title | titleSuffix | description | ms.subservice | ms.reviewer | ms.author | ms.custom | author | ms.topic | monikerRange | ms.date |
Pipeline failed test sample Power BI reports |
Azure DevOps |
Learn how to list failed tests in a Power BI report for a given pipeline in the project. |
azure-devops-analytics |
desalg |
chcomley |
powerbisample |
chcomley |
sample |
>= azure-devops-2020 |
10/13/2021 |
[!INCLUDE version-gt-eq-2020]
You can create a report that lists failed tests, similar to the following image, for pipeline runs that include test tasks. For information on adding tests to a pipeline, see the Test task resources section later in this article.
:::image type="content" source="media/pipeline-test-reports/failed-tests-table-report.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Failed Tests Table report.":::
Use the queries provided in this article to generate the following reports:
- Failed tests for build workflow
- Failed tests for release workflow
- Failed tests for a particular branch
- Failed tests for a particular test file
- Failed tests for a particular test owner
[!INCLUDE temp]
[!INCLUDE prerequisites-simple]
[!INCLUDE temp]
You can use the following queries of the TestResultsDaily
entity set to create different but similar pipeline failed test reports. The TestResultsDaily
entity set provides a daily snapshot aggregate of TestResult
executions, grouped by Test.
[!INCLUDE temp]
Use the following queries to view the failed tests for a Build workflow pipeline.
[!INCLUDE temp]
Source = OData.Feed ("https://analytics.dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_odata/v4.0-preview/TestResultsDaily?
&"Pipeline/PipelineName eq '{pipelineName}' "
&"And Date/Date ge {startdate} "
&"And Workflow eq 'Build' "
&") "
&"/groupby( "
&"(TestSK, Test/TestName), "
&"aggregate( "
&"ResultCount with sum as TotalCount, "
&"ResultPassCount with sum as PassedCount, "
&"ResultFailCount with sum as FailedCount, "
&"ResultNotExecutedCount with sum as NotExecutedCount, "
&"ResultNotImpactedCount with sum as NotImpactedCount, "
&"ResultFlakyCount with sum as FlakyCount)) "
&"/filter(FailedCount gt 0) "
&"/compute( "
&"iif(TotalCount gt NotExecutedCount, ((PassedCount add NotImpactedCount) div cast(TotalCount sub NotExecutedCount, Edm.Decimal)) mul 100, 0) as PassRate) "
,null, [Implementation="2.0",OmitValues = ODataOmitValues.Nulls,ODataVersion = 4])
[!INCLUDE temp]
Pipeline/PipelineName eq '{pipelineName}'
And Date/Date ge {startdate}
And Workflow eq 'Build'
(TestSK, Test/TestName),
ResultCount with sum as TotalCount,
ResultPassCount with sum as PassedCount,
ResultFailCount with sum as FailedCount,
ResultNotExecutedCount with sum as NotExecutedCount,
ResultNotImpactedCount with sum as NotImpactedCount,
ResultFlakyCount with sum as FlakyCount))
/filter(FailedCount gt 0)
iif(TotalCount gt NotExecutedCount, ((PassedCount add NotImpactedCount) div cast(TotalCount sub NotExecutedCount, Edm.Decimal)) mul 100, 0) as PassRate)
Use the following queries to view the failed tests for a Release workflow pipeline.
[!INCLUDE temp]
Source = OData.Feed ("https://analytics.dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_odata/v4.0-preview/TestResultsDaily?
&"Pipeline/PipelineName eq '{pipelineName}' "
&"And Date/Date ge {startdate}) "
&"/groupby((TestSK, Test/TestName, Workflow), "
&"aggregate( "
&"ResultCount with sum as TotalCount, "
&"ResultPassCount with sum as PassedCount, "
&"ResultFailCount with sum as FailedCount, "
&"ResultNotExecutedCount with sum as NotExecutedCount, "
&"ResultNotImpactedCount with sum as NotImpactedCount, "
&"ResultFlakyCount with sum as FlakyCount)) "
&"/filter(FailedCount gt 0) "
&"/compute( "
&"iif(TotalCount gt NotExecutedCount, ((PassedCount add NotImpactedCount) div cast(TotalCount sub NotExecutedCount, Edm.Decimal)) mul 100, 0) as PassRate) "
,null, [Implementation="2.0",OmitValues = ODataOmitValues.Nulls,ODataVersion = 4])
[!INCLUDE temp]
Pipeline/PipelineName eq '{pipelineName}'
And Date/Date ge {startdate})
/groupby((TestSK, Test/TestName, Workflow),
ResultCount with sum as TotalCount,
ResultPassCount with sum as PassedCount,
ResultFailCount with sum as FailedCount,
ResultNotExecutedCount with sum as NotExecutedCount,
ResultNotImpactedCount with sum as NotImpactedCount,
ResultFlakyCount with sum as FlakyCount))
/filter(FailedCount gt 0)
iif(TotalCount gt NotExecutedCount, ((PassedCount add NotImpactedCount) div cast(TotalCount sub NotExecutedCount, Edm.Decimal)) mul 100, 0) as PassRate)
To view the failed tests of a pipeline for a particular branch, use the following queries. To create the report, carry out the following extra steps along with what is specified later in this article.
