The J9JITExceptionTable
(also typedef
'd to TR_MethodMetaData
is generally referred to as "the metadata". It contains most of the
metadata associated with a compiled body1. Most of this metadata
is stored in the variable length section of the J9JITExceptionTable
structure. This document outlines this variable length section. It does
not describe fields that are described by a data structure (e.g., the
, TR_InlinedCallSite
, etc.).
The following diagram provides the high level overview. The
is allocated and populated in
| struct J9JITExceptionTable |
(1) | Exception Info |
(2) | Inline Info |
(3) | Stack Atlas |
(4) | Stack Alloc Map | // If Local Objects
(5) | Internal Pointer Map in J9 Format |
(6) | OSR Info | // If OSR
(7) | GPU Info | // If GPU
(8) | Bytecode PC to Instruction Address Map | // If Hardware Profiling
The Exception Info section starts immediately after the
struct, and so accessing it involves adding
bytes to a pointer pointing to the start
of the metadata. This section consists of the following set of data
for exceptions in the method body. For some entries, the size is 4 bytes
if wide offsets are required, and 2 bytes otherwise; wide offsets are
required when an offset cannot be represented in just 2 bytes. The
decision to use wide offsets or not is global (with respect to this
); i.e., if a single offset cannot be represented
in 2 bytes, then all offsets are represented in 4 bytes.
| Instruction Start PC Offset |
| Size: 2 or 4 bytes |
| Instruction End PC Offset |
| Size: 2 or 4 bytes |
| Instruction Handler PC Offset |
| Size: 2 or 4 bytes |
| Catch Type |
| Size: 2 or 4 bytes |
| BC Caller Index | // If wide offsets, and AOT or Remote Compilation
| Size: pointer |
| J9Method | // If wide offsets, and local JIT Compilation
| Size: pointer |
| BC Index | // If FSD
| Size: 4 bytes |
The Inline Info section can be accessed via the inlinedCalls
field of
the J9JITExceptionTable
struct. This section consists of the following
set of data for each inlined site
| struct TR_InlinedCallSite |
| Size: sizeof(TR_InlinedCallSite) |
| Monitor Autos Map |
| Size: Bytes needed to represent |
| cg->getStackAtlas()->getNumberOfSlotsMapped() |
| + 1 (for the live monitor map) |
The Stack Atlas section can be accessed via the gcStackAtlas
of the J9JITExceptionTable struct
. This section consists of the
following set of data
| struct J9JITStackAtlas |
| Size: sizeof(J9JITStackAtlas) |
| Monitor Autos Map |
| Size: Bytes needed to represent |
| cg->getStackAtlas()->getNumberOfSlotsMapped() |
| + 1 (for the live monitor map) |
| Stack Maps |
The Stack Map
s are written in the reverse order in which they exist
in the list in the Compilation. It consists of the following set of
data for each Stack Map.
| Lowest code offset |
| Size: 2 or 4 bytes | // 4 bytes if wide offsets, 2 bytes otherwise.
| Alignment | // If comp->isAlignStackMaps() && !fourByteOffsets
| Size: 2 bytes |
| TR_BytecodeInfo |
| Size: 4 bytes |
| Register Save Description | // If the current map is different from the previous
| Size: 4 bytes |
| Register Map | // If the current map is different from the previous
| Size: 4 bytes |
| Internal Pointer Map | // If it exists and if the current map is different from the previous
| Map Bits |
| Size: Bytes needed to represent |
| map->getNumberOfSlotsMapped() |
| Live Monitor Bits | // If Live Monitor Bits
| Size: Bytes needed to represent |
| map->getNumberOfSlotsMapped() |
where the Internal Pointer Map
| Map Size |
| Size: 1 byte |
| Number of Distinct Pinning Arrays |
| Size: 1 byte |
| Distinct Pinning Array Info |
where Distinct Pinning Array Info
contains the following set of data
for each Distinct Pinning Array
| Index for this Pinning Array Temp |
| Size: 1 byte |
| Number of Derived Register Pointers |
| Size: 1 byte |
| Internal Pointer Register Number |
| Size: 1 byte |
| Derived Register Number | // One entry for each Derived Register
| Size: 1 byte |
The Stack Alloc Map section can be accessed via the stackAllocMap
field of the J9JITStackAtlas
struct that is embedded in the
(3) Stack Atlas section. It consists of the
following set of data
