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CLI commands for new or existing Angular 2 projects.


npm install angular-cli-tools -g

Table of contents


Advanced Usage

Supporting documentation

Create a new project

New projects created with Angular CLI Tools use open-source webpack seeds:

Seed Location
Material Design

Basic Project

To create a basic (vanilla) Angular 2 project:


Bootstrap Project

You can also create a Bootstrap (version 4) seed:

ngt new PROJECT-NAME --bootstrap

Angular Material Project

Likewise, an Angular Material seed can be created by:

ngt new PROJECT-NAME --material

Angular Firebase Project

Likewise, an Angular Material seed can be created by:

ngt new PROJECT-NAME --firebase

From GitHub

Download any Angular 2 seed from by using the seed's github URL:

ngt new PROJECT-NAME --url:

Use with existing project

Angular CLI Tools does not lock you into a specific tooling process. You can choose your own tooling process/seed and Angular CLI Tools will help you speed up your ng2 development. Here's how:

Install angular-cli-tools globally:

npm install angular-cli-tools -g

Change directory (cd) to the root of your existing ng2 project to install editable templates:

ngt install

***Note: none of your project files will be affected, only local (editable) templates are added in a separate folder along with an angular-cli-tools configuration file.

By default, angular-cli-tools will create a .gitignore file inside the angular-cli-tools directory that disables git from picking up any templates or config files. To disable this, use the --no-gitignore flag when installing.

Then: Start generating components

Updating Angular CLI Tools

When a new version of Angular CLI Tools is published, run the following:

npm install angular-cli-tools -g

Change directory (cd) to the root of your existing Angular 2 project and run

ngt update

The update will ensure that you have the latest config options and latest custom components that ship out-of-the-box with angular-cli-tools. Your saved components and current config changes you may have made previously will not be affected.

Help in the CLI

If you ever need help in the CLI:

ngt help

Generating Components

Use ngt generate command to generate Angular components:

ngt generate component new-component

Every command has a shorthand alias to speed up development. Same command from above can be written as:

ngt g c new-component

Components support relative path generation

ngt g c layout/header/new-component

... will be generated in ./layout/header/new-component directory

--flat Flag

Using the flag --flat will create the scaffold in the directory supplied, inside of in its own directory, so running

ngt g c layout/header/new-component --flat

... will generate a component in ./layout/header directory instead

All available blueprints:

Scaffold Usage (shorthand) Name Optional?
class ngt g class [class-name] yes
component ngt g c [component-name] no
directive ngt g d [directive-name] yes
enum ngt g e [enum-name] yes
html ngt g h [name] yes
index ngt g index yes
interface ngt g i [interface-name] yes
module ngt g m [module-name] yes
pipe ngt g p [pipe-name] yes
route ngt g r [route-name] no
routing ngt g routing [routing-name] yes
service ngt g s [service-name] yes
style ngt g style [style-name] yes

Optional Blueprint Names

For every blueprint (except the Component and Route blueprints) Angular CLI Tools will use the folder name if a 'name' parameter is NOT provided.

If you are running a ngt generate module command (without a module name parameter), in a folder:

...\layout\header\ngt generate module

Angular CLI Tools will automatically create:


Same concept applies to all blueprints except the Component and Route blueprint.

Component Blueprint

ngt generate component [component-name]

--scss generate component with .scss file [default]
--css generate component with .css file
Example Usage
ngt generate component nav-bar generate component with .scss file [default to sass]
ngt g c nav-bar --scss generate component with .scss file
ngt g c nav-bar --css generate component with .css file

Route Blueprint

ngt generate route [route-name]

Angular CLI Tools generates a lazy loaded route that contains the following files:

  • lazy-loaded-route.component.ts
  • lazy-loaded-route.component.html
  • lazy-loaded-route.component.scss|css
  • lazy-loaded-route.module.ts
  • lazy-loaded-route.routing.ts
--scss generate route component with .scss file [default]
--css generate route component with .css file
Example Usage
ngt generate route dashboard generate a lazy loaded 'dashboard' route
ngt g r dashboard --scss generate component with .scss file
ngt g r dashboard --css generate component with .css file

To add a new lazy loaded route to your project:

  • find a routing.ts file that will use the new lazy loaded route
  • add the code below to the Routes array found in the routing.ts file.
  • replace 'dashboard' with the appropriate route name
    {path: 'dashboard', loadChildren: './path-to-dashboard-module/dashboard.module#DashboardModule'},

NOTE: w/webpack you'll need to use a router loader such as angular2-router-loader or your own way of loading lazy routes. If you generated a project with Angular CLI Tools (v1.3.0+) the loader is installed in the dev-dependencies and works out of the box.

