Hyper JavaScript Snippets is a snippets collection for JavaScript and TypeScript. The snippets follow some rules to make it more friendly to intellisense, point-free-style programming etc. Prettier is highly recommanded to work with this extension.
Install from VSCode Extension Marketplace Hyper JavaScript Snippets.
- Easy Learn - related snippets share a same namespace or pattern, like every
loop prefix start withfo
, all assignment snippet share*a
pattern. - Composable - No semicolon (point-free friendly), no newline, no placeholder, small snippet, the very end tabstop as possible, make composing snippets friendly.
- Avoid conflict and meaningful - Name prefix with no meaningful word to avoid conflict with variable name and built-in snippets prefix (as possible).
- Use Prettier to help you formating your code.
- Disable built-in snippets with Control Snippets or hiding with built-in command
Insert Snippet
. - Set
"editor.snippetSuggestions": "top"
. - Set
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
. - Set
"editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": false,
- Moving cursor on snippet content break tab stop (intented), but okey on user input content 😩.
- Can not use "choice" to provide selection, affect: destrucring assignment...
- There is no intenllisense / autocomplete hint when typing in active snippet (VSCode default).
- Affect: No more autocomplete hint including any snippet, object methods, or global function .
- Turn off
help a bit.
- Can not correctly generate paired bracket when there is a character right beside cursor.
- A space added before
, affect:sw
, etc.
- A space added before
How to remember so many snippets prefix for new user?
Related snippets share a same namespace, like every for
loop prefix start with fo
, all assignment snippet share *a
Prefix | Desc | Body |
va |
var assignment | var $1 = $0 |
la |
let assignment (ES2015) | let $1 = $0 |
ca |
const assignment (ES2015) | const $1 = $0 |
vad |
var destructuring assignment (ES2015) | var ${0:dest} = $1 |
lad |
let destructuring assignment (ES2015) | let ${0:dest} = $1 |
cad |
const destructuring assignment (ES2015) | const ${0:dest} = $1 |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
if |
if statement | if ($1) $0 |
el |
else statement | else $0 |
ifel |
if/else statement | if ($1) $2 else $0 |
elif |
else if statement | else if ($1) $0 |
ter |
ternary operator | $1 ? $2 : $0 |
sw |
switch case | switch ($1) { |
case |
switch's case | case $1 : $0 |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
fo |
for loop | for ($1 ; $2 ; $3) $0 |
foi |
for in loop | for (const $1 in $2) { |
fof |
for of loop (ES2015) | for (const $1 of $2) $0 |
foa |
for await of loop (ES2018) | for await (const $1 of $2) $0 |
wh |
while loop | while ($1) $0 |
tc |
try/catch | try {$1} catch $2 {$0} |
tf |
try/finally | try {$1} finally {$0} |
tcf |
try/catch/finally | try {$1} catch $2 {$3} finally {$0} |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
f |
function | function ($1) {$0} |
f |
function (TypeScript) | function ($1)$2 {$0} |
fn |
named/generator function | function $1($2) {$0} |
fn |
named/generator function (TypeScript) | function $1($2)$3 {$0} |
fa |
async function | async function ($1) {$0} |
fa |
async function (TypeScript) | async function ($1)$2 {$0} |
fna |
async named/generator function | async function $1($2) {$0} |
fna |
async named/generator function (TypeScript) | async function $1($2)$3 {$0} |
af |
arrow function (ES2015) | ($1) => $0 |
afa |
async arrow function (ES2015) | async ($1) => $0 |
ar |
arrow function with return type (ES2015, TypeScript) | ($1)$2 => $0 |
ara |
async arrow function with return type (ES2015, TypeScript) | async ($1)$2 => $0 |
ag |
generic/generator arrow function (ES2015, TypeScript) | $1($2)$3 => $0 |
aga |
async generic/generator arrow function (ES2015, TypeScript) | async $1($2)$3 => $0 |
iife |
immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE) | ($2)($1)$0 |
pd |
parameter destructuring with type (TypeScript) | ${0:param} : ${1:type} |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
seq |
sequence of 0..n | [...Array(${1:length}).keys()]$0 |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
ol |
object literal | { $1: $0 } |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
cs |
class (ES2015) | class ${1:name} { |
cse |
class extends (ES2015) | class ${1:name} extends ${2:base} { |
cst |
class constructor (ES2015) | constructor($1) {$0} |
csm |
method (ES2015) | ${1:name}($2) {$0} |
csma |
async method (ES2015) | async ${1:name}($2) {$0} |
gter |
getter (ES2015) | get ${1:property}() {$0} |
ster |
setter (ES2015) | set ${1:property}(${2:value}) {$0} |
gs |
getter and setter (ES2015) | get ${1:property}() {$0} |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
tof |
typeof | typeof ${1:source} === $0 |
iof |
instanceof | ${1:source} instanceof ${0:Class} |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
pr |
Promise (ES2015) | new Promise($0) |
prs |
Promise resolve (ES2015) | Promise.resolve($1)$0 |
prj |
Promise reject (ES2015) | Promise.reject($1)$0 |
pra |
Promise all (ES2015) | Promise.all($1)$0 |
pras |
Promise all settled (ES2020) | Promise.allSettled($1)$0 |
prn |
Promise any (ES2021) | Promise.any($1)$0 |
prt |
Promise type (TypeScript) | Promise<$0> |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
exp |
export (ES2015) | export $0 |
expd |
export default (ES2015) | export default $0 |
expas |
export as (ES2015) | export { $1 as $2 };$0 |
expf |
export from (ES2015) | export ${2:name} from '$1';$0 |
expaf |
export all from (ES2015) | export *$2 from '$1';$0 |
imp |
import module (ES2015) | import ${2:name} from '$1';$0 |
impf |
import file (ES2015) | import '$1';$0 |
impas |
import module as (ES2015) | import ${2:*} as ${3:name} from '$1';$0 |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
cb |
Node.js style callback | (err, ${1:response}) => {$0} |
re |
require | require(${1:path})$0 |
req |
require assignment | const ${2:name} = require('$1');$0 |
em |
exports.member | exports.$1 = $2;$0 |
me |
module.exports | module.exports = $1$0 |
on |
event handler | on('${1:event}', ${2:callback});$0 |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
cl |
console.log | console.log($1)$0 |
ce |
console.error | console.error($1)$0 |
cw |
console.warn | console.warn($1)$0 |
cd |
console.dir | console.dir($1)$0 |
ct |
console.time | console.time('$1') |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
sett |
setTimeout | setTimeout(${2:callback}, ${1:delay})$0 |
setin |
setInterval | setInterval(${2:callback}, ${1:delay})$0 |
setim |
setImmediate (node.js) | setImmediate(${1:callback}$2)$0 |
nt |
process nextTick (node.js) | process.nextTick($1);$0 |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
us |
insert 'use strict' statement | 'use strict'; |
Prefix | Desc | Body |
typ |
type (TypeScript) | type ${1:name} = $0 |
int |
interface (TypeScript) | interface ${1:name} {$2}$0 |
enu |
enum (TypeScript) | enum ${1:name} {$2}$0 |
enc |
const enum (TypeScript) | const enum ${1:name} {$2}$0 |
mod |
module (TypeScript) | module ${1:name} {$2}$0 |
nam |
namespace (TypeScript) | namespace ${1:name} {$2}$0 |
Only in
file type.