(Still experimental support)
The two-qubit gates applied on the circuit can be decomposed via SVD, which may further improve the optimality of the contraction pathfinding.
split configuration can be set at circuit-level or gate-level.
split_conf = {
"max_singular_values": 2, # how many singular values are kept
"fixed_choice": 1, # 1 for normal one, 2 for swapped one
c = tc.Circuit(nwires, split=split_conf)
# or
(i + 1) % nwires,
theta=paramc[2 * j, i],
Note max_singular_values
must be specified to make the whole procedure static and thus jittable.
To reuse the jitted function, we can save it on the disk via support from the TensorFlow SavedModel. That is to say, only jitted quantum function on the TensorFlow backend can be saved on the disk.
For the JAX-backend quantum function, one can first transform them into the tf-backend function via JAX experimental support: jax2tf.
We wrap the tf-backend SavedModel as very easy-to-use function :py:meth:`tensorcircuit.keras.save_func` and :py:meth:`tensorcircuit.keras.load_func`.
For plain measurements API on a tc.Circuit
, eg. c = tc.Circuit(n=3), if we want to evaluate the expectation <Z_1Z_2>, we need to call the API as c.expectation((tc.gates.z(), [1]), (tc.gates.z(), [2]))
In some cases, we may want to tell the software what to measure but in a tensor fashion. For example, if we want to get the above expectation, we can use the following API: :py:meth:`tensorcircuit.templates.measurements.parameterized_measurements`.
c = tc.Circuit(3)
z1z2 = tc.templates.measurements.parameterized_measurements(c, tc.array_to_tensor([0, 3, 3, 0]), onehot=True) # 1
This API corresponds to measure I_0Z_1Z_2I_3 where 0, 1, 2, 3 are for local I, X, Y, and Z operators respectively.
We support COO format sparse matrix as most backends only support this format, and some common backend methods for sparse matrices are listed below:
def sparse_test():
m = tc.backend.coo_sparse_matrix(indices=np.array([[0, 1],[1, 0]]), values=np.array([1.0, 1.0]), shape=[2, 2])
n = tc.backend.convert_to_tensor(np.array([[1.0], [0.0]]))
print("is sparse: ", tc.backend.is_sparse(m), tc.backend.is_sparse(n))
print("sparse matmul: ", tc.backend.sparse_dense_matmul(m, n))
for K in ["tensorflow", "jax", "numpy"]:
with tc.runtime_backend(K):
print("using backend: ", K)
The sparse matrix is specifically useful to evaluate Hamiltonian expectation on the circuit, where sparse matrix representation has a good tradeoff between space and time. Please refer to :py:meth:`tensorcircuit.templates.measurements.sparse_expectation` for more detail.
For different representations to evaluate Hamiltonian expectation in tensorcircuit, please refer to :doc:`tutorials/tfim_vqe_diffreph`.
import tensorcircuit as tc
K = tc.set_backend("tensorflow")
def r():
return K.implicit_randn()
print(r(), r()) # different, correct
import tensorcircuit as tc
K = tc.set_backend("jax")
def r():
return K.implicit_randn()
print(r(), r()) # the same, wrong
import tensorcircuit as tc
import jax
K = tc.set_backend("jax")
key = K.set_random_state(42)
def r(key):
return K.implicit_randn()
key1, key2 = K.random_split(key)
print(r(key1), r(key2)) # different, correct
Therefore, a unified jittable random infrastructure with backend agnostic can be formulated as
import tensorcircuit as tc
import jax
K = tc.set_backend("tensorflow")
def ba_key(key):
if tc.backend.name == "tensorflow":
return None
if tc.backend.name == "jax":
return jax.random.PRNGKey(key)
raise ValueError("unsupported backend %s"%tc.backend.name)
def r(key=None):
if key is not None:
return K.implicit_randn()
key = ba_key(42)
key1, key2 = K.random_split(key)
print(r(key1), r(key2))
And a more neat approach to achieve this is as follows:
key = K.get_random_state(42)
def r(key):
return K.implicit_randn()
key1, key2 = K.random_split(key)
print(r(key1), r(key2))
It is worth noting that since Circuit.unitary_kraus
and Circuit.general_kraus
call implicit_rand*
API, the correct usage of these APIs is the same as above.
One may wonder why random numbers are dealt in such a complicated way, please refer to the Jax design note for some hints.
If vmap is also involved apart from jit, I currently find no way to maintain the backend agnosticity as TensorFlow seems to have no support of vmap over random keys (ping me on GitHub if you think you have a way to do this). I strongly recommend the users using Jax backend in the vmap+random setup.