File tree
6,821 files changed
lines changed- artifacthub
- cmd
- client
- cmd
- healthcheck
- server
- db
- migrations
- helm
- templates
- pkg
- api
- descriptors
- artifacthub
- artifacts
- private
- public
- db
- jwt
- models
- parallel
- server
- private
- public
- storage
- util
- context
- log
- path
- random
- retry
- workers/bucketcleaner
- script
- auth
- config
- helm
- templates
- lib
- auth
- internal_api
- include
- google/protobuf
- internal_api
- scripts
- test
- auth
- badge
- assets/badges
- semaphore
- shields
- config
- helm
- templates
- lib
- badges
- models
- internal_api
- include
- google
- protobuf
- rpc
- internal_api
- test
- badges
- models
- support
- bootstrapper
- cmd
- helm
- templates
- pkg
- bitbucket
- clients
- config
- github
- gitlab
- installation
- kubernetes
- organization
- protos
- include/internal_api/response_status
- instance_config
- organization
- rbac
- repository_integrator
- self_hosted
- user
- random
- retry
- user
- utils
- scripts
- branch_hub
- config
- helm
- templates
- lib
- branch_hub
- model
- internal_api
- include
- google
- protobuf
- rpc
- internal_api
- priv/repo/migrations
- scripts
- test
- branch_hub
- model
- support
- dashboardhub
- config
- helm
- templates
- lib
- dashboardhub
- events
- grpc
- interceptors
- public_grpc_api
- internal_api
- include/google/protobuf
- public_api/semaphore
- priv/repo/migrations
- test
- dashboardhub
- e2e
- config
- lib
- e2e
- clients
- models
- scripts
- test
- e2e
- api
- ui
- support
- ee
- audit
- config
- lib
- audit
- encryptor
- streamer
- file_formatter
- provider
- internal_api
- include
- google
- protobuf
- rpc
- google/protobuf
- internal_api
- priv/repo/migrations
- test
- audit
- streamer
- provider
- support
- encryptor
- gofer
- config
- helm
- templates
- lib
- gofer
- actions
- deployment
- engine
- model
- deployment
- deployment_trigger
- engine
- model
- grpc
- deployment_targets
- plumber_client
- rbac
- switch
- engine
- model
- switch_trigger
- engine
- model
- target/model
- target_trigger
- engine
- model
- internal_api
- include
- google
- protobuf
- rpc
- google/protobuf
- internal_api
- priv/ecto_repo/migrations
- scripts
- test
- actions
- deployment
- engine
- model
- deployment
- deployment_trigger
- engine
- model
- grpc
- deployment_targets
- plumber_client
- rbac
- support
- stubs
- switch
- engine
- model
- switch_trigger
- engine
- model
- target/model
- target_trigger
- engine
- model
- pre_flight_checks
- config
- helm
- templates
- lib
- internal_api
- google
- protobuf
- rpc
- pre_flight_checks
- consumers
- destroy_traces
- grpc
- organization_pfc/model
- project_pfc/model
- vmstats
- priv/ecto_repo/migrations
- test
- pre_flight_checks
- consumers
- destroy_traces
- grpc
- organization_pfc/model
- project_pfc/model
- rbac
- assets
- config
- lib
- internal_api
- include
- google
- protobuf
- rpc
- internal_api
- rbac
- api
- middleware
- events
- front_repo
- grpc_servers
- models
- oidc
- okta
- saml
- scim
- provisioner
- on_prem
- refresh
- repo
- services
- store
- toolbox
- user
- utils
- workers
- priv
- front_repo/migrations
- repo/migrations
- test
- rbac
- grpc_servers
- okta
- saml
- scim
- on_prem
- refresh
- repo
- services
- store
- toolbox
- workers
- support
- factories
- mocks
- okta/saml
- velocity
- cmd/server
- db
- migrations
- helm
- templates
- pkg
- aggregator
- api
- calc
- collections
- collector
- compression
- config
- database
- e2e
- emitter
- entity
- env
- feature
- grpc
- options
- proc/summary
- protos
- artifacthub
- feature
- plumber.pipeline
- plumber_w_f.workflow
- projecthub
- repository_integrator
- response_status
- server_farm.job
- status
- superjerry
- user
- velocity
- retry
- service
- shutdown
- str
- watchman
- scripts
- test/support
- encryptor
- cmd/server
- pkg
- api
- crypto
- protos/encryptor
- scripts
- ephemeral_environment
- scripts
- terraform
- gke
- single-vm
- front
- assets
- css
- js
- activity_monitor
- items
- agents
- components
- instructions
- pages