- Expand
- Select Power BI Visualization Slicer and add the field
to the slicer's Field - Select the branch name from the slicer for which you need to see the outcome summary.
For more information about using slicers, see Slicers in Power BI.
[!INCLUDE temp]
Source = OData.Feed ("https://analytics.dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_odata/v4.0-preview/TestResultsDaily?
&"Pipeline/PipelineName eq '{pipelineName}' "
&"And Date/Date ge {startdate} "
&"And Workflow eq 'Build') "
&"/groupby((TestSK, Test/TestName, Branch/BranchName), "
&"aggregate( "
&"ResultCount with sum as TotalCount, "
&"ResultPassCount with sum as PassedCount, "
&"ResultFailCount with sum as FailedCount, "
&"ResultNotExecutedCount with sum as NotExecutedCount, "
&"ResultNotImpactedCount with sum as NotImpactedCount, "
&"ResultFlakyCount with sum as FlakyCount)) "
&"/filter(FailedCount gt 0) "
&"/compute( "
&"iif(TotalCount gt NotExecutedCount, ((PassedCount add NotImpactedCount) div cast(TotalCount sub NotExecutedCount, Edm.Decimal)) mul 100, 0) as PassRate) "
,null, [Implementation="2.0",OmitValues = ODataOmitValues.Nulls,ODataVersion = 4])
[!INCLUDE temp]
Pipeline/PipelineName eq '{pipelineName}'
And Date/Date ge {startdate}
And Workflow eq 'Build')
/groupby((TestSK, Test/TestName, Branch/BranchName),
ResultCount with sum as TotalCount,
ResultPassCount with sum as PassedCount,
ResultFailCount with sum as FailedCount,
ResultNotExecutedCount with sum as NotExecutedCount,
ResultNotImpactedCount with sum as NotImpactedCount,
ResultFlakyCount with sum as FlakyCount))
/filter(FailedCount gt 0)
iif(TotalCount gt NotExecutedCount, ((PassedCount add NotImpactedCount) div cast(TotalCount sub NotExecutedCount, Edm.Decimal)) mul 100, 0) as PassRate)
To view the failed tests for a pipeline and a particular test file, use the following queries. To create the report, carry out the following extra steps along with what is defined later in this article.
- Expand
- Select Power BI Visualization Slicer and add the field
to the slicer's Field - Select the container name from the slicer for which you need to see the outcome summary.
[!INCLUDE temp]
Source = OData.Feed ("https://analytics.dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_odata/v4.0-preview/TestResultsDaily?
&"Pipeline/PipelineName eq '{pipelineName}' "
&"And Date/Date ge {startdate}) "
&"/groupby((TestSK, Test/TestName, Test/ContainerName), "
&"aggregate( "
&"ResultCount with sum as TotalCount, "
&"ResultPassCount with sum as PassedCount, "
&"ResultFailCount with sum as FailedCount, "
&"ResultNotExecutedCount with sum as NotExecutedCount, "
&"ResultNotImpactedCount with sum as NotImpactedCount, "
&"ResultFlakyCount with sum as FlakyCount)) "
&"/filter(FailedCount gt 0) "
&"/compute( "
&"iif(TotalCount gt NotExecutedCount, ((PassedCount add NotImpactedCount) div cast(TotalCount sub NotExecutedCount, Edm.Decimal)) mul 100, 0) as PassRate) "
,null, [Implementation="2.0",OmitValues = ODataOmitValues.Nulls,ODataVersion = 4])
[!INCLUDE temp]
Pipeline/PipelineName eq '{pipelineName}'
And Date/Date ge {startdate})
/groupby((TestSK, Test/TestName, Test/ContainerName),
ResultCount with sum as TotalCount,
ResultPassCount with sum as PassedCount,
ResultFailCount with sum as FailedCount,
ResultNotExecutedCount with sum as NotExecutedCount,
ResultNotImpactedCount with sum as NotImpactedCount,
ResultFlakyCount with sum as FlakyCount))
/filter(FailedCount gt 0)
iif(TotalCount gt NotExecutedCount, ((PassedCount add NotImpactedCount) div cast(TotalCount sub NotExecutedCount, Edm.Decimal)) mul 100, 0) as PassRate)
To view the Failed test for a pipeline for tests owned by a particular test owner, use the following queries. To create the report, carry out the following extra steps along with what is defined later in this article.
- Expand
- Select Power BI Visualization Slicer and add the field
to the slicer's Field - Select the test owner from the slicer for which you need to see the outcome summary.
[!INCLUDE temp]
Source = OData.Feed ("https://analytics.dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_odata/v4.0-preview/TestResultsDaily?
