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04/04/2022 |
::: moniker range=">= azure-devops-2020"
Shortcut | Action |
? | Show keyboard shortcuts |
p | Go to Projects and teams |
g, h | Go to Projects home |
g, b | Go to Pipelines |
g, c | Go to Repos |
g, t | Go to Test Plans |
g, s | Go to Project settings |
g, w | Go to Boards |
/ or s | Move focus to Search |
f, n | Move focus to next section |
f, p | Move focus to previous section |
The following screenshot shows the list of keyboard shortcuts as it appears in Azure DevOps:
:::image type="content" source="../../media/keyboard-shortcuts/global-shortcuts-cloud.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows Azure DevOps 2020 global keyboard shortcuts.":::
::: moniker-end
::: moniker range="=azure-devops-2019"
Shortcut | Action |
? | Show keyboard shortcuts |
p | Go to Projects and teams |
g, h | Go to Projects home |
g, w | Go to Boards or Work |
g, c | Go to Repos or Code |
g, b | Go to Pipelines or Build and release |
g, t | Go to Test Plans or Test |
g, s | Go to Project settings |
f, n | Move focus to next section |
f, p | Move focus to previous section |
/ | Move focus to Search |
The following screenshot shows the list of keyboard shortcuts as it appears in Azure DevOps:
:::image type="content" source="../../media/keyboard-shortcuts/global-shortcuts.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows Azure DevOps 2019 global keyboard shortcuts.":::
::: moniker-end