IntelliJ is one of the best supported IDE for editing TruffleRuby.
First, make sure the project is already built from the command line:
$ jt build
$ jt mx intellijinit
From the IntelliJ launcher, select Open
and navigate to this repository root.
There should be now 2 projects in your workspace:
To import other files that aren't part of Java projects, go to 'File', 'Project
Structure...', 'Modules', '+', 'New Module', 'Ruby', 'New...' next to 'Module
SDK', 'Ruby SDK', 'New local', select the ruby
executable in the repository,
'Next', set the 'Module name' to 'truffleruby-support', set the 'Content root'
to the repository, select any 2.0 Ruby version, 'Finish'.
Checkstyle style checks for Java code can be imported into IntelliJ via the CheckStyle-IDEA plugin.
- Select "IntelliJ" -> "Preferences", then "Plugins".
- Select "Browse Repositories" and search for "Checkstyle"
- Select "Checkstyle-IDEA", then "Install".
- Select "IntelliJ" -> "Preferences", then "Checkstyle".
- Select "+" to add a local Checkstyle Configuration.
- Enter a description, e.g.
TruffleRuby Checkstyle
- Enter the location of the configuration file, e.g.
- Complete the import, then check the "Active" checkbox next to the new configuration, then select "Ok".
- Select "View" -> "Tool Windows" -> "Checkstyle"
- The Checkstyle tools window has options to check the current file, project, module, changelist, or only modified files.
- The style issues will be highlighted in the tool window, on the right side of the editor or inline in the source.
Using the "Code" -> "Reformat Code" tool using IntelliJ's default settings may resolve the majority of Checkstyle errors. Optionally, you can import Checkstyle styles into your code formatting as follows:
- Select "IntelliJ" -> "Preferences", "Editor", then "Code Style".
- Using the gear icon, next to the "Scheme", select "Import Scheme" -> "Checkstyle Configuration".
- Select the
file to import Checkstyle into the scheme. - Use "Reformat Code" tool as usual with the new Checkstyle settings imported.
In "IntelliJ" -> "Preferences" -> "Code Style" -> "Java":
- In "Imports" set the count to use import * to a large value to disable import *, e.g. "999"
- In "Wrapping & Braces" - "Field Annotations" select the option to not wrap after a single annotation.