
- 0320.Generalized Abbreviation
- 0323.Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph
- 0325.Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals k
- 0333.Largest BST Subtree
- 0339.Nested List Weight Sum
- 0340.Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters
- 0346.Moving Average from Data Stream
- 0348.Design Tic-Tac-Toe
- 0351.Android Unlock Patterns
- 0353.Design Snake Game
- 0356.Line Reflection
- 0358.Rearrange String k Distance Apart
- 0359.Logger Rate Limiter
- 0360.Sort Transformed Array
- 0361.Bomb Enemy
- 0362.Design Hit Counter
- 0364.Nested List Weight Sum II
- 0366.Find Leaves of Binary Tree
- 0369.Plus One Linked List
- 0370.Range Addition
- 0379.Design Phone Directory
- 0400-0499
- 0408.Valid Word Abbreviation
- 0411.Minimum Unique Word Abbreviation
- 0418.Sentence Screen Fitting
- 0422.Valid Word Square
- 0425.Word Squares
- 0426.Convert Binary Search Tree to Sorted Doubly Linked List
- 0428.Serialize and Deserialize N-ary Tree
- 0431.Encode N-ary Tree to Binary Tree
- 0439.Ternary Expression Parser
- 0444.Sequence Reconstruction
- 0465.Optimal Account Balancing
- 0469.Convex Polygon
- 0471.Encode String with Shortest Length
- 0484.Find Permutation
- 0487.Max Consecutive Ones II
- 0489.Robot Room Cleaner
- 0490.The Maze
- 0499.The Maze III
- 0500-0599
- 0505.The Maze II
- 0510.Inorder Successor in BST II
- 0512.Game Play Analysis II
- 0527.Word Abbreviation
- 0531.Lonely Pixel I
- 0533.Lonely Pixel II
- 0534.Game Play Analysis III
- 0536.Construct Binary Tree from String
- 0544.Output Contest Matches
- 0545.Boundary of Binary Tree
- 0548.Split Array with Equal Sum
- 0549.Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence II
- 0555.Split Concatenated Strings
- 0562.Longest Line of Consecutive One in Matrix
- 0568.Maximum Vacation Days
- 0569.Median Employee Salary
- 0571.Find Median Given Frequency of Numbers
- 0573.Squirrel Simulation
- 0574.Winning Candidate
- 0578.Get Highest Answer Rate Question
- 0579.Find Cumulative Salary of an Employee
- 0580.Count Student Number in Departments
- 0582.Kill Process
- 0588.Design In-Memory File System
- 0597.Friend Requests I Overall Acceptance Rate
- 0600-0699
- 0603.Consecutive Available Seats
- 0604.Design Compressed String Iterator
- 0612.Shortest Distance in a Plane
- 0613.Shortest Distance in a Line
- 0614.Second Degree Follower
- 0615.Average Salary Departments VS Company
- 0616.Add Bold Tag in String
- 0618.Students Report By Geography
- 0624.Maximum Distance in Arrays
- 0625.Minimum Factorization
- 0631.Design Excel Sum Formula
- 0634.Find the Derangement of An Array
- 0635.Design Log Storage System
- 0642.Design Search Autocomplete System
- 0644.Maximum Average Subarray II
- 0651.4 Keys Keyboard
- 0656.Coin Path
- 0660.Remove 9
- 0663.Equal Tree Partition
- 0666.Path Sum IV
- 0681.Next Closest Time
- 0683.K Empty Slots
- 0694.Number of Distinct Islands
- 0700-0799
- 0702.Search in a Sorted Array of Unknown Size
- 0708.Insert into a Sorted Circular Linked List
- 0711.Number of Distinct Islands II
- 0716.Max Stack
- 0723.Candy Crush
- 0727.Minimum Window Subsequence
- 0734.Sentence Similarity
- 0737.Sentence Similarity II
- 0742.Closest Leaf in a Binary Tree
- 0750.Number Of Corner Rectangles
- 0751.IP to CIDR
- 0755.Pour Water
- 0758.Bold Words in String
- 0759.Employee Free Time
- 0760.Find Anagram Mappings
- 0772.Basic Calculator III
- 0774.Minimize Max Distance to Gas Station
- 0776.Split BST
- 0800-0899/0800.Similar RGB Color
- 1000-1099
- 1055.Shortest Way to Form String
- 1056.Confusing Number
- 1057.Campus Bikes
- 1058.Minimize Rounding Error to Meet Target
- 1059.All Paths from Source Lead to Destination
- 1060.Missing Element in Sorted Array
- 1062.Longest Repeating Substring
