Releases: syncfusion/ej2-vue-ui-components
Document Editor
Bug Fixes
- #232616 - Document contents are now exported properly.
- #232616 - Page hang on editing the document is fixed.
- #232327 - Tables are now removed properly.
Bug Fixes
- #F143717 - The issue "When setting high zoom factor to OpenStreetMap, sub layer is not placed properly" has been fixed".
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- The font size is missing warning will no longer be thrown from styles in the PDF Viewer.
Bug Fixes
- #231497 - Now the selected node background color is removed before collapsing the parent node with out removing 'e-active' class.
Document Editor
Bug Fixes
- Tab stop width is now calculated properly.
- First page header and footer is now layout properly.
- Scrollbar now updated properly in Internet Explorer.
- Page reload issue on button click is fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with single level element generation with fields mapping has been fixed.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- The PDF document is now rendered properly while using the PDF Viewer inside the Tab control.
- The font size is missing warning will no longer be thrown from styles in the PDF Viewer.
- The issue “Added PDF document cache element did not maintain properly” has been fixed.
- The issue “PdfRenderer object is not disposing properly in EJ2 PDF Viewer library” has been fixed.
- The issue “PDF Viewer clears all the session storage” has been fixed.
- Resolved the script error while accessing invalid link annotation destination.
- Resolved Single Page Document Rendering issue.
- Document Load event not triggered for lower zoom value issue has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Now the selected node background color is removed before collapsing the parent node.
New Features
- Included Bootstrap 4 theme support for EJ2.
Bug Fixes
- Destroy method issue fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The dynamically updating support has been provided to the 'Axes' API of linear gauge.
New Features
- In 'setAnnotationValue' method, an option has been provided to set the position of annotation based on axis value.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- The issue “Added PDF document cache element did not maintain properly” has been fixed.
- The issue “PdfRenderer object is not disposing properly in EJ2 PDF Viewer library” has been fixed.
- The issue “PDF Viewer clears all the session storage” has been fixed.
- Resolved the script error while accessing invalid link annotation destination.
- Resolved Single Page Document Rendering issue.
- Document Load event not triggered for lower zoom value issue has been fixed.
New Features
- Text Markup annotation support has been provided to PDF Viewer.
- Mobile view responsiveness support has been provided.
- Right-to-left support has been provided.
- Accessibility support has been provided to PDF Viewer.
Pivot View/Pivot Grid
Bug Fixes
- Drill-down works properly for date formatted headers.
New Features
- Users can access grid functionalities in the drill-through pop-up.
- Option to always show the value header even with single value binding.
- Row header repeats on each page of the PDF document when exporting.
- Users can display the value zero as zero and empty cells with a custom value.
- Charts can be rendered against pivot table data independently, and users can modify their report dynamically using the field list.
- Toolbar support is provided to the pivot table, allowing users easy access to frequently used features.
- A grouping option is available for date and numbers fields.
- Users can customize or add custom templates to the Pivot Table cells.
- Cell selection allows users to select cells and access the selected cell information through the cell selection event.
New Features
- Added the Islamic calendar support.
Bug Fixes
- Zooming icons are not visible on refreshing chart is fixed.
- Chart not exported to SVG in IE11 is fixed.
- Now the secondary axis is removed after changing the series type from pareto to line.
New Features
- Stacking Line series type has been added to the chart.
- 100% Stacking Line series type has been added to the chart.
- Support has been provided to wrap axis labels to multiple lines.
- Chart now supports animation on data updation.
Bug Fixes
- Pointer drag in circular gauge is working fine now in touch devices.
New Features
- Provided rounding places support for the axis labels and tooltip text in circular gauge.
- Provided support to display the last axis label, even if it is not in the interval value.
- Provided event to get and set the calculated radius of the circular gauge.
- Provided support to assign percentage values for pointer width, ranges width and axis line width.
New Features
- Added the Islamic DatePicker support.
