A notification and check system for gmail on Raspberry Pi 3 & Sense Hat. The aim is to use the Sense Hat module as notifier , of the state of your inbox. It works perfectly with Gmail and Inbox by Google. Nevertheless, it is theoretically compatible with all email server using IMAP without advanced connection (other than Login / Password).
ECFS, Email checker for SenseHat Raspberry Pi 3 require:
- A Raspberry Pi (v.3b recommanded)
- A SenseHat
- Python 2.7
- SenseHat
- IMAPClient
- Nano (for configuration)
Pull or exctract the repository where you whant on your rapsberry.
Open your command line and, before launch any script, install the following python libraries and apt:
pip install imapclient
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sense-hat
sudo reboot
Now, you can configure ECFS (currently the comments are in french because i'm french) :
sudo nano start.py
Find the followings required variables and put your own values in:
HOSTNAME = 'imap.gmail.com'
USERNAME = 'username'
PASSWORD = 'password'
You can also modify some other values like :
If you want show logs in the terminal:
LOG = True
Choose the folders to modify:
MAILBOX = 'Inbox'
check mail every x seconds:
python start.py
ECFS have a simple userflow.
After the loading icon , you have two feedbacks,
. If you see the red cross, you have a problem, check your config values.
If not, perfect, the terminal must show a congratulation message.
At this moment, some possibilities :
-> Green You have one mail
-> Yellow You have more than 1 mail and less than 14 mails
-> red You have more than 15 mails
In this 3 cases, each X seconds specified in the MAIL_CHECK_FREQ value you have the right number of mails.
Enjoy !