outline | aside |
Variable | Default | Description |
HBOX_MODE | production |
application mode used for runtime behavior can be one of: development , production |
HBOX_WEB_PORT | 7745 | port to run the web server on, if you're using docker do not change this |
HBOX_WEB_HOST | host to run the web server on, if you're using docker do not change this | |
HBOX_OPTIONS_ALLOW_REGISTRATION | true | allow users to register themselves |
HBOX_OPTIONS_AUTO_INCREMENT_ASSET_ID | true | auto-increments the asset_id field for new items |
HBOX_OPTIONS_CURRENCY_CONFIG | json configuration file containing additional currencie | |
HBOX_OPTIONS_ALLOW_ANALYTICS | false | Allows the homebox team to view extremely basic information about the system that your running on. This helps make decisions regarding builds and other general decisions. |
HBOX_WEB_MAX_UPLOAD | 10 | maximum file upload size supported in MB |
HBOX_WEB_READ_TIMEOUT | 10s | Read timeout of HTTP sever |
HBOX_WEB_WRITE_TIMEOUT | 10s | Write timeout of HTTP server |
HBOX_WEB_IDLE_TIMEOUT | 30s | Idle timeout of HTTP server |
HBOX_STORAGE_DATA | /data/ | path to the data directory, do not change this if you're using docker |
log level to use, can be one of trace , debug , info , warn , error , critical |
log format to use, can be one of: text , json |
HBOX_MAILER_HOST | email host to use, if not set no email provider will be used | |
HBOX_MAILER_PORT | 587 | email port to use |
HBOX_MAILER_USERNAME | email user to use | |
HBOX_MAILER_PASSWORD | email password to use | |
HBOX_MAILER_FROM | email from address to use | |
HBOX_SWAGGER_HOST | 7745 | swagger host to use, if not set swagger will be disabled |
swagger schema to use, can be one of: http , https |
HBOX_DATABASE_DRIVER | sqlite3 | sets the correct database type (sqlite3 or postgres ) |
HBOX_DATABASE_SQLITE_PATH | ./.data/homebox.db?_pragma=busy_timeout=999&_pragma=journal_mode=WAL&_fk=1 | sets the directory path for Sqlite |
HBOX_DATABASE_HOST | sets the hostname for a postgres database | |
HBOX_DATABASE_PORT | sets the port for a postgres database | |
HBOX_DATABASE_USERNAME | sets the username for a postgres connection | |
HBOX_DATABASE_PASSWORD | sets the password for a postgres connection | |
HBOX_DATABASE_DATABASE | sets the database for a postgres connection | |
HBOX_DATABASE_SSL_MODE | sets the sslmode for a postgres connection | |
HBOX_OPTIONS_CHECK_GITHUB_RELEASE | true | check for new github releases |
HBOX_LABEL_MAKER_WIDTH | 526 | width for generated labels in pixels |
HBOX_LABEL_MAKER_HEIGHT | 200 | height for generated labels in pixels |
HBOX_LABEL_MAKER_PADDING | 32 | space between elements on label |
HBOX_LABEL_MAKER_FONT_SIZE | 32.0 | font size for label text |
HBOX_LABEL_MAKER_PRINT_COMMAND | the command to use for printing labels. if empty, label printing is disabled. {{.FileName}} in the command will be replaced with the png filename of the label |
HBOX_LABEL_MAKER_DYNAMIC_LENGTH | true | allow label generation with open length. HBOX_LABEL_MAKER_HEIGHT is still used for layout and minimal height. If not used, long text may be cut off, but all labels have the same size. |
HBOX_LABEL_MAKER_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION | Additional information added to the label like name or phone number |
::: warning Security Considerations For postgreSQL in production:
- Do not use the default
user - Do not use the default
database - Always use a strong unique password
- Always use SSL (
) - Consider using a connection pooler like
For SQLite in production:
- Secure file permissions for the database file (e.g.
chmod 600
) - Use a secure directory for the database file
- Use a secure backup strategy
- Monitor the file size and consider using a different database for large installations :::
::: tip CLI Arguments
If you're deploying without docker you can use command line arguments to configure the application. Run homebox --help
for more information.
Usage: api [options] [arguments]
--mode/$HBOX_MODE <string> (default: development)
--web-port/$HBOX_WEB_PORT <string> (default: 7745)
--web-host/$HBOX_WEB_HOST <string>
--web-max-file-upload/$HBOX_WEB_MAX_FILE_UPLOAD <int> (default: 10)
--storage-data/$HBOX_STORAGE_DATA <string> (default: ./.data)
--log-level/$HBOX_LOG_LEVEL <string> (default: info)
--log-format/$HBOX_LOG_FORMAT <string> (default: text)
--mailer-host/$HBOX_MAILER_HOST <string>
--mailer-port/$HBOX_MAILER_PORT <int>
--mailer-username/$HBOX_MAILER_USERNAME <string>
--mailer-password/$HBOX_MAILER_PASSWORD <string>
--mailer-from/$HBOX_MAILER_FROM <string>
--swagger-host/$HBOX_SWAGGER_HOST <string> (default: localhost:7745)
--swagger-scheme/$HBOX_SWAGGER_SCHEME <string> (default: http)
--demo/$HBOX_DEMO <bool>
--debug-enabled/$HBOX_DEBUG_ENABLED <bool> (default: false)
--debug-port/$HBOX_DEBUG_PORT <string> (default: 4000)
--database-driver/$HBOX_DATABASE_DRIVER <string> (default: sqlite3)
--database-sqlite-path/$HBOX_DATABASE_SQLITE_PATH <string> (default: ./.data/homebox.db?_pragma=busy_timeout=999&_pragma=journal_mode=WAL&_fk=1)
--database-host/$HBOX_DATABASE_HOST <string>
--database-port/$HBOX_DATABASE_PORT <string>
--database-username/$HBOX_DATABASE_USERNAME <string>
--database-password/$HBOX_DATABASE_PASSWORD <string>
--database-database/$HBOX_DATABASE_DATABASE <string>
--database-ssl-mode/$HBOX_DATABASE_SSL_MODE <string>
--options-allow-registration/$HBOX_OPTIONS_ALLOW_REGISTRATION <bool> (default: true)
--options-auto-increment-asset-id/$HBOX_OPTIONS_AUTO_INCREMENT_ASSET_ID <bool> (default: true)
--options-currency-config/$HBOX_OPTIONS_CURRENCY_CONFIG <string>
--options-check-github-release/$HBOX_OPTIONS_CHECK_GITHUB_RELEASE <bool> (default: true)
--options-allow-analytics/$HBOX_OPTIONS_ALLOW_ANALYTICS <bool> (default: false)
--label-maker-width/$HBOX_LABEL_MAKER_WIDTH <int> (default: 526)
--label-maker-height/$HBOX_LABEL_MAKER_HEIGHT <int> (default: 200)
--label-maker-padding/$HBOX_LABEL_MAKER_PADDING <int> (default: 32)
--label-maker-margin/$HBOX_LABEL_MAKER_MARGIN <int> (default: 32)
--label-maker-font-size/$HBOX_LABEL_MAKER_FONT_SIZE <float> (default: 32.0)
--label-maker-print-command/$HBOX_LABEL_MAKER_PRINT_COMMAND <string>
--label-maker-additional-information/$HBOX_LABEL_MAKER_DYNAMIC_LENGTH <string> (default: true)
--label-maker-additional-information/$HBOX_LABEL_MAKER_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION <string>
--help/-h display this help message