Hyper JavaScript Snippets is a snippets collection for JavaScript and TypeScript. The snippets follow some rules to make it more friendly to intellisense, point-free-style programming etc. Prettier is highly recommanded to work with this extension.
Install from VSCode Extension Marketplace Hyper JavaScript Snippets.
- Easy Learn - related snippets share a same namespace or pattern, like every
loop prefix start withfo
, all assignment snippet share*a
pattern. - Composable - No semicolon (point-free friendly), no newline, no placeholder, small snippet, the very end tabstop as possible, make composing snippets friendly.
- Avoid conflict and meaningful - Name prefix with no meaningful word to avoid conflict with variable name and built-in snippets prefix (as possible).
- Use Prettier to help you formating your code.
- Disable built-in snippets with Control Snippets or hiding with built-in command
Insert Snippet
. - Set
"editor.snippetSuggestions": "top"
. - Set
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
. - Set
"editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": false,
- Moving cursor on snippet content break tab stop (intented), but okey on user input content 😩.
- Can not use "choice" to provide selection, affect: destrucring assignment...
- There is no intenllisense / autocomplete hint when typing in active snippet (VSCode default).
- Affect: No more autocomplete hint including any snippet, object methods, or global function .
- Turn off
help a bit.
- Can not correctly generate paired bracket when there is a character right beside cursor.
- A space added before
, affect:sw
, etc.
- A space added before
How to remember so many snippets prefix for new user?
Related snippets share a same namespace, like every for
loop prefix start with fo
, all assignment snippet share *a
Why no parentheses in function snippets?
Why no snippets for generator function?
No parentheses can make function snippet more flexible for generator function, generic types, return type without having to many tabstop.
Prefix | Desc | Body |
va |
var assignment | var $1 = $0 |
la |
let assignment (ES2015) | let $1 = $0 |
ca |
const assignment (ES2015) | const $1 = $0 |
vad |
var destructuring assignment (ES2015) | var ${0:dest} = $1 |
lad |
let destructuring assignment (ES2015) | let ${0:dest} = $1 |
cad |
const destructuring assignment (ES2015) | const ${0:dest} = $1 |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
if |
if statement | if ($1) $0 |
el |
else statement | else $0 |
ifel |
if/else statement | if ($1) $2 else $0 |
elif |
else if statement | else if ($1) $0 |
ter |
ternary operator | $1 ? $2 : $0 |
sw |
switch case | switch ($1) { |
case |
switch's case | case $1 : $0 |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
fo |
for loop | for ($1 ; $2 ; $3) $0 |
foi |
for in loop | for (const $1 in $2) { |
fof |
for of loop (ES2015) | for (const $1 of $2) $0 |
foa |
for await of loop (ES2018) | for await (const $1 of $2) $0 |
wh |
while loop | while ($1) $0 |
tc |
try/catch | try {$1} catch $2 {$0} |
tf |
try/finally | try {$1} finally {$0} |
tcf |
try/catch/finally | try {$1} catch $2 {$3} finally {$0} |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
f |
function | function $1 {$0} |
fa |
async function | async function $1 {$0} |
af |
arrow function (ES2015) | $1 => $0 |
afa |
async arrow function (ES2015) | async $1 => $0 |
iife |
immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE) | ($2)($1)$0 |
pd |
parameter destructuring with type (TypeScript) | ${0:param} : ${1:type} |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
seq |
sequence of 0..n | [...Array(${1:length}).keys()]$0 |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
ol |
object literal | { $1: $0 } |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
cs |
class (ES2015) | class ${1:name} { |
cse |
class extends (ES2015) | class ${1:name} extends ${2:base} { |
cst |
class constructor (ES2015) | constructor($1) {$0} |
csm |
method (ES2015) | ${1:name}($2) {$0} |
csma |
async method (ES2015) | async ${1:name}($2) {$0} |
gter |
getter (ES2015) | get ${1:property}() {$0} |
ster |
setter (ES2015) | set ${1:property}(${2:value}) {$0} |
gs |
getter and setter (ES2015) | get ${1:property}() {$0} |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
tof |
typeof | typeof ${1:source} === $0 |
iof |
instanceof | ${1:source} instanceof ${0:Class} |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
pr |
Promise (ES2015) | new Promise($0) |
prs |
Promise resolve (ES2015) | Promise.resolve($1)$0 |
prj |
Promise reject (ES2015) | Promise.reject($1)$0 |
pra |
Promise all (ES2015) | Promise.all($1)$0 |
pras |
Promise all settled (ES2020) | Promise.allSettled($1)$0 |
pran |
Promise any (ES2021) | Promise.any($1)$0 |
prt |
Promise type (TypeScript) | Promise<$0> |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
exp |
export (ES2015) | export $0 |
expd |
export default (ES2015) | export default $0 |
expas |
export as (ES2015) | export { $1 as $2 };$0 |
expf |
export from (ES2015) | export ${2:name} from '$1';$0 |
expaf |
export all from (ES2015) | export *$2 from '$1';$0 |
imp |
import module (ES2015) | import ${2:name} from '$1';$0 |
impf |
import file (ES2015) | import '$1';$0 |
impas |
import module as (ES2015) | import ${2:*} as ${3:name} from '$1';$0 |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
cb |
Node.js style callback | (err, ${1:response}) => {$0} |
re |
require | require(${1:path})$0 |
req |
require assignment | const ${2:name} = require('$1');$0 |
em |
exports.member | exports.$1 = $2;$0 |
me |
module.exports | module.exports = $1$0 |
on |
event handler | on('${1:event}', ${2:callback});$0 |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
cl |
console.log | console.log($1)$0 |
ce |
console.error | console.error($1)$0 |
cw |
console.warn | console.warn($1)$0 |
cd |
console.dir | console.dir($1)$0 |
ct |
console.time | console.time('$1') |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
sett |
setTimeout | setTimeout(${2:callback}, ${1:delay})$0 |
setin |
setInterval | setInterval(${2:callback}, ${1:delay})$0 |
setim |
setImmediate (node.js) | setImmediate(${1:callback}$2)$0 |
nt |
process nextTick (node.js) | process.nextTick($1);$0 |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
us |
insert 'use strict' statement | 'use strict'; |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
typ |
type (TypeScript) | type ${1:name} = $0 |
int |
interface (TypeScript) | interface ${1:name} {$2}$0 |
enu |
enum (TypeScript) | enum ${1:name} {$2}$0 |
enc |
const enum (TypeScript) | const enum ${1:name} {$2}$0 |
mod |
module (TypeScript) | module ${1:name} {$2}$0 |
nam |
namespace (TypeScript) | namespace ${1:name} {$2}$0 |
Only in
file type.