From 254e44f890f77f60cc97a53cdb2085c49813242f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Stapfer <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 17:48:56 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 01/13] Add all relevant changes from previous 2020 bundle API

For reference on the previous work in 2020, refer to #4518
---                        |  52 +-
 jscomp/refmt/        | 848 ++++++++++++++++++++++---
 jscomp/refmt/jsoo_refmt_main.mli       |   1 -
 jscomp/super_errors/super_location.mli |   5 +
 4 files changed, 789 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 850712783a..a0c680a672 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -209,13 +209,17 @@ This is usually the file you want to create to test certain compile behavior wit
 - Verify the output, check in the `jscomp/test/` and `jscomp/test/my_file_test.js` to version control. The checked in `.js` file is essential for verifying regressions later on.
 - Eventually check in other relevant files changed during the rebuild (depends on your compiler changes).
-## Contribute to the BS Playground Bundle
+## Contribute to the ReScript Playground Bundle
 > Note: These instructions are designed for building the 4.06 based version of ReScript (ReScript v6).
 The "Playground bundle" is the BS compiler compiled to JavaScript, including all necessary dependency files (stdlib / belt etc). It is useful for building tools where you want to compile and execute arbitrary Reason / OCaml in the browser.
-The ReScript source code is compiled with a tool called [JSOO (js_of_ocaml)](, which uses OCaml bytecode to compile to JavaScript and is part of the bigger OCaml ecosystem. Before we can compile anything, we need to install the required tools (requires [`opam`]( to be installed):
+The ReScript source code is compiled with a tool called [JSOO (js_of_ocaml)](, which uses OCaml bytecode to compile to JavaScript and is part of the bigger OCaml ecosystem.
+We actually ship a bytecode version of `js_of_ocaml`, so you actually don't need to install any third party dependencies. This is usually for basic usage if you don't care about the compilation speed or a fast feedback loop (e.g. CI).
+For faster compilation times, we recommend to install a proper `jsoo` executable:
 # Create the right switch, if not created yet (first install)
@@ -225,18 +229,25 @@ opam switch create 4.06.1
 opam switch 4.06.1
 eval `opam config env`
-opam install js_of_ocaml.3.5.1
+opam install js_of_ocaml.3.6.0
+Additionally, make sure to adapt the `scripts/repl.js` file to use the `js_of_ocaml` binary instead (otherwise you'll continue using the slower bytecode version):
+- e(`${OCAMLRUN} ${JSOO} compile jsc.byte ${jsooFlag}-o exports.js`);
++ e(`js_of_ocaml compile jsc.byte ${jsooFlag}-o exports.js`);
-### Build the Bundle
+### Building the Bundle
-The entry point of the JSOO bundle is located in `jscomp/main/` and the script for running JSOO can be found in `scripts/repl.js`. A full clean build can be done like this:
+The entry point of the JSOO bundle is located in `jscomp/main/` and the script for running JSOO can be found in `scripts/repl.js`. A full clean build can be done like this:
 # We create a target directory for storing the bundle / stdlib files
 mkdir playground && mkdir playground/stdlib
-# We build the ReScript source code and also the bytecode for
+# We build the ReScript source code and also the bytecode for
 node scripts/ninja.js config && node scripts/ninja.js build
 # Now we run the repl.js script pointing to our playground directory (note how it needs to be relative to the repl.js file)
@@ -245,7 +256,7 @@ BS_PLAYGROUND=../playground node scripts/repl.js
 _Troubleshooting: if ninja build step failed with `Error: cannot find file '+runtime.js'`, make sure `ocamlfind` is installed with `opam install ocamlfind`._
-**You should now find following files:**
+After a successful compilation, you will find following files in your project:
 - `playground/exports.js` -> This is the ReScript compiler, which binds the ReScript API to the `window` object.
 - `playground/stdlib/*.js` -> All the ReScript runtime files.
@@ -255,31 +266,28 @@ You can now use the `exports.js` file either directly by using a `<script src="/
 $ node
 > require("./exports.js");
-> let compile_result = ocaml.compile(`Js.log Sys.ocaml_version`); // You can change the code here
-> eval(compile_result);
+> let compiler = rescript_compiler.make()
+> let result = compiler.rescript.compile(`Js.log(Sys.ocaml_version)`);
+> eval(result);
 ### Playground JS bundle API
-As soon as the bundle is loaded, you will get access to following functions (as seen in [``](jscomp/main/
+As soon as the bundle is loaded, you will get access to the functions exposed in [``](jscomp/refmt/ Best way to check out the API is by inspecting a compiler instance it either in node, or in the browser:
-- `window.ocaml`:
-  - `compile(code: string)`: Compiles given code
-  - `shake_compile(code: string)`: Compiles given code with tree-shaking
-  - `compile_super_errors(code: string)`: Compiles given code and outputs `super_errors` related messages on `console.error`
-  - `compile_super_errors_ppx_v2(code: string)`: Compiles given code with the React v2 syntax
-  - `compile_super_errors_ppx_v3(code: string)`: Compiles given code with the React v3 syntax
-  - `load_module(cmi_path: string, cmi_content: string, cmj_name: string, cmj_content: string)`: Loads a module into the compiler (see notes on `cmj` / `cmi` below)
+$ node
+> let compiler = rescript_compiler.make()
+> console.log(compiler)
-For each compile every successful operation will return `{js_code: string}`. On compile errors, the returned object will be `{js_error_msg: string}`.
 ### Working on the Playground JS API
-Whenever you are modifying any files in the ReScript compiler, or in the `` file, you'll need to rebuild the source and recreate the JS bundle.
+Whenever you are modifying any files in the ReScript compiler, or in the `` file, you'll need to rebuild the source and recreate the JS bundle.
 node scripts/ninja.js config && node scripts/ninja.js build
diff --git a/jscomp/refmt/ b/jscomp/refmt/
index 40aa9ef780..b3668b8ac3 100644
--- a/jscomp/refmt/
+++ b/jscomp/refmt/
@@ -23,88 +23,591 @@
  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *)
-`jsoo_refmt_main` is the JSOO compilation entry point for building ReScript + Refmt as one bundle.
+`jsoo_refmt_main` is the JSOO compilation entry point for building BuckleScript + Refmt + Res syntax as one bundle.
 This is usually the file you want to build for the full playground experience.
+ * The API version is giving information about the feature set
+ * of the resulting BS bundle API.
+ *
+ * It follows the semver format {major.minor} which means:
+ * - Whenever there is a breaking change, raise the major version
+ * - Whenever there is a feature addition, raise the minor version
+ *
+ * Whenever you are changing functionality in here, please double check
+ * if you are breaking any APIs. If yes, make sure to update this apiVersion
+ * value accordingly.
+ *
+ * Reason:
+ * We ship BuckleScript bindings that bind to this API. To be able to handle
+ * different bundles with different API versions, we need a way to tell the
+ * consumer on what interface the bundle provides.
+ *
+ * This will allow the frontend to have different sets of the same bindings,
+ * and use the proper interfaces as stated by the apiVersion.
+ * *)
+let apiVersion = "1.0"
 module Js = Jsoo_common.Js
+module Sys_js = Jsoo_common.Sys_js
+let export (field : string) v =
+  Js.Unsafe.set ( field v
+module Lang = struct
+  type t = OCaml | Reason | Res
+  let fromString t = match t with
+    | "ocaml" | "ml" -> Some OCaml
+    | "reason" | "re" -> Some Reason
+    | "res" -> Some Res
+    | _ -> None
+  let toString t = match t with
+    | OCaml -> "ml"
+    | Reason -> "re"
+    | Res -> "res"
+module BundleConfig = struct
+  type t = {
+    mutable module_system: Js_packages_info.module_system;
+    mutable filename: string option;
+    mutable warn_flags: string;
+  }
+  let make () = {
+    module_system=Js_packages_info.NodeJS;
+    filename=None;
+    warn_flags=Bsc_warnings.defaults_w;
+  }
+  let default_filename (lang: Lang.t) = "playground." ^ (Lang.toString lang)
-let () =  
+  let string_of_module_system m = (match m with
+    | Js_packages_info.NodeJS -> "nodejs"
+    | Es6 -> "es6"
+    | Es6_global -> "es6_global")
+type locErrInfo = {
+  fullMsg: string; (* Full report string with all context *)
+  shortMsg: string; (* simple explain message without any extra context *)
+  loc: Location.t;
+module LocWarnInfo = struct
+  type t = {
+    fullMsg: string; (* Full super_error related warn string *)
+    shortMsg: string; (* Plain warn message without any context *)
+    warnNumber: int;
+    isError: bool;
+    loc: Location.t;
+  }
+exception RescriptParsingErrors of locErrInfo list
+module ErrorRet = struct
+  type err =
+    | SyntaxErr of locErrInfo array
+    | TypecheckErr of locErrInfo array
+    | WarningFlagErr of string * string (* warning, warning_error flags *)
+    | WarningErrs of LocWarnInfo.t array
+    | UnexpectedErr of string
+  let locErrorAttributes ~(type_: string) ~(fullMsg: string) ~(shortMsg: string) (loc: Location.t) =
+    let (_file,line,startchar) = Location.get_pos_info loc.Location.loc_start in
+    let (_file,endline,endchar) = Location.get_pos_info loc.Location.loc_end in
+    Js.Unsafe.([|
+      "fullMsg", inject @@ Js.string fullMsg;
+      "row"    , inject line;
+      "column" , inject startchar;
+      "endRow" , inject endline;
+      "endColumn" , inject endchar;
+      "shortMsg" , inject @@ Js.string shortMsg;
+      "type" , inject @@ Js.string type_;
+    |])
+  let makeWarning (e: LocWarnInfo.t) =
+    let locAttrs = locErrorAttributes
+        ~type_:"warning"
+        ~fullMsg: e.fullMsg
+        ~shortMsg: e.shortMsg
+        e.loc in
+    let warnAttrs =  Js.Unsafe.([|
+        "warnNumber", inject @@ (e.warnNumber |> float_of_int |> Js.number_of_float);
+        "isError", inject @@ Js.bool e.isError;
+      |]) in
+    let attrs = Array.append locAttrs warnAttrs in
+    Js.Unsafe.obj attrs
+  let fromLocErrors ?(warnings: LocWarnInfo.t array option) ~(type_: string) (errors: locErrInfo array) =
+    let jsErrors =
+        (fun (e: locErrInfo) ->
+           Js.Unsafe.(obj
+                        (locErrorAttributes
+                           ~type_
+                           ~fullMsg: e.fullMsg
+                           ~shortMsg: e.shortMsg
+                           e.loc))) errors
+    in
+    let locErrAttrs = Js.Unsafe.([|
+        "errors" , inject @@ Js.array jsErrors;
+        "type" , inject @@ Js.string type_
+      |])
+    in
+    let warningAttr = match warnings with
+      | Some warnings -> Js.Unsafe.([|
+          "warnings",
+          inject @@ Js.array ( makeWarning warnings)
+        |])
+      | None -> [||]
+    in
+    let attrs = Array.append locErrAttrs warningAttr in
+    Js.Unsafe.(obj attrs)
+  let fromSyntaxErrors (errors: locErrInfo array) =
+    fromLocErrors ~type_:"syntax_error" errors
+  (* for raised errors caused by malformed warning / warning_error flags *)
+  let makeWarningFlagError ~(warn_flags: string) (msg: string)  =
+    Js.Unsafe.(obj [|
+        "msg" , inject @@ Js.string msg;
+        "warn_flags", inject @@ Js.string warn_flags;
+        "type" , inject @@ Js.string "warning_flag_error"
+      |])
+  let makeWarningError (errors: LocWarnInfo.t array) =
+    let type_ = "warning_error" in
+    let jsErrors = makeWarning errors in
+    Js.Unsafe.(obj [|
+        "errors" , inject @@ Js.array jsErrors;
+        "type" , inject @@ Js.string type_
+      |])
+  let makeUnexpectedError msg =
+    Js.Unsafe.(obj [|
+        "msg" , inject @@ Js.string msg;
+        "type" , inject @@ Js.string "unexpected_error"
+      |])
+(* One time setup for all relevant modules *)
+let () =
   Bs_conditional_initial.setup_env ();
-  Clflags.binary_annotations := false
+  Clflags.binary_annotations := false;
+  Misc.Color.setup (Some Always);
+  Lazy.force Super_main.setup;
+  Lazy.force Res_outcome_printer.setup
-let error_of_exn e =   
-  match Location.error_of_exn e with 
-  | Some (`Ok e) -> Some e 
+let error_of_exn e =
+  (match Location.error_of_exn e with
+  | Some (`Ok e) -> Some e
   | Some `Already_displayed
-  | None -> None
-let implementation ~use_super_errors impl str  : Js.Unsafe.obj =
-  let modulename = "Test" in
-  (* let env = !Toploop.toplevel_env in *)
-  (* Res_compmisc.init_path false; *)
-  (* let modulename = module_of_filename ppf sourcefile outputprefix in *)
-  (* Env.set_unit_name modulename; *)
-  Lam_compile_env.reset () ;
-  let env = Res_compmisc.initial_env() in (* Question ?? *)
-  (* let finalenv = ref Env.empty in *)
-  let types_signature = ref [] in
-  if use_super_errors then begin
-    Misc.Color.setup (Some Always);
-    Lazy.force Super_main.setup ;
-  end;
-  try
-    Js_config.jsx_version :=  3 ; (* default *)
-    let ast = impl (Lexing.from_string str) in     
-    let ast = Ppx_entry.rewrite_implementation ast in 
-    let typed_tree = 
-      let (a,b,_,signature) = Typemod.type_implementation_more modulename modulename modulename env ast in
-      (* finalenv := c ; *)
-      types_signature := signature;
-      (a,b) in      
-  typed_tree
-  |>  Translmod.transl_implementation modulename
-  |> (* Printlambda.lambda ppf *) (fun 
-    {Lambda.code = lam}
-    ->
-      let buffer = Buffer.create 1000 in
-      let () = Js_dump_program.pp_deps_program
-                          ~output_prefix:"" (* does not matter here *)
-                          NodeJS
-                          (Lam_compile_main.compile ""
-                              lam)
-                          (Ext_pp.from_buffer buffer) in
-      let v = Buffer.contents buffer in
-      Js.Unsafe.(obj [| "js_code", inject @@ Js.string v |]) )
-      (* Format.fprintf output_ppf {| { "js_code" : %S }|} v ) *)
-  with
-  | e ->
-      begin match error_of_exn e with
-      | Some error ->
-        Location.report_error Format.err_formatter  error;
-        Jsoo_common.mk_js_error error.loc error.msg
-      | None ->
-        let msg = Printexc.to_string e in
-        match e with
-        | Refmt_api.Migrate_parsetree.Def.Migration_error (_,loc)
-        | Refmt_api.Reason_errors.Reason_error (_,loc) ->
-          Jsoo_common.mk_js_error loc msg
-        | _ -> 
-          Js.Unsafe.(obj [|
-            "js_error_msg" , inject @@ Js.string msg;
-            "type" , inject @@ Js.string "error"
-          |])
-      end
+  | None -> None)
+module Converter = Refmt_api.Migrate_parsetree.Convert(Refmt_api.Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404)(Refmt_api.Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_406)
+module Converter404 = Refmt_api.Migrate_parsetree.Convert(Refmt_api.Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_406)(Refmt_api.Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404)
-let compile ~use_super_errors impl =
-    implementation ~use_super_errors impl
+(* Returns a default filename in case given value opt is not set *)
+let get_filename ~(lang: Lang.t) opt =
+  match opt with
+  | Some fname -> fname
+  | None -> BundleConfig.default_filename lang
+let lexbuf_from_string ~filename str =
+  let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string str in
+  lexbuf.lex_start_p <- { lexbuf.lex_start_p with pos_fname = filename };
+  lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- { lexbuf.lex_curr_p with pos_fname = filename };
+  lexbuf
+(* We need this for a specific parsing issue in Reason: Whenever you are
+ * parsing a source where the last line is a comment (and not a \n) the parser
+ * enters an infinite loop. To prevent this, we need to make sure to append a
+ * newline before doing any parsing attempt *)
+let maybe_add_newline str =
+  let last = (String.length str) - 1 in
+  match String.get str last with
+  | '\n' -> str
+  | _ -> str ^ "\n"
+let reason_parse ~filename str =
+  str
+  |> maybe_add_newline
+  |> lexbuf_from_string ~filename
+  |> Refmt_api.Reason_toolchain.RE.implementation
+  |> Converter.copy_structure
+let ocaml_parse ~filename str =
+  lexbuf_from_string ~filename str |> Parse.implementation
+module ResDriver = struct
+  (* For now we are basically overriding functionality from Res_driver *)
+  open Res_driver
+  (* adds ~src parameter *)
+  let setup ~src ~filename ~forPrinter () =
+    let mode = if forPrinter
+      then Res_parser.Default
+      else ParseForTypeChecker
+    in
+    Res_parser.make ~mode src filename
+  (* get full super error message *)
+  let diagnosticToString ~src (d: Res_diagnostics.t) =
+    let startPos = Res_diagnostics.getStartPos(d) in
+    let endPos = Res_diagnostics.getEndPos(d) in
+    let msg = Res_diagnostics.explain(d) in
+    Res_diagnostics_printing_utils.Super_location.super_error_reporter
+      Format.str_formatter
+      ~src
+      ~startPos
+      ~endPos
+      ~msg;
+    Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+  module ReasonBinary = struct
+    (* copied from bc it was not exposed in the mli *)
+    let isReasonDocComment (comment: Res_comment.t) =
+      let content = Res_comment.txt comment in
+      let len = String.length content in
+      if len = 0 then true
+      else if len >= 2 && (String.unsafe_get content 0 = '*' && String.unsafe_get content 1 = '*') then false
+      else if len >= 1 && (String.unsafe_get content 0 = '*') then true
+      else false
+    (* Originally taken and adapted from to decouple from file access *)
+    let extractConcreteSyntax ~(filename:string) (src:string) =
+      let commentData = ref [] in
+      let stringData = ref [] in
+      let scanner = Res_scanner.make (Bytes.of_string src) ~filename in
+      let rec next prevEndPos scanner =
+        let (startPos, endPos, token) = Res_scanner.scan scanner in
+        match token with
+        | Eof -> ()
+        | Comment c ->
+          Res_comment.setPrevTokEndPos c prevEndPos;
+          commentData := c::(!commentData);
+          next endPos scanner
+        | String _ ->
+          let loc = {Location.loc_start = startPos; loc_end = endPos; loc_ghost = false} in
+          let len = endPos.pos_cnum - startPos.pos_cnum in
+          let txt = (String.sub [@doesNotRaise]) src startPos.pos_cnum len in
+          stringData := (txt, loc)::(!stringData);
+          next endPos scanner
+        | _ ->
+          next endPos scanner
+      in
+      next Lexing.dummy_pos scanner;
+      let comments =
+        !commentData
+        |> List.filter (fun c -> not (isReasonDocComment c))
+        |> List.rev
+      in
+      (comments, !stringData)
+  end
+  let parse_implementation ~sourcefile ~forPrinter ~src =
+    Location.input_name := sourcefile;
+    let parseResult =
+      let engine = setup ~filename:sourcefile ~forPrinter ~src () in
+      let structure = Res_core.parseImplementation engine in
+      let (invalid, diagnostics) = match engine.diagnostics with
+        | [] as diagnostics -> (false, diagnostics)
+        | _ as diagnostics -> (true, diagnostics)
+      in {
+        filename = engine.scanner.filename;
+        source = Bytes.to_string engine.scanner.src;
+        parsetree = structure;
+        diagnostics;
+        invalid;
+        comments = List.rev engine.comments;
+      }
+    in
+    let () = if parseResult.invalid then
+        let errors = parseResult.diagnostics
+                     |> (fun d ->
+                         let fullMsg = diagnosticToString ~src:parseResult.source d in
+                         let shortMsg = Res_diagnostics.explain d in
+                         let loc = {
+                           Location.loc_start = Res_diagnostics.getStartPos d;
+                           Location.loc_end = Res_diagnostics.getEndPos d;
+                           loc_ghost = false
+                         } in
+                         {
+                           fullMsg;
+                           shortMsg;
+                           loc;
+                         }
+                       )
+                     |> List.rev
+        in
+        raise (RescriptParsingErrors errors)
+    in
+    (parseResult.parsetree, parseResult.comments)
+let rescript_parse ~filename src =
+  let (structure, _ ) = ResDriver.parse_implementation ~forPrinter:false ~sourcefile:filename ~src
+  in
+  structure
+module Compile = struct
+  (* Apparently it's not possible to retrieve the loc info from
+   * Location.error_of_exn properly, so we need to do some extra
+   * overloading action
+   * *)
+  let warning_infos: LocWarnInfo.t array ref = ref [||]
+  let warning_buffer = Buffer.create 512
+  let warning_ppf = Format.formatter_of_buffer warning_buffer
+  let flush_warning_buffer () =
+    Format.pp_print_flush warning_ppf ();
+    let str = Buffer.contents warning_buffer in
+    Buffer.reset warning_buffer;
+    str
+  let super_warning_printer loc ppf w =
+    match w with
+      | `Inactive -> ()
+      | `Active { Warnings. number; is_error; } ->
+        Super_location.super_warning_printer loc ppf w;
+        let open LocWarnInfo in
+        let fullMsg = flush_warning_buffer () in
+        let shortMsg = Warnings.message w in
+        let info = {
+          fullMsg;
+          shortMsg;
+          warnNumber=number;
+          isError=is_error;
+          loc;
+        } in
+        warning_infos := Array.append !warning_infos [|info|]
+  let () =
+    Location.formatter_for_warnings := warning_ppf;
+    Location.warning_printer := super_warning_printer
+  let handle_err e =
+    (match error_of_exn e with
+     | Some error ->
+       (* This branch handles all
+        * errors handled by the Location error reporting
+        * system.
+        *
+        * Here we can differentiate between the different kinds
+        * of error types just by looking at the raised exn names *)
+       let type_ = match e with
+         | Typetexp.Error _
+         | Typecore.Error _
+         | Typemod.Error _ -> "type_error"
+         | Lexer.Error _
+         | Syntaxerr.Error _ -> "syntax_error"
+         | _ -> "other_error"
+       in
+       let fullMsg =
+         Location.report_error Format.str_formatter error;
+         Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+       in
+       let err = { fullMsg; shortMsg=error.msg; loc=error.loc; } in
+       ErrorRet.fromLocErrors ~type_ [|err|]
+     | None ->
+       match e with
+       | RescriptParsingErrors errors ->
+         ErrorRet.fromSyntaxErrors(Array.of_list errors)
+       | _ ->
+         let msg = Printexc.to_string e in
+         match e with
+         | Warnings.Errors ->
+           ErrorRet.makeWarningError !warning_infos
+         | Refmt_api.Migrate_parsetree.Def.Migration_error (_,loc) ->
+           let error = { fullMsg=msg; shortMsg=msg; loc; } in
+           ErrorRet.fromSyntaxErrors [|error|]
+         | Refmt_api.Reason_errors.Reason_error (reason_error,loc) ->
+           let fullMsg =
+             Refmt_api.Reason_errors.report_error Format.str_formatter ~loc reason_error;
+             Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+           in
+           let error = { fullMsg; shortMsg=msg; loc; } in
+           ErrorRet.fromSyntaxErrors [|error|]
+         | _ -> ErrorRet.makeUnexpectedError msg)
+  (* Responsible for resetting all compiler state as if it were a new instance *)
+  let reset_compiler () =
+    warning_infos := [||];
+    flush_warning_buffer () |> ignore;
+    Location.reset();
+    Warnings.reset_fatal ();
+    Env.reset_cache_toplevel ()
+  let implementation ~(config: BundleConfig.t) ~lang str  : Js.Unsafe.obj =
+    let {BundleConfig.module_system; warn_flags} = config in
+    try
+      reset_compiler ();
+      Warnings.parse_options false warn_flags;
+      let filename = get_filename ~lang config.filename in
+      let modulename = "Playground" in
+      let impl = match lang with
+        | Lang.OCaml -> ocaml_parse ~filename
+        | Reason -> reason_parse ~filename
+        | Res -> rescript_parse ~filename
+      in
+      (* let env = !Toploop.toplevel_env in *)
+      (* Res_compmisc.init_path (); *)
+      (* let modulename = module_of_filename ppf sourcefile outputprefix in *)
+      (* Env.set_unit_name modulename; *)
+      Lam_compile_env.reset () ;
+      let env = Res_compmisc.initial_env () in (* Question ?? *)
+      (* let finalenv = ref Env.empty in *)
+      let types_signature = ref [] in
+      Js_config.jsx_version := 3; (* default *)
+      let ast = impl (str) in
+      let ast = Ppx_entry.rewrite_implementation ast in
+      let typed_tree =
+        let (a,b,_,signature) = Typemod.type_implementation_more modulename modulename modulename env ast in
+        (* finalenv := c ; *)
+        types_signature := signature;
+        (a,b) in
+      typed_tree
+      |>  Translmod.transl_implementation modulename
+      |> (* Printlambda.lambda ppf *) (fun {Lambda.code = lam} ->
+          let buffer = Buffer.create 1000 in
+          let () = Js_dump_program.pp_deps_program
+              ~output_prefix:"" (* does not matter here *)
+              module_system
+              (Lam_compile_main.compile ""
+                 lam)
+              (Ext_pp.from_buffer buffer) in
+          let v = Buffer.contents buffer in
+          Js.Unsafe.(obj [|
+              "js_code", inject @@ Js.string v;
+              "warnings",
+              inject @@ (
+                !warning_infos
+                |> ErrorRet.makeWarning
+                |> Js.array
+                |> inject
+              );
+              "type" , inject @@ Js.string "success"
+            |]))
+    with
+    | e ->
+      match e with
+      | Arg.Bad msg ->
+        ErrorRet.makeWarningFlagError ~warn_flags msg
+      | _ -> handle_err e;;
+  let syntax_format ?(filename: string option) ~(from:Lang.t) ~(to_:Lang.t) (src: string) =
+    let open Lang in
+    let src = match from with
+      | Reason -> maybe_add_newline src
+      | _ -> src
+    in
+    let filename = get_filename ~lang:from filename in
+    try
+      let code = match (from, to_) with
+        | (Reason, OCaml) ->
+          src
+          |> lexbuf_from_string ~filename
+          |> Refmt_api.Reason_toolchain.RE.implementation_with_comments
+          |> Refmt_api.Reason_toolchain.ML.print_implementation_with_comments Format.str_formatter;
+          Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+        | (OCaml, Reason) ->
+          src
+          |> lexbuf_from_string ~filename
+          |> Refmt_api.Reason_toolchain.ML.implementation_with_comments
+          |> Refmt_api.Reason_toolchain.RE.print_implementation_with_comments Format.str_formatter;
+          Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+        | (Reason, Res) ->
+          let (comments, stringData) = ResDriver.ReasonBinary.extractConcreteSyntax ~filename src in
+          let ast =
+            src
+            |> lexbuf_from_string ~filename
+            |> Refmt_api.Reason_toolchain.RE.implementation
+          in
+          let structure =
+            Refmt_api.Reason_syntax_util.(apply_mapper_to_structure ast remove_stylistic_attrs_mapper)
+            |> Converter.copy_structure
+            |> Res_ast_conversion.replaceStringLiteralStructure stringData
+            |> Res_ast_conversion.normalizeReasonArityStructure ~forPrinter:true
+            |> Res_ast_conversion.structure
+          in
+          Res_printer.printImplementation ~width:80 structure ~comments
+        | (Res, Reason) ->
+          let (comments, stringData) = ResDriver.ReasonBinary.extractConcreteSyntax ~filename src in
+          let (structure, _) =
+            ResDriver.parse_implementation ~forPrinter:false ~sourcefile:filename ~src
+          in
+          let sanitized = structure
+                          |> Res_ast_conversion.replaceStringLiteralStructure stringData
+                          |> Res_ast_conversion.normalizeReasonArityStructure ~forPrinter:false
+                          |> Res_ast_conversion.structure
+          in
+          let reasonComments = comments|> (fun comment -> 
+              let open Refmt_api.Reason_comment in
+              let text = Res_comment.txt comment in
+              let category =
+                if Res_comment.isSingleLineComment comment then
+                  SingleLine
+                else
+                  Regular
+              in
+              {
+                location = Res_comment.loc comment;
+                category;
+                text;
+              }
+            ) in
+          Refmt_api.Reason_toolchain.RE.print_implementation_with_comments Format.str_formatter (Converter404.copy_structure sanitized, reasonComments);
+          Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+        | (OCaml, Res) ->
+          let structure =
+            src
+            |> lexbuf_from_string ~filename
+            |> Parse.implementation
+          in
+          Res_printer.printImplementation ~width:80 structure ~comments:[]
+        | (Res, OCaml) ->
+          let (structure, _) =
+            ResDriver.parse_implementation ~forPrinter:false ~sourcefile:filename ~src
+          in
+          Pprintast.structure Format.str_formatter structure;
+          Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+        | (Res, Res) ->
+          (* Basically pretty printing *)
+          let (structure, comments) =
+            ResDriver.parse_implementation ~forPrinter:false ~sourcefile:filename ~src
+          in
+          Res_printer.printImplementation ~width:80 structure ~comments
+        | (OCaml, OCaml) -> src
+        | (Reason, Reason) ->
+          (* Pretty printing *)
+          let astAndComments = src
+                               |> lexbuf_from_string ~filename
+                               |> Refmt_api.Reason_toolchain.RE.implementation_with_comments
+          in
+          Refmt_api.Reason_toolchain.RE.print_implementation_with_comments Format.str_formatter astAndComments;
+          Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+      in
+      Js.Unsafe.(obj [|
+          "code", inject @@ Js.string code;
+          "fromLang", inject @@ Js.string (Lang.toString from);
+          "toLang", inject @@ Js.string (Lang.toString to_);
+          "type" , inject @@ Js.string "success"
+        |])
+    with
+    | e -> handle_err e
-let export (field : string) v =
-  Js.Unsafe.set ( field v
 (* To add a directory to the load path *)
 let dir_directory d =
@@ -112,31 +615,188 @@ let dir_directory d =
 let () =
   dir_directory "/static"
-module Converter = Refmt_api.Migrate_parsetree.Convert(Refmt_api.Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404)(Refmt_api.Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_406)
+module Export = struct
+  let make_compiler ~config ~lang =
+    let open Lang in
+    let open Js.Unsafe in
+    let baseAttrs =
+      [|"compile",
+        inject @@
+        Js.wrap_meth_callback
+          (fun _ code ->
+             (Compile.implementation ~config ~lang (Js.to_string code)));
+        "version",
+        inject @@
+        Js.string
+          (match lang with
+           | Reason -> Refmt_api.version
+           | Res -> Bs_version.version
+           | OCaml -> Sys.ocaml_version);
+      |] in
+    let attrs =
+      if lang != OCaml then
+        Array.append baseAttrs [|
+          ("format",
+           inject @@
+           Js.wrap_meth_callback
+             (fun _ code ->
+                (match lang with
+                 | OCaml -> ErrorRet.makeUnexpectedError ("OCaml pretty printing not supported")
+                 | _ -> Compile.syntax_format ?filename:config.filename ~from:lang ~to_:lang (Js.to_string code))))
+        |]
+      else
+        baseAttrs
+    in
+    obj attrs
-let reason_parse lexbuf = 
-  Refmt_api.Reason_toolchain.RE.implementation lexbuf |> Converter.copy_structure;;
+  let make_config_attrs ~(config: BundleConfig.t) =
+    let open Lang in
+    let set_module_system value =
+      match value with
+      | "es6" ->
+        config.module_system <- Js_packages_info.Es6; true
+      | "nodejs" ->
+        config.module_system <- NodeJS; true
+      | _ -> false in
+    let set_filename value =
+      config.filename <- Some value; true
+    in
+    let set_warn_flags value =
+      config.warn_flags <- value; true
+    in
+    Js.Unsafe.(
+      [|
+        "setModuleSystem",
+        inject @@
+        Js.wrap_meth_callback
+          (fun _ value ->
+             (Js.bool (set_module_system (Js.to_string value)))
+          );
+        "setFilename",
+        inject @@
+        Js.wrap_meth_callback
+          (fun _ value ->
+             (Js.bool (set_filename (Js.to_string value)))
+          );
+        "setWarnFlags",
+        inject @@
+        Js.wrap_meth_callback
+          (fun _ value ->
+             (Js.bool (set_warn_flags (Js.to_string value)))
+          );
+        "list",
+        inject @@
+        Js.wrap_meth_callback
+          (fun _ ->
+             (Js.Unsafe.(obj
+                           [|
+                             "module_system",
+                             inject @@ (
+                               config.module_system
+                               |> BundleConfig.string_of_module_system
+                               |> Js.string
+                             );
+                             "warn_flags",
+                             inject @@ (Js.string config.warn_flags);
+                           |]))
+          );
-let make_compiler ~name impl=
-  export name
-    (Js.Unsafe.(obj
-                  [|"compile",
-                    inject @@
-                    Js.wrap_meth_callback
-                      (fun _ code ->
-                         (compile impl ~use_super_errors:false (Js.to_string code)));
-                    "compile_super_errors",
-                    inject @@
-                    Js.wrap_meth_callback
-                      (fun _ code ->
-                         (compile impl ~use_super_errors:true (Js.to_string code)));
-                    "version", Js.Unsafe.inject (Js.string (match name with | "reason" -> Refmt_api.version | _ -> Bs_version.version));
-                  |]))
+      |])
-let () = make_compiler ~name:"ocaml" Parse.implementation
-let () = make_compiler ~name:"reason" reason_parse
+  (* Creates a "compiler instance" binding the configuration context to the specific compile / formatter functions *)
+  let make () =
+    let open Lang in
+    let config = BundleConfig.make () in
+    let set_module_system value =
+      match value with
+      | "es6" ->
+        config.module_system <- Js_packages_info.Es6; true
+      | "nodejs" ->
+        config.module_system <- NodeJS; true
+      | _ -> false in
+    let set_filename value =
+      config.filename <- Some value; true
+    in
+    let set_warn_flags value =
+      config.warn_flags <- value; true
+    in
+    let convert_syntax ~(fromLang: string) ~(toLang: string) (src: string) =
+      let open Lang in
+      match (fromString fromLang, fromString toLang) with
+      | (Some from, Some to_) ->
+        Compile.syntax_format ?filename:config.filename ~from ~to_ src
+      | other ->
+        let msg = match other with
+          | (None, None) -> "Unknown from / to language: " ^ fromLang ^ ", " ^ toLang
+          | (None, Some _) -> "Unknown from language: " ^ fromLang
+          | (Some _, None) -> "Unknown to language: " ^ toLang
+          | (Some _, Some _) -> "Can't convert from " ^ fromLang ^ " to " ^ toLang
+        in
+        ErrorRet.makeUnexpectedError(msg)
+    in
+    Js.Unsafe.(obj [|
+        "version",
+        inject @@ Js.string Bs_version.version;
+        "ocaml",
+        inject @@ make_compiler ~config ~lang:OCaml;
+        "reason",
+        inject @@ make_compiler ~config ~lang:Reason;
+        "rescript",
+        inject @@ make_compiler ~config ~lang:Res;
+        "convertSyntax",
+        inject @@
+        Js.wrap_meth_callback
+          (fun _ fromLang toLang src ->
+             (convert_syntax ~fromLang:(Js.to_string fromLang) ~toLang:(Js.to_string toLang) (Js.to_string src))
+          );
+        "setModuleSystem",
+        inject @@
+        Js.wrap_meth_callback
+          (fun _ value ->
+             (Js.bool (set_module_system (Js.to_string value)))
+          );
+        "setFilename",
+        inject @@
+        Js.wrap_meth_callback
+          (fun _ value ->
+             (Js.bool (set_filename (Js.to_string value)))
+          );
+        "setWarnFlags",
+        inject @@
+        Js.wrap_meth_callback
+          (fun _ value ->
+             (Js.bool (set_warn_flags (Js.to_string value)))
+          );
+        "getConfig",
+        inject @@
+        Js.wrap_meth_callback
+          (fun _ ->
+             (Js.Unsafe.(obj
+                           [|
+                             "module_system",
+                             inject @@ (
+                               config.module_system
+                               |> BundleConfig.string_of_module_system
+                               |> Js.string
+                             );
+                             "warn_flags",
+                             inject @@ (Js.string config.warn_flags);
+                           |]))
+          );
+      |])
-(* local variables: *)
-(* compile-command: "ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind -pkg compiler-libs -no-hygiene driver.cmo" *)
-(* end: *)
+let () =
+  let open Lang in
+  export "rescript_compiler"
+    (Js.Unsafe.(obj
+                  [|
+                    "api_version",
+                    inject @@ Js.string apiVersion;
+                    "version",
+                    inject @@ Js.string Bs_version.version;
+                    "make",
+                    inject @@ Export.make
+                  |]))
diff --git a/jscomp/refmt/jsoo_refmt_main.mli b/jscomp/refmt/jsoo_refmt_main.mli
index 57fcc18956..f4f9d8937e 100644
--- a/jscomp/refmt/jsoo_refmt_main.mli
+++ b/jscomp/refmt/jsoo_refmt_main.mli
@@ -23,4 +23,3 @@
  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *)
-val make_compiler : name:string -> (Lexing.lexbuf -> Parsetree.structure) -> unit 
diff --git a/jscomp/super_errors/super_location.mli b/jscomp/super_errors/super_location.mli
index 76cbb92d30..cd61fec6c9 100644
--- a/jscomp/super_errors/super_location.mli
+++ b/jscomp/super_errors/super_location.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
+(* Needed for the online playground experience *)
+val super_warning_printer :
+  Warnings.loc ->
+  Format.formatter ->
+  Warnings.t -> unit
 val error_of_printer :
   Location.t -> 

From eadc6e49735ec96c0792279d9840d7ac4e4105e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Stapfer <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 19:36:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 02/13] Add ninja rule for building jsoo_refmt_main

 jscomp/ | 4 +++-
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/jscomp/ b/jscomp/
index 8b2e280639..762cb169d9 100644
--- a/jscomp/
+++ b/jscomp/
@@ -37,7 +37,9 @@ o $SNAP/unstable/ bspack | ./bin/bspack.exe $LTO
     flags = -D BROWSER=true  -MD    -I ml  $includes
     main  = Jsoo_main
+o $SNAP/unstable/ bspack | ./bin/bspack.exe $LTO
+    flags = -D BS_BROWSER=true -bs-MD  -module-alias Config=Config_whole_compiler  -bs-exclude-I config   -I $OCAML_SRC_UTILS -I $OCAML_SRC_PARSING -I $OCAML_SRC_TYPING -I $OCAML_SRC_BYTECOMP -I $OCAML_SRC_DRIVER -I stubs -I js_parser -I ext -I napkin -I frontend -I depends -I common -I core -I super_errors -I bsb -I outcome_printer -I js_parser -I refmt -I main
+    main  = Jsoo_refmt_main
 # -o $@

From 6c240a8f5cf03893925b77cf622c48b5641dd4fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Stapfer <>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2021 18:33:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 03/13] Fix formatting edge-cases when formatting ReScript ->

Configure the parser to pass forPrinter:true when parsing / printing ReScript.
This fixes issues where e.g. Some((1, 2)) get misprinted to Some(1,2) etc.

Relevant bug reports:
 jscomp/refmt/ | 6 ++++--
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/jscomp/refmt/ b/jscomp/refmt/
index b3668b8ac3..088fa8e5df 100644
--- a/jscomp/refmt/
+++ b/jscomp/refmt/
@@ -583,9 +583,11 @@ module Compile = struct
           Pprintast.structure Format.str_formatter structure;
           Format.flush_str_formatter ()
         | (Res, Res) ->
-          (* Basically pretty printing *)
+          (* Essentially pretty printing.
+           * IMPORTANT: we need forPrinter:true when parsing code here,
+           * otherwise we will loose some information for the ReScript printer *)
           let (structure, comments) =
-            ResDriver.parse_implementation ~forPrinter:false ~sourcefile:filename ~src
+            ResDriver.parse_implementation ~forPrinter:true ~sourcefile:filename ~src
           Res_printer.printImplementation ~width:80 structure ~comments
         | (OCaml, OCaml) -> src

From 1ebc17ddc92cf7a5ae753c72c130fc1d46c7e31c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Stapfer <>
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2021 17:55:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 04/13] Introduce initial type hints in playground bundle

 jscomp/refmt/ | 143 ++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 88 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

diff --git a/jscomp/refmt/ b/jscomp/refmt/
index 088fa8e5df..e289d7e2c0 100644
--- a/jscomp/refmt/
+++ b/jscomp/refmt/
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ This is usually the file you want to build for the full playground experience.
  * This will allow the frontend to have different sets of the same bindings,
  * and use the proper interfaces as stated by the apiVersion.
  * *)
-let apiVersion = "1.0"
+let apiVersion = "1.1"
 module Js = Jsoo_common.Js
 module Sys_js = Jsoo_common.Sys_js
@@ -360,6 +360,21 @@ let rescript_parse ~filename src =
+module Printer = struct
+  let printExpr typ =
+    Printtyp.reset_names();
+    Res_doc.toString
+      ~width:60 (Res_outcome_printer.printOutTypeDoc (Printtyp.tree_of_typexp false typ))
+  let printDecl ~recStatus name decl =
+    Printtyp.reset_names();
+    Res_doc.toString
+      ~width:60
+      (Res_outcome_printer.printOutSigItemDoc (Printtyp.tree_of_type_declaration (Ident.create name) decl recStatus))
 module Compile = struct
   (* Apparently it's not possible to retrieve the loc info from
    * Location.error_of_exn properly, so we need to do some extra
@@ -448,6 +463,76 @@ module Compile = struct
     Warnings.reset_fatal ();
     Env.reset_cache_toplevel ()
+  (* Collects the type information from the typed_tree, so we can use that
+   * data to display types on hover etc.
+   *
+   * Note: start / end positions
+   * *)
+  let collectTypeHints typed_tree =
+    let open Typedtree in
+    let createTypeHintObj loc kind hint =
+      let open Lexing in
+      let open Location in
+      let (_ , startline, startcol) = Location.get_pos_info loc.loc_start in
+      let (_ , endline, endcol) = Location.get_pos_info loc.loc_end in
+      Js.Unsafe.(obj [|
+          "start", inject @@ (obj [|
+              "line", inject @@ (startline |> float_of_int |> Js.number_of_float);
+              "col", inject @@ (startcol|> float_of_int |> Js.number_of_float);
+            |]);
+          "end", inject @@ (obj [|
+              "line", inject @@ (endline |> float_of_int |> Js.number_of_float);
+              "col", inject @@ (endcol |> float_of_int |> Js.number_of_float);
+            |]);
+          "kind", inject @@ Js.string kind;
+          "hint", inject @@ Js.string hint;
+        |])
+    in
+    let (structure, _) = typed_tree in
+    let acc = ref [] in
+    let module Iter = TypedtreeIter.MakeIterator (struct
+        include TypedtreeIter.DefaultIteratorArgument
+        let cur_rec_status = ref None
+        let enter_expression expr =
+          let hint = Printer.printExpr expr.exp_type in
+          let obj = createTypeHintObj expr.exp_loc "expression" hint in
+          acc := obj :: !acc
+        let enter_binding binding =
+          let hint = Printer.printExpr binding.vb_expr.exp_type in
+          let obj = createTypeHintObj binding.vb_loc "binding" hint in
+          acc := obj :: !acc
+        let enter_core_type ct =
+          let hint = Printer.printExpr ct.ctyp_type in
+          let obj = createTypeHintObj ct.ctyp_loc "core_type" hint in
+          acc := obj :: !acc
+        let enter_type_declarations recFlag =
+          let status = match recFlag with
+          | Asttypes.Nonrecursive -> Types.Trec_not
+          | Recursive -> Trec_first
+          in
+          cur_rec_status := Some status
+        let enter_type_declaration tdecl =
+          let open Types in
+          match !cur_rec_status with
+          | Some recStatus ->
+            let hint = Printer.printDecl ~recStatus tdecl.typ_name.Asttypes.txt tdecl.typ_type in
+            let obj = createTypeHintObj tdecl.typ_loc "type_declaration" hint in
+            acc := obj :: !acc;
+            (match recStatus with
+              | Trec_not
+              | Trec_first -> cur_rec_status := Some Trec_next
+              | _ -> ())
+          | None -> ()
+      end)
+    in
+    List.iter Iter.iter_structure_item structure.str_items;
+    Js.array (!acc |> Array.of_list)
   let implementation ~(config: BundleConfig.t) ~lang str  : Js.Unsafe.obj =
     let {BundleConfig.module_system; warn_flags} = config in
@@ -488,6 +573,7 @@ module Compile = struct
               (Ext_pp.from_buffer buffer) in
           let v = Buffer.contents buffer in
+          let typeHints = collectTypeHints typed_tree in
           Js.Unsafe.(obj [|
               "js_code", inject @@ Js.string v;
@@ -497,6 +583,7 @@ module Compile = struct
                 |> Js.array
                 |> inject
+              "type_hints", inject @@ typeHints;
               "type" , inject @@ Js.string "success"
@@ -651,60 +738,6 @@ module Export = struct
     obj attrs
-  let make_config_attrs ~(config: BundleConfig.t) =
-    let open Lang in
-    let set_module_system value =
-      match value with
-      | "es6" ->
-        config.module_system <- Js_packages_info.Es6; true
-      | "nodejs" ->
-        config.module_system <- NodeJS; true
-      | _ -> false in
-    let set_filename value =
-      config.filename <- Some value; true
-    in
-    let set_warn_flags value =
-      config.warn_flags <- value; true
-    in
-    Js.Unsafe.(
-      [|
-        "setModuleSystem",
-        inject @@
-        Js.wrap_meth_callback
-          (fun _ value ->
-             (Js.bool (set_module_system (Js.to_string value)))
-          );
-        "setFilename",
-        inject @@
-        Js.wrap_meth_callback
-          (fun _ value ->
-             (Js.bool (set_filename (Js.to_string value)))
-          );
-        "setWarnFlags",
-        inject @@
-        Js.wrap_meth_callback
-          (fun _ value ->
-             (Js.bool (set_warn_flags (Js.to_string value)))
-          );
-        "list",
-        inject @@
-        Js.wrap_meth_callback
-          (fun _ ->
-             (Js.Unsafe.(obj
-                           [|
-                             "module_system",
-                             inject @@ (
-                               config.module_system
-                               |> BundleConfig.string_of_module_system
-                               |> Js.string
-                             );
-                             "warn_flags",
-                             inject @@ (Js.string config.warn_flags);
-                           |]))
-          );
-      |])
   (* Creates a "compiler instance" binding the configuration context to the specific compile / formatter functions *)
   let make () =
     let open Lang in

From 9ff41033b6088dbcfae40e5db179cc71e1058cd1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Stapfer <>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2021 11:35:18 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 05/13] Adapt playground to newest internal syntax apis

 jscomp/refmt/ | 12 ++++++------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/jscomp/refmt/ b/jscomp/refmt/
index e289d7e2c0..a7b6dcfefc 100644
--- a/jscomp/refmt/
+++ b/jscomp/refmt/
@@ -265,12 +265,12 @@ module ResDriver = struct
     let startPos = Res_diagnostics.getStartPos(d) in
     let endPos = Res_diagnostics.getEndPos(d) in
     let msg = Res_diagnostics.explain(d) in
+    let loc = {loc_start = startPos; Location.loc_end=endPos; loc_ghost=false} in
+    let err = { Location.loc; msg; sub=[]; if_highlight=""} in
-      ~src
-      ~startPos
-      ~endPos
-      ~msg;
+      src
+      err;
     Format.flush_str_formatter ()
   module ReasonBinary = struct
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ module ResDriver = struct
     let extractConcreteSyntax ~(filename:string) (src:string) =
       let commentData = ref [] in
       let stringData = ref [] in
-      let scanner = Res_scanner.make (Bytes.of_string src) ~filename in
+      let scanner = Res_scanner.make src ~filename in
       let rec next prevEndPos scanner =
         let (startPos, endPos, token) = Res_scanner.scan scanner in
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ module ResDriver = struct
         | _ as diagnostics -> (true, diagnostics)
       in {
         filename = engine.scanner.filename;
-        source = Bytes.to_string engine.scanner.src;
+        source = engine.scanner.src;
         parsetree = structure;

From 7baaf9a5ce2f53855be28f41e458697e9dd92360 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Ecker <>
Date: Sat, 7 May 2022 20:28:09 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 06/13] Make jsoo_refmt_main work again by removing refmt

---                 |  37 ++------
 jscomp/main/      |  10 ++
 jscomp/main/jsoo_common.mli     |  10 ++
 jscomp/ml/location.mli          |   2 +
 jscomp/refmt/ | 158 +++-----------------------------
 jscomp/           |   2 +-
 scripts/repl.js                 |  34 ++++++-
 7 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 176 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index a0c680a672..c04a667370 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -213,35 +213,19 @@ This is usually the file you want to create to test certain compile behavior wit
 > Note: These instructions are designed for building the 4.06 based version of ReScript (ReScript v6).
-The "Playground bundle" is the BS compiler compiled to JavaScript, including all necessary dependency files (stdlib / belt etc). It is useful for building tools where you want to compile and execute arbitrary Reason / OCaml in the browser.
+The "Playground bundle" is a JS version of the ReScript compiler; including all necessary dependency files (stdlib / belt etc). It is useful for building tools where you want to compile and execute arbitrary ReScript code in the browser.
-The ReScript source code is compiled with a tool called [JSOO (js_of_ocaml)](, which uses OCaml bytecode to compile to JavaScript and is part of the bigger OCaml ecosystem.
+The ReScript source code is compiled with a tool called [JSOO (js_of_ocaml)](, which uses OCaml bytecode to compile to JavaScript and is part of the bigger OCaml ecosystem.
-We actually ship a bytecode version of `js_of_ocaml`, so you actually don't need to install any third party dependencies. This is usually for basic usage if you don't care about the compilation speed or a fast feedback loop (e.g. CI).
-For faster compilation times, we recommend to install a proper `jsoo` executable:
+Install `jsoo` via `opam`:
-# Create the right switch, if not created yet (first install)
-opam switch create 4.06.1
-# Makes sure to be on the right switch
-opam switch 4.06.1
-eval `opam config env`
-opam install js_of_ocaml.3.6.0
-Additionally, make sure to adapt the `scripts/repl.js` file to use the `js_of_ocaml` binary instead (otherwise you'll continue using the slower bytecode version):
-- e(`${OCAMLRUN} ${JSOO} compile jsc.byte ${jsooFlag}-o exports.js`);
-+ e(`js_of_ocaml compile jsc.byte ${jsooFlag}-o exports.js`);
+opam install js_of_ocaml.4.0.0
 ### Building the Bundle
-The entry point of the JSOO bundle is located in `jscomp/main/` and the script for running JSOO can be found in `scripts/repl.js`. A full clean build can be done like this:
+The entry point of the JSOO bundle is located in `jscomp/main/`, the code for packing the compiler into a single compiler file is located in `jscomp/`, and the script for running JSOO can be found in `scripts/repl.js`. A full clean build can be done like this:
 # We create a target directory for storing the bundle / stdlib files
@@ -251,7 +235,7 @@ mkdir playground && mkdir playground/stdlib
 node scripts/ninja.js config && node scripts/ninja.js build
 # Now we run the repl.js script pointing to our playground directory (note how it needs to be relative to the repl.js file)
-BS_PLAYGROUND=../playground node scripts/repl.js
+PLAYGROUND=../playground node scripts/repl.js js_refmt_compiler
 _Troubleshooting: if ninja build step failed with `Error: cannot find file '+runtime.js'`, make sure `ocamlfind` is installed with `opam install ocamlfind`._
@@ -268,7 +252,7 @@ $ node
 > require("./exports.js");
 > let compiler = rescript_compiler.make()
 > let result = compiler.rescript.compile(`Js.log(Sys.ocaml_version)`);
-> eval(result);
+> eval(result.js_code);
@@ -284,23 +268,22 @@ require('./exports.js')
 > console.log(compiler)
 ### Working on the Playground JS API
 Whenever you are modifying any files in the ReScript compiler, or in the `` file, you'll need to rebuild the source and recreate the JS bundle.
 node scripts/ninja.js config && node scripts/ninja.js build
-BS_PLAYGROUND=../playground node scripts/repl.js
+PLAYGROUND=../playground node scripts/repl.js
 **.cmj files in the Web**
-A `.cmj` file contains compile information and JS package information of ReScript build artifacts (your `.re / .ml` modules) and are generated on build (`scripts/ninja.js build`).
+A `.cmj` file contains compile information and JS package information of ReScript build artifacts (your `.res / .ml` modules) and are generated on build (`scripts/ninja.js build`).
 A `.cmi` file is an [OCaml originated file extension]( and contains all interface information of a certain module without any implementation.
-In this repo, these files usually sit right next to each compiled `.ml` / `.re` file. The structure of a `.cmj` file is defined in [](jscomp/core/ You can run a tool called `./jscomp/bin/cmjdump.exe [some-file.cmj]` to inspect the contents of given `.cmj` file.
+In this repo, these files usually sit right next to each compiled `.ml` / `.res` file. The structure of a `.cmj` file is defined in [](jscomp/core/ You can run a tool called `./jscomp/bin/cmjdump.exe [some-file.cmj]` to inspect the contents of given `.cmj` file.
 `.cmj` files are required for making ReScript compile modules (this includes modules like ReasonReact). ReScript includes a subset of modules by default, which can be found in `jscomp/stdlib-406` and `jscomp/others`. You can also find those modules listed in the `jsoo` call in `scripts/repl.js`. As you probably noticed, the generated `playground` files are all plain `.js`, so how are the `cmj` / `cmi` files embedded?
diff --git a/jscomp/main/ b/jscomp/main/
index dd0eeae181..db2abed577 100644
--- a/jscomp/main/
+++ b/jscomp/main/
@@ -38,6 +38,16 @@ module Js = struct
   external create_file : js_string t -> js_string t -> unit = "caml_create_file"
   external to_bytestring : js_string t -> string = "caml_js_to_byte_string"
+  type number
+  external number_of_float : float -> number t = "caml_js_from_float"
+  external bool : bool -> bool t = "caml_js_from_bool"
+  type 'a js_array
+  external array : 'a array -> 'a js_array t = "caml_js_from_array"
 let mk_js_error (loc : Location.t) (msg : string) =
diff --git a/jscomp/main/jsoo_common.mli b/jscomp/main/jsoo_common.mli
index b46feaf8e1..4c0e27c56b 100644
--- a/jscomp/main/jsoo_common.mli
+++ b/jscomp/main/jsoo_common.mli
@@ -41,6 +41,16 @@ module Js : sig
   external create_file : js_string t -> js_string t -> unit = "caml_create_file"
   external to_bytestring : js_string t -> string = "caml_js_to_byte_string"
+  type number
+  external number_of_float : float -> number t = "caml_js_from_float"
+  external bool : bool -> bool t = "caml_js_from_bool"
+  type 'a js_array
+  external array : 'a array -> 'a js_array t = "caml_js_from_array"
diff --git a/jscomp/ml/location.mli b/jscomp/ml/location.mli
index 0a97f35b3e..73b7daacd7 100644
--- a/jscomp/ml/location.mli
+++ b/jscomp/ml/location.mli
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ val printer : (formatter -> t -> unit) ref
 val warning_printer : (t -> formatter -> Warnings.t -> unit) ref
 (** Hook for intercepting warnings. *)
+val formatter_for_warnings : formatter ref
 val default_warning_printer : t -> formatter -> Warnings.t -> unit
 (** Original warning printer for use in hooks. *)
diff --git a/jscomp/refmt/ b/jscomp/refmt/
index a7b6dcfefc..d68efa175a 100644
--- a/jscomp/refmt/
+++ b/jscomp/refmt/
@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@
  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *)
-`jsoo_refmt_main` is the JSOO compilation entry point for building BuckleScript + Refmt + Res syntax as one bundle.
-This is usually the file you want to build for the full playground experience.
+`jsoo_refmt_main` is the JSOO compilation entry point for the bundle used for the 
+full playground experience.
  * The API version is giving information about the feature set
- * of the resulting BS bundle API.
+ * of the resulting ReScript JS bundle API.
  * It follows the semver format {major.minor} which means:
  * - Whenever there is a breaking change, raise the major version
@@ -40,35 +40,36 @@ This is usually the file you want to build for the full playground experience.
  * if you are breaking any APIs. If yes, make sure to update this apiVersion
  * value accordingly.
- * Reason:
- * We ship BuckleScript bindings that bind to this API. To be able to handle
+ * Rationale:
+ * We ship ReScript bindings that bind to this API. To be able to handle
  * different bundles with different API versions, we need a way to tell the
  * consumer on what interface the bundle provides.
  * This will allow the frontend to have different sets of the same bindings,
  * and use the proper interfaces as stated by the apiVersion.
+ *
+ * -----------------------------
+ * Version History:
+ * v2: Remove refmt support (removes compiler.reason apis)
  * *)
-let apiVersion = "1.1"
+let apiVersion = "2"
 module Js = Jsoo_common.Js
-module Sys_js = Jsoo_common.Sys_js
 let export (field : string) v =
   Js.Unsafe.set ( field v
 module Lang = struct
-  type t = OCaml | Reason | Res
+  type t = OCaml | Res
   let fromString t = match t with
     | "ocaml" | "ml" -> Some OCaml
-    | "reason" | "re" -> Some Reason
     | "res" -> Some Res
     | _ -> None
   let toString t = match t with
     | OCaml -> "ml"
-    | Reason -> "re"
     | Res -> "res"
@@ -213,9 +214,6 @@ let error_of_exn e =
   | Some `Already_displayed
   | None -> None)
-module Converter = Refmt_api.Migrate_parsetree.Convert(Refmt_api.Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404)(Refmt_api.Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_406)
-module Converter404 = Refmt_api.Migrate_parsetree.Convert(Refmt_api.Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_406)(Refmt_api.Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404)
 (* Returns a default filename in case given value opt is not set *)
 let get_filename ~(lang: Lang.t) opt =
   match opt with
@@ -238,13 +236,6 @@ let maybe_add_newline str =
   | '\n' -> str
   | _ -> str ^ "\n"
-let reason_parse ~filename str =
-  str
-  |> maybe_add_newline
-  |> lexbuf_from_string ~filename
-  |> Refmt_api.Reason_toolchain.RE.implementation
-  |> Converter.copy_structure
 let ocaml_parse ~filename str =
   lexbuf_from_string ~filename str |> Parse.implementation
@@ -273,48 +264,6 @@ module ResDriver = struct
     Format.flush_str_formatter ()
-  module ReasonBinary = struct
-    (* copied from bc it was not exposed in the mli *)
-    let isReasonDocComment (comment: Res_comment.t) =
-      let content = Res_comment.txt comment in
-      let len = String.length content in
-      if len = 0 then true
-      else if len >= 2 && (String.unsafe_get content 0 = '*' && String.unsafe_get content 1 = '*') then false
-      else if len >= 1 && (String.unsafe_get content 0 = '*') then true
-      else false
-    (* Originally taken and adapted from to decouple from file access *)
-    let extractConcreteSyntax ~(filename:string) (src:string) =
-      let commentData = ref [] in
-      let stringData = ref [] in
-      let scanner = Res_scanner.make src ~filename in
-      let rec next prevEndPos scanner =
-        let (startPos, endPos, token) = Res_scanner.scan scanner in
-        match token with
-        | Eof -> ()
-        | Comment c ->
-          Res_comment.setPrevTokEndPos c prevEndPos;
-          commentData := c::(!commentData);
-          next endPos scanner
-        | String _ ->
-          let loc = {Location.loc_start = startPos; loc_end = endPos; loc_ghost = false} in
-          let len = endPos.pos_cnum - startPos.pos_cnum in
-          let txt = (String.sub [@doesNotRaise]) src startPos.pos_cnum len in
-          stringData := (txt, loc)::(!stringData);
-          next endPos scanner
-        | _ ->
-          next endPos scanner
-      in
-      next Lexing.dummy_pos scanner;
-      let comments =
-        !commentData
-        |> List.filter (fun c -> not (isReasonDocComment c))
-        |> List.rev
-      in
-      (comments, !stringData)
-  end
   let parse_implementation ~sourcefile ~forPrinter ~src =
     Location.input_name := sourcefile;
     let parseResult =
@@ -443,16 +392,6 @@ module Compile = struct
          match e with
          | Warnings.Errors ->
            ErrorRet.makeWarningError !warning_infos
-         | Refmt_api.Migrate_parsetree.Def.Migration_error (_,loc) ->
-           let error = { fullMsg=msg; shortMsg=msg; loc; } in
-           ErrorRet.fromSyntaxErrors [|error|]
-         | Refmt_api.Reason_errors.Reason_error (reason_error,loc) ->
-           let fullMsg =
-             Refmt_api.Reason_errors.report_error Format.str_formatter ~loc reason_error;
-             Format.flush_str_formatter ()
-           in
-           let error = { fullMsg; shortMsg=msg; loc; } in
-           ErrorRet.fromSyntaxErrors [|error|]
          | _ -> ErrorRet.makeUnexpectedError msg)
   (* Responsible for resetting all compiler state as if it were a new instance *)
@@ -543,7 +482,6 @@ module Compile = struct
       let modulename = "Playground" in
       let impl = match lang with
         | Lang.OCaml -> ocaml_parse ~filename
-        | Reason -> reason_parse ~filename
         | Res -> rescript_parse ~filename
       (* let env = !Toploop.toplevel_env in *)
@@ -564,13 +502,12 @@ module Compile = struct
         (a,b) in
       |>  Translmod.transl_implementation modulename
-      |> (* Printlambda.lambda ppf *) (fun {Lambda.code = lam} ->
+      |> (* Printlambda.lambda ppf *) (fun (lam, exports) ->
           let buffer = Buffer.create 1000 in
           let () = Js_dump_program.pp_deps_program
               ~output_prefix:"" (* does not matter here *)
-              (Lam_compile_main.compile ""
-                 lam)
+              (Lam_compile_main.compile "" exports lam)
               (Ext_pp.from_buffer buffer) in
           let v = Buffer.contents buffer in
           let typeHints = collectTypeHints typed_tree in
@@ -595,67 +532,9 @@ module Compile = struct
   let syntax_format ?(filename: string option) ~(from:Lang.t) ~(to_:Lang.t) (src: string) =
     let open Lang in
-    let src = match from with
-      | Reason -> maybe_add_newline src
-      | _ -> src
-    in
     let filename = get_filename ~lang:from filename in
       let code = match (from, to_) with
-        | (Reason, OCaml) ->
-          src
-          |> lexbuf_from_string ~filename
-          |> Refmt_api.Reason_toolchain.RE.implementation_with_comments
-          |> Refmt_api.Reason_toolchain.ML.print_implementation_with_comments Format.str_formatter;
-          Format.flush_str_formatter ()
-        | (OCaml, Reason) ->
-          src
-          |> lexbuf_from_string ~filename
-          |> Refmt_api.Reason_toolchain.ML.implementation_with_comments
-          |> Refmt_api.Reason_toolchain.RE.print_implementation_with_comments Format.str_formatter;
-          Format.flush_str_formatter ()
-        | (Reason, Res) ->
-          let (comments, stringData) = ResDriver.ReasonBinary.extractConcreteSyntax ~filename src in
-          let ast =
-            src
-            |> lexbuf_from_string ~filename
-            |> Refmt_api.Reason_toolchain.RE.implementation
-          in
-          let structure =
-            Refmt_api.Reason_syntax_util.(apply_mapper_to_structure ast remove_stylistic_attrs_mapper)
-            |> Converter.copy_structure
-            |> Res_ast_conversion.replaceStringLiteralStructure stringData
-            |> Res_ast_conversion.normalizeReasonArityStructure ~forPrinter:true
-            |> Res_ast_conversion.structure
-          in
-          Res_printer.printImplementation ~width:80 structure ~comments
-        | (Res, Reason) ->
-          let (comments, stringData) = ResDriver.ReasonBinary.extractConcreteSyntax ~filename src in
-          let (structure, _) =
-            ResDriver.parse_implementation ~forPrinter:false ~sourcefile:filename ~src
-          in
-          let sanitized = structure
-                          |> Res_ast_conversion.replaceStringLiteralStructure stringData
-                          |> Res_ast_conversion.normalizeReasonArityStructure ~forPrinter:false
-                          |> Res_ast_conversion.structure
-          in
-          let reasonComments = comments|> (fun comment -> 
-              let open Refmt_api.Reason_comment in
-              let text = Res_comment.txt comment in
-              let category =
-                if Res_comment.isSingleLineComment comment then
-                  SingleLine
-                else
-                  Regular
-              in
-              {
-                location = Res_comment.loc comment;
-                category;
-                text;
-              }
-            ) in
-          Refmt_api.Reason_toolchain.RE.print_implementation_with_comments Format.str_formatter (Converter404.copy_structure sanitized, reasonComments);
-          Format.flush_str_formatter ()
         | (OCaml, Res) ->
           let structure =
@@ -678,14 +557,6 @@ module Compile = struct
           Res_printer.printImplementation ~width:80 structure ~comments
         | (OCaml, OCaml) -> src
-        | (Reason, Reason) ->
-          (* Pretty printing *)
-          let astAndComments = src
-                               |> lexbuf_from_string ~filename
-                               |> Refmt_api.Reason_toolchain.RE.implementation_with_comments
-          in
-          Refmt_api.Reason_toolchain.RE.print_implementation_with_comments Format.str_formatter astAndComments;
-          Format.flush_str_formatter ()
       Js.Unsafe.(obj [|
           "code", inject @@ Js.string code;
@@ -718,7 +589,6 @@ module Export = struct
         inject @@
           (match lang with
-           | Reason -> Refmt_api.version
            | Res -> Bs_version.version
            | OCaml -> Sys.ocaml_version);
       |] in
@@ -774,8 +644,6 @@ module Export = struct
         inject @@ Js.string Bs_version.version;
         inject @@ make_compiler ~config ~lang:OCaml;
-        "reason",
-        inject @@ make_compiler ~config ~lang:Reason;
         inject @@ make_compiler ~config ~lang:Res;
diff --git a/jscomp/ b/jscomp/
index 762cb169d9..e0ebd0c3ee 100644
--- a/jscomp/
+++ b/jscomp/
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ o $SNAP/unstable/ bspack | ./bin/bspack.exe $LTO
     main  = Jsoo_main
 o $SNAP/unstable/ bspack | ./bin/bspack.exe $LTO
-    flags = -D BS_BROWSER=true -bs-MD  -module-alias Config=Config_whole_compiler  -bs-exclude-I config   -I $OCAML_SRC_UTILS -I $OCAML_SRC_PARSING -I $OCAML_SRC_TYPING -I $OCAML_SRC_BYTECOMP -I $OCAML_SRC_DRIVER -I stubs -I js_parser -I ext -I napkin -I frontend -I depends -I common -I core -I super_errors -I bsb -I outcome_printer -I js_parser -I refmt -I main
+    flags = -D BROWSER=true -MD  -I ml -I refmt $includes
     main  = Jsoo_refmt_main
diff --git a/scripts/repl.js b/scripts/repl.js
index f5297b79ee..35cc23ab25 100755
--- a/scripts/repl.js
+++ b/scripts/repl.js
@@ -1,5 +1,20 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env node
+ * This script is used to compile a bundled compiler file into a standalone JS bundle.
+ * The compiled output (including the compiled stdlib files), will be put in the defined
+ * `PLAYGROUND` directory.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * mkdir playground && mkdir playground/stdlib
+ * PLAYGROUND=../playground node scripts/repl.js js_compiler
+ * ```
+ *
+ */
 var child_process = require("child_process");
 var fs = require("fs");
@@ -43,13 +58,14 @@ var playground = process.env.PLAYGROUND;
 var OCAMLC = `ocamlc.opt`
 var JSOO = `js_of_ocaml`;
-function prepare(isDev) {
+function prepare(isDev, targetCompilerFile) {
   var [env, ocamlFlag, jsooFlag] = isDev
     ? ["development", "-g ", "--pretty "]
     : ["production", "", ""];
   console.log(`building byte code version of the compiler [${env}]`);
-    `${OCAMLC} ${ocamlFlag}-w -30-40 -no-check-prims -I ${sourceDir} ${sourceDir}/js_compiler.mli ${sourceDir}/ -o jsc.byte `
+    `${OCAMLC} ${ocamlFlag}-w -30-40 -no-check-prims -I ${sourceDir} ${sourceDir}/${targetCompilerFile}.mli ${sourceDir}/${targetCompilerFile}.ml -o jsc.byte `
   console.log("building js version");
   e(`${JSOO} compile jsc.byte ${jsooFlag}-o exports.js`);
@@ -84,7 +100,19 @@ function prepublish() {
+// Relevant target compiler files can be found in jscomp/
+let targetCompilerFile = "js_compiler"
+// Let's derive the target file to compile from the last argument list.
+if(process.argv.length > 2) {
+  const lastArg = process.argv[process.argv.length - 1]
+  if(!lastArg.startsWith("-")) {
+    targetCompilerFile = lastArg
+  }
+prepare(process.argv.includes("-development"), targetCompilerFile);
 if (process.argv.includes("-prepublish")) {

From 57c40efd79a1c74e78e47a2f15ca003767d56874 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Ecker <>
Date: Sat, 7 May 2022 20:54:19 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 07/13] Rename jsoo_refmt_main to jsoo_playground_main

 .../refmt/{ =>}   | 0
 .../refmt/{jsoo_refmt_main.mli => jsoo_playground_main.mli} | 0
 jscomp/                                       | 6 +++---
 scripts/repl.js                                             | 2 +-
 4 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 rename jscomp/refmt/{ =>} (100%)
 rename jscomp/refmt/{jsoo_refmt_main.mli => jsoo_playground_main.mli} (100%)

diff --git a/jscomp/refmt/ b/jscomp/refmt/
similarity index 100%
rename from jscomp/refmt/
rename to jscomp/refmt/
diff --git a/jscomp/refmt/jsoo_refmt_main.mli b/jscomp/refmt/jsoo_playground_main.mli
similarity index 100%
rename from jscomp/refmt/jsoo_refmt_main.mli
rename to jscomp/refmt/jsoo_playground_main.mli
diff --git a/jscomp/ b/jscomp/
index e0ebd0c3ee..a69600845c 100644
--- a/jscomp/
+++ b/jscomp/
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ o $SNAP/unstable/ bspack | ./bin/bspack.exe $LTO
     flags = -D BROWSER=true  -MD    -I ml  $includes
     main  = Jsoo_main
-o $SNAP/unstable/ bspack | ./bin/bspack.exe $LTO
-    flags = -D BROWSER=true -MD  -I ml -I refmt $includes
-    main  = Jsoo_refmt_main
+o $SNAP/unstable/ bspack | ./bin/bspack.exe $LTO
+    flags = -D BROWSER=true -MD  -I ml $includes
+    main  = Jsoo_playground_main
 # -o $@
diff --git a/scripts/repl.js b/scripts/repl.js
index 35cc23ab25..f9ff44f4d0 100755
--- a/scripts/repl.js
+++ b/scripts/repl.js
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
  * ```
  * mkdir playground && mkdir playground/stdlib
- * PLAYGROUND=../playground node scripts/repl.js js_compiler
+ * PLAYGROUND=../playground node scripts/repl.js js_playground_compiler
  * ```

From bde4c033cbcad881619bf823f0cbe89fb514f1a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Ecker <>
Date: Sat, 7 May 2022 20:56:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 08/13] Move jsoo_playground_main to jscomp/main

 jscomp/{refmt => main}/  | 0
 jscomp/{refmt => main}/jsoo_playground_main.mli | 0
 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 rename jscomp/{refmt => main}/ (100%)
 rename jscomp/{refmt => main}/jsoo_playground_main.mli (100%)

diff --git a/jscomp/refmt/ b/jscomp/main/
similarity index 100%
rename from jscomp/refmt/
rename to jscomp/main/
diff --git a/jscomp/refmt/jsoo_playground_main.mli b/jscomp/main/jsoo_playground_main.mli
similarity index 100%
rename from jscomp/refmt/jsoo_playground_main.mli
rename to jscomp/main/jsoo_playground_main.mli

From af886de0b1b627ce4b746e1d8360e06443c21ab1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Ecker <>
Date: Sat, 7 May 2022 21:06:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 09/13] Remove irrelevant code

 jscomp/main/ | 20 --------------------
 1 file changed, 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/jscomp/main/ b/jscomp/main/
index d68efa175a..1e24c78590 100644
--- a/jscomp/main/
+++ b/jscomp/main/
@@ -115,13 +115,6 @@ end
 exception RescriptParsingErrors of locErrInfo list
 module ErrorRet = struct
-  type err =
-    | SyntaxErr of locErrInfo array
-    | TypecheckErr of locErrInfo array
-    | WarningFlagErr of string * string (* warning, warning_error flags *)
-    | WarningErrs of LocWarnInfo.t array
-    | UnexpectedErr of string
   let locErrorAttributes ~(type_: string) ~(fullMsg: string) ~(shortMsg: string) (loc: Location.t) =
     let (_file,line,startchar) = Location.get_pos_info loc.Location.loc_start in
     let (_file,endline,endchar) = Location.get_pos_info loc.Location.loc_end in
@@ -226,16 +219,6 @@ let lexbuf_from_string ~filename str =
   lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- { lexbuf.lex_curr_p with pos_fname = filename };
-(* We need this for a specific parsing issue in Reason: Whenever you are
- * parsing a source where the last line is a comment (and not a \n) the parser
- * enters an infinite loop. To prevent this, we need to make sure to append a
- * newline before doing any parsing attempt *)
-let maybe_add_newline str =
-  let last = (String.length str) - 1 in
-  match String.get str last with
-  | '\n' -> str
-  | _ -> str ^ "\n"
 let ocaml_parse ~filename str =
   lexbuf_from_string ~filename str |> Parse.implementation
@@ -410,7 +393,6 @@ module Compile = struct
   let collectTypeHints typed_tree =
     let open Typedtree in
     let createTypeHintObj loc kind hint =
-      let open Lexing in
       let open Location in
       let (_ , startline, startcol) = Location.get_pos_info loc.loc_start in
       let (_ , endline, endcol) = Location.get_pos_info loc.loc_end in
@@ -531,7 +513,6 @@ module Compile = struct
       | _ -> handle_err e;;
   let syntax_format ?(filename: string option) ~(from:Lang.t) ~(to_:Lang.t) (src: string) =
-    let open Lang in
     let filename = get_filename ~lang:from filename in
       let code = match (from, to_) with
@@ -691,7 +672,6 @@ module Export = struct
 let () =
-  let open Lang in
   export "rescript_compiler"

From 4f13e7fd6ec2468b9b2764c78cb72212f2cf3444 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Ecker <>
Date: Sat, 7 May 2022 21:08:47 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 10/13] Remove Refmt_api

 jscomp/refmt/ | 158519 -----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 158519 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 jscomp/refmt/

