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Automatic Differentiation in Swift

  • Date: April 2018
  • Status: Deprecated

For language design, see Swift Differentiable Programming Design Overview.


Automatic Differentiation (AD), also known as algorithmic differentiation, is a family of techniques used to obtain the derivative of a function. Functions can be represented as a composition of elementary operators whose derivatives are well-known. While partial derivatives can be computed through different techniques, the most common is a recursive application of the chain rule in the reverse direction, called reverse-mode AD. Reverse-mode AD computes vector-Jacobian products, i.e. partial derivatives with respect to each input parameter, and it has become a prerequisite for implementing gradient-based learning methods. AD has a rich background, here are some great introductions: Introduction to Automatic Differentiation and Automatic Differentiation in Machine Learning: a Survey.

Most AD implementations work on a graph representation of a functional tensor program, and many have limited expressivity and extensibility. Frameworks based on a define-by-run programming model (to support dynamic computation graphs) often lack the ability to perform full-program static analysis and optimizations, and make it hard to diagnose errors and target hardware accelerators ahead of time.

The Swift for TensorFlow project aims to provide best-in-class support for AD - including the best optimizations, best error messages in failure cases, and the most flexibility and expressivity. To achieve this, we built support for AD right into the Swift compiler. Additionally, since AD is important to the broader scientific and numerical computing communities, we decided to build AD as a generic feature that is completely orthogonal to the TensorFlow support - the TensorFlow Swift library computes gradients using the AD features of the Swift language itself.

Related work

Automatic differentiation has been a research topic in scientific computing and HPC for nearly half a century. Traditional tools such as OpenAD, TAPENADE and ADIFOR are tools that transform existing source code. There are many advanced techniques that improved the performance of derivatives written in FORTRAN, but these tools have not gained wide adoption in the machine learning community. More recent AD systems like Stalin∇ (pronounced Stalingrad, available in Scheme), DiffSharp (available in F#), and ad (available in Haskell) achieved good usability by integrating the differential operator into the language, and are equipped with a complete set of AD features (such as forward/reverse, nested AD, Hessians, Jacobians, directional derivatives and checkpointing). They combine AD closely with functional programming languages.

Researchers in the deep learning community have built many library implementations of AD in Python and C++, including Autograd, TensorFlow, Pytorch, etc. Some of these libraries are implemented as a transformation on a standalone DSL (a graph) with a closed set of operators. Others are implemented using operator overloading directly on a subset of the source language. Although these libraries have gained wide adoption, the ones that leverage ahead-of-time AD do not expose an easy-to-use programming model, and the ones that have a friendlier programming model lack static analysis to perform more optimized AD.

Two recent projects (Tangent and Myia) based their AD upon source code transformation (SCT), a technique that was common in advanced AD systems before the deep learning era such as Stalin∇. Both tools parse a Python subset into ASTs and transform a function to its derivatives either in AST or in a functional IR. These two projects fall into a category in deep learning tools that was previously underexplored: "ahead-of-time differentiation" and "model as code", as shown in the following diagram (cite: Tangent). While these tools are pushing the boundaries of Python, other research projects like DLVM experimented with SCT AD directly on a compiler IR that's analogous to the Swift Intermediate Language (SIL).

Automatic differentiation approaches.

The horizontal axis of this diagram may remind people of the trade-offs between eager execution and graph building: In eager execution, the model is a subset of user code. In graph mode, the model is a data structure representing some code in a mini-language. The Graph Program Extraction technique combines the best of both worlds by reducing graphs to an implementation detail managed by the compiler. The vertical axis in the diagram adds a second dimension, Automatic Differentiation, where Swift achieves exactly the same by making AD a core feature of the language and the compiler.

How reverse-mode AD works

There are two main approaches to automatic differentiation: recording program execution at runtime and static analysis over the program ahead of time - the primary difference is interpretation vs. compilation. The define-then-run approaches are usually implemented as a computation graph transformation that is analogous to the source code transformation (SCT) technique in the AD literature, and the define-by-run approaches are usually implemented with operator overloading (OO).

Given function f : (T0, T1, ..., Tn) -> U, reverse-mode AD turns f into a function that computes the partial derivatives with respect to each parameter. As illustrated below, the new function has two parts: a primal f_prim and an adjoint f_adj. f_prim computes the original result, while storing primal intermediate values for f_adj to reuse. f_adj computes the partial derivatives of f with respect to the parameters.

