Thanks for taking interest and I appreciate your efforts towards making this projects even better.
This is the most simple project when it comes to contributions, setup, opening issues/pull requests. So et's get started.
- Clone the repo using the command
git clone
1 - Install the packages to get suport for linter using
npm install
1: If you do not have ssh setup for github, while cloning go with https
- We use ESLint for code linting
- The linter follows Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide
- Go though the folder structure carefully and follow the same
- Go though the format and file convenetions used while adding tests (both test case and test files)
When adding a new problem with solution
- Take care of the filename convention (Very Important)
- Problem statement should be there and support it with some examples
- Make sure you've add the Run Time Complexity of your solution
- Please take care of the segregation of the Problems as per the given Folder Structure
- It's great if you can add the Unit Tests to verify your solutions as well
When adding a Unit Test
- Take care of the file name convention
- Make sure CI (Travis) is passing
- Keep an eye on this guide, it's subjected to change frequently.
- Please do not break the ESLint rules
- Todo
- Issue Template
- PR Template