This document lays out the structure of the Foundation project, and provides the current implementation status of each major feature.
Foundation is divided into groups of related functionality. These groups are currently laid out in the Xcode project, even though they are in a flat structure on disk.
As Foundation is a work in progress, not all methods and functionality are present. When implementations are completed, this list should be updated to reflect the current state of the library.
- N/A: This entity is internal or private and implemented ad hoc; there are no guidelines in place to suggest what completion might look like
- Unimplemented: This entity exists, but all functions and methods are
- Incomplete: Implementation of this entity has begun, but critical sections have been left
- Mostly Complete: All critical sections of this entity have been implemented, but some methods might remain
- Complete: No methods are left
(though this is not a guarantee that work is complete -- there may be methods that need overriding or extra work)
- N/A: This entity is internal and public tests are inappropriate, or it is an entity for which testing does not make sense
- None: There are no unit tests specific to this entity; even if it is used indirectly in other unit tests, we should have tests targeting this entity in isolation
- Incomplete: Unit tests exist for this entity, but there are critical paths that are not being tested
- Substantial: Most, if not all, of this entity's critical paths are being tested
There is no Complete status for test coverage because there are always additional tests to be implemented. Even entities with Substantial coverage are missing tests (e.g. NSCoding
conformance, NSCopying
conformance, description
s, etc.)
Runtime: The basis for interoperability.
The classes and methods in this group provide an interface for interoperability between C code and Swift. They also provide common layers used throughout the framework such as the root class
.Entity Name Status Test Coverage Notes NSEnumerator
Complete None NSGetSizeAndAlignment
Complete None NSStringFromClass
Mostly Complete None Only top-level Swift classes are supported NSClassFromString
Mostly Complete None Only top-level Swift classes are supported; mangled names are not supported NSObject
Complete None NSSwiftRuntime
N/A N/A For internal use only Boxing
N/A N/A For internal use only -
URL: Networking primitives
The classes in this group provide functionality for manipulating URLs and paths via a common model object. The group also has classes for creating and receiving network connections.
Entity Name Status Test Coverage Notes URLAuthenticationChallenge
Unimplemented None URLCache
Unimplemented None URLCredential
Complete Incomplete URLCredentialStorage
Unimplemented None NSURLError*
Complete N/A URLProtectionSpace
Unimplemented None URLProtocol
Unimplemented None URLProtocolClient
Unimplemented None NSURLRequest
Complete Incomplete NSMutableURLRequest
Complete Incomplete URLResponse
Complete Substantial NSHTTPURLResponse
Complete Substantial NSURL
Mostly Complete Substantial Resource values remain unimplemented NSURLQueryItem
Complete N/A URLResourceKey
Complete N/A URLFileResourceType
Complete N/A URL
Complete Incomplete URLResourceValues
Complete N/A URLComponents
Complete Incomplete URLRequest
Complete None HTTPCookie
Complete Incomplete HTTPCookiePropertyKey
Complete N/A HTTPCookieStorage
Mostly Complete Substantial Host
Complete None Configuration
N/A N/A For internal use only EasyHandle
N/A N/A For internal use only HTTPBodySource
N/A N/A For internal use only HTTPMessage
N/A N/A For internal use only libcurlHelpers
N/A N/A For internal use only MultiHandle
N/A N/A For internal use only URLSession
Mostly Complete Incomplete shared
, invalidation, resetting, flushing, getting tasks, and others remain unimplementedURLSessionConfiguration
Mostly Complete Incomplete ephemeral
remain unimplementedURLSessionDelegate
Complete N/A URLSessionTask
Mostly Complete Incomplete cancel()
with streams, and others remain unimplementedURLSessionDataTask
Complete Incomplete URLSessionUploadTask
Complete None URLSessionDownloadTask
Incomplete Incomplete URLSessionStreamTask
Unimplemented None TaskRegistry
N/A N/A For internal use only TransferState
N/A N/A For internal use only -
Formatters: Locale and language-correct formatted values.
This group contains the is the base
class and its subclasses. These formatters can be used for dates, numbers, sizes, energy, and many other types.Entity Name Status Test Coverage Notes DateComponentFormatter
Unimplemented None DateIntervalFormatter
Unimplemented None EnergyFormatter
Unimplemented None ISO8601DateFormatter
Unimplemented None LengthFormatter
Complete Substantial MassFormatter
Complete Substantial Needs localization NumberFormatter
Mostly Complete Substantial objectValue(_:range:)
remains unimplementedPersonNameComponentsFormatter
Unimplemented None ByteCountFormatter
Mostly Complete Substantial init?(coder:)
remains unimplementedDateFormatter
Mostly Complete Incomplete objectValue(_:range:)
remain unimplementedFormatter
Complete N/A MeasurementFormatter
Unimplemented None -
Predicates: Base functionality for building queries.
