title | titleSuffix | description | ms.topic | ms.subservice | ms.manager | ms.author | author | monikerRange | ms.date |
Azure DevOps CLI in a release pipeline |
Azure DevOps |
Learn how to create a release pipeline using Azure DevOps CLI |
how-to |
azure-devops-reference |
mijacobs |
chcomley |
chcomley |
azure-devops |
08/17/2020 |
[!INCLUDE version-eq-azure-devops]
To use the Azure DevOps CLI in a hosted agent using a Release Pipeline, execute the following steps:
Create a release pipeline.
Choose Empty job.
Choose Stage 1 to configure the stage.
Choose the Tasks page, and configure the job to use Hosted macOS in Agent Pools.
Choose the :::image type="icon" source="../media/icons/blue-add.png" border="false"::: plus icon to add another task and configure it as a PowerShell task. Enter Power into the search box to filter the list.
Add the script, either via file or inline. For the example, the script has been included inline.
For reference, here is the inline script:
$extensions = az extension list -o json | ConvertFrom-Json
$devopsFound = $False
foreach($extension in $extensions)
if($extension.name -eq 'azure-devops'){
$devopsFound = $True
if ($devopsFound -eq $False){
az extension add -n azure-devops