diff --git a/jscomp/refmt/ b/jscomp/refmt/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0603abab0d..0000000000
--- a/jscomp/refmt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158519 +0,0 @@
-module Result = struct type ('a, 'b) result = Ok of 'a | Error of 'b end open Result
-let version = "3.6.0"
-let git_version = "8f71db0b88c31842d866d46a18b71a1ce1709567"
-let git_short_version = "8f71db0"
-module Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-# 1 "src/compiler-functions/"
-let error_of_exn exn =
-  match Location.error_of_exn exn with
-  | Some (`Ok exn) -> Some exn
-  | Some `Already_displayed -> None
-  | None -> None
-let get_load_paths () =
-  !Config.load_path
-let load_path_init l =
-  Config.load_path := l
-let get_unboxed_types () =
-  !Clflags.unboxed_types
-let set_unboxed_types b =
-  Clflags.unboxed_types := b
-let may_map = Misc.may_map
-module Locations
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-type old_location_error                       = Location.error    = {
-    loc: Location.t;
-    msg: string;
-    sub: old_location_error list;
-    if_highlight: string;
-  }
-type location_msg = (Format.formatter -> unit) Location.loc
-type location_report_kind (*IF_AT_LEAST 408 = Location.report_kind *) =
-  | Report_error
-  | Report_warning of string
-  | Report_warning_as_error of string
-  | Report_alert of string
-  | Report_alert_as_error of string
-type location_report (*IF_AT_LEAST 408 = *) = {
-  kind : location_report_kind;
-  main : location_msg;
-  sub : location_msg list;
-type location_error (*IF_AT_LEAST 408 = Location.error *)                       = old_location_error   
-type error_type = [`Report of location_report | `Old_error of old_location_error]
-let error_type_of_location_error : location_error -> error_type = fun x ->
-  (*IF_AT_LEAST 408 `Report x *)
-                        `Old_error x   
-let location_error_of_exn : exn -> location_error = fun exn ->
-  (*IF_AT_LEAST 408 match Location.error_of_exn exn with None | Some `Already_displayed -> raise exn | Some (`Ok e) -> e *)
-                        match Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.error_of_exn exn with None -> raise exn | Some e -> e  
-let extension_of_error ~mk_pstr ~mk_extension ~mk_string_constant (error : location_error) =
-  match error_type_of_location_error error with
-  | `Old_error old_error ->
-    let rec extension_of_old_error ({loc; msg; if_highlight = _; sub} : old_location_error) =
-      { Location.loc; txt = "ocaml.error" },
-      mk_pstr ((mk_string_constant msg) ::
-               ( (fun ext -> mk_extension (extension_of_old_error ext)) sub)) in
-    extension_of_old_error old_error
-  | `Report report ->
-    let extension_of_report ({kind; main; sub} : location_report) =
-      if kind <> Report_error then
-        raise (Invalid_argument "extension_of_error: expected kind Report_error");
-      let str_of_pp pp_msg = Format.asprintf "%t" pp_msg in
-      let extension_of_sub (sub : location_msg) =
-        { Location.loc = sub.loc; txt = "ocaml.error" },
-        mk_pstr ([mk_string_constant (str_of_pp sub.txt)])
-      in
-      { Location.loc = main.loc; txt = "ocaml.error" },
-      mk_pstr (mk_string_constant (str_of_pp main.txt) ::
-      (fun msg -> mk_extension (extension_of_sub msg)) sub) in
-    extension_of_report report
-let error_of_exn exn =
-  try Some (location_error_of_exn exn) with _ -> None
-let register_error_of_exn f = Location.register_error_of_exn f
-let report_exception ppf exn = Location.report_exception ppf exn
-let errorf ~loc fmt = Location.errorf ~loc ~sub:[] fmt
-let raise_errorf ?(loc = Location.none) fmt = Location.raise_errorf ~loc ~sub:[] fmt
-let _get_error_message_old location_error =
-  location_error.msg
-let _get_error_message_new location_error =
-  let buff = Buffer.create 128 in
-  let ppf = Format.formatter_of_buffer buff in
-  location_error.main.txt ppf;
-  Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();
-  Buffer.contents buff
-let get_error_message location_error =
-                        _get_error_message_old location_error  
-  (*IF_AT_LEAST 408 _get_error_message_new location_error*)
-let _set_error_message_old location_error msg =
-  { location_error with msg; }
-let _set_error_message_new location_error msg =
-  let txt ppf = Format.pp_print_string ppf msg in
-  let main = { location_error.main with txt; } in
-  { location_error with main }
-let set_error_message location_error msg =
-                        _set_error_message_old location_error msg  
-  (*IF_AT_LEAST 408 _set_error_message_new location_error msg*)
-let make_error_of_message_old ~loc msg ~sub =
-  let sub = (fun (loc, msg) -> { loc; msg; sub = []; if_highlight = msg; }) sub in
-  { loc; msg; sub; if_highlight = msg; }
-let make_error_of_message_new ~loc msg ~sub =
-  let mk_txt x ppf = Format.pp_print_string ppf x in
-  let mk loc x = { Location.loc; txt = mk_txt x; } in
-  { kind = Report_error;
-    main = mk loc msg;
-    sub = (fun (loc, msg) -> mk loc msg) sub; }
-let make_error_of_message ~loc msg ~sub =
-                        make_error_of_message_old ~loc msg ~sub  
-  (*IF_AT_LEAST 408 make_error_of_message_new ~loc msg ~sub*)
-let print_error ppf err =
-                        Location.report_error ppf err  
-  (*IF_AT_LEAST 408 Location.print_report ppf err*)
-module type Helpers_intf = sig
-  type nonrec location_error = location_error
-  val error_of_exn : exn -> location_error option
-  val register_error_of_exn : (exn -> location_error option) -> unit
-  val report_exception : Format.formatter -> exn -> unit
-  val get_error_message : location_error -> string
-  val set_error_message : location_error -> string -> location_error
-  val make_error_of_message : loc:Location.t -> string -> sub:(Location.t * string) list -> location_error
-  val print_error : Format.formatter -> location_error -> unit
-  val raise_error : location_error -> 'a
-module Helpers_impl = struct
-  type nonrec location_error = location_error
-  let error_of_exn = error_of_exn
-  let register_error_of_exn = register_error_of_exn
-  let report_exception = report_exception
-  let get_error_message = get_error_message
-  let set_error_message = set_error_message
-  let make_error_of_message = make_error_of_message
-  let print_error = print_error
-  let raise_error err = raise (Location.Error err)
-module Ast_404
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*            Jérémie Dimino and Leo White, Jane Street Europe            *)
-(*            Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt            *)
-(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-(*       Daniel de Rauglaudre, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt         *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-module Location = Location
-module Longident = Longident
-module Asttypes = struct
-  (** Auxiliary AST types used by parsetree and typedtree. *)
-  type constant (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.constant *) =
-      Const_int of int
-    | Const_char of char
-    | Const_string of string * string option
-    | Const_float of string
-    | Const_int32 of int32
-    | Const_int64 of int64
-    | Const_nativeint of nativeint
-  type rec_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.rec_flag *) = Nonrecursive | Recursive
-  type direction_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.direction_flag *) = Upto | Downto
-  (* Order matters, used in polymorphic comparison *)
-  type private_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.private_flag *) = Private | Public
-  type mutable_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.mutable_flag *) = Immutable | Mutable
-  type virtual_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.virtual_flag *) = Virtual | Concrete
-  type override_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.override_flag *) = Override | Fresh
-  type closed_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.closed_flag *) = Closed | Open
-  type label = string
-  type arg_label (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.arg_label *) =
-      Nolabel
-    | Labelled of string (*  label:T -> ... *)
-    | Optional of string (* ?label:T -> ... *)
-  type 'a loc = 'a Location.loc = {
-    txt : 'a;
-    loc : Location.t;
-  }
-  type variance (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.variance *) =
-    | Covariant
-    | Contravariant
-    | Invariant
-module Parsetree = struct
-  (** Abstract syntax tree produced by parsing *)
-  open Asttypes
-  type constant (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constant *) =
-      Pconst_integer of string * char option
-    (* 3 3l 3L 3n
-       Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser.
-       Suffixes except 'l', 'L' and 'n' are rejected by the typechecker
-    *)
-    | Pconst_char of char
-    (* 'c' *)
-    | Pconst_string of string * string option
-    (* "constant"
-       {delim|other constant|delim}
-    *)
-    | Pconst_float of string * char option
-    (* 3.4 2e5 1.4e-4
-       Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser.
-       Suffixes are rejected by the typechecker.
-    *)
-  (** {2 Extension points} *)
-  type attribute = string loc * payload
-         (* [@id ARG]
-            [@@id ARG]
-            Metadata containers passed around within the AST.
-            The compiler ignores unknown attributes.
-         *)
-  and extension = string loc * payload
-        (* [%id ARG]
-           [%%id ARG]
-           Sub-language placeholder -- rejected by the typechecker.
-        *)
-  and attributes = attribute list
-  and payload (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.payload *) =
-    | PStr of structure
-    | PSig of signature (* : SIG *)
-    | PTyp of core_type  (* : T *)
-    | PPat of pattern * expression option  (* ? P  or  ? P when E *)
-  (** {2 Core language} *)
-  (* Type expressions *)
-  and core_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.core_type *) =
-      {
-       ptyp_desc: core_type_desc;
-       ptyp_loc: Location.t;
-       ptyp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and core_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.core_type_desc *) =
-    | Ptyp_any
-          (*  _ *)
-    | Ptyp_var of string
-          (* 'a *)
-    | Ptyp_arrow of arg_label * core_type * core_type
-          (* T1 -> T2       Simple
-             ~l:T1 -> T2    Labelled
-             ?l:T1 -> T2    Otional
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_tuple of core_type list
-          (* T1 * ... * Tn
-             Invariant: n >= 2
-          *)
-    | Ptyp_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* tconstr
-             T tconstr
-             (T1, ..., Tn) tconstr
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_object of (string * attributes * core_type) list * closed_flag
-          (* < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn >     (flag = Closed)
-             < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn; .. > (flag = Open)
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_class of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* #tconstr
-             T #tconstr
-             (T1, ..., Tn) #tconstr
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_alias of core_type * string
-          (* T as 'a *)
-    | Ptyp_variant of row_field list * closed_flag * label list option
-          (* [ `A|`B ]         (flag = Closed; labels = None)
-             [> `A|`B ]        (flag = Open;   labels = None)
-             [< `A|`B ]        (flag = Closed; labels = Some [])
-             [< `A|`B > `X `Y ](flag = Closed; labels = Some ["X";"Y"])
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_poly of string list * core_type
-          (* 'a1 ... 'an. T
-             Can only appear in the following context:
-             - As the core_type of a Ppat_constraint node corresponding
-               to a constraint on a let-binding: let x : 'a1 ... 'an. T
-               = e ...
-             - Under Cfk_virtual for methods (not values).
-             - As the core_type of a Pctf_method node.
-             - As the core_type of a Pexp_poly node.
-             - As the pld_type field of a label_declaration.
-             - As a core_type of a Ptyp_object node.
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_package of package_type
-          (* (module S) *)
-    | Ptyp_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and package_type = Longident.t loc * (Longident.t loc * core_type) list
-        (*
-          (module S)
-          (module S with type t1 = T1 and ... and tn = Tn)
-         *)
-  and row_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.row_field *) =
-    | Rtag of label * attributes * bool * core_type list
-          (* [`A]                   ( true,  [] )
-             [`A of T]              ( false, [T] )
-             [`A of T1 & .. & Tn]   ( false, [T1;...Tn] )
-             [`A of & T1 & .. & Tn] ( true,  [T1;...Tn] )
-            - The 2nd field is true if the tag contains a
-              constant (empty) constructor.
-            - '&' occurs when several types are used for the same constructor
-              (see 4.2 in the manual)
-            - TODO: switch to a record representation, and keep location
-          *)
-    | Rinherit of core_type
-          (* [ T ] *)
-  (* Patterns *)
-  and pattern (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.pattern *) =
-      {
-       ppat_desc: pattern_desc;
-       ppat_loc: Location.t;
-       ppat_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and pattern_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.pattern_desc *) =
-    | Ppat_any
-          (* _ *)
-    | Ppat_var of string loc
-          (* x *)
-    | Ppat_alias of pattern * string loc
-          (* P as 'a *)
-    | Ppat_constant of constant
-          (* 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
-    | Ppat_interval of constant * constant
-          (* 'a'..'z'
-             Other forms of interval are recognized by the parser
-             but rejected by the type-checker. *)
-    | Ppat_tuple of pattern list
-          (* (P1, ..., Pn)
-             Invariant: n >= 2
-          *)
-    | Ppat_construct of Longident.t loc * pattern option
-          (* C                None
-             C P              Some P
-             C (P1, ..., Pn)  Some (Ppat_tuple [P1; ...; Pn])
-           *)
-    | Ppat_variant of label * pattern option
-          (* `A             (None)
-             `A P           (Some P)
-           *)
-    | Ppat_record of (Longident.t loc * pattern) list * closed_flag
-          (* { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }     (flag = Closed)
-             { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn; _}   (flag = Open)
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Ppat_array of pattern list
-          (* [| P1; ...; Pn |] *)
-    | Ppat_or of pattern * pattern
-          (* P1 | P2 *)
-    | Ppat_constraint of pattern * core_type
-          (* (P : T) *)
-    | Ppat_type of Longident.t loc
-          (* #tconst *)
-    | Ppat_lazy of pattern
-          (* lazy P *)
-    | Ppat_unpack of string loc
-          (* (module P)
-             Note: (module P : S) is represented as
-             Ppat_constraint(Ppat_unpack, Ptyp_package)
-           *)
-    | Ppat_exception of pattern
-          (* exception P *)
-    | Ppat_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-    | Ppat_open of Longident.t loc * pattern
-  (* Value expressions *)
-  and expression (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.expression *) =
-      {
-       pexp_desc: expression_desc;
-       pexp_loc: Location.t;
-       pexp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and expression_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.expression_desc *) =
-    | Pexp_ident of Longident.t loc
-          (* x
-             M.x
-           *)
-    | Pexp_constant of constant
-          (* 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
-    | Pexp_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * expression
-          (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E       (flag = Nonrecursive)
-             let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E   (flag = Recursive)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_function of case list
-          (* function P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * expression
-          (* fun P -> E1                          (Simple, None)
-             fun ~l:P -> E1                       (Labelled l, None)
-             fun ?l:P -> E1                       (Optional l, None)
-             fun ?l:(P = E0) -> E1                (Optional l, Some E0)
-             Notes:
-             - If E0 is provided, only Optional is allowed.
-             - "fun P1 P2 .. Pn -> E1" is represented as nested Pexp_fun.
-             - "let f P = E" is represented using Pexp_fun.
-           *)
-    | Pexp_apply of expression * (arg_label * expression) list
-          (* E0 ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
-             li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?'
-             (optional argument).
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Pexp_match of expression * case list
-          (* match E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_try of expression * case list
-          (* try E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_tuple of expression list
-          (* (E1, ..., En)
-             Invariant: n >= 2
-          *)
-    | Pexp_construct of Longident.t loc * expression option
-          (* C                None
-             C E              Some E
-             C (E1, ..., En)  Some (Pexp_tuple[E1;...;En])
-          *)
-    | Pexp_variant of label * expression option
-          (* `A             (None)
-             `A E           (Some E)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_record of (Longident.t loc * expression) list * expression option
-          (* { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }     (None)
-             { E0 with l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }   (Some E0)
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Pexp_field of expression * Longident.t loc
-          (* E.l *)
-    | Pexp_setfield of expression * Longident.t loc * expression
-          (* E1.l <- E2 *)
-    | Pexp_array of expression list
-          (* [| E1; ...; En |] *)
-    | Pexp_ifthenelse of expression * expression * expression option
-          (* if E1 then E2 else E3 *)
-    | Pexp_sequence of expression * expression
-          (* E1; E2 *)
-    | Pexp_while of expression * expression
-          (* while E1 do E2 done *)
-    | Pexp_for of
-        pattern *  expression * expression * direction_flag * expression
-          (* for i = E1 to E2 do E3 done      (flag = Upto)
-             for i = E1 downto E2 do E3 done  (flag = Downto)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_constraint of expression * core_type
-          (* (E : T) *)
-    | Pexp_coerce of expression * core_type option * core_type
-          (* (E :> T)        (None, T)
-             (E : T0 :> T)   (Some T0, T)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_send of expression * string
-          (*  E # m *)
-    | Pexp_new of Longident.t loc
-          (* new M.c *)
-    | Pexp_setinstvar of string loc * expression
-          (* x <- 2 *)
-    | Pexp_override of (string loc * expression) list
-          (* {< x1 = E1; ...; Xn = En >} *)
-    | Pexp_letmodule of string loc * module_expr * expression
-          (* let module M = ME in E *)
-    | Pexp_letexception of extension_constructor * expression
-          (* let exception C in E *)
-    | Pexp_assert of expression
-          (* assert E
-             Note: "assert false" is treated in a special way by the
-             type-checker. *)
-    | Pexp_lazy of expression
-          (* lazy E *)
-    | Pexp_poly of expression * core_type option
-          (* Used for method bodies.
-             Can only be used as the expression under Cfk_concrete
-             for methods (not values). *)
-    | Pexp_object of class_structure
-          (* object ... end *)
-    | Pexp_newtype of string * expression
-          (* fun (type t) -> E *)
-    | Pexp_pack of module_expr
-          (* (module ME)
-             (module ME : S) is represented as
-             Pexp_constraint(Pexp_pack, Ptyp_package S) *)
-    | Pexp_open of override_flag * Longident.t loc * expression
-          (* let open M in E
-             let! open M in E
-          *)
-    | Pexp_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-    | Pexp_unreachable
-          (* . *)
-  and case (*IF_CURRENT = *) =   (* (P -> E) or (P when E0 -> E) *)
-      {
-       pc_lhs: pattern;
-       pc_guard: expression option;
-       pc_rhs: expression;
-      }
-  (* Value descriptions *)
-  and value_description (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.value_description *) =
-      {
-       pval_name: string loc;
-       pval_type: core_type;
-       pval_prim: string list;
-       pval_attributes: attributes;  (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       pval_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (*
-    val x: T                            (prim = [])
-    external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"       (prim = ["s1";..."sn"])
-  *)
-  (* Type declarations *)
-  and type_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_declaration *) =
-      {
-       ptype_name: string loc;
-       ptype_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-             (* ('a1,...'an) t; None represents  _*)
-       ptype_cstrs: (core_type * core_type * Location.t) list;
-             (* ... constraint T1=T1'  ... constraint Tn=Tn' *)
-       ptype_kind: type_kind;
-       ptype_private: private_flag;   (* = private ... *)
-       ptype_manifest: core_type option;  (* = T *)
-       ptype_attributes: attributes;   (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       ptype_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (*
-    type t                     (abstract, no manifest)
-    type t = T0                (abstract, manifest=T0)
-    type t = C of T | ...      (variant,  no manifest)
-    type t = T0 = C of T | ... (variant,  manifest=T0)
-    type t = {l: T; ...}       (record,   no manifest)
-    type t = T0 = {l : T; ...} (record,   manifest=T0)
-    type t = ..                (open,     no manifest)
-  *)
-  and type_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_kind *) =
-    | Ptype_abstract
-    | Ptype_variant of constructor_declaration list
-          (* Invariant: non-empty list *)
-    | Ptype_record of label_declaration list
-          (* Invariant: non-empty list *)
-    | Ptype_open
-  and label_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.label_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pld_name: string loc;
-       pld_mutable: mutable_flag;
-       pld_type: core_type;
-       pld_loc: Location.t;
-       pld_attributes: attributes; (* l [@id1] [@id2] : T *)
-      }
-  (*  { ...; l: T; ... }            (mutable=Immutable)
-      { ...; mutable l: T; ... }    (mutable=Mutable)
-      Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly.
-  *)
-  and constructor_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constructor_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pcd_name: string loc;
-       pcd_args: constructor_arguments;
-       pcd_res: core_type option;
-       pcd_loc: Location.t;
-       pcd_attributes: attributes; (* C [@id1] [@id2] of ... *)
-      }
-  and constructor_arguments (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constructor_arguments *) =
-    | Pcstr_tuple of core_type list
-    | Pcstr_record of label_declaration list
-  (*
-    | C of T1 * ... * Tn     (res = None,    args = Pcstr_tuple [])
-    | C: T0                  (res = Some T0, args = [])
-    | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_tuple)
-    | C of {...}             (res = None,    args = Pcstr_record)
-    | C: {...} -> T0         (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_record)
-    | C of {...} as t        (res = None,    args = Pcstr_record)
-  *)
-  and type_extension (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_extension *) =
-      {
-       ptyext_path: Longident.t loc;
-       ptyext_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-       ptyext_constructors: extension_constructor list;
-       ptyext_private: private_flag;
-       ptyext_attributes: attributes;   (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  (*
-    type t += ...
-  *)
-  and extension_constructor (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.extension_constructor *) =
-      {
-       pext_name: string loc;
-       pext_kind : extension_constructor_kind;
-       pext_loc : Location.t;
-       pext_attributes: attributes; (* C [@id1] [@id2] of ... *)
-      }
-  and extension_constructor_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind *) =
-      Pext_decl of constructor_arguments * core_type option
-        (*
-           | C of T1 * ... * Tn     ([T1; ...; Tn], None)
-           | C: T0                  ([], Some T0)
-           | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 ([T1; ...; Tn], Some T0)
-         *)
-    | Pext_rebind of Longident.t loc
-        (*
-           | C = D
-         *)
-  (** {2 Class language} *)
-  (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-  and class_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type *) =
-      {
-       pcty_desc: class_type_desc;
-       pcty_loc: Location.t;
-       pcty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_desc *) =
-    | Pcty_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* c
-             ['a1, ..., 'an] c *)
-    | Pcty_signature of class_signature
-          (* object ... end *)
-    | Pcty_arrow of arg_label * core_type * class_type
-          (* T -> CT       Simple
-             ~l:T -> CT    Labelled l
-             ?l:T -> CT    Optional l
-           *)
-    | Pcty_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and class_signature (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_signature *) =
-      {
-       pcsig_self: core_type;
-       pcsig_fields: class_type_field list;
-      }
-  (* object('selfpat) ... end
-     object ... end             (self = Ptyp_any)
-   *)
-  and class_type_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_field *) =
-      {
-       pctf_desc: class_type_field_desc;
-       pctf_loc: Location.t;
-       pctf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_type_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_field_desc *) =
-    | Pctf_inherit of class_type
-          (* inherit CT *)
-    | Pctf_val of (string * mutable_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
-          (* val x: T *)
-    | Pctf_method  of (string * private_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
-          (* method x: T
-             Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly.
-           *)
-    | Pctf_constraint  of (core_type * core_type)
-          (* constraint T1 = T2 *)
-    | Pctf_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pctf_extension of extension
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and 'a class_infos (*IF_CURRENT = 'a Parsetree.class_infos *) =
-      {
-       pci_virt: virtual_flag;
-       pci_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-       pci_name: string loc;
-       pci_expr: 'a;
-       pci_loc: Location.t;
-       pci_attributes: attributes;  (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  (* class c = ...
-     class ['a1,...,'an] c = ...
-     class virtual c = ...
-     Also used for "class type" declaration.
-  *)
-  and class_description = class_type class_infos
-  and class_type_declaration = class_type class_infos
-  (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-  and class_expr (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_expr *) =
-      {
-       pcl_desc: class_expr_desc;
-       pcl_loc: Location.t;
-       pcl_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_expr_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_expr_desc *) =
-    | Pcl_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* c
-             ['a1, ..., 'an] c *)
-    | Pcl_structure of class_structure
-          (* object ... end *)
-    | Pcl_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * class_expr
-          (* fun P -> CE                          (Simple, None)
-             fun ~l:P -> CE                       (Labelled l, None)
-             fun ?l:P -> CE                       (Optional l, None)
-             fun ?l:(P = E0) -> CE                (Optional l, Some E0)
-           *)
-    | Pcl_apply of class_expr * (arg_label * expression) list
-          (* CE ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
-             li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?'
-             (optional argument).
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Pcl_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * class_expr
-          (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE      (flag = Nonrecursive)
-             let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE  (flag = Recursive)
-           *)
-    | Pcl_constraint of class_expr * class_type
-          (* (CE : CT) *)
-    | Pcl_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and class_structure (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_structure *) =
-      {
-       pcstr_self: pattern;
-       pcstr_fields: class_field list;
-      }
-  (* object(selfpat) ... end
-     object ... end           (self = Ppat_any)
-   *)
-  and class_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field *) =
-      {
-       pcf_desc: class_field_desc;
-       pcf_loc: Location.t;
-       pcf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field_desc *) =
-    | Pcf_inherit of override_flag * class_expr * string option
-          (* inherit CE
-             inherit CE as x
-             inherit! CE
-             inherit! CE as x
-           *)
-    | Pcf_val of (string loc * mutable_flag * class_field_kind)
-          (* val x = E
-             val virtual x: T
-           *)
-    | Pcf_method of (string loc * private_flag * class_field_kind)
-          (* method x = E            (E can be a Pexp_poly)
-             method virtual x: T     (T can be a Ptyp_poly)
-           *)
-    | Pcf_constraint of (core_type * core_type)
-          (* constraint T1 = T2 *)
-    | Pcf_initializer of expression
-          (* initializer E *)
-    | Pcf_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pcf_extension of extension
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and class_field_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field_kind *) =
-    | Cfk_virtual of core_type
-    | Cfk_concrete of override_flag * expression
-  and class_declaration = class_expr class_infos
-  (** {2 Module language} *)
-  (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-  and module_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type *) =
-      {
-       pmty_desc: module_type_desc;
-       pmty_loc: Location.t;
-       pmty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and module_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type_desc *) =
-    | Pmty_ident of Longident.t loc
-          (* S *)
-    | Pmty_signature of signature
-          (* sig ... end *)
-    | Pmty_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_type
-          (* functor(X : MT1) -> MT2 *)
-    | Pmty_with of module_type * with_constraint list
-          (* MT with ... *)
-    | Pmty_typeof of module_expr
-          (* module type of ME *)
-    | Pmty_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-    | Pmty_alias of Longident.t loc
-          (* (module M) *)
-  and signature = signature_item list
-  and signature_item (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.signature_item *) =
-      {
-       psig_desc: signature_item_desc;
-       psig_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  and signature_item_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.signature_item_desc *) =
-    | Psig_value of value_description
-          (*
-            val x: T
-            external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"
-           *)
-    | Psig_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
-          (* type t1 = ... and ... and tn = ... *)
-    | Psig_typext of type_extension
-          (* type t1 += ... *)
-    | Psig_exception of extension_constructor
-          (* exception C of T *)
-    | Psig_module of module_declaration
-          (* module X : MT *)
-    | Psig_recmodule of module_declaration list
-          (* module rec X1 : MT1 and ... and Xn : MTn *)
-    | Psig_modtype of module_type_declaration
-          (* module type S = MT
-             module type S *)
-    | Psig_open of open_description
-          (* open X *)
-    | Psig_include of include_description
-          (* include MT *)
-    | Psig_class of class_description list
-          (* class c1 : ... and ... and cn : ... *)
-    | Psig_class_type of class_type_declaration list
-          (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *)
-    | Psig_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Psig_extension of extension * attributes
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and module_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pmd_name: string loc;
-       pmd_type: module_type;
-       pmd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       pmd_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (* S : MT *)
-  and module_type_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pmtd_name: string loc;
-       pmtd_type: module_type option;
-       pmtd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       pmtd_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (* S = MT
-     S       (abstract module type declaration, pmtd_type = None)
-  *)
-  and open_description (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.open_description *) =
-      {
-       popen_lid: Longident.t loc;
-       popen_override: override_flag;
-       popen_loc: Location.t;
-       popen_attributes: attributes;
-      }
-  (* open! X - popen_override = Override (silences the 'used identifier
-                                shadowing' warning)
-     open  X - popen_override = Fresh
-   *)
-  and 'a include_infos (*IF_CURRENT = 'a Parsetree.include_infos *) =
-      {
-       pincl_mod: 'a;
-       pincl_loc: Location.t;
-       pincl_attributes: attributes;
-      }
-  and include_description = module_type include_infos
-  (* include MT *)
-  and include_declaration = module_expr include_infos
-  (* include ME *)
-  and with_constraint (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.with_constraint *) =
-    | Pwith_type of Longident.t loc * type_declaration
-          (* with type X.t = ...
-             Note: the last component of the longident must match
-             the name of the type_declaration. *)
-    | Pwith_module of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc
-          (* with module X.Y = Z *)
-    | Pwith_typesubst of type_declaration
-          (* with type t := ... *)
-    | Pwith_modsubst of string loc * Longident.t loc
-          (* with module X := Z *)
-  (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-  and module_expr (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_expr *) =
-      {
-       pmod_desc: module_expr_desc;
-       pmod_loc: Location.t;
-       pmod_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and module_expr_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_expr_desc *) =
-    | Pmod_ident of Longident.t loc
-          (* X *)
-    | Pmod_structure of structure
-          (* struct ... end *)
-    | Pmod_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_expr
-          (* functor(X : MT1) -> ME *)
-    | Pmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr
-          (* ME1(ME2) *)
-    | Pmod_constraint of module_expr * module_type
-          (* (ME : MT) *)
-    | Pmod_unpack of expression
-          (* (val E) *)
-    | Pmod_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and structure = structure_item list
-  and structure_item (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.structure_item *) =
-      {
-       pstr_desc: structure_item_desc;
-       pstr_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  and structure_item_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.structure_item_desc *) =
-    | Pstr_eval of expression * attributes
-          (* E *)
-    | Pstr_value of rec_flag * value_binding list
-          (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN       (flag = Nonrecursive)
-             let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN   (flag = Recursive)
-           *)
-    | Pstr_primitive of value_description
-          (*  val x: T
-              external x: T = "s1" ... "sn" *)
-    | Pstr_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
-          (* type t1 = ... and ... and tn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_typext of type_extension
-          (* type t1 += ... *)
-    | Pstr_exception of extension_constructor
-          (* exception C of T
-             exception C = M.X *)
-    | Pstr_module of module_binding
-          (* module X = ME *)
-    | Pstr_recmodule of module_binding list
-          (* module rec X1 = ME1 and ... and Xn = MEn *)
-    | Pstr_modtype of module_type_declaration
-          (* module type S = MT *)
-    | Pstr_open of open_description
-          (* open X *)
-    | Pstr_class of class_declaration list
-          (* class c1 = ... and ... and cn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_class_type of class_type_declaration list
-          (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_include of include_declaration
-          (* include ME *)
-    | Pstr_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pstr_extension of extension * attributes
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and value_binding (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.value_binding *) =
-    {
-      pvb_pat: pattern;
-      pvb_expr: expression;
-      pvb_attributes: attributes;
-      pvb_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  and module_binding (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_binding *) =
-      {
-       pmb_name: string loc;
-       pmb_expr: module_expr;
-       pmb_attributes: attributes;
-       pmb_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (* X = ME *)
-  (** {2 Toplevel} *)
-  (* Toplevel phrases *)
-  type toplevel_phrase (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.toplevel_phrase *) =
-    | Ptop_def of structure
-    | Ptop_dir of string * directive_argument
-       (* #use, #load ... *)
-  and directive_argument (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.directive_argument *) =
-    | Pdir_none
-    | Pdir_string of string
-    | Pdir_int of string * char option
-    | Pdir_ident of Longident.t
-    | Pdir_bool of bool
-module Docstrings : sig
-  (** {3 Docstrings} *)
-  (** Documentation comments *)
-  type docstring
-  (** Create a docstring *)
-  val docstring : string -> Location.t -> docstring
-  (** Get the text of a docstring *)
-  val docstring_body : docstring -> string
-  (** Get the location of a docstring *)
-  val docstring_loc : docstring -> Location.t
-  (** {3 Items}
-      The {!docs} type represents documentation attached to an item. *)
-  type docs =
-    { docs_pre: docstring option;
-      docs_post: docstring option; }
-  val empty_docs : docs
-  val docs_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert item documentation to attributes and add them to an
-      attribute list *)
-  val add_docs_attrs : docs -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** {3 Fields and constructors}
-      The {!info} type represents documentation attached to a field or
-      constructor. *)
-  type info = docstring option
-  val empty_info : info
-  val info_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert field info to attributes and add them to an
-      attribute list *)
-  val add_info_attrs : info -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** {3 Unattached comments}
-      The {!text} type represents documentation which is not attached to
-      anything. *)
-  type text = docstring list
-  val empty_text : text
-  val text_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert text to attributes and add them to an attribute list *)
-  val add_text_attrs : text -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-end = struct
-  open Location
-  (* Docstrings *)
-  type docstring =
-    { ds_body: string;
-      ds_loc: Location.t; }
-  (* Docstring constructors and destructors *)
-  let docstring body loc =
-    let ds =
-      { ds_body = body;
-        ds_loc = loc; }
-    in
-    ds
-  let docstring_body ds = ds.ds_body
-  let docstring_loc ds = ds.ds_loc
-  (* Docstrings attached to items *)
-  type docs =
-    { docs_pre: docstring option;
-      docs_post: docstring option; }
-  let empty_docs = { docs_pre = None; docs_post = None }
-  let doc_loc = {txt = "ocaml.doc"; loc = Location.none}
-  let docs_attr ds =
-    let open Parsetree in
-    let exp =
-      { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(ds.ds_body, None));
-        pexp_loc = ds.ds_loc;
-        pexp_attributes = []; }
-    in
-    let item =
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = exp.pexp_loc }
-    in
-      (doc_loc, PStr [item])
-  let add_docs_attrs docs attrs =
-    let attrs =
-      match docs.docs_pre with
-      | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
-      | Some ds -> docs_attr ds :: attrs
-    in
-    let attrs =
-      match docs.docs_post with
-      | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
-      | Some ds -> attrs @ [docs_attr ds]
-    in
-    attrs
-  (* Docstrings attached to constructors or fields *)
-  type info = docstring option
-  let empty_info = None
-  let info_attr = docs_attr
-  let add_info_attrs info attrs =
-    match info with
-    | None | Some {ds_body=""; _} -> attrs
-    | Some ds -> attrs @ [info_attr ds]
-  (* Docstrings not attached to a specific item *)
-  type text = docstring list
-  let empty_text = []
-  let text_loc = {txt = "ocaml.text"; loc = Location.none}
-  let text_attr ds =
-    let open Parsetree in
-    let exp =
-      { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(ds.ds_body, None));
-        pexp_loc = ds.ds_loc;
-        pexp_attributes = []; }
-    in
-    let item =
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = exp.pexp_loc }
-    in
-      (text_loc, PStr [item])
-  let add_text_attrs dsl attrs =
-    let fdsl = List.filter (function {ds_body=""; _} -> false| _ ->true) dsl in
-    ( text_attr fdsl) @ attrs
-module Ast_helper : sig
-  (** Helpers to produce Parsetree fragments *)
-  open Asttypes
-  open Docstrings
-  open Parsetree
-  type lid = Longident.t loc
-  type str = string loc
-  type loc = Location.t
-  type attrs = attribute list
-  (** {2 Default locations} *)
-  val default_loc: loc ref
-      (** Default value for all optional location arguments. *)
-  val with_default_loc: loc -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
-      (** Set the [default_loc] within the scope of the execution
-          of the provided function. *)
-  (** {2 Constants} *)
-  module Const : sig
-    val char : char -> constant
-    val string : ?quotation_delimiter:string -> string -> constant
-    val integer : ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
-    val int : ?suffix:char -> int -> constant
-    val int32 : ?suffix:char -> int32 -> constant
-    val int64 : ?suffix:char -> int64 -> constant
-    val nativeint : ?suffix:char -> nativeint -> constant
-    val float : ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
-  end
-  (** {2 Core language} *)
-  (** Type expressions *)
-  module Typ :
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type_desc -> core_type
-      val attr: core_type -> attribute -> core_type
-      val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> core_type
-      val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> core_type
-      val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> core_type -> core_type
-                 -> core_type
-      val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type list -> core_type
-      val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
-      val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-                    (string * attributes * core_type) list -> closed_flag ->
-                    core_type
-      val class_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
-      val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> string -> core_type
-      val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> row_field list -> closed_flag
-                   -> label list option -> core_type
-      val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string list -> core_type -> core_type
-      val package: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> (lid * core_type) list
-                   -> core_type
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> core_type
-      val force_poly: core_type -> core_type
-    end
-  (** Patterns *)
-  module Pat:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern_desc -> pattern
-      val attr:pattern -> attribute -> pattern
-      val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern
-      val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> pattern
-      val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> str -> pattern
-      val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> pattern
-      val interval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> constant -> pattern
-      val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-      val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> pattern option -> pattern
-      val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> pattern option -> pattern
-      val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * pattern) list -> closed_flag
-                  -> pattern
-      val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-      val or_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern -> pattern
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> core_type -> pattern
-      val type_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> pattern
-      val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
-      val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> pattern
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs  -> lid -> pattern -> pattern
-      val exception_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> pattern
-    end
-  (** Expressions *)
-  module Exp:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression_desc -> expression
-      val attr: expression -> attribute -> expression
-      val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
-      val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> expression
-      val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list
-                -> expression -> expression
-      val fun_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> expression option
-                -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-      val function_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> case list -> expression
-      val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression
-                 -> (arg_label * expression) list -> expression
-      val match_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> case list
-                  -> expression
-      val try_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> case list -> expression
-      val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-      val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression option
-                     -> expression
-      val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> expression option
-                   -> expression
-      val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * expression) list
-                  -> expression option -> expression
-      val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
-      val setfield: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
-                    -> expression
-      val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-      val ifthenelse: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-                      -> expression option -> expression
-      val sequence: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-                    -> expression
-      val while_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-                  -> expression
-      val for_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-                -> direction_flag -> expression -> expression
-      val coerce: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option
-                  -> core_type -> expression
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type
-                       -> expression
-      val send: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> string -> expression
-      val new_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
-      val setinstvar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> expression -> expression
-      val override: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (str * expression) list
-                    -> expression
-      val letmodule: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> module_expr -> expression
-                     -> expression
-      val letexception:
-        ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension_constructor -> expression
-        -> expression
-      val assert_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option
-                -> expression
-      val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> expression
-      val newtype: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> expression -> expression
-      val pack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> expression
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> lid -> expression
-                 -> expression
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> expression
-      val unreachable: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> expression
-      val case: pattern -> ?guard:expression -> expression -> case
-    end
-  (** Value declarations *)
-  module Val:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        ?prim:string list -> str -> core_type -> value_description
-    end
-  (** Type declarations *)
-  module Type:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        ?params:(core_type * variance) list ->
-        ?cstrs:(core_type * core_type * loc) list ->
-        ?kind:type_kind -> ?priv:private_flag -> ?manifest:core_type -> str ->
-        type_declaration
-      val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
-        ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type -> str ->
-        constructor_declaration
-      val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
-        ?mut:mutable_flag -> str -> core_type -> label_declaration
-    end
-  (** Type extensions *)
-  module Te:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        ?params:(core_type * variance) list -> ?priv:private_flag ->
-        lid -> extension_constructor list -> type_extension
-      val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-        str -> extension_constructor_kind -> extension_constructor
-      val decl: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-        ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type -> str ->
-        extension_constructor
-      val rebind: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-        str -> lid -> extension_constructor
-    end
-  (** {2 Module language} *)
-  (** Module type expressions *)
-  module Mty:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type_desc -> module_type
-      val attr: module_type -> attribute -> module_type
-      val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
-      val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
-      val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> signature -> module_type
-      val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-        str -> module_type option -> module_type -> module_type
-      val with_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type ->
-        with_constraint list -> module_type
-      val typeof_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_type
-    end
-  (** Module expressions *)
-  module Mod:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr_desc -> module_expr
-      val attr: module_expr -> attribute -> module_expr
-      val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_expr
-      val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> structure -> module_expr
-      val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-        str -> module_type option -> module_expr -> module_expr
-      val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_expr ->
-        module_expr
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type ->
-        module_expr
-      val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> module_expr
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_expr
-    end
-  (** Signature items *)
-  module Sig:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> signature_item_desc -> signature_item
-      val value: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> signature_item
-      val type_: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> type_declaration list -> signature_item
-      val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> signature_item
-      val exception_: ?loc:loc -> extension_constructor -> signature_item
-      val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration -> signature_item
-      val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration list -> signature_item
-      val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> signature_item
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_description -> signature_item
-      val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_description -> signature_item
-      val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_description list -> signature_item
-      val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> signature_item
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> signature_item
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> signature_item
-      val text: text -> signature_item list
-    end
-  (** Structure items *)
-  module Str:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> structure_item_desc -> structure_item
-      val eval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attributes -> expression -> structure_item
-      val value: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> value_binding list -> structure_item
-      val primitive: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> structure_item
-      val type_: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> type_declaration list -> structure_item
-      val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> structure_item
-      val exception_: ?loc:loc -> extension_constructor -> structure_item
-      val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_binding -> structure_item
-      val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_binding list -> structure_item
-      val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> structure_item
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_description -> structure_item
-      val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_declaration list -> structure_item
-      val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> structure_item
-      val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_declaration -> structure_item
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> structure_item
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> structure_item
-      val text: text -> structure_item list
-    end
-  (** Module declarations *)
-  module Md:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        str -> module_type -> module_declaration
-    end
-  (** Module type declarations *)
-  module Mtd:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        ?typ:module_type -> str -> module_type_declaration
-    end
-  (** Module bindings *)
-  module Mb:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        str -> module_expr -> module_binding
-    end
-  (** Opens *)
-  module Opn:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        ?override:override_flag -> lid -> open_description
-    end
-  (** Includes *)
-  module Incl:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> 'a -> 'a include_infos
-    end
-  (** Value bindings *)
-  module Vb:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        pattern -> expression -> value_binding
-    end
-  (** {2 Class language} *)
-  (** Class type expressions *)
-  module Cty:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type_desc -> class_type
-      val attr: class_type -> attribute -> class_type
-      val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_type
-      val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_signature -> class_type
-      val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> core_type ->
-        class_type -> class_type
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type
-    end
-  (** Class type fields *)
-  module Ctf:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        class_type_field_desc -> class_type_field
-      val attr: class_type_field -> attribute -> class_type_field
-      val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type -> class_type_field
-      val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> mutable_flag ->
-        virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
-      val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> private_flag ->
-        virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type ->
-        class_type_field
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type_field
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_type_field
-      val text: text -> class_type_field list
-    end
-  (** Class expressions *)
-  module Cl:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr_desc -> class_expr
-      val attr: class_expr -> attribute -> class_expr
-      val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_expr
-      val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> class_expr
-      val fun_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> expression option ->
-        pattern -> class_expr -> class_expr
-      val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr ->
-        (arg_label * expression) list -> class_expr
-      val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list ->
-        class_expr -> class_expr
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr -> class_type ->
-        class_expr
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_expr
-    end
-  (** Class fields *)
-  module Cf:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> class_field_desc ->
-        class_field
-      val attr: class_field -> attribute -> class_field
-      val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> class_expr ->
-        string option -> class_field
-      val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> mutable_flag ->
-        class_field_kind -> class_field
-      val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> private_flag ->
-        class_field_kind -> class_field
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type ->
-        class_field
-      val initializer_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> class_field
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_field
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_field
-      val text: text -> class_field list
-      val virtual_: core_type -> class_field_kind
-      val concrete: override_flag -> expression -> class_field_kind
-    end
-  (** Classes *)
-  module Ci:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        ?virt:virtual_flag -> ?params:(core_type * variance) list ->
-        str -> 'a -> 'a class_infos
-    end
-  (** Class signatures *)
-  module Csig:
-    sig
-      val mk: core_type -> class_type_field list -> class_signature
-    end
-  (** Class structures *)
-  module Cstr:
-    sig
-      val mk: pattern -> class_field list -> class_structure
-    end
-end = struct
-  (** Helpers to produce Parsetree fragments *)
-  open Asttypes
-  open Parsetree
-  open Docstrings
-  type lid = Longident.t loc
-  type str = string loc
-  type loc = Location.t
-  type attrs = attribute list
-  let default_loc = ref Location.none
-  let with_default_loc l f =
-    let old = !default_loc in
-    default_loc := l;
-    try let r = f () in default_loc := old; r
-    with exn -> default_loc := old; raise exn
-  module Const = struct
-    let integer ?suffix i = Pconst_integer (i, suffix)
-    let int ?suffix i = integer ?suffix (string_of_int i)
-    let int32 ?(suffix='l') i = integer ~suffix (Int32.to_string i)
-    let int64 ?(suffix='L') i = integer ~suffix (Int64.to_string i)
-    let nativeint ?(suffix='n') i = integer ~suffix (Nativeint.to_string i)
-    let float ?suffix f = Pconst_float (f, suffix)
-    let char c = Pconst_char c
-    let string ?quotation_delimiter s = Pconst_string (s, quotation_delimiter)
-  end
-  module Typ = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {ptyp_desc = d; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with ptyp_attributes = d.ptyp_attributes @ [a]}
-    let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ptyp_any
-    let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_var a)
-    let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_arrow (a, b, c))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_tuple a)
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_constr (a, b))
-    let object_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_object (a, b))
-    let class_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_class (a, b))
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_alias (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_variant (a, b, c))
-    let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_poly (a, b))
-    let package ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_package (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_extension a)
-    let force_poly t =
-      match t.ptyp_desc with
-      | Ptyp_poly _ -> t
-      | _ -> poly ~loc:t.ptyp_loc [] t (* -> ghost? *)
-  end
-  module Pat = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {ppat_desc = d; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with ppat_attributes = d.ppat_attributes @ [a]}
-    let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ppat_any
-    let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_var a)
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_alias (a, b))
-    let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constant a)
-    let interval ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_interval (a, b))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_tuple a)
-    let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_construct (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_variant (a, b))
-    let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_record (a, b))
-    let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_array a)
-    let or_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_or (a, b))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constraint (a, b))
-    let type_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_type a)
-    let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_lazy a)
-    let unpack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_unpack a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_open (a, b))
-    let exception_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_exception a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_extension a)
-  end
-  module Exp = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pexp_desc = d; pexp_loc = loc; pexp_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pexp_attributes = d.pexp_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ident a)
-    let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constant a)
-    let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_let (a, b, c))
-    let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_fun (a, b, c, d))
-    let function_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_function a)
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_apply (a, b))
-    let match_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_match (a, b))
-    let try_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_try (a, b))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_tuple a)
-    let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_construct (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_variant (a, b))
-    let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_record (a, b))
-    let field ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_field (a, b))
-    let setfield ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setfield (a, b, c))
-    let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_array a)
-    let ifthenelse ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ifthenelse (a, b, c))
-    let sequence ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_sequence (a, b))
-    let while_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_while (a, b))
-    let for_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_for (a, b, c, d, e))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constraint (a, b))
-    let coerce ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_coerce (a, b, c))
-    let send ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_send (a, b))
-    let new_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_new a)
-    let setinstvar ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setinstvar (a, b))
-    let override ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_override a)
-    let letmodule ?loc ?attrs a b c= mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letmodule (a, b, c))
-    let letexception ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letexception (a, b))
-    let assert_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_assert a)
-    let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_lazy a)
-    let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_poly (a, b))
-    let object_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_object a)
-    let newtype ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_newtype (a, b))
-    let pack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_pack a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_open (a, b, c))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_extension a)
-    let unreachable ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Pexp_unreachable
-    let case lhs ?guard rhs =
-      {
-       pc_lhs = lhs;
-       pc_guard = guard;
-       pc_rhs = rhs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mty = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pmty_desc = d; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pmty_attributes = d.pmty_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_ident a)
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_alias a)
-    let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_signature a)
-    let functor_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_functor (a, b, c))
-    let with_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_with (a, b))
-    let typeof_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_typeof a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_extension a)
-  end
-  module Mod = struct
-  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-    {pmod_desc = d; pmod_loc = loc; pmod_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pmod_attributes = d.pmod_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_ident x)
-    let structure ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_structure x)
-    let functor_ ?loc ?attrs arg arg_ty body =
-      mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body))
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs m1 m2 = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_apply (m1, m2))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs m mty = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_constraint (m, mty))
-    let unpack ?loc ?attrs e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_unpack e)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_extension a)
-  end
-  module Sig = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {psig_desc = d; psig_loc = loc}
-    let value ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_value a)
-    let type_ ?loc rec_flag a = mk ?loc (Psig_type (rec_flag, a))
-    let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_typext a)
-    let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_exception a)
-    let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_module a)
-    let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_recmodule a)
-    let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_modtype a)
-    let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_open a)
-    let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_include a)
-    let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class a)
-    let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class_type a)
-    let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Psig_extension (a, attrs))
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-  end
-  module Str = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {pstr_desc = d; pstr_loc = loc}
-    let eval ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_eval (a, attrs))
-    let value ?loc a b = mk ?loc (Pstr_value (a, b))
-    let primitive ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_primitive a)
-    let type_ ?loc rec_flag a = mk ?loc (Pstr_type (rec_flag, a))
-    let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_typext a)
-    let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_exception a)
-    let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_module a)
-    let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_recmodule a)
-    let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_modtype a)
-    let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_open a)
-    let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class a)
-    let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class_type a)
-    let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_include a)
-    let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_extension (a, attrs))
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-  end
-  module Cl = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {
-       pcl_desc = d;
-       pcl_loc = loc;
-       pcl_attributes = attrs;
-      }
-    let attr d a = {d with pcl_attributes = d.pcl_attributes @ [a]}
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constr (a, b))
-    let structure ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_structure a)
-    let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_fun (a, b, c, d))
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_apply (a, b))
-    let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_let (a, b, c))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constraint (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_extension a)
-  end
-  module Cty = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {
-       pcty_desc = d;
-       pcty_loc = loc;
-       pcty_attributes = attrs;
-      }
-    let attr d a = {d with pcty_attributes = d.pcty_attributes @ [a]}
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_constr (a, b))
-    let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_signature a)
-    let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_arrow (a, b, c))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_extension a)
-  end
-  module Ctf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-             ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
-      {
-       pctf_desc = d;
-       pctf_loc = loc;
-       pctf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_inherit a)
-    let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_val (a, b, c, d))
-    let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_method (a, b, c, d))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_constraint (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_extension a)
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pctf_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-     let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-    let attr d a = {d with pctf_attributes = d.pctf_attributes @ [a]}
-  end
-  module Cf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
-      {
-       pcf_desc = d;
-       pcf_loc = loc;
-       pcf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_inherit (a, b, c))
-    let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_val (a, b, c))
-    let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_method (a, b, c))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_constraint (a, b))
-    let initializer_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_initializer a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_extension a)
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pcf_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-    let virtual_ ct = Cfk_virtual ct
-    let concrete o e = Cfk_concrete (o, e)
-    let attr d a = {d with pcf_attributes = d.pcf_attributes @ [a]}
-  end
-  module Val = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(prim = []) name typ =
-      {
-       pval_name = name;
-       pval_type = typ;
-       pval_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-       pval_loc = loc;
-       pval_prim = prim;
-      }
-  end
-  module Md = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name typ =
-      {
-       pmd_name = name;
-       pmd_type = typ;
-       pmd_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pmd_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mtd = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) ?typ name =
-      {
-       pmtd_name = name;
-       pmtd_type = typ;
-       pmtd_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pmtd_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mb = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name expr =
-      {
-       pmb_name = name;
-       pmb_expr = expr;
-       pmb_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pmb_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Opn = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(override = Fresh) lid =
-      {
-       popen_lid = lid;
-       popen_override = override;
-       popen_loc = loc;
-       popen_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Incl = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs) mexpr =
-      {
-       pincl_mod = mexpr;
-       pincl_loc = loc;
-       pincl_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Vb = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(text = []) pat expr =
-      {
-       pvb_pat = pat;
-       pvb_expr = expr;
-       pvb_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pvb_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Ci = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
-          ?(virt = Concrete) ?(params = []) name expr =
-      {
-       pci_virt = virt;
-       pci_params = params;
-       pci_name = name;
-       pci_expr = expr;
-       pci_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pci_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Type = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
-        ?(params = [])
-        ?(cstrs = [])
-        ?(kind = Ptype_abstract)
-        ?(priv = Public)
-        ?manifest
-        name =
-      {
-       ptype_name = name;
-       ptype_params = params;
-       ptype_cstrs = cstrs;
-       ptype_kind = kind;
-       ptype_private = priv;
-       ptype_manifest = manifest;
-       ptype_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       ptype_loc = loc;
-      }
-    let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
-          ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
-      {
-       pcd_name = name;
-       pcd_args = args;
-       pcd_res = res;
-       pcd_loc = loc;
-       pcd_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
-      }
-    let field ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
-          ?(mut = Immutable) name typ =
-      {
-       pld_name = name;
-       pld_mutable = mut;
-       pld_type = typ;
-       pld_loc = loc;
-       pld_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  (** Type extensions *)
-  module Te = struct
-    let mk ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(params = []) ?(priv = Public) path constructors =
-      {
-       ptyext_path = path;
-       ptyext_params = params;
-       ptyext_constructors = constructors;
-       ptyext_private = priv;
-       ptyext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name kind =
-      {
-       pext_name = name;
-       pext_kind = kind;
-       pext_loc = loc;
-       pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-    let decl ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-               ?(info = empty_info) ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
-      {
-       pext_name = name;
-       pext_kind = Pext_decl(args, res);
-       pext_loc = loc;
-       pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-    let rebind ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name lid =
-      {
-       pext_name = name;
-       pext_kind = Pext_rebind lid;
-       pext_loc = loc;
-       pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-  end
-  module Csig = struct
-    let mk self fields =
-      {
-       pcsig_self = self;
-       pcsig_fields = fields;
-      }
-  end
-  module Cstr = struct
-    let mk self fields =
-      {
-       pcstr_self = self;
-       pcstr_fields = fields;
-      }
-  end
-module Ast_mapper : sig
-  (** The interface of a -ppx rewriter
-    A -ppx rewriter is a program that accepts a serialized abstract syntax
-    tree and outputs another, possibly modified, abstract syntax tree.
-    This module encapsulates the interface between the compiler and
-    the -ppx rewriters, handling such details as the serialization format,
-    forwarding of command-line flags, and storing state.
-    {!mapper} allows to implement AST rewriting using open recursion.
-    A typical mapper would be based on {!default_mapper}, a deep
-    identity mapper, and will fall back on it for handling the syntax it
-    does not modify. For example:
-    {[
-  open Asttypes
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_mapper
-  let test_mapper argv =
-    { default_mapper with
-      expr = fun mapper expr ->
-        match expr with
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_extension ({ txt = "test" }, PStr [])} ->
-          Ast_helper.Exp.constant (Const_int 42)
-        | other -> default_mapper.expr mapper other; }
-  let () =
-    register "ppx_test" test_mapper]}
-    This -ppx rewriter, which replaces [[%test]] in expressions with
-    the constant [42], can be compiled using
-    [ocamlc -o ppx_test -I +compiler-libs ocamlcommon.cma].
-    *)
-  open Parsetree
-  (** {2 A generic Parsetree mapper} *)
-  type mapper (*IF_CURRENT = Ast_mapper.mapper*) = {
-    attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
-    attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
-    case: mapper -> case -> case;
-    cases: mapper -> case list -> case list;
-    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
-    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
-    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
-    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
-    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
-    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
-    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
-    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
-                            -> class_type_declaration;
-    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
-    constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
-                             -> constructor_declaration;
-    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
-    extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
-    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
-                           -> extension_constructor;
-    include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
-    include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
-    label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
-    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
-    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
-    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
-    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
-    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
-    module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
-                             -> module_type_declaration;
-    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
-    pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
-    payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
-    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
-    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
-    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
-    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
-    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
-    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
-    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
-    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
-    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
-    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
-    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
-  }
-  (** A mapper record implements one "method" per syntactic category,
-      using an open recursion style: each method takes as its first
-      argument the mapper to be applied to children in the syntax
-      tree. *)
-  val default_mapper: mapper
-  (** A default mapper, which implements a "deep identity" mapping. *)
-  (** {2 Convenience functions to write mappers} *)
-  val map_opt: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
-  val extension_of_error: Locations.location_error -> extension
-  (** Encode an error into an 'ocaml.error' extension node which can be
-      inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
-      responsible for reporting the error. *)
-  val attribute_of_warning: Location.t -> string -> attribute
-  (** Encode a warning message into an 'ocaml.ppwarning' attribute which can be
-      inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
-      responsible for reporting the warning. *)
-  include Locations.Helpers_intf
-end = struct
-  (* A generic Parsetree mapping class *)
-  (*
-  [@@@ocaml.warning "+9"]
-    (* Ensure that record patterns don't miss any field. *)
-  *)
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_helper
-  open Location
-  type mapper (*IF_CURRENT = Ast_mapper.mapper*) = {
-    attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
-    attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
-    case: mapper -> case -> case;
-    cases: mapper -> case list -> case list;
-    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
-    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
-    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
-    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
-    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
-    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
-    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
-    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
-                            -> class_type_declaration;
-    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
-    constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
-                             -> constructor_declaration;
-    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
-    extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
-    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
-                           -> extension_constructor;
-    include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
-    include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
-    label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
-    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
-    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
-    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
-    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
-    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
-    module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
-                             -> module_type_declaration;
-    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
-    pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
-    payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
-    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
-    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
-    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
-    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
-    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
-    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
-    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
-    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
-    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
-    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
-    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
-  }
-  let map_fst f (x, y) = (f x, y)
-  let map_snd f (x, y) = (x, f y)
-  let map_tuple f1 f2 (x, y) = (f1 x, f2 y)
-  let map_tuple3 f1 f2 f3 (x, y, z) = (f1 x, f2 y, f3 z)
-  let map_opt f = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
-  let map_loc sub {loc; txt} = {loc = sub.location sub loc; txt}
-  module T = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the core language *)
-    let row_field sub = function
-      | Rtag (l, attrs, b, tl) ->
-          Rtag (l, sub.attributes sub attrs, b, (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Rinherit t -> Rinherit (sub.typ sub t)
-    let map sub {ptyp_desc = desc; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Typ in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Ptyp_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-      | Ptyp_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs s
-      | Ptyp_arrow (lab, t1, t2) ->
-          arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Ptyp_tuple tyl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.typ sub) tyl)
-      | Ptyp_constr (lid, tl) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Ptyp_object (l, o) ->
-          let f (s, a, t) = (s, sub.attributes sub a, sub.typ sub t) in
-          object_ ~loc ~attrs ( f l) o
-      | Ptyp_class (lid, tl) ->
-          class_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Ptyp_alias (t, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t) s
-      | Ptyp_variant (rl, b, ll) ->
-          variant ~loc ~attrs ( (row_field sub) rl) b ll
-      | Ptyp_poly (sl, t) -> poly ~loc ~attrs sl (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Ptyp_package (lid, l) ->
-          package ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-            ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.typ sub)) l)
-      | Ptyp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_type_declaration sub
-        {ptype_name; ptype_params; ptype_cstrs;
-         ptype_kind;
-         ptype_private;
-         ptype_manifest;
-         ptype_attributes;
-         ptype_loc} =
- (map_loc sub ptype_name)
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptype_params)
-        ~priv:ptype_private
-        ~cstrs:(
-                  (map_tuple3 (sub.typ sub) (sub.typ sub) (sub.location sub))
-                  ptype_cstrs)
-        ~kind:(sub.type_kind sub ptype_kind)
-        ?manifest:(map_opt (sub.typ sub) ptype_manifest)
-        ~loc:(sub.location sub ptype_loc)
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub ptype_attributes)
-    let map_type_kind sub = function
-      | Ptype_abstract -> Ptype_abstract
-      | Ptype_variant l ->
-          Ptype_variant ( (sub.constructor_declaration sub) l)
-      | Ptype_record l -> Ptype_record ( (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
-      | Ptype_open -> Ptype_open
-    let map_constructor_arguments sub = function
-      | Pcstr_tuple l -> Pcstr_tuple ( (sub.typ sub) l)
-      | Pcstr_record l ->
-          Pcstr_record ( (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
-    let map_type_extension sub
-        {ptyext_path; ptyext_params;
-         ptyext_constructors;
-         ptyext_private;
-         ptyext_attributes} =
-        (map_loc sub ptyext_path)
-        ( (sub.extension_constructor sub) ptyext_constructors)
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptyext_params)
-        ~priv:ptyext_private
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub ptyext_attributes)
-    let map_extension_constructor_kind sub = function
-        Pext_decl(ctl, cto) ->
-          Pext_decl(map_constructor_arguments sub ctl, map_opt (sub.typ sub) cto)
-      | Pext_rebind li ->
-          Pext_rebind (map_loc sub li)
-    let map_extension_constructor sub
-        {pext_name;
-         pext_kind;
-         pext_loc;
-         pext_attributes} =
-      Te.constructor
-        (map_loc sub pext_name)
-        (map_extension_constructor_kind sub pext_kind)
-        ~loc:(sub.location sub pext_loc)
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub pext_attributes)
-  end
-  module CT = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-    let map sub {pcty_loc = loc; pcty_desc = desc; pcty_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cty in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcty_constr (lid, tys) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tys)
-      | Pcty_signature x -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_signature sub x)
-      | Pcty_arrow (lab, t, ct) ->
-          arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pcty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_field sub {pctf_desc = desc; pctf_loc = loc; pctf_attributes = attrs}
-      =
-      let open Ctf in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pctf_inherit ct -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pctf_val (s, m, v, t) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs s m v (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pctf_method (s, p, v, t) -> method_ ~loc ~attrs s p v (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pctf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pctf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-      | Pctf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_signature sub {pcsig_self; pcsig_fields} =
-        (sub.typ sub pcsig_self)
-        ( (sub.class_type_field sub) pcsig_fields)
-  end
-  module MT = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-    let map sub {pmty_desc = desc; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Mty in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pmty_ident s -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pmty_alias s -> alias ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pmty_signature sg -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.signature sub sg)
-      | Pmty_functor (s, mt1, mt2) ->
-          functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-            (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.may_map (sub.module_type sub) mt1)
-            (sub.module_type sub mt2)
-      | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
-          with_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_type sub mt)
-            ( (sub.with_constraint sub) l)
-      | Pmty_typeof me -> typeof_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
-      | Pmty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_with_constraint sub = function
-      | Pwith_type (lid, d) ->
-          Pwith_type (map_loc sub lid, sub.type_declaration sub d)
-      | Pwith_module (lid, lid2) ->
-          Pwith_module (map_loc sub lid, map_loc sub lid2)
-      | Pwith_typesubst d -> Pwith_typesubst (sub.type_declaration sub d)
-      | Pwith_modsubst (s, lid) ->
-          Pwith_modsubst (map_loc sub s, map_loc sub lid)
-    let map_signature_item sub {psig_desc = desc; psig_loc = loc} =
-      let open Sig in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      match desc with
-      | Psig_value vd -> value ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
-      | Psig_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
-      | Psig_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.extension_constructor sub ed)
-      | Psig_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_declaration sub x)
-      | Psig_recmodule l ->
-          rec_module ~loc ( (sub.module_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
-      | Psig_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_description sub x)
-      | Psig_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_description sub x)
-      | Psig_class l -> class_ ~loc ( (sub.class_description sub) l)
-      | Psig_class_type l ->
-          class_type ~loc ( (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_extension (x, attrs) ->
-          extension ~loc (sub.extension sub x) ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub attrs)
-      | Psig_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-  end
-  module M = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-    let map sub {pmod_loc = loc; pmod_desc = desc; pmod_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Mod in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pmod_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-      | Pmod_structure str -> structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.structure sub str)
-      | Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body) ->
-          functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub arg)
-            (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.may_map (sub.module_type sub) arg_ty)
-            (sub.module_expr sub body)
-      | Pmod_apply (m1, m2) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m1) (sub.module_expr sub m2)
-      | Pmod_constraint (m, mty) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m)
-                      (sub.module_type sub mty)
-      | Pmod_unpack e -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pmod_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_structure_item sub {pstr_loc = loc; pstr_desc = desc} =
-      let open Str in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      match desc with
-      | Pstr_eval (x, attrs) ->
-          eval ~loc ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub attrs) (sub.expr sub x)
-      | Pstr_value (r, vbs) -> value ~loc r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-      | Pstr_primitive vd -> primitive ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
-      | Pstr_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
-      | Pstr_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.extension_constructor sub ed)
-      | Pstr_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_binding sub x)
-      | Pstr_recmodule l -> rec_module ~loc ( (sub.module_binding sub) l)
-      | Pstr_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_description sub x)
-      | Pstr_class l -> class_ ~loc ( (sub.class_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_class_type l ->
-          class_type ~loc ( (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_extension (x, attrs) ->
-          extension ~loc (sub.extension sub x) ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub attrs)
-      | Pstr_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-  end
-  module E = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the core language *)
-    let map sub {pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = desc; pexp_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Exp in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pexp_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-      | Pexp_constant x -> constant ~loc ~attrs x
-      | Pexp_let (r, vbs, e) ->
-          let_ ~loc ~attrs r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_fun (lab, def, p, e) ->
-          fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub.expr sub) def) (sub.pat sub p)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_function pel -> function_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_apply (e, l) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) ( (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
-      | Pexp_match (e, pel) ->
-          match_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_try (e, pel) -> try_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_tuple el -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.expr sub) el)
-      | Pexp_construct (lid, arg) ->
-          construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (map_opt (sub.expr sub) arg)
-      | Pexp_variant (lab, eo) ->
-          variant ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
-      | Pexp_record (l, eo) ->
-          record ~loc ~attrs ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) l)
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
-      | Pexp_field (e, lid) ->
-          field ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_loc sub lid)
-      | Pexp_setfield (e1, lid, e2) ->
-          setfield ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (map_loc sub lid)
-            (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_array el -> array ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.expr sub) el)
-      | Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, e3) ->
-          ifthenelse ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e3)
-      | Pexp_sequence (e1, e2) ->
-          sequence ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_while (e1, e2) ->
-          while_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_for (p, e1, e2, d, e3) ->
-          for_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2) d
-            (sub.expr sub e3)
-      | Pexp_coerce (e, t1, t2) ->
-          coerce ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t1)
-            (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pexp_constraint (e, t) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pexp_send (e, s) -> send ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) s
-      | Pexp_new lid -> new_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-      | Pexp_setinstvar (s, e) ->
-          setinstvar ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_override sel ->
-          override ~loc ~attrs
-            ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) sel)
-      | Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e) ->
-          letmodule ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.module_expr sub me)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_letexception (cd, e) ->
-          letexception ~loc ~attrs
-            (sub.extension_constructor sub cd)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_assert e -> assert_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_lazy e -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_poly (e, t) ->
-          poly ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t)
-      | Pexp_object cls -> object_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub cls)
-      | Pexp_newtype (s, e) -> newtype ~loc ~attrs s (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_pack me -> pack ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
-      | Pexp_open (ovf, lid, e) ->
-          open_ ~loc ~attrs ovf (map_loc sub lid) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pexp_unreachable -> unreachable ~loc ~attrs ()
-  end
-  module P = struct
-    (* Patterns *)
-    let map sub {ppat_desc = desc; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Pat in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Ppat_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-      | Ppat_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_alias (p, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_constant c -> constant ~loc ~attrs c
-      | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) -> interval ~loc ~attrs c1 c2
-      | Ppat_tuple pl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.pat sub) pl)
-      | Ppat_construct (l, p) ->
-          construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub l) (map_opt (sub.pat sub) p)
-      | Ppat_variant (l, p) -> variant ~loc ~attrs l (map_opt (sub.pat sub) p)
-      | Ppat_record (lpl, cf) ->
-          record ~loc ~attrs
-                 ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.pat sub)) lpl) cf
-      | Ppat_array pl -> array ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.pat sub) pl)
-      | Ppat_or (p1, p2) -> or_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p1) (sub.pat sub p2)
-      | Ppat_constraint (p, t) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Ppat_type s -> type_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_lazy p -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_unpack s -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_open (lid,p) -> open_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_exception p -> exception_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-  end
-  module CE = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-    let map sub {pcl_loc = loc; pcl_desc = desc; pcl_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cl in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcl_constr (lid, tys) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tys)
-      | Pcl_structure s ->
-          structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub s)
-      | Pcl_fun (lab, e, p, ce) ->
-          fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e)
-            (sub.pat sub p)
-            (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-      | Pcl_apply (ce, l) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-            ( (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
-      | Pcl_let (r, vbs, ce) ->
-          let_ ~loc ~attrs r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-            (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-      | Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pcl_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_kind sub = function
-      | Cfk_concrete (o, e) -> Cfk_concrete (o, sub.expr sub e)
-      | Cfk_virtual t -> Cfk_virtual (sub.typ sub t)
-    let map_field sub {pcf_desc = desc; pcf_loc = loc; pcf_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cf in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcf_inherit (o, ce, s) -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs o (sub.class_expr sub ce) s
-      | Pcf_val (s, m, k) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m (map_kind sub k)
-      | Pcf_method (s, p, k) ->
-          method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p (map_kind sub k)
-      | Pcf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pcf_initializer e -> initializer_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pcf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-      | Pcf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_structure sub {pcstr_self; pcstr_fields} =
-      {
-        pcstr_self = sub.pat sub pcstr_self;
-        pcstr_fields = (sub.class_field sub) pcstr_fields;
-      }
-    let class_infos sub f {pci_virt; pci_params = pl; pci_name; pci_expr;
-                           pci_loc; pci_attributes} =
-       ~virt:pci_virt
-       ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) pl)
-        (map_loc sub pci_name)
-        (f pci_expr)
-        ~loc:(sub.location sub pci_loc)
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub pci_attributes)
-  end
-  (* Now, a generic AST mapper, to be extended to cover all kinds and
-     cases of the OCaml grammar.  The default behavior of the mapper is
-     the identity. *)
-  let default_mapper =
-    {
-      structure = (fun this l -> (this.structure_item this) l);
-      structure_item = M.map_structure_item;
-      module_expr =;
-      signature = (fun this l -> (this.signature_item this) l);
-      signature_item = MT.map_signature_item;
-      module_type =;
-      with_constraint = MT.map_with_constraint;
-      class_declaration =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_expr this));
-      class_expr =;
-      class_field = CE.map_field;
-      class_structure = CE.map_structure;
-      class_type =;
-      class_type_field = CT.map_field;
-      class_signature = CT.map_signature;
-      class_type_declaration =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
-      class_description =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
-      type_declaration = T.map_type_declaration;
-      type_kind = T.map_type_kind;
-      typ =;
-      type_extension = T.map_type_extension;
-      extension_constructor = T.map_extension_constructor;
-      value_description =
-        (fun this {pval_name; pval_type; pval_prim; pval_loc;
-                   pval_attributes} ->
-            (map_loc this pval_name)
-            (this.typ this pval_type)
-            ~attrs:(this.attributes this pval_attributes)
-            ~loc:(this.location this pval_loc)
-            ~prim:pval_prim
-        );
-      pat =;
-      expr =;
-      module_declaration =
-        (fun this {pmd_name; pmd_type; pmd_attributes; pmd_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pmd_name)
-             (this.module_type this pmd_type)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmd_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmd_loc)
-        );
-      module_type_declaration =
-        (fun this {pmtd_name; pmtd_type; pmtd_attributes; pmtd_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pmtd_name)
-             ?typ:(map_opt (this.module_type this) pmtd_type)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmtd_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmtd_loc)
-        );
-      module_binding =
-        (fun this {pmb_name; pmb_expr; pmb_attributes; pmb_loc} ->
-  (map_loc this pmb_name) (this.module_expr this pmb_expr)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmb_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmb_loc)
-        );
-      open_description =
-        (fun this {popen_lid; popen_override; popen_attributes; popen_loc} ->
-  (map_loc this popen_lid)
-             ~override:popen_override
-             ~loc:(this.location this popen_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this popen_attributes)
-        );
-      include_description =
-        (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
-  (this.module_type this pincl_mod)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
-        );
-      include_declaration =
-        (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
-  (this.module_expr this pincl_mod)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
-        );
-      value_binding =
-        (fun this {pvb_pat; pvb_expr; pvb_attributes; pvb_loc} ->
-             (this.pat this pvb_pat)
-             (this.expr this pvb_expr)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pvb_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pvb_attributes)
-        );
-      constructor_declaration =
-        (fun this {pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_res; pcd_loc; pcd_attributes} ->
-          Type.constructor
-            (map_loc this pcd_name)
-            ~args:(T.map_constructor_arguments this pcd_args)
-            ?res:(map_opt (this.typ this) pcd_res)
-            ~loc:(this.location this pcd_loc)
-            ~attrs:(this.attributes this pcd_attributes)
-        );
-      label_declaration =
-        (fun this {pld_name; pld_type; pld_loc; pld_mutable; pld_attributes} ->
-           Type.field
-             (map_loc this pld_name)
-             (this.typ this pld_type)
-             ~mut:pld_mutable
-             ~loc:(this.location this pld_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pld_attributes)
-        );
-      cases = (fun this l -> ( this) l);
-      case =
-        (fun this {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} ->
-           {
-             pc_lhs = this.pat this pc_lhs;
-             pc_guard = map_opt (this.expr this) pc_guard;
-             pc_rhs = this.expr this pc_rhs;
-           }
-        );
-      location = (fun _this l -> l);
-      extension = (fun this (s, e) -> (map_loc this s, this.payload this e));
-      attribute = (fun this (s, e) -> (map_loc this s, this.payload this e));
-      attributes = (fun this l -> (this.attribute this) l);
-      payload =
-        (fun this -> function
-           | PStr x -> PStr (this.structure this x)
-           | PSig x -> PSig (this.signature this x)
-           | PTyp x -> PTyp (this.typ this x)
-           | PPat (x, g) -> PPat (this.pat this x, map_opt (this.expr this) g)
-        );
-    }
-  let extension_of_error (error : Locations.location_error) : extension =
-    Locations.extension_of_error
-      ~mk_pstr:(function
-        | x :: l -> PStr (x :: x :: l)
-        | l -> PStr l)
-      ~mk_extension:(fun x -> Str.extension x)
-      ~mk_string_constant:(fun x -> Str.eval (Exp.constant (Pconst_string (x, None))))
-      error
-  let attribute_of_warning loc s =
-    { loc; txt = "ocaml.ppwarning" },
-    PStr ([Str.eval ~loc (Exp.constant (Pconst_string (s, None)))])
-  include Locations.Helpers_impl
-module Outcometree = struct
-  (* Module [Outcometree]: results displayed by the toplevel *)
-  (* These types represent messages that the toplevel displays as normal
-     results or errors. The real displaying is customisable using the hooks:
-        [Toploop.print_out_value]
-        [Toploop.print_out_type]
-        [Toploop.print_out_sig_item]
-        [Toploop.print_out_phrase] *)
-  type out_ident (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_ident *) =
-    | Oide_apply of out_ident * out_ident
-    | Oide_dot of out_ident * string
-    | Oide_ident of string
-  type out_attribute (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_attribute *) =
-    { oattr_name: string }
-  type out_value (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_value *) =
-    | Oval_array of out_value list
-    | Oval_char of char
-    | Oval_constr of out_ident * out_value list
-    | Oval_ellipsis
-    | Oval_float of float
-    | Oval_int of int
-    | Oval_int32 of int32
-    | Oval_int64 of int64
-    | Oval_nativeint of nativeint
-    | Oval_list of out_value list
-    | Oval_printer of (Format.formatter -> unit)
-    | Oval_record of (out_ident * out_value) list
-    | Oval_string of string
-    | Oval_stuff of string
-    | Oval_tuple of out_value list
-    | Oval_variant of string * out_value option
-  type out_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type *) =
-    | Otyp_abstract
-    | Otyp_open
-    | Otyp_alias of out_type * string
-    | Otyp_arrow of string * out_type * out_type
-    | Otyp_class of bool * out_ident * out_type list
-    | Otyp_constr of out_ident * out_type list
-    | Otyp_manifest of out_type * out_type
-    | Otyp_object of (string * out_type) list * bool option
-    | Otyp_record of (string * bool * out_type) list
-    | Otyp_stuff of string
-    | Otyp_sum of (string * out_type list * out_type option) list
-    | Otyp_tuple of out_type list
-    | Otyp_var of bool * string
-    | Otyp_variant of
-        bool * out_variant * bool * (string list) option
-    | Otyp_poly of string list * out_type
-    | Otyp_module of string * string list * out_type list
-    | Otyp_attribute of out_type * out_attribute
-  and out_variant (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_variant *) =
-    | Ovar_fields of (string * bool * out_type list) list
-    | Ovar_name of out_ident * out_type list
-  type out_class_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_class_type *) =
-    | Octy_constr of out_ident * out_type list
-    | Octy_arrow of string * out_type * out_class_type
-    | Octy_signature of out_type option * out_class_sig_item list
-  and out_class_sig_item (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_class_sig_item *) =
-    | Ocsg_constraint of out_type * out_type
-    | Ocsg_method of string * bool * bool * out_type
-    | Ocsg_value of string * bool * bool * out_type
-  type out_module_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_module_type *) =
-    | Omty_abstract
-    | Omty_functor of string * out_module_type option * out_module_type
-    | Omty_ident of out_ident
-    | Omty_signature of out_sig_item list
-    | Omty_alias of out_ident
-  and out_sig_item (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_sig_item *) =
-    | Osig_class of
-        bool * string * (string * (bool * bool)) list * out_class_type *
-          out_rec_status
-    | Osig_class_type of
-        bool * string * (string * (bool * bool)) list * out_class_type *
-          out_rec_status
-    | Osig_typext of out_extension_constructor * out_ext_status
-    | Osig_modtype of string * out_module_type
-    | Osig_module of string * out_module_type * out_rec_status
-    | Osig_type of out_type_decl * out_rec_status
-    | Osig_value of out_val_decl
-    | Osig_ellipsis
-  and out_type_decl (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type_decl *) =
-    { otype_name: string;
-      otype_params: (string * (bool * bool)) list;
-      otype_type: out_type;
-      otype_private: Asttypes.private_flag;
-      otype_immediate: bool;
-      otype_unboxed: bool;
-      otype_cstrs: (out_type * out_type) list }
-  and out_extension_constructor (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_extension_constructor *) =
-    { oext_name: string;
-      oext_type_name: string;
-      oext_type_params: string list;
-      oext_args: out_type list;
-      oext_ret_type: out_type option;
-      oext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
-  and out_type_extension (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type_extension *) =
-    { otyext_name: string;
-      otyext_params: string list;
-      otyext_constructors: (string * out_type list * out_type option) list;
-      otyext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
-  and out_val_decl (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_val_decl *) =
-    { oval_name: string;
-      oval_type: out_type;
-      oval_prims: string list;
-      oval_attributes: out_attribute list }
-  and out_rec_status (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_rec_status *) =
-    | Orec_not
-    | Orec_first
-    | Orec_next
-  and out_ext_status (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_ext_status *) =
-    | Oext_first
-    | Oext_next
-    | Oext_exception
-  type out_phrase (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_phrase *) =
-    | Ophr_eval of out_value * out_type
-    | Ophr_signature of (out_sig_item * out_value option) list
-    | Ophr_exception of (exn * out_value)
-module Config = struct
-  let ast_impl_magic_number = "Caml1999M020"
-  let ast_intf_magic_number = "Caml1999N018"
-let map_signature mapper = mapper.Ast_mapper.signature mapper
-let map_structure mapper = mapper.Ast_mapper.structure mapper
-let shallow_identity =
-  let id _ x = x in
-  {
-    Ast_mapper.
-    structure               = id;
-    structure_item          = id;
-    module_expr             = id;
-    signature               = id;
-    signature_item          = id;
-    module_type             = id;
-    with_constraint         = id;
-    class_declaration       = id;
-    class_expr              = id;
-    class_field             = id;
-    class_structure         = id;
-    class_type              = id;
-    class_type_field        = id;
-    class_signature         = id;
-    class_type_declaration  = id;
-    class_description       = id;
-    type_declaration        = id;
-    type_kind               = id;
-    typ                     = id;
-    type_extension          = id;
-    extension_constructor   = id;
-    value_description       = id;
-    pat                     = id;
-    expr                    = id;
-    module_declaration      = id;
-    module_type_declaration = id;
-    module_binding          = id;
-    open_description        = id;
-    include_description     = id;
-    include_declaration     = id;
-    value_binding           = id;
-    constructor_declaration = id;
-    label_declaration       = id;
-    cases                   = id;
-    case                    = id;
-    location                = id;
-    extension               = id;
-    attribute               = id;
-    attributes              = id;
-    payload                 = id;
-  }
-let failing_mapper =
-  let fail _ _ =
-    invalid_arg "failing_mapper: this mapper function should never get called"
-  in
-  {
-    Ast_mapper.
-    structure               = fail;
-    structure_item          = fail;
-    module_expr             = fail;
-    signature               = fail;
-    signature_item          = fail;
-    module_type             = fail;
-    with_constraint         = fail;
-    class_declaration       = fail;
-    class_expr              = fail;
-    class_field             = fail;
-    class_structure         = fail;
-    class_type              = fail;
-    class_type_field        = fail;
-    class_signature         = fail;
-    class_type_declaration  = fail;
-    class_description       = fail;
-    type_declaration        = fail;
-    type_kind               = fail;
-    typ                     = fail;
-    type_extension          = fail;
-    extension_constructor   = fail;
-    value_description       = fail;
-    pat                     = fail;
-    expr                    = fail;
-    module_declaration      = fail;
-    module_type_declaration = fail;
-    module_binding          = fail;
-    open_description        = fail;
-    include_description     = fail;
-    include_declaration     = fail;
-    value_binding           = fail;
-    constructor_declaration = fail;
-    label_declaration       = fail;
-    cases                   = fail;
-    case                    = fail;
-    location                = fail;
-    extension               = fail;
-    attribute               = fail;
-    attributes              = fail;
-    payload                 = fail;
-  }
-let make_top_mapper ~signature ~structure =
-  {failing_mapper with Ast_mapper.
-                    signature = (fun _ x -> signature x);
-                    structure = (fun _ x -> structure x) }
-module Ast_402
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*            Jérémie Dimino and Leo White, Jane Street Europe            *)
-(*            Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt            *)
-(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-(*       Daniel de Rauglaudre, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt         *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-module Location = Location
-module Longident = Longident
-module Asttypes = struct
-  (* Auxiliary a.s.t. types used by parsetree and typedtree. *)
-  type constant (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.constant *) =
-      Const_int of int
-    | Const_char of char
-    | Const_string of string * string option
-    | Const_float of string
-    | Const_int32 of int32
-    | Const_int64 of int64
-    | Const_nativeint of nativeint
-  type rec_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.rec_flag *) = Nonrecursive | Recursive
-  type direction_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.direction_flag *) = Upto | Downto
-  type private_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.private_flag *) = Private | Public
-  type mutable_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.mutable_flag *) = Immutable | Mutable
-  type virtual_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.virtual_flag *) = Virtual | Concrete
-  type override_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.override_flag *) = Override | Fresh
-  type closed_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.closed_flag *) = Closed | Open
-  type label = string
-  type 'a loc = 'a Location.loc = {
-    txt : 'a;
-    loc : Location.t;
-  }
-  type variance (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.variance *) =
-    | Covariant
-    | Contravariant
-    | Invariant
-module Parsetree = struct
-  (** Abstract syntax tree produced by parsing *)
-  open Asttypes
-  (** {2 Extension points} *)
-  type attribute = string loc * payload
-         (* [@id ARG]
-            [@@id ARG]
-            Metadata containers passed around within the AST.
-            The compiler ignores unknown attributes.
-         *)
-  and extension = string loc * payload
-        (* [%id ARG]
-           [%%id ARG]
-           Sub-language placeholder -- rejected by the typechecker.
-        *)
-  and attributes = attribute list
-  and payload (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.payload *) =
-    | PStr of structure
-    | PTyp of core_type  (* : T *)
-    | PPat of pattern * expression option  (* ? P  or  ? P when E *)
-  (** {2 Core language} *)
-  (* Type expressions *)
-  and core_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.core_type *) =
-      {
-       ptyp_desc: core_type_desc;
-       ptyp_loc: Location.t;
-       ptyp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and core_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.core_type_desc *) =
-    | Ptyp_any
-          (*  _ *)
-    | Ptyp_var of string
-          (* 'a *)
-    | Ptyp_arrow of label * core_type * core_type
-          (* T1 -> T2       (label = "")
-             ~l:T1 -> T2    (label = "l")
-             ?l:T1 -> T2    (label = "?l")
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_tuple of core_type list
-          (* T1 * ... * Tn
-             Invariant: n >= 2
-          *)
-    | Ptyp_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* tconstr
-             T tconstr
-             (T1, ..., Tn) tconstr
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_object of (string * attributes * core_type) list * closed_flag
-          (* < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn >     (flag = Closed)
-             < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn; .. > (flag = Open)
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_class of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* #tconstr
-             T #tconstr
-             (T1, ..., Tn) #tconstr
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_alias of core_type * string
-          (* T as 'a *)
-    | Ptyp_variant of row_field list * closed_flag * label list option
-          (* [ `A|`B ]         (flag = Closed; labels = None)
-             [> `A|`B ]        (flag = Open;   labels = None)
-             [< `A|`B ]        (flag = Closed; labels = Some [])
-             [< `A|`B > `X `Y ](flag = Closed; labels = Some ["X";"Y"])
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_poly of string list * core_type
-          (* 'a1 ... 'an. T
-             Can only appear in the following context:
-             - As the core_type of a Ppat_constraint node corresponding
-               to a constraint on a let-binding: let x : 'a1 ... 'an. T
-               = e ...
-             - Under Cfk_virtual for methods (not values).
-             - As the core_type of a Pctf_method node.
-             - As the core_type of a Pexp_poly node.
-             - As the pld_type field of a label_declaration.
-             - As a core_type of a Ptyp_object node.
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_package of package_type
-          (* (module S) *)
-    | Ptyp_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and package_type = Longident.t loc * (Longident.t loc * core_type) list
-        (*
-          (module S)
-          (module S with type t1 = T1 and ... and tn = Tn)
-         *)
-  and row_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.row_field *) =
-    | Rtag of label * attributes * bool * core_type list
-          (* [`A]                   ( true,  [] )
-             [`A of T]              ( false, [T] )
-             [`A of T1 & .. & Tn]   ( false, [T1;...Tn] )
-             [`A of & T1 & .. & Tn] ( true,  [T1;...Tn] )
-            - The 2nd field is true if the tag contains a
-              constant (empty) constructor.
-            - '&' occurs when several types are used for the same constructor
-              (see 4.2 in the manual)
-            - TODO: switch to a record representation, and keep location
-          *)
-    | Rinherit of core_type
-          (* [ T ] *)
-  (* Patterns *)
-  and pattern (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.pattern *) =
-      {
-       ppat_desc: pattern_desc;
-       ppat_loc: Location.t;
-       ppat_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and pattern_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.pattern_desc *) =
-    | Ppat_any
-          (* _ *)
-    | Ppat_var of string loc
-          (* x *)
-    | Ppat_alias of pattern * string loc
-          (* P as 'a *)
-    | Ppat_constant of constant
-          (* 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
-    | Ppat_interval of constant * constant
-          (* 'a'..'z'
-             Other forms of interval are recognized by the parser
-             but rejected by the type-checker. *)
-    | Ppat_tuple of pattern list
-          (* (P1, ..., Pn)
-             Invariant: n >= 2
-          *)
-    | Ppat_construct of Longident.t loc * pattern option
-          (* C                None
-             C P              Some P
-             C (P1, ..., Pn)  Some (Ppat_tuple [P1; ...; Pn])
-           *)
-    | Ppat_variant of label * pattern option
-          (* `A             (None)
-             `A P           (Some P)
-           *)
-    | Ppat_record of (Longident.t loc * pattern) list * closed_flag
-          (* { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }     (flag = Closed)
-             { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn; _}   (flag = Open)
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Ppat_array of pattern list
-          (* [| P1; ...; Pn |] *)
-    | Ppat_or of pattern * pattern
-          (* P1 | P2 *)
-    | Ppat_constraint of pattern * core_type
-          (* (P : T) *)
-    | Ppat_type of Longident.t loc
-          (* #tconst *)
-    | Ppat_lazy of pattern
-          (* lazy P *)
-    | Ppat_unpack of string loc
-          (* (module P)
-             Note: (module P : S) is represented as
-             Ppat_constraint(Ppat_unpack, Ptyp_package)
-           *)
-    | Ppat_exception of pattern
-          (* exception P *)
-    | Ppat_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  (* Value expressions *)
-  and expression (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.expression *) =
-      {
-       pexp_desc: expression_desc;
-       pexp_loc: Location.t;
-       pexp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and expression_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.expression_desc *) =
-    | Pexp_ident of Longident.t loc
-          (* x
-             M.x
-           *)
-    | Pexp_constant of constant
-          (* 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
-    | Pexp_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * expression
-          (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E       (flag = Nonrecursive)
-             let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E   (flag = Recursive)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_function of case list
-          (* function P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_fun of label * expression option * pattern * expression
-          (* fun P -> E1                          (lab = "", None)
-             fun ~l:P -> E1                       (lab = "l", None)
-             fun ?l:P -> E1                       (lab = "?l", None)
-             fun ?l:(P = E0) -> E1                (lab = "?l", Some E0)
-             Notes:
-             - If E0 is provided, lab must start with '?'.
-             - "fun P1 P2 .. Pn -> E1" is represented as nested Pexp_fun.
-             - "let f P = E" is represented using Pexp_fun.
-           *)
-    | Pexp_apply of expression * (label * expression) list
-          (* E0 ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
-             li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?'
-             (optional argument).
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Pexp_match of expression * case list
-          (* match E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_try of expression * case list
-          (* try E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_tuple of expression list
-          (* (E1, ..., En)
-             Invariant: n >= 2
-          *)
-    | Pexp_construct of Longident.t loc * expression option
-          (* C                None
-             C E              Some E
-             C (E1, ..., En)  Some (Pexp_tuple[E1;...;En])
-          *)
-    | Pexp_variant of label * expression option
-          (* `A             (None)
-             `A E           (Some E)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_record of (Longident.t loc * expression) list * expression option
-          (* { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }     (None)
-             { E0 with l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }   (Some E0)
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Pexp_field of expression * Longident.t loc
-          (* E.l *)
-    | Pexp_setfield of expression * Longident.t loc * expression
-          (* E1.l <- E2 *)
-    | Pexp_array of expression list
-          (* [| E1; ...; En |] *)
-    | Pexp_ifthenelse of expression * expression * expression option
-          (* if E1 then E2 else E3 *)
-    | Pexp_sequence of expression * expression
-          (* E1; E2 *)
-    | Pexp_while of expression * expression
-          (* while E1 do E2 done *)
-    | Pexp_for of
-        pattern *  expression * expression * direction_flag * expression
-          (* for i = E1 to E2 do E3 done      (flag = Upto)
-             for i = E1 downto E2 do E3 done  (flag = Downto)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_constraint of expression * core_type
-          (* (E : T) *)
-    | Pexp_coerce of expression * core_type option * core_type
-          (* (E :> T)        (None, T)
-             (E : T0 :> T)   (Some T0, T)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_send of expression * string
-          (*  E # m *)
-    | Pexp_new of Longident.t loc
-          (* new M.c *)
-    | Pexp_setinstvar of string loc * expression
-          (* x <- 2 *)
-    | Pexp_override of (string loc * expression) list
-          (* {< x1 = E1; ...; Xn = En >} *)
-    | Pexp_letmodule of string loc * module_expr * expression
-          (* let module M = ME in E *)
-    | Pexp_assert of expression
-          (* assert E
-             Note: "assert false" is treated in a special way by the
-             type-checker. *)
-    | Pexp_lazy of expression
-          (* lazy E *)
-    | Pexp_poly of expression * core_type option
-          (* Used for method bodies.
-             Can only be used as the expression under Cfk_concrete
-             for methods (not values). *)
-    | Pexp_object of class_structure
-          (* object ... end *)
-    | Pexp_newtype of string * expression
-          (* fun (type t) -> E *)
-    | Pexp_pack of module_expr
-          (* (module ME)
-             (module ME : S) is represented as
-             Pexp_constraint(Pexp_pack, Ptyp_package S) *)
-    | Pexp_open of override_flag * Longident.t loc * expression
-          (* let open M in E
-             let! open M in E
-          *)
-    | Pexp_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and case (*IF_CURRENT = *) =   (* (P -> E) or (P when E0 -> E) *)
-      {
-       pc_lhs: pattern;
-       pc_guard: expression option;
-       pc_rhs: expression;
-      }
-  (* Value descriptions *)
-  and value_description (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.value_description *) =
-      {
-       pval_name: string loc;
-       pval_type: core_type;
-       pval_prim: string list;
-       pval_attributes: attributes;  (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       pval_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (*
-    val x: T                            (prim = [])
-    external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"       (prim = ["s1";..."sn"])
-    Note: when used under Pstr_primitive, prim cannot be empty
-  *)
-  (* Type declarations *)
-  and type_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_declaration *) =
-      {
-       ptype_name: string loc;
-       ptype_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-             (* ('a1,...'an) t; None represents  _*)
-       ptype_cstrs: (core_type * core_type * Location.t) list;
-             (* ... constraint T1=T1'  ... constraint Tn=Tn' *)
-       ptype_kind: type_kind;
-       ptype_private: private_flag;   (* = private ... *)
-       ptype_manifest: core_type option;  (* = T *)
-       ptype_attributes: attributes;   (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       ptype_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (*
-    type t                     (abstract, no manifest)
-    type t = T0                (abstract, manifest=T0)
-    type t = C of T | ...      (variant,  no manifest)
-    type t = T0 = C of T | ... (variant,  manifest=T0)
-    type t = {l: T; ...}       (record,   no manifest)
-    type t = T0 = {l : T; ...} (record,   manifest=T0)
-    type t = ..                (open,     no manifest)
-  *)
-  and type_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_kind *) =
-    | Ptype_abstract
-    | Ptype_variant of constructor_declaration list
-          (* Invariant: non-empty list *)
-    | Ptype_record of label_declaration list
-          (* Invariant: non-empty list *)
-    | Ptype_open
-  and label_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.label_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pld_name: string loc;
-       pld_mutable: mutable_flag;
-       pld_type: core_type;
-       pld_loc: Location.t;
-       pld_attributes: attributes; (* l [@id1] [@id2] : T *)
-      }
-  (*  { ...; l: T; ... }            (mutable=Immutable)
-      { ...; mutable l: T; ... }    (mutable=Mutable)
-      Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly.
-  *)
-  and constructor_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constructor_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pcd_name: string loc;
-       pcd_args: core_type list;
-       pcd_res: core_type option;
-       pcd_loc: Location.t;
-       pcd_attributes: attributes; (* C [@id1] [@id2] of ... *)
-      }
-  (*
-    | C of T1 * ... * Tn     (res = None)
-    | C: T0                  (args = [], res = Some T0)
-    | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 (res = Some T0)
-  *)
-  and type_extension (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_extension *) =
-      {
-       ptyext_path: Longident.t loc;
-       ptyext_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-       ptyext_constructors: extension_constructor list;
-       ptyext_private: private_flag;
-       ptyext_attributes: attributes;   (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  (*
-    type t += ...
-  *)
-  and extension_constructor (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.extension_constructor *) =
-      {
-       pext_name: string loc;
-       pext_kind : extension_constructor_kind;
-       pext_loc : Location.t;
-       pext_attributes: attributes; (* C [@id1] [@id2] of ... *)
-      }
-  and extension_constructor_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind *) =
-      Pext_decl of core_type list * core_type option
-        (*
-           | C of T1 * ... * Tn     ([T1; ...; Tn], None)
-           | C: T0                  ([], Some T0)
-           | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 ([T1; ...; Tn], Some T0)
-         *)
-    | Pext_rebind of Longident.t loc
-        (*
-           | C = D
-         *)
-  (** {2 Class language} *)
-  (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-  and class_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type *) =
-      {
-       pcty_desc: class_type_desc;
-       pcty_loc: Location.t;
-       pcty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_desc *) =
-    | Pcty_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* c
-             ['a1, ..., 'an] c *)
-    | Pcty_signature of class_signature
-          (* object ... end *)
-    | Pcty_arrow of label * core_type * class_type
-          (* T -> CT       (label = "")
-             ~l:T -> CT    (label = "l")
-             ?l:T -> CT    (label = "?l")
-           *)
-    | Pcty_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and class_signature (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_signature *) =
-      {
-       pcsig_self: core_type;
-       pcsig_fields: class_type_field list;
-      }
-  (* object('selfpat) ... end
-     object ... end             (self = Ptyp_any)
-   *)
-  and class_type_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_field *) =
-      {
-       pctf_desc: class_type_field_desc;
-       pctf_loc: Location.t;
-       pctf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_type_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_field_desc *) =
-    | Pctf_inherit of class_type
-          (* inherit CT *)
-    | Pctf_val of (string * mutable_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
-          (* val x: T *)
-    | Pctf_method  of (string * private_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
-          (* method x: T
-             Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly.
-           *)
-    | Pctf_constraint  of (core_type * core_type)
-          (* constraint T1 = T2 *)
-    | Pctf_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pctf_extension of extension
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and 'a class_infos (*IF_CURRENT = 'a Parsetree.class_infos *) =
-      {
-       pci_virt: virtual_flag;
-       pci_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-       pci_name: string loc;
-       pci_expr: 'a;
-       pci_loc: Location.t;
-       pci_attributes: attributes;  (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  (* class c = ...
-     class ['a1,...,'an] c = ...
-     class virtual c = ...
-     Also used for "class type" declaration.
-  *)
-  and class_description = class_type class_infos
-  and class_type_declaration = class_type class_infos
-  (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-  and class_expr (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_expr *) =
-      {
-       pcl_desc: class_expr_desc;
-       pcl_loc: Location.t;
-       pcl_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_expr_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_expr_desc *) =
-    | Pcl_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* c
-             ['a1, ..., 'an] c *)
-    | Pcl_structure of class_structure
-          (* object ... end *)
-    | Pcl_fun of label * expression option * pattern * class_expr
-          (* fun P -> CE                          (lab = "", None)
-             fun ~l:P -> CE                       (lab = "l", None)
-             fun ?l:P -> CE                       (lab = "?l", None)
-             fun ?l:(P = E0) -> CE                (lab = "?l", Some E0)
-           *)
-    | Pcl_apply of class_expr * (label * expression) list
-          (* CE ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
-             li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?'
-             (optional argument).
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Pcl_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * class_expr
-          (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE      (flag = Nonrecursive)
-             let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE  (flag = Recursive)
-           *)
-    | Pcl_constraint of class_expr * class_type
-          (* (CE : CT) *)
-    | Pcl_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and class_structure (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_structure *) =
-      {
-       pcstr_self: pattern;
-       pcstr_fields: class_field list;
-      }
-  (* object(selfpat) ... end
-     object ... end           (self = Ppat_any)
-   *)
-  and class_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field *) =
-      {
-       pcf_desc: class_field_desc;
-       pcf_loc: Location.t;
-       pcf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field_desc *) =
-    | Pcf_inherit of override_flag * class_expr * string option
-          (* inherit CE
-             inherit CE as x
-             inherit! CE
-             inherit! CE as x
-           *)
-    | Pcf_val of (string loc * mutable_flag * class_field_kind)
-          (* val x = E
-             val virtual x: T
-           *)
-    | Pcf_method of (string loc * private_flag * class_field_kind)
-          (* method x = E            (E can be a Pexp_poly)
-             method virtual x: T     (T can be a Ptyp_poly)
-           *)
-    | Pcf_constraint of (core_type * core_type)
-          (* constraint T1 = T2 *)
-    | Pcf_initializer of expression
-          (* initializer E *)
-    | Pcf_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pcf_extension of extension
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and class_field_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field_kind *) =
-    | Cfk_virtual of core_type
-    | Cfk_concrete of override_flag * expression
-  and class_declaration = class_expr class_infos
-  (** {2 Module language} *)
-  (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-  and module_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type *) =
-      {
-       pmty_desc: module_type_desc;
-       pmty_loc: Location.t;
-       pmty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and module_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type_desc *) =
-    | Pmty_ident of Longident.t loc
-          (* S *)
-    | Pmty_signature of signature
-          (* sig ... end *)
-    | Pmty_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_type
-          (* functor(X : MT1) -> MT2 *)
-    | Pmty_with of module_type * with_constraint list
-          (* MT with ... *)
-    | Pmty_typeof of module_expr
-          (* module type of ME *)
-    | Pmty_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-    | Pmty_alias of Longident.t loc
-          (* (module M) *)
-  and signature = signature_item list
-  and signature_item (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.signature_item *) =
-      {
-       psig_desc: signature_item_desc;
-       psig_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  and signature_item_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.signature_item_desc *) =
-    | Psig_value of value_description
-          (*
-            val x: T
-            external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"
-           *)
-    | Psig_type of type_declaration list
-          (* type t1 = ... and ... and tn = ... *)
-    | Psig_typext of type_extension
-          (* type t1 += ... *)
-    | Psig_exception of extension_constructor
-          (* exception C of T *)
-    | Psig_module of module_declaration
-          (* module X : MT *)
-    | Psig_recmodule of module_declaration list
-          (* module rec X1 : MT1 and ... and Xn : MTn *)
-    | Psig_modtype of module_type_declaration
-          (* module type S = MT
-             module type S *)
-    | Psig_open of open_description
-          (* open X *)
-    | Psig_include of include_description
-          (* include MT *)
-    | Psig_class of class_description list
-          (* class c1 : ... and ... and cn : ... *)
-    | Psig_class_type of class_type_declaration list
-          (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *)
-    | Psig_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Psig_extension of extension * attributes
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and module_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pmd_name: string loc;
-       pmd_type: module_type;
-       pmd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       pmd_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (* S : MT *)
-  and module_type_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pmtd_name: string loc;
-       pmtd_type: module_type option;
-       pmtd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       pmtd_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (* S = MT
-     S       (abstract module type declaration, pmtd_type = None)
-  *)
-  and open_description (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.open_description *) =
-      {
-       popen_lid: Longident.t loc;
-       popen_override: override_flag;
-       popen_loc: Location.t;
-       popen_attributes: attributes;
-      }
-  (* open! X - popen_override = Override (silences the 'used identifier
-                                shadowing' warning)
-     open  X - popen_override = Fresh
-   *)
-  and 'a include_infos (*IF_CURRENT = 'a Parsetree.include_infos *) =
-      {
-       pincl_mod: 'a;
-       pincl_loc: Location.t;
-       pincl_attributes: attributes;
-      }
-  and include_description = module_type include_infos
-  (* include MT *)
-  and include_declaration = module_expr include_infos
-  (* include ME *)
-  and with_constraint (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.with_constraint *) =
-    | Pwith_type of Longident.t loc * type_declaration
-          (* with type X.t = ...
-             Note: the last component of the longident must match
-             the name of the type_declaration. *)
-    | Pwith_module of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc
-          (* with module X.Y = Z *)
-    | Pwith_typesubst of type_declaration
-          (* with type t := ... *)
-    | Pwith_modsubst of string loc * Longident.t loc
-          (* with module X := Z *)
-  (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-  and module_expr (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_expr *) =
-      {
-       pmod_desc: module_expr_desc;
-       pmod_loc: Location.t;
-       pmod_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and module_expr_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_expr_desc *) =
-    | Pmod_ident of Longident.t loc
-          (* X *)
-    | Pmod_structure of structure
-          (* struct ... end *)
-    | Pmod_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_expr
-          (* functor(X : MT1) -> ME *)
-    | Pmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr
-          (* ME1(ME2) *)
-    | Pmod_constraint of module_expr * module_type
-          (* (ME : MT) *)
-    | Pmod_unpack of expression
-          (* (val E) *)
-    | Pmod_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and structure = structure_item list
-  and structure_item (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.structure_item *) =
-      {
-       pstr_desc: structure_item_desc;
-       pstr_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  and structure_item_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.structure_item_desc *) =
-    | Pstr_eval of expression * attributes
-          (* E *)
-    | Pstr_value of rec_flag * value_binding list
-          (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN       (flag = Nonrecursive)
-             let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN   (flag = Recursive)
-           *)
-    | Pstr_primitive of value_description
-          (* external x: T = "s1" ... "sn" *)
-    | Pstr_type of type_declaration list
-          (* type t1 = ... and ... and tn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_typext of type_extension
-          (* type t1 += ... *)
-    | Pstr_exception of extension_constructor
-          (* exception C of T
-             exception C = M.X *)
-    | Pstr_module of module_binding
-          (* module X = ME *)
-    | Pstr_recmodule of module_binding list
-          (* module rec X1 = ME1 and ... and Xn = MEn *)
-    | Pstr_modtype of module_type_declaration
-          (* module type S = MT *)
-    | Pstr_open of open_description
-          (* open X *)
-    | Pstr_class of class_declaration list
-          (* class c1 = ... and ... and cn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_class_type of class_type_declaration list
-          (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_include of include_declaration
-          (* include ME *)
-    | Pstr_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pstr_extension of extension * attributes
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and value_binding (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.value_binding *) =
-    {
-      pvb_pat: pattern;
-      pvb_expr: expression;
-      pvb_attributes: attributes;
-      pvb_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  and module_binding (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_binding *) =
-      {
-       pmb_name: string loc;
-       pmb_expr: module_expr;
-       pmb_attributes: attributes;
-       pmb_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (* X = ME *)
-  (** {2 Toplevel} *)
-  (* Toplevel phrases *)
-  type toplevel_phrase (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.toplevel_phrase *) =
-    | Ptop_def of structure
-    | Ptop_dir of string * directive_argument
-       (* #use, #load ... *)
-  and directive_argument (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.directive_argument *) =
-    | Pdir_none
-    | Pdir_string of string
-    | Pdir_int of int
-    | Pdir_ident of Longident.t
-    | Pdir_bool of bool
-module Docstrings : sig
-  (** {3 Docstrings} *)
-  (** Documentation comments *)
-  type docstring
-  (** Create a docstring *)
-  val docstring : string -> Location.t -> docstring
-  (** Get the text of a docstring *)
-  val docstring_body : docstring -> string
-  (** Get the location of a docstring *)
-  val docstring_loc : docstring -> Location.t
-  (** {3 Items}
-      The {!docs} type represents documentation attached to an item. *)
-  type docs =
-    { docs_pre: docstring option;
-      docs_post: docstring option; }
-  val empty_docs : docs
-  val docs_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert item documentation to attributes and add them to an
-      attribute list *)
-  val add_docs_attrs : docs -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** {3 Fields and constructors}
-      The {!info} type represents documentation attached to a field or
-      constructor. *)
-  type info = docstring option
-  val empty_info : info
-  val info_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert field info to attributes and add them to an
-      attribute list *)
-  val add_info_attrs : info -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** {3 Unattached comments}
-      The {!text} type represents documentation which is not attached to
-      anything. *)
-  type text = docstring list
-  val empty_text : text
-  val text_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert text to attributes and add them to an attribute list *)
-  val add_text_attrs : text -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-end = struct
-  open Location
-  (* Docstrings *)
-  type docstring =
-    { ds_body: string;
-      ds_loc: Location.t; }
-  (* Docstring constructors and destructors *)
-  let docstring body loc =
-    let ds =
-      { ds_body = body;
-        ds_loc = loc; }
-    in
-    ds
-  let docstring_body ds = ds.ds_body
-  let docstring_loc ds = ds.ds_loc
-  (* Docstrings attached to items *)
-  type docs =
-    { docs_pre: docstring option;
-      docs_post: docstring option; }
-  let empty_docs = { docs_pre = None; docs_post = None }
-  let doc_loc = {txt = "ocaml.doc"; loc = Location.none}
-  let docs_attr ds =
-    let open Asttypes in
-    let open Parsetree in
-    let exp =
-      { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Const_string(ds.ds_body, None));
-        pexp_loc = ds.ds_loc;
-        pexp_attributes = []; }
-    in
-    let item =
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = exp.pexp_loc }
-    in
-      (doc_loc, PStr [item])
-  let add_docs_attrs docs attrs =
-    let attrs =
-      match docs.docs_pre with
-      | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
-      | Some ds -> docs_attr ds :: attrs
-    in
-    let attrs =
-      match docs.docs_post with
-      | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
-      | Some ds -> attrs @ [docs_attr ds]
-    in
-    attrs
-  (* Docstrings attached to constructors or fields *)
-  type info = docstring option
-  let empty_info = None
-  let info_attr = docs_attr
-  let add_info_attrs info attrs =
-    match info with
-    | None | Some {ds_body=""; _} -> attrs
-    | Some ds -> attrs @ [info_attr ds]
-  (* Docstrings not attached to a specific item *)
-  type text = docstring list
-  let empty_text = []
-  let text_loc = {txt = "ocaml.text"; loc = Location.none}
-  let text_attr ds =
-    let open Asttypes in
-    let open Parsetree in
-    let exp =
-      { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Const_string(ds.ds_body, None));
-        pexp_loc = ds.ds_loc;
-        pexp_attributes = []; }
-    in
-    let item =
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = exp.pexp_loc }
-    in
-      (text_loc, PStr [item])
-  let add_text_attrs dsl attrs =
-    let fdsl = List.filter (function {ds_body=""; _} -> false| _ ->true) dsl in
-    ( text_attr fdsl) @ attrs
-module Ast_helper : sig
-  (** Helpers to produce Parsetree fragments *)
-  open Parsetree
-  open Asttypes
-  open Docstrings
-  type lid = Longident.t loc
-  type str = string loc
-  type loc = Location.t
-  type attrs = attribute list
-  (** {2 Default locations} *)
-  val default_loc: loc ref
-      (** Default value for all optional location arguments. *)
-  val with_default_loc: loc -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
-      (** Set the [default_loc] within the scope of the execution
-          of the provided function. *)
-  (** {2 Core language} *)
-  (** Type expressions *)
-  module Typ :
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type_desc -> core_type
-      val attr: core_type -> attribute -> core_type
-      val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> core_type
-      val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> core_type
-      val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> core_type -> core_type
-                 -> core_type
-      val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type list -> core_type
-      val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
-      val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-                    (string * attributes * core_type) list -> closed_flag ->
-                    core_type
-      val class_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
-      val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> string -> core_type
-      val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> row_field list -> closed_flag
-                   -> label list option -> core_type
-      val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string list -> core_type -> core_type
-      val package: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> (lid * core_type) list
-                   -> core_type
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> core_type
-      val force_poly: core_type -> core_type
-    end
-  (** Patterns *)
-  module Pat:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern_desc -> pattern
-      val attr:pattern -> attribute -> pattern
-      val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern
-      val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> pattern
-      val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> str -> pattern
-      val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> pattern
-      val interval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> constant -> pattern
-      val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-      val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> pattern option -> pattern
-      val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> pattern option -> pattern
-      val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * pattern) list -> closed_flag
-                  -> pattern
-      val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-      val or_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern -> pattern
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> core_type -> pattern
-      val type_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> pattern
-      val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
-      val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> pattern
-      val exception_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> pattern
-    end
-  (** Expressions *)
-  module Exp:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression_desc -> expression
-      val attr: expression -> attribute -> expression
-      val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
-      val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> expression
-      val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list
-                -> expression -> expression
-      val fun_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> expression option -> pattern
-                -> expression -> expression
-      val function_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> case list -> expression
-      val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression
-                 -> (label * expression) list -> expression
-      val match_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> case list
-                  -> expression
-      val try_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> case list -> expression
-      val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-      val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression option
-                     -> expression
-      val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> expression option
-                   -> expression
-      val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * expression) list
-                  -> expression option -> expression
-      val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
-      val setfield: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
-                    -> expression
-      val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-      val ifthenelse: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-                      -> expression option -> expression
-      val sequence: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-                    -> expression
-      val while_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-                  -> expression
-      val for_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-                -> direction_flag -> expression -> expression
-      val coerce: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option
-                  -> core_type -> expression
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type
-                       -> expression
-      val send: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> string -> expression
-      val new_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
-      val setinstvar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> expression -> expression
-      val override: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (str * expression) list
-                    -> expression
-      val letmodule: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> module_expr -> expression
-                     -> expression
-      val assert_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option -> expression
-      val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> expression
-      val newtype: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> expression -> expression
-      val pack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> expression
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> lid -> expression -> expression
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> expression
-      val case: pattern -> ?guard:expression -> expression -> case
-    end
-  (** Value declarations *)
-  module Val:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        ?prim:string list -> str -> core_type -> value_description
-    end
-  (** Type declarations *)
-  module Type:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        ?params:(core_type * variance) list -> ?cstrs:(core_type * core_type * loc) list ->
-        ?kind:type_kind -> ?priv:private_flag -> ?manifest:core_type -> str ->
-        type_declaration
-      val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
-        ?args:core_type list -> ?res:core_type -> str -> constructor_declaration
-      val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
-        ?mut:mutable_flag -> str -> core_type -> label_declaration
-    end
-  (** Type extensions *)
-  module Te:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        ?params:(core_type * variance) list -> ?priv:private_flag ->
-        lid -> extension_constructor list -> type_extension
-      val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-        str -> extension_constructor_kind -> extension_constructor
-      val decl: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-        ?args:core_type list -> ?res:core_type -> str -> extension_constructor
-      val rebind: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-        str -> lid -> extension_constructor
-    end
-  (** {2 Module language} *)
-  (** Module type expressions *)
-  module Mty:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type_desc -> module_type
-      val attr: module_type -> attribute -> module_type
-      val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
-      val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
-      val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> signature -> module_type
-      val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-        str -> module_type option -> module_type -> module_type
-      val with_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type -> with_constraint list -> module_type
-      val typeof_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_type
-    end
-  (** Module expressions *)
-  module Mod:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr_desc -> module_expr
-      val attr: module_expr -> attribute -> module_expr
-      val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_expr
-      val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> structure -> module_expr
-      val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-        str -> module_type option -> module_expr -> module_expr
-      val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_expr -> module_expr
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type -> module_expr
-      val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> module_expr
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_expr
-    end
-  (** Signature items *)
-  module Sig:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> signature_item_desc -> signature_item
-      val value: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> signature_item
-      val type_: ?loc:loc -> type_declaration list -> signature_item
-      val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> signature_item
-      val exception_: ?loc:loc -> extension_constructor -> signature_item
-      val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration -> signature_item
-      val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration list -> signature_item
-      val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> signature_item
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_description -> signature_item
-      val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_description -> signature_item
-      val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_description list -> signature_item
-      val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> signature_item
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> signature_item
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> signature_item
-      val text: text -> signature_item list
-    end
-  (** Structure items *)
-  module Str:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> structure_item_desc -> structure_item
-      val eval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attributes -> expression -> structure_item
-      val value: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> value_binding list -> structure_item
-      val primitive: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> structure_item
-      val type_: ?loc:loc -> type_declaration list -> structure_item
-      val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> structure_item
-      val exception_: ?loc:loc -> extension_constructor -> structure_item
-      val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_binding -> structure_item
-      val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_binding list -> structure_item
-      val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> structure_item
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_description -> structure_item
-      val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_declaration list -> structure_item
-      val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> structure_item
-      val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_declaration -> structure_item
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> structure_item
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> structure_item
-      val text: text -> structure_item list
-    end
-  (** Module declarations *)
-  module Md:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        str -> module_type -> module_declaration
-    end
-  (** Module type declarations *)
-  module Mtd:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        ?typ:module_type -> str -> module_type_declaration
-    end
-  (** Module bindings *)
-  module Mb:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        str -> module_expr -> module_binding
-    end
-  (* Opens *)
-  module Opn:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        ?override:override_flag -> lid -> open_description
-    end
-  (* Includes *)
-  module Incl:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> 'a -> 'a include_infos
-    end
-  (** Value bindings *)
-  module Vb:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        pattern -> expression -> value_binding
-    end
-  (** {2 Class language} *)
-  (** Class type expressions *)
-  module Cty:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type_desc -> class_type
-      val attr: class_type -> attribute -> class_type
-      val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_type
-      val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_signature -> class_type
-      val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> core_type -> class_type -> class_type
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type
-    end
-  (** Class type fields *)
-  module Ctf:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        class_type_field_desc -> class_type_field
-      val attr: class_type_field -> attribute -> class_type_field
-      val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type -> class_type_field
-      val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> mutable_flag -> virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
-      val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> private_flag -> virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type -> class_type_field
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type_field
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_type_field
-      val text: text -> class_type_field list
-    end
-  (** Class expressions *)
-  module Cl:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr_desc -> class_expr
-      val attr: class_expr -> attribute -> class_expr
-      val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_expr
-      val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> class_expr
-      val fun_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> expression option -> pattern -> class_expr -> class_expr
-      val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr -> (label * expression) list -> class_expr
-      val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list -> class_expr -> class_expr
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr -> class_type -> class_expr
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_expr
-    end
-  (** Class fields *)
-  module Cf:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> class_field_desc -> class_field
-      val attr: class_field -> attribute -> class_field
-      val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> class_expr -> string option -> class_field
-      val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> mutable_flag -> class_field_kind -> class_field
-      val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> private_flag -> class_field_kind -> class_field
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type -> class_field
-      val initializer_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> class_field
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_field
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_field
-      val text: text -> class_field list
-      val virtual_: core_type -> class_field_kind
-      val concrete: override_flag -> expression -> class_field_kind
-    end
-  (** Classes *)
-  module Ci:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        ?virt:virtual_flag -> ?params:(core_type * variance) list ->
-        str -> 'a -> 'a class_infos
-    end
-  (** Class signatures *)
-  module Csig:
-    sig
-      val mk: core_type -> class_type_field list -> class_signature
-    end
-  (** Class structures *)
-  module Cstr:
-    sig
-      val mk: pattern -> class_field list -> class_structure
-    end
-end = struct
-  (** Helpers to produce Parsetree fragments *)
-  open Asttypes
-  open Parsetree
-  open Docstrings
-  type lid = Longident.t loc
-  type str = string loc
-  type loc = Location.t
-  type attrs = attribute list
-  let default_loc = ref Location.none
-  let with_default_loc l f =
-    let old = !default_loc in
-    default_loc := l;
-    try let r = f () in default_loc := old; r
-    with exn -> default_loc := old; raise exn
-  module Typ = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {ptyp_desc = d; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with ptyp_attributes = d.ptyp_attributes @ [a]}
-    let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ptyp_any
-    let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_var a)
-    let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_arrow (a, b, c))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_tuple a)
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_constr (a, b))
-    let object_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_object (a, b))
-    let class_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_class (a, b))
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_alias (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_variant (a, b, c))
-    let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_poly (a, b))
-    let package ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_package (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_extension a)
-    let force_poly t =
-      match t.ptyp_desc with
-      | Ptyp_poly _ -> t
-      | _ -> poly ~loc:t.ptyp_loc [] t (* -> ghost? *)
-  end
-  module Pat = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {ppat_desc = d; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with ppat_attributes = d.ppat_attributes @ [a]}
-    let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ppat_any
-    let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_var a)
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_alias (a, b))
-    let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constant a)
-    let interval ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_interval (a, b))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_tuple a)
-    let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_construct (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_variant (a, b))
-    let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_record (a, b))
-    let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_array a)
-    let or_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_or (a, b))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constraint (a, b))
-    let type_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_type a)
-    let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_lazy a)
-    let unpack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_unpack a)
-    let exception_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_exception a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_extension a)
-  end
-  module Exp = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pexp_desc = d; pexp_loc = loc; pexp_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pexp_attributes = d.pexp_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ident a)
-    let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constant a)
-    let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_let (a, b, c))
-    let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_fun (a, b, c, d))
-    let function_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_function a)
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_apply (a, b))
-    let match_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_match (a, b))
-    let try_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_try (a, b))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_tuple a)
-    let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_construct (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_variant (a, b))
-    let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_record (a, b))
-    let field ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_field (a, b))
-    let setfield ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setfield (a, b, c))
-    let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_array a)
-    let ifthenelse ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ifthenelse (a, b, c))
-    let sequence ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_sequence (a, b))
-    let while_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_while (a, b))
-    let for_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_for (a, b, c, d, e))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constraint (a, b))
-    let coerce ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_coerce (a, b, c))
-    let send ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_send (a, b))
-    let new_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_new a)
-    let setinstvar ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setinstvar (a, b))
-    let override ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_override a)
-    let letmodule ?loc ?attrs a b c= mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letmodule (a, b, c))
-    let assert_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_assert a)
-    let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_lazy a)
-    let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_poly (a, b))
-    let object_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_object a)
-    let newtype ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_newtype (a, b))
-    let pack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_pack a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_open (a, b, c))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_extension a)
-    let case lhs ?guard rhs =
-      {
-       pc_lhs = lhs;
-       pc_guard = guard;
-       pc_rhs = rhs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mty = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pmty_desc = d; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pmty_attributes = d.pmty_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_ident a)
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_alias a)
-    let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_signature a)
-    let functor_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_functor (a, b, c))
-    let with_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_with (a, b))
-    let typeof_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_typeof a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_extension a)
-  end
-  module Mod = struct
-  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-    {pmod_desc = d; pmod_loc = loc; pmod_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pmod_attributes = d.pmod_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_ident x)
-    let structure ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_structure x)
-    let functor_ ?loc ?attrs arg arg_ty body =
-      mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body))
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs m1 m2 = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_apply (m1, m2))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs m mty = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_constraint (m, mty))
-    let unpack ?loc ?attrs e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_unpack e)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_extension a)
-  end
-  module Sig = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {psig_desc = d; psig_loc = loc}
-    let value ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_value a)
-    let type_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_type a)
-    let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_typext a)
-    let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_exception a)
-    let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_module a)
-    let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_recmodule a)
-    let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_modtype a)
-    let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_open a)
-    let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_include a)
-    let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class a)
-    let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class_type a)
-    let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Psig_extension (a, attrs))
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        txt
-  end
-  module Str = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {pstr_desc = d; pstr_loc = loc}
-    let eval ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_eval (a, attrs))
-    let value ?loc a b = mk ?loc (Pstr_value (a, b))
-    let primitive ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_primitive a)
-    let type_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_type a)
-    let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_typext a)
-    let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_exception a)
-    let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_module a)
-    let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_recmodule a)
-    let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_modtype a)
-    let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_open a)
-    let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class a)
-    let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class_type a)
-    let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_include a)
-    let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_extension (a, attrs))
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        txt
-  end
-  module Cl = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {
-       pcl_desc = d;
-       pcl_loc = loc;
-       pcl_attributes = attrs;
-      }
-    let attr d a = {d with pcl_attributes = d.pcl_attributes @ [a]}
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constr (a, b))
-    let structure ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_structure a)
-    let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_fun (a, b, c, d))
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_apply (a, b))
-    let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_let (a, b, c))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constraint (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_extension a)
-  end
-  module Cty = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {
-       pcty_desc = d;
-       pcty_loc = loc;
-       pcty_attributes = attrs;
-      }
-    let attr d a = {d with pcty_attributes = d.pcty_attributes @ [a]}
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_constr (a, b))
-    let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_signature a)
-    let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_arrow (a, b, c))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_extension a)
-  end
-  module Ctf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-             ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
-      {
-       pctf_desc = d;
-       pctf_loc = loc;
-       pctf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_inherit a)
-    let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_val (a, b, c, d))
-    let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_method (a, b, c, d))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_constraint (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_extension a)
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pctf_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        txt
-    let attr d a = {d with pctf_attributes = d.pctf_attributes @ [a]}
-  end
-  module Cf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
-      {
-       pcf_desc = d;
-       pcf_loc = loc;
-       pcf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_inherit (a, b, c))
-    let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_val (a, b, c))
-    let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_method (a, b, c))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_constraint (a, b))
-    let initializer_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_initializer a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_extension a)
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pcf_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        txt
-    let virtual_ ct = Cfk_virtual ct
-    let concrete o e = Cfk_concrete (o, e)
-    let attr d a = {d with pcf_attributes = d.pcf_attributes @ [a]}
-  end
-  module Val = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(prim = []) name typ =
-      {
-       pval_name = name;
-       pval_type = typ;
-       pval_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-       pval_loc = loc;
-       pval_prim = prim;
-      }
-  end
-  module Md = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name typ =
-      {
-       pmd_name = name;
-       pmd_type = typ;
-       pmd_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pmd_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mtd = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) ?typ name =
-      {
-       pmtd_name = name;
-       pmtd_type = typ;
-       pmtd_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pmtd_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mb = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name expr =
-      {
-       pmb_name = name;
-       pmb_expr = expr;
-       pmb_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pmb_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Opn = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(override = Fresh) lid =
-      {
-       popen_lid = lid;
-       popen_override = override;
-       popen_loc = loc;
-       popen_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Incl = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs) mexpr =
-      {
-       pincl_mod = mexpr;
-       pincl_loc = loc;
-       pincl_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Vb = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(text = []) pat expr =
-      {
-       pvb_pat = pat;
-       pvb_expr = expr;
-       pvb_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pvb_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Ci = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
-          ?(virt = Concrete) ?(params = []) name expr =
-      {
-       pci_virt = virt;
-       pci_params = params;
-       pci_name = name;
-       pci_expr = expr;
-       pci_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pci_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Type = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
-        ?(params = [])
-        ?(cstrs = [])
-        ?(kind = Ptype_abstract)
-        ?(priv = Public)
-        ?manifest
-        name =
-      {
-       ptype_name = name;
-       ptype_params = params;
-       ptype_cstrs = cstrs;
-       ptype_kind = kind;
-       ptype_private = priv;
-       ptype_manifest = manifest;
-       ptype_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       ptype_loc = loc;
-      }
-    let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
-          ?(args = []) ?res name =
-      {
-       pcd_name = name;
-       pcd_args = args;
-       pcd_res = res;
-       pcd_loc = loc;
-       pcd_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
-      }
-    let field ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
-          ?(mut = Immutable) name typ =
-      {
-       pld_name = name;
-       pld_mutable = mut;
-       pld_type = typ;
-       pld_loc = loc;
-       pld_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  (** Type extensions *)
-  module Te = struct
-    let mk ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(params = []) ?(priv = Public) path constructors =
-      {
-       ptyext_path = path;
-       ptyext_params = params;
-       ptyext_constructors = constructors;
-       ptyext_private = priv;
-       ptyext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name kind =
-      {
-       pext_name = name;
-       pext_kind = kind;
-       pext_loc = loc;
-       pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-    let decl ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) ?(args = []) ?res name =
-      {
-       pext_name = name;
-       pext_kind = Pext_decl(args, res);
-       pext_loc = loc;
-       pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-    let rebind ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name lid =
-      {
-       pext_name = name;
-       pext_kind = Pext_rebind lid;
-       pext_loc = loc;
-       pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-  end
-  module Csig = struct
-    let mk self fields =
-      {
-       pcsig_self = self;
-       pcsig_fields = fields;
-      }
-  end
-  module Cstr = struct
-    let mk self fields =
-      {
-       pcstr_self = self;
-       pcstr_fields = fields;
-      }
-  end
-module Ast_mapper : sig
-  (** The interface of a -ppx rewriter
-    A -ppx rewriter is a program that accepts a serialized abstract syntax
-    tree and outputs another, possibly modified, abstract syntax tree.
-    This module encapsulates the interface between the compiler and
-    the -ppx rewriters, handling such details as the serialization format,
-    forwarding of command-line flags, and storing state.
-    {!mapper} allows to implement AST rewriting using open recursion.
-    A typical mapper would be based on {!default_mapper}, a deep
-    identity mapper, and will fall back on it for handling the syntax it
-    does not modify. For example:
-    {[
-  open Asttypes
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_mapper
-  let test_mapper argv =
-    { default_mapper with
-      expr = fun mapper expr ->
-        match expr with
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_extension ({ txt = "test" }, PStr [])} ->
-          Ast_helper.Exp.constant (Const_int 42)
-        | other -> default_mapper.expr mapper other; }
-  let () =
-    register "ppx_test" test_mapper]}
-    This -ppx rewriter, which replaces [[%test]] in expressions with
-    the constant [42], can be compiled using
-    [ocamlc -o ppx_test -I +compiler-libs ocamlcommon.cma].
-    *)
-  open Parsetree
-  (** {2 A generic Parsetree mapper} *)
-  type mapper (*IF_CURRENT = Ast_mapper.mapper*) = {
-    attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
-    attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
-    case: mapper -> case -> case;
-    cases: mapper -> case list -> case list;
-    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
-    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
-    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
-    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
-    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
-    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
-    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
-    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
-                            -> class_type_declaration;
-    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
-    constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
-                             -> constructor_declaration;
-    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
-    extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
-    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
-                           -> extension_constructor;
-    include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
-    include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
-    label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
-    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
-    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
-    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
-    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
-    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
-    module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
-                             -> module_type_declaration;
-    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
-    pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
-    payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
-    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
-    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
-    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
-    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
-    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
-    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
-    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
-    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
-    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
-    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
-    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
-  }
-  (** A mapper record implements one "method" per syntactic category,
-      using an open recursion style: each method takes as its first
-      argument the mapper to be applied to children in the syntax
-      tree. *)
-  val default_mapper: mapper
-  (** A default mapper, which implements a "deep identity" mapping. *)
-  (** {2 Convenience functions to write mappers} *)
-  val map_opt: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
-  val extension_of_error: Locations.location_error -> extension
-  (** Encode an error into an 'ocaml.error' extension node which can be
-      inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
-      responsible for reporting the error. *)
-  val attribute_of_warning: Location.t -> string -> attribute
-  (** Encode a warning message into an 'ocaml.ppwarning' attribute which can be
-      inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
-      responsible for reporting the warning. *)
-  include Locations.Helpers_intf
-end = struct
-  (* A generic Parsetree mapping class *)
-  (*
-  [@@@ocaml.warning "+9"]
-    (* Ensure that record patterns don't miss any field. *)
-  *)
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_helper
-  open Location
-  type mapper (*IF_CURRENT = Ast_mapper.mapper*) = {
-    attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
-    attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
-    case: mapper -> case -> case;
-    cases: mapper -> case list -> case list;
-    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
-    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
-    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
-    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
-    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
-    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
-    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
-    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
-                            -> class_type_declaration;
-    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
-    constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
-                             -> constructor_declaration;
-    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
-    extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
-    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
-                           -> extension_constructor;
-    include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
-    include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
-    label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
-    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
-    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
-    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
-    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
-    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
-    module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
-                             -> module_type_declaration;
-    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
-    pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
-    payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
-    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
-    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
-    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
-    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
-    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
-    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
-    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
-    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
-    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
-    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
-    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
-  }
-  let map_fst f (x, y) = (f x, y)
-  let map_snd f (x, y) = (x, f y)
-  let map_tuple f1 f2 (x, y) = (f1 x, f2 y)
-  let map_tuple3 f1 f2 f3 (x, y, z) = (f1 x, f2 y, f3 z)
-  let map_opt f = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
-  let map_loc sub {loc; txt} = {loc = sub.location sub loc; txt}
-  module T = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the core language *)
-    let row_field sub = function
-      | Rtag (l, attrs, b, tl) ->
-          Rtag (l, sub.attributes sub attrs, b, (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Rinherit t -> Rinherit (sub.typ sub t)
-    let map sub {ptyp_desc = desc; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Typ in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Ptyp_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-      | Ptyp_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs s
-      | Ptyp_arrow (lab, t1, t2) ->
-          arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Ptyp_tuple tyl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.typ sub) tyl)
-      | Ptyp_constr (lid, tl) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Ptyp_object (l, o) ->
-          let f (s, a, t) = (s, sub.attributes sub a, sub.typ sub t) in
-          object_ ~loc ~attrs ( f l) o
-      | Ptyp_class (lid, tl) ->
-          class_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Ptyp_alias (t, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t) s
-      | Ptyp_variant (rl, b, ll) ->
-          variant ~loc ~attrs ( (row_field sub) rl) b ll
-      | Ptyp_poly (sl, t) -> poly ~loc ~attrs sl (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Ptyp_package (lid, l) ->
-          package ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-            ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.typ sub)) l)
-      | Ptyp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_type_declaration sub
-        {ptype_name; ptype_params; ptype_cstrs;
-         ptype_kind;
-         ptype_private;
-         ptype_manifest;
-         ptype_attributes;
-         ptype_loc} =
- (map_loc sub ptype_name)
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptype_params)
-        ~priv:ptype_private
-        ~cstrs:(
-                  (map_tuple3 (sub.typ sub) (sub.typ sub) (sub.location sub))
-                  ptype_cstrs)
-        ~kind:(sub.type_kind sub ptype_kind)
-        ?manifest:(map_opt (sub.typ sub) ptype_manifest)
-        ~loc:(sub.location sub ptype_loc)
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub ptype_attributes)
-    let map_type_kind sub = function
-      | Ptype_abstract -> Ptype_abstract
-      | Ptype_variant l ->
-          Ptype_variant ( (sub.constructor_declaration sub) l)
-      | Ptype_record l -> Ptype_record ( (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
-      | Ptype_open -> Ptype_open
-    let map_type_extension sub
-        {ptyext_path; ptyext_params;
-         ptyext_constructors;
-         ptyext_private;
-         ptyext_attributes} =
-        (map_loc sub ptyext_path)
-        ( (sub.extension_constructor sub) ptyext_constructors)
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptyext_params)
-        ~priv:ptyext_private
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub ptyext_attributes)
-    let map_extension_constructor_kind sub = function
-        Pext_decl(ctl, cto) ->
-          Pext_decl( (sub.typ sub) ctl, map_opt (sub.typ sub) cto)
-      | Pext_rebind li ->
-          Pext_rebind (map_loc sub li)
-    let map_extension_constructor sub
-        {pext_name;
-         pext_kind;
-         pext_loc;
-         pext_attributes} =
-      Te.constructor
-        (map_loc sub pext_name)
-        (map_extension_constructor_kind sub pext_kind)
-        ~loc:(sub.location sub pext_loc)
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub pext_attributes)
-  end
-  module CT = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-    let map sub {pcty_loc = loc; pcty_desc = desc; pcty_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cty in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcty_constr (lid, tys) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tys)
-      | Pcty_signature x -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_signature sub x)
-      | Pcty_arrow (lab, t, ct) ->
-          arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pcty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_field sub {pctf_desc = desc; pctf_loc = loc; pctf_attributes = attrs}
-      =
-      let open Ctf in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pctf_inherit ct -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pctf_val (s, m, v, t) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs s m v (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pctf_method (s, p, v, t) -> method_ ~loc ~attrs s p v (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pctf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pctf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-      | Pctf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_signature sub {pcsig_self; pcsig_fields} =
-        (sub.typ sub pcsig_self)
-        ( (sub.class_type_field sub) pcsig_fields)
-  end
-  module MT = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-    let map sub {pmty_desc = desc; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Mty in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pmty_ident s -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pmty_alias s -> alias ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pmty_signature sg -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.signature sub sg)
-      | Pmty_functor (s, mt1, mt2) ->
-          functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-            (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.may_map (sub.module_type sub) mt1)
-            (sub.module_type sub mt2)
-      | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
-          with_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_type sub mt)
-            ( (sub.with_constraint sub) l)
-      | Pmty_typeof me -> typeof_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
-      | Pmty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_with_constraint sub = function
-      | Pwith_type (lid, d) ->
-          Pwith_type (map_loc sub lid, sub.type_declaration sub d)
-      | Pwith_module (lid, lid2) ->
-          Pwith_module (map_loc sub lid, map_loc sub lid2)
-      | Pwith_typesubst d -> Pwith_typesubst (sub.type_declaration sub d)
-      | Pwith_modsubst (s, lid) ->
-          Pwith_modsubst (map_loc sub s, map_loc sub lid)
-    let map_signature_item sub {psig_desc = desc; psig_loc = loc} =
-      let open Sig in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      match desc with
-      | Psig_value vd -> value ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
-      | Psig_type l -> type_ ~loc ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
-      | Psig_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.extension_constructor sub ed)
-      | Psig_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_declaration sub x)
-      | Psig_recmodule l ->
-          rec_module ~loc ( (sub.module_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
-      | Psig_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_description sub x)
-      | Psig_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_description sub x)
-      | Psig_class l -> class_ ~loc ( (sub.class_description sub) l)
-      | Psig_class_type l ->
-          class_type ~loc ( (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_extension (x, attrs) ->
-          extension ~loc (sub.extension sub x) ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub attrs)
-      | Psig_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-  end
-  module M = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-    let map sub {pmod_loc = loc; pmod_desc = desc; pmod_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Mod in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pmod_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-      | Pmod_structure str -> structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.structure sub str)
-      | Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body) ->
-          functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub arg)
-            (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.may_map (sub.module_type sub) arg_ty)
-            (sub.module_expr sub body)
-      | Pmod_apply (m1, m2) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m1) (sub.module_expr sub m2)
-      | Pmod_constraint (m, mty) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m)
-                      (sub.module_type sub mty)
-      | Pmod_unpack e -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pmod_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_structure_item sub {pstr_loc = loc; pstr_desc = desc} =
-      let open Str in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      match desc with
-      | Pstr_eval (x, attrs) ->
-          eval ~loc ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub attrs) (sub.expr sub x)
-      | Pstr_value (r, vbs) -> value ~loc r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-      | Pstr_primitive vd -> primitive ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
-      | Pstr_type l -> type_ ~loc ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
-      | Pstr_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.extension_constructor sub ed)
-      | Pstr_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_binding sub x)
-      | Pstr_recmodule l -> rec_module ~loc ( (sub.module_binding sub) l)
-      | Pstr_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_description sub x)
-      | Pstr_class l -> class_ ~loc ( (sub.class_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_class_type l ->
-          class_type ~loc ( (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_extension (x, attrs) ->
-          extension ~loc (sub.extension sub x) ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub attrs)
-      | Pstr_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-  end
-  module E = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the core language *)
-    let map sub {pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = desc; pexp_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Exp in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pexp_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-      | Pexp_constant x -> constant ~loc ~attrs x
-      | Pexp_let (r, vbs, e) ->
-          let_ ~loc ~attrs r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_fun (lab, def, p, e) ->
-          fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub.expr sub) def) (sub.pat sub p)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_function pel -> function_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_apply (e, l) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) ( (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
-      | Pexp_match (e, pel) ->
-          match_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_try (e, pel) -> try_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_tuple el -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.expr sub) el)
-      | Pexp_construct (lid, arg) ->
-          construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (map_opt (sub.expr sub) arg)
-      | Pexp_variant (lab, eo) ->
-          variant ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
-      | Pexp_record (l, eo) ->
-          record ~loc ~attrs ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) l)
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
-      | Pexp_field (e, lid) ->
-          field ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_loc sub lid)
-      | Pexp_setfield (e1, lid, e2) ->
-          setfield ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (map_loc sub lid)
-            (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_array el -> array ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.expr sub) el)
-      | Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, e3) ->
-          ifthenelse ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e3)
-      | Pexp_sequence (e1, e2) ->
-          sequence ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_while (e1, e2) ->
-          while_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_for (p, e1, e2, d, e3) ->
-          for_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2) d
-            (sub.expr sub e3)
-      | Pexp_coerce (e, t1, t2) ->
-          coerce ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t1)
-            (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pexp_constraint (e, t) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pexp_send (e, s) -> send ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) s
-      | Pexp_new lid -> new_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-      | Pexp_setinstvar (s, e) ->
-          setinstvar ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_override sel ->
-          override ~loc ~attrs
-            ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) sel)
-      | Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e) ->
-          letmodule ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.module_expr sub me)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_assert e -> assert_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_lazy e -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_poly (e, t) ->
-          poly ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t)
-      | Pexp_object cls -> object_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub cls)
-      | Pexp_newtype (s, e) -> newtype ~loc ~attrs s (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_pack me -> pack ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
-      | Pexp_open (ovf, lid, e) ->
-          open_ ~loc ~attrs ovf (map_loc sub lid) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-  end
-  module P = struct
-    (* Patterns *)
-    let map sub {ppat_desc = desc; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Pat in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Ppat_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-      | Ppat_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_alias (p, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_constant c -> constant ~loc ~attrs c
-      | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) -> interval ~loc ~attrs c1 c2
-      | Ppat_tuple pl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.pat sub) pl)
-      | Ppat_construct (l, p) ->
-          construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub l) (map_opt (sub.pat sub) p)
-      | Ppat_variant (l, p) -> variant ~loc ~attrs l (map_opt (sub.pat sub) p)
-      | Ppat_record (lpl, cf) ->
-          record ~loc ~attrs
-                 ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.pat sub)) lpl) cf
-      | Ppat_array pl -> array ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.pat sub) pl)
-      | Ppat_or (p1, p2) -> or_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p1) (sub.pat sub p2)
-      | Ppat_constraint (p, t) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Ppat_type s -> type_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_lazy p -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_unpack s -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_exception p -> exception_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-  end
-  module CE = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-    let map sub {pcl_loc = loc; pcl_desc = desc; pcl_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cl in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcl_constr (lid, tys) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tys)
-      | Pcl_structure s ->
-          structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub s)
-      | Pcl_fun (lab, e, p, ce) ->
-          fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e)
-            (sub.pat sub p)
-            (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-      | Pcl_apply (ce, l) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-            ( (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
-      | Pcl_let (r, vbs, ce) ->
-          let_ ~loc ~attrs r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-            (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-      | Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pcl_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_kind sub = function
-      | Cfk_concrete (o, e) -> Cfk_concrete (o, sub.expr sub e)
-      | Cfk_virtual t -> Cfk_virtual (sub.typ sub t)
-    let map_field sub {pcf_desc = desc; pcf_loc = loc; pcf_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cf in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcf_inherit (o, ce, s) -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs o (sub.class_expr sub ce) s
-      | Pcf_val (s, m, k) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m (map_kind sub k)
-      | Pcf_method (s, p, k) ->
-          method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p (map_kind sub k)
-      | Pcf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pcf_initializer e -> initializer_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pcf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-      | Pcf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_structure sub {pcstr_self; pcstr_fields} =
-      {
-        pcstr_self = sub.pat sub pcstr_self;
-        pcstr_fields = (sub.class_field sub) pcstr_fields;
-      }
-    let class_infos sub f {pci_virt; pci_params = pl; pci_name; pci_expr;
-                           pci_loc; pci_attributes} =
-       ~virt:pci_virt
-       ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) pl)
-        (map_loc sub pci_name)
-        (f pci_expr)
-        ~loc:(sub.location sub pci_loc)
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub pci_attributes)
-  end
-  (* Now, a generic AST mapper, to be extended to cover all kinds and
-     cases of the OCaml grammar.  The default behavior of the mapper is
-     the identity. *)
-  let default_mapper =
-    {
-      structure = (fun this l -> (this.structure_item this) l);
-      structure_item = M.map_structure_item;
-      module_expr =;
-      signature = (fun this l -> (this.signature_item this) l);
-      signature_item = MT.map_signature_item;
-      module_type =;
-      with_constraint = MT.map_with_constraint;
-      class_declaration =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_expr this));
-      class_expr =;
-      class_field = CE.map_field;
-      class_structure = CE.map_structure;
-      class_type =;
-      class_type_field = CT.map_field;
-      class_signature = CT.map_signature;
-      class_type_declaration =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
-      class_description =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
-      type_declaration = T.map_type_declaration;
-      type_kind = T.map_type_kind;
-      typ =;
-      type_extension = T.map_type_extension;
-      extension_constructor = T.map_extension_constructor;
-      value_description =
-        (fun this {pval_name; pval_type; pval_prim; pval_loc;
-                   pval_attributes} ->
-            (map_loc this pval_name)
-            (this.typ this pval_type)
-            ~attrs:(this.attributes this pval_attributes)
-            ~loc:(this.location this pval_loc)
-            ~prim:pval_prim
-        );
-      pat =;
-      expr =;
-      module_declaration =
-        (fun this {pmd_name; pmd_type; pmd_attributes; pmd_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pmd_name)
-             (this.module_type this pmd_type)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmd_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmd_loc)
-        );
-      module_type_declaration =
-        (fun this {pmtd_name; pmtd_type; pmtd_attributes; pmtd_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pmtd_name)
-             ?typ:(map_opt (this.module_type this) pmtd_type)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmtd_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmtd_loc)
-        );
-      module_binding =
-        (fun this {pmb_name; pmb_expr; pmb_attributes; pmb_loc} ->
-  (map_loc this pmb_name) (this.module_expr this pmb_expr)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmb_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmb_loc)
-        );
-      open_description =
-        (fun this {popen_lid; popen_override; popen_attributes; popen_loc} ->
-  (map_loc this popen_lid)
-             ~override:popen_override
-             ~loc:(this.location this popen_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this popen_attributes)
-        );
-      include_description =
-        (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
-  (this.module_type this pincl_mod)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
-        );
-      include_declaration =
-        (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
-  (this.module_expr this pincl_mod)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
-        );
-      value_binding =
-        (fun this {pvb_pat; pvb_expr; pvb_attributes; pvb_loc} ->
-             (this.pat this pvb_pat)
-             (this.expr this pvb_expr)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pvb_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pvb_attributes)
-        );
-      constructor_declaration =
-        (fun this {pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_res; pcd_loc; pcd_attributes} ->
-          Type.constructor
-            (map_loc this pcd_name)
-            ~args:( (this.typ this) pcd_args)
-            ?res:(map_opt (this.typ this) pcd_res)
-            ~loc:(this.location this pcd_loc)
-            ~attrs:(this.attributes this pcd_attributes)
-        );
-      label_declaration =
-        (fun this {pld_name; pld_type; pld_loc; pld_mutable; pld_attributes} ->
-           Type.field
-             (map_loc this pld_name)
-             (this.typ this pld_type)
-             ~mut:pld_mutable
-             ~loc:(this.location this pld_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pld_attributes)
-        );
-      cases = (fun this l -> ( this) l);
-      case =
-        (fun this {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} ->
-           {
-             pc_lhs = this.pat this pc_lhs;
-             pc_guard = map_opt (this.expr this) pc_guard;
-             pc_rhs = this.expr this pc_rhs;
-           }
-        );
-      location = (fun _this l -> l);
-      extension = (fun this (s, e) -> (map_loc this s, this.payload this e));
-      attribute = (fun this (s, e) -> (map_loc this s, this.payload this e));
-      attributes = (fun this l -> (this.attribute this) l);
-      payload =
-        (fun this -> function
-           | PStr x -> PStr (this.structure this x)
-           | PTyp x -> PTyp (this.typ this x)
-           | PPat (x, g) -> PPat (this.pat this x, map_opt (this.expr this) g)
-        );
-    }
-  let extension_of_error (error : Locations.location_error) : extension =
-    Locations.extension_of_error
-      ~mk_pstr:(function
-        | x :: l -> PStr (x :: x :: l)
-        | l -> PStr l)
-      ~mk_extension:(fun x -> Str.extension x)
-      ~mk_string_constant:(fun x -> Str.eval (Exp.constant (Asttypes.Const_string (x, None))))
-      error
-  let attribute_of_warning loc s =
-    { loc; txt = "ocaml.ppwarning" },
-    PStr ([Str.eval ~loc (Exp.constant (Asttypes.Const_string (s, None)))])
-  include Locations.Helpers_impl
-module Outcometree = struct
-  (* Module [Outcometree]: results displayed by the toplevel *)
-  (* These types represent messages that the toplevel displays as normal
-     results or errors. The real displaying is customisable using the hooks:
-        [Toploop.print_out_value]
-        [Toploop.print_out_type]
-        [Toploop.print_out_sig_item]
-        [Toploop.print_out_phrase] *)
-  type out_ident (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_ident *) =
-    | Oide_apply of out_ident * out_ident
-    | Oide_dot of out_ident * string
-    | Oide_ident of string
-  type out_value (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_value *) =
-    | Oval_array of out_value list
-    | Oval_char of char
-    | Oval_constr of out_ident * out_value list
-    | Oval_ellipsis
-    | Oval_float of float
-    | Oval_int of int
-    | Oval_int32 of int32
-    | Oval_int64 of int64
-    | Oval_nativeint of nativeint
-    | Oval_list of out_value list
-    | Oval_printer of (Format.formatter -> unit)
-    | Oval_record of (out_ident * out_value) list
-    | Oval_string of string
-    | Oval_stuff of string
-    | Oval_tuple of out_value list
-    | Oval_variant of string * out_value option
-  type out_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type *) =
-    | Otyp_abstract
-    | Otyp_open
-    | Otyp_alias of out_type * string
-    | Otyp_arrow of string * out_type * out_type
-    | Otyp_class of bool * out_ident * out_type list
-    | Otyp_constr of out_ident * out_type list
-    | Otyp_manifest of out_type * out_type
-    | Otyp_object of (string * out_type) list * bool option
-    | Otyp_record of (string * bool * out_type) list
-    | Otyp_stuff of string
-    | Otyp_sum of (string * out_type list * out_type option) list
-    | Otyp_tuple of out_type list
-    | Otyp_var of bool * string
-    | Otyp_variant of
-        bool * out_variant * bool * (string list) option
-    | Otyp_poly of string list * out_type
-    | Otyp_module of string * string list * out_type list
-  and out_variant (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_variant *) =
-    | Ovar_fields of (string * bool * out_type list) list
-    | Ovar_name of out_ident * out_type list
-  type out_class_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_class_type *) =
-    | Octy_constr of out_ident * out_type list
-    | Octy_arrow of string * out_type * out_class_type
-    | Octy_signature of out_type option * out_class_sig_item list
-  and out_class_sig_item  (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_class_sig_item *) =
-    | Ocsg_constraint of out_type * out_type
-    | Ocsg_method of string * bool * bool * out_type
-    | Ocsg_value of string * bool * bool * out_type
-  type out_module_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_module_type *) =
-    | Omty_abstract
-    | Omty_functor of string * out_module_type option * out_module_type
-    | Omty_ident of out_ident
-    | Omty_signature of out_sig_item list
-    | Omty_alias of out_ident
-  and out_sig_item  (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_sig_item *) =
-    | Osig_class of
-        bool * string * (string * (bool * bool)) list * out_class_type *
-          out_rec_status
-    | Osig_class_type of
-        bool * string * (string * (bool * bool)) list * out_class_type *
-          out_rec_status
-    | Osig_typext of out_extension_constructor * out_ext_status
-    | Osig_modtype of string * out_module_type
-    | Osig_module of string * out_module_type * out_rec_status
-    | Osig_type of out_type_decl * out_rec_status
-    | Osig_value of string * out_type * string list
-  and out_type_decl  (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type_decl *) =
-    { otype_name: string;
-      otype_params: (string * (bool * bool)) list;
-      otype_type: out_type;
-      otype_private: Asttypes.private_flag;
-      otype_cstrs: (out_type * out_type) list }
-  and out_extension_constructor (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_extension_constructor *) =
-    { oext_name: string;
-      oext_type_name: string;
-      oext_type_params: string list;
-      oext_args: out_type list;
-      oext_ret_type: out_type option;
-      oext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
-  and out_type_extension (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type_extension *) =
-    { otyext_name: string;
-      otyext_params: string list;
-      otyext_constructors: (string * out_type list * out_type option) list;
-      otyext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
-  and out_rec_status (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_rec_status *) =
-    | Orec_not
-    | Orec_first
-    | Orec_next
-  and out_ext_status (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_ext_status*) =
-    | Oext_first
-    | Oext_next
-    | Oext_exception
-  type out_phrase (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_phrase *) =
-    | Ophr_eval of out_value * out_type
-    | Ophr_signature of (out_sig_item * out_value option) list
-    | Ophr_exception of (exn * out_value)
-module Config = struct
-  let ast_impl_magic_number = "Caml1999M016"
-  let ast_intf_magic_number = "Caml1999N015"
-let map_signature mapper = mapper.Ast_mapper.signature mapper
-let map_structure mapper = mapper.Ast_mapper.structure mapper
-let shallow_identity =
-  let id _ x = x in
-  {
-    Ast_mapper.
-    structure               = id;
-    structure_item          = id;
-    module_expr             = id;
-    signature               = id;
-    signature_item          = id;
-    module_type             = id;
-    with_constraint         = id;
-    class_declaration       = id;
-    class_expr              = id;
-    class_field             = id;
-    class_structure         = id;
-    class_type              = id;
-    class_type_field        = id;
-    class_signature         = id;
-    class_type_declaration  = id;
-    class_description       = id;
-    type_declaration        = id;
-    type_kind               = id;
-    typ                     = id;
-    type_extension          = id;
-    extension_constructor   = id;
-    value_description       = id;
-    pat                     = id;
-    expr                    = id;
-    module_declaration      = id;
-    module_type_declaration = id;
-    module_binding          = id;
-    open_description        = id;
-    include_description     = id;
-    include_declaration     = id;
-    value_binding           = id;
-    constructor_declaration = id;
-    label_declaration       = id;
-    cases                   = id;
-    case                    = id;
-    location                = id;
-    extension               = id;
-    attribute               = id;
-    attributes              = id;
-    payload                 = id;
-  }
-let failing_mapper =
-  let fail _ _ =
-    invalid_arg "failing_mapper: this mapper function should never get called"
-  in
-  {
-    Ast_mapper.
-    structure               = fail;
-    structure_item          = fail;
-    module_expr             = fail;
-    signature               = fail;
-    signature_item          = fail;
-    module_type             = fail;
-    with_constraint         = fail;
-    class_declaration       = fail;
-    class_expr              = fail;
-    class_field             = fail;
-    class_structure         = fail;
-    class_type              = fail;
-    class_type_field        = fail;
-    class_signature         = fail;
-    class_type_declaration  = fail;
-    class_description       = fail;
-    type_declaration        = fail;
-    type_kind               = fail;
-    typ                     = fail;
-    type_extension          = fail;
-    extension_constructor   = fail;
-    value_description       = fail;
-    pat                     = fail;
-    expr                    = fail;
-    module_declaration      = fail;
-    module_type_declaration = fail;
-    module_binding          = fail;
-    open_description        = fail;
-    include_description     = fail;
-    include_declaration     = fail;
-    value_binding           = fail;
-    constructor_declaration = fail;
-    label_declaration       = fail;
-    cases                   = fail;
-    case                    = fail;
-    location                = fail;
-    extension               = fail;
-    attribute               = fail;
-    attributes              = fail;
-    payload                 = fail;
-  }
-let make_top_mapper ~signature ~structure =
-  {failing_mapper with Ast_mapper.
-                    signature = (fun _ x -> signature x);
-                    structure = (fun _ x -> structure x) }
-module Ast_403
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*            Jérémie Dimino and Leo White, Jane Street Europe            *)
-(*            Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt            *)
-(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-(*       Daniel de Rauglaudre, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt         *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-module Location = Location
-module Longident = Longident
-module Asttypes = struct
-  (* Auxiliary a.s.t. types used by parsetree and typedtree. *)
-  type constant (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.constant *) =
-      Const_int of int
-    | Const_char of char
-    | Const_string of string * string option
-    | Const_float of string
-    | Const_int32 of int32
-    | Const_int64 of int64
-    | Const_nativeint of nativeint
-  type rec_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.rec_flag *) = Nonrecursive | Recursive
-  type direction_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.direction_flag *) = Upto | Downto
-  (* Order matters, used in polymorphic comparison *)
-  type private_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.private_flag *) = Private | Public
-  type mutable_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.mutable_flag *) = Immutable | Mutable
-  type virtual_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.virtual_flag *) = Virtual | Concrete
-  type override_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.override_flag *) = Override | Fresh
-  type closed_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.closed_flag *) = Closed | Open
-  type label = string
-  type arg_label (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.arg_label *) =
-      Nolabel
-    | Labelled of string (*  label:T -> ... *)
-    | Optional of string (* ?label:T -> ... *)
-  type 'a loc = 'a Location.loc = {
-    txt : 'a;
-    loc : Location.t;
-  }
-  type variance (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.variance *) =
-    | Covariant
-    | Contravariant
-    | Invariant
-module Parsetree = struct
-  (** Abstract syntax tree produced by parsing *)
-  open Asttypes
-  type constant (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constant *) =
-      Pconst_integer of string * char option
-    (* 3 3l 3L 3n
-       Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser.
-       Suffixes except 'l', 'L' and 'n' are rejected by the typechecker
-    *)
-    | Pconst_char of char
-    (* 'c' *)
-    | Pconst_string of string * string option
-    (* "constant"
-       {delim|other constant|delim}
-    *)
-    | Pconst_float of string * char option
-    (* 3.4 2e5 1.4e-4
-       Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser.
-       Suffixes are rejected by the typechecker.
-    *)
-  (** {2 Extension points} *)
-  type attribute = string loc * payload
-         (* [@id ARG]
-            [@@id ARG]
-            Metadata containers passed around within the AST.
-            The compiler ignores unknown attributes.
-         *)
-  and extension = string loc * payload
-        (* [%id ARG]
-           [%%id ARG]
-           Sub-language placeholder -- rejected by the typechecker.
-        *)
-  and attributes = attribute list
-  and payload (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.payload *) =
-    | PStr of structure
-    | PSig of signature (* : SIG *)
-    | PTyp of core_type  (* : T *)
-    | PPat of pattern * expression option  (* ? P  or  ? P when E *)
-  (** {2 Core language} *)
-  (* Type expressions *)
-  and core_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.core_type *) =
-      {
-       ptyp_desc: core_type_desc;
-       ptyp_loc: Location.t;
-       ptyp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and core_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.core_type_desc *) =
-    | Ptyp_any
-          (*  _ *)
-    | Ptyp_var of string
-          (* 'a *)
-    | Ptyp_arrow of arg_label * core_type * core_type
-          (* T1 -> T2       Simple
-             ~l:T1 -> T2    Labelled
-             ?l:T1 -> T2    Otional
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_tuple of core_type list
-          (* T1 * ... * Tn
-             Invariant: n >= 2
-          *)
-    | Ptyp_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* tconstr
-             T tconstr
-             (T1, ..., Tn) tconstr
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_object of (string * attributes * core_type) list * closed_flag
-          (* < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn >     (flag = Closed)
-             < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn; .. > (flag = Open)
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_class of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* #tconstr
-             T #tconstr
-             (T1, ..., Tn) #tconstr
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_alias of core_type * string
-          (* T as 'a *)
-    | Ptyp_variant of row_field list * closed_flag * label list option
-          (* [ `A|`B ]         (flag = Closed; labels = None)
-             [> `A|`B ]        (flag = Open;   labels = None)
-             [< `A|`B ]        (flag = Closed; labels = Some [])
-             [< `A|`B > `X `Y ](flag = Closed; labels = Some ["X";"Y"])
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_poly of string list * core_type
-          (* 'a1 ... 'an. T
-             Can only appear in the following context:
-             - As the core_type of a Ppat_constraint node corresponding
-               to a constraint on a let-binding: let x : 'a1 ... 'an. T
-               = e ...
-             - Under Cfk_virtual for methods (not values).
-             - As the core_type of a Pctf_method node.
-             - As the core_type of a Pexp_poly node.
-             - As the pld_type field of a label_declaration.
-             - As a core_type of a Ptyp_object node.
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_package of package_type
-          (* (module S) *)
-    | Ptyp_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and package_type = Longident.t loc * (Longident.t loc * core_type) list
-        (*
-          (module S)
-          (module S with type t1 = T1 and ... and tn = Tn)
-         *)
-  and row_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.row_field *) =
-    | Rtag of label * attributes * bool * core_type list
-          (* [`A]                   ( true,  [] )
-             [`A of T]              ( false, [T] )
-             [`A of T1 & .. & Tn]   ( false, [T1;...Tn] )
-             [`A of & T1 & .. & Tn] ( true,  [T1;...Tn] )
-            - The 2nd field is true if the tag contains a
-              constant (empty) constructor.
-            - '&' occurs when several types are used for the same constructor
-              (see 4.2 in the manual)
-            - TODO: switch to a record representation, and keep location
-          *)
-    | Rinherit of core_type
-          (* [ T ] *)
-  (* Patterns *)
-  and pattern (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.pattern *) =
-      {
-       ppat_desc: pattern_desc;
-       ppat_loc: Location.t;
-       ppat_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and pattern_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.pattern_desc *) =
-    | Ppat_any
-          (* _ *)
-    | Ppat_var of string loc
-          (* x *)
-    | Ppat_alias of pattern * string loc
-          (* P as 'a *)
-    | Ppat_constant of constant
-          (* 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
-    | Ppat_interval of constant * constant
-          (* 'a'..'z'
-             Other forms of interval are recognized by the parser
-             but rejected by the type-checker. *)
-    | Ppat_tuple of pattern list
-          (* (P1, ..., Pn)
-             Invariant: n >= 2
-          *)
-    | Ppat_construct of Longident.t loc * pattern option
-          (* C                None
-             C P              Some P
-             C (P1, ..., Pn)  Some (Ppat_tuple [P1; ...; Pn])
-           *)
-    | Ppat_variant of label * pattern option
-          (* `A             (None)
-             `A P           (Some P)
-           *)
-    | Ppat_record of (Longident.t loc * pattern) list * closed_flag
-          (* { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }     (flag = Closed)
-             { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn; _}   (flag = Open)
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Ppat_array of pattern list
-          (* [| P1; ...; Pn |] *)
-    | Ppat_or of pattern * pattern
-          (* P1 | P2 *)
-    | Ppat_constraint of pattern * core_type
-          (* (P : T) *)
-    | Ppat_type of Longident.t loc
-          (* #tconst *)
-    | Ppat_lazy of pattern
-          (* lazy P *)
-    | Ppat_unpack of string loc
-          (* (module P)
-             Note: (module P : S) is represented as
-             Ppat_constraint(Ppat_unpack, Ptyp_package)
-           *)
-    | Ppat_exception of pattern
-          (* exception P *)
-    | Ppat_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  (* Value expressions *)
-  and expression (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.expression *) =
-      {
-       pexp_desc: expression_desc;
-       pexp_loc: Location.t;
-       pexp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and expression_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.expression_desc *) =
-    | Pexp_ident of Longident.t loc
-          (* x
-             M.x
-           *)
-    | Pexp_constant of constant
-          (* 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
-    | Pexp_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * expression
-          (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E       (flag = Nonrecursive)
-             let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E   (flag = Recursive)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_function of case list
-          (* function P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * expression
-          (* fun P -> E1                          (Simple, None)
-             fun ~l:P -> E1                       (Labelled l, None)
-             fun ?l:P -> E1                       (Optional l, None)
-             fun ?l:(P = E0) -> E1                (Optional l, Some E0)
-             Notes:
-             - If E0 is provided, only Optional is allowed.
-             - "fun P1 P2 .. Pn -> E1" is represented as nested Pexp_fun.
-             - "let f P = E" is represented using Pexp_fun.
-           *)
-    | Pexp_apply of expression * (arg_label * expression) list
-          (* E0 ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
-             li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?'
-             (optional argument).
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Pexp_match of expression * case list
-          (* match E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_try of expression * case list
-          (* try E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_tuple of expression list
-          (* (E1, ..., En)
-             Invariant: n >= 2
-          *)
-    | Pexp_construct of Longident.t loc * expression option
-          (* C                None
-             C E              Some E
-             C (E1, ..., En)  Some (Pexp_tuple[E1;...;En])
-          *)
-    | Pexp_variant of label * expression option
-          (* `A             (None)
-             `A E           (Some E)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_record of (Longident.t loc * expression) list * expression option
-          (* { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }     (None)
-             { E0 with l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }   (Some E0)
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Pexp_field of expression * Longident.t loc
-          (* E.l *)
-    | Pexp_setfield of expression * Longident.t loc * expression
-          (* E1.l <- E2 *)
-    | Pexp_array of expression list
-          (* [| E1; ...; En |] *)
-    | Pexp_ifthenelse of expression * expression * expression option
-          (* if E1 then E2 else E3 *)
-    | Pexp_sequence of expression * expression
-          (* E1; E2 *)
-    | Pexp_while of expression * expression
-          (* while E1 do E2 done *)
-    | Pexp_for of
-        pattern *  expression * expression * direction_flag * expression
-          (* for i = E1 to E2 do E3 done      (flag = Upto)
-             for i = E1 downto E2 do E3 done  (flag = Downto)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_constraint of expression * core_type
-          (* (E : T) *)
-    | Pexp_coerce of expression * core_type option * core_type
-          (* (E :> T)        (None, T)
-             (E : T0 :> T)   (Some T0, T)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_send of expression * string
-          (*  E # m *)
-    | Pexp_new of Longident.t loc
-          (* new M.c *)
-    | Pexp_setinstvar of string loc * expression
-          (* x <- 2 *)
-    | Pexp_override of (string loc * expression) list
-          (* {< x1 = E1; ...; Xn = En >} *)
-    | Pexp_letmodule of string loc * module_expr * expression
-          (* let module M = ME in E *)
-    | Pexp_assert of expression
-          (* assert E
-             Note: "assert false" is treated in a special way by the
-             type-checker. *)
-    | Pexp_lazy of expression
-          (* lazy E *)
-    | Pexp_poly of expression * core_type option
-          (* Used for method bodies.
-             Can only be used as the expression under Cfk_concrete
-             for methods (not values). *)
-    | Pexp_object of class_structure
-          (* object ... end *)
-    | Pexp_newtype of string * expression
-          (* fun (type t) -> E *)
-    | Pexp_pack of module_expr
-          (* (module ME)
-             (module ME : S) is represented as
-             Pexp_constraint(Pexp_pack, Ptyp_package S) *)
-    | Pexp_open of override_flag * Longident.t loc * expression
-          (* let open M in E
-             let! open M in E
-          *)
-    | Pexp_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-    | Pexp_unreachable
-          (* . *)
-  and case (*IF_CURRENT = *) =   (* (P -> E) or (P when E0 -> E) *)
-      {
-       pc_lhs: pattern;
-       pc_guard: expression option;
-       pc_rhs: expression;
-      }
-  (* Value descriptions *)
-  and value_description (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.value_description *) =
-      {
-       pval_name: string loc;
-       pval_type: core_type;
-       pval_prim: string list;
-       pval_attributes: attributes;  (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       pval_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (*
-    val x: T                            (prim = [])
-    external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"       (prim = ["s1";..."sn"])
-  *)
-  (* Type declarations *)
-  and type_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_declaration *) =
-      {
-       ptype_name: string loc;
-       ptype_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-             (* ('a1,...'an) t; None represents  _*)
-       ptype_cstrs: (core_type * core_type * Location.t) list;
-             (* ... constraint T1=T1'  ... constraint Tn=Tn' *)
-       ptype_kind: type_kind;
-       ptype_private: private_flag;   (* = private ... *)
-       ptype_manifest: core_type option;  (* = T *)
-       ptype_attributes: attributes;   (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       ptype_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (*
-    type t                     (abstract, no manifest)
-    type t = T0                (abstract, manifest=T0)
-    type t = C of T | ...      (variant,  no manifest)
-    type t = T0 = C of T | ... (variant,  manifest=T0)
-    type t = {l: T; ...}       (record,   no manifest)
-    type t = T0 = {l : T; ...} (record,   manifest=T0)
-    type t = ..                (open,     no manifest)
-  *)
-  and type_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_kind *) =
-    | Ptype_abstract
-    | Ptype_variant of constructor_declaration list
-          (* Invariant: non-empty list *)
-    | Ptype_record of label_declaration list
-          (* Invariant: non-empty list *)
-    | Ptype_open
-  and label_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.label_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pld_name: string loc;
-       pld_mutable: mutable_flag;
-       pld_type: core_type;
-       pld_loc: Location.t;
-       pld_attributes: attributes; (* l [@id1] [@id2] : T *)
-      }
-  (*  { ...; l: T; ... }            (mutable=Immutable)
-      { ...; mutable l: T; ... }    (mutable=Mutable)
-      Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly.
-  *)
-  and constructor_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constructor_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pcd_name: string loc;
-       pcd_args: constructor_arguments;
-       pcd_res: core_type option;
-       pcd_loc: Location.t;
-       pcd_attributes: attributes; (* C [@id1] [@id2] of ... *)
-      }
-  and constructor_arguments (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constructor_arguments *) =
-    | Pcstr_tuple of core_type list
-    | Pcstr_record of label_declaration list
-  (*
-    | C of T1 * ... * Tn     (res = None,    args = Pcstr_tuple [])
-    | C: T0                  (res = Some T0, args = [])
-    | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_tuple)
-    | C of {...}             (res = None,    args = Pcstr_record)
-    | C: {...} -> T0         (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_record)
-    | C of {...} as t        (res = None,    args = Pcstr_record)
-  *)
-  and type_extension (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_extension *) =
-      {
-       ptyext_path: Longident.t loc;
-       ptyext_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-       ptyext_constructors: extension_constructor list;
-       ptyext_private: private_flag;
-       ptyext_attributes: attributes;   (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  (*
-    type t += ...
-  *)
-  and extension_constructor (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.extension_constructor *) =
-      {
-       pext_name: string loc;
-       pext_kind : extension_constructor_kind;
-       pext_loc : Location.t;
-       pext_attributes: attributes; (* C [@id1] [@id2] of ... *)
-      }
-  and extension_constructor_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind *) =
-      Pext_decl of constructor_arguments * core_type option
-        (*
-           | C of T1 * ... * Tn     ([T1; ...; Tn], None)
-           | C: T0                  ([], Some T0)
-           | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 ([T1; ...; Tn], Some T0)
-         *)
-    | Pext_rebind of Longident.t loc
-        (*
-           | C = D
-         *)
-  (** {2 Class language} *)
-  (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-  and class_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type *) =
-      {
-       pcty_desc: class_type_desc;
-       pcty_loc: Location.t;
-       pcty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_desc *) =
-    | Pcty_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* c
-             ['a1, ..., 'an] c *)
-    | Pcty_signature of class_signature
-          (* object ... end *)
-    | Pcty_arrow of arg_label * core_type * class_type
-          (* T -> CT       Simple
-             ~l:T -> CT    Labelled l
-             ?l:T -> CT    Optional l
-           *)
-    | Pcty_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and class_signature (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_signature *) =
-      {
-       pcsig_self: core_type;
-       pcsig_fields: class_type_field list;
-      }
-  (* object('selfpat) ... end
-     object ... end             (self = Ptyp_any)
-   *)
-  and class_type_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_field *) =
-      {
-       pctf_desc: class_type_field_desc;
-       pctf_loc: Location.t;
-       pctf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_type_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_field_desc *) =
-    | Pctf_inherit of class_type
-          (* inherit CT *)
-    | Pctf_val of (string * mutable_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
-          (* val x: T *)
-    | Pctf_method  of (string * private_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
-          (* method x: T
-             Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly.
-           *)
-    | Pctf_constraint  of (core_type * core_type)
-          (* constraint T1 = T2 *)
-    | Pctf_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pctf_extension of extension
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and 'a class_infos (*IF_CURRENT = 'a Parsetree.class_infos *) =
-      {
-       pci_virt: virtual_flag;
-       pci_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-       pci_name: string loc;
-       pci_expr: 'a;
-       pci_loc: Location.t;
-       pci_attributes: attributes;  (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  (* class c = ...
-     class ['a1,...,'an] c = ...
-     class virtual c = ...
-     Also used for "class type" declaration.
-  *)
-  and class_description = class_type class_infos
-  and class_type_declaration = class_type class_infos
-  (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-  and class_expr (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_expr *) =
-      {
-       pcl_desc: class_expr_desc;
-       pcl_loc: Location.t;
-       pcl_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_expr_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_expr_desc *) =
-    | Pcl_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* c
-             ['a1, ..., 'an] c *)
-    | Pcl_structure of class_structure
-          (* object ... end *)
-    | Pcl_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * class_expr
-          (* fun P -> CE                          (Simple, None)
-             fun ~l:P -> CE                       (Labelled l, None)
-             fun ?l:P -> CE                       (Optional l, None)
-             fun ?l:(P = E0) -> CE                (Optional l, Some E0)
-           *)
-    | Pcl_apply of class_expr * (arg_label * expression) list
-          (* CE ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
-             li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?'
-             (optional argument).
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Pcl_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * class_expr
-          (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE      (flag = Nonrecursive)
-             let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE  (flag = Recursive)
-           *)
-    | Pcl_constraint of class_expr * class_type
-          (* (CE : CT) *)
-    | Pcl_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and class_structure (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_structure *) =
-      {
-       pcstr_self: pattern;
-       pcstr_fields: class_field list;
-      }
-  (* object(selfpat) ... end
-     object ... end           (self = Ppat_any)
-   *)
-  and class_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field *) =
-      {
-       pcf_desc: class_field_desc;
-       pcf_loc: Location.t;
-       pcf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field_desc *) =
-    | Pcf_inherit of override_flag * class_expr * string option
-          (* inherit CE
-             inherit CE as x
-             inherit! CE
-             inherit! CE as x
-           *)
-    | Pcf_val of (string loc * mutable_flag * class_field_kind)
-          (* val x = E
-             val virtual x: T
-           *)
-    | Pcf_method of (string loc * private_flag * class_field_kind)
-          (* method x = E            (E can be a Pexp_poly)
-             method virtual x: T     (T can be a Ptyp_poly)
-           *)
-    | Pcf_constraint of (core_type * core_type)
-          (* constraint T1 = T2 *)
-    | Pcf_initializer of expression
-          (* initializer E *)
-    | Pcf_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pcf_extension of extension
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and class_field_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field_kind *) =
-    | Cfk_virtual of core_type
-    | Cfk_concrete of override_flag * expression
-  and class_declaration = class_expr class_infos
-  (** {2 Module language} *)
-  (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-  and module_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type *) =
-      {
-       pmty_desc: module_type_desc;
-       pmty_loc: Location.t;
-       pmty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and module_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type_desc *) =
-    | Pmty_ident of Longident.t loc
-          (* S *)
-    | Pmty_signature of signature
-          (* sig ... end *)
-    | Pmty_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_type
-          (* functor(X : MT1) -> MT2 *)
-    | Pmty_with of module_type * with_constraint list
-          (* MT with ... *)
-    | Pmty_typeof of module_expr
-          (* module type of ME *)
-    | Pmty_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-    | Pmty_alias of Longident.t loc
-          (* (module M) *)
-  and signature = signature_item list
-  and signature_item (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.signature_item *) =
-      {
-       psig_desc: signature_item_desc;
-       psig_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  and signature_item_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.signature_item_desc *) =
-    | Psig_value of value_description
-          (*
-            val x: T
-            external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"
-           *)
-    | Psig_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
-          (* type t1 = ... and ... and tn = ... *)
-    | Psig_typext of type_extension
-          (* type t1 += ... *)
-    | Psig_exception of extension_constructor
-          (* exception C of T *)
-    | Psig_module of module_declaration
-          (* module X : MT *)
-    | Psig_recmodule of module_declaration list
-          (* module rec X1 : MT1 and ... and Xn : MTn *)
-    | Psig_modtype of module_type_declaration
-          (* module type S = MT
-             module type S *)
-    | Psig_open of open_description
-          (* open X *)
-    | Psig_include of include_description
-          (* include MT *)
-    | Psig_class of class_description list
-          (* class c1 : ... and ... and cn : ... *)
-    | Psig_class_type of class_type_declaration list
-          (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *)
-    | Psig_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Psig_extension of extension * attributes
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and module_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pmd_name: string loc;
-       pmd_type: module_type;
-       pmd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       pmd_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (* S : MT *)
-  and module_type_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pmtd_name: string loc;
-       pmtd_type: module_type option;
-       pmtd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       pmtd_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (* S = MT
-     S       (abstract module type declaration, pmtd_type = None)
-  *)
-  and open_description (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.open_description *) =
-      {
-       popen_lid: Longident.t loc;
-       popen_override: override_flag;
-       popen_loc: Location.t;
-       popen_attributes: attributes;
-      }
-  (* open! X - popen_override = Override (silences the 'used identifier
-                                shadowing' warning)
-     open  X - popen_override = Fresh
-   *)
-  and 'a include_infos (*IF_CURRENT = 'a Parsetree.include_infos *) =
-      {
-       pincl_mod: 'a;
-       pincl_loc: Location.t;
-       pincl_attributes: attributes;
-      }
-  and include_description = module_type include_infos
-  (* include MT *)
-  and include_declaration = module_expr include_infos
-  (* include ME *)
-  and with_constraint (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.with_constraint *) =
-    | Pwith_type of Longident.t loc * type_declaration
-          (* with type X.t = ...
-             Note: the last component of the longident must match
-             the name of the type_declaration. *)
-    | Pwith_module of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc
-          (* with module X.Y = Z *)
-    | Pwith_typesubst of type_declaration
-          (* with type t := ... *)
-    | Pwith_modsubst of string loc * Longident.t loc
-          (* with module X := Z *)
-  (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-  and module_expr (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_expr *) =
-      {
-       pmod_desc: module_expr_desc;
-       pmod_loc: Location.t;
-       pmod_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and module_expr_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_expr_desc *) =
-    | Pmod_ident of Longident.t loc
-          (* X *)
-    | Pmod_structure of structure
-          (* struct ... end *)
-    | Pmod_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_expr
-          (* functor(X : MT1) -> ME *)
-    | Pmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr
-          (* ME1(ME2) *)
-    | Pmod_constraint of module_expr * module_type
-          (* (ME : MT) *)
-    | Pmod_unpack of expression
-          (* (val E) *)
-    | Pmod_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and structure = structure_item list
-  and structure_item (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.structure_item *) =
-      {
-       pstr_desc: structure_item_desc;
-       pstr_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  and structure_item_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.structure_item_desc *) =
-    | Pstr_eval of expression * attributes
-          (* E *)
-    | Pstr_value of rec_flag * value_binding list
-          (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN       (flag = Nonrecursive)
-             let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN   (flag = Recursive)
-           *)
-    | Pstr_primitive of value_description
-          (*  val x: T
-              external x: T = "s1" ... "sn" *)
-    | Pstr_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
-          (* type t1 = ... and ... and tn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_typext of type_extension
-          (* type t1 += ... *)
-    | Pstr_exception of extension_constructor
-          (* exception C of T
-             exception C = M.X *)
-    | Pstr_module of module_binding
-          (* module X = ME *)
-    | Pstr_recmodule of module_binding list
-          (* module rec X1 = ME1 and ... and Xn = MEn *)
-    | Pstr_modtype of module_type_declaration
-          (* module type S = MT *)
-    | Pstr_open of open_description
-          (* open X *)
-    | Pstr_class of class_declaration list
-          (* class c1 = ... and ... and cn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_class_type of class_type_declaration list
-          (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_include of include_declaration
-          (* include ME *)
-    | Pstr_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pstr_extension of extension * attributes
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and value_binding (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.value_binding *) =
-    {
-      pvb_pat: pattern;
-      pvb_expr: expression;
-      pvb_attributes: attributes;
-      pvb_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  and module_binding (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_binding *) =
-      {
-       pmb_name: string loc;
-       pmb_expr: module_expr;
-       pmb_attributes: attributes;
-       pmb_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (* X = ME *)
-  (** {2 Toplevel} *)
-  (* Toplevel phrases *)
-  type toplevel_phrase (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.toplevel_phrase *) =
-    | Ptop_def of structure
-    | Ptop_dir of string * directive_argument
-       (* #use, #load ... *)
-  and directive_argument (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.directive_argument *) =
-    | Pdir_none
-    | Pdir_string of string
-    | Pdir_int of string * char option
-    | Pdir_ident of Longident.t
-    | Pdir_bool of bool
-module Docstrings : sig
-  (** {3 Docstrings} *)
-  (** Documentation comments *)
-  type docstring
-  (** Create a docstring *)
-  val docstring : string -> Location.t -> docstring
-  (** Get the text of a docstring *)
-  val docstring_body : docstring -> string
-  (** Get the location of a docstring *)
-  val docstring_loc : docstring -> Location.t
-  (** {3 Items}
-      The {!docs} type represents documentation attached to an item. *)
-  type docs =
-    { docs_pre: docstring option;
-      docs_post: docstring option; }
-  val empty_docs : docs
-  val docs_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert item documentation to attributes and add them to an
-      attribute list *)
-  val add_docs_attrs : docs -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** {3 Fields and constructors}
-      The {!info} type represents documentation attached to a field or
-      constructor. *)
-  type info = docstring option
-  val empty_info : info
-  val info_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert field info to attributes and add them to an
-      attribute list *)
-  val add_info_attrs : info -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** {3 Unattached comments}
-      The {!text} type represents documentation which is not attached to
-      anything. *)
-  type text = docstring list
-  val empty_text : text
-  val text_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert text to attributes and add them to an attribute list *)
-  val add_text_attrs : text -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-end = struct
-  open Location
-  (* Docstrings *)
-  type docstring =
-    { ds_body: string;
-      ds_loc: Location.t; }
-  (* Docstring constructors and destructors *)
-  let docstring body loc =
-    let ds =
-      { ds_body = body;
-        ds_loc = loc; }
-    in
-    ds
-  let docstring_body ds = ds.ds_body
-  let docstring_loc ds = ds.ds_loc
-  (* Docstrings attached to items *)
-  type docs =
-    { docs_pre: docstring option;
-      docs_post: docstring option; }
-  let empty_docs = { docs_pre = None; docs_post = None }
-  let doc_loc = {txt = "ocaml.doc"; loc = Location.none}
-  let docs_attr ds =
-    let open Parsetree in
-    let exp =
-      { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(ds.ds_body, None));
-        pexp_loc = ds.ds_loc;
-        pexp_attributes = []; }
-    in
-    let item =
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = exp.pexp_loc }
-    in
-      (doc_loc, PStr [item])
-  let add_docs_attrs docs attrs =
-    let attrs =
-      match docs.docs_pre with
-      | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
-      | Some ds -> docs_attr ds :: attrs
-    in
-    let attrs =
-      match docs.docs_post with
-      | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
-      | Some ds -> attrs @ [docs_attr ds]
-    in
-    attrs
-  (* Docstrings attached to constructors or fields *)
-  type info = docstring option
-  let empty_info = None
-  let info_attr = docs_attr
-  let add_info_attrs info attrs =
-    match info with
-    | None | Some {ds_body=""; _} -> attrs
-    | Some ds -> attrs @ [info_attr ds]
-  (* Docstrings not attached to a specific item *)
-  type text = docstring list
-  let empty_text = []
-  let text_loc = {txt = "ocaml.text"; loc = Location.none}
-  let text_attr ds =
-    let open Parsetree in
-    let exp =
-      { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(ds.ds_body, None));
-        pexp_loc = ds.ds_loc;
-        pexp_attributes = []; }
-    in
-    let item =
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = exp.pexp_loc }
-    in
-      (text_loc, PStr [item])
-  let add_text_attrs dsl attrs =
-    let fdsl = List.filter (function {ds_body=""; _} -> false| _ ->true) dsl in
-    ( text_attr fdsl) @ attrs
-module Ast_helper : sig
-  (** Helpers to produce Parsetree fragments *)
-  open Asttypes
-  open Docstrings
-  open Parsetree
-  type lid = Longident.t loc
-  type str = string loc
-  type loc = Location.t
-  type attrs = attribute list
-  (** {2 Default locations} *)
-  val default_loc: loc ref
-      (** Default value for all optional location arguments. *)
-  val with_default_loc: loc -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
-      (** Set the [default_loc] within the scope of the execution
-          of the provided function. *)
-  (** {2 Constants} *)
-  module Const : sig
-    val char : char -> constant
-    val string : ?quotation_delimiter:string -> string -> constant
-    val integer : ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
-    val int : ?suffix:char -> int -> constant
-    val int32 : ?suffix:char -> int32 -> constant
-    val int64 : ?suffix:char -> int64 -> constant
-    val nativeint : ?suffix:char -> nativeint -> constant
-    val float : ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
-  end
-  (** {2 Core language} *)
-  (** Type expressions *)
-  module Typ :
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type_desc -> core_type
-      val attr: core_type -> attribute -> core_type
-      val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> core_type
-      val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> core_type
-      val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> core_type -> core_type
-                 -> core_type
-      val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type list -> core_type
-      val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
-      val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-                    (string * attributes * core_type) list -> closed_flag ->
-                    core_type
-      val class_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
-      val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> string -> core_type
-      val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> row_field list -> closed_flag
-                   -> label list option -> core_type
-      val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string list -> core_type -> core_type
-      val package: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> (lid * core_type) list
-                   -> core_type
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> core_type
-      val force_poly: core_type -> core_type
-    end
-  (** Patterns *)
-  module Pat:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern_desc -> pattern
-      val attr:pattern -> attribute -> pattern
-      val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern
-      val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> pattern
-      val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> str -> pattern
-      val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> pattern
-      val interval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> constant -> pattern
-      val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-      val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> pattern option -> pattern
-      val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> pattern option -> pattern
-      val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * pattern) list -> closed_flag
-                  -> pattern
-      val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-      val or_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern -> pattern
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> core_type -> pattern
-      val type_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> pattern
-      val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
-      val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> pattern
-      val exception_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> pattern
-    end
-  (** Expressions *)
-  module Exp:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression_desc -> expression
-      val attr: expression -> attribute -> expression
-      val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
-      val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> expression
-      val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list
-                -> expression -> expression
-      val fun_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> expression option
-                -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-      val function_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> case list -> expression
-      val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression
-                 -> (arg_label * expression) list -> expression
-      val match_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> case list
-                  -> expression
-      val try_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> case list -> expression
-      val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-      val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression option
-                     -> expression
-      val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> expression option
-                   -> expression
-      val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * expression) list
-                  -> expression option -> expression
-      val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
-      val setfield: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
-                    -> expression
-      val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-      val ifthenelse: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-                      -> expression option -> expression
-      val sequence: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-                    -> expression
-      val while_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-                  -> expression
-      val for_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-                -> direction_flag -> expression -> expression
-      val coerce: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option
-                  -> core_type -> expression
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type
-                       -> expression
-      val send: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> string -> expression
-      val new_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
-      val setinstvar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> expression -> expression
-      val override: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (str * expression) list
-                    -> expression
-      val letmodule: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> module_expr -> expression
-                     -> expression
-      val assert_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option
-                -> expression
-      val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> expression
-      val newtype: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> expression -> expression
-      val pack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> expression
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> lid -> expression
-                 -> expression
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> expression
-      val unreachable: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> expression
-      val case: pattern -> ?guard:expression -> expression -> case
-    end
-  (** Value declarations *)
-  module Val:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        ?prim:string list -> str -> core_type -> value_description
-    end
-  (** Type declarations *)
-  module Type:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        ?params:(core_type * variance) list ->
-        ?cstrs:(core_type * core_type * loc) list ->
-        ?kind:type_kind -> ?priv:private_flag -> ?manifest:core_type -> str ->
-        type_declaration
-      val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
-        ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type -> str ->
-        constructor_declaration
-      val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
-        ?mut:mutable_flag -> str -> core_type -> label_declaration
-    end
-  (** Type extensions *)
-  module Te:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        ?params:(core_type * variance) list -> ?priv:private_flag ->
-        lid -> extension_constructor list -> type_extension
-      val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-        str -> extension_constructor_kind -> extension_constructor
-      val decl: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-        ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type -> str ->
-        extension_constructor
-      val rebind: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-        str -> lid -> extension_constructor
-    end
-  (** {2 Module language} *)
-  (** Module type expressions *)
-  module Mty:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type_desc -> module_type
-      val attr: module_type -> attribute -> module_type
-      val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
-      val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
-      val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> signature -> module_type
-      val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-        str -> module_type option -> module_type -> module_type
-      val with_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type ->
-        with_constraint list -> module_type
-      val typeof_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_type
-    end
-  (** Module expressions *)
-  module Mod:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr_desc -> module_expr
-      val attr: module_expr -> attribute -> module_expr
-      val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_expr
-      val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> structure -> module_expr
-      val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-        str -> module_type option -> module_expr -> module_expr
-      val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_expr ->
-        module_expr
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type ->
-        module_expr
-      val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> module_expr
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_expr
-    end
-  (** Signature items *)
-  module Sig:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> signature_item_desc -> signature_item
-      val value: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> signature_item
-      val type_: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> type_declaration list -> signature_item
-      val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> signature_item
-      val exception_: ?loc:loc -> extension_constructor -> signature_item
-      val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration -> signature_item
-      val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration list -> signature_item
-      val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> signature_item
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_description -> signature_item
-      val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_description -> signature_item
-      val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_description list -> signature_item
-      val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> signature_item
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> signature_item
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> signature_item
-      val text: text -> signature_item list
-    end
-  (** Structure items *)
-  module Str:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> structure_item_desc -> structure_item
-      val eval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attributes -> expression -> structure_item
-      val value: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> value_binding list -> structure_item
-      val primitive: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> structure_item
-      val type_: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> type_declaration list -> structure_item
-      val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> structure_item
-      val exception_: ?loc:loc -> extension_constructor -> structure_item
-      val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_binding -> structure_item
-      val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_binding list -> structure_item
-      val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> structure_item
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_description -> structure_item
-      val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_declaration list -> structure_item
-      val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> structure_item
-      val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_declaration -> structure_item
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> structure_item
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> structure_item
-      val text: text -> structure_item list
-    end
-  (** Module declarations *)
-  module Md:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        str -> module_type -> module_declaration
-    end
-  (** Module type declarations *)
-  module Mtd:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        ?typ:module_type -> str -> module_type_declaration
-    end
-  (** Module bindings *)
-  module Mb:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        str -> module_expr -> module_binding
-    end
-  (* Opens *)
-  module Opn:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        ?override:override_flag -> lid -> open_description
-    end
-  (* Includes *)
-  module Incl:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> 'a -> 'a include_infos
-    end
-  (** Value bindings *)
-  module Vb:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        pattern -> expression -> value_binding
-    end
-  (** {2 Class language} *)
-  (** Class type expressions *)
-  module Cty:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type_desc -> class_type
-      val attr: class_type -> attribute -> class_type
-      val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_type
-      val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_signature -> class_type
-      val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> core_type ->
-        class_type -> class_type
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type
-    end
-  (** Class type fields *)
-  module Ctf:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        class_type_field_desc -> class_type_field
-      val attr: class_type_field -> attribute -> class_type_field
-      val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type -> class_type_field
-      val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> mutable_flag ->
-        virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
-      val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> private_flag ->
-        virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type ->
-        class_type_field
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type_field
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_type_field
-      val text: text -> class_type_field list
-    end
-  (** Class expressions *)
-  module Cl:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr_desc -> class_expr
-      val attr: class_expr -> attribute -> class_expr
-      val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_expr
-      val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> class_expr
-      val fun_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> expression option ->
-        pattern -> class_expr -> class_expr
-      val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr ->
-        (arg_label * expression) list -> class_expr
-      val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list ->
-        class_expr -> class_expr
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr -> class_type ->
-        class_expr
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_expr
-    end
-  (** Class fields *)
-  module Cf:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> class_field_desc ->
-        class_field
-      val attr: class_field -> attribute -> class_field
-      val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> class_expr ->
-        string option -> class_field
-      val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> mutable_flag ->
-        class_field_kind -> class_field
-      val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> private_flag ->
-        class_field_kind -> class_field
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type ->
-        class_field
-      val initializer_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> class_field
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_field
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_field
-      val text: text -> class_field list
-      val virtual_: core_type -> class_field_kind
-      val concrete: override_flag -> expression -> class_field_kind
-    end
-  (** Classes *)
-  module Ci:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        ?virt:virtual_flag -> ?params:(core_type * variance) list ->
-        str -> 'a -> 'a class_infos
-    end
-  (** Class signatures *)
-  module Csig:
-    sig
-      val mk: core_type -> class_type_field list -> class_signature
-    end
-  (** Class structures *)
-  module Cstr:
-    sig
-      val mk: pattern -> class_field list -> class_structure
-    end
-end = struct
-  (** Helpers to produce Parsetree fragments *)
-  open Asttypes
-  open Parsetree
-  open Docstrings
-  type lid = Longident.t loc
-  type str = string loc
-  type loc = Location.t
-  type attrs = attribute list
-  let default_loc = ref Location.none
-  let with_default_loc l f =
-    let old = !default_loc in
-    default_loc := l;
-    try let r = f () in default_loc := old; r
-    with exn -> default_loc := old; raise exn
-  module Const = struct
-    let integer ?suffix i = Pconst_integer (i, suffix)
-    let int ?suffix i = integer ?suffix (string_of_int i)
-    let int32 ?(suffix='l') i = integer ~suffix (Int32.to_string i)
-    let int64 ?(suffix='L') i = integer ~suffix (Int64.to_string i)
-    let nativeint ?(suffix='n') i = integer ~suffix (Nativeint.to_string i)
-    let float ?suffix f = Pconst_float (f, suffix)
-    let char c = Pconst_char c
-    let string ?quotation_delimiter s = Pconst_string (s, quotation_delimiter)
-  end
-  module Typ = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {ptyp_desc = d; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with ptyp_attributes = d.ptyp_attributes @ [a]}
-    let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ptyp_any
-    let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_var a)
-    let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_arrow (a, b, c))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_tuple a)
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_constr (a, b))
-    let object_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_object (a, b))
-    let class_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_class (a, b))
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_alias (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_variant (a, b, c))
-    let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_poly (a, b))
-    let package ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_package (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_extension a)
-    let force_poly t =
-      match t.ptyp_desc with
-      | Ptyp_poly _ -> t
-      | _ -> poly ~loc:t.ptyp_loc [] t (* -> ghost? *)
-  end
-  module Pat = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {ppat_desc = d; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with ppat_attributes = d.ppat_attributes @ [a]}
-    let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ppat_any
-    let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_var a)
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_alias (a, b))
-    let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constant a)
-    let interval ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_interval (a, b))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_tuple a)
-    let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_construct (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_variant (a, b))
-    let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_record (a, b))
-    let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_array a)
-    let or_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_or (a, b))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constraint (a, b))
-    let type_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_type a)
-    let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_lazy a)
-    let unpack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_unpack a)
-    let exception_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_exception a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_extension a)
-  end
-  module Exp = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pexp_desc = d; pexp_loc = loc; pexp_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pexp_attributes = d.pexp_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ident a)
-    let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constant a)
-    let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_let (a, b, c))
-    let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_fun (a, b, c, d))
-    let function_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_function a)
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_apply (a, b))
-    let match_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_match (a, b))
-    let try_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_try (a, b))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_tuple a)
-    let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_construct (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_variant (a, b))
-    let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_record (a, b))
-    let field ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_field (a, b))
-    let setfield ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setfield (a, b, c))
-    let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_array a)
-    let ifthenelse ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ifthenelse (a, b, c))
-    let sequence ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_sequence (a, b))
-    let while_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_while (a, b))
-    let for_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_for (a, b, c, d, e))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constraint (a, b))
-    let coerce ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_coerce (a, b, c))
-    let send ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_send (a, b))
-    let new_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_new a)
-    let setinstvar ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setinstvar (a, b))
-    let override ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_override a)
-    let letmodule ?loc ?attrs a b c= mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letmodule (a, b, c))
-    let assert_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_assert a)
-    let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_lazy a)
-    let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_poly (a, b))
-    let object_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_object a)
-    let newtype ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_newtype (a, b))
-    let pack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_pack a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_open (a, b, c))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_extension a)
-    let unreachable ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Pexp_unreachable
-    let case lhs ?guard rhs =
-      {
-       pc_lhs = lhs;
-       pc_guard = guard;
-       pc_rhs = rhs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mty = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pmty_desc = d; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pmty_attributes = d.pmty_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_ident a)
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_alias a)
-    let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_signature a)
-    let functor_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_functor (a, b, c))
-    let with_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_with (a, b))
-    let typeof_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_typeof a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_extension a)
-  end
-  module Mod = struct
-  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-    {pmod_desc = d; pmod_loc = loc; pmod_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pmod_attributes = d.pmod_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_ident x)
-    let structure ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_structure x)
-    let functor_ ?loc ?attrs arg arg_ty body =
-      mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body))
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs m1 m2 = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_apply (m1, m2))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs m mty = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_constraint (m, mty))
-    let unpack ?loc ?attrs e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_unpack e)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_extension a)
-  end
-  module Sig = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {psig_desc = d; psig_loc = loc}
-    let value ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_value a)
-    let type_ ?loc rec_flag a = mk ?loc (Psig_type (rec_flag, a))
-    let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_typext a)
-    let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_exception a)
-    let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_module a)
-    let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_recmodule a)
-    let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_modtype a)
-    let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_open a)
-    let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_include a)
-    let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class a)
-    let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class_type a)
-    let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Psig_extension (a, attrs))
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        txt
-  end
-  module Str = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {pstr_desc = d; pstr_loc = loc}
-    let eval ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_eval (a, attrs))
-    let value ?loc a b = mk ?loc (Pstr_value (a, b))
-    let primitive ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_primitive a)
-    let type_ ?loc rec_flag a = mk ?loc (Pstr_type (rec_flag, a))
-    let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_typext a)
-    let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_exception a)
-    let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_module a)
-    let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_recmodule a)
-    let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_modtype a)
-    let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_open a)
-    let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class a)
-    let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class_type a)
-    let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_include a)
-    let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_extension (a, attrs))
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        txt
-  end
-  module Cl = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {
-       pcl_desc = d;
-       pcl_loc = loc;
-       pcl_attributes = attrs;
-      }
-    let attr d a = {d with pcl_attributes = d.pcl_attributes @ [a]}
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constr (a, b))
-    let structure ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_structure a)
-    let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_fun (a, b, c, d))
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_apply (a, b))
-    let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_let (a, b, c))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constraint (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_extension a)
-  end
-  module Cty = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {
-       pcty_desc = d;
-       pcty_loc = loc;
-       pcty_attributes = attrs;
-      }
-    let attr d a = {d with pcty_attributes = d.pcty_attributes @ [a]}
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_constr (a, b))
-    let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_signature a)
-    let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_arrow (a, b, c))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_extension a)
-  end
-  module Ctf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-             ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
-      {
-       pctf_desc = d;
-       pctf_loc = loc;
-       pctf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_inherit a)
-    let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_val (a, b, c, d))
-    let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_method (a, b, c, d))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_constraint (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_extension a)
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pctf_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        txt
-    let attr d a = {d with pctf_attributes = d.pctf_attributes @ [a]}
-  end
-  module Cf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
-      {
-       pcf_desc = d;
-       pcf_loc = loc;
-       pcf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_inherit (a, b, c))
-    let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_val (a, b, c))
-    let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_method (a, b, c))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_constraint (a, b))
-    let initializer_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_initializer a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_extension a)
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pcf_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        txt
-    let virtual_ ct = Cfk_virtual ct
-    let concrete o e = Cfk_concrete (o, e)
-    let attr d a = {d with pcf_attributes = d.pcf_attributes @ [a]}
-  end
-  module Val = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(prim = []) name typ =
-      {
-       pval_name = name;
-       pval_type = typ;
-       pval_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-       pval_loc = loc;
-       pval_prim = prim;
-      }
-  end
-  module Md = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name typ =
-      {
-       pmd_name = name;
-       pmd_type = typ;
-       pmd_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pmd_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mtd = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) ?typ name =
-      {
-       pmtd_name = name;
-       pmtd_type = typ;
-       pmtd_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pmtd_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mb = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name expr =
-      {
-       pmb_name = name;
-       pmb_expr = expr;
-       pmb_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pmb_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Opn = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(override = Fresh) lid =
-      {
-       popen_lid = lid;
-       popen_override = override;
-       popen_loc = loc;
-       popen_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Incl = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs) mexpr =
-      {
-       pincl_mod = mexpr;
-       pincl_loc = loc;
-       pincl_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Vb = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(text = []) pat expr =
-      {
-       pvb_pat = pat;
-       pvb_expr = expr;
-       pvb_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pvb_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Ci = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
-          ?(virt = Concrete) ?(params = []) name expr =
-      {
-       pci_virt = virt;
-       pci_params = params;
-       pci_name = name;
-       pci_expr = expr;
-       pci_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pci_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Type = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
-        ?(params = [])
-        ?(cstrs = [])
-        ?(kind = Ptype_abstract)
-        ?(priv = Public)
-        ?manifest
-        name =
-      {
-       ptype_name = name;
-       ptype_params = params;
-       ptype_cstrs = cstrs;
-       ptype_kind = kind;
-       ptype_private = priv;
-       ptype_manifest = manifest;
-       ptype_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       ptype_loc = loc;
-      }
-    let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
-          ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
-      {
-       pcd_name = name;
-       pcd_args = args;
-       pcd_res = res;
-       pcd_loc = loc;
-       pcd_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
-      }
-    let field ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
-          ?(mut = Immutable) name typ =
-      {
-       pld_name = name;
-       pld_mutable = mut;
-       pld_type = typ;
-       pld_loc = loc;
-       pld_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  (** Type extensions *)
-  module Te = struct
-    let mk ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(params = []) ?(priv = Public) path constructors =
-      {
-       ptyext_path = path;
-       ptyext_params = params;
-       ptyext_constructors = constructors;
-       ptyext_private = priv;
-       ptyext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name kind =
-      {
-       pext_name = name;
-       pext_kind = kind;
-       pext_loc = loc;
-       pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-    let decl ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-               ?(info = empty_info) ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
-      {
-       pext_name = name;
-       pext_kind = Pext_decl(args, res);
-       pext_loc = loc;
-       pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-    let rebind ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name lid =
-      {
-       pext_name = name;
-       pext_kind = Pext_rebind lid;
-       pext_loc = loc;
-       pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-  end
-  module Csig = struct
-    let mk self fields =
-      {
-       pcsig_self = self;
-       pcsig_fields = fields;
-      }
-  end
-  module Cstr = struct
-    let mk self fields =
-      {
-       pcstr_self = self;
-       pcstr_fields = fields;
-      }
-  end
-module Ast_mapper : sig
-  (** The interface of a -ppx rewriter
-    A -ppx rewriter is a program that accepts a serialized abstract syntax
-    tree and outputs another, possibly modified, abstract syntax tree.
-    This module encapsulates the interface between the compiler and
-    the -ppx rewriters, handling such details as the serialization format,
-    forwarding of command-line flags, and storing state.
-    {!mapper} allows to implement AST rewriting using open recursion.
-    A typical mapper would be based on {!default_mapper}, a deep
-    identity mapper, and will fall back on it for handling the syntax it
-    does not modify. For example:
-    {[
-  open Asttypes
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_mapper
-  let test_mapper argv =
-    { default_mapper with
-      expr = fun mapper expr ->
-        match expr with
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_extension ({ txt = "test" }, PStr [])} ->
-          Ast_helper.Exp.constant (Const_int 42)
-        | other -> default_mapper.expr mapper other; }
-  let () =
-    register "ppx_test" test_mapper]}
-    This -ppx rewriter, which replaces [[%test]] in expressions with
-    the constant [42], can be compiled using
-    [ocamlc -o ppx_test -I +compiler-libs ocamlcommon.cma].
-    *)
-  open Parsetree
-  (** {2 A generic Parsetree mapper} *)
-  type mapper (*IF_CURRENT = Ast_mapper.mapper*) = {
-    attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
-    attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
-    case: mapper -> case -> case;
-    cases: mapper -> case list -> case list;
-    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
-    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
-    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
-    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
-    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
-    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
-    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
-    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
-                            -> class_type_declaration;
-    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
-    constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
-                             -> constructor_declaration;
-    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
-    extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
-    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
-                           -> extension_constructor;
-    include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
-    include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
-    label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
-    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
-    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
-    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
-    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
-    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
-    module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
-                             -> module_type_declaration;
-    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
-    pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
-    payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
-    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
-    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
-    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
-    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
-    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
-    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
-    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
-    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
-    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
-    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
-    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
-  }
-  (** A mapper record implements one "method" per syntactic category,
-      using an open recursion style: each method takes as its first
-      argument the mapper to be applied to children in the syntax
-      tree. *)
-  val default_mapper: mapper
-  (** A default mapper, which implements a "deep identity" mapping. *)
-  (** {2 Convenience functions to write mappers} *)
-  val map_opt: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
-  val extension_of_error: Locations.location_error -> extension
-  (** Encode an error into an 'ocaml.error' extension node which can be
-      inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
-      responsible for reporting the error. *)
-  val attribute_of_warning: Location.t -> string -> attribute
-  (** Encode a warning message into an 'ocaml.ppwarning' attribute which can be
-      inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
-      responsible for reporting the warning. *)
- include Locations.Helpers_intf
-end = struct
-  (* A generic Parsetree mapping class *)
-  (*
-  [@@@ocaml.warning "+9"]
-    (* Ensure that record patterns don't miss any field. *)
-  *)
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_helper
-  open Location
-  type mapper (*IF_CURRENT = Ast_mapper.mapper*) = {
-    attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
-    attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
-    case: mapper -> case -> case;
-    cases: mapper -> case list -> case list;
-    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
-    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
-    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
-    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
-    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
-    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
-    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
-    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
-                            -> class_type_declaration;
-    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
-    constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
-                             -> constructor_declaration;
-    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
-    extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
-    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
-                           -> extension_constructor;
-    include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
-    include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
-    label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
-    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
-    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
-    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
-    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
-    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
-    module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
-                             -> module_type_declaration;
-    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
-    pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
-    payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
-    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
-    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
-    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
-    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
-    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
-    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
-    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
-    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
-    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
-    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
-    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
-  }
-  let map_fst f (x, y) = (f x, y)
-  let map_snd f (x, y) = (x, f y)
-  let map_tuple f1 f2 (x, y) = (f1 x, f2 y)
-  let map_tuple3 f1 f2 f3 (x, y, z) = (f1 x, f2 y, f3 z)
-  let map_opt f = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
-  let map_loc sub {loc; txt} = {loc = sub.location sub loc; txt}
-  module T = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the core language *)
-    let row_field sub = function
-      | Rtag (l, attrs, b, tl) ->
-          Rtag (l, sub.attributes sub attrs, b, (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Rinherit t -> Rinherit (sub.typ sub t)
-    let map sub {ptyp_desc = desc; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Typ in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Ptyp_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-      | Ptyp_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs s
-      | Ptyp_arrow (lab, t1, t2) ->
-          arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Ptyp_tuple tyl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.typ sub) tyl)
-      | Ptyp_constr (lid, tl) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Ptyp_object (l, o) ->
-          let f (s, a, t) = (s, sub.attributes sub a, sub.typ sub t) in
-          object_ ~loc ~attrs ( f l) o
-      | Ptyp_class (lid, tl) ->
-          class_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Ptyp_alias (t, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t) s
-      | Ptyp_variant (rl, b, ll) ->
-          variant ~loc ~attrs ( (row_field sub) rl) b ll
-      | Ptyp_poly (sl, t) -> poly ~loc ~attrs sl (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Ptyp_package (lid, l) ->
-          package ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-            ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.typ sub)) l)
-      | Ptyp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_type_declaration sub
-        {ptype_name; ptype_params; ptype_cstrs;
-         ptype_kind;
-         ptype_private;
-         ptype_manifest;
-         ptype_attributes;
-         ptype_loc} =
- (map_loc sub ptype_name)
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptype_params)
-        ~priv:ptype_private
-        ~cstrs:(
-                  (map_tuple3 (sub.typ sub) (sub.typ sub) (sub.location sub))
-                  ptype_cstrs)
-        ~kind:(sub.type_kind sub ptype_kind)
-        ?manifest:(map_opt (sub.typ sub) ptype_manifest)
-        ~loc:(sub.location sub ptype_loc)
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub ptype_attributes)
-    let map_type_kind sub = function
-      | Ptype_abstract -> Ptype_abstract
-      | Ptype_variant l ->
-          Ptype_variant ( (sub.constructor_declaration sub) l)
-      | Ptype_record l -> Ptype_record ( (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
-      | Ptype_open -> Ptype_open
-    let map_constructor_arguments sub = function
-      | Pcstr_tuple l -> Pcstr_tuple ( (sub.typ sub) l)
-      | Pcstr_record l ->
-          Pcstr_record ( (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
-    let map_type_extension sub
-        {ptyext_path; ptyext_params;
-         ptyext_constructors;
-         ptyext_private;
-         ptyext_attributes} =
-        (map_loc sub ptyext_path)
-        ( (sub.extension_constructor sub) ptyext_constructors)
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptyext_params)
-        ~priv:ptyext_private
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub ptyext_attributes)
-    let map_extension_constructor_kind sub = function
-        Pext_decl(ctl, cto) ->
-          Pext_decl(map_constructor_arguments sub ctl, map_opt (sub.typ sub) cto)
-      | Pext_rebind li ->
-          Pext_rebind (map_loc sub li)
-    let map_extension_constructor sub
-        {pext_name;
-         pext_kind;
-         pext_loc;
-         pext_attributes} =
-      Te.constructor
-        (map_loc sub pext_name)
-        (map_extension_constructor_kind sub pext_kind)
-        ~loc:(sub.location sub pext_loc)
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub pext_attributes)
-  end
-  module CT = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-    let map sub {pcty_loc = loc; pcty_desc = desc; pcty_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cty in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcty_constr (lid, tys) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tys)
-      | Pcty_signature x -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_signature sub x)
-      | Pcty_arrow (lab, t, ct) ->
-          arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pcty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_field sub {pctf_desc = desc; pctf_loc = loc; pctf_attributes = attrs}
-      =
-      let open Ctf in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pctf_inherit ct -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pctf_val (s, m, v, t) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs s m v (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pctf_method (s, p, v, t) -> method_ ~loc ~attrs s p v (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pctf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pctf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-      | Pctf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_signature sub {pcsig_self; pcsig_fields} =
-        (sub.typ sub pcsig_self)
-        ( (sub.class_type_field sub) pcsig_fields)
-  end
-  module MT = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-    let map sub {pmty_desc = desc; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Mty in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pmty_ident s -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pmty_alias s -> alias ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pmty_signature sg -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.signature sub sg)
-      | Pmty_functor (s, mt1, mt2) ->
-          functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-            (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.may_map (sub.module_type sub) mt1)
-            (sub.module_type sub mt2)
-      | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
-          with_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_type sub mt)
-            ( (sub.with_constraint sub) l)
-      | Pmty_typeof me -> typeof_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
-      | Pmty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_with_constraint sub = function
-      | Pwith_type (lid, d) ->
-          Pwith_type (map_loc sub lid, sub.type_declaration sub d)
-      | Pwith_module (lid, lid2) ->
-          Pwith_module (map_loc sub lid, map_loc sub lid2)
-      | Pwith_typesubst d -> Pwith_typesubst (sub.type_declaration sub d)
-      | Pwith_modsubst (s, lid) ->
-          Pwith_modsubst (map_loc sub s, map_loc sub lid)
-    let map_signature_item sub {psig_desc = desc; psig_loc = loc} =
-      let open Sig in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      match desc with
-      | Psig_value vd -> value ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
-      | Psig_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
-      | Psig_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.extension_constructor sub ed)
-      | Psig_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_declaration sub x)
-      | Psig_recmodule l ->
-          rec_module ~loc ( (sub.module_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
-      | Psig_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_description sub x)
-      | Psig_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_description sub x)
-      | Psig_class l -> class_ ~loc ( (sub.class_description sub) l)
-      | Psig_class_type l ->
-          class_type ~loc ( (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_extension (x, attrs) ->
-          extension ~loc (sub.extension sub x) ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub attrs)
-      | Psig_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-  end
-  module M = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-    let map sub {pmod_loc = loc; pmod_desc = desc; pmod_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Mod in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pmod_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-      | Pmod_structure str -> structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.structure sub str)
-      | Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body) ->
-          functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub arg)
-            (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.may_map (sub.module_type sub) arg_ty)
-            (sub.module_expr sub body)
-      | Pmod_apply (m1, m2) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m1) (sub.module_expr sub m2)
-      | Pmod_constraint (m, mty) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m)
-                      (sub.module_type sub mty)
-      | Pmod_unpack e -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pmod_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_structure_item sub {pstr_loc = loc; pstr_desc = desc} =
-      let open Str in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      match desc with
-      | Pstr_eval (x, attrs) ->
-          eval ~loc ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub attrs) (sub.expr sub x)
-      | Pstr_value (r, vbs) -> value ~loc r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-      | Pstr_primitive vd -> primitive ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
-      | Pstr_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
-      | Pstr_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.extension_constructor sub ed)
-      | Pstr_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_binding sub x)
-      | Pstr_recmodule l -> rec_module ~loc ( (sub.module_binding sub) l)
-      | Pstr_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_description sub x)
-      | Pstr_class l -> class_ ~loc ( (sub.class_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_class_type l ->
-          class_type ~loc ( (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_extension (x, attrs) ->
-          extension ~loc (sub.extension sub x) ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub attrs)
-      | Pstr_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-  end
-  module E = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the core language *)
-    let map sub {pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = desc; pexp_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Exp in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pexp_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-      | Pexp_constant x -> constant ~loc ~attrs x
-      | Pexp_let (r, vbs, e) ->
-          let_ ~loc ~attrs r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_fun (lab, def, p, e) ->
-          fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub.expr sub) def) (sub.pat sub p)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_function pel -> function_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_apply (e, l) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) ( (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
-      | Pexp_match (e, pel) ->
-          match_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_try (e, pel) -> try_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_tuple el -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.expr sub) el)
-      | Pexp_construct (lid, arg) ->
-          construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (map_opt (sub.expr sub) arg)
-      | Pexp_variant (lab, eo) ->
-          variant ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
-      | Pexp_record (l, eo) ->
-          record ~loc ~attrs ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) l)
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
-      | Pexp_field (e, lid) ->
-          field ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_loc sub lid)
-      | Pexp_setfield (e1, lid, e2) ->
-          setfield ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (map_loc sub lid)
-            (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_array el -> array ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.expr sub) el)
-      | Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, e3) ->
-          ifthenelse ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e3)
-      | Pexp_sequence (e1, e2) ->
-          sequence ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_while (e1, e2) ->
-          while_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_for (p, e1, e2, d, e3) ->
-          for_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2) d
-            (sub.expr sub e3)
-      | Pexp_coerce (e, t1, t2) ->
-          coerce ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t1)
-            (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pexp_constraint (e, t) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pexp_send (e, s) -> send ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) s
-      | Pexp_new lid -> new_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-      | Pexp_setinstvar (s, e) ->
-          setinstvar ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_override sel ->
-          override ~loc ~attrs
-            ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) sel)
-      | Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e) ->
-          letmodule ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.module_expr sub me)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_assert e -> assert_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_lazy e -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_poly (e, t) ->
-          poly ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t)
-      | Pexp_object cls -> object_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub cls)
-      | Pexp_newtype (s, e) -> newtype ~loc ~attrs s (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_pack me -> pack ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
-      | Pexp_open (ovf, lid, e) ->
-          open_ ~loc ~attrs ovf (map_loc sub lid) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pexp_unreachable -> unreachable ~loc ~attrs ()
-  end
-  module P = struct
-    (* Patterns *)
-    let map sub {ppat_desc = desc; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Pat in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Ppat_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-      | Ppat_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_alias (p, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_constant c -> constant ~loc ~attrs c
-      | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) -> interval ~loc ~attrs c1 c2
-      | Ppat_tuple pl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.pat sub) pl)
-      | Ppat_construct (l, p) ->
-          construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub l) (map_opt (sub.pat sub) p)
-      | Ppat_variant (l, p) -> variant ~loc ~attrs l (map_opt (sub.pat sub) p)
-      | Ppat_record (lpl, cf) ->
-          record ~loc ~attrs
-                 ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.pat sub)) lpl) cf
-      | Ppat_array pl -> array ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.pat sub) pl)
-      | Ppat_or (p1, p2) -> or_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p1) (sub.pat sub p2)
-      | Ppat_constraint (p, t) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Ppat_type s -> type_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_lazy p -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_unpack s -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_exception p -> exception_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-  end
-  module CE = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-    let map sub {pcl_loc = loc; pcl_desc = desc; pcl_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cl in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcl_constr (lid, tys) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tys)
-      | Pcl_structure s ->
-          structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub s)
-      | Pcl_fun (lab, e, p, ce) ->
-          fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e)
-            (sub.pat sub p)
-            (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-      | Pcl_apply (ce, l) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-            ( (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
-      | Pcl_let (r, vbs, ce) ->
-          let_ ~loc ~attrs r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-            (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-      | Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pcl_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_kind sub = function
-      | Cfk_concrete (o, e) -> Cfk_concrete (o, sub.expr sub e)
-      | Cfk_virtual t -> Cfk_virtual (sub.typ sub t)
-    let map_field sub {pcf_desc = desc; pcf_loc = loc; pcf_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cf in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcf_inherit (o, ce, s) -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs o (sub.class_expr sub ce) s
-      | Pcf_val (s, m, k) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m (map_kind sub k)
-      | Pcf_method (s, p, k) ->
-          method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p (map_kind sub k)
-      | Pcf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pcf_initializer e -> initializer_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pcf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-      | Pcf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_structure sub {pcstr_self; pcstr_fields} =
-      {
-        pcstr_self = sub.pat sub pcstr_self;
-        pcstr_fields = (sub.class_field sub) pcstr_fields;
-      }
-    let class_infos sub f {pci_virt; pci_params = pl; pci_name; pci_expr;
-                           pci_loc; pci_attributes} =
-       ~virt:pci_virt
-       ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) pl)
-        (map_loc sub pci_name)
-        (f pci_expr)
-        ~loc:(sub.location sub pci_loc)
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub pci_attributes)
-  end
-  (* Now, a generic AST mapper, to be extended to cover all kinds and
-     cases of the OCaml grammar.  The default behavior of the mapper is
-     the identity. *)
-  let default_mapper =
-    {
-      structure = (fun this l -> (this.structure_item this) l);
-      structure_item = M.map_structure_item;
-      module_expr =;
-      signature = (fun this l -> (this.signature_item this) l);
-      signature_item = MT.map_signature_item;
-      module_type =;
-      with_constraint = MT.map_with_constraint;
-      class_declaration =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_expr this));
-      class_expr =;
-      class_field = CE.map_field;
-      class_structure = CE.map_structure;
-      class_type =;
-      class_type_field = CT.map_field;
-      class_signature = CT.map_signature;
-      class_type_declaration =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
-      class_description =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
-      type_declaration = T.map_type_declaration;
-      type_kind = T.map_type_kind;
-      typ =;
-      type_extension = T.map_type_extension;
-      extension_constructor = T.map_extension_constructor;
-      value_description =
-        (fun this {pval_name; pval_type; pval_prim; pval_loc;
-                   pval_attributes} ->
-            (map_loc this pval_name)
-            (this.typ this pval_type)
-            ~attrs:(this.attributes this pval_attributes)
-            ~loc:(this.location this pval_loc)
-            ~prim:pval_prim
-        );
-      pat =;
-      expr =;
-      module_declaration =
-        (fun this {pmd_name; pmd_type; pmd_attributes; pmd_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pmd_name)
-             (this.module_type this pmd_type)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmd_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmd_loc)
-        );
-      module_type_declaration =
-        (fun this {pmtd_name; pmtd_type; pmtd_attributes; pmtd_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pmtd_name)
-             ?typ:(map_opt (this.module_type this) pmtd_type)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmtd_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmtd_loc)
-        );
-      module_binding =
-        (fun this {pmb_name; pmb_expr; pmb_attributes; pmb_loc} ->
-  (map_loc this pmb_name) (this.module_expr this pmb_expr)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmb_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmb_loc)
-        );
-      open_description =
-        (fun this {popen_lid; popen_override; popen_attributes; popen_loc} ->
-  (map_loc this popen_lid)
-             ~override:popen_override
-             ~loc:(this.location this popen_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this popen_attributes)
-        );
-      include_description =
-        (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
-  (this.module_type this pincl_mod)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
-        );
-      include_declaration =
-        (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
-  (this.module_expr this pincl_mod)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
-        );
-      value_binding =
-        (fun this {pvb_pat; pvb_expr; pvb_attributes; pvb_loc} ->
-             (this.pat this pvb_pat)
-             (this.expr this pvb_expr)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pvb_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pvb_attributes)
-        );
-      constructor_declaration =
-        (fun this {pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_res; pcd_loc; pcd_attributes} ->
-          Type.constructor
-            (map_loc this pcd_name)
-            ~args:(T.map_constructor_arguments this pcd_args)
-            ?res:(map_opt (this.typ this) pcd_res)
-            ~loc:(this.location this pcd_loc)
-            ~attrs:(this.attributes this pcd_attributes)
-        );
-      label_declaration =
-        (fun this {pld_name; pld_type; pld_loc; pld_mutable; pld_attributes} ->
-           Type.field
-             (map_loc this pld_name)
-             (this.typ this pld_type)
-             ~mut:pld_mutable
-             ~loc:(this.location this pld_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pld_attributes)
-        );
-      cases = (fun this l -> ( this) l);
-      case =
-        (fun this {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} ->
-           {
-             pc_lhs = this.pat this pc_lhs;
-             pc_guard = map_opt (this.expr this) pc_guard;
-             pc_rhs = this.expr this pc_rhs;
-           }
-        );
-      location = (fun _this l -> l);
-      extension = (fun this (s, e) -> (map_loc this s, this.payload this e));
-      attribute = (fun this (s, e) -> (map_loc this s, this.payload this e));
-      attributes = (fun this l -> (this.attribute this) l);
-      payload =
-        (fun this -> function
-           | PStr x -> PStr (this.structure this x)
-           | PSig x -> PSig (this.signature this x)
-           | PTyp x -> PTyp (this.typ this x)
-           | PPat (x, g) -> PPat (this.pat this x, map_opt (this.expr this) g)
-        );
-    }
-  let extension_of_error (error : Locations.location_error) : extension =
-    Locations.extension_of_error
-      ~mk_pstr:(function
-        | x :: l -> PStr (x :: x :: l)
-        | l -> PStr l)
-      ~mk_extension:(fun x -> Str.extension x)
-      ~mk_string_constant:(fun x -> Str.eval (Exp.constant (Pconst_string (x, None))))
-      error
-  let attribute_of_warning loc s =
-    { loc; txt = "ocaml.ppwarning" },
-    PStr ([Str.eval ~loc (Exp.constant (Pconst_string (s, None)))])
-  include Locations.Helpers_impl
-module Outcometree = struct
-  (* Module [Outcometree]: results displayed by the toplevel *)
-  (* These types represent messages that the toplevel displays as normal
-     results or errors. The real displaying is customisable using the hooks:
-        [Toploop.print_out_value]
-        [Toploop.print_out_type]
-        [Toploop.print_out_sig_item]
-        [Toploop.print_out_phrase] *)
-  type out_ident (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_ident *) =
-    | Oide_apply of out_ident * out_ident
-    | Oide_dot of out_ident * string
-    | Oide_ident of string
-  type out_attribute (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_attribute *) =
-    { oattr_name: string }
-  type out_value (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_value *) =
-    | Oval_array of out_value list
-    | Oval_char of char
-    | Oval_constr of out_ident * out_value list
-    | Oval_ellipsis
-    | Oval_float of float
-    | Oval_int of int
-    | Oval_int32 of int32
-    | Oval_int64 of int64
-    | Oval_nativeint of nativeint
-    | Oval_list of out_value list
-    | Oval_printer of (Format.formatter -> unit)
-    | Oval_record of (out_ident * out_value) list
-    | Oval_string of string
-    | Oval_stuff of string
-    | Oval_tuple of out_value list
-    | Oval_variant of string * out_value option
-  type out_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type *) =
-    | Otyp_abstract
-    | Otyp_open
-    | Otyp_alias of out_type * string
-    | Otyp_arrow of string * out_type * out_type
-    | Otyp_class of bool * out_ident * out_type list
-    | Otyp_constr of out_ident * out_type list
-    | Otyp_manifest of out_type * out_type
-    | Otyp_object of (string * out_type) list * bool option
-    | Otyp_record of (string * bool * out_type) list
-    | Otyp_stuff of string
-    | Otyp_sum of (string * out_type list * out_type option) list
-    | Otyp_tuple of out_type list
-    | Otyp_var of bool * string
-    | Otyp_variant of
-        bool * out_variant * bool * (string list) option
-    | Otyp_poly of string list * out_type
-    | Otyp_module of string * string list * out_type list
-    | Otyp_attribute of out_type * out_attribute
-  and out_variant (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_variant *) =
-    | Ovar_fields of (string * bool * out_type list) list
-    | Ovar_name of out_ident * out_type list
-  type out_class_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_class_type *) =
-    | Octy_constr of out_ident * out_type list
-    | Octy_arrow of string * out_type * out_class_type
-    | Octy_signature of out_type option * out_class_sig_item list
-  and out_class_sig_item (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_class_sig_item *) =
-    | Ocsg_constraint of out_type * out_type
-    | Ocsg_method of string * bool * bool * out_type
-    | Ocsg_value of string * bool * bool * out_type
-  type out_module_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_module_type *) =
-    | Omty_abstract
-    | Omty_functor of string * out_module_type option * out_module_type
-    | Omty_ident of out_ident
-    | Omty_signature of out_sig_item list
-    | Omty_alias of out_ident
-  and out_sig_item (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_sig_item *) =
-    | Osig_class of
-        bool * string * (string * (bool * bool)) list * out_class_type *
-          out_rec_status
-    | Osig_class_type of
-        bool * string * (string * (bool * bool)) list * out_class_type *
-          out_rec_status
-    | Osig_typext of out_extension_constructor * out_ext_status
-    | Osig_modtype of string * out_module_type
-    | Osig_module of string * out_module_type * out_rec_status
-    | Osig_type of out_type_decl * out_rec_status
-    | Osig_value of out_val_decl
-    | Osig_ellipsis
-  and out_type_decl (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type_decl *) =
-    { otype_name: string;
-      otype_params: (string * (bool * bool)) list;
-      otype_type: out_type;
-      otype_private: Asttypes.private_flag;
-      otype_immediate: bool;
-      otype_cstrs: (out_type * out_type) list }
-  and out_extension_constructor (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_extension_constructor *) =
-    { oext_name: string;
-      oext_type_name: string;
-      oext_type_params: string list;
-      oext_args: out_type list;
-      oext_ret_type: out_type option;
-      oext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
-  and out_type_extension (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type_extension *) =
-    { otyext_name: string;
-      otyext_params: string list;
-      otyext_constructors: (string * out_type list * out_type option) list;
-      otyext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
-  and out_val_decl (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_val_decl *) =
-    { oval_name: string;
-      oval_type: out_type;
-      oval_prims: string list;
-      oval_attributes: out_attribute list }
-  and out_rec_status (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_rec_status *) =
-    | Orec_not
-    | Orec_first
-    | Orec_next
-  and out_ext_status (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_ext_status *) =
-    | Oext_first
-    | Oext_next
-    | Oext_exception
-  type out_phrase (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_phrase *) =
-    | Ophr_eval of out_value * out_type
-    | Ophr_signature of (out_sig_item * out_value option) list
-    | Ophr_exception of (exn * out_value)
-module Config = struct
-  let ast_impl_magic_number = "Caml1999M019"
-  let ast_intf_magic_number = "Caml1999N018"
-let map_signature mapper = mapper.Ast_mapper.signature mapper
-let map_structure mapper = mapper.Ast_mapper.structure mapper
-let shallow_identity =
-  let id _ x = x in
-  {
-    Ast_mapper.
-    structure               = id;
-    structure_item          = id;
-    module_expr             = id;
-    signature               = id;
-    signature_item          = id;
-    module_type             = id;
-    with_constraint         = id;
-    class_declaration       = id;
-    class_expr              = id;
-    class_field             = id;
-    class_structure         = id;
-    class_type              = id;
-    class_type_field        = id;
-    class_signature         = id;
-    class_type_declaration  = id;
-    class_description       = id;
-    type_declaration        = id;
-    type_kind               = id;
-    typ                     = id;
-    type_extension          = id;
-    extension_constructor   = id;
-    value_description       = id;
-    pat                     = id;
-    expr                    = id;
-    module_declaration      = id;
-    module_type_declaration = id;
-    module_binding          = id;
-    open_description        = id;