Custom Templates:

If you don't have a the angular-cli-tools folder at the root of you project install the local templates

In the angular-cli-tools folder at the root of your project, there is a config.json file that allows you to map and group template files to a template name:

   "templateMap": {
        "template-name": {
            "file-type": "./path-to-custom-template",
            "file-type": "./path-to-custom-template"

template-name is a custom name that you set which is used as an identifier when generating a component

file-type is an identifier telling angular-cli-tools which file to use when generating a custom component

File Type Blueprint
class class.ts
component component.ts
style component.scss or .css
html component.html
directive directive.ts
enum enum.ts
index index.ts
interface interface.ts
lazy-load-module lazy-load-module.ts
lazy-load-routing lazy-load-routing.ts
module module.ts
pipe pipe.ts
routing routing.ts
service service.ts

Example Usage

To generate a common 'card' type html element:

The following in the config.json file will tell angular-cli-tools which blueprint templates to use when generating a card component:

"templateMap": {
    "card": {
        "component": "./templates/custom/card/component.ts",
        "html": "./templates/custom/card/component.html",
        "style": "./templates/custom/card/component.scss"

To generate a 'card' component execute the following command:

ngt generate component card --template:card

Or the shorthand version that executes the same command:

ngt g c card -t:card

These will generate


The --template:template-name flag (or shorthand -t:template-name) tells angular-cli-tools which template to apply when generating a component. Feel free to add your own custom templates especially ones that will be (re)used often throughout your project.

Angular CLI Tools comes with some custom components out of the box and can be found in the angular-cli-tools/components/custom folder found at the root of your project.

Custom Template Types (v.1.9.2+)

By default, anything you generate will use the template type in the name, like if run ngt g c fancyCard -t:card you will get:


However, you can also use the config.json file to configure custom template types like so:

"fileNames": {
    "card": {
      "component": ".card.ts",
      "html": ".card.html",
      "style": ".card."

Now if you run ngt g c fancyCard -t:card it will create


Template Selector Prefix's (v.1.10+)

If you want to add a prefix to the selector of a component or directive, there are 2 ways to do it.

Option 1

Use the --prefix:prefix-name (shorthand -p:prefix-name) flag when generating a component or directive:

ngt g c page --prefix:fancy

This give's only that component's selector the prefix fancy

Option 2

In the config.json file there is a property called globalSelectorPrefix that looks like:

"globalSelectorPrefix" : {
    "component" : null,
    "directive" : null

Changing either of the null values to strings will set that prefix on every generated file of that type. Do this:

"globalSelectorPrefix" : {
    "component" : "fancy",
    "directive" : null

would give any generated component's selector a prefix of fancy

Both methods do not change the file names, only the selector inside the @Component constructor of a the component.ts file.

Note: Using the --prefix flag will override whatever is set in the globalSelectorPrefix section of your config.json

Custom Variables (v.1.10)

You can also define custom variables to use inside any templates you would like. Just like prefix', there are two ways you can accomplish this.

Option 1: config.json

You can use the config.json file to define a variable and its value, and then use that same variable in any template you like. Inside your angular-cli-tools/config.json file there is this:

"customVariables" : {

You define variables by using the # character followed by the variable name as the key, and whatever you want as the value. To use it in a template, you surround the variable name by the # character. For example, to use a variable called projectId:

In the config.json file:

"customVariables" : {
    "#projectId" : "abc123"

In ./angular-cli-tools/templates/component.ts file (for example, can be any template file):

constructor() {
    console.log('Running with project id #projectId#');

Then when you run ngt g c dashboard in your dashboard.component.ts file you will see

constructor() {
    console.log('Running with project id abc123');
Option 2: Command Line Flag

You can also define a variable value for a single generate command by passing a flag into the command line. You define the variable in the template the same way as above, but instead of setting the value in config.json, you do this:

ngt g c test --#projectId:"abc 123-456 **"

This will replace all occurances of #projectId# with abc 123-456 ** in any of the templates it finds the key.

Note: Using the command line flag will override whatever value is given in the config.json file.

