The following command should be executed to run the program :
In Dijkstra's Algorithm, initially the start vertex is taken in the conquered territory. Then, one by one edges which start from the conquered territory and end in the unconquered territory with minimum dijkstra criterion are selected and their corresponding end vertices are engulfed into the conquered territory and that end vertex's shortest path is updated as the minimum dijkstra criterion.The dijkstra criterion is the shortest path distance to start vertex of edge plus the weight of the edge in between those territories. It is must that the weights of the edges must be positive for the algorithm to be correct. The run time of this algorithm is O(mlogn) if we make use of heaps to select the minimum dijkstra criteria edge and O(mn) for the simple iterative approach, where m is the number of edges and n is the number of vertices in the graph. We have used list in this algorithm, therefore the run time complexity of this algorithm is O(mn).