This document describes how to setup a new emacs installation to use LSP and other modes to create a C++ IDE for working on the compiler code base. It enables autocompletion, lookup API at point, as well as formatting, renaming, and syntax highlighting.
Before we do anything, we need to setup package.el so we can grab packages from and GNU. This can be done by including the below in your elisp startup file. Make sure it is run before any other code is run.
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("gnu" . "") t)
The packages needed as of this document being written (Jun 2022) are:
- use-package
- company
- lsp-mode
- lsp-ui
- helm-lsp
- lsp-treemacs
One can install these by running the command package-install
inside emacs.
Finally, now we need to configure out installation so everything is setup correctly. This can be done by including the following in ones .emacs:
(use-package company
:ensure t
;; Enable completion-as-you-type behavior.
;; don't add any dely before trying to complete thing being typed
;; the call/response to gopls is asynchronous so this should have little
;; to no affect on edit latency
(setq company-idle-delay 0.1)
;; start completing after a single character instead of 3
(setq company-minimum-prefix-length 1)
;; align fields in completions
(setq company-tooltip-align-annotations t)
(use-package lsp-mode
:ensure t
:commands (lsp lsp-deferred)
:hook (c-mode-common . lsp)
;; Prevent lsp from inserting header decorators.
(lsp-clients-clangd-args '("--header-insertion-decorators=0" "--header-insertion=never"))
;; Enable easy local renaming using LSP
(bind-key "C-x l" 'lsp-rename)
;; The CAPF back-end provides a bridge to the standard
;; completion-at-point-functions facility, and thus works with any major mode
;; that defines a proper completion function.
(setq lsp-completion-provider :capf)
(add-hook 'go-mode-hook #'lsp-go-install-save-hooks))
(use-package lsp-ui :commands lsp-ui-mode)
(use-package helm-lsp :commands helm-lsp-workspace-symbol
(define-key lsp-mode-map [remap xref-find-apropos] #'helm-lsp-workspace-symbol))
(use-package lsp-treemacs :commands lsp-treemacs-errors-list)