- 1063.Number of Valid Subarrays
- 1064.Fixed Point
- 1065.Index Pairs of a String
- 1066.Campus Bikes II
- 1067.Digit Count in Range
- 1069.Product Sales Analysis II
- 1076.Project Employees II
- 1077.Project Employees III
- 1082.Sales Analysis I
- 1083.Sales Analysis II
- 1085.Sum of Digits in the Minimum Number
- 1086.High Five
- 1087.Brace Expansion
- 1088.Confusing Number II
- 1097.Game Play Analysis V
- 1098.Unpopular Books
- 1099.Two Sum Less Than K
- 1100-1199
- 1100.Find K-Length Substrings With No Repeated Characters
- 1101.The Earliest Moment When Everyone Become Friends
- 1102.Path With Maximum Minimum Value
- 1107.New Users Daily Count
- 1112.Highest Grade For Each Student
- 1113.Reported Posts
- 1118.Number of Days in a Month
- 1119.Remove Vowels from a String
- 1120.Maximum Average Subtree
- 1121.Divide Array Into Increasing Sequences
- 1126.Active Businesses
- 1127.User Purchase Platform
- 1132.Reported Posts II
- 1133.Largest Unique Number
- 1134.Armstrong Number
- 1135.Connecting Cities With Minimum Cost
- 1136.Parallel Courses
- 1142.User Activity for the Past 30 Days II
- 1149.Article Views II
- 1150.Check If a Number Is Majority Element in a Sorted Array
- 1151.Minimum Swaps to Group All 1's Together
- 1152.Analyze User Website Visit Pattern
- 1153.String Transforms Into Another String
- 1159.Market Analysis II
- 1165.Single-Row Keyboard
- 1166.Design File System
- 1167.Minimum Cost to Connect Sticks
- 1168.Optimize Water Distribution in a Village
- 1173.Immediate Food Delivery I
- 1176.Diet Plan Performance
- 1180.Count Substrings with Only One Distinct Letter
- 1181.Before and After Puzzle
- 1182.Shortest Distance to Target Color
- 1183.Maximum Number of Ones
- 1188.Design Bounded Blocking Queue
- 1194.Tournament Winners
- 1196.How Many Apples Can You Put into the Basket
- 1197.Minimum Knight Moves
- 1198.Find Smallest Common Element in All Rows
- 1199.Minimum Time to Build Blocks
- 1200-1299
- 1205.Monthly Transactions II
- 1212.Team Scores in Football Tournament
- 1213.Intersection of Three Sorted Arrays
- 1214.Two Sum BSTs
- 1215.Stepping Numbers
- 1216.Valid Palindrome III
- 1225.Report Contiguous Dates
- 1228.Missing Number In Arithmetic Progression
- 1229.Meeting Scheduler
- 1230.Toss Strange Coins
- 1231.Divide Chocolate
- 1236.Web Crawler
- 1241.Number of Comments per Post
- 1242.Web Crawler Multithreaded
- 1243.Array Transformation
- 1244.Design A Leaderboard
- 1245.Tree Diameter
- 1246.Palindrome Removal
- 1256.Encode Number
- 1257.Smallest Common Region
- 1258.Synonymous Sentences
- 1259.Handshakes That Don't Cross
- 1264.Page Recommendations
- 1265.Print Immutable Linked List in Reverse
- 1270.All People Report to the Given Manager
- 1271.Hexspeak
- 1272.Remove Interval
- 1273.Delete Tree Nodes
- 1274.Number of Ships in a Rectangle
- 1279.Traffic Light Controlled Intersection
- 1285.Find the Start and End Number of Continuous Ranges
- 1294.Weather Type in Each Country
- 1300-1399
- 1303.Find the Team Size
- 1308.Running Total for Different Genders
- 1322.Ads Performance
- 1336.Number of Transactions per Visit
- 1350.Students With Invalid Departments
- 1355.Activity Participants
- 1364.Number of Trusted Contacts of a Customer
- 1369.Get the Second Most Recent Activity
- 1384.Total Sales Amount by Year
- 1398.Customers Who Bought Products A and B but Not C
- 1400-1499
- 1412.Find the Quiet Students in All Exams
- 1421.NPV Queries
- 1426.Counting Elements
- 1427.Perform String Shifts
- 1428.Leftmost Column with at Least a One
- 1429.First Unique Number
- 1430.Check If a String Is a Valid Sequence from Root to Leaves Path in a Binary Tree
- 1435.Create a Session Bar Chart
- 1440.Evaluate Boolean Expression
- 1445.Apples & Oranges
- 1454.Active Users
