AnimojiStudio Public
Forked from insidegui/AnimojiStudioMake Animoji videos with unlimited duration and share anywhere
Objective-C BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedNov 15, 2017 -
Awesome-ARKit Public
Forked from olucurious/Awesome-ARKitA curated list of awesome ARKit projects and resources. Feel free to contribute!
Swift UpdatedOct 6, 2017 -
cordova-plugin-ios-keychain Public
Forked from ionic-team/cordova-plugin-ios-keychainApache Cordova (PhoneGap) plugin
Objective-C Other UpdatedApr 20, 2017 -
mapbox-gl-js Public
Forked from mapbox/mapbox-gl-jsInteractive vector maps in the browser, powered by WebGL
JavaScript Other UpdatedSep 20, 2016 -
mapbox-gl-function Public
Forked from mapbox/mapbox-gl-functionEvaluate a Mapbox GL style function
JavaScript ISC License UpdatedSep 16, 2016 -
phonegap-facebook-plugin Public
Forked from Alexandre-Georges/phonegap-facebook-pluginPhonegap & Cordova facebook plugin
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 2, 2016 -
offline-firebase Public
A Firebase wrapper that stores a cache of your data offline in localStorage when there is no Internet connection available.
whatever Public
Forked from tomekw/whateverAll pull requests will be accepted. Let's see where it goes!
Shell MIT License UpdatedOct 10, 2014 -
cassidoo-v3 Public
Forked from cassidoo/cassidoo-v3My personal website
JavaScript UpdatedOct 6, 2014 -
canonical-json Public
Forked from mirkokiefer/canonical-jsonCanonical JSON implementation - a repeatable version of JSON.stringify
JavaScript UpdatedJul 18, 2014 -
language-javascript Public
Forked from atom/language-javascriptJavaScript language package for Atom
nodestalker Public
Forked from pascalopitz/nodestalkerA beanstalk client for node.js
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 16, 2014 -
coinbase Public
Forked from mateodelnorte/coinbasewrapper for the coinbase bitcoin wallet & exchange API
lahacks-site Public
Forked from foolywk/lahacks-siteThe Hackathon of the West Coast. 1200 Hackers. 36 Hours. April 2014 in Pauley Pavilion at UCLA
glass-presentation-remote Public
A Google Glass app that lets you control a presentation and provides a heads up display for the presenter.
wearscript Public
Forked from wearscript/wearscript-androidJavaScript with Batteries Included for Google Glass
JavaScript UpdatedJan 17, 2014 -
pixi.js Public
Forked from pixijs/pixijsSuper fast HTML 5 2D rendering engine that uses webGL with canvas fallback
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 6, 2013 -
Meow-mobile Public
Forked from zacstewart/MeowA mobile Growl work-a-like plugin for jQuery
JavaScript Other UpdatedJul 18, 2013