For per-module configuration, one should integrate spotless-maven-plugin.
This maven plugin enables reproducing the Github App behavior (which process a repository from its root, not per-module).
It also enable additional features like:
- Generation of a default Eclipse stylesheet based on existing .java files
Its release lifecycle is synchronized with cleanthat. Its latest version is available at:
This plugin requires a JDK 11.X
Most CleanThat goals can be execute without a specific configuration in the pom.xml. Many CleanThat goals can be execute without any pom.xml (e.g. to call CleanThat logic out of a maven project)
One can shorten its cleanthat commands by adding in ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml:
This Mojo enables one-shot run of a mutator over current directory.
mvn io.github.solven-eu.cleanthat:cleanthat-maven-plugin:apply
You can call a specific single rule:
mvn io.github.solven-eu.cleanthat:cleanthat-maven-plugin:apply -Dcleanthat.mutators=LocalVariableTypeInference
You can call most CleanThat rules with:
mvn io.github.solven-eu.cleanthat:cleanthat-maven-plugin:apply -Dcleanthat.mutators=SafeAndConsensual -Dcleanthat.mutators=SafeButNotConsensual -Dcleanthat.includeDraft=true
This will initialize cleanthat configuration with a standard configuration. It essentially generates a .cleanthat/cleanthat.yaml
file at the root of the repository.
mvn io.github.solven-eu.cleanthat:cleanthat-maven-plugin:init
This will apply cleanthat linting logic over the whole directory.
mvn io.github.solven-eu.cleanthat:cleanthat-maven-plugin:cleanthat
CleanThat for Java holds a module to apply an Eclipse Stylesheet. However, generating this stylesheet may be complex if the team not already on it (e.g. IntelliJ users).
mvn io.github.solven-eu.cleanthat:cleanthat-maven-plugin:eclipse_formatter-stylesheet
As this process can be very slow, we default a timeout at 1 minute. It can be overriden through:
mvn io.github.solven-eu.cleanthat:cleanthat-maven-plugin:eclipse_formatter-stylesheet -Dduration.limit=PT1H
Details about the syntax:
Install the plugin in local mvn repository (if only the plugin has been updated):
mvn install -pl :cleanthat-maven-plugin
With dependencies (if cleanthat core has been updated):
mvn install -pl :cleanthat-maven-plugin -am -PskipStyle -DskipITs -DskipTests
Call the installed plugin with current SNAPSHOT:
mvn io.github.solven-eu.cleanthat:cleanthat-maven-plugin:2.7-SNAPSHOT:init
mvn io.github.solven-eu.cleanthat:cleanthat-maven-plugin:2.7-SNAPSHOT:eclipse_formatter-stylesheet
mvn io.github.solven-eu.cleanthat:cleanthat-maven-plugin:2.7-SNAPSHOT:cleanthat
** This is not relevant anymore as cleanthat-maven-plugin is now a pom-less plugin**
<!-- mvn io.github.solven-eu.cleanthat:cleanthat-maven-plugin:cleanthat -->
<id>Clean the code</id>
<id>Check the code is clean</id>
<!-- CleanThat should be executed only in/from the top-directory -->