New Features
- Added the Islamic DateTimePicker support.
New Features
- Provided two-way binding support to
property of dialog. - Enabled draggable support for modal dialog also.
- Provided built-in utility functions to render the alert and confirm dialogs with minimal code.
Document Editor
Bug Fixes
- Section break is now serialized properly.
- Document default format is now serialized properly.
- Cursor position is now updated properly when placed after image, bookmark.
New Features
- Added API to customize the default character format and paragraph format of document editor.
- Added support to customize context menu.
- Optimized text rendering.
File Manager
The File Manager
is a graphical user interface component used to manage the file system. It enables the user to perform common file operations such as accessing, editing, uploading, downloading, and sorting files and folders. This component also allows easy navigation for browsing or selecting a file or folder from the file system.
- Different Views - Provides detailed and large icon views.
- Context menu support - Provides detailed and large icon views.
- Custom toolbar support - Customize the toolbar to provide only necessary features.
- Multiple file selection - Select multiple files simultaneously.
- Accessibility - Features built-in accessibility support that makes all features accessible through keyboard interaction, screen readers, or other assistive technology devices.
- Localization - Translate file names to any supported language.
New Features
- Filter template support added.
- Edit template support added.
New Features
- Now it is possible to select or deselect multiple cells in Heatmap by holding CTRL key and mouse click actions.
- Now it is possible to provide minimum and maximum values for bubble size in Bubble Heatmap.
- Provided support for resized and loaded client-side events in Heatmap. The resized event will be triggered before Heatmap being rendered and the loaded event will be triggered after Heatmap is completely rendered on window resize action.
- Support for toggling the cell visibility with legend selection has been added for fixed type legend in heat map. This support helps to view the data points with values which matches the legend selection.
- Multi-level axis label grouping feature has been added to heat map.
- Cell selection feature has been added to heat map, this feature helps to select single or multiple heat map cells at run-time.
- Support for binding date object to axis labels for cell JSON data has been provided.
- Support for auto generating axis labels for cell JSON data has been provided.
- Provided support for formatting legend label in heat map.
- Provided support for customizing the cell tool tip UI.
- Provided support for customizing the data labels.
- Bubble tile type support has been included in heatmap for visualizing data points by mapping the data to bubble size and bubble color.
- Axis label increment feature has been added to heat map. It’s is used to display the axis label with regular interval values in numeric and date time axes
- Provided the smart legend feature for fixed type legend.
- Provided the support for nested data binding for JSON data.
In-place Editor
The In-place Editor component is used to edit and update the input value dynamically to the server. It supports integrating many component types such as “DropDownList”,”DatePicker”,”AutoComplete”, etc.
- Render mode - Provides two types of rendering modes when editing the input, namely “Inline” and “Popup”.
- Component integration - Support to integrate components such as “DropDownList”, “DatePicker”,” AutoComplete”, etc. to the In-place Editor.
- Data binding - Bind the In-place Editor component with an array of JSON objects or DataManager to save the edited data to the server.
- Customization - Offers UI customization such as popup, buttons, and also denotes editable content state.
- Template - Templates can be used to integrate custom controls to the In-place Editor.
- Globalization - Provides right to left and localization support.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with duplicate entries on updating the data source while binding data using data manager has been fixed.
- Now it is possible to perform key interactions with input list items displayed using custom templates.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the border style is applied properly to the shapes when performing selection.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- The issue “Added PDF document cache element did not maintain properly” has been fixed.
- The issue “PdfRenderer object is not disposing properly in EJ2 PDF Viewer library” has been fixed.
- The issue “PDF Viewer clears all the session storage” has been fixed.
- Resolved the script error while accessing invalid link annotation destination.
- Resolved Single Page Document Rendering issue.
- Document Load event not triggered for lower zoom value issue has been fixed.
New Features
- Text Markup annotation support has been provided to PDF Viewer.
- Mobile view responsiveness support has been provided.
- Right-to-left support has been provided.
