ms.subservice | | author | ms.topic | |
azure-devops-new-user |
chcomley |
chcomley |
include |
04/04/2022 |
::: moniker range="azure-devops"
Each project has a summary page that's useful for sharing information through README files. Or, redirect users to a project Wiki. For users who are new to your project, we recommend that you set up your project summary page. Or, you can provision a Wiki. Use these features to share established processes and procedures for your project.
::: moniker-end
::: moniker range="< azure-devops"
Each project has a summary page that's useful for sharing information through README files. For users who are new to your project, we recommend that you set up your project summary page. Or, you can provision a Wiki. Use these features to share established processes and procedures for your project.
::: moniker-end