-    include_description     = id;
-    include_declaration     = id;
-    value_binding           = id;
-    constructor_declaration = id;
-    label_declaration       = id;
-    cases                   = id;
-    case                    = id;
-    location                = id;
-    extension               = id;
-    attribute               = id;
-    attributes              = id;
-    payload                 = id;
-  }
-let failing_mapper =
-  let fail _ _ =
-    invalid_arg "failing_mapper: this mapper function should never get called"
-  in
-  {
-    Ast_mapper.
-    structure               = fail;
-    structure_item          = fail;
-    module_expr             = fail;
-    signature               = fail;
-    signature_item          = fail;
-    module_type             = fail;
-    with_constraint         = fail;
-    class_declaration       = fail;
-    class_expr              = fail;
-    class_field             = fail;
-    class_structure         = fail;
-    class_type              = fail;
-    class_type_field        = fail;
-    class_signature         = fail;
-    class_type_declaration  = fail;
-    class_description       = fail;
-    type_declaration        = fail;
-    type_kind               = fail;
-    typ                     = fail;
-    type_extension          = fail;
-    extension_constructor   = fail;
-    value_description       = fail;
-    pat                     = fail;
-    expr                    = fail;
-    module_declaration      = fail;
-    module_type_declaration = fail;
-    module_binding          = fail;
-    open_description        = fail;
-    include_description     = fail;
-    include_declaration     = fail;
-    value_binding           = fail;
-    constructor_declaration = fail;
-    label_declaration       = fail;
-    cases                   = fail;
-    case                    = fail;
-    location                = fail;
-    extension               = fail;
-    attribute               = fail;
-    attributes              = fail;
-    payload                 = fail;
-  }
-let make_top_mapper ~signature ~structure =
-  {failing_mapper with Ast_mapper.
-                    signature = (fun _ x -> signature x);
-                    structure = (fun _ x -> structure x) }
-module Ast_405
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*            Jérémie Dimino and Leo White, Jane Street Europe            *)
-(*            Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt            *)
-(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-(*       Daniel de Rauglaudre, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt         *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-module Location = Location
-module Longident = Longident
-module Asttypes = struct
-  (** Auxiliary AST types used by parsetree and typedtree. *)
-  type constant (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.constant *) =
-      Const_int of int
-    | Const_char of char
-    | Const_string of string * string option
-    | Const_float of string
-    | Const_int32 of int32
-    | Const_int64 of int64
-    | Const_nativeint of nativeint
-  type rec_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.rec_flag *) = Nonrecursive | Recursive
-  type direction_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.direction_flag *) = Upto | Downto
-  (* Order matters, used in polymorphic comparison *)
-  type private_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.private_flag *) = Private | Public
-  type mutable_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.mutable_flag *) = Immutable | Mutable
-  type virtual_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.virtual_flag *) = Virtual | Concrete
-  type override_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.override_flag *) = Override | Fresh
-  type closed_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.closed_flag *) = Closed | Open
-  type label = string
-  type arg_label (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.arg_label *) =
-      Nolabel
-    | Labelled of string (*  label:T -> ... *)
-    | Optional of string (* ?label:T -> ... *)
-  type 'a loc = 'a Location.loc = {
-    txt : 'a;
-    loc : Location.t;
-  }
-  type variance (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.variance *) =
-    | Covariant
-    | Contravariant
-    | Invariant
-module Parsetree = struct
-  (** Abstract syntax tree produced by parsing *)
-  open Asttypes
-  type constant (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constant *) =
-      Pconst_integer of string * char option
-    (* 3 3l 3L 3n
-       Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser.
-       Suffixes except 'l', 'L' and 'n' are rejected by the typechecker
-    *)
-    | Pconst_char of char
-    (* 'c' *)
-    | Pconst_string of string * string option
-    (* "constant"
-       {delim|other constant|delim}
-    *)
-    | Pconst_float of string * char option
-    (* 3.4 2e5 1.4e-4
-       Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser.
-       Suffixes are rejected by the typechecker.
-    *)
-  (** {2 Extension points} *)
-  type attribute = string loc * payload
-         (* [@id ARG]
-            [@@id ARG]
-            Metadata containers passed around within the AST.
-            The compiler ignores unknown attributes.
-         *)
-  and extension = string loc * payload
-        (* [%id ARG]
-           [%%id ARG]
-           Sub-language placeholder -- rejected by the typechecker.
-        *)
-  and attributes = attribute list
-  and payload (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.payload *) =
-    | PStr of structure
-    | PSig of signature (* : SIG *)
-    | PTyp of core_type  (* : T *)
-    | PPat of pattern * expression option  (* ? P  or  ? P when E *)
-  (** {2 Core language} *)
-  (* Type expressions *)
-  and core_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.core_type *) =
-      {
-       ptyp_desc: core_type_desc;
-       ptyp_loc: Location.t;
-       ptyp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and core_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.core_type_desc *) =
-    | Ptyp_any
-          (*  _ *)
-    | Ptyp_var of string
-          (* 'a *)
-    | Ptyp_arrow of arg_label * core_type * core_type
-          (* T1 -> T2       Simple
-             ~l:T1 -> T2    Labelled
-             ?l:T1 -> T2    Otional
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_tuple of core_type list
-          (* T1 * ... * Tn
-             Invariant: n >= 2
-          *)
-    | Ptyp_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* tconstr
-             T tconstr
-             (T1, ..., Tn) tconstr
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_object of (string loc * attributes * core_type) list * closed_flag
-          (* < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn >     (flag = Closed)
-             < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn; .. > (flag = Open)
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_class of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* #tconstr
-             T #tconstr
-             (T1, ..., Tn) #tconstr
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_alias of core_type * string
-          (* T as 'a *)
-    | Ptyp_variant of row_field list * closed_flag * label list option
-          (* [ `A|`B ]         (flag = Closed; labels = None)
-             [> `A|`B ]        (flag = Open;   labels = None)
-             [< `A|`B ]        (flag = Closed; labels = Some [])
-             [< `A|`B > `X `Y ](flag = Closed; labels = Some ["X";"Y"])
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_poly of string loc list * core_type
-          (* 'a1 ... 'an. T
-             Can only appear in the following context:
-             - As the core_type of a Ppat_constraint node corresponding
-               to a constraint on a let-binding: let x : 'a1 ... 'an. T
-               = e ...
-             - Under Cfk_virtual for methods (not values).
-             - As the core_type of a Pctf_method node.
-             - As the core_type of a Pexp_poly node.
-             - As the pld_type field of a label_declaration.
-             - As a core_type of a Ptyp_object node.
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_package of package_type
-          (* (module S) *)
-    | Ptyp_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and package_type = Longident.t loc * (Longident.t loc * core_type) list
-        (*
-          (module S)
-          (module S with type t1 = T1 and ... and tn = Tn)
-         *)
-  and row_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.row_field *) =
-    | Rtag of label * attributes * bool * core_type list
-          (* [`A]                   ( true,  [] )
-             [`A of T]              ( false, [T] )
-             [`A of T1 & .. & Tn]   ( false, [T1;...Tn] )
-             [`A of & T1 & .. & Tn] ( true,  [T1;...Tn] )
-            - The 2nd field is true if the tag contains a
-              constant (empty) constructor.
-            - '&' occurs when several types are used for the same constructor
-              (see 4.2 in the manual)
-            - TODO: switch to a record representation, and keep location
-          *)
-    | Rinherit of core_type
-          (* [ T ] *)
-  (* Patterns *)
-  and pattern (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.pattern *) =
-      {
-       ppat_desc: pattern_desc;
-       ppat_loc: Location.t;
-       ppat_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and pattern_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.pattern_desc *) =
-    | Ppat_any
-          (* _ *)
-    | Ppat_var of string loc
-          (* x *)
-    | Ppat_alias of pattern * string loc
-          (* P as 'a *)
-    | Ppat_constant of constant
-          (* 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
-    | Ppat_interval of constant * constant
-          (* 'a'..'z'
-             Other forms of interval are recognized by the parser
-             but rejected by the type-checker. *)
-    | Ppat_tuple of pattern list
-          (* (P1, ..., Pn)
-             Invariant: n >= 2
-          *)
-    | Ppat_construct of Longident.t loc * pattern option
-          (* C                None
-             C P              Some P
-             C (P1, ..., Pn)  Some (Ppat_tuple [P1; ...; Pn])
-           *)
-    | Ppat_variant of label * pattern option
-          (* `A             (None)
-             `A P           (Some P)
-           *)
-    | Ppat_record of (Longident.t loc * pattern) list * closed_flag
-          (* { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }     (flag = Closed)
-             { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn; _}   (flag = Open)
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Ppat_array of pattern list
-          (* [| P1; ...; Pn |] *)
-    | Ppat_or of pattern * pattern
-          (* P1 | P2 *)
-    | Ppat_constraint of pattern * core_type
-          (* (P : T) *)
-    | Ppat_type of Longident.t loc
-          (* #tconst *)
-    | Ppat_lazy of pattern
-          (* lazy P *)
-    | Ppat_unpack of string loc
-          (* (module P)
-             Note: (module P : S) is represented as
-             Ppat_constraint(Ppat_unpack, Ptyp_package)
-           *)
-    | Ppat_exception of pattern
-          (* exception P *)
-    | Ppat_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-    | Ppat_open of Longident.t loc * pattern
-          (* M.(P) *)
-  (* Value expressions *)
-  and expression (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.expression *) =
-      {
-       pexp_desc: expression_desc;
-       pexp_loc: Location.t;
-       pexp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and expression_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.expression_desc *) =
-    | Pexp_ident of Longident.t loc
-          (* x
-             M.x
-           *)
-    | Pexp_constant of constant
-          (* 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
-    | Pexp_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * expression
-          (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E       (flag = Nonrecursive)
-             let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E   (flag = Recursive)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_function of case list
-          (* function P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * expression
-          (* fun P -> E1                          (Simple, None)
-             fun ~l:P -> E1                       (Labelled l, None)
-             fun ?l:P -> E1                       (Optional l, None)
-             fun ?l:(P = E0) -> E1                (Optional l, Some E0)
-             Notes:
-             - If E0 is provided, only Optional is allowed.
-             - "fun P1 P2 .. Pn -> E1" is represented as nested Pexp_fun.
-             - "let f P = E" is represented using Pexp_fun.
-           *)
-    | Pexp_apply of expression * (arg_label * expression) list
-          (* E0 ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
-             li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?'
-             (optional argument).
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Pexp_match of expression * case list
-          (* match E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_try of expression * case list
-          (* try E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_tuple of expression list
-          (* (E1, ..., En)
-             Invariant: n >= 2
-          *)
-    | Pexp_construct of Longident.t loc * expression option
-          (* C                None
-             C E              Some E
-             C (E1, ..., En)  Some (Pexp_tuple[E1;...;En])
-          *)
-    | Pexp_variant of label * expression option
-          (* `A             (None)
-             `A E           (Some E)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_record of (Longident.t loc * expression) list * expression option
-          (* { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }     (None)
-             { E0 with l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }   (Some E0)
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Pexp_field of expression * Longident.t loc
-          (* E.l *)
-    | Pexp_setfield of expression * Longident.t loc * expression
-          (* E1.l <- E2 *)
-    | Pexp_array of expression list
-          (* [| E1; ...; En |] *)
-    | Pexp_ifthenelse of expression * expression * expression option
-          (* if E1 then E2 else E3 *)
-    | Pexp_sequence of expression * expression
-          (* E1; E2 *)
-    | Pexp_while of expression * expression
-          (* while E1 do E2 done *)
-    | Pexp_for of
-        pattern *  expression * expression * direction_flag * expression
-          (* for i = E1 to E2 do E3 done      (flag = Upto)
-             for i = E1 downto E2 do E3 done  (flag = Downto)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_constraint of expression * core_type
-          (* (E : T) *)
-    | Pexp_coerce of expression * core_type option * core_type
-          (* (E :> T)        (None, T)
-             (E : T0 :> T)   (Some T0, T)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_send of expression * string loc
-          (*  E # m *)
-    | Pexp_new of Longident.t loc
-          (* new M.c *)
-    | Pexp_setinstvar of string loc * expression
-          (* x <- 2 *)
-    | Pexp_override of (string loc * expression) list
-          (* {< x1 = E1; ...; Xn = En >} *)
-    | Pexp_letmodule of string loc * module_expr * expression
-          (* let module M = ME in E *)
-    | Pexp_letexception of extension_constructor * expression
-          (* let exception C in E *)
-    | Pexp_assert of expression
-          (* assert E
-             Note: "assert false" is treated in a special way by the
-             type-checker. *)
-    | Pexp_lazy of expression
-          (* lazy E *)
-    | Pexp_poly of expression * core_type option
-          (* Used for method bodies.
-             Can only be used as the expression under Cfk_concrete
-             for methods (not values). *)
-    | Pexp_object of class_structure
-          (* object ... end *)
-    | Pexp_newtype of string loc * expression
-          (* fun (type t) -> E *)
-    | Pexp_pack of module_expr
-          (* (module ME)
-             (module ME : S) is represented as
-             Pexp_constraint(Pexp_pack, Ptyp_package S) *)
-    | Pexp_open of override_flag * Longident.t loc * expression
-          (* M.(E)
-             let open M in E
-             let! open M in E *)
-    | Pexp_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-    | Pexp_unreachable
-          (* . *)
-  and case (*IF_CURRENT = *) =   (* (P -> E) or (P when E0 -> E) *)
-      {
-       pc_lhs: pattern;
-       pc_guard: expression option;
-       pc_rhs: expression;
-      }
-  (* Value descriptions *)
-  and value_description (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.value_description *) =
-      {
-       pval_name: string loc;
-       pval_type: core_type;
-       pval_prim: string list;
-       pval_attributes: attributes;  (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       pval_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (*
-    val x: T                            (prim = [])
-    external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"       (prim = ["s1";..."sn"])
-  *)
-  (* Type declarations *)
-  and type_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_declaration *) =
-      {
-       ptype_name: string loc;
-       ptype_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-             (* ('a1,...'an) t; None represents  _*)
-       ptype_cstrs: (core_type * core_type * Location.t) list;
-             (* ... constraint T1=T1'  ... constraint Tn=Tn' *)
-       ptype_kind: type_kind;
-       ptype_private: private_flag;   (* = private ... *)
-       ptype_manifest: core_type option;  (* = T *)
-       ptype_attributes: attributes;   (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       ptype_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (*
-    type t                     (abstract, no manifest)
-    type t = T0                (abstract, manifest=T0)
-    type t = C of T | ...      (variant,  no manifest)
-    type t = T0 = C of T | ... (variant,  manifest=T0)
-    type t = {l: T; ...}       (record,   no manifest)
-    type t = T0 = {l : T; ...} (record,   manifest=T0)
-    type t = ..                (open,     no manifest)
-  *)
-  and type_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_kind *) =
-    | Ptype_abstract
-    | Ptype_variant of constructor_declaration list
-          (* Invariant: non-empty list *)
-    | Ptype_record of label_declaration list
-          (* Invariant: non-empty list *)
-    | Ptype_open
-  and label_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.label_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pld_name: string loc;
-       pld_mutable: mutable_flag;
-       pld_type: core_type;
-       pld_loc: Location.t;
-       pld_attributes: attributes; (* l [@id1] [@id2] : T *)
-      }
-  (*  { ...; l: T; ... }            (mutable=Immutable)
-      { ...; mutable l: T; ... }    (mutable=Mutable)
-      Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly.
-  *)
-  and constructor_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constructor_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pcd_name: string loc;
-       pcd_args: constructor_arguments;
-       pcd_res: core_type option;
-       pcd_loc: Location.t;
-       pcd_attributes: attributes; (* C [@id1] [@id2] of ... *)
-      }
-  and constructor_arguments (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constructor_arguments *) =
-    | Pcstr_tuple of core_type list
-    | Pcstr_record of label_declaration list
-  (*
-    | C of T1 * ... * Tn     (res = None,    args = Pcstr_tuple [])
-    | C: T0                  (res = Some T0, args = [])
-    | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_tuple)
-    | C of {...}             (res = None,    args = Pcstr_record)
-    | C: {...} -> T0         (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_record)
-    | C of {...} as t        (res = None,    args = Pcstr_record)
-  *)
-  and type_extension (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_extension *) =
-      {
-       ptyext_path: Longident.t loc;
-       ptyext_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-       ptyext_constructors: extension_constructor list;
-       ptyext_private: private_flag;
-       ptyext_attributes: attributes;   (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  (*
-    type t += ...
-  *)
-  and extension_constructor (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.extension_constructor *) =
-      {
-       pext_name: string loc;
-       pext_kind : extension_constructor_kind;
-       pext_loc : Location.t;
-       pext_attributes: attributes; (* C [@id1] [@id2] of ... *)
-      }
-  and extension_constructor_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind *) =
-      Pext_decl of constructor_arguments * core_type option
-        (*
-           | C of T1 * ... * Tn     ([T1; ...; Tn], None)
-           | C: T0                  ([], Some T0)
-           | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 ([T1; ...; Tn], Some T0)
-         *)
-    | Pext_rebind of Longident.t loc
-        (*
-           | C = D
-         *)
-  (** {2 Class language} *)
-  (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-  and class_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type *) =
-      {
-       pcty_desc: class_type_desc;
-       pcty_loc: Location.t;
-       pcty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_desc *) =
-    | Pcty_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* c
-             ['a1, ..., 'an] c *)
-    | Pcty_signature of class_signature
-          (* object ... end *)
-    | Pcty_arrow of arg_label * core_type * class_type
-          (* T -> CT       Simple
-             ~l:T -> CT    Labelled l
-             ?l:T -> CT    Optional l
-           *)
-    | Pcty_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and class_signature (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_signature *) =
-      {
-       pcsig_self: core_type;
-       pcsig_fields: class_type_field list;
-      }
-  (* object('selfpat) ... end
-     object ... end             (self = Ptyp_any)
-   *)
-  and class_type_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_field *) =
-      {
-       pctf_desc: class_type_field_desc;
-       pctf_loc: Location.t;
-       pctf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_type_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_field_desc *) =
-    | Pctf_inherit of class_type
-          (* inherit CT *)
-    | Pctf_val of (string loc * mutable_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
-          (* val x: T *)
-    | Pctf_method  of (string loc * private_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
-          (* method x: T
-             Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly.
-           *)
-    | Pctf_constraint  of (core_type * core_type)
-          (* constraint T1 = T2 *)
-    | Pctf_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pctf_extension of extension
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and 'a class_infos (*IF_CURRENT = 'a Parsetree.class_infos *) =
-      {
-       pci_virt: virtual_flag;
-       pci_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-       pci_name: string loc;
-       pci_expr: 'a;
-       pci_loc: Location.t;
-       pci_attributes: attributes;  (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  (* class c = ...
-     class ['a1,...,'an] c = ...
-     class virtual c = ...
-     Also used for "class type" declaration.
-  *)
-  and class_description = class_type class_infos
-  and class_type_declaration = class_type class_infos
-  (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-  and class_expr (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_expr *) =
-      {
-       pcl_desc: class_expr_desc;
-       pcl_loc: Location.t;
-       pcl_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_expr_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_expr_desc *) =
-    | Pcl_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* c
-             ['a1, ..., 'an] c *)
-    | Pcl_structure of class_structure
-          (* object ... end *)
-    | Pcl_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * class_expr
-          (* fun P -> CE                          (Simple, None)
-             fun ~l:P -> CE                       (Labelled l, None)
-             fun ?l:P -> CE                       (Optional l, None)
-             fun ?l:(P = E0) -> CE                (Optional l, Some E0)
-           *)
-    | Pcl_apply of class_expr * (arg_label * expression) list
-          (* CE ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
-             li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?'
-             (optional argument).
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Pcl_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * class_expr
-          (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE      (flag = Nonrecursive)
-             let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE  (flag = Recursive)
-           *)
-    | Pcl_constraint of class_expr * class_type
-          (* (CE : CT) *)
-    | Pcl_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and class_structure (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_structure *) =
-      {
-       pcstr_self: pattern;
-       pcstr_fields: class_field list;
-      }
-  (* object(selfpat) ... end
-     object ... end           (self = Ppat_any)
-   *)
-  and class_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field *) =
-      {
-       pcf_desc: class_field_desc;
-       pcf_loc: Location.t;
-       pcf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field_desc *) =
-    | Pcf_inherit of override_flag * class_expr * string loc option
-          (* inherit CE
-             inherit CE as x
-             inherit! CE
-             inherit! CE as x
-           *)
-    | Pcf_val of (string loc * mutable_flag * class_field_kind)
-          (* val x = E
-             val virtual x: T
-           *)
-    | Pcf_method of (string loc * private_flag * class_field_kind)
-          (* method x = E            (E can be a Pexp_poly)
-             method virtual x: T     (T can be a Ptyp_poly)
-           *)
-    | Pcf_constraint of (core_type * core_type)
-          (* constraint T1 = T2 *)
-    | Pcf_initializer of expression
-          (* initializer E *)
-    | Pcf_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pcf_extension of extension
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and class_field_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field_kind *) =
-    | Cfk_virtual of core_type
-    | Cfk_concrete of override_flag * expression
-  and class_declaration = class_expr class_infos
-  (** {2 Module language} *)
-  (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-  and module_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type *) =
-      {
-       pmty_desc: module_type_desc;
-       pmty_loc: Location.t;
-       pmty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and module_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type_desc *) =
-    | Pmty_ident of Longident.t loc
-          (* S *)
-    | Pmty_signature of signature
-          (* sig ... end *)
-    | Pmty_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_type
-          (* functor(X : MT1) -> MT2 *)
-    | Pmty_with of module_type * with_constraint list
-          (* MT with ... *)
-    | Pmty_typeof of module_expr
-          (* module type of ME *)
-    | Pmty_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-    | Pmty_alias of Longident.t loc
-          (* (module M) *)
-  and signature = signature_item list
-  and signature_item (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.signature_item *) =
-      {
-       psig_desc: signature_item_desc;
-       psig_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  and signature_item_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.signature_item_desc *) =
-    | Psig_value of value_description
-          (*
-            val x: T
-            external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"
-           *)
-    | Psig_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
-          (* type t1 = ... and ... and tn = ... *)
-    | Psig_typext of type_extension
-          (* type t1 += ... *)
-    | Psig_exception of extension_constructor
-          (* exception C of T *)
-    | Psig_module of module_declaration
-          (* module X : MT *)
-    | Psig_recmodule of module_declaration list
-          (* module rec X1 : MT1 and ... and Xn : MTn *)
-    | Psig_modtype of module_type_declaration
-          (* module type S = MT
-             module type S *)
-    | Psig_open of open_description
-          (* open X *)
-    | Psig_include of include_description
-          (* include MT *)
-    | Psig_class of class_description list
-          (* class c1 : ... and ... and cn : ... *)
-    | Psig_class_type of class_type_declaration list
-          (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *)
-    | Psig_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Psig_extension of extension * attributes
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and module_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pmd_name: string loc;
-       pmd_type: module_type;
-       pmd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       pmd_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (* S : MT *)
-  and module_type_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pmtd_name: string loc;
-       pmtd_type: module_type option;
-       pmtd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       pmtd_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (* S = MT
-     S       (abstract module type declaration, pmtd_type = None)
-  *)
-  and open_description (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.open_description *) =
-      {
-       popen_lid: Longident.t loc;
-       popen_override: override_flag;
-       popen_loc: Location.t;
-       popen_attributes: attributes;
-      }
-  (* open! X - popen_override = Override (silences the 'used identifier
-                                shadowing' warning)
-     open  X - popen_override = Fresh
-   *)
-  and 'a include_infos (*IF_CURRENT = 'a Parsetree.include_infos *) =
-      {
-       pincl_mod: 'a;
-       pincl_loc: Location.t;
-       pincl_attributes: attributes;
-      }
-  and include_description = module_type include_infos
-  (* include MT *)
-  and include_declaration = module_expr include_infos
-  (* include ME *)
-  and with_constraint (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.with_constraint *) =
-    | Pwith_type of Longident.t loc * type_declaration
-          (* with type X.t = ...
-             Note: the last component of the longident must match
-             the name of the type_declaration. *)
-    | Pwith_module of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc
-          (* with module X.Y = Z *)
-    | Pwith_typesubst of type_declaration
-          (* with type t := ... *)
-    | Pwith_modsubst of string loc * Longident.t loc
-          (* with module X := Z *)
-  (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-  and module_expr (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_expr *) =
-      {
-       pmod_desc: module_expr_desc;
-       pmod_loc: Location.t;
-       pmod_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and module_expr_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_expr_desc *) =
-    | Pmod_ident of Longident.t loc
-          (* X *)
-    | Pmod_structure of structure
-          (* struct ... end *)
-    | Pmod_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_expr
-          (* functor(X : MT1) -> ME *)
-    | Pmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr
-          (* ME1(ME2) *)
-    | Pmod_constraint of module_expr * module_type
-          (* (ME : MT) *)
-    | Pmod_unpack of expression
-          (* (val E) *)
-    | Pmod_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and structure = structure_item list
-  and structure_item (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.structure_item *) =
-      {
-       pstr_desc: structure_item_desc;
-       pstr_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  and structure_item_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.structure_item_desc *) =
-    | Pstr_eval of expression * attributes
-          (* E *)
-    | Pstr_value of rec_flag * value_binding list
-          (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN       (flag = Nonrecursive)
-             let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN   (flag = Recursive)
-           *)
-    | Pstr_primitive of value_description
-          (*  val x: T
-              external x: T = "s1" ... "sn" *)
-    | Pstr_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
-          (* type t1 = ... and ... and tn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_typext of type_extension
-          (* type t1 += ... *)
-    | Pstr_exception of extension_constructor
-          (* exception C of T
-             exception C = M.X *)
-    | Pstr_module of module_binding
-          (* module X = ME *)
-    | Pstr_recmodule of module_binding list
-          (* module rec X1 = ME1 and ... and Xn = MEn *)
-    | Pstr_modtype of module_type_declaration
-          (* module type S = MT *)
-    | Pstr_open of open_description
-          (* open X *)
-    | Pstr_class of class_declaration list
-          (* class c1 = ... and ... and cn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_class_type of class_type_declaration list
-          (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_include of include_declaration
-          (* include ME *)
-    | Pstr_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pstr_extension of extension * attributes
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and value_binding (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.value_binding *) =
-    {
-      pvb_pat: pattern;
-      pvb_expr: expression;
-      pvb_attributes: attributes;
-      pvb_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  and module_binding (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_binding *) =
-      {
-       pmb_name: string loc;
-       pmb_expr: module_expr;
-       pmb_attributes: attributes;
-       pmb_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (* X = ME *)
-  (** {2 Toplevel} *)
-  (* Toplevel phrases *)
-  type toplevel_phrase (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.toplevel_phrase *) =
-    | Ptop_def of structure
-    | Ptop_dir of string * directive_argument
-       (* #use, #load ... *)
-  and directive_argument (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.directive_argument *) =
-    | Pdir_none
-    | Pdir_string of string
-    | Pdir_int of string * char option
-    | Pdir_ident of Longident.t
-    | Pdir_bool of bool
-module Docstrings : sig
-  (** {3 Docstrings} *)
-  (** Documentation comments *)
-  type docstring
-  (** Create a docstring *)
-  val docstring : string -> Location.t -> docstring
-  (** Get the text of a docstring *)
-  val docstring_body : docstring -> string
-  (** Get the location of a docstring *)
-  val docstring_loc : docstring -> Location.t
-  (** {3 Items}
-      The {!docs} type represents documentation attached to an item. *)
-  type docs =
-    { docs_pre: docstring option;
-      docs_post: docstring option; }
-  val empty_docs : docs
-  val docs_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert item documentation to attributes and add them to an
-      attribute list *)
-  val add_docs_attrs : docs -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** {3 Fields and constructors}
-      The {!info} type represents documentation attached to a field or
-      constructor. *)
-  type info = docstring option
-  val empty_info : info
-  val info_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert field info to attributes and add them to an
-      attribute list *)
-  val add_info_attrs : info -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** {3 Unattached comments}
-      The {!text} type represents documentation which is not attached to
-      anything. *)
-  type text = docstring list
-  val empty_text : text
-  val text_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert text to attributes and add them to an attribute list *)
-  val add_text_attrs : text -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-end = struct
-  open Location
-  (* Docstrings *)
-  type docstring =
-    { ds_body: string;
-      ds_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  (* Docstring constructors and destructors *)
-  let docstring body loc =
-    let ds =
-      { ds_body = body;
-        ds_loc = loc;
-      }
-    in
-    ds
-  let docstring_body ds = ds.ds_body
-  let docstring_loc ds = ds.ds_loc
-  (* Docstrings attached to items *)
-  type docs =
-    { docs_pre: docstring option;
-      docs_post: docstring option; }
-  let empty_docs = { docs_pre = None; docs_post = None }
-  let doc_loc = {txt = "ocaml.doc"; loc = Location.none}
-  let docs_attr ds =
-    let open Parsetree in
-    let exp =
-      { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(ds.ds_body, None));
-        pexp_loc = ds.ds_loc;
-        pexp_attributes = []; }
-    in
-    let item =
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = exp.pexp_loc }
-    in
-      (doc_loc, PStr [item])
-  let add_docs_attrs docs attrs =
-    let attrs =
-      match docs.docs_pre with
-      | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
-      | Some ds -> docs_attr ds :: attrs
-    in
-    let attrs =
-      match docs.docs_post with
-      | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
-      | Some ds -> attrs @ [docs_attr ds]
-    in
-    attrs
-  (* Docstrings attached to constructors or fields *)
-  type info = docstring option
-  let empty_info = None
-  let info_attr = docs_attr
-  let add_info_attrs info attrs =
-    match info with
-    | None | Some {ds_body=""; _} -> attrs
-    | Some ds -> attrs @ [info_attr ds]
-  (* Docstrings not attached to a specific item *)
-  type text = docstring list
-  let empty_text = []
-  let text_loc = {txt = "ocaml.text"; loc = Location.none}
-  let text_attr ds =
-    let open Parsetree in
-    let exp =
-      { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(ds.ds_body, None));
-        pexp_loc = ds.ds_loc;
-        pexp_attributes = []; }
-    in
-    let item =
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = exp.pexp_loc }
-    in
-      (text_loc, PStr [item])
-  let add_text_attrs dsl attrs =
-    let fdsl = List.filter (function {ds_body=""; _} -> false| _ ->true) dsl in
-    ( text_attr fdsl) @ attrs
-module Ast_helper : sig
-  (** Helpers to produce Parsetree fragments *)
-  open Asttypes
-  open Docstrings
-  open Parsetree
-  type lid = Longident.t loc
-  type str = string loc
-  type loc = Location.t
-  type attrs = attribute list
-  (** {2 Default locations} *)
-  val default_loc: loc ref
-      (** Default value for all optional location arguments. *)
-  val with_default_loc: loc -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
-      (** Set the [default_loc] within the scope of the execution
-          of the provided function. *)
-  (** {2 Constants} *)
-  module Const : sig
-    val char : char -> constant
-    val string : ?quotation_delimiter:string -> string -> constant
-    val integer : ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
-    val int : ?suffix:char -> int -> constant
-    val int32 : ?suffix:char -> int32 -> constant
-    val int64 : ?suffix:char -> int64 -> constant
-    val nativeint : ?suffix:char -> nativeint -> constant
-    val float : ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
-  end
-  (** {2 Core language} *)
-  (** Type expressions *)
-  module Typ :
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type_desc -> core_type
-      val attr: core_type -> attribute -> core_type
-      val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> core_type
-      val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> core_type
-      val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> core_type -> core_type
-                 -> core_type
-      val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type list -> core_type
-      val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
-      val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-                    (str * attributes * core_type) list -> closed_flag ->
-                    core_type
-      val class_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
-      val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> string -> core_type
-      val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> row_field list -> closed_flag
-                   -> label list option -> core_type
-      val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str list -> core_type -> core_type
-      val package: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> (lid * core_type) list
-                   -> core_type
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> core_type
-      val force_poly: core_type -> core_type
-      val varify_constructors: str list -> core_type -> core_type
-      (** [varify_constructors newtypes te] is type expression [te], of which
-          any of nullary type constructor [tc] is replaced by type variable of
-          the same name, if [tc]'s name appears in [newtypes].
-          Raise [Syntaxerr.Variable_in_scope] if any type variable inside [te]
-          appears in [newtypes].
-          @since 4.05
-       *)
-    end
-  (** Patterns *)
-  module Pat:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern_desc -> pattern
-      val attr:pattern -> attribute -> pattern
-      val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern
-      val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> pattern
-      val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> str -> pattern
-      val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> pattern
-      val interval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> constant -> pattern
-      val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-      val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> pattern option -> pattern
-      val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> pattern option -> pattern
-      val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * pattern) list -> closed_flag
-                  -> pattern
-      val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-      val or_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern -> pattern
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> core_type -> pattern
-      val type_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> pattern
-      val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
-      val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> pattern
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs  -> lid -> pattern -> pattern
-      val exception_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> pattern
-    end
-  (** Expressions *)
-  module Exp:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression_desc -> expression
-      val attr: expression -> attribute -> expression
-      val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
-      val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> expression
-      val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list
-                -> expression -> expression
-      val fun_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> expression option
-                -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-      val function_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> case list -> expression
-      val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression
-                 -> (arg_label * expression) list -> expression
-      val match_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> case list
-                  -> expression
-      val try_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> case list -> expression
-      val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-      val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression option
-                     -> expression
-      val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> expression option
-                   -> expression
-      val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * expression) list
-                  -> expression option -> expression
-      val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
-      val setfield: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
-                    -> expression
-      val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-      val ifthenelse: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-                      -> expression option -> expression
-      val sequence: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-                    -> expression
-      val while_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-                  -> expression
-      val for_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-                -> direction_flag -> expression -> expression
-      val coerce: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option
-                  -> core_type -> expression
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type
-                       -> expression
-      val send: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> str -> expression
-      val new_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
-      val setinstvar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> expression -> expression
-      val override: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (str * expression) list
-                    -> expression
-      val letmodule: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> module_expr -> expression
-                     -> expression
-      val letexception:
-        ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension_constructor -> expression
-        -> expression
-      val assert_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option
-                -> expression
-      val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> expression
-      val newtype: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> expression -> expression
-      val pack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> expression
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> lid -> expression
-                 -> expression
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> expression
-      val unreachable: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> expression
-      val case: pattern -> ?guard:expression -> expression -> case
-    end
-  (** Value declarations *)
-  module Val:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        ?prim:string list -> str -> core_type -> value_description
-    end
-  (** Type declarations *)
-  module Type:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        ?params:(core_type * variance) list ->
-        ?cstrs:(core_type * core_type * loc) list ->
-        ?kind:type_kind -> ?priv:private_flag -> ?manifest:core_type -> str ->
-        type_declaration
-      val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
-        ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type -> str ->
-        constructor_declaration
-      val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
-        ?mut:mutable_flag -> str -> core_type -> label_declaration
-    end
-  (** Type extensions *)
-  module Te:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        ?params:(core_type * variance) list -> ?priv:private_flag ->
-        lid -> extension_constructor list -> type_extension
-      val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-        str -> extension_constructor_kind -> extension_constructor
-      val decl: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-        ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type -> str ->
-        extension_constructor
-      val rebind: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-        str -> lid -> extension_constructor
-    end
-  (** {2 Module language} *)
-  (** Module type expressions *)
-  module Mty:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type_desc -> module_type
-      val attr: module_type -> attribute -> module_type
-      val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
-      val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
-      val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> signature -> module_type
-      val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-        str -> module_type option -> module_type -> module_type
-      val with_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type ->
-        with_constraint list -> module_type
-      val typeof_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_type
-    end
-  (** Module expressions *)
-  module Mod:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr_desc -> module_expr
-      val attr: module_expr -> attribute -> module_expr
-      val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_expr
-      val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> structure -> module_expr
-      val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-        str -> module_type option -> module_expr -> module_expr
-      val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_expr ->
-        module_expr
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type ->
-        module_expr
-      val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> module_expr
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_expr
-    end
-  (** Signature items *)
-  module Sig:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> signature_item_desc -> signature_item
-      val value: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> signature_item
-      val type_: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> type_declaration list -> signature_item
-      val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> signature_item
-      val exception_: ?loc:loc -> extension_constructor -> signature_item
-      val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration -> signature_item
-      val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration list -> signature_item
-      val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> signature_item
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_description -> signature_item
-      val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_description -> signature_item
-      val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_description list -> signature_item
-      val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> signature_item
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> signature_item
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> signature_item
-      val text: text -> signature_item list
-    end
-  (** Structure items *)
-  module Str:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> structure_item_desc -> structure_item
-      val eval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attributes -> expression -> structure_item
-      val value: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> value_binding list -> structure_item
-      val primitive: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> structure_item
-      val type_: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> type_declaration list -> structure_item
-      val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> structure_item
-      val exception_: ?loc:loc -> extension_constructor -> structure_item
-      val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_binding -> structure_item
-      val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_binding list -> structure_item
-      val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> structure_item
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_description -> structure_item
-      val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_declaration list -> structure_item
-      val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> structure_item
-      val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_declaration -> structure_item
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> structure_item
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> structure_item
-      val text: text -> structure_item list
-    end
-  (** Module declarations *)
-  module Md:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        str -> module_type -> module_declaration
-    end
-  (** Module type declarations *)
-  module Mtd:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        ?typ:module_type -> str -> module_type_declaration
-    end
-  (** Module bindings *)
-  module Mb:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        str -> module_expr -> module_binding
-    end
-  (** Opens *)
-  module Opn:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        ?override:override_flag -> lid -> open_description
-    end
-  (** Includes *)
-  module Incl:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> 'a -> 'a include_infos
-    end
-  (** Value bindings *)
-  module Vb:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        pattern -> expression -> value_binding
-    end
-  (** {2 Class language} *)
-  (** Class type expressions *)
-  module Cty:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type_desc -> class_type
-      val attr: class_type -> attribute -> class_type
-      val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_type
-      val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_signature -> class_type
-      val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> core_type ->
-        class_type -> class_type
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type
-    end
-  (** Class type fields *)
-  module Ctf:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        class_type_field_desc -> class_type_field
-      val attr: class_type_field -> attribute -> class_type_field
-      val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type -> class_type_field
-      val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> mutable_flag ->
-        virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
-      val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> private_flag ->
-        virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type ->
-        class_type_field
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type_field
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_type_field
-      val text: text -> class_type_field list
-    end
-  (** Class expressions *)
-  module Cl:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr_desc -> class_expr
-      val attr: class_expr -> attribute -> class_expr
-      val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_expr
-      val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> class_expr
-      val fun_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> expression option ->
-        pattern -> class_expr -> class_expr
-      val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr ->
-        (arg_label * expression) list -> class_expr
-      val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list ->
-        class_expr -> class_expr
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr -> class_type ->
-        class_expr
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_expr
-    end
-  (** Class fields *)
-  module Cf:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> class_field_desc ->
-        class_field
-      val attr: class_field -> attribute -> class_field
-      val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> class_expr ->
-        str option -> class_field
-      val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> mutable_flag ->
-        class_field_kind -> class_field
-      val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> private_flag ->
-        class_field_kind -> class_field
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type ->
-        class_field
-      val initializer_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> class_field
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_field
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_field
-      val text: text -> class_field list
-      val virtual_: core_type -> class_field_kind
-      val concrete: override_flag -> expression -> class_field_kind
-    end
-  (** Classes *)
-  module Ci:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        ?virt:virtual_flag -> ?params:(core_type * variance) list ->
-        str -> 'a -> 'a class_infos
-    end
-  (** Class signatures *)
-  module Csig:
-    sig
-      val mk: core_type -> class_type_field list -> class_signature
-    end
-  (** Class structures *)
-  module Cstr:
-    sig
-      val mk: pattern -> class_field list -> class_structure
-    end
-end = struct
-  (** Helpers to produce Parsetree fragments *)
-  open Asttypes
-  open Parsetree
-  open Docstrings
-  type lid = Longident.t loc
-  type str = string loc
-  type loc = Location.t
-  type attrs = attribute list
-  let default_loc = ref Location.none
-  let with_default_loc l f =
-    let old = !default_loc in
-    default_loc := l;
-    try let r = f () in default_loc := old; r
-    with exn -> default_loc := old; raise exn
-  module Const = struct
-    let integer ?suffix i = Pconst_integer (i, suffix)
-    let int ?suffix i = integer ?suffix (string_of_int i)
-    let int32 ?(suffix='l') i = integer ~suffix (Int32.to_string i)
-    let int64 ?(suffix='L') i = integer ~suffix (Int64.to_string i)
-    let nativeint ?(suffix='n') i = integer ~suffix (Nativeint.to_string i)
-    let float ?suffix f = Pconst_float (f, suffix)
-    let char c = Pconst_char c
-    let string ?quotation_delimiter s = Pconst_string (s, quotation_delimiter)
-  end
-  module Typ = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {ptyp_desc = d; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with ptyp_attributes = d.ptyp_attributes @ [a]}
-    let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ptyp_any
-    let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_var a)
-    let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_arrow (a, b, c))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_tuple a)
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_constr (a, b))
-    let object_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_object (a, b))
-    let class_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_class (a, b))
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_alias (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_variant (a, b, c))
-    let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_poly (a, b))
-    let package ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_package (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_extension a)
-    let force_poly t =
-      match t.ptyp_desc with
-      | Ptyp_poly _ -> t
-      | _ -> poly ~loc:t.ptyp_loc [] t (* -> ghost? *)
-    let varify_constructors var_names t =
-      let check_variable vl loc v =
-        if List.mem v vl then
-          raise Syntaxerr.(Error(Variable_in_scope(loc,v))) in
-      let var_names = (fun v -> v.txt) var_names in
-      let rec loop t =
-        let desc =
-          match t.ptyp_desc with
-          | Ptyp_any -> Ptyp_any
-          | Ptyp_var x ->
-              check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc x;
-              Ptyp_var x
-          | Ptyp_arrow (label,core_type,core_type') ->
-              Ptyp_arrow(label, loop core_type, loop core_type')
-          | Ptyp_tuple lst -> Ptyp_tuple ( loop lst)
-          | Ptyp_constr( { txt = Longident.Lident s; _ }, [])
-            when List.mem s var_names ->
-              Ptyp_var s
-          | Ptyp_constr(longident, lst) ->
-              Ptyp_constr(longident, loop lst)
-          | Ptyp_object (lst, o) ->
-              Ptyp_object
-                ( (fun (s, attrs, t) -> (s, attrs, loop t)) lst, o)
-          | Ptyp_class (longident, lst) ->
-              Ptyp_class (longident, loop lst)
-          | Ptyp_alias(core_type, string) ->
-              check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc string;
-              Ptyp_alias(loop core_type, string)
-          | Ptyp_variant(row_field_list, flag, lbl_lst_option) ->
-              Ptyp_variant( loop_row_field row_field_list,
-                           flag, lbl_lst_option)
-          | Ptyp_poly(string_lst, core_type) ->
-            List.iter (fun v ->
-              check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc v.txt) string_lst;
-              Ptyp_poly(string_lst, loop core_type)
-          | Ptyp_package(longident,lst) ->
-              Ptyp_package(longident, (fun (n,typ) -> (n,loop typ) ) lst)
-          | Ptyp_extension (s, arg) ->
-              Ptyp_extension (s, arg)
-        in
-        {t with ptyp_desc = desc}
-      and loop_row_field  =
-        function
-          | Rtag(label,attrs,flag,lst) ->
-              Rtag(label,attrs,flag, loop lst)
-          | Rinherit t ->
-              Rinherit (loop t)
-      in
-      loop t
-  end
-  module Pat = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {ppat_desc = d; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with ppat_attributes = d.ppat_attributes @ [a]}
-    let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ppat_any
-    let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_var a)
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_alias (a, b))
-    let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constant a)
-    let interval ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_interval (a, b))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_tuple a)
-    let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_construct (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_variant (a, b))
-    let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_record (a, b))
-    let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_array a)
-    let or_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_or (a, b))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constraint (a, b))
-    let type_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_type a)
-    let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_lazy a)
-    let unpack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_unpack a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_open (a, b))
-    let exception_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_exception a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_extension a)
-  end
-  module Exp = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pexp_desc = d; pexp_loc = loc; pexp_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pexp_attributes = d.pexp_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ident a)
-    let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constant a)
-    let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_let (a, b, c))
-    let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_fun (a, b, c, d))
-    let function_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_function a)
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_apply (a, b))
-    let match_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_match (a, b))
-    let try_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_try (a, b))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_tuple a)
-    let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_construct (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_variant (a, b))
-    let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_record (a, b))
-    let field ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_field (a, b))
-    let setfield ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setfield (a, b, c))
-    let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_array a)
-    let ifthenelse ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ifthenelse (a, b, c))
-    let sequence ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_sequence (a, b))
-    let while_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_while (a, b))
-    let for_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_for (a, b, c, d, e))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constraint (a, b))
-    let coerce ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_coerce (a, b, c))
-    let send ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_send (a, b))
-    let new_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_new a)
-    let setinstvar ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setinstvar (a, b))
-    let override ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_override a)
-    let letmodule ?loc ?attrs a b c= mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letmodule (a, b, c))
-    let letexception ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letexception (a, b))
-    let assert_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_assert a)
-    let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_lazy a)
-    let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_poly (a, b))
-    let object_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_object a)
-    let newtype ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_newtype (a, b))
-    let pack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_pack a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_open (a, b, c))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_extension a)
-    let unreachable ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Pexp_unreachable
-    let case lhs ?guard rhs =
-      {
-       pc_lhs = lhs;
-       pc_guard = guard;
-       pc_rhs = rhs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mty = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pmty_desc = d; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pmty_attributes = d.pmty_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_ident a)
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_alias a)
-    let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_signature a)
-    let functor_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_functor (a, b, c))
-    let with_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_with (a, b))
-    let typeof_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_typeof a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_extension a)
-  end
-  module Mod = struct
-  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-    {pmod_desc = d; pmod_loc = loc; pmod_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pmod_attributes = d.pmod_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_ident x)
-    let structure ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_structure x)
-    let functor_ ?loc ?attrs arg arg_ty body =
-      mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body))
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs m1 m2 = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_apply (m1, m2))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs m mty = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_constraint (m, mty))
-    let unpack ?loc ?attrs e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_unpack e)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_extension a)
-  end
-  module Sig = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {psig_desc = d; psig_loc = loc}
-    let value ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_value a)
-    let type_ ?loc rec_flag a = mk ?loc (Psig_type (rec_flag, a))
-    let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_typext a)
-    let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_exception a)
-    let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_module a)
-    let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_recmodule a)
-    let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_modtype a)
-    let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_open a)
-    let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_include a)
-    let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class a)
-    let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class_type a)
-    let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Psig_extension (a, attrs))
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-  end
-  module Str = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {pstr_desc = d; pstr_loc = loc}
-    let eval ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_eval (a, attrs))
-    let value ?loc a b = mk ?loc (Pstr_value (a, b))
-    let primitive ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_primitive a)
-    let type_ ?loc rec_flag a = mk ?loc (Pstr_type (rec_flag, a))
-    let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_typext a)
-    let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_exception a)
-    let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_module a)
-    let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_recmodule a)
-    let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_modtype a)
-    let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_open a)
-    let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class a)
-    let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class_type a)
-    let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_include a)
-    let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_extension (a, attrs))
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-  end
-  module Cl = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {
-       pcl_desc = d;
-       pcl_loc = loc;
-       pcl_attributes = attrs;
-      }
-    let attr d a = {d with pcl_attributes = d.pcl_attributes @ [a]}
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constr (a, b))
-    let structure ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_structure a)
-    let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_fun (a, b, c, d))
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_apply (a, b))
-    let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_let (a, b, c))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constraint (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_extension a)
-  end
-  module Cty = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {
-       pcty_desc = d;
-       pcty_loc = loc;
-       pcty_attributes = attrs;
-      }
-    let attr d a = {d with pcty_attributes = d.pcty_attributes @ [a]}
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_constr (a, b))
-    let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_signature a)
-    let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_arrow (a, b, c))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_extension a)
-  end
-  module Ctf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-             ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
-      {
-       pctf_desc = d;
-       pctf_loc = loc;
-       pctf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_inherit a)
-    let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_val (a, b, c, d))
-    let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_method (a, b, c, d))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_constraint (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_extension a)
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pctf_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-     let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-    let attr d a = {d with pctf_attributes = d.pctf_attributes @ [a]}
-  end
-  module Cf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
-      {
-       pcf_desc = d;
-       pcf_loc = loc;
-       pcf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_inherit (a, b, c))
-    let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_val (a, b, c))
-    let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_method (a, b, c))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_constraint (a, b))
-    let initializer_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_initializer a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_extension a)
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pcf_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-    let virtual_ ct = Cfk_virtual ct
-    let concrete o e = Cfk_concrete (o, e)
-    let attr d a = {d with pcf_attributes = d.pcf_attributes @ [a]}
-  end
-  module Val = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(prim = []) name typ =
-      {
-       pval_name = name;
-       pval_type = typ;
-       pval_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-       pval_loc = loc;
-       pval_prim = prim;
-      }
-  end
-  module Md = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name typ =
-      {
-       pmd_name = name;
-       pmd_type = typ;
-       pmd_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pmd_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mtd = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) ?typ name =
-      {
-       pmtd_name = name;
-       pmtd_type = typ;
-       pmtd_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pmtd_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mb = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name expr =
-      {
-       pmb_name = name;
-       pmb_expr = expr;
-       pmb_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pmb_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Opn = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(override = Fresh) lid =
-      {
-       popen_lid = lid;
-       popen_override = override;
-       popen_loc = loc;
-       popen_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Incl = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs) mexpr =
-      {
-       pincl_mod = mexpr;
-       pincl_loc = loc;
-       pincl_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Vb = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(text = []) pat expr =
-      {
-       pvb_pat = pat;
-       pvb_expr = expr;
-       pvb_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pvb_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Ci = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
-          ?(virt = Concrete) ?(params = []) name expr =
-      {
-       pci_virt = virt;
-       pci_params = params;
-       pci_name = name;
-       pci_expr = expr;
-       pci_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pci_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Type = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
-        ?(params = [])
-        ?(cstrs = [])
-        ?(kind = Ptype_abstract)
-        ?(priv = Public)
-        ?manifest
-        name =
-      {
-       ptype_name = name;
-       ptype_params = params;
-       ptype_cstrs = cstrs;
-       ptype_kind = kind;
-       ptype_private = priv;
-       ptype_manifest = manifest;
-       ptype_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       ptype_loc = loc;
-      }
-    let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
-          ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
-      {
-       pcd_name = name;
-       pcd_args = args;
-       pcd_res = res;
-       pcd_loc = loc;
-       pcd_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
-       }
-    let field ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
-          ?(mut = Immutable) name typ =
-      {
-       pld_name = name;
-       pld_mutable = mut;
-       pld_type = typ;
-       pld_loc = loc;
-       pld_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  (** Type extensions *)
-  module Te = struct
-    let mk ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(params = []) ?(priv = Public) path constructors =
-      {
-       ptyext_path = path;
-       ptyext_params = params;
-       ptyext_constructors = constructors;
-       ptyext_private = priv;
-       ptyext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name kind =
-      {
-       pext_name = name;
-       pext_kind = kind;
-       pext_loc = loc;
-       pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-    let decl ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-               ?(info = empty_info) ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
-      {
-       pext_name = name;
-       pext_kind = Pext_decl(args, res);
-       pext_loc = loc;
-       pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-    let rebind ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name lid =
-      {
-       pext_name = name;
-       pext_kind = Pext_rebind lid;
-       pext_loc = loc;
-       pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-  end
-  module Csig = struct
-    let mk self fields =
-      {
-       pcsig_self = self;
-       pcsig_fields = fields;
-      }
-  end
-  module Cstr = struct
-    let mk self fields =
-      {
-       pcstr_self = self;
-       pcstr_fields = fields;
-      }
-  end
-module Ast_mapper : sig
-  (** The interface of a -ppx rewriter
-    A -ppx rewriter is a program that accepts a serialized abstract syntax
-    tree and outputs another, possibly modified, abstract syntax tree.
-    This module encapsulates the interface between the compiler and
-    the -ppx rewriters, handling such details as the serialization format,
-    forwarding of command-line flags, and storing state.
-    {!mapper} allows to implement AST rewriting using open recursion.
-    A typical mapper would be based on {!default_mapper}, a deep
-    identity mapper, and will fall back on it for handling the syntax it
-    does not modify. For example:
-    {[
-  open Asttypes
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_mapper
-  let test_mapper argv =
-    { default_mapper with
-      expr = fun mapper expr ->
-        match expr with
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_extension ({ txt = "test" }, PStr [])} ->
-          Ast_helper.Exp.constant (Const_int 42)
-        | other -> default_mapper.expr mapper other; }
-  let () =
-    register "ppx_test" test_mapper]}
-    This -ppx rewriter, which replaces [[%test]] in expressions with
-    the constant [42], can be compiled using
-    [ocamlc -o ppx_test -I +compiler-libs ocamlcommon.cma].
-    *)
-  open Parsetree
-  (** {2 A generic Parsetree mapper} *)
-  type mapper (*IF_CURRENT = Ast_mapper.mapper*) = {
-    attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
-    attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
-    case: mapper -> case -> case;
-    cases: mapper -> case list -> case list;
-    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
-    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
-    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
-    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
-    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
-    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
-    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
-    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
-                            -> class_type_declaration;
-    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
-    constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
-                             -> constructor_declaration;
-    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
-    extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
-    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
-                           -> extension_constructor;
-    include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
-    include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
-    label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
-    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
-    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
-    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
-    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
-    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
-    module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
-                             -> module_type_declaration;
-    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
-    pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
-    payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
-    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
-    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
-    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
-    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
-    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
-    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
-    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
-    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
-    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
-    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
-    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
-  }
-  (** A mapper record implements one "method" per syntactic category,
-      using an open recursion style: each method takes as its first
-      argument the mapper to be applied to children in the syntax
-      tree. *)
-  val default_mapper: mapper
-  (** A default mapper, which implements a "deep identity" mapping. *)
-  (** {2 Convenience functions to write mappers} *)
-  val map_opt: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
-  val extension_of_error: Locations.location_error -> extension
-  (** Encode an error into an 'ocaml.error' extension node which can be
-      inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
-      responsible for reporting the error. *)
-  val attribute_of_warning: Location.t -> string -> attribute
-  (** Encode a warning message into an 'ocaml.ppwarning' attribute which can be
-      inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
-      responsible for reporting the warning. *)
-  include Locations.Helpers_intf
-end = struct
-  (* A generic Parsetree mapping class *)
-  (*
-  [@@@ocaml.warning "+9"]
-    (* Ensure that record patterns don't miss any field. *)
-  *)
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_helper
-  open Location
-  type mapper (*IF_CURRENT = Ast_mapper.mapper*) = {
-    attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
-    attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
-    case: mapper -> case -> case;
-    cases: mapper -> case list -> case list;
-    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
-    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
-    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
-    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
-    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
-    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
-    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
-    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
-                            -> class_type_declaration;
-    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
-    constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
-                             -> constructor_declaration;
-    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
-    extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
-    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
-                           -> extension_constructor;
-    include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
-    include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
-    label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
-    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
-    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
-    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
-    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
-    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
-    module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
-                             -> module_type_declaration;
-    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
-    pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
-    payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
-    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
-    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
-    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
-    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
-    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
-    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
-    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
-    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
-    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
-    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
-    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
-  }
-  let map_fst f (x, y) = (f x, y)
-  let map_snd f (x, y) = (x, f y)
-  let map_tuple f1 f2 (x, y) = (f1 x, f2 y)
-  let map_tuple3 f1 f2 f3 (x, y, z) = (f1 x, f2 y, f3 z)
-  let map_opt f = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
-  let map_loc sub {loc; txt} = {loc = sub.location sub loc; txt}
-  module T = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the core language *)
-    let row_field sub = function
-      | Rtag (l, attrs, b, tl) ->
-          Rtag (l, sub.attributes sub attrs, b, (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Rinherit t -> Rinherit (sub.typ sub t)
-    let map sub {ptyp_desc = desc; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Typ in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Ptyp_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-      | Ptyp_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs s
-      | Ptyp_arrow (lab, t1, t2) ->
-          arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Ptyp_tuple tyl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.typ sub) tyl)
-      | Ptyp_constr (lid, tl) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Ptyp_object (l, o) ->
-          let f (s, a, t) =
-            (map_loc sub s, sub.attributes sub a, sub.typ sub t) in
-          object_ ~loc ~attrs ( f l) o
-      | Ptyp_class (lid, tl) ->
-          class_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Ptyp_alias (t, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t) s
-      | Ptyp_variant (rl, b, ll) ->
-          variant ~loc ~attrs ( (row_field sub) rl) b ll
-      | Ptyp_poly (sl, t) -> poly ~loc ~attrs
-                               ( (map_loc sub) sl) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Ptyp_package (lid, l) ->
-          package ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-            ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.typ sub)) l)
-      | Ptyp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_type_declaration sub
-        {ptype_name; ptype_params; ptype_cstrs;
-         ptype_kind;
-         ptype_private;
-         ptype_manifest;
-         ptype_attributes;
-         ptype_loc} =
- (map_loc sub ptype_name)
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptype_params)
-        ~priv:ptype_private
-        ~cstrs:(
-                  (map_tuple3 (sub.typ sub) (sub.typ sub) (sub.location sub))
-                  ptype_cstrs)
-        ~kind:(sub.type_kind sub ptype_kind)
-        ?manifest:(map_opt (sub.typ sub) ptype_manifest)
-        ~loc:(sub.location sub ptype_loc)
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub ptype_attributes)
-    let map_type_kind sub = function
-      | Ptype_abstract -> Ptype_abstract
-      | Ptype_variant l ->
-          Ptype_variant ( (sub.constructor_declaration sub) l)
-      | Ptype_record l -> Ptype_record ( (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
-      | Ptype_open -> Ptype_open
-    let map_constructor_arguments sub = function
-      | Pcstr_tuple l -> Pcstr_tuple ( (sub.typ sub) l)
-      | Pcstr_record l ->
-          Pcstr_record ( (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
-    let map_type_extension sub
-        {ptyext_path; ptyext_params;
-         ptyext_constructors;
-         ptyext_private;
-         ptyext_attributes} =
-        (map_loc sub ptyext_path)
-        ( (sub.extension_constructor sub) ptyext_constructors)
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptyext_params)
-        ~priv:ptyext_private
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub ptyext_attributes)
-    let map_extension_constructor_kind sub = function
-        Pext_decl(ctl, cto) ->
-          Pext_decl(map_constructor_arguments sub ctl, map_opt (sub.typ sub) cto)
-      | Pext_rebind li ->
-          Pext_rebind (map_loc sub li)
-    let map_extension_constructor sub
-        {pext_name;
-         pext_kind;
-         pext_loc;
-         pext_attributes} =
-      Te.constructor
-        (map_loc sub pext_name)
-        (map_extension_constructor_kind sub pext_kind)
-        ~loc:(sub.location sub pext_loc)
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub pext_attributes)
-  end
-  module CT = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-    let map sub {pcty_loc = loc; pcty_desc = desc; pcty_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cty in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcty_constr (lid, tys) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tys)
-      | Pcty_signature x -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_signature sub x)
-      | Pcty_arrow (lab, t, ct) ->
-          arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pcty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_field sub {pctf_desc = desc; pctf_loc = loc; pctf_attributes = attrs}
-      =
-      let open Ctf in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pctf_inherit ct -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pctf_val (s, m, v, t) ->
-          val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m v (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pctf_method (s, p, v, t) ->
-          method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p v (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pctf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pctf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-      | Pctf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_signature sub {pcsig_self; pcsig_fields} =
-        (sub.typ sub pcsig_self)
-        ( (sub.class_type_field sub) pcsig_fields)
-  end
-  module MT = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-    let map sub {pmty_desc = desc; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Mty in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pmty_ident s -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pmty_alias s -> alias ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pmty_signature sg -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.signature sub sg)
-      | Pmty_functor (s, mt1, mt2) ->
-          functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-            (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.may_map (sub.module_type sub) mt1)
-            (sub.module_type sub mt2)
-      | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
-          with_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_type sub mt)
-            ( (sub.with_constraint sub) l)
-      | Pmty_typeof me -> typeof_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
-      | Pmty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_with_constraint sub = function
-      | Pwith_type (lid, d) ->
-          Pwith_type (map_loc sub lid, sub.type_declaration sub d)
-      | Pwith_module (lid, lid2) ->
-          Pwith_module (map_loc sub lid, map_loc sub lid2)
-      | Pwith_typesubst d -> Pwith_typesubst (sub.type_declaration sub d)
-      | Pwith_modsubst (s, lid) ->
-          Pwith_modsubst (map_loc sub s, map_loc sub lid)
-    let map_signature_item sub {psig_desc = desc; psig_loc = loc} =
-      let open Sig in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      match desc with
-      | Psig_value vd -> value ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
-      | Psig_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
-      | Psig_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.extension_constructor sub ed)
-      | Psig_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_declaration sub x)
-      | Psig_recmodule l ->
-          rec_module ~loc ( (sub.module_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
-      | Psig_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_description sub x)
-      | Psig_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_description sub x)
-      | Psig_class l -> class_ ~loc ( (sub.class_description sub) l)
-      | Psig_class_type l ->
-          class_type ~loc ( (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_extension (x, attrs) ->
-          extension ~loc (sub.extension sub x) ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub attrs)
-      | Psig_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-  end
-  module M = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-    let map sub {pmod_loc = loc; pmod_desc = desc; pmod_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Mod in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pmod_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-      | Pmod_structure str -> structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.structure sub str)
-      | Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body) ->
-          functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub arg)
-            (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.may_map (sub.module_type sub) arg_ty)
-            (sub.module_expr sub body)
-      | Pmod_apply (m1, m2) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m1) (sub.module_expr sub m2)
-      | Pmod_constraint (m, mty) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m)
-                      (sub.module_type sub mty)
-      | Pmod_unpack e -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pmod_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_structure_item sub {pstr_loc = loc; pstr_desc = desc} =
-      let open Str in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      match desc with
-      | Pstr_eval (x, attrs) ->
-          eval ~loc ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub attrs) (sub.expr sub x)
-      | Pstr_value (r, vbs) -> value ~loc r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-      | Pstr_primitive vd -> primitive ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
-      | Pstr_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
-      | Pstr_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.extension_constructor sub ed)
-      | Pstr_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_binding sub x)
-      | Pstr_recmodule l -> rec_module ~loc ( (sub.module_binding sub) l)
-      | Pstr_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_description sub x)
-      | Pstr_class l -> class_ ~loc ( (sub.class_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_class_type l ->
-          class_type ~loc ( (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_extension (x, attrs) ->
-          extension ~loc (sub.extension sub x) ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub attrs)
-      | Pstr_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-  end
-  module E = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the core language *)
-    let map sub {pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = desc; pexp_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Exp in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pexp_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-      | Pexp_constant x -> constant ~loc ~attrs x
-      | Pexp_let (r, vbs, e) ->
-          let_ ~loc ~attrs r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_fun (lab, def, p, e) ->
-          fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub.expr sub) def) (sub.pat sub p)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_function pel -> function_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_apply (e, l) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) ( (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
-      | Pexp_match (e, pel) ->
-          match_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_try (e, pel) -> try_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_tuple el -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.expr sub) el)
-      | Pexp_construct (lid, arg) ->
-          construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (map_opt (sub.expr sub) arg)
-      | Pexp_variant (lab, eo) ->
-          variant ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
-      | Pexp_record (l, eo) ->
-          record ~loc ~attrs ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) l)
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
-      | Pexp_field (e, lid) ->
-          field ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_loc sub lid)
-      | Pexp_setfield (e1, lid, e2) ->
-          setfield ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (map_loc sub lid)
-            (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_array el -> array ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.expr sub) el)
-      | Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, e3) ->
-          ifthenelse ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e3)
-      | Pexp_sequence (e1, e2) ->
-          sequence ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_while (e1, e2) ->
-          while_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_for (p, e1, e2, d, e3) ->
-          for_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2) d
-            (sub.expr sub e3)
-      | Pexp_coerce (e, t1, t2) ->
-          coerce ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t1)
-            (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pexp_constraint (e, t) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pexp_send (e, s) ->
-          send ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pexp_new lid -> new_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-      | Pexp_setinstvar (s, e) ->
-          setinstvar ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_override sel ->
-          override ~loc ~attrs
-            ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) sel)
-      | Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e) ->
-          letmodule ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.module_expr sub me)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_letexception (cd, e) ->
-          letexception ~loc ~attrs
-            (sub.extension_constructor sub cd)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_assert e -> assert_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_lazy e -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_poly (e, t) ->
-          poly ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t)
-      | Pexp_object cls -> object_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub cls)
-      | Pexp_newtype (s, e) ->
-          newtype ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_pack me -> pack ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
-      | Pexp_open (ovf, lid, e) ->
-          open_ ~loc ~attrs ovf (map_loc sub lid) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pexp_unreachable -> unreachable ~loc ~attrs ()
-  end
-  module P = struct
-    (* Patterns *)
-    let map sub {ppat_desc = desc; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Pat in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Ppat_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-      | Ppat_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_alias (p, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_constant c -> constant ~loc ~attrs c
-      | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) -> interval ~loc ~attrs c1 c2
-      | Ppat_tuple pl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.pat sub) pl)
-      | Ppat_construct (l, p) ->
-          construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub l) (map_opt (sub.pat sub) p)
-      | Ppat_variant (l, p) -> variant ~loc ~attrs l (map_opt (sub.pat sub) p)
-      | Ppat_record (lpl, cf) ->
-          record ~loc ~attrs
-                 ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.pat sub)) lpl) cf
-      | Ppat_array pl -> array ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.pat sub) pl)
-      | Ppat_or (p1, p2) -> or_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p1) (sub.pat sub p2)
-      | Ppat_constraint (p, t) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Ppat_type s -> type_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_lazy p -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_unpack s -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_open (lid,p) -> open_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_exception p -> exception_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-  end
-  module CE = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-    let map sub {pcl_loc = loc; pcl_desc = desc; pcl_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cl in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcl_constr (lid, tys) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tys)
-      | Pcl_structure s ->
-          structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub s)
-      | Pcl_fun (lab, e, p, ce) ->
-          fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e)
-            (sub.pat sub p)
-            (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-      | Pcl_apply (ce, l) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-            ( (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
-      | Pcl_let (r, vbs, ce) ->
-          let_ ~loc ~attrs r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-            (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-      | Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pcl_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_kind sub = function
-      | Cfk_concrete (o, e) -> Cfk_concrete (o, sub.expr sub e)
-      | Cfk_virtual t -> Cfk_virtual (sub.typ sub t)
-    let map_field sub {pcf_desc = desc; pcf_loc = loc; pcf_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cf in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcf_inherit (o, ce, s) ->
-          inherit_ ~loc ~attrs o (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-            (map_opt (map_loc sub) s)
-      | Pcf_val (s, m, k) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m (map_kind sub k)
-      | Pcf_method (s, p, k) ->
-          method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p (map_kind sub k)
-      | Pcf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pcf_initializer e -> initializer_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pcf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-      | Pcf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_structure sub {pcstr_self; pcstr_fields} =
-      {
-        pcstr_self = sub.pat sub pcstr_self;
-        pcstr_fields = (sub.class_field sub) pcstr_fields;
-      }
-    let class_infos sub f {pci_virt; pci_params = pl; pci_name; pci_expr;
-                           pci_loc; pci_attributes} =
-       ~virt:pci_virt
-       ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) pl)
-        (map_loc sub pci_name)
-        (f pci_expr)
-        ~loc:(sub.location sub pci_loc)
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub pci_attributes)
-  end
-  (* Now, a generic AST mapper, to be extended to cover all kinds and
-     cases of the OCaml grammar.  The default behavior of the mapper is
-     the identity. *)
-  let default_mapper =
-    {
-      structure = (fun this l -> (this.structure_item this) l);
-      structure_item = M.map_structure_item;
-      module_expr =;
-      signature = (fun this l -> (this.signature_item this) l);
-      signature_item = MT.map_signature_item;
-      module_type =;
-      with_constraint = MT.map_with_constraint;
-      class_declaration =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_expr this));
-      class_expr =;
-      class_field = CE.map_field;
-      class_structure = CE.map_structure;
-      class_type =;
-      class_type_field = CT.map_field;
-      class_signature = CT.map_signature;
-      class_type_declaration =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
-      class_description =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
-      type_declaration = T.map_type_declaration;
-      type_kind = T.map_type_kind;
-      typ =;
-      type_extension = T.map_type_extension;
-      extension_constructor = T.map_extension_constructor;
-      value_description =
-        (fun this {pval_name; pval_type; pval_prim; pval_loc;
-                   pval_attributes} ->
-            (map_loc this pval_name)
-            (this.typ this pval_type)
-            ~attrs:(this.attributes this pval_attributes)
-            ~loc:(this.location this pval_loc)
-            ~prim:pval_prim
-        );
-      pat =;
-      expr =;
-      module_declaration =
-        (fun this {pmd_name; pmd_type; pmd_attributes; pmd_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pmd_name)
-             (this.module_type this pmd_type)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmd_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmd_loc)
-        );
-      module_type_declaration =
-        (fun this {pmtd_name; pmtd_type; pmtd_attributes; pmtd_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pmtd_name)
-             ?typ:(map_opt (this.module_type this) pmtd_type)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmtd_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmtd_loc)
-        );
-      module_binding =
-        (fun this {pmb_name; pmb_expr; pmb_attributes; pmb_loc} ->
-  (map_loc this pmb_name) (this.module_expr this pmb_expr)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmb_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmb_loc)
-        );
-      open_description =
-        (fun this {popen_lid; popen_override; popen_attributes; popen_loc} ->
-  (map_loc this popen_lid)
-             ~override:popen_override
-             ~loc:(this.location this popen_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this popen_attributes)
-        );
-      include_description =
-        (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
-  (this.module_type this pincl_mod)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
-        );
-      include_declaration =
-        (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
-  (this.module_expr this pincl_mod)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
-        );
-      value_binding =
-        (fun this {pvb_pat; pvb_expr; pvb_attributes; pvb_loc} ->
-             (this.pat this pvb_pat)
-             (this.expr this pvb_expr)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pvb_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pvb_attributes)
-        );
-      constructor_declaration =
-        (fun this {pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_res; pcd_loc; pcd_attributes} ->
-          Type.constructor
-            (map_loc this pcd_name)
-            ~args:(T.map_constructor_arguments this pcd_args)
-            ?res:(map_opt (this.typ this) pcd_res)
-            ~loc:(this.location this pcd_loc)
-            ~attrs:(this.attributes this pcd_attributes)
-        );
-      label_declaration =
-        (fun this {pld_name; pld_type; pld_loc; pld_mutable; pld_attributes} ->
-           Type.field
-             (map_loc this pld_name)
-             (this.typ this pld_type)
-             ~mut:pld_mutable
-             ~loc:(this.location this pld_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pld_attributes)
-        );
-      cases = (fun this l -> ( this) l);
-      case =
-        (fun this {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} ->
-           {
-             pc_lhs = this.pat this pc_lhs;
-             pc_guard = map_opt (this.expr this) pc_guard;
-             pc_rhs = this.expr this pc_rhs;
-           }
-        );
-      location = (fun _this l -> l);
-      extension = (fun this (s, e) -> (map_loc this s, this.payload this e));
-      attribute = (fun this (s, e) -> (map_loc this s, this.payload this e));
-      attributes = (fun this l -> (this.attribute this) l);
-      payload =
-        (fun this -> function
-           | PStr x -> PStr (this.structure this x)
-           | PSig x -> PSig (this.signature this x)
-           | PTyp x -> PTyp (this.typ this x)
-           | PPat (x, g) -> PPat (this.pat this x, map_opt (this.expr this) g)
-        );
-    }
-  let extension_of_error (error : Locations.location_error) : extension =
-    Locations.extension_of_error
-      ~mk_pstr:(function
-        | x :: l -> PStr (x :: x :: l)
-        | l -> PStr l)
-      ~mk_extension:(fun x -> Str.extension x)
-      ~mk_string_constant:(fun x -> Str.eval (Exp.constant (Pconst_string (x, None))))
-      error
-  let attribute_of_warning loc s =
-    { loc; txt = "ocaml.ppwarning" },
-    PStr ([Str.eval ~loc (Exp.constant (Pconst_string (s, None)))])
-  include Locations.Helpers_impl
-module Outcometree = struct
-  (* Module [Outcometree]: results displayed by the toplevel *)
-  (* These types represent messages that the toplevel displays as normal
-     results or errors. The real displaying is customisable using the hooks:
-        [Toploop.print_out_value]
-        [Toploop.print_out_type]
-        [Toploop.print_out_sig_item]
-        [Toploop.print_out_phrase] *)
-  type out_ident (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_ident *) =
-    | Oide_apply of out_ident * out_ident
-    | Oide_dot of out_ident * string
-    | Oide_ident of string
-  type out_attribute (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_attribute *) =
-    { oattr_name: string }
-  type out_value (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_value *) =
-    | Oval_array of out_value list
-    | Oval_char of char
-    | Oval_constr of out_ident * out_value list
-    | Oval_ellipsis
-    | Oval_float of float
-    | Oval_int of int
-    | Oval_int32 of int32
-    | Oval_int64 of int64
-    | Oval_nativeint of nativeint
-    | Oval_list of out_value list
-    | Oval_printer of (Format.formatter -> unit)
-    | Oval_record of (out_ident * out_value) list
-    | Oval_string of string
-    | Oval_stuff of string
-    | Oval_tuple of out_value list
-    | Oval_variant of string * out_value option
-  type out_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type *) =
-    | Otyp_abstract
-    | Otyp_open
-    | Otyp_alias of out_type * string
-    | Otyp_arrow of string * out_type * out_type
-    | Otyp_class of bool * out_ident * out_type list
-    | Otyp_constr of out_ident * out_type list
-    | Otyp_manifest of out_type * out_type
-    | Otyp_object of (string * out_type) list * bool option
-    | Otyp_record of (string * bool * out_type) list
-    | Otyp_stuff of string
-    | Otyp_sum of (string * out_type list * out_type option) list
-    | Otyp_tuple of out_type list
-    | Otyp_var of bool * string
-    | Otyp_variant of
-        bool * out_variant * bool * (string list) option
-    | Otyp_poly of string list * out_type
-    | Otyp_module of string * string list * out_type list
-    | Otyp_attribute of out_type * out_attribute
-  and out_variant (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_variant *) =
-    | Ovar_fields of (string * bool * out_type list) list
-    | Ovar_typ of out_type
-  type out_class_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_class_type *) =
-    | Octy_constr of out_ident * out_type list
-    | Octy_arrow of string * out_type * out_class_type
-    | Octy_signature of out_type option * out_class_sig_item list
-  and out_class_sig_item (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_class_sig_item *) =
-    | Ocsg_constraint of out_type * out_type
-    | Ocsg_method of string * bool * bool * out_type
-    | Ocsg_value of string * bool * bool * out_type
-  type out_module_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_module_type *) =
-    | Omty_abstract
-    | Omty_functor of string * out_module_type option * out_module_type
-    | Omty_ident of out_ident
-    | Omty_signature of out_sig_item list
-    | Omty_alias of out_ident
-  and out_sig_item (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_sig_item *) =
-    | Osig_class of
-        bool * string * (string * (bool * bool)) list * out_class_type *
-          out_rec_status
-    | Osig_class_type of
-        bool * string * (string * (bool * bool)) list * out_class_type *
-          out_rec_status
-    | Osig_typext of out_extension_constructor * out_ext_status
-    | Osig_modtype of string * out_module_type
-    | Osig_module of string * out_module_type * out_rec_status
-    | Osig_type of out_type_decl * out_rec_status
-    | Osig_value of out_val_decl
-    | Osig_ellipsis
-  and out_type_decl (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type_decl *) =
-    { otype_name: string;
-      otype_params: (string * (bool * bool)) list;
-      otype_type: out_type;
-      otype_private: Asttypes.private_flag;
-      otype_immediate: bool;
-      otype_unboxed: bool;
-      otype_cstrs: (out_type * out_type) list }
-  and out_extension_constructor (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_extension_constructor *) =
-    { oext_name: string;
-      oext_type_name: string;
-      oext_type_params: string list;
-      oext_args: out_type list;
-      oext_ret_type: out_type option;
-      oext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
-  and out_type_extension (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type_extension *) =
-    { otyext_name: string;
-      otyext_params: string list;
-      otyext_constructors: (string * out_type list * out_type option) list;
-      otyext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
-  and out_val_decl (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_val_decl *) =
-    { oval_name: string;
-      oval_type: out_type;
-      oval_prims: string list;
-      oval_attributes: out_attribute list }
-  and out_rec_status (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_rec_status *) =
-    | Orec_not
-    | Orec_first
-    | Orec_next
-  and out_ext_status (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_ext_status *) =
-    | Oext_first
-    | Oext_next
-    | Oext_exception
-  type out_phrase (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_phrase *) =
-    | Ophr_eval of out_value * out_type
-    | Ophr_signature of (out_sig_item * out_value option) list
-    | Ophr_exception of (exn * out_value)
-module Config = struct
-  let ast_impl_magic_number = "Caml1999M020"
-  let ast_intf_magic_number = "Caml1999N018"
-let map_signature mapper = mapper.Ast_mapper.signature mapper
-let map_structure mapper = mapper.Ast_mapper.structure mapper
-let shallow_identity =
-  let id _ x = x in
-  {
-    Ast_mapper.
-    structure               = id;
-    structure_item          = id;
-    module_expr             = id;
-    signature               = id;
-    signature_item          = id;
-    module_type             = id;
-    with_constraint         = id;
-    class_declaration       = id;
-    class_expr              = id;
-    class_field             = id;
-    class_structure         = id;
-    class_type              = id;
-    class_type_field        = id;
-    class_signature         = id;
-    class_type_declaration  = id;
-    class_description       = id;
-    type_declaration        = id;
-    type_kind               = id;
-    typ                     = id;
-    type_extension          = id;
-    extension_constructor   = id;
-    value_description       = id;
-    pat                     = id;
-    expr                    = id;
-    module_declaration      = id;
-    module_type_declaration = id;
-    module_binding          = id;
-    open_description        = id;
-    include_description     = id;
-    include_declaration     = id;
-    value_binding           = id;
-    constructor_declaration = id;
-    label_declaration       = id;
-    cases                   = id;
-    case                    = id;
-    location                = id;
-    extension               = id;
-    attribute               = id;
-    attributes              = id;
-    payload                 = id;
-  }
-let failing_mapper =
-  let fail _ _ =
-    invalid_arg "failing_mapper: this mapper function should never get called"
-  in
-  {
-    Ast_mapper.
-    structure               = fail;
-    structure_item          = fail;
-    module_expr             = fail;
-    signature               = fail;
-    signature_item          = fail;
-    module_type             = fail;
-    with_constraint         = fail;
-    class_declaration       = fail;
-    class_expr              = fail;
-    class_field             = fail;
-    class_structure         = fail;
-    class_type              = fail;
-    class_type_field        = fail;
-    class_signature         = fail;
-    class_type_declaration  = fail;
-    class_description       = fail;
-    type_declaration        = fail;
-    type_kind               = fail;
-    typ                     = fail;
-    type_extension          = fail;
-    extension_constructor   = fail;
-    value_description       = fail;
-    pat                     = fail;
-    expr                    = fail;
-    module_declaration      = fail;
-    module_type_declaration = fail;
-    module_binding          = fail;
-    open_description        = fail;
-    include_description     = fail;
-    include_declaration     = fail;
-    value_binding           = fail;
-    constructor_declaration = fail;
-    label_declaration       = fail;
-    cases                   = fail;
-    case                    = fail;
-    location                = fail;
-    extension               = fail;
-    attribute               = fail;
-    attributes              = fail;
-    payload                 = fail;
-  }
-let make_top_mapper ~signature ~structure =
-  {failing_mapper with Ast_mapper.
-                    signature = (fun _ x -> signature x);
-                    structure = (fun _ x -> structure x) }
-module Ast_406
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*            Jérémie Dimino and Leo White, Jane Street Europe            *)
-(*            Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt            *)
-(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-(*       Daniel de Rauglaudre, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt         *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* Ast ported on Mon Oct  2 11:25:57 CEST 2017
-   OCaml trunk was:
-     commit 65940a2c6be43c42f75c6c6b255974f7e6de03ca (HEAD -> 4.06, origin/4.06)
-     Author: Christophe Raffalli <>
-     Date:   Sun Oct 1 18:27:07 2017 +0200
-         fixed position of last optional last semicolumn in sequence (#1387)
-module Location = Location
-module Longident = Longident
-module Asttypes = struct
-  (** Auxiliary AST types used by parsetree and typedtree. *)
-  type constant              = Asttypes.constant    =
-      Const_int of int
-    | Const_char of char
-    | Const_string of string * string option
-    | Const_float of string
-    | Const_int32 of int32
-    | Const_int64 of int64
-    | Const_nativeint of nativeint
-  type rec_flag              = Asttypes.rec_flag    = Nonrecursive | Recursive
-  type direction_flag              = Asttypes.direction_flag    = Upto | Downto
-  (* Order matters, used in polymorphic comparison *)
-  type private_flag              = Asttypes.private_flag    = Private | Public
-  type mutable_flag              = Asttypes.mutable_flag    = Immutable | Mutable
-  type virtual_flag              = Asttypes.virtual_flag    = Virtual | Concrete
-  type override_flag              = Asttypes.override_flag    = Override | Fresh
-  type closed_flag              = Asttypes.closed_flag    = Closed | Open
-  type label = string
-  type arg_label              = Asttypes.arg_label    =
-      Nolabel
-    | Labelled of string (*  label:T -> ... *)
-    | Optional of string (* ?label:T -> ... *)
-  type 'a loc = 'a Location.loc = {
-    txt : 'a;
-    loc : Location.t;
-  }
-  type variance              = Asttypes.variance    =
-    | Covariant
-    | Contravariant
-    | Invariant
-module Parsetree = struct
-  (** Abstract syntax tree produced by parsing *)
-  open Asttypes
-  type constant              = Parsetree.constant    =
-      Pconst_integer of string * char option
-    (* 3 3l 3L 3n
-       Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser.
-       Suffixes except 'l', 'L' and 'n' are rejected by the typechecker
-    *)
-    | Pconst_char of char
-    (* 'c' *)
-    | Pconst_string of string * string option
-    (* "constant"
-       {delim|other constant|delim}
-    *)
-    | Pconst_float of string * char option
-    (* 3.4 2e5 1.4e-4
-       Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser.
-       Suffixes are rejected by the typechecker.
-    *)
-  (** {2 Extension points} *)
-  type attribute = string loc * payload
-         (* [@id ARG]
-            [@@id ARG]
-            Metadata containers passed around within the AST.
-            The compiler ignores unknown attributes.
-         *)
-  and extension = string loc * payload
-        (* [%id ARG]
-           [%%id ARG]
-           Sub-language placeholder -- rejected by the typechecker.
-        *)
-  and attributes = attribute list
-  and payload              = Parsetree.payload    =
-    | PStr of structure
-    | PSig of signature (* : SIG *)
-    | PTyp of core_type  (* : T *)
-    | PPat of pattern * expression option  (* ? P  or  ? P when E *)
-  (** {2 Core language} *)
-  (* Type expressions *)
-  and core_type              = Parsetree.core_type    =
-      {
-       ptyp_desc: core_type_desc;
-       ptyp_loc: Location.t;
-       ptyp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and core_type_desc              = Parsetree.core_type_desc    =
-    | Ptyp_any
-          (*  _ *)
-    | Ptyp_var of string
-          (* 'a *)
-    | Ptyp_arrow of arg_label * core_type * core_type
-          (* T1 -> T2       Simple
-             ~l:T1 -> T2    Labelled
-             ?l:T1 -> T2    Optional
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_tuple of core_type list
-          (* T1 * ... * Tn
-             Invariant: n >= 2
-          *)
-    | Ptyp_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* tconstr
-             T tconstr
-             (T1, ..., Tn) tconstr
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_object of object_field list * closed_flag
-          (* < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn >     (flag = Closed)
-             < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn; .. > (flag = Open)
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_class of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* #tconstr
-             T #tconstr
-             (T1, ..., Tn) #tconstr
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_alias of core_type * string
-          (* T as 'a *)
-    | Ptyp_variant of row_field list * closed_flag * label list option
-          (* [ `A|`B ]         (flag = Closed; labels = None)
-             [> `A|`B ]        (flag = Open;   labels = None)
-             [< `A|`B ]        (flag = Closed; labels = Some [])
-             [< `A|`B > `X `Y ](flag = Closed; labels = Some ["X";"Y"])
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_poly of string loc list * core_type
-          (* 'a1 ... 'an. T
-             Can only appear in the following context:
-             - As the core_type of a Ppat_constraint node corresponding
-               to a constraint on a let-binding: let x : 'a1 ... 'an. T
-               = e ...
-             - Under Cfk_virtual for methods (not values).
-             - As the core_type of a Pctf_method node.
-             - As the core_type of a Pexp_poly node.
-             - As the pld_type field of a label_declaration.
-             - As a core_type of a Ptyp_object node.
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_package of package_type
-          (* (module S) *)
-    | Ptyp_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and package_type = Longident.t loc * (Longident.t loc * core_type) list
-        (*
-          (module S)
-          (module S with type t1 = T1 and ... and tn = Tn)
-         *)
-  and row_field              = Parsetree.row_field    =
-    | Rtag of label loc * attributes * bool * core_type list
-          (* [`A]                   ( true,  [] )
-             [`A of T]              ( false, [T] )
-             [`A of T1 & .. & Tn]   ( false, [T1;...Tn] )
-             [`A of & T1 & .. & Tn] ( true,  [T1;...Tn] )
-            - The 2nd field is true if the tag contains a
-              constant (empty) constructor.
-            - '&' occurs when several types are used for the same constructor
-              (see 4.2 in the manual)
-            - TODO: switch to a record representation, and keep location
-          *)
-    | Rinherit of core_type
-          (* [ T ] *)
-  and object_field              = Parsetree.object_field    =
-    | Otag of label loc * attributes * core_type
-    | Oinherit of core_type
-  (* Patterns *)
-  and pattern              = Parsetree.pattern    =
-      {
-       ppat_desc: pattern_desc;
-       ppat_loc: Location.t;
-       ppat_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and pattern_desc              = Parsetree.pattern_desc    =
-    | Ppat_any
-          (* _ *)
-    | Ppat_var of string loc
-          (* x *)
-    | Ppat_alias of pattern * string loc
-          (* P as 'a *)
-    | Ppat_constant of constant
-          (* 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
-    | Ppat_interval of constant * constant
-          (* 'a'..'z'
-             Other forms of interval are recognized by the parser
-             but rejected by the type-checker. *)
-    | Ppat_tuple of pattern list
-          (* (P1, ..., Pn)
-             Invariant: n >= 2
-          *)
-    | Ppat_construct of Longident.t loc * pattern option
-          (* C                None
-             C P              Some P
-             C (P1, ..., Pn)  Some (Ppat_tuple [P1; ...; Pn])
-           *)
-    | Ppat_variant of label * pattern option
-          (* `A             (None)
-             `A P           (Some P)
-           *)
-    | Ppat_record of (Longident.t loc * pattern) list * closed_flag
-          (* { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }     (flag = Closed)
-             { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn; _}   (flag = Open)
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Ppat_array of pattern list
-          (* [| P1; ...; Pn |] *)
-    | Ppat_or of pattern * pattern
-          (* P1 | P2 *)
-    | Ppat_constraint of pattern * core_type
-          (* (P : T) *)
-    | Ppat_type of Longident.t loc
-          (* #tconst *)
-    | Ppat_lazy of pattern
-          (* lazy P *)
-    | Ppat_unpack of string loc
-          (* (module P)
-             Note: (module P : S) is represented as
-             Ppat_constraint(Ppat_unpack, Ptyp_package)
-           *)
-    | Ppat_exception of pattern
-          (* exception P *)
-    | Ppat_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-    | Ppat_open of Longident.t loc * pattern
-          (* M.(P) *)
-  (* Value expressions *)
-  and expression              = Parsetree.expression    =
-      {
-       pexp_desc: expression_desc;
-       pexp_loc: Location.t;
-       pexp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and expression_desc              = Parsetree.expression_desc    =
-    | Pexp_ident of Longident.t loc
-          (* x
-             M.x
-           *)
-    | Pexp_constant of constant
-          (* 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
-    | Pexp_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * expression
-          (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E       (flag = Nonrecursive)
-             let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E   (flag = Recursive)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_function of case list
-          (* function P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * expression
-          (* fun P -> E1                          (Simple, None)
-             fun ~l:P -> E1                       (Labelled l, None)
-             fun ?l:P -> E1                       (Optional l, None)
-             fun ?l:(P = E0) -> E1                (Optional l, Some E0)
-             Notes:
-             - If E0 is provided, only Optional is allowed.
-             - "fun P1 P2 .. Pn -> E1" is represented as nested Pexp_fun.
-             - "let f P = E" is represented using Pexp_fun.
-           *)
-    | Pexp_apply of expression * (arg_label * expression) list
-          (* E0 ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
-             li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?'
-             (optional argument).
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Pexp_match of expression * case list
-          (* match E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_try of expression * case list
-          (* try E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_tuple of expression list
-          (* (E1, ..., En)
-             Invariant: n >= 2
-          *)
-    | Pexp_construct of Longident.t loc * expression option
-          (* C                None
-             C E              Some E
-             C (E1, ..., En)  Some (Pexp_tuple[E1;...;En])
-          *)
-    | Pexp_variant of label * expression option
-          (* `A             (None)
-             `A E           (Some E)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_record of (Longident.t loc * expression) list * expression option
-          (* { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }     (None)
-             { E0 with l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }   (Some E0)
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Pexp_field of expression * Longident.t loc
-          (* E.l *)
-    | Pexp_setfield of expression * Longident.t loc * expression
-          (* E1.l <- E2 *)
-    | Pexp_array of expression list
-          (* [| E1; ...; En |] *)
-    | Pexp_ifthenelse of expression * expression * expression option
-          (* if E1 then E2 else E3 *)
-    | Pexp_sequence of expression * expression
-          (* E1; E2 *)
-    | Pexp_while of expression * expression
-          (* while E1 do E2 done *)
-    | Pexp_for of
-        pattern *  expression * expression * direction_flag * expression
-          (* for i = E1 to E2 do E3 done      (flag = Upto)
-             for i = E1 downto E2 do E3 done  (flag = Downto)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_constraint of expression * core_type
-          (* (E : T) *)
-    | Pexp_coerce of expression * core_type option * core_type
-          (* (E :> T)        (None, T)
-             (E : T0 :> T)   (Some T0, T)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_send of expression * label loc
-          (*  E # m *)
-    | Pexp_new of Longident.t loc
-          (* new M.c *)
-    | Pexp_setinstvar of label loc * expression
-          (* x <- 2 *)
-    | Pexp_override of (label loc * expression) list
-          (* {< x1 = E1; ...; Xn = En >} *)
-    | Pexp_letmodule of string loc * module_expr * expression
-          (* let module M = ME in E *)
-    | Pexp_letexception of extension_constructor * expression
-          (* let exception C in E *)
-    | Pexp_assert of expression
-          (* assert E
-             Note: "assert false" is treated in a special way by the
-             type-checker. *)
-    | Pexp_lazy of expression
-          (* lazy E *)
-    | Pexp_poly of expression * core_type option
-          (* Used for method bodies.
-             Can only be used as the expression under Cfk_concrete
-             for methods (not values). *)
-    | Pexp_object of class_structure
-          (* object ... end *)
-    | Pexp_newtype of string loc * expression
-          (* fun (type t) -> E *)
-    | Pexp_pack of module_expr
-          (* (module ME)
-             (module ME : S) is represented as
-             Pexp_constraint(Pexp_pack, Ptyp_package S) *)
-    | Pexp_open of override_flag * Longident.t loc * expression
-          (* M.(E)
-             let open M in E
-             let! open M in E *)
-    | Pexp_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-    | Pexp_unreachable
-          (* . *)
-  and case              =    =   (* (P -> E) or (P when E0 -> E) *)
-      {
-       pc_lhs: pattern;
-       pc_guard: expression option;
-       pc_rhs: expression;
-      }
-  (* Value descriptions *)
-  and value_description              = Parsetree.value_description    =
-      {
-       pval_name: string loc;
-       pval_type: core_type;
-       pval_prim: string list;
-       pval_attributes: attributes;  (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       pval_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (*
-    val x: T                            (prim = [])
-    external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"       (prim = ["s1";..."sn"])
-  *)
-  (* Type declarations *)
-  and type_declaration              = Parsetree.type_declaration    =
-      {
-       ptype_name: string loc;
-       ptype_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-             (* ('a1,...'an) t; None represents  _*)
-       ptype_cstrs: (core_type * core_type * Location.t) list;
-             (* ... constraint T1=T1'  ... constraint Tn=Tn' *)
-       ptype_kind: type_kind;
-       ptype_private: private_flag;   (* = private ... *)
-       ptype_manifest: core_type option;  (* = T *)
-       ptype_attributes: attributes;   (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       ptype_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (*
-    type t                     (abstract, no manifest)
-    type t = T0                (abstract, manifest=T0)
-    type t = C of T | ...      (variant,  no manifest)
-    type t = T0 = C of T | ... (variant,  manifest=T0)
-    type t = {l: T; ...}       (record,   no manifest)
-    type t = T0 = {l : T; ...} (record,   manifest=T0)
-    type t = ..                (open,     no manifest)
-  *)
-  and type_kind              = Parsetree.type_kind    =
-    | Ptype_abstract
-    | Ptype_variant of constructor_declaration list
-          (* Invariant: non-empty list *)
-    | Ptype_record of label_declaration list
-          (* Invariant: non-empty list *)
-    | Ptype_open
-  and label_declaration              = Parsetree.label_declaration    =
-      {
-       pld_name: string loc;
-       pld_mutable: mutable_flag;
-       pld_type: core_type;
-       pld_loc: Location.t;
-       pld_attributes: attributes; (* l : T [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  (*  { ...; l: T; ... }            (mutable=Immutable)
-      { ...; mutable l: T; ... }    (mutable=Mutable)
-      Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly.
-  *)
-  and constructor_declaration              = Parsetree.constructor_declaration    =
-      {
-       pcd_name: string loc;
-       pcd_args: constructor_arguments;
-       pcd_res: core_type option;
-       pcd_loc: Location.t;
-       pcd_attributes: attributes; (* C of ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and constructor_arguments              = Parsetree.constructor_arguments    =
-    | Pcstr_tuple of core_type list
-    | Pcstr_record of label_declaration list
-  (*
-    | C of T1 * ... * Tn     (res = None,    args = Pcstr_tuple [])
-    | C: T0                  (res = Some T0, args = [])
-    | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_tuple)
-    | C of {...}             (res = None,    args = Pcstr_record)
-    | C: {...} -> T0         (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_record)
-    | C of {...} as t        (res = None,    args = Pcstr_record)
-  *)
-  and type_extension              = Parsetree.type_extension    =
-      {
-       ptyext_path: Longident.t loc;
-       ptyext_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-       ptyext_constructors: extension_constructor list;
-       ptyext_private: private_flag;
-       ptyext_attributes: attributes;   (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  (*
-    type t += ...
-  *)
-  and extension_constructor              = Parsetree.extension_constructor    =
-      {
-       pext_name: string loc;
-       pext_kind : extension_constructor_kind;
-       pext_loc : Location.t;
-       pext_attributes: attributes; (* C of ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and extension_constructor_kind              = Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind    =
-      Pext_decl of constructor_arguments * core_type option
-        (*
-           | C of T1 * ... * Tn     ([T1; ...; Tn], None)
-           | C: T0                  ([], Some T0)
-           | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 ([T1; ...; Tn], Some T0)
-         *)
-    | Pext_rebind of Longident.t loc
-        (*
-           | C = D
-         *)
-  (** {2 Class language} *)
-  (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-  and class_type              = Parsetree.class_type    =
-      {
-       pcty_desc: class_type_desc;
-       pcty_loc: Location.t;
-       pcty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_type_desc              = Parsetree.class_type_desc    =
-    | Pcty_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* c
-             ['a1, ..., 'an] c *)
-    | Pcty_signature of class_signature
-          (* object ... end *)
-    | Pcty_arrow of arg_label * core_type * class_type
-          (* T -> CT       Simple
-             ~l:T -> CT    Labelled l
-             ?l:T -> CT    Optional l
-           *)
-    | Pcty_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-    | Pcty_open of override_flag * Longident.t loc * class_type
-          (* let open M in CT *)
-  and class_signature              = Parsetree.class_signature    =
-      {
-       pcsig_self: core_type;
-       pcsig_fields: class_type_field list;
-      }
-  (* object('selfpat) ... end
-     object ... end             (self = Ptyp_any)
-   *)
-  and class_type_field              = Parsetree.class_type_field    =
-      {
-       pctf_desc: class_type_field_desc;
-       pctf_loc: Location.t;
-       pctf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_type_field_desc              = Parsetree.class_type_field_desc    =
-    | Pctf_inherit of class_type
-          (* inherit CT *)
-    | Pctf_val of (label loc * mutable_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
-          (* val x: T *)
-    | Pctf_method  of (label loc * private_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
-          (* method x: T
-             Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly.
-           *)
-    | Pctf_constraint  of (core_type * core_type)
-          (* constraint T1 = T2 *)
-    | Pctf_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pctf_extension of extension
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and 'a class_infos              = 'a Parsetree.class_infos    =
-      {
-       pci_virt: virtual_flag;
-       pci_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-       pci_name: string loc;
-       pci_expr: 'a;
-       pci_loc: Location.t;
-       pci_attributes: attributes;  (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  (* class c = ...
-     class ['a1,...,'an] c = ...
-     class virtual c = ...
-     Also used for "class type" declaration.
-  *)
-  and class_description = class_type class_infos
-  and class_type_declaration = class_type class_infos
-  (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-  and class_expr              = Parsetree.class_expr    =
-      {
-       pcl_desc: class_expr_desc;
-       pcl_loc: Location.t;
-       pcl_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_expr_desc              = Parsetree.class_expr_desc    =
-    | Pcl_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* c
-             ['a1, ..., 'an] c *)
-    | Pcl_structure of class_structure
-          (* object ... end *)
-    | Pcl_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * class_expr
-          (* fun P -> CE                          (Simple, None)
-             fun ~l:P -> CE                       (Labelled l, None)
-             fun ?l:P -> CE                       (Optional l, None)
-             fun ?l:(P = E0) -> CE                (Optional l, Some E0)
-           *)
-    | Pcl_apply of class_expr * (arg_label * expression) list
-          (* CE ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
-             li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?'
-             (optional argument).
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Pcl_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * class_expr
-          (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE      (flag = Nonrecursive)
-             let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE  (flag = Recursive)
-           *)
-    | Pcl_constraint of class_expr * class_type
-          (* (CE : CT) *)
-    | Pcl_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-    | Pcl_open of override_flag * Longident.t loc * class_expr
-    (* let open M in CE *)
-  and class_structure              = Parsetree.class_structure    =
-      {
-       pcstr_self: pattern;
-       pcstr_fields: class_field list;
-      }
-  (* object(selfpat) ... end
-     object ... end           (self = Ppat_any)
-   *)
-  and class_field              = Parsetree.class_field    =
-      {
-       pcf_desc: class_field_desc;
-       pcf_loc: Location.t;
-       pcf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_field_desc              = Parsetree.class_field_desc    =
-    | Pcf_inherit of override_flag * class_expr * string loc option
-          (* inherit CE
-             inherit CE as x
-             inherit! CE
-             inherit! CE as x
-           *)
-    | Pcf_val of (label loc * mutable_flag * class_field_kind)
-          (* val x = E
-             val virtual x: T
-           *)
-    | Pcf_method of (label loc * private_flag * class_field_kind)
-          (* method x = E            (E can be a Pexp_poly)
-             method virtual x: T     (T can be a Ptyp_poly)
-           *)
-    | Pcf_constraint of (core_type * core_type)
-          (* constraint T1 = T2 *)
-    | Pcf_initializer of expression
-          (* initializer E *)
-    | Pcf_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pcf_extension of extension
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and class_field_kind              = Parsetree.class_field_kind    =
-    | Cfk_virtual of core_type
-    | Cfk_concrete of override_flag * expression
-  and class_declaration = class_expr class_infos
-  (** {2 Module language} *)
-  (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-  and module_type              = Parsetree.module_type    =
-      {
-       pmty_desc: module_type_desc;
-       pmty_loc: Location.t;
-       pmty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and module_type_desc              = Parsetree.module_type_desc    =
-    | Pmty_ident of Longident.t loc
-          (* S *)
-    | Pmty_signature of signature
-          (* sig ... end *)
-    | Pmty_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_type
-          (* functor(X : MT1) -> MT2 *)
-    | Pmty_with of module_type * with_constraint list
-          (* MT with ... *)
-    | Pmty_typeof of module_expr
-          (* module type of ME *)
-    | Pmty_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-    | Pmty_alias of Longident.t loc
-          (* (module M) *)
-  and signature = signature_item list
-  and signature_item              = Parsetree.signature_item    =
-      {
-       psig_desc: signature_item_desc;
-       psig_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  and signature_item_desc              = Parsetree.signature_item_desc    =
-    | Psig_value of value_description
-          (*
-            val x: T
-            external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"
-           *)
-    | Psig_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
-          (* type t1 = ... and ... and tn = ... *)
-    | Psig_typext of type_extension
-          (* type t1 += ... *)
-    | Psig_exception of extension_constructor
-          (* exception C of T *)
-    | Psig_module of module_declaration
-          (* module X : MT *)
-    | Psig_recmodule of module_declaration list
-          (* module rec X1 : MT1 and ... and Xn : MTn *)
-    | Psig_modtype of module_type_declaration
-          (* module type S = MT
-             module type S *)
-    | Psig_open of open_description
-          (* open X *)
-    | Psig_include of include_description
-          (* include MT *)
-    | Psig_class of class_description list
-          (* class c1 : ... and ... and cn : ... *)
-    | Psig_class_type of class_type_declaration list
-          (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *)
-    | Psig_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Psig_extension of extension * attributes
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and module_declaration              = Parsetree.module_declaration    =
-      {
-       pmd_name: string loc;
-       pmd_type: module_type;
-       pmd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       pmd_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (* S : MT *)
-  and module_type_declaration              = Parsetree.module_type_declaration    =
-      {
-       pmtd_name: string loc;
-       pmtd_type: module_type option;
-       pmtd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       pmtd_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (* S = MT
-     S       (abstract module type declaration, pmtd_type = None)
-  *)
-  and open_description              = Parsetree.open_description    =
-      {
-       popen_lid: Longident.t loc;
-       popen_override: override_flag;
-       popen_loc: Location.t;
-       popen_attributes: attributes;
-      }
-  (* open! X - popen_override = Override (silences the 'used identifier
-                                shadowing' warning)
-     open  X - popen_override = Fresh
-   *)
-  and 'a include_infos              = 'a Parsetree.include_infos    =
-      {
-       pincl_mod: 'a;
-       pincl_loc: Location.t;
-       pincl_attributes: attributes;
-      }
-  and include_description = module_type include_infos
-  (* include MT *)
-  and include_declaration = module_expr include_infos
-  (* include ME *)
-  and with_constraint              = Parsetree.with_constraint    =
-    | Pwith_type of Longident.t loc * type_declaration
-          (* with type X.t = ...
-             Note: the last component of the longident must match
-             the name of the type_declaration. *)
-    | Pwith_module of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc
-          (* with module X.Y = Z *)
-    | Pwith_typesubst of Longident.t loc * type_declaration
-          (* with type X.t := ..., same format as [Pwith_type] *)
-    | Pwith_modsubst of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc
-          (* with module X.Y := Z *)
-  (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-  and module_expr              = Parsetree.module_expr    =
-      {
-       pmod_desc: module_expr_desc;
-       pmod_loc: Location.t;
-       pmod_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and module_expr_desc              = Parsetree.module_expr_desc    =
-    | Pmod_ident of Longident.t loc
-          (* X *)
-    | Pmod_structure of structure
-          (* struct ... end *)
-    | Pmod_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_expr
-          (* functor(X : MT1) -> ME *)
-    | Pmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr
-          (* ME1(ME2) *)
-    | Pmod_constraint of module_expr * module_type
-          (* (ME : MT) *)
-    | Pmod_unpack of expression
-          (* (val E) *)
-    | Pmod_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and structure = structure_item list
-  and structure_item              = Parsetree.structure_item    =
-      {
-       pstr_desc: structure_item_desc;
-       pstr_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  and structure_item_desc              = Parsetree.structure_item_desc    =
-    | Pstr_eval of expression * attributes
-          (* E *)
-    | Pstr_value of rec_flag * value_binding list
-          (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN       (flag = Nonrecursive)
-             let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN   (flag = Recursive)
-           *)
-    | Pstr_primitive of value_description
-          (*  val x: T
-              external x: T = "s1" ... "sn" *)
-    | Pstr_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
-          (* type t1 = ... and ... and tn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_typext of type_extension
-          (* type t1 += ... *)
-    | Pstr_exception of extension_constructor
-          (* exception C of T
-             exception C = M.X *)
-    | Pstr_module of module_binding
-          (* module X = ME *)
-    | Pstr_recmodule of module_binding list
-          (* module rec X1 = ME1 and ... and Xn = MEn *)
-    | Pstr_modtype of module_type_declaration
-          (* module type S = MT *)
-    | Pstr_open of open_description
-          (* open X *)
-    | Pstr_class of class_declaration list
-          (* class c1 = ... and ... and cn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_class_type of class_type_declaration list
-          (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_include of include_declaration
-          (* include ME *)
-    | Pstr_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pstr_extension of extension * attributes
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and value_binding              = Parsetree.value_binding    =
-    {
-      pvb_pat: pattern;
-      pvb_expr: expression;
-      pvb_attributes: attributes;
-      pvb_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  and module_binding              = Parsetree.module_binding    =
-      {
-       pmb_name: string loc;
-       pmb_expr: module_expr;
-       pmb_attributes: attributes;
-       pmb_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (* X = ME *)
-  (** {2 Toplevel} *)
-  (* Toplevel phrases *)
-  type toplevel_phrase              = Parsetree.toplevel_phrase    =
-    | Ptop_def of structure
-    | Ptop_dir of string * directive_argument
-       (* #use, #load ... *)
-  and directive_argument              = Parsetree.directive_argument    =
-    | Pdir_none
-    | Pdir_string of string
-    | Pdir_int of string * char option
-    | Pdir_ident of Longident.t
-    | Pdir_bool of bool
-module Docstrings : sig
-  (** {3 Docstrings} *)
-  (** Documentation comments *)
-  type docstring
-  (** Create a docstring *)
-  val docstring : string -> Location.t -> docstring
-  (** Get the text of a docstring *)
-  val docstring_body : docstring -> string
-  (** Get the location of a docstring *)
-  val docstring_loc : docstring -> Location.t
-  (** {3 Items}
-      The {!docs} type represents documentation attached to an item. *)
-  type docs =
-    { docs_pre: docstring option;
-      docs_post: docstring option; }
-  val empty_docs : docs
-  val docs_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert item documentation to attributes and add them to an
-      attribute list *)
-  val add_docs_attrs : docs -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** {3 Fields and constructors}
-      The {!info} type represents documentation attached to a field or
-      constructor. *)
-  type info = docstring option
-  val empty_info : info
-  val info_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert field info to attributes and add them to an
-      attribute list *)
-  val add_info_attrs : info -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** {3 Unattached comments}
-      The {!text} type represents documentation which is not attached to
-      anything. *)
-  type text = docstring list
-  val empty_text : text
-  val text_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert text to attributes and add them to an attribute list *)
-  val add_text_attrs : text -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-end = struct
-  open Location
-  (* Docstrings *)
-  type docstring =
-    { ds_body: string;
-      ds_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  (* Docstring constructors and destructors *)
-  let docstring body loc =
-    let ds =
-      { ds_body = body;
-        ds_loc = loc;
-      }
-    in
-    ds
-  let docstring_body ds = ds.ds_body
-  let docstring_loc ds = ds.ds_loc
-  (* Docstrings attached to items *)
-  type docs =
-    { docs_pre: docstring option;
-      docs_post: docstring option; }
-  let empty_docs = { docs_pre = None; docs_post = None }
-  let doc_loc = {txt = "ocaml.doc"; loc = Location.none}
-  let docs_attr ds =
-    let open Parsetree in
-    let exp =
-      { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(ds.ds_body, None));
-        pexp_loc = ds.ds_loc;
-        pexp_attributes = []; }
-    in
-    let item =
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = exp.pexp_loc }
-    in
-      (doc_loc, PStr [item])
-  let add_docs_attrs docs attrs =
-    let attrs =
-      match docs.docs_pre with
-      | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
-      | Some ds -> docs_attr ds :: attrs
-    in
-    let attrs =
-      match docs.docs_post with
-      | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
-      | Some ds -> attrs @ [docs_attr ds]
-    in
-    attrs
-  (* Docstrings attached to constructors or fields *)
-  type info = docstring option
-  let empty_info = None
-  let info_attr = docs_attr
-  let add_info_attrs info attrs =
-    match info with
-    | None | Some {ds_body=""; _} -> attrs
-    | Some ds -> attrs @ [info_attr ds]
-  (* Docstrings not attached to a specific item *)
-  type text = docstring list
-  let empty_text = []
-  let text_loc = {txt = "ocaml.text"; loc = Location.none}
-  let text_attr ds =
-    let open Parsetree in
-    let exp =
-      { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(ds.ds_body, None));
-        pexp_loc = ds.ds_loc;
-        pexp_attributes = []; }
-    in
-    let item =
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = exp.pexp_loc }
-    in
-      (text_loc, PStr [item])
-  let add_text_attrs dsl attrs =
-    let fdsl = List.filter (function {ds_body=""; _} -> false| _ ->true) dsl in
-    ( text_attr fdsl) @ attrs
-module Ast_helper : sig
-  (** Helpers to produce Parsetree fragments *)
-  open Asttypes
-  open Docstrings
-  open Parsetree
-  type lid = Longident.t loc
-  type str = string loc
-  type loc = Location.t
-  type attrs = attribute list
-  (** {2 Default locations} *)
-  val default_loc: loc ref
-      (** Default value for all optional location arguments. *)
-  val with_default_loc: loc -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
-      (** Set the [default_loc] within the scope of the execution
-          of the provided function. *)
-  (** {2 Constants} *)
-  module Const : sig
-    val char : char -> constant
-    val string : ?quotation_delimiter:string -> string -> constant
-    val integer : ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
-    val int : ?suffix:char -> int -> constant
-    val int32 : ?suffix:char -> int32 -> constant
-    val int64 : ?suffix:char -> int64 -> constant
-    val nativeint : ?suffix:char -> nativeint -> constant
-    val float : ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
-  end
-  (** {2 Core language} *)
-  (** Type expressions *)
-  module Typ :
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type_desc -> core_type
-      val attr: core_type -> attribute -> core_type
-      val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> core_type
-      val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> core_type
-      val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> core_type -> core_type
-                 -> core_type
-      val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type list -> core_type
-      val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
-      val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> object_field list
-                     -> closed_flag -> core_type
-      val class_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
-      val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> string -> core_type
-      val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> row_field list -> closed_flag
-                   -> label list option -> core_type
-      val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str list -> core_type -> core_type
-      val package: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> (lid * core_type) list
-                   -> core_type
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> core_type
-      val force_poly: core_type -> core_type
-      val varify_constructors: str list -> core_type -> core_type
-      (** [varify_constructors newtypes te] is type expression [te], of which
-          any of nullary type constructor [tc] is replaced by type variable of
-          the same name, if [tc]'s name appears in [newtypes].
-          Raise [Syntaxerr.Variable_in_scope] if any type variable inside [te]
-          appears in [newtypes].
-          @since 4.05
-       *)
-    end
-  (** Patterns *)
-  module Pat:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern_desc -> pattern
-      val attr:pattern -> attribute -> pattern
-      val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern
-      val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> pattern
-      val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> str -> pattern
-      val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> pattern
-      val interval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> constant -> pattern
-      val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-      val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> pattern option -> pattern
-      val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> pattern option -> pattern
-      val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * pattern) list -> closed_flag
-                  -> pattern
-      val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-      val or_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern -> pattern
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> core_type -> pattern
-      val type_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> pattern
-      val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
-      val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> pattern
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs  -> lid -> pattern -> pattern
-      val exception_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> pattern
-    end
-  (** Expressions *)
-  module Exp:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression_desc -> expression
-      val attr: expression -> attribute -> expression
-      val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
-      val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> expression
-      val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list
-                -> expression -> expression
-      val fun_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> expression option
-                -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-      val function_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> case list -> expression
-      val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression
-                 -> (arg_label * expression) list -> expression
-      val match_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> case list
-                  -> expression
-      val try_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> case list -> expression
-      val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-      val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression option
-                     -> expression
-      val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> expression option
-                   -> expression
-      val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * expression) list
-                  -> expression option -> expression
-      val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
-      val setfield: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
-                    -> expression
-      val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-      val ifthenelse: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-                      -> expression option -> expression
-      val sequence: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-                    -> expression
-      val while_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-                  -> expression
-      val for_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-                -> direction_flag -> expression -> expression
-      val coerce: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option
-                  -> core_type -> expression
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type
-                       -> expression
-      val send: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> str -> expression
-      val new_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
-      val setinstvar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> expression -> expression
-      val override: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (str * expression) list
-                    -> expression
-      val letmodule: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> module_expr -> expression
-                     -> expression
-      val letexception:
-        ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension_constructor -> expression
-        -> expression
-      val assert_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option
-                -> expression
-      val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> expression
-      val newtype: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> expression -> expression
-      val pack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> expression
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> lid -> expression
-                 -> expression
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> expression
-      val unreachable: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> expression
-      val case: pattern -> ?guard:expression -> expression -> case
-    end
-  (** Value declarations *)
-  module Val:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        ?prim:string list -> str -> core_type -> value_description
-    end
-  (** Type declarations *)
-  module Type:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        ?params:(core_type * variance) list ->
-        ?cstrs:(core_type * core_type * loc) list ->
-        ?kind:type_kind -> ?priv:private_flag -> ?manifest:core_type -> str ->
-        type_declaration
-      val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
-        ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type -> str ->
-        constructor_declaration
-      val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
-        ?mut:mutable_flag -> str -> core_type -> label_declaration
-    end
-  (** Type extensions *)
-  module Te:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        ?params:(core_type * variance) list -> ?priv:private_flag ->
-        lid -> extension_constructor list -> type_extension
-      val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-        str -> extension_constructor_kind -> extension_constructor
-      val decl: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-        ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type -> str ->
-        extension_constructor
-      val rebind: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-        str -> lid -> extension_constructor
-    end
-  (** {2 Module language} *)
-  (** Module type expressions *)
-  module Mty:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type_desc -> module_type
-      val attr: module_type -> attribute -> module_type
-      val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
-      val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
-      val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> signature -> module_type
-      val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-        str -> module_type option -> module_type -> module_type
-      val with_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type ->
-        with_constraint list -> module_type
-      val typeof_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_type
-    end
-  (** Module expressions *)
-  module Mod:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr_desc -> module_expr
-      val attr: module_expr -> attribute -> module_expr
-      val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_expr
-      val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> structure -> module_expr
-      val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-        str -> module_type option -> module_expr -> module_expr
-      val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_expr ->
-        module_expr
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type ->
-        module_expr
-      val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> module_expr
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_expr
-    end
-  (** Signature items *)
-  module Sig:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> signature_item_desc -> signature_item
-      val value: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> signature_item
-      val type_: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> type_declaration list -> signature_item
-      val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> signature_item
-      val exception_: ?loc:loc -> extension_constructor -> signature_item
-      val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration -> signature_item
-      val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration list -> signature_item
-      val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> signature_item
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_description -> signature_item
-      val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_description -> signature_item
-      val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_description list -> signature_item
-      val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> signature_item
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> signature_item
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> signature_item
-      val text: text -> signature_item list
-    end
-  (** Structure items *)
-  module Str:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> structure_item_desc -> structure_item
-      val eval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attributes -> expression -> structure_item
-      val value: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> value_binding list -> structure_item
-      val primitive: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> structure_item
-      val type_: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> type_declaration list -> structure_item
-      val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> structure_item
-      val exception_: ?loc:loc -> extension_constructor -> structure_item
-      val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_binding -> structure_item
-      val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_binding list -> structure_item
-      val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> structure_item
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_description -> structure_item
-      val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_declaration list -> structure_item
-      val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> structure_item
-      val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_declaration -> structure_item
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> structure_item
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> structure_item
-      val text: text -> structure_item list
-    end
-  (** Module declarations *)
-  module Md:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        str -> module_type -> module_declaration
-    end
-  (** Module type declarations *)
-  module Mtd:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        ?typ:module_type -> str -> module_type_declaration
-    end
-  (** Module bindings *)
-  module Mb:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        str -> module_expr -> module_binding
-    end
-  (** Opens *)
-  module Opn:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        ?override:override_flag -> lid -> open_description
-    end
-  (** Includes *)
-  module Incl:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> 'a -> 'a include_infos
-    end
-  (** Value bindings *)
-  module Vb:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        pattern -> expression -> value_binding
-    end
-  (** {2 Class language} *)
-  (** Class type expressions *)
-  module Cty:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type_desc -> class_type
-      val attr: class_type -> attribute -> class_type
-      val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_type
-      val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_signature -> class_type
-      val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> core_type ->
-        class_type -> class_type
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> lid -> class_type
-                 -> class_type
-    end
-  (** Class type fields *)
-  module Ctf:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        class_type_field_desc -> class_type_field
-      val attr: class_type_field -> attribute -> class_type_field
-      val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type -> class_type_field
-      val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> mutable_flag ->
-        virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
-      val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> private_flag ->
-        virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type ->
-        class_type_field
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type_field
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_type_field
-      val text: text -> class_type_field list
-    end
-  (** Class expressions *)
-  module Cl:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr_desc -> class_expr
-      val attr: class_expr -> attribute -> class_expr
-      val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_expr
-      val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> class_expr
-      val fun_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> expression option ->
-        pattern -> class_expr -> class_expr
-      val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr ->
-        (arg_label * expression) list -> class_expr
-      val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list ->
-        class_expr -> class_expr
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr -> class_type ->
-        class_expr
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_expr
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> lid -> class_expr
-                 -> class_expr
-    end
-  (** Class fields *)
-  module Cf:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> class_field_desc ->
-        class_field
-      val attr: class_field -> attribute -> class_field
-      val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> class_expr ->
-        str option -> class_field
-      val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> mutable_flag ->
-        class_field_kind -> class_field
-      val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> private_flag ->
-        class_field_kind -> class_field
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type ->
-        class_field
-      val initializer_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> class_field
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_field
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_field
-      val text: text -> class_field list
-      val virtual_: core_type -> class_field_kind
-      val concrete: override_flag -> expression -> class_field_kind
-    end
-  (** Classes *)
-  module Ci:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        ?virt:virtual_flag -> ?params:(core_type * variance) list ->
-        str -> 'a -> 'a class_infos
-    end
-  (** Class signatures *)
-  module Csig:
-    sig
-      val mk: core_type -> class_type_field list -> class_signature
-    end
-  (** Class structures *)
-  module Cstr:
-    sig
-      val mk: pattern -> class_field list -> class_structure
-    end
-end = struct
-  (** Helpers to produce Parsetree fragments *)
-  open Asttypes
-  open Parsetree
-  open Docstrings
-  type lid = Longident.t loc
-  type str = string loc
-  type loc = Location.t
-  type attrs = attribute list
-  let default_loc = ref Location.none
-  let with_default_loc l f =
-    let old = !default_loc in
-    default_loc := l;
-    try let r = f () in default_loc := old; r
-    with exn -> default_loc := old; raise exn
-  module Const = struct
-    let integer ?suffix i = Pconst_integer (i, suffix)
-    let int ?suffix i = integer ?suffix (string_of_int i)
-    let int32 ?(suffix='l') i = integer ~suffix (Int32.to_string i)
-    let int64 ?(suffix='L') i = integer ~suffix (Int64.to_string i)
-    let nativeint ?(suffix='n') i = integer ~suffix (Nativeint.to_string i)
-    let float ?suffix f = Pconst_float (f, suffix)
-    let char c = Pconst_char c
-    let string ?quotation_delimiter s = Pconst_string (s, quotation_delimiter)
-  end
-  module Typ = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {ptyp_desc = d; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with ptyp_attributes = d.ptyp_attributes @ [a]}
-    let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ptyp_any
-    let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_var a)
-    let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_arrow (a, b, c))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_tuple a)
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_constr (a, b))
-    let object_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_object (a, b))
-    let class_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_class (a, b))
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_alias (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_variant (a, b, c))
-    let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_poly (a, b))
-    let package ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_package (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_extension a)
-    let force_poly t =
-      match t.ptyp_desc with
-      | Ptyp_poly _ -> t
-      | _ -> poly ~loc:t.ptyp_loc [] t (* -> ghost? *)
-    let varify_constructors var_names t =
-      let check_variable vl loc v =
-        if List.mem v vl then
-          raise Syntaxerr.(Error(Variable_in_scope(loc,v))) in
-      let var_names = (fun v -> v.txt) var_names in
-      let rec loop t =
-        let desc =
-          match t.ptyp_desc with
-          | Ptyp_any -> Ptyp_any
-          | Ptyp_var x ->
-              check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc x;
-              Ptyp_var x
-          | Ptyp_arrow (label,core_type,core_type') ->
-              Ptyp_arrow(label, loop core_type, loop core_type')
-          | Ptyp_tuple lst -> Ptyp_tuple ( loop lst)
-          | Ptyp_constr( { txt = Longident.Lident s; _ }, [])
-            when List.mem s var_names ->
-              Ptyp_var s
-          | Ptyp_constr(longident, lst) ->
-              Ptyp_constr(longident, loop lst)
-          | Ptyp_object (lst, o) ->
-              Ptyp_object ( loop_object_field lst, o)
-          | Ptyp_class (longident, lst) ->
-              Ptyp_class (longident, loop lst)
-          | Ptyp_alias(core_type, string) ->
-              check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc string;
-              Ptyp_alias(loop core_type, string)
-          | Ptyp_variant(row_field_list, flag, lbl_lst_option) ->
-              Ptyp_variant( loop_row_field row_field_list,
-                           flag, lbl_lst_option)
-          | Ptyp_poly(string_lst, core_type) ->
-            List.iter (fun v ->
-              check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc v.txt) string_lst;
-              Ptyp_poly(string_lst, loop core_type)
-          | Ptyp_package(longident,lst) ->
-              Ptyp_package(longident, (fun (n,typ) -> (n,loop typ) ) lst)
-          | Ptyp_extension (s, arg) ->
-              Ptyp_extension (s, arg)
-        in
-        {t with ptyp_desc = desc}
-      and loop_row_field  =
-        function
-          | Rtag(label,attrs,flag,lst) ->
-              Rtag(label,attrs,flag, loop lst)
-          | Rinherit t ->
-              Rinherit (loop t)
-      and loop_object_field =
-        function
-          | Otag(label, attrs, t) ->
-              Otag(label, attrs, loop t)
-          | Oinherit t ->
-              Oinherit (loop t)
-      in
-      loop t
-  end
-  module Pat = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {ppat_desc = d; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with ppat_attributes = d.ppat_attributes @ [a]}
-    let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ppat_any
-    let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_var a)
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_alias (a, b))
-    let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constant a)
-    let interval ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_interval (a, b))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_tuple a)
-    let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_construct (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_variant (a, b))
-    let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_record (a, b))
-    let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_array a)
-    let or_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_or (a, b))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constraint (a, b))
-    let type_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_type a)
-    let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_lazy a)
-    let unpack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_unpack a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_open (a, b))
-    let exception_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_exception a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_extension a)
-  end
-  module Exp = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pexp_desc = d; pexp_loc = loc; pexp_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pexp_attributes = d.pexp_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ident a)
-    let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constant a)
-    let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_let (a, b, c))
-    let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_fun (a, b, c, d))
-    let function_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_function a)
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_apply (a, b))
-    let match_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_match (a, b))
-    let try_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_try (a, b))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_tuple a)
-    let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_construct (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_variant (a, b))
-    let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_record (a, b))
-    let field ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_field (a, b))
-    let setfield ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setfield (a, b, c))
-    let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_array a)
-    let ifthenelse ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ifthenelse (a, b, c))
-    let sequence ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_sequence (a, b))
-    let while_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_while (a, b))
-    let for_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_for (a, b, c, d, e))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constraint (a, b))
-    let coerce ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_coerce (a, b, c))
-    let send ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_send (a, b))
-    let new_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_new a)
-    let setinstvar ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setinstvar (a, b))
-    let override ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_override a)
-    let letmodule ?loc ?attrs a b c= mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letmodule (a, b, c))
-    let letexception ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letexception (a, b))
-    let assert_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_assert a)
-    let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_lazy a)
-    let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_poly (a, b))
-    let object_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_object a)
-    let newtype ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_newtype (a, b))
-    let pack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_pack a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_open (a, b, c))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_extension a)
-    let unreachable ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Pexp_unreachable
-    let case lhs ?guard rhs =
-      {
-       pc_lhs = lhs;
-       pc_guard = guard;
-       pc_rhs = rhs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mty = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pmty_desc = d; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pmty_attributes = d.pmty_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_ident a)
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_alias a)
-    let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_signature a)
-    let functor_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_functor (a, b, c))
-    let with_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_with (a, b))
-    let typeof_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_typeof a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_extension a)
-  end
-  module Mod = struct
-  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-    {pmod_desc = d; pmod_loc = loc; pmod_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pmod_attributes = d.pmod_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_ident x)
-    let structure ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_structure x)
-    let functor_ ?loc ?attrs arg arg_ty body =
-      mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body))
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs m1 m2 = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_apply (m1, m2))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs m mty = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_constraint (m, mty))
-    let unpack ?loc ?attrs e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_unpack e)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_extension a)
-  end
-  module Sig = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {psig_desc = d; psig_loc = loc}
-    let value ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_value a)
-    let type_ ?loc rec_flag a = mk ?loc (Psig_type (rec_flag, a))
-    let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_typext a)
-    let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_exception a)
-    let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_module a)
-    let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_recmodule a)
-    let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_modtype a)
-    let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_open a)
-    let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_include a)
-    let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class a)
-    let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class_type a)
-    let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Psig_extension (a, attrs))
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-  end
-  module Str = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {pstr_desc = d; pstr_loc = loc}
-    let eval ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_eval (a, attrs))
-    let value ?loc a b = mk ?loc (Pstr_value (a, b))
-    let primitive ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_primitive a)
-    let type_ ?loc rec_flag a = mk ?loc (Pstr_type (rec_flag, a))
-    let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_typext a)
-    let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_exception a)
-    let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_module a)
-    let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_recmodule a)
-    let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_modtype a)
-    let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_open a)
-    let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class a)
-    let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class_type a)
-    let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_include a)
-    let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_extension (a, attrs))
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-  end
-  module Cl = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {
-       pcl_desc = d;
-       pcl_loc = loc;
-       pcl_attributes = attrs;
-      }
-    let attr d a = {d with pcl_attributes = d.pcl_attributes @ [a]}
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constr (a, b))
-    let structure ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_structure a)
-    let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_fun (a, b, c, d))
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_apply (a, b))
-    let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_let (a, b, c))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constraint (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_extension a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_open (a, b, c))
-  end
-  module Cty = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {
-       pcty_desc = d;
-       pcty_loc = loc;
-       pcty_attributes = attrs;
-      }
-    let attr d a = {d with pcty_attributes = d.pcty_attributes @ [a]}
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_constr (a, b))
-    let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_signature a)
-    let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_arrow (a, b, c))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_extension a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_open (a, b, c))
-  end
-  module Ctf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-             ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
-      {
-       pctf_desc = d;
-       pctf_loc = loc;
-       pctf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_inherit a)
-    let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_val (a, b, c, d))
-    let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_method (a, b, c, d))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_constraint (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_extension a)
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pctf_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-     let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-    let attr d a = {d with pctf_attributes = d.pctf_attributes @ [a]}
-  end
-  module Cf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
-      {
-       pcf_desc = d;
-       pcf_loc = loc;
-       pcf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_inherit (a, b, c))
-    let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_val (a, b, c))
-    let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_method (a, b, c))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_constraint (a, b))
-    let initializer_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_initializer a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_extension a)
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pcf_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-    let virtual_ ct = Cfk_virtual ct
-    let concrete o e = Cfk_concrete (o, e)
-    let attr d a = {d with pcf_attributes = d.pcf_attributes @ [a]}
-  end
-  module Val = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(prim = []) name typ =
-      {
-       pval_name = name;
-       pval_type = typ;
-       pval_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-       pval_loc = loc;
-       pval_prim = prim;
-      }
-  end
-  module Md = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name typ =
-      {
-       pmd_name = name;
-       pmd_type = typ;
-       pmd_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pmd_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mtd = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) ?typ name =
-      {
-       pmtd_name = name;
-       pmtd_type = typ;
-       pmtd_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pmtd_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mb = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name expr =
-      {
-       pmb_name = name;
-       pmb_expr = expr;
-       pmb_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pmb_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Opn = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(override = Fresh) lid =
-      {
-       popen_lid = lid;
-       popen_override = override;
-       popen_loc = loc;
-       popen_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Incl = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs) mexpr =
-      {
-       pincl_mod = mexpr;
-       pincl_loc = loc;
-       pincl_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Vb = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(text = []) pat expr =
-      {
-       pvb_pat = pat;
-       pvb_expr = expr;
-       pvb_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pvb_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Ci = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
-          ?(virt = Concrete) ?(params = []) name expr =
-      {
-       pci_virt = virt;
-       pci_params = params;
-       pci_name = name;
-       pci_expr = expr;
-       pci_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pci_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Type = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
-        ?(params = [])
-        ?(cstrs = [])
-        ?(kind = Ptype_abstract)
-        ?(priv = Public)
-        ?manifest
-        name =
-      {
-       ptype_name = name;
-       ptype_params = params;
-       ptype_cstrs = cstrs;
-       ptype_kind = kind;
-       ptype_private = priv;
-       ptype_manifest = manifest;
-       ptype_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       ptype_loc = loc;
-      }
-    let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
-          ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
-      {
-       pcd_name = name;
-       pcd_args = args;
-       pcd_res = res;
-       pcd_loc = loc;
-       pcd_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
-      }
-    let field ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
-          ?(mut = Immutable) name typ =
-      {
-       pld_name = name;
-       pld_mutable = mut;
-       pld_type = typ;
-       pld_loc = loc;
-       pld_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  (** Type extensions *)
-  module Te = struct
-    let mk ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(params = []) ?(priv = Public) path constructors =
-      {
-       ptyext_path = path;
-       ptyext_params = params;
-       ptyext_constructors = constructors;
-       ptyext_private = priv;
-       ptyext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name kind =
-      {
-       pext_name = name;
-       pext_kind = kind;
-       pext_loc = loc;
-       pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-    let decl ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-               ?(info = empty_info) ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
-      {
-       pext_name = name;
-       pext_kind = Pext_decl(args, res);
-       pext_loc = loc;
-       pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-    let rebind ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name lid =
-      {
-       pext_name = name;
-       pext_kind = Pext_rebind lid;
-       pext_loc = loc;
-       pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-  end
-  module Csig = struct
-    let mk self fields =
-      {
-       pcsig_self = self;
-       pcsig_fields = fields;
-      }
-  end
-  module Cstr = struct
-    let mk self fields =
-      {
-       pcstr_self = self;
-       pcstr_fields = fields;
-      }
-  end
-module Ast_mapper : sig
-  (** The interface of a -ppx rewriter
-    A -ppx rewriter is a program that accepts a serialized abstract syntax
-    tree and outputs another, possibly modified, abstract syntax tree.
-    This module encapsulates the interface between the compiler and
-    the -ppx rewriters, handling such details as the serialization format,
-    forwarding of command-line flags, and storing state.
-    {!mapper} allows to implement AST rewriting using open recursion.
-    A typical mapper would be based on {!default_mapper}, a deep
-    identity mapper, and will fall back on it for handling the syntax it
-    does not modify. For example:
-    {[
-  open Asttypes
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_mapper
-  let test_mapper argv =
-    { default_mapper with
-      expr = fun mapper expr ->
-        match expr with
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_extension ({ txt = "test" }, PStr [])} ->
-          Ast_helper.Exp.constant (Const_int 42)
-        | other -> default_mapper.expr mapper other; }
-  let () =
-    register "ppx_test" test_mapper]}
-    This -ppx rewriter, which replaces [[%test]] in expressions with
-    the constant [42], can be compiled using
-    [ocamlc -o ppx_test -I +compiler-libs ocamlcommon.cma].
-    *)
-  open Parsetree
-  (** {2 A generic Parsetree mapper} *)
-  type mapper              = Ast_mapper.mapper   = {
-    attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
-    attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
-    case: mapper -> case -> case;
-    cases: mapper -> case list -> case list;
-    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
-    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
-    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
-    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
-    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
-    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
-    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
-    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
-                            -> class_type_declaration;
-    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
-    constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
-                             -> constructor_declaration;
-    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
-    extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
-    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
-                           -> extension_constructor;
-    include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
-    include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
-    label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
-    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
-    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
-    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
-    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
-    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
-    module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
-                             -> module_type_declaration;
-    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
-    pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
-    payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
-    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
-    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
-    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
-    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
-    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
-    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
-    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
-    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
-    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
-    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
-    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
-  }
-  (** A mapper record implements one "method" per syntactic category,
-      using an open recursion style: each method takes as its first
-      argument the mapper to be applied to children in the syntax
-      tree. *)
-  val default_mapper: mapper
-  (** A default mapper, which implements a "deep identity" mapping. *)
-  (** {2 Convenience functions to write mappers} *)
-  val map_opt: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
-  val extension_of_error: Locations.location_error -> extension
-  (** Encode an error into an 'ocaml.error' extension node which can be
-      inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
-      responsible for reporting the error. *)
-  val attribute_of_warning: Location.t -> string -> attribute
-  (** Encode a warning message into an 'ocaml.ppwarning' attribute which can be
-      inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
-      responsible for reporting the warning. *)
-  include Locations.Helpers_intf
-end = struct
-  (* A generic Parsetree mapping class *)
-  (*
-  [@@@ocaml.warning "+9"]
-    (* Ensure that record patterns don't miss any field. *)
-  *)
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_helper
-  open Location
-  type mapper              = Ast_mapper.mapper   = {
-    attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
-    attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
-    case: mapper -> case -> case;
-    cases: mapper -> case list -> case list;
-    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
-    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
-    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
-    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
-    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
-    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
-    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
-    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
-                            -> class_type_declaration;
-    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
-    constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
-                             -> constructor_declaration;
-    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
-    extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
-    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
-                           -> extension_constructor;
-    include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
-    include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
-    label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
-    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
-    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
-    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
-    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
-    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
-    module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
-                             -> module_type_declaration;
-    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
-    pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
-    payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
-    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
-    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
-    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
-    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
-    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
-    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
-    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
-    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
-    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
-    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
-    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
-  }
-  let map_fst f (x, y) = (f x, y)
-  let map_snd f (x, y) = (x, f y)
-  let map_tuple f1 f2 (x, y) = (f1 x, f2 y)
-  let map_tuple3 f1 f2 f3 (x, y, z) = (f1 x, f2 y, f3 z)
-  let map_opt f = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
-  let map_loc sub {loc; txt} = {loc = sub.location sub loc; txt}
-  module T = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the core language *)
-    let row_field sub = function
-      | Rtag (l, attrs, b, tl) ->
-          Rtag (map_loc sub l, sub.attributes sub attrs,
-                b, (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Rinherit t -> Rinherit (sub.typ sub t)
-    let object_field sub = function
-      | Otag (l, attrs, t) ->
-          Otag (map_loc sub l, sub.attributes sub attrs, sub.typ sub t)
-      | Oinherit t -> Oinherit (sub.typ sub t)
-    let map sub {ptyp_desc = desc; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Typ in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Ptyp_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-      | Ptyp_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs s
-      | Ptyp_arrow (lab, t1, t2) ->
-          arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Ptyp_tuple tyl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.typ sub) tyl)
-      | Ptyp_constr (lid, tl) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Ptyp_object (l, o) ->
-          object_ ~loc ~attrs ( (object_field sub) l) o
-      | Ptyp_class (lid, tl) ->
-          class_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Ptyp_alias (t, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t) s
-      | Ptyp_variant (rl, b, ll) ->
-          variant ~loc ~attrs ( (row_field sub) rl) b ll
-      | Ptyp_poly (sl, t) -> poly ~loc ~attrs
-                               ( (map_loc sub) sl) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Ptyp_package (lid, l) ->
-          package ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-            ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.typ sub)) l)
-      | Ptyp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_type_declaration sub
-        {ptype_name; ptype_params; ptype_cstrs;
-         ptype_kind;
-         ptype_private;
-         ptype_manifest;
-         ptype_attributes;
-         ptype_loc} =
- (map_loc sub ptype_name)
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptype_params)
-        ~priv:ptype_private
-        ~cstrs:(
-                  (map_tuple3 (sub.typ sub) (sub.typ sub) (sub.location sub))
-                  ptype_cstrs)
-        ~kind:(sub.type_kind sub ptype_kind)
-        ?manifest:(map_opt (sub.typ sub) ptype_manifest)
-        ~loc:(sub.location sub ptype_loc)
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub ptype_attributes)
-    let map_type_kind sub = function
-      | Ptype_abstract -> Ptype_abstract
-      | Ptype_variant l ->
-          Ptype_variant ( (sub.constructor_declaration sub) l)
-      | Ptype_record l -> Ptype_record ( (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
-      | Ptype_open -> Ptype_open
-    let map_constructor_arguments sub = function
-      | Pcstr_tuple l -> Pcstr_tuple ( (sub.typ sub) l)
-      | Pcstr_record l ->
-          Pcstr_record ( (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
-    let map_type_extension sub
-        {ptyext_path; ptyext_params;
-         ptyext_constructors;
-         ptyext_private;
-         ptyext_attributes} =
-        (map_loc sub ptyext_path)
-        ( (sub.extension_constructor sub) ptyext_constructors)
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptyext_params)
-        ~priv:ptyext_private
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub ptyext_attributes)
-    let map_extension_constructor_kind sub = function
-        Pext_decl(ctl, cto) ->
-          Pext_decl(map_constructor_arguments sub ctl, map_opt (sub.typ sub) cto)
-      | Pext_rebind li ->
-          Pext_rebind (map_loc sub li)
-    let map_extension_constructor sub
-        {pext_name;
-         pext_kind;
-         pext_loc;
-         pext_attributes} =
-      Te.constructor
-        (map_loc sub pext_name)
-        (map_extension_constructor_kind sub pext_kind)
-        ~loc:(sub.location sub pext_loc)
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub pext_attributes)
-  end
-  module CT = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-    let map sub {pcty_loc = loc; pcty_desc = desc; pcty_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cty in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcty_constr (lid, tys) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tys)
-      | Pcty_signature x -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_signature sub x)
-      | Pcty_arrow (lab, t, ct) ->
-          arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pcty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pcty_open (ovf, lid, ct) ->
-          open_ ~loc ~attrs ovf (map_loc sub lid) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-    let map_field sub {pctf_desc = desc; pctf_loc = loc; pctf_attributes = attrs}
-      =
-      let open Ctf in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pctf_inherit ct -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pctf_val (s, m, v, t) ->
-          val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m v (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pctf_method (s, p, v, t) ->
-          method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p v (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pctf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pctf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-      | Pctf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_signature sub {pcsig_self; pcsig_fields} =
-        (sub.typ sub pcsig_self)
-        ( (sub.class_type_field sub) pcsig_fields)
-  end
-  module MT = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-    let map sub {pmty_desc = desc; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Mty in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pmty_ident s -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pmty_alias s -> alias ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pmty_signature sg -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.signature sub sg)
-      | Pmty_functor (s, mt1, mt2) ->
-          functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-            (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.may_map (sub.module_type sub) mt1)
-            (sub.module_type sub mt2)
-      | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
-          with_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_type sub mt)
-            ( (sub.with_constraint sub) l)
-      | Pmty_typeof me -> typeof_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
-      | Pmty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_with_constraint sub = function
-      | Pwith_type (lid, d) ->
-          Pwith_type (map_loc sub lid, sub.type_declaration sub d)
-      | Pwith_module (lid, lid2) ->
-          Pwith_module (map_loc sub lid, map_loc sub lid2)
-      | Pwith_typesubst (lid, d) ->
-          Pwith_typesubst (map_loc sub lid, sub.type_declaration sub d)
-      | Pwith_modsubst (s, lid) ->
-          Pwith_modsubst (map_loc sub s, map_loc sub lid)
-    let map_signature_item sub {psig_desc = desc; psig_loc = loc} =
-      let open Sig in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      match desc with
-      | Psig_value vd -> value ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
-      | Psig_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
-      | Psig_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.extension_constructor sub ed)
-      | Psig_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_declaration sub x)
-      | Psig_recmodule l ->
-          rec_module ~loc ( (sub.module_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
-      | Psig_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_description sub x)
-      | Psig_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_description sub x)
-      | Psig_class l -> class_ ~loc ( (sub.class_description sub) l)
-      | Psig_class_type l ->
-          class_type ~loc ( (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_extension (x, attrs) ->
-          extension ~loc (sub.extension sub x) ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub attrs)
-      | Psig_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-  end
-  module M = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-    let map sub {pmod_loc = loc; pmod_desc = desc; pmod_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Mod in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pmod_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-      | Pmod_structure str -> structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.structure sub str)
-      | Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body) ->
-          functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub arg)
-            (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.may_map (sub.module_type sub) arg_ty)
-            (sub.module_expr sub body)
-      | Pmod_apply (m1, m2) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m1) (sub.module_expr sub m2)
-      | Pmod_constraint (m, mty) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m)
-                      (sub.module_type sub mty)
-      | Pmod_unpack e -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pmod_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_structure_item sub {pstr_loc = loc; pstr_desc = desc} =
-      let open Str in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      match desc with
-      | Pstr_eval (x, attrs) ->
-          eval ~loc ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub attrs) (sub.expr sub x)
-      | Pstr_value (r, vbs) -> value ~loc r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-      | Pstr_primitive vd -> primitive ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
-      | Pstr_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
-      | Pstr_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.extension_constructor sub ed)
-      | Pstr_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_binding sub x)
-      | Pstr_recmodule l -> rec_module ~loc ( (sub.module_binding sub) l)
-      | Pstr_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_description sub x)
-      | Pstr_class l -> class_ ~loc ( (sub.class_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_class_type l ->
-          class_type ~loc ( (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_extension (x, attrs) ->
-          extension ~loc (sub.extension sub x) ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub attrs)
-      | Pstr_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-  end
-  module E = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the core language *)
-    let map sub {pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = desc; pexp_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Exp in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pexp_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-      | Pexp_constant x -> constant ~loc ~attrs x
-      | Pexp_let (r, vbs, e) ->
-          let_ ~loc ~attrs r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_fun (lab, def, p, e) ->
-          fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub.expr sub) def) (sub.pat sub p)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_function pel -> function_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_apply (e, l) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) ( (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
-      | Pexp_match (e, pel) ->
-          match_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_try (e, pel) -> try_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_tuple el -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.expr sub) el)
-      | Pexp_construct (lid, arg) ->
-          construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (map_opt (sub.expr sub) arg)
-      | Pexp_variant (lab, eo) ->
-          variant ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
-      | Pexp_record (l, eo) ->
-          record ~loc ~attrs ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) l)
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
-      | Pexp_field (e, lid) ->
-          field ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_loc sub lid)
-      | Pexp_setfield (e1, lid, e2) ->
-          setfield ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (map_loc sub lid)
-            (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_array el -> array ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.expr sub) el)
-      | Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, e3) ->
-          ifthenelse ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e3)
-      | Pexp_sequence (e1, e2) ->
-          sequence ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_while (e1, e2) ->
-          while_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_for (p, e1, e2, d, e3) ->
-          for_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2) d
-            (sub.expr sub e3)
-      | Pexp_coerce (e, t1, t2) ->
-          coerce ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t1)
-            (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pexp_constraint (e, t) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pexp_send (e, s) ->
-          send ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pexp_new lid -> new_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-      | Pexp_setinstvar (s, e) ->
-          setinstvar ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_override sel ->
-          override ~loc ~attrs
-            ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) sel)
-      | Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e) ->
-          letmodule ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.module_expr sub me)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_letexception (cd, e) ->
-          letexception ~loc ~attrs
-            (sub.extension_constructor sub cd)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_assert e -> assert_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_lazy e -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_poly (e, t) ->
-          poly ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t)
-      | Pexp_object cls -> object_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub cls)
-      | Pexp_newtype (s, e) ->
-          newtype ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_pack me -> pack ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
-      | Pexp_open (ovf, lid, e) ->
-          open_ ~loc ~attrs ovf (map_loc sub lid) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pexp_unreachable -> unreachable ~loc ~attrs ()
-  end
-  module P = struct
-    (* Patterns *)
-    let map sub {ppat_desc = desc; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Pat in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Ppat_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-      | Ppat_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_alias (p, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_constant c -> constant ~loc ~attrs c
-      | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) -> interval ~loc ~attrs c1 c2
-      | Ppat_tuple pl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.pat sub) pl)
-      | Ppat_construct (l, p) ->
-          construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub l) (map_opt (sub.pat sub) p)
-      | Ppat_variant (l, p) -> variant ~loc ~attrs l (map_opt (sub.pat sub) p)
-      | Ppat_record (lpl, cf) ->
-          record ~loc ~attrs
-                 ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.pat sub)) lpl) cf
-      | Ppat_array pl -> array ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.pat sub) pl)
-      | Ppat_or (p1, p2) -> or_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p1) (sub.pat sub p2)
-      | Ppat_constraint (p, t) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Ppat_type s -> type_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_lazy p -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_unpack s -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_open (lid,p) -> open_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_exception p -> exception_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-  end
-  module CE = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-    let map sub {pcl_loc = loc; pcl_desc = desc; pcl_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cl in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcl_constr (lid, tys) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tys)
-      | Pcl_structure s ->
-          structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub s)
-      | Pcl_fun (lab, e, p, ce) ->
-          fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e)
-            (sub.pat sub p)
-            (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-      | Pcl_apply (ce, l) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-            ( (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
-      | Pcl_let (r, vbs, ce) ->
-          let_ ~loc ~attrs r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-            (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-      | Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pcl_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pcl_open (ovf, lid, ce) ->
-          open_ ~loc ~attrs ovf (map_loc sub lid) (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-    let map_kind sub = function
-      | Cfk_concrete (o, e) -> Cfk_concrete (o, sub.expr sub e)
-      | Cfk_virtual t -> Cfk_virtual (sub.typ sub t)
-    let map_field sub {pcf_desc = desc; pcf_loc = loc; pcf_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cf in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcf_inherit (o, ce, s) ->
-          inherit_ ~loc ~attrs o (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-            (map_opt (map_loc sub) s)
-      | Pcf_val (s, m, k) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m (map_kind sub k)
-      | Pcf_method (s, p, k) ->
-          method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p (map_kind sub k)
-      | Pcf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pcf_initializer e -> initializer_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pcf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-      | Pcf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_structure sub {pcstr_self; pcstr_fields} =
-      {
-        pcstr_self = sub.pat sub pcstr_self;
-        pcstr_fields = (sub.class_field sub) pcstr_fields;
-      }
-    let class_infos sub f {pci_virt; pci_params = pl; pci_name; pci_expr;
-                           pci_loc; pci_attributes} =
-       ~virt:pci_virt
-       ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) pl)
-        (map_loc sub pci_name)
-        (f pci_expr)
-        ~loc:(sub.location sub pci_loc)
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub pci_attributes)
-  end
-  (* Now, a generic AST mapper, to be extended to cover all kinds and
-     cases of the OCaml grammar.  The default behavior of the mapper is
-     the identity. *)
-  let default_mapper =
-    {
-      structure = (fun this l -> (this.structure_item this) l);
-      structure_item = M.map_structure_item;
-      module_expr =;
-      signature = (fun this l -> (this.signature_item this) l);
-      signature_item = MT.map_signature_item;
-      module_type =;
-      with_constraint = MT.map_with_constraint;
-      class_declaration =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_expr this));
-      class_expr =;
-      class_field = CE.map_field;
-      class_structure = CE.map_structure;
-      class_type =;
-      class_type_field = CT.map_field;
-      class_signature = CT.map_signature;
-      class_type_declaration =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
-      class_description =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
-      type_declaration = T.map_type_declaration;
-      type_kind = T.map_type_kind;
-      typ =;
-      type_extension = T.map_type_extension;
-      extension_constructor = T.map_extension_constructor;
-      value_description =
-        (fun this {pval_name; pval_type; pval_prim; pval_loc;
-                   pval_attributes} ->
-            (map_loc this pval_name)
-            (this.typ this pval_type)
-            ~attrs:(this.attributes this pval_attributes)
-            ~loc:(this.location this pval_loc)
-            ~prim:pval_prim
-        );
-      pat =;
-      expr =;
-      module_declaration =
-        (fun this {pmd_name; pmd_type; pmd_attributes; pmd_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pmd_name)
-             (this.module_type this pmd_type)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmd_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmd_loc)
-        );
-      module_type_declaration =
-        (fun this {pmtd_name; pmtd_type; pmtd_attributes; pmtd_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pmtd_name)
-             ?typ:(map_opt (this.module_type this) pmtd_type)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmtd_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmtd_loc)
-        );
-      module_binding =
-        (fun this {pmb_name; pmb_expr; pmb_attributes; pmb_loc} ->
-  (map_loc this pmb_name) (this.module_expr this pmb_expr)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmb_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmb_loc)
-        );
-      open_description =
-        (fun this {popen_lid; popen_override; popen_attributes; popen_loc} ->
-  (map_loc this popen_lid)
-             ~override:popen_override
-             ~loc:(this.location this popen_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this popen_attributes)
-        );
-      include_description =
-        (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
-  (this.module_type this pincl_mod)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
-        );
-      include_declaration =
-        (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
-  (this.module_expr this pincl_mod)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
-        );
-      value_binding =
-        (fun this {pvb_pat; pvb_expr; pvb_attributes; pvb_loc} ->
-             (this.pat this pvb_pat)
-             (this.expr this pvb_expr)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pvb_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pvb_attributes)
-        );
-      constructor_declaration =
-        (fun this {pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_res; pcd_loc; pcd_attributes} ->
-          Type.constructor
-            (map_loc this pcd_name)
-            ~args:(T.map_constructor_arguments this pcd_args)
-            ?res:(map_opt (this.typ this) pcd_res)
-            ~loc:(this.location this pcd_loc)
-            ~attrs:(this.attributes this pcd_attributes)
-        );
-      label_declaration =
-        (fun this {pld_name; pld_type; pld_loc; pld_mutable; pld_attributes} ->
-           Type.field
-             (map_loc this pld_name)
-             (this.typ this pld_type)
-             ~mut:pld_mutable
-             ~loc:(this.location this pld_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pld_attributes)
-        );
-      cases = (fun this l -> ( this) l);
-      case =
-        (fun this {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} ->
-           {
-             pc_lhs = this.pat this pc_lhs;
-             pc_guard = map_opt (this.expr this) pc_guard;
-             pc_rhs = this.expr this pc_rhs;
-           }
-        );
-      location = (fun _this l -> l);
-      extension = (fun this (s, e) -> (map_loc this s, this.payload this e));
-      attribute = (fun this (s, e) -> (map_loc this s, this.payload this e));
-      attributes = (fun this l -> (this.attribute this) l);
-      payload =
-        (fun this -> function
-           | PStr x -> PStr (this.structure this x)
-           | PSig x -> PSig (this.signature this x)
-           | PTyp x -> PTyp (this.typ this x)
-           | PPat (x, g) -> PPat (this.pat this x, map_opt (this.expr this) g)
-        );
-    }
-  let extension_of_error (error : Locations.location_error) : extension =
-    Locations.extension_of_error
-      ~mk_pstr:(function
-        | x :: l -> PStr (x :: x :: l)
-        | l -> PStr l)
-      ~mk_extension:(fun x -> Str.extension x)
-      ~mk_string_constant:(fun x -> Str.eval (Exp.constant (Pconst_string (x, None))))
-      error
-  let attribute_of_warning loc s =
-    { loc; txt = "ocaml.ppwarning" },
-    PStr ([Str.eval ~loc (Exp.constant (Pconst_string (s, None)))])
-  include Locations.Helpers_impl
-module Outcometree = struct
-  (* Module [Outcometree]: results displayed by the toplevel *)
-  (* These types represent messages that the toplevel displays as normal
-     results or errors. The real displaying is customisable using the hooks:
-        [Toploop.print_out_value]
-        [Toploop.print_out_type]
-        [Toploop.print_out_sig_item]
-        [Toploop.print_out_phrase] *)
-  type out_ident              = Outcometree.out_ident    =
-    | Oide_apply of out_ident * out_ident
-    | Oide_dot of out_ident * string
-    | Oide_ident of string
-  type out_string              = Outcometree.out_string    =
-    | Ostr_string
-    | Ostr_bytes
-  type out_attribute              = Outcometree.out_attribute    =
-    { oattr_name: string }
-  type out_value              = Outcometree.out_value    =
-    | Oval_array of out_value list
-    | Oval_char of char
-    | Oval_constr of out_ident * out_value list
-    | Oval_ellipsis
-    | Oval_float of float
-    | Oval_int of int
-    | Oval_int32 of int32
-    | Oval_int64 of int64
-    | Oval_nativeint of nativeint
-    | Oval_list of out_value list
-    | Oval_printer of (Format.formatter -> unit)
-    | Oval_record of (out_ident * out_value) list
-    | Oval_string of string * int * out_string (* string, size-to-print, kind *)
-    | Oval_stuff of string
-    | Oval_tuple of out_value list
-    | Oval_variant of string * out_value option
-  type out_type              = Outcometree.out_type    =
-    | Otyp_abstract
-    | Otyp_open
-    | Otyp_alias of out_type * string
-    | Otyp_arrow of string * out_type * out_type
-    | Otyp_class of bool * out_ident * out_type list
-    | Otyp_constr of out_ident * out_type list
-    | Otyp_manifest of out_type * out_type
-    | Otyp_object of (string * out_type) list * bool option
-    | Otyp_record of (string * bool * out_type) list
-    | Otyp_stuff of string
-    | Otyp_sum of (string * out_type list * out_type option) list
-    | Otyp_tuple of out_type list
-    | Otyp_var of bool * string
-    | Otyp_variant of
-        bool * out_variant * bool * (string list) option
-    | Otyp_poly of string list * out_type
-    | Otyp_module of string * string list * out_type list
-    | Otyp_attribute of out_type * out_attribute
-  and out_variant              = Outcometree.out_variant    =
-    | Ovar_fields of (string * bool * out_type list) list
-    | Ovar_typ of out_type
-  type out_class_type              = Outcometree.out_class_type    =
-    | Octy_constr of out_ident * out_type list
-    | Octy_arrow of string * out_type * out_class_type
-    | Octy_signature of out_type option * out_class_sig_item list
-  and out_class_sig_item              = Outcometree.out_class_sig_item    =
-    | Ocsg_constraint of out_type * out_type
-    | Ocsg_method of string * bool * bool * out_type
-    | Ocsg_value of string * bool * bool * out_type
-  type out_module_type              = Outcometree.out_module_type    =
-    | Omty_abstract
-    | Omty_functor of string * out_module_type option * out_module_type
-    | Omty_ident of out_ident
-    | Omty_signature of out_sig_item list
-    | Omty_alias of out_ident
-  and out_sig_item              = Outcometree.out_sig_item    =
-    | Osig_class of
-        bool * string * (string * (bool * bool)) list * out_class_type *
-          out_rec_status
-    | Osig_class_type of
-        bool * string * (string * (bool * bool)) list * out_class_type *
-          out_rec_status
-    | Osig_typext of out_extension_constructor * out_ext_status
-    | Osig_modtype of string * out_module_type
-    | Osig_module of string * out_module_type * out_rec_status
-    | Osig_type of out_type_decl * out_rec_status
-    | Osig_value of out_val_decl
-    | Osig_ellipsis
-  and out_type_decl              = Outcometree.out_type_decl    =
-    { otype_name: string;
-      otype_params: (string * (bool * bool)) list;
-      otype_type: out_type;
-      otype_private: Asttypes.private_flag;
-      otype_immediate: bool;
-      otype_unboxed: bool;
-      otype_cstrs: (out_type * out_type) list }
-  and out_extension_constructor              = Outcometree.out_extension_constructor    =
-    { oext_name: string;
-      oext_type_name: string;
-      oext_type_params: string list;
-      oext_args: out_type list;
-      oext_ret_type: out_type option;
-      oext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
-  and out_type_extension              = Outcometree.out_type_extension    =
-    { otyext_name: string;
-      otyext_params: string list;
-      otyext_constructors: (string * out_type list * out_type option) list;
-      otyext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
-  and out_val_decl              = Outcometree.out_val_decl    =
-    { oval_name: string;
-      oval_type: out_type;
-      oval_prims: string list;
-      oval_attributes: out_attribute list }
-  and out_rec_status              = Outcometree.out_rec_status    =
-    | Orec_not
-    | Orec_first
-    | Orec_next
-  and out_ext_status              = Outcometree.out_ext_status    =
-    | Oext_first
-    | Oext_next
-    | Oext_exception
-  type out_phrase              = Outcometree.out_phrase    =
-    | Ophr_eval of out_value * out_type
-    | Ophr_signature of (out_sig_item * out_value option) list
-    | Ophr_exception of (exn * out_value)
-module Config = struct
-  let ast_impl_magic_number = "Caml1999M022"
-  let ast_intf_magic_number = "Caml1999N022"
-let map_signature mapper = mapper.Ast_mapper.signature mapper
-let map_structure mapper = mapper.Ast_mapper.structure mapper
-let shallow_identity =
-  let id _ x = x in
-  {
-    Ast_mapper.
-    structure               = id;
-    structure_item          = id;
-    module_expr             = id;
-    signature               = id;
-    signature_item          = id;
-    module_type             = id;
-    with_constraint         = id;
-    class_declaration       = id;
-    class_expr              = id;
-    class_field             = id;
-    class_structure         = id;
-    class_type              = id;
-    class_type_field        = id;
-    class_signature         = id;
-    class_type_declaration  = id;
-    class_description       = id;
-    type_declaration        = id;
-    type_kind               = id;
-    typ                     = id;
-    type_extension          = id;
-    extension_constructor   = id;
-    value_description       = id;
-    pat                     = id;
-    expr                    = id;
-    module_declaration      = id;
-    module_type_declaration = id;
-    module_binding          = id;
-    open_description        = id;
-    include_description     = id;
-    include_declaration     = id;
-    value_binding           = id;
-    constructor_declaration = id;
-    label_declaration       = id;
-    cases                   = id;
-    case                    = id;
-    location                = id;
-    extension               = id;
-    attribute               = id;
-    attributes              = id;
-    payload                 = id;
-  }
-let failing_mapper =
-  let fail _ _ =
-    invalid_arg "failing_mapper: this mapper function should never get called"
-  in
-  {
-    Ast_mapper.
-    structure               = fail;
-    structure_item          = fail;
-    module_expr             = fail;
-    signature               = fail;
-    signature_item          = fail;
-    module_type             = fail;
-    with_constraint         = fail;
-    class_declaration       = fail;
-    class_expr              = fail;
-    class_field             = fail;
-    class_structure         = fail;
-    class_type              = fail;
-    class_type_field        = fail;
-    class_signature         = fail;
-    class_type_declaration  = fail;
-    class_description       = fail;
-    type_declaration        = fail;
-    type_kind               = fail;
-    typ                     = fail;
-    type_extension          = fail;
-    extension_constructor   = fail;
-    value_description       = fail;
-    pat                     = fail;
-    expr                    = fail;
-    module_declaration      = fail;
-    module_type_declaration = fail;
-    module_binding          = fail;
-    open_description        = fail;
-    include_description     = fail;
-    include_declaration     = fail;
-    value_binding           = fail;
-    constructor_declaration = fail;
-    label_declaration       = fail;
-    cases                   = fail;
-    case                    = fail;
-    location                = fail;
-    extension               = fail;
-    attribute               = fail;
-    attributes              = fail;
-    payload                 = fail;
-  }
-let make_top_mapper ~signature ~structure =
-  {failing_mapper with Ast_mapper.
-                    signature = (fun _ x -> signature x);
-                    structure = (fun _ x -> structure x) }
-module Ast_407
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         Frédéric Bour, Facebook                        *)
-(*            Jérémie Dimino and Leo White, Jane Street Europe            *)
-(*            Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt            *)
-(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-(*       Daniel de Rauglaudre, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt         *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2018 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* Ast ported on Wed Apr 18 10:33:29 BST 2018
-   OCaml trunk was:
-     commit c0bd6a27e138911560f43dc75d5fde2ade4d6cfe (HEAD, tag: 4.07.0+beta2)
-     Author: Damien Doligez <>
-     Date:   Tue Apr 10 14:50:48 2018 +0200
-         change VERSION for 4.07.0+beta2
-module Location = Location
-module Longident = Longident
-module Asttypes = struct
-  (** Auxiliary AST types used by parsetree and typedtree. *)
-  type constant (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.constant *) =
-      Const_int of int
-    | Const_char of char
-    | Const_string of string * string option
-    | Const_float of string
-    | Const_int32 of int32
-    | Const_int64 of int64
-    | Const_nativeint of nativeint
-  type rec_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.rec_flag *) = Nonrecursive | Recursive
-  type direction_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.direction_flag *) = Upto | Downto
-  (* Order matters, used in polymorphic comparison *)
-  type private_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.private_flag *) = Private | Public
-  type mutable_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.mutable_flag *) = Immutable | Mutable
-  type virtual_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.virtual_flag *) = Virtual | Concrete
-  type override_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.override_flag *) = Override | Fresh
-  type closed_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.closed_flag *) = Closed | Open
-  type label = string
-  type arg_label (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.arg_label *) =
-      Nolabel
-    | Labelled of string (*  label:T -> ... *)
-    | Optional of string (* ?label:T -> ... *)
-  type 'a loc = 'a Location.loc = {
-    txt : 'a;
-    loc : Location.t;
-  }
-  type variance (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.variance *) =
-    | Covariant
-    | Contravariant
-    | Invariant
-module Parsetree = struct
-  (** Abstract syntax tree produced by parsing *)
-  open Asttypes
-  type constant (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constant *) =
-      Pconst_integer of string * char option
-    (* 3 3l 3L 3n
-       Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser.
-       Suffixes except 'l', 'L' and 'n' are rejected by the typechecker
-    *)
-    | Pconst_char of char
-    (* 'c' *)
-    | Pconst_string of string * string option
-    (* "constant"
-       {delim|other constant|delim}
-    *)
-    | Pconst_float of string * char option
-    (* 3.4 2e5 1.4e-4
-       Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser.
-       Suffixes are rejected by the typechecker.
-    *)
-  (** {1 Extension points} *)
-  type attribute = string loc * payload
-         (* [@id ARG]
-            [@@id ARG]
-            Metadata containers passed around within the AST.
-            The compiler ignores unknown attributes.
-         *)
-  and extension = string loc * payload
-        (* [%id ARG]
-           [%%id ARG]
-           Sub-language placeholder -- rejected by the typechecker.
-        *)
-  and attributes = attribute list
-  and payload (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.payload *) =
-    | PStr of structure
-    | PSig of signature (* : SIG *)
-    | PTyp of core_type  (* : T *)
-    | PPat of pattern * expression option  (* ? P  or  ? P when E *)
-  (** {1 Core language} *)
-  (* Type expressions *)
-  and core_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.core_type *) =
-      {
-       ptyp_desc: core_type_desc;
-       ptyp_loc: Location.t;
-       ptyp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and core_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.core_type_desc *) =
-    | Ptyp_any
-          (*  _ *)
-    | Ptyp_var of string
-          (* 'a *)
-    | Ptyp_arrow of arg_label * core_type * core_type
-          (* T1 -> T2       Simple
-             ~l:T1 -> T2    Labelled
-             ?l:T1 -> T2    Optional
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_tuple of core_type list
-          (* T1 * ... * Tn
-             Invariant: n >= 2
-          *)
-    | Ptyp_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* tconstr
-             T tconstr
-             (T1, ..., Tn) tconstr
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_object of object_field list * closed_flag
-          (* < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn >     (flag = Closed)
-             < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn; .. > (flag = Open)
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_class of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* #tconstr
-             T #tconstr
-             (T1, ..., Tn) #tconstr
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_alias of core_type * string
-          (* T as 'a *)
-    | Ptyp_variant of row_field list * closed_flag * label list option
-          (* [ `A|`B ]         (flag = Closed; labels = None)
-             [> `A|`B ]        (flag = Open;   labels = None)
-             [< `A|`B ]        (flag = Closed; labels = Some [])
-             [< `A|`B > `X `Y ](flag = Closed; labels = Some ["X";"Y"])
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_poly of string loc list * core_type
-          (* 'a1 ... 'an. T
-             Can only appear in the following context:
-             - As the core_type of a Ppat_constraint node corresponding
-               to a constraint on a let-binding: let x : 'a1 ... 'an. T
-               = e ...
-             - Under Cfk_virtual for methods (not values).
-             - As the core_type of a Pctf_method node.
-             - As the core_type of a Pexp_poly node.
-             - As the pld_type field of a label_declaration.
-             - As a core_type of a Ptyp_object node.
-           *)
-    | Ptyp_package of package_type
-          (* (module S) *)
-    | Ptyp_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and package_type = Longident.t loc * (Longident.t loc * core_type) list
-        (*
-          (module S)
-          (module S with type t1 = T1 and ... and tn = Tn)
-         *)
-  and row_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.row_field *) =
-    | Rtag of label loc * attributes * bool * core_type list
-          (* [`A]                   ( true,  [] )
-             [`A of T]              ( false, [T] )
-             [`A of T1 & .. & Tn]   ( false, [T1;...Tn] )
-             [`A of & T1 & .. & Tn] ( true,  [T1;...Tn] )
-            - The 2nd field is true if the tag contains a
-              constant (empty) constructor.
-            - '&' occurs when several types are used for the same constructor
-              (see 4.2 in the manual)
-            - TODO: switch to a record representation, and keep location
-          *)
-    | Rinherit of core_type
-          (* [ T ] *)
-  and object_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.object_field *) =
-    | Otag of label loc * attributes * core_type
-    | Oinherit of core_type
-  (* Patterns *)
-  and pattern (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.pattern *) =
-      {
-       ppat_desc: pattern_desc;
-       ppat_loc: Location.t;
-       ppat_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and pattern_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.pattern_desc *) =
-    | Ppat_any
-          (* _ *)
-    | Ppat_var of string loc
-          (* x *)
-    | Ppat_alias of pattern * string loc
-          (* P as 'a *)
-    | Ppat_constant of constant
-          (* 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
-    | Ppat_interval of constant * constant
-          (* 'a'..'z'
-             Other forms of interval are recognized by the parser
-             but rejected by the type-checker. *)
-    | Ppat_tuple of pattern list
-          (* (P1, ..., Pn)
-             Invariant: n >= 2
-          *)
-    | Ppat_construct of Longident.t loc * pattern option
-          (* C                None
-             C P              Some P
-             C (P1, ..., Pn)  Some (Ppat_tuple [P1; ...; Pn])
-           *)
-    | Ppat_variant of label * pattern option
-          (* `A             (None)
-             `A P           (Some P)
-           *)
-    | Ppat_record of (Longident.t loc * pattern) list * closed_flag
-          (* { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }     (flag = Closed)
-             { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn; _}   (flag = Open)
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Ppat_array of pattern list
-          (* [| P1; ...; Pn |] *)
-    | Ppat_or of pattern * pattern
-          (* P1 | P2 *)
-    | Ppat_constraint of pattern * core_type
-          (* (P : T) *)
-    | Ppat_type of Longident.t loc
-          (* #tconst *)
-    | Ppat_lazy of pattern
-          (* lazy P *)
-    | Ppat_unpack of string loc
-          (* (module P)
-             Note: (module P : S) is represented as
-             Ppat_constraint(Ppat_unpack, Ptyp_package)
-           *)
-    | Ppat_exception of pattern
-          (* exception P *)
-    | Ppat_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-    | Ppat_open of Longident.t loc * pattern
-          (* M.(P) *)
-  (* Value expressions *)
-  and expression (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.expression *) =
-      {
-       pexp_desc: expression_desc;
-       pexp_loc: Location.t;
-       pexp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and expression_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.expression_desc *) =
-    | Pexp_ident of Longident.t loc
-          (* x
-             M.x
-           *)
-    | Pexp_constant of constant
-          (* 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
-    | Pexp_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * expression
-          (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E       (flag = Nonrecursive)
-             let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E   (flag = Recursive)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_function of case list
-          (* function P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * expression
-          (* fun P -> E1                          (Simple, None)
-             fun ~l:P -> E1                       (Labelled l, None)
-             fun ?l:P -> E1                       (Optional l, None)
-             fun ?l:(P = E0) -> E1                (Optional l, Some E0)
-             Notes:
-             - If E0 is provided, only Optional is allowed.
-             - "fun P1 P2 .. Pn -> E1" is represented as nested Pexp_fun.
-             - "let f P = E" is represented using Pexp_fun.
-           *)
-    | Pexp_apply of expression * (arg_label * expression) list
-          (* E0 ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
-             li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?'
-             (optional argument).
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Pexp_match of expression * case list
-          (* match E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_try of expression * case list
-          (* try E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_tuple of expression list
-          (* (E1, ..., En)
-             Invariant: n >= 2
-          *)
-    | Pexp_construct of Longident.t loc * expression option
-          (* C                None
-             C E              Some E
-             C (E1, ..., En)  Some (Pexp_tuple[E1;...;En])
-          *)
-    | Pexp_variant of label * expression option
-          (* `A             (None)
-             `A E           (Some E)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_record of (Longident.t loc * expression) list * expression option
-          (* { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }     (None)
-             { E0 with l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }   (Some E0)
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Pexp_field of expression * Longident.t loc
-          (* E.l *)
-    | Pexp_setfield of expression * Longident.t loc * expression
-          (* E1.l <- E2 *)
-    | Pexp_array of expression list
-          (* [| E1; ...; En |] *)
-    | Pexp_ifthenelse of expression * expression * expression option
-          (* if E1 then E2 else E3 *)
-    | Pexp_sequence of expression * expression
-          (* E1; E2 *)
-    | Pexp_while of expression * expression
-          (* while E1 do E2 done *)
-    | Pexp_for of
-        pattern *  expression * expression * direction_flag * expression
-          (* for i = E1 to E2 do E3 done      (flag = Upto)
-             for i = E1 downto E2 do E3 done  (flag = Downto)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_constraint of expression * core_type
-          (* (E : T) *)
-    | Pexp_coerce of expression * core_type option * core_type
-          (* (E :> T)        (None, T)
-             (E : T0 :> T)   (Some T0, T)
-           *)
-    | Pexp_send of expression * label loc
-          (*  E # m *)
-    | Pexp_new of Longident.t loc
-          (* new M.c *)
-    | Pexp_setinstvar of label loc * expression
-          (* x <- 2 *)
-    | Pexp_override of (label loc * expression) list
-          (* {< x1 = E1; ...; Xn = En >} *)
-    | Pexp_letmodule of string loc * module_expr * expression
-          (* let module M = ME in E *)
-    | Pexp_letexception of extension_constructor * expression
-          (* let exception C in E *)
-    | Pexp_assert of expression
-          (* assert E
-             Note: "assert false" is treated in a special way by the
-             type-checker. *)
-    | Pexp_lazy of expression
-          (* lazy E *)
-    | Pexp_poly of expression * core_type option
-          (* Used for method bodies.
-             Can only be used as the expression under Cfk_concrete
-             for methods (not values). *)
-    | Pexp_object of class_structure
-          (* object ... end *)
-    | Pexp_newtype of string loc * expression
-          (* fun (type t) -> E *)
-    | Pexp_pack of module_expr
-          (* (module ME)
-             (module ME : S) is represented as
-             Pexp_constraint(Pexp_pack, Ptyp_package S) *)
-    | Pexp_open of override_flag * Longident.t loc * expression
-          (* M.(E)
-             let open M in E
-             let! open M in E *)
-    | Pexp_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-    | Pexp_unreachable
-          (* . *)
-  and case (*IF_CURRENT = *) =   (* (P -> E) or (P when E0 -> E) *)
-      {
-       pc_lhs: pattern;
-       pc_guard: expression option;
-       pc_rhs: expression;
-      }
-  (* Value descriptions *)
-  and value_description (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.value_description *) =
-      {
-       pval_name: string loc;
-       pval_type: core_type;
-       pval_prim: string list;
-       pval_attributes: attributes;  (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       pval_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (*
-    val x: T                            (prim = [])
-    external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"       (prim = ["s1";..."sn"])
-  *)
-  (* Type declarations *)
-  and type_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_declaration *) =
-      {
-       ptype_name: string loc;
-       ptype_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-             (* ('a1,...'an) t; None represents  _*)
-       ptype_cstrs: (core_type * core_type * Location.t) list;
-             (* ... constraint T1=T1'  ... constraint Tn=Tn' *)
-       ptype_kind: type_kind;
-       ptype_private: private_flag;   (* = private ... *)
-       ptype_manifest: core_type option;  (* = T *)
-       ptype_attributes: attributes;   (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       ptype_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (*
-    type t                     (abstract, no manifest)
-    type t = T0                (abstract, manifest=T0)
-    type t = C of T | ...      (variant,  no manifest)
-    type t = T0 = C of T | ... (variant,  manifest=T0)
-    type t = {l: T; ...}       (record,   no manifest)
-    type t = T0 = {l : T; ...} (record,   manifest=T0)
-    type t = ..                (open,     no manifest)
-  *)
-  and type_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_kind *) =
-    | Ptype_abstract
-    | Ptype_variant of constructor_declaration list
-    | Ptype_record of label_declaration list
-          (* Invariant: non-empty list *)
-    | Ptype_open
-  and label_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.label_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pld_name: string loc;
-       pld_mutable: mutable_flag;
-       pld_type: core_type;
-       pld_loc: Location.t;
-       pld_attributes: attributes; (* l : T [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  (*  { ...; l: T; ... }            (mutable=Immutable)
-      { ...; mutable l: T; ... }    (mutable=Mutable)
-      Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly.
-  *)
-  and constructor_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constructor_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pcd_name: string loc;
-       pcd_args: constructor_arguments;
-       pcd_res: core_type option;
-       pcd_loc: Location.t;
-       pcd_attributes: attributes; (* C of ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and constructor_arguments (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constructor_arguments *) =
-    | Pcstr_tuple of core_type list
-    | Pcstr_record of label_declaration list
-  (*
-    | C of T1 * ... * Tn     (res = None,    args = Pcstr_tuple [])
-    | C: T0                  (res = Some T0, args = [])
-    | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_tuple)
-    | C of {...}             (res = None,    args = Pcstr_record)
-    | C: {...} -> T0         (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_record)
-    | C of {...} as t        (res = None,    args = Pcstr_record)
-  *)
-  and type_extension (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_extension *) =
-      {
-       ptyext_path: Longident.t loc;
-       ptyext_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-       ptyext_constructors: extension_constructor list;
-       ptyext_private: private_flag;
-       ptyext_attributes: attributes;   (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  (*
-    type t += ...
-  *)
-  and extension_constructor (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.extension_constructor *) =
-      {
-       pext_name: string loc;
-       pext_kind : extension_constructor_kind;
-       pext_loc : Location.t;
-       pext_attributes: attributes; (* C of ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and extension_constructor_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind *) =
-      Pext_decl of constructor_arguments * core_type option
-        (*
-           | C of T1 * ... * Tn     ([T1; ...; Tn], None)
-           | C: T0                  ([], Some T0)
-           | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 ([T1; ...; Tn], Some T0)
-         *)
-    | Pext_rebind of Longident.t loc
-        (*
-           | C = D
-         *)
-  (** {1 Class language} *)
-  (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-  and class_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type *) =
-      {
-       pcty_desc: class_type_desc;
-       pcty_loc: Location.t;
-       pcty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_desc *) =
-    | Pcty_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* c
-             ['a1, ..., 'an] c *)
-    | Pcty_signature of class_signature
-          (* object ... end *)
-    | Pcty_arrow of arg_label * core_type * class_type
-          (* T -> CT       Simple
-             ~l:T -> CT    Labelled l
-             ?l:T -> CT    Optional l
-           *)
-    | Pcty_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-    | Pcty_open of override_flag * Longident.t loc * class_type
-          (* let open M in CT *)
-  and class_signature (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_signature *) =
-      {
-       pcsig_self: core_type;
-       pcsig_fields: class_type_field list;
-      }
-  (* object('selfpat) ... end
-     object ... end             (self = Ptyp_any)
-   *)
-  and class_type_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_field *) =
-      {
-       pctf_desc: class_type_field_desc;
-       pctf_loc: Location.t;
-       pctf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_type_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_field_desc *) =
-    | Pctf_inherit of class_type
-          (* inherit CT *)
-    | Pctf_val of (label loc * mutable_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
-          (* val x: T *)
-    | Pctf_method  of (label loc * private_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
-          (* method x: T
-             Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly.
-           *)
-    | Pctf_constraint  of (core_type * core_type)
-          (* constraint T1 = T2 *)
-    | Pctf_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pctf_extension of extension
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and 'a class_infos (*IF_CURRENT = 'a Parsetree.class_infos *) =
-      {
-       pci_virt: virtual_flag;
-       pci_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-       pci_name: string loc;
-       pci_expr: 'a;
-       pci_loc: Location.t;
-       pci_attributes: attributes;  (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  (* class c = ...
-     class ['a1,...,'an] c = ...
-     class virtual c = ...
-     Also used for "class type" declaration.
-  *)
-  and class_description = class_type class_infos
-  and class_type_declaration = class_type class_infos
-  (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-  and class_expr (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_expr *) =
-      {
-       pcl_desc: class_expr_desc;
-       pcl_loc: Location.t;
-       pcl_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_expr_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_expr_desc *) =
-    | Pcl_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-          (* c
-             ['a1, ..., 'an] c *)
-    | Pcl_structure of class_structure
-          (* object ... end *)
-    | Pcl_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * class_expr
-          (* fun P -> CE                          (Simple, None)
-             fun ~l:P -> CE                       (Labelled l, None)
-             fun ?l:P -> CE                       (Optional l, None)
-             fun ?l:(P = E0) -> CE                (Optional l, Some E0)
-           *)
-    | Pcl_apply of class_expr * (arg_label * expression) list
-          (* CE ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
-             li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?'
-             (optional argument).
-             Invariant: n > 0
-           *)
-    | Pcl_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * class_expr
-          (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE      (flag = Nonrecursive)
-             let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE  (flag = Recursive)
-           *)
-    | Pcl_constraint of class_expr * class_type
-          (* (CE : CT) *)
-    | Pcl_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-    | Pcl_open of override_flag * Longident.t loc * class_expr
-    (* let open M in CE *)
-  and class_structure (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_structure *) =
-      {
-       pcstr_self: pattern;
-       pcstr_fields: class_field list;
-      }
-  (* object(selfpat) ... end
-     object ... end           (self = Ppat_any)
-   *)
-  and class_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field *) =
-      {
-       pcf_desc: class_field_desc;
-       pcf_loc: Location.t;
-       pcf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      }
-  and class_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field_desc *) =
-    | Pcf_inherit of override_flag * class_expr * string loc option
-          (* inherit CE
-             inherit CE as x
-             inherit! CE
-             inherit! CE as x
-           *)
-    | Pcf_val of (label loc * mutable_flag * class_field_kind)
-          (* val x = E
-             val virtual x: T
-           *)
-    | Pcf_method of (label loc * private_flag * class_field_kind)
-          (* method x = E            (E can be a Pexp_poly)
-             method virtual x: T     (T can be a Ptyp_poly)
-           *)
-    | Pcf_constraint of (core_type * core_type)
-          (* constraint T1 = T2 *)
-    | Pcf_initializer of expression
-          (* initializer E *)
-    | Pcf_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pcf_extension of extension
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and class_field_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field_kind *) =
-    | Cfk_virtual of core_type
-    | Cfk_concrete of override_flag * expression
-  and class_declaration = class_expr class_infos
-  (** {1 Module language} *)
-  (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-  and module_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type *) =
-      {
-       pmty_desc: module_type_desc;
-       pmty_loc: Location.t;
-       pmty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and module_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type_desc *) =
-    | Pmty_ident of Longident.t loc
-          (* S *)
-    | Pmty_signature of signature
-          (* sig ... end *)
-    | Pmty_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_type
-          (* functor(X : MT1) -> MT2 *)
-    | Pmty_with of module_type * with_constraint list
-          (* MT with ... *)
-    | Pmty_typeof of module_expr
-          (* module type of ME *)
-    | Pmty_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-    | Pmty_alias of Longident.t loc
-          (* (module M) *)
-  and signature = signature_item list
-  and signature_item (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.signature_item *) =
-      {
-       psig_desc: signature_item_desc;
-       psig_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  and signature_item_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.signature_item_desc *) =
-    | Psig_value of value_description
-          (*
-            val x: T
-            external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"
-           *)
-    | Psig_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
-          (* type t1 = ... and ... and tn = ... *)
-    | Psig_typext of type_extension
-          (* type t1 += ... *)
-    | Psig_exception of extension_constructor
-          (* exception C of T *)
-    | Psig_module of module_declaration
-          (* module X : MT *)
-    | Psig_recmodule of module_declaration list
-          (* module rec X1 : MT1 and ... and Xn : MTn *)
-    | Psig_modtype of module_type_declaration
-          (* module type S = MT
-             module type S *)
-    | Psig_open of open_description
-          (* open X *)
-    | Psig_include of include_description
-          (* include MT *)
-    | Psig_class of class_description list
-          (* class c1 : ... and ... and cn : ... *)
-    | Psig_class_type of class_type_declaration list
-          (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *)
-    | Psig_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Psig_extension of extension * attributes
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and module_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pmd_name: string loc;
-       pmd_type: module_type;
-       pmd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       pmd_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (* S : MT *)
-  and module_type_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type_declaration *) =
-      {
-       pmtd_name: string loc;
-       pmtd_type: module_type option;
-       pmtd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-       pmtd_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (* S = MT
-     S       (abstract module type declaration, pmtd_type = None)
-  *)
-  and open_description (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.open_description *) =
-      {
-       popen_lid: Longident.t loc;
-       popen_override: override_flag;
-       popen_loc: Location.t;
-       popen_attributes: attributes;
-      }
-  (* open! X - popen_override = Override (silences the 'used identifier
-                                shadowing' warning)
-     open  X - popen_override = Fresh
-   *)
-  and 'a include_infos (*IF_CURRENT = 'a Parsetree.include_infos *) =
-      {
-       pincl_mod: 'a;
-       pincl_loc: Location.t;
-       pincl_attributes: attributes;
-      }
-  and include_description = module_type include_infos
-  (* include MT *)
-  and include_declaration = module_expr include_infos
-  (* include ME *)
-  and with_constraint (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.with_constraint *) =
-    | Pwith_type of Longident.t loc * type_declaration
-          (* with type X.t = ...
-             Note: the last component of the longident must match
-             the name of the type_declaration. *)
-    | Pwith_module of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc
-          (* with module X.Y = Z *)
-    | Pwith_typesubst of Longident.t loc * type_declaration
-          (* with type X.t := ..., same format as [Pwith_type] *)
-    | Pwith_modsubst of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc
-          (* with module X.Y := Z *)
-  (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-  and module_expr (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_expr *) =
-      {
-       pmod_desc: module_expr_desc;
-       pmod_loc: Location.t;
-       pmod_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-      }
-  and module_expr_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_expr_desc *) =
-    | Pmod_ident of Longident.t loc
-          (* X *)
-    | Pmod_structure of structure
-          (* struct ... end *)
-    | Pmod_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_expr
-          (* functor(X : MT1) -> ME *)
-    | Pmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr
-          (* ME1(ME2) *)
-    | Pmod_constraint of module_expr * module_type
-          (* (ME : MT) *)
-    | Pmod_unpack of expression
-          (* (val E) *)
-    | Pmod_extension of extension
-          (* [%id] *)
-  and structure = structure_item list
-  and structure_item (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.structure_item *) =
-      {
-       pstr_desc: structure_item_desc;
-       pstr_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  and structure_item_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.structure_item_desc *) =
-    | Pstr_eval of expression * attributes
-          (* E *)
-    | Pstr_value of rec_flag * value_binding list
-          (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN       (flag = Nonrecursive)
-             let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN   (flag = Recursive)
-           *)
-    | Pstr_primitive of value_description
-          (*  val x: T
-              external x: T = "s1" ... "sn" *)
-    | Pstr_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
-          (* type t1 = ... and ... and tn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_typext of type_extension
-          (* type t1 += ... *)
-    | Pstr_exception of extension_constructor
-          (* exception C of T
-             exception C = M.X *)
-    | Pstr_module of module_binding
-          (* module X = ME *)
-    | Pstr_recmodule of module_binding list
-          (* module rec X1 = ME1 and ... and Xn = MEn *)
-    | Pstr_modtype of module_type_declaration
-          (* module type S = MT *)
-    | Pstr_open of open_description
-          (* open X *)
-    | Pstr_class of class_declaration list
-          (* class c1 = ... and ... and cn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_class_type of class_type_declaration list
-          (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_include of include_declaration
-          (* include ME *)
-    | Pstr_attribute of attribute
-          (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pstr_extension of extension * attributes
-          (* [%%id] *)
-  and value_binding (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.value_binding *) =
-    {
-      pvb_pat: pattern;
-      pvb_expr: expression;
-      pvb_attributes: attributes;
-      pvb_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  and module_binding (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_binding *) =
-      {
-       pmb_name: string loc;
-       pmb_expr: module_expr;
-       pmb_attributes: attributes;
-       pmb_loc: Location.t;
-      }
-  (* X = ME *)
-  (** {1 Toplevel} *)
-  (* Toplevel phrases *)
-  type toplevel_phrase (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.toplevel_phrase *) =
-    | Ptop_def of structure
-    | Ptop_dir of string * directive_argument
-       (* #use, #load ... *)
-  and directive_argument (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.directive_argument *) =
-    | Pdir_none
-    | Pdir_string of string
-    | Pdir_int of string * char option
-    | Pdir_ident of Longident.t
-    | Pdir_bool of bool
-module Docstrings : sig
-  (** {2 Docstrings} *)
-  (** Documentation comments *)
-  type docstring
-  (** Create a docstring *)
-  val docstring : string -> Location.t -> docstring
-  (** Get the text of a docstring *)
-  val docstring_body : docstring -> string
-  (** Get the location of a docstring *)
-  val docstring_loc : docstring -> Location.t
-  (** {2 Items}
-      The {!docs} type represents documentation attached to an item. *)
-  type docs =
-    { docs_pre: docstring option;
-      docs_post: docstring option; }
-  val empty_docs : docs
-  val docs_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert item documentation to attributes and add them to an
-      attribute list *)
-  val add_docs_attrs : docs -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** {2 Fields and constructors}
-      The {!info} type represents documentation attached to a field or
-      constructor. *)
-  type info = docstring option
-  val empty_info : info
-  val info_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert field info to attributes and add them to an
-      attribute list *)
-  val add_info_attrs : info -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** {2 Unattached comments}
-      The {!text} type represents documentation which is not attached to
-      anything. *)
-  type text = docstring list
-  val empty_text : text
-  val empty_text_lazy : text Lazy.t
-  val text_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert text to attributes and add them to an attribute list *)
-  val add_text_attrs : text -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-end = struct
-  open Location
-  (* Docstrings *)
-  type docstring =
-    { ds_body: string;
-      ds_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  (* Docstring constructors and destructors *)
-  let docstring body loc =
-    let ds =
-      { ds_body = body;
-        ds_loc = loc;
-      }
-    in
-    ds
-  let docstring_body ds = ds.ds_body
-  let docstring_loc ds = ds.ds_loc
-  (* Docstrings attached to items *)
-  type docs =
-    { docs_pre: docstring option;
-      docs_post: docstring option; }
-  let empty_docs = { docs_pre = None; docs_post = None }
-  let doc_loc = {txt = "ocaml.doc"; loc = Location.none}
-  let docs_attr ds =
-    let open Parsetree in
-    let exp =
-      { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(ds.ds_body, None));
-        pexp_loc = ds.ds_loc;
-        pexp_attributes = []; }
-    in
-    let item =
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = exp.pexp_loc }
-    in
-      (doc_loc, PStr [item])
-  let add_docs_attrs docs attrs =
-    let attrs =
-      match docs.docs_pre with
-      | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
-      | Some ds -> docs_attr ds :: attrs
-    in
-    let attrs =
-      match docs.docs_post with
-      | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
-      | Some ds -> attrs @ [docs_attr ds]
-    in
-    attrs
-  (* Docstrings attached to constructors or fields *)
-  type info = docstring option
-  let empty_info = None
-  let info_attr = docs_attr
-  let add_info_attrs info attrs =
-    match info with
-    | None | Some {ds_body=""; _} -> attrs
-    | Some ds -> attrs @ [info_attr ds]
-  (* Docstrings not attached to a specific item *)
-  type text = docstring list
-  let empty_text = []
-  let empty_text_lazy = lazy []
-  let text_loc = {txt = "ocaml.text"; loc = Location.none}
-  let text_attr ds =
-    let open Parsetree in
-    let exp =
-      { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(ds.ds_body, None));
-        pexp_loc = ds.ds_loc;
-        pexp_attributes = []; }
-    in
-    let item =
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = exp.pexp_loc }
-    in
-      (text_loc, PStr [item])
-  let add_text_attrs dsl attrs =
-    let fdsl = List.filter (function {ds_body=""; _} -> false| _ ->true) dsl in
-    ( text_attr fdsl) @ attrs
-module Ast_helper : sig
-  (** Helpers to produce Parsetree fragments *)
-  open Asttypes
-  open Docstrings
-  open Parsetree
-  type lid = Longident.t loc
-  type str = string loc
-  type loc = Location.t
-  type attrs = attribute list
-  (** {1 Default locations} *)
-  val default_loc: loc ref
-      (** Default value for all optional location arguments. *)
-  val with_default_loc: loc -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
-      (** Set the [default_loc] within the scope of the execution
-          of the provided function. *)
-  (** {1 Constants} *)
-  module Const : sig
-    val char : char -> constant
-    val string : ?quotation_delimiter:string -> string -> constant
-    val integer : ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
-    val int : ?suffix:char -> int -> constant
-    val int32 : ?suffix:char -> int32 -> constant
-    val int64 : ?suffix:char -> int64 -> constant
-    val nativeint : ?suffix:char -> nativeint -> constant
-    val float : ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
-  end
-  (** {1 Core language} *)
-  (** Type expressions *)
-  module Typ :
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type_desc -> core_type
-      val attr: core_type -> attribute -> core_type
-      val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> core_type
-      val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> core_type
-      val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> core_type -> core_type
-                 -> core_type
-      val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type list -> core_type
-      val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
-      val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> object_field list
-                     -> closed_flag -> core_type
-      val class_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
-      val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> string -> core_type
-      val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> row_field list -> closed_flag
-                   -> label list option -> core_type
-      val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str list -> core_type -> core_type
-      val package: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> (lid * core_type) list
-                   -> core_type
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> core_type
-      val force_poly: core_type -> core_type
-      val varify_constructors: str list -> core_type -> core_type
-      (** [varify_constructors newtypes te] is type expression [te], of which
-          any of nullary type constructor [tc] is replaced by type variable of
-          the same name, if [tc]'s name appears in [newtypes].
-          Raise [Syntaxerr.Variable_in_scope] if any type variable inside [te]
-          appears in [newtypes].
-          @since 4.05
-       *)
-    end
-  (** Patterns *)
-  module Pat:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern_desc -> pattern
-      val attr:pattern -> attribute -> pattern
-      val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern
-      val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> pattern
-      val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> str -> pattern
-      val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> pattern
-      val interval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> constant -> pattern
-      val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-      val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> pattern option -> pattern
-      val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> pattern option -> pattern
-      val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * pattern) list -> closed_flag
-                  -> pattern
-      val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-      val or_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern -> pattern
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> core_type -> pattern
-      val type_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> pattern
-      val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
-      val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> pattern
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs  -> lid -> pattern -> pattern
-      val exception_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> pattern
-    end
-  (** Expressions *)
-  module Exp:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression_desc -> expression
-      val attr: expression -> attribute -> expression
-      val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
-      val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> expression
-      val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list
-                -> expression -> expression
-      val fun_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> expression option
-                -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-      val function_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> case list -> expression
-      val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression
-                 -> (arg_label * expression) list -> expression
-      val match_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> case list
-                  -> expression
-      val try_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> case list -> expression
-      val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-      val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression option
-                     -> expression
-      val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> expression option
-                   -> expression
-      val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * expression) list
-                  -> expression option -> expression
-      val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
-      val setfield: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
-                    -> expression
-      val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-      val ifthenelse: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-                      -> expression option -> expression
-      val sequence: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-                    -> expression
-      val while_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-                  -> expression
-      val for_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-                -> direction_flag -> expression -> expression
-      val coerce: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option
-                  -> core_type -> expression
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type
-                       -> expression
-      val send: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> str -> expression
-      val new_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
-      val setinstvar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> expression -> expression
-      val override: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (str * expression) list
-                    -> expression
-      val letmodule: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> module_expr -> expression
-                     -> expression
-      val letexception:
-        ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension_constructor -> expression
-        -> expression
-      val assert_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option
-                -> expression
-      val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> expression
-      val newtype: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> expression -> expression
-      val pack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> expression
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> lid -> expression
-                 -> expression
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> expression
-      val unreachable: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> expression
-      val case: pattern -> ?guard:expression -> expression -> case
-    end
-  (** Value declarations *)
-  module Val:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        ?prim:string list -> str -> core_type -> value_description
-    end
-  (** Type declarations *)
-  module Type:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        ?params:(core_type * variance) list ->
-        ?cstrs:(core_type * core_type * loc) list ->
-        ?kind:type_kind -> ?priv:private_flag -> ?manifest:core_type -> str ->
-        type_declaration
-      val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
-        ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type -> str ->
-        constructor_declaration
-      val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
-        ?mut:mutable_flag -> str -> core_type -> label_declaration
-    end
-  (** Type extensions *)
-  module Te:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        ?params:(core_type * variance) list -> ?priv:private_flag ->
-        lid -> extension_constructor list -> type_extension
-      val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-        str -> extension_constructor_kind -> extension_constructor
-      val decl: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-        ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type -> str ->
-        extension_constructor
-      val rebind: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-        str -> lid -> extension_constructor
-    end
-  (** {1 Module language} *)
-  (** Module type expressions *)
-  module Mty:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type_desc -> module_type
-      val attr: module_type -> attribute -> module_type
-      val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
-      val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
-      val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> signature -> module_type
-      val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-        str -> module_type option -> module_type -> module_type
-      val with_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type ->
-        with_constraint list -> module_type
-      val typeof_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_type
-    end
-  (** Module expressions *)
-  module Mod:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr_desc -> module_expr
-      val attr: module_expr -> attribute -> module_expr
-      val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_expr
-      val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> structure -> module_expr
-      val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-        str -> module_type option -> module_expr -> module_expr
-      val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_expr ->
-        module_expr
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type ->
-        module_expr
-      val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> module_expr
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_expr
-    end
-  (** Signature items *)
-  module Sig:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> signature_item_desc -> signature_item
-      val value: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> signature_item
-      val type_: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> type_declaration list -> signature_item
-      val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> signature_item
-      val exception_: ?loc:loc -> extension_constructor -> signature_item
-      val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration -> signature_item
-      val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration list -> signature_item
-      val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> signature_item
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_description -> signature_item
-      val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_description -> signature_item
-      val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_description list -> signature_item
-      val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> signature_item
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> signature_item
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> signature_item
-      val text: text -> signature_item list
-    end
-  (** Structure items *)
-  module Str:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> structure_item_desc -> structure_item
-      val eval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attributes -> expression -> structure_item
-      val value: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> value_binding list -> structure_item
-      val primitive: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> structure_item
-      val type_: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> type_declaration list -> structure_item
-      val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> structure_item
-      val exception_: ?loc:loc -> extension_constructor -> structure_item
-      val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_binding -> structure_item
-      val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_binding list -> structure_item
-      val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> structure_item
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_description -> structure_item
-      val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_declaration list -> structure_item
-      val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> structure_item
-      val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_declaration -> structure_item
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> structure_item
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> structure_item
-      val text: text -> structure_item list
-    end
-  (** Module declarations *)
-  module Md:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        str -> module_type -> module_declaration
-    end
-  (** Module type declarations *)
-  module Mtd:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        ?typ:module_type -> str -> module_type_declaration
-    end
-  (** Module bindings *)
-  module Mb:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        str -> module_expr -> module_binding
-    end
-  (** Opens *)
-  module Opn:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        ?override:override_flag -> lid -> open_description
-    end
-  (** Includes *)
-  module Incl:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> 'a -> 'a include_infos
-    end
-  (** Value bindings *)
-  module Vb:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        pattern -> expression -> value_binding
-    end
-  (** {1 Class language} *)
-  (** Class type expressions *)
-  module Cty:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type_desc -> class_type
-      val attr: class_type -> attribute -> class_type
-      val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_type
-      val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_signature -> class_type
-      val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> core_type ->
-        class_type -> class_type
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> lid -> class_type
-                 -> class_type
-    end
-  (** Class type fields *)
-  module Ctf:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-        class_type_field_desc -> class_type_field
-      val attr: class_type_field -> attribute -> class_type_field
-      val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type -> class_type_field
-      val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> mutable_flag ->
-        virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
-      val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> private_flag ->
-        virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type ->
-        class_type_field
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type_field
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_type_field
-      val text: text -> class_type_field list
-    end
-  (** Class expressions *)
-  module Cl:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr_desc -> class_expr
-      val attr: class_expr -> attribute -> class_expr
-      val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_expr
-      val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> class_expr
-      val fun_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> expression option ->
-        pattern -> class_expr -> class_expr
-      val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr ->
-        (arg_label * expression) list -> class_expr
-      val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list ->
-        class_expr -> class_expr
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr -> class_type ->
-        class_expr
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_expr
-      val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> lid -> class_expr
-                 -> class_expr
-    end
-  (** Class fields *)
-  module Cf:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> class_field_desc ->
-        class_field
-      val attr: class_field -> attribute -> class_field
-      val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> class_expr ->
-        str option -> class_field
-      val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> mutable_flag ->
-        class_field_kind -> class_field
-      val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> private_flag ->
-        class_field_kind -> class_field
-      val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type ->
-        class_field
-      val initializer_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> class_field
-      val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_field
-      val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_field
-      val text: text -> class_field list
-      val virtual_: core_type -> class_field_kind
-      val concrete: override_flag -> expression -> class_field_kind
-    end
-  (** Classes *)
-  module Ci:
-    sig
-      val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-        ?virt:virtual_flag -> ?params:(core_type * variance) list ->
-        str -> 'a -> 'a class_infos
-    end
-  (** Class signatures *)
-  module Csig:
-    sig
-      val mk: core_type -> class_type_field list -> class_signature
-    end
-  (** Class structures *)
-  module Cstr:
-    sig
-      val mk: pattern -> class_field list -> class_structure
-    end
-end = struct
-  (**************************************************************************)
-  (*                                                                        *)
-  (*                                 OCaml                                  *)
-  (*                                                                        *)
-  (*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-  (*                                                                        *)
-  (*   Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-  (*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
-  (*                                                                        *)
-  (*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-  (*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-  (*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-  (*                                                                        *)
-  (**************************************************************************)
-  (** Helpers to produce Parsetree fragments *)
-  open Asttypes
-  open Parsetree
-  open Docstrings
-  type lid = Longident.t loc
-  type str = string loc
-  type loc = Location.t
-  type attrs = attribute list
-  let default_loc = ref Location.none
-  let with_default_loc l f =
-    let old = !default_loc in
-    default_loc := l;
-    try let r = f () in default_loc := old; r
-    with exn -> default_loc := old; raise exn
-  module Const = struct
-    let integer ?suffix i = Pconst_integer (i, suffix)
-    let int ?suffix i = integer ?suffix (string_of_int i)
-    let int32 ?(suffix='l') i = integer ~suffix (Int32.to_string i)
-    let int64 ?(suffix='L') i = integer ~suffix (Int64.to_string i)
-    let nativeint ?(suffix='n') i = integer ~suffix (Nativeint.to_string i)
-    let float ?suffix f = Pconst_float (f, suffix)
-    let char c = Pconst_char c
-    let string ?quotation_delimiter s = Pconst_string (s, quotation_delimiter)
-  end
-  module Typ = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {ptyp_desc = d; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with ptyp_attributes = d.ptyp_attributes @ [a]}
-    let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ptyp_any
-    let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_var a)
-    let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_arrow (a, b, c))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_tuple a)
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_constr (a, b))
-    let object_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_object (a, b))
-    let class_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_class (a, b))
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_alias (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_variant (a, b, c))
-    let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_poly (a, b))
-    let package ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_package (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_extension a)
-    let force_poly t =
-      match t.ptyp_desc with
-      | Ptyp_poly _ -> t
-      | _ -> poly ~loc:t.ptyp_loc [] t (* -> ghost? *)
-    let varify_constructors var_names t =
-      let check_variable vl loc v =
-        if List.mem v vl then
-          raise Syntaxerr.(Error(Variable_in_scope(loc,v))) in
-      let var_names = (fun v -> v.txt) var_names in
-      let rec loop t =
-        let desc =
-          match t.ptyp_desc with
-          | Ptyp_any -> Ptyp_any
-          | Ptyp_var x ->
-              check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc x;
-              Ptyp_var x
-          | Ptyp_arrow (label,core_type,core_type') ->
-              Ptyp_arrow(label, loop core_type, loop core_type')
-          | Ptyp_tuple lst -> Ptyp_tuple ( loop lst)
-          | Ptyp_constr( { txt = Longident.Lident s; _ }, [])
-            when List.mem s var_names ->
-              Ptyp_var s
-          | Ptyp_constr(longident, lst) ->
-              Ptyp_constr(longident, loop lst)
-          | Ptyp_object (lst, o) ->
-              Ptyp_object ( loop_object_field lst, o)
-          | Ptyp_class (longident, lst) ->
-              Ptyp_class (longident, loop lst)
-          | Ptyp_alias(core_type, string) ->
-              check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc string;
-              Ptyp_alias(loop core_type, string)
-          | Ptyp_variant(row_field_list, flag, lbl_lst_option) ->
-              Ptyp_variant( loop_row_field row_field_list,
-                           flag, lbl_lst_option)
-          | Ptyp_poly(string_lst, core_type) ->
-            List.iter (fun v ->
-              check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc v.txt) string_lst;
-              Ptyp_poly(string_lst, loop core_type)
-          | Ptyp_package(longident,lst) ->
-              Ptyp_package(longident, (fun (n,typ) -> (n,loop typ) ) lst)
-          | Ptyp_extension (s, arg) ->
-              Ptyp_extension (s, arg)
-        in
-        {t with ptyp_desc = desc}
-      and loop_row_field  =
-        function
-          | Rtag(label,attrs,flag,lst) ->
-              Rtag(label,attrs,flag, loop lst)
-          | Rinherit t ->
-              Rinherit (loop t)
-      and loop_object_field =
-        function
-          | Otag(label, attrs, t) ->
-              Otag(label, attrs, loop t)
-          | Oinherit t ->
-              Oinherit (loop t)
-      in
-      loop t
-  end
-  module Pat = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {ppat_desc = d; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with ppat_attributes = d.ppat_attributes @ [a]}
-    let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ppat_any
-    let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_var a)
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_alias (a, b))
-    let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constant a)
-    let interval ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_interval (a, b))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_tuple a)
-    let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_construct (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_variant (a, b))
-    let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_record (a, b))
-    let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_array a)
-    let or_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_or (a, b))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constraint (a, b))
-    let type_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_type a)
-    let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_lazy a)
-    let unpack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_unpack a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_open (a, b))
-    let exception_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_exception a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_extension a)
-  end
-  module Exp = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pexp_desc = d; pexp_loc = loc; pexp_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pexp_attributes = d.pexp_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ident a)
-    let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constant a)
-    let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_let (a, b, c))
-    let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_fun (a, b, c, d))
-    let function_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_function a)
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_apply (a, b))
-    let match_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_match (a, b))
-    let try_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_try (a, b))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_tuple a)
-    let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_construct (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_variant (a, b))
-    let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_record (a, b))
-    let field ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_field (a, b))
-    let setfield ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setfield (a, b, c))
-    let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_array a)
-    let ifthenelse ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ifthenelse (a, b, c))
-    let sequence ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_sequence (a, b))
-    let while_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_while (a, b))
-    let for_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_for (a, b, c, d, e))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constraint (a, b))
-    let coerce ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_coerce (a, b, c))
-    let send ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_send (a, b))
-    let new_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_new a)
-    let setinstvar ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setinstvar (a, b))
-    let override ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_override a)
-    let letmodule ?loc ?attrs a b c= mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letmodule (a, b, c))
-    let letexception ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letexception (a, b))
-    let assert_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_assert a)
-    let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_lazy a)
-    let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_poly (a, b))
-    let object_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_object a)
-    let newtype ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_newtype (a, b))
-    let pack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_pack a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_open (a, b, c))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_extension a)
-    let unreachable ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Pexp_unreachable
-    let case lhs ?guard rhs =
-      {
-       pc_lhs = lhs;
-       pc_guard = guard;
-       pc_rhs = rhs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mty = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pmty_desc = d; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pmty_attributes = d.pmty_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_ident a)
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_alias a)
-    let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_signature a)
-    let functor_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_functor (a, b, c))
-    let with_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_with (a, b))
-    let typeof_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_typeof a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_extension a)
-  end
-  module Mod = struct
-  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-    {pmod_desc = d; pmod_loc = loc; pmod_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pmod_attributes = d.pmod_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_ident x)
-    let structure ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_structure x)
-    let functor_ ?loc ?attrs arg arg_ty body =
-      mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body))
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs m1 m2 = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_apply (m1, m2))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs m mty = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_constraint (m, mty))
-    let unpack ?loc ?attrs e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_unpack e)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_extension a)
-  end
-  module Sig = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {psig_desc = d; psig_loc = loc}
-    let value ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_value a)
-    let type_ ?loc rec_flag a = mk ?loc (Psig_type (rec_flag, a))
-    let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_typext a)
-    let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_exception a)
-    let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_module a)
-    let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_recmodule a)
-    let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_modtype a)
-    let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_open a)
-    let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_include a)
-    let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class a)
-    let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class_type a)
-    let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Psig_extension (a, attrs))
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-  end
-  module Str = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {pstr_desc = d; pstr_loc = loc}
-    let eval ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_eval (a, attrs))
-    let value ?loc a b = mk ?loc (Pstr_value (a, b))
-    let primitive ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_primitive a)
-    let type_ ?loc rec_flag a = mk ?loc (Pstr_type (rec_flag, a))
-    let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_typext a)
-    let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_exception a)
-    let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_module a)
-    let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_recmodule a)
-    let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_modtype a)
-    let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_open a)
-    let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class a)
-    let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class_type a)
-    let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_include a)
-    let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_extension (a, attrs))
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-  end
-  module Cl = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {
-       pcl_desc = d;
-       pcl_loc = loc;
-       pcl_attributes = attrs;
-      }
-    let attr d a = {d with pcl_attributes = d.pcl_attributes @ [a]}
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constr (a, b))
-    let structure ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_structure a)
-    let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_fun (a, b, c, d))
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_apply (a, b))
-    let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_let (a, b, c))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constraint (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_extension a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_open (a, b, c))
-  end
-  module Cty = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {
-       pcty_desc = d;
-       pcty_loc = loc;
-       pcty_attributes = attrs;
-      }
-    let attr d a = {d with pcty_attributes = d.pcty_attributes @ [a]}
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_constr (a, b))
-    let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_signature a)
-    let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_arrow (a, b, c))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_extension a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_open (a, b, c))
-  end
-  module Ctf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-             ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
-      {
-       pctf_desc = d;
-       pctf_loc = loc;
-       pctf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_inherit a)
-    let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_val (a, b, c, d))
-    let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_method (a, b, c, d))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_constraint (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_extension a)
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pctf_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-     let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-    let attr d a = {d with pctf_attributes = d.pctf_attributes @ [a]}
-  end
-  module Cf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
-      {
-       pcf_desc = d;
-       pcf_loc = loc;
-       pcf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_inherit (a, b, c))
-    let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_val (a, b, c))
-    let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_method (a, b, c))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_constraint (a, b))
-    let initializer_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_initializer a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_extension a)
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pcf_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-    let virtual_ ct = Cfk_virtual ct
-    let concrete o e = Cfk_concrete (o, e)
-    let attr d a = {d with pcf_attributes = d.pcf_attributes @ [a]}
-  end
-  module Val = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(prim = []) name typ =
-      {
-       pval_name = name;
-       pval_type = typ;
-       pval_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-       pval_loc = loc;
-       pval_prim = prim;
-      }
-  end
-  module Md = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name typ =
-      {
-       pmd_name = name;
-       pmd_type = typ;
-       pmd_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pmd_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mtd = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) ?typ name =
-      {
-       pmtd_name = name;
-       pmtd_type = typ;
-       pmtd_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pmtd_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mb = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name expr =
-      {
-       pmb_name = name;
-       pmb_expr = expr;
-       pmb_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pmb_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Opn = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(override = Fresh) lid =
-      {
-       popen_lid = lid;
-       popen_override = override;
-       popen_loc = loc;
-       popen_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Incl = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs) mexpr =
-      {
-       pincl_mod = mexpr;
-       pincl_loc = loc;
-       pincl_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Vb = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(text = []) pat expr =
-      {
-       pvb_pat = pat;
-       pvb_expr = expr;
-       pvb_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pvb_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Ci = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
-          ?(virt = Concrete) ?(params = []) name expr =
-      {
-       pci_virt = virt;
-       pci_params = params;
-       pci_name = name;
-       pci_expr = expr;
-       pci_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       pci_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Type = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
-        ?(params = [])
-        ?(cstrs = [])
-        ?(kind = Ptype_abstract)
-        ?(priv = Public)
-        ?manifest
-        name =
-      {
-       ptype_name = name;
-       ptype_params = params;
-       ptype_cstrs = cstrs;
-       ptype_kind = kind;
-       ptype_private = priv;
-       ptype_manifest = manifest;
-       ptype_attributes =
-         add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-       ptype_loc = loc;
-      }
-    let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
-          ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
-      {
-       pcd_name = name;
-       pcd_args = args;
-       pcd_res = res;
-       pcd_loc = loc;
-       pcd_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
-      }
-    let field ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
-          ?(mut = Immutable) name typ =
-      {
-       pld_name = name;
-       pld_mutable = mut;
-       pld_type = typ;
-       pld_loc = loc;
-       pld_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  (** Type extensions *)
-  module Te = struct
-    let mk ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(params = []) ?(priv = Public) path constructors =
-      {
-       ptyext_path = path;
-       ptyext_params = params;
-       ptyext_constructors = constructors;
-       ptyext_private = priv;
-       ptyext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name kind =
-      {
-       pext_name = name;
-       pext_kind = kind;
-       pext_loc = loc;
-       pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-    let decl ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-               ?(info = empty_info) ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
-      {
-       pext_name = name;
-       pext_kind = Pext_decl(args, res);
-       pext_loc = loc;
-       pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-    let rebind ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name lid =
-      {
-       pext_name = name;
-       pext_kind = Pext_rebind lid;
-       pext_loc = loc;
-       pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-  end
-  module Csig = struct
-    let mk self fields =
-      {
-       pcsig_self = self;
-       pcsig_fields = fields;
-      }
-  end
-  module Cstr = struct
-    let mk self fields =
-      {
-       pcstr_self = self;
-       pcstr_fields = fields;
-      }
-  end
-module Ast_mapper : sig
-  (** The interface of a -ppx rewriter
-    A -ppx rewriter is a program that accepts a serialized abstract syntax
-    tree and outputs another, possibly modified, abstract syntax tree.
-    This module encapsulates the interface between the compiler and
-    the -ppx rewriters, handling such details as the serialization format,
-    forwarding of command-line flags, and storing state.
-    {!mapper} allows to implement AST rewriting using open recursion.
-    A typical mapper would be based on {!default_mapper}, a deep
-    identity mapper, and will fall back on it for handling the syntax it
-    does not modify. For example:
-    {[
-  open Asttypes
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_mapper
-  let test_mapper argv =
-    { default_mapper with
-      expr = fun mapper expr ->
-        match expr with
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_extension ({ txt = "test" }, PStr [])} ->
-          Ast_helper.Exp.constant (Const_int 42)
-        | other -> default_mapper.expr mapper other; }
-  let () =
-    register "ppx_test" test_mapper]}
-    This -ppx rewriter, which replaces [[%test]] in expressions with
-    the constant [42], can be compiled using
-    [ocamlc -o ppx_test -I +compiler-libs ocamlcommon.cma].
-    *)
-  open Parsetree
-  (** {1 A generic Parsetree mapper} *)
-  type mapper (*IF_CURRENT = Ast_mapper.mapper*) = {
-    attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
-    attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
-    case: mapper -> case -> case;
-    cases: mapper -> case list -> case list;
-    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
-    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
-    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
-    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
-    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
-    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
-    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
-    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
-                            -> class_type_declaration;
-    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
-    constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
-                             -> constructor_declaration;
-    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
-    extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
-    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
-                           -> extension_constructor;
-    include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
-    include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
-    label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
-    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
-    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
-    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
-    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
-    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
-    module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
-                             -> module_type_declaration;
-    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
-    pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
-    payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
-    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
-    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
-    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
-    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
-    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
-    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
-    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
-    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
-    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
-    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
-    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
-  }
-  (** A mapper record implements one "method" per syntactic category,
-      using an open recursion style: each method takes as its first
-      argument the mapper to be applied to children in the syntax
-      tree. *)
-  val default_mapper: mapper
-  (** A default mapper, which implements a "deep identity" mapping. *)
-  (** {1 Convenience functions to write mappers} *)
-  val map_opt: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
-  val extension_of_error: Locations.location_error -> extension
-  (** Encode an error into an 'ocaml.error' extension node which can be
-      inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
-      responsible for reporting the error. *)
-  val attribute_of_warning: Location.t -> string -> attribute
-  (** Encode a warning message into an 'ocaml.ppwarning' attribute which can be
-      inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
-      responsible for reporting the warning. *)
-  include Locations.Helpers_intf
-end = struct
-  (* A generic Parsetree mapping class *)
-  (*
-  [@@@ocaml.warning "+9"]
-    (* Ensure that record patterns don't miss any field. *)
-  *)
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_helper
-  open Location
-  type mapper (*IF_CURRENT = Ast_mapper.mapper*) = {
-    attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
-    attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
-    case: mapper -> case -> case;
-    cases: mapper -> case list -> case list;
-    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
-    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
-    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
-    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
-    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
-    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
-    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
-    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
-                            -> class_type_declaration;
-    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
-    constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
-                             -> constructor_declaration;
-    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
-    extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
-    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
-                           -> extension_constructor;
-    include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
-    include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
-    label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
-    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
-    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
-    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
-    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
-    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
-    module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
-                             -> module_type_declaration;
-    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
-    pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
-    payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
-    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
-    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
-    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
-    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
-    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
-    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
-    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
-    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
-    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
-    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
-    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
-  }
-  let map_fst f (x, y) = (f x, y)
-  let map_snd f (x, y) = (x, f y)
-  let map_tuple f1 f2 (x, y) = (f1 x, f2 y)
-  let map_tuple3 f1 f2 f3 (x, y, z) = (f1 x, f2 y, f3 z)
-  let map_opt f = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
-  let map_loc sub {loc; txt} = {loc = sub.location sub loc; txt}
-  module T = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the core language *)
-    let row_field sub = function
-      | Rtag (l, attrs, b, tl) ->
-          Rtag (map_loc sub l, sub.attributes sub attrs,
-                b, (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Rinherit t -> Rinherit (sub.typ sub t)
-    let object_field sub = function
-      | Otag (l, attrs, t) ->
-          Otag (map_loc sub l, sub.attributes sub attrs, sub.typ sub t)
-      | Oinherit t -> Oinherit (sub.typ sub t)
-    let map sub {ptyp_desc = desc; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Typ in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Ptyp_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-      | Ptyp_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs s
-      | Ptyp_arrow (lab, t1, t2) ->
-          arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Ptyp_tuple tyl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.typ sub) tyl)
-      | Ptyp_constr (lid, tl) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Ptyp_object (l, o) ->
-          object_ ~loc ~attrs ( (object_field sub) l) o
-      | Ptyp_class (lid, tl) ->
-          class_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Ptyp_alias (t, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t) s
-      | Ptyp_variant (rl, b, ll) ->
-          variant ~loc ~attrs ( (row_field sub) rl) b ll
-      | Ptyp_poly (sl, t) -> poly ~loc ~attrs
-                               ( (map_loc sub) sl) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Ptyp_package (lid, l) ->
-          package ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-            ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.typ sub)) l)
-      | Ptyp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_type_declaration sub
-        {ptype_name; ptype_params; ptype_cstrs;
-         ptype_kind;
-         ptype_private;
-         ptype_manifest;
-         ptype_attributes;
-         ptype_loc} =
- (map_loc sub ptype_name)
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptype_params)
-        ~priv:ptype_private
-        ~cstrs:(
-                  (map_tuple3 (sub.typ sub) (sub.typ sub) (sub.location sub))
-                  ptype_cstrs)
-        ~kind:(sub.type_kind sub ptype_kind)
-        ?manifest:(map_opt (sub.typ sub) ptype_manifest)
-        ~loc:(sub.location sub ptype_loc)
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub ptype_attributes)
-    let map_type_kind sub = function
-      | Ptype_abstract -> Ptype_abstract
-      | Ptype_variant l ->
-          Ptype_variant ( (sub.constructor_declaration sub) l)
-      | Ptype_record l -> Ptype_record ( (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
-      | Ptype_open -> Ptype_open
-    let map_constructor_arguments sub = function
-      | Pcstr_tuple l -> Pcstr_tuple ( (sub.typ sub) l)
-      | Pcstr_record l ->
-          Pcstr_record ( (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
-    let map_type_extension sub
-        {ptyext_path; ptyext_params;
-         ptyext_constructors;
-         ptyext_private;
-         ptyext_attributes} =
-        (map_loc sub ptyext_path)
-        ( (sub.extension_constructor sub) ptyext_constructors)
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptyext_params)
-        ~priv:ptyext_private
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub ptyext_attributes)
-    let map_extension_constructor_kind sub = function
-        Pext_decl(ctl, cto) ->
-          Pext_decl(map_constructor_arguments sub ctl, map_opt (sub.typ sub) cto)
-      | Pext_rebind li ->
-          Pext_rebind (map_loc sub li)
-    let map_extension_constructor sub
-        {pext_name;
-         pext_kind;
-         pext_loc;
-         pext_attributes} =
-      Te.constructor
-        (map_loc sub pext_name)
-        (map_extension_constructor_kind sub pext_kind)
-        ~loc:(sub.location sub pext_loc)
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub pext_attributes)
-  end
-  module CT = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-    let map sub {pcty_loc = loc; pcty_desc = desc; pcty_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cty in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcty_constr (lid, tys) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tys)
-      | Pcty_signature x -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_signature sub x)
-      | Pcty_arrow (lab, t, ct) ->
-          arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pcty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pcty_open (ovf, lid, ct) ->
-          open_ ~loc ~attrs ovf (map_loc sub lid) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-    let map_field sub {pctf_desc = desc; pctf_loc = loc; pctf_attributes = attrs}
-      =
-      let open Ctf in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pctf_inherit ct -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pctf_val (s, m, v, t) ->
-          val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m v (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pctf_method (s, p, v, t) ->
-          method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p v (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pctf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pctf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-      | Pctf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_signature sub {pcsig_self; pcsig_fields} =
-        (sub.typ sub pcsig_self)
-        ( (sub.class_type_field sub) pcsig_fields)
-  end
-  module MT = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-    let map sub {pmty_desc = desc; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Mty in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pmty_ident s -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pmty_alias s -> alias ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pmty_signature sg -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.signature sub sg)
-      | Pmty_functor (s, mt1, mt2) ->
-          functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-            (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.may_map (sub.module_type sub) mt1)
-            (sub.module_type sub mt2)
-      | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
-          with_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_type sub mt)
-            ( (sub.with_constraint sub) l)
-      | Pmty_typeof me -> typeof_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
-      | Pmty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_with_constraint sub = function
-      | Pwith_type (lid, d) ->
-          Pwith_type (map_loc sub lid, sub.type_declaration sub d)
-      | Pwith_module (lid, lid2) ->
-          Pwith_module (map_loc sub lid, map_loc sub lid2)
-      | Pwith_typesubst (lid, d) ->
-          Pwith_typesubst (map_loc sub lid, sub.type_declaration sub d)
-      | Pwith_modsubst (s, lid) ->
-          Pwith_modsubst (map_loc sub s, map_loc sub lid)
-    let map_signature_item sub {psig_desc = desc; psig_loc = loc} =
-      let open Sig in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      match desc with
-      | Psig_value vd -> value ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
-      | Psig_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
-      | Psig_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.extension_constructor sub ed)
-      | Psig_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_declaration sub x)
-      | Psig_recmodule l ->
-          rec_module ~loc ( (sub.module_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
-      | Psig_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_description sub x)
-      | Psig_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_description sub x)
-      | Psig_class l -> class_ ~loc ( (sub.class_description sub) l)
-      | Psig_class_type l ->
-          class_type ~loc ( (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_extension (x, attrs) ->
-          extension ~loc (sub.extension sub x) ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub attrs)
-      | Psig_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-  end
-  module M = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-    let map sub {pmod_loc = loc; pmod_desc = desc; pmod_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Mod in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pmod_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-      | Pmod_structure str -> structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.structure sub str)
-      | Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body) ->
-          functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub arg)
-            (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.may_map (sub.module_type sub) arg_ty)
-            (sub.module_expr sub body)
-      | Pmod_apply (m1, m2) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m1) (sub.module_expr sub m2)
-      | Pmod_constraint (m, mty) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m)
-                      (sub.module_type sub mty)
-      | Pmod_unpack e -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pmod_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_structure_item sub {pstr_loc = loc; pstr_desc = desc} =
-      let open Str in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      match desc with
-      | Pstr_eval (x, attrs) ->
-          eval ~loc ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub attrs) (sub.expr sub x)
-      | Pstr_value (r, vbs) -> value ~loc r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-      | Pstr_primitive vd -> primitive ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
-      | Pstr_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
-      | Pstr_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.extension_constructor sub ed)
-      | Pstr_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_binding sub x)
-      | Pstr_recmodule l -> rec_module ~loc ( (sub.module_binding sub) l)
-      | Pstr_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_description sub x)
-      | Pstr_class l -> class_ ~loc ( (sub.class_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_class_type l ->
-          class_type ~loc ( (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_extension (x, attrs) ->
-          extension ~loc (sub.extension sub x) ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub attrs)
-      | Pstr_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-  end
-  module E = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the core language *)
-    let map sub {pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = desc; pexp_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Exp in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pexp_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-      | Pexp_constant x -> constant ~loc ~attrs x
-      | Pexp_let (r, vbs, e) ->
-          let_ ~loc ~attrs r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_fun (lab, def, p, e) ->
-          fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub.expr sub) def) (sub.pat sub p)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_function pel -> function_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_apply (e, l) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) ( (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
-      | Pexp_match (e, pel) ->
-          match_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_try (e, pel) -> try_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_tuple el -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.expr sub) el)
-      | Pexp_construct (lid, arg) ->
-          construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (map_opt (sub.expr sub) arg)
-      | Pexp_variant (lab, eo) ->
-          variant ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
-      | Pexp_record (l, eo) ->
-          record ~loc ~attrs ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) l)
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
-      | Pexp_field (e, lid) ->
-          field ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_loc sub lid)
-      | Pexp_setfield (e1, lid, e2) ->
-          setfield ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (map_loc sub lid)
-            (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_array el -> array ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.expr sub) el)
-      | Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, e3) ->
-          ifthenelse ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e3)
-      | Pexp_sequence (e1, e2) ->
-          sequence ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_while (e1, e2) ->
-          while_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_for (p, e1, e2, d, e3) ->
-          for_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2) d
-            (sub.expr sub e3)
-      | Pexp_coerce (e, t1, t2) ->
-          coerce ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t1)
-            (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pexp_constraint (e, t) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pexp_send (e, s) ->
-          send ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pexp_new lid -> new_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-      | Pexp_setinstvar (s, e) ->
-          setinstvar ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_override sel ->
-          override ~loc ~attrs
-            ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) sel)
-      | Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e) ->
-          letmodule ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.module_expr sub me)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_letexception (cd, e) ->
-          letexception ~loc ~attrs
-            (sub.extension_constructor sub cd)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_assert e -> assert_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_lazy e -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_poly (e, t) ->
-          poly ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t)
-      | Pexp_object cls -> object_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub cls)
-      | Pexp_newtype (s, e) ->
-          newtype ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_pack me -> pack ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
-      | Pexp_open (ovf, lid, e) ->
-          open_ ~loc ~attrs ovf (map_loc sub lid) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pexp_unreachable -> unreachable ~loc ~attrs ()
-  end
-  module P = struct
-    (* Patterns *)
-    let map sub {ppat_desc = desc; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Pat in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Ppat_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-      | Ppat_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_alias (p, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_constant c -> constant ~loc ~attrs c
-      | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) -> interval ~loc ~attrs c1 c2
-      | Ppat_tuple pl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.pat sub) pl)
-      | Ppat_construct (l, p) ->
-          construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub l) (map_opt (sub.pat sub) p)
-      | Ppat_variant (l, p) -> variant ~loc ~attrs l (map_opt (sub.pat sub) p)
-      | Ppat_record (lpl, cf) ->
-          record ~loc ~attrs
-                 ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.pat sub)) lpl) cf
-      | Ppat_array pl -> array ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.pat sub) pl)
-      | Ppat_or (p1, p2) -> or_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p1) (sub.pat sub p2)
-      | Ppat_constraint (p, t) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Ppat_type s -> type_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_lazy p -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_unpack s -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_open (lid,p) -> open_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_exception p -> exception_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-  end
-  module CE = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-    let map sub {pcl_loc = loc; pcl_desc = desc; pcl_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cl in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcl_constr (lid, tys) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tys)
-      | Pcl_structure s ->
-          structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub s)
-      | Pcl_fun (lab, e, p, ce) ->
-          fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e)
-            (sub.pat sub p)
-            (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-      | Pcl_apply (ce, l) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-            ( (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
-      | Pcl_let (r, vbs, ce) ->
-          let_ ~loc ~attrs r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-            (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-      | Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pcl_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pcl_open (ovf, lid, ce) ->
-          open_ ~loc ~attrs ovf (map_loc sub lid) (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-    let map_kind sub = function
-      | Cfk_concrete (o, e) -> Cfk_concrete (o, sub.expr sub e)
-      | Cfk_virtual t -> Cfk_virtual (sub.typ sub t)
-    let map_field sub {pcf_desc = desc; pcf_loc = loc; pcf_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cf in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcf_inherit (o, ce, s) ->
-          inherit_ ~loc ~attrs o (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-            (map_opt (map_loc sub) s)
-      | Pcf_val (s, m, k) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m (map_kind sub k)
-      | Pcf_method (s, p, k) ->
-          method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p (map_kind sub k)
-      | Pcf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pcf_initializer e -> initializer_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pcf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-      | Pcf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_structure sub {pcstr_self; pcstr_fields} =
-      {
-        pcstr_self = sub.pat sub pcstr_self;
-        pcstr_fields = (sub.class_field sub) pcstr_fields;
-      }
-    let class_infos sub f {pci_virt; pci_params = pl; pci_name; pci_expr;
