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Implementation of 3D Soft-IntroVAE for point clouds.

This codes builds upon the code base of 3D-AAE from the paper "Adversarial Autoencoders for Compact Representations of 3D Point Clouds" by Maciej Zamorski, Maciej Zięba, Piotr Klukowski, Rafał Nowak, Karol Kurach, Wojciech Stokowiec, and Tomasz Trzciński


  • The required packages are located in the requirements.txt file, nothing special.
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • We provide an environment.yml file for conda (at the repo's root), which installs all that is needed to run the files.
    • conda env create -f environment.yml


To run training:

  • Modify the hyperparameters in /config/soft_intro_vae_hp.json

  • Run: python


  • To test the generations from a trained model in terms of JSD, modify path_to_weights and config_path in and run it: python
  • To produce reconstructed and generated point clouds in a form of NumPy array to be used with validation methods from "Learning Representations and Generative Models For 3D Point Clouds" repository modify path_to_weights and config_path in evaluation/ and run: python evaluation/


  • To render beautiful point clouds from a trained model, we provide a script that uses Mitsuba 2 renderer. Instructions can be found in /render.


  • We currently support ShapeNet, which will be downloaded automatically on first run.

Pretrained models

Dataset/Class Filename Validation Sample JSD Links
ShapeNet-Chair chair_01618_jsd_0.0175.pth 0.0175, Mediafire
ShapeNet-Table table_01592_jsd_0.0143.pth 0.0143, Mediafire
ShapeNet-Car car_01344_jsd_0.0113.pth 0.0113, Mediafire
ShapeNet-Airplane airplane_00536_jsd_0.0191.pth 0.0191, Mediafire

Recommended hyperparameters

Dataset beta_kl beta_rec beta_neg z_dim
ShapeNet 0.2 1.0 20.0 128

What to expect

  • During the training, figures of samples and reconstructions are saved locally.
    • First row - real, second row - reconstructions, third row - random samples
  • During training, statistics are printed (reconstruction error, KLD, expELBO).
  • Checkpoint is saved every epoch, and JSD is calculated on the validation split.
  • Tips:
    • KL of fake/rec samples should be > KL of real data (by a fair margin).
    • Currently, this code only supports the Chamfer Distance loss, which requires high beta_rec.
    • Since the practice is to train on a single class, it is usually better to use a narrower Gaussian for the prior (e.g., N(0, 0.2)).

Files and directories in the repository

File name Purpose main training function. generate samples (+interpolation) from a trained model for rendering with Mitsuba. test sampling JSD of a trained model (w.r.t the test split).
config/soft_intro_vae_hp.json contains the hyperparmeters of the model.
/datasets directory containing various datasets files (e.g., data loader for ShapeNet).
/evaluations directory containing evaluation scrips (e.g., generating data for evaluation metrics).
/losses/ PyTorch implementation of the Chamfer distance loss function.
/metrics/ functions to measure JSD between point clouds.
/models/ VAE module and architecture.
/render directory containing scripts and instructions to render point clouds with Mitsuba 2 renderer.
/utils various utility functions to process the data


  • Adversarial Autoencoders for Compact Representations of 3D Point Clouds, Zamorski et al., 2018 - Code, Paper.