import Block from './Block'; import { CompileOptions, Var } from '../../interfaces'; import Component from '../Component'; import FragmentWrapper from './wrappers/Fragment'; import { x } from 'code-red'; import { Node, Identifier, MemberExpression, Literal, Expression, BinaryExpression } from 'estree'; import flatten_reference from '../utils/flatten_reference'; import { reserved_keywords } from '../utils/reserved_keywords'; interface ContextMember { name: string; index: Literal; is_contextual: boolean; is_non_contextual: boolean; variable: Var; priority: number; } type BitMasks = Array<{ n: number; names: string[]; }>; export default class Renderer { component: Component; // TODO Maybe Renderer shouldn't know about Component? options: CompileOptions; context: ContextMember[] = []; initial_context: ContextMember[] = []; context_lookup: Map<string, ContextMember> = new Map(); context_overflow: boolean; blocks: Array<Block | Node | Node[]> = []; readonly: Set<string> = new Set(); meta_bindings: Array<Node | Node[]> = []; // initial values for e.g. window.innerWidth, if there's a <svelte:window> meta tag binding_groups: Map<string, { binding_group: (to_reference?: boolean) => Node; is_context: boolean; contexts: string[]; index: number }> = new Map(); block: Block; fragment: FragmentWrapper; file_var: Identifier; locate: (c: number) => { line: number; column: number }; constructor(component: Component, options: CompileOptions) { this.component = component; this.options = options; this.locate = component.locate; // TODO messy this.file_var = && this.component.get_unique_name('file'); component.vars.filter(v => !v.hoistable || (v.export_name && !v.module)).forEach(v => this.add_to_context(; // ensure store values are included in context component.vars.filter(v => v.subscribable).forEach(v => this.add_to_context(`$${}`)); reserved_keywords.forEach(keyword => { if (component.var_lookup.has(keyword)) { this.add_to_context(keyword); } }); if (component.slots.size > 0) { this.add_to_context('$$scope'); this.add_to_context('$$slots'); } if (this.binding_groups.size > 0) { this.add_to_context('$$binding_groups'); } // main block this.block = new Block({ renderer: this, name: null, type: 'component', key: null, bindings: new Map(), dependencies: new Set(), }); this.block.has_update_method = true; this.fragment = new FragmentWrapper( this, this.block, component.fragment.children, null, true, null ); // TODO messy this.blocks.forEach(block => { if (block instanceof Block) { block.assign_variable_names(); } }); this.block.assign_variable_names(); this.fragment.render(this.block, null, x`#nodes` as Identifier); this.context_overflow = this.context.length > 31; this.context.forEach(member => { const { variable } = member; if (variable) { member.priority += 2; if (variable.mutated || variable.reassigned) member.priority += 4; // these determine whether variable is included in initial context // array, so must have the highest priority if (variable.export_name) member.priority += 16; if (variable.referenced) member.priority += 32; } else if (member.is_non_contextual) { // determine whether variable is included in initial context // array, so must have the highest priority member.priority += 8; } if (!member.is_contextual) { member.priority += 1; } }); this.context.sort((a, b) => (b.priority - a.priority) || ((a.index.value as number) - (b.index.value as number))); this.context.forEach((member, i) => member.index.value = i); let i = this.context.length; while (i--) { const member = this.context[i]; if (member.variable) { if (member.variable.referenced || member.variable.export_name) break; } else if (member.is_non_contextual) { break; } } this.initial_context = this.context.slice(0, i + 1); } add_to_context(name: string, contextual = false) { if (!this.context_lookup.has(name)) { const member: ContextMember = { name, index: { type: 'Literal', value: this.context.length }, // index is updated later, but set here to preserve order within groups is_contextual: false, is_non_contextual: false, // shadowed vars could be contextual and non-contextual variable: null, priority: 0 }; this.context_lookup.set(name, member); this.context.push(member); } const member = this.context_lookup.get(name); if (contextual) { member.is_contextual = true; } else { member.is_non_contextual = true; const variable = this.component.var_lookup.get(name); member.variable = variable; } return member; } invalidate(name: string, value?) { const variable = this.component.var_lookup.get(name); const member = this.context_lookup.get(name); if (variable && (variable.subscribable && (variable.reassigned || variable.export_name))) { return x`${`$$subscribe_${name}`}($$invalidate(${member.index}, ${value || name}))`; } if (name[0] === '$' && name[1] !== '$') { return x`${name.slice(1)}.set(${value || name})`; } if ( variable && ( variable.module || ( !variable.referenced && !variable.is_reactive_dependency && !variable.export_name && !name.startsWith('$$') ) ) ) { return value || name; } if (value) { return x`$$invalidate(${member.index}, ${value})`; } // if this is a reactive declaration, invalidate dependencies recursively const deps = new Set([name]); deps.forEach(name => { const reactive_declarations = this.component.reactive_declarations.filter(x => x.assignees.has(name) ); reactive_declarations.forEach(declaration => { declaration.dependencies.forEach(name => { deps.add(name); }); }); }); // TODO ideally globals etc wouldn't be here in the first place const filtered = Array.from(deps).filter(n => this.context_lookup.has(n)); if (!filtered.length) return null; return filtered .map(n => x`$$invalidate(${this.context_lookup.get(n).index}, ${n})`) .reduce((lhs, rhs) => x`${lhs}, ${rhs}`); } dirty(names, is_reactive_declaration = false): Expression { const renderer = this; const dirty = (is_reactive_declaration ? x`$$self.$$.dirty` : x`#dirty`) as Identifier | MemberExpression; const get_bitmask = () => { const bitmask: BitMasks = []; names.forEach((name) => { const member = renderer.context_lookup.get(name); if (!member) return; if (member.index.value === -1) { throw new Error(`unset index`); } const value = member.index.value as number; const i = (value / 31) | 0; const n = 1 << (value % 31); if (!bitmask[i]) bitmask[i] = { n: 0, names: [] }; bitmask[i].n |= n; bitmask[i].names.push(name); }); return bitmask; }; // TODO: context-overflow make it less gross return { // Using a ParenthesizedExpression allows us to create // the expression lazily. TODO would be better if // context was determined before rendering, so that // this indirection was unnecessary type: 'ParenthesizedExpression', get expression() { const bitmask = get_bitmask(); if (!bitmask.length) { return x`${dirty} & /*${names.join(', ')}*/ 0` as BinaryExpression; } if (renderer.context_overflow) { return bitmask .map((b, i) => ({ b, i })) .filter(({ b }) => b) .map(({ b, i }) => x`${dirty}[${i}] & /*${b.names.join(', ')}*/ ${b.n}`) .reduce((lhs, rhs) => x`${lhs} | ${rhs}`); } return x`${dirty} & /*${names.join(', ')}*/ ${bitmask[0].n}` as BinaryExpression; } } as any; } reference(node: string | Identifier | MemberExpression) { if (typeof node === 'string') { node = { type: 'Identifier', name: node }; } const { name, nodes } = flatten_reference(node); const member = this.context_lookup.get(name); // TODO is this correct? if (this.component.var_lookup.get(name)) { this.component.add_reference(name); } if (member !== undefined) { const replacement = x`/*${}*/ #ctx[${member.index}]` as MemberExpression; if (nodes[0].loc) replacement.object.loc = nodes[0].loc; nodes[0] = replacement; return nodes.reduce((lhs, rhs) => x`${lhs}.${rhs}`); } return node; } remove_block(block: Block | Node | Node[]) { this.blocks.splice(this.blocks.indexOf(block), 1); } }