Service serves as a public HTTP API for Pipelines service. It receives requests from users, and if they pass authorization it repacks them and sends them to Pipelines service via internal gRPC API. When response is received from Pipelines service, it is forwarded to user over HTTP.
Useful commands can be found in Makefile. Some of them are:
make console
- runs console inside docker containermake unit-test
- for running unit tests
To run the API locally and connect it with plumber:
make console
- enter console inside docker containeriex -S mix
- start the server
When adding a new version create a branch and name it v<version-number>
(e.g. v1
In launchpad2 add a new deployment and set up the routes with the version number for the new version, call it public-api-v<version-number>
(e.g. public-api-v1