- self_hosted
- stores
- types
- billing
- components
- pages
- stores
- types
- credits
- spendings
- custom_types
- dashboard
- deployments
- components
- flaky_tests
- components
- network
- pages
- stores
- types
- get_started
- pages
- stores
- types
- git_integration
- components
- pages
- home_page
- integration_page
- stores
- types
- groups
- insights
- components
- custom_charts
- forms
- plot
- charts
- focus
- tooltips
- y_axis
- zero_state
- stores
- types
- util
- job_logs
- components
- events
- render.spec
- templates
- jump_to
- me
- components
- initialization
- organization_health
- components
- pages
- stores
- types
- organization_onboarding
- store
- organization_secrets
- people
- add_people
- edit_person
- pollman_list
- pre_flight_checks
- project
- components
- project_onboarding
- initializing
- new
- components
- pages
- create
- workflow_setup
- stores
- create
- workflow_setup
- types
- utils
- project_settings
- artifacts
- secrets
- roles
- secrets
- self_hosted_agents
- tasks
- components
- test_results
- components
- stores
- types
- util
- toolbox
- workflow_editor
- components
- configurator
- models
- templates
- commit
- configurator
- diagram
- workflow_view
- config
- doc
- helm
- templates
- lib
- front
- activity_monitor
- artifacts
- audit
- events_decorator
- branch_page
- breadcrumbs
- clients
- decorators
- header
- form
- layout
- models
- billing
- plan_switch
- pipeline
- project_metrics
- test_explorer
- onboarding
- learn
- project_page
- project_settings
- rbac
- self_hosted_agents
- support
- telemetry
- velocity
- widgets
- workflow_page
- diagram
- errors
- pipeline_status
- front_web
- controllers
- insights
- project_settings
- plugs
- templates
- account
- welcome
- activity_monitor
- index
- agents
- artifacts
- audit
- streaming
- billing
- badges
- branch
- dashboard
- partials
- deployments
- forms
- history
- items
- error
- flaky_tests
- get_started
- git_integration
- groups
- insights
- job
- layout
- page_header
- workflow
- me
- notifications
- offboarding
- organization_contacts
- organization_jwt_config
- organization_okta
- show
- organization_onboarding
- organization_pfc
- page
- people
- add_to_project
- members
- pipeline
- pipeline
- switch
- project
- public
- project_onboarding
- choose_repository
- project_pfc
- project_settings
- general
- repository
- secrets
- roles
- schedulers
- forms
- history
- tasks
- workflows
- secrets
- secret_policy
- self_hosted_agent
- index
- show
- settings
- sso
- support
- test_results
- member
- public
- test_summary
- workflow
- edit
- status
- views
- insights
- internal_api
- include
- google
- protobuf
- rpc
- google/protobuf
- internal_api
- job_page
- api
- models
- public_api/semaphore
- linters
- priv
- gettext
- onboarding
- storage
- test-results
- failed
- failed
- invalid_junit_json
- job
- build
- deploy
- test
- passed
- exunit
- golang
- rspec
- pipeline
- scripts
- secrets
- test
- browser
- organization_settings
- projects_settings
- workflow_editor
- workflow_page
- fixture/yamls
- os
- saas
- front
- activity_monitor
- artifacts
- audit
- branch_page
- clients
- decorators
- header
- form
- layout
- models
- billing
- pipeline
- test_explorer
- onboarding/learn
- project_page
- project_settings
- rbac
- support
- workflow_page
- diagram
- errors
- front_web
- controllers
- insights
- project_settings
- plugs
- views
- job_page
- api
- models
- job_page_web
- controllers
- views
- support
- browser
- factories
- fake_clients
- fake_services
- front_web/plugs
- development
- job_page
- loghub
- mix/tasks
- stubs
- billing
- workflow_templates
- ce_new
- properties
- templates
- saas
- properties
- templates
- saas_new
- properties
- templates
- github_hooks
- app
- controllers
- models
- bin
- config
- app
- environments
- initializers
- locales
- db/migrate
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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lines changed+203
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