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Add & manage security groups |
Azure DevOps |
Add and manage security groups in an organization using the Azure DevOps CLI. |
azure-devops-security |
devx-track-azurecli |
reference |
chcomley |
chcomley |
azure-devops |
05/06/2022 |
[!INCLUDE version-eq-azure-devops]
Security groups are used to manage permissions and access as described in Get started with permissions, access, and security groups. For example, members of the Contributors group or Project Administrators group are assigned the permissions that are allowed for those groups.
Azure DevOps is pre-configured with default security groups. You can add and manage security groups for your organization or project with the az devops security group commands. Use this command to perform the following tasks.
- Create a new security group
- View security groups and security group details
- Update or delete a security group
- Manage security group memberships for groups and users
This article applies to Azure DevOps Services only. For Azure DevOps Server, you can manage security groups using the TFSSecurity command.
- Permissions: Be a member of the Project Collection Administrators security group. For more information on tokens, see Security namespace and permission reference.
- Tools: Install the Azure DevOps CLI extension as described in Get started with Azure DevOps CLI. Sign in to Azure DevOps using
az login
[!div class="mx-tdBreakAll"]
Command Description az devops security group create
Create an Azure DevOps security group. az devops security group delete
Delete an Azure DevOps security group. az devops security group list
List all the groups in a project or organization. az devops security group show
Show group details. az devops security group update
Update name and description for a security group. az devops security group membership add
Add a member to a security group. az devops security group membership list
List the memberships for a group or user. az devops security group membership remove
Remove a member from a security group.
The following parameters are optional for all commands, and not listed in the examples provided in this article.
- detect: Automatically detect organization. Accepted values: false, true. Default is true.
- org: Azure DevOps organization URL. You can configure the default organization using az devops configure -d organization=ORG_URL. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config. Example:
--org https://dev.azure.com/MyOrganizationName/
You can create a security group with the az devops security group create command.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops security group create [--description]
[--scope {organization, project}]
- description: Description of the new security group.
- email-id: Create new group using the email address as a reference to an existing group from a Microsoft Entra backed provider. Required if name or origin-id is missing.
- groups: A comma-separated list of descriptors referencing groups you want the newly created group to join.
- name: Name of the new security group. Required if origin-id or email-id is missing.
- origin-id: Create new group using the OriginID as a reference to an existing group from a Microsoft Entra backed provider. Required if name or email-id is missing.
- project: Name or ID of the project in which the group should be created.
- scope: Create group at project or organization level. Accepted values are organization and project (default).
The following command creates the Account Management security group in the project MyFirstProject and shows the result in table format.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops security group create --name "Account Management" --project MyFirstProject --description "Management team focused on creating and maintaining customer services" --output table
Name Description
----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[MyFirstProject]\Account Management Management team focused on creating and maintaining customer services
You can delete a security group with the az devops security group delete command.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops security group delete --id
- id: Required. Security group descriptor. To obtain a descriptor, use the az devops security group list command.
- yes: Optional. Don't prompt for confirmation.
The following command deletes the security group with the specified descriptor and doesn't prompt for confirmation.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops security group delete --id vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0xODI5NDgwMzA1LTEzNjM2MTczNTEtMjI0NzE1OTUyMC03ODEzNDk2MjItMC0wLTAtMC0x --yes
You can list all the security groups in a project or organization with the az devops security group list command.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops security group list [--continuation-token]
[--scope {organization, project}]
- continuation-token: If there are more results that can't be returned in a single page, the result set will contain a continuation token for retrieval of the next set of results.
- project: List groups for a particular project.
- scope: List the groups at project or organization level. Accepted values are organization and project (default).
- subject-types: A comma-separated list of user subject subtypes to reduce the retrieved results. You can give initial part of descriptor (before the dot) as a filter, for example, vssgp,aadgp.
The following command lists the name and descriptor for all security groups in MyFirstProject, and shows the results in table format.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops security group list --project MyFirstProject --output table
Name Descriptor
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[MyFirstProject]\Contributors vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0zMjgyMTE0Mzg4LTcyMDc3NjM2LTI5MzA1OTM5MTEtMTI2ODYyOTM0My0xLTE0MzUxMDc1MzctMzkwMDAzNTkwNS0zMTk5MDU1NDY1LTM4MDE2ODQ3MzM
[MyFirstProject]\Project Valid Users vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0xODI5NDgwMzA1LTEzNjM2MTczNTEtMjI0NzE1OTUyMC03ODEzNDk2MjItMC0wLTAtMC0z
[MyFirstProject]\Account Management vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0xODI5NDgwMzA1LTEzNjM2MTczNTEtMjI0NzE1OTUyMC03ODEzNDk2MjItMS0zNDU1MDI4NTE4LTI5Nzg5OTAxNTYtMjI4OTU2NzYyOS0xOTM2NDU3NTYw
[MyFirstProject]\Project Team vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0zMjgyMTE0Mzg4LTcyMDc3NjM2LTI5MzA1OTM5MTEtMTI2ODYyOTM0My0xLTM0OTQwNjM0ODktMjg4NDE3MTA4Mi0yMjkxMTIwNTYwLTM3NDc2NDkyNA
[MyFirstProject]\Readers vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0zMjgyMTE0Mzg4LTcyMDc3NjM2LTI5MzA1OTM5MTEtMTI2ODYyOTM0My0xLTQ0MzQzMTA1My0yMTcyODUzNTc2LTI1MjY0NzgwNjMtMzY1NjU0NjczNQ
[MyFirstProject]\Account Administrators vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0xODI5NDgwMzA1LTEzNjM2MTczNTEtMjI0NzE1OTUyMC03ODEzNDk2MjItMS02NTAxNzIxNjctMzk4MTU5MTEwNC0zMjE1MTIzNjI0LTEyMTMyOTQwNQ
[MyFirstProject]\Project Administrators vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0xODI5NDgwMzA1LTEzNjM2MTczNTEtMjI0NzE1OTUyMC03ODEzNDk2MjItMC0wLTAtMC0x
[MyFirstProject]\Build Administrators vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0zMjgyMTE0Mzg4LTcyMDc3NjM2LTI5MzA1OTM5MTEtMTI2ODYyOTM0My0xLTI0MDEzNTE5NjItMzM2NTg2MzA5LTI2Mzg2ODkzMDktMzk5NTQ3OTU3MQ
You can show the details of a security group with the az devops security group show command.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops security group show --id
- id: Required. Security group descriptor.
