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Windows Self-Hosted Test

Here are some steps the worked running on Windows.

  1. Install Docker on a Windows host
  2. Launch a Powershell.exe session
  3. Run the following in power shell to start a container running the nightly toolchain
    docker run --rm --interactive --tty swiftlang/swift:nightly-main-windowsservercore-1809 powershell.exe
  4. When the container start, clone the "merged" PR to C:\source
    mkdir C:\source
    cd C:\source
    git clone .
    # Assign the PR ID to a variable
    $PR_ID = "8288"
    git fetch origin pull/$PR_ID/merge:ci_merge_$PR_ID
    git checkout ci_merge_$PR_ID
  5. Run the CI pipeline script
    python C:\source\Utilities\build-using-self