&"Pipeline/PipelineName eq '{pipelineName}' "
&"And Date/Date ge {startdate}) "
&"/groupby((TestSK, Test/TestName, Test/TestOwner), "
&"aggregate( "
&"ResultCount with sum as TotalCount, "
&"ResultPassCount with sum as PassedCount, "
&"ResultFailCount with sum as FailedCount, "
&"ResultNotExecutedCount with sum as NotExecutedCount, "
&"ResultNotImpactedCount with sum as NotImpactedCount, "
&"ResultFlakyCount with sum as FlakyCount)) "
&"/filter(FailedCount gt 0) "
&"/compute( "
&"iif(TotalCount gt NotExecutedCount, ((PassedCount add NotImpactedCount) div cast(TotalCount sub NotExecutedCount, Edm.Decimal)) mul 100, 0) as PassRate) "
,null, [Implementation="2.0",OmitValues = ODataOmitValues.Nulls,ODataVersion = 4])
[!INCLUDE temp]
Pipeline/PipelineName eq '{pipelineName}'
And Date/Date ge {startdate})
/groupby((TestSK, Test/TestName, Test/TestOwner),
ResultCount with sum as TotalCount,
ResultPassCount with sum as PassedCount,
ResultFailCount with sum as FailedCount,
ResultNotExecutedCount with sum as NotExecutedCount,
ResultNotImpactedCount with sum as NotImpactedCount,
ResultFlakyCount with sum as FlakyCount))
/filter(FailedCount gt 0)
iif(TotalCount gt NotExecutedCount, ((PassedCount add NotImpactedCount) div cast(TotalCount sub NotExecutedCount, Edm.Decimal)) mul 100, 0) as PassRate)
[!INCLUDE temp]
- Your organization name{project}
- Your team project name{pipelinename}
- Your pipeline name. Example:Fabrikam hourly build pipeline
- The date to start your report. Format: YYYY-MM-DDZ. Example:2021-09-01Z
represents September 1, 2021. Don't enclose in quotes or brackets and use two digits for both, month and date.
The following table describes each part of the query.
:::row::: :::column span="1"::: Query part :::column-end::: :::column span="1"::: Description :::column-end::: :::row-end:::
:::column span="1":::
:::column span="1":::
Start filter()
:::column span="1":::
Pipeline/PipelineName eq '{pipelineName}'
:::column span="1":::
Return test runs for the specified pipeline.
:::column span="1":::
and CompletedOn/Date ge {startdate}
:::column span="1":::
Return test runs on or after the specified date.
:::column span="1":::
and Workflow eq 'Build'
:::column span="1":::
Return test runs for Build
workflow pipeline.
:::column span="1":::
:::column span="1":::
Close filter()
:::column span="1":::
:::column span="1":::
Start groupby()
:::column span="1":::
(TestSK, Test/TestName),
:::column span="1":::
Group by the test Name
:::column span="1":::
:::column span="1":::
Start aggregate
clause to sum the test runs matching the filter criteria.
:::column span="1":::
ResultCount with sum as TotalCount,
:::column span="1":::
Count the total number of test runs as TotalCount
:::column span="1":::
ResultPassCount with sum as PassedCount,
:::column span="1":::
Count the total number of passed test runs as PassedCount
:::column span="1":::
ResultFailCount with sum as FailedCount,
:::column span="1":::
Count the total number of failed test runs as FailedCount
:::column span="1":::
ResultNotExecutedCount with sum as NotExecutedCount
:::column span="1":::
Count the total number of not executed test runs as NotExecutedCount
:::column span="1":::
ResultNotImpactedCount with sum as NotImpactedCount,
:::column span="1":::
Count the total number of not affected test runs as NotImpactedCount
:::column span="1":::
ResultFlakyCount with sum as FlakyCount
:::column span="1":::
Count the total number of flaky test runs as FlakyCount
:::column span="1":::
:::column span="1":::
Close aggregate()
and groupby()
:::column span="1":::
:::column span="1":::
Start compute()
:::column span="1":::
iif(TotalCount gt NotExecutedCount, ((PassedCount add NotImpactedCount) div cast(TotalCount sub NotExecutedCount, Edm.Decimal)) mul 100, 0) as PassRate
:::column span="1":::
For all the tests, calculate PassRate
:::column span="1":::
:::column span="1":::
Close compute()
[!INCLUDE temp]
Expand the Test
column to show the expanded entity Test.TestName
. Expanding the column flattens the record into specific fields. To learn how, see Transform Analytics data to generate Power BI reports, Expand columns.
From the Power Query Editor, select the
, andFlakyCount
columns; select Data Type from the Transform menu; and then choose Whole Number. -
Select the
column; select Data Type from the Transform menu; and then choose Decimal Number.
For more information about changing the data type, see Transform Analytics data to generate Power BI reports, Transform a column data type.
[!INCLUDE temp]
In Power BI, under Visualizations, choose Table and drag and drop the fields onto the Columns area.
:::image type="content" source="media/pipeline-test-reports/visualizations-failed-test-table.png" alt-text="Screenshot of visualization fields selections for Failed tests table report. ":::
Add the following fields to the Columns section in the order listed.
Your report should look similar to the following image.
:::image type="content" source="media/pipeline-test-reports/failed-tests-table-report.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Sample Failed Tests Table report.":::
[!INCLUDE temp]
[!INCLUDE temp]