The following command must be executed to run the program:
In Papadimitriou's Algorithm, a number of clauses containing literals in negated or unnegated form are given and the aim is to find whether or not there exists a solution which can satisfy all the clauses. Solution refers to value of the literals, where one literal can be used in multiple places. In the algorithm, on each iteration, clauses are checked until one which is not satisfying is obtained. Then, a random literal of that clause is chosen and the value of that literal is negated (not the clause). So on, the clauses are checked until no clauses are there which violate the property or the iterations run out, in which case the 2-SAT property is not achievable with the given clauses. The run time complexity of this alorithm is O(n^3 * logn) where n is the number of variables(literals). This algorithm is always correct on instances not satisfiable and almost always correct (close to 1 probability) on instances satisfiable.