Reverse-mode automatic differentiation.

The data structure used to store these values is called tape, also known as Wengert list. It is a data structure consisting of a trace of the program along with intermediate values. Each right-hand side of an assignment is a primitive operation that has a corresponding derivative. In compiler terms, Wengert lists are a fully-unrolled static single assignment (SSA) form. During execution of the primal, intermediate values generated by the primal that will be used in the adjoint computation are written to the tape. When control flow is involved, branch conditions and loop counters are pushed to the tape as well.

In f_adj, the derivatives of each operation in f_prim is then called, and intermediate values are read from the tape in reverse order. When the accumulation of partial derivatives reaches the parameters, we have obtained the partial derivatives with respect to the parameters. These values are sometimes also called the sensitivities of f.

Note that f_adj has an additional parameter: the seed. A differentiation seed represents the back-propagated partial derivative. For example, if f is called by g and we want to differentiate g to get ∇g = ∂g/∂(x0, x1, x2), then g's corresponding adjoint g_adj will pass ∂g/∂y as the seed to f_adj, so that f_adj will produce ∇g. When we want to compute ∇f = ∂f/∂(x0, x1, x2), we simply pass in ∂y/∂y, i.e. 1, as the seed.

Automatic Differentiation in Swift

In this section, we dive deep into the syntax extensions and AD-specific APIs that allow users to define, use, and customize AD. To do this, we start with the type system.

Making arbitrary types support differentiation

We want our AD system to be fully extensible to the point where users can request the derivatives of a function taking their own user-defined numeric types, and even use this feature to implement data structure-dependent algorithms such as tree-recursive neural networks. Therefore, the Swift compiler makes no assumptions about individual math functions or the types it should support. We enable library designers and developers to easily define any type to represent a real vector space or declare functions as being differentiable, all in pure Swift code.

To achieve this, Swift’s AD system needs to know some key ingredients for a type to be compatible with differentiation, including:

  • The type must represent an arbitrarily ranked vector space (where tensors live). Elements of this vector space must be floating point numeric. There is an associated scalar type that is also floating point numeric.

  • How to initialize an adjoint value for a parameter from a scalar, with the same dimensionality as this parameter. This will be used to initialize a zero derivative when the parameter does not contribute to the output.

  • How to initialize a seed value from a value of the scalar type. This will be used to initialize a differentiation seed - usually 1.0, which represents dy/dy. Note: the seed type in the adjoint can be an Optional, so when there is no back-propagated adjoint, the value will be set to nil. However this will cause performance issues with TensorFlow’s Tensor type today (optional checks causing send/receive). We need to finish the implementation of constant expression analysis to be able to fold away the optional check.

  • How values of this type will combine at data flow fan-ins in the adjoint computation. By the sum and product rule, this is usually addition. Addition is defined on the Numeric protocol.

Floating point scalars already have properties above, because of the conformance to the FloatingPoint protocol, which inherits from the Numeric protocol. Similarly, we define a VectorNumeric protocol, which declares the four requirements to represent a vector space.

public protocol VectorNumeric {
    associatedtype ScalarElement
    associatedtype Dimensionality
    init(_ scalar: ScalarElement)
    init(dimensionality: Dimensionality, repeating repeatedValue: ScalarElement)
    func + (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
    func - (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
    func * (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self

VectorNumeric and Numeric/FloatingPoint are semantically disjoint. We say that a type supports scalar differentiation when it conforms to FloatingPoint. We say that a type supports vector differentiation when it conforms to VectorNumeric while its ScalarElement supports scalar differentiation (i.e. conforms to the FloatingPoint protocol).

Note: According to the standard library, Numeric is only suitable for scalars, not for aggregate mathematical objects like vectors, and so is FloatingPoint. Today we make VectorNumeric have duplicate operators, but we hope to make a case for a more general numeric protocol in the Swift standard library.

