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Requirements tracking, Stories overview rollup report
Azure DevOps
Learn how to use sample Power BI and OData queries to generate a one level roll-up report of aggregated metrics for work progress and status of tests and bugs.
powerbisample, engagement-fy23
>= azure-devops-2020

Requirements tracking rollup sample report

[!INCLUDE version-gt-eq-2020]

The Requirements tracking rollup report builds on the Requirements tracking report and shows how to aggregate metrics for a one-level roll-up. For example, if you're tracking requirements with User Stories, you can aggregate data for Features using the queries provided in this article.

An example is shown in the following image.

[!div class="mx-imgBorder"] Screenshot of Power BI Stories Overview Rollup Report.

This report displays the following information for each requirement that it lists:

  • Percent work completed: Progress bar that shows the percentage of completed work based on the rollup of completed hours for all tasks that are linked to the requirement.
  • Passed tests: The number of test cases run that's passed based on the most recent test run.
  • Failed tests: The number of test cases run that's failed based on the most recent test run.
  • Run tests: The number of test runs that's executed.
  • Active bugs: The number of linked bugs in an Active state.
  • Closed bugs: The number of linked bugs in a Closed, Done, or Completed state.


Requirement tracking is supported only for test cases linked through a Requirement-based test suite. The association between a requirement work item—User Story (Agile), Product Backlog Item (Scrum), Requirement (CMMI), or Issue (Basic)—and manual test execution is only formed when the test case is linked via a Requirement-based test suite.

[!INCLUDE stories-overview-info]

[!INCLUDE temp]

[!INCLUDE prerequisites-simple]

[!INCLUDE temp]

[!INCLUDE stories-overview-prereqs]

Sample queries

To generate the report, you must add three Power BI queries to Power BI desktop and then link them. Each query executes either the WorkItems or TestPoints entity set.


The Power BI query snippets provided in the following sections include the requisite data transforms to expand columns and change data type.

Query area and iteration paths

In order to scope your report to a particular Area and Iteration path, you can filter the query using AreaSK and IterationSK. For details, see Define basic queries using OData Analytics.

[!INCLUDE temp]

Query for percentage of hours completion for requirements


Change the WorkItemType based on the process you are using. The Scrum template supports Feature and the Basic template supports Epic as the roll up work item type, respectively.

[!INCLUDE temp]

    Source = OData.Feed("{organization}/{project}/_odata/v3.0-preview/WorkItems? 
    IterationSK eq {iterationSK}
    and AreaSK eq {areaSK}
    and WorkItemType eq 'Feature'
    $apply=filter( CompletedWork ne null or RemainingWork ne null ) 
        iif(CompletedWork ne null, CompletedWork, 0) with sum as SumCompletedWork, 
        iif(RemainingWork ne null, RemainingWork, 0) with sum as SumRemainingWork 
        (SumCompletedWork add SumRemainingWork) as TotalWork, 
        SumCompletedWork as SumCompleted 
        iif(TotalWork gt 0,(SumCompleted div cast(TotalWork, Edm.Double) mul 100), 0) as PercCompletedWork 
&$select=WorkItemId, Title", null, [Implementation="2.0"]),
    #"Expanded Descendants" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(Source, "Descendants", {"SumCompletedWork", "SumRemainingWork", "TotalWork", "SumCompleted", "PercCompletedWork"}, {"Descendants.SumCompletedWork", "Descendants.SumRemainingWork", "Descendants.TotalWork", "Descendants.SumCompleted", "Descendants.PercCompletedWork"}),
    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Expanded Descendants",{{"Descendants.SumCompletedWork", type number}, {"Descendants.SumRemainingWork", type number}, {"Descendants.TotalWork", type number}, {"Descendants.SumCompleted", type number}, {"Descendants.PercCompletedWork", type number}})
    #"Changed Type"

[!INCLUDE temp]{organization}/{project}/_odata/v3.0-preview/WorkItems? 
    IterationSK eq {iterationSK}
    and AreaSK eq {areaSK}
    and WorkItemType eq 'Feature'
    $apply=filter( CompletedWork ne null or RemainingWork ne null ) 
        iif(CompletedWork ne null, CompletedWork, 0) with sum as SumCompletedWork, 
        iif(RemainingWork ne null, RemainingWork, 0) with sum as SumRemainingWork 
        (SumCompletedWork add SumRemainingWork) as TotalWork, 
        SumCompletedWork as SumCompleted 
        iif(TotalWork gt 0,(SumCompleted div cast(TotalWork, Edm.Double) mul 100), 0) as PercCompletedWork 
&$select=WorkItemId, Title