The following command shows details for the Project Valid Users security group in table format.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops security group show --id vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0xODI5NDgwMzA1LTEzNjM2MTczNTEtMjI0NzE1OTUyMC03ODEzNDk2MjItMC0wLTAtMC0z --output table
Name Description
------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------
[MyFirstProject]\Project Valid Users Members of this group have access to the team project.
You can update the name and description of a security group with the az devops security group update command.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops security group update --id
- id: Required. Security group descriptor.
- description: Optional. New description for the security group. Required if name is missing.
- name: Optional. New name for the security group. Required if description is missing.
The following command changes the name of the security group with the specified descriptor and shows the result in YAML format.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops security group update --id vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0xODI5NDgwMzA1LTEzNjM2MTczNTEtMjI0NzE1OTUyMC03ODEzNDk2MjItMS0zNDU1MDI4NTE4LTI5Nzg5OTAxNTYtMjI4OTU2NzYyOS0xOTM2NDU3NTYw --name "Management Team" --output yaml
description: Management team focused on creating and maintaining customer services
displayName: Management Team
domain: vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/5417a1c3-4b04-44d1-aead-50774b9dbf5f
isCrossProject: null
isDeleted: null
isGlobalScope: null
isRestrictedVisible: null
legacyDescriptor: null
localScopeId: null
mailAddress: null
origin: vsts
originId: 8fe47a49-bfab-4356-9a85-90c5e62110be
principalName: '[MyFirstProject]\Management Team'
scopeId: null
scopeName: null
scopeType: null
securingHostId: null
specialType: null
subjectKind: group
url: https://vssps.dev.azure.com/fabrikam/_apis/Graph/Groups/vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0xODI5NDgwMzA1LTEzNjM2MTczNTEtMjI0NzE1OTUyMC03ODEzNDk2MjItMS0zNDU1MDI4NTE4LTI5Nzg5OTAxNTYtMjI4OTU2NzYyOS0xOTM2NDU3NTYw
You can add a member to a security group with the az devops security group membership add command.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops security group membership add --group-id
- group-id: Required. Descriptor of the group to which member is to be added.
- member-id: Required. Descriptor of the group or email address of the user to be added.
The following command adds the user contoso@contoso.com to the specified security group and shows the results in table format.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops security group membership add --group-id vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0yMjc3MTY5NTAtOTkzNjA1MTg2LTI1ODQxNTkyOTktMjYzMDUyNzA2OC0xLTQxNDY0Mzc4MzktMzgxMDM2MDM5MS0yNjE0MjU5MzI3LTI5MjI2MTc3OTA --member-id contoso@contoso.com --output table
Name Type Email
----------------------------------- ------ -------------------
[MyFirstProject]\Account Management group
contoso@contoso.com user contoso@contoso.com
You can list memberships for a group or user with the az devops security group membership list command.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops security group membership list --id
[--relationship {memberof, members}]
- id: Required. Security group descriptor or user email address whose membership details are required.
- relationship: Optional. Get member of or members information for the group. The accepted values are memberof and members.
The following command lists the members of the specified security group and shows the results in table format.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops security group membership list --id vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0yMjc3MTY5NTAtOTkzNjA1MTg2LTI1ODQxNTkyOTktMjYzMDUyNzA2OC0xLTQxNDY0Mzc4MzktMzgxMDM2MDM5MS0yNjE0MjU5MzI3LTI5MjI2MTc3OTA --output table
Name Type Email Descriptor
------------------- ------ ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
contoso@contoso.com user contoso@contoso.com msa.NDMzMmNjOWYtYzY4Zi03YTNlLTk2ZTktYmYwM2U4NjgxOTRh
Here is another example that lists the members of the EMail team for the Fabrikam Fiber project.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops security group membership list --id "[Fabrikam Fiber]\Email" --output table
Name Type Email Descriptor
----------------- ------ -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
Christie Church user fabrikamfiber1@hotmail.com msa.OThjODMzM2ItMmI4Ny03YTkwLThmZGItYWQwYmQ1YWE4MzJk
Raisa Pokrovskaya user fabrikamfiber5@hotmail.com msa.ZmUwYjk5NmYtZTAyNS03NzBkLTgxNmYtMzk1NDQwYzViMzgw
You can remove a member from a security group with the az devops security group membership remove command.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops security group membership remove --group-id
- group-id: Required. Descriptor of the group from which member needs to be removed.
- member-id: Required. Descriptor of the group or email address of the user to be removed.
- yes: Optional. Don't prompt for confirmation.
The following command removes the user contoso@contoso.com from the specified security group without prompting for confirmation.
[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
az devops security group membership remove --group-id vssgp.Uy0xLTktMTU1MTM3NDI0NS0yMjc3MTY5NTAtOTkzNjA1MTg2LTI1ODQxNTkyOTktMjYzMDUyNzA2OC0xLTQxNDY0Mzc4MzktMzgxMDM2MDM5MS0yNjE0MjU5MzI3LTI5MjI2MTc3OTA --member-id contoso@contoso.com --yes