-                           pci_loc; pci_attributes} =
-       ~virt:pci_virt
-       ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) pl)
-        (map_loc sub pci_name)
-        (f pci_expr)
-        ~loc:(sub.location sub pci_loc)
-        ~attrs:(sub.attributes sub pci_attributes)
-  end
-  (* Now, a generic AST mapper, to be extended to cover all kinds and
-     cases of the OCaml grammar.  The default behavior of the mapper is
-     the identity. *)
-  let default_mapper =
-    {
-      structure = (fun this l -> (this.structure_item this) l);
-      structure_item = M.map_structure_item;
-      module_expr =;
-      signature = (fun this l -> (this.signature_item this) l);
-      signature_item = MT.map_signature_item;
-      module_type =;
-      with_constraint = MT.map_with_constraint;
-      class_declaration =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_expr this));
-      class_expr =;
-      class_field = CE.map_field;
-      class_structure = CE.map_structure;
-      class_type =;
-      class_type_field = CT.map_field;
-      class_signature = CT.map_signature;
-      class_type_declaration =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
-      class_description =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
-      type_declaration = T.map_type_declaration;
-      type_kind = T.map_type_kind;
-      typ =;
-      type_extension = T.map_type_extension;
-      extension_constructor = T.map_extension_constructor;
-      value_description =
-        (fun this {pval_name; pval_type; pval_prim; pval_loc;
-                   pval_attributes} ->
-            (map_loc this pval_name)
-            (this.typ this pval_type)
-            ~attrs:(this.attributes this pval_attributes)
-            ~loc:(this.location this pval_loc)
-            ~prim:pval_prim
-        );
-      pat =;
-      expr =;
-      module_declaration =
-        (fun this {pmd_name; pmd_type; pmd_attributes; pmd_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pmd_name)
-             (this.module_type this pmd_type)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmd_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmd_loc)
-        );
-      module_type_declaration =
-        (fun this {pmtd_name; pmtd_type; pmtd_attributes; pmtd_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pmtd_name)
-             ?typ:(map_opt (this.module_type this) pmtd_type)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmtd_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmtd_loc)
-        );
-      module_binding =
-        (fun this {pmb_name; pmb_expr; pmb_attributes; pmb_loc} ->
-  (map_loc this pmb_name) (this.module_expr this pmb_expr)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmb_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmb_loc)
-        );
-      open_description =
-        (fun this {popen_lid; popen_override; popen_attributes; popen_loc} ->
-  (map_loc this popen_lid)
-             ~override:popen_override
-             ~loc:(this.location this popen_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this popen_attributes)
-        );
-      include_description =
-        (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
-  (this.module_type this pincl_mod)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
-        );
-      include_declaration =
-        (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
-  (this.module_expr this pincl_mod)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
-        );
-      value_binding =
-        (fun this {pvb_pat; pvb_expr; pvb_attributes; pvb_loc} ->
-             (this.pat this pvb_pat)
-             (this.expr this pvb_expr)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pvb_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pvb_attributes)
-        );
-      constructor_declaration =
-        (fun this {pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_res; pcd_loc; pcd_attributes} ->
-          Type.constructor
-            (map_loc this pcd_name)
-            ~args:(T.map_constructor_arguments this pcd_args)
-            ?res:(map_opt (this.typ this) pcd_res)
-            ~loc:(this.location this pcd_loc)
-            ~attrs:(this.attributes this pcd_attributes)
-        );
-      label_declaration =
-        (fun this {pld_name; pld_type; pld_loc; pld_mutable; pld_attributes} ->
-           Type.field
-             (map_loc this pld_name)
-             (this.typ this pld_type)
-             ~mut:pld_mutable
-             ~loc:(this.location this pld_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pld_attributes)
-        );
-      cases = (fun this l -> ( this) l);
-      case =
-        (fun this {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} ->
-           {
-             pc_lhs = this.pat this pc_lhs;
-             pc_guard = map_opt (this.expr this) pc_guard;
-             pc_rhs = this.expr this pc_rhs;
-           }
-        );
-      location = (fun _this l -> l);
-      extension = (fun this (s, e) -> (map_loc this s, this.payload this e));
-      attribute = (fun this (s, e) -> (map_loc this s, this.payload this e));
-      attributes = (fun this l -> (this.attribute this) l);
-      payload =
-        (fun this -> function
-           | PStr x -> PStr (this.structure this x)
-           | PSig x -> PSig (this.signature this x)
-           | PTyp x -> PTyp (this.typ this x)
-           | PPat (x, g) -> PPat (this.pat this x, map_opt (this.expr this) g)
-        );
-    }
-  let extension_of_error (error : Locations.location_error) : extension =
-    Locations.extension_of_error
-      ~mk_pstr:(function
-        | x :: l -> PStr (x :: x :: l)
-        | l -> PStr l)
-      ~mk_extension:(fun x -> Str.extension x)
-      ~mk_string_constant:(fun x -> Str.eval (Exp.constant (Pconst_string (x, None))))
-      error
-  let attribute_of_warning loc s =
-    { loc; txt = "ocaml.ppwarning" },
-    PStr ([Str.eval ~loc (Exp.constant (Pconst_string (s, None)))])
-  include Locations.Helpers_impl
-module Outcometree = struct
-  (* Module [Outcometree]: results displayed by the toplevel *)
-  (* These types represent messages that the toplevel displays as normal
-     results or errors. The real displaying is customisable using the hooks:
-        [Toploop.print_out_value]
-        [Toploop.print_out_type]
-        [Toploop.print_out_sig_item]
-        [Toploop.print_out_phrase] *)
-  type out_ident (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_ident *) =
-    | Oide_apply of out_ident * out_ident
-    | Oide_dot of out_ident * string
-    | Oide_ident of string
-  type out_string (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_string *) =
-    | Ostr_string
-    | Ostr_bytes
-  type out_attribute (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_attribute *) =
-    { oattr_name: string }
-  type out_value (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_value *) =
-    | Oval_array of out_value list
-    | Oval_char of char
-    | Oval_constr of out_ident * out_value list
-    | Oval_ellipsis
-    | Oval_float of float
-    | Oval_int of int
-    | Oval_int32 of int32
-    | Oval_int64 of int64
-    | Oval_nativeint of nativeint
-    | Oval_list of out_value list
-    | Oval_printer of (Format.formatter -> unit)
-    | Oval_record of (out_ident * out_value) list
-    | Oval_string of string * int * out_string (* string, size-to-print, kind *)
-    | Oval_stuff of string
-    | Oval_tuple of out_value list
-    | Oval_variant of string * out_value option
-  type out_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type *) =
-    | Otyp_abstract
-    | Otyp_open
-    | Otyp_alias of out_type * string
-    | Otyp_arrow of string * out_type * out_type
-    | Otyp_class of bool * out_ident * out_type list
-    | Otyp_constr of out_ident * out_type list
-    | Otyp_manifest of out_type * out_type
-    | Otyp_object of (string * out_type) list * bool option
-    | Otyp_record of (string * bool * out_type) list
-    | Otyp_stuff of string
-    | Otyp_sum of (string * out_type list * out_type option) list
-    | Otyp_tuple of out_type list
-    | Otyp_var of bool * string
-    | Otyp_variant of
-        bool * out_variant * bool * (string list) option
-    | Otyp_poly of string list * out_type
-    | Otyp_module of string * string list * out_type list
-    | Otyp_attribute of out_type * out_attribute
-  and out_variant (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_variant *) =
-    | Ovar_fields of (string * bool * out_type list) list
-    | Ovar_typ of out_type
-  type out_class_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_class_type *) =
-    | Octy_constr of out_ident * out_type list
-    | Octy_arrow of string * out_type * out_class_type
-    | Octy_signature of out_type option * out_class_sig_item list
-  and out_class_sig_item (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_class_sig_item *) =
-    | Ocsg_constraint of out_type * out_type
-    | Ocsg_method of string * bool * bool * out_type
-    | Ocsg_value of string * bool * bool * out_type
-  type out_module_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_module_type *) =
-    | Omty_abstract
-    | Omty_functor of string * out_module_type option * out_module_type
-    | Omty_ident of out_ident
-    | Omty_signature of out_sig_item list
-    | Omty_alias of out_ident
-  and out_sig_item (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_sig_item *) =
-    | Osig_class of
-        bool * string * (string * (bool * bool)) list * out_class_type *
-          out_rec_status
-    | Osig_class_type of
-        bool * string * (string * (bool * bool)) list * out_class_type *
-          out_rec_status
-    | Osig_typext of out_extension_constructor * out_ext_status
-    | Osig_modtype of string * out_module_type
-    | Osig_module of string * out_module_type * out_rec_status
-    | Osig_type of out_type_decl * out_rec_status
-    | Osig_value of out_val_decl
-    | Osig_ellipsis
-  and out_type_decl (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type_decl *) =
-    { otype_name: string;
-      otype_params: (string * (bool * bool)) list;
-      otype_type: out_type;
-      otype_private: Asttypes.private_flag;
-      otype_immediate: bool;
-      otype_unboxed: bool;
-      otype_cstrs: (out_type * out_type) list }
-  and out_extension_constructor (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_extension_constructor *) =
-    { oext_name: string;
-      oext_type_name: string;
-      oext_type_params: string list;
-      oext_args: out_type list;
-      oext_ret_type: out_type option;
-      oext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
-  and out_type_extension (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type_extension *) =
-    { otyext_name: string;
-      otyext_params: string list;
-      otyext_constructors: (string * out_type list * out_type option) list;
-      otyext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
-  and out_val_decl (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_val_decl *) =
-    { oval_name: string;
-      oval_type: out_type;
-      oval_prims: string list;
-      oval_attributes: out_attribute list }
-  and out_rec_status (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_rec_status *) =
-    | Orec_not
-    | Orec_first
-    | Orec_next
-  and out_ext_status (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_ext_status *) =
-    | Oext_first
-    | Oext_next
-    | Oext_exception
-  type out_phrase (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_phrase *) =
-    | Ophr_eval of out_value * out_type
-    | Ophr_signature of (out_sig_item * out_value option) list
-    | Ophr_exception of (exn * out_value)
-module Config = struct
-  let ast_impl_magic_number = "Caml1999M023"
-  let ast_intf_magic_number = "Caml1999N023"
-let map_signature mapper = mapper.Ast_mapper.signature mapper
-let map_structure mapper = mapper.Ast_mapper.structure mapper
-let shallow_identity =
-  let id _ x = x in
-  {
-    Ast_mapper.
-    structure               = id;
-    structure_item          = id;
-    module_expr             = id;
-    signature               = id;
-    signature_item          = id;
-    module_type             = id;
-    with_constraint         = id;
-    class_declaration       = id;
-    class_expr              = id;
-    class_field             = id;
-    class_structure         = id;
-    class_type              = id;
-    class_type_field        = id;
-    class_signature         = id;
-    class_type_declaration  = id;
-    class_description       = id;
-    type_declaration        = id;
-    type_kind               = id;
-    typ                     = id;
-    type_extension          = id;
-    extension_constructor   = id;
-    value_description       = id;
-    pat                     = id;
-    expr                    = id;
-    module_declaration      = id;
-    module_type_declaration = id;
-    module_binding          = id;
-    open_description        = id;
-    include_description     = id;
-    include_declaration     = id;
-    value_binding           = id;
-    constructor_declaration = id;
-    label_declaration       = id;
-    cases                   = id;
-    case                    = id;
-    location                = id;
-    extension               = id;
-    attribute               = id;
-    attributes              = id;
-    payload                 = id;
-  }
-let failing_mapper =
-  let fail _ _ =
-    invalid_arg "failing_mapper: this mapper function should never get called"
-  in
-  {
-    Ast_mapper.
-    structure               = fail;
-    structure_item          = fail;
-    module_expr             = fail;
-    signature               = fail;
-    signature_item          = fail;
-    module_type             = fail;
-    with_constraint         = fail;
-    class_declaration       = fail;
-    class_expr              = fail;
-    class_field             = fail;
-    class_structure         = fail;
-    class_type              = fail;
-    class_type_field        = fail;
-    class_signature         = fail;
-    class_type_declaration  = fail;
-    class_description       = fail;
-    type_declaration        = fail;
-    type_kind               = fail;
-    typ                     = fail;
-    type_extension          = fail;
-    extension_constructor   = fail;
-    value_description       = fail;
-    pat                     = fail;
-    expr                    = fail;
-    module_declaration      = fail;
-    module_type_declaration = fail;
-    module_binding          = fail;
-    open_description        = fail;
-    include_description     = fail;
-    include_declaration     = fail;
-    value_binding           = fail;
-    constructor_declaration = fail;
-    label_declaration       = fail;
-    cases                   = fail;
-    case                    = fail;
-    location                = fail;
-    extension               = fail;
-    attribute               = fail;
-    attributes              = fail;
-    payload                 = fail;
-  }
-let make_top_mapper ~signature ~structure =
-  {failing_mapper with Ast_mapper.
-                    signature = (fun _ x -> signature x);
-                    structure = (fun _ x -> structure x) }
-module Stdlib0
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-module Int = struct
-  let to_string = string_of_int
-module Option = struct
-  let map f o =
-    match o with
-    | None -> None
-    | Some v -> Some (f v)
-module Ast_408_helper
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-module Misc = struct
-  let find_in_path = Misc.find_in_path
-  let find_in_path_uncap = Misc.find_in_path_uncap
-  type ref_and_value = R : 'a ref * 'a -> ref_and_value
-  let protect_refs =
-    let set_refs l = List.iter (fun (R (r, v)) -> r := v) l in
-    fun refs f ->
-      let backup = (fun (R (r, _)) -> R (r, !r)) refs in
-      set_refs refs;
-      match f () with
-      | x           -> set_refs backup; x
-      | exception e -> set_refs backup; raise e
-  let may_map =
-  module Stdlib = struct
-    module String = struct
-      include String
-      module Map = Map.Make (String)
-    end
-  end
-module Ast_408
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         Frédéric Bour, Facebook                        *)
-(*            Jérémie Dimino and Leo White, Jane Street Europe            *)
-(*            Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt            *)
-(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-(*       Daniel de Rauglaudre, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt         *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2018 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* Ast ported on Thu Mar 21 09:50:42 GMT 2019
-   OCaml was:
-   commit 55c9ba466362f303eb4d5ed511f6fda142879137 (HEAD -> 4.08, origin/4.08)
-     Author: Nicolás Ojeda Bär <>
-     Date:   Tue Mar 19 08:11:02 2019 +0100
-         Merge pull request #8521 from nojb/fix_unix_tests_408
-         Actually run all lib-unix tests [4.08]
-open Stdlib0
-open Ast_408_helper
-module Location = Location
-module Longident = Longident
-module Asttypes = struct
-  type constant (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.constant *) =
-      Const_int of int
-    | Const_char of char
-    | Const_string of string * string option
-    | Const_float of string
-    | Const_int32 of int32
-    | Const_int64 of int64
-    | Const_nativeint of nativeint
-  type rec_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.rec_flag *) = Nonrecursive | Recursive
-  type direction_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.direction_flag *) = Upto | Downto
-  (* Order matters, used in polymorphic comparison *)
-  type private_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.private_flag *) = Private | Public
-  type mutable_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.mutable_flag *) = Immutable | Mutable
-  type virtual_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.virtual_flag *) = Virtual | Concrete
-  type override_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.override_flag *) = Override | Fresh
-  type closed_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.closed_flag *) = Closed | Open
-  type label = string
-  type arg_label (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.arg_label *) =
-      Nolabel
-    | Labelled of string (*  label:T -> ... *)
-    | Optional of string (* ?label:T -> ... *)
-  type 'a loc = 'a Location.loc = {
-    txt : 'a;
-    loc : Location.t;
-  }
-  type variance (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.variance *) =
-    | Covariant
-    | Contravariant
-    | Invariant
-module Parsetree = struct
-  open Asttypes
-  type constant (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constant *) =
-      Pconst_integer of string * char option
-    (* 3 3l 3L 3n
-       Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser.
-       Suffixes except 'l', 'L' and 'n' are rejected by the typechecker
-    *)
-    | Pconst_char of char
-    (* 'c' *)
-    | Pconst_string of string * string option
-    (* "constant"
-       {delim|other constant|delim}
-    *)
-    | Pconst_float of string * char option
-    (* 3.4 2e5 1.4e-4
-       Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser.
-       Suffixes are rejected by the typechecker.
-    *)
-  (** {1 Extension points} *)
-  type attribute (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.attribute *) = {
-    attr_name : string loc;
-    attr_payload : payload;
-    attr_loc : Location.t;
-  }
-  (* [@id ARG]
-     [@@id ARG]
-     Metadata containers passed around within the AST.
-     The compiler ignores unknown attributes.
-  *)
-  and extension = string loc * payload
-  (* [%id ARG]
-     [%%id ARG]
-     Sub-language placeholder -- rejected by the typechecker.
-  *)
-  and attributes = attribute list
-  and payload (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.payload *) =
-    | PStr of structure
-    | PSig of signature (* : SIG *)
-    | PTyp of core_type  (* : T *)
-    | PPat of pattern * expression option  (* ? P  or  ? P when E *)
-  (** {1 Core language} *)
-  (* Type expressions *)
-  and core_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.core_type *) =
-    {
-      ptyp_desc: core_type_desc;
-      ptyp_loc: Location.t;
-      ptyp_loc_stack: Location.t list;
-      ptyp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and typ = core_type
-  and core_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.core_type_desc *) =
-    | Ptyp_any
-    (*  _ *)
-    | Ptyp_var of string
-    (* 'a *)
-    | Ptyp_arrow of arg_label * core_type * core_type
-    (* T1 -> T2       Simple
-       ~l:T1 -> T2    Labelled
-       ?l:T1 -> T2    Optional
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_tuple of core_type list
-    (* T1 * ... * Tn
-       Invariant: n >= 2
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-    (* tconstr
-       T tconstr
-       (T1, ..., Tn) tconstr
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_object of object_field list * closed_flag
-    (* < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn >     (flag = Closed)
-       < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn; .. > (flag = Open)
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_class of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-    (* #tconstr
-       T #tconstr
-       (T1, ..., Tn) #tconstr
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_alias of core_type * string
-    (* T as 'a *)
-    | Ptyp_variant of row_field list * closed_flag * label list option
-    (* [ `A|`B ]         (flag = Closed; labels = None)
-       [> `A|`B ]        (flag = Open;   labels = None)
-       [< `A|`B ]        (flag = Closed; labels = Some [])
-       [< `A|`B > `X `Y ](flag = Closed; labels = Some ["X";"Y"])
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_poly of string loc list * core_type
-    (* 'a1 ... 'an. T
-       Can only appear in the following context:
-       - As the core_type of a Ppat_constraint node corresponding
-       to a constraint on a let-binding: let x : 'a1 ... 'an. T
-       = e ...
-       - Under Cfk_virtual for methods (not values).
-       - As the core_type of a Pctf_method node.
-       - As the core_type of a Pexp_poly node.
-       - As the pld_type field of a label_declaration.
-       - As a core_type of a Ptyp_object node.
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_package of package_type
-    (* (module S) *)
-    | Ptyp_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-  and package_type = Longident.t loc * (Longident.t loc * core_type) list
-      (*
-     (module S)
-     (module S with type t1 = T1 and ... and tn = Tn)
-  *)
-  and row_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.row_field *) = {
-    prf_desc : row_field_desc;
-    prf_loc : Location.t;
-    prf_attributes : attributes;
-  }
-  and row_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.row_field_desc *) =
-    | Rtag of label loc * bool * core_type list
-    (* [`A]                   ( true,  [] )
-       [`A of T]              ( false, [T] )
-       [`A of T1 & .. & Tn]   ( false, [T1;...Tn] )
-       [`A of & T1 & .. & Tn] ( true,  [T1;...Tn] )
-       - The 'bool' field is true if the tag contains a
-       constant (empty) constructor.
-       - '&' occurs when several types are used for the same constructor
-       (see 4.2 in the manual)
-    *)
-    | Rinherit of core_type
-    (* [ T ] *)
-  and object_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.object_field *) = {
-    pof_desc : object_field_desc;
-    pof_loc : Location.t;
-    pof_attributes : attributes;
-  }
-  and object_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.object_field_desc *) =
-    | Otag of label loc * core_type
-    | Oinherit of core_type
-  (* Patterns *)
-  and pattern (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.pattern *) =
-    {
-      ppat_desc: pattern_desc;
-      ppat_loc: Location.t;
-      ppat_loc_stack: Location.t list;
-      ppat_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and pat = pattern
-  and pattern_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.pattern_desc *) =
-    | Ppat_any
-    (* _ *)
-    | Ppat_var of string loc
-    (* x *)
-    | Ppat_alias of pattern * string loc
-    (* P as 'a *)
-    | Ppat_constant of constant
-    (* 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
-    | Ppat_interval of constant * constant
-    (* 'a'..'z'
-       Other forms of interval are recognized by the parser
-       but rejected by the type-checker. *)
-    | Ppat_tuple of pattern list
-    (* (P1, ..., Pn)
-       Invariant: n >= 2
-    *)
-    | Ppat_construct of Longident.t loc * pattern option
-    (* C                None
-       C P              Some P
-       C (P1, ..., Pn)  Some (Ppat_tuple [P1; ...; Pn])
-    *)
-    | Ppat_variant of label * pattern option
-    (* `A             (None)
-       `A P           (Some P)
-    *)
-    | Ppat_record of (Longident.t loc * pattern) list * closed_flag
-    (* { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }     (flag = Closed)
-       { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn; _}   (flag = Open)
-       Invariant: n > 0
-    *)
-    | Ppat_array of pattern list
-    (* [| P1; ...; Pn |] *)
-    | Ppat_or of pattern * pattern
-    (* P1 | P2 *)
-    | Ppat_constraint of pattern * core_type
-    (* (P : T) *)
-    | Ppat_type of Longident.t loc
-    (* #tconst *)
-    | Ppat_lazy of pattern
-    (* lazy P *)
-    | Ppat_unpack of string loc
-    (* (module P)
-       Note: (module P : S) is represented as
-       Ppat_constraint(Ppat_unpack, Ptyp_package)
-    *)
-    | Ppat_exception of pattern
-    (* exception P *)
-    | Ppat_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-    | Ppat_open of Longident.t loc * pattern
-    (* M.(P) *)
-  (* Value expressions *)
-  and expression (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.expression *) =
-    {
-      pexp_desc: expression_desc;
-      pexp_loc: Location.t;
-      pexp_loc_stack: Location.t list;
-      pexp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and expr = expression
-  and expression_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.expression_desc *) =
-    | Pexp_ident of Longident.t loc
-    (* x
-       M.x
-    *)
-    | Pexp_constant of constant
-    (* 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
-    | Pexp_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * expression
-    (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E       (flag = Nonrecursive)
-       let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E   (flag = Recursive)
-    *)
-    | Pexp_function of cases
-    (* function P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * expression
-    (* fun P -> E1                          (Simple, None)
-       fun ~l:P -> E1                       (Labelled l, None)
-       fun ?l:P -> E1                       (Optional l, None)
-       fun ?l:(P = E0) -> E1                (Optional l, Some E0)
-       Notes:
-       - If E0 is provided, only Optional is allowed.
-       - "fun P1 P2 .. Pn -> E1" is represented as nested Pexp_fun.
-       - "let f P = E" is represented using Pexp_fun.
-    *)
-    | Pexp_apply of expression * (arg_label * expression) list
-    (* E0 ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
-       li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?'
-       (optional argument).
-       Invariant: n > 0
-    *)
-    | Pexp_match of expression * cases
-    (* match E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_try of expression * cases
-    (* try E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_tuple of expression list
-    (* (E1, ..., En)
-       Invariant: n >= 2
-    *)
-    | Pexp_construct of Longident.t loc * expression option
-    (* C                None
-       C E              Some E
-       C (E1, ..., En)  Some (Pexp_tuple[E1;...;En])
-    *)
-    | Pexp_variant of label * expression option
-    (* `A             (None)
-       `A E           (Some E)
-    *)
-    | Pexp_record of (Longident.t loc * expression) list * expression option
-    (* { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }     (None)
-       { E0 with l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }   (Some E0)
-       Invariant: n > 0
-    *)
-    | Pexp_field of expression * Longident.t loc
-    (* E.l *)
-    | Pexp_setfield of expression * Longident.t loc * expression
-    (* E1.l <- E2 *)
-    | Pexp_array of expression list
-    (* [| E1; ...; En |] *)
-    | Pexp_ifthenelse of expression * expression * expression option
-    (* if E1 then E2 else E3 *)
-    | Pexp_sequence of expression * expression
-    (* E1; E2 *)
-    | Pexp_while of expression * expression
-    (* while E1 do E2 done *)
-    | Pexp_for of
-        pattern *  expression * expression * direction_flag * expression
-    (* for i = E1 to E2 do E3 done      (flag = Upto)
-       for i = E1 downto E2 do E3 done  (flag = Downto)
-    *)
-    | Pexp_constraint of expression * core_type
-    (* (E : T) *)
-    | Pexp_coerce of expression * core_type option * core_type
-    (* (E :> T)        (None, T)
-       (E : T0 :> T)   (Some T0, T)
-    *)
-    | Pexp_send of expression * label loc
-    (*  E # m *)
-    | Pexp_new of Longident.t loc
-    (* new M.c *)
-    | Pexp_setinstvar of label loc * expression
-    (* x <- 2 *)
-    | Pexp_override of (label loc * expression) list
-    (* {< x1 = E1; ...; Xn = En >} *)
-    | Pexp_letmodule of string loc * module_expr * expression
-    (* let module M = ME in E *)
-    | Pexp_letexception of extension_constructor * expression
-    (* let exception C in E *)
-    | Pexp_assert of expression
-    (* assert E
-       Note: "assert false" is treated in a special way by the
-       type-checker. *)
-    | Pexp_lazy of expression
-    (* lazy E *)
-    | Pexp_poly of expression * core_type option
-    (* Used for method bodies.
-       Can only be used as the expression under Cfk_concrete
-       for methods (not values). *)
-    | Pexp_object of class_structure
-    (* object ... end *)
-    | Pexp_newtype of string loc * expression
-    (* fun (type t) -> E *)
-    | Pexp_pack of module_expr
-    (* (module ME)
-       (module ME : S) is represented as
-       Pexp_constraint(Pexp_pack, Ptyp_package S) *)
-    | Pexp_open of open_declaration * expression
-    (* M.(E)
-       let open M in E
-       let! open M in E *)
-    | Pexp_letop of letop
-    (* let* P = E in E
-       let* P = E and* P = E in E *)
-    | Pexp_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-    | Pexp_unreachable
-    (* . *)
-  and case (*IF_CURRENT = *) =   (* (P -> E) or (P when E0 -> E) *)
-    {
-      pc_lhs: pattern;
-      pc_guard: expression option;
-      pc_rhs: expression;
-    }
-  and cases = case list
-  and letop (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.letop *) =
-    {
-      let_ : binding_op;
-      ands : binding_op list;
-      body : expression;
-    }
-  and binding_op (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.binding_op *) =
-    {
-      pbop_op : string loc;
-      pbop_pat : pattern;
-      pbop_exp : expression;
-      pbop_loc : Location.t;
-    }
-  (* Value descriptions *)
-  and value_description (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.value_description *) =
-    {
-      pval_name: string loc;
-      pval_type: core_type;
-      pval_prim: string list;
-      pval_attributes: attributes;  (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      pval_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-     val x: T                            (prim = [])
-     external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"       (prim = ["s1";..."sn"])
-  *)
-  (* Type declarations *)
-  and type_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_declaration *) =
-    {
-      ptype_name: string loc;
-      ptype_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-      (* ('a1,...'an) t; None represents  _*)
-      ptype_cstrs: (core_type * core_type * Location.t) list;
-      (* ... constraint T1=T1'  ... constraint Tn=Tn' *)
-      ptype_kind: type_kind;
-      ptype_private: private_flag;   (* = private ... *)
-      ptype_manifest: core_type option;  (* = T *)
-      ptype_attributes: attributes;   (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      ptype_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-     type t                     (abstract, no manifest)
-     type t = T0                (abstract, manifest=T0)
-     type t = C of T | ...      (variant,  no manifest)
-     type t = T0 = C of T | ... (variant,  manifest=T0)
-     type t = {l: T; ...}       (record,   no manifest)
-     type t = T0 = {l : T; ...} (record,   manifest=T0)
-     type t = ..                (open,     no manifest)
-  *)
-  and type_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_kind *) =
-    | Ptype_abstract
-    | Ptype_variant of constructor_declaration list
-    | Ptype_record of label_declaration list
-    (* Invariant: non-empty list *)
-    | Ptype_open
-  and label_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.label_declaration *) =
-    {
-      pld_name: string loc;
-      pld_mutable: mutable_flag;
-      pld_type: core_type;
-      pld_loc: Location.t;
-      pld_attributes: attributes; (* l : T [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  (*  { ...; l: T; ... }            (mutable=Immutable)
-      { ...; mutable l: T; ... }    (mutable=Mutable)
-      Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly.
-  *)
-  and constructor_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constructor_declaration *) =
-    {
-      pcd_name: string loc;
-      pcd_args: constructor_arguments;
-      pcd_res: core_type option;
-      pcd_loc: Location.t;
-      pcd_attributes: attributes; (* C of ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and constructor_arguments (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constructor_arguments *) =
-    | Pcstr_tuple of core_type list
-    | Pcstr_record of label_declaration list
-     | C of T1 * ... * Tn     (res = None,    args = Pcstr_tuple [])
-     | C: T0                  (res = Some T0, args = [])
-     | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_tuple)
-     | C of {...}             (res = None,    args = Pcstr_record)
-     | C: {...} -> T0         (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_record)
-     | C of {...} as t        (res = None,    args = Pcstr_record)
-  *)
-  and type_extension (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_extension *) =
-    {
-      ptyext_path: Longident.t loc;
-      ptyext_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-      ptyext_constructors: extension_constructor list;
-      ptyext_private: private_flag;
-      ptyext_loc: Location.t;
-      ptyext_attributes: attributes;   (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-    }
-     type t += ...
-  *)
-  and extension_constructor (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.extension_constructor *) =
-    {
-      pext_name: string loc;
-      pext_kind : extension_constructor_kind;
-      pext_loc : Location.t;
-      pext_attributes: attributes; (* C of ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  (* exception E *)
-  and type_exception (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_exception *) =
-    {
-      ptyexn_constructor: extension_constructor;
-      ptyexn_loc: Location.t;
-      ptyexn_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-    }
-  and extension_constructor_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind *) =
-      Pext_decl of constructor_arguments * core_type option
-      (*
-       | C of T1 * ... * Tn     ([T1; ...; Tn], None)
-       | C: T0                  ([], Some T0)
-       | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 ([T1; ...; Tn], Some T0)
-    *)
-    | Pext_rebind of Longident.t loc
-      (*
-       | C = D
-    *)
-  (** {1 Class language} *)
-  (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-  and class_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type *) =
-    {
-      pcty_desc: class_type_desc;
-      pcty_loc: Location.t;
-      pcty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and class_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_desc *) =
-    | Pcty_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-    (* c
-       ['a1, ..., 'an] c *)
-    | Pcty_signature of class_signature
-    (* object ... end *)
-    | Pcty_arrow of arg_label * core_type * class_type
-    (* T -> CT       Simple
-       ~l:T -> CT    Labelled l
-       ?l:T -> CT    Optional l
-    *)
-    | Pcty_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-    | Pcty_open of open_description * class_type
-    (* let open M in CT *)
-  and class_signature (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_signature *) =
-    {
-      pcsig_self: core_type;
-      pcsig_fields: class_type_field list;
-    }
-  (* object('selfpat) ... end
-     object ... end             (self = Ptyp_any)
-  *)
-  and class_type_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_field *) =
-    {
-      pctf_desc: class_type_field_desc;
-      pctf_loc: Location.t;
-      pctf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-    }
-  and class_type_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_field_desc *) =
-    | Pctf_inherit of class_type
-    (* inherit CT *)
-    | Pctf_val of (label loc * mutable_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
-    (* val x: T *)
-    | Pctf_method  of (label loc * private_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
-    (* method x: T
-       Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly.
-    *)
-    | Pctf_constraint  of (core_type * core_type)
-    (* constraint T1 = T2 *)
-    | Pctf_attribute of attribute
-    (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pctf_extension of extension
-    (* [%%id] *)
-  and 'a class_infos (*IF_CURRENT = 'a Parsetree.class_infos *) =
-    {
-      pci_virt: virtual_flag;
-      pci_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-      pci_name: string loc;
-      pci_expr: 'a;
-      pci_loc: Location.t;
-      pci_attributes: attributes;  (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-    }
-  (* class c = ...
-     class ['a1,...,'an] c = ...
-     class virtual c = ...
-     Also used for "class type" declaration.
-  *)
-  and class_description = class_type class_infos
-  and class_type_declaration = class_type class_infos
-  (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-  and class_expr (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_expr *) =
-    {
-      pcl_desc: class_expr_desc;
-      pcl_loc: Location.t;
-      pcl_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and class_expr_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_expr_desc *) =
-    | Pcl_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-    (* c
-       ['a1, ..., 'an] c *)
-    | Pcl_structure of class_structure
-    (* object ... end *)
-    | Pcl_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * class_expr
-    (* fun P -> CE                          (Simple, None)
-       fun ~l:P -> CE                       (Labelled l, None)
-       fun ?l:P -> CE                       (Optional l, None)
-       fun ?l:(P = E0) -> CE                (Optional l, Some E0)
-    *)
-    | Pcl_apply of class_expr * (arg_label * expression) list
-    (* CE ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
-       li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?'
-       (optional argument).
-       Invariant: n > 0
-    *)
-    | Pcl_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * class_expr
-    (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE      (flag = Nonrecursive)
-       let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE  (flag = Recursive)
-    *)
-    | Pcl_constraint of class_expr * class_type
-    (* (CE : CT) *)
-    | Pcl_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-    | Pcl_open of open_description * class_expr
-    (* let open M in CE *)
-  and class_structure (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_structure *) =
-    {
-      pcstr_self: pattern;
-      pcstr_fields: class_field list;
-    }
-  (* object(selfpat) ... end
-     object ... end           (self = Ppat_any)
-  *)
-  and class_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field *) =
-    {
-      pcf_desc: class_field_desc;
-      pcf_loc: Location.t;
-      pcf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-    }
-  and class_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field_desc *) =
-    | Pcf_inherit of override_flag * class_expr * string loc option
-    (* inherit CE
-       inherit CE as x
-       inherit! CE
-       inherit! CE as x
-    *)
-    | Pcf_val of (label loc * mutable_flag * class_field_kind)
-    (* val x = E
-       val virtual x: T
-    *)
-    | Pcf_method of (label loc * private_flag * class_field_kind)
-    (* method x = E            (E can be a Pexp_poly)
-       method virtual x: T     (T can be a Ptyp_poly)
-    *)
-    | Pcf_constraint of (core_type * core_type)
-    (* constraint T1 = T2 *)
-    | Pcf_initializer of expression
-    (* initializer E *)
-    | Pcf_attribute of attribute
-    (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pcf_extension of extension
-    (* [%%id] *)
-  and class_field_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field_kind *) =
-    | Cfk_virtual of core_type
-    | Cfk_concrete of override_flag * expression
-  and class_declaration = class_expr class_infos
-  (** {1 Module language} *)
-  (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-  and module_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type *) =
-    {
-      pmty_desc: module_type_desc;
-      pmty_loc: Location.t;
-      pmty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and module_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type_desc *) =
-    | Pmty_ident of Longident.t loc
-    (* S *)
-    | Pmty_signature of signature
-    (* sig ... end *)
-    | Pmty_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_type
-    (* functor(X : MT1) -> MT2 *)
-    | Pmty_with of module_type * with_constraint list
-    (* MT with ... *)
-    | Pmty_typeof of module_expr
-    (* module type of ME *)
-    | Pmty_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-    | Pmty_alias of Longident.t loc
-    (* (module M) *)
-  and signature = signature_item list
-  and signature_item (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.signature_item *) =
-    {
-      psig_desc: signature_item_desc;
-      psig_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  and signature_item_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.signature_item_desc *) =
-    | Psig_value of value_description
-        (*
-       val x: T
-       external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"
-    *)
-    | Psig_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
-    (* type t1 = ... and ... and tn  = ... *)
-    | Psig_typesubst of type_declaration list
-    (* type t1 := ... and ... and tn := ...  *)
-    | Psig_typext of type_extension
-    (* type t1 += ... *)
-    | Psig_exception of type_exception
-    (* exception C of T *)
-    | Psig_module of module_declaration
-    (* module X = M
-       module X : MT *)
-    | Psig_modsubst of module_substitution
-    (* module X := M *)
-    | Psig_recmodule of module_declaration list
-    (* module rec X1 : MT1 and ... and Xn : MTn *)
-    | Psig_modtype of module_type_declaration
-    (* module type S = MT
-       module type S *)
-    | Psig_open of open_description
-    (* open X *)
-    | Psig_include of include_description
-    (* include MT *)
-    | Psig_class of class_description list
-    (* class c1 : ... and ... and cn : ... *)
-    | Psig_class_type of class_type_declaration list
-    (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *)
-    | Psig_attribute of attribute
-    (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Psig_extension of extension * attributes
-    (* [%%id] *)
-  and module_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_declaration *) =
-    {
-      pmd_name: string loc;
-      pmd_type: module_type;
-      pmd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      pmd_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  (* S : MT *)
-  and module_substitution (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_substitution *) =
-    {
-      pms_name: string loc;
-      pms_manifest: Longident.t loc;
-      pms_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      pms_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  and module_type_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type_declaration *) =
-    {
-      pmtd_name: string loc;
-      pmtd_type: module_type option;
-      pmtd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      pmtd_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  (* S = MT
-     S       (abstract module type declaration, pmtd_type = None)
-  *)
-  and 'a open_infos (*IF_CURRENT = 'a Parsetree.open_infos *) =
-    {
-      popen_expr: 'a;
-      popen_override: override_flag;
-      popen_loc: Location.t;
-      popen_attributes: attributes;
-    }
-  (* open! X - popen_override = Override (silences the 'used identifier
-     shadowing' warning)
-     open  X - popen_override = Fresh
-  *)
-  and open_description = Longident.t loc open_infos
-  (* open M.N
-     open M(N).O *)
-  and open_declaration = module_expr open_infos
-  (* open M.N
-     open M(N).O
-     open struct ... end *)
-  and 'a include_infos (*IF_CURRENT = 'a Parsetree.include_infos *) =
-    {
-      pincl_mod: 'a;
-      pincl_loc: Location.t;
-      pincl_attributes: attributes;
-    }
-  and include_description = module_type include_infos
-  (* include MT *)
-  and include_declaration = module_expr include_infos
-  (* include ME *)
-  and with_constraint (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.with_constraint *) =
-    | Pwith_type of Longident.t loc * type_declaration
-    (* with type X.t = ...
-       Note: the last component of the longident must match
-       the name of the type_declaration. *)
-    | Pwith_module of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc
-    (* with module X.Y = Z *)
-    | Pwith_typesubst of Longident.t loc * type_declaration
-    (* with type X.t := ..., same format as [Pwith_type] *)
-    | Pwith_modsubst of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc
-    (* with module X.Y := Z *)
-  (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-  and module_expr (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_expr *) =
-    {
-      pmod_desc: module_expr_desc;
-      pmod_loc: Location.t;
-      pmod_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and module_expr_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_expr_desc *) =
-    | Pmod_ident of Longident.t loc
-    (* X *)
-    | Pmod_structure of structure
-    (* struct ... end *)
-    | Pmod_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_expr
-    (* functor(X : MT1) -> ME *)
-    | Pmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr
-    (* ME1(ME2) *)
-    | Pmod_constraint of module_expr * module_type
-    (* (ME : MT) *)
-    | Pmod_unpack of expression
-    (* (val E) *)
-    | Pmod_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-  and structure = structure_item list
-  and structure_item (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.structure_item *) =
-    {
-      pstr_desc: structure_item_desc;
-      pstr_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  and structure_item_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.structure_item_desc *) =
-    | Pstr_eval of expression * attributes
-    (* E *)
-    | Pstr_value of rec_flag * value_binding list
-    (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN       (flag = Nonrecursive)
-       let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN   (flag = Recursive)
-    *)
-    | Pstr_primitive of value_description
-    (*  val x: T
-        external x: T = "s1" ... "sn" *)
-    | Pstr_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
-    (* type t1 = ... and ... and tn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_typext of type_extension
-    (* type t1 += ... *)
-    | Pstr_exception of type_exception
-    (* exception C of T
-       exception C = M.X *)
-    | Pstr_module of module_binding
-    (* module X = ME *)
-    | Pstr_recmodule of module_binding list
-    (* module rec X1 = ME1 and ... and Xn = MEn *)
-    | Pstr_modtype of module_type_declaration
-    (* module type S = MT *)
-    | Pstr_open of open_declaration
-    (* open X *)
-    | Pstr_class of class_declaration list
-    (* class c1 = ... and ... and cn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_class_type of class_type_declaration list
-    (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_include of include_declaration
-    (* include ME *)
-    | Pstr_attribute of attribute
-    (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pstr_extension of extension * attributes
-    (* [%%id] *)
-  and value_binding (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.value_binding *) =
-    {
-      pvb_pat: pattern;
-      pvb_expr: expression;
-      pvb_attributes: attributes;
-      pvb_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  and module_binding (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_binding *) =
-    {
-      pmb_name: string loc;
-      pmb_expr: module_expr;
-      pmb_attributes: attributes;
-      pmb_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  (* X = ME *)
-  (** {1 Toplevel} *)
-  (* Toplevel phrases *)
-  type toplevel_phrase (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.toplevel_phrase *) =
-    | Ptop_def of structure
-    | Ptop_dir of toplevel_directive
-    (* #use, #load ... *)
-  and toplevel_directive (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.toplevel_directive *) =
-    {
-      pdir_name : string loc;
-      pdir_arg : directive_argument option;
-      pdir_loc : Location.t;
-    }
-  and directive_argument (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.directive_argument *) =
-    {
-      pdira_desc : directive_argument_desc;
-      pdira_loc : Location.t;
-    }
-  and directive_argument_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.directive_argument_desc *) =
-    | Pdir_string of string
-    | Pdir_int of string * char option
-    | Pdir_ident of Longident.t
-    | Pdir_bool of bool
-module Docstrings : sig
-  (** (Re)Initialise all docstring state *)
-  val init : unit -> unit
-  (** Emit warnings for unattached and ambiguous docstrings *)
-  val warn_bad_docstrings : unit -> unit
-  (** {2 Docstrings} *)
-  (** Documentation comments *)
-  type docstring
-  (** Create a docstring *)
-  val docstring : string -> Location.t -> docstring
-  (** Register a docstring *)
-  val register : docstring -> unit
-  (** Get the text of a docstring *)
-  val docstring_body : docstring -> string
-  (** Get the location of a docstring *)
-  val docstring_loc : docstring -> Location.t
-  (** {2 Set functions}
-      These functions are used by the lexer to associate docstrings to
-      the locations of tokens. *)
-  (** Docstrings immediately preceding a token *)
-  val set_pre_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
-  (** Docstrings immediately following a token *)
-  val set_post_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
-  (** Docstrings not immediately adjacent to a token *)
-  val set_floating_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
-  (** Docstrings immediately following the token which precedes this one *)
-  val set_pre_extra_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
-  (** Docstrings immediately preceding the token which follows this one *)
-  val set_post_extra_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
-  (** {2 Items}
-      The {!docs} type represents documentation attached to an item. *)
-  type docs =
-    { docs_pre: docstring option;
-      docs_post: docstring option; }
-  val empty_docs : docs
-  val docs_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert item documentation to attributes and add them to an
-      attribute list *)
-  val add_docs_attrs : docs -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** Fetch the item documentation for the current symbol. This also
-      marks this documentation (for ambiguity warnings). *)
-  val symbol_docs : unit -> docs
-  val symbol_docs_lazy : unit -> docs Lazy.t
-  (** Fetch the item documentation for the symbols between two
-      positions. This also marks this documentation (for ambiguity
-      warnings). *)
-  val rhs_docs : int -> int -> docs
-  val rhs_docs_lazy : int -> int -> docs Lazy.t
-  (** Mark the item documentation for the current symbol (for ambiguity
-      warnings). *)
-  val mark_symbol_docs : unit -> unit
-  (** Mark as associated the item documentation for the symbols between
-      two positions (for ambiguity warnings) *)
-  val mark_rhs_docs : int -> int -> unit
-  (** {2 Fields and constructors}
-      The {!info} type represents documentation attached to a field or
-      constructor. *)
-  type info = docstring option
-  val empty_info : info
-  val info_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert field info to attributes and add them to an
-      attribute list *)
-  val add_info_attrs : info -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** Fetch the field info for the current symbol. *)
-  val symbol_info : unit -> info
-  (** Fetch the field info following the symbol at a given position. *)
-  val rhs_info : int -> info
-  (** {2 Unattached comments}
-      The {!text} type represents documentation which is not attached to
-      anything. *)
-  type text = docstring list
-  val empty_text : text
-  val empty_text_lazy : text Lazy.t
-  val text_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert text to attributes and add them to an attribute list *)
-  val add_text_attrs : text -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** Fetch the text preceding the current symbol. *)
-  val symbol_text : unit -> text
-  val symbol_text_lazy : unit -> text Lazy.t
-  (** Fetch the text preceding the symbol at the given position. *)
-  val rhs_text : int -> text
-  val rhs_text_lazy : int -> text Lazy.t
-  (** {2 Extra text}
-      There may be additional text attached to the delimiters of a block
-      (e.g. [struct] and [end]). This is fetched by the following
-      functions, which are applied to the contents of the block rather
-      than the delimiters. *)
-  (** Fetch additional text preceding the current symbol *)
-  val symbol_pre_extra_text : unit -> text
-  (** Fetch additional text following the current symbol *)
-  val symbol_post_extra_text : unit -> text
-  (** Fetch additional text preceding the symbol at the given position *)
-  val rhs_pre_extra_text : int -> text
-  (** Fetch additional text following the symbol at the given position *)
-  val rhs_post_extra_text : int -> text
-  (** Fetch text following the symbol at the given position *)
-  val rhs_post_text : int -> text
-  module WithMenhir: sig
-    (** Fetch the item documentation for the current symbol. This also
-        marks this documentation (for ambiguity warnings). *)
-    val symbol_docs : Lexing.position * Lexing.position -> docs
-    val symbol_docs_lazy : Lexing.position * Lexing.position -> docs Lazy.t
-    (** Fetch the item documentation for the symbols between two
-        positions. This also marks this documentation (for ambiguity
-        warnings). *)
-    val rhs_docs : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> docs
-    val rhs_docs_lazy : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> docs Lazy.t
-    (** Mark the item documentation for the current symbol (for ambiguity
-        warnings). *)
-    val mark_symbol_docs : Lexing.position * Lexing.position -> unit
-    (** Mark as associated the item documentation for the symbols between
-        two positions (for ambiguity warnings) *)
-    val mark_rhs_docs : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> unit
-    (** Fetch the field info for the current symbol. *)
-    val symbol_info : Lexing.position -> info
-    (** Fetch the field info following the symbol at a given position. *)
-    val rhs_info : Lexing.position -> info
-    (** Fetch the text preceding the current symbol. *)
-    val symbol_text : Lexing.position -> text
-    val symbol_text_lazy : Lexing.position -> text Lazy.t
-    (** Fetch the text preceding the symbol at the given position. *)
-    val rhs_text : Lexing.position -> text
-    val rhs_text_lazy : Lexing.position -> text Lazy.t
-    (** {3 Extra text}
-        There may be additional text attached to the delimiters of a block
-        (e.g. [struct] and [end]). This is fetched by the following
-        functions, which are applied to the contents of the block rather
-        than the delimiters. *)
-    (** Fetch additional text preceding the current symbol *)
-    val symbol_pre_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
-    (** Fetch additional text following the current symbol *)
-    val symbol_post_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
-    (** Fetch additional text preceding the symbol at the given position *)
-    val rhs_pre_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
-    (** Fetch additional text following the symbol at the given position *)
-    val rhs_post_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
-    (** Fetch text following the symbol at the given position *)
-    val rhs_post_text : Lexing.position -> text
-  end
-end = struct
-  open Location
-  (* Docstrings *)
-  (* A docstring is "attached" if it has been inserted in the AST. This
-     is used for generating unexpected docstring warnings. *)
-  type ds_attached =
-    | Unattached   (* Not yet attached anything.*)
-    | Info         (* Attached to a field or constructor. *)
-    | Docs         (* Attached to an item or as floating text. *)
-  (* A docstring is "associated" with an item if there are no blank lines between
-     them. This is used for generating docstring ambiguity warnings. *)
-  type ds_associated =
-    | Zero             (* Not associated with an item *)
-    | One              (* Associated with one item *)
-    | Many             (* Associated with multiple items (ambiguity) *)
-  type docstring =
-    { ds_body: string;
-      ds_loc: Location.t;
-      mutable ds_attached: ds_attached;
-      mutable ds_associated: ds_associated; }
-  (* List of docstrings *)
-  let docstrings : docstring list ref = ref []
-  (* Warn for unused and ambiguous docstrings *)
-  let warn_bad_docstrings () =
-    if Warnings.is_active (Warnings.Bad_docstring true) then begin
-      List.iter
-        (fun ds ->
-           match ds.ds_attached with
-           | Info -> ()
-           | Unattached ->
-             prerr_warning ds.ds_loc (Warnings.Bad_docstring true)
-           | Docs ->
-             match ds.ds_associated with
-             | Zero | One -> ()
-             | Many ->
-               prerr_warning ds.ds_loc (Warnings.Bad_docstring false))
-        (List.rev !docstrings)
-    end
-  (* Docstring constructors and destructors *)
-  let docstring body loc =
-    let ds =
-      { ds_body = body;
-        ds_loc = loc;
-        ds_attached = Unattached;
-        ds_associated = Zero; }
-    in
-    ds
-  let register ds =
-    docstrings := ds :: !docstrings
-  let docstring_body ds = ds.ds_body
-  let docstring_loc ds = ds.ds_loc
-  (* Docstrings attached to items *)
-  type docs =
-    { docs_pre: docstring option;
-      docs_post: docstring option; }
-  let empty_docs = { docs_pre = None; docs_post = None }
-  let doc_loc = {txt = "ocaml.doc"; loc = Location.none}
-  let docs_attr ds =
-    let open Parsetree in
-    let exp =
-      { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(ds.ds_body, None));
-        pexp_loc = ds.ds_loc;
-        pexp_loc_stack = [];
-        pexp_attributes = []; }
-    in
-    let item =
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = exp.pexp_loc }
-    in
-    { attr_name = doc_loc;
-      attr_payload = PStr [item];
-      attr_loc = Location.none }
-  let add_docs_attrs docs attrs =
-    let attrs =
-      match docs.docs_pre with
-      | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
-      | Some ds -> docs_attr ds :: attrs
-    in
-    let attrs =
-      match docs.docs_post with
-      | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
-      | Some ds -> attrs @ [docs_attr ds]
-    in
-    attrs
-  (* Docstrings attached to constructors or fields *)
-  type info = docstring option
-  let empty_info = None
-  let info_attr = docs_attr
-  let add_info_attrs info attrs =
-    match info with
-    | None | Some {ds_body=""; _} -> attrs
-    | Some ds -> attrs @ [info_attr ds]
-  (* Docstrings not attached to a specific item *)
-  type text = docstring list
-  let empty_text = []
-  let empty_text_lazy = lazy []
-  let text_loc = {txt = "ocaml.text"; loc = Location.none}
-  let text_attr ds =
-    let open Parsetree in
-    let exp =
-      { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(ds.ds_body, None));
-        pexp_loc = ds.ds_loc;
-        pexp_loc_stack = [];
-        pexp_attributes = []; }
-    in
-    let item =
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = exp.pexp_loc }
-    in
-    { attr_name = text_loc;
-      attr_payload = PStr [item];
-      attr_loc = Location.none }
-  let add_text_attrs dsl attrs =
-    let fdsl = List.filter (function {ds_body=""; _} -> false| _ ->true) dsl in
-    ( text_attr fdsl) @ attrs
-  (* Find the first non-info docstring in a list, attach it and return it *)
-  let get_docstring ~info dsl =
-    let rec loop = function
-      | [] -> None
-      | {ds_attached = Info; _} :: rest -> loop rest
-      | ds :: _ ->
-        ds.ds_attached <- if info then Info else Docs;
-        Some ds
-    in
-    loop dsl
-  (* Find all the non-info docstrings in a list, attach them and return them *)
-  let get_docstrings dsl =
-    let rec loop acc = function
-      | [] -> List.rev acc
-      | {ds_attached = Info; _} :: rest -> loop acc rest
-      | ds :: rest ->
-        ds.ds_attached <- Docs;
-        loop (ds :: acc) rest
-    in
-    loop [] dsl
-  (* "Associate" all the docstrings in a list *)
-  let associate_docstrings dsl =
-    List.iter
-      (fun ds ->
-         match ds.ds_associated with
-         | Zero -> ds.ds_associated <- One
-         | (One | Many) -> ds.ds_associated <- Many)
-      dsl
-  (* Map from positions to pre docstrings *)
-  let pre_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
-    Hashtbl.create 50
-  let set_pre_docstrings pos dsl =
-    if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add pre_table pos dsl
-  let get_pre_docs pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find pre_table pos in
-      associate_docstrings dsl;
-      get_docstring ~info:false dsl
-    with Not_found -> None
-  let mark_pre_docs pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find pre_table pos in
-      associate_docstrings dsl
-    with Not_found -> ()
-  (* Map from positions to post docstrings *)
-  let post_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
-    Hashtbl.create 50
-  let set_post_docstrings pos dsl =
-    if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add post_table pos dsl
-  let get_post_docs pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_table pos in
-      associate_docstrings dsl;
-      get_docstring ~info:false dsl
-    with Not_found -> None
-  let mark_post_docs pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_table pos in
-      associate_docstrings dsl
-    with Not_found -> ()
-  let get_info pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_table pos in
-      get_docstring ~info:true dsl
-    with Not_found -> None
-  (* Map from positions to floating docstrings *)
-  let floating_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
-    Hashtbl.create 50
-  let set_floating_docstrings pos dsl =
-    if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add floating_table pos dsl
-  let get_text pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find floating_table pos in
-      get_docstrings dsl
-    with Not_found -> []
-  let get_post_text pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_table pos in
-      get_docstrings dsl
-    with Not_found -> []
-  (* Maps from positions to extra docstrings *)
-  let pre_extra_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
-    Hashtbl.create 50
-  let set_pre_extra_docstrings pos dsl =
-    if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add pre_extra_table pos dsl
-  let get_pre_extra_text pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find pre_extra_table pos in
-      get_docstrings dsl
-    with Not_found -> []
-  let post_extra_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
-    Hashtbl.create 50
-  let set_post_extra_docstrings pos dsl =
-    if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add post_extra_table pos dsl
-  let get_post_extra_text pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_extra_table pos in
-      get_docstrings dsl
-    with Not_found -> []
-  (* Docstrings from parser actions *)
-  module WithParsing = struct
-    let symbol_docs () =
-      { docs_pre = get_pre_docs (Parsing.symbol_start_pos ());
-        docs_post = get_post_docs (Parsing.symbol_end_pos ()); }
-    let symbol_docs_lazy () =
-      let p1 = Parsing.symbol_start_pos () in
-      let p2 = Parsing.symbol_end_pos () in
-      lazy { docs_pre = get_pre_docs p1;
-             docs_post = get_post_docs p2; }
-    let rhs_docs pos1 pos2 =
-      { docs_pre = get_pre_docs (Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos1);
-        docs_post = get_post_docs (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos2); }
-    let rhs_docs_lazy pos1 pos2 =
-      let p1 = Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos1 in
-      let p2 = Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos2 in
-      lazy { docs_pre = get_pre_docs p1;
-             docs_post = get_post_docs p2; }
-    let mark_symbol_docs () =
-      mark_pre_docs (Parsing.symbol_start_pos ());
-      mark_post_docs (Parsing.symbol_end_pos ())
-    let mark_rhs_docs pos1 pos2 =
-      mark_pre_docs (Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos1);
-      mark_post_docs (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos2)
-    let symbol_info () =
-      get_info (Parsing.symbol_end_pos ())
-    let rhs_info pos =
-      get_info (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos)
-    let symbol_text () =
-      get_text (Parsing.symbol_start_pos ())
-    let symbol_text_lazy () =
-      let pos = Parsing.symbol_start_pos () in
-      lazy (get_text pos)
-    let rhs_text pos =
-      get_text (Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos)
-    let rhs_post_text pos =
-      get_post_text (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos)
-    let rhs_text_lazy pos =
-      let pos = Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos in
-      lazy (get_text pos)
-    let symbol_pre_extra_text () =
-      get_pre_extra_text (Parsing.symbol_start_pos ())
-    let symbol_post_extra_text () =
-      get_post_extra_text (Parsing.symbol_end_pos ())
-    let rhs_pre_extra_text pos =
-      get_pre_extra_text (Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos)
-    let rhs_post_extra_text pos =
-      get_post_extra_text (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos)
-  end
-  include WithParsing
-  module WithMenhir = struct
-    let symbol_docs (startpos, endpos) =
-      { docs_pre = get_pre_docs startpos;
-        docs_post = get_post_docs endpos; }
-    let symbol_docs_lazy (p1, p2) =
-      lazy { docs_pre = get_pre_docs p1;
-             docs_post = get_post_docs p2; }
-    let rhs_docs pos1 pos2 =
-      { docs_pre = get_pre_docs pos1;
-        docs_post = get_post_docs pos2; }
-    let rhs_docs_lazy p1 p2 =
-      lazy { docs_pre = get_pre_docs p1;
-             docs_post = get_post_docs p2; }
-    let mark_symbol_docs (startpos, endpos) =
-      mark_pre_docs startpos;
-      mark_post_docs endpos;
-      ()
-    let mark_rhs_docs pos1 pos2 =
-      mark_pre_docs pos1;
-      mark_post_docs pos2;
-      ()
-    let symbol_info endpos =
-      get_info endpos
-    let rhs_info endpos =
-      get_info endpos
-    let symbol_text startpos =
-      get_text startpos
-    let symbol_text_lazy startpos =
-      lazy (get_text startpos)
-    let rhs_text pos =
-      get_text pos
-    let rhs_post_text pos =
-      get_post_text pos
-    let rhs_text_lazy pos =
-      lazy (get_text pos)
-    let symbol_pre_extra_text startpos =
-      get_pre_extra_text startpos
-    let symbol_post_extra_text endpos =
-      get_post_extra_text endpos
-    let rhs_pre_extra_text pos =
-      get_pre_extra_text pos
-    let rhs_post_extra_text pos =
-      get_post_extra_text pos
-  end
-  (* (Re)Initialise all comment state *)
-  let init () =
-    docstrings := [];
-    Hashtbl.reset pre_table;
-    Hashtbl.reset post_table;
-    Hashtbl.reset floating_table;
-    Hashtbl.reset pre_extra_table;
-    Hashtbl.reset post_extra_table
-module Ast_helper : sig
-  open Asttypes
-  open Docstrings
-  open Parsetree
-  type 'a with_loc = 'a Location.loc
-  type loc = Location.t
-  type lid = Longident.t with_loc
-  type str = string with_loc
-  type attrs = attribute list
-  (** {1 Default locations} *)
-  val default_loc: loc ref
-  (** Default value for all optional location arguments. *)
-  val with_default_loc: loc -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
-  (** Set the [default_loc] within the scope of the execution
-      of the provided function. *)
-  (** {1 Constants} *)
-  module Const : sig
-    val char : char -> constant
-    val string : ?quotation_delimiter:string -> string -> constant
-    val integer : ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
-    val int : ?suffix:char -> int -> constant
-    val int32 : ?suffix:char -> int32 -> constant
-    val int64 : ?suffix:char -> int64 -> constant
-    val nativeint : ?suffix:char -> nativeint -> constant
-    val float : ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
-  end
-  (** {1 Attributes} *)
-  module Attr : sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> str -> payload -> attribute
-  end
-  (** {1 Core language} *)
-  (** Type expressions *)
-  module Typ :
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type_desc -> core_type
-    val attr: core_type -> attribute -> core_type
-    val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> core_type
-    val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> core_type
-    val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> core_type -> core_type
-      -> core_type
-    val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type list -> core_type
-    val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
-    val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> object_field list
-      -> closed_flag -> core_type
-    val class_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
-    val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> string -> core_type
-    val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> row_field list -> closed_flag
-      -> label list option -> core_type
-    val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str list -> core_type -> core_type
-    val package: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> (lid * core_type) list
-      -> core_type
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> core_type
-    val force_poly: core_type -> core_type
-    val varify_constructors: str list -> core_type -> core_type
-    (** [varify_constructors newtypes te] is type expression [te], of which
-        any of nullary type constructor [tc] is replaced by type variable of
-        the same name, if [tc]'s name appears in [newtypes].
-        Raise [Syntaxerr.Variable_in_scope] if any type variable inside [te]
-        appears in [newtypes].
-        @since 4.05
-    *)
-  end
-  (** Patterns *)
-  module Pat:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern_desc -> pattern
-    val attr:pattern -> attribute -> pattern
-    val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern
-    val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> pattern
-    val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> str -> pattern
-    val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> pattern
-    val interval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> constant -> pattern
-    val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-    val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> pattern option -> pattern
-    val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> pattern option -> pattern
-    val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * pattern) list -> closed_flag
-      -> pattern
-    val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-    val or_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern -> pattern
-    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> core_type -> pattern
-    val type_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> pattern
-    val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
-    val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> pattern
-    val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs  -> lid -> pattern -> pattern
-    val exception_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> pattern
-  end
-  (** Expressions *)
-  module Exp:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression_desc -> expression
-    val attr: expression -> attribute -> expression
-    val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
-    val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> expression
-    val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list
-      -> expression -> expression
-    val fun_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> expression option
-      -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-    val function_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> cases -> expression
-    val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression
-      -> (arg_label * expression) list -> expression
-    val match_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> cases
-      -> expression
-    val try_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> cases -> expression
-    val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-    val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression option
-      -> expression
-    val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> expression option
-      -> expression
-    val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * expression) list
-      -> expression option -> expression
-    val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
-    val setfield: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
-      -> expression
-    val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-    val ifthenelse: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      -> expression option -> expression
-    val sequence: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      -> expression
-    val while_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      -> expression
-    val for_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-      -> direction_flag -> expression -> expression
-    val coerce: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option
-      -> core_type -> expression
-    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type
-      -> expression
-    val send: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> str -> expression
-    val new_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
-    val setinstvar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> expression -> expression
-    val override: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (str * expression) list
-      -> expression
-    val letmodule: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> module_expr -> expression
-      -> expression
-    val letexception:
-      ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension_constructor -> expression
-      -> expression
-    val assert_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-    val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-    val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option
-      -> expression
-    val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> expression
-    val newtype: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> expression -> expression
-    val pack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> expression
-    val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> open_declaration -> expression
-      -> expression
-    val letop: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> binding_op
-      -> binding_op list -> expression -> expression
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> expression
-    val unreachable: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> expression
-    val case: pattern -> ?guard:expression -> expression -> case
-    val binding_op: str -> pattern -> expression -> loc -> binding_op
-  end
-  (** Value declarations *)
-  module Val:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-      ?prim:string list -> str -> core_type -> value_description
-  end
-  (** Type declarations *)
-  module Type:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      ?params:(core_type * variance) list ->
-      ?cstrs:(core_type * core_type * loc) list ->
-      ?kind:type_kind -> ?priv:private_flag -> ?manifest:core_type -> str ->
-      type_declaration
-    val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
-      ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type -> str ->
-      constructor_declaration
-    val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
-      ?mut:mutable_flag -> str -> core_type -> label_declaration
-  end
-  (** Type extensions *)
-  module Te:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-      ?params:(core_type * variance) list -> ?priv:private_flag ->
-      lid -> extension_constructor list -> type_extension
-    val mk_exception: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-      extension_constructor -> type_exception
-    val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-      str -> extension_constructor_kind -> extension_constructor
-    val decl: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-      ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type -> str ->
-      extension_constructor
-    val rebind: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-      str -> lid -> extension_constructor
-  end
-  (** {1 Module language} *)
-  (** Module type expressions *)
-  module Mty:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type_desc -> module_type
-    val attr: module_type -> attribute -> module_type
-    val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
-    val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
-    val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> signature -> module_type
-    val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-      str -> module_type option -> module_type -> module_type
-    val with_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type ->
-      with_constraint list -> module_type
-    val typeof_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_type
-  end
-  (** Module expressions *)
-  module Mod:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr_desc -> module_expr
-    val attr: module_expr -> attribute -> module_expr
-    val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_expr
-    val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> structure -> module_expr
-    val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-      str -> module_type option -> module_expr -> module_expr
-    val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_expr ->
-      module_expr
-    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type ->
-      module_expr
-    val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> module_expr
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_expr
-  end
-  (** Signature items *)
-  module Sig:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> signature_item_desc -> signature_item
-    val value: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> signature_item
-    val type_: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> type_declaration list -> signature_item
-    val type_subst: ?loc:loc -> type_declaration list -> signature_item
-    val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> signature_item
-    val exception_: ?loc:loc -> type_exception -> signature_item
-    val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration -> signature_item
-    val mod_subst: ?loc:loc -> module_substitution -> signature_item
-    val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration list -> signature_item
-    val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> signature_item
-    val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_description -> signature_item
-    val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_description -> signature_item
-    val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_description list -> signature_item
-    val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> signature_item
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> signature_item
-    val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> signature_item
-    val text: text -> signature_item list
-  end
-  (** Structure items *)
-  module Str:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> structure_item_desc -> structure_item
-    val eval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attributes -> expression -> structure_item
-    val value: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> value_binding list -> structure_item
-    val primitive: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> structure_item
-    val type_: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> type_declaration list -> structure_item
-    val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> structure_item
-    val exception_: ?loc:loc -> type_exception -> structure_item
-    val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_binding -> structure_item
-    val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_binding list -> structure_item
-    val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> structure_item
-    val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_declaration -> structure_item
-    val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_declaration list -> structure_item
-    val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> structure_item
-    val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_declaration -> structure_item
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> structure_item
-    val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> structure_item
-    val text: text -> structure_item list
-  end
-  (** Module declarations *)
-  module Md:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      str -> module_type -> module_declaration
-  end
-  (** Module substitutions *)
-  module Ms:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      str -> lid -> module_substitution
-  end
-  (** Module type declarations *)
-  module Mtd:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      ?typ:module_type -> str -> module_type_declaration
-  end
-  (** Module bindings *)
-  module Mb:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      str -> module_expr -> module_binding
-  end
-  (** Opens *)
-  module Opn:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-      ?override:override_flag -> 'a -> 'a open_infos
-  end
-  (** Includes *)
-  module Incl:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> 'a -> 'a include_infos
-  end
-  (** Value bindings *)
-  module Vb:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      pattern -> expression -> value_binding
-  end
-  (** {1 Class language} *)
-  (** Class type expressions *)
-  module Cty:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type_desc -> class_type
-    val attr: class_type -> attribute -> class_type
-    val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_type
-    val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_signature -> class_type
-    val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> core_type ->
-      class_type -> class_type
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type
-    val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> open_description -> class_type
-      -> class_type
-  end
-  (** Class type fields *)
-  module Ctf:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-      class_type_field_desc -> class_type_field
-    val attr: class_type_field -> attribute -> class_type_field
-    val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type -> class_type_field
-    val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> mutable_flag ->
-      virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
-    val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> private_flag ->
-      virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
-    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type ->
-      class_type_field
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type_field
-    val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_type_field
-    val text: text -> class_type_field list
-  end
-  (** Class expressions *)
-  module Cl:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr_desc -> class_expr
-    val attr: class_expr -> attribute -> class_expr
-    val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_expr
-    val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> class_expr
-    val fun_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> expression option ->
-      pattern -> class_expr -> class_expr
-    val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr ->
-      (arg_label * expression) list -> class_expr
-    val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list ->
-      class_expr -> class_expr
-    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr -> class_type ->
-      class_expr
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_expr
-    val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> open_description -> class_expr
-      -> class_expr
-  end
-  (** Class fields *)
-  module Cf:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> class_field_desc ->
-      class_field
-    val attr: class_field -> attribute -> class_field
-    val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> class_expr ->
-      str option -> class_field
-    val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> mutable_flag ->
-      class_field_kind -> class_field
-    val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> private_flag ->
-      class_field_kind -> class_field
-    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type ->
-      class_field
-    val initializer_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> class_field
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_field
-    val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_field
-    val text: text -> class_field list
-    val virtual_: core_type -> class_field_kind
-    val concrete: override_flag -> expression -> class_field_kind
-  end
-  (** Classes *)
-  module Ci:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      ?virt:virtual_flag -> ?params:(core_type * variance) list ->
-      str -> 'a -> 'a class_infos
-  end
-  (** Class signatures *)
-  module Csig:
-  sig
-    val mk: core_type -> class_type_field list -> class_signature
-  end
-  (** Class structures *)
-  module Cstr:
-  sig
-    val mk: pattern -> class_field list -> class_structure
-  end
-  (** Row fields *)
-  module Rf:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> row_field_desc -> row_field
-    val tag: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-      label with_loc -> bool -> core_type list -> row_field
-    val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> core_type -> row_field
-  end
-  (** Object fields *)
-  module Of:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-      object_field_desc -> object_field
-    val tag: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-      label with_loc -> core_type -> object_field
-    val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> core_type -> object_field
-  end
-end = struct
-  open Asttypes
-  open Parsetree
-  open Docstrings
-  type 'a with_loc = 'a Location.loc
-  type loc = Location.t
-  type lid = Longident.t with_loc
-  type str = string with_loc
-  type attrs = attribute list
-  let default_loc = ref Location.none
-  let with_default_loc l f =
-    Misc.protect_refs [Misc.R (default_loc, l)] f
-  module Const = struct
-    let integer ?suffix i = Pconst_integer (i, suffix)
-    let int ?suffix i = integer ?suffix (Int.to_string i)
-    let int32 ?(suffix='l') i = integer ~suffix (Int32.to_string i)
-    let int64 ?(suffix='L') i = integer ~suffix (Int64.to_string i)
-    let nativeint ?(suffix='n') i = integer ~suffix (Nativeint.to_string i)
-    let float ?suffix f = Pconst_float (f, suffix)
-    let char c = Pconst_char c
-    let string ?quotation_delimiter s = Pconst_string (s, quotation_delimiter)
-  end
-  module Attr = struct
-    let mk ?(loc= !default_loc) name payload =
-      { attr_name = name;
-        attr_payload = payload;
-        attr_loc = loc }
-  end
-  module Typ = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {ptyp_desc = d;
-       ptyp_loc = loc;
-       ptyp_loc_stack = [];
-       ptyp_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with ptyp_attributes = d.ptyp_attributes @ [a]}
-    let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ptyp_any
-    let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_var a)
-    let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_arrow (a, b, c))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_tuple a)
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_constr (a, b))
-    let object_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_object (a, b))
-    let class_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_class (a, b))
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_alias (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_variant (a, b, c))
-    let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_poly (a, b))
-    let package ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_package (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_extension a)
-    let force_poly t =
-      match t.ptyp_desc with
-      | Ptyp_poly _ -> t
-      | _ -> poly ~loc:t.ptyp_loc [] t (* -> ghost? *)
-    let varify_constructors var_names t =
-      let check_variable vl loc v =
-        if List.mem v vl then
-          raise Syntaxerr.(Error(Variable_in_scope(loc,v))) in
-      let var_names = (fun v -> v.txt) var_names in
-      let rec loop t =
-        let desc =
-          match t.ptyp_desc with
-          | Ptyp_any -> Ptyp_any
-          | Ptyp_var x ->
-            check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc x;
-            Ptyp_var x
-          | Ptyp_arrow (label,core_type,core_type') ->
-            Ptyp_arrow(label, loop core_type, loop core_type')
-          | Ptyp_tuple lst -> Ptyp_tuple ( loop lst)
-          | Ptyp_constr( { txt = Longident.Lident s; _ }, [])
-            when List.mem s var_names ->
-            Ptyp_var s
-          | Ptyp_constr(longident, lst) ->
-            Ptyp_constr(longident, loop lst)
-          | Ptyp_object (lst, o) ->
-            Ptyp_object ( loop_object_field lst, o)
-          | Ptyp_class (longident, lst) ->
-            Ptyp_class (longident, loop lst)
-          | Ptyp_alias(core_type, string) ->
-            check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc string;
-            Ptyp_alias(loop core_type, string)
-          | Ptyp_variant(row_field_list, flag, lbl_lst_option) ->
-            Ptyp_variant( loop_row_field row_field_list,
-                         flag, lbl_lst_option)
-          | Ptyp_poly(string_lst, core_type) ->
-            List.iter (fun v ->
-              check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc v.txt) string_lst;
-            Ptyp_poly(string_lst, loop core_type)
-          | Ptyp_package(longident,lst) ->
-            Ptyp_package(longident, (fun (n,typ) -> (n,loop typ) ) lst)
-          | Ptyp_extension (s, arg) ->
-            Ptyp_extension (s, arg)
-        in
-        {t with ptyp_desc = desc}
-      and loop_row_field field =
-        let prf_desc = match field.prf_desc with
-          | Rtag(label,flag,lst) ->
-            Rtag(label,flag, loop lst)
-          | Rinherit t ->
-            Rinherit (loop t)
-        in
-        { field with prf_desc; }
-      and loop_object_field field =
-        let pof_desc = match field.pof_desc with
-          | Otag(label, t) ->
-            Otag(label, loop t)
-          | Oinherit t ->
-            Oinherit (loop t)
-        in
-        { field with pof_desc; }
-      in
-      loop t
-  end
-  module Pat = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {ppat_desc = d;
-       ppat_loc = loc;
-       ppat_loc_stack = [];
-       ppat_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with ppat_attributes = d.ppat_attributes @ [a]}
-    let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ppat_any
-    let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_var a)
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_alias (a, b))
-    let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constant a)
-    let interval ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_interval (a, b))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_tuple a)
-    let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_construct (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_variant (a, b))
-    let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_record (a, b))
-    let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_array a)
-    let or_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_or (a, b))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constraint (a, b))
-    let type_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_type a)
-    let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_lazy a)
-    let unpack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_unpack a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_open (a, b))
-    let exception_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_exception a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_extension a)
-  end
-  module Exp = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pexp_desc = d;
-       pexp_loc = loc;
-       pexp_loc_stack = [];
-       pexp_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pexp_attributes = d.pexp_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ident a)
-    let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constant a)
-    let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_let (a, b, c))
-    let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_fun (a, b, c, d))
-    let function_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_function a)
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_apply (a, b))
-    let match_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_match (a, b))
-    let try_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_try (a, b))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_tuple a)
-    let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_construct (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_variant (a, b))
-    let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_record (a, b))
-    let field ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_field (a, b))
-    let setfield ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setfield (a, b, c))
-    let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_array a)
-    let ifthenelse ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ifthenelse (a, b, c))
-    let sequence ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_sequence (a, b))
-    let while_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_while (a, b))
-    let for_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_for (a, b, c, d, e))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constraint (a, b))
-    let coerce ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_coerce (a, b, c))
-    let send ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_send (a, b))
-    let new_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_new a)
-    let setinstvar ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setinstvar (a, b))
-    let override ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_override a)
-    let letmodule ?loc ?attrs a b c= mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letmodule (a, b, c))
-    let letexception ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letexception (a, b))
-    let assert_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_assert a)
-    let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_lazy a)
-    let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_poly (a, b))
-    let object_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_object a)
-    let newtype ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_newtype (a, b))
-    let pack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_pack a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_open (a, b))
-    let letop ?loc ?attrs let_ ands body =
-      mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letop {let_; ands; body})
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_extension a)
-    let unreachable ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Pexp_unreachable
-    let case lhs ?guard rhs =
-      {
-        pc_lhs = lhs;
-        pc_guard = guard;
-        pc_rhs = rhs;
-      }
-    let binding_op op pat exp loc =
-      {
-        pbop_op = op;
-        pbop_pat = pat;
-        pbop_exp = exp;
-        pbop_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mty = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pmty_desc = d; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pmty_attributes = d.pmty_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_ident a)
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_alias a)
-    let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_signature a)
-    let functor_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_functor (a, b, c))
-    let with_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_with (a, b))
-    let typeof_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_typeof a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_extension a)
-  end
-  module Mod = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pmod_desc = d; pmod_loc = loc; pmod_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pmod_attributes = d.pmod_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_ident x)
-    let structure ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_structure x)
-    let functor_ ?loc ?attrs arg arg_ty body =
-      mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body))
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs m1 m2 = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_apply (m1, m2))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs m mty = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_constraint (m, mty))
-    let unpack ?loc ?attrs e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_unpack e)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_extension a)
-  end
-  module Sig = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {psig_desc = d; psig_loc = loc}
-    let value ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_value a)
-    let type_ ?loc rec_flag a = mk ?loc (Psig_type (rec_flag, a))
-    let type_subst ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_typesubst a)
-    let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_typext a)
-    let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_exception a)
-    let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_module a)
-    let mod_subst ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_modsubst a)
-    let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_recmodule a)
-    let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_modtype a)
-    let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_open a)
-    let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_include a)
-    let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class a)
-    let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class_type a)
-    let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Psig_extension (a, attrs))
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-  end
-  module Str = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {pstr_desc = d; pstr_loc = loc}
-    let eval ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_eval (a, attrs))
-    let value ?loc a b = mk ?loc (Pstr_value (a, b))
-    let primitive ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_primitive a)
-    let type_ ?loc rec_flag a = mk ?loc (Pstr_type (rec_flag, a))
-    let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_typext a)
-    let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_exception a)
-    let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_module a)
-    let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_recmodule a)
-    let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_modtype a)
-    let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_open a)
-    let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class a)
-    let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class_type a)
-    let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_include a)
-    let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_extension (a, attrs))
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-  end
-  module Cl = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {
-        pcl_desc = d;
-        pcl_loc = loc;
-        pcl_attributes = attrs;
-      }
-    let attr d a = {d with pcl_attributes = d.pcl_attributes @ [a]}
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constr (a, b))
-    let structure ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_structure a)
-    let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_fun (a, b, c, d))
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_apply (a, b))
-    let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_let (a, b, c))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constraint (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_extension a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_open (a, b))
-  end
-  module Cty = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {
-        pcty_desc = d;
-        pcty_loc = loc;
-        pcty_attributes = attrs;
-      }
-    let attr d a = {d with pcty_attributes = d.pcty_attributes @ [a]}
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_constr (a, b))
-    let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_signature a)
-    let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_arrow (a, b, c))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_extension a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_open (a, b))
-  end
-  module Ctf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
-      {
-        pctf_desc = d;
-        pctf_loc = loc;
-        pctf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_inherit a)
-    let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_val (a, b, c, d))
-    let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_method (a, b, c, d))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_constraint (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_extension a)
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pctf_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-    let attr d a = {d with pctf_attributes = d.pctf_attributes @ [a]}
-  end
-  module Cf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
-      {
-        pcf_desc = d;
-        pcf_loc = loc;
-        pcf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_inherit (a, b, c))
-    let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_val (a, b, c))
-    let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_method (a, b, c))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_constraint (a, b))
-    let initializer_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_initializer a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_extension a)
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pcf_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-    let virtual_ ct = Cfk_virtual ct
-    let concrete o e = Cfk_concrete (o, e)
-    let attr d a = {d with pcf_attributes = d.pcf_attributes @ [a]}
-  end
-  module Val = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(prim = []) name typ =
-      {
-        pval_name = name;
-        pval_type = typ;
-        pval_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-        pval_loc = loc;
-        pval_prim = prim;
-      }
-  end
-  module Md = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name typ =
-      {
-        pmd_name = name;
-        pmd_type = typ;
-        pmd_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        pmd_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Ms = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name syn =
-      {
-        pms_name = name;
-        pms_manifest = syn;
-        pms_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        pms_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mtd = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) ?typ name =
-      {
-        pmtd_name = name;
-        pmtd_type = typ;
-        pmtd_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        pmtd_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mb = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name expr =
-      {
-        pmb_name = name;
-        pmb_expr = expr;
-        pmb_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        pmb_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Opn = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(override = Fresh) expr =
-      {
-        popen_expr = expr;
-        popen_override = override;
-        popen_loc = loc;
-        popen_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Incl = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs) mexpr =
-      {
-        pincl_mod = mexpr;
-        pincl_loc = loc;
-        pincl_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Vb = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(text = []) pat expr =
-      {
-        pvb_pat = pat;
-        pvb_expr = expr;
-        pvb_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        pvb_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Ci = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
-          ?(virt = Concrete) ?(params = []) name expr =
-      {
-        pci_virt = virt;
-        pci_params = params;
-        pci_name = name;
-        pci_expr = expr;
-        pci_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        pci_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Type = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
-          ?(params = [])
-          ?(cstrs = [])
-          ?(kind = Ptype_abstract)
-          ?(priv = Public)
-          ?manifest
-          name =
-      {
-        ptype_name = name;
-        ptype_params = params;
-        ptype_cstrs = cstrs;
-        ptype_kind = kind;
-        ptype_private = priv;
-        ptype_manifest = manifest;
-        ptype_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        ptype_loc = loc;
-      }
-    let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
-          ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
-      {
-        pcd_name = name;
-        pcd_args = args;
-        pcd_res = res;
-        pcd_loc = loc;
-        pcd_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
-      }
-    let field ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
-          ?(mut = Immutable) name typ =
-      {
-        pld_name = name;
-        pld_mutable = mut;
-        pld_type = typ;
-        pld_loc = loc;
-        pld_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  (** Type extensions *)
-  module Te = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(params = []) ?(priv = Public) path constructors =
-      {
-        ptyext_path = path;
-        ptyext_params = params;
-        ptyext_constructors = constructors;
-        ptyext_private = priv;
-        ptyext_loc = loc;
-        ptyext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let mk_exception ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          constructor =
-      {
-        ptyexn_constructor = constructor;
-        ptyexn_loc = loc;
-        ptyexn_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name kind =
-      {
-        pext_name = name;
-        pext_kind = kind;
-        pext_loc = loc;
-        pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-    let decl ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(info = empty_info) ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
-      {
-        pext_name = name;
-        pext_kind = Pext_decl(args, res);
-        pext_loc = loc;
-        pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-    let rebind ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name lid =
-      {
-        pext_name = name;
-        pext_kind = Pext_rebind lid;
-        pext_loc = loc;
-        pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-  end
-  module Csig = struct
-    let mk self fields =
-      {
-        pcsig_self = self;
-        pcsig_fields = fields;
-      }
-  end
-  module Cstr = struct
-    let mk self fields =
-      {
-        pcstr_self = self;
-        pcstr_fields = fields;
-      }
-  end
-  (** Row fields *)
-  module Rf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) desc = {
-      prf_desc = desc;
-      prf_loc = loc;
-      prf_attributes = attrs;
-    }
-    let tag ?loc ?attrs label const tys =
-      mk ?loc ?attrs (Rtag (label, const, tys))
-    let inherit_?loc ty =
-      mk ?loc (Rinherit ty)
-  end
-  (** Object fields *)
-  module Of = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs=[]) desc = {
-      pof_desc = desc;
-      pof_loc = loc;
-      pof_attributes = attrs;
-    }
-    let tag ?loc ?attrs label ty =
-      mk ?loc ?attrs (Otag (label, ty))
-    let inherit_ ?loc ty =
-      mk ?loc (Oinherit ty)
-  end
-module Ast_mapper : sig
-  open Parsetree
-  (** {1 A generic Parsetree mapper} *)
-  type mapper (*IF_CURRENT = Ast_mapper.mapper *) = {
-    attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
-    attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
-    binding_op: mapper -> binding_op -> binding_op;
-    case: mapper -> case -> case;
-    cases: mapper -> cases -> cases;
-    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
-    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
-    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
-    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
-    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
-    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
-    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
-    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
-      -> class_type_declaration;
-    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
-    constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
-      -> constructor_declaration;
-    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
-    extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
-    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
-      -> extension_constructor;
-    include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
-    include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
-    label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
-    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
-    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
-    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
-    module_substitution: mapper -> module_substitution -> module_substitution;
-    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
-    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
-    module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
-      -> module_type_declaration;
-    open_declaration: mapper -> open_declaration -> open_declaration;
-    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
-    pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
-    payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
-    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
-    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
-    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
-    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
-    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
-    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
-    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
-    type_exception: mapper -> type_exception -> type_exception;
-    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
-    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
-    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
-    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
-  }
-  (** A mapper record implements one "method" per syntactic category,
-      using an open recursion style: each method takes as its first
-      argument the mapper to be applied to children in the syntax
-      tree. *)
-  val default_mapper: mapper
-  (** A default mapper, which implements a "deep identity" mapping. *)
-  (** {1 Apply mappers to compilation units} *)
-  val tool_name: unit -> string
-  (** Can be used within a ppx preprocessor to know which tool is
-      calling it ["ocamlc"], ["ocamlopt"], ["ocamldoc"], ["ocamldep"],
-      ["ocaml"], ...  Some global variables that reflect command-line
-      options are automatically synchronized between the calling tool
-      and the ppx preprocessor: {!Clflags.include_dirs},
-      {!Load_path}, {!Clflags.open_modules}, {!Clflags.for_package},
-      {!Clflags.debug}. *)
-  val apply: source:string -> target:string -> mapper -> unit
-  (** Apply a mapper (parametrized by the unit name) to a dumped
-      parsetree found in the [source] file and put the result in the
-      [target] file. The [structure] or [signature] field of the mapper
-      is applied to the implementation or interface.  *)
-  val run_main: (string list -> mapper) -> unit
-  (** Entry point to call to implement a standalone -ppx rewriter from a
-      mapper, parametrized by the command line arguments.  The current
-      unit name can be obtained from {!Location.input_name}.  This
-      function implements proper error reporting for uncaught
-      exceptions. *)
-  (** {1 Registration API} *)
-  val register_function: (string -> (string list -> mapper) -> unit) ref
-  val register: string -> (string list -> mapper) -> unit
-  (** Apply the [register_function].  The default behavior is to run the
-      mapper immediately, taking arguments from the process command
-      line.  This is to support a scenario where a mapper is linked as a
-      stand-alone executable.
-      It is possible to overwrite the [register_function] to define
-      "-ppx drivers", which combine several mappers in a single process.
-      Typically, a driver starts by defining [register_function] to a
-      custom implementation, then lets ppx rewriters (linked statically
-      or dynamically) register themselves, and then run all or some of
-      them.  It is also possible to have -ppx drivers apply rewriters to
-      only specific parts of an AST.
-      The first argument to [register] is a symbolic name to be used by
-      the ppx driver.  *)
-  (** {1 Convenience functions to write mappers} *)
-  val map_opt: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
-  val extension_of_error: Locations.location_error -> extension
-  (** Encode an error into an 'ocaml.error' extension node which can be
-      inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
-      responsible for reporting the error. *)
-  val attribute_of_warning: Location.t -> string -> attribute
-  (** Encode a warning message into an 'ocaml.ppwarning' attribute which can be
-      inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
-      responsible for reporting the warning. *)
-  include Locations.Helpers_intf
-  (** {1 Helper functions to call external mappers} *)
-  val add_ppx_context_str:
-    tool_name:string -> Parsetree.structure -> Parsetree.structure
-  (** Extract information from the current environment and encode it
-      into an attribute which is prepended to the list of structure
-      items in order to pass the information to an external
-      processor. *)
-  val add_ppx_context_sig:
-    tool_name:string -> Parsetree.signature -> Parsetree.signature
-  (** Same as [add_ppx_context_str], but for signatures. *)
-  val drop_ppx_context_str:
-    restore:bool -> Parsetree.structure -> Parsetree.structure
-  (** Drop the ocaml.ppx.context attribute from a structure.  If
-      [restore] is true, also restore the associated data in the current
-      process. *)
-  val drop_ppx_context_sig:
-    restore:bool -> Parsetree.signature -> Parsetree.signature
-  (** Same as [drop_ppx_context_str], but for signatures. *)
-  (** {1 Cookies} *)
-  (** Cookies are used to pass information from a ppx processor to
-      a further invocation of itself, when called from the OCaml
-      toplevel (or other tools that support cookies). *)
-  val set_cookie: string -> Parsetree.expression -> unit
-  val get_cookie: string -> Parsetree.expression option
-end = struct
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_helper
-  open Location
-  module String = Misc.Stdlib.String
-  type mapper (*IF_CURRENT = Ast_mapper.mapper *) = {
-    attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
-    attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
-    binding_op: mapper -> binding_op -> binding_op;
-    case: mapper -> case -> case;
-    cases: mapper -> cases -> cases;
-    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
-    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
-    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
-    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
-    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
-    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
-    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
-    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
-      -> class_type_declaration;
-    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
-    constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
-      -> constructor_declaration;
-    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
-    extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
-    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
-      -> extension_constructor;
-    include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
-    include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
-    label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
-    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
-    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
-    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
-    module_substitution: mapper -> module_substitution -> module_substitution;
-    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
-    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
-    module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
-      -> module_type_declaration;
-    open_declaration: mapper -> open_declaration -> open_declaration;
-    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
-    pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
-    payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
-    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
-    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
-    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
-    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
-    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
-    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
-    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
-    type_exception: mapper -> type_exception -> type_exception;
-    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
-    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
-    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
-    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
-  }
-  let map_fst f (x, y) = (f x, y)
-  let map_snd f (x, y) = (x, f y)
-  let map_tuple f1 f2 (x, y) = (f1 x, f2 y)
-  let map_tuple3 f1 f2 f3 (x, y, z) = (f1 x, f2 y, f3 z)
-  let map_opt f = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
-  let map_loc sub {loc; txt} = {loc = sub.location sub loc; txt}
-  module T = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the core language *)
-    let row_field sub {
-      prf_desc;
-      prf_loc;
-      prf_attributes;
-    } =
-      let loc = sub.location sub prf_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub prf_attributes in
-      let desc = match prf_desc with
-        | Rtag (l, b, tl) -> Rtag (map_loc sub l, b, (sub.typ sub) tl)
-        | Rinherit t -> Rinherit (sub.typ sub t)
-      in
- ~loc ~attrs desc
-    let object_field sub {
-      pof_desc;
-      pof_loc;
-      pof_attributes;
-    } =
-      let loc = sub.location sub pof_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub pof_attributes in
-      let desc = match pof_desc with
-        | Otag (l, t) -> Otag (map_loc sub l, sub.typ sub t)
-        | Oinherit t -> Oinherit (sub.typ sub t)
-      in
- ~loc ~attrs desc
-    let map sub {ptyp_desc = desc; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs; ptyp_loc_stack = _ } =
-      let open Typ in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Ptyp_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-      | Ptyp_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs s
-      | Ptyp_arrow (lab, t1, t2) ->
-        arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Ptyp_tuple tyl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.typ sub) tyl)
-      | Ptyp_constr (lid, tl) ->
-        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Ptyp_object (l, o) ->
-        object_ ~loc ~attrs ( (object_field sub) l) o
-      | Ptyp_class (lid, tl) ->
-        class_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Ptyp_alias (t, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t) s
-      | Ptyp_variant (rl, b, ll) ->
-        variant ~loc ~attrs ( (row_field sub) rl) b ll
-      | Ptyp_poly (sl, t) -> poly ~loc ~attrs
-                               ( (map_loc sub) sl) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Ptyp_package (lid, l) ->
-        package ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-          ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.typ sub)) l)
-      | Ptyp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_type_declaration sub
-          {ptype_name; ptype_params; ptype_cstrs;
-           ptype_kind;
-           ptype_private;
-           ptype_manifest;
-           ptype_attributes;
-           ptype_loc} =
-      let loc = sub.location sub ptype_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub ptype_attributes in
- ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub ptype_name)
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptype_params)
-        ~priv:ptype_private
-        ~cstrs:(
-                  (map_tuple3 (sub.typ sub) (sub.typ sub) (sub.location sub))
-                  ptype_cstrs)
-        ~kind:(sub.type_kind sub ptype_kind)
-        ?manifest:(map_opt (sub.typ sub) ptype_manifest)
-    let map_type_kind sub = function
-      | Ptype_abstract -> Ptype_abstract
-      | Ptype_variant l ->
-        Ptype_variant ( (sub.constructor_declaration sub) l)
-      | Ptype_record l -> Ptype_record ( (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
-      | Ptype_open -> Ptype_open
-    let map_constructor_arguments sub = function
-      | Pcstr_tuple l -> Pcstr_tuple ( (sub.typ sub) l)
-      | Pcstr_record l ->
-        Pcstr_record ( (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
-    let map_type_extension sub
-          {ptyext_path; ptyext_params;
-           ptyext_constructors;
-           ptyext_private;
-           ptyext_loc;
-           ptyext_attributes} =
-      let loc = sub.location sub ptyext_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub ptyext_attributes in
- ~loc ~attrs
-        (map_loc sub ptyext_path)
-        ( (sub.extension_constructor sub) ptyext_constructors)
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptyext_params)
-        ~priv:ptyext_private
-    let map_type_exception sub
-          {ptyexn_constructor; ptyexn_loc; ptyexn_attributes} =
-      let loc = sub.location sub ptyexn_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub ptyexn_attributes in
-      Te.mk_exception ~loc ~attrs
-        (sub.extension_constructor sub ptyexn_constructor)
-    let map_extension_constructor_kind sub = function
-        Pext_decl(ctl, cto) ->
-        Pext_decl(map_constructor_arguments sub ctl, map_opt (sub.typ sub) cto)
-      | Pext_rebind li ->
-        Pext_rebind (map_loc sub li)
-    let map_extension_constructor sub
-          {pext_name;
-           pext_kind;
-           pext_loc;
-           pext_attributes} =
-      let loc = sub.location sub pext_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub pext_attributes in
-      Te.constructor ~loc ~attrs
-        (map_loc sub pext_name)
-        (map_extension_constructor_kind sub pext_kind)
-  end
-  module CT = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-    let map sub {pcty_loc = loc; pcty_desc = desc; pcty_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cty in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcty_constr (lid, tys) ->
-        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tys)
-      | Pcty_signature x -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_signature sub x)
-      | Pcty_arrow (lab, t, ct) ->
-        arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pcty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pcty_open (o, ct) ->
-        open_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.open_description sub o) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-    let map_field sub {pctf_desc = desc; pctf_loc = loc; pctf_attributes = attrs}
-      =
-      let open Ctf in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pctf_inherit ct -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pctf_val (s, m, v, t) ->
-        val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m v (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pctf_method (s, p, v, t) ->
-        method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p v (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pctf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pctf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-      | Pctf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_signature sub {pcsig_self; pcsig_fields} =
-        (sub.typ sub pcsig_self)
-        ( (sub.class_type_field sub) pcsig_fields)
-  end
-  module MT = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-    let map sub {pmty_desc = desc; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Mty in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pmty_ident s -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pmty_alias s -> alias ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pmty_signature sg -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.signature sub sg)
-      | Pmty_functor (s, mt1, mt2) ->
-        functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-          (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.may_map (sub.module_type sub) mt1)
-          (sub.module_type sub mt2)
-      | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
-        with_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_type sub mt)
-          ( (sub.with_constraint sub) l)
-      | Pmty_typeof me -> typeof_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
-      | Pmty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_with_constraint sub = function
-      | Pwith_type (lid, d) ->
-        Pwith_type (map_loc sub lid, sub.type_declaration sub d)
-      | Pwith_module (lid, lid2) ->
-        Pwith_module (map_loc sub lid, map_loc sub lid2)
-      | Pwith_typesubst (lid, d) ->
-        Pwith_typesubst (map_loc sub lid, sub.type_declaration sub d)
-      | Pwith_modsubst (s, lid) ->
-        Pwith_modsubst (map_loc sub s, map_loc sub lid)
-    let map_signature_item sub {psig_desc = desc; psig_loc = loc} =
-      let open Sig in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      match desc with
-      | Psig_value vd -> value ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
-      | Psig_type (rf, l) ->
-        type_ ~loc rf ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_typesubst l ->
-        type_subst ~loc ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
-      | Psig_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.type_exception sub ed)
-      | Psig_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_declaration sub x)
-      | Psig_modsubst x -> mod_subst ~loc (sub.module_substitution sub x)
-      | Psig_recmodule l ->
-        rec_module ~loc ( (sub.module_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
-      | Psig_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_description sub x)
-      | Psig_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_description sub x)
-      | Psig_class l -> class_ ~loc ( (sub.class_description sub) l)
-      | Psig_class_type l ->
-        class_type ~loc ( (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_extension (x, attrs) ->
-        let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-        extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Psig_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-  end
-  module M = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-    let map sub {pmod_loc = loc; pmod_desc = desc; pmod_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Mod in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pmod_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-      | Pmod_structure str -> structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.structure sub str)
-      | Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body) ->
-        functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub arg)
-          (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.may_map (sub.module_type sub) arg_ty)
-          (sub.module_expr sub body)
-      | Pmod_apply (m1, m2) ->
-        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m1) (sub.module_expr sub m2)
-      | Pmod_constraint (m, mty) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m)
-          (sub.module_type sub mty)
-      | Pmod_unpack e -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pmod_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_structure_item sub {pstr_loc = loc; pstr_desc = desc} =
-      let open Str in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      match desc with
-      | Pstr_eval (x, attrs) ->
-        let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-        eval ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub x)
-      | Pstr_value (r, vbs) -> value ~loc r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-      | Pstr_primitive vd -> primitive ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
-      | Pstr_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
-      | Pstr_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.type_exception sub ed)
-      | Pstr_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_binding sub x)
-      | Pstr_recmodule l -> rec_module ~loc ( (sub.module_binding sub) l)
-      | Pstr_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_class l -> class_ ~loc ( (sub.class_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_class_type l ->
-        class_type ~loc ( (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_extension (x, attrs) ->
-        let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-        extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pstr_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-  end
-  module E = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the core language *)
-    let map sub {pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = desc; pexp_attributes = attrs; pexp_loc_stack = _ } =
-      let open Exp in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pexp_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-      | Pexp_constant x -> constant ~loc ~attrs x
-      | Pexp_let (r, vbs, e) ->
-        let_ ~loc ~attrs r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-          (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_fun (lab, def, p, e) ->
-        fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub.expr sub) def) (sub.pat sub p)
-          (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_function pel -> function_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_apply (e, l) ->
-        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) ( (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
-      | Pexp_match (e, pel) ->
-        match_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_try (e, pel) -> try_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_tuple el -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.expr sub) el)
-      | Pexp_construct (lid, arg) ->
-        construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (map_opt (sub.expr sub) arg)
-      | Pexp_variant (lab, eo) ->
-        variant ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
-      | Pexp_record (l, eo) ->
-        record ~loc ~attrs ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) l)
-          (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
-      | Pexp_field (e, lid) ->
-        field ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_loc sub lid)
-      | Pexp_setfield (e1, lid, e2) ->
-        setfield ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (map_loc sub lid)
-          (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_array el -> array ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.expr sub) el)
-      | Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, e3) ->
-        ifthenelse ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-          (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e3)
-      | Pexp_sequence (e1, e2) ->
-        sequence ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_while (e1, e2) ->
-        while_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_for (p, e1, e2, d, e3) ->
-        for_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2) d
-          (sub.expr sub e3)
-      | Pexp_coerce (e, t1, t2) ->
-        coerce ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t1)
-          (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pexp_constraint (e, t) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pexp_send (e, s) ->
-        send ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pexp_new lid -> new_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-      | Pexp_setinstvar (s, e) ->
-        setinstvar ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_override sel ->
-        override ~loc ~attrs
-          ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) sel)
-      | Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e) ->
-        letmodule ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.module_expr sub me)
-          (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_letexception (cd, e) ->
-        letexception ~loc ~attrs
-          (sub.extension_constructor sub cd)
-          (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_assert e -> assert_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_lazy e -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_poly (e, t) ->
-        poly ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t)
-      | Pexp_object cls -> object_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub cls)
-      | Pexp_newtype (s, e) ->
-        newtype ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_pack me -> pack ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
-      | Pexp_open (o, e) ->
-        open_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.open_declaration sub o) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_letop {let_; ands; body} ->
-        letop ~loc ~attrs (sub.binding_op sub let_)
-          ( (sub.binding_op sub) ands) (sub.expr sub body)
-      | Pexp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pexp_unreachable -> unreachable ~loc ~attrs ()
-    let map_binding_op sub {pbop_op; pbop_pat; pbop_exp; pbop_loc} =
-      let open Exp in
-      let op = map_loc sub pbop_op in
-      let pat = sub.pat sub pbop_pat in
-      let exp = sub.expr sub pbop_exp in
-      let loc = sub.location sub pbop_loc in
-      binding_op op pat exp loc
-  end
-  module P = struct
-    (* Patterns *)
-    let map sub {ppat_desc = desc; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs; ppat_loc_stack = _ } =
-      let open Pat in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Ppat_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-      | Ppat_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_alias (p, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_constant c -> constant ~loc ~attrs c
-      | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) -> interval ~loc ~attrs c1 c2
-      | Ppat_tuple pl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.pat sub) pl)
-      | Ppat_construct (l, p) ->
-        construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub l) (map_opt (sub.pat sub) p)
-      | Ppat_variant (l, p) -> variant ~loc ~attrs l (map_opt (sub.pat sub) p)
-      | Ppat_record (lpl, cf) ->
-        record ~loc ~attrs
-          ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.pat sub)) lpl) cf
-      | Ppat_array pl -> array ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.pat sub) pl)
-      | Ppat_or (p1, p2) -> or_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p1) (sub.pat sub p2)
-      | Ppat_constraint (p, t) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Ppat_type s -> type_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_lazy p -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_unpack s -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_open (lid,p) -> open_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_exception p -> exception_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-  end
-  module CE = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-    let map sub {pcl_loc = loc; pcl_desc = desc; pcl_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cl in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcl_constr (lid, tys) ->
-        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tys)
-      | Pcl_structure s ->
-        structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub s)
-      | Pcl_fun (lab, e, p, ce) ->
-        fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab
-          (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e)
-          (sub.pat sub p)
-          (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-      | Pcl_apply (ce, l) ->
-        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-          ( (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
-      | Pcl_let (r, vbs, ce) ->
-        let_ ~loc ~attrs r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-          (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-      | Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pcl_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pcl_open (o, ce) ->
-        open_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.open_description sub o) (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-    let map_kind sub = function
-      | Cfk_concrete (o, e) -> Cfk_concrete (o, sub.expr sub e)
-      | Cfk_virtual t -> Cfk_virtual (sub.typ sub t)
-    let map_field sub {pcf_desc = desc; pcf_loc = loc; pcf_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cf in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcf_inherit (o, ce, s) ->
-        inherit_ ~loc ~attrs o (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-          (map_opt (map_loc sub) s)
-      | Pcf_val (s, m, k) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m (map_kind sub k)
-      | Pcf_method (s, p, k) ->
-        method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p (map_kind sub k)
-      | Pcf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pcf_initializer e -> initializer_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pcf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-      | Pcf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_structure sub {pcstr_self; pcstr_fields} =
-      {
-        pcstr_self = sub.pat sub pcstr_self;
-        pcstr_fields = (sub.class_field sub) pcstr_fields;
-      }
-    let class_infos sub f {pci_virt; pci_params = pl; pci_name; pci_expr;
-                           pci_loc; pci_attributes} =
-      let loc = sub.location sub pci_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub pci_attributes in
- ~loc ~attrs
-        ~virt:pci_virt
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) pl)
-        (map_loc sub pci_name)
-        (f pci_expr)
-  end
-  (* Now, a generic AST mapper, to be extended to cover all kinds and
-     cases of the OCaml grammar.  The default behavior of the mapper is
-     the identity. *)
-  let default_mapper =
-    {
-      structure = (fun this l -> (this.structure_item this) l);
-      structure_item = M.map_structure_item;
-      module_expr =;
-      signature = (fun this l -> (this.signature_item this) l);
-      signature_item = MT.map_signature_item;
-      module_type =;
-      with_constraint = MT.map_with_constraint;
-      class_declaration =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_expr this));
-      class_expr =;
-      class_field = CE.map_field;
-      class_structure = CE.map_structure;
-      class_type =;
-      class_type_field = CT.map_field;
-      class_signature = CT.map_signature;
-      class_type_declaration =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
-      class_description =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
-      type_declaration = T.map_type_declaration;
-      type_kind = T.map_type_kind;
-      typ =;
-      type_extension = T.map_type_extension;
-      type_exception = T.map_type_exception;
-      extension_constructor = T.map_extension_constructor;
-      value_description =
-        (fun this {pval_name; pval_type; pval_prim; pval_loc;
-                   pval_attributes} ->
-            (map_loc this pval_name)
-            (this.typ this pval_type)
-            ~attrs:(this.attributes this pval_attributes)
-            ~loc:(this.location this pval_loc)
-            ~prim:pval_prim
-        );
-      pat =;
-      expr =;
-      binding_op = E.map_binding_op;
-      module_declaration =
-        (fun this {pmd_name; pmd_type; pmd_attributes; pmd_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pmd_name)
-             (this.module_type this pmd_type)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmd_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmd_loc)
-        );
-      module_substitution =
-        (fun this {pms_name; pms_manifest; pms_attributes; pms_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pms_name)
-             (map_loc this pms_manifest)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pms_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pms_loc)
-        );
-      module_type_declaration =
-        (fun this {pmtd_name; pmtd_type; pmtd_attributes; pmtd_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pmtd_name)
-             ?typ:(map_opt (this.module_type this) pmtd_type)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmtd_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmtd_loc)
-        );
-      module_binding =
-        (fun this {pmb_name; pmb_expr; pmb_attributes; pmb_loc} ->
-  (map_loc this pmb_name) (this.module_expr this pmb_expr)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmb_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmb_loc)
-        );
-      open_declaration =
-        (fun this {popen_expr; popen_override; popen_attributes; popen_loc} ->
-  (this.module_expr this popen_expr)
-             ~override:popen_override
-             ~loc:(this.location this popen_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this popen_attributes)
-        );
-      open_description =
-        (fun this {popen_expr; popen_override; popen_attributes; popen_loc} ->
-  (map_loc this popen_expr)
-             ~override:popen_override
-             ~loc:(this.location this popen_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this popen_attributes)
-        );
-      include_description =
-        (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
-  (this.module_type this pincl_mod)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
-        );
-      include_declaration =
-        (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
-  (this.module_expr this pincl_mod)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
-        );
-      value_binding =
-        (fun this {pvb_pat; pvb_expr; pvb_attributes; pvb_loc} ->
-             (this.pat this pvb_pat)
-             (this.expr this pvb_expr)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pvb_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pvb_attributes)
-        );
-      constructor_declaration =
-        (fun this {pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_res; pcd_loc; pcd_attributes} ->
-           Type.constructor
-             (map_loc this pcd_name)
-             ~args:(T.map_constructor_arguments this pcd_args)
-             ?res:(map_opt (this.typ this) pcd_res)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pcd_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pcd_attributes)
-        );
-      label_declaration =
-        (fun this {pld_name; pld_type; pld_loc; pld_mutable; pld_attributes} ->
-           Type.field
-             (map_loc this pld_name)
-             (this.typ this pld_type)
-             ~mut:pld_mutable
-             ~loc:(this.location this pld_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pld_attributes)
-        );
-      cases = (fun this l -> ( this) l);
-      case =
-        (fun this {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} ->
-           {
-             pc_lhs = this.pat this pc_lhs;
-             pc_guard = map_opt (this.expr this) pc_guard;
-             pc_rhs = this.expr this pc_rhs;
-           }
-        );
-      location = (fun _this l -> l);
-      extension = (fun this (s, e) -> (map_loc this s, this.payload this e));
-      attribute = (fun this a ->
-        {
-          attr_name = map_loc this a.attr_name;
-          attr_payload = this.payload this a.attr_payload;
-          attr_loc = this.location this a.attr_loc
-        }
-      );
-      attributes = (fun this l -> (this.attribute this) l);
-      payload =
-        (fun this -> function
-           | PStr x -> PStr (this.structure this x)
-           | PSig x -> PSig (this.signature this x)
-           | PTyp x -> PTyp (this.typ this x)
-           | PPat (x, g) -> PPat (this.pat this x, map_opt (this.expr this) g)
-        );
-    }
-  let extension_of_error (error : Locations.location_error) : extension =
-    Locations.extension_of_error
-      ~mk_pstr:(fun x -> PStr x)
-      ~mk_extension:(fun x -> Str.extension x)
-      ~mk_string_constant:(fun x -> Str.eval (Exp.constant (Pconst_string (x, None))))
-      error
-  let attribute_of_warning loc s =
-      {loc; txt = "ocaml.ppwarning" }
-      (PStr ([Str.eval ~loc (Exp.constant (Pconst_string (s, None)))]))
-  include Locations.Helpers_impl
-  let cookies = ref String.Map.empty
-  let get_cookie k =
-    try Some (String.Map.find k !cookies)
-    with Not_found -> None
-  let set_cookie k v =
-    cookies := String.Map.add k v !cookies
-  let tool_name_ref = ref "_none_"
-  let tool_name () = !tool_name_ref
-  module PpxContext = struct
-    open Longident
-    open Asttypes
-    open Ast_helper
-    let lid name = { txt = Lident name; loc = Location.none }
-    let make_string x = Exp.constant (Pconst_string (x, None))
-    let make_bool x =
-      if x
-      then Exp.construct (lid "true") None
-      else Exp.construct (lid "false") None
-    let rec make_list f lst =
-      match lst with
-      | x :: rest ->
-        Exp.construct (lid "::") (Some (Exp.tuple [f x; make_list f rest]))
-      | [] ->
-        Exp.construct (lid "[]") None
-    let make_pair f1 f2 (x1, x2) =
-      Exp.tuple [f1 x1; f2 x2]
-    let make_option f opt =
-      match opt with
-      | Some x -> Exp.construct (lid "Some") (Some (f x))
-      | None   -> Exp.construct (lid "None") None
-    let get_cookies () =
-      lid "cookies",
-      make_list (make_pair make_string (fun x -> x))
-        (String.Map.bindings !cookies)
-    let mk fields =
-      {
-        attr_name = { txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"; loc = Location.none };
-        attr_payload = Parsetree.PStr [Str.eval (Exp.record fields None)];
-        attr_loc = Location.none
-      }
-    let make ~tool_name () =
-      let fields =
-        [
-          lid "tool_name",    make_string tool_name;
-          lid "include_dirs", make_list make_string !Clflags.include_dirs;
-          lid "load_path",    make_list make_string (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.get_load_paths ());
-          lid "open_modules", make_list make_string !Clflags.open_modules;
-          lid "for_package",  make_option make_string !Clflags.for_package;
-          lid "debug",        make_bool !Clflags.debug;
-          lid "use_threads",  make_bool !Clflags.use_threads;
-          lid "recursive_types", make_bool !Clflags.recursive_types;
-          lid "principal", make_bool !Clflags.principal;
-          lid "transparent_modules", make_bool !Clflags.transparent_modules;
-          lid "unboxed_types", make_bool (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.get_unboxed_types ());
-          lid "unsafe_string", make_bool !Clflags.unsafe_string;
-          get_cookies ()
-        ]
-      in
-      mk fields
-    let get_fields = function
-      | PStr [{pstr_desc = Pstr_eval
-                             ({ pexp_desc = Pexp_record (fields, None); _ }, []); _}] ->
-        fields
-      | _ ->
-        raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context] syntax"
-    let restore fields =
-      let field name payload =
-        let rec get_string = function
-          | { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (str, None)); _ } -> str
-          | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
-                               { %s }] string syntax" name
-        and get_bool pexp =
-          match pexp with
-          | {pexp_desc = Pexp_construct ({txt = Longident.Lident "true"; _},
-                                         None); _} ->
-            true
-          | {pexp_desc = Pexp_construct ({txt = Longident.Lident "false"; _},
-                                         None); _} ->
-            false
-          | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
-                               { %s }] bool syntax" name
-        and get_list elem = function
-          | {pexp_desc =
-               Pexp_construct ({txt = Longident.Lident "::"; _},
-                               Some {pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple [exp; rest]; _}); _ } ->
-            elem exp :: get_list elem rest
-          | {pexp_desc =
-               Pexp_construct ({txt = Longident.Lident "[]"; _}, None); _ } ->
-            []
-          | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
-                               { %s }] list syntax" name
-        and get_pair f1 f2 = function
-          | {pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple [e1; e2]; _} ->
-            (f1 e1, f2 e2)
-          | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
-                               { %s }] pair syntax" name
-        and get_option elem = function
-          | { pexp_desc =
-                Pexp_construct ({ txt = Longident.Lident "Some"; _ }, Some exp); _ } ->
-            Some (elem exp)
-          | { pexp_desc =
-                Pexp_construct ({ txt = Longident.Lident "None"; _ }, None); _ } ->
-            None
-          | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
-                               { %s }] option syntax" name
-        in
-        match name with
-        | "tool_name" ->
-          tool_name_ref := get_string payload
-        | "include_dirs" ->
-          Clflags.include_dirs := get_list get_string payload
-        | "load_path" ->
-           Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.load_path_init (get_list get_string payload)
-        | "open_modules" ->
-          Clflags.open_modules := get_list get_string payload
-        | "for_package" ->
-          Clflags.for_package := get_option get_string payload
-        | "debug" ->
-          Clflags.debug := get_bool payload
-        | "use_threads" ->
-          Clflags.use_threads := get_bool payload
-        | "recursive_types" ->
-          Clflags.recursive_types := get_bool payload
-        | "principal" ->
-          Clflags.principal := get_bool payload
-        | "transparent_modules" ->
-          Clflags.transparent_modules := get_bool payload
-        | "unboxed_types" ->
-          Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.set_unboxed_types (get_bool payload)
-        | "unsafe_string" ->
-          Clflags.unsafe_string := get_bool payload
-        | "cookies" ->
-          let l = get_list (get_pair get_string (fun x -> x)) payload in
-          cookies :=
-            List.fold_left
-              (fun s (k, v) -> String.Map.add k v s) String.Map.empty
-              l
-        | _ ->
-          ()
-      in
-      List.iter (function ({txt=Lident name; _}, x) -> field name x | _ -> ()) fields
-    let update_cookies fields =
-      let fields =
-        List.filter
-          (function ({txt=Lident "cookies"; _}, _) -> false | _ -> true)
-          fields
-      in
-      fields @ [get_cookies ()]
-  end
-  let ppx_context = PpxContext.make
-  let extension_of_exn exn = extension_of_error (Locations.location_error_of_exn exn)
-  let apply_lazy ~source ~target mapper =
-    let implem ast =
-      let fields, ast =
-        match ast with
-        | {pstr_desc = Pstr_attribute ({attr_name = {txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"; _};
-                                        attr_payload = x; _}); _} :: l ->
-          PpxContext.get_fields x, l
-        | _ -> [], ast
-      in
-      PpxContext.restore fields;
-      let ast =
-        try
-          let mapper = mapper () in
-          mapper.structure mapper ast
-        with exn ->
-          [{pstr_desc = Pstr_extension (extension_of_exn exn, []);
-            pstr_loc  = Location.none}]
-      in
-      let fields = PpxContext.update_cookies fields in
-      Str.attribute ( fields) :: ast
-    in
-    let iface ast =
-      let fields, ast =
-        match ast with
-        | {psig_desc = Psig_attribute ({attr_name = {txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"; _};
-                                        attr_payload = x;
-                                        attr_loc = _}); _} :: l ->
-          PpxContext.get_fields x, l
-        | _ -> [], ast
-      in
-      PpxContext.restore fields;
-      let ast =
-        try
-          let mapper = mapper () in
-          mapper.signature mapper ast
-        with exn ->
-          [{psig_desc = Psig_extension (extension_of_exn exn, []);
-            psig_loc  = Location.none}]
-      in
-      let fields = PpxContext.update_cookies fields in
-      Sig.attribute ( fields) :: ast
-    in
-    let ic = open_in_bin source in
-    let magic =
-      really_input_string ic (String.length Config.ast_impl_magic_number)
-    in
-    let rewrite transform =
-      Location.input_name := input_value ic;
-      let ast = input_value ic in
-      close_in ic;
-      let ast = transform ast in
-      let oc = open_out_bin target in
-      output_string oc magic;
-      output_value oc !Location.input_name;
-      output_value oc ast;
-      close_out oc
-    and fail () =
-      close_in ic;
-      failwith "Ast_mapper: OCaml version mismatch or malformed input";
-    in
-    if magic = Config.ast_impl_magic_number then
-      rewrite (implem : structure -> structure)
-    else if magic = Config.ast_intf_magic_number then
-      rewrite (iface : signature -> signature)
-    else fail ()
-  let drop_ppx_context_str ~restore = function
-    | {pstr_desc = Pstr_attribute
-                     {attr_name = {Location.txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"; _};
-                      attr_payload = a;
-                      attr_loc = _}; _ }
-      :: items ->
-      if restore then
-        PpxContext.restore (PpxContext.get_fields a);
-      items
-    | items -> items
-  let drop_ppx_context_sig ~restore = function
-    | {psig_desc = Psig_attribute
-                     {attr_name = {Location.txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"; _};
-                      attr_payload = a;
-                      attr_loc = _}; _ }
-      :: items ->
-      if restore then
-        PpxContext.restore (PpxContext.get_fields a);
-      items
-    | items -> items
-  let add_ppx_context_str ~tool_name ast =
-    Ast_helper.Str.attribute (ppx_context ~tool_name ()) :: ast
-  let add_ppx_context_sig ~tool_name ast =
-    Ast_helper.Sig.attribute (ppx_context ~tool_name ()) :: ast
-  let apply ~source ~target mapper =
-    apply_lazy ~source ~target (fun () -> mapper)
-  let run_main mapper =
-    try
-      let a = Sys.argv in
-      let n = Array.length a in
-      if n > 2 then
-        let mapper () =
-          try mapper (Array.to_list (Array.sub a 1 (n - 3)))
-          with exn ->
-            (* PR#6463 *)
-            let f _ _ = raise exn in
-            {default_mapper with structure = f; signature = f}
-        in
-        apply_lazy ~source:a.(n - 2) ~target:a.(n - 1) mapper
-      else begin
-        Printf.eprintf "Usage: %s [extra_args] <infile> <outfile>\n%!"
-          Sys.executable_name;
-        exit 2
-      end
-    with exn ->
-      prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string exn);
-      exit 2
-  let register_function = ref (fun _name f -> run_main f)
-  let register name f = !register_function name f
-module Outcometree = struct
-  (* Module [Outcometree]: results displayed by the toplevel *)
-  (* These types represent messages that the toplevel displays as normal
-     results or errors. The real displaying is customisable using the hooks:
-     [Toploop.print_out_value]
-     [Toploop.print_out_type]
-     [Toploop.print_out_sig_item]
-     [Toploop.print_out_phrase] *)
-  (** An [out_name] is a string representation of an identifier which can be
-      rewritten on the fly to avoid name collisions *)
-  type out_name (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_name *) = { mutable printed_name: string }
-  type out_ident (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_ident *) =
-    | Oide_apply of out_ident * out_ident
-    | Oide_dot of out_ident * string
-    | Oide_ident of out_name
-  type out_string (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_string *) =
-    | Ostr_string
-    | Ostr_bytes
-  type out_attribute (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_attribute *) =
-    { oattr_name: string }
-  type out_value (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_value *) =
-    | Oval_array of out_value list
-    | Oval_char of char
-    | Oval_constr of out_ident * out_value list
-    | Oval_ellipsis
-    | Oval_float of float
-    | Oval_int of int
-    | Oval_int32 of int32
-    | Oval_int64 of int64
-    | Oval_nativeint of nativeint
-    | Oval_list of out_value list
-    | Oval_printer of (Format.formatter -> unit)
-    | Oval_record of (out_ident * out_value) list
-    | Oval_string of string * int * out_string (* string, size-to-print, kind *)
-    | Oval_stuff of string
-    | Oval_tuple of out_value list
-    | Oval_variant of string * out_value option
-  type out_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type *) =
-    | Otyp_abstract
-    | Otyp_open
-    | Otyp_alias of out_type * string
-    | Otyp_arrow of string * out_type * out_type
-    | Otyp_class of bool * out_ident * out_type list
-    | Otyp_constr of out_ident * out_type list
-    | Otyp_manifest of out_type * out_type
-    | Otyp_object of (string * out_type) list * bool option
-    | Otyp_record of (string * bool * out_type) list
-    | Otyp_stuff of string
-    | Otyp_sum of (string * out_type list * out_type option) list
-    | Otyp_tuple of out_type list
-    | Otyp_var of bool * string
-    | Otyp_variant of
-        bool * out_variant * bool * (string list) option
-    | Otyp_poly of string list * out_type
-    | Otyp_module of out_ident * string list * out_type list
-    | Otyp_attribute of out_type * out_attribute
-  and out_variant (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_variant *) =
-    | Ovar_fields of (string * bool * out_type list) list
-    | Ovar_typ of out_type
-  type out_class_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_class_type *) =
-    | Octy_constr of out_ident * out_type list
-    | Octy_arrow of string * out_type * out_class_type
-    | Octy_signature of out_type option * out_class_sig_item list
-  and out_class_sig_item (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_class_sig_item *) =
-    | Ocsg_constraint of out_type * out_type
-    | Ocsg_method of string * bool * bool * out_type
-    | Ocsg_value of string * bool * bool * out_type
-  type out_module_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_module_type *) =
-    | Omty_abstract
-    | Omty_functor of string * out_module_type option * out_module_type
-    | Omty_ident of out_ident
-    | Omty_signature of out_sig_item list
-    | Omty_alias of out_ident
-  and out_sig_item (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_sig_item *) =
-    | Osig_class of
-        bool * string * (string * (bool * bool)) list * out_class_type *
-        out_rec_status
-    | Osig_class_type of
-        bool * string * (string * (bool * bool)) list * out_class_type *
-        out_rec_status
-    | Osig_typext of out_extension_constructor * out_ext_status
-    | Osig_modtype of string * out_module_type
-    | Osig_module of string * out_module_type * out_rec_status
-    | Osig_type of out_type_decl * out_rec_status
-    | Osig_value of out_val_decl
-    | Osig_ellipsis
-  and out_type_decl (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type_decl *) =
-    { otype_name: string;
-      otype_params: (string * (bool * bool)) list;
-      otype_type: out_type;
-      otype_private: Asttypes.private_flag;
-      otype_immediate: bool;
-      otype_unboxed: bool;
-      otype_cstrs: (out_type * out_type) list }
-  and out_extension_constructor (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_extension_constructor *) =
-    { oext_name: string;
-      oext_type_name: string;
-      oext_type_params: string list;
-      oext_args: out_type list;
-      oext_ret_type: out_type option;
-      oext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
-  and out_type_extension (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type_extension *) =
-    { otyext_name: string;
-      otyext_params: string list;
-      otyext_constructors: (string * out_type list * out_type option) list;
-      otyext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
-  and out_val_decl (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_val_decl *) =
-    { oval_name: string;
-      oval_type: out_type;
-      oval_prims: string list;
-      oval_attributes: out_attribute list }
-  and out_rec_status (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_rec_status *) =
-    | Orec_not
-    | Orec_first
-    | Orec_next
-  and out_ext_status (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_ext_status *) =
-    | Oext_first
-    | Oext_next
-    | Oext_exception
-  type out_phrase (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_phrase *) =
-    | Ophr_eval of out_value * out_type
-    | Ophr_signature of (out_sig_item * out_value option) list
-    | Ophr_exception of (exn * out_value)
-module Config = struct
-  let ast_impl_magic_number = "Caml1999M025"
-  let ast_intf_magic_number = "Caml1999N025"
-let map_signature mapper = mapper.Ast_mapper.signature mapper
-let map_structure mapper = mapper.Ast_mapper.structure mapper
-let shallow_identity =
-  let id _ x = x in
-  {
-    Ast_mapper.
-    structure               = id;
-    structure_item          = id;
-    module_expr             = id;
-    signature               = id;
-    signature_item          = id;
-    module_type             = id;
-    with_constraint         = id;
-    class_declaration       = id;
-    class_expr              = id;
-    class_field             = id;
-    class_structure         = id;
-    class_type              = id;
-    class_type_field        = id;
-    class_signature         = id;
-    class_type_declaration  = id;
-    class_description       = id;
-    type_declaration        = id;
-    type_kind               = id;
-    typ                     = id;
-    type_extension          = id;
-    extension_constructor   = id;
-    value_description       = id;
-    pat                     = id;
-    expr                    = id;
-    module_declaration      = id;
-    module_type_declaration = id;
-    module_binding          = id;
-    open_description        = id;
-    include_description     = id;
-    include_declaration     = id;
-    value_binding           = id;
-    constructor_declaration = id;
-    label_declaration       = id;
-    cases                   = id;
-    case                    = id;
-    location                = id;
-    extension               = id;
-    attribute               = id;
-    attributes              = id;
-    payload                 = id;
-    binding_op              = id;
-    module_substitution     = id;
-    open_declaration        = id;
-    type_exception          = id;
-  }
-let failing_mapper =
-  let fail _ _ =
-    invalid_arg "failing_mapper: this mapper function should never get called"
-  in
-  {
-    Ast_mapper.
-    structure               = fail;
-    structure_item          = fail;
-    module_expr             = fail;
-    signature               = fail;
-    signature_item          = fail;
-    module_type             = fail;
-    with_constraint         = fail;
-    class_declaration       = fail;
-    class_expr              = fail;
-    class_field             = fail;
-    class_structure         = fail;
-    class_type              = fail;
-    class_type_field        = fail;
-    class_signature         = fail;
-    class_type_declaration  = fail;
-    class_description       = fail;
-    type_declaration        = fail;
-    type_kind               = fail;
-    typ                     = fail;
-    type_extension          = fail;
-    extension_constructor   = fail;
-    value_description       = fail;
-    pat                     = fail;
-    expr                    = fail;
-    module_declaration      = fail;
-    module_type_declaration = fail;
-    module_binding          = fail;
-    open_description        = fail;
-    include_description     = fail;
-    include_declaration     = fail;
-    value_binding           = fail;
-    constructor_declaration = fail;
-    label_declaration       = fail;
-    cases                   = fail;
-    case                    = fail;
-    location                = fail;
-    extension               = fail;
-    attribute               = fail;
-    attributes              = fail;
-    payload                 = fail;
-    binding_op              = fail;
-    module_substitution     = fail;
-    open_declaration        = fail;
-    type_exception          = fail;
-  }
-let make_top_mapper ~signature ~structure =
-  {failing_mapper with Ast_mapper.
-                    signature = (fun _ x -> signature x);
-                    structure = (fun _ x -> structure x) }
-module Ast_409_helper
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-module Misc = struct
-  let find_in_path = Misc.find_in_path
-  let find_in_path_uncap = Misc.find_in_path_uncap
-  type ref_and_value = R : 'a ref * 'a -> ref_and_value
-  let protect_refs =
-    let set_refs l = List.iter (fun (R (r, v)) -> r := v) l in
-    fun refs f ->
-      let backup = (fun (R (r, _)) -> R (r, !r)) refs in
-      set_refs refs;
-      match f () with
-      | x           -> set_refs backup; x
-      | exception e -> set_refs backup; raise e
-  let may_map =
-  module Stdlib = struct
-    module String = struct
-      include String
-      module Map = Map.Make (String)
-    end
-  end
-module Ast_409
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         Frédéric Bour, Facebook                        *)
-(*            Jérémie Dimino and Leo White, Jane Street Europe            *)
-(*            Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt            *)
-(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-(*       Daniel de Rauglaudre, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt         *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2018 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-open Stdlib0
-open Ast_409_helper
-module Location = Location
-module Longident = Longident
-module Asttypes = struct
-  type constant (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.constant *) =
-      Const_int of int
-    | Const_char of char
-    | Const_string of string * string option
-    | Const_float of string
-    | Const_int32 of int32
-    | Const_int64 of int64
-    | Const_nativeint of nativeint
-  type rec_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.rec_flag *) = Nonrecursive | Recursive
-  type direction_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.direction_flag *) = Upto | Downto
-  (* Order matters, used in polymorphic comparison *)
-  type private_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.private_flag *) = Private | Public
-  type mutable_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.mutable_flag *) = Immutable | Mutable
-  type virtual_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.virtual_flag *) = Virtual | Concrete
-  type override_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.override_flag *) = Override | Fresh
-  type closed_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.closed_flag *) = Closed | Open
-  type label = string
-  type arg_label (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.arg_label *) =
-      Nolabel
-    | Labelled of string (*  label:T -> ... *)
-    | Optional of string (* ?label:T -> ... *)
-  type 'a loc = 'a Location.loc = {
-    txt : 'a;
-    loc : Location.t;
-  }
-  type variance (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.variance *) =
-    | Covariant
-    | Contravariant
-    | Invariant
-module Parsetree = struct
-  open Asttypes
-  type constant (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constant *) =
-      Pconst_integer of string * char option
-    (* 3 3l 3L 3n
-       Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser.
-       Suffixes except 'l', 'L' and 'n' are rejected by the typechecker
-    *)
-    | Pconst_char of char
-    (* 'c' *)
-    | Pconst_string of string * string option
-    (* "constant"
-       {delim|other constant|delim}
-    *)
-    | Pconst_float of string * char option
-    (* 3.4 2e5 1.4e-4
-       Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser.
-       Suffixes are rejected by the typechecker.
-    *)
-  (** {1 Extension points} *)
-  type attribute (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.attribute *) = {
-    attr_name : string loc;
-    attr_payload : payload;
-    attr_loc : Location.t;
-  }
-  (* [@id ARG]
-     [@@id ARG]
-     Metadata containers passed around within the AST.
-     The compiler ignores unknown attributes.
-  *)
-  and extension = string loc * payload
-  (* [%id ARG]
-     [%%id ARG]
-     Sub-language placeholder -- rejected by the typechecker.
-  *)
-  and attributes = attribute list
-  and payload (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.payload *) =
-    | PStr of structure
-    | PSig of signature (* : SIG *)
-    | PTyp of core_type  (* : T *)
-    | PPat of pattern * expression option  (* ? P  or  ? P when E *)
-  (** {1 Core language} *)
-  (* Type expressions *)
-  and core_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.core_type *) =
-    {
-      ptyp_desc: core_type_desc;
-      ptyp_loc: Location.t;
-      ptyp_loc_stack: Location.t list;
-      ptyp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and typ = core_type
-  and core_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.core_type_desc *) =
-    | Ptyp_any
-    (*  _ *)
-    | Ptyp_var of string
-    (* 'a *)
-    | Ptyp_arrow of arg_label * core_type * core_type
-    (* T1 -> T2       Simple
-       ~l:T1 -> T2    Labelled
-       ?l:T1 -> T2    Optional
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_tuple of core_type list
-    (* T1 * ... * Tn
-       Invariant: n >= 2
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-    (* tconstr
-       T tconstr
-       (T1, ..., Tn) tconstr
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_object of object_field list * closed_flag
-    (* < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn >     (flag = Closed)
-       < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn; .. > (flag = Open)
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_class of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-    (* #tconstr
-       T #tconstr
-       (T1, ..., Tn) #tconstr
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_alias of core_type * string
-    (* T as 'a *)
-    | Ptyp_variant of row_field list * closed_flag * label list option
-    (* [ `A|`B ]         (flag = Closed; labels = None)
-       [> `A|`B ]        (flag = Open;   labels = None)
-       [< `A|`B ]        (flag = Closed; labels = Some [])
-       [< `A|`B > `X `Y ](flag = Closed; labels = Some ["X";"Y"])
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_poly of string loc list * core_type
-    (* 'a1 ... 'an. T
-       Can only appear in the following context:
-       - As the core_type of a Ppat_constraint node corresponding
-       to a constraint on a let-binding: let x : 'a1 ... 'an. T
-       = e ...
-       - Under Cfk_virtual for methods (not values).
-       - As the core_type of a Pctf_method node.
-       - As the core_type of a Pexp_poly node.
-       - As the pld_type field of a label_declaration.
-       - As a core_type of a Ptyp_object node.
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_package of package_type
-    (* (module S) *)
-    | Ptyp_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-  and package_type = Longident.t loc * (Longident.t loc * core_type) list
-      (*
-     (module S)
-     (module S with type t1 = T1 and ... and tn = Tn)
-  *)
-  and row_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.row_field *) = {
-    prf_desc : row_field_desc;
-    prf_loc : Location.t;
-    prf_attributes : attributes;
-  }
-  and row_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.row_field_desc *) =
-    | Rtag of label loc * bool * core_type list
-    (* [`A]                   ( true,  [] )
-       [`A of T]              ( false, [T] )
-       [`A of T1 & .. & Tn]   ( false, [T1;...Tn] )
-       [`A of & T1 & .. & Tn] ( true,  [T1;...Tn] )
-       - The 'bool' field is true if the tag contains a
-       constant (empty) constructor.
-       - '&' occurs when several types are used for the same constructor
-       (see 4.2 in the manual)
-    *)
-    | Rinherit of core_type
-    (* [ T ] *)
-  and object_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.object_field *) = {
-    pof_desc : object_field_desc;
-    pof_loc : Location.t;
-    pof_attributes : attributes;
-  }
-  and object_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.object_field_desc *) =
-    | Otag of label loc * core_type
-    | Oinherit of core_type
-  (* Patterns *)
-  and pattern (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.pattern *) =
-    {
-      ppat_desc: pattern_desc;
-      ppat_loc: Location.t;
-      ppat_loc_stack: Location.t list;
-      ppat_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and pat = pattern
-  and pattern_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.pattern_desc *) =
-    | Ppat_any
-    (* _ *)
-    | Ppat_var of string loc
-    (* x *)
-    | Ppat_alias of pattern * string loc
-    (* P as 'a *)
-    | Ppat_constant of constant
-    (* 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
-    | Ppat_interval of constant * constant
-    (* 'a'..'z'
-       Other forms of interval are recognized by the parser
-       but rejected by the type-checker. *)
-    | Ppat_tuple of pattern list
-    (* (P1, ..., Pn)
-       Invariant: n >= 2
-    *)
-    | Ppat_construct of Longident.t loc * pattern option
-    (* C                None
-       C P              Some P
-       C (P1, ..., Pn)  Some (Ppat_tuple [P1; ...; Pn])
-    *)
-    | Ppat_variant of label * pattern option
-    (* `A             (None)
-       `A P           (Some P)
-    *)
-    | Ppat_record of (Longident.t loc * pattern) list * closed_flag
-    (* { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }     (flag = Closed)
-       { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn; _}   (flag = Open)
-       Invariant: n > 0
-    *)
-    | Ppat_array of pattern list
-    (* [| P1; ...; Pn |] *)
-    | Ppat_or of pattern * pattern
-    (* P1 | P2 *)
-    | Ppat_constraint of pattern * core_type
-    (* (P : T) *)
-    | Ppat_type of Longident.t loc
-    (* #tconst *)
-    | Ppat_lazy of pattern
-    (* lazy P *)
-    | Ppat_unpack of string loc
-    (* (module P)
-       Note: (module P : S) is represented as
-       Ppat_constraint(Ppat_unpack, Ptyp_package)
-    *)
-    | Ppat_exception of pattern
-    (* exception P *)
-    | Ppat_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-    | Ppat_open of Longident.t loc * pattern
-    (* M.(P) *)
-  (* Value expressions *)
-  and expression (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.expression *) =
-    {
-      pexp_desc: expression_desc;
-      pexp_loc: Location.t;
-      pexp_loc_stack: Location.t list;
-      pexp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and expr = expression
-  and expression_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.expression_desc *) =
-    | Pexp_ident of Longident.t loc
-    (* x
-       M.x
-    *)
-    | Pexp_constant of constant
-    (* 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
-    | Pexp_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * expression
-    (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E       (flag = Nonrecursive)
-       let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E   (flag = Recursive)
-    *)
-    | Pexp_function of cases
-    (* function P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * expression
-    (* fun P -> E1                          (Simple, None)
-       fun ~l:P -> E1                       (Labelled l, None)
-       fun ?l:P -> E1                       (Optional l, None)
-       fun ?l:(P = E0) -> E1                (Optional l, Some E0)
-       Notes:
-       - If E0 is provided, only Optional is allowed.
-       - "fun P1 P2 .. Pn -> E1" is represented as nested Pexp_fun.
-       - "let f P = E" is represented using Pexp_fun.
-    *)
-    | Pexp_apply of expression * (arg_label * expression) list
-    (* E0 ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
-       li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?'
-       (optional argument).
-       Invariant: n > 0
-    *)
-    | Pexp_match of expression * cases
-    (* match E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_try of expression * cases
-    (* try E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_tuple of expression list
-    (* (E1, ..., En)
-       Invariant: n >= 2
-    *)
-    | Pexp_construct of Longident.t loc * expression option
-    (* C                None
-       C E              Some E
-       C (E1, ..., En)  Some (Pexp_tuple[E1;...;En])
-    *)
-    | Pexp_variant of label * expression option
-    (* `A             (None)
-       `A E           (Some E)
-    *)
-    | Pexp_record of (Longident.t loc * expression) list * expression option
-    (* { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }     (None)
-       { E0 with l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }   (Some E0)
-       Invariant: n > 0
-    *)
-    | Pexp_field of expression * Longident.t loc
-    (* E.l *)
-    | Pexp_setfield of expression * Longident.t loc * expression
-    (* E1.l <- E2 *)
-    | Pexp_array of expression list
-    (* [| E1; ...; En |] *)
-    | Pexp_ifthenelse of expression * expression * expression option
-    (* if E1 then E2 else E3 *)
-    | Pexp_sequence of expression * expression
-    (* E1; E2 *)
-    | Pexp_while of expression * expression
-    (* while E1 do E2 done *)
-    | Pexp_for of
-        pattern *  expression * expression * direction_flag * expression
-    (* for i = E1 to E2 do E3 done      (flag = Upto)
-       for i = E1 downto E2 do E3 done  (flag = Downto)
-    *)
-    | Pexp_constraint of expression * core_type
-    (* (E : T) *)
-    | Pexp_coerce of expression * core_type option * core_type
-    (* (E :> T)        (None, T)
-       (E : T0 :> T)   (Some T0, T)
-    *)
-    | Pexp_send of expression * label loc
-    (*  E # m *)
-    | Pexp_new of Longident.t loc
-    (* new M.c *)
-    | Pexp_setinstvar of label loc * expression
-    (* x <- 2 *)
-    | Pexp_override of (label loc * expression) list
-    (* {< x1 = E1; ...; Xn = En >} *)
-    | Pexp_letmodule of string loc * module_expr * expression
-    (* let module M = ME in E *)
-    | Pexp_letexception of extension_constructor * expression
-    (* let exception C in E *)
-    | Pexp_assert of expression
-    (* assert E
-       Note: "assert false" is treated in a special way by the
-       type-checker. *)
-    | Pexp_lazy of expression
-    (* lazy E *)
-    | Pexp_poly of expression * core_type option
-    (* Used for method bodies.
-       Can only be used as the expression under Cfk_concrete
-       for methods (not values). *)
-    | Pexp_object of class_structure
-    (* object ... end *)
-    | Pexp_newtype of string loc * expression
-    (* fun (type t) -> E *)
-    | Pexp_pack of module_expr
-    (* (module ME)
-       (module ME : S) is represented as
-       Pexp_constraint(Pexp_pack, Ptyp_package S) *)
-    | Pexp_open of open_declaration * expression
-    (* M.(E)
-       let open M in E
-       let! open M in E *)
-    | Pexp_letop of letop
-    (* let* P = E in E
-       let* P = E and* P = E in E *)
-    | Pexp_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-    | Pexp_unreachable
-    (* . *)
-  and case (*IF_CURRENT = *) =   (* (P -> E) or (P when E0 -> E) *)
-    {
-      pc_lhs: pattern;
-      pc_guard: expression option;
-      pc_rhs: expression;
-    }
-  and cases = case list
-  and letop (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.letop *) =
-    {
-      let_ : binding_op;
-      ands : binding_op list;
-      body : expression;
-    }
-  and binding_op (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.binding_op *) =
-    {
-      pbop_op : string loc;
-      pbop_pat : pattern;
-      pbop_exp : expression;
-      pbop_loc : Location.t;
-    }
-  (* Value descriptions *)
-  and value_description (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.value_description *) =
-    {
-      pval_name: string loc;
-      pval_type: core_type;
-      pval_prim: string list;
-      pval_attributes: attributes;  (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      pval_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-     val x: T                            (prim = [])
-     external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"       (prim = ["s1";..."sn"])
-  *)
-  (* Type declarations *)
-  and type_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_declaration *) =
-    {
-      ptype_name: string loc;
-      ptype_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-      (* ('a1,...'an) t; None represents  _*)
-      ptype_cstrs: (core_type * core_type * Location.t) list;
-      (* ... constraint T1=T1'  ... constraint Tn=Tn' *)
-      ptype_kind: type_kind;
-      ptype_private: private_flag;   (* = private ... *)
-      ptype_manifest: core_type option;  (* = T *)
-      ptype_attributes: attributes;   (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      ptype_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-     type t                     (abstract, no manifest)
-     type t = T0                (abstract, manifest=T0)
-     type t = C of T | ...      (variant,  no manifest)
-     type t = T0 = C of T | ... (variant,  manifest=T0)
-     type t = {l: T; ...}       (record,   no manifest)
-     type t = T0 = {l : T; ...} (record,   manifest=T0)
-     type t = ..                (open,     no manifest)
-  *)
-  and type_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_kind *) =
-    | Ptype_abstract
-    | Ptype_variant of constructor_declaration list
-    | Ptype_record of label_declaration list
-    (* Invariant: non-empty list *)
-    | Ptype_open
-  and label_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.label_declaration *) =
-    {
-      pld_name: string loc;
-      pld_mutable: mutable_flag;
-      pld_type: core_type;
-      pld_loc: Location.t;
-      pld_attributes: attributes; (* l : T [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  (*  { ...; l: T; ... }            (mutable=Immutable)
-      { ...; mutable l: T; ... }    (mutable=Mutable)
-      Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly.
-  *)
-  and constructor_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constructor_declaration *) =
-    {
-      pcd_name: string loc;
-      pcd_args: constructor_arguments;
-      pcd_res: core_type option;
-      pcd_loc: Location.t;
-      pcd_attributes: attributes; (* C of ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and constructor_arguments (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constructor_arguments *) =
-    | Pcstr_tuple of core_type list
-    | Pcstr_record of label_declaration list
-     | C of T1 * ... * Tn     (res = None,    args = Pcstr_tuple [])
-     | C: T0                  (res = Some T0, args = [])
-     | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_tuple)
-     | C of {...}             (res = None,    args = Pcstr_record)
-     | C: {...} -> T0         (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_record)
-     | C of {...} as t        (res = None,    args = Pcstr_record)
-  *)
-  and type_extension (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_extension *) =
-    {
-      ptyext_path: Longident.t loc;
-      ptyext_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-      ptyext_constructors: extension_constructor list;
-      ptyext_private: private_flag;
-      ptyext_loc: Location.t;
-      ptyext_attributes: attributes;   (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-    }
-     type t += ...
-  *)
-  and extension_constructor (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.extension_constructor *) =
-    {
-      pext_name: string loc;
-      pext_kind : extension_constructor_kind;
-      pext_loc : Location.t;
-      pext_attributes: attributes; (* C of ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  (* exception E *)
-  and type_exception (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_exception *) =
-    {
-      ptyexn_constructor: extension_constructor;
-      ptyexn_loc: Location.t;
-      ptyexn_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-    }
-  and extension_constructor_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind *) =
-      Pext_decl of constructor_arguments * core_type option
-      (*
-       | C of T1 * ... * Tn     ([T1; ...; Tn], None)
-       | C: T0                  ([], Some T0)
-       | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 ([T1; ...; Tn], Some T0)
-    *)
-    | Pext_rebind of Longident.t loc
-      (*
-       | C = D
-    *)
-  (** {1 Class language} *)
-  (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-  and class_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type *) =
-    {
-      pcty_desc: class_type_desc;
-      pcty_loc: Location.t;
-      pcty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and class_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_desc *) =
-    | Pcty_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-    (* c
-       ['a1, ..., 'an] c *)
-    | Pcty_signature of class_signature
-    (* object ... end *)
-    | Pcty_arrow of arg_label * core_type * class_type
-    (* T -> CT       Simple
-       ~l:T -> CT    Labelled l
-       ?l:T -> CT    Optional l
-    *)
-    | Pcty_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-    | Pcty_open of open_description * class_type
-    (* let open M in CT *)
-  and class_signature (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_signature *) =
-    {
-      pcsig_self: core_type;
-      pcsig_fields: class_type_field list;
-    }
-  (* object('selfpat) ... end
-     object ... end             (self = Ptyp_any)
-  *)
-  and class_type_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_field *) =
-    {
-      pctf_desc: class_type_field_desc;
-      pctf_loc: Location.t;
-      pctf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-    }
-  and class_type_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_field_desc *) =
-    | Pctf_inherit of class_type
-    (* inherit CT *)
-    | Pctf_val of (label loc * mutable_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
-    (* val x: T *)
-    | Pctf_method  of (label loc * private_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
-    (* method x: T
-       Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly.
-    *)
-    | Pctf_constraint  of (core_type * core_type)
-    (* constraint T1 = T2 *)
-    | Pctf_attribute of attribute
-    (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pctf_extension of extension
-    (* [%%id] *)
-  and 'a class_infos (*IF_CURRENT = 'a Parsetree.class_infos *) =
-    {
-      pci_virt: virtual_flag;
-      pci_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-      pci_name: string loc;
-      pci_expr: 'a;
-      pci_loc: Location.t;
-      pci_attributes: attributes;  (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-    }
-  (* class c = ...
-     class ['a1,...,'an] c = ...
-     class virtual c = ...
-     Also used for "class type" declaration.
-  *)
-  and class_description = class_type class_infos
-  and class_type_declaration = class_type class_infos
-  (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-  and class_expr (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_expr *) =
-    {
-      pcl_desc: class_expr_desc;
-      pcl_loc: Location.t;
-      pcl_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and class_expr_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_expr_desc *) =
-    | Pcl_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-    (* c
-       ['a1, ..., 'an] c *)
-    | Pcl_structure of class_structure
-    (* object ... end *)
-    | Pcl_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * class_expr
-    (* fun P -> CE                          (Simple, None)
-       fun ~l:P -> CE                       (Labelled l, None)
-       fun ?l:P -> CE                       (Optional l, None)
-       fun ?l:(P = E0) -> CE                (Optional l, Some E0)
-    *)
-    | Pcl_apply of class_expr * (arg_label * expression) list
-    (* CE ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
-       li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?'
-       (optional argument).
-       Invariant: n > 0
-    *)
-    | Pcl_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * class_expr
-    (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE      (flag = Nonrecursive)
-       let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE  (flag = Recursive)
-    *)
-    | Pcl_constraint of class_expr * class_type
-    (* (CE : CT) *)
-    | Pcl_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-    | Pcl_open of open_description * class_expr
-    (* let open M in CE *)
-  and class_structure (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_structure *) =
-    {
-      pcstr_self: pattern;
-      pcstr_fields: class_field list;
-    }
-  (* object(selfpat) ... end
-     object ... end           (self = Ppat_any)
-  *)
-  and class_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field *) =
-    {
-      pcf_desc: class_field_desc;
-      pcf_loc: Location.t;
-      pcf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-    }
-  and class_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field_desc *) =
-    | Pcf_inherit of override_flag * class_expr * string loc option
-    (* inherit CE
-       inherit CE as x
-       inherit! CE
-       inherit! CE as x
-    *)
-    | Pcf_val of (label loc * mutable_flag * class_field_kind)
-    (* val x = E
-       val virtual x: T
-    *)
-    | Pcf_method of (label loc * private_flag * class_field_kind)
-    (* method x = E            (E can be a Pexp_poly)
-       method virtual x: T     (T can be a Ptyp_poly)
-    *)
-    | Pcf_constraint of (core_type * core_type)
-    (* constraint T1 = T2 *)
-    | Pcf_initializer of expression
-    (* initializer E *)
-    | Pcf_attribute of attribute
-    (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pcf_extension of extension
-    (* [%%id] *)
-  and class_field_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field_kind *) =
-    | Cfk_virtual of core_type
-    | Cfk_concrete of override_flag * expression
-  and class_declaration = class_expr class_infos
-  (** {1 Module language} *)
-  (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-  and module_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type *) =
-    {
-      pmty_desc: module_type_desc;
-      pmty_loc: Location.t;
-      pmty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and module_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type_desc *) =
-    | Pmty_ident of Longident.t loc
-    (* S *)
-    | Pmty_signature of signature
-    (* sig ... end *)
-    | Pmty_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_type
-    (* functor(X : MT1) -> MT2 *)
-    | Pmty_with of module_type * with_constraint list
-    (* MT with ... *)
-    | Pmty_typeof of module_expr
-    (* module type of ME *)
-    | Pmty_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-    | Pmty_alias of Longident.t loc
-    (* (module M) *)
-  and signature = signature_item list
-  and signature_item (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.signature_item *) =
-    {
-      psig_desc: signature_item_desc;
-      psig_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  and signature_item_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.signature_item_desc *) =
-    | Psig_value of value_description
-        (*
-       val x: T
-       external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"
-    *)
-    | Psig_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
-    (* type t1 = ... and ... and tn  = ... *)
-    | Psig_typesubst of type_declaration list
-    (* type t1 := ... and ... and tn := ...  *)
-    | Psig_typext of type_extension
-    (* type t1 += ... *)
-    | Psig_exception of type_exception
-    (* exception C of T *)
-    | Psig_module of module_declaration
-    (* module X = M
-       module X : MT *)
-    | Psig_modsubst of module_substitution
-    (* module X := M *)
-    | Psig_recmodule of module_declaration list
-    (* module rec X1 : MT1 and ... and Xn : MTn *)
-    | Psig_modtype of module_type_declaration
-    (* module type S = MT
-       module type S *)
-    | Psig_open of open_description
-    (* open X *)
-    | Psig_include of include_description
-    (* include MT *)
-    | Psig_class of class_description list
-    (* class c1 : ... and ... and cn : ... *)
-    | Psig_class_type of class_type_declaration list
-    (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *)
-    | Psig_attribute of attribute
-    (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Psig_extension of extension * attributes
-    (* [%%id] *)
-  and module_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_declaration *) =
-    {
-      pmd_name: string loc;
-      pmd_type: module_type;
-      pmd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      pmd_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  (* S : MT *)
-  and module_substitution (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_substitution *) =
-    {
-      pms_name: string loc;
-      pms_manifest: Longident.t loc;
-      pms_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      pms_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  and module_type_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type_declaration *) =
-    {
-      pmtd_name: string loc;
-      pmtd_type: module_type option;
-      pmtd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      pmtd_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  (* S = MT
-     S       (abstract module type declaration, pmtd_type = None)
-  *)
-  and 'a open_infos (*IF_CURRENT = 'a Parsetree.open_infos *) =
-    {
-      popen_expr: 'a;
-      popen_override: override_flag;
-      popen_loc: Location.t;
-      popen_attributes: attributes;
-    }
-  (* open! X - popen_override = Override (silences the 'used identifier
-     shadowing' warning)
-     open  X - popen_override = Fresh
-  *)
-  and open_description = Longident.t loc open_infos
-  (* open M.N
-     open M(N).O *)
-  and open_declaration = module_expr open_infos
-  (* open M.N
-     open M(N).O
-     open struct ... end *)
-  and 'a include_infos (*IF_CURRENT = 'a Parsetree.include_infos *) =
-    {
-      pincl_mod: 'a;
-      pincl_loc: Location.t;
-      pincl_attributes: attributes;
-    }
-  and include_description = module_type include_infos
-  (* include MT *)
-  and include_declaration = module_expr include_infos
-  (* include ME *)
-  and with_constraint (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.with_constraint *) =
-    | Pwith_type of Longident.t loc * type_declaration
-    (* with type X.t = ...
-       Note: the last component of the longident must match
-       the name of the type_declaration. *)
-    | Pwith_module of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc
-    (* with module X.Y = Z *)
-    | Pwith_typesubst of Longident.t loc * type_declaration
-    (* with type X.t := ..., same format as [Pwith_type] *)
-    | Pwith_modsubst of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc
-    (* with module X.Y := Z *)
-  (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-  and module_expr (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_expr *) =
-    {
-      pmod_desc: module_expr_desc;
-      pmod_loc: Location.t;
-      pmod_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and module_expr_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_expr_desc *) =
-    | Pmod_ident of Longident.t loc
-    (* X *)
-    | Pmod_structure of structure
-    (* struct ... end *)
-    | Pmod_functor of string loc * module_type option * module_expr
-    (* functor(X : MT1) -> ME *)
-    | Pmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr
-    (* ME1(ME2) *)
-    | Pmod_constraint of module_expr * module_type
-    (* (ME : MT) *)
-    | Pmod_unpack of expression
-    (* (val E) *)
-    | Pmod_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-  and structure = structure_item list
-  and structure_item (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.structure_item *) =
-    {
-      pstr_desc: structure_item_desc;
-      pstr_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  and structure_item_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.structure_item_desc *) =
-    | Pstr_eval of expression * attributes
-    (* E *)
-    | Pstr_value of rec_flag * value_binding list
-    (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN       (flag = Nonrecursive)
-       let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN   (flag = Recursive)
-    *)
-    | Pstr_primitive of value_description
-    (*  val x: T
-        external x: T = "s1" ... "sn" *)
-    | Pstr_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
-    (* type t1 = ... and ... and tn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_typext of type_extension
-    (* type t1 += ... *)
-    | Pstr_exception of type_exception
-    (* exception C of T
-       exception C = M.X *)
-    | Pstr_module of module_binding
-    (* module X = ME *)
-    | Pstr_recmodule of module_binding list
-    (* module rec X1 = ME1 and ... and Xn = MEn *)
-    | Pstr_modtype of module_type_declaration
-    (* module type S = MT *)
-    | Pstr_open of open_declaration
-    (* open X *)
-    | Pstr_class of class_declaration list
-    (* class c1 = ... and ... and cn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_class_type of class_type_declaration list
-    (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_include of include_declaration
-    (* include ME *)
-    | Pstr_attribute of attribute
-    (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pstr_extension of extension * attributes
-    (* [%%id] *)
-  and value_binding (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.value_binding *) =
-    {
-      pvb_pat: pattern;
-      pvb_expr: expression;
-      pvb_attributes: attributes;
-      pvb_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  and module_binding (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_binding *) =
-    {
-      pmb_name: string loc;
-      pmb_expr: module_expr;
-      pmb_attributes: attributes;
-      pmb_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  (* X = ME *)
-  (** {1 Toplevel} *)
-  (* Toplevel phrases *)
-  type toplevel_phrase (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.toplevel_phrase *) =
-    | Ptop_def of structure
-    | Ptop_dir of toplevel_directive
-    (* #use, #load ... *)
-  and toplevel_directive (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.toplevel_directive *) =
-    {
-      pdir_name : string loc;
-      pdir_arg : directive_argument option;
-      pdir_loc : Location.t;
-    }
-  and directive_argument (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.directive_argument *) =
-    {
-      pdira_desc : directive_argument_desc;
-      pdira_loc : Location.t;
-    }
-  and directive_argument_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.directive_argument_desc *) =
-    | Pdir_string of string
-    | Pdir_int of string * char option
-    | Pdir_ident of Longident.t
-    | Pdir_bool of bool
-module Docstrings : sig
-  (** (Re)Initialise all docstring state *)
-  val init : unit -> unit
-  (** Emit warnings for unattached and ambiguous docstrings *)
-  val warn_bad_docstrings : unit -> unit
-  (** {2 Docstrings} *)
-  (** Documentation comments *)
-  type docstring
-  (** Create a docstring *)
-  val docstring : string -> Location.t -> docstring
-  (** Register a docstring *)
-  val register : docstring -> unit
-  (** Get the text of a docstring *)
-  val docstring_body : docstring -> string
-  (** Get the location of a docstring *)
-  val docstring_loc : docstring -> Location.t
-  (** {2 Set functions}
-      These functions are used by the lexer to associate docstrings to
-      the locations of tokens. *)
-  (** Docstrings immediately preceding a token *)
-  val set_pre_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
-  (** Docstrings immediately following a token *)
-  val set_post_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
-  (** Docstrings not immediately adjacent to a token *)
-  val set_floating_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
-  (** Docstrings immediately following the token which precedes this one *)
-  val set_pre_extra_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
-  (** Docstrings immediately preceding the token which follows this one *)
-  val set_post_extra_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
-  (** {2 Items}
-      The {!docs} type represents documentation attached to an item. *)
-  type docs =
-    { docs_pre: docstring option;
-      docs_post: docstring option; }
-  val empty_docs : docs
-  val docs_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert item documentation to attributes and add them to an
-      attribute list *)
-  val add_docs_attrs : docs -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** Fetch the item documentation for the current symbol. This also
-      marks this documentation (for ambiguity warnings). *)
-  val symbol_docs : unit -> docs
-  val symbol_docs_lazy : unit -> docs Lazy.t
-  (** Fetch the item documentation for the symbols between two
-      positions. This also marks this documentation (for ambiguity
-      warnings). *)
-  val rhs_docs : int -> int -> docs
-  val rhs_docs_lazy : int -> int -> docs Lazy.t
-  (** Mark the item documentation for the current symbol (for ambiguity
-      warnings). *)
-  val mark_symbol_docs : unit -> unit
-  (** Mark as associated the item documentation for the symbols between
-      two positions (for ambiguity warnings) *)
-  val mark_rhs_docs : int -> int -> unit
-  (** {2 Fields and constructors}
-      The {!info} type represents documentation attached to a field or
-      constructor. *)
-  type info = docstring option
-  val empty_info : info
-  val info_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert field info to attributes and add them to an
-      attribute list *)
-  val add_info_attrs : info -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** Fetch the field info for the current symbol. *)
-  val symbol_info : unit -> info
-  (** Fetch the field info following the symbol at a given position. *)
-  val rhs_info : int -> info
-  (** {2 Unattached comments}
-      The {!text} type represents documentation which is not attached to
-      anything. *)
-  type text = docstring list
-  val empty_text : text
-  val empty_text_lazy : text Lazy.t
-  val text_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert text to attributes and add them to an attribute list *)
-  val add_text_attrs : text -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** Fetch the text preceding the current symbol. *)
-  val symbol_text : unit -> text
-  val symbol_text_lazy : unit -> text Lazy.t
-  (** Fetch the text preceding the symbol at the given position. *)
-  val rhs_text : int -> text
-  val rhs_text_lazy : int -> text Lazy.t
-  (** {2 Extra text}
-      There may be additional text attached to the delimiters of a block
-      (e.g. [struct] and [end]). This is fetched by the following
-      functions, which are applied to the contents of the block rather
-      than the delimiters. *)
-  (** Fetch additional text preceding the current symbol *)
-  val symbol_pre_extra_text : unit -> text
-  (** Fetch additional text following the current symbol *)
-  val symbol_post_extra_text : unit -> text
-  (** Fetch additional text preceding the symbol at the given position *)
-  val rhs_pre_extra_text : int -> text
-  (** Fetch additional text following the symbol at the given position *)
-  val rhs_post_extra_text : int -> text
-  (** Fetch text following the symbol at the given position *)
-  val rhs_post_text : int -> text
-  module WithMenhir: sig
-    (** Fetch the item documentation for the current symbol. This also
-        marks this documentation (for ambiguity warnings). *)
-    val symbol_docs : Lexing.position * Lexing.position -> docs
-    val symbol_docs_lazy : Lexing.position * Lexing.position -> docs Lazy.t
-    (** Fetch the item documentation for the symbols between two
-        positions. This also marks this documentation (for ambiguity
-        warnings). *)
-    val rhs_docs : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> docs
-    val rhs_docs_lazy : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> docs Lazy.t
-    (** Mark the item documentation for the current symbol (for ambiguity
-        warnings). *)
-    val mark_symbol_docs : Lexing.position * Lexing.position -> unit
-    (** Mark as associated the item documentation for the symbols between
-        two positions (for ambiguity warnings) *)
-    val mark_rhs_docs : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> unit
-    (** Fetch the field info for the current symbol. *)
-    val symbol_info : Lexing.position -> info
-    (** Fetch the field info following the symbol at a given position. *)
-    val rhs_info : Lexing.position -> info
-    (** Fetch the text preceding the current symbol. *)
-    val symbol_text : Lexing.position -> text
-    val symbol_text_lazy : Lexing.position -> text Lazy.t
-    (** Fetch the text preceding the symbol at the given position. *)
-    val rhs_text : Lexing.position -> text
-    val rhs_text_lazy : Lexing.position -> text Lazy.t
-    (** {3 Extra text}
-        There may be additional text attached to the delimiters of a block
-        (e.g. [struct] and [end]). This is fetched by the following
-        functions, which are applied to the contents of the block rather
-        than the delimiters. *)
-    (** Fetch additional text preceding the current symbol *)
-    val symbol_pre_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
-    (** Fetch additional text following the current symbol *)
-    val symbol_post_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
-    (** Fetch additional text preceding the symbol at the given position *)
-    val rhs_pre_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
-    (** Fetch additional text following the symbol at the given position *)
-    val rhs_post_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
-    (** Fetch text following the symbol at the given position *)
-    val rhs_post_text : Lexing.position -> text
-  end
-end = struct
-  open Location
-  (* Docstrings *)
-  (* A docstring is "attached" if it has been inserted in the AST. This
-     is used for generating unexpected docstring warnings. *)
-  type ds_attached =
-    | Unattached   (* Not yet attached anything.*)
-    | Info         (* Attached to a field or constructor. *)
-    | Docs         (* Attached to an item or as floating text. *)
-  (* A docstring is "associated" with an item if there are no blank lines between
-     them. This is used for generating docstring ambiguity warnings. *)
-  type ds_associated =
-    | Zero             (* Not associated with an item *)
-    | One              (* Associated with one item *)
-    | Many             (* Associated with multiple items (ambiguity) *)
-  type docstring =
-    { ds_body: string;
-      ds_loc: Location.t;
-      mutable ds_attached: ds_attached;
-      mutable ds_associated: ds_associated; }
-  (* List of docstrings *)
-  let docstrings : docstring list ref = ref []
-  (* Warn for unused and ambiguous docstrings *)
-  let warn_bad_docstrings () =
-    if Warnings.is_active (Warnings.Bad_docstring true) then begin
-      List.iter
-        (fun ds ->
-           match ds.ds_attached with
-           | Info -> ()
-           | Unattached ->
-             prerr_warning ds.ds_loc (Warnings.Bad_docstring true)
-           | Docs ->
-             match ds.ds_associated with
-             | Zero | One -> ()
-             | Many ->
-               prerr_warning ds.ds_loc (Warnings.Bad_docstring false))
-        (List.rev !docstrings)
-    end
-  (* Docstring constructors and destructors *)
-  let docstring body loc =
-    let ds =
-      { ds_body = body;
-        ds_loc = loc;
-        ds_attached = Unattached;
-        ds_associated = Zero; }
-    in
-    ds
-  let register ds =
-    docstrings := ds :: !docstrings
-  let docstring_body ds = ds.ds_body
-  let docstring_loc ds = ds.ds_loc
-  (* Docstrings attached to items *)
-  type docs =
-    { docs_pre: docstring option;
-      docs_post: docstring option; }
-  let empty_docs = { docs_pre = None; docs_post = None }
-  let doc_loc = {txt = "ocaml.doc"; loc = Location.none}
-  let docs_attr ds =
-    let open Parsetree in
-    let exp =
-      { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(ds.ds_body, None));
-        pexp_loc = ds.ds_loc;
-        pexp_loc_stack = [];
-        pexp_attributes = []; }
-    in
-    let item =
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = exp.pexp_loc }
-    in
-    { attr_name = doc_loc;
-      attr_payload = PStr [item];
-      attr_loc = Location.none }
-  let add_docs_attrs docs attrs =
-    let attrs =
-      match docs.docs_pre with
-      | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
-      | Some ds -> docs_attr ds :: attrs
-    in
-    let attrs =
-      match docs.docs_post with
-      | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
-      | Some ds -> attrs @ [docs_attr ds]
-    in
-    attrs
-  (* Docstrings attached to constructors or fields *)
-  type info = docstring option
-  let empty_info = None
-  let info_attr = docs_attr
-  let add_info_attrs info attrs =
-    match info with
-    | None | Some {ds_body=""; _} -> attrs
-    | Some ds -> attrs @ [info_attr ds]
-  (* Docstrings not attached to a specific item *)
-  type text = docstring list
-  let empty_text = []
-  let empty_text_lazy = lazy []
-  let text_loc = {txt = "ocaml.text"; loc = Location.none}
-  let text_attr ds =
-    let open Parsetree in
-    let exp =
-      { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(ds.ds_body, None));
-        pexp_loc = ds.ds_loc;
-        pexp_loc_stack = [];
-        pexp_attributes = []; }
-    in
-    let item =
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = exp.pexp_loc }
-    in
-    { attr_name = text_loc;
-      attr_payload = PStr [item];
-      attr_loc = Location.none }
-  let add_text_attrs dsl attrs =
-    let fdsl = List.filter (function {ds_body=""; _} -> false| _ ->true) dsl in
-    ( text_attr fdsl) @ attrs
-  (* Find the first non-info docstring in a list, attach it and return it *)
-  let get_docstring ~info dsl =
-    let rec loop = function
-      | [] -> None
-      | {ds_attached = Info; _} :: rest -> loop rest
-      | ds :: _ ->
-        ds.ds_attached <- if info then Info else Docs;
-        Some ds
-    in
-    loop dsl
-  (* Find all the non-info docstrings in a list, attach them and return them *)
-  let get_docstrings dsl =
-    let rec loop acc = function
-      | [] -> List.rev acc
-      | {ds_attached = Info; _} :: rest -> loop acc rest
-      | ds :: rest ->
-        ds.ds_attached <- Docs;
-        loop (ds :: acc) rest
-    in
-    loop [] dsl
-  (* "Associate" all the docstrings in a list *)
-  let associate_docstrings dsl =
-    List.iter
-      (fun ds ->
-         match ds.ds_associated with
-         | Zero -> ds.ds_associated <- One
-         | (One | Many) -> ds.ds_associated <- Many)
-      dsl
-  (* Map from positions to pre docstrings *)
-  let pre_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
-    Hashtbl.create 50
-  let set_pre_docstrings pos dsl =
-    if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add pre_table pos dsl
-  let get_pre_docs pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find pre_table pos in
-      associate_docstrings dsl;
-      get_docstring ~info:false dsl
-    with Not_found -> None
-  let mark_pre_docs pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find pre_table pos in
-      associate_docstrings dsl
-    with Not_found -> ()
-  (* Map from positions to post docstrings *)
-  let post_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
-    Hashtbl.create 50
-  let set_post_docstrings pos dsl =
-    if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add post_table pos dsl
-  let get_post_docs pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_table pos in
-      associate_docstrings dsl;
-      get_docstring ~info:false dsl
-    with Not_found -> None
-  let mark_post_docs pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_table pos in
-      associate_docstrings dsl
-    with Not_found -> ()
-  let get_info pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_table pos in
-      get_docstring ~info:true dsl
-    with Not_found -> None
-  (* Map from positions to floating docstrings *)
-  let floating_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
-    Hashtbl.create 50
-  let set_floating_docstrings pos dsl =
-    if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add floating_table pos dsl
-  let get_text pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find floating_table pos in
-      get_docstrings dsl
-    with Not_found -> []
-  let get_post_text pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_table pos in
-      get_docstrings dsl
-    with Not_found -> []
-  (* Maps from positions to extra docstrings *)
-  let pre_extra_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
-    Hashtbl.create 50
-  let set_pre_extra_docstrings pos dsl =
-    if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add pre_extra_table pos dsl
-  let get_pre_extra_text pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find pre_extra_table pos in
-      get_docstrings dsl
-    with Not_found -> []
-  let post_extra_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
-    Hashtbl.create 50
-  let set_post_extra_docstrings pos dsl =
-    if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add post_extra_table pos dsl
-  let get_post_extra_text pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_extra_table pos in
-      get_docstrings dsl
-    with Not_found -> []
-  (* Docstrings from parser actions *)
-  module WithParsing = struct
-    let symbol_docs () =
-      { docs_pre = get_pre_docs (Parsing.symbol_start_pos ());
-        docs_post = get_post_docs (Parsing.symbol_end_pos ()); }
-    let symbol_docs_lazy () =
-      let p1 = Parsing.symbol_start_pos () in
-      let p2 = Parsing.symbol_end_pos () in
-      lazy { docs_pre = get_pre_docs p1;
-             docs_post = get_post_docs p2; }
-    let rhs_docs pos1 pos2 =
-      { docs_pre = get_pre_docs (Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos1);
-        docs_post = get_post_docs (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos2); }
-    let rhs_docs_lazy pos1 pos2 =
-      let p1 = Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos1 in
-      let p2 = Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos2 in
-      lazy { docs_pre = get_pre_docs p1;
-             docs_post = get_post_docs p2; }
-    let mark_symbol_docs () =
-      mark_pre_docs (Parsing.symbol_start_pos ());
-      mark_post_docs (Parsing.symbol_end_pos ())
-    let mark_rhs_docs pos1 pos2 =
-      mark_pre_docs (Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos1);
-      mark_post_docs (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos2)
-    let symbol_info () =
-      get_info (Parsing.symbol_end_pos ())
-    let rhs_info pos =
-      get_info (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos)
-    let symbol_text () =
-      get_text (Parsing.symbol_start_pos ())
-    let symbol_text_lazy () =
-      let pos = Parsing.symbol_start_pos () in
-      lazy (get_text pos)
-    let rhs_text pos =
-      get_text (Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos)
-    let rhs_post_text pos =
-      get_post_text (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos)
-    let rhs_text_lazy pos =
-      let pos = Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos in
-      lazy (get_text pos)
-    let symbol_pre_extra_text () =
-      get_pre_extra_text (Parsing.symbol_start_pos ())
-    let symbol_post_extra_text () =
-      get_post_extra_text (Parsing.symbol_end_pos ())
-    let rhs_pre_extra_text pos =
-      get_pre_extra_text (Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos)
-    let rhs_post_extra_text pos =
-      get_post_extra_text (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos)
-  end
-  include WithParsing
-  module WithMenhir = struct
-    let symbol_docs (startpos, endpos) =
-      { docs_pre = get_pre_docs startpos;
-        docs_post = get_post_docs endpos; }
-    let symbol_docs_lazy (p1, p2) =
-      lazy { docs_pre = get_pre_docs p1;
-             docs_post = get_post_docs p2; }
-    let rhs_docs pos1 pos2 =
-      { docs_pre = get_pre_docs pos1;
-        docs_post = get_post_docs pos2; }
-    let rhs_docs_lazy p1 p2 =
-      lazy { docs_pre = get_pre_docs p1;
-             docs_post = get_post_docs p2; }
-    let mark_symbol_docs (startpos, endpos) =
-      mark_pre_docs startpos;
-      mark_post_docs endpos;
-      ()
-    let mark_rhs_docs pos1 pos2 =
-      mark_pre_docs pos1;
-      mark_post_docs pos2;
-      ()
-    let symbol_info endpos =
-      get_info endpos
-    let rhs_info endpos =
-      get_info endpos
-    let symbol_text startpos =
-      get_text startpos
-    let symbol_text_lazy startpos =
-      lazy (get_text startpos)
-    let rhs_text pos =
-      get_text pos
-    let rhs_post_text pos =
-      get_post_text pos
-    let rhs_text_lazy pos =
-      lazy (get_text pos)
-    let symbol_pre_extra_text startpos =
-      get_pre_extra_text startpos
-    let symbol_post_extra_text endpos =
-      get_post_extra_text endpos
-    let rhs_pre_extra_text pos =
-      get_pre_extra_text pos
-    let rhs_post_extra_text pos =
-      get_post_extra_text pos
-  end
-  (* (Re)Initialise all comment state *)
-  let init () =
-    docstrings := [];
-    Hashtbl.reset pre_table;
-    Hashtbl.reset post_table;
-    Hashtbl.reset floating_table;
-    Hashtbl.reset pre_extra_table;
-    Hashtbl.reset post_extra_table
-module Ast_helper : sig
-  open Asttypes
-  open Docstrings
-  open Parsetree
-  type 'a with_loc = 'a Location.loc
-  type loc = Location.t
-  type lid = Longident.t with_loc
-  type str = string with_loc
-  type attrs = attribute list
-  (** {1 Default locations} *)
-  val default_loc: loc ref
-  (** Default value for all optional location arguments. *)
-  val with_default_loc: loc -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
-  (** Set the [default_loc] within the scope of the execution
-      of the provided function. *)
-  (** {1 Constants} *)
-  module Const : sig
-    val char : char -> constant
-    val string : ?quotation_delimiter:string -> string -> constant
-    val integer : ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
-    val int : ?suffix:char -> int -> constant
-    val int32 : ?suffix:char -> int32 -> constant
-    val int64 : ?suffix:char -> int64 -> constant
-    val nativeint : ?suffix:char -> nativeint -> constant
-    val float : ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
-  end
-  (** {1 Attributes} *)
-  module Attr : sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> str -> payload -> attribute
-  end
-  (** {1 Core language} *)
-  (** Type expressions *)
-  module Typ :
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type_desc -> core_type
-    val attr: core_type -> attribute -> core_type
-    val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> core_type
-    val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> core_type
-    val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> core_type -> core_type
-      -> core_type
-    val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type list -> core_type
-    val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
-    val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> object_field list
-      -> closed_flag -> core_type
-    val class_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
-    val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> string -> core_type
-    val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> row_field list -> closed_flag
-      -> label list option -> core_type
-    val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str list -> core_type -> core_type
-    val package: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> (lid * core_type) list
-      -> core_type
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> core_type
-    val force_poly: core_type -> core_type
-    val varify_constructors: str list -> core_type -> core_type
-    (** [varify_constructors newtypes te] is type expression [te], of which
-        any of nullary type constructor [tc] is replaced by type variable of
-        the same name, if [tc]'s name appears in [newtypes].
-        Raise [Syntaxerr.Variable_in_scope] if any type variable inside [te]
-        appears in [newtypes].
-        @since 4.05
-    *)
-  end
-  (** Patterns *)
-  module Pat:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern_desc -> pattern
-    val attr:pattern -> attribute -> pattern
-    val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern
-    val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> pattern
-    val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> str -> pattern
-    val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> pattern
-    val interval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> constant -> pattern
-    val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-    val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> pattern option -> pattern
-    val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> pattern option -> pattern
-    val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * pattern) list -> closed_flag
-      -> pattern
-    val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-    val or_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern -> pattern
-    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> core_type -> pattern
-    val type_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> pattern
-    val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
-    val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> pattern
-    val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs  -> lid -> pattern -> pattern
-    val exception_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> pattern
-  end
-  (** Expressions *)
-  module Exp:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression_desc -> expression
-    val attr: expression -> attribute -> expression
-    val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
-    val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> expression
-    val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list
-      -> expression -> expression
-    val fun_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> expression option
-      -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-    val function_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> cases -> expression
-    val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression
-      -> (arg_label * expression) list -> expression
-    val match_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> cases
-      -> expression
-    val try_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> cases -> expression
-    val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-    val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression option
-      -> expression
-    val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> expression option
-      -> expression
-    val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * expression) list
-      -> expression option -> expression
-    val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
-    val setfield: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
-      -> expression
-    val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-    val ifthenelse: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      -> expression option -> expression
-    val sequence: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      -> expression
-    val while_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      -> expression
-    val for_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-      -> direction_flag -> expression -> expression
-    val coerce: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option
-      -> core_type -> expression
-    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type
-      -> expression
-    val send: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> str -> expression
-    val new_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
-    val setinstvar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> expression -> expression
-    val override: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (str * expression) list
-      -> expression
-    val letmodule: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> module_expr -> expression
-      -> expression
-    val letexception:
-      ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension_constructor -> expression
-      -> expression
-    val assert_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-    val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-    val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option
-      -> expression
-    val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> expression
-    val newtype: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> expression -> expression
-    val pack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> expression
-    val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> open_declaration -> expression
-      -> expression
-    val letop: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> binding_op
-      -> binding_op list -> expression -> expression
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> expression
-    val unreachable: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> expression
-    val case: pattern -> ?guard:expression -> expression -> case
-    val binding_op: str -> pattern -> expression -> loc -> binding_op
-  end
-  (** Value declarations *)
-  module Val:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-      ?prim:string list -> str -> core_type -> value_description
-  end
-  (** Type declarations *)
-  module Type:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      ?params:(core_type * variance) list ->
-      ?cstrs:(core_type * core_type * loc) list ->
-      ?kind:type_kind -> ?priv:private_flag -> ?manifest:core_type -> str ->
-      type_declaration
-    val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
-      ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type -> str ->
-      constructor_declaration
-    val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
-      ?mut:mutable_flag -> str -> core_type -> label_declaration
-  end
-  (** Type extensions *)
-  module Te:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-      ?params:(core_type * variance) list -> ?priv:private_flag ->
-      lid -> extension_constructor list -> type_extension
-    val mk_exception: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-      extension_constructor -> type_exception
-    val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-      str -> extension_constructor_kind -> extension_constructor
-    val decl: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-      ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type -> str ->
-      extension_constructor
-    val rebind: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-      str -> lid -> extension_constructor
-  end
-  (** {1 Module language} *)
-  (** Module type expressions *)
-  module Mty:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type_desc -> module_type
-    val attr: module_type -> attribute -> module_type
-    val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
-    val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
-    val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> signature -> module_type
-    val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-      str -> module_type option -> module_type -> module_type
-    val with_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type ->
-      with_constraint list -> module_type
-    val typeof_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_type
-  end
-  (** Module expressions *)
-  module Mod:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr_desc -> module_expr
-    val attr: module_expr -> attribute -> module_expr
-    val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_expr
-    val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> structure -> module_expr
-    val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-      str -> module_type option -> module_expr -> module_expr
-    val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_expr ->
-      module_expr
-    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type ->
-      module_expr
-    val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> module_expr
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_expr
-  end
-  (** Signature items *)
-  module Sig:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> signature_item_desc -> signature_item
-    val value: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> signature_item
-    val type_: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> type_declaration list -> signature_item
-    val type_subst: ?loc:loc -> type_declaration list -> signature_item
-    val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> signature_item
-    val exception_: ?loc:loc -> type_exception -> signature_item
-    val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration -> signature_item
-    val mod_subst: ?loc:loc -> module_substitution -> signature_item
-    val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration list -> signature_item
-    val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> signature_item
-    val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_description -> signature_item
-    val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_description -> signature_item
-    val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_description list -> signature_item
-    val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> signature_item
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> signature_item
-    val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> signature_item
-    val text: text -> signature_item list
-  end
-  (** Structure items *)
-  module Str:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> structure_item_desc -> structure_item
-    val eval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attributes -> expression -> structure_item
-    val value: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> value_binding list -> structure_item
-    val primitive: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> structure_item
-    val type_: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> type_declaration list -> structure_item
-    val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> structure_item
-    val exception_: ?loc:loc -> type_exception -> structure_item
-    val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_binding -> structure_item
-    val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_binding list -> structure_item
-    val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> structure_item
-    val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_declaration -> structure_item
-    val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_declaration list -> structure_item
-    val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> structure_item
-    val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_declaration -> structure_item
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> structure_item
-    val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> structure_item
-    val text: text -> structure_item list
-  end
-  (** Module declarations *)
-  module Md:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      str -> module_type -> module_declaration
-  end
-  (** Module substitutions *)
-  module Ms:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      str -> lid -> module_substitution
-  end
-  (** Module type declarations *)
-  module Mtd:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      ?typ:module_type -> str -> module_type_declaration
-  end
-  (** Module bindings *)
-  module Mb:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      str -> module_expr -> module_binding
-  end
-  (** Opens *)
-  module Opn:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-      ?override:override_flag -> 'a -> 'a open_infos
-  end
-  (** Includes *)
-  module Incl:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> 'a -> 'a include_infos
-  end
-  (** Value bindings *)
-  module Vb:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      pattern -> expression -> value_binding
-  end
-  (** {1 Class language} *)
-  (** Class type expressions *)
-  module Cty:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type_desc -> class_type
-    val attr: class_type -> attribute -> class_type
-    val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_type
-    val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_signature -> class_type
-    val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> core_type ->
-      class_type -> class_type
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type
-    val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> open_description -> class_type
-      -> class_type
-  end
-  (** Class type fields *)
-  module Ctf:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-      class_type_field_desc -> class_type_field
-    val attr: class_type_field -> attribute -> class_type_field
-    val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type -> class_type_field
-    val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> mutable_flag ->
-      virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
-    val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> private_flag ->
-      virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
-    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type ->
-      class_type_field
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type_field
-    val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_type_field
-    val text: text -> class_type_field list
-  end
-  (** Class expressions *)
-  module Cl:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr_desc -> class_expr
-    val attr: class_expr -> attribute -> class_expr
-    val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_expr
-    val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> class_expr
-    val fun_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> expression option ->
-      pattern -> class_expr -> class_expr
-    val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr ->
-      (arg_label * expression) list -> class_expr
-    val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list ->
-      class_expr -> class_expr
-    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr -> class_type ->
-      class_expr
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_expr
-    val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> open_description -> class_expr
-      -> class_expr
-  end
-  (** Class fields *)
-  module Cf:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> class_field_desc ->
-      class_field
-    val attr: class_field -> attribute -> class_field
-    val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> class_expr ->
-      str option -> class_field
-    val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> mutable_flag ->
-      class_field_kind -> class_field
-    val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> private_flag ->
-      class_field_kind -> class_field
-    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type ->
-      class_field
-    val initializer_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> class_field
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_field
-    val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_field
-    val text: text -> class_field list
-    val virtual_: core_type -> class_field_kind
-    val concrete: override_flag -> expression -> class_field_kind
-  end
-  (** Classes *)
-  module Ci:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      ?virt:virtual_flag -> ?params:(core_type * variance) list ->
-      str -> 'a -> 'a class_infos
-  end
-  (** Class signatures *)
-  module Csig:
-  sig
-    val mk: core_type -> class_type_field list -> class_signature
-  end
-  (** Class structures *)
-  module Cstr:
-  sig
-    val mk: pattern -> class_field list -> class_structure
-  end
-  (** Row fields *)
-  module Rf:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> row_field_desc -> row_field
-    val tag: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-      label with_loc -> bool -> core_type list -> row_field
-    val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> core_type -> row_field
-  end
-  (** Object fields *)
-  module Of:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-      object_field_desc -> object_field
-    val tag: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-      label with_loc -> core_type -> object_field
-    val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> core_type -> object_field
-  end
-end = struct
-  open Asttypes
-  open Parsetree
-  open Docstrings
-  type 'a with_loc = 'a Location.loc
-  type loc = Location.t
-  type lid = Longident.t with_loc
-  type str = string with_loc
-  type attrs = attribute list
-  let default_loc = ref Location.none
-  let with_default_loc l f =
-    Misc.protect_refs [Misc.R (default_loc, l)] f
-  module Const = struct
-    let integer ?suffix i = Pconst_integer (i, suffix)
-    let int ?suffix i = integer ?suffix (Int.to_string i)
-    let int32 ?(suffix='l') i = integer ~suffix (Int32.to_string i)
-    let int64 ?(suffix='L') i = integer ~suffix (Int64.to_string i)
-    let nativeint ?(suffix='n') i = integer ~suffix (Nativeint.to_string i)
-    let float ?suffix f = Pconst_float (f, suffix)
-    let char c = Pconst_char c
-    let string ?quotation_delimiter s = Pconst_string (s, quotation_delimiter)
-  end
-  module Attr = struct
-    let mk ?(loc= !default_loc) name payload =
-      { attr_name = name;
-        attr_payload = payload;
-        attr_loc = loc }
-  end
-  module Typ = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {ptyp_desc = d;
-       ptyp_loc = loc;
-       ptyp_loc_stack = [];
-       ptyp_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with ptyp_attributes = d.ptyp_attributes @ [a]}
-    let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ptyp_any
-    let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_var a)
-    let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_arrow (a, b, c))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_tuple a)
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_constr (a, b))
-    let object_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_object (a, b))
-    let class_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_class (a, b))
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_alias (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_variant (a, b, c))
-    let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_poly (a, b))
-    let package ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_package (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_extension a)
-    let force_poly t =
-      match t.ptyp_desc with
-      | Ptyp_poly _ -> t
-      | _ -> poly ~loc:t.ptyp_loc [] t (* -> ghost? *)
-    let varify_constructors var_names t =
-      let check_variable vl loc v =
-        if List.mem v vl then
-          raise Syntaxerr.(Error(Variable_in_scope(loc,v))) in
-      let var_names = (fun v -> v.txt) var_names in
-      let rec loop t =
-        let desc =
-          match t.ptyp_desc with
-          | Ptyp_any -> Ptyp_any
-          | Ptyp_var x ->
-            check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc x;
-            Ptyp_var x
-          | Ptyp_arrow (label,core_type,core_type') ->
-            Ptyp_arrow(label, loop core_type, loop core_type')
-          | Ptyp_tuple lst -> Ptyp_tuple ( loop lst)
-          | Ptyp_constr( { txt = Longident.Lident s; _ }, [])
-            when List.mem s var_names ->
-            Ptyp_var s
-          | Ptyp_constr(longident, lst) ->
-            Ptyp_constr(longident, loop lst)
-          | Ptyp_object (lst, o) ->
-            Ptyp_object ( loop_object_field lst, o)
-          | Ptyp_class (longident, lst) ->
-            Ptyp_class (longident, loop lst)
-          | Ptyp_alias(core_type, string) ->
-            check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc string;
-            Ptyp_alias(loop core_type, string)
-          | Ptyp_variant(row_field_list, flag, lbl_lst_option) ->
-            Ptyp_variant( loop_row_field row_field_list,
-                         flag, lbl_lst_option)
-          | Ptyp_poly(string_lst, core_type) ->
-            List.iter (fun v ->
-              check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc v.txt) string_lst;
-            Ptyp_poly(string_lst, loop core_type)
-          | Ptyp_package(longident,lst) ->
-            Ptyp_package(longident, (fun (n,typ) -> (n,loop typ) ) lst)
-          | Ptyp_extension (s, arg) ->
-            Ptyp_extension (s, arg)
-        in
-        {t with ptyp_desc = desc}
-      and loop_row_field field =
-        let prf_desc = match field.prf_desc with
-          | Rtag(label,flag,lst) ->
-            Rtag(label,flag, loop lst)
-          | Rinherit t ->
-            Rinherit (loop t)
-        in
-        { field with prf_desc; }
-      and loop_object_field field =
-        let pof_desc = match field.pof_desc with
-          | Otag(label, t) ->
-            Otag(label, loop t)
-          | Oinherit t ->
-            Oinherit (loop t)
-        in
-        { field with pof_desc; }
-      in
-      loop t
-  end
-  module Pat = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {ppat_desc = d;
-       ppat_loc = loc;
-       ppat_loc_stack = [];
-       ppat_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with ppat_attributes = d.ppat_attributes @ [a]}
-    let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ppat_any
-    let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_var a)
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_alias (a, b))
-    let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constant a)
-    let interval ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_interval (a, b))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_tuple a)
-    let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_construct (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_variant (a, b))
-    let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_record (a, b))
-    let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_array a)
-    let or_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_or (a, b))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constraint (a, b))
-    let type_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_type a)
-    let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_lazy a)
-    let unpack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_unpack a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_open (a, b))
-    let exception_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_exception a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_extension a)
-  end
-  module Exp = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pexp_desc = d;
-       pexp_loc = loc;
-       pexp_loc_stack = [];
-       pexp_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pexp_attributes = d.pexp_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ident a)
-    let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constant a)
-    let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_let (a, b, c))
-    let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_fun (a, b, c, d))
-    let function_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_function a)
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_apply (a, b))
-    let match_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_match (a, b))
-    let try_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_try (a, b))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_tuple a)
-    let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_construct (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_variant (a, b))
-    let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_record (a, b))
-    let field ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_field (a, b))
-    let setfield ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setfield (a, b, c))
-    let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_array a)
-    let ifthenelse ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ifthenelse (a, b, c))
-    let sequence ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_sequence (a, b))
-    let while_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_while (a, b))
-    let for_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_for (a, b, c, d, e))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constraint (a, b))
-    let coerce ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_coerce (a, b, c))
-    let send ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_send (a, b))
-    let new_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_new a)
-    let setinstvar ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setinstvar (a, b))
-    let override ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_override a)
-    let letmodule ?loc ?attrs a b c= mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letmodule (a, b, c))
-    let letexception ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letexception (a, b))
-    let assert_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_assert a)
-    let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_lazy a)
-    let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_poly (a, b))
-    let object_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_object a)
-    let newtype ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_newtype (a, b))
-    let pack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_pack a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_open (a, b))
-    let letop ?loc ?attrs let_ ands body =
-      mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letop {let_; ands; body})
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_extension a)
-    let unreachable ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Pexp_unreachable
-    let case lhs ?guard rhs =
-      {
-        pc_lhs = lhs;
-        pc_guard = guard;
-        pc_rhs = rhs;
-      }
-    let binding_op op pat exp loc =
-      {
-        pbop_op = op;
-        pbop_pat = pat;
-        pbop_exp = exp;
-        pbop_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mty = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pmty_desc = d; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pmty_attributes = d.pmty_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_ident a)
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_alias a)
-    let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_signature a)
-    let functor_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_functor (a, b, c))
-    let with_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_with (a, b))
-    let typeof_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_typeof a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_extension a)
-  end
-  module Mod = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pmod_desc = d; pmod_loc = loc; pmod_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pmod_attributes = d.pmod_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_ident x)
-    let structure ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_structure x)
-    let functor_ ?loc ?attrs arg arg_ty body =
-      mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body))
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs m1 m2 = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_apply (m1, m2))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs m mty = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_constraint (m, mty))
-    let unpack ?loc ?attrs e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_unpack e)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_extension a)
-  end
-  module Sig = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {psig_desc = d; psig_loc = loc}
-    let value ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_value a)
-    let type_ ?loc rec_flag a = mk ?loc (Psig_type (rec_flag, a))
-    let type_subst ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_typesubst a)
-    let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_typext a)
-    let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_exception a)
-    let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_module a)
-    let mod_subst ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_modsubst a)
-    let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_recmodule a)
-    let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_modtype a)
-    let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_open a)
-    let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_include a)
-    let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class a)
-    let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class_type a)
-    let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Psig_extension (a, attrs))
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-  end
-  module Str = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {pstr_desc = d; pstr_loc = loc}
-    let eval ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_eval (a, attrs))
-    let value ?loc a b = mk ?loc (Pstr_value (a, b))
-    let primitive ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_primitive a)
-    let type_ ?loc rec_flag a = mk ?loc (Pstr_type (rec_flag, a))
-    let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_typext a)
-    let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_exception a)
-    let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_module a)
-    let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_recmodule a)
-    let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_modtype a)
-    let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_open a)
-    let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class a)
-    let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class_type a)
-    let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_include a)
-    let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_extension (a, attrs))
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-  end
-  module Cl = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {
-        pcl_desc = d;
-        pcl_loc = loc;
-        pcl_attributes = attrs;
-      }
-    let attr d a = {d with pcl_attributes = d.pcl_attributes @ [a]}
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constr (a, b))
-    let structure ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_structure a)
-    let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_fun (a, b, c, d))
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_apply (a, b))
-    let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_let (a, b, c))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constraint (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_extension a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_open (a, b))
-  end
-  module Cty = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {
-        pcty_desc = d;
-        pcty_loc = loc;
-        pcty_attributes = attrs;
-      }
-    let attr d a = {d with pcty_attributes = d.pcty_attributes @ [a]}
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_constr (a, b))
-    let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_signature a)
-    let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_arrow (a, b, c))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_extension a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_open (a, b))
-  end
-  module Ctf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
-      {
-        pctf_desc = d;
-        pctf_loc = loc;
-        pctf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_inherit a)
-    let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_val (a, b, c, d))
-    let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_method (a, b, c, d))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_constraint (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_extension a)
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pctf_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-    let attr d a = {d with pctf_attributes = d.pctf_attributes @ [a]}
-  end
-  module Cf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
-      {
-        pcf_desc = d;
-        pcf_loc = loc;
-        pcf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_inherit (a, b, c))
-    let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_val (a, b, c))
-    let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_method (a, b, c))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_constraint (a, b))
-    let initializer_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_initializer a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_extension a)
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pcf_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-    let virtual_ ct = Cfk_virtual ct
-    let concrete o e = Cfk_concrete (o, e)
-    let attr d a = {d with pcf_attributes = d.pcf_attributes @ [a]}
-  end
-  module Val = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(prim = []) name typ =
-      {
-        pval_name = name;
-        pval_type = typ;
-        pval_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-        pval_loc = loc;
-        pval_prim = prim;
-      }
-  end
-  module Md = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name typ =
-      {
-        pmd_name = name;
-        pmd_type = typ;
-        pmd_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        pmd_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Ms = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name syn =
-      {
-        pms_name = name;
-        pms_manifest = syn;
-        pms_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        pms_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mtd = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) ?typ name =
-      {
-        pmtd_name = name;
-        pmtd_type = typ;
-        pmtd_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        pmtd_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mb = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name expr =
-      {
-        pmb_name = name;
-        pmb_expr = expr;
-        pmb_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        pmb_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Opn = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(override = Fresh) expr =
-      {
-        popen_expr = expr;
-        popen_override = override;
-        popen_loc = loc;
-        popen_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Incl = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs) mexpr =
-      {
-        pincl_mod = mexpr;
-        pincl_loc = loc;
-        pincl_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Vb = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(text = []) pat expr =
-      {
-        pvb_pat = pat;
-        pvb_expr = expr;
-        pvb_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        pvb_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Ci = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
-          ?(virt = Concrete) ?(params = []) name expr =
-      {
-        pci_virt = virt;
-        pci_params = params;
-        pci_name = name;
-        pci_expr = expr;
-        pci_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        pci_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Type = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
-          ?(params = [])
-          ?(cstrs = [])
-          ?(kind = Ptype_abstract)
-          ?(priv = Public)
-          ?manifest
-          name =
-      {
-        ptype_name = name;
-        ptype_params = params;
-        ptype_cstrs = cstrs;
-        ptype_kind = kind;
-        ptype_private = priv;
-        ptype_manifest = manifest;
-        ptype_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        ptype_loc = loc;
-      }
-    let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
-          ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
-      {
-        pcd_name = name;
-        pcd_args = args;
-        pcd_res = res;
-        pcd_loc = loc;
-        pcd_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
-      }
-    let field ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
-          ?(mut = Immutable) name typ =
-      {
-        pld_name = name;
-        pld_mutable = mut;
-        pld_type = typ;
-        pld_loc = loc;
-        pld_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  (** Type extensions *)
-  module Te = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(params = []) ?(priv = Public) path constructors =
-      {
-        ptyext_path = path;
-        ptyext_params = params;
-        ptyext_constructors = constructors;
-        ptyext_private = priv;
-        ptyext_loc = loc;
-        ptyext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let mk_exception ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          constructor =
-      {
-        ptyexn_constructor = constructor;
-        ptyexn_loc = loc;
-        ptyexn_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name kind =
-      {
-        pext_name = name;
-        pext_kind = kind;
-        pext_loc = loc;
-        pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-    let decl ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-          ?(info = empty_info) ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
-      {
-        pext_name = name;
-        pext_kind = Pext_decl(args, res);
-        pext_loc = loc;
-        pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-    let rebind ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-          ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name lid =
-      {
-        pext_name = name;
-        pext_kind = Pext_rebind lid;
-        pext_loc = loc;
-        pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-  end
-  module Csig = struct
-    let mk self fields =
-      {
-        pcsig_self = self;
-        pcsig_fields = fields;
-      }
-  end
-  module Cstr = struct
-    let mk self fields =
-      {
-        pcstr_self = self;
-        pcstr_fields = fields;
-      }
-  end
-  (** Row fields *)
-  module Rf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) desc = {
-      prf_desc = desc;
-      prf_loc = loc;
-      prf_attributes = attrs;
-    }
-    let tag ?loc ?attrs label const tys =
-      mk ?loc ?attrs (Rtag (label, const, tys))
-    let inherit_?loc ty =
-      mk ?loc (Rinherit ty)
-  end
-  (** Object fields *)
-  module Of = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs=[]) desc = {
-      pof_desc = desc;
-      pof_loc = loc;
-      pof_attributes = attrs;
-    }
-    let tag ?loc ?attrs label ty =
-      mk ?loc ?attrs (Otag (label, ty))
-    let inherit_ ?loc ty =
-      mk ?loc (Oinherit ty)
-  end
-module Ast_mapper : sig
-  open Parsetree
-  (** {1 A generic Parsetree mapper} *)
-  type mapper (*IF_CURRENT = Ast_mapper.mapper *) = {
-    attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
-    attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
-    binding_op: mapper -> binding_op -> binding_op;
-    case: mapper -> case -> case;
-    cases: mapper -> cases -> cases;
-    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
-    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
-    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
-    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
-    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
-    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
-    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
-    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
-      -> class_type_declaration;
-    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
-    constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
-      -> constructor_declaration;
-    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
-    extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
-    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
-      -> extension_constructor;
-    include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
-    include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
-    label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
-    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
-    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
-    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
-    module_substitution: mapper -> module_substitution -> module_substitution;
-    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
-    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
-    module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
-      -> module_type_declaration;
-    open_declaration: mapper -> open_declaration -> open_declaration;
-    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
-    pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
-    payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
-    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
-    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
-    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
-    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
-    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
-    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
-    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
-    type_exception: mapper -> type_exception -> type_exception;
-    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
-    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
-    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
-    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
-  }
-  (** A mapper record implements one "method" per syntactic category,
-      using an open recursion style: each method takes as its first
-      argument the mapper to be applied to children in the syntax
-      tree. *)
-  val default_mapper: mapper
-  (** A default mapper, which implements a "deep identity" mapping. *)
-  (** {1 Apply mappers to compilation units} *)
-  val tool_name: unit -> string
-  (** Can be used within a ppx preprocessor to know which tool is
-      calling it ["ocamlc"], ["ocamlopt"], ["ocamldoc"], ["ocamldep"],
-      ["ocaml"], ...  Some global variables that reflect command-line
-      options are automatically synchronized between the calling tool
-      and the ppx preprocessor: {!Clflags.include_dirs},
-      {!Load_path}, {!Clflags.open_modules}, {!Clflags.for_package},
-      {!Clflags.debug}. *)
-  val apply: source:string -> target:string -> mapper -> unit
-  (** Apply a mapper (parametrized by the unit name) to a dumped
-      parsetree found in the [source] file and put the result in the
-      [target] file. The [structure] or [signature] field of the mapper
-      is applied to the implementation or interface.  *)
-  val run_main: (string list -> mapper) -> unit
-  (** Entry point to call to implement a standalone -ppx rewriter from a
-      mapper, parametrized by the command line arguments.  The current
-      unit name can be obtained from {!Location.input_name}.  This
-      function implements proper error reporting for uncaught
-      exceptions. *)
-  (** {1 Registration API} *)
-  val register_function: (string -> (string list -> mapper) -> unit) ref
-  val register: string -> (string list -> mapper) -> unit
-  (** Apply the [register_function].  The default behavior is to run the
-      mapper immediately, taking arguments from the process command
-      line.  This is to support a scenario where a mapper is linked as a
-      stand-alone executable.
-      It is possible to overwrite the [register_function] to define
-      "-ppx drivers", which combine several mappers in a single process.
-      Typically, a driver starts by defining [register_function] to a
-      custom implementation, then lets ppx rewriters (linked statically
-      or dynamically) register themselves, and then run all or some of
-      them.  It is also possible to have -ppx drivers apply rewriters to
-      only specific parts of an AST.
-      The first argument to [register] is a symbolic name to be used by
-      the ppx driver.  *)
-  (** {1 Convenience functions to write mappers} *)
-  val map_opt: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
-  val extension_of_error: Locations.location_error -> extension
-  (** Encode an error into an 'ocaml.error' extension node which can be
-      inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
-      responsible for reporting the error. *)
-  val attribute_of_warning: Location.t -> string -> attribute
-  (** Encode a warning message into an 'ocaml.ppwarning' attribute which can be
-      inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
-      responsible for reporting the warning. *)
-  include Locations.Helpers_intf
-  (** {1 Helper functions to call external mappers} *)
-  val add_ppx_context_str:
-    tool_name:string -> Parsetree.structure -> Parsetree.structure
-  (** Extract information from the current environment and encode it
-      into an attribute which is prepended to the list of structure
-      items in order to pass the information to an external
-      processor. *)
-  val add_ppx_context_sig:
-    tool_name:string -> Parsetree.signature -> Parsetree.signature
-  (** Same as [add_ppx_context_str], but for signatures. *)
-  val drop_ppx_context_str:
-    restore:bool -> Parsetree.structure -> Parsetree.structure
-  (** Drop the ocaml.ppx.context attribute from a structure.  If
-      [restore] is true, also restore the associated data in the current
-      process. *)
-  val drop_ppx_context_sig:
-    restore:bool -> Parsetree.signature -> Parsetree.signature
-  (** Same as [drop_ppx_context_str], but for signatures. *)
-  (** {1 Cookies} *)
-  (** Cookies are used to pass information from a ppx processor to
-      a further invocation of itself, when called from the OCaml
-      toplevel (or other tools that support cookies). *)
-  val set_cookie: string -> Parsetree.expression -> unit
-  val get_cookie: string -> Parsetree.expression option
-end = struct
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_helper
-  open Location
-  module String = Misc.Stdlib.String
-  type mapper (*IF_CURRENT = Ast_mapper.mapper *) = {
-    attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
-    attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
-    binding_op: mapper -> binding_op -> binding_op;
-    case: mapper -> case -> case;
-    cases: mapper -> cases -> cases;
-    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
-    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
-    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
-    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
-    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
-    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
-    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
-    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
-      -> class_type_declaration;
-    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
-    constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
-      -> constructor_declaration;
-    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
-    extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
-    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
-      -> extension_constructor;
-    include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
-    include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
-    label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
-    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
-    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
-    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
-    module_substitution: mapper -> module_substitution -> module_substitution;
-    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
-    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
-    module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
-      -> module_type_declaration;
-    open_declaration: mapper -> open_declaration -> open_declaration;
-    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
-    pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
-    payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
-    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
-    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
-    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
-    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
-    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
-    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
-    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
-    type_exception: mapper -> type_exception -> type_exception;
-    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
-    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
-    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
-    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
-  }
-  let map_fst f (x, y) = (f x, y)
-  let map_snd f (x, y) = (x, f y)
-  let map_tuple f1 f2 (x, y) = (f1 x, f2 y)
-  let map_tuple3 f1 f2 f3 (x, y, z) = (f1 x, f2 y, f3 z)
-  let map_opt f = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
-  let map_loc sub {loc; txt} = {loc = sub.location sub loc; txt}
-  module T = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the core language *)
-    let row_field sub {
-      prf_desc;
-      prf_loc;
-      prf_attributes;
-    } =
-      let loc = sub.location sub prf_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub prf_attributes in
-      let desc = match prf_desc with
-        | Rtag (l, b, tl) -> Rtag (map_loc sub l, b, (sub.typ sub) tl)
-        | Rinherit t -> Rinherit (sub.typ sub t)
-      in
- ~loc ~attrs desc
-    let object_field sub {
-      pof_desc;
-      pof_loc;
-      pof_attributes;
-    } =
-      let loc = sub.location sub pof_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub pof_attributes in
-      let desc = match pof_desc with
-        | Otag (l, t) -> Otag (map_loc sub l, sub.typ sub t)
-        | Oinherit t -> Oinherit (sub.typ sub t)
-      in
- ~loc ~attrs desc
-    let map sub {ptyp_desc = desc; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs; ptyp_loc_stack = _ } =
-      let open Typ in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Ptyp_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-      | Ptyp_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs s
-      | Ptyp_arrow (lab, t1, t2) ->
-        arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Ptyp_tuple tyl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.typ sub) tyl)
-      | Ptyp_constr (lid, tl) ->
-        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Ptyp_object (l, o) ->
-        object_ ~loc ~attrs ( (object_field sub) l) o
-      | Ptyp_class (lid, tl) ->
-        class_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Ptyp_alias (t, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t) s
-      | Ptyp_variant (rl, b, ll) ->
-        variant ~loc ~attrs ( (row_field sub) rl) b ll
-      | Ptyp_poly (sl, t) -> poly ~loc ~attrs
-                               ( (map_loc sub) sl) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Ptyp_package (lid, l) ->
-        package ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-          ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.typ sub)) l)
-      | Ptyp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_type_declaration sub
-          {ptype_name; ptype_params; ptype_cstrs;
-           ptype_kind;
-           ptype_private;
-           ptype_manifest;
-           ptype_attributes;
-           ptype_loc} =
-      let loc = sub.location sub ptype_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub ptype_attributes in
- ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub ptype_name)
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptype_params)
-        ~priv:ptype_private
-        ~cstrs:(
-                  (map_tuple3 (sub.typ sub) (sub.typ sub) (sub.location sub))
-                  ptype_cstrs)
-        ~kind:(sub.type_kind sub ptype_kind)
-        ?manifest:(map_opt (sub.typ sub) ptype_manifest)
-    let map_type_kind sub = function
-      | Ptype_abstract -> Ptype_abstract
-      | Ptype_variant l ->
-        Ptype_variant ( (sub.constructor_declaration sub) l)
-      | Ptype_record l -> Ptype_record ( (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
-      | Ptype_open -> Ptype_open
-    let map_constructor_arguments sub = function
-      | Pcstr_tuple l -> Pcstr_tuple ( (sub.typ sub) l)
-      | Pcstr_record l ->
-        Pcstr_record ( (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
-    let map_type_extension sub
-          {ptyext_path; ptyext_params;
-           ptyext_constructors;
-           ptyext_private;
-           ptyext_loc;
-           ptyext_attributes} =
-      let loc = sub.location sub ptyext_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub ptyext_attributes in
- ~loc ~attrs
-        (map_loc sub ptyext_path)
-        ( (sub.extension_constructor sub) ptyext_constructors)
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptyext_params)
-        ~priv:ptyext_private
-    let map_type_exception sub
-          {ptyexn_constructor; ptyexn_loc; ptyexn_attributes} =
-      let loc = sub.location sub ptyexn_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub ptyexn_attributes in
-      Te.mk_exception ~loc ~attrs
-        (sub.extension_constructor sub ptyexn_constructor)
-    let map_extension_constructor_kind sub = function
-        Pext_decl(ctl, cto) ->
-        Pext_decl(map_constructor_arguments sub ctl, map_opt (sub.typ sub) cto)
-      | Pext_rebind li ->
-        Pext_rebind (map_loc sub li)
-    let map_extension_constructor sub
-          {pext_name;
-           pext_kind;
-           pext_loc;
-           pext_attributes} =
-      let loc = sub.location sub pext_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub pext_attributes in
-      Te.constructor ~loc ~attrs
-        (map_loc sub pext_name)
-        (map_extension_constructor_kind sub pext_kind)
-  end
-  module CT = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-    let map sub {pcty_loc = loc; pcty_desc = desc; pcty_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cty in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcty_constr (lid, tys) ->
-        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tys)
-      | Pcty_signature x -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_signature sub x)
-      | Pcty_arrow (lab, t, ct) ->
-        arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pcty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pcty_open (o, ct) ->
-        open_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.open_description sub o) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-    let map_field sub {pctf_desc = desc; pctf_loc = loc; pctf_attributes = attrs}
-      =
-      let open Ctf in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pctf_inherit ct -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pctf_val (s, m, v, t) ->
-        val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m v (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pctf_method (s, p, v, t) ->
-        method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p v (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pctf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pctf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-      | Pctf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_signature sub {pcsig_self; pcsig_fields} =
-        (sub.typ sub pcsig_self)
-        ( (sub.class_type_field sub) pcsig_fields)
-  end
-  module MT = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-    let map sub {pmty_desc = desc; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Mty in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pmty_ident s -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pmty_alias s -> alias ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pmty_signature sg -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.signature sub sg)
-      | Pmty_functor (s, mt1, mt2) ->
-        functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-          (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.may_map (sub.module_type sub) mt1)
-          (sub.module_type sub mt2)
-      | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
-        with_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_type sub mt)
-          ( (sub.with_constraint sub) l)
-      | Pmty_typeof me -> typeof_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
-      | Pmty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_with_constraint sub = function
-      | Pwith_type (lid, d) ->
-        Pwith_type (map_loc sub lid, sub.type_declaration sub d)
-      | Pwith_module (lid, lid2) ->
-        Pwith_module (map_loc sub lid, map_loc sub lid2)
-      | Pwith_typesubst (lid, d) ->
-        Pwith_typesubst (map_loc sub lid, sub.type_declaration sub d)
-      | Pwith_modsubst (s, lid) ->
-        Pwith_modsubst (map_loc sub s, map_loc sub lid)
-    let map_signature_item sub {psig_desc = desc; psig_loc = loc} =
-      let open Sig in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      match desc with
-      | Psig_value vd -> value ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
-      | Psig_type (rf, l) ->
-        type_ ~loc rf ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_typesubst l ->
-        type_subst ~loc ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
-      | Psig_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.type_exception sub ed)
-      | Psig_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_declaration sub x)
-      | Psig_modsubst x -> mod_subst ~loc (sub.module_substitution sub x)
-      | Psig_recmodule l ->
-        rec_module ~loc ( (sub.module_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
-      | Psig_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_description sub x)
-      | Psig_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_description sub x)
-      | Psig_class l -> class_ ~loc ( (sub.class_description sub) l)
-      | Psig_class_type l ->
-        class_type ~loc ( (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_extension (x, attrs) ->
-        let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-        extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Psig_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-  end
-  module M = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-    let map sub {pmod_loc = loc; pmod_desc = desc; pmod_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Mod in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pmod_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-      | Pmod_structure str -> structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.structure sub str)
-      | Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body) ->
-        functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub arg)
-          (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.may_map (sub.module_type sub) arg_ty)
-          (sub.module_expr sub body)
-      | Pmod_apply (m1, m2) ->
-        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m1) (sub.module_expr sub m2)
-      | Pmod_constraint (m, mty) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m)
-          (sub.module_type sub mty)
-      | Pmod_unpack e -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pmod_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_structure_item sub {pstr_loc = loc; pstr_desc = desc} =
-      let open Str in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      match desc with
-      | Pstr_eval (x, attrs) ->
-        let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-        eval ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub x)
-      | Pstr_value (r, vbs) -> value ~loc r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-      | Pstr_primitive vd -> primitive ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
-      | Pstr_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
-      | Pstr_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.type_exception sub ed)
-      | Pstr_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_binding sub x)
-      | Pstr_recmodule l -> rec_module ~loc ( (sub.module_binding sub) l)
-      | Pstr_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_class l -> class_ ~loc ( (sub.class_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_class_type l ->
-        class_type ~loc ( (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_extension (x, attrs) ->
-        let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-        extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pstr_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-  end
-  module E = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the core language *)
-    let map sub {pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = desc; pexp_attributes = attrs; pexp_loc_stack = _ } =
-      let open Exp in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pexp_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-      | Pexp_constant x -> constant ~loc ~attrs x
-      | Pexp_let (r, vbs, e) ->
-        let_ ~loc ~attrs r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-          (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_fun (lab, def, p, e) ->
-        fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub.expr sub) def) (sub.pat sub p)
-          (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_function pel -> function_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_apply (e, l) ->
-        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) ( (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
-      | Pexp_match (e, pel) ->
-        match_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_try (e, pel) -> try_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_tuple el -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.expr sub) el)
-      | Pexp_construct (lid, arg) ->
-        construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (map_opt (sub.expr sub) arg)
-      | Pexp_variant (lab, eo) ->
-        variant ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
-      | Pexp_record (l, eo) ->
-        record ~loc ~attrs ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) l)
-          (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
-      | Pexp_field (e, lid) ->
-        field ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_loc sub lid)
-      | Pexp_setfield (e1, lid, e2) ->
-        setfield ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (map_loc sub lid)
-          (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_array el -> array ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.expr sub) el)
-      | Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, e3) ->
-        ifthenelse ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-          (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e3)
-      | Pexp_sequence (e1, e2) ->
-        sequence ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_while (e1, e2) ->
-        while_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_for (p, e1, e2, d, e3) ->
-        for_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2) d
-          (sub.expr sub e3)
-      | Pexp_coerce (e, t1, t2) ->
-        coerce ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t1)
-          (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pexp_constraint (e, t) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pexp_send (e, s) ->
-        send ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pexp_new lid -> new_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-      | Pexp_setinstvar (s, e) ->
-        setinstvar ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_override sel ->
-        override ~loc ~attrs
-          ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) sel)
-      | Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e) ->
-        letmodule ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.module_expr sub me)
-          (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_letexception (cd, e) ->
-        letexception ~loc ~attrs
-          (sub.extension_constructor sub cd)
-          (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_assert e -> assert_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_lazy e -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_poly (e, t) ->
-        poly ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t)
-      | Pexp_object cls -> object_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub cls)
-      | Pexp_newtype (s, e) ->
-        newtype ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_pack me -> pack ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
-      | Pexp_open (o, e) ->
-        open_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.open_declaration sub o) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_letop {let_; ands; body} ->
-        letop ~loc ~attrs (sub.binding_op sub let_)
-          ( (sub.binding_op sub) ands) (sub.expr sub body)
-      | Pexp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pexp_unreachable -> unreachable ~loc ~attrs ()
-    let map_binding_op sub {pbop_op; pbop_pat; pbop_exp; pbop_loc} =
-      let open Exp in
-      let op = map_loc sub pbop_op in
-      let pat = sub.pat sub pbop_pat in
-      let exp = sub.expr sub pbop_exp in
-      let loc = sub.location sub pbop_loc in
-      binding_op op pat exp loc
-  end
-  module P = struct
-    (* Patterns *)
-    let map sub {ppat_desc = desc; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs; ppat_loc_stack = _ } =
-      let open Pat in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Ppat_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-      | Ppat_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_alias (p, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_constant c -> constant ~loc ~attrs c
-      | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) -> interval ~loc ~attrs c1 c2
-      | Ppat_tuple pl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.pat sub) pl)
-      | Ppat_construct (l, p) ->
-        construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub l) (map_opt (sub.pat sub) p)
-      | Ppat_variant (l, p) -> variant ~loc ~attrs l (map_opt (sub.pat sub) p)
-      | Ppat_record (lpl, cf) ->
-        record ~loc ~attrs
-          ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.pat sub)) lpl) cf
-      | Ppat_array pl -> array ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.pat sub) pl)
-      | Ppat_or (p1, p2) -> or_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p1) (sub.pat sub p2)
-      | Ppat_constraint (p, t) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Ppat_type s -> type_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_lazy p -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_unpack s -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_open (lid,p) -> open_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_exception p -> exception_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-  end
-  module CE = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-    let map sub {pcl_loc = loc; pcl_desc = desc; pcl_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cl in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcl_constr (lid, tys) ->
-        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tys)
-      | Pcl_structure s ->
-        structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub s)
-      | Pcl_fun (lab, e, p, ce) ->
-        fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab
-          (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e)
-          (sub.pat sub p)
-          (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-      | Pcl_apply (ce, l) ->
-        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-          ( (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
-      | Pcl_let (r, vbs, ce) ->
-        let_ ~loc ~attrs r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-          (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-      | Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pcl_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pcl_open (o, ce) ->
-        open_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.open_description sub o) (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-    let map_kind sub = function
-      | Cfk_concrete (o, e) -> Cfk_concrete (o, sub.expr sub e)
-      | Cfk_virtual t -> Cfk_virtual (sub.typ sub t)
-    let map_field sub {pcf_desc = desc; pcf_loc = loc; pcf_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cf in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcf_inherit (o, ce, s) ->
-        inherit_ ~loc ~attrs o (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-          (map_opt (map_loc sub) s)
-      | Pcf_val (s, m, k) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m (map_kind sub k)
-      | Pcf_method (s, p, k) ->
-        method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p (map_kind sub k)
-      | Pcf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pcf_initializer e -> initializer_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pcf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-      | Pcf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_structure sub {pcstr_self; pcstr_fields} =
-      {
-        pcstr_self = sub.pat sub pcstr_self;
-        pcstr_fields = (sub.class_field sub) pcstr_fields;
-      }
-    let class_infos sub f {pci_virt; pci_params = pl; pci_name; pci_expr;
-                           pci_loc; pci_attributes} =
-      let loc = sub.location sub pci_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub pci_attributes in
- ~loc ~attrs
-        ~virt:pci_virt
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) pl)
-        (map_loc sub pci_name)
-        (f pci_expr)
-  end
-  (* Now, a generic AST mapper, to be extended to cover all kinds and
-     cases of the OCaml grammar.  The default behavior of the mapper is
-     the identity. *)
-  let default_mapper =
-    {
-      structure = (fun this l -> (this.structure_item this) l);
-      structure_item = M.map_structure_item;
-      module_expr =;
-      signature = (fun this l -> (this.signature_item this) l);
-      signature_item = MT.map_signature_item;
-      module_type =;
-      with_constraint = MT.map_with_constraint;
-      class_declaration =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_expr this));
-      class_expr =;
-      class_field = CE.map_field;
-      class_structure = CE.map_structure;
-      class_type =;
-      class_type_field = CT.map_field;
-      class_signature = CT.map_signature;
-      class_type_declaration =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
-      class_description =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
-      type_declaration = T.map_type_declaration;
-      type_kind = T.map_type_kind;
-      typ =;
-      type_extension = T.map_type_extension;
-      type_exception = T.map_type_exception;
-      extension_constructor = T.map_extension_constructor;
-      value_description =
-        (fun this {pval_name; pval_type; pval_prim; pval_loc;
-                   pval_attributes} ->
-            (map_loc this pval_name)
-            (this.typ this pval_type)
-            ~attrs:(this.attributes this pval_attributes)
-            ~loc:(this.location this pval_loc)
-            ~prim:pval_prim
-        );
-      pat =;
-      expr =;
-      binding_op = E.map_binding_op;
-      module_declaration =
-        (fun this {pmd_name; pmd_type; pmd_attributes; pmd_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pmd_name)
-             (this.module_type this pmd_type)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmd_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmd_loc)
-        );
-      module_substitution =
-        (fun this {pms_name; pms_manifest; pms_attributes; pms_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pms_name)
-             (map_loc this pms_manifest)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pms_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pms_loc)
-        );
-      module_type_declaration =
-        (fun this {pmtd_name; pmtd_type; pmtd_attributes; pmtd_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pmtd_name)
-             ?typ:(map_opt (this.module_type this) pmtd_type)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmtd_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmtd_loc)
-        );
-      module_binding =
-        (fun this {pmb_name; pmb_expr; pmb_attributes; pmb_loc} ->
-  (map_loc this pmb_name) (this.module_expr this pmb_expr)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmb_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmb_loc)
-        );
-      open_declaration =
-        (fun this {popen_expr; popen_override; popen_attributes; popen_loc} ->
-  (this.module_expr this popen_expr)
-             ~override:popen_override
-             ~loc:(this.location this popen_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this popen_attributes)
-        );
-      open_description =
-        (fun this {popen_expr; popen_override; popen_attributes; popen_loc} ->
-  (map_loc this popen_expr)
-             ~override:popen_override
-             ~loc:(this.location this popen_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this popen_attributes)
-        );
-      include_description =
-        (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
-  (this.module_type this pincl_mod)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
-        );
-      include_declaration =
-        (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
-  (this.module_expr this pincl_mod)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
-        );
-      value_binding =
-        (fun this {pvb_pat; pvb_expr; pvb_attributes; pvb_loc} ->
-             (this.pat this pvb_pat)
-             (this.expr this pvb_expr)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pvb_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pvb_attributes)
-        );
-      constructor_declaration =
-        (fun this {pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_res; pcd_loc; pcd_attributes} ->
-           Type.constructor
-             (map_loc this pcd_name)
-             ~args:(T.map_constructor_arguments this pcd_args)
-             ?res:(map_opt (this.typ this) pcd_res)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pcd_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pcd_attributes)
-        );
-      label_declaration =
-        (fun this {pld_name; pld_type; pld_loc; pld_mutable; pld_attributes} ->
-           Type.field
-             (map_loc this pld_name)
-             (this.typ this pld_type)
-             ~mut:pld_mutable
-             ~loc:(this.location this pld_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pld_attributes)
-        );
-      cases = (fun this l -> ( this) l);
-      case =
-        (fun this {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} ->
-           {
-             pc_lhs = this.pat this pc_lhs;
-             pc_guard = map_opt (this.expr this) pc_guard;
-             pc_rhs = this.expr this pc_rhs;
-           }
-        );
-      location = (fun _this l -> l);
-      extension = (fun this (s, e) -> (map_loc this s, this.payload this e));
-      attribute = (fun this a ->
-        {
-          attr_name = map_loc this a.attr_name;
-          attr_payload = this.payload this a.attr_payload;
-          attr_loc = this.location this a.attr_loc
-        }
-      );
-      attributes = (fun this l -> (this.attribute this) l);
-      payload =
-        (fun this -> function
-           | PStr x -> PStr (this.structure this x)
-           | PSig x -> PSig (this.signature this x)
-           | PTyp x -> PTyp (this.typ this x)
-           | PPat (x, g) -> PPat (this.pat this x, map_opt (this.expr this) g)
-        );
-    }
-  let extension_of_error (error : Locations.location_error) : extension =
-    Locations.extension_of_error
-      ~mk_pstr:(fun x -> PStr x)
-      ~mk_extension:(fun x -> Str.extension x)
-      ~mk_string_constant:(fun x -> Str.eval (Exp.constant (Pconst_string (x, None))))
-      error
-  let attribute_of_warning loc s =
-      {loc; txt = "ocaml.ppwarning" }
-      (PStr ([Str.eval ~loc (Exp.constant (Pconst_string (s, None)))]))
-  include Locations.Helpers_impl
-  let cookies = ref String.Map.empty
-  let get_cookie k =
-    try Some (String.Map.find k !cookies)
-    with Not_found -> None
-  let set_cookie k v =
-    cookies := String.Map.add k v !cookies
-  let tool_name_ref = ref "_none_"
-  let tool_name () = !tool_name_ref
-  module PpxContext = struct
-    open Longident
-    open Asttypes
-    open Ast_helper
-    let lid name = { txt = Lident name; loc = Location.none }
-    let make_string x = Exp.constant (Pconst_string (x, None))
-    let make_bool x =
-      if x
-      then Exp.construct (lid "true") None
-      else Exp.construct (lid "false") None
-    let rec make_list f lst =
-      match lst with
-      | x :: rest ->
-        Exp.construct (lid "::") (Some (Exp.tuple [f x; make_list f rest]))
-      | [] ->
-        Exp.construct (lid "[]") None
-    let make_pair f1 f2 (x1, x2) =
-      Exp.tuple [f1 x1; f2 x2]
-    let make_option f opt =
-      match opt with
-      | Some x -> Exp.construct (lid "Some") (Some (f x))
-      | None   -> Exp.construct (lid "None") None
-    let get_cookies () =
-      lid "cookies",
-      make_list (make_pair make_string (fun x -> x))
-        (String.Map.bindings !cookies)
-    let mk fields =
-      {
-        attr_name = { txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"; loc = Location.none };
-        attr_payload = Parsetree.PStr [Str.eval (Exp.record fields None)];
-        attr_loc = Location.none
-      }
-    let make ~tool_name () =
-      let fields =
-        [
-          lid "tool_name",    make_string tool_name;
-          lid "include_dirs", make_list make_string !Clflags.include_dirs;
-          lid "load_path",    make_list make_string (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.get_load_paths ());
-          lid "open_modules", make_list make_string !Clflags.open_modules;
-          lid "for_package",  make_option make_string !Clflags.for_package;
-          lid "debug",        make_bool !Clflags.debug;
-          lid "use_threads",  make_bool !Clflags.use_threads;
-          lid "recursive_types", make_bool !Clflags.recursive_types;
-          lid "principal", make_bool !Clflags.principal;
-          lid "transparent_modules", make_bool !Clflags.transparent_modules;
-          lid "unboxed_types", make_bool (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.get_unboxed_types ());
-          lid "unsafe_string", make_bool !Clflags.unsafe_string;
-          get_cookies ()
-        ]
-      in
-      mk fields
-    let get_fields = function
-      | PStr [{pstr_desc = Pstr_eval
-                             ({ pexp_desc = Pexp_record (fields, None); _ }, []); _}] ->
-        fields
-      | _ ->
-        raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context] syntax"
-    let restore fields =
-      let field name payload =
-        let rec get_string = function
-          | { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (str, None)); _ } -> str
-          | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
-                               { %s }] string syntax" name
-        and get_bool pexp =
-          match pexp with
-          | {pexp_desc = Pexp_construct ({txt = Longident.Lident "true"; _},
-                                         None); _} ->
-            true
-          | {pexp_desc = Pexp_construct ({txt = Longident.Lident "false"; _},
-                                         None); _} ->
-            false
-          | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
-                               { %s }] bool syntax" name
-        and get_list elem = function
-          | {pexp_desc =
-               Pexp_construct ({txt = Longident.Lident "::"; _},
-                               Some {pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple [exp; rest]; _}); _ } ->
-            elem exp :: get_list elem rest
-          | {pexp_desc =
-               Pexp_construct ({txt = Longident.Lident "[]"; _}, None); _ } ->
-            []
-          | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
-                               { %s }] list syntax" name
-        and get_pair f1 f2 = function
-          | {pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple [e1; e2]; _} ->
-            (f1 e1, f2 e2)
-          | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
-                               { %s }] pair syntax" name
-        and get_option elem = function
-          | { pexp_desc =
-                Pexp_construct ({ txt = Longident.Lident "Some"; _ }, Some exp); _ } ->
-            Some (elem exp)
-          | { pexp_desc =
-                Pexp_construct ({ txt = Longident.Lident "None"; _ }, None); _ } ->
-            None
-          | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
-                               { %s }] option syntax" name
-        in
-        match name with
-        | "tool_name" ->
-          tool_name_ref := get_string payload
-        | "include_dirs" ->
-          Clflags.include_dirs := get_list get_string payload
-        | "load_path" ->
-           Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.load_path_init (get_list get_string payload)
-        | "open_modules" ->
-          Clflags.open_modules := get_list get_string payload
-        | "for_package" ->
-          Clflags.for_package := get_option get_string payload
-        | "debug" ->
-          Clflags.debug := get_bool payload
-        | "use_threads" ->
-          Clflags.use_threads := get_bool payload
-        | "recursive_types" ->
-          Clflags.recursive_types := get_bool payload
-        | "principal" ->
-          Clflags.principal := get_bool payload
-        | "transparent_modules" ->
-          Clflags.transparent_modules := get_bool payload
-        | "unboxed_types" ->
-          Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.set_unboxed_types (get_bool payload)
-        | "unsafe_string" ->
-          Clflags.unsafe_string := get_bool payload
-        | "cookies" ->
-          let l = get_list (get_pair get_string (fun x -> x)) payload in
-          cookies :=
-            List.fold_left
-              (fun s (k, v) -> String.Map.add k v s) String.Map.empty
-              l
-        | _ ->
-          ()
-      in
-      List.iter (function ({txt=Lident name; _}, x) -> field name x | _ -> ()) fields
-    let update_cookies fields =
-      let fields =
-        List.filter
-          (function ({txt=Lident "cookies"; _}, _) -> false | _ -> true)
-          fields
-      in
-      fields @ [get_cookies ()]
-  end
-  let ppx_context = PpxContext.make
-  let extension_of_exn exn = extension_of_error (Locations.location_error_of_exn exn)
-  let apply_lazy ~source ~target mapper =
-    let implem ast =
-      let fields, ast =
-        match ast with
-        | {pstr_desc = Pstr_attribute ({attr_name = {txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"; _};
-                                        attr_payload = x; _}); _} :: l ->
-          PpxContext.get_fields x, l
-        | _ -> [], ast
-      in
-      PpxContext.restore fields;
-      let ast =
-        try
-          let mapper = mapper () in
-          mapper.structure mapper ast
-        with exn ->
-          [{pstr_desc = Pstr_extension (extension_of_exn exn, []);
-            pstr_loc  = Location.none}]
-      in
-      let fields = PpxContext.update_cookies fields in
-      Str.attribute ( fields) :: ast
-    in
-    let iface ast =
-      let fields, ast =
-        match ast with
-        | {psig_desc = Psig_attribute ({attr_name = {txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"; _};
-                                        attr_payload = x;
-                                        attr_loc = _}); _} :: l ->
-          PpxContext.get_fields x, l
-        | _ -> [], ast
-      in
-      PpxContext.restore fields;
-      let ast =
-        try
-          let mapper = mapper () in
-          mapper.signature mapper ast
-        with exn ->
-          [{psig_desc = Psig_extension (extension_of_exn exn, []);
-            psig_loc  = Location.none}]
-      in
-      let fields = PpxContext.update_cookies fields in
-      Sig.attribute ( fields) :: ast
-    in
-    let ic = open_in_bin source in
-    let magic =
-      really_input_string ic (String.length Config.ast_impl_magic_number)
-    in
-    let rewrite transform =
-      Location.input_name := input_value ic;
-      let ast = input_value ic in
-      close_in ic;
-      let ast = transform ast in
-      let oc = open_out_bin target in
-      output_string oc magic;
-      output_value oc !Location.input_name;
-      output_value oc ast;
-      close_out oc
-    and fail () =
-      close_in ic;
-      failwith "Ast_mapper: OCaml version mismatch or malformed input";
-    in
-    if magic = Config.ast_impl_magic_number then
-      rewrite (implem : structure -> structure)
-    else if magic = Config.ast_intf_magic_number then
-      rewrite (iface : signature -> signature)
-    else fail ()
-  let drop_ppx_context_str ~restore = function
-    | {pstr_desc = Pstr_attribute
-                     {attr_name = {Location.txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"; _};
-                      attr_payload = a;
-                      attr_loc = _}; _ }
-      :: items ->
-      if restore then
-        PpxContext.restore (PpxContext.get_fields a);
-      items
-    | items -> items
-  let drop_ppx_context_sig ~restore = function
-    | {psig_desc = Psig_attribute
-                     {attr_name = {Location.txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"; _};
-                      attr_payload = a;
-                      attr_loc = _}; _ }
-      :: items ->
-      if restore then
-        PpxContext.restore (PpxContext.get_fields a);
-      items
-    | items -> items
-  let add_ppx_context_str ~tool_name ast =
-    Ast_helper.Str.attribute (ppx_context ~tool_name ()) :: ast
-  let add_ppx_context_sig ~tool_name ast =
-    Ast_helper.Sig.attribute (ppx_context ~tool_name ()) :: ast
-  let apply ~source ~target mapper =
-    apply_lazy ~source ~target (fun () -> mapper)
-  let run_main mapper =
-    try
-      let a = Sys.argv in
-      let n = Array.length a in
-      if n > 2 then
-        let mapper () =
-          try mapper (Array.to_list (Array.sub a 1 (n - 3)))
-          with exn ->
-            (* PR#6463 *)
-            let f _ _ = raise exn in
-            {default_mapper with structure = f; signature = f}
-        in
-        apply_lazy ~source:a.(n - 2) ~target:a.(n - 1) mapper
-      else begin
-        Printf.eprintf "Usage: %s [extra_args] <infile> <outfile>\n%!"
-          Sys.executable_name;
-        exit 2
-      end
-    with exn ->
-      prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string exn);
-      exit 2
-  let register_function = ref (fun _name f -> run_main f)
-  let register name f = !register_function name f
-module Outcometree = struct
-  (* Module [Outcometree]: results displayed by the toplevel *)
-  (* These types represent messages that the toplevel displays as normal
-     results or errors. The real displaying is customisable using the hooks:
-     [Toploop.print_out_value]
-     [Toploop.print_out_type]
-     [Toploop.print_out_sig_item]
-     [Toploop.print_out_phrase] *)
-  (** An [out_name] is a string representation of an identifier which can be
-      rewritten on the fly to avoid name collisions *)
-  type out_name (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_name *) = { mutable printed_name: string }
-  type out_ident (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_ident *) =
-    | Oide_apply of out_ident * out_ident
-    | Oide_dot of out_ident * string
-    | Oide_ident of out_name
-  type out_string (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_string *) =
-    | Ostr_string
-    | Ostr_bytes
-  type out_attribute (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_attribute *) =
-    { oattr_name: string }
-  type out_value (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_value *) =
-    | Oval_array of out_value list
-    | Oval_char of char
-    | Oval_constr of out_ident * out_value list
-    | Oval_ellipsis
-    | Oval_float of float
-    | Oval_int of int
-    | Oval_int32 of int32
-    | Oval_int64 of int64
-    | Oval_nativeint of nativeint
-    | Oval_list of out_value list
-    | Oval_printer of (Format.formatter -> unit)
-    | Oval_record of (out_ident * out_value) list
-    | Oval_string of string * int * out_string (* string, size-to-print, kind *)
-    | Oval_stuff of string
-    | Oval_tuple of out_value list
-    | Oval_variant of string * out_value option
-  type out_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type *) =
-    | Otyp_abstract
-    | Otyp_open
-    | Otyp_alias of out_type * string
-    | Otyp_arrow of string * out_type * out_type
-    | Otyp_class of bool * out_ident * out_type list
-    | Otyp_constr of out_ident * out_type list
-    | Otyp_manifest of out_type * out_type
-    | Otyp_object of (string * out_type) list * bool option
-    | Otyp_record of (string * bool * out_type) list
-    | Otyp_stuff of string
-    | Otyp_sum of (string * out_type list * out_type option) list
-    | Otyp_tuple of out_type list
-    | Otyp_var of bool * string
-    | Otyp_variant of
-        bool * out_variant * bool * (string list) option
-    | Otyp_poly of string list * out_type
-    | Otyp_module of out_ident * string list * out_type list
-    | Otyp_attribute of out_type * out_attribute
-  and out_variant (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_variant *) =
-    | Ovar_fields of (string * bool * out_type list) list
-    | Ovar_typ of out_type
-  type out_class_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_class_type *) =
-    | Octy_constr of out_ident * out_type list
-    | Octy_arrow of string * out_type * out_class_type
-    | Octy_signature of out_type option * out_class_sig_item list
-  and out_class_sig_item (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_class_sig_item *) =
-    | Ocsg_constraint of out_type * out_type
-    | Ocsg_method of string * bool * bool * out_type
-    | Ocsg_value of string * bool * bool * out_type
-  type out_module_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_module_type *) =
-    | Omty_abstract
-    | Omty_functor of string * out_module_type option * out_module_type
-    | Omty_ident of out_ident
-    | Omty_signature of out_sig_item list
-    | Omty_alias of out_ident
-  and out_sig_item (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_sig_item *) =
-    | Osig_class of
-        bool * string * (string * (bool * bool)) list * out_class_type *
-        out_rec_status
-    | Osig_class_type of
-        bool * string * (string * (bool * bool)) list * out_class_type *
-        out_rec_status
-    | Osig_typext of out_extension_constructor * out_ext_status
-    | Osig_modtype of string * out_module_type
-    | Osig_module of string * out_module_type * out_rec_status
-    | Osig_type of out_type_decl * out_rec_status
-    | Osig_value of out_val_decl
-    | Osig_ellipsis
-  and out_type_decl (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type_decl *) =
-    { otype_name: string;
-      otype_params: (string * (bool * bool)) list;
-      otype_type: out_type;
-      otype_private: Asttypes.private_flag;
-      otype_immediate: bool;
-      otype_unboxed: bool;
-      otype_cstrs: (out_type * out_type) list }
-  and out_extension_constructor (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_extension_constructor *) =
-    { oext_name: string;
-      oext_type_name: string;
-      oext_type_params: string list;
-      oext_args: out_type list;
-      oext_ret_type: out_type option;
-      oext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
-  and out_type_extension (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type_extension *) =
-    { otyext_name: string;
-      otyext_params: string list;
-      otyext_constructors: (string * out_type list * out_type option) list;
-      otyext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
-  and out_val_decl (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_val_decl *) =
-    { oval_name: string;
-      oval_type: out_type;
-      oval_prims: string list;
-      oval_attributes: out_attribute list }
-  and out_rec_status (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_rec_status *) =
-    | Orec_not
-    | Orec_first
-    | Orec_next
-  and out_ext_status (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_ext_status *) =
-    | Oext_first
-    | Oext_next
-    | Oext_exception
-  type out_phrase (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_phrase *) =
-    | Ophr_eval of out_value * out_type
-    | Ophr_signature of (out_sig_item * out_value option) list
-    | Ophr_exception of (exn * out_value)
-module Config = struct
-  let ast_impl_magic_number = "Caml1999M026"
-  let ast_intf_magic_number = "Caml1999N026"
-let map_signature mapper = mapper.Ast_mapper.signature mapper
-let map_structure mapper = mapper.Ast_mapper.structure mapper
-let shallow_identity =
-  let id _ x = x in
-  {
-    Ast_mapper.
-    structure               = id;
-    structure_item          = id;
-    module_expr             = id;
-    signature               = id;
-    signature_item          = id;
-    module_type             = id;
-    with_constraint         = id;
-    class_declaration       = id;
-    class_expr              = id;
-    class_field             = id;
-    class_structure         = id;
-    class_type              = id;
-    class_type_field        = id;
-    class_signature         = id;
-    class_type_declaration  = id;
-    class_description       = id;
-    type_declaration        = id;
-    type_kind               = id;
-    typ                     = id;
-    type_extension          = id;
-    extension_constructor   = id;
-    value_description       = id;
-    pat                     = id;
-    expr                    = id;
-    module_declaration      = id;
-    module_type_declaration = id;
-    module_binding          = id;
-    open_description        = id;
-    include_description     = id;
-    include_declaration     = id;
-    value_binding           = id;
-    constructor_declaration = id;
-    label_declaration       = id;
-    cases                   = id;
-    case                    = id;
-    location                = id;
-    extension               = id;
-    attribute               = id;
-    attributes              = id;
-    payload                 = id;
-    binding_op              = id;
-    module_substitution     = id;
-    open_declaration        = id;
-    type_exception          = id;
-  }
-let failing_mapper =
-  let fail _ _ =
-    invalid_arg "failing_mapper: this mapper function should never get called"
-  in
-  {
-    Ast_mapper.
-    structure               = fail;
-    structure_item          = fail;
-    module_expr             = fail;
-    signature               = fail;
-    signature_item          = fail;
-    module_type             = fail;
-    with_constraint         = fail;
-    class_declaration       = fail;
-    class_expr              = fail;
-    class_field             = fail;
-    class_structure         = fail;
-    class_type              = fail;
-    class_type_field        = fail;
-    class_signature         = fail;
-    class_type_declaration  = fail;
-    class_description       = fail;
-    type_declaration        = fail;
-    type_kind               = fail;
-    typ                     = fail;
-    type_extension          = fail;
-    extension_constructor   = fail;
-    value_description       = fail;
-    pat                     = fail;
-    expr                    = fail;
-    module_declaration      = fail;
-    module_type_declaration = fail;
-    module_binding          = fail;
-    open_description        = fail;
-    include_description     = fail;
-    include_declaration     = fail;
-    value_binding           = fail;
-    constructor_declaration = fail;
-    label_declaration       = fail;
-    cases                   = fail;
-    case                    = fail;
-    location                = fail;
-    extension               = fail;
-    attribute               = fail;
-    attributes              = fail;
-    payload                 = fail;
-    binding_op              = fail;
-    module_substitution     = fail;
-    open_declaration        = fail;
-    type_exception          = fail;
-  }
-let make_top_mapper ~signature ~structure =
-  {failing_mapper with Ast_mapper.
-                    signature = (fun _ x -> signature x);
-                    structure = (fun _ x -> structure x) }
-module Ast_410
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         Frédéric Bour, Facebook                        *)
-(*            Jérémie Dimino and Leo White, Jane Street Europe            *)
-(*            Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt            *)
-(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-(*       Daniel de Rauglaudre, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt         *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2018 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-open Stdlib0
-open Ast_409_helper
-module Location = Location
-module Longident = Longident
-[@@@warning "-9"]
-module Asttypes = struct
-  type constant (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.constant *) =
-      Const_int of int
-    | Const_char of char
-    | Const_string of string * string option
-    | Const_float of string
-    | Const_int32 of int32
-    | Const_int64 of int64
-    | Const_nativeint of nativeint
-  type rec_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.rec_flag *) = Nonrecursive | Recursive
-  type direction_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.direction_flag *) = Upto | Downto
-  (* Order matters, used in polymorphic comparison *)
-  type private_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.private_flag *) = Private | Public
-  type mutable_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.mutable_flag *) = Immutable | Mutable
-  type virtual_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.virtual_flag *) = Virtual | Concrete
-  type override_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.override_flag *) = Override | Fresh
-  type closed_flag (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.closed_flag *) = Closed | Open
-  type label = string
-  type arg_label (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.arg_label *) =
-      Nolabel
-    | Labelled of string (*  label:T -> ... *)
-    | Optional of string (* ?label:T -> ... *)
-  type 'a loc = 'a Location.loc = {
-    txt : 'a;
-    loc : Location.t;
-  }
-  type variance (*IF_CURRENT = Asttypes.variance *) =
-    | Covariant
-    | Contravariant
-    | Invariant
-module Parsetree = struct
-  open Asttypes
-  type constant (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constant *) =
-      Pconst_integer of string * char option
-    (* 3 3l 3L 3n
-       Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser.
-       Suffixes except 'l', 'L' and 'n' are rejected by the typechecker
-    *)
-    | Pconst_char of char
-    (* 'c' *)
-    | Pconst_string of string * string option
-    (* "constant"
-       {delim|other constant|delim}
-    *)
-    | Pconst_float of string * char option
-    (* 3.4 2e5 1.4e-4
-       Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser.
-       Suffixes are rejected by the typechecker.
-    *)
-  type location_stack = Location.t list
-  (** {1 Extension points} *)
-  type attribute (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.attribute *) = {
-    attr_name : string loc;
-    attr_payload : payload;
-    attr_loc : Location.t;
-  }
-  (* [@id ARG]
-     [@@id ARG]
-     Metadata containers passed around within the AST.
-     The compiler ignores unknown attributes.
-  *)
-  and extension = string loc * payload
-  (* [%id ARG]
-     [%%id ARG]
-     Sub-language placeholder -- rejected by the typechecker.
-  *)
-  and attributes = attribute list
-  and payload (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.payload *) =
-    | PStr of structure
-    | PSig of signature (* : SIG *)
-    | PTyp of core_type  (* : T *)
-    | PPat of pattern * expression option  (* ? P  or  ? P when E *)
-  (** {1 Core language} *)
-  (* Type expressions *)
-  and core_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.core_type *) =
-    {
-      ptyp_desc: core_type_desc;
-      ptyp_loc: Location.t;
-      ptyp_loc_stack: location_stack;
-      ptyp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and core_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.core_type_desc *) =
-    | Ptyp_any
-    (*  _ *)
-    | Ptyp_var of string
-    (* 'a *)
-    | Ptyp_arrow of arg_label * core_type * core_type
-    (* T1 -> T2       Simple
-       ~l:T1 -> T2    Labelled
-       ?l:T1 -> T2    Optional
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_tuple of core_type list
-    (* T1 * ... * Tn
-       Invariant: n >= 2
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-    (* tconstr
-       T tconstr
-       (T1, ..., Tn) tconstr
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_object of object_field list * closed_flag
-    (* < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn >     (flag = Closed)
-       < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn; .. > (flag = Open)
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_class of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-    (* #tconstr
-       T #tconstr
-       (T1, ..., Tn) #tconstr
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_alias of core_type * string
-    (* T as 'a *)
-    | Ptyp_variant of row_field list * closed_flag * label list option
-    (* [ `A|`B ]         (flag = Closed; labels = None)
-       [> `A|`B ]        (flag = Open;   labels = None)
-       [< `A|`B ]        (flag = Closed; labels = Some [])
-       [< `A|`B > `X `Y ](flag = Closed; labels = Some ["X";"Y"])
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_poly of string loc list * core_type
-    (* 'a1 ... 'an. T
-       Can only appear in the following context:
-       - As the core_type of a Ppat_constraint node corresponding
-         to a constraint on a let-binding: let x : 'a1 ... 'an. T
-         = e ...
-       - Under Cfk_virtual for methods (not values).
-       - As the core_type of a Pctf_method node.
-       - As the core_type of a Pexp_poly node.
-       - As the pld_type field of a label_declaration.
-       - As a core_type of a Ptyp_object node.
-    *)
-    | Ptyp_package of package_type
-    (* (module S) *)
-    | Ptyp_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-  and package_type = Longident.t loc * (Longident.t loc * core_type) list
-      (*
-        (module S)
-        (module S with type t1 = T1 and ... and tn = Tn)
-       *)
-  and row_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.row_field *) = {
-    prf_desc : row_field_desc;
-    prf_loc : Location.t;
-    prf_attributes : attributes;
-  }
-  and row_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.row_field_desc *) =
-    | Rtag of label loc * bool * core_type list
-    (* [`A]                   ( true,  [] )
-       [`A of T]              ( false, [T] )
-       [`A of T1 & .. & Tn]   ( false, [T1;...Tn] )
-       [`A of & T1 & .. & Tn] ( true,  [T1;...Tn] )
-       - The 'bool' field is true if the tag contains a
-         constant (empty) constructor.
-       - '&' occurs when several types are used for the same constructor
-         (see 4.2 in the manual)
-    *)
-    | Rinherit of core_type
-    (* [ T ] *)
-  and object_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.object_field *) = {
-    pof_desc : object_field_desc;
-    pof_loc : Location.t;
-    pof_attributes : attributes;
-  }
-  and object_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.object_field_desc *) =
-    | Otag of label loc * core_type
-    | Oinherit of core_type
-  (* Patterns *)
-  and pattern (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.pattern *) =
-    {
-      ppat_desc: pattern_desc;
-      ppat_loc: Location.t;
-      ppat_loc_stack: location_stack;
-      ppat_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and pattern_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.pattern_desc *) =
-    | Ppat_any
-    (* _ *)
-    | Ppat_var of string loc
-    (* x *)
-    | Ppat_alias of pattern * string loc
-    (* P as 'a *)
-    | Ppat_constant of constant
-    (* 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
-    | Ppat_interval of constant * constant
-    (* 'a'..'z'
-       Other forms of interval are recognized by the parser
-       but rejected by the type-checker. *)
-    | Ppat_tuple of pattern list
-    (* (P1, ..., Pn)
-       Invariant: n >= 2
-    *)
-    | Ppat_construct of Longident.t loc * pattern option
-    (* C                None
-       C P              Some P
-       C (P1, ..., Pn)  Some (Ppat_tuple [P1; ...; Pn])
-    *)
-    | Ppat_variant of label * pattern option
-    (* `A             (None)
-       `A P           (Some P)
-    *)
-    | Ppat_record of (Longident.t loc * pattern) list * closed_flag
-    (* { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }     (flag = Closed)
-       { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn; _}   (flag = Open)
-       Invariant: n > 0
-    *)
-    | Ppat_array of pattern list
-    (* [| P1; ...; Pn |] *)
-    | Ppat_or of pattern * pattern
-    (* P1 | P2 *)
-    | Ppat_constraint of pattern * core_type
-    (* (P : T) *)
-    | Ppat_type of Longident.t loc
-    (* #tconst *)
-    | Ppat_lazy of pattern
-    (* lazy P *)
-    | Ppat_unpack of string option loc
-    (* (module P)        Some "P"
-       (module _)        None
-       Note: (module P : S) is represented as
-       Ppat_constraint(Ppat_unpack, Ptyp_package)
-    *)
-    | Ppat_exception of pattern
-    (* exception P *)
-    | Ppat_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-    | Ppat_open of Longident.t loc * pattern
-    (* M.(P) *)
-  (* Value expressions *)
-  and expression (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.expression *) =
-    {
-      pexp_desc: expression_desc;
-      pexp_loc: Location.t;
-      pexp_loc_stack: location_stack;
-      pexp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and expression_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.expression_desc *) =
-    | Pexp_ident of Longident.t loc
-    (* x
-       M.x
-    *)
-    | Pexp_constant of constant
-    (* 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
-    | Pexp_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * expression
-    (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E       (flag = Nonrecursive)
-       let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E   (flag = Recursive)
-    *)
-    | Pexp_function of case list
-    (* function P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * expression
-    (* fun P -> E1                          (Simple, None)
-       fun ~l:P -> E1                       (Labelled l, None)
-       fun ?l:P -> E1                       (Optional l, None)
-       fun ?l:(P = E0) -> E1                (Optional l, Some E0)
-       Notes:
-       - If E0 is provided, only Optional is allowed.
-       - "fun P1 P2 .. Pn -> E1" is represented as nested Pexp_fun.
-       - "let f P = E" is represented using Pexp_fun.
-    *)
-    | Pexp_apply of expression * (arg_label * expression) list
-    (* E0 ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
-       li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?'
-       (optional argument).
-       Invariant: n > 0
-    *)
-    | Pexp_match of expression * case list
-    (* match E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_try of expression * case list
-    (* try E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *)
-    | Pexp_tuple of expression list
-    (* (E1, ..., En)
-       Invariant: n >= 2
-    *)
-    | Pexp_construct of Longident.t loc * expression option
-    (* C                None
-       C E              Some E
-       C (E1, ..., En)  Some (Pexp_tuple[E1;...;En])
-    *)
-    | Pexp_variant of label * expression option
-    (* `A             (None)
-       `A E           (Some E)
-    *)
-    | Pexp_record of (Longident.t loc * expression) list * expression option
-    (* { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }     (None)
-       { E0 with l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }   (Some E0)
-       Invariant: n > 0
-    *)
-    | Pexp_field of expression * Longident.t loc
-    (* E.l *)
-    | Pexp_setfield of expression * Longident.t loc * expression
-    (* E1.l <- E2 *)
-    | Pexp_array of expression list
-    (* [| E1; ...; En |] *)
-    | Pexp_ifthenelse of expression * expression * expression option
-    (* if E1 then E2 else E3 *)
-    | Pexp_sequence of expression * expression
-    (* E1; E2 *)
-    | Pexp_while of expression * expression
-    (* while E1 do E2 done *)
-    | Pexp_for of
-        pattern *  expression * expression * direction_flag * expression
-    (* for i = E1 to E2 do E3 done      (flag = Upto)
-       for i = E1 downto E2 do E3 done  (flag = Downto)
-    *)
-    | Pexp_constraint of expression * core_type
-    (* (E : T) *)
-    | Pexp_coerce of expression * core_type option * core_type
-    (* (E :> T)        (None, T)
-       (E : T0 :> T)   (Some T0, T)
-    *)
-    | Pexp_send of expression * label loc
-    (*  E # m *)
-    | Pexp_new of Longident.t loc
-    (* new M.c *)
-    | Pexp_setinstvar of label loc * expression
-    (* x <- 2 *)
-    | Pexp_override of (label loc * expression) list
-    (* {< x1 = E1; ...; Xn = En >} *)
-    | Pexp_letmodule of string option loc * module_expr * expression
-    (* let module M = ME in E *)
-    | Pexp_letexception of extension_constructor * expression
-    (* let exception C in E *)
-    | Pexp_assert of expression
-    (* assert E
-       Note: "assert false" is treated in a special way by the
-       type-checker. *)
-    | Pexp_lazy of expression
-    (* lazy E *)
-    | Pexp_poly of expression * core_type option
-    (* Used for method bodies.
-       Can only be used as the expression under Cfk_concrete
-       for methods (not values). *)
-    | Pexp_object of class_structure
-    (* object ... end *)
-    | Pexp_newtype of string loc * expression
-    (* fun (type t) -> E *)
-    | Pexp_pack of module_expr
-    (* (module ME)
-       (module ME : S) is represented as
-       Pexp_constraint(Pexp_pack, Ptyp_package S) *)
-    | Pexp_open of open_declaration * expression
-    (* M.(E)
-       let open M in E
-       let! open M in E *)
-    | Pexp_letop of letop
-    (* let* P = E in E
-       let* P = E and* P = E in E *)
-    | Pexp_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-    | Pexp_unreachable
-    (* . *)
-  and case (*IF_CURRENT = *) =   (* (P -> E) or (P when E0 -> E) *)
-    {
-      pc_lhs: pattern;
-      pc_guard: expression option;
-      pc_rhs: expression;
-    }
-  and letop (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.letop *) =
-    {
-      let_ : binding_op;
-      ands : binding_op list;
-      body : expression;
-    }
-  and binding_op (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.binding_op *) =
-    {
-      pbop_op : string loc;
-      pbop_pat : pattern;
-      pbop_exp : expression;
-      pbop_loc : Location.t;
-    }
-  (* Value descriptions *)
-  and value_description (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.value_description *) =
-    {
-      pval_name: string loc;
-      pval_type: core_type;
-      pval_prim: string list;
-      pval_attributes: attributes;  (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      pval_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  val x: T                            (prim = [])
-  external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"       (prim = ["s1";..."sn"])
-  (* Type declarations *)
-  and type_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_declaration *) =
-    {
-      ptype_name: string loc;
-      ptype_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-      (* ('a1,...'an) t; None represents  _*)
-      ptype_cstrs: (core_type * core_type * Location.t) list;
-      (* ... constraint T1=T1'  ... constraint Tn=Tn' *)
-      ptype_kind: type_kind;
-      ptype_private: private_flag;   (* = private ... *)
-      ptype_manifest: core_type option;  (* = T *)
-      ptype_attributes: attributes;   (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      ptype_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  type t                     (abstract, no manifest)
-  type t = T0                (abstract, manifest=T0)
-  type t = C of T | ...      (variant,  no manifest)
-  type t = T0 = C of T | ... (variant,  manifest=T0)
-  type t = {l: T; ...}       (record,   no manifest)
-  type t = T0 = {l : T; ...} (record,   manifest=T0)
-  type t = ..                (open,     no manifest)
-  and type_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_kind *) =
-    | Ptype_abstract
-    | Ptype_variant of constructor_declaration list
-    | Ptype_record of label_declaration list
-    (* Invariant: non-empty list *)
-    | Ptype_open
-  and label_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.label_declaration *) =