This is the base class and subclasses for
.Entity Name Status Test Coverage Notes NSExpression
Unimplemented N/A NSComparisonPredicate
Unimplemented N/A NSCompoundPredicate
Complete Substantial NSPredicate
Incomplete Incomplete Only boolean and block evaluations are implemented; all else remains unimplemented -
Serialization: Serialization and deserialization functionality.
The classes in this group perform tasks like parsing and writing JSON, property lists and binary archives.
Entity Name Status Test Coverage Notes NSJSONSerialization
Mostly Complete Substantial jsonObject(with:options:)
with streams remains unimplementedNSKeyedArchiver
Complete Substantial NSKeyedCoderOldStyleArray
N/A N/A For internal use only NSKeyedUnarchiver
Mostly Complete Substantial decodingFailurePolicy.set
remains unimplementedNSKeyedArchiverHelpers
N/A N/A For internal use only NSCoder
Incomplete N/A Decoding methods which require a concrete implementation remain unimplemented PropertyListSerialization
Complete Incomplete -
XML: A group of classes for parsing and representing XML documents and elements.
The classes provided in this group are responsible for parsing and validating XML. They should be an interface for representing libxml2 in a more object-oriented manner.
Entity Name Status Test Coverage Notes XMLDocument
Mostly Complete Substantial init()
, andobject(byApplyingXSLT...)
remain unimplementedXMLDTD
Mostly Complete Substantial init()
remains unimplementedXMLDTDNode
Complete Incomplete XMLElement
Incomplete Incomplete init(xmlString:)
, namespace support, and others remain unimplementedXMLNode
Incomplete Incomplete localName(forName:)
, and others remain unimplementedXMLParser
Complete Incomplete -
Collections: A group of classes to contain objects.
The classes provided in this group provide basic collections. The primary role for these classes is to provide an interface layer between the CoreFoundation implementations and the standard library implementations. Additionally, they have useful extras like serialization support. There are also additional collection types that the standard library does not support.
Note: See Known Issues for more information about bridging between Foundation collection types and Swift standard library collection types.
Entity Name Status Test Coverage Notes NSOrderedSet
Mostly Complete Substantial NS[Mutable]Copying
, andarray
(and associated indexing methods) remain unimplementedNSMutableOrderedSet
Mostly Complete Substantial NSCoding
andsortRange(_:options:, usingComparator:)
with non-empty options remain unimplementedNSCFArray
N/A N/A For internal use only NSIndexSet
Mostly Complete Incomplete NSCoding
remains to be implementedNSMutableIndexSet
Mostly Complete Incomplete NSCoding
remains to be implementedIndexSet
Complete Incomplete NSIndexPath
Mostly Complete None NSCoding
remain unimplementedIndexPath
Complete Incomplete NSArray
Mostly Complete Substantial Reading/writing to files/URLs, concurrent enumerateObjects(at:options:using:)
, andsortedArray(from:options:usingComparator:)
with options remain unimplementedNSMutableArray
Mostly Complete Substantial exchangeObject(at:withObjectAt:)
remain unimplemented for types other thanNSMutableArray
Mostly Complete Incomplete NSCoding
with non-keyed-coding archivers,descriptionInStringsFileFormat
, and reading/writing to files/URLs remain unimplementedNSMutableDictionary
Mostly Complete Incomplete descriptionInStringsFileFormat
, and reading/writing to files/URLs remain unimplementedNSCFDictionary
N/A N/A For internal use only NSSet
Mostly Complete Incomplete customMirror
remain unimplementedNSMutableSet
Mostly Complete Incomplete init?(coder:)
remains unimplementedNSCountedSet
Mostly Complete Incomplete init?(coder:)
remains unimplementedNSCFSet
N/A N/A For internal use only NSCache
Complete Incomplete NSSortDescriptor
Unimplemented None -
RunLoop: Timers, streams and run loops.
The classes in this group provide support for scheduling work and acting upon input from external sources.
Entity Name Status Test Coverage Notes Port
Unimplemented None MessagePort
Unimplemented None SocketPort
Unimplemented None PortMessage
Unimplemented None RunLoop
Mostly Complete Incomplete add(_: Port, forMode:)
andremove(_: Port, forMode:)
remain unimplementedNSStream
Mostly Complete Substantial Stream
Unimplemented Substantial Methods which require a concrete implementation remain unimplemented InputStream
Mostly Complete Substantial getBuffer(_:length:)
remains unimplementedNSOutputStream
Complete Substantial Timer
Complete Substantial -
String: A set of classes for scanning, manipulating and storing string values.
The NSString implementation is present to provide an interface layer between CoreFoundation and Swift, but it also adds additional functionality on top of the Swift standard library String type. Other classes in this group provide mechanisms to scan, match regular expressions, store attributes in run arrays attached to strings, and represent sets of characters.
Note: See Known Issues for more information about bridging between the Foundation NSString types and Swift standard library String type.