Query for test execution status of requirements

[!INCLUDE temp]

[!INCLUDE temp]

    Source = OData.Feed("{organization}/{project}/_odata/v3.0-preview/TestPoints? 
	    (TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/IterationSK eq {iterationSK}
    and TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/AreaSK eq {areaSK}
    and TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/Processes/any(p:p/BacklogType eq 'RequirementBacklog')
    and TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/Processes/all(p:p/IsBugType eq false)
	/compute(iif(TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/Parent ne null, TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/Parent/WorkItemId, 0) as ParentWorkItemId, 
	iif(TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/Parent ne null, TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/Parent/Title, 'Unparented') as ParentWorkItemTitle
	    (ParentWorkItemId, ParentWorkItemTitle), 
	        $count as TotalCount, 
	        cast(LastResultOutcome eq 'Passed', Edm.Int32) with sum as PassedCount, 
	        cast(LastResultOutcome eq 'Failed', Edm.Int32) with sum as FailedCount, 
            cast(LastResultOutcome eq 'Blocked', Edm.Int32) with sum as BlockedCount,
            cast(LastResultOutcome eq 'NotApplicable', Edm.Int32) with sum as NotApplicableCount,
	        cast(LastResultOutcome eq 'None', Edm.Int32) with sum as NotRunCount, 
	        cast(LastResultOutcome ne 'None', Edm.Int32) with sum as RunCount)
)", null, [Implementation="2.0"]),
    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Source",{{"TotalCount", type number}, {"PassedCount", type number}, {"FailedCount", type number}, {"BlockedCount", type number}, {"NotApplicableCount", type number}, {"NotRunCount", type number}, {"RunCount", type number}})
    #"Changed Type"

[!INCLUDE temp]{organization}/{project}/_odata/v3.0-preview/TestPoints? 
    (TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/IterationSK eq {iterationSK}
and TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/AreaSK eq {areaSK}
and TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/Processes/any(p:p/BacklogType eq 'RequirementBacklog')
and TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/Processes/all(p:p/IsBugType eq false)
/compute(iif(TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/Parent ne null, TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/Parent/WorkItemId, 0) as ParentWorkItemId, 
iif(TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/Parent ne null, TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/Parent/Title, 'Unparented') as ParentWorkItemTitle
    (ParentWorkItemId, ParentWorkItemTitle), 
        $count as TotalCount, 
        cast(LastResultOutcome eq 'Passed', Edm.Int32) with sum as PassedCount, 
        cast(LastResultOutcome eq 'Failed', Edm.Int32) with sum as FailedCount, 
        cast(LastResultOutcome eq 'Blocked', Edm.Int32) with sum as BlockedCount,
        cast(LastResultOutcome eq 'NotApplicable', Edm.Int32) with sum as NotApplicableCount,
        cast(LastResultOutcome eq 'None', Edm.Int32) with sum as NotRunCount, 
        cast(LastResultOutcome ne 'None', Edm.Int32) with sum as RunCount

[!INCLUDE temp]

Query for status of bugs linked to the requirements


Change the WorkItemType based on the process you are using. The Scrum template supports Feature and the Basic template supports Epic as the roll up work item type, respectively.

[!INCLUDE temp]

    Source = OData.Feed("{organization}/{project}/_odata/v3.0-preview/WorkItems?
        IterationSK eq {iterationSK}
        and AreaSK eq {areaSK}
        and WorkItemType eq 'Feature'
        WorkItemType eq 'Bug'
        aggregate($count as Count)
&$select=WorkItemId,Title", null, [Implementation="2.0"]),
    #"Expanded Descendants" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(Source, "Descendants", {"State", "Count"}, {"Descendants.State", "Descendants.Count"}),
    #"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Expanded Descendants", each [Descendants.Count] <> null and [Descendants.Count] <> ""),
    #"Pivoted Column" = Table.Pivot(#"Filtered Rows", List.Distinct(#"Filtered Rows"[Descendants.State]), "Descendants.State", "Descendants.Count", List.Sum),
    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Pivoted Column",{{"Active", type number}, {"Closed", type number}})
    #"Changed Type"

[!INCLUDE temp]{organization}/{project}/_odata/v3.0-preview/WorkItems?
        IterationSK eq {iterationSK}
        and AreaSK eq {areaSK}
        and WorkItemType eq 'Feature'
        WorkItemType eq 'Bug'
        aggregate($count as Count)

Substitution strings and query breakdown

[!INCLUDE temp]

  • {organization} - Your organization name
  • {project} - The name of your project
  • {iterationSK} - The GUID associated with the Iteration Path of interest. To look up the GUID, see [../extend-analytics/](Return the IterationSK for a specific Iteration Path)
  • {areaSK} - The GUID associated with the Area Path of interest. To look up the GUID, see [../extend-analytics/](Return the AreaSK for a specific Area Path).

