TensorCircuit is the next generation of quantum circuit simulator with support for automatic differentiation, just-in-time compiling, hardware acceleration, and vectorized parallelism.
TensorCircuit is built on top of modern machine learning frameworks, and has the beautiful backend agnostic feature. It is specifically suitable for simulations of quantum-classical hybrid paradigm and variational quantum algorithms.
import tensorcircuit as tc
c = tc.Circuit(2)
print(c.expectation((tc.gates.z(), [1])))
Runtime behavior customization:
Auto differentiations with jit (tf and jax backend currently supported):
def forward(theta):
c = tc.Circuit(2)
c.R(0, theta=theta, alpha=0.5, phi=0.8)
return tc.backend.real(c.expectation((tc.gates.z(), [0])))
g = tc.backend.grad(forward)
g = tc.backend.jit(g)
theta = tc.gates.num_to_tensor(1.0)
For tutorials on tensorcircuit, please refer to examples in this repo and separate tensorcircuit-tutorial repo for jupyter examples. Docstrings (incomplete for now) and test cases in tests are also helpful and informative.
Please open issues or PRs.
NEVER directly push to this repo!
Keep the codebase private!
For development workflow, we suggest to first configure a good conda environment. The versions of dependecy package may vary in terms of development requirements. The minimum requirement is the TensorNetwork package (pip install suggested).
For git workflow of contribution, see CONTRIBUTING.
cd docs
make html
black .
pylint tensorcircuit tests
mypy tensorcircuit
For now, we introduce one for all checker for development:
We currently use GitHub Action for test CI, but it has limited quota for free private repo.
For application of Differentiable Quantum Architecture Search, see applications. Reference paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2010.08561.pdf.
For application of Variational Quantum-Neural Hybrid Eigensolver, see applications. Reference paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.05105.pdf.