To make a type support differentiation, the user can simply add a conformance to FloatingPoint or VectorNumeric. For example, TensorFlow’s Tensor<Scalar> type supports differentiation by conditionally conforming to the VectorNumeric protocol when the associated type Scalar conforms to FloatingPoint.

extension Tensor : VectorNumeric where Scalar : Numeric {
    typealias Dimensionality = [Int32] // This is shape.
    typealias ScalarElement = Scalar

    init(_ scalar: ScalarElement) {
        self = Raw.const(scalar)

    init(dimensionality: [Int32], repeating repeatedValue: ScalarElement) {
        self = Raw.fill(dims: Tensor(dimensionality), repeatedValue)

    func + (lhs: Tensor, rhs: Tensor) -> Tensor { ... }
    func - (lhs: Tensor, rhs: Tensor) -> Tensor { ... }
    func * (lhs: Tensor, rhs: Tensor) -> Tensor { ... }

Since VectorNumeric is general enough to provide all necessary ingredients for differentiation and the compiler doesn’t make special assumptions about well-known types, users can make any type support automatic differentiation. The following example shows a generic tree structure Tree<Value>, written as an algebraic data type, conditionally conforming to VectorNumeric by recursively defining operations using pattern matching. Now, functions over Tree<Value> can be differentiated!

indirect enum Tree<Value> {
    case leaf(Value)
    case node(Tree, Value, Tree)

extension Tree : VectorNumeric where Value : VectorNumeric {
    typealias ScalarElement = Value.ScalarElement
    typealias Dimensionality = Value.Dimensionality
    init(_ scalar: ScalarElement) {
        self = .leaf(Value(scalar))
    init(dimensionality: Dimensionality, repeating repeatedValue: ScalarElement) {
        self = .leaf(Value(dimensionality: dimensionality, repeating: repeatedValue))
    static func + (lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) -> Tree {
        switch (lhs, rhs) {
        case let (.leaf(x), .leaf(y)):
            return .leaf(x + y)
        case let (.leaf(x), .node(l, y, r)):
            return .node(l, x + y, r)
        case let (.node(l, x, r), .leaf(y)):
            return .node(l, x + y, r)
        case let (.node(l0, x, r0), .node(l1, y, r1)):
            return .node(l0 + l0, x + y, r0 + r1)
    static func - (lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) -> Tree { ... }
    static func * (lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) -> Tree { ... }
    static func / (lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) -> Tree { ... }

When is a function differentiable?

Once we have types that support differentiation, we can then define arbitrary functions over these types. Because we are aiming for an open and extensible system, we made the compiler agnostic of the actual operations - it does not have special knowledge of numeric standard library functions or distinguish between primitive operators and other functions. We recursively determine a function's differentiability based on:

  • its type signature: whether inputs and the output support scalar differentiation or vector differentiation
  • its visibility: if the function body is not visible by the Swift compiler (e.g. a C function or an argument which is a closure), then it is not differentiable
  • its data flow: whether all instructions and function calls are differentiable along the data flow to be differentiated

Since the rule is recursively defined, it needs a base case, so that the compiler will stop looking into function calls and determine the differentiability. Functions representing such base cases are often referred to in AD as "primitives". For that, we introduce the @differentiable attribute. Users can use @differentiable to give any function guaranteed differentiability. The attribute has a few associated arguments:

  • the differentiation mode (currently only reverse is supported)
  • the primal (optional, and should be specified if the adjoint requires checkpoints)
  • the adjoint

For example, one can define the derivative of tanh and make the AD system treat it as a "primitive", which is a base case when determining differentiability.

// Differentiable with respect to all parameters using reverse-mode AD.
// The corresponding adjoint is `dTanh`.
@differentiable(reverse, adjoint: dTanh)
func tanh(_ x: Float) -> Float {
    ... some super low-level assembly tanh implementation ...
// d/dx tanh(x) = 1 - (tanh(x))^2
// Here, y is the original result of tanh(x), and x is the input parameter of the
// original function. We don't need to use `x` in tanh's adjoint because we already
// have access to the original result.
func dTanh(x: Float, y: Float, seed: Float) -> Float {
    return (1.0 - y * y) * seed

As the user would expect, in order to exclude functions that have parameters that cannot be differentiated with respect to, @differentiable can explicitly set parameters using withRespectTo:. Also, self can be set as a differentiation parameter, because self may be a numeric type - math operations in both the Swift standard library and the TensorFlow library are defined as instance methods, e.g. FloatingPoint.squareRoot() and Tensor.convolved(withFilter:strides:padding:).

extension Tensor {
    // Differentiable with respect to `self` (the input) and the first parameter
    // (the filter) using reverse-mode AD. The corresponding adjoint is `dConv`.
    @differentiable(reverse, withRespectTo: (self, .0), adjoint: dConv)
    func convolved(withFilter k: Tensor, strides: [Int32], padding: Padding) -> Tensor {
        return #tfop("Conv2D", ...)