Query breakdown

The following table describes each part of the query.

:::row::: :::column span="1"::: Query part :::column-end::: :::column span="1"::: Description :::column-end::: :::row-end:::

:::row::: :::column span="1"::: $filter=( IterationSK eq {iterationSK} and AreaSK eq {areaSK} and WorkItemType eq 'Feature' ):::column-end::: :::column span="1"::: Returns data for only Features under the specified Iteration and Area. :::column-end::: :::row-end::: :::row::: :::column span="1":::filter( (TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/IterationSK eq {iterationSK} and TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/AreaSK eq {areaSK} and TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/Processes/any(p:p/BacklogType eq 'RequirementBacklog') and TestSuite/RequirementWorkItem/Processes/all(p:p/IsBugType eq false))):::column-end::: :::column span="1"::: Return data for only selected backlog requirement items under the specified Iteration and Area. :::column-end::: :::row-end::: :::row::: :::column span="1":::&$expand=Descendants( $apply=filter( CompletedWork ne null or RemainingWork ne null ) :::column-end::: :::column span="1"::: Expand the child items of Features and return *Completed Work* and *Remaining Work* data for the work items. :::column-end::: :::row-end::: :::row::: :::column span="1":::&$expand=Descendants( $apply=filter( WorkItemType eq 'Bug' ) /groupby( (State), aggregate($count as Count) ) :::column-end::: :::column span="1"::: Expand the child items of Features and filter for bug, group the return data by State and sun the total count of child items. :::column-end::: :::row-end::: :::row::: :::column span="1":::/aggregate($count as TotalCount,:::column-end::: :::column span="1"::: Aggregate data across the filtered test points with having count asTotalCount. :::column-end::: :::row-end::: :::row::: :::column span="1"::: cast(LastResultOutcome eq 'Passed', Edm.Int32) with sum as PassedCount, cast(LastResultOutcome eq 'Failed', Edm.Int32) with sum as FailedCount, cast(LastResultOutcome eq 'Blocked', Edm.Int32) with sum as BlockedCount, cast(LastResultOutcome eq 'NotApplicable', Edm.Int32) with sum as NotApplicableCount, cast(LastResultOutcome eq 'None', Edm.Int32) with sum as NotRunCount, cast(LastResultOutcome ne 'None', Edm.Int32) with sum as RunCount):::column-end::: :::column span="1"::: While aggregating, sum the values of test points based on their latest execution outcome of *Passed*, *Failed*, *Blocked*, *NotApplicable*, and *None*. Also, sum the values of test points whose latest outcome is not equal to *None* to get the totalRunCount. :::column-end::: :::row-end::: :::row::: :::column span="1"::: /aggregate( iif(CompletedWork ne null, CompletedWork, 0) with sum as SumCompletedWork, iif(RemainingWork ne null, RemainingWork, 0) with sum as SumRemainingWork:::column-end::: :::column span="1"::: Aggregate *Completed Work* and *Remaining Work* data across the filtered work items. :::column-end::: :::row-end::: :::row::: :::column span="1":::)/compute( (SumCompletedWork add SumRemainingWork) as TotalWork, SumCompletedWork as SumCompleted:::column-end::: :::column span="1"::: Compute the total rollup of *Completed Work* and *Remaining Work*. :::column-end::: :::row-end::: :::row::: :::column span="1":::)/compute( iif(TotalWork gt 0,(SumCompleted div cast(TotalWork, Edm.Double) mul 100), 0) as PercCompletedWork )` :::column-end::: :::column span="1"::: Calculate the percent of completed wor. :::column-end::: :::row-end:::

Create the Table report

  1. From the Modeling tab, choose Manage Relationships and link the three query results by WorkItemId column.
  2. Under Visualizations, choose Table.
  3. Add the columns you're interested in from the three Power BI queries.
  4. Select Sum as aggregation for additive columns like Passed tests etc.

    [!div class="mx-imgBorder"] Power BI select Sum as aggregation

Here, Authentication scenarios is a parent feature of two User Stories.

[!div class="mx-imgBorder"] Screenshot of Power BI Sample Stories Overview Rollup Report.

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[!INCLUDE temp]