Save Templates (v1.4.0+)

You can easily turn an existing component (or service, module, pipe...) into a re-usable template with the following command:

ngt save

Above command will save everything in the current working directory as a template and use the folder name as the template name

As an example pretend there is a login-form component in directory:


By executing the ngt save command in that directory, a template called login-form will be created in angular-cli-tools/templates/saved/login-form

To use this template (to generate a component elsewhere in the project) provide the template name when using the generate command:

ngt generate component some-other-form -template:login-form

or shorthand:

ngt g c some-other-form -t:login-form

When saving templates you can also provide a custom template name as such:

ngt save -template:custom-template-name

or shorthand:

ngt s -t:custom-template-name

where custom-template-name is the name you provide.

This command is great for re-using similar components throughout the application that start off the same and then get customized as the requirements grow. Common uses are form components. You can easily create a basic ng2 form with standard validation, turn it into a template then stamp out forms where needed in the app. The forms created from the template can then be customized per requirement but they'll all start from the same base form that was used to generate the template.

Advanced Usage

you can also specify which type of component to save by providing the component filename directly:

ngt save ./login-form.module.ts -template:form-module

This will in turn only save the module component as a template without saving the rest of the files in the folder.

Then, to generate a module from the form-module template:

ngt generate module -t:form-module

Update index.ts files

Angular CLI Tools has commands to generate and update index.ts files (barrels) to rollup exports from several modules into a single convenience module.

ngt generate index

...will create an index.ts file in the current directory if it doesn't already exists.

If the barrel (index.ts) already exists you can update it with

ngt update index

The update command will delete the current index.ts file and generate a new (updated) index.ts file.

Update index.ts files recursively

ngt update index --recursive

This will update the index.ts file in the current folder plus any other sub-folder it encounters.

Edit Blueprint Templates

If you already started with a Angular CLI Tools seed:

You'll notice a angular-cli-tools/templates folder at the root of your project directory. Inside you'll find all the component blueprints. When generating components, Angular CLI Tools will use the template in that folder first before defaulting to it's own template file. Feel free to edit the local template files in the angular-cli-tools/templates folder to match your project's needs.

If you have an existing project, install the local templates:

Install Local Templates

ngt install templates

This will install the angular-cli-tools\templates folder at the root of your project at which point you can edit and customize the local templates found in the angular-cli-tools/templates folder.


Verbose Shorthand
ngt new [PROJECT-NAME] ngt n [PROJECT-NAME] Basic Project
ngt new [PROJECT-NAME] --bootstrap ngt n [PROJECT-NAME] -b Bootstrap 4 project
ngt new ./my-projects/[PROJECT-NAME] --material ngt n ./my-projects/[PROJECT-NAME] -m Angualar Material project
ngt new [PROJECT-NAME] --url:[GitHub URL] ngt n [PROJECT-NAME] -u:[GitHub URL] Seed from
ngt generate class [NAME] ngt g class [NAME] [NAME] optional
ngt generate component [NAME] ngt g c [NAME] [NAME] mandatory
ngt generate component [NAME] -scss ngt g c [NAME] -s With a .scss style file
ngt generate component [NAME] -css ngt g c [NAME] -c With a .css style file
ngt generate directive [NAME] ngt g d [NAME] [NAME] optional
ngt generate enum ngt g e [NAME] [NAME] optional
ngt generate index ngt g index Generate a barrel (index.ts file)
ngt update index ngt u index Update a barrel (index.ts file)
ngt update index --recursive ngt u iindex -r Update a barrel in current folder and all sub folders
ngt generate interface [NAME] ngt g i [NAME] [NAME] optional
ngt generate module [NAME] ngt g m [NAME] [NAME] optional
ngt generate pipe [NAME] ngt g p [NAME] [NAME] optional
ngt generate route [NAME] ngt g r [NAME] [NAME] optional
ngt generate service [NAME] ngt g s [NAME] [NAME] optional
ngt install [--no-gitignore] ngt i [--no-gitignore] Installs angular-cli-tools\templates folder and angular-cli-tools\config.json file. --no-gitignore flag is optional
ngt install templates [--no-gitignore] ngt i t [--no-gitignore] Installs angular-cli-tools\templates folder. --no-gitignore flag is optional
ngt install config [--no-gitignore] ngt i c [--no-gitignore] Installs angular-cli-tools\config.json file. --no-gitignore flag is optional

Note: [NAME] optional means that if the NAME parameter is not provided, Angular CLI Tools will use the folder name as the name of the component.



Full credit to the team at for providing an open source Angular 2 webpack seed that is used as the base seed when generating basic | bootstrap | material projects with angular-cli-tools.


Copyright (c) 2016 Little Universe Studios Licensed under the MIT license.