    func dConv(k: Tensor, strides: [Int32], padding: Padding,
               y: Tensor, seed: Tensor) -> Tensor {

Using automatic differentiation

We currently support two differential operators: #gradient() and #valueAndGradient(). The former takes a function and returns a function that computes partial derivatives. The latter takes a function and returns a function that computes both the original value and the vector-Jacobian products. A trivial example is shown as follows:

@differentiable(reverse, adjoint: dTanh)
func tanh(_ x: Float) -> Float {
    ... some super low-level assembly tanh implementation ...

func dTanh(x: Float, y: Float, seed: Float) -> Float {
    return (1.0 - (y * y)) * seed

func foo(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> Float {
    return tanh(x) + tanh(y)

// Get the gradient function of tanh.
let dtanh_dx = #gradient(tanh)

// Get the gradient function of foo with respect to the first parameter.
let dfoo_dx = #gradient(foo, withRespectTo: .0)
dfoo_dx(3, 4)

Note that implementation of #gradient(foo, withRespectTo: .0) is still in progress.

Automatic Differentiation in the Swift compiler

Automatic differentiation in Swift is a compiler transform implemented as a static analysis. AD benefits from being implemented on a functional IR like SSA form, so our implementation is a transformation on the Swift Intermediate Language. The differentiation pass is part of the mandatory lowering pass pipeline, and is run before Graph Program Extraction.

When differentiating a function in reverse mode, the compiler produces separate functions that contain the corresponding "primal code" and "adjoint code", which in turn compute the vector-Jacobian products of the computation.

Automatic differentiation compiler transform.

When the #gradient() operator is applied on a function f : (T0, T1, ..., Tn) -> U, the compiler checks whether a @differentiable attribute exists on this function. If it does, then the compiler generates a direct call to this declared adjoint, passing in the original input parameters, the original result and the seed. Otherwise, the compiler digs into the function and tries to differentiate instructions and function calls within it. In this process, the compiler generates:

  • A struct type C_f, whose members include primal intermediate values as stored properties and strongly-typed tapes (only if there's any control flow or loops). We call this struct "checkpoints" for implementation modeling purposes.
  • A primal function f_prim : (T0, T1, ..., Tn) -> (C_f, U) that returns primal checkpoints and the original result.
  • An adjoint function f_adj : (T0, T1, ..., Tn, C_f, U, U) -> (T0, T1, ..., Tn) that takes primal checkpoints, the original result, and a seed and returns the vector-Jacobian products.
  • A "canonical gradient" (a seedable, result-preserving differentiated function) f_can_grad : (T0, T1, ..., Tn, U) -> (U, T0, T1, ..., Tn) which internally calls f_prim and uses the primal's returns to call f_adj. The last parameter of this function takes a differentiation seed. This function returns the original result and the vector-Jacobian products.
  • A finalized gradient function ∇f : (T0, T1, ..., Tn) -> (T0, T1, ..., Tn) which internally calls f_can_grad using a default seed 1 and throws away the first result (the first result would be used if #valueAndGradient() was the differential operator).

More than one function exists to wrap the canonical gradient function f_can_grad, because we'll support a variety of AD configurations, e.g. #gradient() and #valueAndGradient(). We expect the finalized gradient function ∇f to be inlined and have other normal optimization passes applied, to expose primal-adjoint data flow and eliminate dead code.

AD in Swift involves changes to the syntax, the type checker, the standard library, the SIL instruction set, the compiler pass pipeline, and even the runtime (for tape operations). The detailed implementation is out of scope for this whitepaper. As an overview, currently we have the infrastructure and the overall workflow implemented, but code synthesis within primal generation and adjoint generation, including control flow graph canonicalization, loop counter insertion and tape management, are still a work in progress. This means that today's differential operators work only when there's a @differentiable attribute specifying the adjoint (or both the primal and the adjoint). Completing the AD implementation is our immediate priority.

Future directions

Better syntax

AD is an unconventional feature in a general-purpose programming language like Swift. In order to allow users to specify what formal parameter to differentiate with respect to and make it work well with the type checker, we use the #-literal syntax that takes parameter indices or self, and which is parsed into a distinct expression in the Swift AST. However, we would prefer to define differential operators as regular generic functions.

