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Upgrading to Swift-JWT 3.0

Swift-JWT version 3.0 adds Codable conformance to JWT's for easier encoding and decoding. This release includes breaking changes to the Swift-JWT API and the following is a guide for converting from Swift-JWT 2.0 to Swift-JWT 3.0


The Header struct is now Codable and has fixed fields representing the possible headers. As a result, the Header is now intialized by setting the field values:

// Swift-JWT 2.0
let header = Header([.typ:"JWT", .kid:"KeyID"])

// Swift-JWT 3.0
let header = Header(typ: "JWT", kid: "KeyID")

These values can then accessed directly:

// Swift-JWT 2.0
let keyID = header["kid"]

// Swift-JWT 3.0
let keyID = header.kid


The JWT Claims has been changed to be a protocol. This means that instead of intializing a fixed Claims struct with a [String: Any] dictionary, you define and intialize your own object that conforms to claims. Alternatively, you can use one of the example Claims implementations provided.

// Swift-JWT 2.0
let myClaims = Claims(["iss":"Kitura"])

// Swift-JWT 3.0, User defined claims
struct MyClaims: Claims {
    let sub: String
let myClaims = MyClaims(iss: "Kitura")

// Swift-JWT 3.0, Using Standard Claims
let myClaims = ClaimsStandardJWT(iss: "Kitura")


The Algorithm enum has been removed and replaced with JWTSigner and JWTVerfier structs. This change removes the requirement to specify the Key type and allows more signing and verifying algorithms to be added later.

let privateKey = "<PrivateKey>".data(using: .utf8)!
let publicKey = "<PublicKey>".data(using: .utf8)!

// Swift-JWT 2.0
let signer = Algorithm.rs256(privateKey, .privateKey)
let verifier = Algorithm.rs256(publicKey, .publicKey)

// Swift-JWT 3.0
let signer = JWTSigner.rs256(privateKey: privateKey)
let verifier = JWTVerifier.rs256(publicKey: publicKey)
  • The isSupported function has been removed. To see supported Algorithms, check the README or inspect the initialisers for JWTSigner and JWTVerifier.


  • The JWT Struct is now generic over a Claims object.
// Swift-JWT 2.0
let myJWT: JWT

// Swift-JWT 3.0
let myJWT: JWT<MyClaims>
  • The sign function takes a JWTSigner and returns String instead of String?.
// Swift-JWT 2.0
let signedJWT: String? = try jwt.sign(using: Algorithm.rs256(key, .privateKey))

// Swift-JWT 3.0
let signedJWT: String = try jwt.sign(using: JWTSigner.rs256(privateKey: key))
  • The verify function takes a JWTVerifier and no longer throws.
// Swift-JWT 2.0
let verified = try JWT.verify(signedJWT, using: Algorithm.rs256(key, .publicKey))

// Swift-JWT 3.0
let verified = JWT<MyClaims>.verify(signedJWT, using: JWTVerifier.rs256(publicKey: key))
  • The validateClaims function now only checks the iat, exp, and nbf claims are valid at the current point in time.
// Swift-JWT 2.0
let validationResult = jwt.validateClaims(issuer: "issuer", audience: "clientID")

// Swift-JWT 3.0
let validationResult = jwt.validateClaims()
let validateOthers = jwt.iss == "issuer" && jwt.aud == "clientID"

The encode() function has been removed. To encode a JWT without signing it use the none JWTSigner:

// Swift-JWT 2.0
let encodedJWT = try jwt.encoded()

// Swift-JWT 3.0
let encodedJWT = try jwt.sign(using: .none)

The decode() function has been replaced with an init from String:

// Swift-JWT 2.0
let decodedJWT = try JWT.decode(encodedJWT)

// Swift-JWT 3.0
let decodedJWT = try JWT<MyClaims>(jwtString: encodedJWT)

Removed APIs

As a result of the new API, a number of types are now redundant and have been removed. These include:

  • Supported
  • Base64URL
  • Hash
  • RSAKeyType
  • ClaimKeys