- 1459.Rectangles Area
- 1468.Calculate Salaries
- 1469.Find All The Lonely Nodes
- 1474.Delete N Nodes After M Nodes of a Linked List
- 1479.Sales by Day of the Week
- 1485.Clone Binary Tree With Random Pointer
- 1490.Clone N-ary Tree
- 1495.Friendly Movies Streamed Last Month
- 1500-1599
- 1500.Design a File Sharing System
- 1501.Countries You Can Safely Invest In
- 1506.Find Root of N-Ary Tree
- 1511.Customer Order Frequency
- 1516.Move Sub-Tree of N-Ary Tree
- 1522.Diameter of N-Ary Tree
- 1532.The Most Recent Three Orders
- 1533.Find the Index of the Large Integer
- 1538.Guess the Majority in a Hidden Array
- 1543.Fix Product Name Format
- 1548.The Most Similar Path in a Graph
- 1549.The Most Recent Orders for Each Product
- 1554.Strings Differ by One Character
- 1555.Bank Account Summary
- 1564.Put Boxes Into the Warehouse I
- 1565.Unique Orders and Customers Per Month
- 1570.Dot Product of Two Sparse Vectors
- 1571.Warehouse Manager
- 1580.Put Boxes Into the Warehouse II
- 1586.Binary Search Tree Iterator II
- 1596.The Most Frequently Ordered Products for Each Customer
- 1597.Build Binary Expression Tree From Infix Expression
- 1600-1699
- 1602.Find Nearest Right Node in Binary Tree
- 1607.Sellers With No Sales
- 1612.Check If Two Expression Trees are Equivalent
- 1613.Find the Missing IDs
- 1618.Maximum Font to Fit a Sentence in a Screen
- 1623.All Valid Triplets That Can Represent a Country
- 1628.Design an Expression Tree With Evaluate Function
- 1634.Add Two Polynomials Represented as Linked Lists
- 1635.Hopper Company Queries I
- 1644.Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree II
- 1645.Hopper Company Queries II
- 1650.Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree III
- 1651.Hopper Company Queries III
- 1660.Correct a Binary Tree
- 1666.Change the Root of a Binary Tree
- 1676.Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree IV
- 1677.Product's Worth Over Invoices
- 1682.Longest Palindromic Subsequence II
- 1692.Count Ways to Distribute Candies
- 1698.Number of Distinct Substrings in a String
- 1699.Number of Calls Between Two Persons
- 1700-1799
- 1708.Largest Subarray Length K
- 1709.Biggest Window Between Visits
- 1714.Sum Of Special Evenly-Spaced Elements In Array
- 1715.Count Apples and Oranges
- 1724.Checking Existence of Edge Length Limited Paths II
- 1730.Shortest Path to Get Food
- 1740.Find Distance in a Binary Tree
- 1746.Maximum Subarray Sum After One Operation
- 1747.Leetflex Banned Accounts
- 1756.Design Most Recently Used Queue
- 1762.Buildings With an Ocean View
- 1767.Find the Subtasks That Did Not Execute
- 1772.Sort Features by Popularity
- 1777.Product's Price for Each Store
- 1778.Shortest Path in a Hidden Grid
- 1783.Grand Slam Titles
- 1788.Maximize the Beauty of the Garden
- 1794.Count Pairs of Equal Substrings With Minimum Difference
- 1800-1899
- 1804.Implement Trie II (Prefix Tree)
- 1809.Ad-Free Sessions
- 1810.Minimum Path Cost in a Hidden Grid
- 1811.Find Interview Candidates
- 1820.Maximum Number of Accepted Invitations
- 1821.Find Customers With Positive Revenue this Year
- 1826.Faulty Sensor
- 1831.Maximum Transaction Each Day
- 1836.Remove Duplicates From an Unsorted Linked List
- 1841.League Statistics
- 1842.Next Palindrome Using Same Digits
- 1843.Suspicious Bank Accounts
- 1852.Distinct Numbers in Each Subarray
- 1853.Convert Date Format
- 1858.Longest Word With All Prefixes
- 1867.Orders With Maximum Quantity Above Average
- 1868.Product of Two Run-Length Encoded Arrays
- 1874.Minimize Product Sum of Two Arrays
- 1875.Group Employees of the Same Salary
- 1885.Count Pairs in Two Arrays
- 1891.Cutting Ribbons
- 1892.Page Recommendations II
- 1900-1999
- 1902.Depth of BST Given Insertion Order
- 1908.Game of Nim
