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竞赛排名根据竞赛积分(周赛和双周赛)进行计算,注册新用户的基础分值为 1500 分,在竞赛积分 ≥1600 的用户中,根据比例 5%, 20%, 75% 设定三档段位,段位每周比赛结束后计算一次。
段位 | 比例 | 段位名 | 国服分数线 | 勋章 |
LV3 | 5% | Guardian | ≥2254.76 | |
LV2 | 20% | Knight | ≥1882.78 | |
LV1 | 75% | - | - | - |
力扣竞赛 全国排名前 10 的用户,全站用户名展示为品牌橙色。
The contest badge is calculated based on the contest rating.
For LeetCoders with rating >=1600, If you are in the top 5% of the contest rating, you’ll get the “Guardian” badge.
If you are in the top 25% of the contest rating, you’ll get the “Knight” badge.
Level | Proportion | Badge | Rating | |
LV3 | 5% | Guardian | ≥2228.90 | |
LV2 | 20% | Knight | ≥1842.73 | |
LV1 | 75% | - | - | - |
For top 10 users (excluding LCCN users), your LeetCode ID will be colored orange on the ranking board. You'll also have the honor with you when you post/comment under discuss.
Get your rating changes right after the completion of LeetCode contests, https://lccn.lbao.site