Flow-sensitive differential operators

As described in the document, we initially provide two differential operators on functions: #gradient and #valueAndGradient. Differentiating functions, however, do not provide a similar developer experience as

let y = log(x)
#gradient(y, wrt: x)

... in which #gradient is effectively a flow-sensitive differential operator. However, from a technical standpoint, function-to-function transformation that we initially develop is the foundation even for flow-sensitive differentiation. Once the foundation is done, syntactic features on top such as this one will be considered and implemented to enable more expressive user code.

Inline adjoint definition

When defining a custom adjoint for a function, today we use the attribute @differentiable(reverse, adjoint: someAdjointFunction) where someAdjointFunction is defined out-of-line. However, there are a few problems:

  1. adjoints are never directly called by the user, so it does not make sense to require the user to define such a function with a standalone function name,
  2. out-of-line definition of adjoints also makes it hard for user to customize checkpointing in the original computation, and 3) @differentiable uses confusing indices to refer to parameters to differentiate with respect to. To address these issues, a possible solution would be to introduce an inline syntax with keywords adjoint and wrt:
func foo(_ a: Float, _ b: String) -> Float {
   let x = ... a ...
   let y = ...
   return y
   adjoint let seed wrt a, b { // `seed` is the backpropagated value.
     return ... x ... * seed
     //         ^ 
     // The primal value `x` falls out of lexical scoping, and will be checkpointed.

Differentiating opaque closures and dynamic method dispatch

Statically differentiating a function requires the body of the function to be visible to the compiler. However, this limits the expressiveness of differential operators. For example, users can't apply #gradient to a function argument that has a function type because the compiler can't always see into the body of the original function.

func foo(_ f: (Float) -> Float) -> Float {
    return #gradient(f)(0)
test.swift:2:22: error: cannot differentiate an opaque closure
    return #gradient(f)(0)
test.swift:1:12: note: value defined here
func foo(_ f: (Float) -> Float) -> Float {

One potential solution is to introduce a new function calling convention @convention(differentiable), which causes function references to carry their primal and adjoint function pointers with them. This enables the compiler to directly call the primal and the adjoint, without the need to see into the function declaration.

Differentiating with respect to properties

Real-world models are often written as a struct type that declares parameters, but differentiation parameters in the #gradient expression syntax currently only support parameter indices or self. When the prediction function is defined as an instance method on the type, how can we express "differentiate prediction(for:) with respect to all parameters"?

One possibility is to leverage program synthesis to generate an aggregate type representing all parameters in a model type, and make the differential operator #gradient return such an aggregate value. We have begun experimenting with this approach but need to develop the ideas further.

Derivative surgery

Some machine learning models require manipulating the gradient with respect to certain values, e.g. gradient clipping. Tangent provides such a feature as a syntax extension in Python. We are interested in figuring out the best programming model to express derivative surgery, for example: introducing a compiler-known replaceGradient(of:_:) API.

func prediction(for input: Tensor<Float>, parameters: Tensor<Float>) -> Float {
    var prediction = input
    for _ in 0...5 {
        // Gradient clipping.
        replaceGradient(of: prediction) { dPred in
            max(min(dPred, 1), -1)
        prediction = lstm.prediction(for: input, parameters)
    return prediction


One commonly requested feature for ML training is the ability to trade off computation for lower memory consumption, since the backward pass preserves checkpoints from the primal computation to prevent recomputation in the adjoint computation. Selectively discarding and rematerializing primal values is a common technique called checkpointing. There have been decades of research contributions such as binomial checkpointing. We would like to incorporate these techniques directly into our model.

Higher-order differentiation

Perturbation confusion and sensitivity confusion are two common bugs in nested uses of the differential operator using SCT techniques, and require user attention to correctly resolve. The application of rank-2 polymorphism in the ad package in Haskell defined away sensitivity confusion, but Swift’s type system does not support that today. In order to support higher-order differentiation with sound semantics and predictable behavior in Swift, we need to teach the compiler to carefully emit diagnostics and reject malformed cases.

Forward mode

Our existing AD infrastructure has pre-allocated space for forward-mode AD, e.g. the first parameter to the @differentiable attribute. Although it's not a commonly requested feature, it will enable efficient computation of Hessian-vector products for research in optimization methods. It is also easier to implement than reverse-mode AD and may enable further engineering explorations in mixing forward and reverse.