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Swift Runtime Libraries

This directory contains the pieces of the Swift runtime libraries.


While we're bringing up the new standard library build, please do not commit the standard library source files. Use the Resync.cmake file to copy the files as needed.

$ cmake -P Resync.cmake


Re-run this script after updating your Swift checkout to ensure that you are building the latest standard library sources.

Once the migration is completed, we will be deleting this script. It is a temporary workaround to avoid trying to keep multiple sets of files in sync.


This script does not add new files to any CMakeLists.txt. Any new files that are copied over will need to be added manually to ensure that they will be built by CMake.


║               ║
║    Testing    ║
║               ║
│               │
│ Supplemental  │
│               │
│               │
│    Overlay    │
│               │
│               │
│     Core      │
│               │


The Core project contains the basic datatypes and underpinnings used by the rest of the libraries that make up the standard library. The Core libraries must be built first. The Core project provides the following libraries:

  • swiftCore
  • swift_Concurrency
  • SwiftOnoneSupport
  • CommandLine
  • Demangling
  • Runtime
  • LLVMSupport
  • StdlibStubs
  • Threading
  • SwiftShim

These libraries must work across the platforms that Swift supports.


The Overlay project contains a few default platform overlay libraries. A platform overlay is responsible for exposing the system libraries into Swift in an ergonomic fashion. On most systems, this exposes the C standard library and a few other libraries that are normally available on that system. The overlay libraries are allowed to depend on any of the runtime libraries provided by the Core project and libraries distributed by the platform.

The platform overlay is specific to the platform that it overlays and cannot be used across platforms.


The supplemental libraries provide the remainder of the standard distribution of libraries provided by Swift.

The Supplemental libraries include:

  • RegexParser
  • StringProcessing
  • RegexBuilder
  • Cxx Interop
  • Synchronization
  • Distributed
  • Observation

The behavior of these libraries may differ slightly based on the behavior of the underlying operating system. These libraries are allowed to depend on the platform overlay and the libraries provided by the Core project.


The testing project provides testing support for the libraries that make up the standard library. These libraries are optional and are not intended for shipping. They must be built last, after the Core, the Overlay, and the Supplemental libraries.