- 1917.Leetcodify Friends Recommendations
- 1918.Kth Smallest Subarray Sum
- 1919.Leetcodify Similar Friends
- 1924.Erect the Fence II
- 1933.Check if String Is Decomposable Into Value-Equal Substrings
- 1939.Users That Actively Request Confirmation Messages
- 1940.Longest Common Subsequence Between Sorted Arrays
- 1949.Strong Friendship
- 1950.Maximum of Minimum Values in All Subarrays
- 1951.All the Pairs With the Maximum Number of Common Followers
- 1956.Minimum Time For K Virus Variants to Spread
- 1966.Binary Searchable Numbers in an Unsorted Array
- 1972.First and Last Call On the Same Day
- 1973.Count Nodes Equal to Sum of Descendants
- 1983.Widest Pair of Indices With Equal Range Sum
- 1988.Find Cutoff Score for Each School
- 1989.Maximum Number of People That Can Be Caught in Tag
- 1990.Count the Number of Experiments
- 1999.Smallest Greater Multiple Made of Two Digits
- 2000-2099
- 2004.The Number of Seniors and Juniors to Join the Company
- 2005.Subtree Removal Game with Fibonacci Tree
- 2010.The Number of Seniors and Juniors to Join the Company II
- 2015.Average Height of Buildings in Each Segment
- 2020.Number of Accounts That Did Not Stream
- 2021.Brightest Position on Street
- 2026.Low-Quality Problems
- 2031.Count Subarrays With More Ones Than Zeros
- 2036.Maximum Alternating Subarray Sum
- 2041.Accepted Candidates From the Interviews
- 2046.Sort Linked List Already Sorted Using Absolute Values
- 2051.The Category of Each Member in the Store
- 2052.Minimum Cost to Separate Sentence Into Rows
- 2061.Number of Spaces Cleaning Robot Cleaned
- 2066.Account Balance
- 2067.Number of Equal Count Substrings
- 2072.The Winner University
- 2077.Paths in Maze That Lead to Same Room
- 2082.The Number of Rich Customers
- 2083.Substrings That Begin and End With the Same Letter
- 2084.Drop Type 1 Orders for Customers With Type 0 Orders
- 2093.Minimum Cost to Reach City With Discounts
- 2098.Subsequence of Size K With the Largest Even Sum
- 2100-2199
- 2107.Number of Unique Flavors After Sharing K Candies
- 2112.The Airport With the Most Traffic
- 2113.Elements in Array After Removing and Replacing Elements
- 2118.Build the Equation
- 2123.Minimum Operations to Remove Adjacent Ones in Matrix
- 2128.Remove All Ones With Row and Column Flips
- 2137.Pour Water Between Buckets to Make Water Levels Equal
- 2142.The Number of Passengers in Each Bus I
- 2143.Choose Numbers From Two Arrays in Range
- 2152.Minimum Number of Lines to Cover Points
- 2153.The Number of Passengers in Each Bus II
- 2158.Amount of New Area Painted Each Day
- 2159.Order Two Columns Independently
- 2168.Unique Substrings With Equal Digit Frequency
- 2173.Longest Winning Streak
- 2174.Remove All Ones With Row and Column Flips II
- 2175.The Change in Global Rankings
- 2184.Number of Ways to Build Sturdy Brick Wall
- 2189.Number of Ways to Build House of Cards
- 2198.Number of Single Divisor Triplets
- 2199.Finding the Topic of Each Post
- 2200-2299
- 2204.Distance to a Cycle in Undirected Graph
- 2205.The Number of Users That Are Eligible for Discount
- 2214.Minimum Health to Beat Game
- 2219.Maximum Sum Score of Array
- 2228.Users With Two Purchases Within Seven Days
- 2229.Check if an Array Is Consecutive
- 2230.The Users That Are Eligible for Discount
- 2237.Count Positions on Street With Required Brightness
- 2238.Number of Times a Driver Was a Passenger
- 2247.Maximum Cost of Trip With K Highways
- 2252.Dynamic Pivoting of a Table
- 2253.Dynamic Unpivoting of a Table
- 2254.Design Video Sharing Platform
- 2263.Make Array Non-decreasing or Non-increasing
- 2268.Minimum Number of Keypresses
- 2277.Closest Node to Path in Tree
- 2282.Number of People That Can Be Seen in a Grid
- 2291.Maximum Profit From Trading Stocks