Entity Name Status Test Coverage Notes NSRegularExpression
Complete Substantial Scanner
Mostly Complete Incomplete localizedScannerWithString(_:)
remains unimplementedNSTextCheckingResult
Mostly Complete Incomplete NSCoding
, andrange(at:)
remain unimplementedNSAttributedString
Mostly Complete Incomplete NSCoding
remains unimplementedNSMutableAttributedString
Mostly Complete Incomplete NSCoding
remains unimplementedNSCharacterSet
Mostly Complete Incomplete NSCoding
remains unimplementedNSMutableCharacterSet
Mostly Complete None Decoding remains unimplemented NSCFCharacterSet
N/A N/A For internal use only CharacterSet
Complete Incomplete NSString
Mostly Complete Substantial enumerateSubstrings(in:options:using:)
remains unimplementedNSStringEncodings
Complete N/A Contains definitions of string encodings NSCFString
N/A N/A For internal use only NSStringAPI
N/A N/A Exposes NSString
APIs onString
Complete N/A Random access for String.UTF16View
, only when Foundation is imported; decouples the Swift core from a UTF16 representation. -
Number: A set of classes and methods for representing numeric values and structures.
Entity Name Status Test Coverage Notes NSRange
Complete Incomplete Decimal
Complete Substantial NSDecimalNumber
Mostly Complete Substantial NSDecimalNumberHandler
Complete None CGPoint
Complete Substantial CGSize
Complete Substantial CGRect
Complete Substantial NSEdgeInsets
Complete Substantial NSGeometry
Mostly Complete Substantial NSIntegralRectWithOptions
support remains unimplementedCGFloat
Complete Substantial AffineTransform
Complete None NSAffineTransform
Complete Substantial NSNumber
Complete Incomplete NSConcreteValue
N/A N/A For internal use only NSSpecialValue
N/A N/A For internal use only NSValue
Complete Substantial NSMeasurement
Unimplemented None Measurement
Complete None UnitConverter
Complete Incomplete UnitConverterLinear
Complete Incomplete Unit
Complete None Dimension
Complete None UnitAcceleration
Complete None UnitAngle
Complete None UnitArea
Complete None UnitConcentrationMass
Complete None UnitDispersion
Complete None UnitDuration
Complete None UnitElectricCharge
Complete None UnitElectricCurrent
Complete None UnitElectricPotentialDifference
Complete None UnitElectricResistance
Complete None UnitEnergy
Complete None UnitFrequency
Complete None UnitFuelEfficiency
Complete None UnitLength
Complete None UnitIlluminance
Complete None UnitMass
Complete None UnitPower
Complete None UnitPressure
Complete None UnitSpeed
Complete None UnitTemperature
Complete None UnitVolume
Complete None -
UserDefaults: A mechanism for storing values to persist as user settings and local.
Entity Name Statues Test Coverage Notes UserDefaults
Incomplete Incomplete domain support, and forced objects remain unimplemented. NSLocale
Complete Incomplete Only unit test asserts locale key constant names Locale
Complete Incomplete Only unit test asserts value copying -
OS: Mechanisms for interacting with the operating system on a file system level as well as process and thread level
Entity Name Status Test Coverage Notes FileHandle
Mostly Complete Incomplete NSCoding
, and background operations remain unimplementedPipe
Complete Incomplete FileManager
Incomplete Incomplete URL searches, relationship lookups, item copying, cross-device moving, recursive linking, and others remain unimplemented Process
Mostly Complete Substantial interrupt()
, andresume()
remain unimplementedBundle
Mostly Complete Incomplete allBundles
, andprincipalClass
remain unimplementedProcessInfo
Complete Substantial Thread
Complete Incomplete Operation
Complete Incomplete BlockOperation
Complete Incomplete OperationQueue
Complete Incomplete Lock
Complete Incomplete ConditionLock
Complete None RecursiveLock
Complete None Condition
Complete Incomplete -
DateTime: Classes for representing dates, timezones, and calendars.
Entity Name Status Test Coverage Notes NSCalendar
Complete None autoupdatingCurrent
, andenumerateDates
remain unimplementedNSDateComponents
Complete None Calendar
Complete Incomplete DateComponents
Complete Incomplete NSDate
Complete Incomplete NSDateInterval
Complete None DateInterval
Complete None Date
Complete Incomplete NSTimeZone
Mostly Complete Incomplete local
and settingabbreviationDictionary
remain unimplementedTimeZone
Complete Incomplete -
Notifications: Classes for loosely coupling events from a set of many observers.
Entity Name Status Test Coverage Notes NSNotification
Complete N/A NotificationCenter
Complete Substantial Notification
Complete N/A NotificationQueue
Complete Substantial -
Model: Representations for abstract model elements like null, data, and errors.
Entity Name Status Test Coverage Notes NSNull
Complete Substantial NSData
Complete Substantial NSMutableData
Complete Substantial Data
Complete Substantial NSProgress
Complete Substantial NSError
Complete None NSUUID
Complete Substantial UUID
Complete None NSPersonNameComponents
Complete Incomplete PersonNameComponents
Complete None