-    {
-      pld_name: string loc;
-      pld_mutable: mutable_flag;
-      pld_type: core_type;
-      pld_loc: Location.t;
-      pld_attributes: attributes; (* l : T [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  (*  { ...; l: T; ... }            (mutable=Immutable)
-      { ...; mutable l: T; ... }    (mutable=Mutable)
-      Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly.
-  *)
-  and constructor_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constructor_declaration *) =
-    {
-      pcd_name: string loc;
-      pcd_args: constructor_arguments;
-      pcd_res: core_type option;
-      pcd_loc: Location.t;
-      pcd_attributes: attributes; (* C of ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and constructor_arguments (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.constructor_arguments *) =
-    | Pcstr_tuple of core_type list
-    | Pcstr_record of label_declaration list
-  | C of T1 * ... * Tn     (res = None,    args = Pcstr_tuple [])
-  | C: T0                  (res = Some T0, args = [])
-  | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_tuple)
-  | C of {...}             (res = None,    args = Pcstr_record)
-  | C: {...} -> T0         (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_record)
-  | C of {...} as t        (res = None,    args = Pcstr_record)
-  and type_extension (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_extension *) =
-    {
-      ptyext_path: Longident.t loc;
-      ptyext_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-      ptyext_constructors: extension_constructor list;
-      ptyext_private: private_flag;
-      ptyext_loc: Location.t;
-      ptyext_attributes: attributes;   (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-    }
-  type t += ...
-  and extension_constructor (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.extension_constructor *) =
-    {
-      pext_name: string loc;
-      pext_kind : extension_constructor_kind;
-      pext_loc : Location.t;
-      pext_attributes: attributes; (* C of ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  (* exception E *)
-  and type_exception (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.type_exception *) =
-    {
-      ptyexn_constructor: extension_constructor;
-      ptyexn_loc: Location.t;
-      ptyexn_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-    }
-  and extension_constructor_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind *) =
-      Pext_decl of constructor_arguments * core_type option
-      (*
-         | C of T1 * ... * Tn     ([T1; ...; Tn], None)
-         | C: T0                  ([], Some T0)
-         | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 ([T1; ...; Tn], Some T0)
-       *)
-    | Pext_rebind of Longident.t loc
-      (*
-         | C = D
-       *)
-  (** {1 Class language} *)
-  (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-  and class_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type *) =
-    {
-      pcty_desc: class_type_desc;
-      pcty_loc: Location.t;
-      pcty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and class_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_desc *) =
-    | Pcty_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-    (* c
-       ['a1, ..., 'an] c *)
-    | Pcty_signature of class_signature
-    (* object ... end *)
-    | Pcty_arrow of arg_label * core_type * class_type
-    (* T -> CT       Simple
-       ~l:T -> CT    Labelled l
-       ?l:T -> CT    Optional l
-    *)
-    | Pcty_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-    | Pcty_open of open_description * class_type
-    (* let open M in CT *)
-  and class_signature (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_signature *) =
-    {
-      pcsig_self: core_type;
-      pcsig_fields: class_type_field list;
-    }
-  (* object('selfpat) ... end
-     object ... end             (self = Ptyp_any)
-  *)
-  and class_type_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_field *) =
-    {
-      pctf_desc: class_type_field_desc;
-      pctf_loc: Location.t;
-      pctf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-    }
-  and class_type_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_type_field_desc *) =
-    | Pctf_inherit of class_type
-    (* inherit CT *)
-    | Pctf_val of (label loc * mutable_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
-    (* val x: T *)
-    | Pctf_method  of (label loc * private_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
-    (* method x: T
-       Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly.
-    *)
-    | Pctf_constraint  of (core_type * core_type)
-    (* constraint T1 = T2 *)
-    | Pctf_attribute of attribute
-    (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pctf_extension of extension
-    (* [%%id] *)
-  and 'a class_infos (*IF_CURRENT = 'a Parsetree.class_infos *) =
-    {
-      pci_virt: virtual_flag;
-      pci_params: (core_type * variance) list;
-      pci_name: string loc;
-      pci_expr: 'a;
-      pci_loc: Location.t;
-      pci_attributes: attributes;  (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-    }
-  (* class c = ...
-     class ['a1,...,'an] c = ...
-     class virtual c = ...
-     Also used for "class type" declaration.
-  *)
-  and class_description = class_type class_infos
-  and class_type_declaration = class_type class_infos
-  (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-  and class_expr (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_expr *) =
-    {
-      pcl_desc: class_expr_desc;
-      pcl_loc: Location.t;
-      pcl_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and class_expr_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_expr_desc *) =
-    | Pcl_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
-    (* c
-       ['a1, ..., 'an] c *)
-    | Pcl_structure of class_structure
-    (* object ... end *)
-    | Pcl_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * class_expr
-    (* fun P -> CE                          (Simple, None)
-       fun ~l:P -> CE                       (Labelled l, None)
-       fun ?l:P -> CE                       (Optional l, None)
-       fun ?l:(P = E0) -> CE                (Optional l, Some E0)
-    *)
-    | Pcl_apply of class_expr * (arg_label * expression) list
-    (* CE ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
-       li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?'
-       (optional argument).
-       Invariant: n > 0
-    *)
-    | Pcl_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * class_expr
-    (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE      (flag = Nonrecursive)
-       let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE  (flag = Recursive)
-    *)
-    | Pcl_constraint of class_expr * class_type
-    (* (CE : CT) *)
-    | Pcl_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-    | Pcl_open of open_description * class_expr
-    (* let open M in CE *)
-  and class_structure (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_structure *) =
-    {
-      pcstr_self: pattern;
-      pcstr_fields: class_field list;
-    }
-  (* object(selfpat) ... end
-     object ... end           (self = Ppat_any)
-  *)
-  and class_field (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field *) =
-    {
-      pcf_desc: class_field_desc;
-      pcf_loc: Location.t;
-      pcf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-    }
-  and class_field_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field_desc *) =
-    | Pcf_inherit of override_flag * class_expr * string loc option
-    (* inherit CE
-       inherit CE as x
-       inherit! CE
-       inherit! CE as x
-    *)
-    | Pcf_val of (label loc * mutable_flag * class_field_kind)
-    (* val x = E
-       val virtual x: T
-    *)
-    | Pcf_method of (label loc * private_flag * class_field_kind)
-    (* method x = E            (E can be a Pexp_poly)
-       method virtual x: T     (T can be a Ptyp_poly)
-    *)
-    | Pcf_constraint of (core_type * core_type)
-    (* constraint T1 = T2 *)
-    | Pcf_initializer of expression
-    (* initializer E *)
-    | Pcf_attribute of attribute
-    (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pcf_extension of extension
-    (* [%%id] *)
-  and class_field_kind (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.class_field_kind *) =
-    | Cfk_virtual of core_type
-    | Cfk_concrete of override_flag * expression
-  and class_declaration = class_expr class_infos
-  (** {1 Module language} *)
-  (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-  and module_type (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type *) =
-    {
-      pmty_desc: module_type_desc;
-      pmty_loc: Location.t;
-      pmty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and module_type_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type_desc *) =
-    | Pmty_ident of Longident.t loc
-    (* S *)
-    | Pmty_signature of signature
-    (* sig ... end *)
-    | Pmty_functor of functor_parameter * module_type
-    (* functor(X : MT1) -> MT2 *)
-    | Pmty_with of module_type * with_constraint list
-    (* MT with ... *)
-    | Pmty_typeof of module_expr
-    (* module type of ME *)
-    | Pmty_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-    | Pmty_alias of Longident.t loc
-    (* (module M) *)
-  and functor_parameter (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.functor_parameter *) =
-    | Unit
-    (* () *)
-    | Named of string option loc * module_type
-    (* (X : MT)          Some X, MT
-       (_ : MT)          None, MT *)
-  and signature = signature_item list
-  and signature_item (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.signature_item *) =
-    {
-      psig_desc: signature_item_desc;
-      psig_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  and signature_item_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.signature_item_desc *) =
-    | Psig_value of value_description
-        (*
-          val x: T
-          external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"
-         *)
-    | Psig_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
-    (* type t1 = ... and ... and tn  = ... *)
-    | Psig_typesubst of type_declaration list
-    (* type t1 := ... and ... and tn := ...  *)
-    | Psig_typext of type_extension
-    (* type t1 += ... *)
-    | Psig_exception of type_exception
-    (* exception C of T *)
-    | Psig_module of module_declaration
-    (* module X = M
-       module X : MT *)
-    | Psig_modsubst of module_substitution
-    (* module X := M *)
-    | Psig_recmodule of module_declaration list
-    (* module rec X1 : MT1 and ... and Xn : MTn *)
-    | Psig_modtype of module_type_declaration
-    (* module type S = MT
-       module type S *)
-    | Psig_open of open_description
-    (* open X *)
-    | Psig_include of include_description
-    (* include MT *)
-    | Psig_class of class_description list
-    (* class c1 : ... and ... and cn : ... *)
-    | Psig_class_type of class_type_declaration list
-    (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *)
-    | Psig_attribute of attribute
-    (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Psig_extension of extension * attributes
-    (* [%%id] *)
-  and module_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_declaration *) =
-    {
-      pmd_name: string option loc;
-      pmd_type: module_type;
-      pmd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      pmd_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  (* S : MT *)
-  and module_substitution (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_substitution *) =
-    {
-      pms_name: string loc;
-      pms_manifest: Longident.t loc;
-      pms_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      pms_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  and module_type_declaration (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_type_declaration *) =
-    {
-      pmtd_name: string loc;
-      pmtd_type: module_type option;
-      pmtd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *)
-      pmtd_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  (* S = MT
-     S       (abstract module type declaration, pmtd_type = None)
-  *)
-  and 'a open_infos (*IF_CURRENT = 'a Parsetree.open_infos *) =
-    {
-      popen_expr: 'a;
-      popen_override: override_flag;
-      popen_loc: Location.t;
-      popen_attributes: attributes;
-    }
-  (* open! X - popen_override = Override (silences the 'used identifier
-                                shadowing' warning)
-     open  X - popen_override = Fresh
-  *)
-  and open_description = Longident.t loc open_infos
-  (* open M.N
-     open M(N).O *)
-  and open_declaration = module_expr open_infos
-  (* open M.N
-     open M(N).O
-     open struct ... end *)
-  and 'a include_infos (*IF_CURRENT = 'a Parsetree.include_infos *) =
-    {
-      pincl_mod: 'a;
-      pincl_loc: Location.t;
-      pincl_attributes: attributes;
-    }
-  and include_description = module_type include_infos
-  (* include MT *)
-  and include_declaration = module_expr include_infos
-  (* include ME *)
-  and with_constraint (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.with_constraint *) =
-    | Pwith_type of Longident.t loc * type_declaration
-    (* with type X.t = ...
-       Note: the last component of the longident must match
-       the name of the type_declaration. *)
-    | Pwith_module of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc
-    (* with module X.Y = Z *)
-    | Pwith_typesubst of Longident.t loc * type_declaration
-    (* with type X.t := ..., same format as [Pwith_type] *)
-    | Pwith_modsubst of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc
-    (* with module X.Y := Z *)
-  (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-  and module_expr (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_expr *) =
-    {
-      pmod_desc: module_expr_desc;
-      pmod_loc: Location.t;
-      pmod_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-    }
-  and module_expr_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_expr_desc *) =
-    | Pmod_ident of Longident.t loc
-    (* X *)
-    | Pmod_structure of structure
-    (* struct ... end *)
-    | Pmod_functor of functor_parameter * module_expr
-    (* functor(X : MT1) -> ME *)
-    | Pmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr
-    (* ME1(ME2) *)
-    | Pmod_constraint of module_expr * module_type
-    (* (ME : MT) *)
-    | Pmod_unpack of expression
-    (* (val E) *)
-    | Pmod_extension of extension
-    (* [%id] *)
-  and structure = structure_item list
-  and structure_item (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.structure_item *) =
-    {
-      pstr_desc: structure_item_desc;
-      pstr_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  and structure_item_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.structure_item_desc *) =
-    | Pstr_eval of expression * attributes
-    (* E *)
-    | Pstr_value of rec_flag * value_binding list
-    (* let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN       (flag = Nonrecursive)
-       let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN   (flag = Recursive)
-    *)
-    | Pstr_primitive of value_description
-    (*  val x: T
-        external x: T = "s1" ... "sn" *)
-    | Pstr_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
-    (* type t1 = ... and ... and tn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_typext of type_extension
-    (* type t1 += ... *)
-    | Pstr_exception of type_exception
-    (* exception C of T
-       exception C = M.X *)
-    | Pstr_module of module_binding
-    (* module X = ME *)
-    | Pstr_recmodule of module_binding list
-    (* module rec X1 = ME1 and ... and Xn = MEn *)
-    | Pstr_modtype of module_type_declaration
-    (* module type S = MT *)
-    | Pstr_open of open_declaration
-    (* open X *)
-    | Pstr_class of class_declaration list
-    (* class c1 = ... and ... and cn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_class_type of class_type_declaration list
-    (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *)
-    | Pstr_include of include_declaration
-    (* include ME *)
-    | Pstr_attribute of attribute
-    (* [@@@id] *)
-    | Pstr_extension of extension * attributes
-    (* [%%id] *)
-  and value_binding (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.value_binding *) =
-    {
-      pvb_pat: pattern;
-      pvb_expr: expression;
-      pvb_attributes: attributes;
-      pvb_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  and module_binding (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.module_binding *) =
-    {
-      pmb_name: string option loc;
-      pmb_expr: module_expr;
-      pmb_attributes: attributes;
-      pmb_loc: Location.t;
-    }
-  (* X = ME *)
-  (** {1 Toplevel} *)
-  (* Toplevel phrases *)
-  type toplevel_phrase (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.toplevel_phrase *) =
-    | Ptop_def of structure
-    | Ptop_dir of toplevel_directive
-    (* #use, #load ... *)
-  and toplevel_directive (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.toplevel_directive *) =
-    {
-      pdir_name : string loc;
-      pdir_arg : directive_argument option;
-      pdir_loc : Location.t;
-    }
-  and directive_argument (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.directive_argument *) =
-    {
-      pdira_desc : directive_argument_desc;
-      pdira_loc : Location.t;
-    }
-  and directive_argument_desc (*IF_CURRENT = Parsetree.directive_argument_desc *) =
-    | Pdir_string of string
-    | Pdir_int of string * char option
-    | Pdir_ident of Longident.t
-    | Pdir_bool of bool
-module Docstrings : sig
-  (** (Re)Initialise all docstring state *)
-  val init : unit -> unit
-  (** Emit warnings for unattached and ambiguous docstrings *)
-  val warn_bad_docstrings : unit -> unit
-  (** {2 Docstrings} *)
-  (** Documentation comments *)
-  type docstring
-  (** Create a docstring *)
-  val docstring : string -> Location.t -> docstring
-  (** Register a docstring *)
-  val register : docstring -> unit
-  (** Get the text of a docstring *)
-  val docstring_body : docstring -> string
-  (** Get the location of a docstring *)
-  val docstring_loc : docstring -> Location.t
-  (** {2 Set functions}
-      These functions are used by the lexer to associate docstrings to
-      the locations of tokens. *)
-  (** Docstrings immediately preceding a token *)
-  val set_pre_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
-  (** Docstrings immediately following a token *)
-  val set_post_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
-  (** Docstrings not immediately adjacent to a token *)
-  val set_floating_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
-  (** Docstrings immediately following the token which precedes this one *)
-  val set_pre_extra_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
-  (** Docstrings immediately preceding the token which follows this one *)
-  val set_post_extra_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
-  (** {2 Items}
-      The {!docs} type represents documentation attached to an item. *)
-  type docs =
-    { docs_pre: docstring option;
-      docs_post: docstring option; }
-  val empty_docs : docs
-  val docs_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert item documentation to attributes and add them to an
-      attribute list *)
-  val add_docs_attrs : docs -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** Fetch the item documentation for the current symbol. This also
-      marks this documentation (for ambiguity warnings). *)
-  val symbol_docs : unit -> docs
-  val symbol_docs_lazy : unit -> docs Lazy.t
-  (** Fetch the item documentation for the symbols between two
-      positions. This also marks this documentation (for ambiguity
-      warnings). *)
-  val rhs_docs : int -> int -> docs
-  val rhs_docs_lazy : int -> int -> docs Lazy.t
-  (** Mark the item documentation for the current symbol (for ambiguity
-      warnings). *)
-  val mark_symbol_docs : unit -> unit
-  (** Mark as associated the item documentation for the symbols between
-      two positions (for ambiguity warnings) *)
-  val mark_rhs_docs : int -> int -> unit
-  (** {2 Fields and constructors}
-      The {!info} type represents documentation attached to a field or
-      constructor. *)
-  type info = docstring option
-  val empty_info : info
-  val info_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert field info to attributes and add them to an
-      attribute list *)
-  val add_info_attrs : info -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** Fetch the field info for the current symbol. *)
-  val symbol_info : unit -> info
-  (** Fetch the field info following the symbol at a given position. *)
-  val rhs_info : int -> info
-  (** {2 Unattached comments}
-      The {!text} type represents documentation which is not attached to
-      anything. *)
-  type text = docstring list
-  val empty_text : text
-  val empty_text_lazy : text Lazy.t
-  val text_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
-  (** Convert text to attributes and add them to an attribute list *)
-  val add_text_attrs : text -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
-  (** Fetch the text preceding the current symbol. *)
-  val symbol_text : unit -> text
-  val symbol_text_lazy : unit -> text Lazy.t
-  (** Fetch the text preceding the symbol at the given position. *)
-  val rhs_text : int -> text
-  val rhs_text_lazy : int -> text Lazy.t
-  (** {2 Extra text}
-      There may be additional text attached to the delimiters of a block
-      (e.g. [struct] and [end]). This is fetched by the following
-      functions, which are applied to the contents of the block rather
-      than the delimiters. *)
-  (** Fetch additional text preceding the current symbol *)
-  val symbol_pre_extra_text : unit -> text
-  (** Fetch additional text following the current symbol *)
-  val symbol_post_extra_text : unit -> text
-  (** Fetch additional text preceding the symbol at the given position *)
-  val rhs_pre_extra_text : int -> text
-  (** Fetch additional text following the symbol at the given position *)
-  val rhs_post_extra_text : int -> text
-  (** Fetch text following the symbol at the given position *)
-  val rhs_post_text : int -> text
-  module WithMenhir: sig
-    (** Fetch the item documentation for the current symbol. This also
-        marks this documentation (for ambiguity warnings). *)
-    val symbol_docs : Lexing.position * Lexing.position -> docs
-    val symbol_docs_lazy : Lexing.position * Lexing.position -> docs Lazy.t
-    (** Fetch the item documentation for the symbols between two
-        positions. This also marks this documentation (for ambiguity
-        warnings). *)
-    val rhs_docs : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> docs
-    val rhs_docs_lazy : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> docs Lazy.t
-    (** Mark the item documentation for the current symbol (for ambiguity
-        warnings). *)
-    val mark_symbol_docs : Lexing.position * Lexing.position -> unit
-    (** Mark as associated the item documentation for the symbols between
-        two positions (for ambiguity warnings) *)
-    val mark_rhs_docs : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> unit
-    (** Fetch the field info for the current symbol. *)
-    val symbol_info : Lexing.position -> info
-    (** Fetch the field info following the symbol at a given position. *)
-    val rhs_info : Lexing.position -> info
-    (** Fetch the text preceding the current symbol. *)
-    val symbol_text : Lexing.position -> text
-    val symbol_text_lazy : Lexing.position -> text Lazy.t
-    (** Fetch the text preceding the symbol at the given position. *)
-    val rhs_text : Lexing.position -> text
-    val rhs_text_lazy : Lexing.position -> text Lazy.t
-    (** {3 Extra text}
-        There may be additional text attached to the delimiters of a block
-        (e.g. [struct] and [end]). This is fetched by the following
-        functions, which are applied to the contents of the block rather
-        than the delimiters. *)
-    (** Fetch additional text preceding the current symbol *)
-    val symbol_pre_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
-    (** Fetch additional text following the current symbol *)
-    val symbol_post_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
-    (** Fetch additional text preceding the symbol at the given position *)
-    val rhs_pre_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
-    (** Fetch additional text following the symbol at the given position *)
-    val rhs_post_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
-    (** Fetch text following the symbol at the given position *)
-    val rhs_post_text : Lexing.position -> text
-  end
-end = struct
-  open Location
-  (* Docstrings *)
-  (* A docstring is "attached" if it has been inserted in the AST. This
-     is used for generating unexpected docstring warnings. *)
-  type ds_attached =
-    | Unattached   (* Not yet attached anything.*)
-    | Info         (* Attached to a field or constructor. *)
-    | Docs         (* Attached to an item or as floating text. *)
-  (* A docstring is "associated" with an item if there are no blank lines between
-     them. This is used for generating docstring ambiguity warnings. *)
-  type ds_associated =
-    | Zero             (* Not associated with an item *)
-    | One              (* Associated with one item *)
-    | Many             (* Associated with multiple items (ambiguity) *)
-  type docstring =
-    { ds_body: string;
-      ds_loc: Location.t;
-      mutable ds_attached: ds_attached;
-      mutable ds_associated: ds_associated; }
-  (* List of docstrings *)
-  let docstrings : docstring list ref = ref []
-  (* Warn for unused and ambiguous docstrings *)
-  let warn_bad_docstrings () =
-    if Warnings.is_active (Warnings.Bad_docstring true) then begin
-      List.iter
-        (fun ds ->
-           match ds.ds_attached with
-           | Info -> ()
-           | Unattached ->
-               prerr_warning ds.ds_loc (Warnings.Bad_docstring true)
-           | Docs ->
-               match ds.ds_associated with
-               | Zero | One -> ()
-               | Many ->
-                   prerr_warning ds.ds_loc (Warnings.Bad_docstring false))
-        (List.rev !docstrings)
-    end
-  (* Docstring constructors and destructors *)
-  let docstring body loc =
-    let ds =
-      { ds_body = body;
-        ds_loc = loc;
-        ds_attached = Unattached;
-        ds_associated = Zero; }
-    in
-    ds
-  let register ds =
-    docstrings := ds :: !docstrings
-  let docstring_body ds = ds.ds_body
-  let docstring_loc ds = ds.ds_loc
-  (* Docstrings attached to items *)
-  type docs =
-    { docs_pre: docstring option;
-      docs_post: docstring option; }
-  let empty_docs = { docs_pre = None; docs_post = None }
-  let doc_loc = {txt = "ocaml.doc"; loc = Location.none}
-  let docs_attr ds =
-    let open Parsetree in
-    let exp =
-      { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(ds.ds_body, None));
-        pexp_loc = ds.ds_loc;
-        pexp_loc_stack = [];
-        pexp_attributes = []; }
-    in
-    let item =
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = exp.pexp_loc }
-    in
-    { attr_name = doc_loc;
-      attr_payload = PStr [item];
-      attr_loc = Location.none }
-  let add_docs_attrs docs attrs =
-    let attrs =
-      match docs.docs_pre with
-      | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
-      | Some ds -> docs_attr ds :: attrs
-    in
-    let attrs =
-      match docs.docs_post with
-      | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
-      | Some ds -> attrs @ [docs_attr ds]
-    in
-    attrs
-  (* Docstrings attached to constructors or fields *)
-  type info = docstring option
-  let empty_info = None
-  let info_attr = docs_attr
-  let add_info_attrs info attrs =
-    match info with
-    | None | Some {ds_body=""; _} -> attrs
-    | Some ds -> attrs @ [info_attr ds]
-  (* Docstrings not attached to a specific item *)
-  type text = docstring list
-  let empty_text = []
-  let empty_text_lazy = lazy []
-  let text_loc = {txt = "ocaml.text"; loc = Location.none}
-  let text_attr ds =
-    let open Parsetree in
-    let exp =
-      { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(ds.ds_body, None));
-        pexp_loc = ds.ds_loc;
-        pexp_loc_stack = [];
-        pexp_attributes = []; }
-    in
-    let item =
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = exp.pexp_loc }
-    in
-    { attr_name = text_loc;
-      attr_payload = PStr [item];
-      attr_loc = Location.none }
-  let add_text_attrs dsl attrs =
-    let fdsl = List.filter (function {ds_body=""} -> false| _ ->true) dsl in
-    ( text_attr fdsl) @ attrs
-  (* Find the first non-info docstring in a list, attach it and return it *)
-  let get_docstring ~info dsl =
-    let rec loop = function
-      | [] -> None
-      | {ds_attached = Info; _} :: rest -> loop rest
-      | ds :: _ ->
-          ds.ds_attached <- if info then Info else Docs;
-          Some ds
-    in
-    loop dsl
-  (* Find all the non-info docstrings in a list, attach them and return them *)
-  let get_docstrings dsl =
-    let rec loop acc = function
-      | [] -> List.rev acc
-      | {ds_attached = Info; _} :: rest -> loop acc rest
-      | ds :: rest ->
-          ds.ds_attached <- Docs;
-          loop (ds :: acc) rest
-    in
-    loop [] dsl
-  (* "Associate" all the docstrings in a list *)
-  let associate_docstrings dsl =
-    List.iter
-      (fun ds ->
-         match ds.ds_associated with
-         | Zero -> ds.ds_associated <- One
-         | (One | Many) -> ds.ds_associated <- Many)
-      dsl
-  (* Map from positions to pre docstrings *)
-  let pre_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
-    Hashtbl.create 50
-  let set_pre_docstrings pos dsl =
-    if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add pre_table pos dsl
-  let get_pre_docs pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find pre_table pos in
-      associate_docstrings dsl;
-      get_docstring ~info:false dsl
-    with Not_found -> None
-  let mark_pre_docs pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find pre_table pos in
-      associate_docstrings dsl
-    with Not_found -> ()
-  (* Map from positions to post docstrings *)
-  let post_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
-    Hashtbl.create 50
-  let set_post_docstrings pos dsl =
-    if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add post_table pos dsl
-  let get_post_docs pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_table pos in
-      associate_docstrings dsl;
-      get_docstring ~info:false dsl
-    with Not_found -> None
-  let mark_post_docs pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_table pos in
-      associate_docstrings dsl
-    with Not_found -> ()
-  let get_info pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_table pos in
-      get_docstring ~info:true dsl
-    with Not_found -> None
-  (* Map from positions to floating docstrings *)
-  let floating_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
-    Hashtbl.create 50
-  let set_floating_docstrings pos dsl =
-    if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add floating_table pos dsl
-  let get_text pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find floating_table pos in
-      get_docstrings dsl
-    with Not_found -> []
-  let get_post_text pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_table pos in
-      get_docstrings dsl
-    with Not_found -> []
-  (* Maps from positions to extra docstrings *)
-  let pre_extra_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
-    Hashtbl.create 50
-  let set_pre_extra_docstrings pos dsl =
-    if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add pre_extra_table pos dsl
-  let get_pre_extra_text pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find pre_extra_table pos in
-      get_docstrings dsl
-    with Not_found -> []
-  let post_extra_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
-    Hashtbl.create 50
-  let set_post_extra_docstrings pos dsl =
-    if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add post_extra_table pos dsl
-  let get_post_extra_text pos =
-    try
-      let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_extra_table pos in
-      get_docstrings dsl
-    with Not_found -> []
-  (* Docstrings from parser actions *)
-  module WithParsing = struct
-    let symbol_docs () =
-      { docs_pre = get_pre_docs (Parsing.symbol_start_pos ());
-        docs_post = get_post_docs (Parsing.symbol_end_pos ()); }
-    let symbol_docs_lazy () =
-      let p1 = Parsing.symbol_start_pos () in
-      let p2 = Parsing.symbol_end_pos () in
-      lazy { docs_pre = get_pre_docs p1;
-             docs_post = get_post_docs p2; }
-    let rhs_docs pos1 pos2 =
-      { docs_pre = get_pre_docs (Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos1);
-        docs_post = get_post_docs (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos2); }
-    let rhs_docs_lazy pos1 pos2 =
-      let p1 = Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos1 in
-      let p2 = Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos2 in
-      lazy { docs_pre = get_pre_docs p1;
-             docs_post = get_post_docs p2; }
-    let mark_symbol_docs () =
-      mark_pre_docs (Parsing.symbol_start_pos ());
-      mark_post_docs (Parsing.symbol_end_pos ())
-    let mark_rhs_docs pos1 pos2 =
-      mark_pre_docs (Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos1);
-      mark_post_docs (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos2)
-    let symbol_info () =
-      get_info (Parsing.symbol_end_pos ())
-    let rhs_info pos =
-      get_info (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos)
-    let symbol_text () =
-      get_text (Parsing.symbol_start_pos ())
-    let symbol_text_lazy () =
-      let pos = Parsing.symbol_start_pos () in
-      lazy (get_text pos)
-    let rhs_text pos =
-      get_text (Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos)
-    let rhs_post_text pos =
-      get_post_text (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos)
-    let rhs_text_lazy pos =
-      let pos = Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos in
-      lazy (get_text pos)
-    let symbol_pre_extra_text () =
-      get_pre_extra_text (Parsing.symbol_start_pos ())
-    let symbol_post_extra_text () =
-      get_post_extra_text (Parsing.symbol_end_pos ())
-    let rhs_pre_extra_text pos =
-      get_pre_extra_text (Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos)
-    let rhs_post_extra_text pos =
-      get_post_extra_text (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos)
-  end
-  include WithParsing
-  module WithMenhir = struct
-    let symbol_docs (startpos, endpos) =
-      { docs_pre = get_pre_docs startpos;
-        docs_post = get_post_docs endpos; }
-    let symbol_docs_lazy (p1, p2) =
-      lazy { docs_pre = get_pre_docs p1;
-             docs_post = get_post_docs p2; }
-    let rhs_docs pos1 pos2 =
-      { docs_pre = get_pre_docs pos1;
-        docs_post = get_post_docs pos2; }
-    let rhs_docs_lazy p1 p2 =
-      lazy { docs_pre = get_pre_docs p1;
-             docs_post = get_post_docs p2; }
-    let mark_symbol_docs (startpos, endpos) =
-      mark_pre_docs startpos;
-      mark_post_docs endpos;
-      ()
-    let mark_rhs_docs pos1 pos2 =
-      mark_pre_docs pos1;
-      mark_post_docs pos2;
-      ()
-    let symbol_info endpos =
-      get_info endpos
-    let rhs_info endpos =
-      get_info endpos
-    let symbol_text startpos =
-      get_text startpos
-    let symbol_text_lazy startpos =
-      lazy (get_text startpos)
-    let rhs_text pos =
-      get_text pos
-    let rhs_post_text pos =
-      get_post_text pos
-    let rhs_text_lazy pos =
-      lazy (get_text pos)
-    let symbol_pre_extra_text startpos =
-      get_pre_extra_text startpos
-    let symbol_post_extra_text endpos =
-      get_post_extra_text endpos
-    let rhs_pre_extra_text pos =
-      get_pre_extra_text pos
-    let rhs_post_extra_text pos =
-      get_post_extra_text pos
-  end
-  (* (Re)Initialise all comment state *)
-  let init () =
-    docstrings := [];
-    Hashtbl.reset pre_table;
-    Hashtbl.reset post_table;
-    Hashtbl.reset floating_table;
-    Hashtbl.reset pre_extra_table;
-    Hashtbl.reset post_extra_table
-module Ast_helper : sig
-  open Asttypes
-  open Docstrings
-  open Parsetree
-  type 'a with_loc = 'a Location.loc
-  type loc = Location.t
-  type lid = Longident.t with_loc
-  type str = string with_loc
-  type str_opt = string option with_loc
-  type attrs = attribute list
-  (** {1 Default locations} *)
-  val default_loc: loc ref
-  (** Default value for all optional location arguments. *)
-  val with_default_loc: loc -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
-  (** Set the [default_loc] within the scope of the execution
-      of the provided function. *)
-  (** {1 Constants} *)
-  module Const : sig
-    val char : char -> constant
-    val string : ?quotation_delimiter:string -> string -> constant
-    val integer : ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
-    val int : ?suffix:char -> int -> constant
-    val int32 : ?suffix:char -> int32 -> constant
-    val int64 : ?suffix:char -> int64 -> constant
-    val nativeint : ?suffix:char -> nativeint -> constant
-    val float : ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
-  end
-  (** {1 Attributes} *)
-  module Attr : sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> str -> payload -> attribute
-  end
-  (** {1 Core language} *)
-  (** Type expressions *)
-  module Typ :
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type_desc -> core_type
-    val attr: core_type -> attribute -> core_type
-    val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> core_type
-    val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> core_type
-    val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> core_type -> core_type
-      -> core_type
-    val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type list -> core_type
-    val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
-    val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> object_field list
-      -> closed_flag -> core_type
-    val class_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
-    val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> string -> core_type
-    val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> row_field list -> closed_flag
-      -> label list option -> core_type
-    val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str list -> core_type -> core_type
-    val package: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> (lid * core_type) list
-      -> core_type
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> core_type
-    val force_poly: core_type -> core_type
-    val varify_constructors: str list -> core_type -> core_type
-    (** [varify_constructors newtypes te] is type expression [te], of which
-        any of nullary type constructor [tc] is replaced by type variable of
-        the same name, if [tc]'s name appears in [newtypes].
-        Raise [Syntaxerr.Variable_in_scope] if any type variable inside [te]
-        appears in [newtypes].
-        @since 4.05
-    *)
-  end
-  (** Patterns *)
-  module Pat:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern_desc -> pattern
-    val attr:pattern -> attribute -> pattern
-    val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern
-    val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> pattern
-    val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> str -> pattern
-    val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> pattern
-    val interval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> constant -> pattern
-    val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-    val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> pattern option -> pattern
-    val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> pattern option -> pattern
-    val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * pattern) list -> closed_flag
-      -> pattern
-    val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-    val or_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern -> pattern
-    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> core_type -> pattern
-    val type_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> pattern
-    val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
-    val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str_opt -> pattern
-    val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs  -> lid -> pattern -> pattern
-    val exception_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> pattern
-  end
-  (** Expressions *)
-  module Exp:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression_desc -> expression
-    val attr: expression -> attribute -> expression
-    val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
-    val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> expression
-    val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list
-      -> expression -> expression
-    val fun_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> expression option
-      -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-    val function_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> case list -> expression
-    val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression
-      -> (arg_label * expression) list -> expression
-    val match_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> case list
-      -> expression
-    val try_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> case list -> expression
-    val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-    val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression option
-      -> expression
-    val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> expression option
-      -> expression
-    val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * expression) list
-      -> expression option -> expression
-    val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
-    val setfield: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
-      -> expression
-    val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-    val ifthenelse: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      -> expression option -> expression
-    val sequence: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      -> expression
-    val while_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-      -> expression
-    val for_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-      -> direction_flag -> expression -> expression
-    val coerce: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option
-      -> core_type -> expression
-    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type
-      -> expression
-    val send: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> str -> expression
-    val new_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
-    val setinstvar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> expression -> expression
-    val override: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (str * expression) list
-      -> expression
-    val letmodule: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str_opt -> module_expr
-      -> expression -> expression
-    val letexception:
-      ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension_constructor -> expression
-      -> expression
-    val assert_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-    val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
-    val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option
-      -> expression
-    val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> expression
-    val newtype: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> expression -> expression
-    val pack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> expression
-    val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> open_declaration -> expression
-      -> expression
-    val letop: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> binding_op
-      -> binding_op list -> expression -> expression
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> expression
-    val unreachable: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> expression
-    val case: pattern -> ?guard:expression -> expression -> case
-    val binding_op: str -> pattern -> expression -> loc -> binding_op
-  end
-  (** Value declarations *)
-  module Val:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-      ?prim:string list -> str -> core_type -> value_description
-  end
-  (** Type declarations *)
-  module Type:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      ?params:(core_type * variance) list ->
-      ?cstrs:(core_type * core_type * loc) list ->
-      ?kind:type_kind -> ?priv:private_flag -> ?manifest:core_type -> str ->
-      type_declaration
-    val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
-      ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type -> str ->
-      constructor_declaration
-    val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
-      ?mut:mutable_flag -> str -> core_type -> label_declaration
-  end
-  (** Type extensions *)
-  module Te:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-      ?params:(core_type * variance) list -> ?priv:private_flag ->
-      lid -> extension_constructor list -> type_extension
-    val mk_exception: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-      extension_constructor -> type_exception
-    val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-      str -> extension_constructor_kind -> extension_constructor
-    val decl: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-      ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type -> str ->
-      extension_constructor
-    val rebind: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
-      str -> lid -> extension_constructor
-  end
-  (** {1 Module language} *)
-  (** Module type expressions *)
-  module Mty:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type_desc -> module_type
-    val attr: module_type -> attribute -> module_type
-    val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
-    val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
-    val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> signature -> module_type
-    val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-      functor_parameter -> module_type -> module_type
-    val with_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type ->
-      with_constraint list -> module_type
-    val typeof_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_type
-  end
-  (** Module expressions *)
-  module Mod:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr_desc -> module_expr
-    val attr: module_expr -> attribute -> module_expr
-    val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_expr
-    val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> structure -> module_expr
-    val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-      functor_parameter -> module_expr -> module_expr
-    val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_expr ->
-      module_expr
-    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type ->
-      module_expr
-    val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> module_expr
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_expr
-  end
-  (** Signature items *)
-  module Sig:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> signature_item_desc -> signature_item
-    val value: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> signature_item
-    val type_: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> type_declaration list -> signature_item
-    val type_subst: ?loc:loc -> type_declaration list -> signature_item
-    val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> signature_item
-    val exception_: ?loc:loc -> type_exception -> signature_item
-    val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration -> signature_item
-    val mod_subst: ?loc:loc -> module_substitution -> signature_item
-    val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration list -> signature_item
-    val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> signature_item
-    val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_description -> signature_item
-    val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_description -> signature_item
-    val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_description list -> signature_item
-    val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> signature_item
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> signature_item
-    val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> signature_item
-    val text: text -> signature_item list
-  end
-  (** Structure items *)
-  module Str:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> structure_item_desc -> structure_item
-    val eval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attributes -> expression -> structure_item
-    val value: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> value_binding list -> structure_item
-    val primitive: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> structure_item
-    val type_: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> type_declaration list -> structure_item
-    val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> structure_item
-    val exception_: ?loc:loc -> type_exception -> structure_item
-    val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_binding -> structure_item
-    val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_binding list -> structure_item
-    val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> structure_item
-    val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_declaration -> structure_item
-    val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_declaration list -> structure_item
-    val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> structure_item
-    val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_declaration -> structure_item
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> structure_item
-    val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> structure_item
-    val text: text -> structure_item list
-  end
-  (** Module declarations *)
-  module Md:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      str_opt -> module_type -> module_declaration
-  end
-  (** Module substitutions *)
-  module Ms:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      str -> lid -> module_substitution
-  end
-  (** Module type declarations *)
-  module Mtd:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      ?typ:module_type -> str -> module_type_declaration
-  end
-  (** Module bindings *)
-  module Mb:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      str_opt -> module_expr -> module_binding
-  end
-  (** Opens *)
-  module Opn:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-      ?override:override_flag -> 'a -> 'a open_infos
-  end
-  (** Includes *)
-  module Incl:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> 'a -> 'a include_infos
-  end
-  (** Value bindings *)
-  module Vb:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      pattern -> expression -> value_binding
-  end
-  (** {1 Class language} *)
-  (** Class type expressions *)
-  module Cty:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type_desc -> class_type
-    val attr: class_type -> attribute -> class_type
-    val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_type
-    val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_signature -> class_type
-    val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> core_type ->
-      class_type -> class_type
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type
-    val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> open_description -> class_type
-      -> class_type
-  end
-  (** Class type fields *)
-  module Ctf:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
-      class_type_field_desc -> class_type_field
-    val attr: class_type_field -> attribute -> class_type_field
-    val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type -> class_type_field
-    val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> mutable_flag ->
-      virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
-    val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> private_flag ->
-      virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
-    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type ->
-      class_type_field
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type_field
-    val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_type_field
-    val text: text -> class_type_field list
-  end
-  (** Class expressions *)
-  module Cl:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr_desc -> class_expr
-    val attr: class_expr -> attribute -> class_expr
-    val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_expr
-    val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> class_expr
-    val fun_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> expression option ->
-      pattern -> class_expr -> class_expr
-    val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr ->
-      (arg_label * expression) list -> class_expr
-    val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list ->
-      class_expr -> class_expr
-    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr -> class_type ->
-      class_expr
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_expr
-    val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> open_description -> class_expr
-      -> class_expr
-  end
-  (** Class fields *)
-  module Cf:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> class_field_desc ->
-      class_field
-    val attr: class_field -> attribute -> class_field
-    val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> class_expr ->
-      str option -> class_field
-    val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> mutable_flag ->
-      class_field_kind -> class_field
-    val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> private_flag ->
-      class_field_kind -> class_field
-    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type ->
-      class_field
-    val initializer_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> class_field
-    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_field
-    val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_field
-    val text: text -> class_field list
-    val virtual_: core_type -> class_field_kind
-    val concrete: override_flag -> expression -> class_field_kind
-  end
-  (** Classes *)
-  module Ci:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
-      ?virt:virtual_flag -> ?params:(core_type * variance) list ->
-      str -> 'a -> 'a class_infos
-  end
-  (** Class signatures *)
-  module Csig:
-  sig
-    val mk: core_type -> class_type_field list -> class_signature
-  end
-  (** Class structures *)
-  module Cstr:
-  sig
-    val mk: pattern -> class_field list -> class_structure
-  end
-  (** Row fields *)
-  module Rf:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> row_field_desc -> row_field
-    val tag: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-      label with_loc -> bool -> core_type list -> row_field
-    val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> core_type -> row_field
-  end
-  (** Object fields *)
-  module Of:
-  sig
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-      object_field_desc -> object_field
-    val tag: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
-      label with_loc -> core_type -> object_field
-    val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> core_type -> object_field
-  end
-end = struct
-  open Asttypes
-  open Parsetree
-  open Docstrings
-  type 'a with_loc = 'a Location.loc
-  type loc = Location.t
-  type lid = Longident.t with_loc
-  type str = string with_loc
-  type str_opt = string option with_loc
-  type attrs = attribute list
-  let default_loc = ref Location.none
-  let with_default_loc l f =
-    Misc.protect_refs [Misc.R (default_loc, l)] f
-  module Const = struct
-    let integer ?suffix i = Pconst_integer (i, suffix)
-    let int ?suffix i = integer ?suffix (Int.to_string i)
-    let int32 ?(suffix='l') i = integer ~suffix (Int32.to_string i)
-    let int64 ?(suffix='L') i = integer ~suffix (Int64.to_string i)
-    let nativeint ?(suffix='n') i = integer ~suffix (Nativeint.to_string i)
-    let float ?suffix f = Pconst_float (f, suffix)
-    let char c = Pconst_char c
-    let string ?quotation_delimiter s = Pconst_string (s, quotation_delimiter)
-  end
-  module Attr = struct
-    let mk ?(loc= !default_loc) name payload =
-      { attr_name = name;
-        attr_payload = payload;
-        attr_loc = loc }
-  end
-  module Typ = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {ptyp_desc = d;
-       ptyp_loc = loc;
-       ptyp_loc_stack = [];
-       ptyp_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with ptyp_attributes = d.ptyp_attributes @ [a]}
-    let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ptyp_any
-    let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_var a)
-    let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_arrow (a, b, c))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_tuple a)
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_constr (a, b))
-    let object_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_object (a, b))
-    let class_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_class (a, b))
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_alias (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_variant (a, b, c))
-    let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_poly (a, b))
-    let package ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_package (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_extension a)
-    let force_poly t =
-      match t.ptyp_desc with
-      | Ptyp_poly _ -> t
-      | _ -> poly ~loc:t.ptyp_loc [] t (* -> ghost? *)
-    let varify_constructors var_names t =
-      let check_variable vl loc v =
-        if List.mem v vl then
-          raise Syntaxerr.(Error(Variable_in_scope(loc,v))) in
-      let var_names = (fun v -> v.txt) var_names in
-      let rec loop t =
-        let desc =
-          match t.ptyp_desc with
-          | Ptyp_any -> Ptyp_any
-          | Ptyp_var x ->
-              check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc x;
-              Ptyp_var x
-          | Ptyp_arrow (label,core_type,core_type') ->
-              Ptyp_arrow(label, loop core_type, loop core_type')
-          | Ptyp_tuple lst -> Ptyp_tuple ( loop lst)
-          | Ptyp_constr( { txt = Longident.Lident s }, [])
-            when List.mem s var_names ->
-              Ptyp_var s
-          | Ptyp_constr(longident, lst) ->
-              Ptyp_constr(longident, loop lst)
-          | Ptyp_object (lst, o) ->
-              Ptyp_object ( loop_object_field lst, o)
-          | Ptyp_class (longident, lst) ->
-              Ptyp_class (longident, loop lst)
-          | Ptyp_alias(core_type, string) ->
-              check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc string;
-              Ptyp_alias(loop core_type, string)
-          | Ptyp_variant(row_field_list, flag, lbl_lst_option) ->
-              Ptyp_variant( loop_row_field row_field_list,
-                           flag, lbl_lst_option)
-          | Ptyp_poly(string_lst, core_type) ->
-              List.iter (fun v ->
-                  check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc v.txt) string_lst;
-              Ptyp_poly(string_lst, loop core_type)
-          | Ptyp_package(longident,lst) ->
-              Ptyp_package(longident, (fun (n,typ) -> (n,loop typ) ) lst)
-          | Ptyp_extension (s, arg) ->
-              Ptyp_extension (s, arg)
-        in
-        {t with ptyp_desc = desc}
-      and loop_row_field field =
-        let prf_desc = match field.prf_desc with
-          | Rtag(label,flag,lst) ->
-              Rtag(label,flag, loop lst)
-          | Rinherit t ->
-              Rinherit (loop t)
-        in
-        { field with prf_desc; }
-      and loop_object_field field =
-        let pof_desc = match field.pof_desc with
-          | Otag(label, t) ->
-              Otag(label, loop t)
-          | Oinherit t ->
-              Oinherit (loop t)
-        in
-        { field with pof_desc; }
-      in
-      loop t
-  end
-  module Pat = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {ppat_desc = d;
-       ppat_loc = loc;
-       ppat_loc_stack = [];
-       ppat_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with ppat_attributes = d.ppat_attributes @ [a]}
-    let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ppat_any
-    let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_var a)
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_alias (a, b))
-    let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constant a)
-    let interval ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_interval (a, b))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_tuple a)
-    let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_construct (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_variant (a, b))
-    let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_record (a, b))
-    let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_array a)
-    let or_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_or (a, b))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constraint (a, b))
-    let type_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_type a)
-    let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_lazy a)
-    let unpack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_unpack a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_open (a, b))
-    let exception_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_exception a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_extension a)
-  end
-  module Exp = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pexp_desc = d;
-       pexp_loc = loc;
-       pexp_loc_stack = [];
-       pexp_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pexp_attributes = d.pexp_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ident a)
-    let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constant a)
-    let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_let (a, b, c))
-    let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_fun (a, b, c, d))
-    let function_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_function a)
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_apply (a, b))
-    let match_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_match (a, b))
-    let try_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_try (a, b))
-    let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_tuple a)
-    let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_construct (a, b))
-    let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_variant (a, b))
-    let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_record (a, b))
-    let field ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_field (a, b))
-    let setfield ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setfield (a, b, c))
-    let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_array a)
-    let ifthenelse ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ifthenelse (a, b, c))
-    let sequence ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_sequence (a, b))
-    let while_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_while (a, b))
-    let for_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_for (a, b, c, d, e))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constraint (a, b))
-    let coerce ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_coerce (a, b, c))
-    let send ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_send (a, b))
-    let new_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_new a)
-    let setinstvar ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setinstvar (a, b))
-    let override ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_override a)
-    let letmodule ?loc ?attrs a b c= mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letmodule (a, b, c))
-    let letexception ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letexception (a, b))
-    let assert_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_assert a)
-    let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_lazy a)
-    let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_poly (a, b))
-    let object_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_object a)
-    let newtype ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_newtype (a, b))
-    let pack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_pack a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_open (a, b))
-    let letop ?loc ?attrs let_ ands body =
-      mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letop {let_; ands; body})
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_extension a)
-    let unreachable ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Pexp_unreachable
-    let case lhs ?guard rhs =
-      {
-        pc_lhs = lhs;
-        pc_guard = guard;
-        pc_rhs = rhs;
-      }
-    let binding_op op pat exp loc =
-      {
-        pbop_op = op;
-        pbop_pat = pat;
-        pbop_exp = exp;
-        pbop_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mty = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pmty_desc = d; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pmty_attributes = d.pmty_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_ident a)
-    let alias ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_alias a)
-    let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_signature a)
-    let functor_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_functor (a, b))
-    let with_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_with (a, b))
-    let typeof_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_typeof a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_extension a)
-  end
-  module Mod = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {pmod_desc = d; pmod_loc = loc; pmod_attributes = attrs}
-    let attr d a = {d with pmod_attributes = d.pmod_attributes @ [a]}
-    let ident ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_ident x)
-    let structure ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_structure x)
-    let functor_ ?loc ?attrs arg body =
-      mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_functor (arg, body))
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs m1 m2 = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_apply (m1, m2))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs m mty = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_constraint (m, mty))
-    let unpack ?loc ?attrs e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_unpack e)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_extension a)
-  end
-  module Sig = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {psig_desc = d; psig_loc = loc}
-    let value ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_value a)
-    let type_ ?loc rec_flag a = mk ?loc (Psig_type (rec_flag, a))
-    let type_subst ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_typesubst a)
-    let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_typext a)
-    let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_exception a)
-    let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_module a)
-    let mod_subst ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_modsubst a)
-    let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_recmodule a)
-    let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_modtype a)
-    let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_open a)
-    let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_include a)
-    let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class a)
-    let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class_type a)
-    let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Psig_extension (a, attrs))
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-  end
-  module Str = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {pstr_desc = d; pstr_loc = loc}
-    let eval ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_eval (a, attrs))
-    let value ?loc a b = mk ?loc (Pstr_value (a, b))
-    let primitive ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_primitive a)
-    let type_ ?loc rec_flag a = mk ?loc (Pstr_type (rec_flag, a))
-    let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_typext a)
-    let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_exception a)
-    let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_module a)
-    let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_recmodule a)
-    let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_modtype a)
-    let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_open a)
-    let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class a)
-    let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class_type a)
-    let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_include a)
-    let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_extension (a, attrs))
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-  end
-  module Cl = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {
-        pcl_desc = d;
-        pcl_loc = loc;
-        pcl_attributes = attrs;
-      }
-    let attr d a = {d with pcl_attributes = d.pcl_attributes @ [a]}
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constr (a, b))
-    let structure ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_structure a)
-    let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_fun (a, b, c, d))
-    let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_apply (a, b))
-    let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_let (a, b, c))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constraint (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_extension a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_open (a, b))
-  end
-  module Cty = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-      {
-        pcty_desc = d;
-        pcty_loc = loc;
-        pcty_attributes = attrs;
-      }
-    let attr d a = {d with pcty_attributes = d.pcty_attributes @ [a]}
-    let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_constr (a, b))
-    let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_signature a)
-    let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_arrow (a, b, c))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_extension a)
-    let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_open (a, b))
-  end
-  module Ctf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-        ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
-      {
-        pctf_desc = d;
-        pctf_loc = loc;
-        pctf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_inherit a)
-    let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_val (a, b, c, d))
-    let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_method (a, b, c, d))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_constraint (a, b))
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_extension a)
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pctf_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-    let attr d a = {d with pctf_attributes = d.pctf_attributes @ [a]}
-  end
-  module Cf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-        ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
-      {
-        pcf_desc = d;
-        pcf_loc = loc;
-        pcf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_inherit (a, b, c))
-    let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_val (a, b, c))
-    let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_method (a, b, c))
-    let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_constraint (a, b))
-    let initializer_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_initializer a)
-    let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_extension a)
-    let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pcf_attribute a)
-    let text txt =
-      let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
-        (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
-        f_txt
-    let virtual_ ct = Cfk_virtual ct
-    let concrete o e = Cfk_concrete (o, e)
-    let attr d a = {d with pcf_attributes = d.pcf_attributes @ [a]}
-  end
-  module Val = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-        ?(prim = []) name typ =
-      {
-        pval_name = name;
-        pval_type = typ;
-        pval_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-        pval_loc = loc;
-        pval_prim = prim;
-      }
-  end
-  module Md = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-        ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name typ =
-      {
-        pmd_name = name;
-        pmd_type = typ;
-        pmd_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        pmd_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Ms = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-        ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name syn =
-      {
-        pms_name = name;
-        pms_manifest = syn;
-        pms_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        pms_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mtd = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-        ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) ?typ name =
-      {
-        pmtd_name = name;
-        pmtd_type = typ;
-        pmtd_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        pmtd_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Mb = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-        ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name expr =
-      {
-        pmb_name = name;
-        pmb_expr = expr;
-        pmb_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        pmb_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Opn = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-        ?(override = Fresh) expr =
-      {
-        popen_expr = expr;
-        popen_override = override;
-        popen_loc = loc;
-        popen_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Incl = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs) mexpr =
-      {
-        pincl_mod = mexpr;
-        pincl_loc = loc;
-        pincl_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  module Vb = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-        ?(text = []) pat expr =
-      {
-        pvb_pat = pat;
-        pvb_expr = expr;
-        pvb_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        pvb_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Ci = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-        ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
-        ?(virt = Concrete) ?(params = []) name expr =
-      {
-        pci_virt = virt;
-        pci_params = params;
-        pci_name = name;
-        pci_expr = expr;
-        pci_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        pci_loc = loc;
-      }
-  end
-  module Type = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-        ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
-        ?(params = [])
-        ?(cstrs = [])
-        ?(kind = Ptype_abstract)
-        ?(priv = Public)
-        ?manifest
-        name =
-      {
-        ptype_name = name;
-        ptype_params = params;
-        ptype_cstrs = cstrs;
-        ptype_kind = kind;
-        ptype_private = priv;
-        ptype_manifest = manifest;
-        ptype_attributes =
-          add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
-        ptype_loc = loc;
-      }
-    let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
-        ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
-      {
-        pcd_name = name;
-        pcd_args = args;
-        pcd_res = res;
-        pcd_loc = loc;
-        pcd_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
-      }
-    let field ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
-        ?(mut = Immutable) name typ =
-      {
-        pld_name = name;
-        pld_mutable = mut;
-        pld_type = typ;
-        pld_loc = loc;
-        pld_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
-      }
-  end
-  (** Type extensions *)
-  module Te = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-        ?(params = []) ?(priv = Public) path constructors =
-      {
-        ptyext_path = path;
-        ptyext_params = params;
-        ptyext_constructors = constructors;
-        ptyext_private = priv;
-        ptyext_loc = loc;
-        ptyext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let mk_exception ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-        constructor =
-      {
-        ptyexn_constructor = constructor;
-        ptyexn_loc = loc;
-        ptyexn_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
-      }
-    let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-        ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name kind =
-      {
-        pext_name = name;
-        pext_kind = kind;
-        pext_loc = loc;
-        pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-    let decl ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
-        ?(info = empty_info) ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
-      {
-        pext_name = name;
-        pext_kind = Pext_decl(args, res);
-        pext_loc = loc;
-        pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-    let rebind ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
-        ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name lid =
-      {
-        pext_name = name;
-        pext_kind = Pext_rebind lid;
-        pext_loc = loc;
-        pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
-      }
-  end
-  module Csig = struct
-    let mk self fields =
-      {
-        pcsig_self = self;
-        pcsig_fields = fields;
-      }
-  end
-  module Cstr = struct
-    let mk self fields =
-      {
-        pcstr_self = self;
-        pcstr_fields = fields;
-      }
-  end
-  (** Row fields *)
-  module Rf = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) desc = {
-      prf_desc = desc;
-      prf_loc = loc;
-      prf_attributes = attrs;
-    }
-    let tag ?loc ?attrs label const tys =
-      mk ?loc ?attrs (Rtag (label, const, tys))
-    let inherit_?loc ty =
-      mk ?loc (Rinherit ty)
-  end
-  (** Object fields *)
-  module Of = struct
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs=[]) desc = {
-      pof_desc = desc;
-      pof_loc = loc;
-      pof_attributes = attrs;
-    }
-    let tag ?loc ?attrs label ty =
-      mk ?loc ?attrs (Otag (label, ty))
-    let inherit_ ?loc ty =
-      mk ?loc (Oinherit ty)
-  end
-module Ast_mapper : sig
-  open Parsetree
-  (** {1 A generic Parsetree mapper} *)
-  type mapper (*IF_CURRENT = Ast_mapper.mapper *) = {
-    attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
-    attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
-    binding_op: mapper -> binding_op -> binding_op;
-    case: mapper -> case -> case;
-    cases: mapper -> case list -> case list;
-    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
-    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
-    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
-    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
-    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
-    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
-    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
-    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
-      -> class_type_declaration;
-    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
-    constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
-      -> constructor_declaration;
-    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
-    extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
-    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
-      -> extension_constructor;
-    include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
-    include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
-    label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
-    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
-    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
-    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
-    module_substitution: mapper -> module_substitution -> module_substitution;
-    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
-    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
-    module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
-      -> module_type_declaration;
-    open_declaration: mapper -> open_declaration -> open_declaration;
-    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
-    pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
-    payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
-    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
-    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
-    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
-    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
-    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
-    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
-    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
-    type_exception: mapper -> type_exception -> type_exception;
-    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
-    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
-    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
-    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
-  }
-  (** A mapper record implements one "method" per syntactic category,
-      using an open recursion style: each method takes as its first
-      argument the mapper to be applied to children in the syntax
-      tree. *)
-  val default_mapper: mapper
-  (** A default mapper, which implements a "deep identity" mapping. *)
-  (** {1 Apply mappers to compilation units} *)
-  val tool_name: unit -> string
-  (** Can be used within a ppx preprocessor to know which tool is
-      calling it ["ocamlc"], ["ocamlopt"], ["ocamldoc"], ["ocamldep"],
-      ["ocaml"], ...  Some global variables that reflect command-line
-      options are automatically synchronized between the calling tool
-      and the ppx preprocessor: {!Clflags.include_dirs},
-      {!Load_path}, {!Clflags.open_modules}, {!Clflags.for_package},
-      {!Clflags.debug}. *)
-  val apply: source:string -> target:string -> mapper -> unit
-  (** Apply a mapper (parametrized by the unit name) to a dumped
-      parsetree found in the [source] file and put the result in the
-      [target] file. The [structure] or [signature] field of the mapper
-      is applied to the implementation or interface.  *)
-  val run_main: (string list -> mapper) -> unit
-  (** Entry point to call to implement a standalone -ppx rewriter from a
-      mapper, parametrized by the command line arguments.  The current
-      unit name can be obtained from {!Location.input_name}.  This
-      function implements proper error reporting for uncaught
-      exceptions. *)
-  (** {1 Registration API} *)
-  val register_function: (string -> (string list -> mapper) -> unit) ref
-  val register: string -> (string list -> mapper) -> unit
-  (** Apply the [register_function].  The default behavior is to run the
-      mapper immediately, taking arguments from the process command
-      line.  This is to support a scenario where a mapper is linked as a
-      stand-alone executable.
-      It is possible to overwrite the [register_function] to define
-      "-ppx drivers", which combine several mappers in a single process.
-      Typically, a driver starts by defining [register_function] to a
-      custom implementation, then lets ppx rewriters (linked statically
-      or dynamically) register themselves, and then run all or some of
-      them.  It is also possible to have -ppx drivers apply rewriters to
-      only specific parts of an AST.
-      The first argument to [register] is a symbolic name to be used by
-      the ppx driver.  *)
-  (** {1 Convenience functions to write mappers} *)
-  val map_opt: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
-  val extension_of_error: Locations.location_error -> extension
-  (** Encode an error into an 'ocaml.error' extension node which can be
-      inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
-      responsible for reporting the error. *)
-  val attribute_of_warning: Location.t -> string -> attribute
-  (** Encode a warning message into an 'ocaml.ppwarning' attribute which can be
-      inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
-      responsible for reporting the warning. *)
-  include Locations.Helpers_intf
-  (** {1 Helper functions to call external mappers} *)
-  val add_ppx_context_str:
-    tool_name:string -> Parsetree.structure -> Parsetree.structure
-  (** Extract information from the current environment and encode it
-      into an attribute which is prepended to the list of structure
-      items in order to pass the information to an external
-      processor. *)
-  val add_ppx_context_sig:
-    tool_name:string -> Parsetree.signature -> Parsetree.signature
-  (** Same as [add_ppx_context_str], but for signatures. *)
-  val drop_ppx_context_str:
-    restore:bool -> Parsetree.structure -> Parsetree.structure
-  (** Drop the ocaml.ppx.context attribute from a structure.  If
-      [restore] is true, also restore the associated data in the current
-      process. *)
-  val drop_ppx_context_sig:
-    restore:bool -> Parsetree.signature -> Parsetree.signature
-  (** Same as [drop_ppx_context_str], but for signatures. *)
-  (** {1 Cookies} *)
-  (** Cookies are used to pass information from a ppx processor to
-      a further invocation of itself, when called from the OCaml
-      toplevel (or other tools that support cookies). *)
-  val set_cookie: string -> Parsetree.expression -> unit
-  val get_cookie: string -> Parsetree.expression option
-end = struct
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_helper
-  open Location
-  module String = Misc.Stdlib.String
-  type mapper (*IF_CURRENT = Ast_mapper.mapper *) = {
-    attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
-    attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
-    binding_op: mapper -> binding_op -> binding_op;
-    case: mapper -> case -> case;
-    cases: mapper -> case list -> case list;
-    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
-    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
-    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
-    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
-    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
-    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
-    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
-    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
-      -> class_type_declaration;
-    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
-    constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
-      -> constructor_declaration;
-    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
-    extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
-    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
-      -> extension_constructor;
-    include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
-    include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
-    label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
-    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
-    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
-    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
-    module_substitution: mapper -> module_substitution -> module_substitution;
-    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
-    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
-    module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
-      -> module_type_declaration;
-    open_declaration: mapper -> open_declaration -> open_declaration;
-    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
-    pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
-    payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
-    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
-    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
-    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
-    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
-    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
-    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
-    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
-    type_exception: mapper -> type_exception -> type_exception;
-    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
-    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
-    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
-    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
-  }
-  let map_fst f (x, y) = (f x, y)
-  let map_snd f (x, y) = (x, f y)
-  let map_tuple f1 f2 (x, y) = (f1 x, f2 y)
-  let map_tuple3 f1 f2 f3 (x, y, z) = (f1 x, f2 y, f3 z)
-  let map_opt f = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
-  let map_loc sub {loc; txt} = {loc = sub.location sub loc; txt}
-  module T = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the core language *)
-    let row_field sub {
-        prf_desc;
-        prf_loc;
-        prf_attributes;
-      } =
-      let loc = sub.location sub prf_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub prf_attributes in
-      let desc = match prf_desc with
-        | Rtag (l, b, tl) -> Rtag (map_loc sub l, b, (sub.typ sub) tl)
-        | Rinherit t -> Rinherit (sub.typ sub t)
-      in
- ~loc ~attrs desc
-    let object_field sub {
-        pof_desc;
-        pof_loc;
-        pof_attributes;
-      } =
-      let loc = sub.location sub pof_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub pof_attributes in
-      let desc = match pof_desc with
-        | Otag (l, t) -> Otag (map_loc sub l, sub.typ sub t)
-        | Oinherit t -> Oinherit (sub.typ sub t)
-      in
- ~loc ~attrs desc
-    let map sub {ptyp_desc = desc; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Typ in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Ptyp_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-      | Ptyp_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs s
-      | Ptyp_arrow (lab, t1, t2) ->
-          arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Ptyp_tuple tyl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.typ sub) tyl)
-      | Ptyp_constr (lid, tl) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Ptyp_object (l, o) ->
-          object_ ~loc ~attrs ( (object_field sub) l) o
-      | Ptyp_class (lid, tl) ->
-          class_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tl)
-      | Ptyp_alias (t, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t) s
-      | Ptyp_variant (rl, b, ll) ->
-          variant ~loc ~attrs ( (row_field sub) rl) b ll
-      | Ptyp_poly (sl, t) -> poly ~loc ~attrs
-                               ( (map_loc sub) sl) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Ptyp_package (lid, l) ->
-          package ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-            ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.typ sub)) l)
-      | Ptyp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_type_declaration sub
-        {ptype_name; ptype_params; ptype_cstrs;
-         ptype_kind;
-         ptype_private;
-         ptype_manifest;
-         ptype_attributes;
-         ptype_loc} =
-      let loc = sub.location sub ptype_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub ptype_attributes in
- ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub ptype_name)
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptype_params)
-        ~priv:ptype_private
-        ~cstrs:(
-                  (map_tuple3 (sub.typ sub) (sub.typ sub) (sub.location sub))
-                  ptype_cstrs)
-        ~kind:(sub.type_kind sub ptype_kind)
-        ?manifest:(map_opt (sub.typ sub) ptype_manifest)
-    let map_type_kind sub = function
-      | Ptype_abstract -> Ptype_abstract
-      | Ptype_variant l ->
-          Ptype_variant ( (sub.constructor_declaration sub) l)
-      | Ptype_record l -> Ptype_record ( (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
-      | Ptype_open -> Ptype_open
-    let map_constructor_arguments sub = function
-      | Pcstr_tuple l -> Pcstr_tuple ( (sub.typ sub) l)
-      | Pcstr_record l ->
-          Pcstr_record ( (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
-    let map_type_extension sub
-        {ptyext_path; ptyext_params;
-         ptyext_constructors;
-         ptyext_private;
-         ptyext_loc;
-         ptyext_attributes} =
-      let loc = sub.location sub ptyext_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub ptyext_attributes in
- ~loc ~attrs
-        (map_loc sub ptyext_path)
-        ( (sub.extension_constructor sub) ptyext_constructors)
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptyext_params)
-        ~priv:ptyext_private
-    let map_type_exception sub
-        {ptyexn_constructor; ptyexn_loc; ptyexn_attributes} =
-      let loc = sub.location sub ptyexn_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub ptyexn_attributes in
-      Te.mk_exception ~loc ~attrs
-        (sub.extension_constructor sub ptyexn_constructor)
-    let map_extension_constructor_kind sub = function
-        Pext_decl(ctl, cto) ->
-          Pext_decl(map_constructor_arguments sub ctl, map_opt (sub.typ sub) cto)
-      | Pext_rebind li ->
-          Pext_rebind (map_loc sub li)
-    let map_extension_constructor sub
-        {pext_name;
-         pext_kind;
-         pext_loc;
-         pext_attributes} =
-      let loc = sub.location sub pext_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub pext_attributes in
-      Te.constructor ~loc ~attrs
-        (map_loc sub pext_name)
-        (map_extension_constructor_kind sub pext_kind)
-  end
-  module CT = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-    let map sub {pcty_loc = loc; pcty_desc = desc; pcty_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cty in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcty_constr (lid, tys) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tys)
-      | Pcty_signature x -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_signature sub x)
-      | Pcty_arrow (lab, t, ct) ->
-          arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pcty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pcty_open (o, ct) ->
-          open_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.open_description sub o) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-    let map_field sub {pctf_desc = desc; pctf_loc = loc; pctf_attributes = attrs}
-      =
-      let open Ctf in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pctf_inherit ct -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pctf_val (s, m, v, t) ->
-          val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m v (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pctf_method (s, p, v, t) ->
-          method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p v (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pctf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pctf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-      | Pctf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_signature sub {pcsig_self; pcsig_fields} =
-        (sub.typ sub pcsig_self)
-        ( (sub.class_type_field sub) pcsig_fields)
-  end
-  let map_functor_param sub = function
-    | Unit -> Unit
-    | Named (s, mt) -> Named (map_loc sub s, sub.module_type sub mt)
-  module MT = struct
-    (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-    let map sub {pmty_desc = desc; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Mty in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pmty_ident s -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pmty_alias s -> alias ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pmty_signature sg -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.signature sub sg)
-      | Pmty_functor (param, mt) ->
-          functor_ ~loc ~attrs
-            (map_functor_param sub param)
-            (sub.module_type sub mt)
-      | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
-          with_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_type sub mt)
-            ( (sub.with_constraint sub) l)
-      | Pmty_typeof me -> typeof_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
-      | Pmty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_with_constraint sub = function
-      | Pwith_type (lid, d) ->
-          Pwith_type (map_loc sub lid, sub.type_declaration sub d)
-      | Pwith_module (lid, lid2) ->
-          Pwith_module (map_loc sub lid, map_loc sub lid2)
-      | Pwith_typesubst (lid, d) ->
-          Pwith_typesubst (map_loc sub lid, sub.type_declaration sub d)
-      | Pwith_modsubst (s, lid) ->
-          Pwith_modsubst (map_loc sub s, map_loc sub lid)
-    let map_signature_item sub {psig_desc = desc; psig_loc = loc} =
-      let open Sig in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      match desc with
-      | Psig_value vd -> value ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
-      | Psig_type (rf, l) ->
-          type_ ~loc rf ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_typesubst l ->
-          type_subst ~loc ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
-      | Psig_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.type_exception sub ed)
-      | Psig_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_declaration sub x)
-      | Psig_modsubst x -> mod_subst ~loc (sub.module_substitution sub x)
-      | Psig_recmodule l ->
-          rec_module ~loc ( (sub.module_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
-      | Psig_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_description sub x)
-      | Psig_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_description sub x)
-      | Psig_class l -> class_ ~loc ( (sub.class_description sub) l)
-      | Psig_class_type l ->
-          class_type ~loc ( (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Psig_extension (x, attrs) ->
-          let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-          extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Psig_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-  end
-  module M = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-    let map sub {pmod_loc = loc; pmod_desc = desc; pmod_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Mod in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pmod_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-      | Pmod_structure str -> structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.structure sub str)
-      | Pmod_functor (param, body) ->
-          functor_ ~loc ~attrs
-            (map_functor_param sub param)
-            (sub.module_expr sub body)
-      | Pmod_apply (m1, m2) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m1) (sub.module_expr sub m2)
-      | Pmod_constraint (m, mty) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m)
-            (sub.module_type sub mty)
-      | Pmod_unpack e -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pmod_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_structure_item sub {pstr_loc = loc; pstr_desc = desc} =
-      let open Str in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      match desc with
-      | Pstr_eval (x, attrs) ->
-          let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-          eval ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub x)
-      | Pstr_value (r, vbs) -> value ~loc r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-      | Pstr_primitive vd -> primitive ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
-      | Pstr_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf ( (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
-      | Pstr_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.type_exception sub ed)
-      | Pstr_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_binding sub x)
-      | Pstr_recmodule l -> rec_module ~loc ( (sub.module_binding sub) l)
-      | Pstr_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_class l -> class_ ~loc ( (sub.class_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_class_type l ->
-          class_type ~loc ( (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
-      | Pstr_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_declaration sub x)
-      | Pstr_extension (x, attrs) ->
-          let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-          extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pstr_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-  end
-  module E = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the core language *)
-    let map sub {pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = desc; pexp_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Exp in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pexp_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-      | Pexp_constant x -> constant ~loc ~attrs x
-      | Pexp_let (r, vbs, e) ->
-          let_ ~loc ~attrs r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_fun (lab, def, p, e) ->
-          fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub.expr sub) def) (sub.pat sub p)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_function pel -> function_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_apply (e, l) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) ( (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
-      | Pexp_match (e, pel) ->
-          match_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_try (e, pel) -> try_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
-      | Pexp_tuple el -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.expr sub) el)
-      | Pexp_construct (lid, arg) ->
-          construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (map_opt (sub.expr sub) arg)
-      | Pexp_variant (lab, eo) ->
-          variant ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
-      | Pexp_record (l, eo) ->
-          record ~loc ~attrs ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) l)
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
-      | Pexp_field (e, lid) ->
-          field ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_loc sub lid)
-      | Pexp_setfield (e1, lid, e2) ->
-          setfield ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (map_loc sub lid)
-            (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_array el -> array ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.expr sub) el)
-      | Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, e3) ->
-          ifthenelse ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e3)
-      | Pexp_sequence (e1, e2) ->
-          sequence ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_while (e1, e2) ->
-          while_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
-      | Pexp_for (p, e1, e2, d, e3) ->
-          for_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2) d
-            (sub.expr sub e3)
-      | Pexp_coerce (e, t1, t2) ->
-          coerce ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t1)
-            (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pexp_constraint (e, t) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Pexp_send (e, s) ->
-          send ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_loc sub s)
-      | Pexp_new lid -> new_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-      | Pexp_setinstvar (s, e) ->
-          setinstvar ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_override sel ->
-          override ~loc ~attrs
-            ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) sel)
-      | Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e) ->
-          letmodule ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.module_expr sub me)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_letexception (cd, e) ->
-          letexception ~loc ~attrs
-            (sub.extension_constructor sub cd)
-            (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_assert e -> assert_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_lazy e -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_poly (e, t) ->
-          poly ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t)
-      | Pexp_object cls -> object_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub cls)
-      | Pexp_newtype (s, e) ->
-          newtype ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_pack me -> pack ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
-      | Pexp_open (o, e) ->
-          open_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.open_declaration sub o) (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pexp_letop {let_; ands; body} ->
-          letop ~loc ~attrs (sub.binding_op sub let_)
-            ( (sub.binding_op sub) ands) (sub.expr sub body)
-      | Pexp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pexp_unreachable -> unreachable ~loc ~attrs ()
-    let map_binding_op sub {pbop_op; pbop_pat; pbop_exp; pbop_loc} =
-      let open Exp in
-      let op = map_loc sub pbop_op in
-      let pat = sub.pat sub pbop_pat in
-      let exp = sub.expr sub pbop_exp in
-      let loc = sub.location sub pbop_loc in
-      binding_op op pat exp loc
-  end
-  module P = struct
-    (* Patterns *)
-    let map sub {ppat_desc = desc; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Pat in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Ppat_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-      | Ppat_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_alias (p, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_constant c -> constant ~loc ~attrs c
-      | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) -> interval ~loc ~attrs c1 c2
-      | Ppat_tuple pl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.pat sub) pl)
-      | Ppat_construct (l, p) ->
-          construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub l) (map_opt (sub.pat sub) p)
-      | Ppat_variant (l, p) -> variant ~loc ~attrs l (map_opt (sub.pat sub) p)
-      | Ppat_record (lpl, cf) ->
-          record ~loc ~attrs
-            ( (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.pat sub)) lpl) cf
-      | Ppat_array pl -> array ~loc ~attrs ( (sub.pat sub) pl)
-      | Ppat_or (p1, p2) -> or_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p1) (sub.pat sub p2)
-      | Ppat_constraint (p, t) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.typ sub t)
-      | Ppat_type s -> type_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_lazy p -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_unpack s -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-      | Ppat_open (lid,p) -> open_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_exception p -> exception_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
-      | Ppat_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-  end
-  module CE = struct
-    (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-    let map sub {pcl_loc = loc; pcl_desc = desc; pcl_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cl in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcl_constr (lid, tys) ->
-          constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) ( (sub.typ sub) tys)
-      | Pcl_structure s ->
-          structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub s)
-      | Pcl_fun (lab, e, p, ce) ->
-          fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab
-            (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e)
-            (sub.pat sub p)
-            (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-      | Pcl_apply (ce, l) ->
-          apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-            ( (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
-      | Pcl_let (r, vbs, ce) ->
-          let_ ~loc ~attrs r ( (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
-            (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-      | Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce) (sub.class_type sub ct)
-      | Pcl_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-      | Pcl_open (o, ce) ->
-          open_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.open_description sub o) (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-    let map_kind sub = function
-      | Cfk_concrete (o, e) -> Cfk_concrete (o, sub.expr sub e)
-      | Cfk_virtual t -> Cfk_virtual (sub.typ sub t)
-    let map_field sub {pcf_desc = desc; pcf_loc = loc; pcf_attributes = attrs} =
-      let open Cf in
-      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
-      match desc with
-      | Pcf_inherit (o, ce, s) ->
-          inherit_ ~loc ~attrs o (sub.class_expr sub ce)
-            (map_opt (map_loc sub) s)
-      | Pcf_val (s, m, k) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m (map_kind sub k)
-      | Pcf_method (s, p, k) ->
-          method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p (map_kind sub k)
-      | Pcf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-          constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
-      | Pcf_initializer e -> initializer_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
-      | Pcf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
-      | Pcf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
-    let map_structure sub {pcstr_self; pcstr_fields} =
-      {
-        pcstr_self = sub.pat sub pcstr_self;
-        pcstr_fields = (sub.class_field sub) pcstr_fields;
-      }
-    let class_infos sub f {pci_virt; pci_params = pl; pci_name; pci_expr;
-                           pci_loc; pci_attributes} =
-      let loc = sub.location sub pci_loc in
-      let attrs = sub.attributes sub pci_attributes in
- ~loc ~attrs
-        ~virt:pci_virt
-        ~params:( (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) pl)
-        (map_loc sub pci_name)
-        (f pci_expr)
-  end
-  (* Now, a generic AST mapper, to be extended to cover all kinds and
-     cases of the OCaml grammar.  The default behavior of the mapper is
-     the identity. *)
-  let default_mapper =
-    {
-      structure = (fun this l -> (this.structure_item this) l);
-      structure_item = M.map_structure_item;
-      module_expr =;
-      signature = (fun this l -> (this.signature_item this) l);
-      signature_item = MT.map_signature_item;
-      module_type =;
-      with_constraint = MT.map_with_constraint;
-      class_declaration =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_expr this));
-      class_expr =;
-      class_field = CE.map_field;
-      class_structure = CE.map_structure;
-      class_type =;
-      class_type_field = CT.map_field;
-      class_signature = CT.map_signature;
-      class_type_declaration =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
-      class_description =
-        (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
-      type_declaration = T.map_type_declaration;
-      type_kind = T.map_type_kind;
-      typ =;
-      type_extension = T.map_type_extension;
-      type_exception = T.map_type_exception;
-      extension_constructor = T.map_extension_constructor;
-      value_description =
-        (fun this {pval_name; pval_type; pval_prim; pval_loc;
-                   pval_attributes} ->
-            (map_loc this pval_name)
-            (this.typ this pval_type)
-            ~attrs:(this.attributes this pval_attributes)
-            ~loc:(this.location this pval_loc)
-            ~prim:pval_prim
-        );
-      pat =;
-      expr =;
-      binding_op = E.map_binding_op;
-      module_declaration =
-        (fun this {pmd_name; pmd_type; pmd_attributes; pmd_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pmd_name)
-             (this.module_type this pmd_type)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmd_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmd_loc)
-        );
-      module_substitution =
-        (fun this {pms_name; pms_manifest; pms_attributes; pms_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pms_name)
-             (map_loc this pms_manifest)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pms_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pms_loc)
-        );
-      module_type_declaration =
-        (fun this {pmtd_name; pmtd_type; pmtd_attributes; pmtd_loc} ->
-             (map_loc this pmtd_name)
-             ?typ:(map_opt (this.module_type this) pmtd_type)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmtd_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmtd_loc)
-        );
-      module_binding =
-        (fun this {pmb_name; pmb_expr; pmb_attributes; pmb_loc} ->
-  (map_loc this pmb_name) (this.module_expr this pmb_expr)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmb_attributes)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pmb_loc)
-        );
-      open_declaration =
-        (fun this {popen_expr; popen_override; popen_attributes; popen_loc} ->
-  (this.module_expr this popen_expr)
-             ~override:popen_override
-             ~loc:(this.location this popen_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this popen_attributes)
-        );
-      open_description =
-        (fun this {popen_expr; popen_override; popen_attributes; popen_loc} ->
-  (map_loc this popen_expr)
-             ~override:popen_override
-             ~loc:(this.location this popen_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this popen_attributes)
-        );
-      include_description =
-        (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
-  (this.module_type this pincl_mod)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
-        );
-      include_declaration =
-        (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
-  (this.module_expr this pincl_mod)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
-        );
-      value_binding =
-        (fun this {pvb_pat; pvb_expr; pvb_attributes; pvb_loc} ->
-             (this.pat this pvb_pat)
-             (this.expr this pvb_expr)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pvb_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pvb_attributes)
-        );
-      constructor_declaration =
-        (fun this {pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_res; pcd_loc; pcd_attributes} ->
-           Type.constructor
-             (map_loc this pcd_name)
-             ~args:(T.map_constructor_arguments this pcd_args)
-             ?res:(map_opt (this.typ this) pcd_res)
-             ~loc:(this.location this pcd_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pcd_attributes)
-        );
-      label_declaration =
-        (fun this {pld_name; pld_type; pld_loc; pld_mutable; pld_attributes} ->
-           Type.field
-             (map_loc this pld_name)
-             (this.typ this pld_type)
-             ~mut:pld_mutable
-             ~loc:(this.location this pld_loc)
-             ~attrs:(this.attributes this pld_attributes)
-        );
-      cases = (fun this l -> ( this) l);
-      case =
-        (fun this {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} ->
-           {
-             pc_lhs = this.pat this pc_lhs;
-             pc_guard = map_opt (this.expr this) pc_guard;
-             pc_rhs = this.expr this pc_rhs;
-           }
-        );
-      location = (fun _this l -> l);
-      extension = (fun this (s, e) -> (map_loc this s, this.payload this e));
-      attribute = (fun this a ->
-          {
-            attr_name = map_loc this a.attr_name;
-            attr_payload = this.payload this a.attr_payload;
-            attr_loc = this.location this a.attr_loc
-          }
-        );
-      attributes = (fun this l -> (this.attribute this) l);
-      payload =
-        (fun this -> function
-           | PStr x -> PStr (this.structure this x)
-           | PSig x -> PSig (this.signature this x)
-           | PTyp x -> PTyp (this.typ this x)
-           | PPat (x, g) -> PPat (this.pat this x, map_opt (this.expr this) g)
-        );
-    }
-  let extension_of_error (error : Locations.location_error) : extension =
-    Locations.extension_of_error
-      ~mk_pstr:(fun x -> PStr x)
-      ~mk_extension:(fun x -> Str.extension x)
-      ~mk_string_constant:(fun x -> Str.eval (Exp.constant (Pconst_string (x, None))))
-      error
-  let attribute_of_warning loc s =
-      {loc; txt = "ocaml.ppwarning" }
-      (PStr ([Str.eval ~loc (Exp.constant (Pconst_string (s, None)))]))
-  include Locations.Helpers_impl
-  let cookies = ref String.Map.empty
-  let get_cookie k =
-    try Some (String.Map.find k !cookies)
-    with Not_found -> None
-  let set_cookie k v =
-    cookies := String.Map.add k v !cookies
-  let tool_name_ref = ref "_none_"
-  let tool_name () = !tool_name_ref
-  module PpxContext = struct
-    open Longident
-    open Asttypes
-    open Ast_helper
-    let lid name = { txt = Lident name; loc = Location.none }
-    let make_string x = Exp.constant (Pconst_string (x, None))
-    let make_bool x =
-      if x
-      then Exp.construct (lid "true") None
-      else Exp.construct (lid "false") None
-    let rec make_list f lst =
-      match lst with
-      | x :: rest ->
-          Exp.construct (lid "::") (Some (Exp.tuple [f x; make_list f rest]))
-      | [] ->
-          Exp.construct (lid "[]") None
-    let make_pair f1 f2 (x1, x2) =
-      Exp.tuple [f1 x1; f2 x2]
-    let make_option f opt =
-      match opt with
-      | Some x -> Exp.construct (lid "Some") (Some (f x))
-      | None   -> Exp.construct (lid "None") None
-    let get_cookies () =
-      lid "cookies",
-      make_list (make_pair make_string (fun x -> x))
-        (String.Map.bindings !cookies)
-    let mk fields =
-      {
-        attr_name = { txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"; loc = Location.none };
-        attr_payload = Parsetree.PStr [Str.eval (Exp.record fields None)];
-        attr_loc = Location.none
-      }
-    let make ~tool_name () =
-      let fields =
-        [
-          lid "tool_name",    make_string tool_name;
-          lid "include_dirs", make_list make_string !Clflags.include_dirs;
-          lid "load_path",    make_list make_string (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.get_load_paths ());
-          lid "open_modules", make_list make_string !Clflags.open_modules;
-          lid "for_package",  make_option make_string !Clflags.for_package;
-          lid "debug",        make_bool !Clflags.debug;
-          lid "use_threads",  make_bool !Clflags.use_threads;
-          lid "use_vmthreads", make_bool false;
-          lid "recursive_types", make_bool !Clflags.recursive_types;
-          lid "principal", make_bool !Clflags.principal;
-          lid "transparent_modules", make_bool !Clflags.transparent_modules;
-          lid "unboxed_types", make_bool (Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.get_unboxed_types ());
-          lid "unsafe_string", make_bool !Clflags.unsafe_string;
-          get_cookies ()
-        ]
-      in
-      mk fields
-    let get_fields = function
-      | PStr [{pstr_desc = Pstr_eval
-                   ({ pexp_desc = Pexp_record (fields, None) }, [])}] ->
-          fields
-      | _ ->
-          raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context] syntax"
-    let restore fields =
-      let field name payload =
-        let rec get_string = function
-          | { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (str, None)) } -> str
-          | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
-                               { %s }] string syntax" name
-        and get_bool pexp =
-          match pexp with
-          | {pexp_desc = Pexp_construct ({txt = Longident.Lident "true"},
-                                         None)} ->
-              true
-          | {pexp_desc = Pexp_construct ({txt = Longident.Lident "false"},
-                                         None)} ->
-              false
-          | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
-                               { %s }] bool syntax" name
-        and get_list elem = function
-          | {pexp_desc =
-               Pexp_construct ({txt = Longident.Lident "::"},
-                               Some {pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple [exp; rest]}) } ->
-              elem exp :: get_list elem rest
-          | {pexp_desc =
-               Pexp_construct ({txt = Longident.Lident "[]"}, None)} ->
-              []
-          | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
-                               { %s }] list syntax" name
-        and get_pair f1 f2 = function
-          | {pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple [e1; e2]} ->
-              (f1 e1, f2 e2)
-          | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
-                               { %s }] pair syntax" name
-        and get_option elem = function
-          | { pexp_desc =
-                Pexp_construct ({ txt = Longident.Lident "Some" }, Some exp) } ->
-              Some (elem exp)
-          | { pexp_desc =
-                Pexp_construct ({ txt = Longident.Lident "None" }, None) } ->
-              None
-          | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
-                               { %s }] option syntax" name
-        in
-        match name with
-        | "tool_name" ->
-            tool_name_ref := get_string payload
-        | "include_dirs" ->
-            Clflags.include_dirs := get_list get_string payload
-        | "load_path" ->
-            Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.load_path_init (get_list get_string payload)
-        | "open_modules" ->
-            Clflags.open_modules := get_list get_string payload
-        | "for_package" ->
-            Clflags.for_package := get_option get_string payload
-        | "debug" ->
-            Clflags.debug := get_bool payload
-        | "use_threads" ->
-            Clflags.use_threads := get_bool payload
-        | "use_vmthreads" ->
-            if get_bool payload then
-              raise_errorf "Internal error: vmthreads not supported after 4.09.0"
-        | "recursive_types" ->
-            Clflags.recursive_types := get_bool payload
-        | "principal" ->
-            Clflags.principal := get_bool payload
-        | "transparent_modules" ->
-            Clflags.transparent_modules := get_bool payload
-        | "unboxed_types" ->
-            Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.set_unboxed_types (get_bool payload)
-        | "unsafe_string" ->
-            Clflags.unsafe_string := get_bool payload
-        | "cookies" ->
-            let l = get_list (get_pair get_string (fun x -> x)) payload in
-            cookies :=
-              List.fold_left
-                (fun s (k, v) -> String.Map.add k v s) String.Map.empty
-                l
-        | _ ->
-            ()
-      in
-      List.iter (function ({txt=Lident name}, x) -> field name x | _ -> ()) fields
-    let update_cookies fields =
-      let fields =
-        List.filter
-          (function ({txt=Lident "cookies"}, _) -> false | _ -> true)
-          fields
-      in
-      fields @ [get_cookies ()]
-  end
-  let ppx_context = PpxContext.make
-  let extension_of_exn exn = extension_of_error (Locations.location_error_of_exn exn)
-  let apply_lazy ~source ~target mapper =
-    let implem ast =
-      let fields, ast =
-        match ast with
-        | {pstr_desc = Pstr_attribute ({attr_name = {txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"};
-                                        attr_payload = x})} :: l ->
-            PpxContext.get_fields x, l
-        | _ -> [], ast
-      in
-      PpxContext.restore fields;
-      let ast =
-        try
-          let mapper = mapper () in
-          mapper.structure mapper ast
-        with exn ->
-          [{pstr_desc = Pstr_extension (extension_of_exn exn, []);
-            pstr_loc  = Location.none}]
-      in
-      let fields = PpxContext.update_cookies fields in
-      Str.attribute ( fields) :: ast
-    in
-    let iface ast =
-      let fields, ast =
-        match ast with
-        | {psig_desc = Psig_attribute ({attr_name = {txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"};
-                                        attr_payload = x;
-                                        attr_loc = _})} :: l ->
-            PpxContext.get_fields x, l
-        | _ -> [], ast
-      in
-      PpxContext.restore fields;
-      let ast =
-        try
-          let mapper = mapper () in
-          mapper.signature mapper ast
-        with exn ->
-          [{psig_desc = Psig_extension (extension_of_exn exn, []);
-            psig_loc  = Location.none}]
-      in
-      let fields = PpxContext.update_cookies fields in
-      Sig.attribute ( fields) :: ast
-    in
-    let ic = open_in_bin source in
-    let magic =
-      really_input_string ic (String.length Config.ast_impl_magic_number)
-    in
-    let rewrite transform =
-      Location.input_name := input_value ic;
-      let ast = input_value ic in
-      close_in ic;
-      let ast = transform ast in
-      let oc = open_out_bin target in
-      output_string oc magic;
-      output_value oc !Location.input_name;
-      output_value oc ast;
-      close_out oc
-    and fail () =
-      close_in ic;
-      failwith "Ast_mapper: OCaml version mismatch or malformed input";
-    in
-    if magic = Config.ast_impl_magic_number then
-      rewrite (implem : structure -> structure)
-    else if magic = Config.ast_intf_magic_number then
-      rewrite (iface : signature -> signature)
-    else fail ()
-  let drop_ppx_context_str ~restore = function
-    | {pstr_desc = Pstr_attribute
-           {attr_name = {Location.txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"};
-            attr_payload = a;
-            attr_loc = _}}
-      :: items ->
-        if restore then
-          PpxContext.restore (PpxContext.get_fields a);
-        items
-    | items -> items
-  let drop_ppx_context_sig ~restore = function
-    | {psig_desc = Psig_attribute
-           {attr_name = {Location.txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"};
-            attr_payload = a;
-            attr_loc = _}}
-      :: items ->
-        if restore then
-          PpxContext.restore (PpxContext.get_fields a);
-        items
-    | items -> items
-  let add_ppx_context_str ~tool_name ast =
-    Ast_helper.Str.attribute (ppx_context ~tool_name ()) :: ast
-  let add_ppx_context_sig ~tool_name ast =
-    Ast_helper.Sig.attribute (ppx_context ~tool_name ()) :: ast
-  let apply ~source ~target mapper =
-    apply_lazy ~source ~target (fun () -> mapper)
-  let run_main mapper =
-    try
-      let a = Sys.argv in
-      let n = Array.length a in
-      if n > 2 then
-        let mapper () =
-          try mapper (Array.to_list (Array.sub a 1 (n - 3)))
-          with exn ->
-            (* PR#6463 *)
-            let f _ _ = raise exn in
-            {default_mapper with structure = f; signature = f}
-        in
-        apply_lazy ~source:a.(n - 2) ~target:a.(n - 1) mapper
-      else begin
-        Printf.eprintf "Usage: %s [extra_args] <infile> <outfile>\n%!"
-          Sys.executable_name;
-        exit 2
-      end
-    with exn ->
-      prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string exn);
-      exit 2
-  let register_function = ref (fun _name f -> run_main f)
-  let register name f = !register_function name f
-module Type_immediacy = struct
-  type t (*IF_CURRENT = Type_immediacy.t *) =
-    | Unknown
-    | Always
-    | Always_on_64bits
-module Outcometree = struct
-  (* Module [Outcometree]: results displayed by the toplevel *)
-  (* These types represent messages that the toplevel displays as normal
-     results or errors. The real displaying is customisable using the hooks:
-     [Toploop.print_out_value]
-     [Toploop.print_out_type]
-     [Toploop.print_out_sig_item]
-     [Toploop.print_out_phrase] *)
-  (** An [out_name] is a string representation of an identifier which can be
-      rewritten on the fly to avoid name collisions *)
-  type out_name (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_name *) = { mutable printed_name: string }
-  type out_ident (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_ident *) =
-    | Oide_apply of out_ident * out_ident
-    | Oide_dot of out_ident * string
-    | Oide_ident of out_name
-  type out_string (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_string *) =
-    | Ostr_string
-    | Ostr_bytes
-  type out_attribute (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_attribute *) =
-    { oattr_name: string }
-  type out_value (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_value *) =
-    | Oval_array of out_value list
-    | Oval_char of char
-    | Oval_constr of out_ident * out_value list
-    | Oval_ellipsis
-    | Oval_float of float
-    | Oval_int of int
-    | Oval_int32 of int32
-    | Oval_int64 of int64
-    | Oval_nativeint of nativeint
-    | Oval_list of out_value list
-    | Oval_printer of (Format.formatter -> unit)
-    | Oval_record of (out_ident * out_value) list
-    | Oval_string of string * int * out_string (* string, size-to-print, kind *)
-    | Oval_stuff of string
-    | Oval_tuple of out_value list
-    | Oval_variant of string * out_value option
-  type out_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type *) =
-    | Otyp_abstract
-    | Otyp_open
-    | Otyp_alias of out_type * string
-    | Otyp_arrow of string * out_type * out_type
-    | Otyp_class of bool * out_ident * out_type list
-    | Otyp_constr of out_ident * out_type list
-    | Otyp_manifest of out_type * out_type
-    | Otyp_object of (string * out_type) list * bool option
-    | Otyp_record of (string * bool * out_type) list
-    | Otyp_stuff of string
-    | Otyp_sum of (string * out_type list * out_type option) list
-    | Otyp_tuple of out_type list
-    | Otyp_var of bool * string
-    | Otyp_variant of
-        bool * out_variant * bool * (string list) option
-    | Otyp_poly of string list * out_type
-    | Otyp_module of out_ident * string list * out_type list
-    | Otyp_attribute of out_type * out_attribute
-  and out_variant (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_variant *) =
-    | Ovar_fields of (string * bool * out_type list) list
-    | Ovar_typ of out_type
-  type out_class_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_class_type *) =
-    | Octy_constr of out_ident * out_type list
-    | Octy_arrow of string * out_type * out_class_type
-    | Octy_signature of out_type option * out_class_sig_item list
-  and out_class_sig_item (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_class_sig_item *) =
-    | Ocsg_constraint of out_type * out_type
-    | Ocsg_method of string * bool * bool * out_type
-    | Ocsg_value of string * bool * bool * out_type
-  type out_module_type (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_module_type *) =
-    | Omty_abstract
-    | Omty_functor of (string option * out_module_type) option * out_module_type
-    | Omty_ident of out_ident
-    | Omty_signature of out_sig_item list
-    | Omty_alias of out_ident
-  and out_sig_item (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_sig_item *) =
-    | Osig_class of
-        bool * string * (string * (bool * bool)) list * out_class_type *
-        out_rec_status
-    | Osig_class_type of
-        bool * string * (string * (bool * bool)) list * out_class_type *
-        out_rec_status
-    | Osig_typext of out_extension_constructor * out_ext_status
-    | Osig_modtype of string * out_module_type
-    | Osig_module of string * out_module_type * out_rec_status
-    | Osig_type of out_type_decl * out_rec_status
-    | Osig_value of out_val_decl
-    | Osig_ellipsis
-  and out_type_decl (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type_decl *) =
-    { otype_name: string;
-      otype_params: (string * (bool * bool)) list;
-      otype_type: out_type;
-      otype_private: Asttypes.private_flag;
-      otype_immediate: Type_immediacy.t;
-      otype_unboxed: bool;
-      otype_cstrs: (out_type * out_type) list }
-  and out_extension_constructor (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_extension_constructor *) =
-    { oext_name: string;
-      oext_type_name: string;
-      oext_type_params: string list;
-      oext_args: out_type list;
-      oext_ret_type: out_type option;
-      oext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
-  and out_type_extension (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_type_extension *) =
-    { otyext_name: string;
-      otyext_params: string list;
-      otyext_constructors: (string * out_type list * out_type option) list;
-      otyext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
-  and out_val_decl (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_val_decl *) =
-    { oval_name: string;
-      oval_type: out_type;
-      oval_prims: string list;
-      oval_attributes: out_attribute list }
-  and out_rec_status (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_rec_status *) =
-    | Orec_not
-    | Orec_first
-    | Orec_next
-  and out_ext_status (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_ext_status *) =
-    | Oext_first
-    | Oext_next
-    | Oext_exception
-  type out_phrase (*IF_CURRENT = Outcometree.out_phrase *) =
-    | Ophr_eval of out_value * out_type
-    | Ophr_signature of (out_sig_item * out_value option) list
-    | Ophr_exception of (exn * out_value)
-module Config = struct
-  let ast_impl_magic_number = "Caml1999M027"
-  let ast_intf_magic_number = "Caml1999N027"
-let map_signature mapper = mapper.Ast_mapper.signature mapper
-let map_structure mapper = mapper.Ast_mapper.structure mapper
-let shallow_identity =
-  let id _ x = x in
-  {
-    Ast_mapper.
-    structure               = id;
-    structure_item          = id;
-    module_expr             = id;
-    signature               = id;
-    signature_item          = id;
-    module_type             = id;
-    with_constraint         = id;
-    class_declaration       = id;
-    class_expr              = id;
-    class_field             = id;
-    class_structure         = id;
-    class_type              = id;
-    class_type_field        = id;
-    class_signature         = id;
-    class_type_declaration  = id;
-    class_description       = id;
-    type_declaration        = id;
-    type_kind               = id;
-    typ                     = id;
-    type_extension          = id;
-    extension_constructor   = id;
-    value_description       = id;
-    pat                     = id;
-    expr                    = id;
-    module_declaration      = id;
-    module_type_declaration = id;
-    module_binding          = id;
-    open_description        = id;
-    include_description     = id;
-    include_declaration     = id;
-    value_binding           = id;
-    constructor_declaration = id;
-    label_declaration       = id;
-    cases                   = id;
-    case                    = id;
-    location                = id;
-    extension               = id;
-    attribute               = id;
-    attributes              = id;
-    payload                 = id;
-    binding_op              = id;
-    module_substitution     = id;
-    open_declaration        = id;
-    type_exception          = id;
-  }
-let failing_mapper =
-  let fail _ _ =
-    invalid_arg "failing_mapper: this mapper function should never get called"
-  in
-  {
-    Ast_mapper.
-    structure               = fail;
-    structure_item          = fail;
-    module_expr             = fail;
-    signature               = fail;
-    signature_item          = fail;
-    module_type             = fail;
-    with_constraint         = fail;
-    class_declaration       = fail;
-    class_expr              = fail;
-    class_field             = fail;
-    class_structure         = fail;
-    class_type              = fail;
-    class_type_field        = fail;
-    class_signature         = fail;
-    class_type_declaration  = fail;
-    class_description       = fail;
-    type_declaration        = fail;
-    type_kind               = fail;
-    typ                     = fail;
-    type_extension          = fail;
-    extension_constructor   = fail;
-    value_description       = fail;
-    pat                     = fail;
-    expr                    = fail;
-    module_declaration      = fail;
-    module_type_declaration = fail;
-    module_binding          = fail;
-    open_description        = fail;
-    include_description     = fail;
-    include_declaration     = fail;
-    value_binding           = fail;
-    constructor_declaration = fail;
-    label_declaration       = fail;
-    cases                   = fail;
-    case                    = fail;
-    location                = fail;
-    extension               = fail;
-    attribute               = fail;
-    attributes              = fail;
-    payload                 = fail;
-    binding_op              = fail;
-    module_substitution     = fail;
-    open_declaration        = fail;
-    type_exception          = fail;
-  }
-let make_top_mapper ~signature ~structure =
-  {failing_mapper with Ast_mapper.
-                    signature = (fun _ x -> signature x);
-                    structure = (fun _ x -> structure x) }
-module Migrate_parsetree_402_403_migrate
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-module From = Ast_402
-module To = Ast_403
-let extract_predef_option label typ =
-  let open From in
-  let open Longident in
-  match label, typ.Parsetree.ptyp_desc with
-  | To.Asttypes.Optional _,
-    From.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (
-      {Location.txt = Ldot (Lident "*predef*", "option"); _}, [d]) ->
-      d
-  | _ -> typ
-let rec copy_expression :
-  From.Parsetree.expression ->
-    To.Parsetree.expression
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_desc =
-        (copy_expression_desc pexp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_loc =
-        (copy_location pexp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pexp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_expression_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.expression_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.expression_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constant
-        (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_function
-        ( copy_case x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_expression x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_apply
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_match
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_try
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_construct
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc
-                   copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_expression x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_field
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_array
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_while
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_for
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_expression x2),
-          (copy_direction_flag x3),
-          (copy_expression x4))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_send
-        ((copy_expression x0), x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_new
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_override
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-                (copy_expression x1))) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_assert
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_poly
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_object
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype
-        (x0, (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_pack
-        (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_open
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_direction_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.direction_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.direction_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Upto  -> To.Asttypes.Upto
-  | From.Asttypes.Downto  -> To.Asttypes.Downto
-and copy_case :
- -> =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pc_lhs =
-        (copy_pattern pc_lhs);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_guard =
-        (copy_option copy_expression pc_guard);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_rhs =
-        (copy_expression pc_rhs)
-    }
-and copy_value_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.value_binding ->
-    To.Parsetree.value_binding
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_pat =
-        (copy_pattern pvb_pat);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_expr =
-        (copy_expression pvb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pvb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_loc =
-        (copy_location pvb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_pattern :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern -> To.Parsetree.pattern =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_desc =
-        (copy_pattern_desc ppat_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_loc =
-        (copy_location ppat_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ppat_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_pattern_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.pattern_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_any  ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_var
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_alias
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constant
-        (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_interval
-        ((copy_constant x0),
-          (copy_constant x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_construct
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc
-                   copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_pattern x1))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_array
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_or
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_type
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy
-        (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_exception
-        (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_core_type :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type ->
-    To.Parsetree.core_type
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_desc =
-        (copy_core_type_desc ptyp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_loc =
-        (copy_location ptyp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_core_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.core_type_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_any  ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      let label = copy_arg_label x0 in
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow
-        (label,
-         copy_core_type (extract_predef_option label x1),
-         copy_core_type x2)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_object
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-               (x0, (copy_attributes x1),
-                 (copy_core_type x2))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_class
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias
-        ((copy_core_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant
-        (( copy_row_field x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1),
-          (copy_option
-             (fun x  -> copy_label x) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_package
-        (copy_package_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_package_type :
-  From.Parsetree.package_type ->
-    To.Parsetree.package_type
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-      (
-         (fun x  ->
-            let (x0,x1) = x  in
-            ((copy_loc
-                copy_longident x0),
-              (copy_core_type x1))) x1))
-and copy_row_field :
-  From.Parsetree.row_field ->
-    To.Parsetree.row_field
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Rtag (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rtag
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          ( copy_core_type x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rinherit
-        (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_attributes :
-  From.Parsetree.attributes ->
-    To.Parsetree.attributes
-  = fun x  -> copy_attribute x
-and copy_attribute :
-  From.Parsetree.attribute ->
-    To.Parsetree.attribute
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_payload :
-  From.Parsetree.payload -> To.Parsetree.payload =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.PStr x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PStr
-        (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PTyp x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PTyp
-        (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PPat (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.PPat
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-and copy_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.structure ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure
-  = fun x  -> copy_structure_item x
-and copy_structure_item :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure_item
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_desc =
-        (copy_structure_item_desc pstr_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_loc =
-        (copy_location pstr_loc)
-    }
-and copy_structure_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_eval
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_value
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_type x0 ->
-      let recflag, types = type_declarations x0 in
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_type (recflag, types)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_module
-        (copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class
-        ( copy_class_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_include
-        (copy_include_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute
-        (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_include_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.include_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos
-      copy_module_expr x
-and copy_class_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos
-      copy_class_expr x
-and copy_class_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_expr
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_desc =
-        (copy_class_expr_desc pcl_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_loc =
-        (copy_location pcl_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcl_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_expr_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constr
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_structure
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_class_expr x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_apply
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_class_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (copy_class_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.class_structure ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_structure
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_self =
-        (copy_pattern pcstr_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_fields =
-        ( copy_class_field pcstr_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_field
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_desc =
-        (copy_class_field_desc pcf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_loc =
-        (copy_location pcf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_class_expr x1),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute
-        (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_field_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_field_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual
-        (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-and copy_module_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.module_binding ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_binding
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmb_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_expr =
-        (copy_module_expr pmb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_loc =
-        (copy_location pmb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_expr
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_desc =
-        (copy_module_expr_desc pmod_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_loc =
-        (copy_location pmod_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmod_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_expr_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_structure
-        (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_apply
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_module_type :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_desc =
-        (copy_module_type_desc pmty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_loc =
-        (copy_location pmty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_signature
-        (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_with
-        ((copy_module_type x0),
-          ( copy_with_constraint x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof
-        (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_alias
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-and copy_with_constraint :
-  From.Parsetree.with_constraint ->
-    To.Parsetree.with_constraint
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_type
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_module
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst
-        (copy_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1))
-and copy_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.signature ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature
-  = fun x  -> copy_signature_item x
-and copy_signature_item :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature_item
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.psig_desc =
-        (copy_signature_item_desc psig_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.psig_loc =
-        (copy_location psig_loc)
-    }
-and copy_signature_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_value
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_type x0 ->
-      let recflag, types = type_declarations x0 in
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_type (recflag, types)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_module
-        (copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_include
-        (copy_include_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class
-        ( copy_class_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_attribute
-        (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_class_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos
-      copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_description :
-  From.Parsetree.class_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos
-      copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_type :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_desc pcty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_loc =
-        (copy_location pcty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_constr
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_signature
-        (copy_class_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      let label = copy_arg_label x0 in
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow
-        (label,
-         copy_core_type (extract_predef_option label x1),
-         copy_class_type x2)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.class_signature ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_signature
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_self =
-        (copy_core_type pcsig_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_fields =
-        ( copy_class_type_field
-           pcsig_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_field
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_loc =
-        (copy_location pctf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pctf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit
-        (copy_class_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (x0, (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (x0, (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute
-        (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.extension ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_class_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.class_infos ->
-        'g0 To.Parsetree.class_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pci_virt =
-          (copy_virtual_flag pci_virt);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_params =
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_core_type x0),
-                  (copy_variance x1))) pci_params);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_name =
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pci_name);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_expr = (f0 pci_expr);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_loc =
-          (copy_location pci_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pci_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_virtual_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.virtual_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.virtual_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Virtual  -> To.Asttypes.Virtual
-  | From.Asttypes.Concrete  -> To.Asttypes.Concrete
-and copy_include_description :
-  From.Parsetree.include_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos
-      copy_module_type x
-and copy_include_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.include_infos ->
-        'g0 To.Parsetree.include_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_mod = (f0 pincl_mod);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_loc =
-          (copy_location pincl_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pincl_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_open_description :
-  From.Parsetree.open_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.open_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.popen_lid = popen_lid;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.popen_lid =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           popen_lid);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_override =
-        (copy_override_flag popen_override);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_loc =
-        (copy_location popen_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes popen_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_override_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.override_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.override_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Override  -> To.Asttypes.Override
-  | From.Asttypes.Fresh  -> To.Asttypes.Fresh
-and copy_module_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmtd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_type =
-        (copy_option copy_module_type pmtd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmtd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_loc =
-        (copy_location pmtd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_type =
-        (copy_module_type pmd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_loc =
-        (copy_location pmd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_type_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.type_extension ->
-    To.Parsetree.type_extension
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_path =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           ptyext_path);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptyext_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors =
-        ( copy_extension_constructor
-           ptyext_constructors);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptyext_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pext_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pext_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_kind =
-        (copy_extension_constructor_kind pext_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_loc =
-        (copy_location pext_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_decl
-        (To.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple ( copy_core_type x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_rebind
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-and copy_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) ptype_name);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptype_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_core_type x1),
-                (copy_location x2))) ptype_cstrs);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_kind =
-        (copy_type_kind ptype_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptype_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_manifest =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type ptype_manifest);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptype_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_loc =
-        (copy_location ptype_loc)
-    }
-and copy_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.private_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_type_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.type_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.type_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract  ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_variant
-        ( copy_constructor_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_open  ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_open
-and copy_label_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.label_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.label_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pld_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pld_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_mutable =
-        (copy_mutable_flag pld_mutable);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_type =
-        (copy_core_type pld_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_loc =
-        (copy_location pld_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pld_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_mutable_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.mutable_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.mutable_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Immutable  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Immutable
-  | From.Asttypes.Mutable  -> To.Asttypes.Mutable
-and copy_constructor_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pcd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_args =
-        To.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple ( copy_core_type pcd_args);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_res =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type pcd_res);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_loc =
-        (copy_location pcd_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcd_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_variance :
-  From.Asttypes.variance -> To.Asttypes.variance =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Covariant  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Covariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Contravariant  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Contravariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Invariant  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Invariant
-and copy_value_description :
-  From.Parsetree.value_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.value_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pval_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pval_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_type =
-        (copy_core_type pval_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_prim =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) pval_prim);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pval_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_loc =
-        (copy_location pval_loc)
-    }
-and copy_closed_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.closed_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.closed_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Closed  -> To.Asttypes.Closed
-  | From.Asttypes.Open  -> To.Asttypes.Open
-and copy_label :
-  From.Asttypes.label -> To.Asttypes.label =
-  fun x ->
-    x
-and copy_arg_label :
-  From.Asttypes.label -> To.Asttypes.arg_label =
-  fun x ->
-    if x <> "" then
-      if x.[0] = '?' then To.Asttypes.Optional (String.sub x 1 (String.length x - 1))
-      else To.Asttypes.Labelled x
-    else
-      To.Asttypes.Nolabel
-and copy_rec_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.rec_flag -> To.Asttypes.rec_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nonrecursive  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Nonrecursive
-  | From.Asttypes.Recursive  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Recursive
-and copy_constant :
-  From.Asttypes.constant -> To.Parsetree.constant =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Const_int x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (string_of_int x0, None)
-  | From.Asttypes.Const_char x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0
-  | From.Asttypes.Const_string (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_string
-        (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Asttypes.Const_float x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0, None)
-  | From.Asttypes.Const_int32 x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (Int32.to_string x0, Some 'l')
-  | From.Asttypes.Const_int64 x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (Int64.to_string x0, Some 'L')
-  | From.Asttypes.Const_nativeint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (Nativeint.to_string x0, Some 'n')
-and copy_option : 'f0 'g0 . ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 option -> 'g0 option =
-  fun f0  -> function | None  -> None | Some x0 -> Some (f0 x0)
-and copy_longident :
-  From.Longident.t -> To.Longident.t =
-  function
-  | From.Longident.Lident x0 ->
-      To.Longident.Lident x0
-  | From.Longident.Ldot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Ldot ((copy_longident x0), x1)
-  | From.Longident.Lapply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Lapply ((copy_longident x0), (copy_longident x1))
-and copy_loc :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Asttypes.loc -> 'g0 To.Asttypes.loc
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Asttypes.txt = txt;
-        From.Asttypes.loc = loc }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Asttypes.txt = (f0 txt);
-        To.Asttypes.loc = (copy_location loc)
-      }
-and copy_location :
-  From.Location.t -> To.Location.t =
-  fun
-    { From.Location.loc_start = loc_start;
-      From.Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-      From.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Location.loc_start = (copy_Lexing_position loc_start);
-      To.Location.loc_end = (copy_Lexing_position loc_end);
-      To.Location.loc_ghost = (copy_bool loc_ghost)
-    }
-and copy_bool : bool -> bool = function | false  -> false | true  -> true
-and copy_Lexing_position : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position =
-  fun
-    { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-     ->
-    {
-      Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname;
-      Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol;
-      Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum
-    }
-and type_declarations types =
-  let is_nonrec (attr,_) = attr.To.Location.txt = "nonrec" in
-  match copy_type_declaration types with
-  | (x :: xs)
-    when List.exists is_nonrec x.To.Parsetree.ptype_attributes ->
-      let ptype_attributes =
-        List.filter (fun x -> not (is_nonrec x)) x.To.Parsetree.ptype_attributes
-      in
-      (To.Asttypes.Nonrecursive,
-       {x with To.Parsetree.ptype_attributes} :: xs)
-  | types -> (To.Asttypes.Recursive, types)
-let rec copy_out_phrase :
-  From.Outcometree.out_phrase -> To.Outcometree.out_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_eval
-        ((copy_out_value x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_signature
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_sig_item x0),
-                (copy_option copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_exception
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_exn x0), (copy_out_value x1)))
-and copy_exn : exn -> exn = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_sig_item -> To.Outcometree.out_sig_item =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class_type (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class_type
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_typext (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_typext
-        ((copy_out_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_out_ext_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_modtype
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_module
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_type
-        ((copy_out_type_decl x0),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_value (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_value { To.Outcometree.
-                                  oval_name = x0;
-                                  oval_type = copy_out_type x1;
-                                  oval_prims = (fun x -> x) x2;
-                                  oval_attributes = [] }
-and copy_out_type_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_type_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_params = otype_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_type = otype_type;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_private = otype_private;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_cstrs = otype_cstrs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-           otype_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_type =
-        (copy_out_type otype_type);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_private =
-        (copy_private_flag otype_private);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_type x0),
-               (copy_out_type x1))) otype_cstrs);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_immediate = false;
-    }
-and copy_out_module_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_module_type -> To.Outcometree.out_module_type
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Omty_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_functor
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_module_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_ident (copy_out_ident x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_signature
-        ( copy_out_sig_item x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_alias (copy_out_ident x0)
-and copy_out_ext_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ext_status -> To.Outcometree.out_ext_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_first  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_next  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_next
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_exception  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_exception
-and copy_out_extension_constructor :
-  From.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_params = oext_type_params;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_args = oext_args;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_ret_type = oext_ret_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_private = oext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) oext_type_params);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_args =
-        ( copy_out_type oext_args);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_ret_type =
-        (copy_option copy_out_type oext_ret_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag oext_private)
-    }
-and copy_out_rec_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_rec_status -> To.Outcometree.out_rec_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_not  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_not
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_first  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_next  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_next
-and copy_out_class_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_type -> To.Outcometree.out_class_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_class_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_signature (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_signature
-        ((copy_option copy_out_type x0),
-          ( copy_out_class_sig_item x1))
-and copy_out_class_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_method
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_value
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-and copy_out_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type -> To.Outcometree.out_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_open  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_open
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_alias
-        ((copy_out_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_class (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_ident x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_object
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               (x0, (copy_out_type x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_bool x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_out_type x2)))
-           x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_sum x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_sum
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple
-        ( copy_out_type x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_var ((copy_bool x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_variant (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_variant
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_variant x1),
-          (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> (fun x  -> x) x) x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> x) x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_module
-        (x0, ( (fun x  -> x) x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-and copy_out_variant :
-  From.Outcometree.out_variant -> To.Outcometree.out_variant =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_fields x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_fields
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1),
-                ( copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_name (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_name
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-and copy_out_value :
-  From.Outcometree.out_value -> To.Outcometree.out_value =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_array x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_array
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_char x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_char x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_value x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_float x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_float (copy_float x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_list x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_list
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_ident x0),
-                (copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_string x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_string x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_tuple
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_variant
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_value x1))
-and copy_float : float -> float = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_ident :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ident -> To.Outcometree.out_ident =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_apply
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          (copy_out_ident x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_dot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_dot
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0
-let rec copy_toplevel_phrase :
-  From.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> To.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_def x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_def (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_dir (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_dir
-        (x0, (copy_directive_argument x1))
-and copy_directive_argument :
-  From.Parsetree.directive_argument -> To.Parsetree.directive_argument =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_none  -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_none
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_int x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_int (string_of_int x0, None)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_ident x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_ident (copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_bool (copy_bool x0)
-let copy_out_type_extension :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_extension -> To.Outcometree.out_type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_params = otyext_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_constructors = otyext_constructors;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_private = otyext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) otyext_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_constructors =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2)))
-           otyext_constructors);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag otyext_private)
-    }
-let copy_cases x = copy_case x
-let copy_pat = copy_pattern
-let copy_expr = copy_expression
-let copy_typ = copy_core_type
-module Migrate_parsetree_def : sig 
-#1 "migrate_parsetree_def.mli"
-# 1 "src/migrate_parsetree_def.mli"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(** Features which are not available in all versions of the frontend *)
-type missing_feature =
-    Pexp_letexception
-  | Ppat_open
-  | Pexp_unreachable
-  | PSig
-  | Pcstr_record
-  | Pconst_integer
-  | Pconst_float
-  | Pcl_open
-  | Pcty_open
-  | Oinherit
-  | Pwith_typesubst_longident
-  | Pwith_modsubst_longident
-  | Pexp_open
-  | Pexp_letop
-  | Psig_typesubst
-  | Psig_modsubst
-  | Otyp_module
-  | Immediate64
-  | Anonymous_let_module
-  | Anonymous_unpack
-  | Anonymous_module_binding
-  | Anonymous_module_declaration
-(** Exception thrown by migration functions when a feature is not supported. *)
-exception Migration_error of missing_feature * Location.t
-(** [missing_feature_description x] is a text describing the feature [x]. *)
-val missing_feature_description : missing_feature -> string
-(** [missing_feature_minimal_version x] is the OCaml version where x was
-    introduced. *)
-val missing_feature_minimal_version : missing_feature -> string
-(** Turn a missing feature into a reasonable error message. *)
-val migration_error_message : missing_feature -> string
-end = struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(** Errors that can happen when converting constructions that doesn't exist in
-    older version of the AST. *)
-type missing_feature =
-  | Pexp_letexception
-    (** 4.04 -> 4.03: local exception, let exception _ in ... *)
-  | Ppat_open
-    (** 4.04 -> 4.03: module open in pattern match x with M.(_) -> ... *)
-  | Pexp_unreachable
-    (** 4.04 -> 4.03: unreachable pattern -> . *)
-  | PSig
-    (** 4.03 -> 4.02: signature in attribute, [@: val x : int] *)
-  | Pcstr_record
-    (** 4.03 -> 4.02: inline record *)
-  | Pconst_integer
-    (** 4.03 -> 4.02: integer literal with invalid suffix, 1234d *)
-  | Pconst_float
-    (** 4.03 -> 4.02: float literal with invalid suffix, 1234.0g *)
-  | Pcl_open
-    (** 4.06 -> 4.05: let open M in <class-expression> *)
-  | Pcty_open
-    (** 4.06 -> 4.05: let open M in <class-type> *)
-  | Oinherit
-    (** 4.06 -> 4.05: type t = < m : int; u > *)
-  | Pwith_typesubst_longident
-    (** 4.06 -> 4.05: T with type X.t := ... *)
-  | Pwith_modsubst_longident
-    (** 4.06 -> 4.05: T with module X.Y := ... *)
-  | Pexp_open
-    (** 4.08 -> 4.07: open M(N).O *)
-  | Pexp_letop
-    (** 4.08 -> 4.07: let* x = ... *)
-  | Psig_typesubst
-    (** 4.08 -> 4.07: type t := ... *)
-  | Psig_modsubst
-    (** 4.08 -> 4.07: module M := ... *)
-  | Otyp_module
-    (** 4.08 -> 4.07: M(N) *)
-  | Immediate64
-  (** 4.10 -> 4.09: [@@immediate64] *)
-  | Anonymous_let_module
-  (** 4.10 -> 4.09: let module _ = ... in ... *)
-  | Anonymous_unpack
-  (** 4.10 -> 4.09: (module _) *)
-  | Anonymous_module_binding
-  (** 4.10 -> 4.09: module _ = ... *)
-  | Anonymous_module_declaration
-  (** 4.10 -> 4.09: module _ = struct ... end *)
-exception Migration_error of missing_feature * Location.t
-(** [missing_feature_description x] is a text describing the feature [x]. *)
-let missing_feature_description = function
-  | Pexp_letexception -> "local exceptions"
-  | Ppat_open         -> "module open in patterns"
-  | Pexp_unreachable  -> "unreachable patterns"
-  | PSig              -> "signatures in attribute"
-  | Pcstr_record      -> "inline records"
-  | Pconst_integer    -> "custom integer literals"
-  | Pconst_float      -> "custom float literals"
-  | Pcl_open          -> "module open in class expression"
-  | Pcty_open         -> "module open in class type"
-  | Oinherit          -> "inheritance in object type"
-  | Pwith_typesubst_longident -> "type substitution inside a submodule"
-  | Pwith_modsubst_longident  -> "module substitution inside a submodule"
-  | Pexp_open -> "complex open"
-  | Pexp_letop -> "let operators"
-  | Psig_typesubst -> "type substitution in signatures"
-  | Psig_modsubst -> "module substitution in signatures"
-  | Otyp_module -> "complex outcome module"
-  | Immediate64 -> "[@@immediate64] attribute"
-  | Anonymous_let_module -> "anonymous let module"
-  | Anonymous_unpack -> "anynymous unpack"
-  | Anonymous_module_binding -> "anonymous module binding"
-  | Anonymous_module_declaration -> "anonymous module declaration"
-(** [missing_feature_minimal_version x] is the OCaml version where x was
-    introduced. *)
-let missing_feature_minimal_version = function
-  | Pexp_letexception -> "OCaml 4.04"
-  | Ppat_open         -> "OCaml 4.04"
-  | Pexp_unreachable  -> "OCaml 4.03"
-  | PSig              -> "OCaml 4.03"
-  | Pcstr_record      -> "OCaml 4.03"
-  | Pconst_integer    -> "OCaml 4.03"
-  | Pconst_float      -> "OCaml 4.03"
-  | Pcl_open          -> "OCaml 4.06"
-  | Pcty_open         -> "OCaml 4.06"
-  | Oinherit          -> "OCaml 4.06"
-  | Pwith_typesubst_longident -> "OCaml 4.06"
-  | Pwith_modsubst_longident  -> "OCaml 4.06"
-  | Pexp_open -> "OCaml 4.08"
-  | Pexp_letop -> "OCaml 4.08"
-  | Psig_typesubst -> "OCaml 4.08"
-  | Psig_modsubst -> "OCaml 4.08"
-  | Otyp_module -> "OCaml 4.08"
-  | Immediate64 -> "OCaml 4.10"
-  | Anonymous_let_module -> "OCaml 4.10"
-  | Anonymous_unpack -> "OCaml 4.10"
-  | Anonymous_module_binding -> "OCaml 4.10"
-  | Anonymous_module_declaration -> "OCaml 4.10"
-(** Turn a missing feature into a reasonable error message. *)
-let migration_error_message x =
-  let feature = missing_feature_description x in
-  let version = missing_feature_minimal_version x in
-  feature ^ " are not supported before " ^ version
-let () =
-  let location_prefix l =
-    if l = Location.none then "" else
-      let {Location.loc_start; loc_end; _} = l in
-      let bol = loc_start.Lexing.pos_bol in
-      Printf.sprintf "File %S, line %d, characters %d-%d: "
-        loc_start.Lexing.pos_fname
-        loc_start.Lexing.pos_lnum
-        (loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum - bol)
-        (loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum - bol)
-  in
-  Printexc.register_printer (function
-      | Migration_error (err, loc) ->
-          Some (location_prefix loc ^ migration_error_message err)
-      | _ -> None
-    )
-module Migrate_parsetree_403_402_migrate
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-module Def = Migrate_parsetree_def
-module From = Ast_403
-module To = Ast_402
-let inject_predef_option label d =
-  let open To in
-  let open Parsetree in
-  match label with
-  | From.Asttypes.Optional _ ->
-    let loc = {d.ptyp_loc with Location.loc_ghost = true} in
-    let txt = Longident.Ldot (Longident.Lident "*predef*", "option") in
-    let ident = {Location. txt; loc} in
-    { ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr(ident,[d]); ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = []}
-  | _ -> d
-let from_loc {From.Location. txt = _; loc} = loc
-let migration_error location feature =
-  raise (Def.Migration_error (feature, location))
-let rec copy_expression :
-  From.Parsetree.expression ->
-    To.Parsetree.expression
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_desc =
-        (copy_expression_desc pexp_loc pexp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_loc =
-        (copy_location pexp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pexp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_expression_desc loc :
-  From.Parsetree.expression_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.expression_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constant
-        (copy_constant loc x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_function
-        ( copy_case x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_expression x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_apply
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_match
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_try
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_construct
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc
-                   copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_expression x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_field
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_array
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_while
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_for
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_expression x2),
-          (copy_direction_flag x3),
-          (copy_expression x4))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_send
-        ((copy_expression x0), x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_new
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_override
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-                (copy_expression x1))) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_assert
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_poly
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_object
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype
-        (x0, (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_pack
-        (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_open
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable  ->
-      migration_error loc Def.Pexp_unreachable
-and copy_direction_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.direction_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.direction_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Upto  -> To.Asttypes.Upto
-  | From.Asttypes.Downto  -> To.Asttypes.Downto
-and copy_case :
- -> =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pc_lhs =
-        (copy_pattern pc_lhs);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_guard =
-        (copy_option copy_expression pc_guard);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_rhs =
-        (copy_expression pc_rhs)
-    }
-and copy_value_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.value_binding ->
-    To.Parsetree.value_binding
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_pat =
-        (copy_pattern pvb_pat);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_expr =
-        (copy_expression pvb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pvb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_loc =
-        (copy_location pvb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_pattern :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern -> To.Parsetree.pattern =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_desc =
-        (copy_pattern_desc ppat_loc ppat_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_loc =
-        (copy_location ppat_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ppat_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_pattern_desc loc :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.pattern_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_any  ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_var
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_alias
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constant
-        (copy_constant loc x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_interval
-        ((copy_constant loc x0),
-          (copy_constant loc x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_construct
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc
-                   copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_pattern x1))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_array
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_or
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_type
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy
-        (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_exception
-        (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_core_type :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type ->
-    To.Parsetree.core_type
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_desc =
-        (copy_core_type_desc ptyp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_loc =
-        (copy_location ptyp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_core_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.core_type_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_any  ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          inject_predef_option x0 (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_object
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-               (x0, (copy_attributes x1),
-                 (copy_core_type x2))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_class
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias
-        ((copy_core_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant
-        (( copy_row_field x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1),
-          (copy_option
-             (fun x  -> copy_label x) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_package
-        (copy_package_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_package_type :
-  From.Parsetree.package_type ->
-    To.Parsetree.package_type
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-      (
-         (fun x  ->
-            let (x0,x1) = x  in
-            ((copy_loc
-                copy_longident x0),
-              (copy_core_type x1))) x1))
-and copy_row_field :
-  From.Parsetree.row_field ->
-    To.Parsetree.row_field
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Rtag (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rtag
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          ( copy_core_type x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rinherit
-        (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_attributes :
-  From.Parsetree.attributes ->
-    To.Parsetree.attributes
-  = fun x  -> copy_attribute x
-and copy_attribute :
-  From.Parsetree.attribute ->
-    To.Parsetree.attribute
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload (from_loc x0) x1))
-and copy_payload loc :
-  From.Parsetree.payload -> To.Parsetree.payload =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.PStr x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PStr
-        (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PSig _x0 ->
-      migration_error loc Def.PSig
-  | From.Parsetree.PTyp x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PTyp
-        (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PPat (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.PPat
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-and copy_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.structure ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure
-  = fun x  -> copy_structure_item x
-and copy_structure_item :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure_item
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_desc =
-        (copy_structure_item_desc pstr_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_loc =
-        (copy_location pstr_loc)
-    }
-and copy_structure_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_eval
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_value
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_type (type_declarations x0 x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_module
-        (copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class
-        ( copy_class_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_include
-        (copy_include_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute
-        (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_include_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.include_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos
-      copy_module_expr x
-and copy_class_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos
-      copy_class_expr x
-and copy_class_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_expr
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_desc =
-        (copy_class_expr_desc pcl_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_loc =
-        (copy_location pcl_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcl_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_expr_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constr
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_structure
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_class_expr x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_apply
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_class_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (copy_class_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.class_structure ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_structure
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_self =
-        (copy_pattern pcstr_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_fields =
-        ( copy_class_field pcstr_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_field
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_desc =
-        (copy_class_field_desc pcf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_loc =
-        (copy_location pcf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_class_expr x1),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute
-        (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_field_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_field_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual
-        (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-and copy_module_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.module_binding ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_binding
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmb_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_expr =
-        (copy_module_expr pmb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_loc =
-        (copy_location pmb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_expr
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_desc =
-        (copy_module_expr_desc pmod_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_loc =
-        (copy_location pmod_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmod_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_expr_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_structure
-        (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_apply
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_module_type :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_desc =
-        (copy_module_type_desc pmty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_loc =
-        (copy_location pmty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_signature
-        (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_with
-        ((copy_module_type x0),
-          ( copy_with_constraint x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof
-        (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_alias
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-and copy_with_constraint :
-  From.Parsetree.with_constraint ->
-    To.Parsetree.with_constraint
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_type
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_module
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst
-        (copy_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1))
-and copy_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.signature ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature
-  = fun x  -> copy_signature_item x
-and copy_signature_item :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature_item
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.psig_desc =
-        (copy_signature_item_desc psig_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.psig_loc =
-        (copy_location psig_loc)
-    }
-and copy_signature_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_value
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_type (type_declarations x0 x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_module
-        (copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_include
-        (copy_include_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class
-        ( copy_class_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_attribute
-        (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_class_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos
-      copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_description :
-  From.Parsetree.class_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos
-      copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_type :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_desc pcty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_loc =
-        (copy_location pcty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_constr
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_signature
-        (copy_class_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          inject_predef_option x0 (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_class_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.class_signature ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_signature
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_self =
-        (copy_core_type pcsig_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_fields =
-        ( copy_class_type_field
-           pcsig_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_field
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_loc =
-        (copy_location pctf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pctf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit
-        (copy_class_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (x0, (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (x0, (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute
-        (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.extension ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload (from_loc x0) x1))
-and copy_class_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.class_infos ->
-        'g0 To.Parsetree.class_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pci_virt =
-          (copy_virtual_flag pci_virt);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_params =
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_core_type x0),
-                  (copy_variance x1))) pci_params);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_name =
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pci_name);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_expr = (f0 pci_expr);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_loc =
-          (copy_location pci_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pci_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_virtual_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.virtual_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.virtual_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Virtual  -> To.Asttypes.Virtual
-  | From.Asttypes.Concrete  -> To.Asttypes.Concrete
-and copy_include_description :
-  From.Parsetree.include_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos
-      copy_module_type x
-and copy_include_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.include_infos ->
-        'g0 To.Parsetree.include_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_mod = (f0 pincl_mod);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_loc =
-          (copy_location pincl_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pincl_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_open_description :
-  From.Parsetree.open_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.open_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.popen_lid = popen_lid;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.popen_lid =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           popen_lid);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_override =
-        (copy_override_flag popen_override);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_loc =
-        (copy_location popen_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes popen_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_override_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.override_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.override_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Override  -> To.Asttypes.Override
-  | From.Asttypes.Fresh  -> To.Asttypes.Fresh
-and copy_module_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmtd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_type =
-        (copy_option copy_module_type pmtd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmtd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_loc =
-        (copy_location pmtd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_type =
-        (copy_module_type pmd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_loc =
-        (copy_location pmd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_type_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.type_extension ->
-    To.Parsetree.type_extension
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_path =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           ptyext_path);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptyext_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors =
-        ( copy_extension_constructor
-           ptyext_constructors);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptyext_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pext_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pext_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_kind =
-        (copy_extension_constructor_kind (from_loc pext_name) pext_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_loc =
-        (copy_location pext_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor_kind loc :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_decl
-        ((copy_constructor_arguments loc x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_rebind
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-and copy_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) ptype_name);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptype_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_core_type x1),
-                (copy_location x2))) ptype_cstrs);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_kind =
-        (copy_type_kind ptype_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptype_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_manifest =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type ptype_manifest);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptype_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_loc =
-        (copy_location ptype_loc)
-    }
-and copy_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.private_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_type_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.type_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.type_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract  ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_variant
-        ( copy_constructor_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_open  ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_open
-and copy_constructor_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pcd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_args =
-        (copy_constructor_arguments (from_loc pcd_name) pcd_args);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_res =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type pcd_res);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_loc =
-        (copy_location pcd_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcd_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_constructor_arguments loc :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_arguments ->
-    To.Parsetree.core_type list
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple x0 ->
- copy_core_type x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_record _x0 ->
-      migration_error loc Def.Pcstr_record
-and copy_label_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.label_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.label_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pld_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pld_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_mutable =
-        (copy_mutable_flag pld_mutable);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_type =
-        (copy_core_type pld_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_loc =
-        (copy_location pld_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pld_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_mutable_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.mutable_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.mutable_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Immutable  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Immutable
-  | From.Asttypes.Mutable  -> To.Asttypes.Mutable
-and copy_variance :
-  From.Asttypes.variance -> To.Asttypes.variance =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Covariant  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Covariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Contravariant  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Contravariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Invariant  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Invariant
-and copy_value_description :
-  From.Parsetree.value_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.value_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pval_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pval_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_type =
-        (copy_core_type pval_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_prim =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) pval_prim);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pval_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_loc =
-        (copy_location pval_loc)
-    }
-and copy_arg_label :
-  From.Asttypes.arg_label -> string
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nolabel  -> ""
-  | From.Asttypes.Labelled x0 -> x0
-  | From.Asttypes.Optional x0 -> "?" ^ x0
-and copy_closed_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.closed_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.closed_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Closed  -> To.Asttypes.Closed
-  | From.Asttypes.Open  -> To.Asttypes.Open
-and copy_label :
-  From.Asttypes.label -> To.Asttypes.label =
-  fun x  -> x
-and copy_rec_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.rec_flag -> To.Asttypes.rec_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nonrecursive  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Nonrecursive
-  | From.Asttypes.Recursive  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Recursive
-and copy_constant loc :
-  From.Parsetree.constant -> To.Asttypes.constant
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0,x1) ->
-     begin match x1 with
-     | None -> To.Asttypes.Const_int (int_of_string x0)
-     | Some 'l' ->
-         To.Asttypes.Const_int32 (Int32.of_string x0)
-     | Some 'L' ->
-         To.Asttypes.Const_int64 (Int64.of_string x0)
-     | Some 'n' ->
-         To.Asttypes.Const_nativeint (Nativeint.of_string x0)
-     | Some _ -> migration_error loc Def.Pconst_integer
-     end
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0 ->
-      To.Asttypes.Const_char x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Asttypes.Const_string (x0,x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0,x1) ->
-      begin match x1 with
-      | None -> To.Asttypes.Const_float x0
-      | Some _ -> migration_error loc Def.Pconst_float
-      end
-and copy_option : 'f0 'g0 . ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 option -> 'g0 option =
-  fun f0  -> function | None  -> None | Some x0 -> Some (f0 x0)
-and copy_longident : From.Longident.t -> To.Longident.t = function
-  | From.Longident.Lident x0 ->
-      To.Longident.Lident x0
-  | From.Longident.Ldot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Ldot
-        ((copy_longident x0), x1)
-  | From.Longident.Lapply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Lapply
-        ((copy_longident x0), (copy_longident x1))
-and copy_loc :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Asttypes.loc -> 'g0 To.Asttypes.loc
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Asttypes.txt = txt;
-        From.Asttypes.loc = loc }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Asttypes.txt = (f0 txt);
-        To.Asttypes.loc = copy_location loc
-      }
-and copy_location :
-  From.Location.t -> To.Location.t =
-  fun
-    { From.Location.loc_start = loc_start;
-      From.Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-      From.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Location.loc_start = (copy_Lexing_position loc_start);
-      To.Location.loc_end = (copy_Lexing_position loc_end);
-      To.Location.loc_ghost = (copy_bool loc_ghost)
-    }
-and copy_bool : bool -> bool = function | false  -> false | true  -> true
-and copy_Lexing_position : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position =
-  fun
-    { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-     ->
-    {
-      Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname;
-      Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol;
-      Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum
-    }
-and type_declarations recflag types =
-  match
-    (recflag, copy_type_declaration types)
-  with
-  | From.Asttypes.Recursive, types -> types
-  | From.Asttypes.Nonrecursive, [] -> []
-  | From.Asttypes.Nonrecursive, (x :: xs) ->
-      let pos = {Lexing. pos_fname = "_none_"; pos_lnum = 1;
-                 pos_bol = 0; pos_cnum = -1} in
-      let loc = {To.Location. loc_start = pos; loc_end = pos;
-                 loc_ghost = true} in
-      let ptype_attributes =
-        ({To.Asttypes.txt = "nonrec"; loc}, To.Parsetree.PStr []) ::
-        x.To.Parsetree.ptype_attributes
-      in
-      {x with To.Parsetree.ptype_attributes} :: xs
-let rec copy_out_phrase :
-  From.Outcometree.out_phrase -> To.Outcometree.out_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_eval
-        ((copy_out_value x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_signature
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_sig_item x0),
-                (copy_option copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_exception
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_exn x0), (copy_out_value x1)))
-and copy_exn : exn -> exn = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_sig_item -> To.Outcometree.out_sig_item =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class_type (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class_type
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_typext (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_typext
-        ((copy_out_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_out_ext_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_modtype
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_module
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_type
-        ((copy_out_type_decl x0),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_value x0 -> copy_out_val_decl x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_value ("...", To.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract, [])
-and copy_out_val_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_val_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_sig_item =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_type = oval_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_prims = oval_prims;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_attributes = _ }
-     ->
-       To.Outcometree.Osig_value (
-         oval_name,
-         copy_out_type oval_type,
- (fun x  -> x) oval_prims
-       )
-and copy_out_type_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_type_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_params = otype_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_type = otype_type;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_private = otype_private;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_immediate = _;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_cstrs = otype_cstrs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-           otype_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_type =
-        (copy_out_type otype_type);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag otype_private);
-      (*To.Outcometree.otype_immediate = (copy_bool otype_immediate);*)
-      To.Outcometree.otype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_type x0),
-                (copy_out_type x1))) otype_cstrs)
-    }
-and copy_out_module_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_module_type -> To.Outcometree.out_module_type
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Omty_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_functor
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_module_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_ident (copy_out_ident x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_signature
-        ( copy_out_sig_item x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_alias (copy_out_ident x0)
-and copy_out_ext_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ext_status -> To.Outcometree.out_ext_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_first  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_next  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_next
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_exception  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_exception
-and copy_out_extension_constructor :
-  From.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_params = oext_type_params;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_args = oext_args;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_ret_type = oext_ret_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_private = oext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) oext_type_params);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_args =
-        ( copy_out_type oext_args);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_ret_type =
-        (copy_option copy_out_type oext_ret_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag oext_private)
-    }
-and copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag -> To.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_out_rec_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_rec_status -> To.Outcometree.out_rec_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_not  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_not
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_first  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_next  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_next
-and copy_out_class_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_type -> To.Outcometree.out_class_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_class_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_signature (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_signature
-        ((copy_option copy_out_type x0),
-          ( copy_out_class_sig_item x1))
-and copy_out_class_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_method
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_value
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-and copy_out_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type -> To.Outcometree.out_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_open  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_open
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_alias
-        ((copy_out_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_class (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_ident x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_object
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               (x0, (copy_out_type x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_bool x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_out_type x2)))
-           x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_sum x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_sum
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple
-        ( copy_out_type x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_var ((copy_bool x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_variant (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_variant
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_variant x1),
-          (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> (fun x  -> x) x) x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> x) x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_module
-        (x0, ( (fun x  -> x) x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute (_x0,_x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract
-      (*To.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_attribute x1))*)
-(*and copy_out_attribute :
-  From.Outcometree.out_attribute -> To.Outcometree.out_attribute =
-  fun { From.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }  ->
-    { To.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }*)
-and copy_out_variant :
-  From.Outcometree.out_variant -> To.Outcometree.out_variant =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_fields x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_fields
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1),
-                ( copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_name (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_name
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-and copy_out_value :
-  From.Outcometree.out_value -> To.Outcometree.out_value =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_array x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_array
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_char x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_char x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_value x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_float x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_float (copy_float x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_list x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_list
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_ident x0),
-                (copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_string x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_string x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_tuple
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_variant
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_value x1))
-and copy_float : float -> float = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_ident :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ident -> To.Outcometree.out_ident =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_apply
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          (copy_out_ident x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_dot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_dot
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0
-let rec copy_toplevel_phrase :
-  From.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> To.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_def x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_def (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_dir (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_dir
-        (x0, (copy_directive_argument x1))
-and copy_directive_argument :
-  From.Parsetree.directive_argument ->
-    To.Parsetree.directive_argument
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_none  -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_none
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0,_x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_int (int_of_string x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_ident (copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_bool (copy_bool x0)
-let copy_out_type_extension :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_extension -> To.Outcometree.out_type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_params = otyext_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_constructors = otyext_constructors;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_private = otyext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) otyext_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_constructors =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2)))
-           otyext_constructors);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag otyext_private)
-    }
-let copy_cases x = copy_case x
-let copy_pat = copy_pattern
-let copy_expr = copy_expression
-let copy_typ = copy_core_type
-module Migrate_parsetree_402_403
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-include Migrate_parsetree_402_403_migrate
-(*$ open Printf
-  let fields = [
-    "attribute"; "attributes"; "case"; "cases"; "class_declaration";
-    "class_description"; "class_expr"; "class_field"; "class_signature";
-    "class_structure"; "class_type"; "class_type_declaration";
-    "class_type_field"; "constructor_declaration"; "expr"; "extension";
-    "extension_constructor"; "include_declaration"; "include_description";
-    "label_declaration"; "location"; "module_binding"; "module_declaration";
-    "module_expr"; "module_type"; "module_type_declaration";
-    "open_description"; "pat"; "signature"; "signature_item"; "structure";
-    "structure_item"; "typ"; "type_declaration"; "type_extension";
-    "type_kind"; "value_binding"; "value_description";
-    "with_constraint"
-  ]
-  let foreach_field f =
-    printf "\n";
-    List.iter f fields
-let copy_mapper = fun
-  ({ From.Ast_mapper.
-     (*$ foreach_field (printf "%s;\n")*)
-     attribute;
-     attributes;
-     case;
-     cases;
-     class_declaration;
-     class_description;
-     class_expr;
-     class_field;
-     class_signature;
-     class_structure;
-     class_type;
-     class_type_declaration;
-     class_type_field;
-     constructor_declaration;
-     expr;
-     extension;
-     extension_constructor;
-     include_declaration;
-     include_description;
-     label_declaration;
-     location;
-     module_binding;
-     module_declaration;
-     module_expr;
-     module_type;
-     module_type_declaration;
-     open_description;
-     pat;
-     signature;
-     signature_item;
-     structure;
-     structure_item;
-     typ;
-     type_declaration;
-     type_extension;
-     type_kind;
-     value_binding;
-     value_description;
-     with_constraint;
-     (*$*)
-     payload
-   } as mapper) ->
-  let module R = Migrate_parsetree_403_402_migrate in
-  {
-    To.Ast_mapper.
-    (*$ foreach_field (fun s ->
-        printf
-          "%s = (fun _ x -> copy_%s (%s mapper (R.copy_%s x)));\n" s s s s)
-    *)
-    attribute = (fun _ x -> copy_attribute (attribute mapper (R.copy_attribute x)));
-    attributes = (fun _ x -> copy_attributes (attributes mapper (R.copy_attributes x)));
-    case = (fun _ x -> copy_case (case mapper (R.copy_case x)));
-    cases = (fun _ x -> copy_cases (cases mapper (R.copy_cases x)));
-    class_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_declaration (class_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_declaration x)));
-    class_description = (fun _ x -> copy_class_description (class_description mapper (R.copy_class_description x)));
-    class_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_class_expr (class_expr mapper (R.copy_class_expr x)));
-    class_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_field (class_field mapper (R.copy_class_field x)));
-    class_signature = (fun _ x -> copy_class_signature (class_signature mapper (R.copy_class_signature x)));
-    class_structure = (fun _ x -> copy_class_structure (class_structure mapper (R.copy_class_structure x)));
-    class_type = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type (class_type mapper (R.copy_class_type x)));
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_declaration (class_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_type_declaration x)));
-    class_type_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_field (class_type_field mapper (R.copy_class_type_field x)));
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_constructor_declaration (constructor_declaration mapper (R.copy_constructor_declaration x)));
-    expr = (fun _ x -> copy_expr (expr mapper (R.copy_expr x)));
-    extension = (fun _ x -> copy_extension (extension mapper (R.copy_extension x)));
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ x -> copy_extension_constructor (extension_constructor mapper (R.copy_extension_constructor x)));
-    include_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_include_declaration (include_declaration mapper (R.copy_include_declaration x)));
-    include_description = (fun _ x -> copy_include_description (include_description mapper (R.copy_include_description x)));
-    label_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_label_declaration (label_declaration mapper (R.copy_label_declaration x)));
-    location = (fun _ x -> copy_location (location mapper (R.copy_location x)));
-    module_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_module_binding (module_binding mapper (R.copy_module_binding x)));
-    module_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_declaration (module_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_declaration x)));
-    module_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_module_expr (module_expr mapper (R.copy_module_expr x)));
-    module_type = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type (module_type mapper (R.copy_module_type x)));
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type_declaration (module_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_type_declaration x)));
-    open_description = (fun _ x -> copy_open_description (open_description mapper (R.copy_open_description x)));
-    pat = (fun _ x -> copy_pat (pat mapper (R.copy_pat x)));
-    signature = (fun _ x -> copy_signature (signature mapper (R.copy_signature x)));
-    signature_item = (fun _ x -> copy_signature_item (signature_item mapper (R.copy_signature_item x)));
-    structure = (fun _ x -> copy_structure (structure mapper (R.copy_structure x)));
-    structure_item = (fun _ x -> copy_structure_item (structure_item mapper (R.copy_structure_item x)));
-    typ = (fun _ x -> copy_typ (typ mapper (R.copy_typ x)));
-    type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_type_declaration (type_declaration mapper (R.copy_type_declaration x)));
-    type_extension = (fun _ x -> copy_type_extension (type_extension mapper (R.copy_type_extension x)));
-    type_kind = (fun _ x -> copy_type_kind (type_kind mapper (R.copy_type_kind x)));
-    value_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_value_binding (value_binding mapper (R.copy_value_binding x)));
-    value_description = (fun _ x -> copy_value_description (value_description mapper (R.copy_value_description x)));
-    with_constraint = (fun _ x -> copy_with_constraint (with_constraint mapper (R.copy_with_constraint x)));
-    (*$*)
-    payload = (fun _ x -> copy_payload (payload mapper (R.copy_payload Location.none x)))
-  }
-module Migrate_parsetree_403_402
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-include Migrate_parsetree_403_402_migrate
-(*$ open Printf
-  let fields = [
-    "attribute"; "attributes"; "case"; "cases"; "class_declaration";
-    "class_description"; "class_expr"; "class_field"; "class_signature";
-    "class_structure"; "class_type"; "class_type_declaration";
-    "class_type_field"; "constructor_declaration"; "expr"; "extension";
-    "extension_constructor"; "include_declaration"; "include_description";
-    "label_declaration"; "location"; "module_binding"; "module_declaration";
-    "module_expr"; "module_type"; "module_type_declaration";
-    "open_description"; "pat"; "signature"; "signature_item"; "structure";
-    "structure_item"; "typ"; "type_declaration"; "type_extension";
-    "type_kind"; "value_binding"; "value_description";
-    "with_constraint"
-  ]
-  let foreach_field f =
-    printf "\n";
-    List.iter f fields
-let copy_mapper = fun
-  ({ From.Ast_mapper.
-     (*$ foreach_field (printf "%s;\n")*)
-     attribute;
-     attributes;
-     case;
-     cases;
-     class_declaration;
-     class_description;
-     class_expr;
-     class_field;
-     class_signature;
-     class_structure;
-     class_type;
-     class_type_declaration;
-     class_type_field;
-     constructor_declaration;
-     expr;
-     extension;
-     extension_constructor;
-     include_declaration;
-     include_description;
-     label_declaration;
-     location;
-     module_binding;
-     module_declaration;
-     module_expr;
-     module_type;
-     module_type_declaration;
-     open_description;
-     pat;
-     signature;
-     signature_item;
-     structure;
-     structure_item;
-     typ;
-     type_declaration;
-     type_extension;
-     type_kind;
-     value_binding;
-     value_description;
-     with_constraint;
-     (*$*)
-     payload
-   } as mapper) ->
-  let module R = Migrate_parsetree_402_403_migrate in
-  {
-    To.Ast_mapper.
-    (*$ foreach_field (fun s ->
-        printf
-          "%s = (fun _ x -> copy_%s (%s mapper (R.copy_%s x)));\n" s s s s)
-    *)
-    attribute = (fun _ x -> copy_attribute (attribute mapper (R.copy_attribute x)));
-    attributes = (fun _ x -> copy_attributes (attributes mapper (R.copy_attributes x)));
-    case = (fun _ x -> copy_case (case mapper (R.copy_case x)));
-    cases = (fun _ x -> copy_cases (cases mapper (R.copy_cases x)));
-    class_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_declaration (class_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_declaration x)));
-    class_description = (fun _ x -> copy_class_description (class_description mapper (R.copy_class_description x)));
-    class_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_class_expr (class_expr mapper (R.copy_class_expr x)));
-    class_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_field (class_field mapper (R.copy_class_field x)));
-    class_signature = (fun _ x -> copy_class_signature (class_signature mapper (R.copy_class_signature x)));
-    class_structure = (fun _ x -> copy_class_structure (class_structure mapper (R.copy_class_structure x)));
-    class_type = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type (class_type mapper (R.copy_class_type x)));
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_declaration (class_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_type_declaration x)));
-    class_type_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_field (class_type_field mapper (R.copy_class_type_field x)));
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_constructor_declaration (constructor_declaration mapper (R.copy_constructor_declaration x)));
-    expr = (fun _ x -> copy_expr (expr mapper (R.copy_expr x)));
-    extension = (fun _ x -> copy_extension (extension mapper (R.copy_extension x)));
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ x -> copy_extension_constructor (extension_constructor mapper (R.copy_extension_constructor x)));
-    include_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_include_declaration (include_declaration mapper (R.copy_include_declaration x)));
-    include_description = (fun _ x -> copy_include_description (include_description mapper (R.copy_include_description x)));
-    label_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_label_declaration (label_declaration mapper (R.copy_label_declaration x)));
-    location = (fun _ x -> copy_location (location mapper (R.copy_location x)));
-    module_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_module_binding (module_binding mapper (R.copy_module_binding x)));
-    module_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_declaration (module_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_declaration x)));
-    module_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_module_expr (module_expr mapper (R.copy_module_expr x)));
-    module_type = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type (module_type mapper (R.copy_module_type x)));
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type_declaration (module_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_type_declaration x)));
-    open_description = (fun _ x -> copy_open_description (open_description mapper (R.copy_open_description x)));
-    pat = (fun _ x -> copy_pat (pat mapper (R.copy_pat x)));
-    signature = (fun _ x -> copy_signature (signature mapper (R.copy_signature x)));
-    signature_item = (fun _ x -> copy_signature_item (signature_item mapper (R.copy_signature_item x)));
-    structure = (fun _ x -> copy_structure (structure mapper (R.copy_structure x)));
-    structure_item = (fun _ x -> copy_structure_item (structure_item mapper (R.copy_structure_item x)));
-    typ = (fun _ x -> copy_typ (typ mapper (R.copy_typ x)));
-    type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_type_declaration (type_declaration mapper (R.copy_type_declaration x)));
-    type_extension = (fun _ x -> copy_type_extension (type_extension mapper (R.copy_type_extension x)));
-    type_kind = (fun _ x -> copy_type_kind (type_kind mapper (R.copy_type_kind x)));
-    value_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_value_binding (value_binding mapper (R.copy_value_binding x)));
-    value_description = (fun _ x -> copy_value_description (value_description mapper (R.copy_value_description x)));
-    with_constraint = (fun _ x -> copy_with_constraint (with_constraint mapper (R.copy_with_constraint x)));
-    (*$*)
-    payload = (fun _ x -> copy_payload Location.none (payload mapper (R.copy_payload x)))
-  }
-module Migrate_parsetree_403_404_migrate
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-module From = Ast_403
-module To = Ast_404
-let rec copy_expression :
-  From.Parsetree.expression ->
-    To.Parsetree.expression
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_desc =
-        (copy_expression_desc pexp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_loc =
-        (copy_location pexp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pexp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_expression_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.expression_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.expression_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constant
-        (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_function
-        ( copy_case x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_expression x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_apply
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_match
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_try
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_construct
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc
-                   copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_expression x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_field
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_array
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_while
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_for
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_expression x2),
-          (copy_direction_flag x3),
-          (copy_expression x4))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_send
-        ((copy_expression x0), x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_new
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_override
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-                (copy_expression x1))) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_assert
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_poly
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_object
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype
-        (x0, (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_pack
-        (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_open
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable  ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable
-and copy_direction_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.direction_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.direction_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Upto  -> To.Asttypes.Upto
-  | From.Asttypes.Downto  -> To.Asttypes.Downto
-and copy_case :
- -> =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pc_lhs =
-        (copy_pattern pc_lhs);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_guard =
-        (copy_option copy_expression pc_guard);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_rhs =
-        (copy_expression pc_rhs)
-    }
-and copy_value_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.value_binding ->
-    To.Parsetree.value_binding
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_pat =
-        (copy_pattern pvb_pat);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_expr =
-        (copy_expression pvb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pvb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_loc =
-        (copy_location pvb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_pattern :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern -> To.Parsetree.pattern =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_desc =
-        (copy_pattern_desc ppat_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_loc =
-        (copy_location ppat_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ppat_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_pattern_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.pattern_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_any  ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_var
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_alias
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constant
-        (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_interval
-        ((copy_constant x0),
-          (copy_constant x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_construct
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc
-                   copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_pattern x1))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_array
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_or
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_type
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy
-        (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_exception
-        (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_core_type :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type ->
-    To.Parsetree.core_type
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_desc =
-        (copy_core_type_desc ptyp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_loc =
-        (copy_location ptyp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_core_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.core_type_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_any  ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_object
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-               (x0, (copy_attributes x1),
-                 (copy_core_type x2))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_class
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias
-        ((copy_core_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant
-        (( copy_row_field x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1),
-          (copy_option
-             (fun x  -> copy_label x) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_package
-        (copy_package_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_package_type :
-  From.Parsetree.package_type ->
-    To.Parsetree.package_type
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-      (
-         (fun x  ->
-            let (x0,x1) = x  in
-            ((copy_loc
-                copy_longident x0),
-              (copy_core_type x1))) x1))
-and copy_row_field :
-  From.Parsetree.row_field ->
-    To.Parsetree.row_field
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Rtag (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rtag
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          ( copy_core_type x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rinherit
-        (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_attributes :
-  From.Parsetree.attributes ->
-    To.Parsetree.attributes
-  = fun x  -> copy_attribute x
-and copy_attribute :
-  From.Parsetree.attribute ->
-    To.Parsetree.attribute
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_payload :
-  From.Parsetree.payload -> To.Parsetree.payload =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.PStr x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PStr
-        (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PSig x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PSig
-        (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PTyp x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PTyp
-        (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PPat (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.PPat
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-and copy_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.structure ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure
-  = fun x  -> copy_structure_item x
-and copy_structure_item :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure_item
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_desc =
-        (copy_structure_item_desc pstr_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_loc =
-        (copy_location pstr_loc)
-    }
-and copy_structure_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_eval
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_value
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_module
-        (copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class
-        ( copy_class_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_include
-        (copy_include_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute
-        (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_include_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.include_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos
-      copy_module_expr x
-and copy_class_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos
-      copy_class_expr x
-and copy_class_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_expr
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_desc =
-        (copy_class_expr_desc pcl_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_loc =
-        (copy_location pcl_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcl_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_expr_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constr
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_structure
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_class_expr x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_apply
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_class_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (copy_class_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.class_structure ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_structure
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_self =
-        (copy_pattern pcstr_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_fields =
-        ( copy_class_field pcstr_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_field
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_desc =
-        (copy_class_field_desc pcf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_loc =
-        (copy_location pcf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_class_expr x1),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute
-        (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_field_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_field_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual
-        (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-and copy_module_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.module_binding ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_binding
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmb_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_expr =
-        (copy_module_expr pmb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_loc =
-        (copy_location pmb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_expr
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_desc =
-        (copy_module_expr_desc pmod_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_loc =
-        (copy_location pmod_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmod_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_expr_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_structure
-        (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_apply
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_module_type :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_desc =
-        (copy_module_type_desc pmty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_loc =
-        (copy_location pmty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_signature
-        (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_with
-        ((copy_module_type x0),
-          ( copy_with_constraint x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof
-        (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_alias
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-and copy_with_constraint :
-  From.Parsetree.with_constraint ->
-    To.Parsetree.with_constraint
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_type
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_module
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst
-        (copy_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1))
-and copy_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.signature ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature
-  = fun x  -> copy_signature_item x
-and copy_signature_item :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature_item
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.psig_desc =
-        (copy_signature_item_desc psig_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.psig_loc =
-        (copy_location psig_loc)
-    }
-and copy_signature_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_value
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_module
-        (copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_include
-        (copy_include_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class
-        ( copy_class_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_attribute
-        (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_class_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos
-      copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_description :
-  From.Parsetree.class_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos
-      copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_type :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_desc pcty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_loc =
-        (copy_location pcty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_constr
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_signature
-        (copy_class_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_class_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.class_signature ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_signature
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_self =
-        (copy_core_type pcsig_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_fields =
-        ( copy_class_type_field
-           pcsig_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_field
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_loc =
-        (copy_location pctf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pctf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit
-        (copy_class_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (x0, (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (x0, (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute
-        (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.extension ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_class_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.class_infos ->
-        'g0 To.Parsetree.class_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pci_virt =
-          (copy_virtual_flag pci_virt);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_params =
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_core_type x0),
-                  (copy_variance x1))) pci_params);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_name =
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pci_name);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_expr = (f0 pci_expr);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_loc =
-          (copy_location pci_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pci_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_virtual_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.virtual_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.virtual_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Virtual  -> To.Asttypes.Virtual
-  | From.Asttypes.Concrete  -> To.Asttypes.Concrete
-and copy_include_description :
-  From.Parsetree.include_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos
-      copy_module_type x
-and copy_include_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.include_infos ->
-        'g0 To.Parsetree.include_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_mod = (f0 pincl_mod);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_loc =
-          (copy_location pincl_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pincl_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_open_description :
-  From.Parsetree.open_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.open_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.popen_lid = popen_lid;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.popen_lid =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           popen_lid);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_override =
-        (copy_override_flag popen_override);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_loc =
-        (copy_location popen_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes popen_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_override_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.override_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.override_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Override  -> To.Asttypes.Override
-  | From.Asttypes.Fresh  -> To.Asttypes.Fresh
-and copy_module_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmtd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_type =
-        (copy_option copy_module_type pmtd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmtd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_loc =
-        (copy_location pmtd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_type =
-        (copy_module_type pmd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_loc =
-        (copy_location pmd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_type_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.type_extension ->
-    To.Parsetree.type_extension
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_path =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           ptyext_path);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptyext_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors =
-        ( copy_extension_constructor
-           ptyext_constructors);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptyext_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pext_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pext_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_kind =
-        (copy_extension_constructor_kind pext_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_loc =
-        (copy_location pext_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_decl
-        ((copy_constructor_arguments x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_rebind
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-and copy_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) ptype_name);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptype_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_core_type x1),
-                (copy_location x2))) ptype_cstrs);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_kind =
-        (copy_type_kind ptype_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptype_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_manifest =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type ptype_manifest);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptype_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_loc =
-        (copy_location ptype_loc)
-    }
-and copy_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.private_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_type_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.type_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.type_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract  ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_variant
-        ( copy_constructor_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_open  ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_open
-and copy_constructor_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pcd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_args =
-        (copy_constructor_arguments pcd_args);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_res =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type pcd_res);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_loc =
-        (copy_location pcd_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcd_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_constructor_arguments :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_arguments ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_arguments
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-and copy_label_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.label_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.label_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pld_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pld_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_mutable =
-        (copy_mutable_flag pld_mutable);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_type =
-        (copy_core_type pld_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_loc =
-        (copy_location pld_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pld_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_mutable_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.mutable_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.mutable_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Immutable  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Immutable
-  | From.Asttypes.Mutable  -> To.Asttypes.Mutable
-and copy_variance :
-  From.Asttypes.variance -> To.Asttypes.variance =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Covariant  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Covariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Contravariant  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Contravariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Invariant  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Invariant
-and copy_value_description :
-  From.Parsetree.value_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.value_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pval_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pval_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_type =
-        (copy_core_type pval_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_prim =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) pval_prim);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pval_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_loc =
-        (copy_location pval_loc)
-    }
-and copy_arg_label :
-  From.Asttypes.arg_label -> To.Asttypes.arg_label
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nolabel  -> To.Asttypes.Nolabel
-  | From.Asttypes.Labelled x0 ->
-      To.Asttypes.Labelled x0
-  | From.Asttypes.Optional x0 ->
-      To.Asttypes.Optional x0
-and copy_closed_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.closed_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.closed_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Closed  -> To.Asttypes.Closed
-  | From.Asttypes.Open  -> To.Asttypes.Open
-and copy_label :
-  From.Asttypes.label -> To.Asttypes.label =
-  fun x  -> x
-and copy_rec_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.rec_flag -> To.Asttypes.rec_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nonrecursive  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Nonrecursive
-  | From.Asttypes.Recursive  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Recursive
-and copy_constant :
-  From.Parsetree.constant -> To.Parsetree.constant
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_integer
-        (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_string
-        (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_float
-        (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-and copy_option : 'f0 'g0 . ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 option -> 'g0 option =
-  fun f0  -> function | None  -> None | Some x0 -> Some (f0 x0)
-and copy_longident :
-  From.Longident.t -> To.Longident.t =
-  function
-  | From.Longident.Lident x0 ->
-      To.Longident.Lident x0
-  | From.Longident.Ldot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Ldot
-        ((copy_longident x0), x1)
-  | From.Longident.Lapply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Lapply
-        ((copy_longident x0), (copy_longident x1))
-and copy_loc :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Asttypes.loc -> 'g0 To.Asttypes.loc
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Asttypes.txt = txt;
-        From.Asttypes.loc = loc }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Asttypes.txt = (f0 txt);
-        To.Asttypes.loc = (copy_location loc)
-      }
-and copy_location :
-  From.Location.t -> To.Location.t =
-  fun
-    { From.Location.loc_start = loc_start;
-      From.Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-      From.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Location.loc_start = (copy_Lexing_position loc_start);
-      To.Location.loc_end = (copy_Lexing_position loc_end);
-      To.Location.loc_ghost = (copy_bool loc_ghost)
-    }
-and copy_bool : bool -> bool = function | false  -> false | true  -> true
-and copy_Lexing_position : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position =
-  fun
-    { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-     ->
-    {
-      Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname;
-      Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol;
-      Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum
-    }
-let rec copy_out_phrase :
-  From.Outcometree.out_phrase -> To.Outcometree.out_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_eval
-        ((copy_out_value x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_signature
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_sig_item x0),
-                (copy_option copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_exception
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_exn x0), (copy_out_value x1)))
-and copy_exn : exn -> exn = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_sig_item -> To.Outcometree.out_sig_item =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class_type (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class_type
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_typext (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_typext
-        ((copy_out_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_out_ext_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_modtype
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_module
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_type
-        ((copy_out_type_decl x0),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_value x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_value
-        (copy_out_val_decl x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis
-and copy_out_val_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_val_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_val_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_type = oval_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_prims = oval_prims;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_attributes = oval_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oval_type =
-        (copy_out_type oval_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_prims = ( (fun x  -> x) oval_prims);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_attributes =
-        ( copy_out_attribute oval_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_out_type_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_type_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_params = otype_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_type = otype_type;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_private = otype_private;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_immediate = otype_immediate;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_cstrs = otype_cstrs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-           otype_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_type =
-        (copy_out_type otype_type);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag otype_private);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_immediate = (copy_bool otype_immediate);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = false;
-      To.Outcometree.otype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_type x0),
-                (copy_out_type x1))) otype_cstrs)
-    }
-and copy_out_module_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_module_type -> To.Outcometree.out_module_type
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Omty_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_functor
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_module_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_ident (copy_out_ident x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_signature
-        ( copy_out_sig_item x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_alias (copy_out_ident x0)
-and copy_out_ext_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ext_status -> To.Outcometree.out_ext_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_first  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_next  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_next
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_exception  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_exception
-and copy_out_extension_constructor :
-  From.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_params = oext_type_params;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_args = oext_args;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_ret_type = oext_ret_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_private = oext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) oext_type_params);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_args =
-        ( copy_out_type oext_args);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_ret_type =
-        (copy_option copy_out_type oext_ret_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag oext_private)
-    }
-and copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag -> To.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_out_rec_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_rec_status -> To.Outcometree.out_rec_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_not  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_not
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_first  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_next  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_next
-and copy_out_class_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_type -> To.Outcometree.out_class_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_class_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_signature (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_signature
-        ((copy_option copy_out_type x0),
-          ( copy_out_class_sig_item x1))
-and copy_out_class_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_method
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_value
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-and copy_out_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type -> To.Outcometree.out_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_open  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_open
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_alias
-        ((copy_out_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_class (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_ident x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_object
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               (x0, (copy_out_type x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_bool x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_out_type x2)))
-           x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_sum x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_sum
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple
-        ( copy_out_type x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_var ((copy_bool x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_variant (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_variant
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_variant x1),
-          (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> (fun x  -> x) x) x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> x) x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_module
-        (x0, ( (fun x  -> x) x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_attribute x1))
-and copy_out_attribute :
-  From.Outcometree.out_attribute -> To.Outcometree.out_attribute =
-  fun { From.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }  ->
-    { To.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }
-and copy_out_variant :
-  From.Outcometree.out_variant -> To.Outcometree.out_variant =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_fields x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_fields
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1),
-                ( copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_name (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_name
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-and copy_out_value :
-  From.Outcometree.out_value -> To.Outcometree.out_value =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_array x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_array
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_char x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_char x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_value x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_float x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_float (copy_float x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_list x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_list
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_ident x0),
-                (copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_string x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_string x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_tuple
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_variant
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_value x1))
-and copy_float : float -> float = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_ident :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ident -> To.Outcometree.out_ident =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_apply ((copy_out_ident x0), (copy_out_ident x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_dot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_dot ((copy_out_ident x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0
-let rec copy_toplevel_phrase :
-  From.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> To.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_def x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_def (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_dir (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_dir (x0, copy_directive_argument x1)
-and copy_directive_argument :
-  From.Parsetree.directive_argument -> To.Parsetree.directive_argument =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_none  -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_none
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0, copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_ident (copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_bool (copy_bool x0)
-let copy_out_type_extension :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_extension -> To.Outcometree.out_type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_params = otyext_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_constructors = otyext_constructors;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_private = otyext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) otyext_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_constructors =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2)))
-           otyext_constructors);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag otyext_private)
-    }
-let copy_cases x = copy_case x
-let copy_pat = copy_pattern
-let copy_expr = copy_expression
-let copy_typ = copy_core_type
-module Migrate_parsetree_404_403_migrate
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-module Def = Migrate_parsetree_def
-module From = Ast_404
-module To = Ast_403
-let from_loc {From.Location. txt = _; loc} = loc
-let migration_error location feature =
-  raise (Def.Migration_error (feature, location))
-let rec copy_expression :
-  From.Parsetree.expression ->
-    To.Parsetree.expression
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_desc =
-        (copy_expression_desc pexp_loc pexp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_loc =
-        (copy_location pexp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pexp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_expression_desc loc :
-  From.Parsetree.expression_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.expression_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constant
-        (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_function
-        ( copy_case x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_expression x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_apply
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_match
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_try
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_construct
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc
-                   copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_expression x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_field
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_array
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_while
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_for
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_expression x2),
-          (copy_direction_flag x3),
-          (copy_expression x4))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_send
-        ((copy_expression x0), x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_new
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_override
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-                (copy_expression x1))) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception _ ->
-      migration_error loc Def.Pexp_letexception
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_assert
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_poly
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_object
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype
-        (x0, (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_pack
-        (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_open
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable  ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable
-and copy_direction_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.direction_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.direction_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Upto  -> To.Asttypes.Upto
-  | From.Asttypes.Downto  -> To.Asttypes.Downto
-and copy_case :
- -> =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pc_lhs =
-        (copy_pattern pc_lhs);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_guard =
-        (copy_option copy_expression pc_guard);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_rhs =
-        (copy_expression pc_rhs)
-    }
-and copy_value_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.value_binding ->
-    To.Parsetree.value_binding
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_pat =
-        (copy_pattern pvb_pat);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_expr =
-        (copy_expression pvb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pvb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_loc =
-        (copy_location pvb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_pattern :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern -> To.Parsetree.pattern =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_desc =
-        (copy_pattern_desc ppat_loc ppat_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_loc =
-        (copy_location ppat_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ppat_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_pattern_desc loc :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.pattern_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_any  ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_var
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_alias
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constant
-        (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_interval
-        ((copy_constant x0),
-          (copy_constant x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_construct
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc
-                   copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_pattern x1))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_array
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_or
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_type
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy
-        (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_exception
-        (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_open _ ->
-      migration_error loc Def.Ppat_open
-and copy_core_type :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type ->
-    To.Parsetree.core_type
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_desc =
-        (copy_core_type_desc ptyp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_loc =
-        (copy_location ptyp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_core_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.core_type_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_any  ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_object
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-               (x0, (copy_attributes x1),
-                 (copy_core_type x2))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_class
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias
-        ((copy_core_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant
-        (( copy_row_field x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1),
-          (copy_option
-             (fun x  -> copy_label x) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_package
-        (copy_package_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_package_type :
-  From.Parsetree.package_type ->
-    To.Parsetree.package_type
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-      (
-         (fun x  ->
-            let (x0,x1) = x  in
-            ((copy_loc
-                copy_longident x0),
-              (copy_core_type x1))) x1))
-and copy_row_field :
-  From.Parsetree.row_field ->
-    To.Parsetree.row_field
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Rtag (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rtag
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          ( copy_core_type x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rinherit
-        (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_attributes :
-  From.Parsetree.attributes ->
-    To.Parsetree.attributes
-  = fun x  -> copy_attribute x
-and copy_attribute :
-  From.Parsetree.attribute ->
-    To.Parsetree.attribute
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_payload :
-  From.Parsetree.payload -> To.Parsetree.payload =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.PStr x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PStr
-        (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PSig x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PSig
-        (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PTyp x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PTyp
-        (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PPat (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.PPat
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-and copy_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.structure ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure
-  = fun x  -> copy_structure_item x
-and copy_structure_item :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure_item
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_desc =
-        (copy_structure_item_desc pstr_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_loc =
-        (copy_location pstr_loc)
-    }
-and copy_structure_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_eval
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_value
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_module
-        (copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class
-        ( copy_class_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_include
-        (copy_include_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute
-        (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_include_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.include_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos
-      copy_module_expr x
-and copy_class_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos
-      copy_class_expr x
-and copy_class_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_expr
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_desc =
-        (copy_class_expr_desc pcl_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_loc =
-        (copy_location pcl_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcl_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_expr_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constr
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_structure
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_class_expr x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_apply
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_class_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (copy_class_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.class_structure ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_structure
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_self =
-        (copy_pattern pcstr_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_fields =
-        ( copy_class_field pcstr_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_field
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_desc =
-        (copy_class_field_desc pcf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_loc =
-        (copy_location pcf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_class_expr x1),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute
-        (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_field_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_field_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual
-        (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-and copy_module_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.module_binding ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_binding
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmb_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_expr =
-        (copy_module_expr pmb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_loc =
-        (copy_location pmb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_expr
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_desc =
-        (copy_module_expr_desc pmod_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_loc =
-        (copy_location pmod_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmod_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_expr_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_structure
-        (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_apply
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_module_type :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_desc =
-        (copy_module_type_desc pmty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_loc =
-        (copy_location pmty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_signature
-        (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_with
-        ((copy_module_type x0),
-          ( copy_with_constraint x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof
-        (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_alias
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-and copy_with_constraint :
-  From.Parsetree.with_constraint ->
-    To.Parsetree.with_constraint
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_type
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_module
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst
-        (copy_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_loc
-             copy_longident x1))
-and copy_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.signature ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature
-  = fun x  -> copy_signature_item x
-and copy_signature_item :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature_item
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.psig_desc =
-        (copy_signature_item_desc psig_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.psig_loc =
-        (copy_location psig_loc)
-    }
-and copy_signature_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_value
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_module
-        (copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_include
-        (copy_include_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class
-        ( copy_class_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_attribute
-        (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_class_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos
-      copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_description :
-  From.Parsetree.class_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos
-      copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_type :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_desc pcty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_loc =
-        (copy_location pcty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_constr
-        ((copy_loc
-            copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_signature
-        (copy_class_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_class_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.class_signature ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_signature
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_self =
-        (copy_core_type pcsig_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_fields =
-        ( copy_class_type_field
-           pcsig_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_field
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_loc =
-        (copy_location pctf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pctf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit
-        (copy_class_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (x0, (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (x0, (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute
-        (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_extension
-        (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.extension ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_class_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.class_infos ->
-        'g0 To.Parsetree.class_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pci_virt =
-          (copy_virtual_flag pci_virt);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_params =
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_core_type x0),
-                  (copy_variance x1))) pci_params);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_name =
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pci_name);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_expr = (f0 pci_expr);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_loc =
-          (copy_location pci_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pci_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_virtual_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.virtual_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.virtual_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Virtual  -> To.Asttypes.Virtual
-  | From.Asttypes.Concrete  -> To.Asttypes.Concrete
-and copy_include_description :
-  From.Parsetree.include_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos
-      copy_module_type x
-and copy_include_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.include_infos ->
-        'g0 To.Parsetree.include_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_mod = (f0 pincl_mod);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_loc =
-          (copy_location pincl_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pincl_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_open_description :
-  From.Parsetree.open_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.open_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.popen_lid = popen_lid;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.popen_lid =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           popen_lid);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_override =
-        (copy_override_flag popen_override);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_loc =
-        (copy_location popen_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes popen_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_override_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.override_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.override_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Override  -> To.Asttypes.Override
-  | From.Asttypes.Fresh  -> To.Asttypes.Fresh
-and copy_module_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmtd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_type =
-        (copy_option copy_module_type pmtd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmtd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_loc =
-        (copy_location pmtd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_type =
-        (copy_module_type pmd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_loc =
-        (copy_location pmd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_type_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.type_extension ->
-    To.Parsetree.type_extension
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_path =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           ptyext_path);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptyext_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors =
-        ( copy_extension_constructor
-           ptyext_constructors);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptyext_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pext_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pext_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_kind =
-        (copy_extension_constructor_kind pext_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_loc =
-        (copy_location pext_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_decl
-        ((copy_constructor_arguments x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_rebind
-        (copy_loc copy_longident
-           x0)
-and copy_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) ptype_name);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptype_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_core_type x1),
-                (copy_location x2))) ptype_cstrs);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_kind =
-        (copy_type_kind ptype_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptype_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_manifest =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type ptype_manifest);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptype_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_loc =
-        (copy_location ptype_loc)
-    }
-and copy_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.private_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_type_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.type_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.type_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract  ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_variant
-        ( copy_constructor_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_open  ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_open
-and copy_constructor_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pcd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_args =
-        (copy_constructor_arguments pcd_args);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_res =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type pcd_res);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_loc =
-        (copy_location pcd_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcd_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_constructor_arguments :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_arguments ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_arguments
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-and copy_label_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.label_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.label_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pld_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pld_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_mutable =
-        (copy_mutable_flag pld_mutable);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_type =
-        (copy_core_type pld_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_loc =
-        (copy_location pld_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pld_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_mutable_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.mutable_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.mutable_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Immutable  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Immutable
-  | From.Asttypes.Mutable  -> To.Asttypes.Mutable
-and copy_variance :
-  From.Asttypes.variance -> To.Asttypes.variance =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Covariant  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Covariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Contravariant  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Contravariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Invariant  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Invariant
-and copy_value_description :
-  From.Parsetree.value_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.value_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pval_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pval_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_type =
-        (copy_core_type pval_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_prim =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) pval_prim);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pval_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_loc =
-        (copy_location pval_loc)
-    }
-and copy_arg_label :
-  From.Asttypes.arg_label -> To.Asttypes.arg_label
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nolabel  -> To.Asttypes.Nolabel
-  | From.Asttypes.Labelled x0 ->
-      To.Asttypes.Labelled x0
-  | From.Asttypes.Optional x0 ->
-      To.Asttypes.Optional x0
-and copy_closed_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.closed_flag ->
-    To.Asttypes.closed_flag
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Closed  -> To.Asttypes.Closed
-  | From.Asttypes.Open  -> To.Asttypes.Open
-and copy_label :
-  From.Asttypes.label -> To.Asttypes.label =
-  fun x  -> x
-and copy_rec_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.rec_flag -> To.Asttypes.rec_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nonrecursive  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Nonrecursive
-  | From.Asttypes.Recursive  ->
-      To.Asttypes.Recursive
-and copy_constant :
-  From.Parsetree.constant -> To.Parsetree.constant
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_integer
-        (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_string
-        (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_float
-        (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-and copy_option : 'f0 'g0 . ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 option -> 'g0 option =
-  fun f0  -> function | None  -> None | Some x0 -> Some (f0 x0)
-and copy_longident :
-  From.Longident.t -> To.Longident.t =
-  function
-  | From.Longident.Lident x0 ->
-      To.Longident.Lident x0
-  | From.Longident.Ldot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Ldot
-        ((copy_longident x0), x1)
-  | From.Longident.Lapply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Lapply
-        ((copy_longident x0), (copy_longident x1))
-and copy_loc :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Asttypes.loc -> 'g0 To.Asttypes.loc
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Asttypes.txt = txt;
-        From.Asttypes.loc = loc }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Asttypes.txt = (f0 txt);
-        To.Asttypes.loc = (copy_location loc)
-      }
-and copy_location :
-  From.Location.t -> To.Location.t =
-  fun
-    { From.Location.loc_start = loc_start;
-      From.Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-      From.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Location.loc_start = (copy_Lexing_position loc_start);
-      To.Location.loc_end = (copy_Lexing_position loc_end);
-      To.Location.loc_ghost = (copy_bool loc_ghost)
-    }
-and copy_bool : bool -> bool = function | false  -> false | true  -> true
-and copy_Lexing_position : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position =
-  fun
-    { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-     ->
-    {
-      Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname;
-      Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol;
-      Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum
-    }
-let rec copy_out_phrase :
-  From.Outcometree.out_phrase -> To.Outcometree.out_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_eval
-        ((copy_out_value x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_signature
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_sig_item x0),
-                (copy_option copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_exception
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_exn x0), (copy_out_value x1)))
-and copy_exn : exn -> exn = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_sig_item -> To.Outcometree.out_sig_item =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class_type (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class_type
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_typext (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_typext
-        ((copy_out_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_out_ext_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_modtype
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_module
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_type
-        ((copy_out_type_decl x0),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_value x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_value
-        (copy_out_val_decl x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis
-and copy_out_val_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_val_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_val_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_type = oval_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_prims = oval_prims;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_attributes = oval_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oval_type =
-        (copy_out_type oval_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_prims = ( (fun x  -> x) oval_prims);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_attributes =
-        ( copy_out_attribute oval_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_out_type_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_type_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_params = otype_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_type = otype_type;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_private = otype_private;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_immediate = otype_immediate;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = _otype_unboxed;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_cstrs = otype_cstrs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-           otype_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_type =
-        (copy_out_type otype_type);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag otype_private);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_immediate = (copy_bool otype_immediate);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_type x0),
-                (copy_out_type x1))) otype_cstrs)
-    }
-and copy_out_module_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_module_type -> To.Outcometree.out_module_type
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Omty_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_functor
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_module_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_ident (copy_out_ident x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_signature
-        ( copy_out_sig_item x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_alias (copy_out_ident x0)
-and copy_out_ext_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ext_status -> To.Outcometree.out_ext_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_first  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_next  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_next
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_exception  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_exception
-and copy_out_extension_constructor :
-  From.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_params = oext_type_params;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_args = oext_args;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_ret_type = oext_ret_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_private = oext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) oext_type_params);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_args =
-        ( copy_out_type oext_args);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_ret_type =
-        (copy_option copy_out_type oext_ret_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag oext_private)
-    }
-and copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag -> To.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_out_rec_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_rec_status -> To.Outcometree.out_rec_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_not  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_not
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_first  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_next  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_next
-and copy_out_class_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_type -> To.Outcometree.out_class_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_class_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_signature (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_signature
-        ((copy_option copy_out_type x0),
-          ( copy_out_class_sig_item x1))
-and copy_out_class_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_method
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_value
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-and copy_out_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type -> To.Outcometree.out_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_open  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_open
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_alias
-        ((copy_out_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_class (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_ident x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_object
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               (x0, (copy_out_type x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_bool x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_out_type x2)))
-           x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_sum x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_sum
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple
-        ( copy_out_type x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_var ((copy_bool x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_variant (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_variant
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_variant x1),
-          (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> (fun x  -> x) x) x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> x) x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_module
-        (x0, ( (fun x  -> x) x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_attribute x1))
-and copy_out_attribute :
-  From.Outcometree.out_attribute -> To.Outcometree.out_attribute =
-  fun { From.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }  ->
-    { To.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }
-and copy_out_variant :
-  From.Outcometree.out_variant -> To.Outcometree.out_variant =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_fields x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_fields
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1),
-                ( copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_name (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_name
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-and copy_out_value :
-  From.Outcometree.out_value -> To.Outcometree.out_value =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_array x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_array
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_char x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_char x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_value x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_float x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_float (copy_float x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_list x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_list
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_ident x0),
-                (copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_string x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_string x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_tuple
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_variant
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_value x1))
-and copy_float : float -> float = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_ident :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ident -> To.Outcometree.out_ident =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_apply ((copy_out_ident x0), (copy_out_ident x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_dot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_dot ((copy_out_ident x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0
-let rec copy_toplevel_phrase :
-  From.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> To.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_def x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_def (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_dir (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_dir (x0, (copy_directive_argument x1))
-and copy_directive_argument :
-  From.Parsetree.directive_argument -> To.Parsetree.directive_argument =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_none  -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_none
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_ident (copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_bool (copy_bool x0)
-let copy_out_type_extension :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_extension -> To.Outcometree.out_type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_params = otyext_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_constructors = otyext_constructors;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_private = otyext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) otyext_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_constructors =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2)))
-           otyext_constructors);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag otyext_private)
-    }
-let copy_cases x = copy_case x
-let copy_pat = copy_pattern
-let copy_expr = copy_expression
-let copy_typ = copy_core_type
-module Migrate_parsetree_403_404
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-include Migrate_parsetree_403_404_migrate
-(*$ open Printf
-  let fields = [
-    "attribute"; "attributes"; "case"; "cases"; "class_declaration";
-    "class_description"; "class_expr"; "class_field"; "class_signature";
-    "class_structure"; "class_type"; "class_type_declaration";
-    "class_type_field"; "constructor_declaration"; "expr"; "extension";
-    "extension_constructor"; "include_declaration"; "include_description";
-    "label_declaration"; "location"; "module_binding"; "module_declaration";
-    "module_expr"; "module_type"; "module_type_declaration";
-    "open_description"; "pat"; "signature"; "signature_item"; "structure";
-    "structure_item"; "typ"; "type_declaration"; "type_extension";
-    "type_kind"; "value_binding"; "value_description";
-    "with_constraint"; "payload"
-  ]
-  let foreach_field f =
-    printf "\n";
-    List.iter f fields
-let copy_mapper = fun
-  ({ From.Ast_mapper.
-     (*$ foreach_field (printf "%s;\n")*)
-     attribute;
-     attributes;
-     case;
-     cases;
-     class_declaration;
-     class_description;
-     class_expr;
-     class_field;
-     class_signature;
-     class_structure;
-     class_type;
-     class_type_declaration;
-     class_type_field;
-     constructor_declaration;
-     expr;
-     extension;
-     extension_constructor;
-     include_declaration;
-     include_description;
-     label_declaration;
-     location;
-     module_binding;
-     module_declaration;
-     module_expr;
-     module_type;
-     module_type_declaration;
-     open_description;
-     pat;
-     signature;
-     signature_item;
-     structure;
-     structure_item;
-     typ;
-     type_declaration;
-     type_extension;
-     type_kind;
-     value_binding;
-     value_description;
-     with_constraint;
-     payload;
-     (*$*)
-   } as mapper) ->
-  let module R = Migrate_parsetree_404_403_migrate in
-  {
-    To.Ast_mapper.
-    (*$ foreach_field (fun s ->
-        printf
-          "%s = (fun _ x -> copy_%s (%s mapper (R.copy_%s x)));\n" s s s s)
-    *)
-    attribute = (fun _ x -> copy_attribute (attribute mapper (R.copy_attribute x)));
-    attributes = (fun _ x -> copy_attributes (attributes mapper (R.copy_attributes x)));
-    case = (fun _ x -> copy_case (case mapper (R.copy_case x)));
-    cases = (fun _ x -> copy_cases (cases mapper (R.copy_cases x)));
-    class_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_declaration (class_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_declaration x)));
-    class_description = (fun _ x -> copy_class_description (class_description mapper (R.copy_class_description x)));
-    class_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_class_expr (class_expr mapper (R.copy_class_expr x)));
-    class_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_field (class_field mapper (R.copy_class_field x)));
-    class_signature = (fun _ x -> copy_class_signature (class_signature mapper (R.copy_class_signature x)));
-    class_structure = (fun _ x -> copy_class_structure (class_structure mapper (R.copy_class_structure x)));
-    class_type = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type (class_type mapper (R.copy_class_type x)));
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_declaration (class_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_type_declaration x)));
-    class_type_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_field (class_type_field mapper (R.copy_class_type_field x)));
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_constructor_declaration (constructor_declaration mapper (R.copy_constructor_declaration x)));
-    expr = (fun _ x -> copy_expr (expr mapper (R.copy_expr x)));
-    extension = (fun _ x -> copy_extension (extension mapper (R.copy_extension x)));
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ x -> copy_extension_constructor (extension_constructor mapper (R.copy_extension_constructor x)));
-    include_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_include_declaration (include_declaration mapper (R.copy_include_declaration x)));
-    include_description = (fun _ x -> copy_include_description (include_description mapper (R.copy_include_description x)));
-    label_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_label_declaration (label_declaration mapper (R.copy_label_declaration x)));
-    location = (fun _ x -> copy_location (location mapper (R.copy_location x)));
-    module_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_module_binding (module_binding mapper (R.copy_module_binding x)));
-    module_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_declaration (module_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_declaration x)));
-    module_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_module_expr (module_expr mapper (R.copy_module_expr x)));
-    module_type = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type (module_type mapper (R.copy_module_type x)));
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type_declaration (module_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_type_declaration x)));
-    open_description = (fun _ x -> copy_open_description (open_description mapper (R.copy_open_description x)));
-    pat = (fun _ x -> copy_pat (pat mapper (R.copy_pat x)));
-    signature = (fun _ x -> copy_signature (signature mapper (R.copy_signature x)));
-    signature_item = (fun _ x -> copy_signature_item (signature_item mapper (R.copy_signature_item x)));
-    structure = (fun _ x -> copy_structure (structure mapper (R.copy_structure x)));
-    structure_item = (fun _ x -> copy_structure_item (structure_item mapper (R.copy_structure_item x)));
-    typ = (fun _ x -> copy_typ (typ mapper (R.copy_typ x)));
-    type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_type_declaration (type_declaration mapper (R.copy_type_declaration x)));
-    type_extension = (fun _ x -> copy_type_extension (type_extension mapper (R.copy_type_extension x)));
-    type_kind = (fun _ x -> copy_type_kind (type_kind mapper (R.copy_type_kind x)));
-    value_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_value_binding (value_binding mapper (R.copy_value_binding x)));
-    value_description = (fun _ x -> copy_value_description (value_description mapper (R.copy_value_description x)));
-    with_constraint = (fun _ x -> copy_with_constraint (with_constraint mapper (R.copy_with_constraint x)));
-    payload = (fun _ x -> copy_payload (payload mapper (R.copy_payload x)));
-    (*$*)
-  }
-module Migrate_parsetree_404_403
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-include Migrate_parsetree_404_403_migrate
-(*$ open Printf
-  let fields = [
-    "attribute"; "attributes"; "case"; "cases"; "class_declaration";
-    "class_description"; "class_expr"; "class_field"; "class_signature";
-    "class_structure"; "class_type"; "class_type_declaration";
-    "class_type_field"; "constructor_declaration"; "expr"; "extension";
-    "extension_constructor"; "include_declaration"; "include_description";
-    "label_declaration"; "location"; "module_binding"; "module_declaration";
-    "module_expr"; "module_type"; "module_type_declaration";
-    "open_description"; "pat"; "signature"; "signature_item"; "structure";
-    "structure_item"; "typ"; "type_declaration"; "type_extension";
-    "type_kind"; "value_binding"; "value_description";
-    "with_constraint"; "payload"
-  ]
-  let foreach_field f =
-    printf "\n";
-    List.iter f fields
-let copy_mapper = fun
-  ({ From.Ast_mapper.
-     (*$ foreach_field (printf "%s;\n")*)
-     attribute;
-     attributes;
-     case;
-     cases;
-     class_declaration;
-     class_description;
-     class_expr;
-     class_field;
-     class_signature;
-     class_structure;
-     class_type;
-     class_type_declaration;
-     class_type_field;
-     constructor_declaration;
-     expr;
-     extension;
-     extension_constructor;
-     include_declaration;
-     include_description;
-     label_declaration;
-     location;
-     module_binding;
-     module_declaration;
-     module_expr;
-     module_type;
-     module_type_declaration;
-     open_description;
-     pat;
-     signature;
-     signature_item;
-     structure;
-     structure_item;
-     typ;
-     type_declaration;
-     type_extension;
-     type_kind;
-     value_binding;
-     value_description;
-     with_constraint;
-     payload;
-     (*$*)
-   } as mapper) ->
-  let module R = Migrate_parsetree_403_404_migrate in
-  {
-    To.Ast_mapper.
-    (*$ foreach_field (fun s ->
-        printf
-          "%s = (fun _ x -> copy_%s (%s mapper (R.copy_%s x)));\n" s s s s)
-    *)
-    attribute = (fun _ x -> copy_attribute (attribute mapper (R.copy_attribute x)));
-    attributes = (fun _ x -> copy_attributes (attributes mapper (R.copy_attributes x)));
-    case = (fun _ x -> copy_case (case mapper (R.copy_case x)));
-    cases = (fun _ x -> copy_cases (cases mapper (R.copy_cases x)));
-    class_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_declaration (class_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_declaration x)));
-    class_description = (fun _ x -> copy_class_description (class_description mapper (R.copy_class_description x)));
-    class_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_class_expr (class_expr mapper (R.copy_class_expr x)));
-    class_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_field (class_field mapper (R.copy_class_field x)));
-    class_signature = (fun _ x -> copy_class_signature (class_signature mapper (R.copy_class_signature x)));
-    class_structure = (fun _ x -> copy_class_structure (class_structure mapper (R.copy_class_structure x)));
-    class_type = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type (class_type mapper (R.copy_class_type x)));
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_declaration (class_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_type_declaration x)));
-    class_type_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_field (class_type_field mapper (R.copy_class_type_field x)));
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_constructor_declaration (constructor_declaration mapper (R.copy_constructor_declaration x)));
-    expr = (fun _ x -> copy_expr (expr mapper (R.copy_expr x)));
-    extension = (fun _ x -> copy_extension (extension mapper (R.copy_extension x)));
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ x -> copy_extension_constructor (extension_constructor mapper (R.copy_extension_constructor x)));
-    include_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_include_declaration (include_declaration mapper (R.copy_include_declaration x)));
-    include_description = (fun _ x -> copy_include_description (include_description mapper (R.copy_include_description x)));
-    label_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_label_declaration (label_declaration mapper (R.copy_label_declaration x)));
-    location = (fun _ x -> copy_location (location mapper (R.copy_location x)));
-    module_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_module_binding (module_binding mapper (R.copy_module_binding x)));
-    module_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_declaration (module_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_declaration x)));
-    module_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_module_expr (module_expr mapper (R.copy_module_expr x)));
-    module_type = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type (module_type mapper (R.copy_module_type x)));
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type_declaration (module_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_type_declaration x)));
-    open_description = (fun _ x -> copy_open_description (open_description mapper (R.copy_open_description x)));
-    pat = (fun _ x -> copy_pat (pat mapper (R.copy_pat x)));
-    signature = (fun _ x -> copy_signature (signature mapper (R.copy_signature x)));
-    signature_item = (fun _ x -> copy_signature_item (signature_item mapper (R.copy_signature_item x)));
-    structure = (fun _ x -> copy_structure (structure mapper (R.copy_structure x)));
-    structure_item = (fun _ x -> copy_structure_item (structure_item mapper (R.copy_structure_item x)));
-    typ = (fun _ x -> copy_typ (typ mapper (R.copy_typ x)));
-    type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_type_declaration (type_declaration mapper (R.copy_type_declaration x)));
-    type_extension = (fun _ x -> copy_type_extension (type_extension mapper (R.copy_type_extension x)));
-    type_kind = (fun _ x -> copy_type_kind (type_kind mapper (R.copy_type_kind x)));
-    value_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_value_binding (value_binding mapper (R.copy_value_binding x)));
-    value_description = (fun _ x -> copy_value_description (value_description mapper (R.copy_value_description x)));
-    with_constraint = (fun _ x -> copy_with_constraint (with_constraint mapper (R.copy_with_constraint x)));
-    payload = (fun _ x -> copy_payload (payload mapper (R.copy_payload x)));
-    (*$*)
-  }
-module Migrate_parsetree_404_405_migrate
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-module From = Ast_404
-module To = Ast_405
-let noloc x = { Location. txt = x; loc = Location.none }
-let rec copy_expression :
-  From.Parsetree.expression -> To.Parsetree.expression =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_desc = (copy_expression_desc pexp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_loc = (copy_location pexp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = (copy_attributes pexp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_expression_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.expression_desc -> To.Parsetree.expression_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_function
-        ( copy_case x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_expression x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_apply
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_match
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_try
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_expression x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_field
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_array
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_while
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_for
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_expression x2),
-          (copy_direction_flag x3),
-          (copy_expression x4))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_send
-        ((copy_expression x0), noloc x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_new
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_override
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-                (copy_expression x1))) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception
-        ((copy_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_assert (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_poly
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_object
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype
-        (noloc x0, (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_pack (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_open
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable  -> To.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable
-and copy_direction_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.direction_flag -> To.Asttypes.direction_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Upto  -> To.Asttypes.Upto
-  | From.Asttypes.Downto  -> To.Asttypes.Downto
-and copy_case :
- -> =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pc_lhs = (copy_pattern pc_lhs);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_guard =
-        (copy_option copy_expression pc_guard);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_rhs = (copy_expression pc_rhs)
-    }
-and copy_value_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.value_binding -> To.Parsetree.value_binding =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_pat = (copy_pattern pvb_pat);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_expr =
-        (copy_expression pvb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pvb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_loc = (copy_location pvb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_pattern :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern -> To.Parsetree.pattern =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_desc =
-        (copy_pattern_desc ppat_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_loc = (copy_location ppat_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ppat_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_pattern_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern_desc -> To.Parsetree.pattern_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_any  -> To.Parsetree.Ppat_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_var (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_alias
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_interval
-        ((copy_constant x0),
-          (copy_constant x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_pattern x1))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_array
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_or
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_type
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_exception (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_open (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_open
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-and copy_core_type :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type -> To.Parsetree.core_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_desc =
-        (copy_core_type_desc ptyp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = (copy_location ptyp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_core_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.core_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_any  -> To.Parsetree.Ptyp_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 -> To.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_object
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-               (noloc x0, (copy_attributes x1),
-                 (copy_core_type x2))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_class
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias
-        ((copy_core_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant
-        (( copy_row_field x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> copy_label x) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> noloc x) x0), (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_package (copy_package_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_package_type :
-  From.Parsetree.package_type -> To.Parsetree.package_type =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-      (
-         (fun x  ->
-            let (x0,x1) = x  in
-            ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-              (copy_core_type x1))) x1))
-and copy_row_field :
-  From.Parsetree.row_field -> To.Parsetree.row_field =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Rtag (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rtag
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          ( copy_core_type x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rinherit (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_attributes :
-  From.Parsetree.attributes -> To.Parsetree.attributes =
-  fun x  -> copy_attribute x
-and copy_attribute :
-  From.Parsetree.attribute -> To.Parsetree.attribute =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_payload :
-  From.Parsetree.payload -> To.Parsetree.payload =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.PStr x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PStr (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PSig x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PSig (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PTyp x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PTyp (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PPat (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.PPat
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-and copy_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.structure -> To.Parsetree.structure =
-  fun x  -> copy_structure_item x
-and copy_structure_item :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item -> To.Parsetree.structure_item =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_desc =
-        (copy_structure_item_desc pstr_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_loc = (copy_location pstr_loc)
-    }
-and copy_structure_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_eval
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_value
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_module
-        (copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class
-        ( copy_class_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_include
-        (copy_include_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_include_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.include_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos copy_module_expr x
-and copy_class_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_declaration -> To.Parsetree.class_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_expr x
-and copy_class_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr -> To.Parsetree.class_expr =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_desc =
-        (copy_class_expr_desc pcl_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_loc = (copy_location pcl_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcl_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_structure
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_class_expr x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_apply
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_class_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (copy_class_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.class_structure -> To.Parsetree.class_structure =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_self =
-        (copy_pattern pcstr_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_fields =
-        ( copy_class_field pcstr_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field -> To.Parsetree.class_field =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_desc =
-        (copy_class_field_desc pcf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_loc = (copy_location pcf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_field_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_class_expr x1),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> noloc x) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_field_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_kind -> To.Parsetree.class_field_kind =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-and copy_module_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.module_binding -> To.Parsetree.module_binding =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmb_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_expr =
-        (copy_module_expr pmb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_loc = (copy_location pmb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr -> To.Parsetree.module_expr =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_desc =
-        (copy_module_expr_desc pmod_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_loc = (copy_location pmod_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmod_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> To.Parsetree.module_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_structure (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_apply
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_module_type :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type -> To.Parsetree.module_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_desc =
-        (copy_module_type_desc pmty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_loc = (copy_location pmty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.module_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_signature (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_with
-        ((copy_module_type x0),
-          ( copy_with_constraint x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_alias
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-and copy_with_constraint :
-  From.Parsetree.with_constraint -> To.Parsetree.with_constraint =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_type
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_module
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst
-        (copy_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-and copy_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.signature -> To.Parsetree.signature =
-  fun x  -> copy_signature_item x
-and copy_signature_item :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item -> To.Parsetree.signature_item =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.psig_desc =
-        (copy_signature_item_desc psig_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.psig_loc = (copy_location psig_loc)
-    }
-and copy_signature_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_value
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_module
-        (copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_include
-        (copy_include_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class
-        ( copy_class_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_class_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_description :
-  From.Parsetree.class_description -> To.Parsetree.class_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_type :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type -> To.Parsetree.class_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_desc pcty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_loc = (copy_location pcty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_signature
-        (copy_class_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_class_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.class_signature -> To.Parsetree.class_signature =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_self =
-        (copy_core_type pcsig_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_fields =
-        ( copy_class_type_field pcsig_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field -> To.Parsetree.class_type_field =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_loc = (copy_location pctf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pctf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit (copy_class_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (noloc x0, (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (noloc x0, (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.extension -> To.Parsetree.extension =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_class_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.class_infos -> 'g0 To.Parsetree.class_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pci_virt =
-          (copy_virtual_flag pci_virt);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_params =
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_core_type x0),
-                  (copy_variance x1))) pci_params);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_name =
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pci_name);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_expr = (f0 pci_expr);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_loc = (copy_location pci_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pci_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_virtual_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.virtual_flag -> To.Asttypes.virtual_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Virtual  -> To.Asttypes.Virtual
-  | From.Asttypes.Concrete  -> To.Asttypes.Concrete
-and copy_include_description :
-  From.Parsetree.include_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos copy_module_type x
-and copy_include_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.include_infos ->
-        'g0 To.Parsetree.include_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_mod = (f0 pincl_mod);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_loc = (copy_location pincl_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pincl_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_open_description :
-  From.Parsetree.open_description -> To.Parsetree.open_description =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.popen_lid = popen_lid;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.popen_lid =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident popen_lid);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_override =
-        (copy_override_flag popen_override);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_loc = (copy_location popen_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes popen_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_override_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.override_flag -> To.Asttypes.override_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Override  -> To.Asttypes.Override
-  | From.Asttypes.Fresh  -> To.Asttypes.Fresh
-and copy_module_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmtd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_type =
-        (copy_option copy_module_type pmtd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmtd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = (copy_location pmtd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_type =
-        (copy_module_type pmd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_loc = (copy_location pmd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_type_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.type_extension -> To.Parsetree.type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_path =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident ptyext_path);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptyext_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors =
-        ( copy_extension_constructor
-           ptyext_constructors);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptyext_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pext_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pext_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_kind =
-        (copy_extension_constructor_kind pext_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_loc = (copy_location pext_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_decl
-        ((copy_constructor_arguments x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_rebind
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-and copy_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.type_declaration -> To.Parsetree.type_declaration =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) ptype_name);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptype_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_core_type x1),
-                (copy_location x2))) ptype_cstrs);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_kind =
-        (copy_type_kind ptype_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptype_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_manifest =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type ptype_manifest);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptype_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_loc = (copy_location ptype_loc)
-    }