- Accessibility support has been provided to PDF Viewer.
Pivot Grid
Bug Fixes
- 219623 - Text in the field list tab gets completely displayed in mobile layout.
- 219625 - Scrolling works properly in touch mode when virtual scroll option is enabled.
- 219625 - In mobile device, virtual scrolling sample is loaded properly from the sample browser.
- 219625 - In mobile device, last column cells are displayed properly.
- #219623 - Text in the field list tab gets completely displayed in mobile layout.
- #219625 - Scrolling works properly in touch mode when virtual scroll option is enabled.
- #219625 - In mobile device, virtual scrolling sample is loaded properly from the sample browser.
- #219625 - In mobile device, last column cells are displayed properly.
New Features
- F141747- Always shows value caption in headers even having single measure.
- Cell selection now allows to select cells as row and column wise.
- Shows the filter state in the fields of filter axis.
- Raw items in the control can be edited and updated at runtime.
- Provided support to list the raw items for a particular value cell.
- In the filter pop-up, provided support to set the limit the display field values and search option for refining the values from large data.
- Provided hyperlink support to perform any custom operation programmatically.
- Defer update option has been provided to refresh the control on-demand and not during every UI interaction for better performance.
- Provided support to show or hide subtotals and grand totals for rows and columns.
- More aggregation types like – Distinct Count, Product, Running Totals, Percentage of Column Total, Percentage of Parent Column Total, Population Var are added.
- #208354, #211758 — Value fields can be placed in row axis now.
- Virtual scrolling options have been provided to load large amounts of data with high performance.
- Conditional formatting support allows users to define conditions and format grid cells’ font, colour etc.
- Label and value-based filtering options are provided that work similar to Microsoft Excel.
Pivot View/Pivot Grid
New Features
- Users can access grid functionalities in the drill-through pop-up.
- Option to always show the value header even with single value binding.
- Row header repeats on each page of the PDF document when exporting.
- Users can display the value zero as zero and empty cells with a custom value.
- Charts can be rendered against pivot table data independently, and users can modify their report dynamically using the field list.
- Toolbar support is provided to the pivot table, allowing users easy access to frequently used features.
- A grouping option is available for date and numbers fields.
- Users can customize or add custom templates to the Pivot Table cells.
- Cell selection allows users to select cells and access the selected cell information through the cell selection event.
The progress button visualizes the progression of an operation to indicates the user that a process is happening in the background. The progress can be shown with graphics accompanied by a textual representation.
- Types, Sizes, and Styles - Provided with different types, sizes and predefined styles of progress button.
- Icons and Spinner - Supports icon, spinner and its positioning.
- Animation - Provided with predefined animation and progress indicator.
- Events - Supports event triggering at specified interval.
- Accessibility - Provided with built-in accessibility support that helps to access all the ProgressButton component features through the key...
New Features
- Added the Islamic calendar support.
New Features
- Added the Islamic DatePicker support.
New Features
- Added the Islamic DateTimePicker support.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- Document Load event not triggered for lower zoom value issue was fixed.
New Features
- Added the Islamic calendar support.
- Added the Islamic calendar support.
New Features
- Added the Islamic DatePicker support.
- Added the Islamic DatePicker support.
New Features
- Added the Islamic DateTimePicker support.
- Added the Islamic DateTimePicker support.
Document Editor
Bug Fixes
- Default tab width is parsed and serialized properly.
New Features
- Added the Islamic calendar support.
- Added the Islamic calendar support.
- Added the Islamic calendar support.
New Features
- Added the Islamic DatePicker support.
- Added the Islamic DatePicker support.
- Added the Islamic DatePicker support.
New Features
- Added the Islamic DateTimePicker support.
- Added the Islamic DateTimePicker support.
- Added the Islamic DateTimePicker support.
Document Editor
Bug Fixes
- Table inside header is now layout properly.
- Table re-layout while editing now layout properly.
- Page break inside table is handled.