| Pointer to first stack map |
| Size: pointer |
| Stack Map Alloc Map Bits |
| Size: Bytes needed to represent |
| cg->getStackAtlas() ->getStackAllocMap() |
The Internal Pointer Map in J9 Format section can be accessed via
the internalPointerMap
field of the J9JITStackAtlas
struct that
is embedded in the (3) Stack Atlas section. It
consists of the following set of data
| Pointer to first stack map |
| Size: pointer |
| Map Size |
| Size: 1 byte |
| Alignment | // If comp->isAlignStackMaps()
| Size: 1 byte |
| Index of First Internal Pointer |
| Size: 2 bytes |
| Offset of First Internal Pointer |
| Size: 2 bytes |
| Number of Distinct Pinning Array Temps |
| + Pinning Arrays for Internal Pointer |
| Registers |
| Size: 1 byte |
| Distinct Pinning Array Temp Info |
| Pinning Array for Internal Pointer Registers Info |
Where Distinct Pinning Array Temp Info
contains the following
set of data for each Distinct Pinning Array Temp
| Index of Base Array Temp |
| Size: 1 byte |
| Number of Derived Internal Pointers |
| Size: 1 byte |
| Index of this Internal Pointer Temp |
| Size: 1 byte |
| Index of Remaining Internal Pointer Temp | // One entry for each Remaining Internal Pointer Temp
| Size: 1 byte | // derived from this Base Pinning Array Temp
and Pinning Arrays for Internal Pointer Registers Info
the following set of data for each Pinning Array for Internal Pointer
| Index |
| Size: 1 byte |
| 0 |
| Size: 1 byte |
The OSR Info section can be accessed via the osrInfo
of the J9JITExceptionTable
struct. This section consists of the
following set of data
| Section 0: |
| Mapping from instruction PC offsets to a list |
| of shared slots that are live at that offset |
| Section 1: |
| Mapping from the call site index to OSR catch |
| block |
| Section Size |
| Size: 4 bytes |
| Max Scratch Buffer Size |
| Size: 4 bytes |
| Number of Mappings |
| Size: 4 bytes |
| Instruction to Shared Slot Map |
where Instruction to Shared Slot Map
contains the following
set of data for each mapping
| Instruction PC offset |
| Size: 4 bytes |
| Number of Scratch Buffer Infos |
| Size: 4 bytes |
| Scratch Buffer Info |
where Scratch Buffer Info
contains the following set of
data for each Scatch Buffer Info
| Inlined Site Index |
| Size: 4 bytes |
| OSR Buffer Offset |
| Size: 4 bytes |
| Scratch Buffer Offset |
| Size: 4 bytes |
| Sym Size |
| Size: 4 Bytes |
| Section Size |
| Size: 4 bytes |
| Number of Mappings |
| Size: 4 bytes |
| Start PC Offset or NULL | // For each mapping
| Size: 4 bytes |
The GPU Info section can be accessed via the gpuCode
of the J9JITExceptionTable
struct. This section consists of the
following set of data
| struct GpuMetaData |
| Size: sizeof(GpuMetaData) |
| Method Signature Offset |
| Size: strlen(comp->signature())+1 |
| Line Number Array |
| Ptx Array |
| Ptx Array Entry |
| CU Module Array; initialized to 0 |
| Size: sizeof(CUmodule) |
| * comp->getGPUPtxCount() |
| * maxNumCachedDevices |
Line Number Array Offset
contains the following
set of data for each GPU Ptx
| Line Number |
| Size: sizeof(int) |
Ptx Array
contains the following set of data
for each GPU Ptx
| GPU Ptx Array Entry Location |
| (Pointer into the |
| `Ptx Array Entry` section) |
| Size: pointer |
Ptx Array Entry
contains the following set
of data for each GPU Ptx
| Ptx Array Entry |
| (pointed to by the associated |
| entry in the `Ptx Array` section) |
| Size: strlen of the string at this location |
| + 1 |
The Bytecode PC to Instruction Address Map section can be accessed
via the riData
field of the J9JITExceptionTable
struct. This
section consists of the following set of data
| Size: pointer |
| Map Size |
| Size: pointer |
| Bytecode PC to IA Map |
where Bytecode PC to IA Map
is the following
set of data for each mapping
| Bytecode PC |
| Size: pointer |
| Instruction Address |
| Size: pointer |
The rest of the metadata is stored in the
structure, which can be accessed via thebodyInfo
field of theJ9JITExceptionTable
struct. This structure contains data such as flags used to describe the body, as well as data used to implement features such as Guarded Counting Recompilation (GCR). ↩