-and copy_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag -> To.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_type_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.type_kind -> To.Parsetree.type_kind =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract  -> To.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_variant
-        ( copy_constructor_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_open  -> To.Parsetree.Ptype_open
-and copy_constructor_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pcd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_args =
-        (copy_constructor_arguments pcd_args);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_res =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type pcd_res);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_loc = (copy_location pcd_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcd_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_constructor_arguments :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_arguments ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_arguments
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-and copy_label_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.label_declaration -> To.Parsetree.label_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pld_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pld_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_mutable =
-        (copy_mutable_flag pld_mutable);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_type =
-        (copy_core_type pld_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_loc = (copy_location pld_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pld_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_mutable_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.mutable_flag -> To.Asttypes.mutable_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Immutable  -> To.Asttypes.Immutable
-  | From.Asttypes.Mutable  -> To.Asttypes.Mutable
-and copy_variance :
-  From.Asttypes.variance -> To.Asttypes.variance =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Covariant  -> To.Asttypes.Covariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Contravariant  -> To.Asttypes.Contravariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Invariant  -> To.Asttypes.Invariant
-and copy_value_description :
-  From.Parsetree.value_description -> To.Parsetree.value_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pval_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pval_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_type =
-        (copy_core_type pval_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_prim = ( (fun x  -> x) pval_prim);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pval_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_loc = (copy_location pval_loc)
-    }
-and copy_arg_label :
-  From.Asttypes.arg_label -> To.Asttypes.arg_label =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nolabel  -> To.Asttypes.Nolabel
-  | From.Asttypes.Labelled x0 -> To.Asttypes.Labelled x0
-  | From.Asttypes.Optional x0 -> To.Asttypes.Optional x0
-and copy_closed_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.closed_flag -> To.Asttypes.closed_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Closed  -> To.Asttypes.Closed
-  | From.Asttypes.Open  -> To.Asttypes.Open
-and copy_label :
-  From.Asttypes.label -> To.Asttypes.label = fun x  -> x
-and copy_rec_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.rec_flag -> To.Asttypes.rec_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nonrecursive  -> To.Asttypes.Nonrecursive
-  | From.Asttypes.Recursive  -> To.Asttypes.Recursive
-and copy_constant :
-  From.Parsetree.constant -> To.Parsetree.constant =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-and copy_option : 'f0 'g0 . ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 option -> 'g0 option =
-  fun f0  -> function | None  -> None | Some x0 -> Some (f0 x0)
-and copy_longident : From.Longident.t -> To.Longident.t =
-  function
-  | From.Longident.Lident x0 -> To.Longident.Lident x0
-  | From.Longident.Ldot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Ldot ((copy_longident x0), x1)
-  | From.Longident.Lapply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Lapply
-        ((copy_longident x0), (copy_longident x1))
-and copy_loc :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 From.Asttypes.loc -> 'g0 To.Asttypes.loc
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun { From.Asttypes.txt = txt; From.Asttypes.loc = loc }  ->
-      {
-        To.Asttypes.txt = (f0 txt);
-        To.Asttypes.loc = (copy_location loc)
-      }
-and copy_location : From.Location.t -> To.Location.t =
-  fun
-    { From.Location.loc_start = loc_start;
-      From.Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-      From.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Location.loc_start = (copy_Lexing_position loc_start);
-      To.Location.loc_end = (copy_Lexing_position loc_end);
-      To.Location.loc_ghost = (copy_bool loc_ghost)
-    }
-and copy_bool : bool -> bool = function | false  -> false | true  -> true
-and copy_Lexing_position : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position =
-  fun
-    { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-     ->
-    {
-      Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname;
-      Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol;
-      Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum
-    }
-let rec copy_out_phrase :
-  From.Outcometree.out_phrase -> To.Outcometree.out_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_eval
-        ((copy_out_value x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_signature
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_sig_item x0),
-                (copy_option copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_exception
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_exn x0), (copy_out_value x1)))
-and copy_exn : exn -> exn = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_sig_item -> To.Outcometree.out_sig_item =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class_type (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class_type
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_typext (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_typext
-        ((copy_out_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_out_ext_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_modtype
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_module
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_type
-        ((copy_out_type_decl x0),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_value x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_value
-        (copy_out_val_decl x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis
-and copy_out_val_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_val_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_val_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_type = oval_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_prims = oval_prims;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_attributes = oval_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oval_type =
-        (copy_out_type oval_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_prims = ( (fun x  -> x) oval_prims);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_attributes =
-        ( copy_out_attribute oval_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_out_type_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_type_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_params = otype_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_type = otype_type;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_private = otype_private;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_immediate = otype_immediate;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = otype_unboxed;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_cstrs = otype_cstrs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-           otype_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_type =
-        (copy_out_type otype_type);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag otype_private);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_immediate = (copy_bool otype_immediate);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = (copy_bool otype_unboxed);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_type x0),
-                (copy_out_type x1))) otype_cstrs)
-    }
-and copy_out_module_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_module_type -> To.Outcometree.out_module_type
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Omty_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_functor
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_module_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_ident (copy_out_ident x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_signature
-        ( copy_out_sig_item x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_alias (copy_out_ident x0)
-and copy_out_ext_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ext_status -> To.Outcometree.out_ext_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_first  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_next  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_next
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_exception  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_exception
-and copy_out_extension_constructor :
-  From.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_params = oext_type_params;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_args = oext_args;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_ret_type = oext_ret_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_private = oext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) oext_type_params);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_args =
-        ( copy_out_type oext_args);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_ret_type =
-        (copy_option copy_out_type oext_ret_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag oext_private)
-    }
-and copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag -> To.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_out_rec_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_rec_status -> To.Outcometree.out_rec_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_not  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_not
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_first  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_next  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_next
-and copy_out_class_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_type -> To.Outcometree.out_class_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_class_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_signature (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_signature
-        ((copy_option copy_out_type x0),
-          ( copy_out_class_sig_item x1))
-and copy_out_class_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_method
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_value
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-and copy_out_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type -> To.Outcometree.out_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_open  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_open
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_alias
-        ((copy_out_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_class (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_ident x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_object
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               (x0, (copy_out_type x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_bool x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_out_type x2)))
-           x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_sum x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_sum
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple
-        ( copy_out_type x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_var ((copy_bool x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_variant (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_variant
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_variant x1),
-          (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> (fun x  -> x) x) x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> x) x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_module
-        (x0, ( (fun x  -> x) x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_attribute x1))
-and copy_out_attribute :
-  From.Outcometree.out_attribute -> To.Outcometree.out_attribute =
-  fun { From.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }  ->
-    { To.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }
-and copy_out_variant :
-  From.Outcometree.out_variant -> To.Outcometree.out_variant =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_fields x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_fields
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1),
-                ( copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_name (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_typ
-        (To.Outcometree.Otyp_constr
-           ((copy_out_ident x0),
-            ( copy_out_type x1)))
-and copy_out_value :
-  From.Outcometree.out_value -> To.Outcometree.out_value =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_array x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_array
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_char x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_char x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_value x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_float x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_float (copy_float x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_list x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_list
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_ident x0),
-                (copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_string x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_string x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_tuple
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_variant
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_value x1))
-and copy_float : float -> float = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_ident :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ident -> To.Outcometree.out_ident =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_apply
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          (copy_out_ident x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_dot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_dot
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0
-let rec copy_toplevel_phrase :
-  From.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> To.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_def x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_def (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_dir (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_dir
-        (x0, (copy_directive_argument x1))
-and copy_directive_argument :
-  From.Parsetree.directive_argument -> To.Parsetree.directive_argument =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_none  -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_none
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_ident (copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_bool (copy_bool x0)
-let copy_out_type_extension :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_extension -> To.Outcometree.out_type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_params = otyext_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_constructors = otyext_constructors;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_private = otyext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) otyext_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_constructors =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2)))
-           otyext_constructors);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag otyext_private)
-    }
-let copy_cases x = copy_case x
-let copy_pat = copy_pattern
-let copy_expr = copy_expression
-let copy_typ = copy_core_type
-module Migrate_parsetree_405_404_migrate
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-module From = Ast_405
-module To = Ast_404
-let rec copy_expression :
-  From.Parsetree.expression -> To.Parsetree.expression =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_desc =
-        (copy_expression_desc pexp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_loc = (copy_location pexp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pexp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_expression_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.expression_desc -> To.Parsetree.expression_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_function
-        ( copy_case x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_expression x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_apply
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_match
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_try
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_expression x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_field
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_array
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_while
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_for
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_expression x2),
-          (copy_direction_flag x3),
-          (copy_expression x4))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_send
-        ((copy_expression x0), x1.From.Asttypes.txt)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_new
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_override
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-                (copy_expression x1))) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception
-        ((copy_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_assert (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_poly
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_object
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype
-        (x0.From.Asttypes.txt, (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_pack (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_open
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable  -> To.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable
-and copy_direction_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.direction_flag -> To.Asttypes.direction_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Upto  -> To.Asttypes.Upto
-  | From.Asttypes.Downto  -> To.Asttypes.Downto
-and copy_case :
- -> =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pc_lhs = (copy_pattern pc_lhs);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_guard =
-        (copy_option copy_expression pc_guard);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_rhs = (copy_expression pc_rhs)
-    }
-and copy_value_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.value_binding -> To.Parsetree.value_binding =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_pat = (copy_pattern pvb_pat);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_expr =
-        (copy_expression pvb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pvb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_loc = (copy_location pvb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_pattern :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern -> To.Parsetree.pattern =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_desc =
-        (copy_pattern_desc ppat_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_loc = (copy_location ppat_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ppat_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_pattern_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern_desc -> To.Parsetree.pattern_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_any  -> To.Parsetree.Ppat_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_var (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_alias
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_interval
-        ((copy_constant x0),
-          (copy_constant x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_pattern x1))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_array
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_or
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_type
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_exception (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_open (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_open
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-and copy_core_type :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type -> To.Parsetree.core_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_desc =
-        (copy_core_type_desc ptyp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = (copy_location ptyp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_core_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.core_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_any  -> To.Parsetree.Ptyp_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 -> To.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_object
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-               (x0.From.Asttypes.txt, (copy_attributes x1),
-                 (copy_core_type x2))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_class
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias
-        ((copy_core_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant
-        (( copy_row_field x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> copy_label x) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> x.From.Asttypes.txt) x0), (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_package (copy_package_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_package_type :
-  From.Parsetree.package_type -> To.Parsetree.package_type =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-      (
-         (fun x  ->
-            let (x0,x1) = x  in
-            ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-              (copy_core_type x1))) x1))
-and copy_row_field :
-  From.Parsetree.row_field -> To.Parsetree.row_field =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Rtag (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rtag
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          ( copy_core_type x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rinherit (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_attributes :
-  From.Parsetree.attributes -> To.Parsetree.attributes =
-  fun x  -> copy_attribute x
-and copy_attribute :
-  From.Parsetree.attribute -> To.Parsetree.attribute =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_payload :
-  From.Parsetree.payload -> To.Parsetree.payload =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.PStr x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PStr (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PSig x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PSig (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PTyp x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PTyp (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PPat (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.PPat
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-and copy_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.structure -> To.Parsetree.structure =
-  fun x  -> copy_structure_item x
-and copy_structure_item :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item -> To.Parsetree.structure_item =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_desc =
-        (copy_structure_item_desc pstr_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_loc = (copy_location pstr_loc)
-    }
-and copy_structure_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_eval
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_value
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_module
-        (copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class
-        ( copy_class_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_include
-        (copy_include_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_include_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.include_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos copy_module_expr x
-and copy_class_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_declaration -> To.Parsetree.class_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_expr x
-and copy_class_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr -> To.Parsetree.class_expr =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_desc =
-        (copy_class_expr_desc pcl_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_loc = (copy_location pcl_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcl_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_structure
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_class_expr x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_apply
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_class_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (copy_class_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.class_structure -> To.Parsetree.class_structure =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_self =
-        (copy_pattern pcstr_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_fields =
-        ( copy_class_field pcstr_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field -> To.Parsetree.class_field =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_desc =
-        (copy_class_field_desc pcf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_loc = (copy_location pcf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_field_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_class_expr x1),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> x.From.Asttypes.txt) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_field_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_kind -> To.Parsetree.class_field_kind =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-and copy_module_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.module_binding -> To.Parsetree.module_binding =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmb_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_expr =
-        (copy_module_expr pmb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_loc = (copy_location pmb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr -> To.Parsetree.module_expr =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_desc =
-        (copy_module_expr_desc pmod_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_loc = (copy_location pmod_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmod_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> To.Parsetree.module_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_structure (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_apply
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_module_type :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type -> To.Parsetree.module_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_desc =
-        (copy_module_type_desc pmty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_loc = (copy_location pmty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.module_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_signature (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_with
-        ((copy_module_type x0),
-          ( copy_with_constraint x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_alias
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-and copy_with_constraint :
-  From.Parsetree.with_constraint -> To.Parsetree.with_constraint =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_type
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_module
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst
-        (copy_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-and copy_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.signature -> To.Parsetree.signature =
-  fun x  -> copy_signature_item x
-and copy_signature_item :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item -> To.Parsetree.signature_item =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.psig_desc =
-        (copy_signature_item_desc psig_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.psig_loc = (copy_location psig_loc)
-    }
-and copy_signature_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_value
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_module
-        (copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_include
-        (copy_include_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class
-        ( copy_class_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_class_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_description :
-  From.Parsetree.class_description -> To.Parsetree.class_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_type :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type -> To.Parsetree.class_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_desc pcty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_loc = (copy_location pcty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_signature
-        (copy_class_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_class_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.class_signature -> To.Parsetree.class_signature =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_self =
-        (copy_core_type pcsig_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_fields =
-        ( copy_class_type_field pcsig_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field -> To.Parsetree.class_type_field =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_loc = (copy_location pctf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pctf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit (copy_class_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (x0.From.Asttypes.txt, (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (x0.From.Asttypes.txt, (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.extension -> To.Parsetree.extension =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_class_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.class_infos -> 'g0 To.Parsetree.class_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pci_virt =
-          (copy_virtual_flag pci_virt);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_params =
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_core_type x0),
-                  (copy_variance x1))) pci_params);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_name =
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pci_name);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_expr = (f0 pci_expr);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_loc = (copy_location pci_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pci_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_virtual_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.virtual_flag -> To.Asttypes.virtual_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Virtual  -> To.Asttypes.Virtual
-  | From.Asttypes.Concrete  -> To.Asttypes.Concrete
-and copy_include_description :
-  From.Parsetree.include_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos copy_module_type x
-and copy_include_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.include_infos ->
-        'g0 To.Parsetree.include_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_mod = (f0 pincl_mod);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_loc = (copy_location pincl_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pincl_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_open_description :
-  From.Parsetree.open_description -> To.Parsetree.open_description =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.popen_lid = popen_lid;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.popen_lid =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident popen_lid);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_override =
-        (copy_override_flag popen_override);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_loc = (copy_location popen_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes popen_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_override_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.override_flag -> To.Asttypes.override_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Override  -> To.Asttypes.Override
-  | From.Asttypes.Fresh  -> To.Asttypes.Fresh
-and copy_module_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmtd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_type =
-        (copy_option copy_module_type pmtd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmtd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = (copy_location pmtd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_type =
-        (copy_module_type pmd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_loc = (copy_location pmd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_type_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.type_extension -> To.Parsetree.type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_path =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident ptyext_path);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptyext_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors =
-        ( copy_extension_constructor
-           ptyext_constructors);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptyext_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pext_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pext_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_kind =
-        (copy_extension_constructor_kind pext_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_loc = (copy_location pext_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_decl
-        ((copy_constructor_arguments x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_rebind
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-and copy_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.type_declaration -> To.Parsetree.type_declaration =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) ptype_name);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptype_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_core_type x1),
-                (copy_location x2))) ptype_cstrs);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_kind =
-        (copy_type_kind ptype_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptype_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_manifest =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type ptype_manifest);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptype_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_loc = (copy_location ptype_loc)
-    }
-and copy_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag -> To.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_type_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.type_kind -> To.Parsetree.type_kind =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract  -> To.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_variant
-        ( copy_constructor_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_open  -> To.Parsetree.Ptype_open
-and copy_constructor_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pcd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_args =
-        (copy_constructor_arguments pcd_args);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_res =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type pcd_res);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_loc = (copy_location pcd_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcd_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_constructor_arguments :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_arguments ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_arguments
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-and copy_label_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.label_declaration -> To.Parsetree.label_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pld_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pld_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_mutable =
-        (copy_mutable_flag pld_mutable);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_type =
-        (copy_core_type pld_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_loc = (copy_location pld_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pld_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_mutable_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.mutable_flag -> To.Asttypes.mutable_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Immutable  -> To.Asttypes.Immutable
-  | From.Asttypes.Mutable  -> To.Asttypes.Mutable
-and copy_variance :
-  From.Asttypes.variance -> To.Asttypes.variance =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Covariant  -> To.Asttypes.Covariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Contravariant  -> To.Asttypes.Contravariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Invariant  -> To.Asttypes.Invariant
-and copy_value_description :
-  From.Parsetree.value_description -> To.Parsetree.value_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pval_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pval_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_type =
-        (copy_core_type pval_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_prim = ( (fun x  -> x) pval_prim);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pval_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_loc = (copy_location pval_loc)
-    }
-and copy_arg_label :
-  From.Asttypes.arg_label -> To.Asttypes.arg_label =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nolabel  -> To.Asttypes.Nolabel
-  | From.Asttypes.Labelled x0 -> To.Asttypes.Labelled x0
-  | From.Asttypes.Optional x0 -> To.Asttypes.Optional x0
-and copy_closed_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.closed_flag -> To.Asttypes.closed_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Closed  -> To.Asttypes.Closed
-  | From.Asttypes.Open  -> To.Asttypes.Open
-and copy_label :
-  From.Asttypes.label -> To.Asttypes.label = fun x  -> x
-and copy_rec_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.rec_flag -> To.Asttypes.rec_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nonrecursive  -> To.Asttypes.Nonrecursive
-  | From.Asttypes.Recursive  -> To.Asttypes.Recursive
-and copy_constant :
-  From.Parsetree.constant -> To.Parsetree.constant =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-and copy_option : 'f0 'g0 . ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 option -> 'g0 option =
-  fun f0  -> function | None  -> None | Some x0 -> Some (f0 x0)
-and copy_longident : From.Longident.t -> To.Longident.t =
-  function
-  | From.Longident.Lident x0 -> To.Longident.Lident x0
-  | From.Longident.Ldot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Ldot ((copy_longident x0), x1)
-  | From.Longident.Lapply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Lapply
-        ((copy_longident x0), (copy_longident x1))
-and copy_loc :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 From.Asttypes.loc -> 'g0 To.Asttypes.loc
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun { From.Asttypes.txt = txt; From.Asttypes.loc = loc }  ->
-      {
-        To.Asttypes.txt = (f0 txt);
-        To.Asttypes.loc = (copy_location loc)
-      }
-and copy_location : From.Location.t -> To.Location.t =
-  fun
-    { From.Location.loc_start = loc_start;
-      From.Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-      From.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Location.loc_start = (copy_Lexing_position loc_start);
-      To.Location.loc_end = (copy_Lexing_position loc_end);
-      To.Location.loc_ghost = (copy_bool loc_ghost)
-    }
-and copy_bool : bool -> bool = function | false  -> false | true  -> true
-and copy_Lexing_position : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position =
-  fun
-    { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-     ->
-    {
-      Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname;
-      Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol;
-      Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum
-    }
-let rec copy_out_phrase :
-  From.Outcometree.out_phrase -> To.Outcometree.out_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_eval
-        ((copy_out_value x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_signature
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_sig_item x0),
-                (copy_option copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_exception
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_exn x0), (copy_out_value x1)))
-and copy_exn : exn -> exn = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_sig_item -> To.Outcometree.out_sig_item =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class_type (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class_type
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_typext (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_typext
-        ((copy_out_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_out_ext_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_modtype
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_module
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_type
-        ((copy_out_type_decl x0),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_value x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_value
-        (copy_out_val_decl x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis
-and copy_out_val_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_val_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_val_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_type = oval_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_prims = oval_prims;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_attributes = oval_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oval_type =
-        (copy_out_type oval_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_prims = ( (fun x  -> x) oval_prims);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_attributes =
-        ( copy_out_attribute oval_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_out_type_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_type_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_params = otype_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_type = otype_type;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_private = otype_private;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_immediate = otype_immediate;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = otype_unboxed;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_cstrs = otype_cstrs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-           otype_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_type =
-        (copy_out_type otype_type);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag otype_private);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_immediate = (copy_bool otype_immediate);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = (copy_bool otype_unboxed);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_type x0),
-                (copy_out_type x1))) otype_cstrs)
-    }
-and copy_out_module_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_module_type -> To.Outcometree.out_module_type
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Omty_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_functor
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_module_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_ident (copy_out_ident x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_signature
-        ( copy_out_sig_item x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_alias (copy_out_ident x0)
-and copy_out_ext_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ext_status -> To.Outcometree.out_ext_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_first  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_next  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_next
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_exception  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_exception
-and copy_out_extension_constructor :
-  From.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_params = oext_type_params;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_args = oext_args;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_ret_type = oext_ret_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_private = oext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) oext_type_params);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_args =
-        ( copy_out_type oext_args);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_ret_type =
-        (copy_option copy_out_type oext_ret_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag oext_private)
-    }
-and copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag -> To.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_out_rec_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_rec_status -> To.Outcometree.out_rec_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_not  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_not
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_first  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_next  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_next
-and copy_out_class_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_type -> To.Outcometree.out_class_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_class_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_signature (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_signature
-        ((copy_option copy_out_type x0),
-          ( copy_out_class_sig_item x1))
-and copy_out_class_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_method
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_value
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-and copy_out_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type -> To.Outcometree.out_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_open  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_open
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_alias
-        ((copy_out_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_class (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_ident x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_object
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               (x0, (copy_out_type x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_bool x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_out_type x2)))
-           x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_sum x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_sum
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple
-        ( copy_out_type x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_var ((copy_bool x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_variant (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_variant
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_variant x1),
-          (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> (fun x  -> x) x) x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> x) x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_module
-        (x0, ( (fun x  -> x) x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_attribute x1))
-and copy_out_attribute :
-  From.Outcometree.out_attribute -> To.Outcometree.out_attribute =
-  fun { From.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }  ->
-    { To.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }
-and copy_out_variant :
-  From.Outcometree.out_variant -> To.Outcometree.out_variant =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_fields x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_fields
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1),
-                ( copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_typ (From.Outcometree.Otyp_constr (id,tyl)) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_name (copy_out_ident id, copy_out_type tyl)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_typ x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_name
-        (To.Outcometree.Oide_ident "", [copy_out_type x0])
-and copy_out_value :
-  From.Outcometree.out_value -> To.Outcometree.out_value =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_array x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_array
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_char x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_char x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_value x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_float x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_float (copy_float x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_list x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_list
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_ident x0),
-                (copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_string x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_string x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_tuple
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_variant
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_value x1))
-and copy_float : float -> float = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_ident :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ident -> To.Outcometree.out_ident =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_apply
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          (copy_out_ident x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_dot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_dot
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0
-let rec copy_toplevel_phrase :
-  From.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> To.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_def x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_def (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_dir (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_dir
-        (x0, (copy_directive_argument x1))
-and copy_directive_argument :
-  From.Parsetree.directive_argument -> To.Parsetree.directive_argument =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_none  -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_none
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_ident (copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_bool (copy_bool x0)
-let copy_out_type_extension :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_extension -> To.Outcometree.out_type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_params = otyext_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_constructors = otyext_constructors;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_private = otyext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) otyext_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_constructors =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2)))
-           otyext_constructors);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag otyext_private)
-    }
-let copy_cases x = copy_case x
-let copy_pat = copy_pattern
-let copy_expr = copy_expression
-let copy_typ = copy_core_type
-module Migrate_parsetree_404_405
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-include Migrate_parsetree_404_405_migrate
-(*$ open Printf
-  let fields = [
-    "attribute"; "attributes"; "case"; "cases"; "class_declaration";
-    "class_description"; "class_expr"; "class_field"; "class_signature";
-    "class_structure"; "class_type"; "class_type_declaration";
-    "class_type_field"; "constructor_declaration"; "expr"; "extension";
-    "extension_constructor"; "include_declaration"; "include_description";
-    "label_declaration"; "location"; "module_binding"; "module_declaration";
-    "module_expr"; "module_type"; "module_type_declaration";
-    "open_description"; "pat"; "signature"; "signature_item"; "structure";
-    "structure_item"; "typ"; "type_declaration"; "type_extension";
-    "type_kind"; "value_binding"; "value_description";
-    "with_constraint"; "payload"
-  ]
-  let foreach_field f =
-    printf "\n";
-    List.iter f fields
-let copy_mapper = fun
-  ({ From.Ast_mapper.
-     (*$ foreach_field (printf "%s;\n")*)
-     attribute;
-     attributes;
-     case;
-     cases;
-     class_declaration;
-     class_description;
-     class_expr;
-     class_field;
-     class_signature;
-     class_structure;
-     class_type;
-     class_type_declaration;
-     class_type_field;
-     constructor_declaration;
-     expr;
-     extension;
-     extension_constructor;
-     include_declaration;
-     include_description;
-     label_declaration;
-     location;
-     module_binding;
-     module_declaration;
-     module_expr;
-     module_type;
-     module_type_declaration;
-     open_description;
-     pat;
-     signature;
-     signature_item;
-     structure;
-     structure_item;
-     typ;
-     type_declaration;
-     type_extension;
-     type_kind;
-     value_binding;
-     value_description;
-     with_constraint;
-     payload;
-     (*$*)
-   } as mapper) ->
-  let module R = Migrate_parsetree_405_404_migrate in
-  {
-    To.Ast_mapper.
-    (*$ foreach_field (fun s ->
-        printf
-          "%s = (fun _ x -> copy_%s (%s mapper (R.copy_%s x)));\n" s s s s)
-    *)
-    attribute = (fun _ x -> copy_attribute (attribute mapper (R.copy_attribute x)));
-    attributes = (fun _ x -> copy_attributes (attributes mapper (R.copy_attributes x)));
-    case = (fun _ x -> copy_case (case mapper (R.copy_case x)));
-    cases = (fun _ x -> copy_cases (cases mapper (R.copy_cases x)));
-    class_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_declaration (class_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_declaration x)));
-    class_description = (fun _ x -> copy_class_description (class_description mapper (R.copy_class_description x)));
-    class_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_class_expr (class_expr mapper (R.copy_class_expr x)));
-    class_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_field (class_field mapper (R.copy_class_field x)));
-    class_signature = (fun _ x -> copy_class_signature (class_signature mapper (R.copy_class_signature x)));
-    class_structure = (fun _ x -> copy_class_structure (class_structure mapper (R.copy_class_structure x)));
-    class_type = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type (class_type mapper (R.copy_class_type x)));
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_declaration (class_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_type_declaration x)));
-    class_type_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_field (class_type_field mapper (R.copy_class_type_field x)));
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_constructor_declaration (constructor_declaration mapper (R.copy_constructor_declaration x)));
-    expr = (fun _ x -> copy_expr (expr mapper (R.copy_expr x)));
-    extension = (fun _ x -> copy_extension (extension mapper (R.copy_extension x)));
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ x -> copy_extension_constructor (extension_constructor mapper (R.copy_extension_constructor x)));
-    include_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_include_declaration (include_declaration mapper (R.copy_include_declaration x)));
-    include_description = (fun _ x -> copy_include_description (include_description mapper (R.copy_include_description x)));
-    label_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_label_declaration (label_declaration mapper (R.copy_label_declaration x)));
-    location = (fun _ x -> copy_location (location mapper (R.copy_location x)));
-    module_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_module_binding (module_binding mapper (R.copy_module_binding x)));
-    module_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_declaration (module_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_declaration x)));
-    module_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_module_expr (module_expr mapper (R.copy_module_expr x)));
-    module_type = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type (module_type mapper (R.copy_module_type x)));
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type_declaration (module_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_type_declaration x)));
-    open_description = (fun _ x -> copy_open_description (open_description mapper (R.copy_open_description x)));
-    pat = (fun _ x -> copy_pat (pat mapper (R.copy_pat x)));
-    signature = (fun _ x -> copy_signature (signature mapper (R.copy_signature x)));
-    signature_item = (fun _ x -> copy_signature_item (signature_item mapper (R.copy_signature_item x)));
-    structure = (fun _ x -> copy_structure (structure mapper (R.copy_structure x)));
-    structure_item = (fun _ x -> copy_structure_item (structure_item mapper (R.copy_structure_item x)));
-    typ = (fun _ x -> copy_typ (typ mapper (R.copy_typ x)));
-    type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_type_declaration (type_declaration mapper (R.copy_type_declaration x)));
-    type_extension = (fun _ x -> copy_type_extension (type_extension mapper (R.copy_type_extension x)));
-    type_kind = (fun _ x -> copy_type_kind (type_kind mapper (R.copy_type_kind x)));
-    value_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_value_binding (value_binding mapper (R.copy_value_binding x)));
-    value_description = (fun _ x -> copy_value_description (value_description mapper (R.copy_value_description x)));
-    with_constraint = (fun _ x -> copy_with_constraint (with_constraint mapper (R.copy_with_constraint x)));
-    payload = (fun _ x -> copy_payload (payload mapper (R.copy_payload x)));
-    (*$*)
-  }
-module Migrate_parsetree_405_404
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-include Migrate_parsetree_405_404_migrate
-(*$ open Printf
-  let fields = [
-    "attribute"; "attributes"; "case"; "cases"; "class_declaration";
-    "class_description"; "class_expr"; "class_field"; "class_signature";
-    "class_structure"; "class_type"; "class_type_declaration";
-    "class_type_field"; "constructor_declaration"; "expr"; "extension";
-    "extension_constructor"; "include_declaration"; "include_description";
-    "label_declaration"; "location"; "module_binding"; "module_declaration";
-    "module_expr"; "module_type"; "module_type_declaration";
-    "open_description"; "pat"; "signature"; "signature_item"; "structure";
-    "structure_item"; "typ"; "type_declaration"; "type_extension";
-    "type_kind"; "value_binding"; "value_description";
-    "with_constraint"; "payload"
-  ]
-  let foreach_field f =
-    printf "\n";
-    List.iter f fields
-let copy_mapper = fun
-  ({ From.Ast_mapper.
-     (*$ foreach_field (printf "%s;\n")*)
-     attribute;
-     attributes;
-     case;
-     cases;
-     class_declaration;
-     class_description;
-     class_expr;
-     class_field;
-     class_signature;
-     class_structure;
-     class_type;
-     class_type_declaration;
-     class_type_field;
-     constructor_declaration;
-     expr;
-     extension;
-     extension_constructor;
-     include_declaration;
-     include_description;
-     label_declaration;
-     location;
-     module_binding;
-     module_declaration;
-     module_expr;
-     module_type;
-     module_type_declaration;
-     open_description;
-     pat;
-     signature;
-     signature_item;
-     structure;
-     structure_item;
-     typ;
-     type_declaration;
-     type_extension;
-     type_kind;
-     value_binding;
-     value_description;
-     with_constraint;
-     payload;
-     (*$*)
-   } as mapper) ->
-  let module R = Migrate_parsetree_404_405_migrate in
-  {
-    To.Ast_mapper.
-    (*$ foreach_field (fun s ->
-        printf
-          "%s = (fun _ x -> copy_%s (%s mapper (R.copy_%s x)));\n" s s s s)
-    *)
-    attribute = (fun _ x -> copy_attribute (attribute mapper (R.copy_attribute x)));
-    attributes = (fun _ x -> copy_attributes (attributes mapper (R.copy_attributes x)));
-    case = (fun _ x -> copy_case (case mapper (R.copy_case x)));
-    cases = (fun _ x -> copy_cases (cases mapper (R.copy_cases x)));
-    class_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_declaration (class_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_declaration x)));
-    class_description = (fun _ x -> copy_class_description (class_description mapper (R.copy_class_description x)));
-    class_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_class_expr (class_expr mapper (R.copy_class_expr x)));
-    class_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_field (class_field mapper (R.copy_class_field x)));
-    class_signature = (fun _ x -> copy_class_signature (class_signature mapper (R.copy_class_signature x)));
-    class_structure = (fun _ x -> copy_class_structure (class_structure mapper (R.copy_class_structure x)));
-    class_type = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type (class_type mapper (R.copy_class_type x)));
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_declaration (class_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_type_declaration x)));
-    class_type_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_field (class_type_field mapper (R.copy_class_type_field x)));
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_constructor_declaration (constructor_declaration mapper (R.copy_constructor_declaration x)));
-    expr = (fun _ x -> copy_expr (expr mapper (R.copy_expr x)));
-    extension = (fun _ x -> copy_extension (extension mapper (R.copy_extension x)));
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ x -> copy_extension_constructor (extension_constructor mapper (R.copy_extension_constructor x)));
-    include_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_include_declaration (include_declaration mapper (R.copy_include_declaration x)));
-    include_description = (fun _ x -> copy_include_description (include_description mapper (R.copy_include_description x)));
-    label_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_label_declaration (label_declaration mapper (R.copy_label_declaration x)));
-    location = (fun _ x -> copy_location (location mapper (R.copy_location x)));
-    module_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_module_binding (module_binding mapper (R.copy_module_binding x)));
-    module_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_declaration (module_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_declaration x)));
-    module_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_module_expr (module_expr mapper (R.copy_module_expr x)));
-    module_type = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type (module_type mapper (R.copy_module_type x)));
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type_declaration (module_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_type_declaration x)));
-    open_description = (fun _ x -> copy_open_description (open_description mapper (R.copy_open_description x)));
-    pat = (fun _ x -> copy_pat (pat mapper (R.copy_pat x)));
-    signature = (fun _ x -> copy_signature (signature mapper (R.copy_signature x)));
-    signature_item = (fun _ x -> copy_signature_item (signature_item mapper (R.copy_signature_item x)));
-    structure = (fun _ x -> copy_structure (structure mapper (R.copy_structure x)));
-    structure_item = (fun _ x -> copy_structure_item (structure_item mapper (R.copy_structure_item x)));
-    typ = (fun _ x -> copy_typ (typ mapper (R.copy_typ x)));
-    type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_type_declaration (type_declaration mapper (R.copy_type_declaration x)));
-    type_extension = (fun _ x -> copy_type_extension (type_extension mapper (R.copy_type_extension x)));
-    type_kind = (fun _ x -> copy_type_kind (type_kind mapper (R.copy_type_kind x)));
-    value_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_value_binding (value_binding mapper (R.copy_value_binding x)));
-    value_description = (fun _ x -> copy_value_description (value_description mapper (R.copy_value_description x)));
-    with_constraint = (fun _ x -> copy_with_constraint (with_constraint mapper (R.copy_with_constraint x)));
-    payload = (fun _ x -> copy_payload (payload mapper (R.copy_payload x)));
-    (*$*)
-  }
-module Migrate_parsetree_405_406_migrate
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-module From = Ast_405
-module To = Ast_406
-let rec copy_expression :
-  From.Parsetree.expression -> To.Parsetree.expression =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_desc = (copy_expression_desc pexp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_loc = (copy_location pexp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = (copy_attributes pexp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_expression_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.expression_desc -> To.Parsetree.expression_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_function
-        ( copy_case x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_expression x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_apply
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_match
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_try
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_expression x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_field
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_array
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_while
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_for
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_expression x2),
-          (copy_direction_flag x3),
-          (copy_expression x4))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_send
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_new
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_override
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-                (copy_expression x1))) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception
-        ((copy_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_assert (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_poly
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_object
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_pack (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_open
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable  -> To.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable
-and copy_direction_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.direction_flag -> To.Asttypes.direction_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Upto  -> To.Asttypes.Upto
-  | From.Asttypes.Downto  -> To.Asttypes.Downto
-and copy_case :
- -> =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pc_lhs = (copy_pattern pc_lhs);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_guard =
-        (copy_option copy_expression pc_guard);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_rhs = (copy_expression pc_rhs)
-    }
-and copy_value_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.value_binding -> To.Parsetree.value_binding =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_pat = (copy_pattern pvb_pat);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_expr =
-        (copy_expression pvb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pvb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_loc = (copy_location pvb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_pattern :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern -> To.Parsetree.pattern =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_desc =
-        (copy_pattern_desc ppat_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_loc = (copy_location ppat_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ppat_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_pattern_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern_desc -> To.Parsetree.pattern_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_any  -> To.Parsetree.Ppat_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_var (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_alias
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_interval
-        ((copy_constant x0),
-          (copy_constant x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_pattern x1))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_array
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_or
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_type
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_exception (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_open (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_open
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-and copy_core_type :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type -> To.Parsetree.core_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_desc =
-        (copy_core_type_desc ptyp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = (copy_location ptyp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_core_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.core_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_any  -> To.Parsetree.Ptyp_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 -> To.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_object
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-               To.Parsetree.Otag
-                 (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0, (copy_attributes x1),
-                  (copy_core_type x2))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_class
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias
-        ((copy_core_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant
-        (( copy_row_field x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> copy_label x) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x) x0), (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_package (copy_package_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_package_type :
-  From.Parsetree.package_type -> To.Parsetree.package_type =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-      (
-         (fun x  ->
-            let (x0,x1) = x  in
-            ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-              (copy_core_type x1))) x1))
-and copy_row_field :
-  From.Parsetree.row_field -> To.Parsetree.row_field =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Rtag (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rtag
-        (({ txt = copy_label x0; loc = Location.none; }),
-          (copy_attributes x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          ( copy_core_type x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rinherit (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_attributes :
-  From.Parsetree.attributes -> To.Parsetree.attributes =
-  fun x  -> copy_attribute x
-and copy_attribute :
-  From.Parsetree.attribute -> To.Parsetree.attribute =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_payload :
-  From.Parsetree.payload -> To.Parsetree.payload =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.PStr x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PStr (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PSig x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PSig (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PTyp x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PTyp (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PPat (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.PPat
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-and copy_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.structure -> To.Parsetree.structure =
-  fun x  -> copy_structure_item x
-and copy_structure_item :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item -> To.Parsetree.structure_item =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_desc =
-        (copy_structure_item_desc pstr_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_loc = (copy_location pstr_loc)
-    }
-and copy_structure_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_eval
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_value
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_module
-        (copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class
-        ( copy_class_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_include
-        (copy_include_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_include_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.include_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos copy_module_expr x
-and copy_class_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_declaration -> To.Parsetree.class_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_expr x
-and copy_class_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr -> To.Parsetree.class_expr =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_desc =
-        (copy_class_expr_desc pcl_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_loc = (copy_location pcl_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcl_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_structure
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_class_expr x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_apply
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_class_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (copy_class_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.class_structure -> To.Parsetree.class_structure =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_self =
-        (copy_pattern pcstr_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_fields =
-        ( copy_class_field pcstr_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field -> To.Parsetree.class_field =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_desc =
-        (copy_class_field_desc pcf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_loc = (copy_location pcf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_field_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_class_expr x1),
-          (copy_option (copy_loc (fun x  -> x)) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_field_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_kind -> To.Parsetree.class_field_kind =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-and copy_module_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.module_binding -> To.Parsetree.module_binding =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmb_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_expr =
-        (copy_module_expr pmb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_loc = (copy_location pmb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr -> To.Parsetree.module_expr =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_desc =
-        (copy_module_expr_desc pmod_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_loc = (copy_location pmod_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmod_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> To.Parsetree.module_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_structure (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_apply
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_module_type :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type -> To.Parsetree.module_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_desc =
-        (copy_module_type_desc pmty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_loc = (copy_location pmty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.module_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_signature (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_with
-        ((copy_module_type x0),
-          ( copy_with_constraint x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_alias
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-and copy_with_constraint :
-  From.Parsetree.with_constraint -> To.Parsetree.with_constraint =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_type
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_module
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst
-        (copy_loc (fun x -> Longident.Lident x) x0.From.Parsetree.ptype_name,
-         copy_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst
-        (copy_loc (fun x -> Longident.Lident x) x0,
-         copy_loc copy_longident x1)
-and copy_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.signature -> To.Parsetree.signature =
-  fun x  -> copy_signature_item x
-and copy_signature_item :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item -> To.Parsetree.signature_item =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.psig_desc =
-        (copy_signature_item_desc psig_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.psig_loc = (copy_location psig_loc)
-    }
-and copy_signature_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_value
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_module
-        (copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_include
-        (copy_include_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class
-        ( copy_class_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_class_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_description :
-  From.Parsetree.class_description -> To.Parsetree.class_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_type :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type -> To.Parsetree.class_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_desc pcty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_loc = (copy_location pcty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_signature
-        (copy_class_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_class_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.class_signature -> To.Parsetree.class_signature =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_self =
-        (copy_core_type pcsig_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_fields =
-        ( copy_class_type_field pcsig_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field -> To.Parsetree.class_type_field =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_loc = (copy_location pctf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pctf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit (copy_class_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0, (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0, (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.extension -> To.Parsetree.extension =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_class_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.class_infos -> 'g0 To.Parsetree.class_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pci_virt =
-          (copy_virtual_flag pci_virt);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_params =
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_core_type x0),
-                  (copy_variance x1))) pci_params);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_name =
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pci_name);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_expr = (f0 pci_expr);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_loc = (copy_location pci_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pci_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_virtual_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.virtual_flag -> To.Asttypes.virtual_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Virtual  -> To.Asttypes.Virtual
-  | From.Asttypes.Concrete  -> To.Asttypes.Concrete
-and copy_include_description :
-  From.Parsetree.include_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos copy_module_type x
-and copy_include_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.include_infos ->
-        'g0 To.Parsetree.include_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_mod = (f0 pincl_mod);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_loc = (copy_location pincl_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pincl_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_open_description :
-  From.Parsetree.open_description -> To.Parsetree.open_description =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.popen_lid = popen_lid;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.popen_lid =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident popen_lid);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_override =
-        (copy_override_flag popen_override);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_loc = (copy_location popen_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes popen_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_override_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.override_flag -> To.Asttypes.override_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Override  -> To.Asttypes.Override
-  | From.Asttypes.Fresh  -> To.Asttypes.Fresh
-and copy_module_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmtd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_type =
-        (copy_option copy_module_type pmtd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmtd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = (copy_location pmtd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_type =
-        (copy_module_type pmd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_loc = (copy_location pmd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_type_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.type_extension -> To.Parsetree.type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_path =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident ptyext_path);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptyext_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors =
-        ( copy_extension_constructor
-           ptyext_constructors);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptyext_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pext_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pext_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_kind =
-        (copy_extension_constructor_kind pext_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_loc = (copy_location pext_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_decl
-        ((copy_constructor_arguments x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_rebind
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-and copy_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.type_declaration -> To.Parsetree.type_declaration =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) ptype_name);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptype_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_core_type x1),
-                (copy_location x2))) ptype_cstrs);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_kind =
-        (copy_type_kind ptype_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptype_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_manifest =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type ptype_manifest);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptype_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_loc = (copy_location ptype_loc)
-    }
-and copy_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag -> To.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_type_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.type_kind -> To.Parsetree.type_kind =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract  -> To.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_variant
-        ( copy_constructor_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_open  -> To.Parsetree.Ptype_open
-and copy_constructor_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pcd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_args =
-        (copy_constructor_arguments pcd_args);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_res =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type pcd_res);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_loc = (copy_location pcd_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcd_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_constructor_arguments :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_arguments ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_arguments
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-and copy_label_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.label_declaration -> To.Parsetree.label_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pld_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pld_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_mutable =
-        (copy_mutable_flag pld_mutable);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_type =
-        (copy_core_type pld_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_loc = (copy_location pld_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pld_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_mutable_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.mutable_flag -> To.Asttypes.mutable_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Immutable  -> To.Asttypes.Immutable
-  | From.Asttypes.Mutable  -> To.Asttypes.Mutable
-and copy_variance :
-  From.Asttypes.variance -> To.Asttypes.variance =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Covariant  -> To.Asttypes.Covariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Contravariant  -> To.Asttypes.Contravariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Invariant  -> To.Asttypes.Invariant
-and copy_value_description :
-  From.Parsetree.value_description -> To.Parsetree.value_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pval_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pval_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_type =
-        (copy_core_type pval_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_prim = ( (fun x  -> x) pval_prim);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pval_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_loc = (copy_location pval_loc)
-    }
-and copy_arg_label :
-  From.Asttypes.arg_label -> To.Asttypes.arg_label =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nolabel  -> To.Asttypes.Nolabel
-  | From.Asttypes.Labelled x0 -> To.Asttypes.Labelled x0
-  | From.Asttypes.Optional x0 -> To.Asttypes.Optional x0
-and copy_closed_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.closed_flag -> To.Asttypes.closed_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Closed  -> To.Asttypes.Closed
-  | From.Asttypes.Open  -> To.Asttypes.Open
-and copy_label :
-  From.Asttypes.label -> To.Asttypes.label = fun x  -> x
-and copy_rec_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.rec_flag -> To.Asttypes.rec_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nonrecursive  -> To.Asttypes.Nonrecursive
-  | From.Asttypes.Recursive  -> To.Asttypes.Recursive
-and copy_constant :
-  From.Parsetree.constant -> To.Parsetree.constant =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-and copy_option : 'f0 'g0 . ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 option -> 'g0 option =
-  fun f0  -> function | None  -> None | Some x0 -> Some (f0 x0)
-and copy_longident : From.Longident.t -> To.Longident.t =
-  function
-  | From.Longident.Lident x0 -> To.Longident.Lident x0
-  | From.Longident.Ldot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Ldot ((copy_longident x0), x1)
-  | From.Longident.Lapply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Lapply
-        ((copy_longident x0), (copy_longident x1))
-and copy_loc :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 From.Asttypes.loc -> 'g0 To.Asttypes.loc
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun { From.Asttypes.txt = txt; From.Asttypes.loc = loc }  ->
-      {
-        To.Asttypes.txt = (f0 txt);
-        To.Asttypes.loc = (copy_location loc)
-      }
-and copy_location : From.Location.t -> To.Location.t =
-  fun
-    { From.Location.loc_start = loc_start;
-      From.Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-      From.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Location.loc_start = (copy_Lexing_position loc_start);
-      To.Location.loc_end = (copy_Lexing_position loc_end);
-      To.Location.loc_ghost = (copy_bool loc_ghost)
-    }
-and copy_bool : bool -> bool = function | false  -> false | true  -> true
-and copy_Lexing_position : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position =
-  fun
-    { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-     ->
-    {
-      Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname;
-      Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol;
-      Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum
-    }
-let rec copy_out_phrase :
-  From.Outcometree.out_phrase -> To.Outcometree.out_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_eval
-        ((copy_out_value x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_signature
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_sig_item x0),
-                (copy_option copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_exception
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_exn x0), (copy_out_value x1)))
-and copy_exn : exn -> exn = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_sig_item -> To.Outcometree.out_sig_item =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class_type (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class_type
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_typext (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_typext
-        ((copy_out_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_out_ext_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_modtype
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_module
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_type
-        ((copy_out_type_decl x0),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_value x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_value
-        (copy_out_val_decl x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis
-and copy_out_val_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_val_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_val_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_type = oval_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_prims = oval_prims;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_attributes = oval_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oval_type =
-        (copy_out_type oval_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_prims = ( (fun x  -> x) oval_prims);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_attributes =
-        ( copy_out_attribute oval_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_out_type_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_type_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_params = otype_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_type = otype_type;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_private = otype_private;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_immediate = otype_immediate;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = otype_unboxed;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_cstrs = otype_cstrs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-           otype_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_type =
-        (copy_out_type otype_type);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag otype_private);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_immediate = (copy_bool otype_immediate);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = (copy_bool otype_unboxed);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_type x0),
-                (copy_out_type x1))) otype_cstrs)
-    }
-and copy_out_module_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_module_type -> To.Outcometree.out_module_type
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Omty_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_functor
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_module_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_ident (copy_out_ident x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_signature
-        ( copy_out_sig_item x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_alias (copy_out_ident x0)
-and copy_out_ext_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ext_status -> To.Outcometree.out_ext_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_first  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_next  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_next
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_exception  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_exception
-and copy_out_extension_constructor :
-  From.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_params = oext_type_params;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_args = oext_args;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_ret_type = oext_ret_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_private = oext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) oext_type_params);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_args =
-        ( copy_out_type oext_args);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_ret_type =
-        (copy_option copy_out_type oext_ret_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag oext_private)
-    }
-and copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag -> To.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_out_rec_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_rec_status -> To.Outcometree.out_rec_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_not  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_not
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_first  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_next  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_next
-and copy_out_class_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_type -> To.Outcometree.out_class_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_class_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_signature (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_signature
-        ((copy_option copy_out_type x0),
-          ( copy_out_class_sig_item x1))
-and copy_out_class_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_method
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_value
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-and copy_out_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type -> To.Outcometree.out_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_open  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_open
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_alias
-        ((copy_out_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_class (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_ident x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_object
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               (x0, (copy_out_type x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_bool x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_out_type x2)))
-           x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_sum x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_sum
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple
-        ( copy_out_type x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_var ((copy_bool x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_variant (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_variant
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_variant x1),
-          (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> (fun x  -> x) x) x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> x) x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_module
-        (x0, ( (fun x  -> x) x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_attribute x1))
-and copy_out_attribute :
-  From.Outcometree.out_attribute -> To.Outcometree.out_attribute =
-  fun { From.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }  ->
-    { To.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }
-and copy_out_variant :
-  From.Outcometree.out_variant -> To.Outcometree.out_variant =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_fields x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_fields
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1),
-                ( copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_typ x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_typ (copy_out_type x0)
-and copy_out_value :
-  From.Outcometree.out_value -> To.Outcometree.out_value =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_array x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_array
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_char x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_char x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_value x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_float x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_float (copy_float x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_list x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_list
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_ident x0),
-                (copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_string x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_string (x0, max_int, Ostr_string)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_tuple
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_variant
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_value x1))
-and copy_float : float -> float = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_ident :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ident -> To.Outcometree.out_ident =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_apply
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          (copy_out_ident x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_dot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_dot
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0
-let rec copy_toplevel_phrase :
-  From.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> To.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_def x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_def (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_dir (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_dir
-        (x0, (copy_directive_argument x1))
-and copy_directive_argument :
-  From.Parsetree.directive_argument -> To.Parsetree.directive_argument =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_none  -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_none
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_ident (copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_bool (copy_bool x0)
-let copy_out_type_extension :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_extension -> To.Outcometree.out_type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_params = otyext_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_constructors = otyext_constructors;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_private = otyext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) otyext_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_constructors =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2)))
-           otyext_constructors);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag otyext_private)
-    }
-let copy_cases x = copy_case x
-let copy_pat = copy_pattern
-let copy_expr = copy_expression
-let copy_typ = copy_core_type
-module Migrate_parsetree_406_405_migrate
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-module Def = Migrate_parsetree_def
-module From = Ast_406
-module To = Ast_405
-let migration_error location feature =
-  raise (Def.Migration_error (feature, location))
-let rec copy_expression :
-  From.Parsetree.expression -> To.Parsetree.expression =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_desc = (copy_expression_desc pexp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_loc = (copy_location pexp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = (copy_attributes pexp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_expression_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.expression_desc -> To.Parsetree.expression_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_function
-        ( copy_case x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_expression x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_apply
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_match
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_try
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_expression x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_field
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_array
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_while
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_for
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_expression x2),
-          (copy_direction_flag x3),
-          (copy_expression x4))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_send
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_new
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_override
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-                (copy_expression x1))) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception
-        ((copy_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_assert (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_poly
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_object
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_pack (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_open
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable  -> To.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable
-and copy_direction_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.direction_flag -> To.Asttypes.direction_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Upto  -> To.Asttypes.Upto
-  | From.Asttypes.Downto  -> To.Asttypes.Downto
-and copy_case :
- -> =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pc_lhs = (copy_pattern pc_lhs);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_guard =
-        (copy_option copy_expression pc_guard);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_rhs = (copy_expression pc_rhs)
-    }
-and copy_value_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.value_binding -> To.Parsetree.value_binding =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_pat = (copy_pattern pvb_pat);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_expr =
-        (copy_expression pvb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pvb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_loc = (copy_location pvb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_pattern :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern -> To.Parsetree.pattern =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_desc =
-        (copy_pattern_desc ppat_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_loc = (copy_location ppat_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ppat_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_pattern_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern_desc -> To.Parsetree.pattern_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_any  -> To.Parsetree.Ppat_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_var (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_alias
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_interval
-        ((copy_constant x0),
-          (copy_constant x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_pattern x1))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_array
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_or
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_type
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_exception (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_open (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_open
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-and copy_core_type :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type -> To.Parsetree.core_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_desc =
-        (copy_core_type_desc ptyp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = (copy_location ptyp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_core_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.core_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_any  -> To.Parsetree.Ptyp_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 -> To.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_object
-        ((
-            (function
-              | From.Parsetree.Otag (x0,x1,x2) ->
-               (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0, (copy_attributes x1),
-                (copy_core_type x2))
-              | From.Parsetree.Oinherit _ ->
-                migration_error Location.none Def.Oinherit) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_class
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias
-        ((copy_core_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant
-        (( copy_row_field x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> copy_label x) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x) x0), (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_package (copy_package_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_package_type :
-  From.Parsetree.package_type -> To.Parsetree.package_type =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-      (
-         (fun x  ->
-            let (x0,x1) = x  in
-            ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-              (copy_core_type x1))) x1))
-and copy_row_field :
-  From.Parsetree.row_field -> To.Parsetree.row_field =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Rtag (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rtag
-        ((copy_label x0.txt),
-          (copy_attributes x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          ( copy_core_type x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rinherit (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_attributes :
-  From.Parsetree.attributes -> To.Parsetree.attributes =
-  fun x  -> copy_attribute x
-and copy_attribute :
-  From.Parsetree.attribute -> To.Parsetree.attribute =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_payload :
-  From.Parsetree.payload -> To.Parsetree.payload =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.PStr x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PStr (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PSig x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PSig (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PTyp x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PTyp (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PPat (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.PPat
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-and copy_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.structure -> To.Parsetree.structure =
-  fun x  -> copy_structure_item x
-and copy_structure_item :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item -> To.Parsetree.structure_item =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_desc =
-        (copy_structure_item_desc pstr_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_loc = (copy_location pstr_loc)
-    }
-and copy_structure_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_eval
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_value
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_module
-        (copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class
-        ( copy_class_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_include
-        (copy_include_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_include_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.include_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos copy_module_expr x
-and copy_class_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_declaration -> To.Parsetree.class_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_expr x
-and copy_class_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr -> To.Parsetree.class_expr =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_desc =
-        (copy_class_expr_desc pcl_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_loc = (copy_location pcl_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcl_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_structure
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_class_expr x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_apply
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_class_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (copy_class_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_open (_, loc, _) ->
-      migration_error loc.From.Location.loc Def.Pcl_open
-and copy_class_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.class_structure -> To.Parsetree.class_structure =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_self =
-        (copy_pattern pcstr_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_fields =
-        ( copy_class_field pcstr_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field -> To.Parsetree.class_field =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_desc =
-        (copy_class_field_desc pcf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_loc = (copy_location pcf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_field_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_class_expr x1),
-          (copy_option (copy_loc (fun x  -> x)) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_field_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_kind -> To.Parsetree.class_field_kind =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-and copy_module_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.module_binding -> To.Parsetree.module_binding =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmb_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_expr =
-        (copy_module_expr pmb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_loc = (copy_location pmb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr -> To.Parsetree.module_expr =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_desc =
-        (copy_module_expr_desc pmod_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_loc = (copy_location pmod_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmod_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> To.Parsetree.module_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_structure (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_apply
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_module_type :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type -> To.Parsetree.module_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_desc =
-        (copy_module_type_desc pmty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_loc = (copy_location pmty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.module_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_signature (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_with
-        ((copy_module_type x0),
-          ( copy_with_constraint x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_alias
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-and copy_with_constraint :
-  From.Parsetree.with_constraint -> To.Parsetree.with_constraint =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_type
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_module
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst ({ txt = Longident.Lident _; _ }, x0) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst
-        (copy_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst ({ txt = Longident.Lident x0; loc },x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst
-        ({ txt = x0; loc }, (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst ({ loc; _ }, _x0) ->
-      migration_error loc Pwith_typesubst_longident
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst ({ loc; _ },_x1) ->
-      migration_error loc Pwith_modsubst_longident
-and copy_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.signature -> To.Parsetree.signature =
-  fun x  -> copy_signature_item x
-and copy_signature_item :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item -> To.Parsetree.signature_item =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.psig_desc =
-        (copy_signature_item_desc psig_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.psig_loc = (copy_location psig_loc)
-    }
-and copy_signature_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_value
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_module
-        (copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_include
-        (copy_include_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class
-        ( copy_class_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_class_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_description :
-  From.Parsetree.class_description -> To.Parsetree.class_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_type :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type -> To.Parsetree.class_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_desc pcty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_loc = (copy_location pcty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_signature
-        (copy_class_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_class_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_open (_, loc, _) ->
-      migration_error loc.From.Location.loc Def.Pcty_open
-and copy_class_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.class_signature -> To.Parsetree.class_signature =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_self =
-        (copy_core_type pcsig_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_fields =
-        ( copy_class_type_field pcsig_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field -> To.Parsetree.class_type_field =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_loc = (copy_location pctf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pctf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit (copy_class_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0, (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0, (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.extension -> To.Parsetree.extension =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_class_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.class_infos -> 'g0 To.Parsetree.class_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pci_virt =
-          (copy_virtual_flag pci_virt);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_params =
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_core_type x0),
-                  (copy_variance x1))) pci_params);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_name =
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pci_name);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_expr = (f0 pci_expr);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_loc = (copy_location pci_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pci_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_virtual_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.virtual_flag -> To.Asttypes.virtual_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Virtual  -> To.Asttypes.Virtual
-  | From.Asttypes.Concrete  -> To.Asttypes.Concrete
-and copy_include_description :
-  From.Parsetree.include_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos copy_module_type x
-and copy_include_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.include_infos ->
-        'g0 To.Parsetree.include_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_mod = (f0 pincl_mod);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_loc = (copy_location pincl_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pincl_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_open_description :
-  From.Parsetree.open_description -> To.Parsetree.open_description =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.popen_lid = popen_lid;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.popen_lid =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident popen_lid);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_override =
-        (copy_override_flag popen_override);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_loc = (copy_location popen_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes popen_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_override_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.override_flag -> To.Asttypes.override_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Override  -> To.Asttypes.Override
-  | From.Asttypes.Fresh  -> To.Asttypes.Fresh
-and copy_module_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmtd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_type =
-        (copy_option copy_module_type pmtd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmtd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = (copy_location pmtd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_type =
-        (copy_module_type pmd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_loc = (copy_location pmd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_type_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.type_extension -> To.Parsetree.type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_path =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident ptyext_path);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptyext_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors =
-        ( copy_extension_constructor
-           ptyext_constructors);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptyext_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pext_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pext_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_kind =
-        (copy_extension_constructor_kind pext_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_loc = (copy_location pext_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_decl
-        ((copy_constructor_arguments x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_rebind
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-and copy_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.type_declaration -> To.Parsetree.type_declaration =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) ptype_name);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptype_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_core_type x1),
-                (copy_location x2))) ptype_cstrs);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_kind =
-        (copy_type_kind ptype_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptype_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_manifest =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type ptype_manifest);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptype_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_loc = (copy_location ptype_loc)
-    }
-and copy_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag -> To.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_type_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.type_kind -> To.Parsetree.type_kind =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract  -> To.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_variant
-        ( copy_constructor_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_open  -> To.Parsetree.Ptype_open
-and copy_constructor_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pcd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_args =
-        (copy_constructor_arguments pcd_args);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_res =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type pcd_res);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_loc = (copy_location pcd_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcd_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_constructor_arguments :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_arguments ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_arguments
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-and copy_label_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.label_declaration -> To.Parsetree.label_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pld_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pld_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_mutable =
-        (copy_mutable_flag pld_mutable);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_type =
-        (copy_core_type pld_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_loc = (copy_location pld_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pld_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_mutable_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.mutable_flag -> To.Asttypes.mutable_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Immutable  -> To.Asttypes.Immutable
-  | From.Asttypes.Mutable  -> To.Asttypes.Mutable
-and copy_variance :
-  From.Asttypes.variance -> To.Asttypes.variance =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Covariant  -> To.Asttypes.Covariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Contravariant  -> To.Asttypes.Contravariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Invariant  -> To.Asttypes.Invariant
-and copy_value_description :
-  From.Parsetree.value_description -> To.Parsetree.value_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pval_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pval_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_type =
-        (copy_core_type pval_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_prim = ( (fun x  -> x) pval_prim);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pval_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_loc = (copy_location pval_loc)
-    }
-and copy_arg_label :
-  From.Asttypes.arg_label -> To.Asttypes.arg_label =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nolabel  -> To.Asttypes.Nolabel
-  | From.Asttypes.Labelled x0 -> To.Asttypes.Labelled x0
-  | From.Asttypes.Optional x0 -> To.Asttypes.Optional x0
-and copy_closed_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.closed_flag -> To.Asttypes.closed_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Closed  -> To.Asttypes.Closed
-  | From.Asttypes.Open  -> To.Asttypes.Open
-and copy_label :
-  From.Asttypes.label -> To.Asttypes.label = fun x  -> x
-and copy_rec_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.rec_flag -> To.Asttypes.rec_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nonrecursive  -> To.Asttypes.Nonrecursive
-  | From.Asttypes.Recursive  -> To.Asttypes.Recursive
-and copy_constant :
-  From.Parsetree.constant -> To.Parsetree.constant =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-and copy_option : 'f0 'g0 . ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 option -> 'g0 option =
-  fun f0  -> function | None  -> None | Some x0 -> Some (f0 x0)
-and copy_longident : From.Longident.t -> To.Longident.t =
-  function
-  | From.Longident.Lident x0 -> To.Longident.Lident x0
-  | From.Longident.Ldot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Ldot ((copy_longident x0), x1)
-  | From.Longident.Lapply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Lapply
-        ((copy_longident x0), (copy_longident x1))
-and copy_loc :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 From.Asttypes.loc -> 'g0 To.Asttypes.loc
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun { From.Asttypes.txt = txt; From.Asttypes.loc = loc }  ->
-      {
-        To.Asttypes.txt = (f0 txt);
-        To.Asttypes.loc = (copy_location loc)
-      }
-and copy_location : From.Location.t -> To.Location.t =
-  fun
-    { From.Location.loc_start = loc_start;
-      From.Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-      From.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Location.loc_start = (copy_Lexing_position loc_start);
-      To.Location.loc_end = (copy_Lexing_position loc_end);
-      To.Location.loc_ghost = (copy_bool loc_ghost)
-    }
-and copy_bool : bool -> bool = function | false  -> false | true  -> true
-and copy_Lexing_position : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position =
-  fun
-    { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-     ->
-    {
-      Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname;
-      Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol;
-      Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum
-    }
-let rec copy_out_phrase :
-  From.Outcometree.out_phrase -> To.Outcometree.out_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_eval
-        ((copy_out_value x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_signature
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_sig_item x0),
-                (copy_option copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_exception
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_exn x0), (copy_out_value x1)))
-and copy_exn : exn -> exn = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_sig_item -> To.Outcometree.out_sig_item =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class_type (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class_type
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_typext (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_typext
-        ((copy_out_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_out_ext_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_modtype
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_module
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_type
-        ((copy_out_type_decl x0),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_value x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_value
-        (copy_out_val_decl x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis
-and copy_out_val_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_val_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_val_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_type = oval_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_prims = oval_prims;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_attributes = oval_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oval_type =
-        (copy_out_type oval_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_prims = ( (fun x  -> x) oval_prims);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_attributes =
-        ( copy_out_attribute oval_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_out_type_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_type_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_params = otype_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_type = otype_type;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_private = otype_private;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_immediate = otype_immediate;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = otype_unboxed;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_cstrs = otype_cstrs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-           otype_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_type =
-        (copy_out_type otype_type);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag otype_private);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_immediate = (copy_bool otype_immediate);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = (copy_bool otype_unboxed);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_type x0),
-                (copy_out_type x1))) otype_cstrs)
-    }
-and copy_out_module_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_module_type -> To.Outcometree.out_module_type
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Omty_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_functor
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_module_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_ident (copy_out_ident x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_signature
-        ( copy_out_sig_item x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_alias (copy_out_ident x0)
-and copy_out_ext_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ext_status -> To.Outcometree.out_ext_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_first  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_next  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_next
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_exception  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_exception
-and copy_out_extension_constructor :
-  From.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_params = oext_type_params;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_args = oext_args;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_ret_type = oext_ret_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_private = oext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) oext_type_params);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_args =
-        ( copy_out_type oext_args);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_ret_type =
-        (copy_option copy_out_type oext_ret_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag oext_private)
-    }
-and copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag -> To.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_out_rec_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_rec_status -> To.Outcometree.out_rec_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_not  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_not
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_first  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_next  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_next
-and copy_out_class_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_type -> To.Outcometree.out_class_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_class_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_signature (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_signature
-        ((copy_option copy_out_type x0),
-          ( copy_out_class_sig_item x1))
-and copy_out_class_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_method
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_value
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-and copy_out_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type -> To.Outcometree.out_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_open  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_open
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_alias
-        ((copy_out_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_class (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_ident x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_object
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               (x0, (copy_out_type x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_bool x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_out_type x2)))
-           x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_sum x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_sum
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple
-        ( copy_out_type x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_var ((copy_bool x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_variant (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_variant
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_variant x1),
-          (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> (fun x  -> x) x) x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> x) x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_module
-        (x0, ( (fun x  -> x) x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_attribute x1))
-and copy_out_attribute :
-  From.Outcometree.out_attribute -> To.Outcometree.out_attribute =
-  fun { From.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }  ->
-    { To.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }
-and copy_out_variant :
-  From.Outcometree.out_variant -> To.Outcometree.out_variant =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_fields x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_fields
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1),
-                ( copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_typ x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_typ (copy_out_type x0)
-and copy_out_value :
-  From.Outcometree.out_value -> To.Outcometree.out_value =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_array x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_array
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_char x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_char x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_value x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_float x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_float (copy_float x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_list x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_list
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_ident x0),
-                (copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_string (x0, _, _) -> To.Outcometree.Oval_string x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_tuple
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_variant
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_value x1))
-and copy_float : float -> float = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_ident :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ident -> To.Outcometree.out_ident =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_apply
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          (copy_out_ident x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_dot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_dot
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0
-let rec copy_toplevel_phrase :
-  From.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> To.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_def x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_def (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_dir (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_dir
-        (x0, (copy_directive_argument x1))
-and copy_directive_argument :
-  From.Parsetree.directive_argument -> To.Parsetree.directive_argument =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_none  -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_none
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_ident (copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_bool (copy_bool x0)
-let copy_out_type_extension :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_extension -> To.Outcometree.out_type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_params = otyext_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_constructors = otyext_constructors;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_private = otyext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) otyext_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_constructors =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2)))
-           otyext_constructors);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag otyext_private)
-    }
-let copy_cases x = copy_case x
-let copy_pat = copy_pattern
-let copy_expr = copy_expression
-let copy_typ = copy_core_type
-module Migrate_parsetree_405_406
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-include Migrate_parsetree_405_406_migrate
-(*$ open Printf
-  let fields = [
-    "attribute"; "attributes"; "case"; "cases"; "class_declaration";
-    "class_description"; "class_expr"; "class_field"; "class_signature";
-    "class_structure"; "class_type"; "class_type_declaration";
-    "class_type_field"; "constructor_declaration"; "expr"; "extension";
-    "extension_constructor"; "include_declaration"; "include_description";
-    "label_declaration"; "location"; "module_binding"; "module_declaration";
-    "module_expr"; "module_type"; "module_type_declaration";
-    "open_description"; "pat"; "signature"; "signature_item"; "structure";
-    "structure_item"; "typ"; "type_declaration"; "type_extension";
-    "type_kind"; "value_binding"; "value_description";
-    "with_constraint"; "payload"
-  ]
-  let foreach_field f =
-    printf "\n";
-    List.iter f fields
-let copy_mapper = fun
-  ({ From.Ast_mapper.
-     (*$ foreach_field (printf "%s;\n")*)
-     attribute;
-     attributes;
-     case;
-     cases;
-     class_declaration;
-     class_description;
-     class_expr;
-     class_field;
-     class_signature;
-     class_structure;
-     class_type;
-     class_type_declaration;
-     class_type_field;
-     constructor_declaration;
-     expr;
-     extension;
-     extension_constructor;
-     include_declaration;
-     include_description;
-     label_declaration;
-     location;
-     module_binding;
-     module_declaration;
-     module_expr;
-     module_type;
-     module_type_declaration;
-     open_description;
-     pat;
-     signature;
-     signature_item;
-     structure;
-     structure_item;
-     typ;
-     type_declaration;
-     type_extension;
-     type_kind;
-     value_binding;
-     value_description;
-     with_constraint;
-     payload;
-     (*$*)
-   } as mapper) ->
-  let module R = Migrate_parsetree_406_405_migrate in
-  {
-    To.Ast_mapper.
-    (*$ foreach_field (fun s ->
-        printf
-          "%s = (fun _ x -> copy_%s (%s mapper (R.copy_%s x)));\n" s s s s)
-    *)
-    attribute = (fun _ x -> copy_attribute (attribute mapper (R.copy_attribute x)));
-    attributes = (fun _ x -> copy_attributes (attributes mapper (R.copy_attributes x)));
-    case = (fun _ x -> copy_case (case mapper (R.copy_case x)));
-    cases = (fun _ x -> copy_cases (cases mapper (R.copy_cases x)));
-    class_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_declaration (class_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_declaration x)));
-    class_description = (fun _ x -> copy_class_description (class_description mapper (R.copy_class_description x)));
-    class_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_class_expr (class_expr mapper (R.copy_class_expr x)));
-    class_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_field (class_field mapper (R.copy_class_field x)));
-    class_signature = (fun _ x -> copy_class_signature (class_signature mapper (R.copy_class_signature x)));
-    class_structure = (fun _ x -> copy_class_structure (class_structure mapper (R.copy_class_structure x)));
-    class_type = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type (class_type mapper (R.copy_class_type x)));
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_declaration (class_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_type_declaration x)));
-    class_type_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_field (class_type_field mapper (R.copy_class_type_field x)));
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_constructor_declaration (constructor_declaration mapper (R.copy_constructor_declaration x)));
-    expr = (fun _ x -> copy_expr (expr mapper (R.copy_expr x)));
-    extension = (fun _ x -> copy_extension (extension mapper (R.copy_extension x)));
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ x -> copy_extension_constructor (extension_constructor mapper (R.copy_extension_constructor x)));
-    include_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_include_declaration (include_declaration mapper (R.copy_include_declaration x)));
-    include_description = (fun _ x -> copy_include_description (include_description mapper (R.copy_include_description x)));
-    label_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_label_declaration (label_declaration mapper (R.copy_label_declaration x)));
-    location = (fun _ x -> copy_location (location mapper (R.copy_location x)));
-    module_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_module_binding (module_binding mapper (R.copy_module_binding x)));
-    module_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_declaration (module_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_declaration x)));
-    module_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_module_expr (module_expr mapper (R.copy_module_expr x)));
-    module_type = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type (module_type mapper (R.copy_module_type x)));
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type_declaration (module_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_type_declaration x)));
-    open_description = (fun _ x -> copy_open_description (open_description mapper (R.copy_open_description x)));
-    pat = (fun _ x -> copy_pat (pat mapper (R.copy_pat x)));
-    signature = (fun _ x -> copy_signature (signature mapper (R.copy_signature x)));
-    signature_item = (fun _ x -> copy_signature_item (signature_item mapper (R.copy_signature_item x)));
-    structure = (fun _ x -> copy_structure (structure mapper (R.copy_structure x)));
-    structure_item = (fun _ x -> copy_structure_item (structure_item mapper (R.copy_structure_item x)));
-    typ = (fun _ x -> copy_typ (typ mapper (R.copy_typ x)));
-    type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_type_declaration (type_declaration mapper (R.copy_type_declaration x)));
-    type_extension = (fun _ x -> copy_type_extension (type_extension mapper (R.copy_type_extension x)));
-    type_kind = (fun _ x -> copy_type_kind (type_kind mapper (R.copy_type_kind x)));
-    value_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_value_binding (value_binding mapper (R.copy_value_binding x)));
-    value_description = (fun _ x -> copy_value_description (value_description mapper (R.copy_value_description x)));
-    with_constraint = (fun _ x -> copy_with_constraint (with_constraint mapper (R.copy_with_constraint x)));
-    payload = (fun _ x -> copy_payload (payload mapper (R.copy_payload x)));
-    (*$*)
-  }
-module Migrate_parsetree_406_405
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-include Migrate_parsetree_406_405_migrate
-(*$ open Printf
-  let fields = [
-    "attribute"; "attributes"; "case"; "cases"; "class_declaration";
-    "class_description"; "class_expr"; "class_field"; "class_signature";
-    "class_structure"; "class_type"; "class_type_declaration";
-    "class_type_field"; "constructor_declaration"; "expr"; "extension";
-    "extension_constructor"; "include_declaration"; "include_description";
-    "label_declaration"; "location"; "module_binding"; "module_declaration";
-    "module_expr"; "module_type"; "module_type_declaration";
-    "open_description"; "pat"; "signature"; "signature_item"; "structure";
-    "structure_item"; "typ"; "type_declaration"; "type_extension";
-    "type_kind"; "value_binding"; "value_description";
-    "with_constraint"; "payload"
-  ]
-  let foreach_field f =
-    printf "\n";
-    List.iter f fields
-let copy_mapper = fun
-  ({ From.Ast_mapper.
-     (*$ foreach_field (printf "%s;\n")*)
-     attribute;
-     attributes;
-     case;
-     cases;
-     class_declaration;
-     class_description;
-     class_expr;
-     class_field;
-     class_signature;
-     class_structure;
-     class_type;
-     class_type_declaration;
-     class_type_field;
-     constructor_declaration;
-     expr;
-     extension;
-     extension_constructor;
-     include_declaration;
-     include_description;
-     label_declaration;
-     location;
-     module_binding;
-     module_declaration;
-     module_expr;
-     module_type;
-     module_type_declaration;
-     open_description;
-     pat;
-     signature;
-     signature_item;
-     structure;
-     structure_item;
-     typ;
-     type_declaration;
-     type_extension;
-     type_kind;
-     value_binding;
-     value_description;
-     with_constraint;
-     payload;
-     (*$*)
-   } as mapper) ->
-  let module R = Migrate_parsetree_405_406_migrate in
-  {
-    To.Ast_mapper.
-    (*$ foreach_field (fun s ->
-        printf
-          "%s = (fun _ x -> copy_%s (%s mapper (R.copy_%s x)));\n" s s s s)
-    *)
-    attribute = (fun _ x -> copy_attribute (attribute mapper (R.copy_attribute x)));
-    attributes = (fun _ x -> copy_attributes (attributes mapper (R.copy_attributes x)));
-    case = (fun _ x -> copy_case (case mapper (R.copy_case x)));
-    cases = (fun _ x -> copy_cases (cases mapper (R.copy_cases x)));
-    class_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_declaration (class_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_declaration x)));
-    class_description = (fun _ x -> copy_class_description (class_description mapper (R.copy_class_description x)));
-    class_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_class_expr (class_expr mapper (R.copy_class_expr x)));
-    class_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_field (class_field mapper (R.copy_class_field x)));
-    class_signature = (fun _ x -> copy_class_signature (class_signature mapper (R.copy_class_signature x)));
-    class_structure = (fun _ x -> copy_class_structure (class_structure mapper (R.copy_class_structure x)));
-    class_type = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type (class_type mapper (R.copy_class_type x)));
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_declaration (class_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_type_declaration x)));
-    class_type_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_field (class_type_field mapper (R.copy_class_type_field x)));
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_constructor_declaration (constructor_declaration mapper (R.copy_constructor_declaration x)));
-    expr = (fun _ x -> copy_expr (expr mapper (R.copy_expr x)));
-    extension = (fun _ x -> copy_extension (extension mapper (R.copy_extension x)));
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ x -> copy_extension_constructor (extension_constructor mapper (R.copy_extension_constructor x)));
-    include_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_include_declaration (include_declaration mapper (R.copy_include_declaration x)));
-    include_description = (fun _ x -> copy_include_description (include_description mapper (R.copy_include_description x)));
-    label_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_label_declaration (label_declaration mapper (R.copy_label_declaration x)));
-    location = (fun _ x -> copy_location (location mapper (R.copy_location x)));
-    module_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_module_binding (module_binding mapper (R.copy_module_binding x)));
-    module_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_declaration (module_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_declaration x)));
-    module_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_module_expr (module_expr mapper (R.copy_module_expr x)));
-    module_type = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type (module_type mapper (R.copy_module_type x)));
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type_declaration (module_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_type_declaration x)));
-    open_description = (fun _ x -> copy_open_description (open_description mapper (R.copy_open_description x)));
-    pat = (fun _ x -> copy_pat (pat mapper (R.copy_pat x)));
-    signature = (fun _ x -> copy_signature (signature mapper (R.copy_signature x)));
-    signature_item = (fun _ x -> copy_signature_item (signature_item mapper (R.copy_signature_item x)));
-    structure = (fun _ x -> copy_structure (structure mapper (R.copy_structure x)));
-    structure_item = (fun _ x -> copy_structure_item (structure_item mapper (R.copy_structure_item x)));
-    typ = (fun _ x -> copy_typ (typ mapper (R.copy_typ x)));
-    type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_type_declaration (type_declaration mapper (R.copy_type_declaration x)));
-    type_extension = (fun _ x -> copy_type_extension (type_extension mapper (R.copy_type_extension x)));
-    type_kind = (fun _ x -> copy_type_kind (type_kind mapper (R.copy_type_kind x)));
-    value_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_value_binding (value_binding mapper (R.copy_value_binding x)));
-    value_description = (fun _ x -> copy_value_description (value_description mapper (R.copy_value_description x)));
-    with_constraint = (fun _ x -> copy_with_constraint (with_constraint mapper (R.copy_with_constraint x)));
-    payload = (fun _ x -> copy_payload (payload mapper (R.copy_payload x)));
-    (*$*)
-  }
-module Migrate_parsetree_406_407_migrate
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-module Def = Migrate_parsetree_def
-module From = Ast_406
-module To = Ast_407
-let migration_error location feature =
-  raise (Def.Migration_error (feature, location))
-let rec copy_expression :
-  From.Parsetree.expression -> To.Parsetree.expression =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_desc = (copy_expression_desc pexp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_loc = (copy_location pexp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = (copy_attributes pexp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_expression_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.expression_desc -> To.Parsetree.expression_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_function
-        ( copy_case x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_expression x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_apply
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_match
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_try
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_expression x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_field
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_array
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_while
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_for
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_expression x2),
-          (copy_direction_flag x3),
-          (copy_expression x4))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_send
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_new
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_override
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-                (copy_expression x1))) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception
-        ((copy_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_assert (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_poly
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_object
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_pack (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_open
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable  -> To.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable
-and copy_direction_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.direction_flag -> To.Asttypes.direction_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Upto  -> To.Asttypes.Upto
-  | From.Asttypes.Downto  -> To.Asttypes.Downto
-and copy_case :
- -> =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pc_lhs = (copy_pattern pc_lhs);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_guard =
-        (copy_option copy_expression pc_guard);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_rhs = (copy_expression pc_rhs)
-    }
-and copy_value_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.value_binding -> To.Parsetree.value_binding =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_pat = (copy_pattern pvb_pat);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_expr =
-        (copy_expression pvb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pvb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_loc = (copy_location pvb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_pattern :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern -> To.Parsetree.pattern =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_desc =
-        (copy_pattern_desc ppat_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_loc = (copy_location ppat_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ppat_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_pattern_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern_desc -> To.Parsetree.pattern_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_any  -> To.Parsetree.Ppat_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_var (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_alias
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_interval
-        ((copy_constant x0),
-          (copy_constant x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_pattern x1))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_array
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_or
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_type
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_exception (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_open (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_open
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-and copy_core_type :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type -> To.Parsetree.core_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_desc =
-        (copy_core_type_desc ptyp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = (copy_location ptyp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_core_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.core_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_any  -> To.Parsetree.Ptyp_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 -> To.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_object
-        ( copy_object_field x0,
-         copy_closed_flag x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_class
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias
-        ((copy_core_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant
-        (( copy_row_field x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> copy_label x) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x) x0), (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_package (copy_package_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_package_type :
-  From.Parsetree.package_type -> To.Parsetree.package_type =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-      (
-         (fun x  ->
-            let (x0,x1) = x  in
-            ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-              (copy_core_type x1))) x1))
-and copy_row_field :
-  From.Parsetree.row_field -> To.Parsetree.row_field =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Rtag (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rtag
-        (copy_loc copy_label x0,
-         copy_attributes x1, copy_bool x2,
- copy_core_type x3)
-  | From.Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rinherit (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_object_field :
-  From.Parsetree.object_field -> To.Parsetree.object_field =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Otag (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Otag (copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0,
-                         copy_attributes x1,
-                         copy_core_type x2)
-  | From.Parsetree.Oinherit x -> To.Parsetree.Oinherit (copy_core_type x)
-and copy_attributes :
-  From.Parsetree.attributes -> To.Parsetree.attributes =
-  fun x  -> copy_attribute x
-and copy_attribute :
-  From.Parsetree.attribute -> To.Parsetree.attribute =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_payload :
-  From.Parsetree.payload -> To.Parsetree.payload =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.PStr x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PStr (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PSig x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PSig (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PTyp x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PTyp (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PPat (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.PPat
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-and copy_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.structure -> To.Parsetree.structure =
-  fun x  -> copy_structure_item x
-and copy_structure_item :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item -> To.Parsetree.structure_item =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_desc =
-        (copy_structure_item_desc pstr_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_loc = (copy_location pstr_loc)
-    }
-and copy_structure_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_eval
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_value
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_module
-        (copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class
-        ( copy_class_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_include
-        (copy_include_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_include_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.include_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos copy_module_expr x
-and copy_class_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_declaration -> To.Parsetree.class_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_expr x
-and copy_class_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr -> To.Parsetree.class_expr =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_desc =
-        (copy_class_expr_desc pcl_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_loc = (copy_location pcl_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcl_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_structure
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_class_expr x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_apply
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_class_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (copy_class_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_open (ovf, loc, ce) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_open (copy_override_flag ovf,
-                             copy_loc copy_longident loc,
-                              copy_class_expr ce)
-and copy_class_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.class_structure -> To.Parsetree.class_structure =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_self =
-        (copy_pattern pcstr_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_fields =
-        ( copy_class_field pcstr_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field -> To.Parsetree.class_field =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_desc =
-        (copy_class_field_desc pcf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_loc = (copy_location pcf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_field_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_class_expr x1),
-          (copy_option (copy_loc (fun x  -> x)) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_field_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_kind -> To.Parsetree.class_field_kind =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-and copy_module_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.module_binding -> To.Parsetree.module_binding =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmb_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_expr =
-        (copy_module_expr pmb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_loc = (copy_location pmb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr -> To.Parsetree.module_expr =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_desc =
-        (copy_module_expr_desc pmod_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_loc = (copy_location pmod_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmod_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> To.Parsetree.module_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_structure (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_apply
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_module_type :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type -> To.Parsetree.module_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_desc =
-        (copy_module_type_desc pmty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_loc = (copy_location pmty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.module_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_signature (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_with
-        ((copy_module_type x0),
-          ( copy_with_constraint x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_alias
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-and copy_with_constraint :
-  From.Parsetree.with_constraint -> To.Parsetree.with_constraint =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_type
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_module
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst (x0, x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0, copy_type_declaration x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0, copy_loc copy_longident x1)
-and copy_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.signature -> To.Parsetree.signature =
-  fun x  -> copy_signature_item x
-and copy_signature_item :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item -> To.Parsetree.signature_item =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.psig_desc =
-        (copy_signature_item_desc psig_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.psig_loc = (copy_location psig_loc)
-    }
-and copy_signature_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_value
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_module
-        (copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_include
-        (copy_include_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class
-        ( copy_class_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_class_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_description :
-  From.Parsetree.class_description -> To.Parsetree.class_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_type :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type -> To.Parsetree.class_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_desc pcty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_loc = (copy_location pcty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_signature
-        (copy_class_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_class_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_open (ovf, loc, cty) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_open (copy_override_flag ovf,
-                              copy_loc copy_longident loc,
-                              copy_class_type cty)
-and copy_class_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.class_signature -> To.Parsetree.class_signature =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_self =
-        (copy_core_type pcsig_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_fields =
-        ( copy_class_type_field pcsig_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field -> To.Parsetree.class_type_field =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_loc = (copy_location pctf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pctf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit (copy_class_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0, (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0, (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.extension -> To.Parsetree.extension =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_class_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.class_infos -> 'g0 To.Parsetree.class_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pci_virt =
-          (copy_virtual_flag pci_virt);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_params =
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_core_type x0),
-                  (copy_variance x1))) pci_params);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_name =
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pci_name);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_expr = (f0 pci_expr);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_loc = (copy_location pci_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pci_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_virtual_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.virtual_flag -> To.Asttypes.virtual_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Virtual  -> To.Asttypes.Virtual
-  | From.Asttypes.Concrete  -> To.Asttypes.Concrete
-and copy_include_description :
-  From.Parsetree.include_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos copy_module_type x
-and copy_include_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.include_infos ->
-        'g0 To.Parsetree.include_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_mod = (f0 pincl_mod);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_loc = (copy_location pincl_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pincl_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_open_description :
-  From.Parsetree.open_description -> To.Parsetree.open_description =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.popen_lid = popen_lid;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.popen_lid =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident popen_lid);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_override =
-        (copy_override_flag popen_override);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_loc = (copy_location popen_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes popen_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_override_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.override_flag -> To.Asttypes.override_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Override  -> To.Asttypes.Override
-  | From.Asttypes.Fresh  -> To.Asttypes.Fresh
-and copy_module_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmtd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_type =
-        (copy_option copy_module_type pmtd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmtd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = (copy_location pmtd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_type =
-        (copy_module_type pmd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_loc = (copy_location pmd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_type_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.type_extension -> To.Parsetree.type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_path =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident ptyext_path);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptyext_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors =
-        ( copy_extension_constructor
-           ptyext_constructors);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptyext_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pext_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pext_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_kind =
-        (copy_extension_constructor_kind pext_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_loc = (copy_location pext_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_decl
-        ((copy_constructor_arguments x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_rebind
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-and copy_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.type_declaration -> To.Parsetree.type_declaration =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) ptype_name);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptype_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_core_type x1),
-                (copy_location x2))) ptype_cstrs);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_kind =
-        (copy_type_kind ptype_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptype_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_manifest =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type ptype_manifest);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptype_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_loc = (copy_location ptype_loc)
-    }
-and copy_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag -> To.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_type_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.type_kind -> To.Parsetree.type_kind =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract  -> To.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_variant
-        ( copy_constructor_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_open  -> To.Parsetree.Ptype_open
-and copy_constructor_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pcd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_args =
-        (copy_constructor_arguments pcd_args);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_res =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type pcd_res);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_loc = (copy_location pcd_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcd_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_constructor_arguments :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_arguments ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_arguments
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-and copy_label_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.label_declaration -> To.Parsetree.label_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pld_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pld_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_mutable =
-        (copy_mutable_flag pld_mutable);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_type =
-        (copy_core_type pld_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_loc = (copy_location pld_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pld_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_mutable_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.mutable_flag -> To.Asttypes.mutable_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Immutable  -> To.Asttypes.Immutable
-  | From.Asttypes.Mutable  -> To.Asttypes.Mutable
-and copy_variance :
-  From.Asttypes.variance -> To.Asttypes.variance =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Covariant  -> To.Asttypes.Covariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Contravariant  -> To.Asttypes.Contravariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Invariant  -> To.Asttypes.Invariant
-and copy_value_description :
-  From.Parsetree.value_description -> To.Parsetree.value_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pval_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pval_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_type =
-        (copy_core_type pval_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_prim = ( (fun x  -> x) pval_prim);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pval_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_loc = (copy_location pval_loc)
-    }
-and copy_arg_label :
-  From.Asttypes.arg_label -> To.Asttypes.arg_label =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nolabel  -> To.Asttypes.Nolabel
-  | From.Asttypes.Labelled x0 -> To.Asttypes.Labelled x0
-  | From.Asttypes.Optional x0 -> To.Asttypes.Optional x0
-and copy_closed_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.closed_flag -> To.Asttypes.closed_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Closed  -> To.Asttypes.Closed
-  | From.Asttypes.Open  -> To.Asttypes.Open
-and copy_label :
-  From.Asttypes.label -> To.Asttypes.label = fun x  -> x
-and copy_rec_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.rec_flag -> To.Asttypes.rec_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nonrecursive  -> To.Asttypes.Nonrecursive
-  | From.Asttypes.Recursive  -> To.Asttypes.Recursive
-and copy_constant :
-  From.Parsetree.constant -> To.Parsetree.constant =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-and copy_option : 'f0 'g0 . ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 option -> 'g0 option =
-  fun f0  -> function | None  -> None | Some x0 -> Some (f0 x0)
-and copy_longident : From.Longident.t -> To.Longident.t =
-  function
-  | From.Longident.Lident x0 -> To.Longident.Lident x0
-  | From.Longident.Ldot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Ldot ((copy_longident x0), x1)
-  | From.Longident.Lapply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Lapply
-        ((copy_longident x0), (copy_longident x1))
-and copy_loc :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 From.Asttypes.loc -> 'g0 To.Asttypes.loc
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun { From.Asttypes.txt = txt; From.Asttypes.loc = loc }  ->
-      {
-        To.Asttypes.txt = (f0 txt);
-        To.Asttypes.loc = (copy_location loc)
-      }
-and copy_location : From.Location.t -> To.Location.t =
-  fun
-    { From.Location.loc_start = loc_start;
-      From.Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-      From.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Location.loc_start = (copy_Lexing_position loc_start);
-      To.Location.loc_end = (copy_Lexing_position loc_end);
-      To.Location.loc_ghost = (copy_bool loc_ghost)
-    }
-and copy_bool : bool -> bool = function | false  -> false | true  -> true
-and copy_Lexing_position : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position =
-  fun
-    { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-     ->
-    {
-      Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname;
-      Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol;
-      Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum
-    }
-let rec copy_out_phrase :
-  From.Outcometree.out_phrase -> To.Outcometree.out_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_eval
-        ((copy_out_value x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_signature
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_sig_item x0),
-                (copy_option copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_exception
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_exn x0), (copy_out_value x1)))
-and copy_exn : exn -> exn = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_sig_item -> To.Outcometree.out_sig_item =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class_type (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class_type
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_typext (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_typext
-        ((copy_out_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_out_ext_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_modtype
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_module
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_type
-        ((copy_out_type_decl x0),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_value x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_value
-        (copy_out_val_decl x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis
-and copy_out_val_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_val_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_val_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_type = oval_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_prims = oval_prims;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_attributes = oval_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oval_type =
-        (copy_out_type oval_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_prims = ( (fun x  -> x) oval_prims);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_attributes =
-        ( copy_out_attribute oval_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_out_type_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_type_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_params = otype_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_type = otype_type;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_private = otype_private;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_immediate = otype_immediate;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = otype_unboxed;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_cstrs = otype_cstrs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-           otype_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_type =
-        (copy_out_type otype_type);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag otype_private);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_immediate = (copy_bool otype_immediate);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = (copy_bool otype_unboxed);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_type x0),
-                (copy_out_type x1))) otype_cstrs)
-    }
-and copy_out_module_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_module_type -> To.Outcometree.out_module_type
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Omty_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_functor
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_module_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_ident (copy_out_ident x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_signature
-        ( copy_out_sig_item x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_alias (copy_out_ident x0)
-and copy_out_ext_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ext_status -> To.Outcometree.out_ext_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_first  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_next  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_next
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_exception  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_exception
-and copy_out_extension_constructor :
-  From.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_params = oext_type_params;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_args = oext_args;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_ret_type = oext_ret_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_private = oext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) oext_type_params);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_args =
-        ( copy_out_type oext_args);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_ret_type =
-        (copy_option copy_out_type oext_ret_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag oext_private)
-    }
-and copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag -> To.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_out_rec_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_rec_status -> To.Outcometree.out_rec_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_not  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_not
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_first  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_next  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_next
-and copy_out_class_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_type -> To.Outcometree.out_class_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_class_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_signature (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_signature
-        ((copy_option copy_out_type x0),
-          ( copy_out_class_sig_item x1))
-and copy_out_class_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_method
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_value
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-and copy_out_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type -> To.Outcometree.out_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_open  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_open
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_alias
-        ((copy_out_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_class (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_ident x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_object
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               (x0, (copy_out_type x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_bool x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_out_type x2)))
-           x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_sum x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_sum
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple
-        ( copy_out_type x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_var ((copy_bool x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_variant (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_variant
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_variant x1),
-          (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> (fun x  -> x) x) x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> x) x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_module
-        (x0, ( (fun x  -> x) x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_attribute x1))
-and copy_out_string :
-  From.Outcometree.out_string -> To.Outcometree.out_string =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ostr_string -> To.Outcometree.Ostr_string
-  | From.Outcometree.Ostr_bytes -> To.Outcometree.Ostr_bytes 
-and copy_out_attribute :
-  From.Outcometree.out_attribute -> To.Outcometree.out_attribute =
-  fun { From.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }  ->
-    { To.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }
-and copy_out_variant :
-  From.Outcometree.out_variant -> To.Outcometree.out_variant =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_fields x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_fields
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1),
-                ( copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_typ x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_typ (copy_out_type x0)
-and copy_out_value :
-  From.Outcometree.out_value -> To.Outcometree.out_value =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_array x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_array
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_char x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_char x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_value x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_float x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_float (copy_float x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_list x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_list
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_ident x0),
-                (copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_string (x0, x1, x2) -> 
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_string (x0, x1, copy_out_string x2)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_tuple
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_variant
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_value x1))
-and copy_float : float -> float = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_ident :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ident -> To.Outcometree.out_ident =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_apply
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          (copy_out_ident x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_dot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_dot
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0
-let rec copy_toplevel_phrase :
-  From.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> To.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_def x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_def (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_dir (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_dir
-        (x0, (copy_directive_argument x1))
-and copy_directive_argument :
-  From.Parsetree.directive_argument -> To.Parsetree.directive_argument =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_none  -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_none
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_ident (copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_bool (copy_bool x0)
-let copy_out_type_extension :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_extension -> To.Outcometree.out_type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_params = otyext_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_constructors = otyext_constructors;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_private = otyext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) otyext_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_constructors =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2)))
-           otyext_constructors);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag otyext_private)
-    }
-let copy_cases x = copy_case x
-let copy_pat = copy_pattern
-let copy_expr = copy_expression
-let copy_typ = copy_core_type
-module Migrate_parsetree_407_406_migrate
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-module From = Ast_407
-module To = Ast_406
-let rec copy_expression :
-  From.Parsetree.expression -> To.Parsetree.expression =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_desc = (copy_expression_desc pexp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_loc = (copy_location pexp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = (copy_attributes pexp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_expression_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.expression_desc -> To.Parsetree.expression_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_function
-        ( copy_case x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_expression x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_apply
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_match
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_try
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_expression x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_field
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_array
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_while
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_for
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_expression x2),
-          (copy_direction_flag x3),
-          (copy_expression x4))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_send
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_new
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_override
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-                (copy_expression x1))) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception
-        ((copy_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_assert (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_poly
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_object
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_pack (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_open
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable  -> To.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable
-and copy_direction_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.direction_flag -> To.Asttypes.direction_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Upto  -> To.Asttypes.Upto
-  | From.Asttypes.Downto  -> To.Asttypes.Downto
-and copy_case :
- -> =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pc_lhs = (copy_pattern pc_lhs);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_guard =
-        (copy_option copy_expression pc_guard);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_rhs = (copy_expression pc_rhs)
-    }
-and copy_value_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.value_binding -> To.Parsetree.value_binding =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_pat = (copy_pattern pvb_pat);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_expr =
-        (copy_expression pvb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pvb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_loc = (copy_location pvb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_pattern :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern -> To.Parsetree.pattern =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_desc =
-        (copy_pattern_desc ppat_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_loc = (copy_location ppat_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ppat_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_pattern_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern_desc -> To.Parsetree.pattern_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_any  -> To.Parsetree.Ppat_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_var (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_alias
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_interval
-        ((copy_constant x0),
-          (copy_constant x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_pattern x1))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_array
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_or
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_type
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_exception (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_open (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_open
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-and copy_core_type :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type -> To.Parsetree.core_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_desc =
-        (copy_core_type_desc ptyp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = (copy_location ptyp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_core_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.core_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_any  -> To.Parsetree.Ptyp_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 -> To.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_object
-        ( copy_object_field x0,
-         copy_closed_flag x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_class
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias
-        ((copy_core_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant
-        (( copy_row_field x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> copy_label x) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x) x0), (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_package (copy_package_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_package_type :
-  From.Parsetree.package_type -> To.Parsetree.package_type =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-      (
-         (fun x  ->
-            let (x0,x1) = x  in
-            ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-              (copy_core_type x1))) x1))
-and copy_row_field :
-  From.Parsetree.row_field -> To.Parsetree.row_field =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Rtag (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rtag
-        (copy_loc copy_label x0,
-         copy_attributes x1, copy_bool x2,
- copy_core_type x3)
-  | From.Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Rinherit (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_object_field :
-  From.Parsetree.object_field -> To.Parsetree.object_field =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Otag (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Otag (copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0,
-                         copy_attributes x1,
-                         copy_core_type x2)
-  | From.Parsetree.Oinherit x -> To.Parsetree.Oinherit (copy_core_type x)
-and copy_attributes :
-  From.Parsetree.attributes -> To.Parsetree.attributes =
-  fun x  -> copy_attribute x
-and copy_attribute :
-  From.Parsetree.attribute -> To.Parsetree.attribute =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_payload :
-  From.Parsetree.payload -> To.Parsetree.payload =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.PStr x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PStr (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PSig x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PSig (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PTyp x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PTyp (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PPat (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.PPat
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-and copy_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.structure -> To.Parsetree.structure =
-  fun x  -> copy_structure_item x
-and copy_structure_item :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item -> To.Parsetree.structure_item =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_desc =
-        (copy_structure_item_desc pstr_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_loc = (copy_location pstr_loc)
-    }
-and copy_structure_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_eval
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_value
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_module
-        (copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class
-        ( copy_class_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_include
-        (copy_include_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_include_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.include_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos copy_module_expr x
-and copy_class_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_declaration -> To.Parsetree.class_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_expr x
-and copy_class_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr -> To.Parsetree.class_expr =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_desc =
-        (copy_class_expr_desc pcl_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_loc = (copy_location pcl_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcl_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_structure
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_class_expr x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_apply
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_class_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (copy_class_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_open (ovf, loc, ce) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_open (copy_override_flag ovf,
-                             copy_loc copy_longident loc,
-                              copy_class_expr ce)
-and copy_class_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.class_structure -> To.Parsetree.class_structure =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_self =
-        (copy_pattern pcstr_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_fields =
-        ( copy_class_field pcstr_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field -> To.Parsetree.class_field =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_desc =
-        (copy_class_field_desc pcf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_loc = (copy_location pcf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_field_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_class_expr x1),
-          (copy_option (copy_loc (fun x  -> x)) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-           (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_field_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_kind -> To.Parsetree.class_field_kind =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-and copy_module_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.module_binding -> To.Parsetree.module_binding =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmb_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_expr =
-        (copy_module_expr pmb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_loc = (copy_location pmb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr -> To.Parsetree.module_expr =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_desc =
-        (copy_module_expr_desc pmod_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_loc = (copy_location pmod_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmod_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> To.Parsetree.module_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_structure (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_apply
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_module_type :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type -> To.Parsetree.module_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_desc =
-        (copy_module_type_desc pmty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_loc = (copy_location pmty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.module_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_signature (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_with
-        ((copy_module_type x0),
-          ( copy_with_constraint x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_alias
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-and copy_with_constraint :
-  From.Parsetree.with_constraint -> To.Parsetree.with_constraint =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_type
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_module
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst (x0, x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0, copy_type_declaration x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0, copy_loc copy_longident x1)
-and copy_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.signature -> To.Parsetree.signature =
-  fun x  -> copy_signature_item x
-and copy_signature_item :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item -> To.Parsetree.signature_item =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.psig_desc =
-        (copy_signature_item_desc psig_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.psig_loc = (copy_location psig_loc)
-    }
-and copy_signature_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_value
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_exception
-        (copy_extension_constructor x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_module
-        (copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_include
-        (copy_include_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class
-        ( copy_class_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_class_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_description :
-  From.Parsetree.class_description -> To.Parsetree.class_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_type :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type -> To.Parsetree.class_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_desc pcty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_loc = (copy_location pcty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_signature
-        (copy_class_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_class_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_open (ovf, loc, cty) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_open (copy_override_flag ovf,
-                              copy_loc copy_longident loc,
-                              copy_class_type cty)
-and copy_class_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.class_signature -> To.Parsetree.class_signature =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_self =
-        (copy_core_type pcsig_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_fields =
-        ( copy_class_type_field pcsig_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field -> To.Parsetree.class_type_field =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_loc = (copy_location pctf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pctf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit (copy_class_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0, (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0, (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.extension -> To.Parsetree.extension =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_class_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.class_infos -> 'g0 To.Parsetree.class_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pci_virt =
-          (copy_virtual_flag pci_virt);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_params =
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_core_type x0),
-                  (copy_variance x1))) pci_params);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_name =
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pci_name);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_expr = (f0 pci_expr);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_loc = (copy_location pci_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pci_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_virtual_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.virtual_flag -> To.Asttypes.virtual_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Virtual  -> To.Asttypes.Virtual
-  | From.Asttypes.Concrete  -> To.Asttypes.Concrete
-and copy_include_description :
-  From.Parsetree.include_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos copy_module_type x
-and copy_include_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.include_infos ->
-        'g0 To.Parsetree.include_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_mod = (f0 pincl_mod);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_loc = (copy_location pincl_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pincl_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_open_description :
-  From.Parsetree.open_description -> To.Parsetree.open_description =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.popen_lid = popen_lid;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.popen_lid =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident popen_lid);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_override =
-        (copy_override_flag popen_override);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_loc = (copy_location popen_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes popen_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_override_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.override_flag -> To.Asttypes.override_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Override  -> To.Asttypes.Override
-  | From.Asttypes.Fresh  -> To.Asttypes.Fresh
-and copy_module_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmtd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_type =
-        (copy_option copy_module_type pmtd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmtd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = (copy_location pmtd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_type =
-        (copy_module_type pmd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_loc = (copy_location pmd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_type_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.type_extension -> To.Parsetree.type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_path =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident ptyext_path);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptyext_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors =
-        ( copy_extension_constructor
-           ptyext_constructors);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptyext_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pext_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pext_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_kind =
-        (copy_extension_constructor_kind pext_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_loc = (copy_location pext_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_decl
-        ((copy_constructor_arguments x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_rebind
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-and copy_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.type_declaration -> To.Parsetree.type_declaration =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) ptype_name);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptype_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_core_type x1),
-                (copy_location x2))) ptype_cstrs);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_kind =
-        (copy_type_kind ptype_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptype_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_manifest =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type ptype_manifest);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptype_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_loc = (copy_location ptype_loc)
-    }
-and copy_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag -> To.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_type_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.type_kind -> To.Parsetree.type_kind =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract  -> To.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_variant
-        ( copy_constructor_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_open  -> To.Parsetree.Ptype_open
-and copy_constructor_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pcd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_args =
-        (copy_constructor_arguments pcd_args);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_res =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type pcd_res);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_loc = (copy_location pcd_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcd_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_constructor_arguments :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_arguments ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_arguments
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-and copy_label_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.label_declaration -> To.Parsetree.label_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pld_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pld_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_mutable =
-        (copy_mutable_flag pld_mutable);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_type =
-        (copy_core_type pld_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_loc = (copy_location pld_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pld_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_mutable_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.mutable_flag -> To.Asttypes.mutable_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Immutable  -> To.Asttypes.Immutable
-  | From.Asttypes.Mutable  -> To.Asttypes.Mutable
-and copy_variance :
-  From.Asttypes.variance -> To.Asttypes.variance =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Covariant  -> To.Asttypes.Covariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Contravariant  -> To.Asttypes.Contravariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Invariant  -> To.Asttypes.Invariant
-and copy_value_description :
-  From.Parsetree.value_description -> To.Parsetree.value_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pval_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pval_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_type =
-        (copy_core_type pval_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_prim = ( (fun x  -> x) pval_prim);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pval_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_loc = (copy_location pval_loc)
-    }
-and copy_arg_label :
-  From.Asttypes.arg_label -> To.Asttypes.arg_label =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nolabel  -> To.Asttypes.Nolabel
-  | From.Asttypes.Labelled x0 -> To.Asttypes.Labelled x0
-  | From.Asttypes.Optional x0 -> To.Asttypes.Optional x0
-and copy_closed_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.closed_flag -> To.Asttypes.closed_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Closed  -> To.Asttypes.Closed
-  | From.Asttypes.Open  -> To.Asttypes.Open
-and copy_label :
-  From.Asttypes.label -> To.Asttypes.label = fun x  -> x
-and copy_rec_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.rec_flag -> To.Asttypes.rec_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nonrecursive  -> To.Asttypes.Nonrecursive
-  | From.Asttypes.Recursive  -> To.Asttypes.Recursive
-and copy_constant :
-  From.Parsetree.constant -> To.Parsetree.constant =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-and copy_option : 'f0 'g0 . ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 option -> 'g0 option =
-  fun f0  -> function | None  -> None | Some x0 -> Some (f0 x0)
-and copy_longident : From.Longident.t -> To.Longident.t =
-  function
-  | From.Longident.Lident x0 -> To.Longident.Lident x0
-  | From.Longident.Ldot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Ldot ((copy_longident x0), x1)
-  | From.Longident.Lapply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Lapply
-        ((copy_longident x0), (copy_longident x1))
-and copy_loc :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 From.Asttypes.loc -> 'g0 To.Asttypes.loc
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun { From.Asttypes.txt = txt; From.Asttypes.loc = loc }  ->
-      {
-        To.Asttypes.txt = (f0 txt);
-        To.Asttypes.loc = (copy_location loc)
-      }
-and copy_location : From.Location.t -> To.Location.t =
-  fun
-    { From.Location.loc_start = loc_start;
-      From.Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-      From.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Location.loc_start = (copy_Lexing_position loc_start);
-      To.Location.loc_end = (copy_Lexing_position loc_end);
-      To.Location.loc_ghost = (copy_bool loc_ghost)
-    }
-and copy_bool : bool -> bool = function | false  -> false | true  -> true
-and copy_Lexing_position : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position =
-  fun
-    { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-     ->
-    {
-      Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname;
-      Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol;
-      Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum
-    }
-let rec copy_out_phrase :
-  From.Outcometree.out_phrase -> To.Outcometree.out_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_eval
-        ((copy_out_value x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_signature
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_sig_item x0),
-                (copy_option copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_exception
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_exn x0), (copy_out_value x1)))
-and copy_exn : exn -> exn = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_sig_item -> To.Outcometree.out_sig_item =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class_type (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class_type
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_typext (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_typext
-        ((copy_out_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_out_ext_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_modtype
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_module
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_type
-        ((copy_out_type_decl x0),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_value x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_value
-        (copy_out_val_decl x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis
-and copy_out_val_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_val_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_val_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_type = oval_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_prims = oval_prims;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_attributes = oval_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oval_type =
-        (copy_out_type oval_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_prims = ( (fun x  -> x) oval_prims);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_attributes =
-        ( copy_out_attribute oval_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_out_type_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_type_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_params = otype_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_type = otype_type;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_private = otype_private;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_immediate = otype_immediate;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = otype_unboxed;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_cstrs = otype_cstrs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-           otype_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_type =
-        (copy_out_type otype_type);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag otype_private);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_immediate = (copy_bool otype_immediate);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = (copy_bool otype_unboxed);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_type x0),
-                (copy_out_type x1))) otype_cstrs)
-    }
-and copy_out_module_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_module_type -> To.Outcometree.out_module_type
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Omty_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_functor
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_module_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_ident (copy_out_ident x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_signature
-        ( copy_out_sig_item x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_alias (copy_out_ident x0)
-and copy_out_ext_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ext_status -> To.Outcometree.out_ext_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_first  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_next  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_next
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_exception  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_exception
-and copy_out_extension_constructor :
-  From.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_params = oext_type_params;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_args = oext_args;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_ret_type = oext_ret_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_private = oext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) oext_type_params);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_args =
-        ( copy_out_type oext_args);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_ret_type =
-        (copy_option copy_out_type oext_ret_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag oext_private)
-    }
-and copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag -> To.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_out_rec_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_rec_status -> To.Outcometree.out_rec_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_not  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_not
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_first  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_next  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_next
-and copy_out_class_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_type -> To.Outcometree.out_class_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_class_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_signature (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_signature
-        ((copy_option copy_out_type x0),
-          ( copy_out_class_sig_item x1))
-and copy_out_class_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_method
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_value
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-and copy_out_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type -> To.Outcometree.out_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_open  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_open
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_alias
-        ((copy_out_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_class (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_ident x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_object
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               (x0, (copy_out_type x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_bool x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_out_type x2)))
-           x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_sum x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_sum
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple
-        ( copy_out_type x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_var ((copy_bool x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_variant (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_variant
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_variant x1),
-          (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> (fun x  -> x) x) x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> x) x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_module
-        (x0, ( (fun x  -> x) x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_attribute x1))
-and copy_out_string :
-  From.Outcometree.out_string -> To.Outcometree.out_string =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ostr_string -> To.Outcometree.Ostr_string
-  | From.Outcometree.Ostr_bytes -> To.Outcometree.Ostr_bytes 
-and copy_out_attribute :
-  From.Outcometree.out_attribute -> To.Outcometree.out_attribute =
-  fun { From.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }  ->
-    { To.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }
-and copy_out_variant :
-  From.Outcometree.out_variant -> To.Outcometree.out_variant =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_fields x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_fields
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1),
-                ( copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_typ x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_typ (copy_out_type x0)
-and copy_out_value :
-  From.Outcometree.out_value -> To.Outcometree.out_value =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_array x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_array
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_char x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_char x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_value x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_float x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_float (copy_float x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_list x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_list
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_ident x0),
-                (copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_string (x0, x1, x2) -> 
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_string (x0, x1, copy_out_string x2)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_tuple
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_variant
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_value x1))
-and copy_float : float -> float = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_ident :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ident -> To.Outcometree.out_ident =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_apply
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          (copy_out_ident x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_dot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_dot
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0
-let rec copy_toplevel_phrase :
-  From.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> To.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_def x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_def (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_dir (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_dir
-        (x0, (copy_directive_argument x1))
-and copy_directive_argument :
-  From.Parsetree.directive_argument -> To.Parsetree.directive_argument =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_none  -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_none
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_ident (copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_bool (copy_bool x0)
-let copy_out_type_extension :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_extension -> To.Outcometree.out_type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_params = otyext_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_constructors = otyext_constructors;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_private = otyext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) otyext_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_constructors =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2)))
-           otyext_constructors);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag otyext_private)
-    }
-let copy_cases x = copy_case x
-let copy_pat = copy_pattern
-let copy_expr = copy_expression
-let copy_typ = copy_core_type
-module Migrate_parsetree_406_407
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-include Migrate_parsetree_406_407_migrate
-(*$ open Printf
-  let fields = [
-    "attribute"; "attributes"; "case"; "cases"; "class_declaration";
-    "class_description"; "class_expr"; "class_field"; "class_signature";
-    "class_structure"; "class_type"; "class_type_declaration";
-    "class_type_field"; "constructor_declaration"; "expr"; "extension";
-    "extension_constructor"; "include_declaration"; "include_description";
-    "label_declaration"; "location"; "module_binding"; "module_declaration";
-    "module_expr"; "module_type"; "module_type_declaration";
-    "open_description"; "pat"; "signature"; "signature_item"; "structure";
-    "structure_item"; "typ"; "type_declaration"; "type_extension";
-    "type_kind"; "value_binding"; "value_description";
-    "with_constraint"; "payload"
-  ]
-  let foreach_field f =
-    printf "\n";
-    List.iter f fields
-let copy_mapper = fun
-  ({ From.Ast_mapper.
-     (*$ foreach_field (printf "%s;\n")*)
-     attribute;
-     attributes;
-     case;
-     cases;
-     class_declaration;
-     class_description;
-     class_expr;
-     class_field;
-     class_signature;
-     class_structure;
-     class_type;
-     class_type_declaration;
-     class_type_field;
-     constructor_declaration;
-     expr;
-     extension;
-     extension_constructor;
-     include_declaration;
-     include_description;
-     label_declaration;
-     location;
-     module_binding;
-     module_declaration;
-     module_expr;
-     module_type;
-     module_type_declaration;
-     open_description;
-     pat;
-     signature;
-     signature_item;
-     structure;
-     structure_item;
-     typ;
-     type_declaration;
-     type_extension;
-     type_kind;
-     value_binding;
-     value_description;
-     with_constraint;
-     payload;
-     (*$*)
-   } as mapper) ->
-  let module R = Migrate_parsetree_407_406_migrate in
-  {
-    To.Ast_mapper.
-    (*$ foreach_field (fun s ->
-        printf
-          "%s = (fun _ x -> copy_%s (%s mapper (R.copy_%s x)));\n" s s s s)
-    *)
-    attribute = (fun _ x -> copy_attribute (attribute mapper (R.copy_attribute x)));
-    attributes = (fun _ x -> copy_attributes (attributes mapper (R.copy_attributes x)));
-    case = (fun _ x -> copy_case (case mapper (R.copy_case x)));
-    cases = (fun _ x -> copy_cases (cases mapper (R.copy_cases x)));
-    class_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_declaration (class_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_declaration x)));
-    class_description = (fun _ x -> copy_class_description (class_description mapper (R.copy_class_description x)));
-    class_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_class_expr (class_expr mapper (R.copy_class_expr x)));
-    class_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_field (class_field mapper (R.copy_class_field x)));
-    class_signature = (fun _ x -> copy_class_signature (class_signature mapper (R.copy_class_signature x)));
-    class_structure = (fun _ x -> copy_class_structure (class_structure mapper (R.copy_class_structure x)));
-    class_type = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type (class_type mapper (R.copy_class_type x)));
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_declaration (class_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_type_declaration x)));
-    class_type_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_field (class_type_field mapper (R.copy_class_type_field x)));
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_constructor_declaration (constructor_declaration mapper (R.copy_constructor_declaration x)));
-    expr = (fun _ x -> copy_expr (expr mapper (R.copy_expr x)));
-    extension = (fun _ x -> copy_extension (extension mapper (R.copy_extension x)));
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ x -> copy_extension_constructor (extension_constructor mapper (R.copy_extension_constructor x)));
-    include_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_include_declaration (include_declaration mapper (R.copy_include_declaration x)));
-    include_description = (fun _ x -> copy_include_description (include_description mapper (R.copy_include_description x)));
-    label_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_label_declaration (label_declaration mapper (R.copy_label_declaration x)));
-    location = (fun _ x -> copy_location (location mapper (R.copy_location x)));
-    module_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_module_binding (module_binding mapper (R.copy_module_binding x)));
-    module_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_declaration (module_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_declaration x)));
-    module_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_module_expr (module_expr mapper (R.copy_module_expr x)));
-    module_type = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type (module_type mapper (R.copy_module_type x)));
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type_declaration (module_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_type_declaration x)));
-    open_description = (fun _ x -> copy_open_description (open_description mapper (R.copy_open_description x)));
-    pat = (fun _ x -> copy_pat (pat mapper (R.copy_pat x)));
-    signature = (fun _ x -> copy_signature (signature mapper (R.copy_signature x)));
-    signature_item = (fun _ x -> copy_signature_item (signature_item mapper (R.copy_signature_item x)));
-    structure = (fun _ x -> copy_structure (structure mapper (R.copy_structure x)));
-    structure_item = (fun _ x -> copy_structure_item (structure_item mapper (R.copy_structure_item x)));
-    typ = (fun _ x -> copy_typ (typ mapper (R.copy_typ x)));
-    type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_type_declaration (type_declaration mapper (R.copy_type_declaration x)));
-    type_extension = (fun _ x -> copy_type_extension (type_extension mapper (R.copy_type_extension x)));
-    type_kind = (fun _ x -> copy_type_kind (type_kind mapper (R.copy_type_kind x)));
-    value_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_value_binding (value_binding mapper (R.copy_value_binding x)));
-    value_description = (fun _ x -> copy_value_description (value_description mapper (R.copy_value_description x)));
-    with_constraint = (fun _ x -> copy_with_constraint (with_constraint mapper (R.copy_with_constraint x)));
-    payload = (fun _ x -> copy_payload (payload mapper (R.copy_payload x)));
-    (*$*)
-  }
-module Migrate_parsetree_407_406
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-include Migrate_parsetree_407_406_migrate
-(*$ open Printf
-  let fields = [
-    "attribute"; "attributes"; "case"; "cases"; "class_declaration";
-    "class_description"; "class_expr"; "class_field"; "class_signature";
-    "class_structure"; "class_type"; "class_type_declaration";
-    "class_type_field"; "constructor_declaration"; "expr"; "extension";
-    "extension_constructor"; "include_declaration"; "include_description";
-    "label_declaration"; "location"; "module_binding"; "module_declaration";
-    "module_expr"; "module_type"; "module_type_declaration";
-    "open_description"; "pat"; "signature"; "signature_item"; "structure";
-    "structure_item"; "typ"; "type_declaration"; "type_extension";
-    "type_kind"; "value_binding"; "value_description";
-    "with_constraint"; "payload"
-  ]
-  let foreach_field f =
-    printf "\n";
-    List.iter f fields
-let copy_mapper = fun
-  ({ From.Ast_mapper.
-     (*$ foreach_field (printf "%s;\n")*)
-     attribute;
-     attributes;
-     case;
-     cases;
-     class_declaration;
-     class_description;
-     class_expr;
-     class_field;
-     class_signature;
-     class_structure;
-     class_type;
-     class_type_declaration;
-     class_type_field;
-     constructor_declaration;
-     expr;
-     extension;
-     extension_constructor;
-     include_declaration;
-     include_description;
-     label_declaration;
-     location;
-     module_binding;
-     module_declaration;
-     module_expr;
-     module_type;
-     module_type_declaration;
-     open_description;
-     pat;
-     signature;
-     signature_item;
-     structure;
-     structure_item;
-     typ;
-     type_declaration;
-     type_extension;
-     type_kind;
-     value_binding;
-     value_description;
-     with_constraint;
-     payload;
-     (*$*)
-   } as mapper) ->
-  let module R = Migrate_parsetree_406_407_migrate in
-  {
-    To.Ast_mapper.
-    (*$ foreach_field (fun s ->
-        printf
-          "%s = (fun _ x -> copy_%s (%s mapper (R.copy_%s x)));\n" s s s s)
-    *)
-    attribute = (fun _ x -> copy_attribute (attribute mapper (R.copy_attribute x)));
-    attributes = (fun _ x -> copy_attributes (attributes mapper (R.copy_attributes x)));
-    case = (fun _ x -> copy_case (case mapper (R.copy_case x)));
-    cases = (fun _ x -> copy_cases (cases mapper (R.copy_cases x)));
-    class_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_declaration (class_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_declaration x)));
-    class_description = (fun _ x -> copy_class_description (class_description mapper (R.copy_class_description x)));
-    class_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_class_expr (class_expr mapper (R.copy_class_expr x)));
-    class_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_field (class_field mapper (R.copy_class_field x)));
-    class_signature = (fun _ x -> copy_class_signature (class_signature mapper (R.copy_class_signature x)));
-    class_structure = (fun _ x -> copy_class_structure (class_structure mapper (R.copy_class_structure x)));
-    class_type = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type (class_type mapper (R.copy_class_type x)));
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_declaration (class_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_type_declaration x)));
-    class_type_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_field (class_type_field mapper (R.copy_class_type_field x)));
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_constructor_declaration (constructor_declaration mapper (R.copy_constructor_declaration x)));
-    expr = (fun _ x -> copy_expr (expr mapper (R.copy_expr x)));
-    extension = (fun _ x -> copy_extension (extension mapper (R.copy_extension x)));
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ x -> copy_extension_constructor (extension_constructor mapper (R.copy_extension_constructor x)));
-    include_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_include_declaration (include_declaration mapper (R.copy_include_declaration x)));
-    include_description = (fun _ x -> copy_include_description (include_description mapper (R.copy_include_description x)));
-    label_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_label_declaration (label_declaration mapper (R.copy_label_declaration x)));
-    location = (fun _ x -> copy_location (location mapper (R.copy_location x)));
-    module_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_module_binding (module_binding mapper (R.copy_module_binding x)));
-    module_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_declaration (module_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_declaration x)));
-    module_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_module_expr (module_expr mapper (R.copy_module_expr x)));
-    module_type = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type (module_type mapper (R.copy_module_type x)));
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type_declaration (module_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_type_declaration x)));
-    open_description = (fun _ x -> copy_open_description (open_description mapper (R.copy_open_description x)));
-    pat = (fun _ x -> copy_pat (pat mapper (R.copy_pat x)));
-    signature = (fun _ x -> copy_signature (signature mapper (R.copy_signature x)));
-    signature_item = (fun _ x -> copy_signature_item (signature_item mapper (R.copy_signature_item x)));
-    structure = (fun _ x -> copy_structure (structure mapper (R.copy_structure x)));
-    structure_item = (fun _ x -> copy_structure_item (structure_item mapper (R.copy_structure_item x)));
-    typ = (fun _ x -> copy_typ (typ mapper (R.copy_typ x)));
-    type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_type_declaration (type_declaration mapper (R.copy_type_declaration x)));
-    type_extension = (fun _ x -> copy_type_extension (type_extension mapper (R.copy_type_extension x)));
-    type_kind = (fun _ x -> copy_type_kind (type_kind mapper (R.copy_type_kind x)));
-    value_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_value_binding (value_binding mapper (R.copy_value_binding x)));
-    value_description = (fun _ x -> copy_value_description (value_description mapper (R.copy_value_description x)));
-    with_constraint = (fun _ x -> copy_with_constraint (with_constraint mapper (R.copy_with_constraint x)));
-    payload = (fun _ x -> copy_payload (payload mapper (R.copy_payload x)));
-    (*$*)
-  }
-module Migrate_parsetree_407_408_migrate
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-module From = Ast_407
-module To = Ast_408
-let rec copy_toplevel_phrase :
-  From.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> To.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_def x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_def (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_dir (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_dir
-        { To.Parsetree.pdir_name = { To.Location.txt = x0; To.Location.loc = Location.none; };
-          To.Parsetree.pdir_arg = copy_directive_argument x1;
-          To.Parsetree.pdir_loc = Location.none; }
-and copy_directive_argument :
-  From.Parsetree.directive_argument ->
-    To.Parsetree.directive_argument option
-  =
-  let wrap pdira_desc =
-     Some { To.Parsetree.pdira_desc;
-            To.Parsetree.pdira_loc = Location.none; } in
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_none  -> None
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0 |> wrap
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1)) |> wrap
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_ident (copy_longident x0) |> wrap
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_bool (copy_bool x0) |> wrap
-and copy_expression :
-  From.Parsetree.expression -> To.Parsetree.expression =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_desc =
-        (copy_expression_desc pexp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_loc = (copy_location pexp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_loc_stack = [];
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pexp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_expression_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.expression_desc -> To.Parsetree.expression_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_function
-        ( copy_case x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_expression x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_apply
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_match
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_try
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_expression x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_field
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_array
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_while
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_for
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_expression x2),
-          (copy_direction_flag x3),
-          (copy_expression x4))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_send
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_label x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_new
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar
-        ((copy_loc copy_label x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_override
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_loc copy_label x0),
-                (copy_expression x1))) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception
-        ((copy_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_assert (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_poly
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_object
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_pack (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_open
-        ({ To.Parsetree.popen_expr =
-             { To.Parsetree.pmod_desc = To.Parsetree.Pmod_ident (copy_loc copy_longident x1);
-               To.Parsetree.pmod_loc = x1.Location.loc;
-               To.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = []; };
-           To.Parsetree.popen_override = (copy_override_flag x0);
-           To.Parsetree.popen_loc = x1.Location.loc;
-           To.Parsetree.popen_attributes = []; },
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable  -> To.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable
-and copy_direction_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.direction_flag -> To.Asttypes.direction_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Upto  -> To.Asttypes.Upto
-  | From.Asttypes.Downto  -> To.Asttypes.Downto
-and copy_case :
- -> =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pc_lhs = (copy_pattern pc_lhs);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_guard =
-        (copy_option copy_expression pc_guard);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_rhs = (copy_expression pc_rhs)
-    }
-and copy_value_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.value_binding -> To.Parsetree.value_binding =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_pat = (copy_pattern pvb_pat);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_expr =
-        (copy_expression pvb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pvb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_loc = (copy_location pvb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_pattern :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern -> To.Parsetree.pattern =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_desc =
-        (copy_pattern_desc ppat_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_loc = (copy_location ppat_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_loc_stack = [];
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ppat_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_pattern_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern_desc -> To.Parsetree.pattern_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_any  -> To.Parsetree.Ppat_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_var (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_alias
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_interval
-        ((copy_constant x0),
-          (copy_constant x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_pattern x1))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_array
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_or
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_type
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_exception (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_open (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_open
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-and copy_core_type :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type -> To.Parsetree.core_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_desc =
-        (copy_core_type_desc ptyp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = (copy_location ptyp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_loc_stack = [];
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_core_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.core_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_any  -> To.Parsetree.Ptyp_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 -> To.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_object
-        (( copy_object_field x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_class
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias
-        ((copy_core_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant
-        (( copy_row_field x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> copy_label x) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x) x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_package (copy_package_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_package_type :
-  From.Parsetree.package_type -> To.Parsetree.package_type =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-      (
-         (fun x  ->
-            let (x0,x1) = x  in
-            ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-              (copy_core_type x1))) x1))
-and copy_row_field :
-  From.Parsetree.row_field -> To.Parsetree.row_field =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Rtag (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-    { To.Parsetree.prf_desc =
-        (To.Parsetree.Rtag
-           ((copy_loc copy_label x0),
-            (copy_bool x2),
-            ( copy_core_type x3)));
-      To.Parsetree.prf_loc = x0.Location.loc;
-      To.Parsetree.prf_attributes = (copy_attributes x1); }
-  | From.Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-    { To.Parsetree.prf_desc = (To.Parsetree.Rinherit (copy_core_type x0));
-      To.Parsetree.prf_loc = x0.From.Parsetree.ptyp_loc;
-      To.Parsetree.prf_attributes = []; }
-and copy_object_field :
-  From.Parsetree.object_field -> To.Parsetree.object_field =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Otag (x0,x1,x2) ->
-    { To.Parsetree.pof_desc =
-        (To.Parsetree.Otag
-           ((copy_loc copy_label x0),
-            (copy_core_type x2)));
-      To.Parsetree.pof_loc = x0.Location.loc;
-      To.Parsetree.pof_attributes = (copy_attributes x1); }
-  | From.Parsetree.Oinherit x0 ->
-    { To.Parsetree.pof_desc = (To.Parsetree.Oinherit (copy_core_type x0));
-      To.Parsetree.pof_loc = x0.From.Parsetree.ptyp_loc;
-      To.Parsetree.pof_attributes = []; }
-and copy_attributes :
-  From.Parsetree.attributes -> To.Parsetree.attributes =
-  fun x  -> copy_attribute x
-and copy_attribute :
-  From.Parsetree.attribute -> To.Parsetree.attribute =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    { To.Parsetree.attr_name = copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0;
-      To.Parsetree.attr_payload = copy_payload x1;
-      To.Parsetree.attr_loc = x0.Location.loc; }
-and copy_payload :
-  From.Parsetree.payload -> To.Parsetree.payload =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.PStr x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PStr (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PSig x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PSig (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PTyp x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PTyp (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PPat (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.PPat
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-and copy_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.structure -> To.Parsetree.structure =
-  fun x  -> copy_structure_item x
-and copy_structure_item :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item -> To.Parsetree.structure_item =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_desc =
-        (copy_structure_item_desc pstr_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_loc = (copy_location pstr_loc)
-    }
-and copy_structure_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_eval
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_value
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-    let atat, at = List.partition (function
-      | {Location.txt=("ocaml.deprecated"|"deprecated");_},_ -> false
-      | _ -> true) x0.pext_attributes
-    in
-    let x0 = { x0 with pext_attributes = at } in
-    To.Parsetree.Pstr_exception
-      { To.Parsetree.ptyexn_constructor = (copy_extension_constructor x0);
-        To.Parsetree.ptyexn_loc = x0.From.Parsetree.pext_loc;
-        To.Parsetree.ptyexn_attributes = copy_attributes atat }
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_module
-        (copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_open
-      { From.Parsetree.popen_lid;
-        From.Parsetree.popen_override;
-        From.Parsetree.popen_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.popen_attributes; } ->
-    To.Parsetree.Pstr_open
-      { To.Parsetree.popen_expr =
-          { To.Parsetree.pmod_desc = To.Parsetree.Pmod_ident (copy_loc copy_longident popen_lid);
-            To.Parsetree.pmod_loc = popen_loc;
-            To.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = []; };
-        To.Parsetree.popen_override = (copy_override_flag popen_override);
-        To.Parsetree.popen_loc = (copy_location popen_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.popen_attributes = (copy_attributes popen_attributes);
-    }
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class
-        ( copy_class_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_include
-        (copy_include_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_include_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.include_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos copy_module_expr x
-and copy_class_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_declaration -> To.Parsetree.class_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_expr x
-and copy_class_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr -> To.Parsetree.class_expr =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_desc =
-        (copy_class_expr_desc pcl_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_loc = (copy_location pcl_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcl_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_structure
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_class_expr x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_apply
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_class_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (copy_class_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_open (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_open
-        ({ To.Parsetree.popen_expr = (copy_loc copy_longident x1);
-           To.Parsetree.popen_override = (copy_override_flag x0);
-           To.Parsetree.popen_loc = x1.Location.loc;
-           To.Parsetree.popen_attributes = []; },
-         (copy_class_expr x2))
-and copy_class_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.class_structure -> To.Parsetree.class_structure =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-    ->
-      let fields =
-        List.sort
-          (fun (a : From.Parsetree.class_field) (b : From.Parsetree.class_field) ->
-             compare a.pcf_loc.loc_start.pos_cnum b.pcf_loc.loc_start.pos_cnum)
-          pcstr_fields
-      in
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_self =
-        (copy_pattern pcstr_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_fields =
-        ( copy_class_field fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field -> To.Parsetree.class_field =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_desc =
-        (copy_class_field_desc pcf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_loc = (copy_location pcf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_field_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_class_expr x1),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x)
-             x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0),
-           (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0),
-           (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_field_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_kind -> To.Parsetree.class_field_kind =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-and copy_module_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.module_binding -> To.Parsetree.module_binding =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmb_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_expr =
-        (copy_module_expr pmb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_loc = (copy_location pmb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr -> To.Parsetree.module_expr =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_desc =
-        (copy_module_expr_desc pmod_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_loc = (copy_location pmod_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmod_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> To.Parsetree.module_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_structure (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_apply
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_module_type :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type -> To.Parsetree.module_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_desc =
-        (copy_module_type_desc pmty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_loc = (copy_location pmty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.module_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_signature (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_with
-        ((copy_module_type x0),
-          ( copy_with_constraint x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_alias
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-and copy_with_constraint :
-  From.Parsetree.with_constraint -> To.Parsetree.with_constraint =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_type
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_module
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-and copy_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.signature -> To.Parsetree.signature =
-  fun x  -> copy_signature_item x
-and copy_signature_item :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item -> To.Parsetree.signature_item =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.psig_desc =
-        (copy_signature_item_desc psig_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.psig_loc = (copy_location psig_loc)
-    }
-and copy_signature_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_value
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-    let atat, at = List.partition (function
-      | {Location.txt=("ocaml.deprecated"|"deprecated");_},_ -> false
-      | _ -> true) x0.pext_attributes
-    in
-    let x0 = { x0 with pext_attributes = at } in
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_exception
-        { To.Parsetree.ptyexn_constructor = (copy_extension_constructor x0);
-          To.Parsetree.ptyexn_loc = x0.From.Parsetree.pext_loc;
-          To.Parsetree.ptyexn_attributes = copy_attributes atat; }
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_module
-        (copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_include
-        (copy_include_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class
-        ( copy_class_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_class_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_description :
-  From.Parsetree.class_description -> To.Parsetree.class_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_type :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type -> To.Parsetree.class_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_desc pcty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_loc = (copy_location pcty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_signature
-        (copy_class_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_class_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_open (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_open
-        ({ To.Parsetree.popen_expr = (copy_loc copy_longident x1);
-           To.Parsetree.popen_override = (copy_override_flag x0);
-           To.Parsetree.popen_loc = x1.Location.loc;
-           To.Parsetree.popen_attributes = []; },
-         (copy_class_type x2))
-and copy_class_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.class_signature -> To.Parsetree.class_signature =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-    ->
-      let fields =
-        List.sort
-          (fun (a : From.Parsetree.class_type_field) (b : From.Parsetree.class_type_field) ->
-             compare a.pctf_loc.loc_start.pos_cnum b.pctf_loc.loc_start.pos_cnum)
-          pcsig_fields
-      in
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_self =
-        (copy_core_type pcsig_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_fields =
-        ( copy_class_type_field fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field -> To.Parsetree.class_type_field =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_loc = (copy_location pctf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pctf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit (copy_class_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0),
-           (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0),
-           (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.extension -> To.Parsetree.extension =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    let x1 =
-      match x0.txt with
-      | "ocaml.error" | "error" ->
-        begin match x1 with
-        | PStr (hd :: _ :: tl) -> From.Parsetree.PStr (hd :: tl)
-        | _ -> x1
-        end
-      | _ -> x1 in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_class_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.class_infos -> 'g0 To.Parsetree.class_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pci_virt =
-          (copy_virtual_flag pci_virt);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_params =
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_core_type x0),
-                  (copy_variance x1))) pci_params);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_name =
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pci_name);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_expr = (f0 pci_expr);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_loc = (copy_location pci_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pci_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_virtual_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.virtual_flag -> To.Asttypes.virtual_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Virtual  -> To.Asttypes.Virtual
-  | From.Asttypes.Concrete  -> To.Asttypes.Concrete
-and copy_include_description :
-  From.Parsetree.include_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos copy_module_type x
-and copy_include_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.include_infos ->
-        'g0 To.Parsetree.include_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_mod = (f0 pincl_mod);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_loc = (copy_location pincl_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pincl_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_open_description :
-  From.Parsetree.open_description -> To.Parsetree.open_description =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.popen_lid = popen_lid;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.popen_expr =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident popen_lid);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_override =
-        (copy_override_flag popen_override);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_loc = (copy_location popen_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.popen_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes popen_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_override_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.override_flag -> To.Asttypes.override_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Override  -> To.Asttypes.Override
-  | From.Asttypes.Fresh  -> To.Asttypes.Fresh
-and copy_module_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmtd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_type =
-        (copy_option copy_module_type pmtd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmtd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = (copy_location pmtd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_type =
-        (copy_module_type pmd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_loc = (copy_location pmd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_type_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.type_extension -> To.Parsetree.type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_path =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident ptyext_path);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptyext_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors =
-        ( copy_extension_constructor
-           ptyext_constructors);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptyext_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_loc = ptyext_path.Location.loc;
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pext_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pext_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_kind =
-        (copy_extension_constructor_kind pext_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_loc = (copy_location pext_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_decl
-        ((copy_constructor_arguments x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_rebind
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-and copy_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.type_declaration -> To.Parsetree.type_declaration =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) ptype_name);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptype_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_core_type x1),
-                (copy_location x2))) ptype_cstrs);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_kind =
-        (copy_type_kind ptype_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptype_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_manifest =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type ptype_manifest);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptype_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_loc = (copy_location ptype_loc)
-    }
-and copy_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag -> To.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_type_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.type_kind -> To.Parsetree.type_kind =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract  -> To.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_variant
-        ( copy_constructor_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_open  -> To.Parsetree.Ptype_open
-and copy_constructor_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pcd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_args =
-        (copy_constructor_arguments pcd_args);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_res =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type pcd_res);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_loc = (copy_location pcd_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcd_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_constructor_arguments :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_arguments ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_arguments
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-and copy_label_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.label_declaration -> To.Parsetree.label_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pld_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pld_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_mutable =
-        (copy_mutable_flag pld_mutable);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_type =
-        (copy_core_type pld_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_loc = (copy_location pld_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pld_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_mutable_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.mutable_flag -> To.Asttypes.mutable_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Immutable  -> To.Asttypes.Immutable
-  | From.Asttypes.Mutable  -> To.Asttypes.Mutable
-and copy_variance :
-  From.Asttypes.variance -> To.Asttypes.variance =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Covariant  -> To.Asttypes.Covariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Contravariant  -> To.Asttypes.Contravariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Invariant  -> To.Asttypes.Invariant
-and copy_value_description :
-  From.Parsetree.value_description -> To.Parsetree.value_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pval_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pval_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_type =
-        (copy_core_type pval_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_prim = ( (fun x  -> x) pval_prim);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pval_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_loc = (copy_location pval_loc)
-    }
-and copy_arg_label :
-  From.Asttypes.arg_label -> To.Asttypes.arg_label =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nolabel  -> To.Asttypes.Nolabel
-  | From.Asttypes.Labelled x0 -> To.Asttypes.Labelled x0
-  | From.Asttypes.Optional x0 -> To.Asttypes.Optional x0
-and copy_closed_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.closed_flag -> To.Asttypes.closed_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Closed  -> To.Asttypes.Closed
-  | From.Asttypes.Open  -> To.Asttypes.Open
-and copy_label :
-  From.Asttypes.label -> To.Asttypes.label = fun x  -> x
-and copy_rec_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.rec_flag -> To.Asttypes.rec_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nonrecursive  -> To.Asttypes.Nonrecursive
-  | From.Asttypes.Recursive  -> To.Asttypes.Recursive
-and copy_constant :
-  From.Parsetree.constant -> To.Parsetree.constant =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-and copy_option : 'f0 'g0 . ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 option -> 'g0 option =
-  fun f0  -> function | None  -> None | Some x0 -> Some (f0 x0)
-and copy_longident : From.Longident.t -> To.Longident.t =
-  function
-  | From.Longident.Lident x0 -> To.Longident.Lident x0
-  | From.Longident.Ldot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Ldot ((copy_longident x0), x1)
-  | From.Longident.Lapply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Lapply
-        ((copy_longident x0), (copy_longident x1))
-and copy_loc :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 From.Asttypes.loc -> 'g0 To.Asttypes.loc
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun { From.Asttypes.txt = txt; From.Asttypes.loc = loc }  ->
-      {
-        To.Asttypes.txt = (f0 txt);
-        To.Asttypes.loc = (copy_location loc)
-      }
-and copy_location : From.Location.t -> To.Location.t =
-  fun
-    { From.Location.loc_start = loc_start;
-      From.Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-      From.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Location.loc_start = (copy_Lexing_position loc_start);
-      To.Location.loc_end = (copy_Lexing_position loc_end);
-      To.Location.loc_ghost = (copy_bool loc_ghost)
-    }
-and copy_bool : bool -> bool = function | false  -> false | true  -> true
-and copy_Lexing_position : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position =
-  fun
-    { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-     ->
-    {
-      Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname;
-      Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol;
-      Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum
-    }
-let copy_cases x = copy_case x
-let copy_pat = copy_pattern
-let copy_expr = copy_expression
-let copy_typ = copy_core_type
-let rec copy_out_phrase :
-  From.Outcometree.out_phrase -> To.Outcometree.out_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_eval
-        ((copy_out_value x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_signature
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_sig_item x0),
-                (copy_option copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_exception
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_exn x0), (copy_out_value x1)))
-and copy_exn : exn -> exn = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_sig_item -> To.Outcometree.out_sig_item =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class_type (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class_type
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_typext (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_typext
-        ((copy_out_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_out_ext_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_modtype
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_module
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_type
-        ((copy_out_type_decl x0),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_value x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_value
-        (copy_out_val_decl x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis
-and copy_out_val_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_val_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_val_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_type = oval_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_prims = oval_prims;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_attributes = oval_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oval_type =
-        (copy_out_type oval_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_prims = ( (fun x  -> x) oval_prims);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_attributes =
-        ( copy_out_attribute oval_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_out_type_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_type_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_params = otype_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_type = otype_type;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_private = otype_private;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_immediate = otype_immediate;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = otype_unboxed;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_cstrs = otype_cstrs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-           otype_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_type =
-        (copy_out_type otype_type);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag otype_private);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_immediate = (copy_bool otype_immediate);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = (copy_bool otype_unboxed);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_type x0),
-                (copy_out_type x1))) otype_cstrs)
-    }
-and copy_out_module_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_module_type -> To.Outcometree.out_module_type
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Omty_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_functor
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_module_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_ident (copy_out_ident x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_signature
-        ( copy_out_sig_item x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_alias (copy_out_ident x0)
-and copy_out_ext_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ext_status -> To.Outcometree.out_ext_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_first  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_next  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_next
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_exception  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_exception
-and copy_out_extension_constructor :
-  From.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_params = oext_type_params;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_args = oext_args;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_ret_type = oext_ret_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_private = oext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) oext_type_params);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_args =
-        ( copy_out_type oext_args);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_ret_type =
-        (copy_option copy_out_type oext_ret_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag oext_private)
-    }
-and copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag -> To.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_out_rec_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_rec_status -> To.Outcometree.out_rec_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_not  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_not
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_first  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_next  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_next
-and copy_out_class_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_type -> To.Outcometree.out_class_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_class_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_signature (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_signature
-        ((copy_option copy_out_type x0),
-          ( copy_out_class_sig_item x1))
-and copy_out_class_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_method
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_value
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-and copy_out_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type -> To.Outcometree.out_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_open  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_open
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_alias
-        ((copy_out_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_class (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_ident x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_object
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               (x0, (copy_out_type x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_bool x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_out_type x2)))
-           x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_sum x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_sum
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple
-        ( copy_out_type x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_var ((copy_bool x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_variant (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_variant
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_variant x1),
-          (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> (fun x  -> x) x) x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> x) x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_module
-        ((To.Outcometree.Oide_ident { To.Outcometree.printed_name = x0; }),
-         ( (fun x  -> x) x1),
-         ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_attribute x1))
-and copy_out_string :
-  From.Outcometree.out_string -> To.Outcometree.out_string =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ostr_string -> To.Outcometree.Ostr_string
-  | From.Outcometree.Ostr_bytes -> To.Outcometree.Ostr_bytes
-and copy_out_attribute :
-  From.Outcometree.out_attribute -> To.Outcometree.out_attribute =
-  fun { From.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }  ->
-    { To.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }
-and copy_out_variant :
-  From.Outcometree.out_variant -> To.Outcometree.out_variant =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_fields x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_fields
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1),
-                ( copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_typ x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_typ (copy_out_type x0)
-and copy_out_value :
-  From.Outcometree.out_value -> To.Outcometree.out_value =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_array x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_array
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_char x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_char x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_value x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_float x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_float (copy_float x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_list x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_list
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_ident x0),
-                (copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_string (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_string (x0, x1, copy_out_string x2)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_tuple
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_variant
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_value x1))
-and copy_float : float -> float = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_ident :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ident -> To.Outcometree.out_ident =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_apply
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          (copy_out_ident x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_dot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_dot
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0 ->
-    To.Outcometree.Oide_ident
-      ({ To.Outcometree.printed_name = x0; })
-let copy_out_type_extension :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_extension -> To.Outcometree.out_type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_params = otyext_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_constructors = otyext_constructors;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_private = otyext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) otyext_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_constructors =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2)))
-           otyext_constructors);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag otyext_private)
-    }
-module Migrate_parsetree_408_407_migrate
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-module From = Ast_408
-module To = Ast_407
-module Def = Migrate_parsetree_def
-let migration_error location feature =
-  raise (Def.Migration_error (feature, location))
-let rec copy_toplevel_phrase :
-  From.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> To.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_def x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_def (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptop_dir
-      { From.Parsetree.pdir_name;
-        From.Parsetree.pdir_arg;
-        From.Parsetree.pdir_loc = _; } ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptop_dir
-        (pdir_name.Location.txt,
-         (match pdir_arg with
-          | None -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_none
-          | Some arg -> copy_directive_argument arg))
-and copy_directive_argument :
-  From.Parsetree.directive_argument ->
-    To.Parsetree.directive_argument
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pdira_desc = pdira_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pdira_loc = _pdira_loc }
-     ->
-       (copy_directive_argument_desc pdira_desc)
-and copy_directive_argument_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.directive_argument_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.directive_argument
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_ident (copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pdir_bool (copy_bool x0)
-and copy_expression :
-  From.Parsetree.expression -> To.Parsetree.expression =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_loc_stack = _;
-      From.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_desc =
-        (copy_expression_desc pexp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_loc = (copy_location pexp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pexp_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pexp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_expression_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.expression_desc -> To.Parsetree.expression_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_function
-        ( copy_case x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_expression x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_apply
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_match
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_try
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          ( copy_case x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_expression x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_field
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_array
-        ( copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_while
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_for
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_expression x2),
-          (copy_direction_flag x3),
-          (copy_expression x4))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_send
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_label x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_new
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar
-        ((copy_loc copy_label x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_override
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_loc copy_label x0),
-                (copy_expression x1))) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception
-        ((copy_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_assert (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_poly
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_object
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_pack (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0,x1) ->
-    begin match x0.From.Parsetree.popen_expr.From.Parsetree.pmod_desc with
-    | Pmod_ident lid ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_open
-        (copy_override_flag x0.From.Parsetree.popen_override,
-         (copy_loc copy_longident lid),
-         (copy_expression x1))
-    | Pmod_structure _ | Pmod_functor _ | Pmod_apply _
-    | Pmod_constraint _ | Pmod_unpack _ | Pmod_extension _ ->
-      migration_error x0.From.Parsetree.popen_loc Def.Pexp_open
-    end
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_letop { let_; ands = _; body = _; } ->
-    migration_error let_.pbop_op.loc Def.Pexp_letop
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pexp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable  -> To.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable
-and copy_direction_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.direction_flag -> To.Asttypes.direction_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Upto  -> To.Asttypes.Upto
-  | From.Asttypes.Downto  -> To.Asttypes.Downto
-and copy_case :
- -> =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-      From.Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pc_lhs = (copy_pattern pc_lhs);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_guard =
-        (copy_option copy_expression pc_guard);
-      To.Parsetree.pc_rhs = (copy_expression pc_rhs)
-    }
-and copy_value_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.value_binding -> To.Parsetree.value_binding =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_pat = (copy_pattern pvb_pat);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_expr =
-        (copy_expression pvb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pvb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pvb_loc = (copy_location pvb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_pattern :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern -> To.Parsetree.pattern =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_loc_stack = _;
-      From.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_desc =
-        (copy_pattern_desc ppat_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_loc = (copy_location ppat_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ppat_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ppat_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_pattern_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.pattern_desc -> To.Parsetree.pattern_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_any  -> To.Parsetree.Ppat_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_var (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_alias
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_interval
-        ((copy_constant x0),
-          (copy_constant x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_variant
-        ((copy_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_record
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-                 (copy_pattern x1))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_array
-        ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_or
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_type
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_exception (copy_pattern x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ppat_open (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ppat_open
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_pattern x1))
-and copy_core_type :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type -> To.Parsetree.core_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_loc_stack = _;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_desc =
-        (copy_core_type_desc ptyp_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = (copy_location ptyp_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_core_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.core_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.core_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_any  -> To.Parsetree.Ptyp_any
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 -> To.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_object
-        (( copy_object_field x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_class
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias
-        ((copy_core_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant
-        (( copy_row_field x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> copy_label x) x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x) x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_package (copy_package_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_package_type :
-  From.Parsetree.package_type -> To.Parsetree.package_type =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-      (
-         (fun x  ->
-            let (x0,x1) = x  in
-            ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-              (copy_core_type x1))) x1))
-and copy_row_field :
-  From.Parsetree.row_field -> To.Parsetree.row_field =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.prf_desc = prf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.prf_loc = _;
-      From.Parsetree.prf_attributes = prf_attributes }
-    ->
-      match prf_desc with
-      | From.Parsetree.Rtag (x0, x1, x2) ->
-        To.Parsetree.Rtag ((copy_loc copy_label x0),
-                                (copy_attributes prf_attributes),
-                                (copy_bool x1),
-                                ( copy_core_type x2))
-      | From.Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-        To.Parsetree.Rinherit (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_object_field :
-  From.Parsetree.object_field -> To.Parsetree.object_field =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pof_desc = pof_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pof_loc = _;
-      From.Parsetree.pof_attributes = pof_attributes }
-    ->
-      match pof_desc with
-      | From.Parsetree.Otag (x0, x1) ->
-        To.Parsetree.Otag ((copy_loc copy_label x0),
-                                (copy_attributes pof_attributes),
-                                (copy_core_type x1))
-      | From.Parsetree.Oinherit x0 ->
-        To.Parsetree.Oinherit (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_attributes :
-  From.Parsetree.attributes -> To.Parsetree.attributes =
-  fun x  -> copy_attribute x
-and copy_attribute :
-  From.Parsetree.attribute -> To.Parsetree.attribute =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.attr_name = attr_name;
-      From.Parsetree.attr_payload = attr_payload;
-      From.Parsetree.attr_loc = _ }
-    ->
-      ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) attr_name),
-       (copy_payload attr_payload))
-and copy_payload :
-  From.Parsetree.payload -> To.Parsetree.payload =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.PStr x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PStr (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PSig x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PSig (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PTyp x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.PTyp (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.PPat (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.PPat
-        ((copy_pattern x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1))
-and copy_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.structure -> To.Parsetree.structure =
-  fun x  -> copy_structure_item x
-and copy_structure_item :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item -> To.Parsetree.structure_item =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_desc =
-        (copy_structure_item_desc pstr_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pstr_loc = (copy_location pstr_loc)
-    }
-and copy_structure_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.structure_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_eval
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_value
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_exception
-        (let e = copy_extension_constructor
-                   x0.From.Parsetree.ptyexn_constructor in
-         { e with pext_attributes = e.pext_attributes @ (copy_attributes x0.ptyexn_attributes) }
-        )
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_module
-        (copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_binding x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_open x0 ->
-    begin match x0.From.Parsetree.popen_expr.From.Parsetree.pmod_desc with
-    | Pmod_ident lid ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_open
-        { To.Parsetree.popen_lid = (copy_loc copy_longident lid);
-          To.Parsetree.popen_override = (copy_override_flag x0.From.Parsetree.popen_override);
-          To.Parsetree.popen_loc = (copy_location x0.From.Parsetree.popen_loc);
-          To.Parsetree.popen_attributes = (copy_attributes x0.From.Parsetree.popen_attributes); }
-    | Pmod_structure _ | Pmod_functor _ | Pmod_apply _
-    | Pmod_constraint _ | Pmod_unpack _ | Pmod_extension _ ->
-      migration_error x0.From.Parsetree.popen_loc Def.Pexp_open
-    end
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class
-        ( copy_class_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_include
-        (copy_include_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pstr_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_include_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.include_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos copy_module_expr x
-and copy_class_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_declaration -> To.Parsetree.class_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_expr x
-and copy_class_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr -> To.Parsetree.class_expr =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_desc =
-        (copy_class_expr_desc pcl_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_loc = (copy_location pcl_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcl_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcl_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_structure
-        (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2),
-          (copy_class_expr x3))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_apply
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0),
-                  (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_class_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (copy_class_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcl_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcl_open (x0,x1) ->
-    To.Parsetree.Pcl_open
-      ((copy_override_flag x0.From.Parsetree.popen_override),
-       (copy_loc copy_longident x0.From.Parsetree.popen_expr),
-       (copy_class_expr x1))
-and copy_class_structure :
-  From.Parsetree.class_structure -> To.Parsetree.class_structure =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_self =
-        (copy_pattern pcstr_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcstr_fields =
-        ( copy_class_field pcstr_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field -> To.Parsetree.class_field =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_desc =
-        (copy_class_field_desc pcf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_loc = (copy_location pcf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_field_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_class_expr x1),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x)
-             x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0),
-           (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0),
-           (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer
-        (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_field_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.class_field_kind -> To.Parsetree.class_field_kind =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual (copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete
-        ((copy_override_flag x0),
-          (copy_expression x1))
-and copy_module_binding :
-  From.Parsetree.module_binding -> To.Parsetree.module_binding =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmb_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_expr =
-        (copy_module_expr pmb_expr);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmb_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmb_loc = (copy_location pmb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr -> To.Parsetree.module_expr =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_desc =
-        (copy_module_expr_desc pmod_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_loc = (copy_location pmod_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmod_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmod_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> To.Parsetree.module_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_structure (copy_structure x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_expr x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_apply
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint
-        ((copy_module_expr x0),
-          (copy_module_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack (copy_expression x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmod_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_module_type :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type -> To.Parsetree.module_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_desc =
-        (copy_module_type_desc pmty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_loc = (copy_location pmty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pmty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.module_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_ident
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_signature (copy_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_with
-        ((copy_module_type x0),
-          ( copy_with_constraint x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pmty_alias
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-and copy_with_constraint :
-  From.Parsetree.with_constraint -> To.Parsetree.with_constraint =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_type
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_module
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          (copy_loc copy_longident x1))
-and copy_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.signature -> To.Parsetree.signature =
-  fun x  -> copy_signature_item x
-and copy_signature_item :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item -> To.Parsetree.signature_item =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.psig_desc =
-        (copy_signature_item_desc psig_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.psig_loc = (copy_location psig_loc)
-    }
-and copy_signature_item_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.signature_item_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_value
-        (copy_value_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0),
-          ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_typesubst x0 ->
-    let x0_loc =
-      match x0 with
-      | [] -> Location.none
-      | { From.Parsetree.ptype_loc; _ } :: _ -> ptype_loc in
-    migration_error x0_loc Def.Psig_typesubst
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_typext
-        (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_exception
-        (let e = copy_extension_constructor
-                   x0.From.Parsetree.ptyexn_constructor in
-         {e with pext_attributes = e.pext_attributes @ (copy_attributes x0.ptyexn_attributes) })
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_module
-        (copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_modsubst x0 ->
-      migration_error x0.pms_loc Def.Psig_modsubst
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule
-        ( copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_modtype
-        (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_open
-        (copy_open_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_include
-        (copy_include_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class
-        ( copy_class_description x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Psig_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0),
-          (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_class_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_description :
-  From.Parsetree.class_description -> To.Parsetree.class_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_type :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type -> To.Parsetree.class_type =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_desc pcty_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_loc = (copy_location pcty_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcty_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_desc -> To.Parsetree.class_type_desc =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_longident x0),
-          ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_signature
-        (copy_class_signature x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_class_type x2))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcty_open (x0,x1) ->
-    To.Parsetree.Pcty_open
-      ((copy_override_flag x0.From.Parsetree.popen_override),
-       (copy_loc copy_longident x0.From.Parsetree.popen_expr),
-       (copy_class_type x1))
-and copy_class_signature :
-  From.Parsetree.class_signature -> To.Parsetree.class_signature =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-      From.Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_self =
-        (copy_core_type pcsig_self);
-      To.Parsetree.pcsig_fields =
-        ( copy_class_type_field pcsig_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field -> To.Parsetree.class_type_field =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_desc =
-        (copy_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_loc = (copy_location pctf_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pctf_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pctf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field_desc :
-  From.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc ->
-    To.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit (copy_class_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_val
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0),
-           (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_method
-        (let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0),
-           (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2),
-           (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_core_type x0),
-           (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pctf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.extension -> To.Parsetree.extension =
-  fun x  ->
-    let (x0,x1) = x  in
-    let x1 =
-      match x0.txt with
-        | "ocaml.error" | "error" ->
-          begin match x1 with
-          | PStr (hd :: tl) -> From.Parsetree.PStr (hd :: hd :: tl)
-          | _ -> x1
-          end
-        | _ -> x1 in
-    ((copy_loc (fun x  -> x) x0),
-      (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_class_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.class_infos -> 'g0 To.Parsetree.class_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pci_virt =
-          (copy_virtual_flag pci_virt);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_params =
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                ((copy_core_type x0),
-                  (copy_variance x1))) pci_params);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_name =
-          (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pci_name);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_expr = (f0 pci_expr);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_loc = (copy_location pci_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pci_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pci_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_virtual_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.virtual_flag -> To.Asttypes.virtual_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Virtual  -> To.Asttypes.Virtual
-  | From.Asttypes.Concrete  -> To.Asttypes.Concrete
-and copy_include_description :
-  From.Parsetree.include_description ->
-    To.Parsetree.include_description
-  =
-  fun x  ->
-    copy_include_infos copy_module_type x
-and copy_include_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 From.Parsetree.include_infos ->
-        'g0 To.Parsetree.include_infos
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun
-      { From.Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-        From.Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-       ->
-      {
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_mod = (f0 pincl_mod);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_loc = (copy_location pincl_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.pincl_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pincl_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_open_description :
-  From.Parsetree.open_description -> To.Parsetree.open_description =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.popen_expr = popen_expr;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-    ->
-      { To.Parsetree.popen_lid = (copy_loc copy_longident popen_expr);
-        To.Parsetree.popen_override = (copy_override_flag popen_override);
-        To.Parsetree.popen_loc = (copy_location popen_loc);
-        To.Parsetree.popen_attributes = (copy_attributes popen_attributes); }
-and copy_override_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.override_flag -> To.Asttypes.override_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Override  -> To.Asttypes.Override
-  | From.Asttypes.Fresh  -> To.Asttypes.Fresh
-and copy_module_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_type_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmtd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_type =
-        (copy_option copy_module_type pmtd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmtd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = (copy_location pmtd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.module_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.module_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pmd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_type =
-        (copy_module_type pmd_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pmd_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pmd_loc = (copy_location pmd_loc)
-    }
-(* and copy_type_exception :
-  From.Parsetree.type_exception -> To.Parsetree.type_exception =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyexn_constructor = ptyexn_constructor;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyexn_loc = ptyexn_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyexn_attributes = ptyexn_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyexn_constructor =
-        (copy_extension_constructor ptyexn_constructor);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyexn_loc = (copy_location ptyexn_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyexn_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyexn_attributes)
-    }*)
-and copy_type_extension :
-  From.Parsetree.type_extension -> To.Parsetree.type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_loc = _;
-      From.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_path =
-        (copy_loc copy_longident ptyext_path);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptyext_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors =
-        ( copy_extension_constructor
-           ptyext_constructors);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptyext_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pext_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pext_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_kind =
-        (copy_extension_constructor_kind pext_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_loc = (copy_location pext_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind ->
-    To.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_decl
-        ((copy_constructor_arguments x0),
-          (copy_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pext_rebind
-        (copy_loc copy_longident x0)
-and copy_type_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.type_declaration -> To.Parsetree.type_declaration =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) ptype_name);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_variance x1))) ptype_params);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              ((copy_core_type x0),
-                (copy_core_type x1),
-                (copy_location x2))) ptype_cstrs);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_kind =
-        (copy_type_kind ptype_kind);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_private =
-        (copy_private_flag ptype_private);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_manifest =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type ptype_manifest);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptype_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.ptype_loc = (copy_location ptype_loc)
-    }
-and copy_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag -> To.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_type_kind :
-  From.Parsetree.type_kind -> To.Parsetree.type_kind =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract  -> To.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_variant
-        ( copy_constructor_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Ptype_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Ptype_open  -> To.Parsetree.Ptype_open
-and copy_constructor_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_declaration ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pcd_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_args =
-        (copy_constructor_arguments pcd_args);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_res =
-        (copy_option copy_core_type pcd_res);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_loc = (copy_location pcd_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pcd_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pcd_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_constructor_arguments :
-  From.Parsetree.constructor_arguments ->
-    To.Parsetree.constructor_arguments
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple
-        ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | From.Parsetree.Pcstr_record x0 ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pcstr_record
-        ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-and copy_label_declaration :
-  From.Parsetree.label_declaration -> To.Parsetree.label_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-      From.Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pld_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pld_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_mutable =
-        (copy_mutable_flag pld_mutable);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_type =
-        (copy_core_type pld_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_loc = (copy_location pld_loc);
-      To.Parsetree.pld_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pld_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_mutable_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.mutable_flag -> To.Asttypes.mutable_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Immutable  -> To.Asttypes.Immutable
-  | From.Asttypes.Mutable  -> To.Asttypes.Mutable
-and copy_variance :
-  From.Asttypes.variance -> To.Asttypes.variance =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Covariant  -> To.Asttypes.Covariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Contravariant  -> To.Asttypes.Contravariant
-  | From.Asttypes.Invariant  -> To.Asttypes.Invariant
-and copy_value_description :
-  From.Parsetree.value_description -> To.Parsetree.value_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-      From.Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Parsetree.pval_name =
-        (copy_loc (fun x  -> x) pval_name);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_type =
-        (copy_core_type pval_type);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_prim = ( (fun x  -> x) pval_prim);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes pval_attributes);
-      To.Parsetree.pval_loc = (copy_location pval_loc)
-    }
-and copy_arg_label :
-  From.Asttypes.arg_label -> To.Asttypes.arg_label =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nolabel  -> To.Asttypes.Nolabel
-  | From.Asttypes.Labelled x0 -> To.Asttypes.Labelled x0
-  | From.Asttypes.Optional x0 -> To.Asttypes.Optional x0
-and copy_closed_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.closed_flag -> To.Asttypes.closed_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Closed  -> To.Asttypes.Closed
-  | From.Asttypes.Open  -> To.Asttypes.Open
-and copy_label :
-  From.Asttypes.label -> To.Asttypes.label = fun x  -> x
-and copy_rec_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.rec_flag -> To.Asttypes.rec_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Nonrecursive  -> To.Asttypes.Nonrecursive
-  | From.Asttypes.Recursive  -> To.Asttypes.Recursive
-and copy_constant :
-  From.Parsetree.constant -> To.Parsetree.constant =
-  function
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0 -> To.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-  | From.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0, (copy_option (fun x  -> x) x1))
-and copy_option : 'f0 'g0 . ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 option -> 'g0 option =
-  fun f0  -> function | None  -> None | Some x0 -> Some (f0 x0)
-and copy_longident : From.Longident.t -> To.Longident.t =
-  function
-  | From.Longident.Lident x0 -> To.Longident.Lident x0
-  | From.Longident.Ldot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Ldot ((copy_longident x0), x1)
-  | From.Longident.Lapply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Longident.Lapply
-        ((copy_longident x0), (copy_longident x1))
-and copy_loc :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 From.Asttypes.loc -> 'g0 To.Asttypes.loc
-  =
-  fun f0  ->
-    fun { From.Asttypes.txt = txt; From.Asttypes.loc = loc }  ->
-      {
-        To.Asttypes.txt = (f0 txt);
-        To.Asttypes.loc = (copy_location loc)
-      }
-and copy_location : From.Location.t -> To.Location.t =
-  fun
-    { From.Location.loc_start = loc_start;
-      From.Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-      From.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Location.loc_start = (copy_Lexing_position loc_start);
-      To.Location.loc_end = (copy_Lexing_position loc_end);
-      To.Location.loc_ghost = (copy_bool loc_ghost)
-    }
-and copy_bool : bool -> bool = function | false  -> false | true  -> true
-and copy_Lexing_position : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position =
-  fun
-    { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-     ->
-    {
-      Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname;
-      Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol;
-      Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum
-    }
-let copy_cases x = copy_case x
-let copy_pat = copy_pattern
-let copy_expr = copy_expression
-let copy_typ = copy_core_type
-let rec copy_out_phrase :
-  From.Outcometree.out_phrase -> To.Outcometree.out_phrase =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_eval
-        ((copy_out_value x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_signature
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_sig_item x0),
-                (copy_option copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ophr_exception x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ophr_exception
-        (let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-         ((copy_exn x0), (copy_out_value x1)))
-and copy_exn : exn -> exn = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_sig_item -> To.Outcometree.out_sig_item =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_class_type (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_class_type
-        ((copy_bool x0), x1,
-          (
-             (fun x  ->
-                let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-             x2), (copy_out_class_type x3),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_typext (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_typext
-        ((copy_out_extension_constructor x0),
-          (copy_out_ext_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_modtype
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_module
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_type (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_type
-        ((copy_out_type_decl x0),
-          (copy_out_rec_status x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_value x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Osig_value
-        (copy_out_val_decl x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis
-and copy_out_val_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_val_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_val_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_type = oval_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_prims = oval_prims;
-      From.Outcometree.oval_attributes = oval_attributes }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oval_type =
-        (copy_out_type oval_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_prims = ( (fun x  -> x) oval_prims);
-      To.Outcometree.oval_attributes =
-        ( copy_out_attribute oval_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_out_type_decl :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_decl -> To.Outcometree.out_type_decl =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_params = otype_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_type = otype_type;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_private = otype_private;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_immediate = otype_immediate;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = otype_unboxed;
-      From.Outcometree.otype_cstrs = otype_cstrs }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              (x0, (let (x0,x1) = x1  in ((copy_bool x0), (copy_bool x1)))))
-           otype_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_type =
-        (copy_out_type otype_type);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag otype_private);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_immediate = (copy_bool otype_immediate);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = (copy_bool otype_unboxed);
-      To.Outcometree.otype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_type x0),
-                (copy_out_type x1))) otype_cstrs)
-    }
-and copy_out_module_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_module_type -> To.Outcometree.out_module_type
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Omty_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_functor
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_module_type x1),
-          (copy_out_module_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_ident x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_ident (copy_out_ident x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_signature x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_signature
-        ( copy_out_sig_item x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Omty_alias x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Omty_alias (copy_out_ident x0)
-and copy_out_ext_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ext_status -> To.Outcometree.out_ext_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_first  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_next  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_next
-  | From.Outcometree.Oext_exception  -> To.Outcometree.Oext_exception
-and copy_out_extension_constructor :
-  From.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_type_params = oext_type_params;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_args = oext_args;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_ret_type = oext_ret_type;
-      From.Outcometree.oext_private = oext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      To.Outcometree.oext_type_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) oext_type_params);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_args =
-        ( copy_out_type oext_args);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_ret_type =
-        (copy_option copy_out_type oext_ret_type);
-      To.Outcometree.oext_private =
-        (copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag oext_private)
-    }
-and copy_From_Asttypes_private_flag :
-  From.Asttypes.private_flag -> To.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | From.Asttypes.Private  -> To.Asttypes.Private
-  | From.Asttypes.Public  -> To.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_out_rec_status :
-  From.Outcometree.out_rec_status -> To.Outcometree.out_rec_status =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_not  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_not
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_first  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_first
-  | From.Outcometree.Orec_next  -> To.Outcometree.Orec_next
-and copy_out_class_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_type -> To.Outcometree.out_class_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_class_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Octy_signature (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Octy_signature
-        ((copy_option copy_out_type x0),
-          ( copy_out_class_sig_item x1))
-and copy_out_class_sig_item :
-  From.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item ->
-    To.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item
-  =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_method
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ocsg_value
-        (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_out_type x3))
-and copy_out_type :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type -> To.Outcometree.out_type =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_open  -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_open
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_alias
-        ((copy_out_type x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1),
-          (copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_class (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_class
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_ident x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_object
-        ((
-            (fun x  ->
-               let (x0,x1) = x  in
-               (x0, (copy_out_type x1))) x0),
-          (copy_option copy_bool x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1), (copy_out_type x2)))
-           x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_sum x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_sum
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple
-        ( copy_out_type x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_var ((copy_bool x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_variant (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_variant
-        ((copy_bool x0), (copy_out_variant x1),
-          (copy_bool x2),
-          (copy_option (fun x  -> (fun x  -> x) x) x3))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_poly
-        (( (fun x  -> x) x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_module (x0,x1,x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_module
-        ((match x0 with
-           | Oide_ident id -> id.From.Outcometree.printed_name
-           | From.Outcometree.Oide_apply _
-           | From.Outcometree.Oide_dot _ ->
-             migration_error Location.none Def.Otyp_module),
-         ( (fun x  -> x) x1),
-         ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | From.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute
-        ((copy_out_type x0),
-          (copy_out_attribute x1))
-and copy_out_string :
-  From.Outcometree.out_string -> To.Outcometree.out_string =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ostr_string -> To.Outcometree.Ostr_string
-  | From.Outcometree.Ostr_bytes -> To.Outcometree.Ostr_bytes
-and copy_out_attribute :
-  From.Outcometree.out_attribute -> To.Outcometree.out_attribute =
-  fun { From.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }  ->
-    { To.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }
-and copy_out_variant :
-  From.Outcometree.out_variant -> To.Outcometree.out_variant =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_fields x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_fields
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, (copy_bool x1),
-                ( copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Ovar_typ x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Ovar_typ (copy_out_type x0)
-and copy_out_value :
-  From.Outcometree.out_value -> To.Outcometree.out_value =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_array x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_array
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_char x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_char x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_constr (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          ( copy_out_value x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis  -> To.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_float x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_float (copy_float x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_list x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_list
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_record x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_record
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1) = x  in
-              ((copy_out_ident x0),
-                (copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_string (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_string (x0, x1, copy_out_string x2)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_tuple x0 ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_tuple
-        ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oval_variant
-        (x0, (copy_option copy_out_value x1))
-and copy_float : float -> float = fun x  -> x
-and copy_out_ident :
-  From.Outcometree.out_ident -> To.Outcometree.out_ident =
-  function
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_apply (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_apply
-        ((copy_out_ident x0),
-          (copy_out_ident x1))
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_dot (x0,x1) ->
-      To.Outcometree.Oide_dot
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), x1)
-  | From.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0 -> To.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0.From.Outcometree.printed_name
-let copy_out_type_extension :
-  From.Outcometree.out_type_extension -> To.Outcometree.out_type_extension =
-  fun
-    { From.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_params = otyext_params;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_constructors = otyext_constructors;
-      From.Outcometree.otyext_private = otyext_private }
-     ->
-    {
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_params =
-        ( (fun x  -> x) otyext_params);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_constructors =
-        (
-           (fun x  ->
-              let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (copy_option copy_out_type x2)))
-           otyext_constructors);
-      To.Outcometree.otyext_private =
-        (copy_private_flag otyext_private)
-    }
-module Migrate_parsetree_407_408
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-include Migrate_parsetree_407_408_migrate
-(*$ open Printf
-  let fields = [
-    "attribute"; "attributes"; "case"; "cases"; "class_declaration";
-    "class_description"; "class_expr"; "class_field"; "class_signature";
-    "class_structure"; "class_type"; "class_type_declaration";
-    "class_type_field"; "constructor_declaration"; "expr"; "extension";
-    "extension_constructor"; "include_declaration"; "include_description";
-    "label_declaration"; "location"; "module_binding"; "module_declaration";
-    "module_expr"; "module_type"; "module_type_declaration";
-    "open_description"; "pat"; "signature"; "signature_item"; "structure";
-    "structure_item"; "typ"; "type_declaration"; "type_extension";
-    "type_kind"; "value_binding"; "value_description";
-    "with_constraint"; "payload"
-  ]
-  let foreach_field f =
-    printf "\n";
-    List.iter f fields
-let copy_mapper = fun
-  ({ From.Ast_mapper.
-     (*$ foreach_field (printf "%s;\n")*)
-     attribute;
-     attributes;
-     case;
-     cases;
-     class_declaration;
-     class_description;
-     class_expr;
-     class_field;
-     class_signature;
-     class_structure;
-     class_type;
-     class_type_declaration;
-     class_type_field;
-     constructor_declaration;
-     expr;
-     extension;
-     extension_constructor;
-     include_declaration;
-     include_description;
-     label_declaration;
-     location;
-     module_binding;
-     module_declaration;
-     module_expr;
-     module_type;
-     module_type_declaration;
-     open_description;
-     pat;
-     signature;
-     signature_item;
-     structure;
-     structure_item;
-     typ;
-     type_declaration;
-     type_extension;
-     type_kind;
-     value_binding;
-     value_description;
-     with_constraint;
-     payload;
-     (*$*)
-   } as mapper) ->
-  let module Def = Migrate_parsetree_def in
-  let migration_error location feature =
-    raise (Def.Migration_error (feature, location)) in
-  let module R = Migrate_parsetree_408_407_migrate in
-  {
-    To.Ast_mapper.
-    (*$ foreach_field (fun s ->
-        printf
-          "%s = (fun _ x -> copy_%s (%s mapper (R.copy_%s x)));\n" s s s s)
-    *)
-    attribute = (fun _ x -> copy_attribute (attribute mapper (R.copy_attribute x)));
-    attributes = (fun _ x -> copy_attributes (attributes mapper (R.copy_attributes x)));
-    case = (fun _ x -> copy_case (case mapper (R.copy_case x)));
-    cases = (fun _ x -> copy_cases (cases mapper (R.copy_cases x)));
-    class_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_declaration (class_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_declaration x)));
-    class_description = (fun _ x -> copy_class_description (class_description mapper (R.copy_class_description x)));
-    class_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_class_expr (class_expr mapper (R.copy_class_expr x)));
-    class_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_field (class_field mapper (R.copy_class_field x)));
-    class_signature = (fun _ x -> copy_class_signature (class_signature mapper (R.copy_class_signature x)));
-    class_structure = (fun _ x -> copy_class_structure (class_structure mapper (R.copy_class_structure x)));
-    class_type = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type (class_type mapper (R.copy_class_type x)));
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_declaration (class_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_type_declaration x)));
-    class_type_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_field (class_type_field mapper (R.copy_class_type_field x)));
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_constructor_declaration (constructor_declaration mapper (R.copy_constructor_declaration x)));
-    expr = (fun _ x -> copy_expr (expr mapper (R.copy_expr x)));
-    extension = (fun _ x -> copy_extension (extension mapper (R.copy_extension x)));
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ x -> copy_extension_constructor (extension_constructor mapper (R.copy_extension_constructor x)));
-    include_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_include_declaration (include_declaration mapper (R.copy_include_declaration x)));
-    include_description = (fun _ x -> copy_include_description (include_description mapper (R.copy_include_description x)));
-    label_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_label_declaration (label_declaration mapper (R.copy_label_declaration x)));
-    location = (fun _ x -> copy_location (location mapper (R.copy_location x)));
-    module_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_module_binding (module_binding mapper (R.copy_module_binding x)));
-    module_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_declaration (module_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_declaration x)));
-    module_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_module_expr (module_expr mapper (R.copy_module_expr x)));
-    module_type = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type (module_type mapper (R.copy_module_type x)));
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type_declaration (module_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_type_declaration x)));
-    open_description = (fun _ x -> copy_open_description (open_description mapper (R.copy_open_description x)));
-    pat = (fun _ x -> copy_pat (pat mapper (R.copy_pat x)));
-    signature = (fun _ x -> copy_signature (signature mapper (R.copy_signature x)));
-    signature_item = (fun _ x -> copy_signature_item (signature_item mapper (R.copy_signature_item x)));
-    structure = (fun _ x -> copy_structure (structure mapper (R.copy_structure x)));
-    structure_item = (fun _ x -> copy_structure_item (structure_item mapper (R.copy_structure_item x)));
-    typ = (fun _ x -> copy_typ (typ mapper (R.copy_typ x)));
-    type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_type_declaration (type_declaration mapper (R.copy_type_declaration x)));
-    type_extension = (fun _ x -> copy_type_extension (type_extension mapper (R.copy_type_extension x)));
-    type_kind = (fun _ x -> copy_type_kind (type_kind mapper (R.copy_type_kind x)));
-    value_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_value_binding (value_binding mapper (R.copy_value_binding x)));
-    value_description = (fun _ x -> copy_value_description (value_description mapper (R.copy_value_description x)));
-    with_constraint = (fun _ x -> copy_with_constraint (with_constraint mapper (R.copy_with_constraint x)));
-    payload = (fun _ x -> copy_payload (payload mapper (R.copy_payload x)));
-    (*$*)
-    (* The following ones were introduced in 4.08. *)
-    binding_op = (fun _ x -> migration_error x.pbop_op.Location.loc Def.Pexp_letop);
-    module_substitution = (fun _ x -> migration_error x.pms_loc Def.Psig_modsubst);
-    open_declaration = (fun _ x -> migration_error x.popen_loc Def.Pexp_open);
-    type_exception = (fun _ x -> migration_error x.ptyexn_loc Def.Psig_typesubst);
-  }
-module Migrate_parsetree_408_407
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-include Migrate_parsetree_408_407_migrate
-(*$ open Printf
-  let fields = [
-    "attribute"; "attributes"; "case"; "cases"; "class_declaration";
-    "class_description"; "class_expr"; "class_field"; "class_signature";
-    "class_structure"; "class_type"; "class_type_declaration";
-    "class_type_field"; "constructor_declaration"; "expr"; "extension";
-    "extension_constructor"; "include_declaration"; "include_description";
-    "label_declaration"; "location"; "module_binding"; "module_declaration";
-    "module_expr"; "module_type"; "module_type_declaration";
-    "open_description"; "pat"; "signature"; "signature_item"; "structure";
-    "structure_item"; "typ"; "type_declaration"; "type_extension";
-    "type_kind"; "value_binding"; "value_description";
-    "with_constraint"; "payload"
-  ]
-  let foreach_field f =
-    printf "\n";
-    List.iter f fields
-let copy_mapper = fun
-  ({ From.Ast_mapper.
-     (*$ foreach_field (printf "%s;\n")*)
-     attribute;
-     attributes;
-     case;
-     cases;
-     class_declaration;
-     class_description;
-     class_expr;
-     class_field;
-     class_signature;
-     class_structure;
-     class_type;
-     class_type_declaration;
-     class_type_field;
-     constructor_declaration;
-     expr;
-     extension;
-     extension_constructor;
-     include_declaration;
-     include_description;
-     label_declaration;
-     location;
-     module_binding;
-     module_declaration;
-     module_expr;
-     module_type;
-     module_type_declaration;
-     open_description;
-     pat;
-     signature;
-     signature_item;
-     structure;
-     structure_item;
-     typ;
-     type_declaration;
-     type_extension;
-     type_kind;
-     value_binding;
-     value_description;
-     with_constraint;
-     payload;
-     (*$*)
-     (* The following ones were introduced in 4.08. *)
-     binding_op = _;
-     module_substitution = _;
-     open_declaration = _;
-     type_exception = _;
-   } as mapper) ->
-  let module R = Migrate_parsetree_407_408_migrate in
-  {
-    To.Ast_mapper.
-    (*$ foreach_field (fun s ->
-        printf
-          "%s = (fun _ x -> copy_%s (%s mapper (R.copy_%s x)));\n" s s s s)
-    *)
-    attribute = (fun _ x -> copy_attribute (attribute mapper (R.copy_attribute x)));
-    attributes = (fun _ x -> copy_attributes (attributes mapper (R.copy_attributes x)));
-    case = (fun _ x -> copy_case (case mapper (R.copy_case x)));
-    cases = (fun _ x -> copy_cases (cases mapper (R.copy_cases x)));
-    class_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_declaration (class_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_declaration x)));
-    class_description = (fun _ x -> copy_class_description (class_description mapper (R.copy_class_description x)));
-    class_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_class_expr (class_expr mapper (R.copy_class_expr x)));
-    class_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_field (class_field mapper (R.copy_class_field x)));
-    class_signature = (fun _ x -> copy_class_signature (class_signature mapper (R.copy_class_signature x)));
-    class_structure = (fun _ x -> copy_class_structure (class_structure mapper (R.copy_class_structure x)));
-    class_type = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type (class_type mapper (R.copy_class_type x)));
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_declaration (class_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_type_declaration x)));
-    class_type_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_field (class_type_field mapper (R.copy_class_type_field x)));
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_constructor_declaration (constructor_declaration mapper (R.copy_constructor_declaration x)));
-    expr = (fun _ x -> copy_expr (expr mapper (R.copy_expr x)));
-    extension = (fun _ x -> copy_extension (extension mapper (R.copy_extension x)));
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ x -> copy_extension_constructor (extension_constructor mapper (R.copy_extension_constructor x)));
-    include_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_include_declaration (include_declaration mapper (R.copy_include_declaration x)));
-    include_description = (fun _ x -> copy_include_description (include_description mapper (R.copy_include_description x)));
-    label_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_label_declaration (label_declaration mapper (R.copy_label_declaration x)));
-    location = (fun _ x -> copy_location (location mapper (R.copy_location x)));
-    module_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_module_binding (module_binding mapper (R.copy_module_binding x)));
-    module_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_declaration (module_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_declaration x)));
-    module_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_module_expr (module_expr mapper (R.copy_module_expr x)));
-    module_type = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type (module_type mapper (R.copy_module_type x)));
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type_declaration (module_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_type_declaration x)));
-    open_description = (fun _ x -> copy_open_description (open_description mapper (R.copy_open_description x)));
-    pat = (fun _ x -> copy_pat (pat mapper (R.copy_pat x)));
-    signature = (fun _ x -> copy_signature (signature mapper (R.copy_signature x)));
-    signature_item = (fun _ x -> copy_signature_item (signature_item mapper (R.copy_signature_item x)));
-    structure = (fun _ x -> copy_structure (structure mapper (R.copy_structure x)));
-    structure_item = (fun _ x -> copy_structure_item (structure_item mapper (R.copy_structure_item x)));
-    typ = (fun _ x -> copy_typ (typ mapper (R.copy_typ x)));
-    type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_type_declaration (type_declaration mapper (R.copy_type_declaration x)));
-    type_extension = (fun _ x -> copy_type_extension (type_extension mapper (R.copy_type_extension x)));
-    type_kind = (fun _ x -> copy_type_kind (type_kind mapper (R.copy_type_kind x)));
-    value_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_value_binding (value_binding mapper (R.copy_value_binding x)));
-    value_description = (fun _ x -> copy_value_description (value_description mapper (R.copy_value_description x)));
-    with_constraint = (fun _ x -> copy_with_constraint (with_constraint mapper (R.copy_with_constraint x)));
-    payload = (fun _ x -> copy_payload (payload mapper (R.copy_payload x)));
-    (*$*)
-  }
-module Migrate_parsetree_408_409_migrate
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-open Stdlib0
-module From = Ast_408
-module To = Ast_409
-let rec copy_out_type_extension :
-  Ast_408.Outcometree.out_type_extension ->
-    Ast_409.Outcometree.out_type_extension
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otyext_params = otyext_params;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otyext_constructors = otyext_constructors;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otyext_private = otyext_private }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otyext_params =
