A simple take on the classic Hangman game, implemented in pure JavaScript. Test your word-guessing skills against a timer to see if you can guess the word before the hangman is fully drawn or time runs out!
Can you beat the High Score: 98.57?
- Classic Hangman game play.
- Interactive letter buttons.
- Timer with automatic game reset on timeout.
- Score tracking with points for correct guesses and score deductions over time.
- HTML% Canvas art representation of the hangman's progress.
- Randomly generated phrases from a text file.
- The game will start with a random phrase displayed as underscores.
- Click on letter buttons to guess letters.
- Correct guesses will fill in the blanks, while incorrect guesses will draw the hangman.
- Keep guessing until you complete the phrase or reach 6 incorrect guesses.
- The game will automatically reset if you run out of time (5 minutes) or fail to complete the phrase.
- Try to get the highest score by guessing words correctly!