Captured: 2017-11-15 at 17:19 from
These 9 cool Raspberry Pi projects are perfect for those who truly want to explore some of their things their Pi is capable of doing.
This list of projects is relatively but it highlights some of the projects that we think are pretty cool. It takes a look at projects from a whole bunch of different categories such as media, gaming, IoT (Internet of Things), and so much more.
This is just a small sample of what you can do with Pi and of course there are probably even cooler projects around. It really just depends what you're into and how much free time you have.
You can find our entire round up of the 9 projects right below. If you want to be kept up to date on all your latest Pi projects & more then be sure to follow us on social or sign up to the mailing list.
This is a great project for anyone who is interested in learning how to control your Raspberry Pi remotely. In the tutorial we walk you through the steps of setting up Telegram in a way that you can make your Raspberry Pi do various things just by sending a message to it over Telegram.
Ever wanted to build your own Amazon Echo, then this cool Raspberry Pi project is for you. In this tutorial we walk you through on how to setup and make your very own Amazon Echo, we do this by making use of the free Amazon Alexa voice service and a few freely available pieces of software.
Best of all you don't even need to live in a country Amazon operates to make use of it! Meaning you can make use of the brain of the Echo without having to import an Amazon Echo.
This awesome project shows you how to setup your Raspberry Pi as a cool little mini gaming console! We achieve this by showing you how to install and run a huge variety of different console games on your Raspberry Pi. This is all thanks to the incredibly well optimised work of the Libretro team.
You can run a huge amount of different consoles on your Raspberry Pi, ranging from the Nintendo GameBoy Color, to the SNES and even more obscure consoles such as the Atari 2600.
One of our most popular tutorials is the webcam server tutorial. This cool raspberry pi project allows you to setup a web interface in which you can keep an eye on what your webcam can see. This is a fantastic solution for checking up on something from anywhere around the world, even using it so you can spy on your animals while you are away.
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All you need to set up this fantastic project is a webcam, a Raspberry Pi and a network connection. You can even use the official Raspberry Pi camera if you want to, as that is fully supported by the software!
Setting up the Plex Media Server is one of the easiest and coolest projects that any media lover can set up on their Raspberry Pi.
A Plex Media Server acts as a media aggregate allowing anyone running the Plex client to be able to connect to your server and retrieve any media that you have made available on it. This is perfect for those who like to be able to share there media around the household and not have to have numerous copies of the same data.
If you are worried about your privacy when browsing around on the internet one of the best ways to keep yourself anonymous is to utilize a VPN! The Raspberry Pi VPN router is a cool project that creates an easy access point for you to connect to your VPN Provider. All you need to do is simply connect to the wireless access point provided by the Raspberry Pi and you will be anonymised by your VPN automatically!
All you need to setup your Raspberry Pi as a VPN Router is an ethernet internet connection and a wireless dongle that can be setup as an access point. If you have a Raspberry Pi 3 you can just use its internal Wifi antenna!
If you do any programming in your spare time then you will know how useful any version control can be when developing. One of the best tools for version control is GIT!
In this project we will show how to setup your very own GIT server on your Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi is great for this as it can run 24/7 without costing you a huge amount, meaning you will be able to access you GIT repositories all the time from wherever you are without it costing you a huge amount. If you love programming then this cool Raspberry Pi project is totally worth checking out.
This is yet another one of our coolest projects and is one of the most fascinating especially for anyone who is interested in aviation. Using just a DVB-T USB TV Tuner and an antenna we can utilize our Raspberry Pi to track and receive the positions of aircraft in your area.
Your Raspberry Pi can do this by running a piece of software that tunes your TV tuner to listen in on the frequencies that aircraft use to broadcast their position. It will record these positions and then provide them to various websites. One big advantage of submitting your data to websites is that they often give you access to a free premium subscription!
Most of us have a perfectly good printer lying around that just becomes painful to use because of its lack of wireless capability. With this great project we show you how we can utilize the Raspberry Pi to modernise any old printer by using the Raspberry Pi as a print server!
Basically with just a USB connection to your Printer and a wireless connection on your Raspberry Pi we can allow any device in your household to connect and talk with your printer, allowing you to utilize it without having to hook it up permanently to a more costly to run computer.
That's all we have for this roundup of cool Raspberry Pi projects! As I mentioned above if you want to be kept up to date on all the latest projects, guides and much more then be sure to drop us a follow on social. Alternatively you can sign up to the mailing list and get our mini pi crash course as a thanks.