- Table inside header is now layout properly.
- Table re-layout while editing now layout properly.
- Page break inside table is handled.
- Page break inside table is handled.
Bug Fixes
- The console window exception which is thrown for mouse hovering action on legend labels in Firefox browser has been handled.
New Features
- Added the Islamic calendar support.
- Added the Islamic calendar support.
- Added the Islamic calendar support.
New Features
- Added the Islamic DatePicker support.
- Added the Islamic DatePicker support.
- Added the Islamic DatePicker support.
New Features
- Added the Islamic DateTimePicker support.
- Added the Islamic DateTimePicker support.
- Added the Islamic DateTimePicker support.
Breaking Changes
Default value of
has been changed toCell
. -
Default value of
has been changed toCell
New Features
- Added the Islamic calendar support.
Bug Fixes
- Pointer drag in circular gauge is working fine now in touch devices.
New Features
- Provided rounding places support for the axis labels and tooltip text in circular gauge.
- Provided support to display the last axis label, even if it is not in the interval value.
- Provided event to get and set the calculated radius of the circular gauge.
- Provided support to assign percentage values for pointer width, ranges width and axis line width.
New Features
- Added the Islamic DatePicker support.
New Features
- Added the Islamic DateTimePicker support.
New Features
- Provided two-way binding support to
property of dialog. - Enabled draggable support for modal dialog also.
- Provided built-in utility functions to render the alert and confirm dialogs with minimal code.
Document Editor
Bug Fixes
- Document default format is now serialized properly.
- Cursor position is now updated properly when placed after image, bookmark.
New Features
- Filter template support added.
- Edit template support added.
New Features
- Now it is possible to provide minimum and maximum values for bubble size in Bubble Heatmap.
- Provided support for resized and loaded client-side events in Heatmap. The resized event will be triggered before Heatmap being rendered and the loaded event will be triggered after Heatmap is completely rendered on window resize action.
- Support for toggling the cell visibility with legend selection has been added for fixed type legend in heat map. This support helps to view the data points with values which matches the legend selection.
- Multi-level axis label grouping feature has been added to heat map.
- Cell selection feature has been added to heat map, this feature helps to select single or multiple heat map cells at run-time.
- Support for binding date object to axis labels for cell JSON data has been provided.
- Support for auto generating axis labels for cell JSON data has been provided.
- Provided support for formatting legend label in heat map.
- Provided support for customizing the cell tool tip UI.
- Provided support for customizing the data labels.
- Bubble tile type support has been included in heatmap for visualizing data points by mapping the data to bubble size and bubble color.
- Axis label increment feature has been added to heat map. It’s is used to display the axis label with regular interval values in numeric and date time axes
- Provided the smart legend feature for fixed type legend.
- Provided the support for nested data binding for JSON data.
In-place Editor
The In-place Editor component is used to edit and update the input value dynamically to the server. It supports integrating many component types such as “DropDownList”,”DatePicker”,”AutoComplete”, etc.
- Render mode - Provides two types of rendering modes when editing the input, namely “Inline” and “Popup”.
- Component integration - Support to integrate components such as “DropDownList”, “DatePicker”,” AutoComplete”, etc. to the In-place Editor.
- Data binding - Bind the In-place Editor component with an array of JSON objects or DataManager to save the edited data to the server.
- Customization - Offers UI customization such as popup, buttons, and also denotes editable content state.
- Template - Templates can be used to integrate custom controls to the In-place Editor.
- Globalization - Provides right to left and localization support.
Pivot Grid
Bug Fixes
- 219623 - Text in the field list tab gets completely displayed in mobile layout.
- 219625 - Scrolling works properly in touch mode when virtual scroll option is enabled.
- 219625 - In mobile device, virtual scrolling sample is loaded properly from the sample browser.
- 219625 - In mobile device, last column cells are displayed properly.
- #219623 - Text in the field list tab gets completely displayed in mobile layout.
