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Working on the new api

Connecting to local database

The api uses the ORM Prisma and it needs the MongoDB instance to be a replica set.


If you use MongoDB Atlas, the set is managed for you.


The simplest way to run a replica set locally is to use the docker-compose file in /tools.

cd tools
docker compose up -d

The new db will be empty, so you can run the seed script to populate it.

cd ../.. # back to the root of the repo
pnpm seed


If you have any issues connecting to the database (e.g. MongoServerError: not primary), try removing the volume and recreating the containers.

cd tools
docker compose down -v
docker compose up -d

Login in development/testing

During development and testing, the api exposes the endpoint GET auth/dev-callback. Calling this will log you in as the user with the email by setting the session cookie for that user.

Generating Exams

pnpm run generate-exams <ENV_EXAM_ID> <NUMBER_OF_EXAMS_TO_GENERATE>