- 2292.Products With Three or More Orders in Two Consecutive Years
- 2297.Jump Game VIII
- 2298.Tasks Count in the Weekend
- 2300-2399
- 2307.Check for Contradictions in Equations
- 2308.Arrange Table by Gender
- 2313.Minimum Flips in Binary Tree to Get Result
- 2314.The First Day of the Maximum Recorded Degree in Each City
- 2323.Find Minimum Time to Finish All Jobs II
- 2324.Product Sales Analysis IV
- 2329.Product Sales Analysis V
- 2330.Valid Palindrome IV
- 2339.All the Matches of the League
- 2340.Minimum Adjacent Swaps to Make a Valid Array
- 2345.Finding the Number of Visible Mountains
- 2346.Compute the Rank as a Percentage
- 2355.Maximum Number of Books You Can Take
- 2361.Minimum Costs Using the Train Line
- 2362.Generate the Invoice
- 2371.Minimize Maximum Value in a Grid
- 2372.Calculate the Influence of Each Salesperson
- 2377.Sort the Olympic Table
- 2378.Choose Edges to Maximize Score in a Tree
- 2387.Median of a Row Wise Sorted Matrix
- 2388.Change Null Values in a Table to the Previous Value
- 2393.Count Strictly Increasing Subarrays
- 2394.Employees With Deductions
- 2400-2499
- 2403.Minimum Time to Kill All Monsters
- 2408.Design SQL
- 2417.Closest Fair Integer
- 2422.Merge Operations to Turn Array Into a Palindrome
- 2431.Maximize Total Tastiness of Purchased Fruits
- 2436.Minimum Split Into Subarrays With GCD Greater Than One
- 2445.Number of Nodes With Value One
- 2450.Number of Distinct Binary Strings After Applying Operations
- 2459.Sort Array by Moving Items to Empty Space
- 2464.Minimum Subarrays in a Valid Split
- 2473.Minimum Cost to Buy Apples
- 2474.Customers With Strictly Increasing Purchases
- 2479.Maximum XOR of Two Non-Overlapping Subtrees
- 2480.Form a Chemical Bond
- 2489.Number of Substrings With Fixed Ratio
- 2494.Merge Overlapping Events in the Same Hall
- 2495.Number of Subarrays Having Even Product
- 2500-2599
- 2504.Concatenate the Name and the Profession
- 2505.Bitwise OR of All Subsequence Sums
- 2510.Check if There is a Path With Equal Number of 0's And 1's
- 2519.Count the Number of K-Big Indices
- 2524.Maximum Frequency Score of a Subarray
- 2533.Number of Good Binary Strings
- 2534.Time Taken to Cross the Door
- 2539.Count the Number of Good Subsequences
- 2548.Maximum Price to Fill a Bag
- 2557.Maximum Number of Integers to Choose From a Range II
- 2590.Design a Todo List
- 2599.Make the Prefix Sum Non-negative
- 2600-2699
- 2604.Minimum Time to Eat All Grains
- 2613.Beautiful Pairs
- 2628.JSON Deep Equal
- 2632.Curry
- 2633.Convert Object to JSON String
- 2636.Promise Pool
- 2638.Count the Number of K-Free Subsets
- 2647.Color the Triangle Red
- 2655.Find Maximal Uncovered Ranges
- 2664.The Knight’s Tour
- 2668.Find Latest Salaries
- 2669.Count Artist Occurrences On Spotify Ranking List
- 2674.Split a Circular Linked List
- 2675.Array of Objects to Matrix
- 2676.Throttle
- 2686.Immediate Food Delivery III
- 2687.Bikes Last Time Used
- 2688.Find Active Users
- 2689.Extract Kth Character From The Rope Tree
- 2690.Infinite Method Object
- 2691.Immutability Helper
- 2692.Make Object Immutable
- 2700-2799
- 2700.Differences Between Two Objects
- 2701.Consecutive Transactions with Increasing Amounts
- 2702.Minimum Operations to Make Numbers Non-positive
- 2714.Find Shortest Path with K Hops
- 2720.Popularity Percentage
- 2728.Count Houses in a Circular Street
- 2737.Find the Closest Marked Node
- 2738.Count Occurrences in Text
- 2743.Count Substrings Without Repeating Character
- 2752.Customers with Maximum Number of Transactions on Consecutive Days
- 2753.Count Houses in a Circular Street II
- 2754.Bind Function to Context
- 2755.Deep Merge of Two Objects
- 2756.Query Batching
- 2757.Generate Circular Array Values
- 2758.Next Day