- #219625 - Scrolling works properly in touch mode when virtual scroll option is enabled.
- #219625 - In mobile device, virtual scrolling sample is loaded properly from the sample browser.
- #219625 - In mobile device, last column cells are displayed properly.
New Features
- F141747- Always shows value caption in headers even having single measure.
- Cell selection now allows to select cells as row and column wise.
- Shows the filter state in the fields of filter axis.
- Raw items in the control can be edited and updated at runtime.
- Provided support to list the raw items for a particular value cell.
- In the filter pop-up, provided support to set the limit the display field values and search option for refining the values from large data.
- Provided hyperlink support to perform any custom operation programmatically.
- Defer update option has been provided to refresh the control on-demand and not during every UI interaction for better performance.
- Provided support to show or hide subtotals and grand totals for rows and columns.
- More aggregation types like – Distinct Count, Product, Running Totals, Percentage of Column Total, Percentage of Parent Column Total, Population Var are added.
- #208354, #211758 — Value fields can be placed in row axis now.
- Virtual scrolling options have been provided to load large amounts of data with high performance.
- Conditional formatting support allows users to define conditions and format grid cells’ font, colour etc.
- Label and value-based filtering options are provided that work similar to Microsoft Excel.
The progress button visualizes the progression of an operation to indicates the user that a process is happening in the background. The progress can be shown with graphics accompanied by a textual representation.
- Types, Sizes, and Styles - Provided with different types, sizes and predefined styles of progress button.
- Icons and Spinner - Supports icon, spinner and its positioning.
- Animation - Provided with predefined animation and progress indicator.
- Events - Supports event triggering at specified interval.
- Accessibility - Provided with built-in accessibility support that helps to access all the ProgressButton component features through the keyboard, screen readers, or other assistive technology devices.
The Query Builder component is a graphical user interface that allows users to create and edit filters. It outputs a structured JSON of filters which that can be easily parsed to create SQL. It is integrated with Data Manager to communicates with data sources and returns the desired result based on the provided filter. It supports data binding, templates, validation, and horizontal and vertical orientation.
- Data binding: It auto populates the data source and maps the data to the appropriate fields.
- Template: Supports templates and it is applicable for all input components.
- Queries: Queries supports JSON/SQL rules.
New Features
- Timeline view - Displays the day, week, work week and month view layouts in timeline mode by illustrating both the date and time intervals in horizontal orientation. Also, it organizes the resource display in a hierarchical tree structure based on the grouping levels.
- Header rows - Provided support to add custom header rows on timeline views, to depict an additional row for displaying the corresponding year, month, week number and dates.
- Drag and Drop - Appointments can be easily rescheduled to some other time, by dragging and dropping it onto the required time slots.
- Resize - Appointment’s time can be easily extended either by resizing its start or end handlers.
- Week Number - Support added to display the week number of the current date, beside the date header section.
- Provided template support for customizing
quick popup
, that opens while clicking on the cells or appointments. - The data type of the appointment ID field is made compatible to accept both string and number type values.
- Header Rows - Provided support to add custom header rows on timeline views, to depict an additional row for displaying the corresponding year, month, week number and dates.
- Other enhancements
New Features
- Included TextBox component as Vue component with floating functionality.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the issue "window is not define" on registering component as plugin in Toast component.
New Features
- Provided directory (folder) upload support that uploads all files of folder including sub-folder to server.
- Provided paste to upload support that helps to uploads any images which currently copied in the clipboard.
New Features
- Added the Islamic calendar support.
- Added the Islamic calendar support.
- Added the Islamic calendar support.
New Features
- Added the Islamic DatePicker support.
- Added the Islamic DatePicker support.
- Added the Islamic DatePicker support.
New Features
- Added the Islamic DateTimePicker support.
- Added the Islamic DateTimePicker support.
- Added the Islamic DateTimePicker support.
Document Editor
Bug Fixes
- Broken image rendering is handled.