- Unsafe HTML codes in the HeatMap control can now be sanitized by setting theenableHtmlSanitizer
property to true.
- HeatMap's axis labels can now include line break characters.#I287338
- Label templates can be displayed in place of cell labels to provide additional information.
- When thecancel
property in the event argument of thecellSelected
event is set to true, selection will now be prevented.
- ThecellDoubleClick
event is now available for use to initiate an event when a double click action is done over the HeatMap cells.#I438083
- When the axis label exceeds the available region, it can be wrapped or trimmed using thetextOverflow
property in the x-axis and y-axis.
- The data points in the JSON data will now be properly mapped in the HeatMap using the cell adapter withmaximum
properties set in the x-axis.
- The extra text element in the HeatMap component's DOM has now been properly removed.
- When the x-axis labels are trimmed and rotated, the HeatMap cell area now renders properly.
property is exposed to enable or disable multiple selection of the HeatMap cells.
- The axis labels and multilevel labels of the x-axis will be properly spaced.
- ThebackgroundColor
property can now be used to change the color of the HeatMap's background.
- The zero value label in the y-axis will now appear correctly.
- The zero value label in the x- and y-axes will now appear correctly.
- The issue with using setState in the HeatMap has been resolved.
- The issue "API level styles was not taken as important for HeatMap" has been resolved.
- The unwanted tags were removed.
- Legend label cropping issue has been fixed.
- Heatmap tooltip alignment issue has been fixed.
- Legend label cropping issue has been fixed.
- Provided the support to display the exceeding X-Axis label using thelabelIntersectAction
property value asMultipleRows
.- Now the lengthier Y-Axis label can trimmed with ellipses using the
- Provided the cell color customization support for heatmap by using thecellRender
event. -
Provided the legend title support to customize the legend title in heatmap.
Provided the support for a cell color range to customize a cell color based on the range value.
- Provided the cell color customization support for heatmap by using thecellRender
event . -
Provided the legend title support to customize the legend title in heatmap.
Provided the support for a cell color range to customize a cell color based on the range value.
- Provided a minimum and maximum color display based on row and column wise
The dataSource
property has been split into dataSource
and dataSourceSettings
The dataSource
property is used to bind data to HeatMap and the dataSourceSettings
property is used to configure the data source using adaptor settings.
- Now it is possible to customize the legend label using legendRender event.
- #230837, #229200 - Provided the tool tip template support for customizing the cell tool tip.
- Now it is possible to select or deselect multiple cells in Heatmap by holding CTRL key and mouse click actions.
- Now it is possible to provide minimum and maximum values for bubble size in Bubble Heatmap.
- Provided support for resized and loaded client-side events in Heatmap. The resized event will be triggered before Heatmap being rendered and the loaded event will be triggered after Heatmap is completely rendered on window resize action.
- The console window exception which is thrown for mouse hovering action on legend labels in Firefox browser has been handled.
- Support for toggling the cell visibility with legend selection has been added for fixed type legend in heat map. This support helps to view the data points with values which matches the legend selection.
- Multi-level axis label grouping feature has been added to heat map.
- Cell selection feature has been added to heat map, this feature helps to select single or multiple heat map cells at run-time.
- Support for binding date object to axis labels for cell JSON data has been provided.
- Support for auto generating axis labels for cell JSON data has been provided.
- Provided support for formatting legend label in heat map.
- Provided support for customizing the cell tool tip UI.
- Provided support for customizing the data labels.
- Axis labels tooltip cropping issue has been fixed
- Issue with heatmap margin with minimum axis label size has been fixed.
- Issue with rendering heatmap with smaller dimensions has been fixed.
- Bubble tile type support has been included in heatmap for visualizing data points by mapping the data to bubble size and bubble color.
- Axis label increment feature has been added to heat map. It’s is used to display the axis label with regular interval values in numeric and date time axes
- Provided the smart legend feature for fixed type legend.
- Provided the support for nested data binding for JSON data.
The HeatMap control is used to visualize a two-dimensional data in which the values are represented in gradient or fixed colors.
- Axis Types - Supports three different types of axes to populate the data, namely Numerical, Categorical,and Datetime.
- Axis Feature - Supports inverted axis, opposed position and axis intervals.
- Legend - Supports legend which provides value information for the colors which represents each values in HeatMap.
- Data Binding - Supports binding data in JSON and two-dimensional array formats.
- Rendering Modes - Supports automatic switching between SVG and Canvas rendering modes based on the data source length.