- 2759.Convert JSON String to Object
- 2764.Is Array a Preorder of Some Binary Tree
- 2773.Height of Special Binary Tree
- 2774.Array Upper Bound
- 2775.Undefined to Null
- 2776.Convert Callback Based Function to Promise Based Function
- 2777.Date Range Generator
- 2782.Number of Unique Categories
- 2783.Flight Occupancy and Waitlist Analysis
- 2792.Count Nodes That Are Great Enough
- 2793.Status of Flight Tickets
- 2794.Create Object from Two Arrays
- 2795.Parallel Execution of Promises for Individual Results Retrieval
- 2796.Repeat String
- 2797.Partial Function with Placeholders
- 2800-2899
- 2802.Find The K-th Lucky Number
- 2803.Factorial Generator
- 2804.Array Prototype ForEach
- 2805.Custom Interval
- 2814.Minimum Time Takes to Reach Destination Without Drowning
- 2819.Minimum Relative Loss After Buying Chocolates
- 2820.Election Results
- 2821.Delay the Resolution of Each Promise
- 2822.Inversion of Object
- 2823.Deep Object Filter
- 2832.Maximal Range That Each Element Is Maximum in It
- 2837.Total Traveled Distance
- 2838.Maximum Coins Heroes Can Collect
- 2847.Smallest Number With Given Digit Product
- 2852.Sum of Remoteness of All Cells
- 2853.Highest Salaries Difference
- 2854.Rolling Average Steps
- 2863.Maximum Length of Semi-Decreasing Subarrays
- 2868.The Wording Game
- 2892.Minimizing Array After Replacing Pairs With Their Product
- 2893.Calculate Orders Within Each Interval
- 2898.Maximum Linear Stock Score
- 2900-2999
- 2907.Maximum Profitable Triplets With Increasing Prices I
- 2912.Number of Ways to Reach Destination in the Grid
- 2921.Maximum Profitable Triplets With Increasing Prices II
- 2922.Market Analysis III
- 2927.Distribute Candies Among Children III
- 2936.Number of Equal Numbers Blocks
- 2941.Maximum GCD-Sum of a Subarray
- 2950.Number of Divisible Substrings
- 2955.Number of Same-End Substrings
- 2964.Number of Divisible Triplet Sums
- 2969.Minimum Number of Coins for Fruits II
- 2978.Symmetric Coordinates
- 2979.Most Expensive Item That Can Not Be Bought
- 2984.Find Peak Calling Hours for Each City
- 2985.Calculate Compressed Mean
- 2986.Find Third Transaction
- 2987.Find Expensive Cities
- 2988.Manager of the Largest Department
- 2989.Class Performance
- 2990.Loan Types
- 2991.Top Three Wineries
- 2992.Number of Self-Divisible Permutations
- 2993.Friday Purchases I
- 2994.Friday Purchases II
- 2995.Viewers Turned Streamers
- 3000-3099
- 3004.Maximum Subtree of the Same Color
- 3009.Maximum Number of Intersections on the Chart
- 3018.Maximum Number of Removal Queries That Can Be Processed I
- 3023.Find Pattern in Infinite Stream I
- 3032.Count Numbers With Unique Digits II
- 3037.Find Pattern in Infinite Stream II
- 3050.Pizza Toppings Cost Analysis
- 3051.Find Candidates for Data Scientist Position
- 3052.Maximize Items
- 3053.Classifying Triangles by Lengths
- 3054.Binary Tree Nodes
- 3055.Top Percentile Fraud
- 3056.Snaps Analysis
- 3057.Employees Project Allocation
- 3058.Friends With No Mutual Friends
- 3059.Find All Unique Email Domains
- 3060.User Activities within Time Bounds
- 3061.Calculate Trapping Rain Water
- 3062.Winner of the Linked List Game
- 3063.Linked List Frequency
- 3064.Guess the Number Using Bitwise Questions I
- 3073.Maximum Increasing Triplet Value
- 3078.Match Alphanumerical Pattern in Matrix I
- 3087.Find Trending Hashtags
- 3088.Make String Anti-palindrome
- 3089.Find Bursty Behavior
- 3094.Guess the Number Using Bitwise Questions II
- 3100-3199
- 3103.Find Trending Hashtags II
- 3104.Find Longest Self-Contained Substring
- 3109.Find the Index of Permutation
- 3118.Friday Purchase III
- 3119.Maximum Number of Potholes That Can Be Fixed
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1,268 files changed
lines changed
0 commit comments