ms.topic | ms.service | ms.manager | | author | |
include |
azure-devops-pipelines |
mijacobs |
jukullam |
juliakm |
02/13/2020 |
You learned how to create your first pipeline in Azure. Now, Learn more about configuring pipelines in the language of your choice:
Or, you can proceed to customize the pipeline you created.
To run your pipeline in a container, see Container jobs.
For details about building GitHub repositories, see Build GitHub repositories.
To learn how to publish your Pipeline Artifacts, see Publish Pipeline Artifacts.
To find out what else you can do in YAML pipelines, see YAML schema reference.
If you created any test pipelines, they're easy to delete when you finish with them.
To delete a pipeline, navigate to the summary page for that pipeline, and choose Delete from the ... menu at the top-right of the page. Type the name of the pipeline to confirm, and choose Delete.
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To delete a pipeline using Azure CLI, you can use the az pipeline delete command. This command requires the id
of the pipeline to delete, which you can find using the az pipeline list command.
List pipelines | Delete pipeline | Example
If this is your first time using az pipelines commands, see Get started with Azure DevOps CLI.
You can list your pipelines using the az pipelines list command.
az pipelines list [--detect {false, true}]
[--query-order {ModifiedAsc, ModifiedDesc, NameAsc, NameDesc, None}]
[--repository-type {bitbucket, git, github, githubenterprise, svn, tfsgit, tfsversioncontrol}]
- detect: Automatically detect organization. Accepted values: false, true
- folder-path: If specified, filters to definitions under this folder.
- name: Limit results to pipelines with this name or starting with this name. Examples:
. - org or organization: Azure DevOps organization URL. You can configure the default organization using
az devops configure -d organization=ORG_URL
. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config. Example:
. - project or p: Name or ID of the project. You can configure the default project using
az devops configure -d project=NAME_OR_ID
. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config. - query-order: Order of the results. Accepted values: ModifiedAsc, ModifiedDesc, NameAsc, NameDesc, None
- repository: Limit results to pipelines associated with this repository.
- repository-type: Limit results to pipelines associated with this repository type. It's mandatory to pass repository argument along with this argument. Accepted values: bitbucket, git, github, githubenterprise, svn, tfsgit, tfsversioncontrol
- top: Maximum number of pipelines to list.
You can delete a pipeline using the az pipelines delete command.
az pipelines delete --id
[--detect {false, true}]
- id: (Required) ID of the pipeline.
- detect: Automatically detect organization. Accepted values: false, true
- org or organization: Azure DevOps organization URL. You can configure the default organization using
az devops configure -d organization=ORG_URL
. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config. Example:
. - project or p: Name or ID of the project. You can configure the default project using
az devops configure -d project=NAME_OR_ID
. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config. - yes or y: Don't prompt for confirmation.
The following example lists pipelines in table format, and then deletes the pipeline with an ID of 6. This example uses the following default configuration: az devops configure --defaults organization= project=FabrikamFiber
az pipelines list --output table
ID Path Name Status Default Queue
---- ------ ------------- -------- ------------------
6 \ FabrikamFiber enabled Hosted Ubuntu 1604
az pipelines delete --id 6
Are you sure you want to delete this pipeline? (y/n): y
Pipeline 6 was deleted successfully.
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