-        ( (fun x -> x) otyext_params);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otyext_constructors =
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1, x2) = x in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                ( copy_out_type x2))) otyext_constructors);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otyext_private = (copy_private_flag otyext_private)
-    }
-and copy_out_phrase :
-  Ast_408.Outcometree.out_phrase -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_phrase =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Ophr_eval (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Ophr_eval ((copy_out_value x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Ophr_signature x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Ophr_signature
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in
-              ((copy_out_sig_item x0), ( copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Ophr_exception x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Ophr_exception
-        (let (x0, x1) = x0 in (x0, (copy_out_value x1)))
-and copy_out_sig_item :
-  Ast_408.Outcometree.out_sig_item -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_sig_item =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Osig_class (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_class
-        (x0, x1,
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in (x0, (let (x0, x1) = x1 in (x0, x1)))) x2),
-          (copy_out_class_type x3), (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Osig_class_type (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_class_type
-        (x0, x1,
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in (x0, (let (x0, x1) = x1 in (x0, x1)))) x2),
-          (copy_out_class_type x3), (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Osig_typext (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_typext
-        ((copy_out_extension_constructor x0), (copy_out_ext_status x1))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Osig_module (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_module
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1), (copy_out_rec_status x2))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Osig_type (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_type
-        ((copy_out_type_decl x0), (copy_out_rec_status x1))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Osig_value x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_value (copy_out_val_decl x0)
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis
-and copy_out_val_decl :
-  Ast_408.Outcometree.out_val_decl -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_val_decl =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.oval_type = oval_type;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.oval_prims = oval_prims;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.oval_attributes = oval_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oval_type = (copy_out_type oval_type);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oval_prims = ( (fun x -> x) oval_prims);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oval_attributes =
-        ( copy_out_attribute oval_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_out_type_decl :
-  Ast_408.Outcometree.out_type_decl -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_type_decl =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otype_params = otype_params;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otype_type = otype_type;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otype_private = otype_private;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otype_immediate = otype_immediate;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = otype_unboxed;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otype_cstrs = otype_cstrs }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in (x0, (let (x0, x1) = x1 in (x0, x1))))
-           otype_params);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_type = (copy_out_type otype_type);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_private = (copy_private_flag otype_private);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_immediate = otype_immediate;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = otype_unboxed;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_out_type x0), (copy_out_type x1)))
-           otype_cstrs)
-    }
-and copy_out_module_type :
-  Ast_408.Outcometree.out_module_type -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_module_type
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Omty_abstract -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_abstract
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Omty_functor (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_functor
-        (x0, ( copy_out_module_type x1), (copy_out_module_type x2))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Omty_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_ident (copy_out_ident x0)
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Omty_signature x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_signature ( copy_out_sig_item x0)
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Omty_alias x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_alias (copy_out_ident x0)
-and copy_out_ext_status :
-  Ast_408.Outcometree.out_ext_status -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_ext_status =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oext_first -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oext_first
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oext_next -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oext_next
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oext_exception -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oext_exception
-and copy_out_extension_constructor :
-  Ast_408.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor ->
-    Ast_409.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.oext_type_params = oext_type_params;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.oext_args = oext_args;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.oext_ret_type = oext_ret_type;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.oext_private = oext_private }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_type_params =
-        ( (fun x -> x) oext_type_params);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_args = ( copy_out_type oext_args);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_ret_type =
-        ( copy_out_type oext_ret_type);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_private = (copy_private_flag oext_private)
-    }
-and copy_out_rec_status :
-  Ast_408.Outcometree.out_rec_status -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_rec_status =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Orec_not -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Orec_not
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Orec_first -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Orec_first
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Orec_next -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Orec_next
-and copy_out_class_type :
-  Ast_408.Outcometree.out_class_type -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_class_type =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Octy_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Octy_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Octy_arrow (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Octy_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1), (copy_out_class_type x2))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Octy_signature (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Octy_signature
-        (( copy_out_type x0),
-          ( copy_out_class_sig_item x1))
-and copy_out_class_sig_item :
-  Ast_408.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item ->
-    Ast_409.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint
-        ((copy_out_type x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0, x1, x2, (copy_out_type x3))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0, x1, x2, (copy_out_type x3))
-and copy_out_type :
-  Ast_408.Outcometree.out_type -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_type =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_open -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_open
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_alias (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_alias ((copy_out_type x0), x1)
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1), (copy_out_type x2))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_class (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_class
-        (x0, (copy_out_ident x1), ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest
-        ((copy_out_type x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_object (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_object
-        (( (fun x -> let (x0, x1) = x in (x0, (copy_out_type x1))) x0),
-          ( (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_record x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_record
-        (
-           (fun x -> let (x0, x1, x2) = x in (x0, x1, (copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0 -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_sum x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_sum
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1, x2) = x in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                ( copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple ( copy_out_type x0)
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0, x1)
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_variant (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_variant
-        (x0, (copy_out_variant x1), x2,
-          ( (fun x -> (fun x -> x) x) x3))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_poly (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_poly
-        (( (fun x -> x) x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_module (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_module
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), ( (fun x -> x) x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute
-        ((copy_out_type x0), (copy_out_attribute x1))
-and copy_out_attribute :
-  Ast_408.Outcometree.out_attribute -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_attribute =
-  fun { Ast_408.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name } ->
-    { Ast_409.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }
-and copy_out_variant :
-  Ast_408.Outcometree.out_variant -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_variant =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Ovar_fields x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Ovar_fields
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1, x2) = x in (x0, x1, ( copy_out_type x2)))
-           x0)
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Ovar_typ x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Ovar_typ (copy_out_type x0)
-and copy_out_value :
-  Ast_408.Outcometree.out_value -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_value =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_array x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_array ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_char x0 -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_char x0
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), ( copy_out_value x1))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_float x0 -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_float x0
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_int x0 -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_int x0
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0 -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0 -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_list x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_list ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_record x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_record
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_out_ident x0), (copy_out_value x1)))
-           x0)
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_string (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_string (x0, x1, (copy_out_string x2))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0 -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_tuple ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0, ( copy_out_value x1))
-and copy_out_string :
-  Ast_408.Outcometree.out_string -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_string =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Ostr_string -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Ostr_string
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Ostr_bytes -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Ostr_bytes
-and copy_out_ident :
-  Ast_408.Outcometree.out_ident -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_ident =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oide_apply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oide_apply
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), (copy_out_ident x1))
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oide_dot (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oide_dot ((copy_out_ident x0), x1)
-  | Ast_408.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oide_ident (copy_out_name x0)
-and copy_out_name :
-  Ast_408.Outcometree.out_name -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_name =
-  fun { Ast_408.Outcometree.printed_name = printed_name } ->
-    { Ast_409.Outcometree.printed_name = printed_name }
-and copy_toplevel_phrase :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> Ast_409.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptop_def x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptop_def (copy_structure x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptop_dir x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptop_dir (copy_toplevel_directive x0)
-and copy_toplevel_directive :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.toplevel_directive ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.toplevel_directive
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pdir_name = pdir_name;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pdir_arg = pdir_arg;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pdir_loc = pdir_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pdir_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pdir_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pdir_arg =
-        ( copy_directive_argument pdir_arg);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pdir_loc = (copy_location pdir_loc)
-    }
-and copy_directive_argument :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.directive_argument ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.directive_argument
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pdira_desc = pdira_desc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pdira_loc = pdira_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pdira_desc =
-        (copy_directive_argument_desc pdira_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pdira_loc = (copy_location pdira_loc)
-    }
-and copy_directive_argument_desc :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.directive_argument_desc ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.directive_argument_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0 -> Ast_409.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0, ( (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pdir_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pdir_ident (copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0 -> Ast_409.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0
-and copy_typ : Ast_408.Parsetree.typ -> Ast_409.Parsetree.typ =
-  fun x -> copy_core_type x
-and copy_pat : Ast_408.Parsetree.pat -> Ast_409.Parsetree.pat =
-  fun x -> copy_pattern x
-and copy_expr : Ast_408.Parsetree.expr -> Ast_409.Parsetree.expr =
-  fun x -> copy_expression x
-and copy_expression :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.expression -> Ast_409.Parsetree.expression =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pexp_loc_stack = pexp_loc_stack;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pexp_desc = (copy_expression_desc pexp_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pexp_loc = (copy_location pexp_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pexp_loc_stack =
-        ( copy_location pexp_loc_stack);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = (copy_attributes pexp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_expression_desc :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.expression_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.expression_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_ident (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_function (copy_cases x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0), ( copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2), (copy_expression x3))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_apply
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0), (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_match ((copy_expression x0), (copy_cases x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_try ((copy_expression x0), (copy_cases x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple ( copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_variant
-        ((copy_label x0), ( copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_record
-        ((
-            (fun x ->
-               let (x0, x1) = x in
-               ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_expression x1))) x0),
-          ( copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_field
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_array ( copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_expression x1),
-          ( copy_expression x2))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_while
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_for
-        ((copy_pattern x0), (copy_expression x1), (copy_expression x2),
-          (copy_direction_flag x3), (copy_expression x4))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce
-        ((copy_expression x0), ( copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_send
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_loc copy_label x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_new (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar
-        ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_override
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in
-              ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_expression x1))) x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule
-        ((copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0), (copy_module_expr x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception
-        ((copy_extension_constructor x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_assert (copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy (copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_poly
-        ((copy_expression x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_object (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype
-        ((copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_pack (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_open
-        ((copy_open_declaration x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_letop x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_letop (copy_letop x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable -> Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable
-and copy_letop : Ast_408.Parsetree.letop -> Ast_409.Parsetree.letop =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.let_ = let_; Ast_408.Parsetree.ands = ands;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.body = body }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.let_ = (copy_binding_op let_);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ands = ( copy_binding_op ands);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.body = (copy_expression body)
-    }
-and copy_binding_op :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.binding_op -> Ast_409.Parsetree.binding_op =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pbop_op = pbop_op;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pbop_pat = pbop_pat;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pbop_exp = pbop_exp;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pbop_loc = pbop_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pbop_op = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pbop_op);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pbop_pat = (copy_pattern pbop_pat);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pbop_exp = (copy_expression pbop_exp);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pbop_loc = (copy_location pbop_loc)
-    }
-and copy_direction_flag :
-  Ast_408.Asttypes.direction_flag -> Ast_409.Asttypes.direction_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Upto -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Upto
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Downto -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Downto
-and copy_cases : Ast_408.Parsetree.cases -> Ast_409.Parsetree.cases =
-  fun x -> copy_case x
-and copy_case : -> =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pc_lhs = (copy_pattern pc_lhs);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pc_guard = ( copy_expression pc_guard);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pc_rhs = (copy_expression pc_rhs)
-    }
-and copy_value_binding :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.value_binding -> Ast_409.Parsetree.value_binding =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pvb_pat = (copy_pattern pvb_pat);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pvb_expr = (copy_expression pvb_expr);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = (copy_attributes pvb_attributes);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pvb_loc = (copy_location pvb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_pattern : Ast_408.Parsetree.pattern -> Ast_409.Parsetree.pattern =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ppat_loc_stack = ppat_loc_stack;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ppat_desc = (copy_pattern_desc ppat_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ppat_loc = (copy_location ppat_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ppat_loc_stack =
-        ( copy_location ppat_loc_stack);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = (copy_attributes ppat_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_pattern_desc :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.pattern_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.pattern_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_any -> Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_any
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_var (copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_alias
-        ((copy_pattern x0), (copy_loc (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_interval
-        ((copy_constant x0), (copy_constant x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_pattern x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_variant
-        ((copy_label x0), ( copy_pattern x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_record
-        ((
-            (fun x ->
-               let (x0, x1) = x in
-               ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_pattern x1))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_array ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_or ((copy_pattern x0), (copy_pattern x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint
-        ((copy_pattern x0), (copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_type (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy (copy_pattern x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack (copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_exception (copy_pattern x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_open (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_open
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_pattern x1))
-and copy_core_type :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.core_type -> Ast_409.Parsetree.core_type =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyp_loc_stack = ptyp_loc_stack;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = (copy_core_type_desc ptyp_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = (copy_location ptyp_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyp_loc_stack =
-        ( copy_location ptyp_loc_stack);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = (copy_attributes ptyp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_core_type_desc :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.core_type_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.core_type_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_any -> Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_any
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 -> Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0), (copy_core_type x1), (copy_core_type x2))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_object
-        (( copy_object_field x0), (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_class
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias ((copy_core_type x0), x1)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant
-        (( copy_row_field x0), (copy_closed_flag x1),
-          ( (fun x -> copy_label x) x2))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly
-        (( (fun x -> copy_loc (fun x -> x) x) x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_package (copy_package_type x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_package_type :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.package_type -> Ast_409.Parsetree.package_type =
-  fun x ->
-    let (x0, x1) = x in
-    ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0),
-      (
-         (fun x ->
-            let (x0, x1) = x in
-            ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_core_type x1))) x1))
-and copy_row_field :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.row_field -> Ast_409.Parsetree.row_field =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.prf_desc = prf_desc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.prf_loc = prf_loc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.prf_attributes = prf_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.prf_desc = (copy_row_field_desc prf_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.prf_loc = (copy_location prf_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.prf_attributes = (copy_attributes prf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_row_field_desc :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.row_field_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.row_field_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Rtag (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Rtag
-        ((copy_loc copy_label x0), x1, ( copy_core_type x2))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Rinherit (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_object_field :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.object_field -> Ast_409.Parsetree.object_field =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pof_desc = pof_desc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pof_loc = pof_loc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pof_attributes = pof_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pof_desc = (copy_object_field_desc pof_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pof_loc = (copy_location pof_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pof_attributes = (copy_attributes pof_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_attributes :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.attributes -> Ast_409.Parsetree.attributes =
-  fun x -> copy_attribute x
-and copy_attribute :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.attribute -> Ast_409.Parsetree.attribute =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.attr_name = attr_name;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.attr_payload = attr_payload;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.attr_loc = attr_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.attr_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) attr_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.attr_payload = (copy_payload attr_payload);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.attr_loc = (copy_location attr_loc)
-    }
-and copy_payload : Ast_408.Parsetree.payload -> Ast_409.Parsetree.payload =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.PStr x0 -> Ast_409.Parsetree.PStr (copy_structure x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.PSig x0 -> Ast_409.Parsetree.PSig (copy_signature x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.PTyp x0 -> Ast_409.Parsetree.PTyp (copy_core_type x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.PPat (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.PPat
-        ((copy_pattern x0), ( copy_expression x1))
-and copy_structure :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.structure -> Ast_409.Parsetree.structure =
-  fun x -> copy_structure_item x
-and copy_structure_item :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.structure_item -> Ast_409.Parsetree.structure_item =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pstr_desc = (copy_structure_item_desc pstr_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pstr_loc = (copy_location pstr_loc)
-    }
-and copy_structure_item_desc :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.structure_item_desc ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_eval
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_attributes x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_value
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_value_binding x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive (copy_value_description x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_type (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_typext (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_exception (copy_type_exception x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_module (copy_module_binding x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule ( copy_module_binding x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_open x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_open (copy_open_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_class ( copy_class_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_include (copy_include_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0), (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_include_declaration :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.include_declaration ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.include_declaration
-  = fun x -> copy_include_infos copy_module_expr x
-and copy_class_declaration :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.class_declaration -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_declaration
-  = fun x -> copy_class_infos copy_class_expr x
-and copy_class_expr :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.class_expr -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_expr =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcl_desc = (copy_class_expr_desc pcl_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcl_loc = (copy_location pcl_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = (copy_attributes pcl_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_expr_desc :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_structure (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0), ( copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2), (copy_class_expr x3))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_apply
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0), (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_class_expr x2))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint
-        ((copy_class_expr x0), (copy_class_type x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcl_open (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_open
-        ((copy_open_description x0), (copy_class_expr x1))
-and copy_class_structure :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.class_structure -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_structure =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcstr_self = (copy_pattern pcstr_self);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcstr_fields =
-        ( copy_class_field pcstr_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_field :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.class_field -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_field =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcf_desc = (copy_class_field_desc pcf_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcf_loc = (copy_location pcf_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = (copy_attributes pcf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_field_desc :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.class_field_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_field_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit
-        ((copy_override_flag x0), (copy_class_expr x1),
-          ( (fun x -> copy_loc (fun x -> x) x) x2))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_val
-        (let (x0, x1, x2) = x0 in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_method
-        (let (x0, x1, x2) = x0 in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint
-        (let (x0, x1) = x0 in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer (copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_field_kind :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.class_field_kind -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_field_kind =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual (copy_core_type x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete
-        ((copy_override_flag x0), (copy_expression x1))
-and copy_open_declaration :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.open_declaration -> Ast_409.Parsetree.open_declaration =
-  fun x -> copy_open_infos copy_module_expr x
-and copy_module_binding :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.module_binding -> Ast_409.Parsetree.module_binding =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmb_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pmb_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmb_expr = (copy_module_expr pmb_expr);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = (copy_attributes pmb_attributes);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmb_loc = (copy_location pmb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.module_expr -> Ast_409.Parsetree.module_expr =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmod_desc = (copy_module_expr_desc pmod_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmod_loc = (copy_location pmod_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = (copy_attributes pmod_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr_desc :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.module_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_ident (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_structure (copy_structure x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0), ( copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_expr x2))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_apply
-        ((copy_module_expr x0), (copy_module_expr x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint
-        ((copy_module_expr x0), (copy_module_type x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack (copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_module_type :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.module_type -> Ast_409.Parsetree.module_type =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmty_desc = (copy_module_type_desc pmty_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmty_loc = (copy_location pmty_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = (copy_attributes pmty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_type_desc :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.module_type_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.module_type_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_ident (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_signature (copy_signature x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0), ( copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_type x2))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_with
-        ((copy_module_type x0), ( copy_with_constraint x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_alias (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-and copy_with_constraint :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.with_constraint -> Ast_409.Parsetree.with_constraint =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pwith_type
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pwith_module
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x1))
-and copy_signature :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.signature -> Ast_409.Parsetree.signature =
-  fun x -> copy_signature_item x
-and copy_signature_item :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.signature_item -> Ast_409.Parsetree.signature_item =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.psig_desc = (copy_signature_item_desc psig_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.psig_loc = (copy_location psig_loc)
-    }
-and copy_signature_item_desc :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.signature_item_desc ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_value (copy_value_description x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_type (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_typesubst x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_typesubst ( copy_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_typext (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_exception (copy_type_exception x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_module (copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_modsubst x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_modsubst (copy_module_substitution x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule ( copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_modtype (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_open (copy_open_description x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_include (copy_include_description x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_class ( copy_class_description x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0), (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_class_type_declaration :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.class_type_declaration ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type_declaration
-  = fun x -> copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_description :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.class_description -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_description
-  = fun x -> copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_type :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.class_type -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcty_desc = (copy_class_type_desc pcty_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcty_loc = (copy_location pcty_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = (copy_attributes pcty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_desc :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.class_type_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_signature (copy_class_signature x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0), (copy_core_type x1), (copy_class_type x2))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcty_open (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_open
-        ((copy_open_description x0), (copy_class_type x1))
-and copy_class_signature :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.class_signature -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_signature =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcsig_self = (copy_core_type pcsig_self);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcsig_fields =
-        ( copy_class_type_field pcsig_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.class_type_field -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type_field =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pctf_desc = (copy_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pctf_loc = (copy_location pctf_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = (copy_attributes pctf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field_desc :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit (copy_class_type x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_val
-        (let (x0, x1, x2, x3) = x0 in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2), (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_method
-        (let (x0, x1, x2, x3) = x0 in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2), (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint
-        (let (x0, x1) = x0 in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_extension :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.extension -> Ast_409.Parsetree.extension =
-  fun x ->
-    let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0), (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_class_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 Ast_408.Parsetree.class_infos -> 'g0 Ast_409.Parsetree.class_infos
-  =
-  fun f0 ->
-    fun
-      { Ast_408.Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name;
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-      ->
-      {
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_virt = (copy_virtual_flag pci_virt);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_params =
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_variance x1)))
-             pci_params);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pci_name);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_expr = (f0 pci_expr);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_loc = (copy_location pci_loc);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_attributes = (copy_attributes pci_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_virtual_flag :
-  Ast_408.Asttypes.virtual_flag -> Ast_409.Asttypes.virtual_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Virtual -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Virtual
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Concrete -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Concrete
-and copy_include_description :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.include_description ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.include_description
-  = fun x -> copy_include_infos copy_module_type x
-and copy_include_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 Ast_408.Parsetree.include_infos ->
-        'g0 Ast_409.Parsetree.include_infos
-  =
-  fun f0 ->
-    fun
-      { Ast_408.Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-      ->
-      {
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pincl_mod = (f0 pincl_mod);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pincl_loc = (copy_location pincl_loc);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pincl_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pincl_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_open_description :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.open_description -> Ast_409.Parsetree.open_description =
-  fun x -> copy_open_infos (fun x -> copy_loc copy_Longident_t x) x
-and copy_open_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 Ast_408.Parsetree.open_infos -> 'g0 Ast_409.Parsetree.open_infos
-  =
-  fun f0 ->
-    fun
-      { Ast_408.Parsetree.popen_expr = popen_expr;
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-      ->
-      {
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.popen_expr = (f0 popen_expr);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.popen_override =
-          (copy_override_flag popen_override);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.popen_loc = (copy_location popen_loc);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.popen_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes popen_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_override_flag :
-  Ast_408.Asttypes.override_flag -> Ast_409.Asttypes.override_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Override -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Override
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Fresh -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Fresh
-and copy_module_type_declaration :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.module_type_declaration ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmtd_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pmtd_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmtd_type = ( copy_module_type pmtd_type);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = (copy_attributes pmtd_attributes);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = (copy_location pmtd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_substitution :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.module_substitution ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.module_substitution
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pms_name = pms_name;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pms_manifest = pms_manifest;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pms_attributes = pms_attributes;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pms_loc = pms_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pms_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pms_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pms_manifest =
-        (copy_loc copy_Longident_t pms_manifest);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pms_attributes = (copy_attributes pms_attributes);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pms_loc = (copy_location pms_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_declaration :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.module_declaration ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.module_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmd_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pmd_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmd_type = (copy_module_type pmd_type);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = (copy_attributes pmd_attributes);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmd_loc = (copy_location pmd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_type_exception :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.type_exception -> Ast_409.Parsetree.type_exception =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyexn_constructor = ptyexn_constructor;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyexn_loc = ptyexn_loc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyexn_attributes = ptyexn_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyexn_constructor =
-        (copy_extension_constructor ptyexn_constructor);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyexn_loc = (copy_location ptyexn_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyexn_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyexn_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_type_extension :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.type_extension -> Ast_409.Parsetree.type_extension =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyext_loc = ptyext_loc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_path = (copy_loc copy_Longident_t ptyext_path);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_params =
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_variance x1)))
-           ptyext_params);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors =
-        ( copy_extension_constructor ptyext_constructors);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_private = (copy_private_flag ptyext_private);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_loc = (copy_location ptyext_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.extension_constructor ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pext_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pext_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pext_kind =
-        (copy_extension_constructor_kind pext_kind);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pext_loc = (copy_location pext_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pext_attributes = (copy_attributes pext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor_kind :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pext_decl
-        ((copy_constructor_arguments x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pext_rebind (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-and copy_type_declaration :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.type_declaration -> Ast_409.Parsetree.type_declaration =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) ptype_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_variance x1)))
-           ptype_params);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1, x2) = x in
-              ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_core_type x1), (copy_location x2)))
-           ptype_cstrs);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_kind = (copy_type_kind ptype_kind);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_private = (copy_private_flag ptype_private);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_manifest =
-        ( copy_core_type ptype_manifest);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = (copy_attributes ptype_attributes);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_loc = (copy_location ptype_loc)
-    }
-and copy_private_flag :
-  Ast_408.Asttypes.private_flag -> Ast_409.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Private -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Private
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Public -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_type_kind :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.type_kind -> Ast_409.Parsetree.type_kind =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract -> Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptype_variant
-        ( copy_constructor_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptype_record ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptype_open -> Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptype_open
-and copy_constructor_declaration :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.constructor_declaration ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pcd_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_args = (copy_constructor_arguments pcd_args);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_res = ( copy_core_type pcd_res);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_loc = (copy_location pcd_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = (copy_attributes pcd_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_constructor_arguments :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.constructor_arguments ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.constructor_arguments
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcstr_record x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcstr_record ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-and copy_label_declaration :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.label_declaration -> Ast_409.Parsetree.label_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pld_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_mutable = (copy_mutable_flag pld_mutable);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_type = (copy_core_type pld_type);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_loc = (copy_location pld_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_attributes = (copy_attributes pld_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_mutable_flag :
-  Ast_408.Asttypes.mutable_flag -> Ast_409.Asttypes.mutable_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Immutable -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Immutable
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Mutable -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Mutable
-and copy_variance : Ast_408.Asttypes.variance -> Ast_409.Asttypes.variance =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Covariant -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Covariant
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Contravariant -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Contravariant
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Invariant -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Invariant
-and copy_value_description :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.value_description -> Ast_409.Parsetree.value_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pval_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_type = (copy_core_type pval_type);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_prim = ( (fun x -> x) pval_prim);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_attributes = (copy_attributes pval_attributes);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_loc = (copy_location pval_loc)
-    }
-and copy_object_field_desc :
-  Ast_408.Parsetree.object_field_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.object_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Otag (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Otag ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Oinherit x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Oinherit (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_arg_label : Ast_408.Asttypes.arg_label -> Ast_409.Asttypes.arg_label
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Nolabel -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Nolabel
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Labelled x0 -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Labelled x0
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Optional x0 -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Optional x0
-and copy_closed_flag :
-  Ast_408.Asttypes.closed_flag -> Ast_409.Asttypes.closed_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Closed -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Closed
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Open -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Open
-and copy_label : Ast_408.Asttypes.label -> Ast_409.Asttypes.label =
-  fun x -> x
-and copy_rec_flag : Ast_408.Asttypes.rec_flag -> Ast_409.Asttypes.rec_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Nonrecursive -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Nonrecursive
-  | Ast_408.Asttypes.Recursive -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Recursive
-and copy_constant : Ast_408.Parsetree.constant -> Ast_409.Parsetree.constant
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0, ( (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0 -> Ast_409.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0, ( (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_408.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0, ( (fun x -> x) x1))
-and copy_Longident_t : Ast_408.Longident.t -> Ast_409.Longident.t =
-  function
-  | Ast_408.Longident.Lident x0 -> Ast_409.Longident.Lident x0
-  | Ast_408.Longident.Ldot (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Longident.Ldot ((copy_Longident_t x0), x1)
-  | Ast_408.Longident.Lapply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Longident.Lapply ((copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_Longident_t x1))
-and copy_loc :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 Ast_408.Asttypes.loc -> 'g0 Ast_409.Asttypes.loc
-  =
-  fun f0 ->
-    fun { Ast_408.Asttypes.txt = txt; Ast_408.Asttypes.loc = loc } ->
-      {
-        Ast_409.Asttypes.txt = (f0 txt);
-        Ast_409.Asttypes.loc = (copy_location loc)
-      }
-and copy_location : Ast_408.Location.t -> Ast_409.Location.t =
-  fun
-    { Ast_408.Location.loc_start = loc_start;
-      Ast_408.Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-      Ast_408.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Location.loc_start = (copy_position loc_start);
-      Ast_409.Location.loc_end = (copy_position loc_end);
-      Ast_409.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost
-    }
-and copy_position : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position =
-  fun
-    { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-    ->
-    {
-      Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname;
-      Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol;
-      Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum
-    }
-module Migrate_parsetree_409_408_migrate
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-open Stdlib0
-module From = Ast_409
-module To = Ast_408
-let rec copy_out_type_extension :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_type_extension ->
-    Ast_408.Outcometree.out_type_extension
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otyext_params = otyext_params;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otyext_constructors = otyext_constructors;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otyext_private = otyext_private }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otyext_params =
-        ( (fun x -> x) otyext_params);
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otyext_constructors =
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1, x2) = x in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                ( copy_out_type x2))) otyext_constructors);
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otyext_private = (copy_private_flag otyext_private)
-    }
-and copy_out_phrase :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_phrase -> Ast_408.Outcometree.out_phrase =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ophr_eval (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Ophr_eval ((copy_out_value x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ophr_signature x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Ophr_signature
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in
-              ((copy_out_sig_item x0), ( copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ophr_exception x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Ophr_exception
-        (let (x0, x1) = x0 in (x0, (copy_out_value x1)))
-and copy_out_sig_item :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_sig_item -> Ast_408.Outcometree.out_sig_item =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_class (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Osig_class
-        (x0, x1,
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in (x0, (let (x0, x1) = x1 in (x0, x1)))) x2),
-          (copy_out_class_type x3), (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_class_type (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Osig_class_type
-        (x0, x1,
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in (x0, (let (x0, x1) = x1 in (x0, x1)))) x2),
-          (copy_out_class_type x3), (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_typext (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Osig_typext
-        ((copy_out_extension_constructor x0), (copy_out_ext_status x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_module (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Osig_module
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1), (copy_out_rec_status x2))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_type (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Osig_type
-        ((copy_out_type_decl x0), (copy_out_rec_status x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_value x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Osig_value (copy_out_val_decl x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis
-and copy_out_val_decl :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_val_decl -> Ast_408.Outcometree.out_val_decl =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oval_type = oval_type;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oval_prims = oval_prims;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oval_attributes = oval_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.oval_type = (copy_out_type oval_type);
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.oval_prims = ( (fun x -> x) oval_prims);
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.oval_attributes =
-        ( copy_out_attribute oval_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_out_type_decl :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_type_decl -> Ast_408.Outcometree.out_type_decl =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_params = otype_params;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_type = otype_type;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_private = otype_private;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_immediate = otype_immediate;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = otype_unboxed;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_cstrs = otype_cstrs }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in (x0, (let (x0, x1) = x1 in (x0, x1))))
-           otype_params);
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otype_type = (copy_out_type otype_type);
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otype_private = (copy_private_flag otype_private);
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otype_immediate = otype_immediate;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = otype_unboxed;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.otype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_out_type x0), (copy_out_type x1)))
-           otype_cstrs)
-    }
-and copy_out_module_type :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_module_type -> Ast_408.Outcometree.out_module_type
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_abstract -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Omty_abstract
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_functor (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Omty_functor
-        (x0, ( copy_out_module_type x1), (copy_out_module_type x2))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Omty_ident (copy_out_ident x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_signature x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Omty_signature ( copy_out_sig_item x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_alias x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Omty_alias (copy_out_ident x0)
-and copy_out_ext_status :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_ext_status -> Ast_408.Outcometree.out_ext_status =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oext_first -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Oext_first
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oext_next -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Oext_next
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oext_exception -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Oext_exception
-and copy_out_extension_constructor :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor ->
-    Ast_408.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_type_params = oext_type_params;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_args = oext_args;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_ret_type = oext_ret_type;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_private = oext_private }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.oext_type_params =
-        ( (fun x -> x) oext_type_params);
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.oext_args = ( copy_out_type oext_args);
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.oext_ret_type =
-        ( copy_out_type oext_ret_type);
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.oext_private = (copy_private_flag oext_private)
-    }
-and copy_out_rec_status :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_rec_status -> Ast_408.Outcometree.out_rec_status =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Orec_not -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Orec_not
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Orec_first -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Orec_first
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Orec_next -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Orec_next
-and copy_out_class_type :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_class_type -> Ast_408.Outcometree.out_class_type =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Octy_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Octy_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Octy_arrow (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Octy_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1), (copy_out_class_type x2))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Octy_signature (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Octy_signature
-        (( copy_out_type x0),
-          ( copy_out_class_sig_item x1))
-and copy_out_class_sig_item :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item ->
-    Ast_408.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint
-        ((copy_out_type x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0, x1, x2, (copy_out_type x3))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0, x1, x2, (copy_out_type x3))
-and copy_out_type :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_type -> Ast_408.Outcometree.out_type =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_open -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_open
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_alias (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_alias ((copy_out_type x0), x1)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1), (copy_out_type x2))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_class (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_class
-        (x0, (copy_out_ident x1), ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest
-        ((copy_out_type x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_object (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_object
-        (( (fun x -> let (x0, x1) = x in (x0, (copy_out_type x1))) x0),
-          ( (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_record x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_record
-        (
-           (fun x -> let (x0, x1, x2) = x in (x0, x1, (copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0 -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_sum x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_sum
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1, x2) = x in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                ( copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple ( copy_out_type x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0, x1)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_variant (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_variant
-        (x0, (copy_out_variant x1), x2,
-          ( (fun x -> (fun x -> x) x) x3))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_poly (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_poly
-        (( (fun x -> x) x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_module (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_module
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), ( (fun x -> x) x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute
-        ((copy_out_type x0), (copy_out_attribute x1))
-and copy_out_attribute :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_attribute -> Ast_408.Outcometree.out_attribute =
-  fun { Ast_409.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name } ->
-    { Ast_408.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }
-and copy_out_variant :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_variant -> Ast_408.Outcometree.out_variant =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ovar_fields x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Ovar_fields
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1, x2) = x in (x0, x1, ( copy_out_type x2)))
-           x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ovar_typ x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Ovar_typ (copy_out_type x0)
-and copy_out_value :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_value -> Ast_408.Outcometree.out_value =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_array x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_array ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_char x0 -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_char x0
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), ( copy_out_value x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_float x0 -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_float x0
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_int x0 -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_int x0
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0 -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0 -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_list x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_list ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_record x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_record
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_out_ident x0), (copy_out_value x1)))
-           x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_string (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_string (x0, x1, (copy_out_string x2))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0 -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_tuple ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0, ( copy_out_value x1))
-and copy_out_string :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_string -> Ast_408.Outcometree.out_string =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ostr_string -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Ostr_string
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ostr_bytes -> Ast_408.Outcometree.Ostr_bytes
-and copy_out_ident :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_ident -> Ast_408.Outcometree.out_ident =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oide_apply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Oide_apply
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), (copy_out_ident x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oide_dot (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Oide_dot ((copy_out_ident x0), x1)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Outcometree.Oide_ident (copy_out_name x0)
-and copy_out_name :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_name -> Ast_408.Outcometree.out_name =
-  fun { Ast_409.Outcometree.printed_name = printed_name } ->
-    { Ast_408.Outcometree.printed_name = printed_name }
-and copy_toplevel_phrase :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> Ast_408.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptop_def x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptop_def (copy_structure x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptop_dir x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptop_dir (copy_toplevel_directive x0)
-and copy_toplevel_directive :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.toplevel_directive ->
-    Ast_408.Parsetree.toplevel_directive
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pdir_name = pdir_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pdir_arg = pdir_arg;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pdir_loc = pdir_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pdir_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pdir_name);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pdir_arg =
-        ( copy_directive_argument pdir_arg);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pdir_loc = (copy_location pdir_loc)
-    }
-and copy_directive_argument :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.directive_argument ->
-    Ast_408.Parsetree.directive_argument
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pdira_desc = pdira_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pdira_loc = pdira_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pdira_desc =
-        (copy_directive_argument_desc pdira_desc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pdira_loc = (copy_location pdira_loc)
-    }
-and copy_directive_argument_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.directive_argument_desc ->
-    Ast_408.Parsetree.directive_argument_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0 -> Ast_408.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0, ( (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pdir_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pdir_ident (copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0 -> Ast_408.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0
-and copy_typ : Ast_409.Parsetree.typ -> Ast_408.Parsetree.typ =
-  fun x -> copy_core_type x
-and copy_pat : Ast_409.Parsetree.pat -> Ast_408.Parsetree.pat =
-  fun x -> copy_pattern x
-and copy_expr : Ast_409.Parsetree.expr -> Ast_408.Parsetree.expr =
-  fun x -> copy_expression x
-and copy_expression :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.expression -> Ast_408.Parsetree.expression =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pexp_loc_stack = pexp_loc_stack;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pexp_desc = (copy_expression_desc pexp_desc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pexp_loc = (copy_location pexp_loc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pexp_loc_stack =
-        ( copy_location pexp_loc_stack);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = (copy_attributes pexp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_expression_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.expression_desc -> Ast_408.Parsetree.expression_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_ident (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_function (copy_cases x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0), ( copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2), (copy_expression x3))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_apply
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0), (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_match ((copy_expression x0), (copy_cases x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_try ((copy_expression x0), (copy_cases x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple ( copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_variant
-        ((copy_label x0), ( copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_record
-        ((
-            (fun x ->
-               let (x0, x1) = x in
-               ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_expression x1))) x0),
-          ( copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_field
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_array ( copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_expression x1),
-          ( copy_expression x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_while
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_for
-        ((copy_pattern x0), (copy_expression x1), (copy_expression x2),
-          (copy_direction_flag x3), (copy_expression x4))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce
-        ((copy_expression x0), ( copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_send
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_loc copy_label x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_new (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar
-        ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_override
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in
-              ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_expression x1))) x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule
-        ((copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0), (copy_module_expr x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception
-        ((copy_extension_constructor x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_assert (copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy (copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_poly
-        ((copy_expression x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_object (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype
-        ((copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_pack (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_open
-        ((copy_open_declaration x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_letop x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_letop (copy_letop x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable -> Ast_408.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable
-and copy_letop : Ast_409.Parsetree.letop -> Ast_408.Parsetree.letop =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.let_ = let_; Ast_409.Parsetree.ands = ands;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.body = body }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.let_ = (copy_binding_op let_);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ands = ( copy_binding_op ands);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.body = (copy_expression body)
-    }
-and copy_binding_op :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.binding_op -> Ast_408.Parsetree.binding_op =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pbop_op = pbop_op;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pbop_pat = pbop_pat;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pbop_exp = pbop_exp;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pbop_loc = pbop_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pbop_op = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pbop_op);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pbop_pat = (copy_pattern pbop_pat);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pbop_exp = (copy_expression pbop_exp);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pbop_loc = (copy_location pbop_loc)
-    }
-and copy_direction_flag :
-  Ast_409.Asttypes.direction_flag -> Ast_408.Asttypes.direction_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Upto -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Upto
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Downto -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Downto
-and copy_cases : Ast_409.Parsetree.cases -> Ast_408.Parsetree.cases =
-  fun x -> copy_case x
-and copy_case : -> =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pc_lhs = (copy_pattern pc_lhs);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pc_guard = ( copy_expression pc_guard);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pc_rhs = (copy_expression pc_rhs)
-    }
-and copy_value_binding :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.value_binding -> Ast_408.Parsetree.value_binding =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pvb_pat = (copy_pattern pvb_pat);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pvb_expr = (copy_expression pvb_expr);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = (copy_attributes pvb_attributes);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pvb_loc = (copy_location pvb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_pattern : Ast_409.Parsetree.pattern -> Ast_408.Parsetree.pattern =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ppat_loc_stack = ppat_loc_stack;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ppat_desc = (copy_pattern_desc ppat_desc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ppat_loc = (copy_location ppat_loc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ppat_loc_stack =
-        ( copy_location ppat_loc_stack);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = (copy_attributes ppat_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_pattern_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.pattern_desc -> Ast_408.Parsetree.pattern_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_any -> Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_any
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_var (copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_alias
-        ((copy_pattern x0), (copy_loc (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_interval
-        ((copy_constant x0), (copy_constant x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_pattern x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_variant
-        ((copy_label x0), ( copy_pattern x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_record
-        ((
-            (fun x ->
-               let (x0, x1) = x in
-               ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_pattern x1))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_array ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_or ((copy_pattern x0), (copy_pattern x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint
-        ((copy_pattern x0), (copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_type (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy (copy_pattern x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack (copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_exception (copy_pattern x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_open (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ppat_open
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_pattern x1))
-and copy_core_type :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.core_type -> Ast_408.Parsetree.core_type =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyp_loc_stack = ptyp_loc_stack;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = (copy_core_type_desc ptyp_desc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = (copy_location ptyp_loc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyp_loc_stack =
-        ( copy_location ptyp_loc_stack);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = (copy_attributes ptyp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_core_type_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.core_type_desc -> Ast_408.Parsetree.core_type_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_any -> Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_any
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 -> Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0), (copy_core_type x1), (copy_core_type x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_object
-        (( copy_object_field x0), (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_class
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias ((copy_core_type x0), x1)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant
-        (( copy_row_field x0), (copy_closed_flag x1),
-          ( (fun x -> copy_label x) x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly
-        (( (fun x -> copy_loc (fun x -> x) x) x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_package (copy_package_type x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_package_type :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.package_type -> Ast_408.Parsetree.package_type =
-  fun x ->
-    let (x0, x1) = x in
-    ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0),
-      (
-         (fun x ->
-            let (x0, x1) = x in
-            ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_core_type x1))) x1))
-and copy_row_field :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.row_field -> Ast_408.Parsetree.row_field =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.prf_desc = prf_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.prf_loc = prf_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.prf_attributes = prf_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.prf_desc = (copy_row_field_desc prf_desc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.prf_loc = (copy_location prf_loc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.prf_attributes = (copy_attributes prf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_row_field_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.row_field_desc -> Ast_408.Parsetree.row_field_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Rtag (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Rtag
-        ((copy_loc copy_label x0), x1, ( copy_core_type x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Rinherit (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_object_field :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.object_field -> Ast_408.Parsetree.object_field =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pof_desc = pof_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pof_loc = pof_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pof_attributes = pof_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pof_desc = (copy_object_field_desc pof_desc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pof_loc = (copy_location pof_loc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pof_attributes = (copy_attributes pof_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_attributes :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.attributes -> Ast_408.Parsetree.attributes =
-  fun x -> copy_attribute x
-and copy_attribute :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.attribute -> Ast_408.Parsetree.attribute =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.attr_name = attr_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.attr_payload = attr_payload;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.attr_loc = attr_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.attr_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) attr_name);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.attr_payload = (copy_payload attr_payload);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.attr_loc = (copy_location attr_loc)
-    }
-and copy_payload : Ast_409.Parsetree.payload -> Ast_408.Parsetree.payload =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.PStr x0 -> Ast_408.Parsetree.PStr (copy_structure x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.PSig x0 -> Ast_408.Parsetree.PSig (copy_signature x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.PTyp x0 -> Ast_408.Parsetree.PTyp (copy_core_type x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.PPat (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.PPat
-        ((copy_pattern x0), ( copy_expression x1))
-and copy_structure :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.structure -> Ast_408.Parsetree.structure =
-  fun x -> copy_structure_item x
-and copy_structure_item :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.structure_item -> Ast_408.Parsetree.structure_item =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pstr_desc = (copy_structure_item_desc pstr_desc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pstr_loc = (copy_location pstr_loc)
-    }
-and copy_structure_item_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.structure_item_desc ->
-    Ast_408.Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_eval
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_attributes x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_value
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_value_binding x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive (copy_value_description x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_type (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_typext (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_exception (copy_type_exception x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_module (copy_module_binding x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule ( copy_module_binding x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_open x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_open (copy_open_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_class ( copy_class_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_include (copy_include_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pstr_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0), (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_include_declaration :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.include_declaration ->
-    Ast_408.Parsetree.include_declaration
-  = fun x -> copy_include_infos copy_module_expr x
-and copy_class_declaration :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_declaration -> Ast_408.Parsetree.class_declaration
-  = fun x -> copy_class_infos copy_class_expr x
-and copy_class_expr :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_expr -> Ast_408.Parsetree.class_expr =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcl_desc = (copy_class_expr_desc pcl_desc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcl_loc = (copy_location pcl_loc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = (copy_attributes pcl_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_expr_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> Ast_408.Parsetree.class_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcl_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcl_structure (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcl_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0), ( copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2), (copy_class_expr x3))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcl_apply
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0), (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcl_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_class_expr x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint
-        ((copy_class_expr x0), (copy_class_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcl_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_open (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcl_open
-        ((copy_open_description x0), (copy_class_expr x1))
-and copy_class_structure :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_structure -> Ast_408.Parsetree.class_structure =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcstr_self = (copy_pattern pcstr_self);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcstr_fields =
-        ( copy_class_field pcstr_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_field :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_field -> Ast_408.Parsetree.class_field =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcf_desc = (copy_class_field_desc pcf_desc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcf_loc = (copy_location pcf_loc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = (copy_attributes pcf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_field_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_field_desc -> Ast_408.Parsetree.class_field_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit
-        ((copy_override_flag x0), (copy_class_expr x1),
-          ( (fun x -> copy_loc (fun x -> x) x) x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcf_val
-        (let (x0, x1, x2) = x0 in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcf_method
-        (let (x0, x1, x2) = x0 in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint
-        (let (x0, x1) = x0 in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer (copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_field_kind :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_field_kind -> Ast_408.Parsetree.class_field_kind =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual (copy_core_type x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete
-        ((copy_override_flag x0), (copy_expression x1))
-and copy_open_declaration :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.open_declaration -> Ast_408.Parsetree.open_declaration =
-  fun x -> copy_open_infos copy_module_expr x
-and copy_module_binding :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.module_binding -> Ast_408.Parsetree.module_binding =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmb_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pmb_name);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmb_expr = (copy_module_expr pmb_expr);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = (copy_attributes pmb_attributes);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmb_loc = (copy_location pmb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.module_expr -> Ast_408.Parsetree.module_expr =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmod_desc = (copy_module_expr_desc pmod_desc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmod_loc = (copy_location pmod_loc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = (copy_attributes pmod_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> Ast_408.Parsetree.module_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmod_ident (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmod_structure (copy_structure x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmod_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0), ( copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_expr x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmod_apply
-        ((copy_module_expr x0), (copy_module_expr x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint
-        ((copy_module_expr x0), (copy_module_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack (copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmod_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_module_type :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.module_type -> Ast_408.Parsetree.module_type =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmty_desc = (copy_module_type_desc pmty_desc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmty_loc = (copy_location pmty_loc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = (copy_attributes pmty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_type_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.module_type_desc -> Ast_408.Parsetree.module_type_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmty_ident (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmty_signature (copy_signature x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmty_functor
-        ((copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0), ( copy_module_type x1),
-          (copy_module_type x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmty_with
-        ((copy_module_type x0), ( copy_with_constraint x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pmty_alias (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-and copy_with_constraint :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.with_constraint -> Ast_408.Parsetree.with_constraint =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pwith_type
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pwith_module
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x1))
-and copy_signature :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.signature -> Ast_408.Parsetree.signature =
-  fun x -> copy_signature_item x
-and copy_signature_item :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.signature_item -> Ast_408.Parsetree.signature_item =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.psig_desc = (copy_signature_item_desc psig_desc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.psig_loc = (copy_location psig_loc)
-    }
-and copy_signature_item_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.signature_item_desc ->
-    Ast_408.Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_value (copy_value_description x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_type (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_typesubst x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_typesubst ( copy_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_typext (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_exception (copy_type_exception x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_module (copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_modsubst x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_modsubst (copy_module_substitution x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule ( copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_modtype (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_open (copy_open_description x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_include (copy_include_description x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_class ( copy_class_description x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Psig_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0), (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_class_type_declaration :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type_declaration ->
-    Ast_408.Parsetree.class_type_declaration
-  = fun x -> copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_description :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_description -> Ast_408.Parsetree.class_description
-  = fun x -> copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_type :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type -> Ast_408.Parsetree.class_type =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcty_desc = (copy_class_type_desc pcty_desc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcty_loc = (copy_location pcty_loc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = (copy_attributes pcty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type_desc -> Ast_408.Parsetree.class_type_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcty_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcty_signature (copy_class_signature x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0), (copy_core_type x1), (copy_class_type x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_open (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcty_open
-        ((copy_open_description x0), (copy_class_type x1))
-and copy_class_signature :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_signature -> Ast_408.Parsetree.class_signature =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcsig_self = (copy_core_type pcsig_self);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcsig_fields =
-        ( copy_class_type_field pcsig_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type_field -> Ast_408.Parsetree.class_type_field =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pctf_desc = (copy_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pctf_loc = (copy_location pctf_loc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = (copy_attributes pctf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc ->
-    Ast_408.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit (copy_class_type x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pctf_val
-        (let (x0, x1, x2, x3) = x0 in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2), (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pctf_method
-        (let (x0, x1, x2, x3) = x0 in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2), (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint
-        (let (x0, x1) = x0 in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pctf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_extension :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.extension -> Ast_408.Parsetree.extension =
-  fun x ->
-    let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0), (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_class_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 Ast_409.Parsetree.class_infos -> 'g0 Ast_408.Parsetree.class_infos
-  =
-  fun f0 ->
-    fun
-      { Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name;
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-      ->
-      {
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.pci_virt = (copy_virtual_flag pci_virt);
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.pci_params =
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_variance x1)))
-             pci_params);
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.pci_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pci_name);
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.pci_expr = (f0 pci_expr);
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.pci_loc = (copy_location pci_loc);
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.pci_attributes = (copy_attributes pci_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_virtual_flag :
-  Ast_409.Asttypes.virtual_flag -> Ast_408.Asttypes.virtual_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Virtual -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Virtual
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Concrete -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Concrete
-and copy_include_description :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.include_description ->
-    Ast_408.Parsetree.include_description
-  = fun x -> copy_include_infos copy_module_type x
-and copy_include_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 Ast_409.Parsetree.include_infos ->
-        'g0 Ast_408.Parsetree.include_infos
-  =
-  fun f0 ->
-    fun
-      { Ast_409.Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-      ->
-      {
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.pincl_mod = (f0 pincl_mod);
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.pincl_loc = (copy_location pincl_loc);
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.pincl_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pincl_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_open_description :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.open_description -> Ast_408.Parsetree.open_description =
-  fun x -> copy_open_infos (fun x -> copy_loc copy_Longident_t x) x
-and copy_open_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 Ast_409.Parsetree.open_infos -> 'g0 Ast_408.Parsetree.open_infos
-  =
-  fun f0 ->
-    fun
-      { Ast_409.Parsetree.popen_expr = popen_expr;
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-      ->
-      {
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.popen_expr = (f0 popen_expr);
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.popen_override =
-          (copy_override_flag popen_override);
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.popen_loc = (copy_location popen_loc);
-        Ast_408.Parsetree.popen_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes popen_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_override_flag :
-  Ast_409.Asttypes.override_flag -> Ast_408.Asttypes.override_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Override -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Override
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Fresh -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Fresh
-and copy_module_type_declaration :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.module_type_declaration ->
-    Ast_408.Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmtd_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pmtd_name);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmtd_type = ( copy_module_type pmtd_type);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = (copy_attributes pmtd_attributes);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = (copy_location pmtd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_substitution :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.module_substitution ->
-    Ast_408.Parsetree.module_substitution
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pms_name = pms_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pms_manifest = pms_manifest;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pms_attributes = pms_attributes;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pms_loc = pms_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pms_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pms_name);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pms_manifest =
-        (copy_loc copy_Longident_t pms_manifest);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pms_attributes = (copy_attributes pms_attributes);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pms_loc = (copy_location pms_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_declaration :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.module_declaration ->
-    Ast_408.Parsetree.module_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmd_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pmd_name);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmd_type = (copy_module_type pmd_type);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = (copy_attributes pmd_attributes);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pmd_loc = (copy_location pmd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_type_exception :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.type_exception -> Ast_408.Parsetree.type_exception =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyexn_constructor = ptyexn_constructor;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyexn_loc = ptyexn_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyexn_attributes = ptyexn_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyexn_constructor =
-        (copy_extension_constructor ptyexn_constructor);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyexn_loc = (copy_location ptyexn_loc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyexn_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyexn_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_type_extension :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.type_extension -> Ast_408.Parsetree.type_extension =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_loc = ptyext_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyext_path = (copy_loc copy_Longident_t ptyext_path);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyext_params =
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_variance x1)))
-           ptyext_params);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors =
-        ( copy_extension_constructor ptyext_constructors);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyext_private = (copy_private_flag ptyext_private);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyext_loc = (copy_location ptyext_loc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.extension_constructor ->
-    Ast_408.Parsetree.extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pext_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pext_name);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pext_kind =
-        (copy_extension_constructor_kind pext_kind);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pext_loc = (copy_location pext_loc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pext_attributes = (copy_attributes pext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor_kind :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind ->
-    Ast_408.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pext_decl
-        ((copy_constructor_arguments x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pext_rebind (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-and copy_type_declaration :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.type_declaration -> Ast_408.Parsetree.type_declaration =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptype_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) ptype_name);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_variance x1)))
-           ptype_params);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1, x2) = x in
-              ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_core_type x1), (copy_location x2)))
-           ptype_cstrs);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptype_kind = (copy_type_kind ptype_kind);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptype_private = (copy_private_flag ptype_private);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptype_manifest =
-        ( copy_core_type ptype_manifest);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = (copy_attributes ptype_attributes);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.ptype_loc = (copy_location ptype_loc)
-    }
-and copy_private_flag :
-  Ast_409.Asttypes.private_flag -> Ast_408.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Private -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Private
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Public -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_type_kind :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.type_kind -> Ast_408.Parsetree.type_kind =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract -> Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptype_variant
-        ( copy_constructor_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptype_record ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptype_open -> Ast_408.Parsetree.Ptype_open
-and copy_constructor_declaration :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.constructor_declaration ->
-    Ast_408.Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcd_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pcd_name);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcd_args = (copy_constructor_arguments pcd_args);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcd_res = ( copy_core_type pcd_res);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcd_loc = (copy_location pcd_loc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = (copy_attributes pcd_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_constructor_arguments :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.constructor_arguments ->
-    Ast_408.Parsetree.constructor_arguments
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcstr_record x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pcstr_record ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-and copy_label_declaration :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.label_declaration -> Ast_408.Parsetree.label_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pld_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pld_name);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pld_mutable = (copy_mutable_flag pld_mutable);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pld_type = (copy_core_type pld_type);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pld_loc = (copy_location pld_loc);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pld_attributes = (copy_attributes pld_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_mutable_flag :
-  Ast_409.Asttypes.mutable_flag -> Ast_408.Asttypes.mutable_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Immutable -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Immutable
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Mutable -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Mutable
-and copy_variance : Ast_409.Asttypes.variance -> Ast_408.Asttypes.variance =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Covariant -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Covariant
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Contravariant -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Contravariant
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Invariant -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Invariant
-and copy_value_description :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.value_description -> Ast_408.Parsetree.value_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pval_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pval_name);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pval_type = (copy_core_type pval_type);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pval_prim = ( (fun x -> x) pval_prim);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pval_attributes = (copy_attributes pval_attributes);
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.pval_loc = (copy_location pval_loc)
-    }
-and copy_object_field_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.object_field_desc -> Ast_408.Parsetree.object_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Otag (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Otag ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Oinherit x0 ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Oinherit (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_arg_label : Ast_409.Asttypes.arg_label -> Ast_408.Asttypes.arg_label
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Nolabel -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Nolabel
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Labelled x0 -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Labelled x0
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Optional x0 -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Optional x0
-and copy_closed_flag :
-  Ast_409.Asttypes.closed_flag -> Ast_408.Asttypes.closed_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Closed -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Closed
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Open -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Open
-and copy_label : Ast_409.Asttypes.label -> Ast_408.Asttypes.label =
-  fun x -> x
-and copy_rec_flag : Ast_409.Asttypes.rec_flag -> Ast_408.Asttypes.rec_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Nonrecursive -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Nonrecursive
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Recursive -> Ast_408.Asttypes.Recursive
-and copy_constant : Ast_409.Parsetree.constant -> Ast_408.Parsetree.constant
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0, ( (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0 -> Ast_408.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0, ( (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0, ( (fun x -> x) x1))
-and copy_Longident_t : Ast_409.Longident.t -> Ast_408.Longident.t =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Longident.Lident x0 -> Ast_408.Longident.Lident x0
-  | Ast_409.Longident.Ldot (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Longident.Ldot ((copy_Longident_t x0), x1)
-  | Ast_409.Longident.Lapply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_408.Longident.Lapply ((copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_Longident_t x1))
-and copy_loc :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 Ast_409.Asttypes.loc -> 'g0 Ast_408.Asttypes.loc
-  =
-  fun f0 ->
-    fun { Ast_409.Asttypes.txt = txt; Ast_409.Asttypes.loc = loc } ->
-      {
-        Ast_408.Asttypes.txt = (f0 txt);
-        Ast_408.Asttypes.loc = (copy_location loc)
-      }
-and copy_location : Ast_409.Location.t -> Ast_408.Location.t =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Location.loc_start = loc_start;
-      Ast_409.Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-      Ast_409.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_408.Location.loc_start = (copy_position loc_start);
-      Ast_408.Location.loc_end = (copy_position loc_end);
-      Ast_408.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost
-    }
-and copy_position : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position =
-  fun
-    { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-    ->
-    {
-      Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname;
-      Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol;
-      Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum
-    }
-module Migrate_parsetree_408_409
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-include Migrate_parsetree_408_409_migrate
-(*$ open Printf
-  let fields = [
-    "attribute"; "attributes"; "case"; "cases"; "class_declaration";
-    "class_description"; "class_expr"; "class_field"; "class_signature";
-    "class_structure"; "class_type"; "class_type_declaration";
-    "class_type_field"; "constructor_declaration"; "expr"; "extension";
-    "extension_constructor"; "include_declaration"; "include_description";
-    "label_declaration"; "location"; "module_binding"; "module_declaration";
-    "module_expr"; "module_type"; "module_type_declaration";
-    "open_description"; "pat"; "signature"; "signature_item"; "structure";
-    "structure_item"; "typ"; "type_declaration"; "type_extension";
-    "type_kind"; "value_binding"; "value_description";
-    "with_constraint"; "payload";
-    "binding_op"; "module_substitution"; "open_declaration"; "type_exception"
-  ]
-  let foreach_field f =
-    printf "\n";
-    List.iter f fields
-let copy_mapper = fun
-  ({ From.Ast_mapper.
-     (*$ foreach_field (printf "%s;\n")*)
-     attribute;
-     attributes;
-     case;
-     cases;
-     class_declaration;
-     class_description;
-     class_expr;
-     class_field;
-     class_signature;
-     class_structure;
-     class_type;
-     class_type_declaration;
-     class_type_field;
-     constructor_declaration;
-     expr;
-     extension;
-     extension_constructor;
-     include_declaration;
-     include_description;
-     label_declaration;
-     location;
-     module_binding;
-     module_declaration;
-     module_expr;
-     module_type;
-     module_type_declaration;
-     open_description;
-     pat;
-     signature;
-     signature_item;
-     structure;
-     structure_item;
-     typ;
-     type_declaration;
-     type_extension;
-     type_kind;
-     value_binding;
-     value_description;
-     with_constraint;
-     payload;
-     binding_op;
-     module_substitution;
-     open_declaration;
-     type_exception;
-     (*$*)
-   } as mapper) ->
-  let module Def = Migrate_parsetree_def in
-  let module R = Migrate_parsetree_409_408_migrate in
-  {
-    To.Ast_mapper.
-    (*$ foreach_field (fun s ->
-        printf
-          "%s = (fun _ x -> copy_%s (%s mapper (R.copy_%s x)));\n" s s s s)
-    *)
-    attribute = (fun _ x -> copy_attribute (attribute mapper (R.copy_attribute x)));
-    attributes = (fun _ x -> copy_attributes (attributes mapper (R.copy_attributes x)));
-    case = (fun _ x -> copy_case (case mapper (R.copy_case x)));
-    cases = (fun _ x -> copy_cases (cases mapper (R.copy_cases x)));
-    class_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_declaration (class_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_declaration x)));
-    class_description = (fun _ x -> copy_class_description (class_description mapper (R.copy_class_description x)));
-    class_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_class_expr (class_expr mapper (R.copy_class_expr x)));
-    class_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_field (class_field mapper (R.copy_class_field x)));
-    class_signature = (fun _ x -> copy_class_signature (class_signature mapper (R.copy_class_signature x)));
-    class_structure = (fun _ x -> copy_class_structure (class_structure mapper (R.copy_class_structure x)));
-    class_type = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type (class_type mapper (R.copy_class_type x)));
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_declaration (class_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_type_declaration x)));
-    class_type_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_field (class_type_field mapper (R.copy_class_type_field x)));
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_constructor_declaration (constructor_declaration mapper (R.copy_constructor_declaration x)));
-    expr = (fun _ x -> copy_expr (expr mapper (R.copy_expr x)));
-    extension = (fun _ x -> copy_extension (extension mapper (R.copy_extension x)));
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ x -> copy_extension_constructor (extension_constructor mapper (R.copy_extension_constructor x)));
-    include_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_include_declaration (include_declaration mapper (R.copy_include_declaration x)));
-    include_description = (fun _ x -> copy_include_description (include_description mapper (R.copy_include_description x)));
-    label_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_label_declaration (label_declaration mapper (R.copy_label_declaration x)));
-    location = (fun _ x -> copy_location (location mapper (R.copy_location x)));
-    module_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_module_binding (module_binding mapper (R.copy_module_binding x)));
-    module_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_declaration (module_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_declaration x)));
-    module_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_module_expr (module_expr mapper (R.copy_module_expr x)));
-    module_type = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type (module_type mapper (R.copy_module_type x)));
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type_declaration (module_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_type_declaration x)));
-    open_description = (fun _ x -> copy_open_description (open_description mapper (R.copy_open_description x)));
-    pat = (fun _ x -> copy_pat (pat mapper (R.copy_pat x)));
-    signature = (fun _ x -> copy_signature (signature mapper (R.copy_signature x)));
-    signature_item = (fun _ x -> copy_signature_item (signature_item mapper (R.copy_signature_item x)));
-    structure = (fun _ x -> copy_structure (structure mapper (R.copy_structure x)));
-    structure_item = (fun _ x -> copy_structure_item (structure_item mapper (R.copy_structure_item x)));
-    typ = (fun _ x -> copy_typ (typ mapper (R.copy_typ x)));
-    type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_type_declaration (type_declaration mapper (R.copy_type_declaration x)));
-    type_extension = (fun _ x -> copy_type_extension (type_extension mapper (R.copy_type_extension x)));
-    type_kind = (fun _ x -> copy_type_kind (type_kind mapper (R.copy_type_kind x)));
-    value_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_value_binding (value_binding mapper (R.copy_value_binding x)));
-    value_description = (fun _ x -> copy_value_description (value_description mapper (R.copy_value_description x)));
-    with_constraint = (fun _ x -> copy_with_constraint (with_constraint mapper (R.copy_with_constraint x)));
-    payload = (fun _ x -> copy_payload (payload mapper (R.copy_payload x)));
-    binding_op = (fun _ x -> copy_binding_op (binding_op mapper (R.copy_binding_op x)));
-    module_substitution = (fun _ x -> copy_module_substitution (module_substitution mapper (R.copy_module_substitution x)));
-    open_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_open_declaration (open_declaration mapper (R.copy_open_declaration x)));
-    type_exception = (fun _ x -> copy_type_exception (type_exception mapper (R.copy_type_exception x)));
-    (*$*)
-  }
-module Migrate_parsetree_409_408
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-include Migrate_parsetree_409_408_migrate
-(*$ open Printf
-  let fields = [
-    "attribute"; "attributes"; "case"; "cases"; "class_declaration";
-    "class_description"; "class_expr"; "class_field"; "class_signature";
-    "class_structure"; "class_type"; "class_type_declaration";
-    "class_type_field"; "constructor_declaration"; "expr"; "extension";
-    "extension_constructor"; "include_declaration"; "include_description";
-    "label_declaration"; "location"; "module_binding"; "module_declaration";
-    "module_expr"; "module_type"; "module_type_declaration";
-    "open_description"; "pat"; "signature"; "signature_item"; "structure";
-    "structure_item"; "typ"; "type_declaration"; "type_extension";
-    "type_kind"; "value_binding"; "value_description";
-    "with_constraint"; "payload";
-    "binding_op"; "module_substitution"; "open_declaration"; "type_exception"
-  ]
-  let foreach_field f =
-    printf "\n";
-    List.iter f fields
-let copy_mapper = fun
-  ({ From.Ast_mapper.
-     (*$ foreach_field (printf "%s;\n")*)
-     attribute;
-     attributes;
-     case;
-     cases;
-     class_declaration;
-     class_description;
-     class_expr;
-     class_field;
-     class_signature;
-     class_structure;
-     class_type;
-     class_type_declaration;
-     class_type_field;
-     constructor_declaration;
-     expr;
-     extension;
-     extension_constructor;
-     include_declaration;
-     include_description;
-     label_declaration;
-     location;
-     module_binding;
-     module_declaration;
-     module_expr;
-     module_type;
-     module_type_declaration;
-     open_description;
-     pat;
-     signature;
-     signature_item;
-     structure;
-     structure_item;
-     typ;
-     type_declaration;
-     type_extension;
-     type_kind;
-     value_binding;
-     value_description;
-     with_constraint;
-     payload;
-     binding_op;
-     module_substitution;
-     open_declaration;
-     type_exception;
-     (*$*)
-   } as mapper) ->
-  let module Def = Migrate_parsetree_def in
-  let module R = Migrate_parsetree_408_409_migrate in
-  {
-    To.Ast_mapper.
-    (*$ foreach_field (fun s ->
-        printf
-          "%s = (fun _ x -> copy_%s (%s mapper (R.copy_%s x)));\n" s s s s)
-    *)
-    attribute = (fun _ x -> copy_attribute (attribute mapper (R.copy_attribute x)));
-    attributes = (fun _ x -> copy_attributes (attributes mapper (R.copy_attributes x)));
-    case = (fun _ x -> copy_case (case mapper (R.copy_case x)));
-    cases = (fun _ x -> copy_cases (cases mapper (R.copy_cases x)));
-    class_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_declaration (class_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_declaration x)));
-    class_description = (fun _ x -> copy_class_description (class_description mapper (R.copy_class_description x)));
-    class_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_class_expr (class_expr mapper (R.copy_class_expr x)));
-    class_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_field (class_field mapper (R.copy_class_field x)));
-    class_signature = (fun _ x -> copy_class_signature (class_signature mapper (R.copy_class_signature x)));
-    class_structure = (fun _ x -> copy_class_structure (class_structure mapper (R.copy_class_structure x)));
-    class_type = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type (class_type mapper (R.copy_class_type x)));
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_declaration (class_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_type_declaration x)));
-    class_type_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_field (class_type_field mapper (R.copy_class_type_field x)));
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_constructor_declaration (constructor_declaration mapper (R.copy_constructor_declaration x)));
-    expr = (fun _ x -> copy_expr (expr mapper (R.copy_expr x)));
-    extension = (fun _ x -> copy_extension (extension mapper (R.copy_extension x)));
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ x -> copy_extension_constructor (extension_constructor mapper (R.copy_extension_constructor x)));
-    include_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_include_declaration (include_declaration mapper (R.copy_include_declaration x)));
-    include_description = (fun _ x -> copy_include_description (include_description mapper (R.copy_include_description x)));
-    label_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_label_declaration (label_declaration mapper (R.copy_label_declaration x)));
-    location = (fun _ x -> copy_location (location mapper (R.copy_location x)));
-    module_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_module_binding (module_binding mapper (R.copy_module_binding x)));
-    module_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_declaration (module_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_declaration x)));
-    module_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_module_expr (module_expr mapper (R.copy_module_expr x)));
-    module_type = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type (module_type mapper (R.copy_module_type x)));
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type_declaration (module_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_type_declaration x)));
-    open_description = (fun _ x -> copy_open_description (open_description mapper (R.copy_open_description x)));
-    pat = (fun _ x -> copy_pat (pat mapper (R.copy_pat x)));
-    signature = (fun _ x -> copy_signature (signature mapper (R.copy_signature x)));
-    signature_item = (fun _ x -> copy_signature_item (signature_item mapper (R.copy_signature_item x)));
-    structure = (fun _ x -> copy_structure (structure mapper (R.copy_structure x)));
-    structure_item = (fun _ x -> copy_structure_item (structure_item mapper (R.copy_structure_item x)));
-    typ = (fun _ x -> copy_typ (typ mapper (R.copy_typ x)));
-    type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_type_declaration (type_declaration mapper (R.copy_type_declaration x)));
-    type_extension = (fun _ x -> copy_type_extension (type_extension mapper (R.copy_type_extension x)));
-    type_kind = (fun _ x -> copy_type_kind (type_kind mapper (R.copy_type_kind x)));
-    value_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_value_binding (value_binding mapper (R.copy_value_binding x)));
-    value_description = (fun _ x -> copy_value_description (value_description mapper (R.copy_value_description x)));
-    with_constraint = (fun _ x -> copy_with_constraint (with_constraint mapper (R.copy_with_constraint x)));
-    payload = (fun _ x -> copy_payload (payload mapper (R.copy_payload x)));
-    binding_op = (fun _ x -> copy_binding_op (binding_op mapper (R.copy_binding_op x)));
-    module_substitution = (fun _ x -> copy_module_substitution (module_substitution mapper (R.copy_module_substitution x)));
-    open_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_open_declaration (open_declaration mapper (R.copy_open_declaration x)));
-    type_exception = (fun _ x -> copy_type_exception (type_exception mapper (R.copy_type_exception x)));
-    (*$*)
-  }
-module Migrate_parsetree_409_410_migrate
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-module From = Ast_409
-module To = Ast_410
-let map_option f x =
-  match x with
-  | None -> None
-  | Some x -> Some (f x)
-let rec copy_out_type_extension :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_type_extension ->
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_type_extension
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otyext_params = otyext_params;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otyext_constructors = otyext_constructors;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otyext_private = otyext_private }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.otyext_params =
-          ( (fun x -> x) otyext_params);
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.otyext_constructors =
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1, x2) = x in
-                (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                 (map_option copy_out_type x2))) otyext_constructors);
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.otyext_private = (copy_private_flag otyext_private)
-      }
-and copy_out_phrase :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_phrase -> Ast_410.Outcometree.out_phrase =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ophr_eval (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Ophr_eval ((copy_out_value x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ophr_signature x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Ophr_signature
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in
-              ((copy_out_sig_item x0), (map_option copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ophr_exception x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Ophr_exception
-        (let (x0, x1) = x0 in (x0, (copy_out_value x1)))
-and copy_out_sig_item :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_sig_item -> Ast_410.Outcometree.out_sig_item =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_class (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Osig_class
-        (x0, x1,
-         (
-            (fun x ->
-               let (x0, x1) = x in (x0, (let (x0, x1) = x1 in (x0, x1)))) x2),
-         (copy_out_class_type x3), (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_class_type (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Osig_class_type
-        (x0, x1,
-         (
-            (fun x ->
-               let (x0, x1) = x in (x0, (let (x0, x1) = x1 in (x0, x1)))) x2),
-         (copy_out_class_type x3), (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_typext (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Osig_typext
-        ((copy_out_extension_constructor x0), (copy_out_ext_status x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_module (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Osig_module
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1), (copy_out_rec_status x2))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_type (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Osig_type
-        ((copy_out_type_decl x0), (copy_out_rec_status x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_value x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Osig_value (copy_out_val_decl x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis
-and copy_out_val_decl :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_val_decl -> Ast_410.Outcometree.out_val_decl =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oval_type = oval_type;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oval_prims = oval_prims;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oval_attributes = oval_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.oval_type = (copy_out_type oval_type);
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.oval_prims = ( (fun x -> x) oval_prims);
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.oval_attributes =
-          ( copy_out_attribute oval_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_out_type_decl :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_type_decl -> Ast_410.Outcometree.out_type_decl =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_params = otype_params;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_type = otype_type;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_private = otype_private;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_immediate = otype_immediate;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = otype_unboxed;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_cstrs = otype_cstrs }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.otype_params =
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in (x0, (let (x0, x1) = x1 in (x0, x1))))
-             otype_params);
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.otype_type = (copy_out_type otype_type);
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.otype_private = (copy_private_flag otype_private);
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.otype_immediate = (if otype_immediate then Always else Unknown);
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = otype_unboxed;
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.otype_cstrs =
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_out_type x0), (copy_out_type x1)))
-             otype_cstrs)
-      }
-and copy_out_module_type :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_module_type -> Ast_410.Outcometree.out_module_type
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_abstract -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Omty_abstract
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_functor (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Omty_functor
-        ((match x0, x1 with
-            | "*", None -> None
-            | "_", Some mt -> Some (None, copy_out_module_type mt)
-            | s, Some mt -> Some (Some s, copy_out_module_type mt)
-            |_ -> assert false),
-         copy_out_module_type x2)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Omty_ident (copy_out_ident x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_signature x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Omty_signature ( copy_out_sig_item x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_alias x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Omty_alias (copy_out_ident x0)
-and copy_out_ext_status :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_ext_status -> Ast_410.Outcometree.out_ext_status =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oext_first -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Oext_first
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oext_next -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Oext_next
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oext_exception -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Oext_exception
-and copy_out_extension_constructor :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor ->
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_type_params = oext_type_params;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_args = oext_args;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_ret_type = oext_ret_type;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_private = oext_private }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.oext_type_params =
-          ( (fun x -> x) oext_type_params);
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.oext_args = ( copy_out_type oext_args);
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.oext_ret_type =
-          (map_option copy_out_type oext_ret_type);
-        Ast_410.Outcometree.oext_private = (copy_private_flag oext_private)
-      }
-and copy_out_rec_status :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_rec_status -> Ast_410.Outcometree.out_rec_status =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Orec_not -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Orec_not
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Orec_first -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Orec_first
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Orec_next -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Orec_next
-and copy_out_class_type :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_class_type -> Ast_410.Outcometree.out_class_type =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Octy_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Octy_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Octy_arrow (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Octy_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1), (copy_out_class_type x2))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Octy_signature (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Octy_signature
-        ((map_option copy_out_type x0),
-         ( copy_out_class_sig_item x1))
-and copy_out_class_sig_item :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item ->
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint
-        ((copy_out_type x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0, x1, x2, (copy_out_type x3))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0, x1, x2, (copy_out_type x3))
-and copy_out_type :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_type -> Ast_410.Outcometree.out_type =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_open -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_open
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_alias (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_alias ((copy_out_type x0), x1)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1), (copy_out_type x2))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_class (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_class
-        (x0, (copy_out_ident x1), ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest
-        ((copy_out_type x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_object (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_object
-        (( (fun x -> let (x0, x1) = x in (x0, (copy_out_type x1))) x0),
-         (map_option (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_record x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_record
-        (
-           (fun x -> let (x0, x1, x2) = x in (x0, x1, (copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0 -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_sum x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_sum
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1, x2) = x in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-               (map_option copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple ( copy_out_type x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0, x1)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_variant (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_variant
-        (x0, (copy_out_variant x1), x2,
-         (map_option (fun x -> (fun x -> x) x) x3))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_poly (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_poly
-        (( (fun x -> x) x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_module (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_module
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), ( (fun x -> x) x1),
-         ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute
-        ((copy_out_type x0), (copy_out_attribute x1))
-and copy_out_attribute :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_attribute -> Ast_410.Outcometree.out_attribute =
-  fun { Ast_409.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name } ->
-  { Ast_410.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }
-and copy_out_variant :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_variant -> Ast_410.Outcometree.out_variant =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ovar_fields x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Ovar_fields
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1, x2) = x in (x0, x1, ( copy_out_type x2)))
-           x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ovar_typ x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Ovar_typ (copy_out_type x0)
-and copy_out_value :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_value -> Ast_410.Outcometree.out_value =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_array x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_array ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_char x0 -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_char x0
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), ( copy_out_value x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_float x0 -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_float x0
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_int x0 -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_int x0
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0 -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0 -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_list x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_list ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_record x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_record
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_out_ident x0), (copy_out_value x1)))
-           x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_string (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_string (x0, x1, (copy_out_string x2))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0 -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_tuple ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0, (map_option copy_out_value x1))
-and copy_out_string :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_string -> Ast_410.Outcometree.out_string =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ostr_string -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Ostr_string
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Ostr_bytes -> Ast_410.Outcometree.Ostr_bytes
-and copy_out_ident :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_ident -> Ast_410.Outcometree.out_ident =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oide_apply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Oide_apply
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), (copy_out_ident x1))
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oide_dot (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Oide_dot ((copy_out_ident x0), x1)
-  | Ast_409.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.Oide_ident (copy_out_name x0)
-and copy_out_name :
-  Ast_409.Outcometree.out_name -> Ast_410.Outcometree.out_name =
-  fun { Ast_409.Outcometree.printed_name = printed_name } ->
-  { Ast_410.Outcometree.printed_name = printed_name }
-and copy_toplevel_phrase :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> Ast_410.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptop_def x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptop_def (copy_structure x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptop_dir x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptop_dir (copy_toplevel_directive x0)
-and copy_toplevel_directive :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.toplevel_directive ->
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.toplevel_directive
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pdir_name = pdir_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pdir_arg = pdir_arg;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pdir_loc = pdir_loc }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pdir_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pdir_name);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pdir_arg =
-          (map_option copy_directive_argument pdir_arg);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pdir_loc = (copy_location pdir_loc)
-      }
-and copy_directive_argument :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.directive_argument ->
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.directive_argument
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pdira_desc = pdira_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pdira_loc = pdira_loc }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pdira_desc =
-          (copy_directive_argument_desc pdira_desc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pdira_loc = (copy_location pdira_loc)
-      }
-and copy_directive_argument_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.directive_argument_desc ->
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.directive_argument_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0 -> Ast_410.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0, (map_option (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pdir_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pdir_ident (copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0 -> Ast_410.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0
-and copy_expression :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.expression -> Ast_410.Parsetree.expression =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pexp_loc_stack = pexp_loc_stack;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pexp_desc = (copy_expression_desc pexp_desc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pexp_loc = (copy_location pexp_loc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pexp_loc_stack =
-          ( copy_location pexp_loc_stack);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = (copy_attributes pexp_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_expression_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.expression_desc -> Ast_410.Parsetree.expression_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_ident (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_value_binding x1),
-         (copy_expression x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_function (copy_cases x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0), (map_option copy_expression x1),
-         (copy_pattern x2), (copy_expression x3))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_apply
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-         (
-            (fun x ->
-               let (x0, x1) = x in
-               ((copy_arg_label x0), (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_match ((copy_expression x0), (copy_cases x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_try ((copy_expression x0), (copy_cases x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple ( copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (map_option copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_variant
-        ((copy_label x0), (map_option copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_record
-        ((
-            (fun x ->
-               let (x0, x1) = x in
-               ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_expression x1))) x0),
-         (map_option copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_field
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x1),
-         (copy_expression x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_array ( copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_expression x1),
-         (map_option copy_expression x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_while
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_for
-        ((copy_pattern x0), (copy_expression x1), (copy_expression x2),
-         (copy_direction_flag x3), (copy_expression x4))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce
-        ((copy_expression x0), (map_option copy_core_type x1),
-         (copy_core_type x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_send
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_loc copy_label x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_new (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar
-        ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_override
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in
-              ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_expression x1))) x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule
-        ((copy_loc (fun x -> Some x) x0), (copy_module_expr x1),
-         (copy_expression x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception
-        ((copy_extension_constructor x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_assert (copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy (copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_poly
-        ((copy_expression x0), (map_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_object (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype
-        ((copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_pack (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_open
-        ((copy_open_declaration x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_letop x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_letop (copy_letop x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable -> Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable
-and copy_letop : Ast_409.Parsetree.letop -> Ast_410.Parsetree.letop =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.let_ = let_; Ast_409.Parsetree.ands = ands;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.body = body }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.let_ = (copy_binding_op let_);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ands = ( copy_binding_op ands);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.body = (copy_expression body)
-      }
-and copy_binding_op :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.binding_op -> Ast_410.Parsetree.binding_op =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pbop_op = pbop_op;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pbop_pat = pbop_pat;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pbop_exp = pbop_exp;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pbop_loc = pbop_loc }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pbop_op = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pbop_op);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pbop_pat = (copy_pattern pbop_pat);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pbop_exp = (copy_expression pbop_exp);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pbop_loc = (copy_location pbop_loc)
-      }
-and copy_direction_flag :
-  Ast_409.Asttypes.direction_flag -> Ast_410.Asttypes.direction_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Upto -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Upto
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Downto -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Downto
-and copy_cases : Ast_409.Parsetree.cases -> list =
-  fun x -> copy_case x
-and copy_case : -> =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pc_lhs = (copy_pattern pc_lhs);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pc_guard = (map_option copy_expression pc_guard);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pc_rhs = (copy_expression pc_rhs)
-      }
-and copy_value_binding :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.value_binding -> Ast_410.Parsetree.value_binding =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pvb_pat = (copy_pattern pvb_pat);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pvb_expr = (copy_expression pvb_expr);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = (copy_attributes pvb_attributes);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pvb_loc = (copy_location pvb_loc)
-      }
-and copy_pattern : Ast_409.Parsetree.pattern -> Ast_410.Parsetree.pattern =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ppat_loc_stack = ppat_loc_stack;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ppat_desc = (copy_pattern_desc ppat_desc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ppat_loc = (copy_location ppat_loc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ppat_loc_stack =
-          ( copy_location ppat_loc_stack);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = (copy_attributes ppat_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_pattern_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.pattern_desc -> Ast_410.Parsetree.pattern_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_any -> Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_any
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_var (copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_alias
-        ((copy_pattern x0), (copy_loc (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_interval
-        ((copy_constant x0), (copy_constant x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (map_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_variant
-        ((copy_label x0), (map_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_record
-        ((
-            (fun x ->
-               let (x0, x1) = x in
-               ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_pattern x1))) x0),
-         (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_array ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_or ((copy_pattern x0), (copy_pattern x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint
-        ((copy_pattern x0), (copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_type (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy (copy_pattern x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack (copy_loc (fun x -> Some x) x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_exception (copy_pattern x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_open (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_open
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_pattern x1))
-and copy_core_type :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.core_type -> Ast_410.Parsetree.core_type =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyp_loc_stack = ptyp_loc_stack;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = (copy_core_type_desc ptyp_desc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = (copy_location ptyp_loc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyp_loc_stack =
-          ( copy_location ptyp_loc_stack);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = (copy_attributes ptyp_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_core_type_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.core_type_desc -> Ast_410.Parsetree.core_type_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_any -> Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_any
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 -> Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0), (copy_core_type x1), (copy_core_type x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_object
-        (( copy_object_field x0), (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_class
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias ((copy_core_type x0), x1)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant
-        (( copy_row_field x0), (copy_closed_flag x1),
-         (map_option (fun x -> copy_label x) x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly
-        (( (fun x -> copy_loc (fun x -> x) x) x0),
-         (copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_package (copy_package_type x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_package_type :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.package_type -> Ast_410.Parsetree.package_type =
-  fun x ->
-  let (x0, x1) = x in
-  ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0),
-   (
-      (fun x ->
-         let (x0, x1) = x in
-         ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_core_type x1))) x1))
-and copy_row_field :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.row_field -> Ast_410.Parsetree.row_field =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.prf_desc = prf_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.prf_loc = prf_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.prf_attributes = prf_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.prf_desc = (copy_row_field_desc prf_desc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.prf_loc = (copy_location prf_loc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.prf_attributes = (copy_attributes prf_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_row_field_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.row_field_desc -> Ast_410.Parsetree.row_field_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Rtag (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Rtag
-        ((copy_loc copy_label x0), x1, ( copy_core_type x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Rinherit (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_object_field :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.object_field -> Ast_410.Parsetree.object_field =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pof_desc = pof_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pof_loc = pof_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pof_attributes = pof_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pof_desc = (copy_object_field_desc pof_desc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pof_loc = (copy_location pof_loc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pof_attributes = (copy_attributes pof_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_attributes :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.attributes -> Ast_410.Parsetree.attributes =
-  fun x -> copy_attribute x
-and copy_attribute :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.attribute -> Ast_410.Parsetree.attribute =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.attr_name = attr_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.attr_payload = attr_payload;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.attr_loc = attr_loc }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.attr_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) attr_name);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.attr_payload = (copy_payload attr_payload);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.attr_loc = (copy_location attr_loc)
-      }
-and copy_payload : Ast_409.Parsetree.payload -> Ast_410.Parsetree.payload =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.PStr x0 -> Ast_410.Parsetree.PStr (copy_structure x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.PSig x0 -> Ast_410.Parsetree.PSig (copy_signature x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.PTyp x0 -> Ast_410.Parsetree.PTyp (copy_core_type x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.PPat (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.PPat
-        ((copy_pattern x0), (map_option copy_expression x1))
-and copy_structure :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.structure -> Ast_410.Parsetree.structure =
-  fun x -> copy_structure_item x
-and copy_structure_item :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.structure_item -> Ast_410.Parsetree.structure_item =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pstr_desc = (copy_structure_item_desc pstr_desc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pstr_loc = (copy_location pstr_loc)
-      }
-and copy_structure_item_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.structure_item_desc ->
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_eval
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_attributes x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_value
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_value_binding x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive (copy_value_description x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_type (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_typext (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_exception (copy_type_exception x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_module (copy_module_binding x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule ( copy_module_binding x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_open x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_open (copy_open_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_class ( copy_class_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_include (copy_include_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0), (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_include_declaration :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.include_declaration ->
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.include_declaration
-  = fun x -> copy_include_infos copy_module_expr x
-and copy_class_declaration :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_declaration -> Ast_410.Parsetree.class_declaration
-  = fun x -> copy_class_infos copy_class_expr x
-and copy_class_expr :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_expr -> Ast_410.Parsetree.class_expr =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pcl_desc = (copy_class_expr_desc pcl_desc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pcl_loc = (copy_location pcl_loc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = (copy_attributes pcl_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_class_expr_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> Ast_410.Parsetree.class_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcl_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcl_structure (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcl_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0), (map_option copy_expression x1),
-         (copy_pattern x2), (copy_class_expr x3))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcl_apply
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-         (
-            (fun x ->
-               let (x0, x1) = x in
-               ((copy_arg_label x0), (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcl_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_value_binding x1),
-         (copy_class_expr x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint
-        ((copy_class_expr x0), (copy_class_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcl_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_open (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcl_open
-        ((copy_open_description x0), (copy_class_expr x1))
-and copy_class_structure :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_structure -> Ast_410.Parsetree.class_structure =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pcstr_self = (copy_pattern pcstr_self);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pcstr_fields =
-          ( copy_class_field pcstr_fields)
-      }
-and copy_class_field :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_field -> Ast_410.Parsetree.class_field =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pcf_desc = (copy_class_field_desc pcf_desc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pcf_loc = (copy_location pcf_loc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = (copy_attributes pcf_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_class_field_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_field_desc -> Ast_410.Parsetree.class_field_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit
-        ((copy_override_flag x0), (copy_class_expr x1),
-         (map_option (fun x -> copy_loc (fun x -> x) x) x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcf_val
-        (let (x0, x1, x2) = x0 in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-          (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcf_method
-        (let (x0, x1, x2) = x0 in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_private_flag x1),
-          (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint
-        (let (x0, x1) = x0 in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer (copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_field_kind :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_field_kind -> Ast_410.Parsetree.class_field_kind =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual (copy_core_type x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete
-        ((copy_override_flag x0), (copy_expression x1))
-and copy_open_declaration :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.open_declaration -> Ast_410.Parsetree.open_declaration =
-  fun x -> copy_open_infos copy_module_expr x
-and copy_module_binding :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.module_binding -> Ast_410.Parsetree.module_binding =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pmb_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> Some x) pmb_name);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pmb_expr = (copy_module_expr pmb_expr);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = (copy_attributes pmb_attributes);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pmb_loc = (copy_location pmb_loc)
-      }
-and copy_module_expr :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.module_expr -> Ast_410.Parsetree.module_expr =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pmod_desc = (copy_module_expr_desc pmod_desc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pmod_loc = (copy_location pmod_loc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = (copy_attributes pmod_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_module_expr_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> Ast_410.Parsetree.module_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmod_ident (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmod_structure (copy_structure x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmod_functor
-        ((match x0.txt, x1 with
-            | "*", None -> Unit
-            | "_", Some mt -> Named (copy_loc (fun _ -> None) x0, copy_module_type mt)
-            | _, Some mt -> Named (copy_loc (fun x -> Some x) x0, copy_module_type mt)
-            |_ -> assert false),
-         (copy_module_expr x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmod_apply
-        ((copy_module_expr x0), (copy_module_expr x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint
-        ((copy_module_expr x0), (copy_module_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack (copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmod_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_module_type :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.module_type -> Ast_410.Parsetree.module_type =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pmty_desc = (copy_module_type_desc pmty_desc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pmty_loc = (copy_location pmty_loc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = (copy_attributes pmty_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_module_type_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.module_type_desc -> Ast_410.Parsetree.module_type_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmty_ident (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmty_signature (copy_signature x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmty_functor
-        ((match x0.txt, x1 with
-            | "*", None -> Unit
-            | "_", Some mt -> Named (copy_loc (fun _ -> None) x0, copy_module_type mt)
-            | _, Some mt -> Named (copy_loc (fun x -> Some x) x0, copy_module_type mt)
-            |_ -> assert false),
-         (copy_module_type x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmty_with
-        ((copy_module_type x0), ( copy_with_constraint x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmty_alias (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-and copy_with_constraint :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.with_constraint -> Ast_410.Parsetree.with_constraint =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pwith_type
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pwith_module
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x1))
-and copy_signature :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.signature -> Ast_410.Parsetree.signature =
-  fun x -> copy_signature_item x
-and copy_signature_item :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.signature_item -> Ast_410.Parsetree.signature_item =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.psig_desc = (copy_signature_item_desc psig_desc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.psig_loc = (copy_location psig_loc)
-      }
-and copy_signature_item_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.signature_item_desc ->
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_value (copy_value_description x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_type (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_typesubst x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_typesubst ( copy_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_typext (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_exception (copy_type_exception x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_module (copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_modsubst x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_modsubst (copy_module_substitution x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule ( copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_modtype (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_open (copy_open_description x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_include (copy_include_description x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_class ( copy_class_description x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0), (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_class_type_declaration :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type_declaration ->
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.class_type_declaration
-  = fun x -> copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_description :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_description -> Ast_410.Parsetree.class_description
-  = fun x -> copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_type :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type -> Ast_410.Parsetree.class_type =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pcty_desc = (copy_class_type_desc pcty_desc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pcty_loc = (copy_location pcty_loc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = (copy_attributes pcty_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_class_type_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type_desc -> Ast_410.Parsetree.class_type_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcty_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcty_signature (copy_class_signature x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0), (copy_core_type x1), (copy_class_type x2))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_open (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcty_open
-        ((copy_open_description x0), (copy_class_type x1))
-and copy_class_signature :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_signature -> Ast_410.Parsetree.class_signature =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pcsig_self = (copy_core_type pcsig_self);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pcsig_fields =
-          ( copy_class_type_field pcsig_fields)
-      }
-and copy_class_type_field :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type_field -> Ast_410.Parsetree.class_type_field =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pctf_desc = (copy_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pctf_loc = (copy_location pctf_loc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = (copy_attributes pctf_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_class_type_field_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc ->
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit (copy_class_type x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pctf_val
-        (let (x0, x1, x2, x3) = x0 in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-          (copy_virtual_flag x2), (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pctf_method
-        (let (x0, x1, x2, x3) = x0 in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_private_flag x1),
-          (copy_virtual_flag x2), (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint
-        (let (x0, x1) = x0 in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pctf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_extension :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.extension -> Ast_410.Parsetree.extension =
-  fun x ->
-  let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0), (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_class_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-  'f0 Ast_409.Parsetree.class_infos -> 'g0 Ast_410.Parsetree.class_infos
-  =
-  fun f0 ->
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pci_virt = (copy_virtual_flag pci_virt);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pci_params =
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_variance x1)))
-             pci_params);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pci_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pci_name);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pci_expr = (f0 pci_expr);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pci_loc = (copy_location pci_loc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pci_attributes = (copy_attributes pci_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_virtual_flag :
-  Ast_409.Asttypes.virtual_flag -> Ast_410.Asttypes.virtual_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Virtual -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Virtual
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Concrete -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Concrete
-and copy_include_description :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.include_description ->
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.include_description
-  = fun x -> copy_include_infos copy_module_type x
-and copy_include_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-  'f0 Ast_409.Parsetree.include_infos ->
-  'g0 Ast_410.Parsetree.include_infos
-  =
-  fun f0 ->
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pincl_mod = (f0 pincl_mod);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pincl_loc = (copy_location pincl_loc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pincl_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pincl_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_open_description :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.open_description -> Ast_410.Parsetree.open_description =
-  fun x -> copy_open_infos (fun x -> copy_loc copy_Longident_t x) x
-and copy_open_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-  'f0 Ast_409.Parsetree.open_infos -> 'g0 Ast_410.Parsetree.open_infos
-  =
-  fun f0 ->
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.popen_expr = popen_expr;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.popen_expr = (f0 popen_expr);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.popen_override =
-          (copy_override_flag popen_override);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.popen_loc = (copy_location popen_loc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.popen_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes popen_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_override_flag :
-  Ast_409.Asttypes.override_flag -> Ast_410.Asttypes.override_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Override -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Override
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Fresh -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Fresh
-and copy_module_type_declaration :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.module_type_declaration ->
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pmtd_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pmtd_name);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pmtd_type = (map_option copy_module_type pmtd_type);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = (copy_attributes pmtd_attributes);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = (copy_location pmtd_loc)
-      }
-and copy_module_substitution :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.module_substitution ->
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.module_substitution
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pms_name = pms_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pms_manifest = pms_manifest;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pms_attributes = pms_attributes;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pms_loc = pms_loc }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pms_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pms_name);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pms_manifest =
-          (copy_loc copy_Longident_t pms_manifest);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pms_attributes = (copy_attributes pms_attributes);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pms_loc = (copy_location pms_loc)
-      }
-and copy_module_declaration :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.module_declaration ->
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.module_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pmd_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> Some x) pmd_name);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pmd_type = (copy_module_type pmd_type);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = (copy_attributes pmd_attributes);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pmd_loc = (copy_location pmd_loc)
-      }
-and copy_type_exception :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.type_exception -> Ast_410.Parsetree.type_exception =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyexn_constructor = ptyexn_constructor;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyexn_loc = ptyexn_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyexn_attributes = ptyexn_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyexn_constructor =
-          (copy_extension_constructor ptyexn_constructor);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyexn_loc = (copy_location ptyexn_loc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyexn_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes ptyexn_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_type_extension :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.type_extension -> Ast_410.Parsetree.type_extension =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_loc = ptyext_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyext_path = (copy_loc copy_Longident_t ptyext_path);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyext_params =
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_variance x1)))
-             ptyext_params);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors =
-          ( copy_extension_constructor ptyext_constructors);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyext_private = (copy_private_flag ptyext_private);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyext_loc = (copy_location ptyext_loc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes ptyext_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_extension_constructor :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.extension_constructor ->
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pext_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pext_name);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pext_kind =
-          (copy_extension_constructor_kind pext_kind);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pext_loc = (copy_location pext_loc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pext_attributes = (copy_attributes pext_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_extension_constructor_kind :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind ->
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pext_decl
-        ((copy_constructor_arguments x0), (map_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pext_rebind (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-and copy_type_declaration :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.type_declaration -> Ast_410.Parsetree.type_declaration =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptype_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) ptype_name);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptype_params =
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_variance x1)))
-             ptype_params);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs =
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1, x2) = x in
-                ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_core_type x1), (copy_location x2)))
-             ptype_cstrs);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptype_kind = (copy_type_kind ptype_kind);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptype_private = (copy_private_flag ptype_private);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptype_manifest =
-          (map_option copy_core_type ptype_manifest);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = (copy_attributes ptype_attributes);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.ptype_loc = (copy_location ptype_loc)
-      }
-and copy_private_flag :
-  Ast_409.Asttypes.private_flag -> Ast_410.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Private -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Private
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Public -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_type_kind :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.type_kind -> Ast_410.Parsetree.type_kind =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract -> Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptype_variant
-        ( copy_constructor_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptype_record ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptype_open -> Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptype_open
-and copy_constructor_declaration :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.constructor_declaration ->
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pcd_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pcd_name);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pcd_args = (copy_constructor_arguments pcd_args);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pcd_res = (map_option copy_core_type pcd_res);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pcd_loc = (copy_location pcd_loc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = (copy_attributes pcd_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_constructor_arguments :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.constructor_arguments ->
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.constructor_arguments
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcstr_record x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcstr_record ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-and copy_label_declaration :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.label_declaration -> Ast_410.Parsetree.label_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pld_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pld_name);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pld_mutable = (copy_mutable_flag pld_mutable);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pld_type = (copy_core_type pld_type);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pld_loc = (copy_location pld_loc);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pld_attributes = (copy_attributes pld_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_mutable_flag :
-  Ast_409.Asttypes.mutable_flag -> Ast_410.Asttypes.mutable_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Immutable -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Immutable
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Mutable -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Mutable
-and copy_variance : Ast_409.Asttypes.variance -> Ast_410.Asttypes.variance =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Covariant -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Covariant
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Contravariant -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Contravariant
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Invariant -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Invariant
-and copy_value_description :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.value_description -> Ast_410.Parsetree.value_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pval_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pval_name);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pval_type = (copy_core_type pval_type);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pval_prim = ( (fun x -> x) pval_prim);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pval_attributes = (copy_attributes pval_attributes);
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pval_loc = (copy_location pval_loc)
-      }
-and copy_object_field_desc :
-  Ast_409.Parsetree.object_field_desc -> Ast_410.Parsetree.object_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Otag (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Otag ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Oinherit x0 ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Oinherit (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_arg_label : Ast_409.Asttypes.arg_label -> Ast_410.Asttypes.arg_label
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Nolabel -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Nolabel
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Labelled x0 -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Labelled x0
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Optional x0 -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Optional x0
-and copy_closed_flag :
-  Ast_409.Asttypes.closed_flag -> Ast_410.Asttypes.closed_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Closed -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Closed
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Open -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Open
-and copy_label : Ast_409.Asttypes.label -> Ast_410.Asttypes.label =
-  fun x -> x
-and copy_rec_flag : Ast_409.Asttypes.rec_flag -> Ast_410.Asttypes.rec_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Nonrecursive -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Nonrecursive
-  | Ast_409.Asttypes.Recursive -> Ast_410.Asttypes.Recursive
-and copy_constant : Ast_409.Parsetree.constant -> Ast_410.Parsetree.constant
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0, (map_option (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0 -> Ast_410.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0, (map_option (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_409.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0, (map_option (fun x -> x) x1))
-and copy_Longident_t : Ast_409.Longident.t -> Ast_410.Longident.t =
-  function
-  | Ast_409.Longident.Lident x0 -> Ast_410.Longident.Lident x0
-  | Ast_409.Longident.Ldot (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Longident.Ldot ((copy_Longident_t x0), x1)
-  | Ast_409.Longident.Lapply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_410.Longident.Lapply ((copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_Longident_t x1))
-and copy_loc :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 Ast_409.Asttypes.loc -> 'g0 Ast_410.Asttypes.loc
-  =
-  fun f0 ->
-  fun { Ast_409.Asttypes.txt = txt; Ast_409.Asttypes.loc = loc } ->
-  {
-    Ast_410.Asttypes.txt = (f0 txt);
-    Ast_410.Asttypes.loc = (copy_location loc)
-  }
-and copy_location : Ast_409.Location.t -> Ast_410.Location.t =
-  fun
-    { Ast_409.Location.loc_start = loc_start;
-      Ast_409.Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-      Ast_409.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-    ->
-      {
-        Ast_410.Location.loc_start = (copy_position loc_start);
-        Ast_410.Location.loc_end = (copy_position loc_end);
-        Ast_410.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost
-      }
-and copy_position : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position =
-  fun
-    { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-    ->
-      {
-        Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname;
-        Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-        Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol;
-        Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum
-      }
-let copy_expr = copy_expression
-let copy_pat = copy_pattern
-let copy_typ = copy_core_type
-module Migrate_parsetree_410_409_migrate
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-module From = Ast_410
-module To = Ast_409
-module Def = Migrate_parsetree_def
-let migration_error location feature =
-  raise (Def.Migration_error (feature, location))
-let map_option f x =
-  match x with
-  | None -> None
-  | Some x -> Some (f x)
-let rec copy_out_type_extension :
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_type_extension ->
-    Ast_409.Outcometree.out_type_extension
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.otyext_params = otyext_params;
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.otyext_constructors = otyext_constructors;
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.otyext_private = otyext_private }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otyext_name = otyext_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otyext_params =
-        ( (fun x -> x) otyext_params);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otyext_constructors =
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1, x2) = x in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (map_option copy_out_type x2))) otyext_constructors);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otyext_private = (copy_private_flag otyext_private)
-    }
-and copy_out_phrase :
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_phrase -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_phrase =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Ophr_eval (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Ophr_eval ((copy_out_value x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Ophr_signature x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Ophr_signature
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in
-              ((copy_out_sig_item x0), (map_option copy_out_value x1))) x0)
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Ophr_exception x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Ophr_exception
-        (let (x0, x1) = x0 in (x0, (copy_out_value x1)))
-and copy_out_sig_item :
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_sig_item -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_sig_item =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Osig_class (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_class
-        (x0, x1,
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in (x0, (let (x0, x1) = x1 in (x0, x1)))) x2),
-          (copy_out_class_type x3), (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Osig_class_type (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_class_type
-        (x0, x1,
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in (x0, (let (x0, x1) = x1 in (x0, x1)))) x2),
-          (copy_out_class_type x3), (copy_out_rec_status x4))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Osig_typext (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_typext
-        ((copy_out_extension_constructor x0), (copy_out_ext_status x1))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_modtype (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Osig_module (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_module
-        (x0, (copy_out_module_type x1), (copy_out_rec_status x2))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Osig_type (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_type
-        ((copy_out_type_decl x0), (copy_out_rec_status x1))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Osig_value x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_value (copy_out_val_decl x0)
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Osig_ellipsis
-and copy_out_val_decl :
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_val_decl -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_val_decl =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.oval_type = oval_type;
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.oval_prims = oval_prims;
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.oval_attributes = oval_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oval_name = oval_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oval_type = (copy_out_type oval_type);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oval_prims = ( (fun x -> x) oval_prims);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oval_attributes =
-        ( copy_out_attribute oval_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_out_type_decl :
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_type_decl -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_type_decl =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.otype_params = otype_params;
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.otype_type = otype_type;
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.otype_private = otype_private;
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.otype_immediate = otype_immediate;
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = otype_unboxed;
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.otype_cstrs = otype_cstrs }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_name = otype_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in (x0, (let (x0, x1) = x1 in (x0, x1))))
-           otype_params);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_type = (copy_out_type otype_type);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_private = (copy_private_flag otype_private);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_immediate =
-        (copy_Type_immediacy_t otype_immediate);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_unboxed = otype_unboxed;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.otype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_out_type x0), (copy_out_type x1)))
-           otype_cstrs)
-    }
-and copy_Type_immediacy_t :
-  Ast_410.Type_immediacy.t -> bool =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Type_immediacy.Unknown -> false
-  | Ast_410.Type_immediacy.Always -> true
-  | Ast_410.Type_immediacy.Always_on_64bits -> migration_error Location.none Immediate64
-and copy_out_module_type :
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_module_type -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_module_type
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Omty_abstract -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_abstract
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Omty_functor (x0, x1) ->
-      let name, mt =
-        match x0 with
-        | None -> "*", None
-        | Some (None, mt) -> "_", Some (copy_out_module_type mt)
-        | Some (Some s, mt) -> s, Some (copy_out_module_type mt)
-      in
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_functor
-        (name, mt, copy_out_module_type x1)
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Omty_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_ident (copy_out_ident x0)
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Omty_signature x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_signature ( copy_out_sig_item x0)
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Omty_alias x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Omty_alias (copy_out_ident x0)
-and copy_out_ext_status :
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_ext_status -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_ext_status =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oext_first -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oext_first
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oext_next -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oext_next
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oext_exception -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oext_exception
-and copy_out_extension_constructor :
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor ->
-    Ast_409.Outcometree.out_extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.oext_type_params = oext_type_params;
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.oext_args = oext_args;
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.oext_ret_type = oext_ret_type;
-      Ast_410.Outcometree.oext_private = oext_private }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_name = oext_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_type_name = oext_type_name;
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_type_params =
-        ( (fun x -> x) oext_type_params);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_args = ( copy_out_type oext_args);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_ret_type =
-        (map_option copy_out_type oext_ret_type);
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.oext_private = (copy_private_flag oext_private)
-    }
-and copy_out_rec_status :
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_rec_status -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_rec_status =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Orec_not -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Orec_not
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Orec_first -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Orec_first
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Orec_next -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Orec_next
-and copy_out_class_type :
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_class_type -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_class_type =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Octy_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Octy_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Octy_arrow (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Octy_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1), (copy_out_class_type x2))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Octy_signature (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Octy_signature
-        ((map_option copy_out_type x0),
-          ( copy_out_class_sig_item x1))
-and copy_out_class_sig_item :
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item ->
-    Ast_409.Outcometree.out_class_sig_item
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Ocsg_constraint
-        ((copy_out_type x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Ocsg_method (x0, x1, x2, (copy_out_type x3))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Ocsg_value (x0, x1, x2, (copy_out_type x3))
-and copy_out_type :
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_type -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_type =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_abstract
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_open -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_open
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_alias (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_alias ((copy_out_type x0), x1)
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_arrow
-        (x0, (copy_out_type x1), (copy_out_type x2))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_class (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_class
-        (x0, (copy_out_ident x1), ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), ( copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_manifest
-        ((copy_out_type x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_object (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_object
-        (( (fun x -> let (x0, x1) = x in (x0, (copy_out_type x1))) x0),
-          (map_option (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_record x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_record
-        (
-           (fun x -> let (x0, x1, x2) = x in (x0, x1, (copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0 -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_stuff x0
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_sum x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_sum
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1, x2) = x in
-              (x0, ( copy_out_type x1),
-                (map_option copy_out_type x2))) x0)
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_tuple ( copy_out_type x0)
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_var (x0, x1)
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_variant (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_variant
-        (x0, (copy_out_variant x1), x2,
-          (map_option (fun x -> (fun x -> x) x) x3))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_poly (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_poly
-        (( (fun x -> x) x0), (copy_out_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_module (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_module
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), ( (fun x -> x) x1),
-          ( copy_out_type x2))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Otyp_attribute
-        ((copy_out_type x0), (copy_out_attribute x1))
-and copy_out_attribute :
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_attribute -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_attribute =
-  fun { Ast_410.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name } ->
-    { Ast_409.Outcometree.oattr_name = oattr_name }
-and copy_out_variant :
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_variant -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_variant =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Ovar_fields x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Ovar_fields
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1, x2) = x in (x0, x1, ( copy_out_type x2)))
-           x0)
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Ovar_typ x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Ovar_typ (copy_out_type x0)
-and copy_out_value :
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_value -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_value =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_array x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_array ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_char x0 -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_char x0
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_constr
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), ( copy_out_value x1))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_ellipsis
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_float x0 -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_float x0
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_int x0 -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_int x0
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0 -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_int32 x0
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0 -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_int64 x0
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_nativeint x0
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_list x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_list ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_printer x0
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_record x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_record
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_out_ident x0), (copy_out_value x1)))
-           x0)
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_string (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_string (x0, x1, (copy_out_string x2))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0 -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_stuff x0
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_tuple ( copy_out_value x0)
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oval_variant (x0, (map_option copy_out_value x1))
-and copy_out_string :
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_string -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_string =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Ostr_string -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Ostr_string
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Ostr_bytes -> Ast_409.Outcometree.Ostr_bytes
-and copy_out_ident :
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_ident -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_ident =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oide_apply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oide_apply
-        ((copy_out_ident x0), (copy_out_ident x1))
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oide_dot (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oide_dot ((copy_out_ident x0), x1)
-  | Ast_410.Outcometree.Oide_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Outcometree.Oide_ident (copy_out_name x0)
-and copy_out_name :
-  Ast_410.Outcometree.out_name -> Ast_409.Outcometree.out_name =
-  fun { Ast_410.Outcometree.printed_name = printed_name } ->
-    { Ast_409.Outcometree.printed_name = printed_name }
-and copy_toplevel_phrase :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> Ast_409.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptop_def x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptop_def (copy_structure x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptop_dir x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptop_dir (copy_toplevel_directive x0)
-and copy_toplevel_directive :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.toplevel_directive ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.toplevel_directive
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pdir_name = pdir_name;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pdir_arg = pdir_arg;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pdir_loc = pdir_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pdir_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pdir_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pdir_arg =
-        (map_option copy_directive_argument pdir_arg);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pdir_loc = (copy_location pdir_loc)
-    }
-and copy_directive_argument :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.directive_argument ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.directive_argument
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pdira_desc = pdira_desc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pdira_loc = pdira_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pdira_desc =
-        (copy_directive_argument_desc pdira_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pdira_loc = (copy_location pdira_loc)
-    }
-and copy_directive_argument_desc :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.directive_argument_desc ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.directive_argument_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0 -> Ast_409.Parsetree.Pdir_string x0
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pdir_int (x0, (map_option (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pdir_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pdir_ident (copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0 -> Ast_409.Parsetree.Pdir_bool x0
-and copy_expression :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.expression -> Ast_409.Parsetree.expression =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pexp_loc_stack = pexp_loc_stack;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pexp_desc = (copy_expression_desc pexp_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pexp_loc = (copy_location pexp_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pexp_loc_stack = (copy_location_stack pexp_loc_stack);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pexp_attributes = (copy_attributes pexp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_expression_desc :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.expression_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.expression_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_ident (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_function ( copy_case x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0), (map_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2), (copy_expression x3))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_apply
-        ((copy_expression x0),
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0), (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_match
-        ((copy_expression x0), ( copy_case x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_try
-        ((copy_expression x0), ( copy_case x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_tuple ( copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (map_option copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_variant
-        ((copy_label x0), (map_option copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_record
-        ((
-            (fun x ->
-               let (x0, x1) = x in
-               ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_expression x1))) x0),
-          (map_option copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_field
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_setfield
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x1),
-          (copy_expression x2))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_array ( copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_expression x1),
-          (map_option copy_expression x2))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_sequence
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_while
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_for
-        ((copy_pattern x0), (copy_expression x1), (copy_expression x2),
-          (copy_direction_flag x3), (copy_expression x4))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_constraint
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_coerce
-        ((copy_expression x0), (map_option copy_core_type x1),
-          (copy_core_type x2))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_send
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_loc copy_label x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_new (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar
-        ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_override
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in
-              ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_expression x1))) x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule
-        ((copy_loc (function
-             | None -> migration_error x0.loc Anonymous_let_module
-             | Some x -> x) x0),
-          (copy_module_expr x1), (copy_expression x2))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_letexception
-        ((copy_extension_constructor x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_assert (copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_lazy (copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_poly
-        ((copy_expression x0), (map_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_object (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_newtype
-        ((copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_pack (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_open
-        ((copy_open_declaration x0), (copy_expression x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_letop x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_letop (copy_letop x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable -> Ast_409.Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable
-and copy_letop : Ast_410.Parsetree.letop -> Ast_409.Parsetree.letop =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.let_ = let_; Ast_410.Parsetree.ands = ands;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.body = body }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.let_ = (copy_binding_op let_);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ands = ( copy_binding_op ands);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.body = (copy_expression body)
-    }
-and copy_binding_op :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.binding_op -> Ast_409.Parsetree.binding_op =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pbop_op = pbop_op;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pbop_pat = pbop_pat;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pbop_exp = pbop_exp;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pbop_loc = pbop_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pbop_op = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pbop_op);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pbop_pat = (copy_pattern pbop_pat);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pbop_exp = (copy_expression pbop_exp);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pbop_loc = (copy_location pbop_loc)
-    }
-and copy_direction_flag :
-  Ast_410.Asttypes.direction_flag -> Ast_409.Asttypes.direction_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Upto -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Upto
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Downto -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Downto
-and copy_case : -> =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pc_lhs = (copy_pattern pc_lhs);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pc_guard = (map_option copy_expression pc_guard);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pc_rhs = (copy_expression pc_rhs)
-    }
-and copy_cases : list -> Ast_409.Parsetree.cases
-  = fun x -> copy_case x
-and copy_value_binding :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.value_binding -> Ast_409.Parsetree.value_binding =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pvb_pat = (copy_pattern pvb_pat);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pvb_expr = (copy_expression pvb_expr);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pvb_attributes = (copy_attributes pvb_attributes);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pvb_loc = (copy_location pvb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_pattern : Ast_410.Parsetree.pattern -> Ast_409.Parsetree.pattern =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ppat_loc_stack = ppat_loc_stack;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ppat_desc = (copy_pattern_desc ppat_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ppat_loc = (copy_location ppat_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ppat_loc_stack = (copy_location_stack ppat_loc_stack);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ppat_attributes = (copy_attributes ppat_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_pattern_desc :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.pattern_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.pattern_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_any -> Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_any
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_var (copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_alias
-        ((copy_pattern x0), (copy_loc (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_constant (copy_constant x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_interval
-        ((copy_constant x0), (copy_constant x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_tuple ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_construct
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (map_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_variant
-        ((copy_label x0), (map_option copy_pattern x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_record
-        ((
-            (fun x ->
-               let (x0, x1) = x in
-               ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_pattern x1))) x0),
-          (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_array ( copy_pattern x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_or ((copy_pattern x0), (copy_pattern x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_constraint
-        ((copy_pattern x0), (copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_type (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_lazy (copy_pattern x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_unpack
-        (copy_loc (function
-             | None -> migration_error x0.loc Anonymous_unpack
-             | Some x -> x) x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_exception (copy_pattern x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ppat_open (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ppat_open
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_pattern x1))
-and copy_core_type :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.core_type -> Ast_409.Parsetree.core_type =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyp_loc_stack = ptyp_loc_stack;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyp_desc = (copy_core_type_desc ptyp_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyp_loc = (copy_location ptyp_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyp_loc_stack = (copy_location_stack ptyp_loc_stack);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = (copy_attributes ptyp_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_location_stack :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.location_stack -> Ast_409.Location.t list =
-  fun x -> copy_location x
-and copy_core_type_desc :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.core_type_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.core_type_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_any -> Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_any
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 -> Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0), (copy_core_type x1), (copy_core_type x2))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_object
-        (( copy_object_field x0), (copy_closed_flag x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_class
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_alias ((copy_core_type x0), x1)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_variant
-        (( copy_row_field x0), (copy_closed_flag x1),
-          (map_option (fun x -> copy_label x) x2))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_poly
-        (( (fun x -> copy_loc (fun x -> x) x) x0),
-          (copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_package (copy_package_type x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptyp_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_package_type :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.package_type -> Ast_409.Parsetree.package_type =
-  fun x ->
-    let (x0, x1) = x in
-    ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0),
-      (
-         (fun x ->
-            let (x0, x1) = x in
-            ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_core_type x1))) x1))
-and copy_row_field :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.row_field -> Ast_409.Parsetree.row_field =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.prf_desc = prf_desc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.prf_loc = prf_loc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.prf_attributes = prf_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.prf_desc = (copy_row_field_desc prf_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.prf_loc = (copy_location prf_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.prf_attributes = (copy_attributes prf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_row_field_desc :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.row_field_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.row_field_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Rtag (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Rtag
-        ((copy_loc copy_label x0), x1, ( copy_core_type x2))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Rinherit (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_object_field :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.object_field -> Ast_409.Parsetree.object_field =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pof_desc = pof_desc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pof_loc = pof_loc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pof_attributes = pof_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pof_desc = (copy_object_field_desc pof_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pof_loc = (copy_location pof_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pof_attributes = (copy_attributes pof_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_attributes :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.attributes -> Ast_409.Parsetree.attributes =
-  fun x -> copy_attribute x
-and copy_attribute :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.attribute -> Ast_409.Parsetree.attribute =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.attr_name = attr_name;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.attr_payload = attr_payload;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.attr_loc = attr_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.attr_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) attr_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.attr_payload = (copy_payload attr_payload);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.attr_loc = (copy_location attr_loc)
-    }
-and copy_payload : Ast_410.Parsetree.payload -> Ast_409.Parsetree.payload =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.PStr x0 -> Ast_409.Parsetree.PStr (copy_structure x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.PSig x0 -> Ast_409.Parsetree.PSig (copy_signature x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.PTyp x0 -> Ast_409.Parsetree.PTyp (copy_core_type x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.PPat (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.PPat
-        ((copy_pattern x0), (map_option copy_expression x1))
-and copy_structure :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.structure -> Ast_409.Parsetree.structure =
-  fun x -> copy_structure_item x
-and copy_structure_item :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.structure_item -> Ast_409.Parsetree.structure_item =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pstr_desc = (copy_structure_item_desc pstr_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pstr_loc = (copy_location pstr_loc)
-    }
-and copy_structure_item_desc :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.structure_item_desc ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_eval
-        ((copy_expression x0), (copy_attributes x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_value
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_value_binding x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_primitive (copy_value_description x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_type (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_typext (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_exception (copy_type_exception x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_module (copy_module_binding x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule ( copy_module_binding x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_modtype (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_open x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_open (copy_open_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_class ( copy_class_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_include (copy_include_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pstr_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0), (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_include_declaration :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.include_declaration ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.include_declaration
-  = fun x -> copy_include_infos copy_module_expr x
-and copy_class_declaration :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.class_declaration -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_declaration
-  = fun x -> copy_class_infos copy_class_expr x
-and copy_class_expr :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.class_expr -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_expr =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcl_desc = (copy_class_expr_desc pcl_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcl_loc = (copy_location pcl_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcl_attributes = (copy_attributes pcl_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_expr_desc :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_structure (copy_class_structure x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_fun
-        ((copy_arg_label x0), (map_option copy_expression x1),
-          (copy_pattern x2), (copy_class_expr x3))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_apply
-        ((copy_class_expr x0),
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in
-                ((copy_arg_label x0), (copy_expression x1))) x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_let
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_value_binding x1),
-          (copy_class_expr x2))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_constraint
-        ((copy_class_expr x0), (copy_class_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcl_open (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcl_open
-        ((copy_open_description x0), (copy_class_expr x1))
-and copy_class_structure :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.class_structure -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_structure =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcstr_self = (copy_pattern pcstr_self);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcstr_fields =
-        ( copy_class_field pcstr_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_field :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.class_field -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_field =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcf_desc = (copy_class_field_desc pcf_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcf_loc = (copy_location pcf_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcf_attributes = (copy_attributes pcf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_field_desc :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.class_field_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_field_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_inherit
-        ((copy_override_flag x0), (copy_class_expr x1),
-          (map_option (fun x -> copy_loc (fun x -> x) x) x2))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_val
-        (let (x0, x1, x2) = x0 in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_method
-        (let (x0, x1, x2) = x0 in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_class_field_kind x2)))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_constraint
-        (let (x0, x1) = x0 in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_initializer (copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_class_field_kind :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.class_field_kind -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_field_kind =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Cfk_virtual (copy_core_type x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Cfk_concrete
-        ((copy_override_flag x0), (copy_expression x1))
-and copy_open_declaration :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.open_declaration -> Ast_409.Parsetree.open_declaration =
-  fun x -> copy_open_infos copy_module_expr x
-and copy_module_binding :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.module_binding -> Ast_409.Parsetree.module_binding =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmb_name =
-        (copy_loc (function Some x -> x
-                          | None -> migration_error pmb_name.loc Anonymous_module_binding) pmb_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmb_expr = (copy_module_expr pmb_expr);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmb_attributes = (copy_attributes pmb_attributes);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmb_loc = (copy_location pmb_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.module_expr -> Ast_409.Parsetree.module_expr =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmod_desc = (copy_module_expr_desc pmod_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmod_loc = (copy_location pmod_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmod_attributes = (copy_attributes pmod_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_expr_desc :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.module_expr_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_ident (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_structure (copy_structure x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0, x1) ->
-      let x, y = copy_functor_parameter x0 in
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_functor
-        (x, y, (copy_module_expr x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_apply
-        ((copy_module_expr x0), (copy_module_expr x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_constraint
-        ((copy_module_expr x0), (copy_module_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_unpack (copy_expression x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmod_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_functor_parameter :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.functor_parameter -> string Ast_409.Asttypes.loc * Ast_409.Parsetree.module_type option
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Unit -> ({ loc = Location.none; txt = "*" }, None)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Named (x0, x1) ->
-        ((copy_loc (function
-             | None -> "_"
-             | Some x -> x) x0,
-          Some (copy_module_type x1)))
-and copy_module_type :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.module_type -> Ast_409.Parsetree.module_type =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmty_desc = (copy_module_type_desc pmty_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmty_loc = (copy_location pmty_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmty_attributes = (copy_attributes pmty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_module_type_desc :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.module_type_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.module_type_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_ident (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_signature (copy_signature x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0, x1) ->
-      let x, y = copy_functor_parameter x0 in
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_functor
-        (x, y, (copy_module_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_with
-        ((copy_module_type x0), ( copy_with_constraint x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_typeof (copy_module_expr x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pmty_alias (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-and copy_with_constraint :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.with_constraint -> Ast_409.Parsetree.with_constraint =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pwith_type
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pwith_module
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x1))
-and copy_signature :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.signature -> Ast_409.Parsetree.signature =
-  fun x -> copy_signature_item x
-and copy_signature_item :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.signature_item -> Ast_409.Parsetree.signature_item =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.psig_desc = (copy_signature_item_desc psig_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.psig_loc = (copy_location psig_loc)
-    }
-and copy_signature_item_desc :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.signature_item_desc ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_value (copy_value_description x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_type (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_type
-        ((copy_rec_flag x0), ( copy_type_declaration x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_typesubst x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_typesubst ( copy_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_typext (copy_type_extension x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_exception (copy_type_exception x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_module (copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_modsubst x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_modsubst (copy_module_substitution x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_recmodule ( copy_module_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_modtype (copy_module_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_open (copy_open_description x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_include (copy_include_description x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_class ( copy_class_description x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_class_type
-        ( copy_class_type_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Psig_extension
-        ((copy_extension x0), (copy_attributes x1))
-and copy_class_type_declaration :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.class_type_declaration ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type_declaration
-  = fun x -> copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_description :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.class_description -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_description
-  = fun x -> copy_class_infos copy_class_type x
-and copy_class_type :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.class_type -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcty_desc = (copy_class_type_desc pcty_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcty_loc = (copy_location pcty_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcty_attributes = (copy_attributes pcty_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_desc :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.class_type_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type_desc =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_constr
-        ((copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0), ( copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_signature (copy_class_signature x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0, x1, x2) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_arrow
-        ((copy_arg_label x0), (copy_core_type x1), (copy_class_type x2))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_extension (copy_extension x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcty_open (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcty_open
-        ((copy_open_description x0), (copy_class_type x1))
-and copy_class_signature :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.class_signature -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_signature =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcsig_self = (copy_core_type pcsig_self);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcsig_fields =
-        ( copy_class_type_field pcsig_fields)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.class_type_field -> Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type_field =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pctf_desc = (copy_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pctf_loc = (copy_location pctf_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pctf_attributes = (copy_attributes pctf_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_class_type_field_desc :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_inherit (copy_class_type x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_val
-        (let (x0, x1, x2, x3) = x0 in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_mutable_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2), (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_method
-        (let (x0, x1, x2, x3) = x0 in
-         ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_private_flag x1),
-           (copy_virtual_flag x2), (copy_core_type x3)))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_constraint
-        (let (x0, x1) = x0 in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_core_type x1)))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_attribute (copy_attribute x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pctf_extension (copy_extension x0)
-and copy_extension :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.extension -> Ast_409.Parsetree.extension =
-  fun x ->
-    let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_loc (fun x -> x) x0), (copy_payload x1))
-and copy_class_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 Ast_410.Parsetree.class_infos -> 'g0 Ast_409.Parsetree.class_infos
-  =
-  fun f0 ->
-    fun
-      { Ast_410.Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name;
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-      ->
-      {
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_virt = (copy_virtual_flag pci_virt);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_params =
-          (
-             (fun x ->
-                let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_variance x1)))
-             pci_params);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pci_name);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_expr = (f0 pci_expr);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_loc = (copy_location pci_loc);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pci_attributes = (copy_attributes pci_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_virtual_flag :
-  Ast_410.Asttypes.virtual_flag -> Ast_409.Asttypes.virtual_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Virtual -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Virtual
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Concrete -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Concrete
-and copy_include_description :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.include_description ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.include_description
-  = fun x -> copy_include_infos copy_module_type x
-and copy_include_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 Ast_410.Parsetree.include_infos ->
-        'g0 Ast_409.Parsetree.include_infos
-  =
-  fun f0 ->
-    fun
-      { Ast_410.Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-      ->
-      {
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pincl_mod = (f0 pincl_mod);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pincl_loc = (copy_location pincl_loc);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.pincl_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes pincl_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_open_description :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.open_description -> Ast_409.Parsetree.open_description =
-  fun x -> copy_open_infos (fun x -> copy_loc copy_Longident_t x) x
-and copy_open_infos :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) ->
-      'f0 Ast_410.Parsetree.open_infos -> 'g0 Ast_409.Parsetree.open_infos
-  =
-  fun f0 ->
-    fun
-      { Ast_410.Parsetree.popen_expr = popen_expr;
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-        Ast_410.Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-      ->
-      {
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.popen_expr = (f0 popen_expr);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.popen_override =
-          (copy_override_flag popen_override);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.popen_loc = (copy_location popen_loc);
-        Ast_409.Parsetree.popen_attributes =
-          (copy_attributes popen_attributes)
-      }
-and copy_override_flag :
-  Ast_410.Asttypes.override_flag -> Ast_409.Asttypes.override_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Override -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Override
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Fresh -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Fresh
-and copy_module_type_declaration :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.module_type_declaration ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmtd_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pmtd_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmtd_type = (map_option copy_module_type pmtd_type);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = (copy_attributes pmtd_attributes);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmtd_loc = (copy_location pmtd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_substitution :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.module_substitution ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.module_substitution
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pms_name = pms_name;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pms_manifest = pms_manifest;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pms_attributes = pms_attributes;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pms_loc = pms_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pms_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pms_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pms_manifest =
-        (copy_loc copy_Longident_t pms_manifest);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pms_attributes = (copy_attributes pms_attributes);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pms_loc = (copy_location pms_loc)
-    }
-and copy_module_declaration :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.module_declaration ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.module_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmd_name =
-        (copy_loc (function
-             | None -> migration_error pmd_name.loc Anonymous_module_declaration
-             | Some x -> x) pmd_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmd_type = (copy_module_type pmd_type);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmd_attributes = (copy_attributes pmd_attributes);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pmd_loc = (copy_location pmd_loc)
-    }
-and copy_type_exception :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.type_exception -> Ast_409.Parsetree.type_exception =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyexn_constructor = ptyexn_constructor;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyexn_loc = ptyexn_loc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyexn_attributes = ptyexn_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyexn_constructor =
-        (copy_extension_constructor ptyexn_constructor);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyexn_loc = (copy_location ptyexn_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyexn_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyexn_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_type_extension :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.type_extension -> Ast_409.Parsetree.type_extension =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyext_loc = ptyext_loc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_path = (copy_loc copy_Longident_t ptyext_path);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_params =
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_variance x1)))
-           ptyext_params);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_constructors =
-        ( copy_extension_constructor ptyext_constructors);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_private = (copy_private_flag ptyext_private);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_loc = (copy_location ptyext_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptyext_attributes =
-        (copy_attributes ptyext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.extension_constructor ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.extension_constructor
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pext_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pext_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pext_kind =
-        (copy_extension_constructor_kind pext_kind);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pext_loc = (copy_location pext_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pext_attributes = (copy_attributes pext_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_extension_constructor_kind :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pext_decl
-        ((copy_constructor_arguments x0), (map_option copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pext_rebind (copy_loc copy_Longident_t x0)
-and copy_type_declaration :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.type_declaration -> Ast_409.Parsetree.type_declaration =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) ptype_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_params =
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1) = x in ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_variance x1)))
-           ptype_params);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_cstrs =
-        (
-           (fun x ->
-              let (x0, x1, x2) = x in
-              ((copy_core_type x0), (copy_core_type x1), (copy_location x2)))
-           ptype_cstrs);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_kind = (copy_type_kind ptype_kind);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_private = (copy_private_flag ptype_private);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_manifest =
-        (map_option copy_core_type ptype_manifest);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_attributes = (copy_attributes ptype_attributes);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.ptype_loc = (copy_location ptype_loc)
-    }
-and copy_private_flag :
-  Ast_410.Asttypes.private_flag -> Ast_409.Asttypes.private_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Private -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Private
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Public -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Public
-and copy_type_kind :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.type_kind -> Ast_409.Parsetree.type_kind =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract -> Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptype_abstract
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptype_variant
-        ( copy_constructor_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptype_record ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Ptype_open -> Ast_409.Parsetree.Ptype_open
-and copy_constructor_declaration :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.constructor_declaration ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pcd_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_args = (copy_constructor_arguments pcd_args);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_res = (map_option copy_core_type pcd_res);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_loc = (copy_location pcd_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pcd_attributes = (copy_attributes pcd_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_constructor_arguments :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.constructor_arguments ->
-    Ast_409.Parsetree.constructor_arguments
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple ( copy_core_type x0)
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pcstr_record x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pcstr_record ( copy_label_declaration x0)
-and copy_label_declaration :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.label_declaration -> Ast_409.Parsetree.label_declaration
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pld_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_mutable = (copy_mutable_flag pld_mutable);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_type = (copy_core_type pld_type);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_loc = (copy_location pld_loc);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pld_attributes = (copy_attributes pld_attributes)
-    }
-and copy_mutable_flag :
-  Ast_410.Asttypes.mutable_flag -> Ast_409.Asttypes.mutable_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Immutable -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Immutable
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Mutable -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Mutable
-and copy_variance : Ast_410.Asttypes.variance -> Ast_409.Asttypes.variance =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Covariant -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Covariant
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Contravariant -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Contravariant
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Invariant -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Invariant
-and copy_value_description :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.value_description -> Ast_409.Parsetree.value_description
-  =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-      Ast_410.Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_name = (copy_loc (fun x -> x) pval_name);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_type = (copy_core_type pval_type);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_prim = ( (fun x -> x) pval_prim);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_attributes = (copy_attributes pval_attributes);
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.pval_loc = (copy_location pval_loc)
-    }
-and copy_object_field_desc :
-  Ast_410.Parsetree.object_field_desc -> Ast_409.Parsetree.object_field_desc
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Otag (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Otag ((copy_loc copy_label x0), (copy_core_type x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Oinherit x0 ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Oinherit (copy_core_type x0)
-and copy_arg_label : Ast_410.Asttypes.arg_label -> Ast_409.Asttypes.arg_label
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Nolabel -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Nolabel
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Labelled x0 -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Labelled x0
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Optional x0 -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Optional x0
-and copy_closed_flag :
-  Ast_410.Asttypes.closed_flag -> Ast_409.Asttypes.closed_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Closed -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Closed
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Open -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Open
-and copy_label : Ast_410.Asttypes.label -> Ast_409.Asttypes.label =
-  fun x -> x
-and copy_rec_flag : Ast_410.Asttypes.rec_flag -> Ast_409.Asttypes.rec_flag =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Nonrecursive -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Nonrecursive
-  | Ast_410.Asttypes.Recursive -> Ast_409.Asttypes.Recursive
-and copy_constant : Ast_410.Parsetree.constant -> Ast_409.Parsetree.constant
-  =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0, (map_option (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0 -> Ast_409.Parsetree.Pconst_char x0
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0, (map_option (fun x -> x) x1))
-  | Ast_410.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0, (map_option (fun x -> x) x1))
-and copy_Longident_t : Ast_410.Longident.t -> Ast_409.Longident.t =
-  function
-  | Ast_410.Longident.Lident x0 -> Ast_409.Longident.Lident x0
-  | Ast_410.Longident.Ldot (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Longident.Ldot ((copy_Longident_t x0), x1)
-  | Ast_410.Longident.Lapply (x0, x1) ->
-      Ast_409.Longident.Lapply ((copy_Longident_t x0), (copy_Longident_t x1))
-and copy_loc :
-  'f0 'g0 .
-    ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 Ast_410.Asttypes.loc -> 'g0 Ast_409.Asttypes.loc
-  =
-  fun f0 ->
-    fun { Ast_410.Asttypes.txt = txt; Ast_410.Asttypes.loc = loc } ->
-      {
-        Ast_409.Asttypes.txt = (f0 txt);
-        Ast_409.Asttypes.loc = (copy_location loc)
-      }
-and copy_location : Ast_410.Location.t -> Ast_409.Location.t =
-  fun
-    { Ast_410.Location.loc_start = loc_start;
-      Ast_410.Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-      Ast_410.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-    ->
-    {
-      Ast_409.Location.loc_start = (copy_position loc_start);
-      Ast_409.Location.loc_end = (copy_position loc_end);
-      Ast_409.Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost
-    }
-and copy_position : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position =
-  fun
-    { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-    ->
-    {
-      Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname;
-      Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-      Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol;
-      Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum
-    }
-let copy_expr = copy_expression
-let copy_pat = copy_pattern
-let copy_typ = copy_core_type
-module Migrate_parsetree_409_410
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-include Migrate_parsetree_409_410_migrate
-(*$ open Printf
-  let fields = [
-    "attribute"; "attributes"; "case"; "cases"; "class_declaration";
-    "class_description"; "class_expr"; "class_field"; "class_signature";
-    "class_structure"; "class_type"; "class_type_declaration";
-    "class_type_field"; "constructor_declaration"; "expr"; "extension";
-    "extension_constructor"; "include_declaration"; "include_description";
-    "label_declaration"; "location"; "module_binding"; "module_declaration";
-    "module_expr"; "module_type"; "module_type_declaration";
-    "open_description"; "pat"; "signature"; "signature_item"; "structure";
-    "structure_item"; "typ"; "type_declaration"; "type_extension";
-    "type_kind"; "value_binding"; "value_description";
-    "with_constraint"; "payload";
-    "binding_op"; "module_substitution"; "open_declaration"; "type_exception"
-  ]
-  let foreach_field f =
-    printf "\n";
-    List.iter f fields
-let copy_mapper = fun
-  ({ From.Ast_mapper.
-     (*$ foreach_field (printf "%s;\n")*)
-     attribute;
-     attributes;
-     case;
-     cases;
-     class_declaration;
-     class_description;
-     class_expr;
-     class_field;
-     class_signature;
-     class_structure;
-     class_type;
-     class_type_declaration;
-     class_type_field;
-     constructor_declaration;
-     expr;
-     extension;
-     extension_constructor;
-     include_declaration;
-     include_description;
-     label_declaration;
-     location;
-     module_binding;
-     module_declaration;
-     module_expr;
-     module_type;
-     module_type_declaration;
-     open_description;
-     pat;
-     signature;
-     signature_item;
-     structure;
-     structure_item;
-     typ;
-     type_declaration;
-     type_extension;
-     type_kind;
-     value_binding;
-     value_description;
-     with_constraint;
-     payload;
-     binding_op;
-     module_substitution;
-     open_declaration;
-     type_exception;
-     (*$*)
-   } as mapper) ->
-  let module Def = Migrate_parsetree_def in
-  let module R = Migrate_parsetree_410_409_migrate in
-  {
-    To.Ast_mapper.
-    (*$ foreach_field (fun s ->
-        printf
-          "%s = (fun _ x -> copy_%s (%s mapper (R.copy_%s x)));\n" s s s s)
-    *)
-    attribute = (fun _ x -> copy_attribute (attribute mapper (R.copy_attribute x)));
-    attributes = (fun _ x -> copy_attributes (attributes mapper (R.copy_attributes x)));
-    case = (fun _ x -> copy_case (case mapper (R.copy_case x)));
-    cases = (fun _ x -> copy_cases (cases mapper (R.copy_cases x)));
-    class_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_declaration (class_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_declaration x)));
-    class_description = (fun _ x -> copy_class_description (class_description mapper (R.copy_class_description x)));
-    class_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_class_expr (class_expr mapper (R.copy_class_expr x)));
-    class_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_field (class_field mapper (R.copy_class_field x)));
-    class_signature = (fun _ x -> copy_class_signature (class_signature mapper (R.copy_class_signature x)));
-    class_structure = (fun _ x -> copy_class_structure (class_structure mapper (R.copy_class_structure x)));
-    class_type = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type (class_type mapper (R.copy_class_type x)));
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_declaration (class_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_type_declaration x)));
-    class_type_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_field (class_type_field mapper (R.copy_class_type_field x)));
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_constructor_declaration (constructor_declaration mapper (R.copy_constructor_declaration x)));
-    expr = (fun _ x -> copy_expr (expr mapper (R.copy_expr x)));
-    extension = (fun _ x -> copy_extension (extension mapper (R.copy_extension x)));
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ x -> copy_extension_constructor (extension_constructor mapper (R.copy_extension_constructor x)));
-    include_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_include_declaration (include_declaration mapper (R.copy_include_declaration x)));
-    include_description = (fun _ x -> copy_include_description (include_description mapper (R.copy_include_description x)));
-    label_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_label_declaration (label_declaration mapper (R.copy_label_declaration x)));
-    location = (fun _ x -> copy_location (location mapper (R.copy_location x)));
-    module_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_module_binding (module_binding mapper (R.copy_module_binding x)));
-    module_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_declaration (module_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_declaration x)));
-    module_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_module_expr (module_expr mapper (R.copy_module_expr x)));
-    module_type = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type (module_type mapper (R.copy_module_type x)));
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type_declaration (module_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_type_declaration x)));
-    open_description = (fun _ x -> copy_open_description (open_description mapper (R.copy_open_description x)));
-    pat = (fun _ x -> copy_pat (pat mapper (R.copy_pat x)));
-    signature = (fun _ x -> copy_signature (signature mapper (R.copy_signature x)));
-    signature_item = (fun _ x -> copy_signature_item (signature_item mapper (R.copy_signature_item x)));
-    structure = (fun _ x -> copy_structure (structure mapper (R.copy_structure x)));
-    structure_item = (fun _ x -> copy_structure_item (structure_item mapper (R.copy_structure_item x)));
-    typ = (fun _ x -> copy_typ (typ mapper (R.copy_typ x)));
-    type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_type_declaration (type_declaration mapper (R.copy_type_declaration x)));
-    type_extension = (fun _ x -> copy_type_extension (type_extension mapper (R.copy_type_extension x)));
-    type_kind = (fun _ x -> copy_type_kind (type_kind mapper (R.copy_type_kind x)));
-    value_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_value_binding (value_binding mapper (R.copy_value_binding x)));
-    value_description = (fun _ x -> copy_value_description (value_description mapper (R.copy_value_description x)));
-    with_constraint = (fun _ x -> copy_with_constraint (with_constraint mapper (R.copy_with_constraint x)));
-    payload = (fun _ x -> copy_payload (payload mapper (R.copy_payload x)));
-    binding_op = (fun _ x -> copy_binding_op (binding_op mapper (R.copy_binding_op x)));
-    module_substitution = (fun _ x -> copy_module_substitution (module_substitution mapper (R.copy_module_substitution x)));
-    open_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_open_declaration (open_declaration mapper (R.copy_open_declaration x)));
-    type_exception = (fun _ x -> copy_type_exception (type_exception mapper (R.copy_type_exception x)));
-    (*$*)
-  }
-module Migrate_parsetree_410_409
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-include Migrate_parsetree_410_409_migrate
-(*$ open Printf
-  let fields = [
-    "attribute"; "attributes"; "case"; "cases"; "class_declaration";
-    "class_description"; "class_expr"; "class_field"; "class_signature";
-    "class_structure"; "class_type"; "class_type_declaration";
-    "class_type_field"; "constructor_declaration"; "expr"; "extension";
-    "extension_constructor"; "include_declaration"; "include_description";
-    "label_declaration"; "location"; "module_binding"; "module_declaration";
-    "module_expr"; "module_type"; "module_type_declaration";
-    "open_description"; "pat"; "signature"; "signature_item"; "structure";
-    "structure_item"; "typ"; "type_declaration"; "type_extension";
-    "type_kind"; "value_binding"; "value_description";
-    "with_constraint"; "payload";
-    "binding_op"; "module_substitution"; "open_declaration"; "type_exception"
-  ]
-  let foreach_field f =
-    printf "\n";
-    List.iter f fields
-let copy_mapper = fun
-  ({ From.Ast_mapper.
-     (*$ foreach_field (printf "%s;\n")*)
-     attribute;
-     attributes;
-     case;
-     cases;
-     class_declaration;
-     class_description;
-     class_expr;
-     class_field;
-     class_signature;
-     class_structure;
-     class_type;
-     class_type_declaration;
-     class_type_field;
-     constructor_declaration;
-     expr;
-     extension;
-     extension_constructor;
-     include_declaration;
-     include_description;
-     label_declaration;
-     location;
-     module_binding;
-     module_declaration;
-     module_expr;
-     module_type;
-     module_type_declaration;
-     open_description;
-     pat;
-     signature;
-     signature_item;
-     structure;
-     structure_item;
-     typ;
-     type_declaration;
-     type_extension;
-     type_kind;
-     value_binding;
-     value_description;
-     with_constraint;
-     payload;
-     binding_op;
-     module_substitution;
-     open_declaration;
-     type_exception;
-     (*$*)
-   } as mapper) ->
-  let module Def = Migrate_parsetree_def in
-  let module R = Migrate_parsetree_409_410_migrate in
-  {
-    To.Ast_mapper.
-    (*$ foreach_field (fun s ->
-        printf
-          "%s = (fun _ x -> copy_%s (%s mapper (R.copy_%s x)));\n" s s s s)
-    *)
-    attribute = (fun _ x -> copy_attribute (attribute mapper (R.copy_attribute x)));
-    attributes = (fun _ x -> copy_attributes (attributes mapper (R.copy_attributes x)));
-    case = (fun _ x -> copy_case (case mapper (R.copy_case x)));
-    cases = (fun _ x -> copy_cases (cases mapper (R.copy_cases x)));
-    class_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_declaration (class_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_declaration x)));
-    class_description = (fun _ x -> copy_class_description (class_description mapper (R.copy_class_description x)));
-    class_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_class_expr (class_expr mapper (R.copy_class_expr x)));
-    class_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_field (class_field mapper (R.copy_class_field x)));
-    class_signature = (fun _ x -> copy_class_signature (class_signature mapper (R.copy_class_signature x)));
-    class_structure = (fun _ x -> copy_class_structure (class_structure mapper (R.copy_class_structure x)));
-    class_type = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type (class_type mapper (R.copy_class_type x)));
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_declaration (class_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_class_type_declaration x)));
-    class_type_field = (fun _ x -> copy_class_type_field (class_type_field mapper (R.copy_class_type_field x)));
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_constructor_declaration (constructor_declaration mapper (R.copy_constructor_declaration x)));
-    expr = (fun _ x -> copy_expr (expr mapper (R.copy_expr x)));
-    extension = (fun _ x -> copy_extension (extension mapper (R.copy_extension x)));
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ x -> copy_extension_constructor (extension_constructor mapper (R.copy_extension_constructor x)));
-    include_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_include_declaration (include_declaration mapper (R.copy_include_declaration x)));
-    include_description = (fun _ x -> copy_include_description (include_description mapper (R.copy_include_description x)));
-    label_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_label_declaration (label_declaration mapper (R.copy_label_declaration x)));
-    location = (fun _ x -> copy_location (location mapper (R.copy_location x)));
-    module_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_module_binding (module_binding mapper (R.copy_module_binding x)));
-    module_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_declaration (module_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_declaration x)));
-    module_expr = (fun _ x -> copy_module_expr (module_expr mapper (R.copy_module_expr x)));
-    module_type = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type (module_type mapper (R.copy_module_type x)));
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_module_type_declaration (module_type_declaration mapper (R.copy_module_type_declaration x)));
-    open_description = (fun _ x -> copy_open_description (open_description mapper (R.copy_open_description x)));
-    pat = (fun _ x -> copy_pat (pat mapper (R.copy_pat x)));
-    signature = (fun _ x -> copy_signature (signature mapper (R.copy_signature x)));
-    signature_item = (fun _ x -> copy_signature_item (signature_item mapper (R.copy_signature_item x)));
-    structure = (fun _ x -> copy_structure (structure mapper (R.copy_structure x)));
-    structure_item = (fun _ x -> copy_structure_item (structure_item mapper (R.copy_structure_item x)));
-    typ = (fun _ x -> copy_typ (typ mapper (R.copy_typ x)));
-    type_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_type_declaration (type_declaration mapper (R.copy_type_declaration x)));
-    type_extension = (fun _ x -> copy_type_extension (type_extension mapper (R.copy_type_extension x)));
-    type_kind = (fun _ x -> copy_type_kind (type_kind mapper (R.copy_type_kind x)));
-    value_binding = (fun _ x -> copy_value_binding (value_binding mapper (R.copy_value_binding x)));
-    value_description = (fun _ x -> copy_value_description (value_description mapper (R.copy_value_description x)));
-    with_constraint = (fun _ x -> copy_with_constraint (with_constraint mapper (R.copy_with_constraint x)));
-    payload = (fun _ x -> copy_payload (payload mapper (R.copy_payload x)));
-    binding_op = (fun _ x -> copy_binding_op (binding_op mapper (R.copy_binding_op x)));
-    module_substitution = (fun _ x -> copy_module_substitution (module_substitution mapper (R.copy_module_substitution x)));
-    open_declaration = (fun _ x -> copy_open_declaration (open_declaration mapper (R.copy_open_declaration x)));
-    type_exception = (fun _ x -> copy_type_exception (type_exception mapper (R.copy_type_exception x)));
-    (*$*)
-  }
-module Migrate_parsetree_versions : sig 
-#1 "migrate_parsetree_versions.mli"
-# 1 "src/migrate_parsetree_versions.mli"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                   Jérémie Dimino, Jane Street Europe                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*$ #use "src/cinaps_helpers" $*)
-(** {1 Abstracting an OCaml frontend} *)
-(** Abstract view of a version of an OCaml Ast *)
-module type Ast = sig
-  (*$ foreach_module (fun m types ->
-      printf "module %s : sig\n" m;
-      List.iter types ~f:(printf "type %s\n");
-      printf "end\n"
-    )
-  *)
-  module Parsetree : sig
-    type structure
-    type signature
-    type toplevel_phrase
-    type core_type
-    type expression
-    type pattern
-    type case
-    type type_declaration
-    type type_extension
-    type extension_constructor
-  end
-  module Outcometree : sig
-    type out_value
-    type out_type
-    type out_class_type
-    type out_module_type
-    type out_sig_item
-    type out_type_extension
-    type out_phrase
-  end
-  module Ast_mapper : sig
-    type mapper
-  end
-  (*$*)
-  module Config : sig
-    val ast_impl_magic_number : string
-    val ast_intf_magic_number : string
-  end
-  val shallow_identity : Ast_mapper.mapper
-  val map_signature : Ast_mapper.mapper -> Parsetree.signature -> Parsetree.signature
-  val map_structure : Ast_mapper.mapper -> Parsetree.structure -> Parsetree.structure
-  val make_top_mapper
-    :  signature:(Parsetree.signature -> Parsetree.signature)
-    -> structure:(Parsetree.structure -> Parsetree.structure)
-    -> Ast_mapper.mapper
-(* Shortcuts for talking about ast types outside of the module language *)
-type 'a _types = 'a constraint 'a
-  = <
-    (*$ foreach_type (fun _ s -> printf "%-21s : _;\n" s) *)
-    structure             : _;
-    signature             : _;
-    toplevel_phrase       : _;
-    core_type             : _;
-    expression            : _;
-    pattern               : _;
-    case                  : _;
-    type_declaration      : _;
-    type_extension        : _;
-    extension_constructor : _;
-    out_value             : _;
-    out_type              : _;
-    out_class_type        : _;
-    out_module_type       : _;
-    out_sig_item          : _;
-    out_type_extension    : _;
-    out_phrase            : _;
-    mapper                : _;
-    (*$*)
-  >
-(*$ foreach_type (fun _ s ->
-    printf "type 'a get_%s = 'x constraint 'a _types = < %s : 'x; .. >\n" s s
-  );
-  printf ";;\n" *)
-type 'a get_structure = 'x constraint 'a _types = < structure : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_signature = 'x constraint 'a _types = < signature : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_toplevel_phrase = 'x constraint 'a _types = < toplevel_phrase : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_core_type = 'x constraint 'a _types = < core_type : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_expression = 'x constraint 'a _types = < expression : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_pattern = 'x constraint 'a _types = < pattern : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_case = 'x constraint 'a _types = < case : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_type_declaration = 'x constraint 'a _types = < type_declaration : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_type_extension = 'x constraint 'a _types = < type_extension : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_extension_constructor = 'x constraint 'a _types = < extension_constructor : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_out_value = 'x constraint 'a _types = < out_value : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_out_type = 'x constraint 'a _types = < out_type : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_out_class_type = 'x constraint 'a _types = < out_class_type : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_out_module_type = 'x constraint 'a _types = < out_module_type : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_out_sig_item = 'x constraint 'a _types = < out_sig_item : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_out_type_extension = 'x constraint 'a _types = < out_type_extension : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_out_phrase = 'x constraint 'a _types = < out_phrase : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_mapper = 'x constraint 'a _types = < mapper : 'x; .. >
-(** A version of the OCaml frontend packs the ast with type witnesses
-    so that equalities can be recovered dynamically. *)
-type _ witnesses                   = private ..  
-(** [migration_info] is an opaque type that is used to generate migration
-    functions. *)
-type _ migration_info
-(** An OCaml frontend versions an Ast, version number and some witnesses for
-    conversion. *)
-module type OCaml_version = sig
-  (** Ast definition for this version *)
-  module Ast : Ast
-  (* Version number as an integer, 402, 403, 404, ... *)
-  val version : int
-  (* Version number as a user-friendly string *)
-  val string_version : string (* 4.02, 4.03, 4.04, ... *)
-  (** Shortcut for talking about Ast types *)
-  type types = <
-    (*$ foreach_type (fun m s -> printf "%-21s : Ast.%s.%s;\n" s m s) *)
-    structure             : Ast.Parsetree.structure;
-    signature             : Ast.Parsetree.signature;
-    toplevel_phrase       : Ast.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase;
-    core_type             : Ast.Parsetree.core_type;
-    expression            : Ast.Parsetree.expression;
-    pattern               : Ast.Parsetree.pattern;
-    case                  :;
-    type_declaration      : Ast.Parsetree.type_declaration;
-    type_extension        : Ast.Parsetree.type_extension;
-    extension_constructor : Ast.Parsetree.extension_constructor;
-    out_value             : Ast.Outcometree.out_value;
-    out_type              : Ast.Outcometree.out_type;
-    out_class_type        : Ast.Outcometree.out_class_type;
-    out_module_type       : Ast.Outcometree.out_module_type;
-    out_sig_item          : Ast.Outcometree.out_sig_item;
-    out_type_extension    : Ast.Outcometree.out_type_extension;
-    out_phrase            : Ast.Outcometree.out_phrase;
-    mapper                : Ast.Ast_mapper.mapper;
-    (*$*)
-  > _types
-  (** A construtor for recovering type equalities between two arbitrary
-      versions. *)
-  type _ witnesses += Version : types witnesses
-  (** Information used to derive migration functions, see below *)
-  val migration_info : types migration_info
-(** Representing an ocaml version in type language *)
-type 'types ocaml_version =
-  (module OCaml_version
-    (*$ let sep = with_then_and () in
-      foreach_type (fun m s ->
-          printf "%t type Ast.%s.%s = 'types get_%s\n" sep m s s) *)
-    with type Ast.Parsetree.structure = 'types get_structure
-     and type Ast.Parsetree.signature = 'types get_signature
-     and type Ast.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase = 'types get_toplevel_phrase
-     and type Ast.Parsetree.core_type = 'types get_core_type
-     and type Ast.Parsetree.expression = 'types get_expression
-     and type Ast.Parsetree.pattern = 'types get_pattern
-     and type = 'types get_case
-     and type Ast.Parsetree.type_declaration = 'types get_type_declaration
-     and type Ast.Parsetree.type_extension = 'types get_type_extension
-     and type Ast.Parsetree.extension_constructor = 'types get_extension_constructor
-     and type Ast.Outcometree.out_value = 'types get_out_value
-     and type Ast.Outcometree.out_type = 'types get_out_type
-     and type Ast.Outcometree.out_class_type = 'types get_out_class_type
-     and type Ast.Outcometree.out_module_type = 'types get_out_module_type
-     and type Ast.Outcometree.out_sig_item = 'types get_out_sig_item
-     and type Ast.Outcometree.out_type_extension = 'types get_out_type_extension
-     and type Ast.Outcometree.out_phrase = 'types get_out_phrase
-     and type Ast.Ast_mapper.mapper = 'types get_mapper
-     (*$*)
-  )
-(** {1 Concrete frontend instances} *)
-(*$foreach_version (fun suffix _ ->
-    printf "module OCaml_%s : OCaml_version with module Ast = Ast_%s\n"
-      suffix suffix;
-    printf "val ocaml_%s : OCaml_%s.types ocaml_version\n" suffix suffix;
-  )*)
-module OCaml_402 : OCaml_version with module Ast = Ast_402
-val ocaml_402 : OCaml_402.types ocaml_version
-module OCaml_403 : OCaml_version with module Ast = Ast_403
-val ocaml_403 : OCaml_403.types ocaml_version
-module OCaml_404 : OCaml_version with module Ast = Ast_404
-val ocaml_404 : OCaml_404.types ocaml_version
-module OCaml_405 : OCaml_version with module Ast = Ast_405
-val ocaml_405 : OCaml_405.types ocaml_version
-module OCaml_406 : OCaml_version with module Ast = Ast_406
-val ocaml_406 : OCaml_406.types ocaml_version
-module OCaml_407 : OCaml_version with module Ast = Ast_407
-val ocaml_407 : OCaml_407.types ocaml_version
-module OCaml_408 : OCaml_version with module Ast = Ast_408
-val ocaml_408 : OCaml_408.types ocaml_version
-module OCaml_409 : OCaml_version with module Ast = Ast_409
-val ocaml_409 : OCaml_409.types ocaml_version
-module OCaml_410 : OCaml_version with module Ast = Ast_410
-val ocaml_410 : OCaml_410.types ocaml_version
-(* An alias to the current compiler version *)
-module OCaml_current = OCaml_406          
-val ocaml_current : OCaml_current.types ocaml_version
-val all_versions : (module OCaml_version) list
-(** {1 Migrating between different versions} *)
-type ('a, 'b) type_comparison =
-  | Lt : ('a, 'b) type_comparison
-  | Eq : ('a, 'a) type_comparison
-  | Gt : ('a, 'b) type_comparison
-val compare_ocaml_version : 'a ocaml_version -> 'b ocaml_version -> ('a, 'b) type_comparison
-(** A record for migrating each AST construct between two known versions *)
-type ('from, 'to_) migration_functions = {
-  (*$ foreach_type (fun _ s ->
-      printf "copy_%s: 'from get_%s -> 'to_ get_%s;\n" s s s) *)
-  copy_structure: 'from get_structure -> 'to_ get_structure;
-  copy_signature: 'from get_signature -> 'to_ get_signature;
-  copy_toplevel_phrase: 'from get_toplevel_phrase -> 'to_ get_toplevel_phrase;
-  copy_core_type: 'from get_core_type -> 'to_ get_core_type;
-  copy_expression: 'from get_expression -> 'to_ get_expression;
-  copy_pattern: 'from get_pattern -> 'to_ get_pattern;
-  copy_case: 'from get_case -> 'to_ get_case;
-  copy_type_declaration: 'from get_type_declaration -> 'to_ get_type_declaration;
-  copy_type_extension: 'from get_type_extension -> 'to_ get_type_extension;
-  copy_extension_constructor: 'from get_extension_constructor -> 'to_ get_extension_constructor;
-  copy_out_value: 'from get_out_value -> 'to_ get_out_value;
-  copy_out_type: 'from get_out_type -> 'to_ get_out_type;
-  copy_out_class_type: 'from get_out_class_type -> 'to_ get_out_class_type;
-  copy_out_module_type: 'from get_out_module_type -> 'to_ get_out_module_type;
-  copy_out_sig_item: 'from get_out_sig_item -> 'to_ get_out_sig_item;
-  copy_out_type_extension: 'from get_out_type_extension -> 'to_ get_out_type_extension;
-  copy_out_phrase: 'from get_out_phrase -> 'to_ get_out_phrase;
-  copy_mapper: 'from get_mapper -> 'to_ get_mapper;
-  (*$*)
-(** Migrating to the same version is no-op *)
-val migration_identity : ('a, 'a) migration_functions
-(** Migrations can be composed *)
-val migration_compose : ('a, 'b) migration_functions -> ('b, 'c) migration_functions -> ('a, 'c) migration_functions
-(** Represent the next or previous version of an Ast *)
-type 'from immediate_migration =
-  | No_migration : 'from immediate_migration
-  (** Cannot migrate earliest or latest supported version *)
-  |
-    Immediate_migration :
-      ('from, 'to_) migration_functions * 'to_ ocaml_version -> 'from immediate_migration
-  (** Pack the migration functions and the new version *)
-val immediate_migration : 'types ocaml_version -> [< `Next | `Previous ] -> 'types immediate_migration
-val migrate : 'from ocaml_version -> 'to_ ocaml_version -> ('from, 'to_) migration_functions
-(** {1 Convenience definitions} *)
-(** Module level migration *)
-module Convert (A : OCaml_version) (B : OCaml_version) : sig
-  (*$ foreach_type (fun m s ->
-      let fq = sprintf "%s.%s" m s in
-      printf "  val copy_%-21s : A.Ast.%-31s -> B.Ast.%s\n" s fq fq) *)
-  val copy_structure             : A.Ast.Parsetree.structure             -> B.Ast.Parsetree.structure
-  val copy_signature             : A.Ast.Parsetree.signature             -> B.Ast.Parsetree.signature
-  val copy_toplevel_phrase       : A.Ast.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase       -> B.Ast.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase
-  val copy_core_type             : A.Ast.Parsetree.core_type             -> B.Ast.Parsetree.core_type
-  val copy_expression            : A.Ast.Parsetree.expression            -> B.Ast.Parsetree.expression
-  val copy_pattern               : A.Ast.Parsetree.pattern               -> B.Ast.Parsetree.pattern
-  val copy_case                  :                  ->
-  val copy_type_declaration      : A.Ast.Parsetree.type_declaration      -> B.Ast.Parsetree.type_declaration
-  val copy_type_extension        : A.Ast.Parsetree.type_extension        -> B.Ast.Parsetree.type_extension
-  val copy_extension_constructor : A.Ast.Parsetree.extension_constructor -> B.Ast.Parsetree.extension_constructor
-  val copy_out_value             : A.Ast.Outcometree.out_value           -> B.Ast.Outcometree.out_value
-  val copy_out_type              : A.Ast.Outcometree.out_type            -> B.Ast.Outcometree.out_type
-  val copy_out_class_type        : A.Ast.Outcometree.out_class_type      -> B.Ast.Outcometree.out_class_type
-  val copy_out_module_type       : A.Ast.Outcometree.out_module_type     -> B.Ast.Outcometree.out_module_type
-  val copy_out_sig_item          : A.Ast.Outcometree.out_sig_item        -> B.Ast.Outcometree.out_sig_item
-  val copy_out_type_extension    : A.Ast.Outcometree.out_type_extension  -> B.Ast.Outcometree.out_type_extension
-  val copy_out_phrase            : A.Ast.Outcometree.out_phrase          -> B.Ast.Outcometree.out_phrase
-  val copy_mapper                : A.Ast.Ast_mapper.mapper               -> B.Ast.Ast_mapper.mapper
-  (*$*)
-end = struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                   Jérémie Dimino, Jane Street Europe                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*$ #use "src/cinaps_helpers" $*)
-type _ witnesses = ..
-type _ migration = ..
-type _ migration += Undefined : _ migration
-type 'a migration_info = {
-  mutable next_version : 'a migration;
-  mutable previous_version : 'a migration;
-(** Abstract view of a version of an OCaml Ast *)
-module type Ast = sig
-  (*$ foreach_module (fun m types ->
-      printf "module %s : sig\n" m;
-      List.iter types ~f:(printf "type %s\n");
-      printf "end\n"
-    )
-  *)
-  module Parsetree : sig
-    type structure
-    type signature
-    type toplevel_phrase
-    type core_type
-    type expression
-    type pattern
-    type case
-    type type_declaration
-    type type_extension
-    type extension_constructor
-  end
-  module Outcometree : sig
-    type out_value
-    type out_type
-    type out_class_type
-    type out_module_type
-    type out_sig_item
-    type out_type_extension
-    type out_phrase
-  end
-  module Ast_mapper : sig
-    type mapper
-  end
-  (*$*)
-  module Config : sig
-    val ast_impl_magic_number : string
-    val ast_intf_magic_number : string
-  end
-  val shallow_identity : Ast_mapper.mapper
-  val map_signature : Ast_mapper.mapper -> Parsetree.signature -> Parsetree.signature
-  val map_structure : Ast_mapper.mapper -> Parsetree.structure -> Parsetree.structure
-  val make_top_mapper
-    :  signature:(Parsetree.signature -> Parsetree.signature)
-    -> structure:(Parsetree.structure -> Parsetree.structure)
-    -> Ast_mapper.mapper
-(* Shortcuts for talking about ast types outside of the module language *)
-type 'a _types = 'a constraint 'a
-  = <
-    (*$ foreach_type (fun _ s -> printf "%-21s : _;\n" s) *)
-    structure             : _;
-    signature             : _;
-    toplevel_phrase       : _;
-    core_type             : _;
-    expression            : _;
-    pattern               : _;
-    case                  : _;
-    type_declaration      : _;
-    type_extension        : _;
-    extension_constructor : _;
-    out_value             : _;
-    out_type              : _;
-    out_class_type        : _;
-    out_module_type       : _;
-    out_sig_item          : _;
-    out_type_extension    : _;
-    out_phrase            : _;
-    mapper                : _;
-    (*$*)
-  >
-(*$ foreach_type (fun _ s ->
-    printf "type 'a get_%s =\n" s;
-    printf " 'x constraint 'a _types = < %s : 'x; .. >\n" s
-  ) *)
-type 'a get_structure =
-  'x constraint 'a _types = < structure : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_signature =
-  'x constraint 'a _types = < signature : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_toplevel_phrase =
-  'x constraint 'a _types = < toplevel_phrase : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_core_type =
-  'x constraint 'a _types = < core_type : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_expression =
-  'x constraint 'a _types = < expression : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_pattern =
-  'x constraint 'a _types = < pattern : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_case =
-  'x constraint 'a _types = < case : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_type_declaration =
-  'x constraint 'a _types = < type_declaration : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_type_extension =
-  'x constraint 'a _types = < type_extension : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_extension_constructor =
-  'x constraint 'a _types = < extension_constructor : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_out_value =
-  'x constraint 'a _types = < out_value : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_out_type =
-  'x constraint 'a _types = < out_type : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_out_class_type =
-  'x constraint 'a _types = < out_class_type : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_out_module_type =
-  'x constraint 'a _types = < out_module_type : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_out_sig_item =
-  'x constraint 'a _types = < out_sig_item : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_out_type_extension =
-  'x constraint 'a _types = < out_type_extension : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_out_phrase =
-  'x constraint 'a _types = < out_phrase : 'x; .. >
-type 'a get_mapper =
-  'x constraint 'a _types = < mapper : 'x; .. >
-module type OCaml_version = sig
-  module Ast : Ast
-  val version : int
-  val string_version : string
-  type types = <
-    (*$ foreach_type (fun m s -> printf "%-21s : Ast.%s.%s;\n" s m s)*)
-    structure             : Ast.Parsetree.structure;
-    signature             : Ast.Parsetree.signature;
-    toplevel_phrase       : Ast.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase;
-    core_type             : Ast.Parsetree.core_type;
-    expression            : Ast.Parsetree.expression;
-    pattern               : Ast.Parsetree.pattern;
-    case                  :;
-    type_declaration      : Ast.Parsetree.type_declaration;
-    type_extension        : Ast.Parsetree.type_extension;
-    extension_constructor : Ast.Parsetree.extension_constructor;
-    out_value             : Ast.Outcometree.out_value;
-    out_type              : Ast.Outcometree.out_type;
-    out_class_type        : Ast.Outcometree.out_class_type;
-    out_module_type       : Ast.Outcometree.out_module_type;
-    out_sig_item          : Ast.Outcometree.out_sig_item;
-    out_type_extension    : Ast.Outcometree.out_type_extension;
-    out_phrase            : Ast.Outcometree.out_phrase;
-    mapper                : Ast.Ast_mapper.mapper;
-    (*$*)
-  > _types
-  type _ witnesses += Version : types witnesses
-  val migration_info : types migration_info
-module Make_witness(Ast : Ast) =
-  type types = <
-    (*$ foreach_type (fun m s -> printf "%-21s : Ast.%s.%s;\n" s m s)*)
-    structure             : Ast.Parsetree.structure;
-    signature             : Ast.Parsetree.signature;
-    toplevel_phrase       : Ast.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase;
-    core_type             : Ast.Parsetree.core_type;
-    expression            : Ast.Parsetree.expression;
-    pattern               : Ast.Parsetree.pattern;
-    case                  :;
-    type_declaration      : Ast.Parsetree.type_declaration;
-    type_extension        : Ast.Parsetree.type_extension;
-    extension_constructor : Ast.Parsetree.extension_constructor;
-    out_value             : Ast.Outcometree.out_value;
-    out_type              : Ast.Outcometree.out_type;
-    out_class_type        : Ast.Outcometree.out_class_type;
-    out_module_type       : Ast.Outcometree.out_module_type;
-    out_sig_item          : Ast.Outcometree.out_sig_item;
-    out_type_extension    : Ast.Outcometree.out_type_extension;
-    out_phrase            : Ast.Outcometree.out_phrase;
-    mapper                : Ast.Ast_mapper.mapper;
-    (*$*)
-  > _types
-  type _ witnesses += Version : types witnesses
-  let migration_info : types migration_info =
-    { next_version = Undefined; previous_version = Undefined }
-type 'types ocaml_version =
-  (module OCaml_version
-    (*$ let sep = with_then_and () in
-      foreach_type (fun m s ->
-          printf "%t type Ast.%s.%s = 'types get_%s\n" sep m s s) *)
-    with type Ast.Parsetree.structure = 'types get_structure
-     and type Ast.Parsetree.signature = 'types get_signature
-     and type Ast.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase = 'types get_toplevel_phrase
-     and type Ast.Parsetree.core_type = 'types get_core_type
-     and type Ast.Parsetree.expression = 'types get_expression
-     and type Ast.Parsetree.pattern = 'types get_pattern
-     and type = 'types get_case
-     and type Ast.Parsetree.type_declaration = 'types get_type_declaration
-     and type Ast.Parsetree.type_extension = 'types get_type_extension
-     and type Ast.Parsetree.extension_constructor = 'types get_extension_constructor
-     and type Ast.Outcometree.out_value = 'types get_out_value
-     and type Ast.Outcometree.out_type = 'types get_out_type
-     and type Ast.Outcometree.out_class_type = 'types get_out_class_type
-     and type Ast.Outcometree.out_module_type = 'types get_out_module_type
-     and type Ast.Outcometree.out_sig_item = 'types get_out_sig_item
-     and type Ast.Outcometree.out_type_extension = 'types get_out_type_extension
-     and type Ast.Outcometree.out_phrase = 'types get_out_phrase
-     and type Ast.Ast_mapper.mapper = 'types get_mapper
-     (*$*)
-  )
-type ('a, 'b) type_comparison =
-  | Lt : ('a, 'b) type_comparison
-  | Eq : ('a, 'a) type_comparison
-  | Gt : ('a, 'b) type_comparison
-let compare_ocaml_version
-    (*$ foreach_type (fun _ s -> printf "(type %s1) (type %s2)\n" s s) *)
-    (type structure1) (type structure2)
-    (type signature1) (type signature2)
-    (type toplevel_phrase1) (type toplevel_phrase2)
-    (type core_type1) (type core_type2)
-    (type expression1) (type expression2)
-    (type pattern1) (type pattern2)
-    (type case1) (type case2)
-    (type type_declaration1) (type type_declaration2)
-    (type type_extension1) (type type_extension2)
-    (type extension_constructor1) (type extension_constructor2)
-    (type out_value1) (type out_value2)
-    (type out_type1) (type out_type2)
-    (type out_class_type1) (type out_class_type2)
-    (type out_module_type1) (type out_module_type2)
-    (type out_sig_item1) (type out_sig_item2)
-    (type out_type_extension1) (type out_type_extension2)
-    (type out_phrase1) (type out_phrase2)
-    (type mapper1) (type mapper2)
-    (*$*)
-    ((module A) : <
-     (*$ foreach_type (fun _ s -> printf "%-21s : %s1;\n" s s) *)
-     structure             : structure1;
-     signature             : signature1;
-     toplevel_phrase       : toplevel_phrase1;
-     core_type             : core_type1;
-     expression            : expression1;
-     pattern               : pattern1;
-     case                  : case1;
-     type_declaration      : type_declaration1;
-     type_extension        : type_extension1;
-     extension_constructor : extension_constructor1;
-     out_value             : out_value1;
-     out_type              : out_type1;
-     out_class_type        : out_class_type1;
-     out_module_type       : out_module_type1;
-     out_sig_item          : out_sig_item1;
-     out_type_extension    : out_type_extension1;
-     out_phrase            : out_phrase1;
-     mapper                : mapper1;
-     (*$*)
-     > ocaml_version)
-    ((module B) : <
-     (*$ foreach_type (fun _ s -> printf "%-21s : %s2;\n" s s) *)
-     structure             : structure2;
-     signature             : signature2;
-     toplevel_phrase       : toplevel_phrase2;
-     core_type             : core_type2;
-     expression            : expression2;
-     pattern               : pattern2;
-     case                  : case2;
-     type_declaration      : type_declaration2;
-     type_extension        : type_extension2;
-     extension_constructor : extension_constructor2;
-     out_value             : out_value2;
-     out_type              : out_type2;
-     out_class_type        : out_class_type2;
-     out_module_type       : out_module_type2;
-     out_sig_item          : out_sig_item2;
-     out_type_extension    : out_type_extension2;
-     out_phrase            : out_phrase2;
-     mapper                : mapper2;
-     (*$*)
-     > ocaml_version)
-  : (A.types, B.types) type_comparison
-  =
-  match A.Version with
-  | B.Version -> Eq
-  | _ when A.version < B.version -> Lt
-  | _ when A.version > B.version -> Gt
-  | _ -> assert false
-type ('from, 'to_) migration_functions = {
-  (*$ foreach_type (fun _ s ->
-      printf "copy_%s: 'from get_%s -> 'to_ get_%s;\n" s s s) *)
-  copy_structure: 'from get_structure -> 'to_ get_structure;
-  copy_signature: 'from get_signature -> 'to_ get_signature;
-  copy_toplevel_phrase: 'from get_toplevel_phrase -> 'to_ get_toplevel_phrase;
-  copy_core_type: 'from get_core_type -> 'to_ get_core_type;
-  copy_expression: 'from get_expression -> 'to_ get_expression;
-  copy_pattern: 'from get_pattern -> 'to_ get_pattern;
-  copy_case: 'from get_case -> 'to_ get_case;
-  copy_type_declaration: 'from get_type_declaration -> 'to_ get_type_declaration;
-  copy_type_extension: 'from get_type_extension -> 'to_ get_type_extension;
-  copy_extension_constructor: 'from get_extension_constructor -> 'to_ get_extension_constructor;
-  copy_out_value: 'from get_out_value -> 'to_ get_out_value;
-  copy_out_type: 'from get_out_type -> 'to_ get_out_type;
-  copy_out_class_type: 'from get_out_class_type -> 'to_ get_out_class_type;
-  copy_out_module_type: 'from get_out_module_type -> 'to_ get_out_module_type;
-  copy_out_sig_item: 'from get_out_sig_item -> 'to_ get_out_sig_item;
-  copy_out_type_extension: 'from get_out_type_extension -> 'to_ get_out_type_extension;
-  copy_out_phrase: 'from get_out_phrase -> 'to_ get_out_phrase;
-  copy_mapper: 'from get_mapper -> 'to_ get_mapper;
-  (*$*)
-let id x = x
-let migration_identity : ('a, 'a) migration_functions = {
-  (*$ foreach_type (fun _ s -> printf "copy_%s = id;\n" s) *)
-  copy_structure = id;
-  copy_signature = id;
-  copy_toplevel_phrase = id;
-  copy_core_type = id;
-  copy_expression = id;
-  copy_pattern = id;
-  copy_case = id;
-  copy_type_declaration = id;
-  copy_type_extension = id;
-  copy_extension_constructor = id;
-  copy_out_value = id;
-  copy_out_type = id;
-  copy_out_class_type = id;
-  copy_out_module_type = id;
-  copy_out_sig_item = id;
-  copy_out_type_extension = id;
-  copy_out_phrase = id;
-  copy_mapper = id;
-  (*$*)
-let compose f g x = f (g x)
-let migration_compose (ab : ('a, 'b) migration_functions) (bc : ('b, 'c) migration_functions) : ('a, 'c) migration_functions = {
-  (*$ foreach_type (fun _ s ->
-      printf "copy_%-21s = compose bc.copy_%-21s ab.copy_%s;\n" s s s) *)
-  copy_structure             = compose bc.copy_structure             ab.copy_structure;
-  copy_signature             = compose bc.copy_signature             ab.copy_signature;
-  copy_toplevel_phrase       = compose bc.copy_toplevel_phrase       ab.copy_toplevel_phrase;
-  copy_core_type             = compose bc.copy_core_type             ab.copy_core_type;
-  copy_expression            = compose bc.copy_expression            ab.copy_expression;
-  copy_pattern               = compose bc.copy_pattern               ab.copy_pattern;
-  copy_case                  = compose bc.copy_case                  ab.copy_case;
-  copy_type_declaration      = compose bc.copy_type_declaration      ab.copy_type_declaration;
-  copy_type_extension        = compose bc.copy_type_extension        ab.copy_type_extension;
-  copy_extension_constructor = compose bc.copy_extension_constructor ab.copy_extension_constructor;
-  copy_out_value             = compose bc.copy_out_value             ab.copy_out_value;
-  copy_out_type              = compose bc.copy_out_type              ab.copy_out_type;
-  copy_out_class_type        = compose bc.copy_out_class_type        ab.copy_out_class_type;
-  copy_out_module_type       = compose bc.copy_out_module_type       ab.copy_out_module_type;
-  copy_out_sig_item          = compose bc.copy_out_sig_item          ab.copy_out_sig_item;
-  copy_out_type_extension    = compose bc.copy_out_type_extension    ab.copy_out_type_extension;
-  copy_out_phrase            = compose bc.copy_out_phrase            ab.copy_out_phrase;
-  copy_mapper                = compose bc.copy_mapper                ab.copy_mapper;
-  (*$*)
-type _ migration += Migration : 'from ocaml_version * ('from, 'to_) migration_functions * 'to_ ocaml_version -> 'from migration
-module type Migrate_module = sig
-  module From : Ast
-  module To : Ast
-  (*$ foreach_type (fun m s ->
-      printf "val copy_%-21s: From.%s.%s -> To.%s.%s\n" s m s m s) *)
-  val copy_structure            : From.Parsetree.structure -> To.Parsetree.structure
-  val copy_signature            : From.Parsetree.signature -> To.Parsetree.signature
-  val copy_toplevel_phrase      : From.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> To.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase
-  val copy_core_type            : From.Parsetree.core_type -> To.Parsetree.core_type
-  val copy_expression           : From.Parsetree.expression -> To.Parsetree.expression
-  val copy_pattern              : From.Parsetree.pattern -> To.Parsetree.pattern
-  val copy_case                 : ->
-  val copy_type_declaration     : From.Parsetree.type_declaration -> To.Parsetree.type_declaration
-  val copy_type_extension       : From.Parsetree.type_extension -> To.Parsetree.type_extension
-  val copy_extension_constructor: From.Parsetree.extension_constructor -> To.Parsetree.extension_constructor
-  val copy_out_value            : From.Outcometree.out_value -> To.Outcometree.out_value
-  val copy_out_type             : From.Outcometree.out_type -> To.Outcometree.out_type
-  val copy_out_class_type       : From.Outcometree.out_class_type -> To.Outcometree.out_class_type
-  val copy_out_module_type      : From.Outcometree.out_module_type -> To.Outcometree.out_module_type
-  val copy_out_sig_item         : From.Outcometree.out_sig_item -> To.Outcometree.out_sig_item
-  val copy_out_type_extension   : From.Outcometree.out_type_extension -> To.Outcometree.out_type_extension
-  val copy_out_phrase           : From.Outcometree.out_phrase -> To.Outcometree.out_phrase
-  val copy_mapper               : From.Ast_mapper.mapper -> To.Ast_mapper.mapper
-  (*$*)
-module Migration_functions
-    (A : OCaml_version) (B : OCaml_version)
-    (A_to_B : Migrate_module with module From = A.Ast and module To = B.Ast)
-  let migration_functions : (A.types, B.types) migration_functions =
-    let open A_to_B in
-    {
-      (*$ foreach_type (fun _ s -> printf "copy_%s;\n" s) *)
-      copy_structure;
-      copy_signature;
-      copy_toplevel_phrase;
-      copy_core_type;
-      copy_expression;
-      copy_pattern;
-      copy_case;
-      copy_type_declaration;
-      copy_type_extension;
-      copy_extension_constructor;
-      copy_out_value;
-      copy_out_type;
-      copy_out_class_type;
-      copy_out_module_type;
-      copy_out_sig_item;
-      copy_out_type_extension;
-      copy_out_phrase;
-      copy_mapper;
-      (*$*)
-    }
-module Register_migration (A : OCaml_version) (B : OCaml_version)
-    (A_to_B : Migrate_module with module From = A.Ast and module To = B.Ast)
-    (B_to_A : Migrate_module with module From = B.Ast and module To = A.Ast)
-  let () = (
-    let is_undefined : type a. a migration -> bool = function
-      | Undefined -> true
-      | _ -> false
-    in
-    assert (A.version < B.version);
-    assert (is_undefined A.migration_info.next_version);
-    assert (is_undefined B.migration_info.previous_version);
-    let module A_to_B_fun = Migration_functions(A)(B)(A_to_B) in
-    let module B_to_A_fun = Migration_functions(B)(A)(B_to_A) in
-    A.migration_info.next_version <-
-      Migration ((module A), A_to_B_fun.migration_functions, (module B));
-    B.migration_info.previous_version <-
-      Migration ((module B), B_to_A_fun.migration_functions, (module A));
-  )
-type 'from immediate_migration =
-  | No_migration : 'from immediate_migration
-  | Immediate_migration
-    :  ('from, 'to_) migration_functions * 'to_ ocaml_version
-      -> 'from immediate_migration
-let immediate_migration
-    (*$ foreach_type (fun _ s -> printf "(type %s)\n" s) *)
-    (type structure)
-    (type signature)
-    (type toplevel_phrase)
-    (type core_type)
-    (type expression)
-    (type pattern)
-    (type case)
-    (type type_declaration)
-    (type type_extension)
-    (type extension_constructor)
-    (type out_value)
-    (type out_type)
-    (type out_class_type)
-    (type out_module_type)
-    (type out_sig_item)
-    (type out_type_extension)
-    (type out_phrase)
-    (type mapper)
-    (*$*)
-    ((module A) : <
-     (*$ foreach_type (fun _ s -> printf "%-21s : %s;\n" s s) *)
-     structure             : structure;
-     signature             : signature;
-     toplevel_phrase       : toplevel_phrase;
-     core_type             : core_type;
-     expression            : expression;
-     pattern               : pattern;
-     case                  : case;
-     type_declaration      : type_declaration;
-     type_extension        : type_extension;
-     extension_constructor : extension_constructor;
-     out_value             : out_value;
-     out_type              : out_type;
-     out_class_type        : out_class_type;
-     out_module_type       : out_module_type;
-     out_sig_item          : out_sig_item;
-     out_type_extension    : out_type_extension;
-     out_phrase            : out_phrase;
-     mapper                : mapper;
-     (*$*)
-     > ocaml_version)
-    direction
-  =
-  let version = match direction with
-    | `Next -> A.migration_info.next_version
-    | `Previous -> A.migration_info.previous_version
-  in
-  match version with
-  | Undefined -> No_migration
-  | Migration (_, funs, to_) -> Immediate_migration (funs, to_)
-  | _ -> assert false
-let migrate
-    (*$ foreach_type (fun _ s -> printf "(type %s1) (type %s2)\n" s s) *)
-    (type structure1) (type structure2)
-    (type signature1) (type signature2)
-    (type toplevel_phrase1) (type toplevel_phrase2)
-    (type core_type1) (type core_type2)
-    (type expression1) (type expression2)
-    (type pattern1) (type pattern2)
-    (type case1) (type case2)
-    (type type_declaration1) (type type_declaration2)
-    (type type_extension1) (type type_extension2)
-    (type extension_constructor1) (type extension_constructor2)
-    (type out_value1) (type out_value2)
-    (type out_type1) (type out_type2)
-    (type out_class_type1) (type out_class_type2)
-    (type out_module_type1) (type out_module_type2)
-    (type out_sig_item1) (type out_sig_item2)
-    (type out_type_extension1) (type out_type_extension2)
-    (type out_phrase1) (type out_phrase2)
-    (type mapper1) (type mapper2)
-    (*$*)
-    ((module A) : <
-     (*$ foreach_type (fun _ s -> printf "%-21s : %s1;\n" s s) *)
-     structure             : structure1;
-     signature             : signature1;
-     toplevel_phrase       : toplevel_phrase1;
-     core_type             : core_type1;
-     expression            : expression1;
-     pattern               : pattern1;
-     case                  : case1;
-     type_declaration      : type_declaration1;
-     type_extension        : type_extension1;
-     extension_constructor : extension_constructor1;
-     out_value             : out_value1;
-     out_type              : out_type1;
-     out_class_type        : out_class_type1;
-     out_module_type       : out_module_type1;
-     out_sig_item          : out_sig_item1;
-     out_type_extension    : out_type_extension1;
-     out_phrase            : out_phrase1;
-     mapper                : mapper1;
-     (*$*)
-     > ocaml_version)
-    ((module B) : <
-     (*$ foreach_type (fun _ s -> printf "%-21s : %s2;\n" s s) *)
-     structure             : structure2;
-     signature             : signature2;
-     toplevel_phrase       : toplevel_phrase2;
-     core_type             : core_type2;
-     expression            : expression2;
-     pattern               : pattern2;
-     case                  : case2;
-     type_declaration      : type_declaration2;
-     type_extension        : type_extension2;
-     extension_constructor : extension_constructor2;
-     out_value             : out_value2;
-     out_type              : out_type2;
-     out_class_type        : out_class_type2;
-     out_module_type       : out_module_type2;
-     out_sig_item          : out_sig_item2;
-     out_type_extension    : out_type_extension2;
-     out_phrase            : out_phrase2;
-     mapper                : mapper2;
-     (*$*)
-     > ocaml_version)
-  : (A.types, B.types) migration_functions
-  =
-  match A.Version with
-  | B.Version -> migration_identity
-  | _ ->
-    let direction = if A.version < B.version then `Next else `Previous in
-    let rec migrate (m : A.types immediate_migration) : (A.types, B.types) migration_functions =
-      match m with
-      | No_migration -> assert false
-      | Immediate_migration (f, (module To)) ->
-        match To.Version with
-        | B.Version -> f
-        | _ ->
-          match immediate_migration (module To) direction with
-          | No_migration -> assert false
-          | Immediate_migration (g, to2) ->
-            migrate (Immediate_migration (migration_compose f g, to2))
-    in
-    migrate (immediate_migration (module A) direction)
-module Convert (A : OCaml_version) (B : OCaml_version) = struct
-  let {
-    (*$ foreach_type (fun _ s -> printf "copy_%s;\n" s) *)
-    copy_structure;
-    copy_signature;
-    copy_toplevel_phrase;
-    copy_core_type;
-    copy_expression;
-    copy_pattern;
-    copy_case;
-    copy_type_declaration;
-    copy_type_extension;
-    copy_extension_constructor;
-    copy_out_value;
-    copy_out_type;
-    copy_out_class_type;
-    copy_out_module_type;
-    copy_out_sig_item;
-    copy_out_type_extension;
-    copy_out_phrase;
-    copy_mapper;
-    (*$*)
-  } : (A.types, B.types) migration_functions =
-    migrate (module A) (module B)
-(*$ foreach_version (fun suffix version ->
-    printf "module OCaml_%s = struct\n" suffix;
-    printf "  module Ast = Ast_%s\n" suffix;
-    printf "  include Make_witness(Ast_%s)\n" suffix;
-    printf "  let version = %s\n" suffix;
-    printf "  let string_version = %S\n" version;
-    printf "end\n";
-    printf "let ocaml_%s : OCaml_%s.types ocaml_version = (module OCaml_%s)\n"
-      suffix suffix suffix;
-  )
-module OCaml_402 = struct
-  module Ast = Ast_402
-  include Make_witness(Ast_402)
-  let version = 402
-  let string_version = "4.02"
-let ocaml_402 : OCaml_402.types ocaml_version = (module OCaml_402)
-module OCaml_403 = struct
-  module Ast = Ast_403
-  include Make_witness(Ast_403)
-  let version = 403
-  let string_version = "4.03"
-let ocaml_403 : OCaml_403.types ocaml_version = (module OCaml_403)
-module OCaml_404 = struct
-  module Ast = Ast_404
-  include Make_witness(Ast_404)
-  let version = 404
-  let string_version = "4.04"
-let ocaml_404 : OCaml_404.types ocaml_version = (module OCaml_404)
-module OCaml_405 = struct
-  module Ast = Ast_405
-  include Make_witness(Ast_405)
-  let version = 405
-  let string_version = "4.05"
-let ocaml_405 : OCaml_405.types ocaml_version = (module OCaml_405)
-module OCaml_406 = struct
-  module Ast = Ast_406
-  include Make_witness(Ast_406)
-  let version = 406
-  let string_version = "4.06"
-let ocaml_406 : OCaml_406.types ocaml_version = (module OCaml_406)
-module OCaml_407 = struct
-  module Ast = Ast_407
-  include Make_witness(Ast_407)
-  let version = 407
-  let string_version = "4.07"
-let ocaml_407 : OCaml_407.types ocaml_version = (module OCaml_407)
-module OCaml_408 = struct
-  module Ast = Ast_408
-  include Make_witness(Ast_408)
-  let version = 408
-  let string_version = "4.08"
-let ocaml_408 : OCaml_408.types ocaml_version = (module OCaml_408)
-module OCaml_409 = struct
-  module Ast = Ast_409
-  include Make_witness(Ast_409)
-  let version = 409
-  let string_version = "4.09"
-let ocaml_409 : OCaml_409.types ocaml_version = (module OCaml_409)
-module OCaml_410 = struct
-  module Ast = Ast_410
-  include Make_witness(Ast_410)
-  let version = 410
-  let string_version = "4.10"
-let ocaml_410 : OCaml_410.types ocaml_version = (module OCaml_410)
-let all_versions : (module OCaml_version) list = [
-  (*$foreach_version (fun suffix _ ->
-      printf "(module OCaml_%s : OCaml_version);\n" suffix)*)
-  (module OCaml_402 : OCaml_version);
-  (module OCaml_403 : OCaml_version);
-  (module OCaml_404 : OCaml_version);
-  (module OCaml_405 : OCaml_version);
-  (module OCaml_406 : OCaml_version);
-  (module OCaml_407 : OCaml_version);
-  (module OCaml_408 : OCaml_version);
-  (module OCaml_409 : OCaml_version);
-  (module OCaml_410 : OCaml_version);
-  (*$*)
-(*$foreach_version_pair (fun a b ->
-    printf "include Register_migration(OCaml_%s)(OCaml_%s)\n" a b;
-    printf "  (Migrate_parsetree_%s_%s)(Migrate_parsetree_%s_%s)\n" a b b a
-  )
-include Register_migration(OCaml_402)(OCaml_403)
-    (Migrate_parsetree_402_403)(Migrate_parsetree_403_402)
-include Register_migration(OCaml_403)(OCaml_404)
-    (Migrate_parsetree_403_404)(Migrate_parsetree_404_403)
-include Register_migration(OCaml_404)(OCaml_405)
-    (Migrate_parsetree_404_405)(Migrate_parsetree_405_404)
-include Register_migration(OCaml_405)(OCaml_406)
-    (Migrate_parsetree_405_406)(Migrate_parsetree_406_405)
-include Register_migration(OCaml_406)(OCaml_407)
-    (Migrate_parsetree_406_407)(Migrate_parsetree_407_406)
-include Register_migration(OCaml_407)(OCaml_408)
-    (Migrate_parsetree_407_408)(Migrate_parsetree_408_407)
-include Register_migration(OCaml_408)(OCaml_409)
-    (Migrate_parsetree_408_409)(Migrate_parsetree_409_408)
-include Register_migration(OCaml_409)(OCaml_410)
-    (Migrate_parsetree_409_410)(Migrate_parsetree_410_409)
-module OCaml_current = OCaml_406          
-let ocaml_current : OCaml_current.types ocaml_version = (module OCaml_current)
-(* Make sure the preprocessing worked as expected *)
-let _f (x : Parsetree.expression) : OCaml_current.Ast.Parsetree.expression = x
-module Migrate_parsetree_ast_io : sig 
-#1 "migrate_parsetree_ast_io.mli"
-# 1 "src/migrate_parsetree_ast_io.mli"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-open Result[@@ocaml.warning "-33"]
-(** A marshalled ast packs the ast with the corresponding version of the
-    frontend *)
-type ast =
-  | Impl : (module Migrate_parsetree_versions.OCaml_version with
-             type Ast.Parsetree.structure = 'concrete) * 'concrete -> ast
-  | Intf : (module Migrate_parsetree_versions.OCaml_version with
-             type Ast.Parsetree.signature = 'concrete) * 'concrete -> ast
-(** A simple alias used for the filename of the source that produced an AST *)
-type filename = string
-type read_error =
-  | Not_a_binary_ast of string
-  (** The input doesn't contain a binary AST. The argument corresponds
-      to the bytes from the input that were consumed. *)
-  | Unknown_version of string
-  (** The input contains a binary AST for an unknown version of OCaml.
-      The argument is the unknown magic number. *)
-(** Load a marshalled AST from a channel
-    Any exception raised during unmarshalling (see [Marshal]) can escape.  *)
-val from_channel : in_channel -> (filename * ast, read_error) result
-(** Load a marshalled AST from a byte string.
-    See [from_channel] description for exception that can be raised. *)
-val from_bytes : bytes -> int -> (filename * ast, read_error) result
-(** Marshal an AST to a channel *)
-val to_channel : out_channel -> filename -> ast -> unit
-(** Marshal an AST to a byte string *)
-val to_bytes : filename -> ast -> bytes
-end = struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-open Result
-type ast =
-  | Impl : (module Migrate_parsetree_versions.OCaml_version with
-             type Ast.Parsetree.structure = 'concrete) * 'concrete -> ast
-  | Intf : (module Migrate_parsetree_versions.OCaml_version with
-             type Ast.Parsetree.signature = 'concrete) * 'concrete -> ast
-type filename = string
-let magic_length = String.length Ast_402.Config.ast_impl_magic_number
-let read_magic ic =
-  let buf = Bytes.create magic_length in
-  let len = input ic buf 0 magic_length in
-  let s = Bytes.sub_string buf 0 len in
-  if len = magic_length then
-    Ok s
-  else
-    Error s
-type read_error =
-  | Not_a_binary_ast of string
-  | Unknown_version of string
-let find_magic magic =
-  let rec loop = function
-    | [] ->
-        let prefix = String.sub magic 0 9 in
-        if prefix = String.sub Ast_402.Config.ast_impl_magic_number 0 9 ||
-           prefix = String.sub Ast_402.Config.ast_intf_magic_number 0 9 then
-          Error (Unknown_version magic)
-        else
-          Error (Not_a_binary_ast magic)
-    | (module Frontend : Migrate_parsetree_versions.OCaml_version) :: tail ->
-        if Frontend.Ast.Config.ast_impl_magic_number = magic then
-          Ok (fun x -> Impl ((module Frontend), Obj.obj x))
-        else if Frontend.Ast.Config.ast_intf_magic_number = magic then
-          Ok (fun x -> Intf ((module Frontend), Obj.obj x))
-        else
-          loop tail
-  in
-  loop Migrate_parsetree_versions.all_versions
-let from_channel ic =
-  match read_magic ic with
-  | Error s -> Error (Not_a_binary_ast s)
-  | Ok s ->
-    match find_magic s with
-    | Ok inj ->
-      let filename : filename = input_value ic in
-      let payload = inj (input_value ic) in
-      Ok (filename, payload)
-    | Error _ as e  -> e
-let from_bytes bytes pos =
-  if Bytes.length bytes - pos < magic_length then
-    Error (Not_a_binary_ast "")
-  else
-    let magic = Bytes.to_string (Bytes.sub bytes pos magic_length) in
-    match find_magic magic with
-    | Ok inj ->
-      let filename_pos = pos + magic_length in
-      let filename : filename = Marshal.from_bytes bytes filename_pos in
-      let payload_pos = filename_pos + Marshal.total_size bytes filename_pos in
-      let payload = inj (Marshal.from_bytes bytes payload_pos) in
-      Ok (filename, payload)
-    | Error _ as e -> e
-let decompose_ast = function
-  | Impl ((module Frontend), tree) ->
-      (Frontend.Ast.Config.ast_impl_magic_number, Obj.repr tree)
-  | Intf ((module Frontend), tree) ->
-      (Frontend.Ast.Config.ast_intf_magic_number, Obj.repr tree)
-let to_channel oc (filename : filename) x =
-  let magic_number, payload = decompose_ast x in
-  output_string oc magic_number;
-  output_value oc filename;
-  output_value oc payload
-let to_bytes (filename : filename) x =
-  let magic_number, payload = decompose_ast x in
- (
-      (Bytes.of_string magic_number)
-      (Marshal.to_bytes filename [])
-  ) (Marshal.to_bytes payload [])
-module Ppx_derivers : sig 
-#1 "ppx_derivers.mli"
-(** Ppx derivers
-    This module holds the various derivers registered by either ppx_deriving or
-    ppx_type_conv.
-(** Type of a deriver. The concrete constructors are added by
-    ppx_type_conv/ppx_deriving. *)
-type deriver = ..
-(** [register name deriver] registers a new deriver. Raises if [name] is already
-    registered. *)
-val register : string -> deriver -> unit
-(** Lookup a previously registered deriver *)
-val lookup : string -> deriver option
-(** [derivers ()] returns all currently registered derivers. *)
-val derivers : unit -> (string * deriver) list
-end = struct
-#1 ""
-type deriver = ..
-let all = Hashtbl.create 42
-let register name deriver =
-  if Hashtbl.mem all name then
-    Printf.ksprintf failwith
-      "Ppx_deriviers.register: %S is already registered" name;
-  Hashtbl.add all name deriver
-let lookup name =
-  match Hashtbl.find all name with
-  | drv -> Some drv
-  | exception Not_found -> None
-let derivers () =
-  Hashtbl.fold (fun name drv acc -> (name, drv) :: acc) all []
-module Migrate_parsetree_driver : sig 
-#1 "migrate_parsetree_driver.mli"
-# 1 "src/migrate_parsetree_driver.mli"
-open Migrate_parsetree_versions
-(** {1 State a rewriter can access} *)
-type extra = ..
-type config = {
-  tool_name       : string;
-  include_dirs    : string list;
-  load_path       : string list;
-  debug           : bool;
-  for_package     : string option;
-  (** Additional parameters that can be passed by a caller of
-      [rewrite_{signature,structure}] to a specific register rewriter. *)
-  extras          : extra list;
-val make_config
-  :  tool_name:string
-  -> ?include_dirs:string list
-  -> ?load_path:string list
-  -> ?debug:bool
-  -> ?for_package:string
-  -> ?extras:extra list
-  -> unit
-  -> config
-type cookies
-val get_cookie
-  : cookies
-  -> string
-  -> 'types ocaml_version -> 'types get_expression option
-val set_cookie
-  : cookies
-  -> string
-  -> 'types ocaml_version -> 'types get_expression
-  -> unit
-val set_global_cookie
-  :  string
-  -> 'types ocaml_version -> 'types get_expression
-  -> unit
-(** {1 Registering rewriters} *)
-type 'types rewriter = config -> cookies -> 'types get_mapper
-(** Register a ppx rewriter. [position] is a integer that indicates
-    when the ppx rewriter should be applied. It is guaranteed that if
-    two ppx rewriters [a] and [b] have different position numbers, then
-    the one with the lowest number will be applied first. The rewriting
-    order of ppx rewriters with the same position number is not
-    specified. The default position is [0].
-    Note that more different position numbers means more AST
-    conversions and slower rewriting, so think twice before setting
-    [position] to a non-zero number.
-val register
-  :  name:string
-  -> ?reset_args:(unit -> unit) -> ?args:(Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list
-  -> ?position:int
-  -> 'types ocaml_version -> 'types rewriter
-  -> unit
-(** Return the list of command line arguments registered by rewriters *)
-val registered_args : unit -> (Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list
-(** Call all the registered [reset_args] callbacks *)
-val reset_args : unit -> unit
-(** {1 Running registered rewriters} *)
-val run_as_ast_mapper : string list -> Ast_mapper.mapper
-val run_as_ppx_rewriter : ?argv:string array -> unit -> 'a
-val run_main : ?argv:string array -> unit -> 'a
-(** {1 Manual mapping} *)
-type some_signature =
-  | Sig : (module Migrate_parsetree_versions.OCaml_version with
-            type Ast.Parsetree.signature = 'concrete) * 'concrete -> some_signature
-type some_structure =
-  | Str : (module Migrate_parsetree_versions.OCaml_version with
-            type Ast.Parsetree.structure = 'concrete) * 'concrete -> some_structure
-val migrate_some_signature
-  :  'version ocaml_version
-  -> some_signature
-  -> 'version get_signature
-val migrate_some_structure
-  :  'version ocaml_version
-  -> some_structure
-  -> 'version get_structure
-val rewrite_signature
-  :  config
-  -> 'version ocaml_version
-  -> 'version get_signature
-  -> some_signature
-val rewrite_structure
-  :  config
-  -> 'version ocaml_version
-  -> 'version get_structure
-  -> some_structure
-end = struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-open Migrate_parsetree_versions
-module Ast_io = Migrate_parsetree_ast_io
-(** {1 State a rewriter can access} *)
-type extra = ..
-type config = {
-  tool_name: string;
-  include_dirs : string list;
-  load_path : string list;
-  debug : bool;
-  for_package : string option;
-  extras : extra list;
-let make_config ~tool_name ?(include_dirs=[]) ?(load_path=[]) ?(debug=false)
-      ?for_package ?(extras=[]) () =
-  { tool_name
-  ; include_dirs
-  ; load_path
-  ; debug
-  ; for_package
-  ; extras
-  }
-type cookie = Cookie : 'types ocaml_version * 'types get_expression -> cookie
-type cookies = (string, cookie) Hashtbl.t
-let create_cookies () = Hashtbl.create 3
-let global_cookie_table = create_cookies ()
-let get_cookie table name version =
-  match
-    match Hashtbl.find table name with
-    | result -> Some result
-    | exception Not_found ->
-        match Ast_mapper.get_cookie name with
-        | Some expr -> Some (Cookie ((module OCaml_current), expr))
-        | None ->
-            match Hashtbl.find global_cookie_table name with
-            | result -> Some result
-            | exception Not_found -> None
-  with
-  | None -> None
-  | Some (Cookie (version', expr)) ->
-    Some ((migrate version' version).copy_expression expr)
-let set_cookie table name version expr =
-  Hashtbl.replace table name (Cookie (version, expr))
-let set_global_cookie name version expr =
-  set_cookie global_cookie_table name version expr
-let apply_cookies table =
-  Hashtbl.iter (fun name (Cookie (version, expr)) ->
-      Ast_mapper.set_cookie name
-        ((migrate version (module OCaml_current)).copy_expression expr)
-    ) table
-let initial_state () =
-  {
-    tool_name = Ast_mapper.tool_name ();
-    include_dirs = !Clflags.include_dirs;
-    load_path = Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.get_load_paths ();
-    debug = !Clflags.debug;
-    for_package = !Clflags.for_package;
-    extras = [];
-  }
-(** {1 Registering rewriters} *)
-type 'types rewriter = config -> cookies -> 'types get_mapper
-type rewriter_group =
-    Rewriters : 'types ocaml_version * (string * 'types rewriter) list -> rewriter_group
-let rewriter_group_names (Rewriters (_, l)) = fst l
-let uniq_rewriter = Hashtbl.create 7
-module Pos_map = Map.Make(struct
-    type t = int
-    let compare : int -> int -> t = compare
-  end)
-let registered_rewriters = ref Pos_map.empty
-let all_rewriters () =
-  Pos_map.bindings !registered_rewriters
-  |> (fun (_, r) -> !r)
-  |> List.concat
-let uniq_arg = Hashtbl.create 7
-let registered_args_reset = ref []
-let registered_args = ref []
-let () =
-  let set_cookie s =
-    match String.index s '=' with
-    | exception _ ->
-      raise (Arg.Bad "invalid cookie, must be of the form \"<name>=<expr>\"")
-    | i ->
-      let name = String.sub s 0 i in
-      let value = String.sub s (i + 1) (String.length s - i - 1) in
-      let input_name = "<command-line>" in
-      Location.input_name := input_name;
-      let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string value in
-      lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p <-
-        { Lexing.
-          pos_fname = input_name
-        ; pos_lnum  = 1
-        ; pos_bol   = 0
-        ; pos_cnum  = 0
-        };
-      let expr = Parse.expression lexbuf in
-      set_global_cookie name (module OCaml_current) expr
-  in
-  registered_args :=
-    ("--cookie", Arg.String set_cookie,
-     "NAME=EXPR Set the cookie NAME to EXPR") :: !registered_args
-type ('types, 'version, 'rewriter) is_rewriter =
-  | Is_rewriter : ('types, 'types ocaml_version, 'types rewriter) is_rewriter
-let add_rewriter
-    (type types) (type version) (type rewriter)
-    (Is_rewriter : (types, version, rewriter) is_rewriter)
-    (version : version) name (rewriter : rewriter) =
-  let rec add_rewriter = function
-  | [] -> [Rewriters (version, [name, rewriter])]
-  | (Rewriters (version', rewriters) as x) :: xs ->
-      match compare_ocaml_version version version' with
-      | Eq -> Rewriters (version', (name, rewriter) :: rewriters) :: xs
-      | Lt -> Rewriters (version, [name, rewriter]) :: x :: xs
-      | Gt -> x :: add_rewriter xs
-  in
-  add_rewriter
-let register ~name ?reset_args ?(args=[]) ?(position=0) version rewriter =
-  (* Validate name *)
-  if name = "" then
-    invalid_arg "Migrate_parsetree_driver.register: name is empty";
-  if Hashtbl.mem uniq_rewriter name then
-    invalid_arg ("Migrate_parsetree_driver.register: rewriter " ^ name ^ " has already been registered")
-  else Hashtbl.add uniq_rewriter name ();
-  (* Validate arguments *)
-  List.iter (fun (arg_name, _, _) ->
-      match Hashtbl.find uniq_arg arg_name with
-      | other_rewriter ->
-          invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf
-                         "Migrate_parsetree_driver.register: argument %s is used by %s and %s" arg_name name other_rewriter)
-      | exception Not_found ->
-          Hashtbl.add uniq_arg arg_name name
-    ) args;
-  (* Register *)
-  begin match reset_args with
-  | None -> ()
-  | Some f -> registered_args_reset := f :: !registered_args_reset
-  end;
-  registered_args := List.rev_append args !registered_args;
-  let r =
-    try
-      Pos_map.find position !registered_rewriters
-    with Not_found ->
-      let r = ref [] in
-      registered_rewriters := Pos_map.add position r !registered_rewriters;
-      r
-  in
-  r := add_rewriter Is_rewriter version name rewriter !r
-let registered_args () = List.rev !registered_args
-let reset_args () = List.iter (fun f -> f ()) !registered_args_reset
-(** {1 Accessing or running registered rewriters} *)
-type ('types, 'version, 'tree) is_signature =
-    Signature : ('types, 'types ocaml_version, 'types get_signature) is_signature
-type ('types, 'version, 'tree) is_structure =
-    Structure : ('types, 'types ocaml_version, 'types get_structure) is_structure
-type some_structure =
-  | Str : (module Migrate_parsetree_versions.OCaml_version with
-            type Ast.Parsetree.structure = 'concrete) * 'concrete -> some_structure
-type some_signature =
-  | Sig : (module Migrate_parsetree_versions.OCaml_version with
-            type Ast.Parsetree.signature = 'concrete) * 'concrete -> some_signature
-let migrate_some_structure dst (Str ((module Version), st)) =
-  (migrate (module Version) dst).copy_structure st
-let migrate_some_signature dst (Sig ((module Version), sg)) =
-  (migrate (module Version) dst).copy_signature sg
-let rec rewrite_signature
-  : type types version tree.
-    config -> cookies ->
-    (types, version, tree) is_signature -> version -> tree ->
-    rewriter_group list -> some_signature
-  = fun (type types) (type version) (type tree)
-    config cookies
-    (Signature : (types, version, tree) is_signature)
-    (version : version)
-    (tree : tree)
-    -> function
-      | [] ->
-        let (module Version) = version in
-        Sig ((module Version), tree)
-      | Rewriters (version', rewriters) :: rest ->
-          let rewrite (_name, rewriter) tree =
-            let (module Version) = version' in
-            Version.Ast.map_signature (rewriter config cookies) tree
-          in
-          let tree = (migrate version version').copy_signature tree in
-          let tree = List.fold_right rewrite rewriters tree in
-          rewrite_signature config cookies Signature version' tree rest
-let rewrite_signature config version sg =
-  let cookies = create_cookies () in
-  let sg =
-    rewrite_signature config cookies Signature version sg
-      (all_rewriters ())
-  in
-  apply_cookies cookies;
-  sg
-let rec rewrite_structure
-  : type types version tree.
-    config -> cookies ->
-    (types, version, tree) is_structure -> version -> tree ->
-    rewriter_group list -> some_structure
-  = fun (type types) (type version) (type tree)
-    config cookies
-    (Structure : (types, version, tree) is_structure)
-    (version : version)
-    (tree : tree)
-    -> function
-      | [] ->
-        let (module Version) = version in
-        Str ((module Version), tree)
-      | Rewriters (version', rewriters) :: rest ->
-          let rewriter (_name, rewriter) tree =
-            let (module Version) = version' in
-            Version.Ast.map_structure (rewriter config cookies) tree
-          in
-          let tree = (migrate version version').copy_structure tree in
-          let tree = List.fold_right rewriter rewriters tree in
-          rewrite_structure config cookies Structure version' tree rest
-let rewrite_structure config version st =
-  let cookies = create_cookies () in
-  let st =
-    rewrite_structure config cookies Structure version st
-      (all_rewriters ())
-  in
-  apply_cookies cookies;
-  st
-let run_as_ast_mapper args =
-  let spec = registered_args () in
-  let args, usage =
-    let me = Filename.basename Sys.executable_name in
-    let args = match args with "--as-ppx" :: args -> args | args -> args in
-    (Array.of_list (me :: args),
-     Printf.sprintf "%s [options] <input ast file> <output ast file>" me)
-  in
-  reset_args ();
-  match
-    Arg.parse_argv args spec
-      (fun arg -> raise (Arg.Bad (Printf.sprintf "invalid argument %S" arg)))
-      usage
-  with
-  | exception (Arg.Help msg) ->
-      prerr_endline msg;
-      exit 1
-  | () ->
-      OCaml_current.Ast.make_top_mapper
-        ~signature:(fun sg ->
-            let config = initial_state () in
-            rewrite_signature config (module OCaml_current) sg
-            |> migrate_some_signature (module OCaml_current)
-          )
-        ~structure:(fun str ->
-            let config = initial_state () in
-            rewrite_structure config (module OCaml_current) str
-            |> migrate_some_structure (module OCaml_current)
-          )
-let protectx x ~finally ~f =
-  match f x with
-  | y -> finally x; y
-  | exception e -> finally x; raise e
-let with_file_in fn ~f =
-  protectx (open_in_bin fn) ~finally:close_in ~f
-let with_file_out fn ~f =
-  protectx (open_out_bin fn) ~finally:close_out ~f
-type ('a, 'b) intf_or_impl =
-  | Intf of 'a
-  | Impl of 'b
-type file_kind =
-  | Kind_intf
-  | Kind_impl
-  | Kind_unknown
-let guess_file_kind fn =
-  if Filename.check_suffix fn ".ml" then
-    Kind_impl
-  else if Filename.check_suffix fn ".mli" then
-    Kind_intf
-  else
-    Kind_unknown
-let check_kind fn ~expected ~got =
-  let describe = function
-    | Kind_intf -> "interface"
-    | Kind_impl -> "implementation"
-    | Kind_unknown -> "unknown file"
-  in
-  match expected, got with
-  | Kind_impl, Kind_impl
-  | Kind_intf, Kind_intf
-  | Kind_unknown, _ -> ()
-  | _ ->
-    Location.raise_errorf ~loc:(Location.in_file fn)
-      "Expected an %s got an %s instead"
-      (describe expected)
-      (describe got)
-let load_file (kind, fn) =
-  with_file_in fn ~f:(fun ic ->
-    match Ast_io.from_channel ic with
-    | Ok (fn, Ast_io.Intf ((module V), sg)) ->
-      check_kind fn ~expected:kind ~got:Kind_intf;
-      Location.input_name := fn;
-      (* We need to convert to the current version in order to interpret the cookies using
-         [Ast_mapper.drop_ppx_context_*] from the compiler *)
-      (fn, Intf ((migrate (module V) (module OCaml_current)).copy_signature sg))
-    | Ok (fn, Ast_io.Impl ((module V), st)) ->
-      check_kind fn ~expected:kind ~got:Kind_impl;
-      Location.input_name := fn;
-      (fn, Impl ((migrate (module V) (module OCaml_current)).copy_structure st))
-    | Error (Ast_io.Unknown_version _) ->
-      Location.raise_errorf ~loc:(Location.in_file fn)
-        "File is a binary ast for an unknown version of OCaml"
-    | Error (Ast_io.Not_a_binary_ast prefix_read_from_file) ->
-      (* To test if a file is a binary AST file, we have to read the first few bytes of
-         the file.
-         If it is not a binary AST, we have to parse these bytes and the rest of the file
-         as source code. To do that, we prefill the lexbuf buffer with what we read from
-         the file to do the test. *)
-      let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ic in
-      let len = String.length prefix_read_from_file in
-      String.blit prefix_read_from_file 0 lexbuf.Lexing.lex_buffer 0 len;
-      lexbuf.Lexing.lex_buffer_len <- len;
-      lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p <-
-        { Lexing.
-          pos_fname = fn
-        ; pos_lnum  = 1
-        ; pos_bol   = 0
-        ; pos_cnum  = 0
-        };
-      Location.input_name := fn;
-      let kind =
-        match kind with
-        | Kind_impl -> Kind_impl
-        | Kind_intf -> Kind_intf
-        | Kind_unknown -> guess_file_kind fn
-      in
-      match kind with
-      | Kind_impl ->
-        (fn, Impl (Parse.implementation lexbuf))
-      | Kind_intf ->
-        (fn, Intf (Parse.interface lexbuf))
-      | Kind_unknown ->
-        Location.raise_errorf ~loc:(Location.in_file fn)
-          "I can't decide whether %s is an implementation or interface file"
-          fn)
-let with_output ?bin output ~f =
-  match output with
-  | None ->
-      begin match bin with
-      | Some bin -> set_binary_mode_out stdout bin
-      | None -> ()
-      end;
-      f stdout
-  | Some fn -> with_file_out fn ~f
-type output_mode =
-  | Pretty_print
-  | Dump_ast
-  | Null
-let process_file ~config ~output ~output_mode ~embed_errors file =
-  let fn, ast = load_file file in
-  let ast =
-    match ast with
-    | Intf sg ->
-      let sg = Ast_mapper.drop_ppx_context_sig ~restore:true sg in
-      let sg =
-        try
-          rewrite_signature config (module OCaml_current) sg
-          |> migrate_some_signature (module OCaml_current)
-        with exn when embed_errors ->
-        match Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.error_of_exn exn with
-        | None -> raise exn
-        | Some error ->
-          [ Ast_helper.Sig.extension ~loc:Location.none
-              (Ast_mapper.extension_of_error error) ]
-      in
-      Intf (sg, Ast_mapper.add_ppx_context_sig ~tool_name:config.tool_name sg)
-    | Impl st ->
-      let st = Ast_mapper.drop_ppx_context_str ~restore:true st in
-      let st =
-        try
-          rewrite_structure config (module OCaml_current) st
-          |> migrate_some_structure (module OCaml_current)
-        with exn when embed_errors ->
-        match Migrate_parsetree_compiler_functions.error_of_exn exn with
-        | None -> raise exn
-        | Some error ->
-          [ Ast_helper.Str.extension ~loc:Location.none
-              (Ast_mapper.extension_of_error error) ]
-      in
-      Impl (st, Ast_mapper.add_ppx_context_str ~tool_name:config.tool_name st)
-  in
-  match output_mode with
-  | Dump_ast ->
-    with_output ~bin:true output ~f:(fun oc ->
-      let ast =
-        match ast with
-        | Intf (_, sg) -> Ast_io.Intf ((module OCaml_current), sg)
-        | Impl (_, st) -> Ast_io.Impl ((module OCaml_current), st)
-      in
-      Ast_io.to_channel oc fn ast)
-  | Pretty_print ->
-    with_output output ~f:(fun oc ->
-      let ppf = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
-      (match ast with
-       | Intf (sg, _) -> Pprintast.signature ppf sg
-       | Impl (st, _) -> Pprintast.structure ppf st);
-      Format.pp_print_newline ppf ())
-  | Null ->
-    ()
-let print_transformations () =
-  let print_group name = function
-    | [] -> ()
-    | names ->
-        Printf.printf "%s:\n" name;
-        List.iter (Printf.printf "%s\n") names
-  in
-  all_rewriters ()
-  |> rewriter_group_names
-  |> List.concat
-  |> print_group "Registered Transformations";
-  Ppx_derivers.derivers ()
-  |> (fun (x, _) -> x)
-  |> print_group "Registered Derivers"
-let run_as_standalone_driver argv =
-  let request_print_transformations = ref false in
-  let output = ref None in
-  let output_mode = ref Pretty_print in
-  let output_mode_arg = ref "" in
-  let files = ref [] in
-  let embed_errors = ref false in
-  let embed_errors_arg = ref "" in
-  let spec =
-    let fail fmt = Printf.ksprintf (fun s -> raise (Arg.Bad s)) fmt in
-    let incompatible a b = fail "%s and %s are incompatible" a b in
-    let as_ppx () = fail "--as-ppx must be passed as first argument" in
-    let set_embed_errors arg =
-      if !output_mode = Null then incompatible !output_mode_arg arg;
-      embed_errors := true;
-      embed_errors_arg := arg
-    in
-    let set_output_mode arg mode =
-      match !output_mode, mode with
-      | Pretty_print, _ ->
-        if mode = Null && !embed_errors then
-          incompatible !embed_errors_arg arg;
-        if mode = Null && !output <> None then
-          incompatible "-o" arg;
-        output_mode := mode;
-        output_mode_arg := arg
-      | _, Pretty_print -> assert false
-      | Dump_ast, Dump_ast | Null, Null -> ()
-      | _ -> incompatible !output_mode_arg arg
-    in
-    let set_output fn =
-      if !output_mode = Null then incompatible !output_mode_arg "-o";
-      output := Some fn
-    in
-    let as_pp () =
-      let arg = "--as-pp" in
-      set_output_mode arg Dump_ast;
-      set_embed_errors arg
-    in
-    [ "--as-ppx", Arg.Unit as_ppx,
-      " Act as a -ppx rewriter"
-    ; "--as-pp", Arg.Unit as_pp,
-      " Shorthand for: --dump-ast --embed-errors"
-    ; "--dump-ast", Arg.Unit (fun () -> set_output_mode "--dump-ast" Dump_ast),
-      " Output a binary AST instead of source code"
-    ; "--null", Arg.Unit (fun () -> set_output_mode "--null" Null),
-      " Output nothing, just report errors"
-    ; "-o", Arg.String set_output,
-      "FILE Output to this file instead of the standard output"
-    ; "--intf", Arg.String (fun fn -> files := (Kind_intf, fn) :: !files),
-      "FILE Treat FILE as a .mli file"
-    ; "--impl", Arg.String (fun fn -> files := (Kind_impl, fn) :: !files),
-      "FILE Treat FILE as a .ml file"
-    ; "--embed-errors", Arg.Unit (fun () -> set_embed_errors "--embed-errors"),
-      " Embed error reported by rewriters into the AST"
-    ; "--print-transformations", Arg.Set request_print_transformations,
-      " Print registered transformations in their order of executions"
-    ]
-  in
-  let spec = Arg.align (spec @ registered_args ()) in
-  let me = Filename.basename Sys.executable_name in
-  let usage = Printf.sprintf "%s [options] [<files>]" me in
-  try
-    reset_args ();
-    Arg.parse_argv argv spec (fun anon ->
-      files := (Kind_unknown, anon) :: !files) usage;
-    if !request_print_transformations then begin
-      print_transformations ();
-      exit 0
-    end;
-    let output = !output in
-    let output_mode = !output_mode in
-    let embed_errors = !embed_errors in
-    let config =
-      (* TODO: we could add -I, -L and -g options to populate these fields. *)
-      { tool_name    = "migrate_driver"
-      ; include_dirs = []
-      ; load_path    = []
-      ; debug        = false
-      ; for_package  = None
-      ; extras       = []
-      }
-    in
-    List.iter (process_file ~config ~output ~output_mode ~embed_errors)
-      (List.rev !files)
-  with exn ->
-    Location.report_exception Format.err_formatter exn;
-    exit 1
-let run_as_ppx_rewriter ?(argv = Sys.argv) () =
-  let a = argv in
-  let n = Array.length a in
-  if n <= 2 then begin
-    let me = Filename.basename Sys.executable_name in
-    Arg.usage (registered_args ())
-      (Printf.sprintf "%s [options] <input ast file> <output ast file>" me);
-    exit 2
-  end;
-  match
-    Ast_mapper.apply ~source:a.(n - 2) ~target:a.(n - 1)
-      (run_as_ast_mapper (Array.to_list (Array.sub a 1 (n - 3))))
-  with
-  | () -> exit 0
-  | exception (Arg.Bad help) ->
-      prerr_endline help;
-      exit 1
-  | exception exn ->
-      Location.report_exception Format.err_formatter exn;
-      exit 1
-let run_main ?(argv = Sys.argv) () =
-  if Array.length argv >= 2 && argv.(1) = "--as-ppx" then
-    run_as_ppx_rewriter ~argv ()
-  else
-    run_as_standalone_driver argv;
-  exit 0
-module Migrate_parsetree_parse : sig 
-#1 "migrate_parsetree_parse.mli"
-# 1 "src/migrate_parsetree_parse.mli"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* Parser entry points that migrate to a specified version of OCaml.
-   The parser used is the one from current compiler-libs.  The resulting AST is
-   then converted to the desired version.
-   These parsing functions can raise Migration_errors.
-open Migrate_parsetree_versions
-val implementation  : 'types ocaml_version -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'types get_structure
-val interface       : 'types ocaml_version -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'types get_signature
-val toplevel_phrase : 'types ocaml_version -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'types get_toplevel_phrase
-val use_file        : 'types ocaml_version -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'types get_toplevel_phrase list
-val core_type       : 'types ocaml_version -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'types get_core_type
-val expression      : 'types ocaml_version -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'types get_expression
-val pattern         : 'types ocaml_version -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'types get_pattern
-end = struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* Parser entry points that migrate to a specified version of OCaml.
-   The parser used is the one from current compiler-libs.  The resulting AST is
-   then converted to the desired version.
-   These parsing functions can raise Migration_errors.
-open Migrate_parsetree_versions
-let implementation version =
-  let { copy_structure; _ } = migrate ocaml_current version in
-  fun lexbuf -> copy_structure (Parse.implementation lexbuf)
-let interface version =
-  let { copy_signature; _ } = migrate ocaml_current version in
-  fun lexbuf -> copy_signature (Parse.interface lexbuf)
-let toplevel_phrase version =
-  let { copy_toplevel_phrase; _ } = migrate ocaml_current version in
-  fun lexbuf -> copy_toplevel_phrase (Parse.toplevel_phrase lexbuf)
-let use_file version =
-  let { copy_toplevel_phrase; _ } = migrate ocaml_current version in
-  fun lexbuf -> copy_toplevel_phrase (Parse.use_file lexbuf)
-let core_type version =
-  let { copy_core_type; _ } = migrate ocaml_current version in
-  fun lexbuf -> copy_core_type (Parse.core_type lexbuf)
-let expression version =
-  let { copy_expression; _ } = migrate ocaml_current version in
-  fun lexbuf -> copy_expression (Parse.expression lexbuf)
-let pattern version =
-  let { copy_pattern; _ } = migrate ocaml_current version in
-  fun lexbuf -> copy_pattern (Parse.pattern lexbuf)
-module Migrate_parsetree
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 "src/"
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                         OCaml Migrate Parsetree                        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*                             Frédéric Bour                              *)
-(*                   Jérémie Dimino, Jane Street Europe                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
-(*     en Automatique (INRIA).                                            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
-(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
-(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*$ #use "src/cinaps_helpers" $*)
-(* Shared definitions.
-   Mostly errors about features missing in older versions. *)
-module Def = Migrate_parsetree_def
-(* Copy of OCaml parsetrees *)
-(*$foreach_version (fun suffix _ ->
-    printf "module Ast_%s = Ast_%s\n" suffix suffix
-  )*)
-module Ast_402 = Ast_402
-module Ast_403 = Ast_403
-module Ast_404 = Ast_404
-module Ast_405 = Ast_405
-module Ast_406 = Ast_406
-module Ast_407 = Ast_407
-module Ast_408 = Ast_408
-module Ast_409 = Ast_409
-module Ast_410 = Ast_410
-(* A module for marshalling/unmarshalling arbitrary versions of Asts *)
-module Ast_io = Migrate_parsetree_ast_io
-(* Manual migration between versions *)
-(*$foreach_version_pair (fun x y ->
-    printf "module Migrate_%s_%s = Migrate_parsetree_%s_%s\n" x y x y;
-    printf "module Migrate_%s_%s = Migrate_parsetree_%s_%s\n" y x y x;
-  )*)
-module Migrate_402_403 = Migrate_parsetree_402_403
-module Migrate_403_402 = Migrate_parsetree_403_402
-module Migrate_403_404 = Migrate_parsetree_403_404
-module Migrate_404_403 = Migrate_parsetree_404_403
-module Migrate_404_405 = Migrate_parsetree_404_405
-module Migrate_405_404 = Migrate_parsetree_405_404
-module Migrate_405_406 = Migrate_parsetree_405_406
-module Migrate_406_405 = Migrate_parsetree_406_405
-module Migrate_406_407 = Migrate_parsetree_406_407
-module Migrate_407_406 = Migrate_parsetree_407_406
-module Migrate_407_408 = Migrate_parsetree_407_408
-module Migrate_408_407 = Migrate_parsetree_408_407
-module Migrate_408_409 = Migrate_parsetree_408_409
-module Migrate_409_408 = Migrate_parsetree_409_408
-module Migrate_409_410 = Migrate_parsetree_409_410
-module Migrate_410_409 = Migrate_parsetree_410_409
-(* An abstraction of OCaml compiler versions *)
-module Versions = Migrate_parsetree_versions
-(* All versions are compatible with this signature *)
-module type OCaml_version = Versions.OCaml_version
-(*$foreach_version (fun suffix _ ->
-    printf "module OCaml_%s = Versions.OCaml_%s\n" suffix suffix
-  )*)
-module OCaml_402 = Versions.OCaml_402
-module OCaml_403 = Versions.OCaml_403
-module OCaml_404 = Versions.OCaml_404
-module OCaml_405 = Versions.OCaml_405
-module OCaml_406 = Versions.OCaml_406
-module OCaml_407 = Versions.OCaml_407
-module OCaml_408 = Versions.OCaml_408
-module OCaml_409 = Versions.OCaml_409
-module OCaml_410 = Versions.OCaml_410
-module OCaml_current = Versions.OCaml_current
-(* A Functor taking two OCaml versions and producing a module of functions
-   migrating from one to the other. *)
-module Convert = Versions.Convert
-(* A [Parse] module that migrate ASTs to the desired version of an AST *)
-module Parse = Migrate_parsetree_parse
-(* Entrypoints for registering rewriters and making a ppx binary *)
-module Driver = Migrate_parsetree_driver
-(* Aliases for compiler-libs modules that might be shadowed *)
-module Compiler_libs = struct
-  module Location = Location
-  module Longident = Longident
-  module type Asttypes = module type of struct include Asttypes end
-  module rec Asttypes : Asttypes = Asttypes
-  module type Parsetree = module type of struct include Parsetree end
-  module rec Parsetree : Parsetree = Parsetree
-  module Docstrings = Docstrings
-  module Ast_helper = Ast_helper
-  module Ast_mapper = Ast_mapper
-module Reason_attributes
-= struct
-#1 ""
-open Migrate_parsetree
-open Ast_404
-open Location
-open Parsetree
-(** Kinds of attributes *)
-type attributesPartition = {
-  arityAttrs : attributes;
-  docAttrs : attributes;
-  stdAttrs : attributes;
-  jsxAttrs : attributes;
-  stylisticAttrs : attributes;
-  uncurried : bool
-(** Partition attributes into kinds *)
-let rec partitionAttributes ?(partDoc=false) ?(allowUncurry=true) attrs : attributesPartition =
-  match attrs with
-  | [] ->
-    {arityAttrs=[]; docAttrs=[]; stdAttrs=[]; jsxAttrs=[]; stylisticAttrs=[]; uncurried = false}
-  | (({txt = "bs"}, PStr []) as attr)::atTl ->
-    let partition = partitionAttributes ~partDoc ~allowUncurry atTl in
-    if allowUncurry then
-      {partition with uncurried = true}
-    else {partition with stdAttrs=attr::partition.stdAttrs}
-  | (({txt="JSX"}, _) as jsx)::atTl ->
-    let partition = partitionAttributes ~partDoc ~allowUncurry atTl in
-    {partition with jsxAttrs=jsx::partition.jsxAttrs}
-  | (({txt="explicit_arity"}, _) as arity_attr)::atTl
-  | (({txt="implicit_arity"}, _) as arity_attr)::atTl ->
-    let partition = partitionAttributes ~partDoc ~allowUncurry atTl in
-    {partition with arityAttrs=arity_attr::partition.arityAttrs}
-  | (({txt="ocaml.text"}, _) as doc)::atTl when partDoc = true ->
-    let partition = partitionAttributes ~partDoc ~allowUncurry atTl in
-    {partition with docAttrs=doc::partition.docAttrs}
-  | (({txt="ocaml.doc"}, _) as doc)::atTl when partDoc = true ->
-    let partition = partitionAttributes ~partDoc ~allowUncurry atTl in
-    {partition with docAttrs=doc::partition.docAttrs}
-  | (({txt="reason.raw_literal"}, _) as attr) :: atTl ->
-    let partition = partitionAttributes ~partDoc ~allowUncurry atTl in
-    {partition with stylisticAttrs=attr::partition.stylisticAttrs}
-  | (({txt="reason.preserve_braces"}, _) as attr) :: atTl ->
-    let partition = partitionAttributes ~partDoc ~allowUncurry atTl in
-    {partition with stylisticAttrs=attr::partition.stylisticAttrs}
-  | atHd :: atTl ->
-    let partition = partitionAttributes ~partDoc ~allowUncurry atTl in
-    {partition with stdAttrs=atHd::partition.stdAttrs}
-let extractStdAttrs attrs =
-  (partitionAttributes attrs).stdAttrs
-let extract_raw_literal attrs =
-  let rec loop acc = function
-    | ({txt="reason.raw_literal"},
-       PStr [{pstr_desc = Pstr_eval({pexp_desc = Pexp_constant(Pconst_string(text, None))}, _)}])
-      :: rest ->
-      (Some text, List.rev_append acc rest)
-    | [] -> (None, List.rev acc)
-    | attr :: rest -> loop (attr :: acc) rest
-  in
-  loop [] attrs
-let without_stylistic_attrs attrs =
-  let rec loop acc = function
-    | attr :: rest when (partitionAttributes [attr]).stylisticAttrs != [] ->
-        loop acc rest
-    | [] -> List.rev acc
-    | attr :: rest -> loop (attr :: acc) rest
-  in
-  loop [] attrs
-let is_preserve_braces_attr ({txt}, _) =
-  txt = "reason.preserve_braces"
-let has_preserve_braces_attrs stylisticAttrs =
-  (List.filter is_preserve_braces_attr stylisticAttrs) != []
-let maybe_remove_stylistic_attrs attrs should_preserve =
-  if should_preserve then
-    attrs
-  else
-    List.filter (function
-      | ({txt="reason.raw_literal"}, _) -> true
-      | _ -> false)
-      attrs
-module Reason_syntax_util : sig 
-#1 "reason_syntax_util.mli"
-# 1 "reason_syntax_util.cppo.mli"
-(* Hello! Welcome to the Reason syntax util logic.
-  This file's shared between the Reason repo and the ReScript repo. In
-  Reason, it's in src/reason-parser. In ReScript, it's in
-  jscomp/outcome_printer. We periodically copy this file from Reason (the source
-  of truth) to ReScript, then uncomment the #if #else #end cppo macros you
-  see in the file. That's because ReScript's on OCaml 4.02 while Reason's on
-  4.04; so the #if macros surround the pieces of code that are different between
-  the two compilers.
-  When you modify this file, please make sure you're not dragging in too many
-  things. You don't necessarily have to test the file on both Reason and
-  ReScript; ping @chenglou and a few others and we'll keep them synced up by
-  patching the right parts, through the power of types(tm)
-open Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404
-val ml_to_reason_swap : string -> string
-val escape_string : string -> string
-(* Everything below is used by reason repo but not the ReScript repo *)
-# 26 "reason_syntax_util.cppo.mli"
-val reason_to_ml_swap : string -> string
-module TrailingCommaMarker : sig val char : char val string : string end
-module EOLMarker : sig val char : char val string : string end
-val pick_while : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
-val split_by : ?keep_empty:bool -> (char -> bool) -> string -> string list
-val processLineEndingsAndStarts : string -> string
-val isLineComment : string -> bool
-val remove_stylistic_attrs_mapper : Ast_mapper.mapper
-val escape_stars_slashes_mapper :
-  Ast_mapper.mapper -> Ast_mapper.mapper
-val reason_to_ml_swap_operator_mapper :
-  Ast_mapper.mapper -> Ast_mapper.mapper
-val ml_to_reason_swap_operator_mapper :
-  Ast_mapper.mapper -> Ast_mapper.mapper
-val attribute_exists : 'a -> ('a Asttypes.loc * 'b) list -> bool
-val attributes_conflicted :
-  'a -> 'a -> ('a Asttypes.loc * 'b) list -> bool
-val normalized_attributes :
-  'a ->
-  ('a Asttypes.loc * 'b) list -> ('a Asttypes.loc * 'b) list
-val apply_mapper_to_structure :
-  Parsetree.structure -> Ast_mapper.mapper -> Parsetree.structure
-val apply_mapper_to_signature :
-  Parsetree.signature -> Ast_mapper.mapper -> Parsetree.signature
-val apply_mapper_to_type :
-  Parsetree.core_type -> Ast_mapper.mapper -> Parsetree.core_type
-val apply_mapper_to_expr :
-  Parsetree.expression -> Ast_mapper.mapper -> Parsetree.expression
-val apply_mapper_to_pattern :
-  Parsetree.pattern -> Ast_mapper.mapper -> Parsetree.pattern
-val apply_mapper_to_toplevel_phrase :
-  Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> Ast_mapper.mapper -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase
-val apply_mapper_to_use_file : Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list ->
-  Ast_mapper.mapper -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list
-val map_first : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a list
-val map_last : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a list
-val location_is_before : Location.t -> Location.t -> bool
-val location_contains : Location.t -> Location.t -> bool
-val split_compiler_error : Location.error -> Location.t * string
-val explode_str : string -> char list
-# 93 "reason_syntax_util.cppo.mli"
-module Clflags : sig
-  include module type of Clflags
-# 99 "reason_syntax_util.cppo.mli"
-end = struct
-#1 ""
-# 1 ""
-(* Hello! Welcome to the Reason syntax util logic.
-  This file's shared between the Reason repo and the ReScript repo. In
-  Reason, it's in src/reason-parser. In ReScript, it's in
-  jscomp/outcome_printer. We periodically copy this file from Reason (the source
-  of truth) to ReScript, then uncomment the #if #else #end cppo macros you
-  see in the file. That's because ReScript's on OCaml 4.02 while Reason's on
-  4.04; so the #if macros surround the pieces of code that are different between
-  the two compilers.
-  When you modify this file, please make sure you're not dragging in too many
-  things. You don't necessarily have to test the file on both Reason and
-  ReScript; ping @chenglou and a few others and we'll keep them synced up by
-  patching the right parts, through the power of types(tm)
-# 18 ""
-open Migrate_parsetree
-open Ast_404
-# 22 ""
-open Asttypes
-open Ast_mapper
-open Parsetree
-open Longident
-(* Rename labels in function definition/application and records *)
-let rename_labels = ref false
-(** Check to see if the string `s` is made up of `keyword` and zero or more
-    trailing `_` characters. *)
-let potentially_conflicts_with ~keyword s =
-  let s_length = String.length s in
-  let keyword_length = String.length keyword in
-  (* It can't be a match if s is shorter than keyword *)
-  s_length >= keyword_length && (
-    try
-      (* Ensure s starts with keyword... *)
-      for i = 0 to keyword_length - 1 do
-        if keyword.[i] <> s.[i] then raise Exit;
-      done;
-      (* ...and contains nothing else except trailing _ characters *)
-      for i = keyword_length to s_length - 1 do
-        if s.[i] <> '_' then raise Exit;
-      done;
-      (* If we've made it this far there's a potential conflict *)
-      true
-    with
-    | Exit -> false
-  )
-(** Add/remove an appropriate suffix when mangling potential keywords *)
-let string_add_suffix x = x ^ "_"
-let string_drop_suffix x = String.sub x 0 (String.length x - 1)
-(** What do these *_swap functions do? Here's an example: Reason code uses `!`
-    for logical not, while ocaml uses `not`. So, for converting between reason
-    and ocaml syntax, ocaml `not` converts to `!`, reason `!` converts to
-    `not`.
-    In more complicated cases where a reserved keyword exists in one syntax but
-    not the other, these functions translate any potentially conflicting
-    identifier into the same identifier with a suffix attached, or remove the
-    suffix when converting back. Two examples:
-    reason to ocaml:
-    pub: invalid in reason to begin with
-    pub_: pub
-    pub__: pub_
-    ocaml to reason:
-    pub: pub_
-    pub_: pub__
-    pub__: pub___
-    =====
-    reason to ocaml:
-    match: match_
-    match_: match__
-    match__: match___
-    ocaml to reason:
-    match: invalid in ocaml to begin with
-    match_: match
-    match__: match_
-let reason_to_ml_swap = function
-  | "!" -> "not"
-  | "^" -> "!"
-  | "++" -> "^"
-  | "===" -> "=="
-  | "==" -> "="
-  (* ===\/ and !==\/ are not representable in OCaml but
-   * representable in Reason
-   *)
-  | "\\!==" -> "!=="
-  |  "\\===" -> "==="
-  | "!=" -> "<>"
-  | "!==" -> "!="
-  | x when (
-    potentially_conflicts_with ~keyword:"match" x
-    || potentially_conflicts_with ~keyword:"method" x
-    || potentially_conflicts_with ~keyword:"private" x
-    || potentially_conflicts_with ~keyword:"not" x) -> string_add_suffix x
-  | x when (
-    potentially_conflicts_with ~keyword:"switch_" x
-    || potentially_conflicts_with ~keyword:"pub_" x
-    || potentially_conflicts_with ~keyword:"pri_" x) -> string_drop_suffix x
-  | everything_else -> everything_else
-let ml_to_reason_swap = function
-  | "not" -> "!"
-  | "!" -> "^"
-  | "^" -> "++"
-  | "==" -> "==="
-  | "=" -> "=="
-  (* ===\/ and !==\/ are not representable in OCaml but
-   * representable in Reason
-   *)
-  | "!==" -> "\\!=="
-  |  "===" -> "\\==="
-  | "<>" -> "!="
-  | "!=" -> "!=="
-  | x when (
-    potentially_conflicts_with ~keyword:"match_" x
-    || potentially_conflicts_with ~keyword:"method_" x
-    || potentially_conflicts_with ~keyword:"private_" x
-    || potentially_conflicts_with ~keyword:"not_" x) -> string_drop_suffix x
-  | x when (
-    potentially_conflicts_with ~keyword:"switch" x
-    || potentially_conflicts_with ~keyword:"pub" x
-    || potentially_conflicts_with ~keyword:"pri" x) -> string_add_suffix x
-  | everything_else -> everything_else
-let escape_string str =
-  let buf = Buffer.create (String.length str) in
-  String.iter (fun c ->
-      match c with
-      | '\t' -> Buffer.add_string buf "\\t"
-      | '\r' -> Buffer.add_string buf "\\r"
-      | '\n' -> Buffer.add_string buf "\\n"
-      | '\\' -> Buffer.add_string buf "\\\\"
-      | '"'  -> Buffer.add_string buf "\\\""
-      | c when c < ' ' -> Buffer.add_string buf (Char.escaped c)
-      | c -> Buffer.add_char buf c
-    ) str;
-  Buffer.contents buf
-(* the stuff below contains side-effects and are not used by ReScript's
-  vendored version of So we can neglect it *)
-# 160 ""
-    UTF-8 characters are encoded like this (most editors are UTF-8)
-    0xxxxxxx (length 1)
-    110xxxxx 10xxxxxx (length 2)
-    1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx (length 3)
-    11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx (length 4)
-   Numbers over 127 cannot be encoded in UTF in a single byte, so they use two
-  bytes. That means we can use any characters between 128-255 to encode special
-  characters that would never be written by the user and thus never be confused
-  for our special formatting characters.
-(* Logic for handling special behavior that only happens if things break. We
-  use characters that will never appear in the printed output if actually
-  written in source code. The OCaml formatter will replace them with the escaped
-  versions When moving to a new formatter, the formatter may *not* escape these
-  an in that case we need the formatter to accept blacklists of characters to
-  escape, but more likely is that the new formatter allows us to do these kinds
-  of if-break logic without writing out special characters for post-processing.
-module TrailingCommaMarker = struct
-  (* TODO: You can detect failed parsings by *NOT* omitting the final comma *ever*. *)
-  (* A trailing comma will only be rendered if it is not immediately
-   * followed by a closing paren, bracket, or brace *)
-  let char = Char.chr 249 (* ˘ *)
-  let string = String.make 1 char
-(* Special character marking the end of a line. Nothing should be printed
- * after this marker. Example usage: // comments shouldn't have content printed
- * at the end of the comment. By attaching an EOLMarker.string at the end of the
- * comment our postprocessing step will ensure a linebreak at the position
- * of the marker. *)
-module EOLMarker = struct
-  let char = Char.chr 248
-  let string = String.make 1 char
-(** [is_prefixed prefix i str] checks if prefix is the prefix of str
-  * starting from position i
-  *)
-let is_prefixed prefix str i =
-  let len = String.length prefix in
-  let j = ref 0 in
-  while !j < len && String.unsafe_get prefix !j =
-                    String.unsafe_get str (i + !j) do
-    incr j
-  done;
-  (!j = len)
- * pick_while returns a tuple where first element is longest prefix (possibly empty) of the list of elements that satisfy p
- * and second element is the remainder of the list
- *)
-let rec pick_while p = function
-  | [] -> [], []
-  | hd::tl when p hd ->
-                  let (satisfied, not_satisfied) = pick_while p tl in
-                  hd :: satisfied, not_satisfied
-  | l -> ([], l)
-(** [find_substring sub str i]
-    returns the smallest [j >= i] such that [sub = str.[j..length sub - 1]]
-    raises [Not_found] if there is no such j
-    behavior is not defined if [sub] is the empty string
-let find_substring sub str i =
-  let len = String.length str - String.length sub in
-  let found = ref false and i = ref i in
-  while not !found && !i <= len do
-    if is_prefixed sub str !i then
-      found := true
-    else
-      incr i;
-  done;
-  if not !found then
-    raise Not_found;
-  !i
-(** [replace_string old_str new_str str] replaces old_str to new_str in str *)
-let replace_string old_str new_str str =
-  match find_substring old_str str 0 with
-  | exception Not_found -> str
-  | occurrence ->
-    let buffer = Buffer.create (String.length str + 15) in
-    let rec loop i j =
-      Buffer.add_substring buffer str i (j - i);
-      Buffer.add_string buffer new_str;
-      let i = j + String.length old_str in
-      match find_substring old_str str i with
-      | j -> loop i j
-      | exception Not_found ->
-        Buffer.add_substring buffer str i (String.length str - i)
-    in
-    loop 0 occurrence;
-    Buffer.contents buffer
-(* This is lifted from
-  Thanks @bobzhang and @hhugo! *)
-let split_by ?(keep_empty=false) is_delim str =
-  let len = String.length str in
-  let rec loop acc last_pos pos =
-    if pos = -1 then
-      if last_pos = 0 && not keep_empty then
-        (*
-           {[ split " test_unsafe_obj_ffi_ppx.cmi" ~keep_empty:false ' ']}
-        *)
-        acc
-      else
-        String.sub str 0 last_pos :: acc
-    else
-      if is_delim str.[pos] then
-        let new_len = (last_pos - pos - 1) in
-        if new_len <> 0 || keep_empty then
-          let v = String.sub str (pos + 1) new_len in
-          loop ( v :: acc)
-            pos (pos - 1)
-        else loop acc pos (pos - 1)
-    else loop acc last_pos (pos - 1)
-  in
-  loop [] len (len - 1)
-let rec trim_right_idx str idx =
-  if idx = -1 then 0
-  else
-    match String.get str idx with
-    | '\t' | ' ' | '\n' | '\r' -> trim_right_idx str (idx - 1)
-    | _ -> idx + 1
-let trim_right str =
-  let length = String.length str in
-  if length = 0 then ""
-  else
-    let index = trim_right_idx str (length - 1) in
-    if index = 0 then ""
-    else if index = length then
-      str
-    else String.sub str 0 index
-let processLine line =
-  let rightTrimmed = trim_right line in
-  let trimmedLen = String.length rightTrimmed in
-  if trimmedLen = 0 then
-    rightTrimmed
-  else
-    let segments =
-      split_by
-        ~keep_empty:false
-        (fun c -> c = TrailingCommaMarker.char)
-        rightTrimmed in
-    (* Now we concat the portions back together without any trailing comma markers
-      - except we detect if there was a final trailing comma marker which we know
-      must be before a newline so we insert a regular comma. This achieves
-      "intelligent" trailing commas. *)
-    let hadTrailingCommaMarkerBeforeNewline =
-      String.get rightTrimmed (trimmedLen - 1) = TrailingCommaMarker.char
-    in
-    let almostEverything = String.concat "" segments in
-    let lineBuilder = if hadTrailingCommaMarkerBeforeNewline then
-      almostEverything ^ ","
-    else
-      almostEverything
-    in
-    (* Ensure EOLMarker.char is replaced by a newline *)
-    split_by ~keep_empty:false (fun c -> c = EOLMarker.char) lineBuilder
-    |> trim_right
-    |> String.concat "\n"
-let processLineEndingsAndStarts str =
-  split_by ~keep_empty:true (fun x -> x = '\n') str
-  |> processLine
-  |> String.concat "\n"
-  |> String.trim
-let isLineComment str =
-  (* true iff the first \n is the last character *)
-  match String.index str '\n' with
-  | exception Not_found -> false
-  | n -> n = String.length str - 1
-let map_lident f lid =
-  let swapped = match lid.txt with
-    | Lident s -> Lident (f s)
-    | Ldot(longPrefix, s) -> Ldot(longPrefix, f s)
-    | Lapply (y,s) -> Lapply (y, s)
-  in
-  { lid with txt = swapped }
-let map_arg_label f = function
-  | Nolabel -> Nolabel
-  | Labelled lbl ->
-    Labelled (f lbl)
-  | Optional lbl ->
-    Optional (f lbl)
-let map_class_expr f class_expr =
-  { class_expr
-  with pcl_desc = match class_expr.pcl_desc with
-    | Pcl_constr (lid, ts) ->
-      Pcl_constr (map_lident f lid, ts)
-    | e -> e
-  }
-let map_class_type f class_type =
-  { class_type
-  with pcty_desc = match class_type.pcty_desc with
-  | Pcty_constr (lid, ct) ->
-    Pcty_constr (map_lident f lid, ct)
-  | Pcty_arrow (arg_lbl, ct, cls_type) ->
-    Pcty_arrow (map_arg_label f arg_lbl, ct, cls_type)
-  | x -> x
-  }
-let map_core_type f typ =
-  { typ with ptyp_desc =
-    match typ.ptyp_desc with
-    | Ptyp_var var -> Ptyp_var (f var)
-    | Ptyp_arrow (lbl, t1, t2) ->
-      let lbl' = match lbl with
-        | Labelled s when !rename_labels -> Labelled (f s)
-        | Optional s when !rename_labels -> Optional (f s)
-        | lbl -> lbl
-      in
-      Ptyp_arrow (lbl', t1, t2)
-    | Ptyp_constr (lid, typs) ->
-      Ptyp_constr (map_lident f lid, typs)
-    | Ptyp_object (fields, closed_flag) when !rename_labels ->
-      Ptyp_object ( (fun (s, attrs, typ) -> f s, attrs, typ) fields, closed_flag)
-    | Ptyp_class (lid, typs) ->
-      Ptyp_class (map_lident f lid, typs)
-    | Ptyp_alias (typ, s) ->
-      Ptyp_alias (typ, f s)
-    | Ptyp_variant (rfs, closed, lbls) ->
-      Ptyp_variant ( (function
-        | Rtag (lbl, attrs, b, cts) ->
-          Rtag (f lbl, attrs, b, cts)
-        | t -> t) rfs, closed, lbls)
-    | Ptyp_poly (vars, typ) ->
-      Ptyp_poly ( f vars, typ)
-    | Ptyp_package (lid, typs) ->
-      Ptyp_package (map_lident f lid, (fun (lid, typ) -> (map_lident f lid, typ)) typs)
-    | other -> other
-  }
-(** identifier_mapper maps all identifiers in an AST with a mapping function f
-  this is used by swap_operator_mapper right below, to traverse the whole AST
-  and swapping the symbols listed above.
-  *)
-let identifier_mapper f super =
-let map_fields fields = (lid,x) -> (map_lident f lid, x)) fields in
-let map_name ({txt} as name) = {name with txt=(f txt)} in
-let map_lid lid = map_lident f lid in
-let map_label label = map_arg_label f label in
-{ super with
-  expr = begin fun mapper expr ->
-    let expr =
-      match expr with
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_ident lid } ->
-          { expr with pexp_desc = Pexp_ident (map_lid lid) }
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_fun (label, eo, pat, e) } when !rename_labels ->
-          { expr with pexp_desc = Pexp_fun (map_label label, eo, pat, e) }
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_apply (e, args) } when !rename_labels ->
-          { expr with
-            pexp_desc = Pexp_apply (e, (fun (label, e) ->
-            (map_label label), e) args) }
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_variant (s, e) } ->
-          { expr with
-            pexp_desc = Pexp_variant (f s, e) }
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_record (fields, closed) } when !rename_labels ->
-          { expr with pexp_desc = Pexp_record (map_fields fields, closed) }
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_field (e, lid) } when !rename_labels ->
-          { expr with
-            pexp_desc = Pexp_field (e, map_lid lid) }
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_setfield (e1, lid, e2) } when !rename_labels ->
-          { expr with
-            pexp_desc = Pexp_setfield (e1, map_lid lid, e2) }
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_send (e, s) } ->
-          { expr with
-            pexp_desc = Pexp_send (e, f s) }
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_new lid } ->
-          { expr with
-            pexp_desc = Pexp_new (map_lid lid) }
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_setinstvar (name, e) } ->
-          { expr with
-            pexp_desc = Pexp_setinstvar (map_name name, e) }
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_override name_exp_list } ->
-          let name_exp_list = (fun (name,e) -> (map_name name, e)) name_exp_list in
-          { expr with
-            pexp_desc = Pexp_override name_exp_list }
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_newtype (s, e) } ->
-          { expr with
-            pexp_desc = Pexp_newtype (f s, e) }
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_open (override, lid, e) } ->
-          { expr with
-            pexp_desc = Pexp_open (override, map_lid lid, e) }
-        | _ -> expr
-    in
-    super.expr mapper expr
-  end;
-  pat = begin fun mapper pat ->
-    let pat =
-      match pat with
-        | { ppat_desc = Ppat_var name } ->
-          { pat with ppat_desc = Ppat_var (map_name name) }
-        | { ppat_desc = Ppat_alias (p, name) } ->
-          { pat with ppat_desc = Ppat_alias (p, map_name name) }
-        | { ppat_desc = Ppat_variant (s, po) } ->
-          { pat with
-            ppat_desc = Ppat_variant (f s, po) }
-        | { ppat_desc = Ppat_record (fields, closed) } when !rename_labels ->
-          { pat with
-            ppat_desc = Ppat_record (map_fields fields, closed) }
-        | { ppat_desc = Ppat_type lid } ->
-          { pat with ppat_desc = Ppat_type (map_lid lid) }
-        | _ -> pat
-    in
-    super.pat mapper pat
-  end;
-  value_description = begin fun mapper desc ->
-    let desc' =
-      { desc with
-        pval_name = map_name  desc.pval_name }
-    in
-    super.value_description mapper desc'
-  end;
-  type_declaration = begin fun mapper type_decl ->
-    let type_decl' =
-      { type_decl with ptype_name = map_name type_decl.ptype_name }
-    in
-    let type_decl'' = match type_decl'.ptype_kind with
-    | Ptype_record lst when !rename_labels ->
-      { type_decl'
-        with ptype_kind = Ptype_record ( (fun lbl ->
-          { lbl with pld_name = map_name lbl.pld_name })
-        lst) }
-    | _ -> type_decl'
-    in
-    super.type_declaration mapper type_decl''
-  end;
-  typ = begin fun mapper typ ->
-    super.typ mapper (map_core_type f typ)
-  end;
-  class_declaration = begin fun mapper class_decl ->
-    let class_decl' =
-      { class_decl
-      with pci_name = map_name class_decl.pci_name
-        ;  pci_expr = map_class_expr f class_decl.pci_expr
-         }
-    in
-    super.class_declaration mapper class_decl'
-  end;
-  class_field = begin fun mapper class_field ->
-    let class_field_desc' = match class_field.pcf_desc with
-    | Pcf_inherit (ovf, e, lo) ->
-      Pcf_inherit (ovf, map_class_expr f e, lo)
-    | Pcf_val (lbl, mut, kind) ->
-      Pcf_val ({lbl with txt = f lbl.txt}, mut, kind)
-    | Pcf_method (lbl, priv, kind) ->
-      Pcf_method ({lbl with txt = f lbl.txt}, priv, kind)
-    | x -> x
-    in
-    super.class_field mapper { class_field with pcf_desc = class_field_desc' }
-  end;
-  class_type_field = begin fun mapper class_type_field ->
-    let class_type_field_desc' = match class_type_field.pctf_desc with
-    | Pctf_inherit class_type ->
-      Pctf_inherit (map_class_type f class_type)
-    | Pctf_val (lbl, mut, vf, ct) ->
-      Pctf_val (f lbl, mut, vf, ct)
-    | Pctf_method (lbl, pf, vf, ct) ->
-      Pctf_method (f lbl, pf, vf, ct)
-    | x -> x
-    in
-    super.class_type_field mapper
-      { class_type_field
-      with pctf_desc = class_type_field_desc' }
-  end;
-  class_type_declaration = begin fun mapper class_type_decl ->
-    let class_type_decl' =
-      { class_type_decl
-      with pci_name = map_name class_type_decl.pci_name }
-    in
-    super.class_type_declaration mapper class_type_decl'
-  end;
-  module_type_declaration = begin fun mapper module_type_decl ->
-    let module_type_decl' =
-      { module_type_decl
-        with pmtd_name = map_name module_type_decl.pmtd_name }
-    in
-    super.module_type_declaration mapper module_type_decl'
-  end;
-let remove_stylistic_attrs_mapper_maker super =
-  let open Ast_404 in
-  let open Ast_mapper in
-{ super with
-  expr = begin fun mapper expr ->
-    let {Reason_attributes.stylisticAttrs; arityAttrs; docAttrs; stdAttrs; jsxAttrs} =
-      Reason_attributes.partitionAttributes ~allowUncurry:false expr.pexp_attributes
-    in
-    let expr = if stylisticAttrs != [] then
-      { expr with pexp_attributes = arityAttrs @ docAttrs @ stdAttrs @ jsxAttrs }
-    else expr
-    in
-    super.expr mapper expr
-  end;
-  pat = begin fun mapper pat ->
-    let {Reason_attributes.stylisticAttrs; arityAttrs; docAttrs; stdAttrs; jsxAttrs} =
-      Reason_attributes.partitionAttributes ~allowUncurry:false pat.ppat_attributes
-    in
-    let pat = if stylisticAttrs != [] then
-      { pat with ppat_attributes = arityAttrs @ docAttrs @ stdAttrs @ jsxAttrs }
-    else pat
-    in
-    super.pat mapper pat
-  end;
-let remove_stylistic_attrs_mapper =
-  remove_stylistic_attrs_mapper_maker Ast_mapper.default_mapper
-(** escape_stars_slashes_mapper escapes all stars and slashes in an AST *)
-let escape_stars_slashes_mapper =
-  let escape_stars_slashes str =
-    if String.contains str '/' then
-      replace_string "/*" "/\\*" @@
-      replace_string "*/" "*\\/" @@
-      replace_string "//" "/\\/" @@
-      str
-    else
-      str
-  in
-  identifier_mapper escape_stars_slashes
-(* To be used in parser, transform a token into an ast node with different identifier
- *)
-let reason_to_ml_swap_operator_mapper = identifier_mapper reason_to_ml_swap
-(* To be used in printer, transform an ast node into a token with different identifier
- *)
-let ml_to_reason_swap_operator_mapper = identifier_mapper ml_to_reason_swap
-(* attribute_equals tests an attribute is txt
- *)
-let attribute_equals to_compare = function
-  | ({txt}, _) -> txt = to_compare
-(* attribute_exists tests if an attribute exists in a list
- *)
-let attribute_exists txt attributes = List.exists (attribute_equals txt) attributes
-(* conflicted_attributes tests if both attribute1 and attribute2
- * exist
- *)
-let attributes_conflicted attribute1 attribute2 attributes =
-  attribute_exists attribute1 attributes &&
-  attribute_exists attribute2 attributes
-(* normalized_attributes removes attribute from a list of attributes
- *)
-let normalized_attributes attribute attributes =
-  List.filter (fun x -> not (attribute_equals attribute x)) attributes
-(* apply_mapper family applies an ast_mapper to an ast *)
-let apply_mapper_to_structure s mapper = mapper.structure mapper s
-let apply_mapper_to_signature s mapper = mapper.signature mapper s
-let apply_mapper_to_type      s mapper = mapper.typ       mapper s
-let apply_mapper_to_expr      s mapper = mapper.expr      mapper s
-let apply_mapper_to_pattern   s mapper = mapper.pat       mapper s
-let apply_mapper_to_toplevel_phrase toplevel_phrase mapper =
-  match toplevel_phrase with
-  | Ptop_def x -> Ptop_def (apply_mapper_to_structure x mapper)
-  | x -> x
-let apply_mapper_to_use_file use_file mapper =
- (fun x -> apply_mapper_to_toplevel_phrase x mapper) use_file
-let map_first f = function
-  | [] -> invalid_arg "Syntax_util.map_first: empty list"
-  | x :: xs -> f x :: xs
-let map_last f l =
-  match List.rev l with
-  | [] -> invalid_arg "Syntax_util.map_last: empty list"
-  | x :: xs -> List.rev (f x :: xs)
-let location_is_before loc1 loc2 =
-  let open Location in
-  loc1.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum <= loc2.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum
-let location_contains loc1 loc2 =
-  let open Location in
-  loc1.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum <= loc2.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum &&
-  loc1.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum >= loc2.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum
-# 662 ""
-let split_compiler_error (err : Location.error) =
-  (err.loc, err.msg)
-# 666 ""
-let explode_str str =
-  let rec loop acc i =
-    if i < 0 then acc else loop (str.[i] :: acc) (i - 1)
-  in
-    loop [] (String.length str - 1)
-# 674 ""
-module Clflags = struct
-  include Clflags
-# 680 ""
-module Reason_comment
-= struct
-#1 ""
-open Location
-type category =
-  | EndOfLine
-  | SingleLine
-  | Regular
-let string_of_category = function
-  | Regular -> "Regular"
-  | EndOfLine -> "End of Line"
-  | SingleLine -> "SingleLine"
-type t = {
-  location: Location.t;
-  category: category;
-  text: string;
-let category t = t.category
-let location t = t.location
-let dump ppf t =
-  Format.fprintf ppf "%d (%d:%d)-%d (%d:%d) -- %s:||%s||"
-    t.location.loc_start.pos_cnum
-    t.location.loc_start.pos_lnum
-    (t.location.loc_start.pos_cnum - t.location.loc_start.pos_bol)
-    t.location.loc_end.pos_cnum
-    t.location.loc_end.pos_lnum
-    (t.location.loc_end.pos_cnum - t.location.loc_end.pos_bol)
-    (string_of_category t.category)
-    t.text
-let dump_list ppf list =
-  List.iter (Format.fprintf ppf "%a\n" dump) list
-let wrap t =
-  match t.text with
-  | "" | "*" -> "/***/"
-  | txt when Reason_syntax_util.isLineComment txt ->
-    "//"
-    (* single line comments of the form `// comment` have a `\n` at the end *)
-    ^ (String.sub txt 0 (String.length txt - 1))
-    ^ Reason_syntax_util.EOLMarker.string
-  | txt when txt.[0] = '*' && txt.[1] <> '*' ->
-    (*CHECK: this comment printing seems fishy.
-      It apply to invalid docstrings.
-      In this case, it will add a spurious '*'.
-      E.g. /**
-            * bla */
-      In an invalid context is turned into
-           /***
-            * bla */
-      I think this case should be removed.
-    *)
-    "/**" ^ txt ^ "*/"
-  | txt -> "/*" ^ txt ^ "*/"
-let is_doc t =
-  String.length t.text > 0 && t.text.[0] == '*'
-let make ~location category text =
-  { text; category; location }
-let isLineComment {category; text} = match category with
-  | SingleLine -> Reason_syntax_util.isLineComment text
-  | EndOfLine | Regular -> false
-module Reason_config
-= struct
-#1 ""
- * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
- *
- * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
- * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
- *)
-let recoverable = ref false
-let configure ~r = (
-  recoverable := r;
-module Ocaml_util
-= struct
-#1 ""
-let warn_latin1 lexbuf =
-  Location.deprecated (Location.curr lexbuf) 
-    "ISO-Latin1 characters in identifiers"
-let print_loc ppf loc =
-  Location.print_error ppf loc
-let print_error loc f ppf x =
-  let error = Location.error_of_printer loc f x in
-  Location.report_error ppf error
-module Reason_errors : sig 
-#1 "reason_errors.mli"
-(* There are three main categories of error:
-   - _lexer errors_, thrown by Reason_lexer when the source **text is malformed**
-     and no token can be produced
-   - _concrete parsing errors_, thrown by the menhir parser / parsing loop
-     when a **token is unexpected**
-   - _abstract parsing errors_, thrown by hand-written semantic actions or
-     further AST checks, when the source text was incorrect but this restriction
-     was too fine to be captured by the grammar rules
-open Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404
-type lexing_error =
-  | Illegal_character of char
-  | Illegal_escape of string
-  | Unterminated_comment of Location.t
-  | Unterminated_string
-  | Unterminated_string_in_comment of Location.t * Location.t
-  | Keyword_as_label of string
-  | Literal_overflow of string
-  | Invalid_literal of string
-type ast_error =
-  | Not_expecting of Location.t * string
-  | Other_syntax_error of string
-  | Variable_in_scope of Location.t * string
-  | Applicative_path of Location.t
-type parsing_error = string
-type reason_error =
-  | Lexing_error of lexing_error
-  | Parsing_error of parsing_error
-  | Ast_error of ast_error
-exception Reason_error of reason_error * Location.t
-val raise_error : reason_error -> Location.t -> unit
-val raise_fatal_error : reason_error -> Location.t -> 'a
-val recover_non_fatal_errors : (unit -> 'a) ->
-  ('a, exn) Result.result * (reason_error * Location.t) list
-val recover_parser_error :
-  (Location.t -> string -> 'a) -> Location.t -> string -> 'a
-val report_error : Format.formatter -> loc:Location.t -> reason_error -> unit
-val error_extension_node_from_recovery :
-  Location.t -> string -> string Location.loc * Parsetree.payload
-val error_extension_node :
-  Location.t -> string -> string Location.loc * Parsetree.payload
-end = struct
-#1 ""
-(* There are three main categories of error:
-   - _lexer errors_, thrown by Reason_lexer when the source **text is malformed**
-     and no token can be produced
-   - _concrete parsing errors_, thrown by the menhir parser / parsing loop
-     when a **token is unexpected**
-   - _abstract parsing errors_, thrown by hand-written semantic actions or
-     further AST checks, when the source text was incorrect but this restriction
-     was too fine to be captured by the grammar rules
-   A fourth case is when unknown / unexpected error occurs.
-open Format
-type lexing_error =
-  | Illegal_character of char
-  | Illegal_escape of string
-  | Unterminated_comment of Location.t
-  | Unterminated_string
-  | Unterminated_string_in_comment of Location.t * Location.t
-  | Keyword_as_label of string
-  | Literal_overflow of string
-  | Invalid_literal of string
-type ast_error =
-  | Not_expecting of Location.t * string
-  | Other_syntax_error of string
-  | Variable_in_scope of Location.t * string
-  | Applicative_path of Location.t
-type parsing_error = string
-type reason_error =
-  | Lexing_error of lexing_error
-  | Parsing_error of parsing_error
-  | Ast_error of ast_error
-exception Reason_error of reason_error * Location.t
-let catch_errors
-  : (reason_error * Location.t) list ref option ref
-  = ref None
-let raise_error error loc =
-  match !catch_errors with
-  | None -> raise (Reason_error (error, loc))
-  | Some caught -> caught := (error, loc) :: !caught
-let raise_fatal_error error loc =
-  raise (Reason_error (error, loc))
-let recover_non_fatal_errors f =
-  let catch_errors0 = !catch_errors in
-  let errors = ref [] in
-  catch_errors := Some errors;
-  let result =
-    match f () with
-    | x -> Result.Ok x
-    | exception exn -> Result.Error exn
-  in
-  catch_errors := catch_errors0;
-  (result, List.rev !errors)
-(* Report lexing errors *)
-let format_lexing_error ppf = function
-  | Illegal_character c ->
-      fprintf ppf "Illegal character (%s)" (Char.escaped c)
-  | Illegal_escape s ->
-      fprintf ppf "Illegal backslash escape in string or character (%s)" s
-  | Unterminated_comment _ ->
-      fprintf ppf "Comment not terminated"
-  | Unterminated_string ->
-      fprintf ppf "String literal not terminated"
-  | Unterminated_string_in_comment (_, loc) ->
-      fprintf ppf "This comment contains an unterminated string literal@.\
-                   %aString literal begins here"
-        Ocaml_util.print_loc loc
-  | Keyword_as_label kwd ->
-      fprintf ppf "`%s' is a keyword, it cannot be used as label name" kwd
-  | Literal_overflow ty ->
-      fprintf ppf "Integer literal exceeds the range of representable \
-                   integers of type %s" ty
-  | Invalid_literal s ->
-      fprintf ppf "Invalid literal %s" s
-let format_parsing_error ppf msg =
-  fprintf ppf "%s" msg
-let format_ast_error ppf = function
-  | Not_expecting (loc, nonterm) ->
-    fprintf ppf
-      "Syntax error: %a%s not expected."
-      Ocaml_util.print_loc loc nonterm
-  | Applicative_path loc ->
-    fprintf ppf
-      "Syntax error: %aapplicative paths of the form F(X).t \
-       are not supported when the option -no-app-func is set."
-      Ocaml_util.print_loc loc
-  | Variable_in_scope (loc, var) ->
-    fprintf ppf "%aIn this scoped type, variable '%s \
-                 is reserved for the local type %s."
-      Ocaml_util.print_loc loc var var
-  | Other_syntax_error msg ->
-    fprintf ppf "%s" msg
-let format_error ppf = function
-  | Lexing_error err -> format_lexing_error ppf err
-  | Parsing_error err -> format_parsing_error ppf err
-  | Ast_error err -> format_ast_error ppf err
-let report_error ppf ~loc err =
-  Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a@]@."
-    (Ocaml_util.print_error loc format_error) err
-let recover_parser_error f loc msg =
-  if !Reason_config.recoverable
-  then f loc msg
-  else raise_fatal_error (Parsing_error msg) loc
-let () =
-  Printexc.register_printer (function
-      | Reason_error (err, loc) ->
-        let _ = Format.flush_str_formatter () in
-        report_error Format.str_formatter ~loc err;
-        Some (Format.flush_str_formatter ())
-      | _ -> None
-    )
-open Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404
-let str_eval_message text = {
-  Parsetree.
-  pstr_loc = Location.none;
-  pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (
-      { pexp_loc = Location.none;
-        pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Parsetree.Pconst_string (text, None));
-        pexp_attributes = [];
-      },
-      []
-    );
-(** Generate a suitable extension node for Merlin's consumption,
-    for the purposes of reporting a parse error - only used
-    in recovery mode.
-    Parse error will prevent Merlin from reporting subsequent errors, as they
-    might be due wrong recovery decisions and will confuse the user.
- *)
-let error_extension_node_from_recovery loc msg =
-  recover_parser_error (fun loc msg ->
-    let str = { Location. loc; txt = "merlin.syntax-error" } in
-    let payload = [ str_eval_message msg ] in
-    (str, Parsetree.PStr payload)
-  ) loc msg
-(** Generate a suitable extension node for OCaml consumption,
-    for the purposes of reporting a syntax error.
-    Contrary to [error_extension_node_from_recovery], these work both with
-    OCaml and with Merlin.
- *)
-let error_extension_node loc msg =
-  recover_parser_error (fun loc msg ->
-    let str = { Location. loc; txt = "ocaml.error" } in
-    let payload = [
-      str_eval_message msg;
-      (* if_highlight *)
-      str_eval_message msg;
-    ] in
-    (str, Parsetree.PStr payload)
-  ) loc msg
-module Reason_toolchain_conf
-= struct
-#1 ""
-open Migrate_parsetree
-include Ast_404
-module From_current = Convert(OCaml_current)(OCaml_404)
-module To_current = Convert(OCaml_404)(OCaml_current)
-module type Toolchain = sig
-  (* Parsing *)
-  val core_type_with_comments: Lexing.lexbuf -> (Parsetree.core_type * Reason_comment.t list)
-  val implementation_with_comments: Lexing.lexbuf -> (Parsetree.structure * Reason_comment.t list)
-  val interface_with_comments: Lexing.lexbuf -> (Parsetree.signature * Reason_comment.t list)
-  val core_type: Lexing.lexbuf -> Parsetree.core_type
-  val implementation: Lexing.lexbuf -> Parsetree.structure
-  val interface: Lexing.lexbuf -> Parsetree.signature
-  val toplevel_phrase: Lexing.lexbuf -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase
-  val use_file: Lexing.lexbuf -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list
-  (* Printing *)
-  val print_interface_with_comments: Format.formatter -> (Parsetree.signature * Reason_comment.t list) -> unit
-  val print_implementation_with_comments: Format.formatter -> (Parsetree.structure * Reason_comment.t list) -> unit
-module type Toolchain_spec = sig
-  val safeguard_parsing: Lexing.lexbuf ->
-    (unit -> ('a * Reason_comment.t list)) -> ('a * Reason_comment.t list)
-  type token
-  type invalid_docstrings
-  module Lexer : sig
-    type t
-    val init: ?insert_completion_ident:Lexing.position ->
-              Lexing.lexbuf -> t
-    val get_comments: t -> invalid_docstrings -> (string * Location.t) list
-  end
-  val core_type: Lexer.t -> Parsetree.core_type * invalid_docstrings
-  val implementation: Lexer.t -> Parsetree.structure * invalid_docstrings
-  val interface: Lexer.t -> Parsetree.signature * invalid_docstrings
-  val toplevel_phrase: Lexer.t -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase * invalid_docstrings
-  val use_file: Lexer.t -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list * invalid_docstrings
-  val format_interface_with_comments: (Parsetree.signature * Reason_comment.t list) -> Format.formatter -> unit
-  val format_implementation_with_comments: (Parsetree.structure * Reason_comment.t list) -> Format.formatter -> unit
-let insert_completion_ident : Lexing.position option ref = ref None
-module Reason_toolchain_ocaml
-= struct
-#1 ""
-open Reason_toolchain_conf
-(* The OCaml parser keep doc strings in the comment list.
-     To avoid duplicating comments, we need to filter comments that appear
-     as doc strings is the AST out of the comment list. *)
-let doc_comments_filter () =
-  let open Ast_mapper in
-  let open Parsetree in
-  let seen = Hashtbl.create 7 in
-  let attribute mapper = function
-    | ({ Location. txt = ("ocaml.doc" | "ocaml.text")},
-       PStr [{ pstr_desc = Pstr_eval ({ pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(_text, None)) } , _);
-               pstr_loc = loc }]) as attribute ->
-       (* Workaround: OCaml 4.02.3 kept an initial '*' in docstrings.
-        * For other versions, we have to put the '*' back. *)
-       Hashtbl.add seen loc ();
-       default_mapper.attribute mapper attribute
-    | attribute -> default_mapper.attribute mapper attribute
-  in
-  let mapper = {default_mapper with attribute} in
-  let filter (_text, loc) = not (Hashtbl.mem seen loc) in
-  (mapper, filter)
-module Lexer_impl = struct
-  type t = Lexing.lexbuf
-  let init ?insert_completion_ident:_ lexbuf =
-    Lexer.init (); lexbuf
-  let token = Lexer.token
-  let filtered_comments = ref []
-  let filter_comments filter =
-    filtered_comments := List.filter filter (Lexer.comments ())
-  let get_comments _lexbuf _docstrings = !filtered_comments
-module OCaml_parser = Parser
-type token = OCaml_parser.token
-type invalid_docstrings = unit
-(* OCaml parser parses into compiler-libs version of Ast.
-     Parsetrees are converted to Reason version on the fly. *)
-let parse_and_filter_doc_comments iter fn lexbuf=
-  let it, filter = doc_comments_filter () in
-  let result = fn lexbuf in
-  ignore (iter it result);
-  Lexer_impl.filter_comments filter;
-  (result, ())
-let implementation lexbuf =
-  parse_and_filter_doc_comments
-    (fun it -> it.Ast_mapper.structure it)
-    (fun lexbuf -> From_current.copy_structure
-                     (Parser.implementation Lexer.token lexbuf))
-    lexbuf
-let core_type lexbuf =
-  parse_and_filter_doc_comments
-    (fun it -> it.Ast_mapper.typ it)
-    (fun lexbuf -> From_current.copy_core_type
-                     (Parser.parse_core_type Lexer.token lexbuf))
-    lexbuf
-let interface lexbuf =
-  parse_and_filter_doc_comments
-    (fun it -> it.Ast_mapper.signature it)
-    (fun lexbuf -> From_current.copy_signature
-                     (Parser.interface Lexer.token lexbuf))
-    lexbuf
-let filter_toplevel_phrase it = function
-  | Parsetree.Ptop_def str -> ignore (it.Ast_mapper.structure it str)
-  | Parsetree.Ptop_dir _ -> ()
-let toplevel_phrase lexbuf =
-  parse_and_filter_doc_comments
-    filter_toplevel_phrase
-    (fun lexbuf -> From_current.copy_toplevel_phrase
-                     (Parser.toplevel_phrase Lexer.token lexbuf))
-    lexbuf
-let use_file lexbuf =
-  parse_and_filter_doc_comments
-    (fun it result -> (filter_toplevel_phrase it) result)
-    (fun lexbuf ->
-        From_current.copy_toplevel_phrase
-        (Parser.use_file Lexer.token lexbuf))
-    lexbuf
-(* Skip tokens to the end of the phrase *)
-(* TODO: consolidate these copy-paste skip/trys into something that works for
- * every syntax (also see [Reason_syntax_util]). *)
-let rec skip_phrase lexbuf =
-  try
-    match Lexer.token lexbuf with
-      OCaml_parser.SEMISEMI | OCaml_parser.EOF -> ()
-      | _ -> skip_phrase lexbuf
-  with
-  | Lexer.Error (Lexer.Unterminated_comment _, _)
-    | Lexer.Error (Lexer.Unterminated_string, _)
-    | Lexer.Error (Lexer.Unterminated_string_in_comment _, _)
-    | Lexer.Error (Lexer.Illegal_character _, _) ->
-     skip_phrase lexbuf
-let maybe_skip_phrase lexbuf =
-  if Parsing.is_current_lookahead OCaml_parser.SEMISEMI
-     || Parsing.is_current_lookahead OCaml_parser.EOF
-  then ()
-  else skip_phrase lexbuf
-let safeguard_parsing lexbuf fn =
-  try fn ()
-  with
-  | Lexer.Error(Lexer.Illegal_character _, _) as err
-       when !Location.input_name = "//toplevel//"->
-     skip_phrase lexbuf;
-     raise err
-  | Syntaxerr.Error _ as err
-       when !Location.input_name = "//toplevel//" ->
-     maybe_skip_phrase lexbuf;
-     raise err
-  (* Escape error is raised as a general catchall when a syntax_error() is
-       thrown in the parser.
-   *)
-  | Parsing.Parse_error | Syntaxerr.Escape_error ->
-     let loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
-     if !Location.input_name = "//toplevel//"
-     then maybe_skip_phrase lexbuf;
-     raise(Syntaxerr.Error(Syntaxerr.Other loc))
-(* Unfortunately we drop the comments because there doesn't exist an ML
- * printer that formats comments *and* line wrapping! (yet) *)
-let format_interface_with_comments (signature, _) formatter =
-  Pprintast.signature formatter
-    (To_current.copy_signature signature)
-let format_implementation_with_comments (structure, _) formatter =
-  let structure =
-    Reason_syntax_util.(apply_mapper_to_structure structure remove_stylistic_attrs_mapper)
-  in
-  Pprintast.structure formatter
-    (To_current.copy_structure structure)
-module Lexer = Lexer_impl
-module MenhirLib : sig 
-#1 "menhirLib.mli"
-module General : sig
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* This module offers general-purpose functions on lists and streams. *)
-(* As of 2017/03/31, this module is DEPRECATED. It might be removed in
-   the future. *)
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Lists. *)
-(* [take n xs] returns the [n] first elements of the list [xs]. It is
-   acceptable  for the list [xs] to have length less than [n], in
-   which case [xs] itself is returned. *)
-val take: int -> 'a list -> 'a list
-(* [drop n xs] returns the list [xs], deprived of its [n] first elements.
-   It is acceptable for the list [xs] to have length less than [n], in
-   which case an empty list is returned. *)
-val drop: int -> 'a list -> 'a list
-(* [uniq cmp xs] assumes that the list [xs] is sorted according to the
-   ordering [cmp] and returns the list [xs] deprived of any duplicate
-   elements. *)
-val uniq: ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list
-(* [weed cmp xs] returns the list [xs] deprived of any duplicate elements. *)
-val weed: ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* A stream is a list whose elements are produced on demand. *)
-type 'a stream =
-    'a head Lazy.t
-and 'a head =
-  | Nil
-  | Cons of 'a * 'a stream
-(* The length of a stream. *)
-val length: 'a stream -> int
-(* Folding over a stream. *)
-val foldr: ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a stream -> 'b -> 'b
-module Convert : sig
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* An ocamlyacc-style, or Menhir-style, parser requires access to
-   the lexer, which must be parameterized with a lexing buffer, and
-   to the lexing buffer itself, where it reads position information. *)
-(* This traditional API is convenient when used with ocamllex, but
-   inelegant when used with other lexer generators. *)
-type ('token, 'semantic_value) traditional =
-    (Lexing.lexbuf -> 'token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'semantic_value
-(* This revised API is independent of any lexer generator. Here, the
-   parser only requires access to the lexer, and the lexer takes no
-   parameters. The tokens returned by the lexer may contain position
-   information. *)
-type ('token, 'semantic_value) revised =
-    (unit -> 'token) -> 'semantic_value
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Converting a traditional parser, produced by ocamlyacc or Menhir,
-   into a revised parser. *)
-(* A token of the revised lexer is essentially a triple of a token
-   of the traditional lexer (or raw token), a start position, and
-   and end position. The three [get] functions are accessors. *)
-(* We do not require the type ['token] to actually be a triple type.
-   This enables complex applications where it is a record type with
-   more than three fields. It also enables simple applications where
-   positions are of no interest, so ['token] is just ['raw_token]
-   and [get_startp] and [get_endp] return dummy positions. *)
-val traditional2revised:
-  ('token -> 'raw_token) ->
-  ('token -> Lexing.position) ->
-  ('token -> Lexing.position) ->
-  ('raw_token, 'semantic_value) traditional ->
-  ('token, 'semantic_value) revised
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Converting a revised parser back to a traditional parser. *)
-val revised2traditional:
-  ('raw_token -> Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> 'token) ->
-  ('token, 'semantic_value) revised ->
-  ('raw_token, 'semantic_value) traditional
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Simplified versions of the above, where concrete triples are used. *)
-module Simplified : sig
-  val traditional2revised:
-    ('token, 'semantic_value) traditional ->
-    ('token * Lexing.position * Lexing.position, 'semantic_value) revised
-  val revised2traditional:
-    ('token * Lexing.position * Lexing.position, 'semantic_value) revised ->
-    ('token, 'semantic_value) traditional
-module IncrementalEngine : sig
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-type position = Lexing.position
-open General
-(* This signature describes the incremental LR engine. *)
-(* In this mode, the user controls the lexer, and the parser suspends
-   itself when it needs to read a new token. *)
-module type INCREMENTAL_ENGINE = sig
-  type token
-  (* A value of type [production] is (an index for) a production. The start
-     productions (which do not exist in an \mly file, but are constructed by
-     Menhir internally) are not part of this type. *)
-  type production
-  (* The type ['a checkpoint] represents an intermediate or final state of the
-     parser. An intermediate checkpoint is a suspension: it records the parser's
-     current state, and allows parsing to be resumed. The parameter ['a] is
-     the type of the semantic value that will eventually be produced if the
-     parser succeeds. *)
-  (* [Accepted] and [Rejected] are final checkpoints. [Accepted] carries a
-     semantic value. *)
-  (* [InputNeeded] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser wishes
-     to read one token before continuing. *)
-  (* [Shifting] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser is taking
-     a shift transition. It exposes the state of the parser before and after
-     the transition. The Boolean parameter tells whether the parser intends to
-     request a new token after this transition. (It always does, except when
-     it is about to accept.) *)
-  (* [AboutToReduce] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser is
-     about to perform a reduction step. It exposes the parser's current
-     state as well as the production that is about to be reduced. *)
-  (* [HandlingError] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser has
-     detected an error and is currently handling it, in several steps. *)
-  (* A value of type ['a env] represents a configuration of the automaton:
-     current state, stack, lookahead token, etc. The parameter ['a] is the
-     type of the semantic value that will eventually be produced if the parser
-     succeeds. *)
-  (* In normal operation, the parser works with checkpoints: see the functions
-     [offer] and [resume]. However, it is also possible to work directly with
-     environments (see the functions [pop], [force_reduction], and [feed]) and
-     to reconstruct a checkpoint out of an environment (see [input_needed]).
-     This is considered advanced functionality; its purpose is to allow error
-     recovery strategies to be programmed by the user. *)
-  type 'a env
-  type 'a checkpoint = private
-    | InputNeeded of 'a env
-    | Shifting of 'a env * 'a env * bool
-    | AboutToReduce of 'a env * production
-    | HandlingError of 'a env
-    | Accepted of 'a
-    | Rejected
-  (* [offer] allows the user to resume the parser after it has suspended
-     itself with a checkpoint of the form [InputNeeded env]. [offer] expects the
-     old checkpoint as well as a new token and produces a new checkpoint. It does not
-     raise any exception. *)
-  val offer:
-    'a checkpoint ->
-    token * position * position ->
-    'a checkpoint
-  (* [resume] allows the user to resume the parser after it has suspended
-     itself with a checkpoint of the form [AboutToReduce (env, prod)] or
-     [HandlingError env]. [resume] expects the old checkpoint and produces a new
-     checkpoint. It does not raise any exception. *)
-  val resume:
-    'a checkpoint ->
-    'a checkpoint
-  (* A token supplier is a function of no arguments which delivers a new token
-     (together with its start and end positions) every time it is called. *)
-  type supplier =
-    unit -> token * position * position
-  (* A pair of a lexer and a lexing buffer can be easily turned into a supplier. *)
-  val lexer_lexbuf_to_supplier:
-    (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) ->
-    Lexing.lexbuf ->
-    supplier
-  (* The functions [offer] and [resume] are sufficient to write a parser loop.
-     One can imagine many variations (which is why we expose these functions
-     in the first place!). Here, we expose a few variations of the main loop,
-     ready for use. *)
-  (* [loop supplier checkpoint] begins parsing from [checkpoint], reading
-     tokens from [supplier]. It continues parsing until it reaches a
-     checkpoint of the form [Accepted v] or [Rejected]. In the former case, it
-     returns [v]. In the latter case, it raises the exception [Error]. *)
-  val loop: supplier -> 'a checkpoint -> 'a
-  (* [loop_handle succeed fail supplier checkpoint] begins parsing from
-     [checkpoint], reading tokens from [supplier]. It continues parsing until
-     it reaches a checkpoint of the form [Accepted v] or [HandlingError env]
-     (or [Rejected], but that should not happen, as [HandlingError _] will be
-     observed first). In the former case, it calls [succeed v]. In the latter
-     case, it calls [fail] with this checkpoint. It cannot raise [Error].
-     This means that Menhir's traditional error-handling procedure (which pops
-     the stack until a state that can act on the [error] token is found) does
-     not get a chance to run. Instead, the user can implement her own error
-     handling code, in the [fail] continuation. *)
-  val loop_handle:
-    ('a -> 'answer) ->
-    ('a checkpoint -> 'answer) ->
-    supplier -> 'a checkpoint -> 'answer
-  (* [loop_handle_undo] is analogous to [loop_handle], except it passes a pair
-     of checkpoints to the failure continuation.
-     The first (and oldest) checkpoint is the last [InputNeeded] checkpoint that
-     was encountered before the error was detected. The second (and newest)
-     checkpoint is where the error was detected, as in [loop_handle]. Going back
-     to the first checkpoint can be thought of as undoing any reductions that
-     were performed after seeing the problematic token. (These reductions must
-     be default reductions or spurious reductions.)
-     [loop_handle_undo] must initially be applied to an [InputNeeded] checkpoint.
-     The parser's initial checkpoints satisfy this constraint. *)
-  val loop_handle_undo:
-    ('a -> 'answer) ->
-    ('a checkpoint -> 'a checkpoint -> 'answer) ->
-    supplier -> 'a checkpoint -> 'answer
-  (* [shifts checkpoint] assumes that [checkpoint] has been obtained by
-     submitting a token to the parser. It runs the parser from [checkpoint],
-     through an arbitrary number of reductions, until the parser either
-     accepts this token (i.e., shifts) or rejects it (i.e., signals an error).
-     If the parser decides to shift, then [Some env] is returned, where [env]
-     is the parser's state just before shifting. Otherwise, [None] is
-     returned. *)
-  (* It is desirable that the semantic actions be side-effect free, or that
-     their side-effects be harmless (replayable). *)
-  val shifts: 'a checkpoint -> 'a env option
-  (* The function [acceptable] allows testing, after an error has been
-     detected, which tokens would have been accepted at this point. It is
-     implemented using [shifts]. Its argument should be an [InputNeeded]
-     checkpoint. *)
-  (* For completeness, one must undo any spurious reductions before carrying out
-     this test -- that is, one must apply [acceptable] to the FIRST checkpoint
-     that is passed by [loop_handle_undo] to its failure continuation. *)
-  (* This test causes some semantic actions to be run! The semantic actions
-     should be side-effect free, or their side-effects should be harmless. *)
-  (* The position [pos] is used as the start and end positions of the
-     hypothetical token, and may be picked up by the semantic actions. We
-     suggest using the position where the error was detected. *)
-  val acceptable: 'a checkpoint -> token -> position -> bool
-  (* The abstract type ['a lr1state] describes the non-initial states of the
-     LR(1) automaton. The index ['a] represents the type of the semantic value
-     associated with this state's incoming symbol. *)
-  type 'a lr1state
-  (* The states of the LR(1) automaton are numbered (from 0 and up). *)
-  val number: _ lr1state -> int
-  (* Productions are numbered. *)
-  (* [find_production i] requires the index [i] to be valid. Use with care. *)
-  val production_index: production -> int
-  val find_production: int -> production
-  (* An element is a pair of a non-initial state [s] and a semantic value [v]
-     associated with the incoming symbol of this state. The idea is, the value
-     [v] was pushed onto the stack just before the state [s] was entered. Thus,
-     for some type ['a], the state [s] has type ['a lr1state] and the value [v]
-     has type ['a]. In other words, the type [element] is an existential type. *)
-  type element =
-    | Element: 'a lr1state * 'a * position * position -> element
-  (* The parser's stack is (or, more precisely, can be viewed as) a stream of
-     elements. The type [stream] is defined by the module [General]. *)
-  (* As of 2017/03/31, the types [stream] and [stack] and the function [stack]
-     are DEPRECATED. They might be removed in the future. An alternative way
-     of inspecting the stack is via the functions [top] and [pop]. *)
-  type stack = (* DEPRECATED *)
-    element stream
-  (* This is the parser's stack, a stream of elements. This stream is empty if
-     the parser is in an initial state; otherwise, it is non-empty.  The LR(1)
-     automaton's current state is the one found in the top element of the
-     stack. *)
-  val stack: 'a env -> stack (* DEPRECATED *)
-  (* [top env] returns the parser's top stack element. The state contained in
-     this stack element is the current state of the automaton. If the stack is
-     empty, [None] is returned. In that case, the current state of the
-     automaton must be an initial state. *)
-  val top: 'a env -> element option
-  (* [pop_many i env] pops [i] cells off the automaton's stack. This is done
-     via [i] successive invocations of [pop]. Thus, [pop_many 1] is [pop]. The
-     index [i] must be nonnegative. The time complexity is O(i). *)
-  val pop_many: int -> 'a env -> 'a env option
-  (* [get i env] returns the parser's [i]-th stack element. The index [i] is
-     0-based: thus, [get 0] is [top]. If [i] is greater than or equal to the
-     number of elements in the stack, [None] is returned. The time complexity
-     is O(i). *)
-  val get: int -> 'a env -> element option
-  (* [current_state_number env] is (the integer number of) the automaton's
-     current state. This works even if the automaton's stack is empty, in
-     which case the current state is an initial state. This number can be
-     passed as an argument to a [message] function generated by [menhir
-     --compile-errors]. *)
-  val current_state_number: 'a env -> int
-  (* [equal env1 env2] tells whether the parser configurations [env1] and
-     [env2] are equal in the sense that the automaton's current state is the
-     same in [env1] and [env2] and the stack is *physically* the same in
-     [env1] and [env2]. If [equal env1 env2] is [true], then the sequence of
-     the stack elements, as observed via [pop] and [top], must be the same in
-     [env1] and [env2]. Also, if [equal env1 env2] holds, then the checkpoints
-     [input_needed env1] and [input_needed env2] must be equivalent. The
-     function [equal] has time complexity O(1). *)
-  val equal: 'a env -> 'a env -> bool
-  (* These are the start and end positions of the current lookahead token. If
-     invoked in an initial state, this function returns a pair of twice the
-     initial position. *)
-  val positions: 'a env -> position * position
-  (* When applied to an environment taken from a checkpoint of the form
-     [AboutToReduce (env, prod)], the function [env_has_default_reduction]
-     tells whether the reduction that is about to take place is a default
-     reduction. *)
-  val env_has_default_reduction: 'a env -> bool
-  (* [state_has_default_reduction s] tells whether the state [s] has a default
-     reduction. This includes the case where [s] is an accepting state. *)
-  val state_has_default_reduction: _ lr1state -> bool
-  (* [pop env] returns a new environment, where the parser's top stack cell
-     has been popped off. (If the stack is empty, [None] is returned.) This
-     amounts to pretending that the (terminal or nonterminal) symbol that
-     corresponds to this stack cell has not been read. *)
-  val pop: 'a env -> 'a env option
-  (* [force_reduction prod env] should be called only if in the state [env]
-     the parser is capable of reducing the production [prod]. If this
-     condition is satisfied, then this production is reduced, which means that
-     its semantic action is executed (this can have side effects!) and the
-     automaton makes a goto (nonterminal) transition. If this condition is not
-     satisfied, [Invalid_argument _] is raised. *)
-  val force_reduction: production -> 'a env -> 'a env
-  (* [input_needed env] returns [InputNeeded env]. That is, out of an [env]
-     that might have been obtained via a series of calls to the functions
-     [pop], [force_reduction], [feed], etc., it produces a checkpoint, which
-     can be used to resume normal parsing, by supplying this checkpoint as an
-     argument to [offer]. *)
-  (* This function should be used with some care. It could "mess up the
-     lookahead" in the sense that it allows parsing to resume in an arbitrary
-     state [s] with an arbitrary lookahead symbol [t], even though Menhir's
-     reachability analysis (menhir --list-errors) might well think that it is
-     impossible to reach this particular configuration. If one is using
-     Menhir's new error reporting facility, this could cause the parser to
-     reach an error state for which no error message has been prepared. *)
-  val input_needed: 'a env -> 'a checkpoint
-(* This signature is a fragment of the inspection API that is made available
-   to the user when [--inspection] is used. This fragment contains type
-   definitions for symbols. *)
-module type SYMBOLS = sig
-  (* The type ['a terminal] represents a terminal symbol. The type ['a
-     nonterminal] represents a nonterminal symbol. In both cases, the index
-     ['a] represents the type of the semantic values associated with this
-     symbol. The concrete definitions of these types are generated. *)
-  type 'a terminal
-  type 'a nonterminal
-  (* The type ['a symbol] represents a terminal or nonterminal symbol. It is
-     the disjoint union of the types ['a terminal] and ['a nonterminal]. *)
-  type 'a symbol =
-    | T : 'a terminal -> 'a symbol
-    | N : 'a nonterminal -> 'a symbol
-  (* The type [xsymbol] is an existentially quantified version of the type
-     ['a symbol]. This type is useful in situations where the index ['a]
-     is not statically known. *)
-  type xsymbol =
-    | X : 'a symbol -> xsymbol
-(* This signature describes the inspection API that is made available to the
-   user when [--inspection] is used. *)
-module type INSPECTION = sig
-  (* The types of symbols are described above. *)
-  include SYMBOLS
-  (* The type ['a lr1state] is meant to be the same as in [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]. *)
-  type 'a lr1state
-  (* The type [production] is meant to be the same as in [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE].
-     It represents a production of the grammar. A production can be examined
-     via the functions [lhs] and [rhs] below. *)
-  type production
-  (* An LR(0) item is a pair of a production [prod] and a valid index [i] into
-     this production. That is, if the length of [rhs prod] is [n], then [i] is
-     comprised between 0 and [n], inclusive. *)
-  type item =
-      production * int
-  (* Ordering functions. *)
-  val compare_terminals: _ terminal -> _ terminal -> int
-  val compare_nonterminals: _ nonterminal -> _ nonterminal -> int
-  val compare_symbols: xsymbol -> xsymbol -> int
-  val compare_productions: production -> production -> int
-  val compare_items: item -> item -> int
-  (* [incoming_symbol s] is the incoming symbol of the state [s], that is,
-     the symbol that the parser must recognize before (has recognized when)
-     it enters the state [s]. This function gives access to the semantic
-     value [v] stored in a stack element [Element (s, v, _, _)]. Indeed,
-     by case analysis on the symbol [incoming_symbol s], one discovers the
-     type ['a] of the value [v]. *)
-  val incoming_symbol: 'a lr1state -> 'a symbol
-  (* [items s] is the set of the LR(0) items in the LR(0) core of the LR(1)
-     state [s]. This set is not epsilon-closed. This set is presented as a
-     list, in an arbitrary order. *)
-  val items: _ lr1state -> item list
-  (* [lhs prod] is the left-hand side of the production [prod]. This is
-     always a non-terminal symbol. *)
-  val lhs: production -> xsymbol
-  (* [rhs prod] is the right-hand side of the production [prod]. This is
-     a (possibly empty) sequence of (terminal or nonterminal) symbols. *)
-  val rhs: production -> xsymbol list
-  (* [nullable nt] tells whether the non-terminal symbol [nt] is nullable.
-     That is, it is true if and only if this symbol produces the empty
-     word [epsilon]. *)
-  val nullable: _ nonterminal -> bool
-  (* [first nt t] tells whether the FIRST set of the nonterminal symbol [nt]
-     contains the terminal symbol [t]. That is, it is true if and only if
-     [nt] produces a word that begins with [t]. *)
-  val first: _ nonterminal -> _ terminal -> bool
-  (* [xfirst] is analogous to [first], but expects a first argument of type
-     [xsymbol] instead of [_ terminal]. *)
-  val xfirst: xsymbol -> _ terminal -> bool
-  (* [foreach_terminal] enumerates the terminal symbols, including [error].
-     [foreach_terminal_but_error] enumerates the terminal symbols, excluding
-     [error]. *)
-  val foreach_terminal:           (xsymbol -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
-  val foreach_terminal_but_error: (xsymbol -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
-  (* The type [env] is meant to be the same as in [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]. *)
-  type 'a env
-  (* [feed symbol startp semv endp env] causes the parser to consume the
-     (terminal or nonterminal) symbol [symbol], accompanied with the semantic
-     value [semv] and with the start and end positions [startp] and [endp].
-     Thus, the automaton makes a transition, and reaches a new state. The
-     stack grows by one cell. This operation is permitted only if the current
-     state (as determined by [env]) has an outgoing transition labeled with
-     [symbol]. Otherwise, [Invalid_argument _] is raised. *)
-  val feed: 'a symbol -> position -> 'a -> position -> 'b env -> 'b env
-(* This signature combines the incremental API and the inspection API. *)
-module type EVERYTHING = sig
-  include INSPECTION
-    with type 'a lr1state := 'a lr1state
-    with type production := production
-    with type 'a env := 'a env
-module EngineTypes : sig
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* This file defines several types and module types that are used in the
-   specification of module [Engine]. *)
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* It would be nice if we could keep the structure of stacks and environments
-   hidden. However, stacks and environments must be accessible to semantic
-   actions, so the following data structure definitions must be public. *)
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* A stack is a linked list of cells. A sentinel cell -- which is its own
-   successor -- is used to mark the bottom of the stack. The sentinel cell
-   itself is not significant -- it contains dummy values. *)
-type ('state, 'semantic_value) stack = {
-  (* The state that we should go back to if we pop this stack cell. *)
-  (* This convention means that the state contained in the top stack cell is
-     not the current state [env.current]. It also means that the state found
-     within the sentinel is a dummy -- it is never consulted. This convention
-     is the same as that adopted by the code-based back-end. *)
-  state: 'state;
-  (* The semantic value associated with the chunk of input that this cell
-     represents. *)
-  semv: 'semantic_value;
-  (* The start and end positions of the chunk of input that this cell
-     represents. *)
-  startp: Lexing.position;
-  endp: Lexing.position;
-  (* The next cell down in the stack. If this is a self-pointer, then this
-     cell is the sentinel, and the stack is conceptually empty. *)
-  next: ('state, 'semantic_value) stack;
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* A parsing environment contains all of the parser's state (except for the
-   current program point). *)
-type ('state, 'semantic_value, 'token) env = {
-  (* If this flag is true, then the first component of [env.triple] should
-     be ignored, as it has been logically overwritten with the [error]
-     pseudo-token. *)
-  error: bool;
-  (* The last token that was obtained from the lexer, together with its start
-     and end positions. Warning: before the first call to the lexer has taken
-     place, a dummy (and possibly invalid) token is stored here. *)
-  triple: 'token * Lexing.position * Lexing.position;
-  (* The stack. In [CodeBackend], it is passed around on its own,
-     whereas, here, it is accessed via the environment. *)
-  stack: ('state, 'semantic_value) stack;
-  (* The current state. In [CodeBackend], it is passed around on its
-     own, whereas, here, it is accessed via the environment. *)
-  current: 'state;
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* This signature describes the parameters that must be supplied to the LR
-   engine. *)
-module type TABLE = sig
-  (* The type of automaton states. *)
-  type state
-  (* States are numbered. *)
-  val number: state -> int
-  (* The type of tokens. These can be thought of as real tokens, that is,
-     tokens returned by the lexer. They carry a semantic value. This type
-     does not include the [error] pseudo-token. *)
-  type token
-  (* The type of terminal symbols. These can be thought of as integer codes.
-     They do not carry a semantic value. This type does include the [error]
-     pseudo-token. *)
-  type terminal
-  (* The type of nonterminal symbols. *)
-  type nonterminal
-  (* The type of semantic values. *)
-  type semantic_value
-  (* A token is conceptually a pair of a (non-[error]) terminal symbol and
-     a semantic value. The following two functions are the pair projections. *)
-  val token2terminal: token -> terminal
-  val token2value: token -> semantic_value
-  (* Even though the [error] pseudo-token is not a real token, it is a
-     terminal symbol. Furthermore, for regularity, it must have a semantic
-     value. *)
-  val error_terminal: terminal
-  val error_value: semantic_value
-  (* [foreach_terminal] allows iterating over all terminal symbols. *)
-  val foreach_terminal: (terminal -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
-  (* The type of productions. *)
-  type production
-  val production_index: production -> int
-  val find_production: int -> production
-  (* If a state [s] has a default reduction on production [prod], then, upon
-     entering [s], the automaton should reduce [prod] without consulting the
-     lookahead token. The following function allows determining which states
-     have default reductions. *)
-  (* Instead of returning a value of a sum type -- either [DefRed prod], or
-     [NoDefRed] -- it accepts two continuations, and invokes just one of
-     them. This mechanism allows avoiding a memory allocation. *)
-  val default_reduction:
-    state ->
-    ('env -> production -> 'answer) ->
-    ('env -> 'answer) ->
-    'env -> 'answer
-  (* An LR automaton can normally take three kinds of actions: shift, reduce,
-     or fail. (Acceptance is a particular case of reduction: it consists in
-     reducing a start production.) *)
-  (* There are two variants of the shift action. [shift/discard s] instructs
-     the automaton to discard the current token, request a new one from the
-     lexer, and move to state [s]. [shift/nodiscard s] instructs it to move to
-     state [s] without requesting a new token. This instruction should be used
-     when [s] has a default reduction on [#]. See [CodeBackend.gettoken] for
-     details. *)
-  (* This is the automaton's action table. It maps a pair of a state and a
-     terminal symbol to an action. *)
-  (* Instead of returning a value of a sum type -- one of shift/discard,
-     shift/nodiscard, reduce, or fail -- this function accepts three
-     continuations, and invokes just one them. This mechanism allows avoiding
-     a memory allocation. *)
-  (* In summary, the parameters to [action] are as follows:
-     - the first two parameters, a state and a terminal symbol, are used to
-       look up the action table;
-     - the next parameter is the semantic value associated with the above
-       terminal symbol; it is not used, only passed along to the shift
-       continuation, as explained below;
-     - the shift continuation expects an environment; a flag that tells
-       whether to discard the current token; the terminal symbol that
-       is being shifted; its semantic value; and the target state of
-       the transition;
-     - the reduce continuation expects an environment and a production;
-     - the fail continuation expects an environment;
-     - the last parameter is the environment; it is not used, only passed
-       along to the selected continuation. *)
-  val action:
-    state ->
-    terminal ->
-    semantic_value ->
-    ('env -> bool -> terminal -> semantic_value -> state -> 'answer) ->
-    ('env -> production -> 'answer) ->
-    ('env -> 'answer) ->
-    'env -> 'answer
-  (* This is the automaton's goto table. This table maps a pair of a state
-     and a nonterminal symbol to a new state. By extension, it also maps a
-     pair of a state and a production to a new state. *)
-  (* The function [goto_nt] can be applied to [s] and [nt] ONLY if the state
-     [s] has an outgoing transition labeled [nt]. Otherwise, its result is
-     undefined. Similarly, the call [goto_prod prod s] is permitted ONLY if
-     the state [s] has an outgoing transition labeled with the nonterminal
-     symbol [lhs prod]. The function [maybe_goto_nt] involves an additional
-     dynamic check and CAN be called even if there is no outgoing transition. *)
-  val       goto_nt  : state -> nonterminal -> state
-  val       goto_prod: state -> production  -> state
-  val maybe_goto_nt:   state -> nonterminal -> state option
-  (* [is_start prod] tells whether the production [prod] is a start production. *)
-  val is_start: production -> bool
-  (* By convention, a semantic action is responsible for:
-     1. fetching whatever semantic values and positions it needs off the stack;
-     2. popping an appropriate number of cells off the stack, as dictated
-        by the length of the right-hand side of the production;
-     3. computing a new semantic value, as well as new start and end positions;
-     4. pushing a new stack cell, which contains the three values
-        computed in step 3;
-     5. returning the new stack computed in steps 2 and 4.
-     Point 1 is essentially forced upon us: if semantic values were fetched
-     off the stack by this interpreter, then the calling convention for
-     semantic actions would be variadic: not all semantic actions would have
-     the same number of arguments. The rest follows rather naturally. *)
-  (* Semantic actions are allowed to raise [Error]. *)
-  exception Error
-  type semantic_action =
-      (state, semantic_value, token) env -> (state, semantic_value) stack
-  val semantic_action: production -> semantic_action
-  (* [may_reduce state prod] tests whether the state [state] is capable of
-     reducing the production [prod]. This function is currently costly and
-     is not used by the core LR engine. It is used in the implementation
-     of certain functions, such as [force_reduction], which allow the engine
-     to be driven programmatically. *)
-  val may_reduce: state -> production -> bool
-  (* The LR engine requires a number of hooks, which are used for logging. *)
-  (* The comments below indicate the conventional messages that correspond
-     to these hooks in the code-based back-end; see [CodeBackend]. *)
-  (* If the flag [log] is false, then the logging functions are not called.
-     If it is [true], then they are called. *)
-  val log : bool
-  module Log : sig
-    (* State %d: *)
-    val state: state -> unit
-    (* Shifting (<terminal>) to state <state> *)
-    val shift: terminal -> state -> unit
-    (* Reducing a production should be logged either as a reduction
-       event (for regular productions) or as an acceptance event (for
-       start productions). *)
-    (* Reducing production <production> / Accepting *)
-    val reduce_or_accept: production -> unit
-    (* Lookahead token is now <terminal> (<pos>-<pos>) *)
-    val lookahead_token: terminal -> Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> unit
-    (* Initiating error handling *)
-    val initiating_error_handling: unit -> unit
-    (* Resuming error handling *)
-    val resuming_error_handling: unit -> unit
-    (* Handling error in state <state> *)
-    val handling_error: state -> unit
-  end
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* This signature describes the monolithic (traditional) LR engine. *)
-(* In this interface, the parser controls the lexer. *)
-module type MONOLITHIC_ENGINE = sig
-  type state
-  type token
-  type semantic_value
-  (* An entry point to the engine requires a start state, a lexer, and a lexing
-     buffer. It either succeeds and produces a semantic value, or fails and
-     raises [Error]. *)
-  exception Error
-  val entry:
-    state ->
-    (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) ->
-    Lexing.lexbuf ->
-    semantic_value
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* The following signatures describe the incremental LR engine. *)
-(* First, see [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE] in the file []. *)
-(* The [start] function is set apart because we do not wish to publish
-   it as part of the generated [parser.mli] file. Instead, the table
-   back-end will publish specialized versions of it, with a suitable
-   type cast. *)
-  (* [start] is an entry point. It requires a start state and a start position
-     and begins the parsing process. If the lexer is based on an OCaml lexing
-     buffer, the start position should be [lexbuf.lex_curr_p]. [start] produces
-     a checkpoint, which usually will be an [InputNeeded] checkpoint. (It could
-     be [Accepted] if this starting state accepts only the empty word. It could
-     be [Rejected] if this starting state accepts no word at all.) It does not
-     raise any exception. *)
-  (* [start s pos] should really produce a checkpoint of type ['a checkpoint],
-     for a fixed ['a] that depends on the state [s]. We cannot express this, so
-     we use [semantic_value checkpoint], which is safe. The table back-end uses
-     [Obj.magic] to produce safe specialized versions of [start]. *)
-  type state
-  type semantic_value
-  type 'a checkpoint
-  val start:
-    state ->
-    Lexing.position ->
-    semantic_value checkpoint
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* This signature describes the LR engine, which combines the monolithic
-   and incremental interfaces. *)
-module type ENGINE = sig
-  include IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE
-    with type token := token
-     and type 'a lr1state = state (* useful for us; hidden from the end user *)
-    with type state := state
-     and type semantic_value := semantic_value
-     and type 'a checkpoint := 'a checkpoint
-module Engine : sig
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-open EngineTypes
-(* The LR parsing engine. *)
-module Make (T : TABLE)
-  with type state = T.state
-   and type token = T.token
-   and type semantic_value = T.semantic_value
-   and type production = T.production
-   and type 'a env = (T.state, T.semantic_value, T.token) EngineTypes.env
-(* We would prefer not to expose the definition of the type [env].
-   However, it must be exposed because some of the code in the
-   inspection API needs access to the engine's internals; see
-   [InspectionTableInterpreter]. Everything would be simpler if
-   --inspection was always ON, but that would lead to bigger parse
-   tables for everybody. *)
-module ErrorReports : sig
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* The following functions help keep track of the start and end positions of
-   the last two tokens in a two-place buffer. This is used to nicely display
-   where a syntax error took place. *)
-type 'a buffer
-(* [wrap lexer] returns a pair of a new (initially empty) buffer and a lexer
-   which internally relies on [lexer] and updates [buffer] on the fly whenever
-   a token is demanded. *)
-open Lexing
-val wrap:
-  (lexbuf -> 'token) ->
-  (position * position) buffer * (lexbuf -> 'token)
-(* [show f buffer] prints the contents of the buffer, producing a string that
-   is typically of the form "after '%s' and before '%s'". The function [f] is
-   used to print an element. The buffer MUST be nonempty. *)
-val show: ('a -> string) -> 'a buffer -> string
-(* [last buffer] returns the last element of the buffer. The buffer MUST be
-   nonempty. *)
-val last: 'a buffer -> 'a
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-module Printers : sig
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* This module is part of MenhirLib. *)
-module Make
-  (I : IncrementalEngine.EVERYTHING)
-  (User : sig
-    (* [print s] is supposed to send the string [s] to some output channel. *)
-    val print: string -> unit
-    (* [print_symbol s] is supposed to print a representation of the symbol [s]. *)
-    val print_symbol: I.xsymbol -> unit
-    (* [print_element e] is supposed to print a representation of the element [e].
-       This function is optional; if it is not provided, [print_element_as_symbol]
-       (defined below) is used instead. *)
-    val print_element: (I.element -> unit) option
-  end)
-: sig
-  open I
-  (* Printing a list of symbols. *)
-  val print_symbols: xsymbol list -> unit
-  (* Printing an element as a symbol. This prints just the symbol
-     that this element represents; nothing more. *)
-  val print_element_as_symbol: element -> unit
-  (* Printing a stack as a list of elements. This function needs an element
-     printer. It uses [print_element] if provided by the user; otherwise
-     it uses [print_element_as_symbol]. (Ending with a newline.) *)
-  val print_stack: 'a env -> unit
-  (* Printing an item. (Ending with a newline.) *)
-  val print_item: item -> unit
-  (* Printing a production. (Ending with a newline.) *)
-  val print_production: production -> unit
-  (* Printing the current LR(1) state. The current state is first displayed
-     as a number; then the list of its LR(0) items is printed. (Ending with
-     a newline.) *)
-  val print_current_state: 'a env -> unit
-  (* Printing a summary of the stack and current state. This function just
-     calls [print_stack] and [print_current_state] in succession. *)
-  val print_env: 'a env -> unit
-module InfiniteArray : sig
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(** This module implements infinite arrays. **)
-type 'a t
-(** [make x] creates an infinite array, where every slot contains [x]. **)
-val make: 'a -> 'a t
-(** [get a i] returns the element contained at offset [i] in the array [a].
-   Slots are numbered 0 and up. **)
-val get: 'a t -> int -> 'a
-(** [set a i x] sets the element contained at offset [i] in the array
-    [a] to [x]. Slots are numbered 0 and up. **)
-val set: 'a t -> int -> 'a -> unit
-(** [extent a] is the length of an initial segment of the array [a]
-    that is sufficiently large to contain all [set] operations ever
-    performed. In other words, all elements beyond that segment have
-    the default value. *)
-val extent: 'a t -> int
-(** [domain a] is a fresh copy of an initial segment of the array [a]
-    whose length is [extent a]. *)
-val domain: 'a t -> 'a array
-module PackedIntArray : sig
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* A packed integer array is represented as a pair of an integer [k] and
-   a string [s]. The integer [k] is the number of bits per integer that we
-   use. The string [s] is just an array of bits, which is read in 8-bit
-   chunks. *)
-(* The ocaml programming language treats string literals and array literals
-   in slightly different ways: the former are statically allocated, while
-   the latter are dynamically allocated. (This is rather arbitrary.) In the
-   context of Menhir's table-based back-end, where compact, immutable
-   integer arrays are needed, ocaml strings are preferable to ocaml arrays. *)
-type t =
-  int * string
-(* [pack a] turns an array of integers into a packed integer array. *)
-(* Because the sign bit is the most significant bit, the magnitude of
-   any negative number is the word size. In other words, [pack] does
-   not achieve any space savings as soon as [a] contains any negative
-   numbers, even if they are ``small''. *)
-val pack: int array -> t
-(* [get t i] returns the integer stored in the packed array [t] at index [i]. *)
-(* Together, [pack] and [get] satisfy the following property: if the index [i]
-   is within bounds, then [get (pack a) i] equals [a.(i)]. *)
-val get: t -> int -> int
-(* [get1 t i] returns the integer stored in the packed array [t] at index [i].
-   It assumes (and does not check) that the array's bit width is [1]. The
-   parameter [t] is just a string. *)
-val get1: string -> int -> int
-(* [unflatten1 (n, data) i j] accesses the two-dimensional bitmap
-   represented by [(n, data)] at indices [i] and [j]. The integer
-   [n] is the width of the bitmap; the string [data] is the second
-   component of the packed array obtained by encoding the table as
-   a one-dimensional array. *)
-val unflatten1: int * string -> int -> int -> int
-module RowDisplacement : sig
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* This module compresses a two-dimensional table, where some values
-   are considered insignificant, via row displacement. *)
-(* A compressed table is represented as a pair of arrays. The
-   displacement array is an array of offsets into the data array. *)
-type 'a table =
-    int array * (* displacement *)
-     'a array   (* data *)
-(* [compress equal insignificant dummy m n t] turns the two-dimensional table
-   [t] into a compressed table. The parameter [equal] is equality of data
-   values. The parameter [wildcard] tells which data values are insignificant,
-   and can thus be overwritten with other values. The parameter [dummy] is
-   used to fill holes in the data array. [m] and [n] are the integer
-   dimensions of the table [t]. *)
-val compress:
-  ('a -> 'a -> bool) ->
-  ('a -> bool) ->
-  'a ->
-  int -> int ->
-  'a array array ->
-  'a table
-(* [get ct i j] returns the value found at indices [i] and [j] in the
-   compressed table [ct]. This function call is permitted only if the
-   value found at indices [i] and [j] in the original table is
-   significant -- otherwise, it could fail abruptly. *)
-(* Together, [compress] and [get] have the property that, if the value
-   found at indices [i] and [j] in an uncompressed table [t] is
-   significant, then [get (compress t) i j] is equal to that value. *)
-val get:
-  'a table ->
-  int -> int ->
-  'a
-(* [getget] is a variant of [get] which only requires read access,
-   via accessors, to the two components of the table. *)
-val getget:
-  ('displacement -> int -> int) ->
-  ('data -> int -> 'a) ->
-  'displacement * 'data ->
-  int -> int ->
-  'a
-module LinearizedArray : sig
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* An array of arrays (of possibly different lengths!) can be ``linearized'',
-   i.e., encoded as a data array (by concatenating all of the little arrays)
-   and an entry array (which contains offsets into the data array). *)
-type 'a t =
-  (* data: *)   'a array *
-  (* entry: *) int array
-(* [make a] turns the array of arrays [a] into a linearized array. *)
-val make: 'a array array -> 'a t
-(* [read la i j] reads the linearized array [la] at indices [i] and [j].
-   Thus, [read (make a) i j] is equivalent to [a.(i).(j)]. *)
-val read: 'a t -> int -> int -> 'a
-(* [write la i j v] writes the value [v] into the linearized array [la]
-   at indices [i] and [j]. *)
-val write: 'a t -> int -> int -> 'a -> unit
-(* [length la] is the number of rows of the array [la]. Thus, [length (make
-   a)] is equivalent to [Array.length a]. *)
-val length: 'a t -> int
-(* [row_length la i] is the length of the row at index [i] in the linearized
-   array [la]. Thus, [row_length (make a) i] is equivalent to [Array.length
-   a.(i)]. *)
-val row_length: 'a t -> int -> int
-(* [read_row la i] reads the row at index [i], producing a list. Thus,
-   [read_row (make a) i] is equivalent to [Array.to_list a.(i)]. *)
-val read_row: 'a t -> int -> 'a list
-(* The following variants read the linearized array via accessors
-   [get_data : int -> 'a] and [get_entry : int -> int]. *)
-val row_length_via:
-  (* get_entry: *) (int -> int) ->
-  (* i: *)         int ->
-                   int
-val read_via:
-  (* get_data: *)  (int -> 'a) ->
-  (* get_entry: *) (int -> int) ->
-  (* i: *)         int ->
-  (* j: *)         int ->
-                   'a
-val read_row_via:
-  (* get_data: *)  (int -> 'a) ->
-  (* get_entry: *) (int -> int) ->
-  (* i: *)         int ->
-                   'a list
-module TableFormat : sig
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* This signature defines the format of the parse tables. It is used as
-   an argument to [TableInterpreter.Make]. *)
-module type TABLES = sig
-  (* This is the parser's type of tokens. *)
-  type token
-  (* This maps a token to its internal (generation-time) integer code. *)
-  val token2terminal: token -> int
-  (* This is the integer code for the error pseudo-token. *)
-  val error_terminal: int
-  (* This maps a token to its semantic value. *)
-  val token2value: token -> Obj.t
-  (* Traditionally, an LR automaton is described by two tables, namely, an
-     action table and a goto table. See, for instance, the Dragon book.
-     The action table is a two-dimensional matrix that maps a state and a
-     lookahead token to an action. An action is one of: shift to a certain
-     state, reduce a certain production, accept, or fail.
-     The goto table is a two-dimensional matrix that maps a state and a
-     non-terminal symbol to either a state or undefined. By construction, this
-     table is sparse: its undefined entries are never looked up. A compression
-     technique is free to overlap them with other entries.
-     In Menhir, things are slightly different. If a state has a default
-     reduction on token [#], then that reduction must be performed without
-     consulting the lookahead token. As a result, we must first determine
-     whether that is the case, before we can obtain a lookahead token and use it
-     as an index in the action table.
-     Thus, Menhir's tables are as follows.
-     A one-dimensional default reduction table maps a state to either ``no
-     default reduction'' (encoded as: 0) or ``by default, reduce prod''
-     (encoded as: 1 + prod). The action table is looked up only when there
-     is no default reduction. *)
-  val default_reduction: PackedIntArray.t
-  (* Menhir follows Dencker, Dürre and Heuft, who point out that, although the
-     action table is not sparse by nature (i.e., the error entries are
-     significant), it can be made sparse by first factoring out a binary error
-     matrix, then replacing the error entries in the action table with undefined
-     entries. Thus:
-     A two-dimensional error bitmap maps a state and a terminal to either
-     ``fail'' (encoded as: 0) or ``do not fail'' (encoded as: 1). The action
-     table, which is now sparse, is looked up only in the latter case. *)
-  (* The error bitmap is flattened into a one-dimensional table; its width is
-     recorded so as to allow indexing. The table is then compressed via
-     [PackedIntArray]. The bit width of the resulting packed array must be
-     [1], so it is not explicitly recorded. *)
-  (* The error bitmap does not contain a column for the [#] pseudo-terminal.
-     Thus, its width is [Terminal.n - 1]. We exploit the fact that the integer
-     code assigned to [#] is greatest: the fact that the right-most column
-     in the bitmap is missing does not affect the code for accessing it. *)
-  val error: int (* width of the bitmap *) * string (* second component of [PackedIntArray.t] *)
-  (* A two-dimensional action table maps a state and a terminal to one of
-     ``shift to state s and discard the current token'' (encoded as: s | 10),
-     ``shift to state s without discarding the current token'' (encoded as: s |
-     11), or ``reduce prod'' (encoded as: prod | 01). *)
-  (* The action table is first compressed via [RowDisplacement], then packed
-     via [PackedIntArray]. *)
-  (* Like the error bitmap, the action table does not contain a column for the
-     [#] pseudo-terminal. *)
-  val action: PackedIntArray.t * PackedIntArray.t
-  (* A one-dimensional lhs table maps a production to its left-hand side (a
-     non-terminal symbol). *)
-  val lhs: PackedIntArray.t
-  (* A two-dimensional goto table maps a state and a non-terminal symbol to
-     either undefined (encoded as: 0) or a new state s (encoded as: 1 + s). *)
-  (* The goto table is first compressed via [RowDisplacement], then packed
-     via [PackedIntArray]. *)
-  val goto: PackedIntArray.t * PackedIntArray.t
-  (* The number of start productions. A production [prod] is a start
-     production if and only if [prod < start] holds. This is also the
-     number of start symbols. A nonterminal symbol [nt] is a start
-     symbol if and only if [nt < start] holds. *)
-  val start: int
-  (* A one-dimensional semantic action table maps productions to semantic
-     actions. The calling convention for semantic actions is described in
-     [EngineTypes]. This table contains ONLY NON-START PRODUCTIONS, so the
-     indexing is off by [start]. Be careful. *)
-  val semantic_action: ((int, Obj.t, token) EngineTypes.env ->
-                        (int, Obj.t)        EngineTypes.stack) array
-  (* The parser defines its own [Error] exception. This exception can be
-     raised by semantic actions and caught by the engine, and raised by the
-     engine towards the final user. *)
-  exception Error
-  (* The parser indicates whether to generate a trace. Generating a
-     trace requires two extra tables, which respectively map a
-     terminal symbol and a production to a string. *)
-  val trace: (string array * string array) option
-module InspectionTableFormat : sig
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* This signature defines the format of the tables that are produced (in
-   addition to the tables described in [TableFormat]) when the command line
-   switch [--inspection] is enabled. It is used as an argument to
-   [InspectionTableInterpreter.Make]. *)
-module type TABLES = sig
-  (* The types of symbols. *)
-  include IncrementalEngine.SYMBOLS
-  (* The type ['a lr1state] describes an LR(1) state. The generated parser defines
-     it internally as [int]. *)
-  type 'a lr1state
-  (* Some of the tables that follow use encodings of (terminal and
-     nonterminal) symbols as integers. So, we need functions that
-     map the integer encoding of a symbol to its algebraic encoding. *)
-  val    terminal: int -> xsymbol
-  val nonterminal: int -> xsymbol
-  (* The left-hand side of every production already appears in the
-     signature [TableFormat.TABLES], so we need not repeat it here. *)
-  (* The right-hand side of every production. This a linearized array
-     of arrays of integers, whose [data] and [entry] components have
-     been packed. The encoding of symbols as integers in described in
-     [TableBackend]. *)
-  val rhs: PackedIntArray.t * PackedIntArray.t
-  (* A mapping of every (non-initial) state to its LR(0) core. *)
-  val lr0_core: PackedIntArray.t
-  (* A mapping of every LR(0) state to its set of LR(0) items. Each item is
-     represented in its packed form (see [Item]) as an integer. Thus the
-     mapping is an array of arrays of integers, which is linearized and
-     packed, like [rhs]. *)
-  val lr0_items: PackedIntArray.t * PackedIntArray.t
-  (* A mapping of every LR(0) state to its incoming symbol, if it has one. *)
-  val lr0_incoming: PackedIntArray.t
-  (* A table that tells which non-terminal symbols are nullable. *)
-  val nullable: string
-    (* This is a packed int array of bit width 1. It can be read
-       using [PackedIntArray.get1]. *)
-  (* A two-table dimensional table, indexed by a nonterminal symbol and
-     by a terminal symbol (other than [#]), encodes the FIRST sets. *)
-  val first: int (* width of the bitmap *) * string (* second component of [PackedIntArray.t] *)
-module InspectionTableInterpreter : sig
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* This functor is invoked inside the generated parser, in [--table] mode. It
-   produces no code! It simply constructs the types [symbol] and [xsymbol] on
-   top of the generated types [terminal] and [nonterminal]. *)
-module Symbols (T : sig
-  type 'a terminal
-  type 'a nonterminal
-: IncrementalEngine.SYMBOLS
-  with type 'a terminal := 'a T.terminal
-   and type 'a nonterminal := 'a T.nonterminal
-(* This functor is invoked inside the generated parser, in [--table] mode. It
-   constructs the inspection API on top of the inspection tables described in
-   [InspectionTableFormat]. *)
-module Make
-  (TT : TableFormat.TABLES)
-  (IT : InspectionTableFormat.TABLES
-        with type 'a lr1state = int)
-  (ET : EngineTypes.TABLE
-        with type terminal = int
-         and type nonterminal = int
-         and type semantic_value = Obj.t)
-  (E : sig
-     type 'a env = (ET.state, ET.semantic_value, ET.token) EngineTypes.env
-   end)
-: IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION
-  with type 'a terminal := 'a IT.terminal
-   and type 'a nonterminal := 'a IT.nonterminal
-   and type 'a lr1state := 'a IT.lr1state
-   and type production := int
-   and type 'a env := 'a E.env
-module TableInterpreter : sig
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* This module provides a thin decoding layer for the generated tables, thus
-   providing an API that is suitable for use by [Engine.Make]. It is part of
-   [MenhirLib]. *)
-(* The exception [Error] is declared within the generated parser. This is
-   preferable to pre-declaring it here, as it ensures that each parser gets
-   its own, distinct [Error] exception. This is consistent with the code-based
-   back-end. *)
-(* This functor is invoked by the generated parser. *)
-module MakeEngineTable
-  (T : TableFormat.TABLES)
-: EngineTypes.TABLE
-    with type state = int
-     and type token = T.token
-     and type semantic_value = Obj.t
-     and type production = int
-     and type terminal = int
-     and type nonterminal = int
-module StaticVersion : sig
-val require_20190924 : unit
-end = struct
-#1 ""
-module General = struct
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Lists. *)
-let rec take n xs =
-  match n, xs with
-  | 0, _
-  | _, [] ->
-      []
-  | _, (x :: xs as input) ->
-     let xs' = take (n - 1) xs in
-     if xs == xs' then
-       input
-     else
-       x :: xs'
-let rec drop n xs =
-  match n, xs with
-  | 0, _ ->
-      xs
-  | _, [] ->
-      []
-  | _, _ :: xs ->
-      drop (n - 1) xs
-let rec uniq1 cmp x ys =
-  match ys with
-  | [] ->
-      []
-  | y :: ys ->
-      if cmp x y = 0 then
-        uniq1 compare x ys
-      else
-        y :: uniq1 cmp y ys
-let uniq cmp xs =
-  match xs with
-  | [] ->
-      []
-  | x :: xs ->
-      x :: uniq1 cmp x xs
-let weed cmp xs =
-  uniq cmp (List.sort cmp xs)
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Streams. *)
-type 'a stream =
-    'a head Lazy.t
-and 'a head =
-  | Nil
-  | Cons of 'a * 'a stream
-(* The length of a stream. *)
-let rec length xs =
-  match Lazy.force xs with
-  | Nil ->
-      0
-  | Cons (_, xs) ->
-      1 + length xs
-(* Folding over a stream. *)
-let rec foldr f xs accu =
-  match Lazy.force xs with
-  | Nil ->
-      accu
-  | Cons (x, xs) ->
-      f x (foldr f xs accu)
-module Convert = struct
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* An ocamlyacc-style, or Menhir-style, parser requires access to
-   the lexer, which must be parameterized with a lexing buffer, and
-   to the lexing buffer itself, where it reads position information. *)
-(* This traditional API is convenient when used with ocamllex, but
-   inelegant when used with other lexer generators. *)
-type ('token, 'semantic_value) traditional =
-    (Lexing.lexbuf -> 'token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'semantic_value
-(* This revised API is independent of any lexer generator. Here, the
-   parser only requires access to the lexer, and the lexer takes no
-   parameters. The tokens returned by the lexer may contain position
-   information. *)
-type ('token, 'semantic_value) revised =
-    (unit -> 'token) -> 'semantic_value
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Converting a traditional parser, produced by ocamlyacc or Menhir,
-   into a revised parser. *)
-(* A token of the revised lexer is essentially a triple of a token
-   of the traditional lexer (or raw token), a start position, and
-   and end position. The three [get] functions are accessors. *)
-(* We do not require the type ['token] to actually be a triple type.
-   This enables complex applications where it is a record type with
-   more than three fields. It also enables simple applications where
-   positions are of no interest, so ['token] is just ['raw_token]
-   and [get_startp] and [get_endp] return dummy positions. *)
-let traditional2revised
-  (get_raw_token : 'token -> 'raw_token)
-  (get_startp    : 'token -> Lexing.position)
-  (get_endp      : 'token -> Lexing.position)
-  (parser : ('raw_token, 'semantic_value) traditional)
-: ('token, 'semantic_value) revised =
-  (* Accept a revised lexer. *)
-  fun (lexer : unit -> 'token) ->
-    (* Create a dummy lexing buffer. *)
-    let lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf =
-      Lexing.from_string ""
-    in
-    (* Wrap the revised lexer as a traditional lexer. A traditional
-       lexer returns a raw token and updates the fields of the lexing
-       buffer with new positions, which will be read by the parser. *)
-    let lexer (lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf) : 'raw_token =
-      let token : 'token = lexer() in
-      lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_p <- get_startp token;
-      lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p <- get_endp token;
-      get_raw_token token
-    in
-    (* Invoke the traditional parser. *)
-    parser lexer lexbuf
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Converting a revised parser back to a traditional parser. *)
-let revised2traditional
-  (make_token : 'raw_token -> Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> 'token)
-  (parser : ('token, 'semantic_value) revised)
-: ('raw_token, 'semantic_value) traditional =
-  (* Accept a traditional lexer and a lexing buffer. *)
-  fun (lexer : Lexing.lexbuf -> 'raw_token) (lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf) ->
-    (* Wrap the traditional lexer as a revised lexer. *)
-    let lexer () : 'token =
-      let token : 'raw_token = lexer lexbuf in
-      make_token token lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_p lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p
-    in
-    (* Invoke the revised parser. *)
-    parser lexer
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Simplified versions of the above, where concrete triples are used. *)
-module Simplified = struct
-  let traditional2revised parser =
-    traditional2revised
-      (fun (token, _, _)  -> token)
-      (fun (_, startp, _) -> startp)
-      (fun (_, _, endp)   -> endp)
-      parser
-  let revised2traditional parser =
-    revised2traditional
-      (fun token startp endp -> (token, startp, endp))
-      parser
-module IncrementalEngine = struct
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-type position = Lexing.position
-open General
-(* This signature describes the incremental LR engine. *)
-(* In this mode, the user controls the lexer, and the parser suspends
-   itself when it needs to read a new token. *)
-module type INCREMENTAL_ENGINE = sig
-  type token
-  (* A value of type [production] is (an index for) a production. The start
-     productions (which do not exist in an \mly file, but are constructed by
-     Menhir internally) are not part of this type. *)
-  type production
-  (* The type ['a checkpoint] represents an intermediate or final state of the
-     parser. An intermediate checkpoint is a suspension: it records the parser's
-     current state, and allows parsing to be resumed. The parameter ['a] is
-     the type of the semantic value that will eventually be produced if the
-     parser succeeds. *)
-  (* [Accepted] and [Rejected] are final checkpoints. [Accepted] carries a
-     semantic value. *)
-  (* [InputNeeded] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser wishes
-     to read one token before continuing. *)
-  (* [Shifting] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser is taking
-     a shift transition. It exposes the state of the parser before and after
-     the transition. The Boolean parameter tells whether the parser intends to
-     request a new token after this transition. (It always does, except when
-     it is about to accept.) *)
-  (* [AboutToReduce] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser is
-     about to perform a reduction step. It exposes the parser's current
-     state as well as the production that is about to be reduced. *)
-  (* [HandlingError] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser has
-     detected an error and is currently handling it, in several steps. *)
-  (* A value of type ['a env] represents a configuration of the automaton:
-     current state, stack, lookahead token, etc. The parameter ['a] is the
-     type of the semantic value that will eventually be produced if the parser
-     succeeds. *)
-  (* In normal operation, the parser works with checkpoints: see the functions
-     [offer] and [resume]. However, it is also possible to work directly with
-     environments (see the functions [pop], [force_reduction], and [feed]) and
-     to reconstruct a checkpoint out of an environment (see [input_needed]).
-     This is considered advanced functionality; its purpose is to allow error
-     recovery strategies to be programmed by the user. *)
-  type 'a env
-  type 'a checkpoint = private
-    | InputNeeded of 'a env
-    | Shifting of 'a env * 'a env * bool
-    | AboutToReduce of 'a env * production
-    | HandlingError of 'a env
-    | Accepted of 'a
-    | Rejected
-  (* [offer] allows the user to resume the parser after it has suspended
-     itself with a checkpoint of the form [InputNeeded env]. [offer] expects the
-     old checkpoint as well as a new token and produces a new checkpoint. It does not
-     raise any exception. *)
-  val offer:
-    'a checkpoint ->
-    token * position * position ->
-    'a checkpoint
-  (* [resume] allows the user to resume the parser after it has suspended
-     itself with a checkpoint of the form [AboutToReduce (env, prod)] or
-     [HandlingError env]. [resume] expects the old checkpoint and produces a new
-     checkpoint. It does not raise any exception. *)
-  val resume:
-    'a checkpoint ->
-    'a checkpoint
-  (* A token supplier is a function of no arguments which delivers a new token
-     (together with its start and end positions) every time it is called. *)
-  type supplier =
-    unit -> token * position * position
-  (* A pair of a lexer and a lexing buffer can be easily turned into a supplier. *)
-  val lexer_lexbuf_to_supplier:
-    (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) ->
-    Lexing.lexbuf ->
-    supplier
-  (* The functions [offer] and [resume] are sufficient to write a parser loop.
-     One can imagine many variations (which is why we expose these functions
-     in the first place!). Here, we expose a few variations of the main loop,
-     ready for use. *)
-  (* [loop supplier checkpoint] begins parsing from [checkpoint], reading
-     tokens from [supplier]. It continues parsing until it reaches a
-     checkpoint of the form [Accepted v] or [Rejected]. In the former case, it
-     returns [v]. In the latter case, it raises the exception [Error]. *)
-  val loop: supplier -> 'a checkpoint -> 'a
-  (* [loop_handle succeed fail supplier checkpoint] begins parsing from
-     [checkpoint], reading tokens from [supplier]. It continues parsing until
-     it reaches a checkpoint of the form [Accepted v] or [HandlingError env]
-     (or [Rejected], but that should not happen, as [HandlingError _] will be
-     observed first). In the former case, it calls [succeed v]. In the latter
-     case, it calls [fail] with this checkpoint. It cannot raise [Error].
-     This means that Menhir's traditional error-handling procedure (which pops
-     the stack until a state that can act on the [error] token is found) does
-     not get a chance to run. Instead, the user can implement her own error
-     handling code, in the [fail] continuation. *)
-  val loop_handle:
-    ('a -> 'answer) ->
-    ('a checkpoint -> 'answer) ->
-    supplier -> 'a checkpoint -> 'answer
-  (* [loop_handle_undo] is analogous to [loop_handle], except it passes a pair
-     of checkpoints to the failure continuation.
-     The first (and oldest) checkpoint is the last [InputNeeded] checkpoint that
-     was encountered before the error was detected. The second (and newest)
-     checkpoint is where the error was detected, as in [loop_handle]. Going back
-     to the first checkpoint can be thought of as undoing any reductions that
-     were performed after seeing the problematic token. (These reductions must
-     be default reductions or spurious reductions.)
-     [loop_handle_undo] must initially be applied to an [InputNeeded] checkpoint.
-     The parser's initial checkpoints satisfy this constraint. *)
-  val loop_handle_undo:
-    ('a -> 'answer) ->
-    ('a checkpoint -> 'a checkpoint -> 'answer) ->
-    supplier -> 'a checkpoint -> 'answer
-  (* [shifts checkpoint] assumes that [checkpoint] has been obtained by
-     submitting a token to the parser. It runs the parser from [checkpoint],
-     through an arbitrary number of reductions, until the parser either
-     accepts this token (i.e., shifts) or rejects it (i.e., signals an error).
-     If the parser decides to shift, then [Some env] is returned, where [env]
-     is the parser's state just before shifting. Otherwise, [None] is
-     returned. *)
-  (* It is desirable that the semantic actions be side-effect free, or that
-     their side-effects be harmless (replayable). *)
-  val shifts: 'a checkpoint -> 'a env option
-  (* The function [acceptable] allows testing, after an error has been
-     detected, which tokens would have been accepted at this point. It is
-     implemented using [shifts]. Its argument should be an [InputNeeded]
-     checkpoint. *)
-  (* For completeness, one must undo any spurious reductions before carrying out
-     this test -- that is, one must apply [acceptable] to the FIRST checkpoint
-     that is passed by [loop_handle_undo] to its failure continuation. *)
-  (* This test causes some semantic actions to be run! The semantic actions
-     should be side-effect free, or their side-effects should be harmless. *)
-  (* The position [pos] is used as the start and end positions of the
-     hypothetical token, and may be picked up by the semantic actions. We
-     suggest using the position where the error was detected. *)
-  val acceptable: 'a checkpoint -> token -> position -> bool
-  (* The abstract type ['a lr1state] describes the non-initial states of the
-     LR(1) automaton. The index ['a] represents the type of the semantic value
-     associated with this state's incoming symbol. *)
-  type 'a lr1state
-  (* The states of the LR(1) automaton are numbered (from 0 and up). *)
-  val number: _ lr1state -> int
-  (* Productions are numbered. *)
-  (* [find_production i] requires the index [i] to be valid. Use with care. *)
-  val production_index: production -> int
-  val find_production: int -> production
-  (* An element is a pair of a non-initial state [s] and a semantic value [v]
-     associated with the incoming symbol of this state. The idea is, the value
-     [v] was pushed onto the stack just before the state [s] was entered. Thus,
-     for some type ['a], the state [s] has type ['a lr1state] and the value [v]
-     has type ['a]. In other words, the type [element] is an existential type. *)
-  type element =
-    | Element: 'a lr1state * 'a * position * position -> element
-  (* The parser's stack is (or, more precisely, can be viewed as) a stream of
-     elements. The type [stream] is defined by the module [General]. *)
-  (* As of 2017/03/31, the types [stream] and [stack] and the function [stack]
-     are DEPRECATED. They might be removed in the future. An alternative way
-     of inspecting the stack is via the functions [top] and [pop]. *)
-  type stack = (* DEPRECATED *)
-    element stream
-  (* This is the parser's stack, a stream of elements. This stream is empty if
-     the parser is in an initial state; otherwise, it is non-empty.  The LR(1)
-     automaton's current state is the one found in the top element of the
-     stack. *)
-  val stack: 'a env -> stack (* DEPRECATED *)
-  (* [top env] returns the parser's top stack element. The state contained in
-     this stack element is the current state of the automaton. If the stack is
-     empty, [None] is returned. In that case, the current state of the
-     automaton must be an initial state. *)
-  val top: 'a env -> element option
-  (* [pop_many i env] pops [i] cells off the automaton's stack. This is done
-     via [i] successive invocations of [pop]. Thus, [pop_many 1] is [pop]. The
-     index [i] must be nonnegative. The time complexity is O(i). *)
-  val pop_many: int -> 'a env -> 'a env option
-  (* [get i env] returns the parser's [i]-th stack element. The index [i] is
-     0-based: thus, [get 0] is [top]. If [i] is greater than or equal to the
-     number of elements in the stack, [None] is returned. The time complexity
-     is O(i). *)
-  val get: int -> 'a env -> element option
-  (* [current_state_number env] is (the integer number of) the automaton's
-     current state. This works even if the automaton's stack is empty, in
-     which case the current state is an initial state. This number can be
-     passed as an argument to a [message] function generated by [menhir
-     --compile-errors]. *)
-  val current_state_number: 'a env -> int
-  (* [equal env1 env2] tells whether the parser configurations [env1] and
-     [env2] are equal in the sense that the automaton's current state is the
-     same in [env1] and [env2] and the stack is *physically* the same in
-     [env1] and [env2]. If [equal env1 env2] is [true], then the sequence of
-     the stack elements, as observed via [pop] and [top], must be the same in
-     [env1] and [env2]. Also, if [equal env1 env2] holds, then the checkpoints
-     [input_needed env1] and [input_needed env2] must be equivalent. The
-     function [equal] has time complexity O(1). *)
-  val equal: 'a env -> 'a env -> bool
-  (* These are the start and end positions of the current lookahead token. If
-     invoked in an initial state, this function returns a pair of twice the
-     initial position. *)
-  val positions: 'a env -> position * position
-  (* When applied to an environment taken from a checkpoint of the form
-     [AboutToReduce (env, prod)], the function [env_has_default_reduction]
-     tells whether the reduction that is about to take place is a default
-     reduction. *)
-  val env_has_default_reduction: 'a env -> bool
-  (* [state_has_default_reduction s] tells whether the state [s] has a default
-     reduction. This includes the case where [s] is an accepting state. *)
-  val state_has_default_reduction: _ lr1state -> bool
-  (* [pop env] returns a new environment, where the parser's top stack cell
-     has been popped off. (If the stack is empty, [None] is returned.) This
-     amounts to pretending that the (terminal or nonterminal) symbol that
-     corresponds to this stack cell has not been read. *)
-  val pop: 'a env -> 'a env option
-  (* [force_reduction prod env] should be called only if in the state [env]
-     the parser is capable of reducing the production [prod]. If this
-     condition is satisfied, then this production is reduced, which means that
-     its semantic action is executed (this can have side effects!) and the
-     automaton makes a goto (nonterminal) transition. If this condition is not
-     satisfied, [Invalid_argument _] is raised. *)
-  val force_reduction: production -> 'a env -> 'a env
-  (* [input_needed env] returns [InputNeeded env]. That is, out of an [env]
-     that might have been obtained via a series of calls to the functions
-     [pop], [force_reduction], [feed], etc., it produces a checkpoint, which
-     can be used to resume normal parsing, by supplying this checkpoint as an
-     argument to [offer]. *)
-  (* This function should be used with some care. It could "mess up the
-     lookahead" in the sense that it allows parsing to resume in an arbitrary
-     state [s] with an arbitrary lookahead symbol [t], even though Menhir's
-     reachability analysis (menhir --list-errors) might well think that it is
-     impossible to reach this particular configuration. If one is using
-     Menhir's new error reporting facility, this could cause the parser to
-     reach an error state for which no error message has been prepared. *)
-  val input_needed: 'a env -> 'a checkpoint
-(* This signature is a fragment of the inspection API that is made available
-   to the user when [--inspection] is used. This fragment contains type
-   definitions for symbols. *)
-module type SYMBOLS = sig
-  (* The type ['a terminal] represents a terminal symbol. The type ['a
-     nonterminal] represents a nonterminal symbol. In both cases, the index
-     ['a] represents the type of the semantic values associated with this
-     symbol. The concrete definitions of these types are generated. *)
-  type 'a terminal
-  type 'a nonterminal
-  (* The type ['a symbol] represents a terminal or nonterminal symbol. It is
-     the disjoint union of the types ['a terminal] and ['a nonterminal]. *)
-  type 'a symbol =
-    | T : 'a terminal -> 'a symbol
-    | N : 'a nonterminal -> 'a symbol
-  (* The type [xsymbol] is an existentially quantified version of the type
-     ['a symbol]. This type is useful in situations where the index ['a]
-     is not statically known. *)
-  type xsymbol =
-    | X : 'a symbol -> xsymbol
-(* This signature describes the inspection API that is made available to the
-   user when [--inspection] is used. *)
-module type INSPECTION = sig
-  (* The types of symbols are described above. *)
-  include SYMBOLS
-  (* The type ['a lr1state] is meant to be the same as in [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]. *)
-  type 'a lr1state
-  (* The type [production] is meant to be the same as in [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE].
-     It represents a production of the grammar. A production can be examined
-     via the functions [lhs] and [rhs] below. *)
-  type production
-  (* An LR(0) item is a pair of a production [prod] and a valid index [i] into
-     this production. That is, if the length of [rhs prod] is [n], then [i] is
-     comprised between 0 and [n], inclusive. *)
-  type item =
-      production * int
-  (* Ordering functions. *)
-  val compare_terminals: _ terminal -> _ terminal -> int
-  val compare_nonterminals: _ nonterminal -> _ nonterminal -> int
-  val compare_symbols: xsymbol -> xsymbol -> int
-  val compare_productions: production -> production -> int
-  val compare_items: item -> item -> int
-  (* [incoming_symbol s] is the incoming symbol of the state [s], that is,
-     the symbol that the parser must recognize before (has recognized when)
-     it enters the state [s]. This function gives access to the semantic
-     value [v] stored in a stack element [Element (s, v, _, _)]. Indeed,
-     by case analysis on the symbol [incoming_symbol s], one discovers the
-     type ['a] of the value [v]. *)
-  val incoming_symbol: 'a lr1state -> 'a symbol
-  (* [items s] is the set of the LR(0) items in the LR(0) core of the LR(1)
-     state [s]. This set is not epsilon-closed. This set is presented as a
-     list, in an arbitrary order. *)
-  val items: _ lr1state -> item list
-  (* [lhs prod] is the left-hand side of the production [prod]. This is
-     always a non-terminal symbol. *)
-  val lhs: production -> xsymbol
-  (* [rhs prod] is the right-hand side of the production [prod]. This is
-     a (possibly empty) sequence of (terminal or nonterminal) symbols. *)
-  val rhs: production -> xsymbol list
-  (* [nullable nt] tells whether the non-terminal symbol [nt] is nullable.
-     That is, it is true if and only if this symbol produces the empty
-     word [epsilon]. *)
-  val nullable: _ nonterminal -> bool
-  (* [first nt t] tells whether the FIRST set of the nonterminal symbol [nt]
-     contains the terminal symbol [t]. That is, it is true if and only if
-     [nt] produces a word that begins with [t]. *)
-  val first: _ nonterminal -> _ terminal -> bool
-  (* [xfirst] is analogous to [first], but expects a first argument of type
-     [xsymbol] instead of [_ terminal]. *)
-  val xfirst: xsymbol -> _ terminal -> bool
-  (* [foreach_terminal] enumerates the terminal symbols, including [error].
-     [foreach_terminal_but_error] enumerates the terminal symbols, excluding
-     [error]. *)
-  val foreach_terminal:           (xsymbol -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
-  val foreach_terminal_but_error: (xsymbol -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
-  (* The type [env] is meant to be the same as in [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]. *)
-  type 'a env
-  (* [feed symbol startp semv endp env] causes the parser to consume the
-     (terminal or nonterminal) symbol [symbol], accompanied with the semantic
-     value [semv] and with the start and end positions [startp] and [endp].
-     Thus, the automaton makes a transition, and reaches a new state. The
-     stack grows by one cell. This operation is permitted only if the current
-     state (as determined by [env]) has an outgoing transition labeled with
-     [symbol]. Otherwise, [Invalid_argument _] is raised. *)
-  val feed: 'a symbol -> position -> 'a -> position -> 'b env -> 'b env
-(* This signature combines the incremental API and the inspection API. *)
-module type EVERYTHING = sig
-  include INSPECTION
-    with type 'a lr1state := 'a lr1state
-    with type production := production
-    with type 'a env := 'a env
-module EngineTypes = struct
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* This file defines several types and module types that are used in the
-   specification of module [Engine]. *)
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* It would be nice if we could keep the structure of stacks and environments
-   hidden. However, stacks and environments must be accessible to semantic
-   actions, so the following data structure definitions must be public. *)
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* A stack is a linked list of cells. A sentinel cell -- which is its own
-   successor -- is used to mark the bottom of the stack. The sentinel cell
-   itself is not significant -- it contains dummy values. *)
-type ('state, 'semantic_value) stack = {
-  (* The state that we should go back to if we pop this stack cell. *)
-  (* This convention means that the state contained in the top stack cell is
-     not the current state [env.current]. It also means that the state found
-     within the sentinel is a dummy -- it is never consulted. This convention
-     is the same as that adopted by the code-based back-end. *)
-  state: 'state;
-  (* The semantic value associated with the chunk of input that this cell
-     represents. *)
-  semv: 'semantic_value;
-  (* The start and end positions of the chunk of input that this cell
-     represents. *)
-  startp: Lexing.position;
-  endp: Lexing.position;
-  (* The next cell down in the stack. If this is a self-pointer, then this
-     cell is the sentinel, and the stack is conceptually empty. *)
-  next: ('state, 'semantic_value) stack;
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* A parsing environment contains all of the parser's state (except for the
-   current program point). *)
-type ('state, 'semantic_value, 'token) env = {
-  (* If this flag is true, then the first component of [env.triple] should
-     be ignored, as it has been logically overwritten with the [error]
-     pseudo-token. *)
-  error: bool;
-  (* The last token that was obtained from the lexer, together with its start
-     and end positions. Warning: before the first call to the lexer has taken
-     place, a dummy (and possibly invalid) token is stored here. *)
-  triple: 'token * Lexing.position * Lexing.position;
-  (* The stack. In [CodeBackend], it is passed around on its own,
-     whereas, here, it is accessed via the environment. *)
-  stack: ('state, 'semantic_value) stack;
-  (* The current state. In [CodeBackend], it is passed around on its
-     own, whereas, here, it is accessed via the environment. *)
-  current: 'state;
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* This signature describes the parameters that must be supplied to the LR
-   engine. *)
-module type TABLE = sig
-  (* The type of automaton states. *)
-  type state
-  (* States are numbered. *)
-  val number: state -> int
-  (* The type of tokens. These can be thought of as real tokens, that is,
-     tokens returned by the lexer. They carry a semantic value. This type
-     does not include the [error] pseudo-token. *)
-  type token
-  (* The type of terminal symbols. These can be thought of as integer codes.
-     They do not carry a semantic value. This type does include the [error]
-     pseudo-token. *)
-  type terminal
-  (* The type of nonterminal symbols. *)
-  type nonterminal
-  (* The type of semantic values. *)
-  type semantic_value
-  (* A token is conceptually a pair of a (non-[error]) terminal symbol and
-     a semantic value. The following two functions are the pair projections. *)
-  val token2terminal: token -> terminal
-  val token2value: token -> semantic_value
-  (* Even though the [error] pseudo-token is not a real token, it is a
-     terminal symbol. Furthermore, for regularity, it must have a semantic
-     value. *)
-  val error_terminal: terminal
-  val error_value: semantic_value
-  (* [foreach_terminal] allows iterating over all terminal symbols. *)
-  val foreach_terminal: (terminal -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
-  (* The type of productions. *)
-  type production
-  val production_index: production -> int
-  val find_production: int -> production
-  (* If a state [s] has a default reduction on production [prod], then, upon
-     entering [s], the automaton should reduce [prod] without consulting the
-     lookahead token. The following function allows determining which states
-     have default reductions. *)
-  (* Instead of returning a value of a sum type -- either [DefRed prod], or
-     [NoDefRed] -- it accepts two continuations, and invokes just one of
-     them. This mechanism allows avoiding a memory allocation. *)
-  val default_reduction:
-    state ->
-    ('env -> production -> 'answer) ->
-    ('env -> 'answer) ->
-    'env -> 'answer
-  (* An LR automaton can normally take three kinds of actions: shift, reduce,
-     or fail. (Acceptance is a particular case of reduction: it consists in
-     reducing a start production.) *)
-  (* There are two variants of the shift action. [shift/discard s] instructs
-     the automaton to discard the current token, request a new one from the
-     lexer, and move to state [s]. [shift/nodiscard s] instructs it to move to
-     state [s] without requesting a new token. This instruction should be used
-     when [s] has a default reduction on [#]. See [CodeBackend.gettoken] for
-     details. *)
-  (* This is the automaton's action table. It maps a pair of a state and a
-     terminal symbol to an action. *)
-  (* Instead of returning a value of a sum type -- one of shift/discard,
-     shift/nodiscard, reduce, or fail -- this function accepts three
-     continuations, and invokes just one them. This mechanism allows avoiding
-     a memory allocation. *)
-  (* In summary, the parameters to [action] are as follows:
-     - the first two parameters, a state and a terminal symbol, are used to
-       look up the action table;
-     - the next parameter is the semantic value associated with the above
-       terminal symbol; it is not used, only passed along to the shift
-       continuation, as explained below;
-     - the shift continuation expects an environment; a flag that tells
-       whether to discard the current token; the terminal symbol that
-       is being shifted; its semantic value; and the target state of
-       the transition;
-     - the reduce continuation expects an environment and a production;
-     - the fail continuation expects an environment;
-     - the last parameter is the environment; it is not used, only passed
-       along to the selected continuation. *)
-  val action:
-    state ->
-    terminal ->
-    semantic_value ->
-    ('env -> bool -> terminal -> semantic_value -> state -> 'answer) ->
-    ('env -> production -> 'answer) ->
-    ('env -> 'answer) ->
-    'env -> 'answer
-  (* This is the automaton's goto table. This table maps a pair of a state
-     and a nonterminal symbol to a new state. By extension, it also maps a
-     pair of a state and a production to a new state. *)
-  (* The function [goto_nt] can be applied to [s] and [nt] ONLY if the state
-     [s] has an outgoing transition labeled [nt]. Otherwise, its result is
-     undefined. Similarly, the call [goto_prod prod s] is permitted ONLY if
-     the state [s] has an outgoing transition labeled with the nonterminal
-     symbol [lhs prod]. The function [maybe_goto_nt] involves an additional
-     dynamic check and CAN be called even if there is no outgoing transition. *)
-  val       goto_nt  : state -> nonterminal -> state
-  val       goto_prod: state -> production  -> state
-  val maybe_goto_nt:   state -> nonterminal -> state option
-  (* [is_start prod] tells whether the production [prod] is a start production. *)
-  val is_start: production -> bool
-  (* By convention, a semantic action is responsible for:
-     1. fetching whatever semantic values and positions it needs off the stack;
-     2. popping an appropriate number of cells off the stack, as dictated
-        by the length of the right-hand side of the production;
-     3. computing a new semantic value, as well as new start and end positions;
-     4. pushing a new stack cell, which contains the three values
-        computed in step 3;
-     5. returning the new stack computed in steps 2 and 4.
-     Point 1 is essentially forced upon us: if semantic values were fetched
-     off the stack by this interpreter, then the calling convention for
-     semantic actions would be variadic: not all semantic actions would have
-     the same number of arguments. The rest follows rather naturally. *)
-  (* Semantic actions are allowed to raise [Error]. *)
-  exception Error
-  type semantic_action =
-      (state, semantic_value, token) env -> (state, semantic_value) stack
-  val semantic_action: production -> semantic_action
-  (* [may_reduce state prod] tests whether the state [state] is capable of
-     reducing the production [prod]. This function is currently costly and
-     is not used by the core LR engine. It is used in the implementation
-     of certain functions, such as [force_reduction], which allow the engine
-     to be driven programmatically. *)
-  val may_reduce: state -> production -> bool
-  (* The LR engine requires a number of hooks, which are used for logging. *)
-  (* The comments below indicate the conventional messages that correspond
-     to these hooks in the code-based back-end; see [CodeBackend]. *)
-  (* If the flag [log] is false, then the logging functions are not called.
-     If it is [true], then they are called. *)
-  val log : bool
-  module Log : sig
-    (* State %d: *)
-    val state: state -> unit
-    (* Shifting (<terminal>) to state <state> *)
-    val shift: terminal -> state -> unit
-    (* Reducing a production should be logged either as a reduction
-       event (for regular productions) or as an acceptance event (for
-       start productions). *)
-    (* Reducing production <production> / Accepting *)
-    val reduce_or_accept: production -> unit
-    (* Lookahead token is now <terminal> (<pos>-<pos>) *)
-    val lookahead_token: terminal -> Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> unit
-    (* Initiating error handling *)
-    val initiating_error_handling: unit -> unit
-    (* Resuming error handling *)
-    val resuming_error_handling: unit -> unit
-    (* Handling error in state <state> *)
-    val handling_error: state -> unit
-  end
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* This signature describes the monolithic (traditional) LR engine. *)
-(* In this interface, the parser controls the lexer. *)
-module type MONOLITHIC_ENGINE = sig
-  type state
-  type token
-  type semantic_value
-  (* An entry point to the engine requires a start state, a lexer, and a lexing
-     buffer. It either succeeds and produces a semantic value, or fails and
-     raises [Error]. *)
-  exception Error
-  val entry:
-    state ->
-    (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) ->
-    Lexing.lexbuf ->
-    semantic_value
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* The following signatures describe the incremental LR engine. *)
-(* First, see [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE] in the file []. *)
-(* The [start] function is set apart because we do not wish to publish
-   it as part of the generated [parser.mli] file. Instead, the table
-   back-end will publish specialized versions of it, with a suitable
-   type cast. *)
-  (* [start] is an entry point. It requires a start state and a start position
-     and begins the parsing process. If the lexer is based on an OCaml lexing
-     buffer, the start position should be [lexbuf.lex_curr_p]. [start] produces
-     a checkpoint, which usually will be an [InputNeeded] checkpoint. (It could
-     be [Accepted] if this starting state accepts only the empty word. It could
-     be [Rejected] if this starting state accepts no word at all.) It does not
-     raise any exception. *)
-  (* [start s pos] should really produce a checkpoint of type ['a checkpoint],
-     for a fixed ['a] that depends on the state [s]. We cannot express this, so
-     we use [semantic_value checkpoint], which is safe. The table back-end uses
-     [Obj.magic] to produce safe specialized versions of [start]. *)
-  type state
-  type semantic_value
-  type 'a checkpoint
-  val start:
-    state ->
-    Lexing.position ->
-    semantic_value checkpoint
-(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* This signature describes the LR engine, which combines the monolithic
-   and incremental interfaces. *)
-module type ENGINE = sig
-  include IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE
-    with type token := token
-     and type 'a lr1state = state (* useful for us; hidden from the end user *)
-    with type state := state
-     and type semantic_value := semantic_value
-     and type 'a checkpoint := 'a checkpoint
-module Engine = struct
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-type position = Lexing.position
-open EngineTypes
-(* The LR parsing engine. *)
-(* This module is used:
-   - at compile time, if so requested by the user, via the --interpret options;
-   - at run time, in the table-based back-end. *)
-module Make (T : TABLE) = struct
-  (* This propagates type and exception definitions. The functions [number],
-     [production_index], [find_production], too, are defined by this [include]
-     declaration. *)
-  include T
-  type 'a env =
-      (state, semantic_value, token) EngineTypes.env
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* The type [checkpoint] represents an intermediate or final result of the
-     parser. See [EngineTypes]. *)
-  (* The type [checkpoint] is presented to the user as a private type (see
-     [IncrementalEngine]). This prevents the user from manufacturing
-     checkpoints (i.e., continuations) that do not make sense. (Such
-     continuations could potentially violate the LR invariant and lead to
-     crashes.) *)
-  (* 2017/03/29 Although [checkpoint] is a private type, we now expose a
-     constructor function, [input_needed]. This function allows manufacturing
-     a checkpoint out of an environment. For this reason, the type [env] must
-     also be parameterized with ['a]. *)
-  type 'a checkpoint =
-    | InputNeeded of 'a env
-    | Shifting of 'a env * 'a env * bool
-    | AboutToReduce of 'a env * production
-    | HandlingError of 'a env
-    | Accepted of 'a
-    | Rejected
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* In the code-based back-end, the [run] function is sometimes responsible
-     for pushing a new cell on the stack. This is motivated by code sharing
-     concerns. In this interpreter, there is no such concern; [run]'s caller
-     is always responsible for updating the stack. *)
-  (* In the code-based back-end, there is a [run] function for each state
-     [s]. This function can behave in two slightly different ways, depending
-     on when it is invoked, or (equivalently) depending on [s].
-     If [run] is invoked after shifting a terminal symbol (or, equivalently,
-     if [s] has a terminal incoming symbol), then [run] discards a token,
-     unless [s] has a default reduction on [#]. (Indeed, in that case,
-     requesting the next token might drive the lexer off the end of the input
-     stream.)
-     If, on the other hand, [run] is invoked after performing a goto
-     transition, or invoked directly by an entry point, then there is nothing
-     to discard.
-     These two cases are reflected in [CodeBackend.gettoken].
-     Here, the code is structured in a slightly different way. It is up to the
-     caller of [run] to indicate whether to discard a token, via the parameter
-     [please_discard]. This flag is set when [s] is being entered by shifting
-     a terminal symbol and [s] does not have a default reduction on [#]. *)
-  (* The following recursive group of functions are tail recursive, produce a
-     checkpoint of type [semantic_value checkpoint], and cannot raise an
-     exception. A semantic action can raise [Error], but this exception is
-     immediately caught within [reduce]. *)
-  let rec run env please_discard : semantic_value checkpoint =
-    (* Log the fact that we just entered this state. *)
-    if log then
-      Log.state env.current;
-    (* If [please_discard] is set, we discard the current lookahead token and
-       fetch the next one. In order to request a token from the user, we
-       return an [InputNeeded] continuation, which, when invoked by the user,
-       will take us to [discard]. If [please_discard] is not set, we skip this
-       step and jump directly to [check_for_default_reduction]. *)
-    if please_discard then
-      InputNeeded env
-    else
-      check_for_default_reduction env
-  (* [discard env triple] stores [triple] into [env], overwriting the previous
-     token. It is invoked by [offer], which itself is invoked by the user in
-     response to an [InputNeeded] checkpoint. *)
-  and discard env triple =
-    if log then begin
-      let (token, startp, endp) = triple in
-      Log.lookahead_token (T.token2terminal token) startp endp
-    end;
-    let env = { env with error = false; triple } in
-    check_for_default_reduction env
-  and check_for_default_reduction env =
-    (* Examine what situation we are in. This case analysis is analogous to
-       that performed in [CodeBackend.gettoken], in the sub-case where we do
-       not have a terminal incoming symbol. *)
-    T.default_reduction
-      env.current
-      announce_reduce       (* there is a default reduction; perform it *)
-      check_for_error_token (* there is none; continue below *)
-      env
-  and check_for_error_token env =
-    (* There is no default reduction. Consult the current lookahead token
-       so as to determine which action should be taken. *)
-    (* Peeking at the first input token, without taking it off the input
-       stream, is done by reading [env.triple]. We are careful to first
-       check [env.error]. *)
-    (* Note that, if [please_discard] was true, then we have just called
-       [discard], so the lookahead token cannot be [error]. *)
-    (* Returning [HandlingError env] is equivalent to calling [error env]
-       directly, except it allows the user to regain control. *)
-    if env.error then begin
-      if log then
-        Log.resuming_error_handling();
-      HandlingError env
-    end
-    else
-      let (token, _, _) = env.triple in
-      (* We consult the two-dimensional action table, indexed by the
-         current state and the current lookahead token, in order to
-         determine which action should be taken. *)
-      T.action
-        env.current                    (* determines a row *)
-        (T.token2terminal token)       (* determines a column *)
-        (T.token2value token)
-        shift                          (* shift continuation *)
-        announce_reduce                (* reduce continuation *)
-        initiate                       (* failure continuation *)
-        env
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* This function takes care of shift transitions along a terminal symbol.
-     (Goto transitions are taken care of within [reduce] below.) The symbol
-     can be either an actual token or the [error] pseudo-token. *)
-  (* Here, the lookahead token CAN be [error]. *)
-  and shift env
-      (please_discard : bool)
-      (terminal : terminal)
-      (value : semantic_value)
-      (s' : state) =
-    (* Log the transition. *)
-    if log then
-      Log.shift terminal s';
-    (* Push a new cell onto the stack, containing the identity of the
-       state that we are leaving. *)
-    let (_, startp, endp) = env.triple in
-    let stack = {
-      state = env.current;
-      semv = value;
-      startp;
-      endp;
-      next = env.stack;
-    } in
-    (* Switch to state [s']. *)
-    let new_env = { env with stack; current = s' } in
-    (* Expose the transition to the user. (In principle, we have a choice
-       between exposing the transition before we take it, after we take
-       it, or at some point in between. This affects the number and type
-       of the parameters carried by [Shifting]. Here, we choose to expose
-       the transition after we take it; this allows [Shifting] to carry
-       only three parameters, whose meaning is simple.) *)
-    Shifting (env, new_env, please_discard)
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* The function [announce_reduce] stops the parser and returns a checkpoint
-     which allows the parser to be resumed by calling [reduce]. *)
-  (* Only ordinary productions are exposed to the user. Start productions
-     are not exposed to the user. Reducing a start production simply leads
-     to the successful termination of the parser. *)
-  and announce_reduce env (prod : production) =
-    if T.is_start prod then
-      accept env prod
-    else
-      AboutToReduce (env, prod)
-  (* The function [reduce] takes care of reductions. It is invoked by
-     [resume] after an [AboutToReduce] event has been produced. *)
-  (* Here, the lookahead token CAN be [error]. *)
-  (* The production [prod] CANNOT be a start production. *)
-  and reduce env (prod : production) =
-    (* Log a reduction event. *)
-    if log then
-      Log.reduce_or_accept prod;
-    (* Invoke the semantic action. The semantic action is responsible for
-       truncating the stack and pushing a new cell onto the stack, which
-       contains a new semantic value. It can raise [Error]. *)
-    (* If the semantic action terminates normally, it returns a new stack,
-       which becomes the current stack. *)
-    (* If the semantic action raises [Error], we catch it and initiate error
-       handling. *)
-    (* This [match/with/exception] construct requires OCaml 4.02. *)
-    match T.semantic_action prod env with
-    | stack ->
-        (* By our convention, the semantic action has produced an updated
-           stack. The state now found in the top stack cell is the return
-           state. *)
-        (* Perform a goto transition. The target state is determined
-           by consulting the goto table at the return state and at
-           production [prod]. *)
-        let current = T.goto_prod stack.state prod in
-        let env = { env with stack; current } in
-        run env false
-    | exception Error ->
-        initiate env
-  and accept env prod =
-    (* Log an accept event. *)
-    if log then
-      Log.reduce_or_accept prod;
-    (* Extract the semantic value out of the stack. *)
-    let v = env.stack.semv in
-    (* Finish. *)
-    Accepted v
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* The following functions deal with errors. *)
-  (* [initiate] initiates or resumes error handling. *)
-  (* Here, the lookahead token CAN be [error]. *)
-  and initiate env =
-    if log then
-      Log.initiating_error_handling();
-    let env = { env with error = true } in
-    HandlingError env
-  (* [error] handles errors. *)
-  and error env =
-    assert env.error;
-    (* Consult the column associated with the [error] pseudo-token in the
-       action table. *)
-    T.action
-      env.current                    (* determines a row *)
-      T.error_terminal               (* determines a column *)
-      T.error_value
-      error_shift                    (* shift continuation *)
-      error_reduce                   (* reduce continuation *)
-      error_fail                     (* failure continuation *)
-      env
-  and error_shift env please_discard terminal value s' =
-    (* Here, [terminal] is [T.error_terminal],
-       and [value] is [T.error_value]. *)
-    assert (terminal = T.error_terminal && value = T.error_value);
-    (* This state is capable of shifting the [error] token. *)
-    if log then
-      Log.handling_error env.current;
-    shift env please_discard terminal value s'
-  and error_reduce env prod =
-    (* This state is capable of performing a reduction on [error]. *)
-    if log then
-      Log.handling_error env.current;
-    reduce env prod
-      (* Intentionally calling [reduce] instead of [announce_reduce].
-         It does not seem very useful, and it could be confusing, to
-         expose the reduction steps taken during error handling. *)
-  and error_fail env =
-    (* This state is unable to handle errors. Attempt to pop a stack
-       cell. *)
-    let cell = env.stack in
-    let next = in
-    if next == cell then
-      (* The stack is empty. Die. *)
-      Rejected
-    else begin
-      (* The stack is nonempty. Pop a cell, updating the current state
-         with that found in the popped cell, and try again. *)
-      let env = { env with
-        stack = next;
-        current = cell.state
-      } in
-      HandlingError env
-    end
-  (* End of the nest of tail recursive functions. *)
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* The incremental interface. See [EngineTypes]. *)
-  (* [start s] begins the parsing process. *)
-  let start (s : state) (initial : position) : semantic_value checkpoint =
-    (* Build an empty stack. This is a dummy cell, which is its own successor.
-       Its [next] field WILL be accessed by [error_fail] if an error occurs and
-       is propagated all the way until the stack is empty. Its [endp] field WILL
-       be accessed (by a semantic action) if an epsilon production is reduced
-       when the stack is empty. *)
-    let rec empty = {
-      state = s;                          (* dummy *)
-      semv = T.error_value;               (* dummy *)
-      startp = initial;                   (* dummy *)
-      endp = initial;
-      next = empty;
-    } in
-    (* Build an initial environment. *)
-    (* Unfortunately, there is no type-safe way of constructing a
-       dummy token. Tokens carry semantic values, which in general
-       we cannot manufacture. This instance of [Obj.magic] could
-       be avoided by adopting a different representation (e.g., no
-       [env.error] field, and an option in the first component of
-       [env.triple]), but I like this representation better. *)
-    let dummy_token = Obj.magic () in
-    let env = {
-      error = false;
-      triple = (dummy_token, initial, initial); (* dummy *)
-      stack = empty;
-      current = s;
-    } in
-    (* Begin parsing. *)
-    (* The parameter [please_discard] here is [true], which means we know
-       that we must read at least one token. This claim relies on the fact
-       that we have ruled out the two special cases where a start symbol
-       recognizes the empty language or the singleton language {epsilon}. *)
-    run env true
-  (* [offer checkpoint triple] is invoked by the user in response to a
-     checkpoint of the form [InputNeeded env]. It checks that [checkpoint] is
-     indeed of this form, and invokes [discard]. *)
-  (* [resume checkpoint] is invoked by the user in response to a checkpoint of
-     the form [AboutToReduce (env, prod)] or [HandlingError env]. It checks
-     that [checkpoint] is indeed of this form, and invokes [reduce] or
-     [error], as appropriate. *)
-  (* In reality, [offer] and [resume] accept an argument of type
-     [semantic_value checkpoint] and produce a checkpoint of the same type.
-     The choice of [semantic_value] is forced by the fact that this is the
-     parameter of the checkpoint [Accepted]. *)
-  (* We change this as follows. *)
-  (* We change the argument and result type of [offer] and [resume] from
-     [semantic_value checkpoint] to ['a checkpoint]. This is safe, in this
-     case, because we give the user access to values of type [t checkpoint]
-     only if [t] is indeed the type of the eventual semantic value for this
-     run. (More precisely, by examining the signatures [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]
-     and [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE_START], one finds that the user can build a value
-     of type ['a checkpoint] only if ['a] is [semantic_value]. The table
-     back-end goes further than this and produces versions of [start] composed
-     with a suitable cast, which give the user access to a value of type
-     [t checkpoint] where [t] is the type of the start symbol.) *)
-  let offer : 'a . 'a checkpoint ->
-                   token * position * position ->
-                   'a checkpoint
-  = function
-    | InputNeeded env ->
-        Obj.magic discard env
-    | _ ->
-        invalid_arg "offer expects InputNeeded"
-  let resume : 'a . 'a checkpoint -> 'a checkpoint = function
-    | HandlingError env ->
-        Obj.magic error env
-    | Shifting (_, env, please_discard) ->
-        Obj.magic run env please_discard
-    | AboutToReduce (env, prod) ->
-        Obj.magic reduce env prod
-    | _ ->
-        invalid_arg "resume expects HandlingError | Shifting | AboutToReduce"
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* The traditional interface. See [EngineTypes]. *)
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* Wrapping a lexer and lexbuf as a token supplier. *)
-  type supplier =
-    unit -> token * position * position
-  let lexer_lexbuf_to_supplier
-      (lexer : Lexing.lexbuf -> token)
-      (lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf)
-  : supplier =
-    fun () ->
-      let token = lexer lexbuf in
-      let startp = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_p
-      and endp = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p in
-      token, startp, endp
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* The main loop repeatedly handles intermediate checkpoints, until a final
-     checkpoint is obtained. This allows implementing the monolithic interface
-     ([entry]) in terms of the incremental interface ([start], [offer],
-     [handle], [reduce]). *)
-  (* By convention, acceptance is reported by returning a semantic value,
-     whereas rejection is reported by raising [Error]. *)
-  (* [loop] is polymorphic in ['a]. No cheating is involved in achieving this.
-     All of the cheating resides in the types assigned to [offer] and [handle]
-     above. *)
-  let rec loop : 'a . supplier -> 'a checkpoint -> 'a =
-    fun read checkpoint ->
-    match checkpoint with
-    | InputNeeded _ ->
-        (* The parser needs a token. Request one from the lexer,
-           and offer it to the parser, which will produce a new
-           checkpoint. Then, repeat. *)
-        let triple = read() in
-        let checkpoint = offer checkpoint triple in
-        loop read checkpoint
-    | Shifting _
-    | AboutToReduce _
-    | HandlingError _ ->
-        (* The parser has suspended itself, but does not need
-           new input. Just resume the parser. Then, repeat. *)
-        let checkpoint = resume checkpoint in
-        loop read checkpoint
-    | Accepted v ->
-        (* The parser has succeeded and produced a semantic value.
-           Return this semantic value to the user. *)
-        v
-    | Rejected ->
-        (* The parser rejects this input. Raise an exception. *)
-        raise Error
-  let entry (s : state) lexer lexbuf : semantic_value =
-    let initial = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p in
-    loop (lexer_lexbuf_to_supplier lexer lexbuf) (start s initial)
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* [loop_handle] stops if it encounters an error, and at this point, invokes
-     its failure continuation, without letting Menhir do its own traditional
-     error-handling (which involves popping the stack, etc.). *)
-  let rec loop_handle succeed fail read checkpoint =
-    match checkpoint with
-    | InputNeeded _ ->
-        let triple = read() in
-        let checkpoint = offer checkpoint triple in
-        loop_handle succeed fail read checkpoint
-    | Shifting _
-    | AboutToReduce _ ->
-        let checkpoint = resume checkpoint in
-        loop_handle succeed fail read checkpoint
-    | HandlingError _
-    | Rejected ->
-        (* The parser has detected an error. Invoke the failure continuation. *)
-        fail checkpoint
-    | Accepted v ->
-        (* The parser has succeeded and produced a semantic value. Invoke the
-           success continuation. *)
-        succeed v
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* [loop_handle_undo] is analogous to [loop_handle], except it passes a pair
-     of checkpoints to the failure continuation.
-     The first (and oldest) checkpoint is the last [InputNeeded] checkpoint
-     that was encountered before the error was detected. The second (and
-     newest) checkpoint is where the error was detected, as in [loop_handle].
-     Going back to the first checkpoint can be thought of as undoing any
-     reductions that were performed after seeing the problematic token. (These
-     reductions must be default reductions or spurious reductions.) *)
-  let rec loop_handle_undo succeed fail read (inputneeded, checkpoint) =
-    match checkpoint with
-    | InputNeeded _ ->
-        (* Update the last recorded [InputNeeded] checkpoint. *)
-        let inputneeded = checkpoint in
-        let triple = read() in
-        let checkpoint = offer checkpoint triple in
-        loop_handle_undo succeed fail read (inputneeded, checkpoint)
-    | Shifting _
-    | AboutToReduce _ ->
-        let checkpoint = resume checkpoint in
-        loop_handle_undo succeed fail read (inputneeded, checkpoint)
-    | HandlingError _
-    | Rejected ->
-        fail inputneeded checkpoint
-    | Accepted v ->
-        succeed v
-  (* For simplicity, we publish a version of [loop_handle_undo] that takes a
-     single checkpoint as an argument, instead of a pair of checkpoints. We
-     check that the argument is [InputNeeded _], and duplicate it. *)
-  (* The parser cannot accept or reject before it asks for the very first
-     character of input. (Indeed, we statically reject a symbol that
-     generates the empty language or the singleton language {epsilon}.)
-     So, the [start] checkpoint must match [InputNeeded _]. Hence, it is
-     permitted to call [loop_handle_undo] with a [start] checkpoint. *)
-  let loop_handle_undo succeed fail read checkpoint =
-    assert (match checkpoint with InputNeeded _ -> true | _ -> false);
-    loop_handle_undo succeed fail read (checkpoint, checkpoint)
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  let rec shifts checkpoint =
-    match checkpoint with
-    | Shifting (env, _, _) ->
-        (* The parser is about to shift, which means it is willing to
-           consume the terminal symbol that we have fed it. Return the
-           state just before this transition. *)
-        Some env
-    | AboutToReduce _ ->
-        (* The parser wishes to reduce. Just follow. *)
-        shifts (resume checkpoint)
-    | HandlingError _ ->
-        (* The parser fails, which means it rejects the terminal symbol
-           that we have fed it. *)
-        None
-    | InputNeeded _
-    | Accepted _
-    | Rejected ->
-        (* None of these cases can arise. Indeed, after a token is submitted
-           to it, the parser must shift, reduce, or signal an error, before
-           it can request another token or terminate. *)
-        assert false
-  let acceptable checkpoint token pos =
-    let triple = (token, pos, pos) in
-    let checkpoint = offer checkpoint triple in
-    match shifts checkpoint with
-    | None      -> false
-    | Some _env -> true
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* The type ['a lr1state] describes the (non-initial) states of the LR(1)
-     automaton. The index ['a] represents the type of the semantic value
-     associated with the state's incoming symbol. *)
-  (* The type ['a lr1state] is defined as an alias for [state], which itself
-     is usually defined as [int] (see [TableInterpreter]). So, ['a lr1state]
-     is technically a phantom type, but should really be thought of as a GADT
-     whose data constructors happen to be represented as integers. It is
-     presented to the user as an abstract type (see [IncrementalEngine]). *)
-  type 'a lr1state =
-      state
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* Stack inspection. *)
-  (* We offer a read-only view of the parser's state as a stream of elements.
-     Each element contains a pair of a (non-initial) state and a semantic
-     value associated with (the incoming symbol of) this state. Note that the
-     type [element] is an existential type. *)
-  (* As of 2017/03/31, the type [stack] and the function [stack] are DEPRECATED.
-     If desired, they could now be implemented outside Menhir, by relying on
-     the functions [top] and [pop]. *)
-  type element =
-    | Element: 'a lr1state * 'a * position * position -> element
-  open General
-  type stack =
-    element stream
-  (* If [current] is the current state and [cell] is the top stack cell,
-     then [stack cell current] is a view of the parser's state as a stream
-     of elements. *)
-  let rec stack cell current : element stream =
-    lazy (
-      (* The stack is empty iff the top stack cell is its own successor. In
-         that case, the current state [current] should be an initial state
-         (which has no incoming symbol).
-         We do not allow the user to inspect this state. *)
-      let next = in
-      if next == cell then
-        Nil
-      else
-        (* Construct an element containing the current state [current] as well
-           as the semantic value contained in the top stack cell. This semantic
-           value is associated with the incoming symbol of this state, so it
-           makes sense to pair them together. The state has type ['a state] and
-           the semantic value has type ['a], for some type ['a]. Here, the OCaml
-           type-checker thinks ['a] is [semantic_value] and considers this code
-           well-typed. Outside, we will use magic to provide the user with a way
-           of inspecting states and recovering the value of ['a]. *)
-        let element = Element (
-          current,
-          cell.semv,
-          cell.startp,
-          cell.endp
-        ) in
-        Cons (element, stack next cell.state)
-    )
-  let stack env : element stream =
-    stack env.stack env.current
-  (* As explained above, the function [top] allows access to the top stack
-     element only if the stack is nonempty, i.e., only if the current state
-     is not an initial state. *)
-  let top env : element option =
-    let cell = env.stack in
-    let next = in
-    if next == cell then
-      None
-    else
-      Some (Element (env.current, cell.semv, cell.startp, cell.endp))
-  (* [equal] compares the stacks for physical equality, and compares the
-     current states via their numbers (this seems cleaner than using OCaml's
-     polymorphic equality). *)
-  (* The two fields that are not compared by [equal], namely [error] and
-     [triple], are overwritten by the function [discard], which handles
-     [InputNeeded] checkpoints. Thus, if [equal env1 env2] holds, then the
-     checkpoints [input_needed env1] and [input_needed env2] are
-     equivalent: they lead the parser to behave in the same way. *)
-  let equal env1 env2 =
-    env1.stack == env2.stack &&
-    number env1.current = number env2.current
-  let current_state_number env =
-    number env.current
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* Access to the position of the lookahead token. *)
-  let positions { triple = (_, startp, endp); _ } =
-    startp, endp
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* Access to information about default reductions. *)
-  (* This can be a function of states, or a function of environments.
-     We offer both. *)
-  (* Instead of a Boolean result, we could return a [production option].
-     However, we would have to explicitly test whether [prod] is a start
-     production, and in that case, return [None], I suppose. Indeed, we
-     have decided not to expose the start productions. *)
-  let state_has_default_reduction (state : _ lr1state) : bool =
-    T.default_reduction state
-      (fun _env _prod -> true)
-      (fun _env -> false)
-      ()
-  let env_has_default_reduction env =
-    state_has_default_reduction env.current
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* The following functions work at the level of environments (as opposed to
-     checkpoints). The function [pop] causes the automaton to go back into the
-     past, pretending that the last input symbol has never been read. The
-     function [force_reduction] causes the automaton to re-interpret the past,
-     by recognizing the right-hand side of a production and reducing this
-     production. The function [feed] causes the automaton to progress into the
-     future by pretending that a (terminal or nonterminal) symbol has been
-     read. *)
-  (* The function [feed] would ideally be defined here. However, for this
-     function to be type-safe, the GADT ['a symbol] is needed. For this
-     reason, we move its definition to [InspectionTableInterpreter], where
-     the inspection API is available. *)
-  (* [pop] pops one stack cell. It cannot go wrong. *)
-  let pop (env : 'a env) : 'a env option =
-    let cell = env.stack in
-    let next = in
-    if next == cell then
-      (* The stack is empty. *)
-      None
-    else
-      (* The stack is nonempty. Pop off one cell. *)
-      Some { env with stack = next; current = cell.state }
-  (* [force_reduction] is analogous to [reduce], except that it does not
-     continue by calling [run env] or [initiate env]. Instead, it returns
-     [env] to the user. *)
-  (* [force_reduction] is dangerous insofar as it executes a semantic action.
-     This semantic action could have side effects: nontermination, state,
-     exceptions, input/output, etc. *)
-  let force_reduction prod (env : 'a env) : 'a env =
-    (* Check if this reduction is permitted. This check is REALLY important.
-       The stack must have the correct shape: that is, it must be sufficiently
-       high, and must contain semantic values of appropriate types, otherwise
-       the semantic action will crash and burn. *)
-    (* We currently check whether the current state is WILLING to reduce this
-       production (i.e., there is a reduction action in the action table row
-       associated with this state), whereas it would be more liberal to check
-       whether this state is CAPABLE of reducing this production (i.e., the
-       stack has an appropriate shape). We currently have no means of
-       performing such a check. *)
-    if not (T.may_reduce env.current prod) then
-      invalid_arg "force_reduction: this reduction is not permitted in this state"
-    else begin
-      (* We do not expose the start productions to the user, so this cannot be
-         a start production. Hence, it has a semantic action. *)
-      assert (not (T.is_start prod));
-      (* Invoke the semantic action. *)
-      let stack = T.semantic_action prod env in
-      (* Perform a goto transition. *)
-      let current = T.goto_prod stack.state prod in
-      { env with stack; current }
-    end
-  (* The environment manipulation functions -- [pop] and [force_reduction]
-     above, plus [feed] -- manipulate the automaton's stack and current state,
-     but do not affect the automaton's lookahead symbol. When the function
-     [input_needed] is used to go back from an environment to a checkpoint
-     (and therefore, resume normal parsing), the lookahead symbol is clobbered
-     anyway, since the only action that the user can take is to call [offer].
-     So far, so good. One problem, though, is that this call to [offer] may
-     well place the automaton in a configuration of a state [s] and a
-     lookahead symbol [t] that is normally unreachable. Also, perhaps the
-     state [s] is a state where an input symbol normally is never demanded, so
-     this [InputNeeded] checkpoint is fishy. There does not seem to be a deep
-     problem here, but, when programming an error recovery strategy, one
-     should pay some attention to this issue. Ideally, perhaps, one should use
-     [input_needed] only in a state [s] where an input symbol is normally
-     demanded, that is, a state [s] whose incoming symbol is a terminal symbol
-     and which does not have a default reduction on [#]. *)
-  let input_needed (env : 'a env) : 'a checkpoint =
-    InputNeeded env
-  (* The following functions are compositions of [top] and [pop]. *)
-  let rec pop_many i env =
-    if i = 0 then
-      Some env
-    else match pop env with
-    | None ->
-        None
-    | Some env ->
-        pop_many (i - 1) env
-  let get i env =
-    match pop_many i env with
-    | None ->
-        None
-    | Some env ->
-        top env
-module ErrorReports = struct
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* A two-place buffer stores zero, one, or two elements. *)
-type 'a content =
-| Zero
-| One of 'a
-| Two of 'a * (* most recent: *) 'a
-type 'a buffer =
-  'a content ref
-(* [update buffer x] pushes [x] into [buffer], causing the buffer to slide. *)
-let update buffer x =
-  buffer :=
-    match !buffer, x with
-    | Zero, _ ->
-        One x
-    | One x1, x2
-    | Two (_, x1), x2 ->
-        Two (x1, x2)
-(* [show f buffer] prints the contents of the buffer. The function [f] is
-   used to print an element. *)
-let show f buffer : string =
-  match !buffer with
-  | Zero ->
-      (* The buffer cannot be empty. If we have read no tokens,
-         we cannot have detected a syntax error. *)
-      assert false
-  | One invalid ->
-      (* It is unlikely, but possible, that we have read just one token. *)
-      Printf.sprintf "before '%s'" (f invalid)
-  | Two (valid, invalid) ->
-      (* In the most likely case, we have read two tokens. *)
-      Printf.sprintf "after '%s' and before '%s'" (f valid) (f invalid)
-(* [last buffer] returns the last element of the buffer (that is, the invalid
-   token). *)
-let last buffer =
-  match !buffer with
-  | Zero ->
-      (* The buffer cannot be empty. If we have read no tokens,
-         we cannot have detected a syntax error. *)
-      assert false
-  | One invalid
-  | Two (_, invalid) ->
-      invalid
-(* [wrap buffer lexer] *)
-open Lexing
-let wrap lexer =
-  let buffer = ref Zero in
-  buffer,
-  fun lexbuf ->
-    let token = lexer lexbuf in
-    update buffer (lexbuf.lex_start_p, lexbuf.lex_curr_p);
-    token
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-module Printers = struct
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-module Make
-  (I : IncrementalEngine.EVERYTHING)
-  (User : sig
-    val print: string -> unit
-    val print_symbol: I.xsymbol -> unit
-    val print_element: (I.element -> unit) option
-  end)
-= struct
-  let arrow = " -> "
-  let dot = "."
-  let space = " "
-  let newline = "\n"
-  open User
-  open I
-  (* Printing a list of symbols. An optional dot is printed at offset
-     [i] into the list [symbols], if this offset lies between [0] and
-     the length of the list (included). *)
-  let rec print_symbols i symbols =
-    if i = 0 then begin
-      print dot;
-      print space;
-      print_symbols (-1) symbols
-    end
-    else begin
-      match symbols with
-      | [] ->
-          ()
-      | symbol :: symbols ->
-          print_symbol symbol;
-          print space;
-          print_symbols (i - 1) symbols
-    end
-  (* Printing an element as a symbol. *)
-  let print_element_as_symbol element =
-    match element with
-    | Element (s, _, _, _) ->
-        print_symbol (X (incoming_symbol s))
-  (* Some of the functions that follow need an element printer. They use
-     [print_element] if provided by the user; otherwise they use
-     [print_element_as_symbol]. *)
-  let print_element =
-    match print_element with
-    | Some print_element ->
-        print_element
-    | None ->
-        print_element_as_symbol
-  (* Printing a stack as a list of symbols. Stack bottom on the left,
-     stack top on the right. *)
-  let rec print_stack env =
-    match top env, pop env with
-    | Some element, Some env ->
-        print_stack env;
-        print space;
-        print_element element
-    | _, _ ->
-        ()
-  let print_stack env =
-    print_stack env;
-    print newline
-  (* Printing an item. *)
-  let print_item (prod, i) =
-    print_symbol (lhs prod);
-    print arrow;
-    print_symbols i (rhs prod);
-    print newline
-  (* Printing a list of symbols (public version). *)
-  let print_symbols symbols =
-    print_symbols (-1) symbols
-  (* Printing a production (without a dot). *)
-  let print_production prod =
-    print_item (prod, -1)
-  (* Printing the current LR(1) state. *)
-  let print_current_state env =
-    print "Current LR(1) state: ";
-    match top env with
-    | None ->
-        print "<some initial state>"; (* TEMPORARY unsatisfactory *)
-        print newline
-    | Some (Element (current, _, _, _)) ->
-        print (string_of_int (number current));
-        print newline;
-        List.iter print_item (items current)
-  let print_env env =
-    print_stack env;
-    print_current_state env;
-    print newline
-module InfiniteArray = struct
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(** This module implements infinite arrays, that is, arrays that grow
-    transparently upon demand. *)
-type 'a t = {
-    default: 'a;
-    mutable table: 'a array;
-    mutable extent: int; (* the index of the greatest [set] ever, plus one *)
-  }
-let default_size =
-  16384 (* must be non-zero *)
-let make x = {
-  default = x;
-  table = Array.make default_size x;
-  extent = 0;
-let rec new_length length i =
-  if i < length then
-    length
-  else
-    new_length (2 * length) i
-let ensure a i =
-  assert (0 <= i);
-  let table = a.table in
-  let length = Array.length table in
-  if i >= length then begin
-    let table' = Array.make (new_length (2 * length) i) a.default in
-    Array.blit table 0 table' 0 length;
-    a.table <- table'
-  end
-let get a i =
-  ensure a i;
-  Array.unsafe_get a.table (i)
-let set a i x =
-  ensure a i;
-  Array.unsafe_set a.table (i) x;
-  if a.extent <= i then
-    a.extent <- i + 1
-let extent a =
-  a.extent
-let domain a =
-  Array.sub a.table 0 a.extent
-module PackedIntArray = struct
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* A packed integer array is represented as a pair of an integer [k] and
-   a string [s]. The integer [k] is the number of bits per integer that we
-   use. The string [s] is just an array of bits, which is read in 8-bit
-   chunks. *)
-(* The ocaml programming language treats string literals and array literals
-   in slightly different ways: the former are statically allocated, while
-   the latter are dynamically allocated. (This is rather arbitrary.) In the
-   context of Menhir's table-based back-end, where compact, immutable
-   integer arrays are needed, ocaml strings are preferable to ocaml arrays. *)
-type t =
-  int * string
-(* The magnitude [k] of an integer [v] is the number of bits required
-   to represent [v]. It is rounded up to the nearest power of two, so
-   that [k] divides [Sys.word_size]. *)
-let magnitude (v : int) =
-  if v < 0 then
-    Sys.word_size
-  else
-    let rec check k max = (* [max] equals [2^k] *)
-      if (max <= 0) || (v < max) then
-        k
-          (* if [max] just overflew, then [v] requires a full ocaml
-             integer, and [k] is the number of bits in an ocaml integer
-             plus one, that is, [Sys.word_size]. *)
-      else
-        check (2 * k) (max * max)
-    in
-    check 1 2
-(* [pack a] turns an array of integers into a packed integer array. *)
-(* Because the sign bit is the most significant bit, the magnitude of
-   any negative number is the word size. In other words, [pack] does
-   not achieve any space savings as soon as [a] contains any negative
-   numbers, even if they are ``small''. *)
-let pack (a : int array) : t =
-  let m = Array.length a in
-  (* Compute the maximum magnitude of the array elements. This tells
-     us how many bits per element we are going to use. *)
-  let k =
-    Array.fold_left (fun k v ->
-      max k (magnitude v)
-    ) 1 a
-  in
-  (* Because access to ocaml strings is performed on an 8-bit basis,
-     two cases arise. If [k] is less than 8, then we can pack multiple
-     array entries into a single character. If [k] is greater than 8,
-     then we must use multiple characters to represent a single array
-     entry. *)
-  if k <= 8 then begin
-    (* [w] is the number of array entries that we pack in a character. *)
-    assert (8 mod k = 0);
-    let w = 8 / k in
-    (* [n] is the length of the string that we allocate. *)
-    let n =
-      if m mod w = 0 then
-        m / w
-      else
-        m / w + 1
-    in
-    let s =
-      Bytes.create n
-    in
-    (* Define a reader for the source array. The reader might run off
-       the end if [w] does not divide [m]. *)
-    let i = ref 0 in
-    let next () =
-      let ii = !i in
-      if ii = m then
-        0 (* ran off the end, pad with zeroes *)
-      else
-        let v = a.(ii) in
-        i := ii + 1;
-        v
-    in
-    (* Fill up the string. *)
-    for j = 0 to n - 1 do
-      let c = ref 0 in
-      for _x = 1 to w do
-        c := (!c lsl k) lor next()
-      done;
-      Bytes.set s j (Char.chr !c)
-    done;
-    (* Done. *)
-    k, Bytes.unsafe_to_string s
-  end
-  else begin (* k > 8 *)
-    (* [w] is the number of characters that we use to encode an array entry. *)
-    assert (k mod 8 = 0);
-    let w = k / 8 in
-    (* [n] is the length of the string that we allocate. *)
-    let n =
-      m * w
-    in
-    let s =
-      Bytes.create n
-    in
-    (* Fill up the string. *)
-    for i = 0 to m - 1 do
-      let v = ref a.(i) in
-      for x = 1 to w do
-        Bytes.set s ((i + 1) * w - x) (Char.chr (!v land 255));
-        v := !v lsr 8
-      done
-    done;
-    (* Done. *)
-    k, Bytes.unsafe_to_string s
-  end
-(* Access to a string. *)
-let read (s : string) (i : int) : int =
-  Char.code (String.unsafe_get s i)
-(* [get1 t i] returns the integer stored in the packed array [t] at index [i].
-   It assumes (and does not check) that the array's bit width is [1]. The
-   parameter [t] is just a string. *)
-let get1 (s : string) (i : int) : int =
-  let c = read s (i lsr 3) in
-  let c = c lsr ((lnot i) land 0b111) in
-  let c = c land 0b1 in
-  c
-(* [get t i] returns the integer stored in the packed array [t] at index [i]. *)
-(* Together, [pack] and [get] satisfy the following property: if the index [i]
-   is within bounds, then [get (pack a) i] equals [a.(i)]. *)
-let get ((k, s) : t) (i : int) : int =
-  match k with
-  | 1 ->
-      get1 s i
-  | 2 ->
-      let c = read s (i lsr 2) in
-      let c = c lsr (2 * ((lnot i) land 0b11)) in
-      let c = c land 0b11 in
-      c
-  | 4 ->
-      let c = read s (i lsr 1) in
-      let c = c lsr (4 * ((lnot i) land 0b1)) in
-      let c = c land 0b1111 in
-      c
-  | 8 ->
-      read s i
-  | 16 ->
-      let j = 2 * i in
-      (read s j) lsl 8 + read s (j + 1)
-  | _ ->
-      assert (k = 32); (* 64 bits unlikely, not supported *)
-      let j = 4 * i in
-      (((read s j lsl 8) + read s (j + 1)) lsl 8 + read s (j + 2)) lsl 8 + read s (j + 3)
-(* [unflatten1 (n, data) i j] accesses the two-dimensional bitmap
-   represented by [(n, data)] at indices [i] and [j]. The integer
-   [n] is the width of the bitmap; the string [data] is the second
-   component of the packed array obtained by encoding the table as
-   a one-dimensional array. *)
-let unflatten1 (n, data) i j =
-   get1 data (n * i + j)
-module RowDisplacement = struct
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* This module compresses a two-dimensional table, where some values
-   are considered insignificant, via row displacement. *)
-(* This idea reportedly appears in Aho and Ullman's ``Principles
-   of Compiler Design'' (1977). It is evaluated in Tarjan and Yao's
-   ``Storing a Sparse Table'' (1979) and in Dencker, Dürre, and Heuft's
-   ``Optimization of Parser Tables for Portable Compilers'' (1984). *)
-(* A compressed table is represented as a pair of arrays. The
-   displacement array is an array of offsets into the data array. *)
-type 'a table =
-    int array * (* displacement *)
-     'a array   (* data *)
-(* In a natural version of this algorithm, displacements would be greater
-   than (or equal to) [-n]. However, in the particular setting of Menhir,
-   both arrays are intended to be compressed with [PackedIntArray], which
-   does not efficiently support negative numbers. For this reason, we are
-   careful not to produce negative displacements. *)
-(* In order to avoid producing negative displacements, we simply use the
-   least significant bit as the sign bit. This is implemented by [encode]
-   and [decode] below. *)
-(* One could also think, say, of adding [n] to every displacement, so as
-   to ensure that all displacements are nonnegative. This would work, but
-   would require [n] to be published, for use by the decoder. *)
-let encode (displacement : int) : int =
-  if displacement >= 0 then
-    displacement lsl 1
-  else
-    (-displacement) lsl 1 + 1
-let decode (displacement : int) : int =
-  if displacement land 1 = 0 then
-    displacement lsr 1
-  else
-    -(displacement lsr 1)
-(* It is reasonable to assume that, as matrices grow large, their
-   density becomes low, i.e., they have many insignificant entries.
-   As a result, it is important to work with a sparse data structure
-   for rows. We internally represent a row as a list of its
-   significant entries, where each entry is a pair of a [j] index and
-   an element. *)
-type 'a row =
-    (int * 'a) list
-(* [compress equal insignificant dummy m n t] turns the two-dimensional table
-   [t] into a compressed table. The parameter [equal] is equality of data
-   values. The parameter [wildcard] tells which data values are insignificant,
-   and can thus be overwritten with other values. The parameter [dummy] is
-   used to fill holes in the data array. [m] and [n] are the integer
-   dimensions of the table [t]. *)
-let compress
-    (equal : 'a -> 'a -> bool)
-    (insignificant : 'a -> bool)
-    (dummy : 'a)
-    (m : int) (n : int)
-    (t : 'a array array)
-    : 'a table =
-  (* Be defensive. *)
-  assert (Array.length t = m);
-  assert begin
-    for i = 0 to m - 1 do
-      assert (Array.length t.(i) = n)
-    done;
-    true
-  end;
-  (* This turns a row-as-array into a row-as-sparse-list. The row is
-     accompanied by its index [i] and by its rank (the number of its
-     significant entries, that is, the length of the row-as-a-list. *)
-  let sparse (i : int) (line : 'a array) : int * int * 'a row (* index, rank, row *) =
-    let rec loop (j : int) (rank : int) (row : 'a row) =
-      if j < 0 then
-        i, rank, row
-      else
-        let x = line.(j) in
-        if insignificant x then
-          loop (j - 1) rank row
-        else
-          loop (j - 1) (1 + rank) ((j, x) :: row)
-    in
-    loop (n - 1) 0 []
-  in
-  (* Construct an array of all rows, together with their index and rank. *)
-  let rows : (int * int * 'a row) array = (* index, rank, row *)
-    Array.mapi sparse t
-  in
-  (* Sort this array by decreasing rank. This does not have any impact
-     on correctness, but reportedly improves compression. The
-     intuitive idea is that rows with few significant elements are
-     easy to fit, so they should be inserted last, after the problem
-     has become quite constrained by fitting the heavier rows. This
-     heuristic is attributed to Ziegler. *)
-  Array.fast_sort (fun (_, rank1, _) (_, rank2, _) ->
-    compare rank2 rank1
-  ) rows;
-  (* Allocate a one-dimensional array of displacements. *)
-  let displacement : int array =
-    Array.make m 0
-  in
-  (* Allocate a one-dimensional, infinite array of values. Indices
-     into this array are written [k]. *)
-  let data : 'a InfiniteArray.t =
-    InfiniteArray.make dummy
-  in
-  (* Determine whether [row] fits at offset [k] within the current [data]
-     array, up to extension of this array. *)
-  (* Note that this check always succeeds when [k] equals the length of
-     the [data] array. Indeed, the loop is then skipped. This property
-     guarantees the termination of the recursive function [fit] below. *)
-  let fits k (row : 'a row) : bool =
-    let d = InfiniteArray.extent data in
-    let rec loop = function
-      | [] ->
-          true
-      | (j, x) :: row ->
-          (* [x] is a significant element. *)
-          (* By hypothesis, [k + j] is nonnegative. If it is greater than or
-             equal to the current length of the data array, stop -- the row
-             fits. *)
-          assert (k + j >= 0);
-          if k + j >= d then
-            true
-          (* We now know that [k + j] is within bounds of the data
-             array. Check whether it is compatible with the element [y] found
-             there. If it is, continue. If it isn't, stop -- the row does not
-             fit. *)
-          else
-            let y = InfiniteArray.get data (k + j) in
-            if insignificant y || equal x y then
-              loop row
-            else
-              false
-    in
-    loop row
-  in
-  (* Find the leftmost position where a row fits. *)
-  (* If the leftmost significant element in this row is at offset [j],
-     then we can hope to fit as far left as [-j] -- so this element
-     lands at offset [0] in the data array. *)
-  (* Note that displacements may be negative. This means that, for
-     insignificant elements, accesses to the data array could fail: they could
-     be out of bounds, either towards the left or towards the right. This is
-     not a problem, as long as [get] is invoked only at significant
-     elements. *)
-  let rec fit k row : int =
-    if fits k row then
-      k
-    else
-      fit (k + 1) row
-  in
-  let fit row =
-    match row with
-    | [] ->
-        0 (* irrelevant *)
-    | (j, _) :: _ ->
-        fit (-j) row
-  in
-  (* Write [row] at (compatible) offset [k]. *)
-  let rec write k = function
-    | [] ->
-        ()
-    | (j, x) :: row ->
-        InfiniteArray.set data (k + j) x;
-        write k row
-  in
-  (* Iterate over the sorted array of rows. Fit and write each row at
-     the leftmost compatible offset. Update the displacement table. *)
-  Array.iter (fun (i, _, row) ->
-    let k = fit row in (* if [row] has leading insignificant elements, then [k] can be negative *)
-    write k row;
-    displacement.(i) <- encode k
-  ) rows;
-  (* Return the compressed tables. *)
-  displacement, InfiniteArray.domain data
-(* [get ct i j] returns the value found at indices [i] and [j] in the
-   compressed table [ct]. This function call is permitted only if the
-   value found at indices [i] and [j] in the original table is
-   significant -- otherwise, it could fail abruptly. *)
-(* Together, [compress] and [get] have the property that, if the value
-   found at indices [i] and [j] in an uncompressed table [t] is
-   significant, then [get (compress t) i j] is equal to that value. *)
-let get (displacement, data) i j =
-  assert (0 <= i && i < Array.length displacement);
-  let k = decode displacement.(i) in
-  assert (0 <= k + j && k + j < Array.length data);
-    (* failure of this assertion indicates an attempt to access an
-       insignificant element that happens to be mapped out of the bounds
-       of the [data] array. *)
-  data.(k + j)
-(* [getget] is a variant of [get] which only requires read access,
-   via accessors, to the two components of the table. *)
-let getget get_displacement get_data (displacement, data) i j =
-  let k = decode (get_displacement displacement i) in
-  get_data data (k + j)
-module LinearizedArray = struct
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* The [entry] array contains offsets into the [data] array. It has [n+1]
-   elements if the original (unencoded) array has [n] elements. The value
-   of [entry.(n)] is the length of the [data] array. This convention is
-   natural and allows avoiding a special case. *)
-type 'a t =
-  (* data: *)   'a array *
-  (* entry: *) int array
-let make (a : 'a array array) : 'a t =
-  let n = Array.length a in
-  (* Build the entry array. *)
-  let size = ref 0 in
-  let entry = Array.init (n + 1) (fun i ->
-    let s = !size in
-    if i < n then
-      size := s + Array.length a.(i);
-    s
-  ) in
-  assert (entry.(n) = !size);
-  (* Build the data array. *)
-  let i = ref 0
-  and j = ref 0 in
-  let data = Array.init !size (fun _ ->
-    while !j = Array.length a.(!i) do
-      i := !i + 1;
-      j := 0;
-    done;
-    let x = a.(!i).(!j) in
-    j := !j + 1;
-    x
-  ) in
-  data, entry
-let length ((_, entry) : 'a t) : int =
-  Array.length entry
-let row_length ((_, entry) : 'a t) i : int =
-  entry.(i + 1) - entry.(i)
-let row_length_via get_entry i =
-  get_entry (i + 1) - get_entry i
-let read ((data, entry) as la : 'a t) i j : 'a =
-  assert (0 <= j && j < row_length la i);
-  data.(entry.(i) + j)
-let read_via get_data get_entry i j =
-  assert (0 <= j && j < row_length_via get_entry i);
-  get_data (get_entry i + j)
-let write ((data, entry) as la : 'a t) i j (v : 'a) : unit =
-  assert (0 <= j && j < row_length la i);
-  data.(entry.(i) + j) <- v
-let rec read_interval_via get_data i j =
-  if i = j then
-    []
-  else
-    get_data i :: read_interval_via get_data (i + 1) j
-let read_row_via get_data get_entry i =
-  read_interval_via get_data (get_entry i) (get_entry (i + 1))
-let read_row ((data, entry) : 'a t) i : 'a list =
-  read_row_via (Array.get data) (Array.get entry) i
-module TableFormat = struct
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* This signature defines the format of the parse tables. It is used as
-   an argument to [TableInterpreter.Make]. *)
-module type TABLES = sig
-  (* This is the parser's type of tokens. *)
-  type token
-  (* This maps a token to its internal (generation-time) integer code. *)
-  val token2terminal: token -> int
-  (* This is the integer code for the error pseudo-token. *)
-  val error_terminal: int
-  (* This maps a token to its semantic value. *)
-  val token2value: token -> Obj.t
-  (* Traditionally, an LR automaton is described by two tables, namely, an
-     action table and a goto table. See, for instance, the Dragon book.
-     The action table is a two-dimensional matrix that maps a state and a
-     lookahead token to an action. An action is one of: shift to a certain
-     state, reduce a certain production, accept, or fail.
-     The goto table is a two-dimensional matrix that maps a state and a
-     non-terminal symbol to either a state or undefined. By construction, this
-     table is sparse: its undefined entries are never looked up. A compression
-     technique is free to overlap them with other entries.
-     In Menhir, things are slightly different. If a state has a default
-     reduction on token [#], then that reduction must be performed without
-     consulting the lookahead token. As a result, we must first determine
-     whether that is the case, before we can obtain a lookahead token and use it
-     as an index in the action table.
-     Thus, Menhir's tables are as follows.
-     A one-dimensional default reduction table maps a state to either ``no
-     default reduction'' (encoded as: 0) or ``by default, reduce prod''
-     (encoded as: 1 + prod). The action table is looked up only when there
-     is no default reduction. *)
-  val default_reduction: PackedIntArray.t
-  (* Menhir follows Dencker, Dürre and Heuft, who point out that, although the
-     action table is not sparse by nature (i.e., the error entries are
-     significant), it can be made sparse by first factoring out a binary error
-     matrix, then replacing the error entries in the action table with undefined
-     entries. Thus:
-     A two-dimensional error bitmap maps a state and a terminal to either
-     ``fail'' (encoded as: 0) or ``do not fail'' (encoded as: 1). The action
-     table, which is now sparse, is looked up only in the latter case. *)
-  (* The error bitmap is flattened into a one-dimensional table; its width is
-     recorded so as to allow indexing. The table is then compressed via
-     [PackedIntArray]. The bit width of the resulting packed array must be
-     [1], so it is not explicitly recorded. *)
-  (* The error bitmap does not contain a column for the [#] pseudo-terminal.
-     Thus, its width is [Terminal.n - 1]. We exploit the fact that the integer
-     code assigned to [#] is greatest: the fact that the right-most column
-     in the bitmap is missing does not affect the code for accessing it. *)
-  val error: int (* width of the bitmap *) * string (* second component of [PackedIntArray.t] *)
-  (* A two-dimensional action table maps a state and a terminal to one of
-     ``shift to state s and discard the current token'' (encoded as: s | 10),
-     ``shift to state s without discarding the current token'' (encoded as: s |
-     11), or ``reduce prod'' (encoded as: prod | 01). *)
-  (* The action table is first compressed via [RowDisplacement], then packed
-     via [PackedIntArray]. *)
-  (* Like the error bitmap, the action table does not contain a column for the
-     [#] pseudo-terminal. *)
-  val action: PackedIntArray.t * PackedIntArray.t
-  (* A one-dimensional lhs table maps a production to its left-hand side (a
-     non-terminal symbol). *)
-  val lhs: PackedIntArray.t
-  (* A two-dimensional goto table maps a state and a non-terminal symbol to
-     either undefined (encoded as: 0) or a new state s (encoded as: 1 + s). *)
-  (* The goto table is first compressed via [RowDisplacement], then packed
-     via [PackedIntArray]. *)
-  val goto: PackedIntArray.t * PackedIntArray.t
-  (* The number of start productions. A production [prod] is a start
-     production if and only if [prod < start] holds. This is also the
-     number of start symbols. A nonterminal symbol [nt] is a start
-     symbol if and only if [nt < start] holds. *)
-  val start: int
-  (* A one-dimensional semantic action table maps productions to semantic
-     actions. The calling convention for semantic actions is described in
-     [EngineTypes]. This table contains ONLY NON-START PRODUCTIONS, so the
-     indexing is off by [start]. Be careful. *)
-  val semantic_action: ((int, Obj.t, token) EngineTypes.env ->
-                        (int, Obj.t)        EngineTypes.stack) array
-  (* The parser defines its own [Error] exception. This exception can be
-     raised by semantic actions and caught by the engine, and raised by the
-     engine towards the final user. *)
-  exception Error
-  (* The parser indicates whether to generate a trace. Generating a
-     trace requires two extra tables, which respectively map a
-     terminal symbol and a production to a string. *)
-  val trace: (string array * string array) option
-module InspectionTableFormat = struct
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* This signature defines the format of the tables that are produced (in
-   addition to the tables described in [TableFormat]) when the command line
-   switch [--inspection] is enabled. It is used as an argument to
-   [InspectionTableInterpreter.Make]. *)
-module type TABLES = sig
-  (* The types of symbols. *)
-  include IncrementalEngine.SYMBOLS
-  (* The type ['a lr1state] describes an LR(1) state. The generated parser defines
-     it internally as [int]. *)
-  type 'a lr1state
-  (* Some of the tables that follow use encodings of (terminal and
-     nonterminal) symbols as integers. So, we need functions that
-     map the integer encoding of a symbol to its algebraic encoding. *)
-  val    terminal: int -> xsymbol
-  val nonterminal: int -> xsymbol
-  (* The left-hand side of every production already appears in the
-     signature [TableFormat.TABLES], so we need not repeat it here. *)
-  (* The right-hand side of every production. This a linearized array
-     of arrays of integers, whose [data] and [entry] components have
-     been packed. The encoding of symbols as integers in described in
-     [TableBackend]. *)
-  val rhs: PackedIntArray.t * PackedIntArray.t
-  (* A mapping of every (non-initial) state to its LR(0) core. *)
-  val lr0_core: PackedIntArray.t
-  (* A mapping of every LR(0) state to its set of LR(0) items. Each item is
-     represented in its packed form (see [Item]) as an integer. Thus the
-     mapping is an array of arrays of integers, which is linearized and
-     packed, like [rhs]. *)
-  val lr0_items: PackedIntArray.t * PackedIntArray.t
-  (* A mapping of every LR(0) state to its incoming symbol, if it has one. *)
-  val lr0_incoming: PackedIntArray.t
-  (* A table that tells which non-terminal symbols are nullable. *)
-  val nullable: string
-    (* This is a packed int array of bit width 1. It can be read
-       using [PackedIntArray.get1]. *)
-  (* A two-table dimensional table, indexed by a nonterminal symbol and
-     by a terminal symbol (other than [#]), encodes the FIRST sets. *)
-  val first: int (* width of the bitmap *) * string (* second component of [PackedIntArray.t] *)
-module InspectionTableInterpreter = struct
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* The type functor. *)
-module Symbols (T : sig
-  type 'a terminal
-  type 'a nonterminal
-end) = struct
-  open T
-  (* This should be the only place in the whole library (and generator!)
-     where these types are defined. *)
-  type 'a symbol =
-    | T : 'a terminal -> 'a symbol
-    | N : 'a nonterminal -> 'a symbol
-  type xsymbol =
-    | X : 'a symbol -> xsymbol
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* The code functor. *)
-module Make
-  (TT : TableFormat.TABLES)
-  (IT : InspectionTableFormat.TABLES
-        with type 'a lr1state = int)
-  (ET : EngineTypes.TABLE
-        with type terminal = int
-         and type nonterminal = int
-         and type semantic_value = Obj.t)
-  (E : sig
-     type 'a env = (ET.state, ET.semantic_value, ET.token) EngineTypes.env
-   end)
-= struct
-  (* Including [IT] is an easy way of inheriting the definitions of the types
-     [symbol] and [xsymbol]. *)
-  include IT
-  (* This auxiliary function decodes a packed linearized array, as created by
-     [TableBackend.linearize_and_marshal1]. Here, we read a row all at once. *)
-  let read_packed_linearized
-    (data, entry : PackedIntArray.t * PackedIntArray.t) (i : int) : int list
-  =
-    LinearizedArray.read_row_via
-      (PackedIntArray.get data)
-      (PackedIntArray.get entry)
-      i
-  (* This auxiliary function decodes a symbol. The encoding was done by
-     [encode_symbol] or [encode_symbol_option] in the table back-end. *)
-  let decode_symbol (symbol : int) : IT.xsymbol =
-    (* If [symbol] is 0, then we have no symbol. This could mean e.g.
-       that the function [incoming_symbol] has been applied to an
-       initial state. In principle, this cannot happen. *)
-    assert (symbol > 0);
-    (* The low-order bit distinguishes terminal and nonterminal symbols. *)
-    let kind = symbol land 1 in
-    let symbol = symbol lsr 1 in
-    if kind = 0 then
-      IT.terminal (symbol - 1)
-    else
-      IT.nonterminal symbol
-  (* These auxiliary functions convert a symbol to its integer code. For speed
-     and for convenience, we use an unsafe type cast. This relies on the fact
-     that the data constructors of the [terminal] and [nonterminal] GADTs are
-     declared in an order that reflects their internal code. In the case of
-     nonterminal symbols, we add [start] to account for the presence of the
-     start symbols. *)
-  let n2i (nt : 'a IT.nonterminal) : int =
-    let answer = TT.start + Obj.magic nt in
-    (* For safety, check that the above cast produced a correct result. *)
-    assert (IT.nonterminal answer = X (N nt));
-    answer
-  let t2i (t : 'a IT.terminal) : int =
-    let answer = Obj.magic t in
-    (* For safety, check that the above cast produced a correct result. *)
-    assert (IT.terminal answer = X (T t));
-    answer
-  (* Ordering functions. *)
-  let compare_terminals t1 t2 =
-    (* Subtraction is safe because overflow is impossible. *)
-    t2i t1 - t2i t2
-  let compare_nonterminals nt1 nt2 =
-    (* Subtraction is safe because overflow is impossible. *)
-    n2i nt1 - n2i nt2
-  let compare_symbols symbol1 symbol2 =
-    match symbol1, symbol2 with
-    | X (T _), X (N _) ->
-        -1
-    | X (N _), X (T _) ->
-        1
-    | X (T t1), X (T t2) ->
-        compare_terminals t1 t2
-    | X (N nt1), X (N nt2) ->
-        compare_nonterminals nt1 nt2
-  let compare_productions prod1 prod2 =
-    (* Subtraction is safe because overflow is impossible. *)
-    prod1 - prod2
-  let compare_items (prod1, index1) (prod2, index2) =
-    let c = compare_productions prod1 prod2 in
-    (* Subtraction is safe because overflow is impossible. *)
-    if c <> 0 then c else index1 - index2
-  (* The function [incoming_symbol] goes through the tables [IT.lr0_core] and
-     [IT.lr0_incoming]. This yields a representation of type [xsymbol], out of
-     which we strip the [X] quantifier, so as to get a naked symbol. This last
-     step is ill-typed and potentially dangerous. It is safe only because this
-     function is used at type ['a lr1state -> 'a symbol], which forces an
-     appropriate choice of ['a]. *)
-  let incoming_symbol (s : 'a IT.lr1state) : 'a IT.symbol =
-    let core = PackedIntArray.get IT.lr0_core s in
-    let symbol = decode_symbol (PackedIntArray.get IT.lr0_incoming core) in
-    match symbol with
-    | IT.X symbol ->
-        Obj.magic symbol
-  (* The function [lhs] reads the table [TT.lhs] and uses [IT.nonterminal]
-     to decode the symbol. *)
-  let lhs prod =
-    IT.nonterminal (PackedIntArray.get TT.lhs prod)
-  (* The function [rhs] reads the table [IT.rhs] and uses [decode_symbol]
-     to decode the symbol. *)
-  let rhs prod =
- decode_symbol (read_packed_linearized IT.rhs prod)
-  (* The function [items] maps the LR(1) state [s] to its LR(0) core,
-     then uses [core] as an index into the table [IT.lr0_items]. The
-     items are then decoded by the function [export] below, which is
-     essentially a copy of [Item.export]. *)
-  type item =
-      int * int
-  let export t : item =
-    (t lsr 7, t mod 128)
-  let items s =
-    (* Map [s] to its LR(0) core. *)
-    let core = PackedIntArray.get IT.lr0_core s in
-    (* Now use [core] to look up the table [IT.lr0_items]. *)
- export (read_packed_linearized IT.lr0_items core)
-  (* The function [nullable] maps the nonterminal symbol [nt] to its
-     integer code, which it uses to look up the array [IT.nullable].
-     This yields 0 or 1, which we map back to a Boolean result. *)
-  let decode_bool i =
-    assert (i = 0 || i = 1);
-    i = 1
-  let nullable nt =
-    decode_bool (PackedIntArray.get1 IT.nullable (n2i nt))
-  (* The function [first] maps the symbols [nt] and [t] to their integer
-     codes, which it uses to look up the matrix [IT.first]. *)
-  let first nt t =
-    decode_bool (PackedIntArray.unflatten1 IT.first (n2i nt) (t2i t))
-  let xfirst symbol t =
-    match symbol with
-    | X (T t') ->
-        compare_terminals t t' = 0
-    | X (N nt) ->
-        first nt t
-  (* The function [foreach_terminal] exploits the fact that the
-     first component of [TT.error] is [Terminal.n - 1], i.e., the
-     number of terminal symbols, including [error] but not [#]. *)
-  let rec foldij i j f accu =
-    if i = j then
-      accu
-    else
-      foldij (i + 1) j f (f i accu)
-  let foreach_terminal f accu =
-    let n, _ = TT.error in
-    foldij 0 n (fun i accu ->
-      f (IT.terminal i) accu
-    ) accu
-  let foreach_terminal_but_error f accu =
-    let n, _ = TT.error in
-    foldij 0 n (fun i accu ->
-      if i = TT.error_terminal then
-        accu
-      else
-        f (IT.terminal i) accu
-    ) accu
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* The following is the implementation of the function [feed]. This function
-     is logically part of the LR engine, so it would be nice if it were placed
-     in the module [Engine], but it must be placed here because, to ensure
-     type safety, its arguments must be a symbol of type ['a symbol] and a
-     semantic value of type ['a]. The type ['a symbol] is not available in
-     [Engine]. It is available here. *)
-  open EngineTypes
-  open ET
-  open E
-  (* [feed] fails if the current state does not have an outgoing transition
-     labeled with the desired symbol. This check is carried out at runtime. *)
-  let feed_failure () =
-    invalid_arg "feed: outgoing transition does not exist"
-  (* Feeding a nonterminal symbol [nt]. Here, [nt] has type [nonterminal],
-     which is a synonym for [int], and [semv] has type [semantic_value],
-     which is a synonym for [Obj.t]. This type is unsafe, because pushing
-     a semantic value of arbitrary type into the stack can later cause a
-     semantic action to crash and burn. The function [feed] is given a safe
-     type below. *)
-  let feed_nonterminal
-        (nt : nonterminal) startp (semv : semantic_value) endp (env : 'b env)
-      : 'b env
-  =
-    (* Check if the source state has an outgoing transition labeled [nt].
-       This is done by consulting the [goto] table. *)
-    let source = env.current in
-    match ET.maybe_goto_nt source nt with
-    | None ->
-        feed_failure()
-    | Some target ->
-        (* Push a new cell onto the stack, containing the identity of the state
-           that we are leaving. The semantic value [semv] and positions [startp]
-           and [endp] contained in the new cell are provided by the caller. *)
-        let stack = { state = source; semv; startp; endp; next = env.stack } in
-        (* Move to the target state. *)
-        { env with stack; current = target }
-  let reduce   _env _prod = feed_failure()
-  let initiate _env       = feed_failure()
-  let feed_terminal
-        (terminal : terminal) startp (semv : semantic_value) endp (env : 'b env)
-      : 'b env
-  =
-    (* Check if the source state has an outgoing transition labeled [terminal].
-       This is done by consulting the [action] table. *)
-    let source = env.current in
-    ET.action source terminal semv
-      (fun env _please_discard _terminal semv target ->
-        (* There is indeed a transition toward the state [target].
-           Push a new cell onto the stack and move to the target state. *)
-        let stack = { state = source; semv; startp; endp; next = env.stack } in
-        { env with stack; current = target }
-      ) reduce initiate env
-  (* The type assigned to [feed] ensures that the type of the semantic value
-     [semv] is appropriate: it must be the semantic-value type of the symbol
-     [symbol]. *)
-  let feed (symbol : 'a symbol) startp (semv : 'a) endp env =
-    let semv : semantic_value = Obj.repr semv in
-    match symbol with
-    | N nt ->
-        feed_nonterminal (n2i nt) startp semv endp env
-    | T terminal ->
-        feed_terminal (t2i terminal) startp semv endp env
-module TableInterpreter = struct
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                                   Menhir                                   *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*                       François Pottier, Inria Paris                        *)
-(*              Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot              *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-(*  Copyright Inria. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the  *)
-(*  terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, with a         *)
-(*  special exception on linking, as described in the file LICENSE.           *)
-(*                                                                            *)
-module MakeEngineTable (T : TableFormat.TABLES) = struct
-  type state =
-      int
-  let number s = s
-  type token =
-      T.token
-  type terminal =
-      int
-  type nonterminal =
-      int
-  type semantic_value =
-      Obj.t
-  let token2terminal =
-    T.token2terminal
-  let token2value =
-    T.token2value
-  let error_terminal =
-    T.error_terminal
-  let error_value =
-    Obj.repr ()
-  (* The function [foreach_terminal] exploits the fact that the
-     first component of [T.error] is [Terminal.n - 1], i.e., the
-     number of terminal symbols, including [error] but not [#]. *)
-  (* There is similar code in [InspectionTableInterpreter]. The
-     code there contains an additional conversion of the type
-     [terminal] to the type [xsymbol]. *)
-  let rec foldij i j f accu =
-    if i = j then
-      accu
-    else
-      foldij (i + 1) j f (f i accu)
-  let foreach_terminal f accu =
-    let n, _ = T.error in
-    foldij 0 n (fun i accu ->
-      f i accu
-    ) accu
-  type production =
-      int
-  (* In principle, only non-start productions are exposed to the user,
-     at type [production] or at type [int]. This is checked dynamically. *)
-  let non_start_production i =
-    assert (T.start <= i && i - T.start < Array.length T.semantic_action)
-  let production_index i =
-    non_start_production i;
-    i
-  let find_production i =
-    non_start_production i;
-    i
-  let default_reduction state defred nodefred env =
-    let code = PackedIntArray.get T.default_reduction state in
-    if code = 0 then
-      nodefred env
-    else
-      defred env (code - 1)
-  let is_start prod =
-    prod < T.start
-  (* This auxiliary function helps access a compressed, two-dimensional
-     matrix, like the action and goto tables. *)
-  let unmarshal2 table i j =
-    RowDisplacement.getget
-      PackedIntArray.get
-      PackedIntArray.get
-      table
-      i j
-  let action state terminal value shift reduce fail env =
-    match PackedIntArray.unflatten1 T.error state terminal with
-    | 1 ->
-        let action = unmarshal2 T.action state terminal in
-        let opcode = action land 0b11
-        and param = action lsr 2 in
-        if opcode >= 0b10 then
-          (* 0b10 : shift/discard *)
-          (* 0b11 : shift/nodiscard *)
-          let please_discard = (opcode = 0b10) in
-          shift env please_discard terminal value param
-        else
-          (* 0b01 : reduce *)
-          (* 0b00 : cannot happen *)
-          reduce env param
-    | c ->
-        assert (c = 0);
-        fail env
-  let goto_nt state nt =
-    let code = unmarshal2 T.goto state nt in
-    (* code = 1 + state *)
-    code - 1
-  let goto_prod state prod =
-    goto_nt state (PackedIntArray.get T.lhs prod)
-  let maybe_goto_nt state nt =
-    let code = unmarshal2 T.goto state nt in
-    (* If [code] is 0, there is no outgoing transition.
-       If [code] is [1 + state], there is a transition towards [state]. *)
-    assert (0 <= code);
-    if code = 0 then None else Some (code - 1)
-  exception Error =
-        T.Error
-  type semantic_action =
-      (state, semantic_value, token) EngineTypes.env ->
-      (state, semantic_value)        EngineTypes.stack
-  let semantic_action prod =
-    (* Indexing into the array [T.semantic_action] is off by [T.start],
-       because the start productions do not have entries in this array. *)
-    T.semantic_action.(prod - T.start)
-  (* [may_reduce state prod] tests whether the state [state] is capable of
-     reducing the production [prod]. This information could be determined
-     in constant time if we were willing to create a bitmap for it, but
-     that would take up a lot of space. Instead, we obtain this information
-     by iterating over a line in the action table. This is costly, but this
-     function is not normally used by the LR engine anyway; it is supposed
-     to be used only by programmers who wish to develop error recovery
-     strategies. *)
-  (* In the future, if desired, we could memoize this function, so as
-     to pay the cost in (memory) space only if and where this function
-     is actually used. We could also replace [foreach_terminal] with a
-     function [exists_terminal] which stops as soon as the accumulator
-     is [true]. *)
-  let may_reduce state prod =
-    (* Test if there is a default reduction of [prod]. *)
-    default_reduction state
-      (fun () prod' -> prod = prod')
-      (fun () ->
-        (* If not, then for each terminal [t], ... *)
-        foreach_terminal (fun t accu ->
-          accu ||
-          (* ... test if there is a reduction of [prod] on [t]. *)
-          action state t ()
-            (* shift:  *) (fun () _ _ () _ -> false)
-            (* reduce: *) (fun () prod' -> prod = prod')
-            (* fail:   *) (fun () -> false)
-            ()
-        ) false
-      )
-      ()
-  (* If [T.trace] is [None], then the logging functions do nothing. *)
-  let log =
-    match T.trace with Some _ -> true | None -> false
-  module Log = struct
-    open Printf
-    let state state =
-      match T.trace with
-      | Some _ ->
-          fprintf stderr "State %d:\n%!" state
-      | None ->
-          ()
-    let shift terminal state =
-      match T.trace with
-      | Some (terminals, _) ->
-          fprintf stderr "Shifting (%s) to state %d\n%!" terminals.(terminal) state
-      | None ->
-          ()
-    let reduce_or_accept prod =
-      match T.trace with
-      | Some (_, productions) ->
-          fprintf stderr "%s\n%!" productions.(prod)
-      | None ->
-          ()
-    let lookahead_token token startp endp =
-      match T.trace with
-      | Some (terminals, _) ->
-          fprintf stderr "Lookahead token is now %s (%d-%d)\n%!"
-            terminals.(token)
-            startp.Lexing.pos_cnum
-            endp.Lexing.pos_cnum
-      | None ->
-          ()
-    let initiating_error_handling () =
-      match T.trace with
-      | Some _ ->
-          fprintf stderr "Initiating error handling\n%!"
-      | None ->
-          ()
-    let resuming_error_handling () =
-      match T.trace with
-      | Some _ ->
-          fprintf stderr "Resuming error handling\n%!"
-      | None ->
-          ()
-    let handling_error state =
-      match T.trace with
-      | Some _ ->
-          fprintf stderr "Handling error in state %d\n%!" state
-      | None ->
-          ()
-  end
-module StaticVersion = struct
-let require_20190924 = ()
-module Reason_parser_def
-= struct
-#1 ""
-open Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast
-type labelled_parameter =
-  | Term of Asttypes.arg_label * Parsetree.expression option * Parsetree.pattern
-  | Type of string
-type let_bindings = {
-  lbs_bindings: Parsetree.value_binding list;
-  lbs_rec: Asttypes.rec_flag;
-  lbs_extension: (Parsetree.attributes * string Asttypes.loc) option;
-  lbs_loc: Location.t;
-module Reason_string
-= struct
-#1 ""
-module String = struct
-  include String
-module Reason_parser : sig 
-#1 "reason_parser.mli"
-(* The type of tokens. *)
-type token = 
-  | WITH
-  | WHILE
-  | WHEN
-  | VAL
-  | UIDENT of (string)
-  | TYPE
-  | TRY
-  | TRUE
-  | TO
-  | TILDE
-  | THEN
-  | STRING of (string * string option * string option)
-  | STAR
-  | SIG
-  | SHARPOP of (string)
-  | SHARP
-  | SEMI
-  | REC
-  | QUOTE
-  | PUB
-  | PRI
-  | PREFIXOP of (string)
-  | POSTFIXOP of (string)
-  | PLUS
-  | OR
-  | OPEN
-  | OF
-  | NEW
-  | NATIVEINT of (nativeint)
-  | MINUS
-  | LIDENT of (string)
-  | LET
-  | LESSIDENT of (string)
-  | LESS
-  | LAZY
-  | INT of (string * char option)
-  | INFIXOP4 of (string)
-  | INFIXOP3 of (string)
-  | INFIXOP2 of (string)
-  | INFIXOP1 of (string)
-  | INFIXOP0 of (string)
-  | IN
-  | IF
-  | FUN
-  | FOR
-  | FLOAT of (string * char option)
-  | FALSE
-  | ES6_FUN
-  | EQUAL
-  | EOL
-  | EOF
-  | END
-  | ELSE
-  | DOT
-  | DONE
-  | DOCSTRING of (string)
-  | DO
-  | COMMENT of (string * Location.t)
-  | COMMA
-  | COLON
-  | CLASS
-  | CHAR of (char)
-  | BEGIN
-  | BAR
-  | BANG
-  | AS
-  | AND
-(* This exception is raised by the monolithic API functions. *)
-exception Error
-(* The monolithic API. *)
-val use_file: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list)
-val toplevel_phrase: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase)
-val parse_pattern: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern)
-val parse_expression: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-val parse_core_type: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-val interface: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature)
-val implementation: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.structure)
-module MenhirInterpreter : sig
-  (* The incremental API. *)
-  include MenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INCREMENTAL_ENGINE
-    with type token = token
-  (* The indexed type of terminal symbols. *)
-  type _ terminal = 
-    | T_error : unit terminal
-    | T_WITH : unit terminal
-    | T_WHILE : unit terminal
-    | T_WHEN : unit terminal
-    | T_VIRTUAL : unit terminal
-    | T_VAL : unit terminal
-    | T_UNDERSCORE : unit terminal
-    | T_UIDENT : (string) terminal
-    | T_TYPE : unit terminal
-    | T_TRY : unit terminal
-    | T_TRUE : unit terminal
-    | T_TO : unit terminal
-    | T_TILDE : unit terminal
-    | T_THEN : unit terminal
-    | T_SWITCH : unit terminal
-    | T_STRUCT : unit terminal
-    | T_STRING : (string * string option * string option) terminal
-    | T_STAR : unit terminal
-    | T_SLASHGREATER : unit terminal
-    | T_SIG : unit terminal
-    | T_SHARPOP : (string) terminal
-    | T_SHARPEQUAL : unit terminal
-    | T_SHARP : unit terminal
-    | T_SEMISEMI : unit terminal
-    | T_SEMI : unit terminal
-    | T_RPAREN : unit terminal
-    | T_REC : unit terminal
-    | T_RBRACKET : unit terminal
-    | T_RBRACE : unit terminal
-    | T_QUOTE : unit terminal
-    | T_QUESTION : unit terminal
-    | T_PUB : unit terminal
-    | T_PRI : unit terminal
-    | T_PREFIXOP : (string) terminal
-    | T_POSTFIXOP : (string) terminal
-    | T_PLUSEQ : unit terminal
-    | T_PLUSDOT : unit terminal
-    | T_PLUS : unit terminal
-    | T_PERCENT : unit terminal
-    | T_OR : unit terminal
-    | T_OPEN : unit terminal
-    | T_OF : unit terminal
-    | T_OBJECT : unit terminal
-    | T_NONREC : unit terminal
-    | T_NEW : unit terminal
-    | T_NATIVEINT : (nativeint) terminal
-    | T_MUTABLE : unit terminal
-    | T_MODULE : unit terminal
-    | T_MINUSGREATER : unit terminal
-    | T_MINUSDOT : unit terminal
-    | T_MINUS : unit terminal
-    | T_LPAREN : unit terminal
-    | T_LIDENT : (string) terminal
-    | T_LET : unit terminal
-    | T_LESSSLASHIDENTGREATER : (string) terminal
-    | T_LESSSLASHGREATER : unit terminal
-    | T_LESSIDENT : (string) terminal
-    | T_LESSGREATER : unit terminal
-    | T_LESSDOTDOTGREATER : unit terminal
-    | T_LESS : unit terminal
-    | T_LBRACKETPERCENTPERCENT : unit terminal
-    | T_LBRACKETPERCENT : unit terminal
-    | T_LBRACKETLESS : unit terminal
-    | T_LBRACKETGREATER : unit terminal
-    | T_LBRACKETBAR : unit terminal
-    | T_LBRACKETAT : unit terminal
-    | T_LBRACKET : unit terminal
-    | T_LBRACELESS : unit terminal
-    | T_LBRACE : unit terminal
-    | T_LAZY : unit terminal
-    | T_INT : (string * char option) terminal
-    | T_INITIALIZER : unit terminal
-    | T_INHERIT : unit terminal
-    | T_INFIXOP4 : (string) terminal
-    | T_INFIXOP3 : (string) terminal
-    | T_INFIXOP2 : (string) terminal
-    | T_INFIXOP1 : (string) terminal
-    | T_INFIXOP0 : (string) terminal
-    | T_INCLUDE : unit terminal
-    | T_IN : unit terminal
-    | T_IF : unit terminal
-    | T_GREATERRBRACE : unit terminal
-    | T_GREATERDOTDOTDOT : unit terminal
-    | T_GREATER : unit terminal
-    | T_FUNCTOR : unit terminal
-    | T_FUNCTION : unit terminal
-    | T_FUN : unit terminal
-    | T_FOR : unit terminal
-    | T_FLOAT : (string * char option) terminal
-    | T_FALSE : unit terminal
-    | T_EXTERNAL : unit terminal
-    | T_EXCEPTION : unit terminal
-    | T_ES6_FUN : unit terminal
-    | T_EQUALGREATER : unit terminal
-    | T_EQUAL : unit terminal
-    | T_EOL : unit terminal
-    | T_EOF : unit terminal
-    | T_END : unit terminal
-    | T_ELSE : unit terminal
-    | T_DOWNTO : unit terminal
-    | T_DOTDOTDOT : unit terminal
-    | T_DOTDOT : unit terminal
-    | T_DOT : unit terminal
-    | T_DONE : unit terminal
-    | T_DOCSTRING : (string) terminal
-    | T_DO : unit terminal
-    | T_CONSTRAINT : unit terminal
-    | T_COMMENT : (string * Location.t) terminal
-    | T_COMMA : unit terminal
-    | T_COLONGREATER : unit terminal
-    | T_COLONEQUAL : unit terminal
-    | T_COLONCOLON : unit terminal
-    | T_COLON : unit terminal
-    | T_CLASS : unit terminal
-    | T_CHAR : (char) terminal
-    | T_BEGIN : unit terminal
-    | T_BARRBRACKET : unit terminal
-    | T_BARBAR : unit terminal
-    | T_BAR : unit terminal
-    | T_BANG : unit terminal
-    | T_BACKQUOTE : unit terminal
-    | T_ASSERT : unit terminal
-    | T_AS : unit terminal
-    | T_AND : unit terminal
-    | T_AMPERSAND : unit terminal
-    | T_AMPERAMPER : unit terminal
-  (* The indexed type of nonterminal symbols. *)
-  type _ nonterminal = 
-    | N_with_constraint : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.with_constraint) nonterminal
-    | N_virtual_flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) nonterminal
-    | N_value_type : (string * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_value : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind) nonterminal
-    | N_val_longident : (Longident.t) nonterminal
-    | N_val_ident : (string) nonterminal
-    | N_use_file_no_mapper : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list) nonterminal
-    | N_use_file : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list) nonterminal
-    | N_unattributed_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_unattributed_core_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_type_variance : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) nonterminal
-    | N_type_variables_with_variance_comma_list : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_type_variables_with_variance : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_type_variable_with_variance : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) nonterminal
-    | N_type_variable : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_type_parameters : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) nonterminal
-    | N_type_parameter : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) nonterminal
-    | N_type_other_kind : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) nonterminal
-    | N_type_longident : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.lid) nonterminal
-    | N_type_declarations : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) nonterminal
-    | N_type_declaration_kind : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) nonterminal
-    | N_type_declaration_details : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-   (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-   list *
-   (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-   list * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) *
-  Lexing.position * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) nonterminal
-    | N_type_constraint : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) nonterminal
-    | N_toplevel_phrase : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase) nonterminal
-    | N_toplevel_directive : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase) nonterminal
-    | N_tag_field : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) nonterminal
-    | N_subtractive : (string) nonterminal
-    | N_structure_item : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) nonterminal
-    | N_structure : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) nonterminal
-    | N_string_literal_labels : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_string_literal_label : (string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_string_literal_exprs_maybe_punned : ((Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_string_literal_expr_maybe_punned_with_comma : (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_string_literal_expr_maybe_punned : (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_str_type_extension : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_extension) nonterminal
-    | N_str_exception_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) nonterminal
-    | N_single_attr_id : (string) nonterminal
-    | N_simple_pattern_not_ident_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-    | N_simple_pattern_not_ident : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-    | N_simple_pattern_ident : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-    | N_simple_pattern_direct_argument : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-    | N_simple_pattern : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-    | N_simple_module_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) nonterminal
-    | N_simple_expr_template_constructor : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_simple_expr_no_constructor : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_simple_expr_no_call : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_simple_expr_direct_argument : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_simple_expr_call : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_signed_constant : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) nonterminal
-    | N_signature_items : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.signature) nonterminal
-    | N_signature_item : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) nonterminal
-    | N_signature : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.signature) nonterminal
-    | N_sig_type_extension : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_extension) nonterminal
-    | N_sig_exception_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) nonterminal
-    | N_seq_expr_no_seq : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_seq_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_separated_nonempty_list_AMPERSAND_non_arrowed_simple_core_types_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) nonterminal
-    | N_row_field_list : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field list) nonterminal
-    | N_row_field : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) nonterminal
-    | N_record_label_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration) nonterminal
-    | N_record_expr_with_string_keys : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_record_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_record_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration list) nonterminal
-    | N_rec_flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) nonterminal
-    | N_protected_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_primitive_declaration : (string list) nonterminal
-    | N_poly_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_payload : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.payload) nonterminal
-    | N_pattern_without_or : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-    | N_pattern_optional_constraint : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-    | N_pattern_constructor_argument : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list) nonterminal
-    | N_pattern_comma_list_extension : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern option) nonterminal
-    | N_pattern : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-    | N_parse_pattern : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-    | N_parse_expression : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_parse_core_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_parenthesized_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_package_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_override_flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag) nonterminal
-    | N_optional_expr_extension : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_optional : (string -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label) nonterminal
-    | N_option_type_constraint_ : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option)
-  option) nonterminal
-    | N_option_preceded_WHEN_expr__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option) nonterminal
-    | N_option_preceded_COLONGREATER_core_type__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) nonterminal
-    | N_option_preceded_COLON_simple_module_type__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option) nonterminal
-    | N_option_preceded_COLON_poly_type__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) nonterminal
-    | N_option_preceded_COLON_non_arrowed_core_type__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) nonterminal
-    | N_option_preceded_COLON_expr__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option) nonterminal
-    | N_option_preceded_COLON_core_type__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) nonterminal
-    | N_option_preceded_COLON_class_constructor_type__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type option) nonterminal
-    | N_option_preceded_AS_LIDENT__ : (string option) nonterminal
-    | N_option_item_extension_sugar_ : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs * string Location.loc) option) nonterminal
-    | N_option_constructor_arguments_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments option) nonterminal
-    | N_option_SEMI_ : (unit option) nonterminal
-    | N_option_OF_ : (unit option) nonterminal
-    | N_option_MODULE_ : (unit option) nonterminal
-    | N_option_LET_ : (unit option) nonterminal
-    | N_option_DOTDOTDOT_ : (unit option) nonterminal
-    | N_option_DOT_ : (unit option) nonterminal
-    | N_option_COMMA_ : (unit option) nonterminal
-    | N_opt_LET_MODULE_ident : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str) nonterminal
-    | N_opt_LET_MODULE_REC_ident : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str) nonterminal
-    | N_opt_LET_MODULE : (unit) nonterminal
-    | N_operator : (string) nonterminal
-    | N_open_statement : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.open_description) nonterminal
-    | N_object_record_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_object_label_declarations : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_object_label_declaration : (string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_object_body_class_fields : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) nonterminal
-    | N_object_body : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_structure) nonterminal
-    | N_nonrec_flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) nonterminal
-    | N_nonempty_list_preceded_QUOTE_ident__ : (string list) nonterminal
-    | N_nonempty_list_preceded_CONSTRAINT_constrain__ : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_nonempty_list_name_tag_ : (string list) nonterminal
-    | N_nonempty_list_attributed_ext_constructor_extension_constructor_declaration__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) nonterminal
-    | N_nonempty_list_attributed_ext_constructor_either_extension_constructor_declaration_extension_constructor_rebind___ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) nonterminal
-    | N_nonempty_list_as_loc_attribute__ : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) nonterminal
-    | N_nonempty_list___anonymous_32_ : (string list) nonterminal
-    | N_nonempty_list_LIDENT_ : (string list) nonterminal
-    | N_non_labeled_argument_list : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) nonterminal
-    | N_non_arrowed_simple_core_types : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_non_arrowed_simple_core_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_non_arrowed_core_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_mutable_or_virtual_flags : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) nonterminal
-    | N_mutable_flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag) nonterminal
-    | N_mty_longident : (Longident.t) nonterminal
-    | N_module_type_signature : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) nonterminal
-    | N_module_type_body_EQUAL_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) nonterminal
-    | N_module_type_body_COLON_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) nonterminal
-    | N_module_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) nonterminal
-    | N_module_parameter : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc) nonterminal
-    | N_module_expr_structure : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) nonterminal
-    | N_module_expr_body : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) nonterminal
-    | N_module_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) nonterminal
-    | N_module_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) nonterminal
-    | N_module_complex_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) nonterminal
-    | N_module_binding_body : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) nonterminal
-    | N_module_arguments_comma_list : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr list) nonterminal
-    | N_module_arguments : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr list) nonterminal
-    | N_mod_longident : (Longident.t) nonterminal
-    | N_mod_ext_longident : (Longident.t) nonterminal
-    | N_mod_ext_apply : (Longident.t) nonterminal
-    | N_method_ : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind) nonterminal
-    | N_match_case_seq_expr_ : ( nonterminal
-    | N_match_case_expr_ : ( nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_SEMI_class_sig_field_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_SEMI_class_field_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_uncurried_labeled_expr_ : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_uncurried_arrow_type_parameter_ : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-   Location.loc * bool)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_type_variable_with_variance_ : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_type_parameter_ : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_string_literal_label_ : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_string_literal_expr_maybe_punned_ : ((Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_record_label_declaration_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_protected_type_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_pattern_optional_constraint_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_opt_spread_pattern__ : ((Location.t option * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_opt_spread_lbl_expr__ : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_opt_spread_expr_optional_constraint__ : ((Location.t option * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_object_label_declaration_ : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_module_parameter_ : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_module_complex_expr_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_mod_ext_longident_ : (Longident.t list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_labeled_pattern_ : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_field_expr_ : ((string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_expr_optional_constraint_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_expr_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_core_type_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) nonterminal
-    | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_AND_with_constraint_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.with_constraint list) nonterminal
-    | N_loption_type_parameters_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) nonterminal
-    | N_loption_terminated_pattern_comma_list_option_COMMA___ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list) nonterminal
-    | N_loption_row_field_list_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field list) nonterminal
-    | N_loption_preceded_GREATER_nonempty_list_name_tag___ : (string list) nonterminal
-    | N_loption_parenthesized_type_variables_with_variance_comma_list__ : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_loption_parenthesized_class_type_arguments_comma_list__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) nonterminal
-    | N_loption_object_label_declarations_ : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_loption_located_attributes_ : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) nonterminal
-    | N_loption_functor_parameters_ : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) nonterminal
-    | N_loption_class_type_parameters_ : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_longident_type_constraint : (Longident.t Location.loc *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option)
-  option) nonterminal
-    | N_llist_aux_preceded_COMMA_opt_spread_lbl_expr___ : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_llist_aux_match_case_seq_expr__ : ( list) nonterminal
-    | N_llist_aux_match_case_expr__ : ( list) nonterminal
-    | N_list_simple_expr_no_call_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) nonterminal
-    | N_list_bar_row_field_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field list) nonterminal
-    | N_list_attributed_ext_constructor_extension_constructor_declaration__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) nonterminal
-    | N_list_attributed_ext_constructor_either_extension_constructor_declaration_extension_constructor_rebind___ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) nonterminal
-    | N_list_and_module_rec_declaration_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_declaration list) nonterminal
-    | N_list_and_module_bindings_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_binding list) nonterminal
-    | N_list_and_let_binding_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.value_binding list) nonterminal
-    | N_list_and_class_type_declaration_ : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_declaration list) nonterminal
-    | N_list_and_class_description_ : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_description list) nonterminal
-    | N_list_and_class_declaration_ : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_declaration list) nonterminal
-    | N_let_bindings : (Reason_parser_def.let_bindings) nonterminal
-    | N_let_binding_body : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_let_binding : (Reason_parser_def.let_bindings) nonterminal
-    | N_lbl_pattern : (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-    | N_labelled_arrow_type_parameter_optional : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_labeled_pattern_constraint : (string Location.loc -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-    | N_labeled_pattern : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc) nonterminal
-    | N_labeled_expr_constraint : (Longident.t Location.loc -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_labeled_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_labeled_arguments : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_label_longident : (Longident.t) nonterminal
-    | N_jsx_without_leading_less : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_jsx_start_tag_and_args_without_leading_less : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-   list -> Location.t -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) *
-  Longident.t) nonterminal
-    | N_jsx_start_tag_and_args : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-   list -> Location.t -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) *
-  Longident.t) nonterminal
-    | N_jsx_arguments : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_jsx : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_item_extension_sugar : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs * string Location.loc) nonterminal
-    | N_item_extension : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) nonterminal
-    | N_interface : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature) nonterminal
-    | N_implementation : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.structure) nonterminal
-    | N_ident : (string) nonterminal
-    | N_greater_spread : (string) nonterminal
-    | N_generalized_constructor_arguments : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) nonterminal
-    | N_functor_parameters : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) nonterminal
-    | N_fun_def_EQUALGREATER_non_arrowed_core_type_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_fun_def_EQUAL_core_type_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_field_expr : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_extension_constructor_rebind : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) nonterminal
-    | N_extension_constructor_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) nonterminal
-    | N_extension : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) nonterminal
-    | N_expr_optional_constraint : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_expr_list : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) nonterminal
-    | N_expr_comma_seq_extension : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option) nonterminal
-    | N_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_es6_parameters : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list * bool) nonterminal
-    | N_embedded_private_flag_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) nonterminal
-    | N_embedded___anonymous_39_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.directive_argument) nonterminal
-    | N_embedded___anonymous_33_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) nonterminal
-    | N_embedded___anonymous_1_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list) nonterminal
-    | N_embedded___anonymous_0_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase) nonterminal
-    | N_either_preceded_EQUALGREATER_expr__braced_expr_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_either_preceded_EQUAL_expr__braced_expr_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_either_preceded_EQUAL_class_instance_type__class_type_body_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) nonterminal
-    | N_either_preceded_EQUAL_class_expr__class_body_expr_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) nonterminal
-    | N_either_parenthesized_longident_type_constraint__longident_type_constraint_ : (Longident.t Location.loc *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option)
-  option) nonterminal
-    | N_either_extension_constructor_declaration_extension_constructor_rebind_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) nonterminal
-    | N_either_constructor_declaration_bar_constructor_declaration_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) nonterminal
-    | N_either___anonymous_12___anonymous_13_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) nonterminal
-    | N_either_ES6_FUN_FUN_ : (unit) nonterminal
-    | N_direction_flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.direction_flag) nonterminal
-    | N_core_type2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_core_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_constructor_declarations_aux : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration list *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) nonterminal
-    | N_constructor_declarations : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration list *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) nonterminal
-    | N_constructor_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) nonterminal
-    | N_constructor_arguments_comma_list : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) nonterminal
-    | N_constructor_arguments : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments) nonterminal
-    | N_constrain_field : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_constrain : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t) nonterminal
-    | N_constr_longident : (Longident.t) nonterminal
-    | N_constant : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) nonterminal
-    | N_clty_longident : (Longident.t) nonterminal
-    | N_class_type_declarations : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_declaration list) nonterminal
-    | N_class_type_declaration_details : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_class_type_body : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) nonterminal
-    | N_class_type_arguments_comma_list : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) nonterminal
-    | N_class_simple_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) nonterminal
-    | N_class_sig_field : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) nonterminal
-    | N_class_sig_body_fields : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) nonterminal
-    | N_class_sig_body : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_signature) nonterminal
-    | N_class_self_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_class_self_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-    | N_class_longident : (Longident.t) nonterminal
-    | N_class_instance_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) nonterminal
-    | N_class_field : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) nonterminal
-    | N_class_expr_lets_and_rest : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) nonterminal
-    | N_class_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) nonterminal
-    | N_class_descriptions : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_description list) nonterminal
-    | N_class_description_details : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_class_declaration_details : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_class_declaration_body : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) nonterminal
-    | N_class_constructor_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) nonterminal
-    | N_braced_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-    | N_boption_AMPERSAND_ : (bool) nonterminal
-    | N_basic_core_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_bar_row_field : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) nonterminal
-    | N_bar_constructor_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) nonterminal
-    | N_attributed_ext_constructors_extension_constructor_declaration_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) nonterminal
-    | N_attributed_ext_constructors_either_extension_constructor_declaration_extension_constructor_rebind__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) nonterminal
-    | N_attribute : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute) nonterminal
-    | N_attr_id : (string Location.loc) nonterminal
-    | N_arrowed_simple_core_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_arrow_type_parameters : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-   Location.loc * bool)
-  list) nonterminal
-    | N_arrow_type_parameter : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-    | N_and_type_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) nonterminal
-    | N_and_module_rec_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_declaration) nonterminal
-    | N_and_module_bindings : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_binding) nonterminal
-    | N_and_class_type_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_declaration) nonterminal
-    | N_and_class_description : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_description) nonterminal
-    | N_and_class_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_declaration) nonterminal
-    | N_additive : (string) nonterminal
-    | N__lbl_pattern_list : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern))
-  list * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.closed_flag) nonterminal
-  (* The inspection API. *)
-  include MenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION
-    with type 'a lr1state := 'a lr1state
-    with type production := production
-    with type 'a terminal := 'a terminal
-    with type 'a nonterminal := 'a nonterminal
-    with type 'a env := 'a env
-(* The entry point(s) to the incremental API. *)
-module Incremental : sig
-  val use_file: Lexing.position -> (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list) MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint
-  val toplevel_phrase: Lexing.position -> (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase) MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint
-  val parse_pattern: Lexing.position -> (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint
-  val parse_expression: Lexing.position -> (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint
-  val parse_core_type: Lexing.position -> (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint
-  val interface: Lexing.position -> (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature) MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint
-  val implementation: Lexing.position -> (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.structure) MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint
-end = struct
-#1 ""
-(* This generated code requires the following version of MenhirLib: *)
-let () =
-  MenhirLib.StaticVersion.require_20190924
-module MenhirBasics = struct
-  exception Error
-  type token = 
-    | WITH
-    | WHILE
-    | WHEN
-    | VIRTUAL
-    | VAL
-    | UIDENT of (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 22 "src/reason-parser/"
-  )
-    | TYPE
-    | TRY
-    | TRUE
-    | TO
-    | TILDE
-    | THEN
-    | SWITCH
-    | STRUCT
-    | STRING of (
-# 1159 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * string option * string option)
-# 35 "src/reason-parser/"
-  )
-    | STAR
-    | SIG
-    | SHARPOP of (
-# 1155 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 43 "src/reason-parser/"
-  )
-    | SHARP
-    | SEMI
-    | RPAREN
-    | REC
-    | RBRACE
-    | QUOTE
-    | PUB
-    | PRI
-    | PREFIXOP of (
-# 1142 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 60 "src/reason-parser/"
-  )
-    | POSTFIXOP of (
-# 1143 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 65 "src/reason-parser/"
-  )
-    | PLUSEQ
-    | PLUSDOT
-    | PLUS
-    | PERCENT
-    | OR
-    | OPEN
-    | OF
-    | OBJECT
-    | NONREC
-    | NEW
-    | NATIVEINT of (
-# 1131 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (nativeint)
-# 80 "src/reason-parser/"
-  )
-    | MUTABLE
-    | MODULE
-    | MINUS
-    | LPAREN
-    | LIDENT of (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 91 "src/reason-parser/"
-  )
-    | LET
-# 1151 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 97 "src/reason-parser/"
-  )
-    | LESSIDENT of (
-# 1114 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 103 "src/reason-parser/"
-  )
-    | LESS
-    | LBRACE
-    | LAZY
-    | INT of (
-# 1102 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * char option)
-# 121 "src/reason-parser/"
-  )
-    | INHERIT
-    | INFIXOP4 of (
-# 1099 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 128 "src/reason-parser/"
-  )
-    | INFIXOP3 of (
-# 1096 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 133 "src/reason-parser/"
-  )
-    | INFIXOP2 of (
-# 1095 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 138 "src/reason-parser/"
-  )
-    | INFIXOP1 of (
-# 1094 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 143 "src/reason-parser/"
-  )
-    | INFIXOP0 of (
-# 1093 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 148 "src/reason-parser/"
-  )
-    | INCLUDE
-    | IN
-    | IF
-    | GREATER
-    | FUNCTOR
-    | FUN
-    | FOR
-    | FLOAT of (
-# 1081 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * char option)
-# 163 "src/reason-parser/"
-  )
-    | FALSE
-    | ES6_FUN
-    | EQUAL
-    | EOL
-    | EOF
-    | END
-    | ELSE
-    | DOWNTO
-    | DOTDOT
-    | DOT
-    | DONE
-    | DOCSTRING of (
-# 1176 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 183 "src/reason-parser/"
-  )
-    | DO
-    | COMMENT of (
-# 1175 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * Location.t)
-# 190 "src/reason-parser/"
-  )
-    | COMMA
-    | COLON
-    | CLASS
-    | CHAR of (
-# 1060 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (char)
-# 201 "src/reason-parser/"
-  )
-    | BEGIN
-    | BARBAR
-    | BAR
-    | BANG
-    | ASSERT
-    | AS
-    | AND
-include MenhirBasics
-let _eRR =
-  MenhirBasics.Error
-# 50 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-open Migrate_parsetree
-open OCaml_404.Ast
-open Reason_syntax_util
-open Location
-open Asttypes
-open Longident
-open Parsetree
-open Ast_helper
-open Ast_mapper
-open Reason_parser_def
-open Reason_string
-open Reason_errors
-let raise_error error loc =
-  raise_error (Ast_error error) loc
-module Clflags = Reason_syntax_util.Clflags
-   TODO:
-   - Remove all [open]s from the top of this file one by one and fix compilation
-   failures that ensue by specifying the appropriate long identifiers. That
-   will make the parser much easier to reason about.
-   - Go back to trunk, do the same (remove [open]s, and fully specify long
-   idents), to perform a clean diff.
-   ------------
-   let mkloc txt loc = { txt ; loc }
-   let rhs_loc n = {
-     loc_start = Parsing.rhs_start_pos n;
-     loc_end = Parsing.rhs_end_pos n;
-     loc_ghost = false;
-   }
-   let symbol_rloc () = {
-     loc_start = Parsing.symbol_start_pos ();
-     loc_end = Parsing.symbol_end_pos ();
-     loc_ghost = false;
-   }
-   let symbol_gloc () = {
-     loc_start = Parsing.symbol_start_pos ();
-     loc_end = Parsing.symbol_end_pos ();
-     loc_ghost = true;
-   }
-   ------------
-   module Typ = struct
-    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type_desc -> core_type
-    let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
-       {ptyp_desc = d; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs}
-     ..
-   end
-   parse_tree.mli
-   --------------
-   and core_type = {
-     ptyp_desc: core_type_desc;
-     ptyp_loc: Location.t;
-     ptyp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *)
-   }
-   and core_type_desc =
-     | Ptyp_any
-           (*  _ *)
-     | Ptyp_var of string
-           (* 'a *)
-     | Ptyp_arrow of label * core_type * core_type
-           (* T1 -> T2       (label = "")
-              ~l:T1 -> T2    (label = "l")
-              ?l:T1 -> T2    (label = "?l")
-            *)
-     | Ptyp_tuple of core_type list
-           (* T1 * ... * Tn   (n >= 2) *)
-   reason_parser.mly
-   ---------------
-   In general:
-                                          syntax variant          {pblah_desc: core_blah_desc
-                                                                   pblah_loc: {txt, loc}
-                                                                   pblah_attributes: ... }
-                                         /              \            /       \
-   val mkblah: ~loc -> ~attributes ->     core_blah_desc     ->      core_blah
-   let mkblah =
-let uncurry_payload ?(name="bs") loc = ({loc; txt = name}, PStr [])
-let dummy_loc () = {
-  loc_start = Lexing.dummy_pos;
-  loc_end = Lexing.dummy_pos;
-  loc_ghost = false;
-let mklocation loc_start loc_end = {
-  loc_start = loc_start;
-  loc_end = loc_end;
-  loc_ghost = false;
-let make_real_loc loc = {
-    loc with loc_ghost = false
-let make_ghost_loc loc = {
-    loc with loc_ghost = true
-let ghloc ?(loc=dummy_loc ()) d = { txt = d; loc = (make_ghost_loc loc) }
-  * turn an object into a real
-  *)
-let make_real_exp exp = {
-    exp with pexp_loc = make_real_loc exp.pexp_loc
-let make_real_pat pat = {
-    pat with ppat_loc = make_real_loc pat.ppat_loc
- * change the location state to be a ghost location or real location
- *)
-let set_loc_state is_ghost loc =
-    if is_ghost then make_ghost_loc loc else make_real_loc loc
-let mktyp ?(loc=dummy_loc()) ?(ghost=false) d =
-    let loc = set_loc_state ghost loc in
- ~loc d
-let mkpat ?(attrs=[]) ?(loc=dummy_loc()) ?(ghost=false) d =
-    let loc = set_loc_state ghost loc in
- ~loc ~attrs d
-let mkexp ?(attrs=[]) ?(loc=dummy_loc()) ?(ghost=false) d =
-    let loc = set_loc_state ghost loc in
- ~loc ~attrs d
-let mkmty ?(loc=dummy_loc()) ?(ghost=false) d =
-    let loc = set_loc_state ghost loc in
- ~loc d
-let mksig ?(loc=dummy_loc()) ?(ghost=false) d =
-    let loc = set_loc_state ghost loc in
- ~loc d
-let mkmod ?(loc=dummy_loc()) ?(ghost=false) d =
-    let loc = set_loc_state ghost loc in
- ~loc d
-let mkstr ?(loc=dummy_loc()) ?(ghost=false) d =
-    let loc = set_loc_state ghost loc in
- ~loc d
-let mkclass ?(loc=dummy_loc()) ?(ghost=false) d =
-    let loc = set_loc_state ghost loc in
- ~loc d
-let mkcty ?(loc=dummy_loc()) ?(ghost=false) d =
-    let loc = set_loc_state ghost loc in
- ~loc d
-let mkctf ?(loc=dummy_loc()) ?(ghost=false) d =
-    let loc = set_loc_state ghost loc in
- ~loc d
-let may_tuple startp endp = function
-  | []  -> assert false
-  | [x] -> {x with pexp_loc = mklocation startp endp}
-  | xs  -> mkexp ~loc:(mklocation startp endp) (Pexp_tuple xs)
-  Make a core_type from a as_loc(LIDENT).
-  Useful for record type punning.
-  type props = {width: int, height: int};
-  type state = {nbrOfClicks: int};
-  type component = {props, state};
-let mkct lbl =
-  let lident = Lident lbl.txt in
-  let ttype = Ptyp_constr({txt = lident; loc = lbl.loc}, []) in
-  {ptyp_desc = ttype; ptyp_loc = lbl.loc; ptyp_attributes = []}
-let mkcf ?(loc=dummy_loc()) ?(ghost=false) d =
-    let loc = set_loc_state ghost loc in
- ~loc d
-let simple_ghost_text_attr ?(loc=dummy_loc ()) txt =
-  let loc = set_loc_state true loc in
-  [({txt; loc}, PStr [])]
-let mkExplicitArityTuplePat ?(loc=dummy_loc ()) pat =
-  (* Tell OCaml type system that what this tuple construction represents is
-     not actually a tuple, and should represent several constructor
-     arguments.  This allows the syntax the ability to distinguish between:
-     X (10, 20)  -- One argument constructor
-     X 10 20     -- Multi argument constructor
-  *)
-  mkpat
-    ~loc
-    ~attrs:(simple_ghost_text_attr ~loc "explicit_arity")
-    pat
-let mkExplicitArityTupleExp ?(loc=dummy_loc ()) exp_desc =
-  mkexp
-    ~loc
-    ~attrs:(simple_ghost_text_attr ~loc "explicit_arity")
-    exp_desc
-let is_pattern_list_single_any = function
-  | [{ppat_desc=Ppat_any; ppat_attributes=[]} as onlyItem] -> Some onlyItem
-  | _ -> None
-let mkoperator {Location. txt; loc} =
- ~loc (Pexp_ident(mkloc (Lident txt) loc))
-  Ghost expressions and patterns:
-  expressions and patterns that do not appear explicitly in the
-  source file they have the loc_ghost flag set to true.
-  Then the profiler will not try to instrument them and the
-  -annot option will not try to display their type.
-  Every grammar rule that generates an element with a location must
-  make at most one non-ghost element, the topmost one.
-  How to tell whether your location must be ghost:
-  A location corresponds to a range of characters in the source file.
-  If the location contains a piece of code that is syntactically
-  valid (according to the documentation), and corresponds to the
-  AST node, then the location must be real; in all other cases,
-  it must be ghost.
-  jordwalke: Noticed that ghost expressions are often used when inserting
-   additional AST nodes from a parse rule. Either an extra wrapping one, or an
-   additional inner node. This is consistent with the above description, I
-   believe.
-let ghunit ?(loc=dummy_loc ()) () =
-  mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_construct (mknoloc (Lident "()"), None))
-let mkinfixop arg1 op arg2 =
-  mkexp(Pexp_apply(op, [Nolabel, arg1; Nolabel, arg2]))
-let mkinfix arg1 name arg2 =
-  mkinfixop arg1 (mkoperator name) arg2
-let neg_string f =
-  if String.length f > 0 && f.[0] = '-'
-  then String.sub f 1 (String.length f - 1)
-  else "-" ^ f
-let mkuminus name arg =
-  match name.txt, arg.pexp_desc with
-  | "-", Pexp_constant(Pconst_integer (n,m)) ->
-      mkexp(Pexp_constant(Pconst_integer(neg_string n,m)))
-  | ("-" | "-."), Pexp_constant(Pconst_float (f, m)) ->
-      mkexp(Pexp_constant(Pconst_float(neg_string f, m)))
-  | txt, _ ->
-      let name = {name with txt = "~" ^ txt} in
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkoperator name, [Nolabel, arg]))
-let prepare_functor_arg = function
-  | Some name, mty -> (name, mty)
-  | None, (Some {pmty_loc} as mty) ->
-      (mkloc "_" (make_ghost_loc pmty_loc), mty)
-  | None, None -> assert false
-let mk_functor_mod args body =
-  let folder arg acc =
-    let name, mty = prepare_functor_arg arg.txt in
-    mkmod ~loc:arg.loc (Pmod_functor(name, mty, acc))
-  in
-  List.fold_right folder args body
-let mk_functor_mty args body =
-  let folder arg acc =
-    let name, mty = prepare_functor_arg arg.txt in
-    mkmty ~loc:arg.loc (Pmty_functor(name, mty, acc))
-  in
-  List.fold_right folder args body
-let mkuplus name arg =
-  match name.txt, arg.pexp_desc with
-  | "+", Pexp_constant(Pconst_integer _)
-  | ("+" | "+."), Pexp_constant(Pconst_float _) ->
-      mkexp arg.pexp_desc
-  | txt, _ ->
-      let name = {name with txt = "~" ^ txt} in
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkoperator name, [Nolabel, arg]))
-let mkexp_cons consloc args loc =
-  mkexp ~loc (Pexp_construct(mkloc (Lident "::") consloc, Some args))
-let mkexp_constructor_unit ?(uncurried=false) consloc loc =
-  let attrs = if uncurried then [uncurry_payload ~name:"uncurry" loc] else [] in
-  mkexp ~attrs ~loc (Pexp_construct(mkloc (Lident "()") consloc, None))
-let ghexp_cons args loc =
-  mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_construct(mkloc (Lident "::") loc, Some args))
-let mkpat_cons args loc =
-  mkpat ~loc (Ppat_construct(mkloc (Lident "::") loc, Some args))
-let ghpat_cons args loc =
-  mkpat ~ghost:true ~loc (Ppat_construct(mkloc (Lident "::") loc, Some args))
-let mkpat_constructor_unit consloc loc =
-  mkpat ~loc (Ppat_construct(mkloc (Lident "()") consloc, None))
-let simple_pattern_list_to_tuple ?(loc=dummy_loc ()) = function
-  | [] -> assert false
-  | lst -> mkpat ~loc (Ppat_tuple lst)
-let mktailexp_extension loc seq ext_opt =
-  let rec handle_seq = function
-    | [] ->
-        let base_case = match ext_opt with
-          | Some ext ->
-            ext
-          | None ->
-            let loc = make_ghost_loc loc in
-            let nil = { txt = Lident "[]"; loc } in
-   ~loc (Pexp_construct (nil, None)) in
-        base_case
-    | e1 :: el ->
-        let exp_el = handle_seq el in
-        let loc = mklocation e1.pexp_loc.loc_start exp_el.pexp_loc.loc_end in
-        let arg = mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_tuple [e1; exp_el]) in
-        ghexp_cons arg loc
-  in
-  handle_seq seq
-let mktailpat_extension loc (seq, ext_opt) =
-  let rec handle_seq = function
-    [] ->
-      let base_case = match ext_opt with
-        | Some ext ->
-          ext
-        | None ->
-          let loc = make_ghost_loc loc in
-          let nil = { txt = Lident "[]"; loc } in
-          mkpat ~loc (Ppat_construct (nil, None)) in
-      base_case
-  | p1 :: pl ->
-      let pat_pl = handle_seq pl in
-      let loc = mklocation p1.ppat_loc.loc_start pat_pl.ppat_loc.loc_end in
-      let arg = mkpat ~ghost:true ~loc (Ppat_tuple [p1; pat_pl]) in
-      ghpat_cons arg loc in
-  handle_seq seq
-let makeFrag loc body =
-  let attribute = ({txt = "JSX"; loc = loc}, PStr []) in
-  { body with pexp_attributes = attribute :: body.pexp_attributes }
-(* Applies attributes to the structure item, not the expression itself. Makes
- * structure item have same location as expression. *)
-let mkstrexp e attrs =
-  match e with
-  | ({pexp_desc = Pexp_apply (({pexp_attributes} as e1), args) } as eRewrite)
-      when let f = (List.filter (function
-        | ({txt = "bs"}, _) -> true
-          | _ -> false ) e.pexp_attributes)  in
-      List.length f > 0
-    ->
-      let appExprAttrs = List.filter (function
-          | ({txt = "bs"}, PStr []) -> false
-          | _ -> true ) pexp_attributes in
-      let strEvalAttrs = (uncurry_payload e1.pexp_loc)::(List.filter (function
-          | ({txt = "bs"}, PStr []) -> false
-          | _ -> true ) attrs) in
-      let e = {
-        eRewrite with
-        pexp_desc = (Pexp_apply(e1, args));
-        pexp_attributes = appExprAttrs
-      } in
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (e, strEvalAttrs); pstr_loc = e.pexp_loc }
-  | _ ->
-      { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (e, attrs); pstr_loc = e.pexp_loc }
-let ghexp_constraint loc e (t1, t2) =
-  match t1, t2 with
-  | Some t, None -> mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_constraint(e, t))
-  | _, Some t -> mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_coerce(e, t1, t))
-  | None, None -> assert false
-let mk_record_expr ?loc (exten, fields) =
-  match fields, exten with
-  | [], Some expr -> expr
-  | _ -> mkexp ?loc (Pexp_record (fields, exten))
-let array_function ?(loc=dummy_loc()) str name =
-  ghloc ~loc (Ldot(Lident str, (if ! then "unsafe_" ^ name else name)))
-let syntax_error loc s =
-  raise_error (Other_syntax_error s) loc
-let syntax_error_exp loc msg =
-  Exp.extension ~loc (Reason_errors.error_extension_node loc msg)
-let syntax_error_pat loc msg =
-  Pat.extension ~loc (Reason_errors.error_extension_node loc msg)
-let syntax_error_mty loc msg =
-  Mty.extension ~loc (Reason_errors.error_extension_node loc msg)
-let syntax_error_typ loc msg =
-  Typ.extension ~loc (Reason_errors.error_extension_node loc msg)
-let not_expecting start_pos end_pos nonterm =
-  let location = mklocation start_pos end_pos in
-  raise_error (Not_expecting (location, nonterm)) location
-let mkexp_fun {Location.txt; loc} body =
-  let loc = mklocation loc.loc_start body.pexp_loc.loc_end in
-  match txt with
-  | Term (label, default_expr, pat) ->
-    Exp.fun_ ~loc label default_expr pat body
-  | Type str ->
-    Exp.newtype ~loc str body
-let mkclass_fun {Location. txt ; loc} body =
-  let loc = mklocation loc.loc_start body.pcl_loc.loc_end in
-  match txt with
-  | Term (label, default_expr, pat) ->
-    Cl.fun_ ~loc label default_expr pat body
-  | Type _ ->
-    let pat = syntax_error_pat loc "(type) not allowed in classes" in
-    Cl.fun_ ~loc Nolabel None pat body
-let mktyp_arrow ({Location.txt = (label, cod); loc}, uncurried) dom =
-  let loc = mklocation loc.loc_start dom.ptyp_loc.loc_end in
-  let typ = mktyp ~loc (Ptyp_arrow (label, cod, dom)) in
-  {typ with ptyp_attributes = (if uncurried then [uncurry_payload loc] else [])}
-let mkcty_arrow ({Location.txt = (label, cod); loc}, uncurried) dom =
-  let loc = mklocation loc.loc_start dom.pcty_loc.loc_end in
-  let ct = mkcty ~loc (Pcty_arrow (label, cod, dom)) in
-  {ct with pcty_attributes = (if uncurried then [uncurry_payload loc] else [])}
-  * process the occurrence of _ in the arguments of a function application
-  * replace _ with a new variable, currently __x, in the arguments
-  * return a wrapping function that wraps ((__x) => ...) around an expression
-  * e.g. foo(_, 3) becomes (__x) => foo(__x, 3)
-  *)
-let process_underscore_application args =
-  let exp_question = ref None in
-  let hidden_var = "__x" in
-  let check_arg ((lab, exp) as arg) = match exp.pexp_desc with
-    | Pexp_ident ({ txt = Lident "_"} as id) ->
-        let new_id = mkloc (Lident hidden_var) id.loc in
-        let new_exp = mkexp (Pexp_ident new_id) ~loc:exp.pexp_loc in
-        exp_question := Some new_exp;
-        (lab, new_exp)
-    | _ ->
-        arg in
-  let args = check_arg args in
-  let wrap exp_apply = match !exp_question with
-    | Some {pexp_loc=loc} ->
-        let pattern = mkpat (Ppat_var (mkloc hidden_var loc)) ~loc in
-        begin match exp_apply.pexp_desc with
-        (* Transform pipe first with underscore application correct:
-         * 5->doStuff(3, _, 7);
-         * (5 |. doStuff)(3, _, 7)
-         * 5 |. (__x => doStuff(3, __x, 7))
-         *)
-        | Pexp_apply(
-          {pexp_desc= Pexp_apply(
-            {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident({txt = Longident.Lident("|.")})} as pipeExp,
-            [Nolabel, arg1; Nolabel, ({pexp_desc = Pexp_ident _} as arg2)]
-            (*         5                            doStuff                   *)
-          )},
-          args (* [3, __x, 7] *)
-          ) ->
-            (* build `doStuff(3, __x, 7)` *)
-            let innerApply = {arg2 with pexp_desc = Pexp_apply(arg2, args)} in
-            (* build `__x => doStuff(3, __x, 7)` *)
-            let innerFun =
-              mkexp (Pexp_fun (Nolabel, None, pattern, innerApply)) ~loc
-            in
-            (* build `5 |. (__x => doStuff(3, __x, 7))` *)
-            {exp_apply with pexp_desc =
-              Pexp_apply(pipeExp, [Nolabel, arg1; Nolabel, innerFun])
-            }
-        | _ ->
-          mkexp (Pexp_fun (Nolabel, None, pattern, exp_apply)) ~loc
-        end
-    | None ->
-        exp_apply in
-  (args, wrap)
-  * Joins a 'body' and it's 'args' to form a Pexp_apply.
-  * Example:
-  * 'add' (body) and '[1, 2]' (args) become a Pexp_apply representing 'add(1, 2)'
-  *
-  * Note that `add(. 1, 2)(. 3, 4)` & `add(. 1, 2, . 3, 4)` both
-  * give `[[@uncurry] 1, 2, [@uncurry] 3, 4]]` as args.
-  * The dot is parsed as [@uncurry] to distinguish between specific
-  * uncurrying and [@bs]. They can appear in the same arg:
-  * `add(. [@bs] 1)` is a perfectly valid, the dot indicates uncurrying
-  * for the whole application of 'add' and [@bs] sits on the `1`.
-  * Due to the dot of uncurried application possibly appearing in any
-  * position of the args, we need to post-process the args and split
-  * all args in groups that are uncurried (or not).
-  * add(. 1, . 2) should be parsed as (add(. 1))(. 2)
-  * The args can be splitted here in [1] & [2], based on those groups
-  * we can recursively build the correct nested Pexp_apply here.
-  *  -> Pexp_apply (Pexp_apply (add, 1), 2)   (* simplified ast *)
-  *)
-let mkexp_app_rev startp endp (body, args) =
-  let loc = mklocation startp endp in
-  if args = [] then {body with pexp_loc = loc}
-  else
-  (*
-   * Post process the arguments and transform [@uncurry] into [@bs].
-   * Returns a tuple with a boolean (was it uncurried?) and
-   * the posible rewritten arg.
-   *)
-  let rec process_args acc es =
-    match es with
-    | (lbl, e)::es ->
-        let attrs = e.pexp_attributes in
-        let hasUncurryAttr = ref false in
-        let newAttrs = List.filter (function
-          | ({txt = "uncurry"}, PStr []) ->
-              hasUncurryAttr := true;
-              false
-          | _ -> true) attrs
-        in
-        let uncurried = !hasUncurryAttr in
-        let newArg = (lbl, { e with pexp_attributes = newAttrs }) in
-        process_args ((uncurried, newArg)::acc) es
-    | [] -> acc
-    in
-    (*
-     * Groups all uncurried args falling under the same Pexp_apply
-     * Example:
-     *    add(. 2, 3, . 4, 5) or add(. 2, 3)(. 4, 5)  (equivalent)
-     * This results in two groups: (true, [2, 3]) & (true, [4, 5])
-     * Both groups have 'true' as their first tuple element, because
-     * they are uncurried.
-     * add(2, 3, . 4) results in the groups (false, [2, 3]) & (true, [4])
-     *)
-    let rec group grp acc = function
-    | (uncurried, arg)::xs ->
-        let (_u, grp) = grp in
-        if uncurried = true then begin
-          group (true, [arg]) ((_u, (List.rev grp))::acc) xs
-        end else begin
-          group (_u, (arg::grp)) acc xs
-        end
-    | [] ->
-        let (_u, grp) = grp in
-        List.rev ((_u, (List.rev grp))::acc)
-    in
-    (*
-     * Recursively transforms all groups into a (possibly uncurried)
-     * Pexp_apply
-     *
-     * Example:
-     *   Given the groups (true, [2, 3]) & (true, [4, 5]) and body 'add',
-     *   we get the two nested Pexp_apply associated with
-     *   (add(. 2, 3))(. 4, 5)
-     *)
-    let rec make_appl body = function
-      | args::xs ->
-          let (uncurried, args) = args in
-          let expr = if args = [] then body
-          else
-            let (args, wrap) = process_underscore_application args in
-            let args_loc = match args, List.rev args with
-              | ((_, s)::_), ((_, e)::_) -> mklocation s.pexp_loc.loc_start e.pexp_loc.loc_end
-              | _ -> assert false in
-            let expr = mkexp ~loc:args_loc (Pexp_apply (body, args)) in
-            let expr = if uncurried then {expr with pexp_attributes = [uncurry_payload loc]} else expr in
-            wrap expr
-          in
-            make_appl expr xs
-      | [] -> {body with pexp_loc = loc}
-    in
-    let processed_args = process_args [] args in
-    let groups = group (false, []) [] processed_args in
-    make_appl body groups
-let mkmod_app mexp marg =
-  mkmod ~loc:(mklocation mexp.pmod_loc.loc_start marg.pmod_loc.loc_end)
-    (Pmod_apply (mexp, marg))
-let bigarray_function ?(loc=dummy_loc()) str name =
-  ghloc ~loc (Ldot(Ldot(Lident "Bigarray", str), name))
-let bigarray_get ?(loc=dummy_loc()) arr arg =
-  let get = if ! then "unsafe_get" else "get" in
-  match arg with
-    [c1] ->
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_ident(bigarray_function ~loc "Array1" get)),
-                       [Nolabel, arr; Nolabel, c1]))
-  | [c1;c2] ->
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_ident(bigarray_function ~loc "Array2" get)),
-                       [Nolabel, arr; Nolabel, c1; Nolabel, c2]))
-  | [c1;c2;c3] ->
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_ident(bigarray_function ~loc "Array3" get)),
-                       [Nolabel, arr; Nolabel, c1; Nolabel, c2; Nolabel, c3]))
-  | coords ->
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_ident(bigarray_function ~loc "Genarray" "get")),
-                       [Nolabel, arr; Nolabel, mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_array coords)]))
-let bigarray_set ?(loc=dummy_loc()) arr arg newval =
-  let set = if ! then "unsafe_set" else "set" in
-  match arg with
-    [c1] ->
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_ident(bigarray_function ~loc "Array1" set)),
-                       [Nolabel, arr; Nolabel, c1; Nolabel, newval]))
-  | [c1;c2] ->
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_ident(bigarray_function ~loc "Array2" set)),
-                       [Nolabel, arr; Nolabel, c1; Nolabel, c2; Nolabel, newval]))
-  | [c1;c2;c3] ->
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_ident(bigarray_function ~loc "Array3" set)),
-                       [Nolabel, arr; Nolabel, c1; Nolabel, c2; Nolabel, c3; Nolabel, newval]))
-  | coords ->
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_ident(bigarray_function ~loc "Genarray" "set")),
-                       [Nolabel, arr;
-                        Nolabel, mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_array coords);
-                        Nolabel, newval]))
-let exp_of_label label =
-  mkexp ~loc:label.loc (Pexp_ident {label with txt=Lident(Longident.last label.txt)})
-let pat_of_label label =
-  mkpat ~loc:label.loc (Ppat_var {label with txt=(Longident.last label.txt)})
-let check_variable vl loc v =
-  if List.mem v vl then
-    raise_error (Variable_in_scope (loc,v)) loc
-let varify_constructors var_names t =
-  let rec loop t =
-    let desc =
-      match t.ptyp_desc with
-      | Ptyp_any -> Ptyp_any
-      | Ptyp_var x ->
-          check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc x;
-          Ptyp_var x
-      | Ptyp_arrow (label,core_type,core_type') ->
-          Ptyp_arrow(label, loop core_type, loop core_type')
-      | Ptyp_tuple lst -> Ptyp_tuple ( loop lst)
-      | Ptyp_constr( { txt = Lident s }, []) when List.mem s var_names ->
-          Ptyp_var s
-      | Ptyp_constr(longident, lst) ->
-          Ptyp_constr(longident, loop lst)
-      | Ptyp_object (lst, o) ->
-          Ptyp_object
-            ( (fun (s, attrs, t) -> (s, attrs, loop t)) lst, o)
-      | Ptyp_class (longident, lst) ->
-          Ptyp_class (longident, loop lst)
-      | Ptyp_alias(core_type, string) ->
-          check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc string;
-          Ptyp_alias(loop core_type, string)
-      | Ptyp_variant(row_field_list, flag, lbl_lst_option) ->
-          Ptyp_variant( loop_row_field row_field_list,
-                       flag, lbl_lst_option)
-      | Ptyp_poly(string_lst, core_type) ->
-          List.iter (check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc) string_lst;
-          Ptyp_poly(string_lst, loop core_type)
-      | Ptyp_package(longident,lst) ->
-          Ptyp_package(longident, (fun (n,typ) -> (n,loop typ) ) lst)
-      | Ptyp_extension (s, arg) ->
-          Ptyp_extension (s, arg)
-    in
-    {t with ptyp_desc = desc}
-  and loop_row_field  =
-    function
-      | Rtag(label,attrs,flag,lst) ->
-          Rtag(label,attrs,flag, loop lst)
-      | Rinherit t ->
-          Rinherit (loop t)
-  in
-  loop t
-let pexp_newtypes ?loc newtypes exp =
-  List.fold_right (fun newtype exp -> mkexp ?loc (Pexp_newtype (newtype, exp)))
-    newtypes exp
-  I believe that wrap_type_annotation will automatically generate the type
-  arguments (type a) (type b) based on what was listed before the dot in a
-  polymorphic type annotation that uses locally abstract types.
- *)
-let wrap_type_annotation newtypes core_type body =
-  let exp = mkexp(Pexp_constraint(body,core_type)) in
-  let exp = pexp_newtypes newtypes exp in
-  let typ = mktyp ~ghost:true (Ptyp_poly(newtypes,varify_constructors newtypes core_type)) in
-  (exp, typ)
-let struct_item_extension (ext_attrs, ext_id) structure_items =
-  mkstr ~ghost:true (Pstr_extension ((ext_id, PStr structure_items), ext_attrs))
-let expression_extension ?loc (ext_attrs, ext_id) item_expr =
-  let extension = (ext_id, PStr [mkstrexp item_expr []]) in
-  let loc = match loc with
-    | Some loc -> loc
-    | None -> make_ghost_loc (dummy_loc ())
-  in
-  Exp.extension ~loc ~attrs:ext_attrs extension
-(* There's no more need for these functions - this was for the following:
- *
- *     fun % ext [@foo] arg => arg;
- *
- *   Becoming
- *
- *     [%ext  (fun arg => arg) [@foo]]
- *
- *   Which we no longer support.
- *)
-(* Applies the attributes to the body, then wraps entire thing in an extension
- * expression, whose payload consists of a single structure item that is body
- *)
-(* let wrap_exp_attrs body (ext, attrs) = *)
-(*   (* todo: keep exact location for the entire attribute *) *)
-(*   let body = {body with pexp_attributes = attrs @ body.pexp_attributes} in *)
-(*   match ext with *)
-(*   | None -> body *)
-(*   | Some id -> mkexp ~ghost:true (Pexp_extension (id, PStr [mkstrexp body []])) *)
-(* Why not just mkexp with the right attributes in the first place? *)
-(* let mkexp_attrs d attrs = *)
-(*   wrap_exp_attrs (mkexp d) attrs *)
-let mkcf_attrs ?(loc=dummy_loc()) d attrs =
- ~loc ~attrs d
-let mkctf_attrs d attrs =
- ~attrs d
-let mklbs ext rf lb loc =
-  { lbs_bindings = [lb];
-    lbs_rec = rf;
-    lbs_extension = ext;
-    lbs_loc = loc; }
-let addlbs lbs lbs' =
-  { lbs with lbs_bindings = lbs.lbs_bindings @ lbs' }
-let val_of_let_bindings lbs =
-  let str = Str.value lbs.lbs_rec lbs.lbs_bindings in
-  match lbs.lbs_extension with
-  | None -> str
-  | Some ext -> struct_item_extension ext [str]
-let expr_of_let_bindings ~loc lbs body =
-  let item_expr = Exp.let_ ~loc lbs.lbs_rec lbs.lbs_bindings body in
-  match lbs.lbs_extension with
-  | None -> item_expr
-  | Some ext -> expression_extension ~loc:(make_ghost_loc loc) ext item_expr
-let class_of_let_bindings lbs body =
-  if lbs.lbs_extension <> None then
-    raise_error (Not_expecting (lbs.lbs_loc, "extension")) lbs.lbs_loc;
-  Cl.let_ lbs.lbs_rec lbs.lbs_bindings body
- * arity_conflict_resolving_mapper is triggered when both "implicit_arity" "explicit_arity"
- * are in the attribtues. In that case we have to remove "explicit_arity"
- *
- * However, if we simply remove explicit_arity, we would end up with a
- * wrapping tuple which has only one component (inner tuple).
- * This is against the invariance where tuples must have 2+ components.
- * Therefore, in the case we have to remove explicit_arity, we also need to
- * unwrap the tuple to expose the inner tuple directly.
- *
- *)
-let arity_conflict_resolving_mapper super =
-{ super with
-  expr = begin fun mapper expr ->
-    match expr with
-      | {pexp_desc=Pexp_construct(lid, args);
-         pexp_loc;
-         pexp_attributes} when attributes_conflicted "implicit_arity" "explicit_arity" pexp_attributes ->
-         let new_args =
-           match args with
-             | Some {pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple [sp]} -> Some sp
-             | _ -> args in
-         super.expr mapper
-         {pexp_desc=Pexp_construct(lid, new_args); pexp_loc; pexp_attributes=
-          normalized_attributes "explicit_arity" pexp_attributes}
-      | x -> super.expr mapper x
-  end;
-  pat = begin fun mapper pattern ->
-    match pattern with
-      | {ppat_desc=Ppat_construct(lid, args);
-         ppat_loc;
-         ppat_attributes} when attributes_conflicted "implicit_arity" "explicit_arity" ppat_attributes ->
-         let new_args =
-           match args with
-             | Some {ppat_desc = Ppat_tuple [sp]} -> Some sp
-             | _ -> args in
-         super.pat mapper
-         {ppat_desc=Ppat_construct(lid, new_args); ppat_loc; ppat_attributes=
-          normalized_attributes "explicit_arity" ppat_attributes}
-      | x -> super.pat mapper x
-  end;
-let reason_mapper =
-  default_mapper
-  |> reason_to_ml_swap_operator_mapper
-  |> arity_conflict_resolving_mapper
-let rewriteFunctorApp module_name elt loc =
-  let rec applies = function
-    | Lident _ -> false
-    | Ldot (m, _) -> applies m
-    | Lapply (_, _) -> true in
-  let rec flattenModName = function
-    | Lident id -> id
-    | Ldot (m, id) -> flattenModName m ^ "." ^ id
-    | Lapply (m1, m2) -> flattenModName m1 ^ "(" ^ flattenModName m2 ^ ")" in
-  let rec mkModExp = function
-    | Lident id -> mkmod ~loc (Pmod_ident {txt=Lident id; loc})
-    | Ldot (m, id) -> mkmod ~loc (Pmod_ident {txt=Ldot (m, id); loc})
-    | Lapply (m1, m2) -> mkmod ~loc (Pmod_apply (mkModExp m1, mkModExp m2)) in
-  if applies module_name then
-    let flat = flattenModName module_name in
-    mkexp ~loc (Pexp_letmodule({txt=flat; loc},
-                         mkModExp module_name,
-                         mkexp(Pexp_ident {txt=Ldot (Lident flat, elt); loc})))
-  else
-    mkexp ~loc (Pexp_ident {txt=Ldot (module_name, elt); loc})
-let jsx_component module_name attrs children loc =
-  let rec getFirstPart = function
-    | Lident fp -> fp
-    | Ldot (fp, _) -> getFirstPart fp
-    | Lapply (fp, _) -> getFirstPart fp in
-  let firstPart = getFirstPart module_name.txt in
-  let element_fn = if String.get firstPart 0 != '_' && firstPart = String.capitalize_ascii firstPart then
-    (* firstPart will be non-empty so the 0th access is fine. Modules can't start with underscore *)
-    rewriteFunctorApp module_name.txt "createElement" module_name.loc
-  else
-    mkexp ~loc:module_name.loc (Pexp_ident(mkloc (Lident firstPart) module_name.loc))
-  in
-  let body = mkexp(Pexp_apply(element_fn, attrs @ children)) ~loc in
-  let attribute = ({txt = "JSX"; loc = loc}, PStr []) in
-  { body with pexp_attributes = attribute :: body.pexp_attributes }
-let rec ignoreLapply = function
-  | Lident id -> Lident id
-  | Ldot (lid, id) -> Ldot (ignoreLapply lid, id)
-  | Lapply (m1, _) -> ignoreLapply m1
-(* Like Longident.flatten, but ignores `Lapply`s. Useful because 1) we don't want to require `Lapply` in
-   closing tags, and 2) Longident.flatten doesn't support `Lapply`. *)
-let rec flattenWithoutLapply = function
-  | Lident id -> [id]
-  | Ldot (lid, id) -> flattenWithoutLapply lid @ [id]
-  | Lapply (m1, _) -> flattenWithoutLapply m1
-let ensureTagsAreEqual startTag endTag loc =
-  if ignoreLapply startTag <> endTag then
-    let startTag = String.concat "" (flattenWithoutLapply startTag) in
-    let endTag = String.concat "" (flattenWithoutLapply endTag) in
-    if endTag <> "" then
-    Printf.ksprintf (syntax_error loc)
-      "Start tag <%s> does not match end tag </%s>" startTag endTag
-(* `{. "foo": bar}` -> `Js.t {. foo: bar}` and {.. "foo": bar} -> `Js.t {.. foo: bar} *)
-let mkBsObjTypeSugar ~loc ~closed rows =
-  let obj = mktyp ~loc (Ptyp_object (rows, closed)) in
-  let jsDotTCtor = { txt = Longident.Ldot (Longident.Lident "Js", "t"); loc } in
-  mktyp(Ptyp_constr(jsDotTCtor, [obj]))
-let doc_loc loc = {txt = "ocaml.doc"; loc = loc}
-let doc_attr text loc =
-  let open Parsetree in
-  let exp =
-    { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(text, None));
-      pexp_loc = loc;
-      pexp_attributes = []; }
-  in
-  let item =
-    { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = exp.pexp_loc }
-  in
-    (doc_loc loc, PStr [item])
-let prepend_attrs_to_labels attrs = function
-  | [] -> [] (* not possible for valid inputs *)
-  | x :: xs -> {x with pld_attributes = attrs @ x.pld_attributes} :: xs
-let raise_record_trailing_semi_error loc =
-  syntax_error_exp loc
-    "Record entries are separated by comma; \
-     we've found a semicolon instead."
-let raise_record_trailing_semi_error' loc =
-  (Some (raise_record_trailing_semi_error loc), [])
-let record_exp_spread_msg =
-  "Records can only have one `...` spread, at the beginning.
-Explanation: since records have a known, fixed shape, a spread like `{a, ...b}` wouldn't make sense, as `b` would override every field of `a` anyway."
-let record_pat_spread_msg =
-  "Record's `...` spread is not supported in pattern matches.
-Explanation: you can't collect a subset of a record's field into its own record, since a record needs an explicit declaration and that subset wouldn't have one.
-Solution: you need to pull out each field you want explicitly."
-let lowercase_module_msg =
-  "Module names must start with an uppercase letter."
-(* Handles "over"-parsing of spread syntax with `opt_spread`.
- * The grammar allows a spread operator at every position, when
- * generating the parsetree we raise a helpful error message. *)
-let filter_raise_spread_syntax msg nodes =
- (fun (dotdotdot, node) ->
-      begin match dotdotdot with
-        | Some dotdotdotLoc -> syntax_error dotdotdotLoc msg
-        | None -> ()
-      end;
-      node
-    ) nodes
- * See
- * Rely on the parsing rules for generic module types, and then
- * extract a package type, enabling more explicit error messages
- * *)
-let package_type_of_module_type pmty =
-  let map_cstr = function
-    | Pwith_type (lid, ptyp) ->
-        let loc = ptyp.ptype_loc in
-        if ptyp.ptype_params <> [] then
-          syntax_error loc "parametrized types are not supported";
-        if ptyp.ptype_cstrs <> [] then
-          syntax_error loc "constrained types are not supported";
-        if ptyp.ptype_private <> Public then
-          syntax_error loc "private types are not supported";
-        (* restrictions below are checked by the 'with_constraint' rule *)
-        assert (ptyp.ptype_kind = Ptype_abstract);
-        assert (ptyp.ptype_attributes = []);
-        let ty =
-          match ptyp.ptype_manifest with
-          | Some ty -> ty
-          | None -> assert false
-        in
-        [lid, ty]
-    | _ ->
-       syntax_error pmty.pmty_loc "only 'with type t =' constraints are supported";
-       []
-  in
-  match pmty with
-  | {pmty_desc = Pmty_ident lid} -> Some (lid, [])
-  | {pmty_desc = Pmty_with({pmty_desc = Pmty_ident lid}, cstrs)} ->
-    Some (lid, List.flatten ( map_cstr cstrs))
-  | _ -> None
-let add_brace_attr expr =
-  let label = Location.mknoloc "reason.preserve_braces" in
-  let payload = PStr [] in
-  {expr with pexp_attributes= (label, payload) :: expr.pexp_attributes }
-# 1200 "src/reason-parser/"
-module Tables = struct
-  include MenhirBasics
-  let token2terminal : token -> int =
-    fun _tok ->
-      match _tok with
-      | AMPERAMPER ->
-          125
-      | AMPERSAND ->
-          124
-      | AND ->
-          123
-      | AS ->
-          122
-      | ASSERT ->
-          121
-      | BACKQUOTE ->
-          120
-      | BANG ->
-          119
-      | BAR ->
-          118
-      | BARBAR ->
-          117
-      | BARRBRACKET ->
-          116
-      | BEGIN ->
-          115
-      | CHAR _ ->
-          114
-      | CLASS ->
-          113
-      | COLON ->
-          112
-      | COLONCOLON ->
-          111
-      | COLONEQUAL ->
-          110
-      | COLONGREATER ->
-          109
-      | COMMA ->
-          108
-      | COMMENT _ ->
-          107
-      | CONSTRAINT ->
-          106
-      | DO ->
-          105
-      | DOCSTRING _ ->
-          104
-      | DONE ->
-          103
-      | DOT ->
-          102
-      | DOTDOT ->
-          101
-      | DOTDOTDOT ->
-          100
-      | DOWNTO ->
-          99
-      | ELSE ->
-          98
-      | END ->
-          97
-      | EOF ->
-          96
-      | EOL ->
-          95
-      | EQUAL ->
-          94
-      | EQUALGREATER ->
-          93
-      | ES6_FUN ->
-          92
-      | EXCEPTION ->
-          91
-      | EXTERNAL ->
-          90
-      | FALSE ->
-          89
-      | FLOAT _ ->
-          88
-      | FOR ->
-          87
-      | FUN ->
-          86
-      | FUNCTION ->
-          85
-      | FUNCTOR ->
-          84
-      | GREATER ->
-          83
-          82
-          81
-      | IF ->
-          80
-      | IN ->
-          79
-      | INCLUDE ->
-          78
-      | INFIXOP0 _ ->
-          77
-      | INFIXOP1 _ ->
-          76
-      | INFIXOP2 _ ->
-          75
-      | INFIXOP3 _ ->
-          74
-      | INFIXOP4 _ ->
-          73
-      | INHERIT ->
-          72
-      | INITIALIZER ->
-          71
-      | INT _ ->
-          70
-      | LAZY ->
-          69
-      | LBRACE ->
-          68
-      | LBRACELESS ->
-          67
-      | LBRACKET ->
-          66
-      | LBRACKETAT ->
-          65
-      | LBRACKETBAR ->
-          64
-          63
-      | LBRACKETLESS ->
-          62
-          61
-          60
-      | LESS ->
-          59
-          58
-      | LESSGREATER ->
-          57
-      | LESSIDENT _ ->
-          56
-          55
-          54
-      | LET ->
-          53
-      | LIDENT _ ->
-          52
-      | LPAREN ->
-          51
-      | MINUS ->
-          50
-      | MINUSDOT ->
-          49
-      | MINUSGREATER ->
-          48
-      | MODULE ->
-          47
-      | MUTABLE ->
-          46
-      | NATIVEINT _ ->
-          45
-      | NEW ->
-          44
-      | NONREC ->
-          43
-      | OBJECT ->
-          42
-      | OF ->
-          41
-      | OPEN ->
-          40
-      | OR ->
-          39
-      | PERCENT ->
-          38
-      | PLUS ->
-          37
-      | PLUSDOT ->
-          36
-      | PLUSEQ ->
-          35
-      | POSTFIXOP _ ->
-          34
-      | PREFIXOP _ ->
-          33
-      | PRI ->
-          32
-      | PUB ->
-          31
-      | QUESTION ->
-          30
-      | QUOTE ->
-          29
-      | RBRACE ->
-          28
-      | RBRACKET ->
-          27
-      | REC ->
-          26
-      | RPAREN ->
-          25
-      | SEMI ->
-          24
-      | SEMISEMI ->
-          23
-      | SHARP ->
-          22
-      | SHARPEQUAL ->
-          21
-      | SHARPOP _ ->
-          20
-      | SIG ->
-          19
-      | SLASHGREATER ->
-          18
-      | STAR ->
-          17
-      | STRING _ ->
-          16
-      | STRUCT ->
-          15
-      | SWITCH ->
-          14
-      | THEN ->
-          13
-      | TILDE ->
-          12
-      | TO ->
-          11
-      | TRUE ->
-          10
-      | TRY ->
-          9
-      | TYPE ->
-          8
-      | UIDENT _ ->
-          7
-      | UNDERSCORE ->
-          6
-      | VAL ->
-          5
-      | VIRTUAL ->
-          4
-      | WHEN ->
-          3
-      | WHILE ->
-          2
-      | WITH ->
-          1
-  and error_terminal =
-    0
-  and token2value : token -> Obj.t =
-    fun _tok ->
-      match _tok with
-      | AMPERAMPER ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | AMPERSAND ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | AND ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | AS ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | ASSERT ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | BACKQUOTE ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | BANG ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | BAR ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | BARBAR ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | BARRBRACKET ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | BEGIN ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | CHAR _v ->
-          Obj.repr _v
-      | CLASS ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | COLON ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | COLONCOLON ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | COLONEQUAL ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | COLONGREATER ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | COMMA ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | COMMENT _v ->
-          Obj.repr _v
-      | CONSTRAINT ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | DO ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | DOCSTRING _v ->
-          Obj.repr _v
-      | DONE ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | DOT ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | DOTDOT ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | DOTDOTDOT ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | DOWNTO ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | ELSE ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | END ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | EOF ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | EOL ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | EQUAL ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | EQUALGREATER ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | ES6_FUN ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | EXCEPTION ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | EXTERNAL ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | FALSE ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | FLOAT _v ->
-          Obj.repr _v
-      | FOR ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | FUN ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | FUNCTION ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | FUNCTOR ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | GREATER ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-          Obj.repr ()
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | IF ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | IN ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | INCLUDE ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | INFIXOP0 _v ->
-          Obj.repr _v
-      | INFIXOP1 _v ->
-          Obj.repr _v
-      | INFIXOP2 _v ->
-          Obj.repr _v
-      | INFIXOP3 _v ->
-          Obj.repr _v
-      | INFIXOP4 _v ->
-          Obj.repr _v
-      | INHERIT ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | INITIALIZER ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | INT _v ->
-          Obj.repr _v
-      | LAZY ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | LBRACE ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | LBRACELESS ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | LBRACKET ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | LBRACKETAT ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | LBRACKETBAR ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | LBRACKETLESS ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-          Obj.repr ()
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | LESS ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | LESSGREATER ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | LESSIDENT _v ->
-          Obj.repr _v
-          Obj.repr ()
-          Obj.repr _v
-      | LET ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | LIDENT _v ->
-          Obj.repr _v
-      | LPAREN ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | MINUS ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | MINUSDOT ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | MINUSGREATER ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | MODULE ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | MUTABLE ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | NATIVEINT _v ->
-          Obj.repr _v
-      | NEW ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | NONREC ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | OBJECT ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | OF ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | OPEN ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | OR ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | PERCENT ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | PLUS ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | PLUSDOT ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | PLUSEQ ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | POSTFIXOP _v ->
-          Obj.repr _v
-      | PREFIXOP _v ->
-          Obj.repr _v
-      | PRI ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | PUB ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | QUESTION ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | QUOTE ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | RBRACE ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | RBRACKET ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | REC ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | RPAREN ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | SEMI ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | SEMISEMI ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | SHARP ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | SHARPEQUAL ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | SHARPOP _v ->
-          Obj.repr _v
-      | SIG ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | SLASHGREATER ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | STAR ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | STRING _v ->
-          Obj.repr _v
-      | STRUCT ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | SWITCH ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | THEN ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | TILDE ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | TO ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | TRUE ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | TRY ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | TYPE ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | UIDENT _v ->
-          Obj.repr _v
-      | UNDERSCORE ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | VAL ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | VIRTUAL ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | WHEN ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | WHILE ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-      | WITH ->
-          Obj.repr ()
-  and default_reduction =
-    (16, 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\000\000\000\000\000!\000\000\002 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\000\000\002X\000L\003i\003j\000\240\002X\000L\003i\003j\000\000\001\b\000\000\b\002\002<\002=\000\000\000\000\007\019\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\b\000\000\b\002\000\000\000\240\b\003\000\000\002X\000L\000\240\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\b\003\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\b\004\b\005\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\b\004\b\005\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002\\\000\000\000\000\002]\000\000\002\\\000\240\000\000\002]\002`\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002`\000\000\000\000\000\240\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002\\\000\000\000\000\002]\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002`\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002a\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002a\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002a"))
-  and semantic_action =
-    [|
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern))
-  list * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.closed_flag) = let _1 = 
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 1767 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3737 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( ([_1], Closed) )
-# 1772 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern))
-  list * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.closed_flag) = let _1 =
-          let (_endpos__2_, _2) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _2_inlined1) in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 1820 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3738 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( ([_1], Closed) )
-# 1826 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern))
-  list * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.closed_flag) = let _1 =
-          let (_endpos__2_, _2) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _2_inlined1) in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 1888 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3739 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( ([_1], Open)   )
-# 1894 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern))
-  list * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.closed_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern))
-  list * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.closed_flag) = let _1 =
-          let (_endpos__2_, _2) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _2_inlined1) in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 1951 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3741 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (fields, closed) = _3 in _1 :: fields, closed )
-# 1957 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4643 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( "+"  )
-# 1982 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4644 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( "+." )
-# 2007 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_declaration) = let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 2044 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1908 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let (ident, binding, virt, params) = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
- ident binding ~virt ~params ~attrs:_1 ~loc
-  )
-# 2058 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_declaration) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 2103 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 2108 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1908 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let (ident, binding, virt, params) = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
- ident binding ~virt ~params ~attrs:_1 ~loc
-  )
-# 2122 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_description) = let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 2159 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 2315 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let (ident, binding, virt, params) = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
- ident binding ~virt ~params ~attrs:_1 ~loc
-  )
-# 2173 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_description) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 2218 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 2223 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 2315 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let (ident, binding, virt, params) = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
- ident binding ~virt ~params ~attrs:_1 ~loc
-  )
-# 2237 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_declaration) = let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 2274 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 2345 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let (ident, instance_type, virt, params) = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
- ident instance_type ~virt ~params ~attrs:_1 ~loc
-  )
-# 2288 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_declaration) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 2333 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 2338 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 2345 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let (ident, instance_type, virt, params) = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
- ident instance_type ~virt ~params ~attrs:_1 ~loc
-  )
-# 2352 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let x : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 2386 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_binding) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 2398 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 2404 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1679 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( _3 _4 ~attrs:_1 ~loc:(mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 2415 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let x : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 2455 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_binding) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 2468 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 2475 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 2480 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1679 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( _3 _4 ~attrs:_1 ~loc:(mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 2491 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let x : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 2525 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_declaration) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 2537 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 2543 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1901 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( _3 _4 ~attrs:_1 ~loc:(mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 2554 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let x : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 2594 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_declaration) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 2607 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 2614 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 2619 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1901 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( _3 _4 ~attrs:_1 ~loc:(mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 2630 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = 
-# 3800 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 2648 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-   (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-   list *
-   (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-   list * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) *
-  Lexing.position * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 2689 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 3802 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (ident, params, cstrs, kind, priv, manifest), endpos, and_types = _3 in
-      let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos endpos in
- ident ~params ~cstrs ~kind ~priv ?manifest ~attrs:_1 ~loc
-      :: and_types
-    )
-# 2703 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-   (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-   list *
-   (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-   list * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) *
-  Lexing.position * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 2752 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 2757 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 3802 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (ident, params, cstrs, kind, priv, manifest), endpos, and_types = _3 in
-      let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos endpos in
- ident ~params ~cstrs ~kind ~priv ?manifest ~attrs:_1 ~loc
-      :: and_types
-    )
-# 2771 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 4234 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                    ( (Nolabel, _1) )
-# 2797 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 2838 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 4236 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Labelled _2, _4) )
-# 2848 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 4237 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                           ( _1 )
-# 2875 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-   Location.loc * bool)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-   Location.loc * bool)
-  list) = let _2 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-          let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 2929 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4253 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                             (_1)
-# 2934 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4256 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                 ( _2 )
-# 2940 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-   Location.loc * bool)
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 4221 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( List.fold_right mktyp_arrow _2 _4 )
-# 2989 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 3032 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4223 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mktyp_arrow (_1, false) _3 )
-# 3038 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 4225 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mktyp (Ptyp_arrow (Nolabel, _1, _3)) )
-# 3077 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (string Location.loc) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 3105 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4702 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                           ( _1 )
-# 3111 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (string Location.loc) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (string) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (string Location.loc) = let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4703 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                               ( mkloc (_1 ^ "." ^ _3.txt) (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 3152 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.payload) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (string Location.loc) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute) = 
-# 4707 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( (_2, _3) )
-# 3198 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1176 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 3219 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute) = let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4708 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-              ( doc_attr _1 (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 3229 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = 
-# 4012 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 :: _2 )
-# 3261 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = 
-# 4013 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                   ( _1 )
-# 3286 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = 
-# 4012 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 :: _2 )
-# 3318 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = 
-# 4013 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                   ( _1 )
-# 3343 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 3375 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3909 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {_3 with pcd_attributes = _1 @ _3.pcd_attributes} )
-# 3380 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 3420 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 3425 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3909 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {_3 with pcd_attributes = _1 @ _3.pcd_attributes} )
-# 3431 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) = let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 3463 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4408 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( match _3 with
-    | Rtag (name, attrs, amp, typs) ->
-        Rtag (name, _1 @ attrs, amp, typs)
-    | Rinherit typ ->
-        Rinherit {typ with ptyp_attributes = _1 @ typ.ptyp_attributes}
-  )
-# 3473 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 3513 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 3518 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4408 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( match _3 with
-    | Rtag (name, attrs, amp, typs) ->
-        Rtag (name, _1 @ attrs, amp, typs)
-    | Rinherit typ ->
-        Rinherit {typ with ptyp_attributes = _1 @ typ.ptyp_attributes}
-  )
-# 3529 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.lid) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4324 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mktyp(Ptyp_constr(_1, _2)) )
-# 3562 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 3570 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4345 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 3576 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 3620 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 4326 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mktyp(Ptyp_class(_2, _3)) )
-# 3626 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 3635 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4345 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 3641 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (string) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4328 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mktyp(Ptyp_var _2) )
-# 3674 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 3682 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4345 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 3688 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 3725 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 4330 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mktyp(Ptyp_class(_2, [])) )
-# 3731 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__1_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 3740 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4345 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 3746 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4332 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mktyp(Ptyp_any) )
-# 3772 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 3780 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4345 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 3786 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.lid) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4334 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mktyp(Ptyp_constr(_1, [])) )
-# 3812 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 3820 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4345 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 3826 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4336 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 3852 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 3860 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4345 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 3866 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4338 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mktyp(Ptyp_variant (_2, Closed, None)) )
-# 3906 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 3914 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4345 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 3920 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4340 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mktyp(Ptyp_variant (_2, Open, None)) )
-# 3960 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 3968 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4345 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 3974 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (string list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4342 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mktyp(Ptyp_variant (_2, Closed, Some _3)) )
-# 4021 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 4029 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4345 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 4035 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4344 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mktyp(Ptyp_extension _1) )
-# 4061 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 4069 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4345 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 4075 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (bool) = 
-# 133 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( false )
-# 4093 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (bool) = 
-# 135 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( true )
-# 4118 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2388 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( add_brace_attr _2 )
-# 4158 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 4166 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2407 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (_1)
-# 4172 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2390 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      syntax_error_exp loc
-        "Record construction must have at least one field explicitly set" )
-# 4231 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 4240 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2407 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (_1)
-# 4246 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2394 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _startpos__4_ _endpos__4_ in
-      raise_record_trailing_semi_error loc )
-# 4301 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 4309 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2407 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (_1)
-# 4315 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2397 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mk_record_expr _2 )
-# 4357 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 4365 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2407 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (_1)
-# 4371 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2399 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let (exten, fields) = _2 in
-      mkexp ~loc (Pexp_extension (mkloc ("bs.obj") loc,
-             PStr [mkstrexp (mkexp ~loc (Pexp_record(fields, exten))) []]))
-    )
-# 4420 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 4429 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2407 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (_1)
-# 4435 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_structure) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2406 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_object _2) )
-# 4475 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 4483 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2407 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (_1)
-# 4489 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = 
-# 2221 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                        ( _1 )
-# 4514 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-   Location.loc * bool)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = 
-# 2223 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( List.fold_right mkcty_arrow _1 _3 )
-# 4556 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type option) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1931 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( match _1 with
-    | None -> _2
-    | Some ct -> Cl.constraint_ ~loc:(mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) _2 ct
-  )
-# 4596 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 4630 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = let _4 = 
-# 124 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 4644 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let _3 = 
-# 124 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 4649 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 4657 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1917 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (
-    let tree = match _4 with
-    | None -> []
-    | Some (lpl, _uncurried) -> lpl
-    in
-    let body = List.fold_right mkclass_fun tree _5 in
-    let params = match _3 with None -> [] | Some x -> x in
-    (_2, body, _1, params)
-  )
-# 4671 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 4719 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = let _4 =
-          let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x =
-            let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-            let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2538 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  (
-    let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-    ([mkloc (Term (Nolabel, None, mkpat_constructor_unit loc loc)) loc], false)
-  )
-# 4741 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 126 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 4747 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _3 = 
-# 124 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 4753 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 4761 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1917 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (
-    let tree = match _4 with
-    | None -> []
-    | Some (lpl, _uncurried) -> lpl
-    in
-    let body = List.fold_right mkclass_fun tree _5 in
-    let params = match _3 with None -> [] | Some x -> x in
-    (_2, body, _1, params)
-  )
-# 4775 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 4837 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = let _4 =
-          let (_1_inlined1, _1) = (_1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 =
-                let x =
-                  let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-                  let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 4858 "src/reason-parser/"
-                   in
-# 2535 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                          ( _1 )
-# 4863 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 4869 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 4875 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2542 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               (
-    (_1, false)
-  )
-# 4883 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 126 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 4889 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _3 = 
-# 124 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 4895 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 4903 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1917 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (
-    let tree = match _4 with
-    | None -> []
-    | Some (lpl, _uncurried) -> lpl
-    in
-    let body = List.fold_right mkclass_fun tree _5 in
-    let params = match _3 with None -> [] | Some x -> x in
-    (_2, body, _1, params)
-  )
-# 4917 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 4972 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = let _4 =
-          let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x =
-            let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-            let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2545 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      (
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-      ([mkloc (Term (Nolabel, None, mkpat_constructor_unit loc loc)) loc], true)
-  )
-# 4994 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 126 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 5000 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _3 = 
-# 124 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 5006 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 5014 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1917 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (
-    let tree = match _4 with
-    | None -> []
-    | Some (lpl, _uncurried) -> lpl
-    in
-    let body = List.fold_right mkclass_fun tree _5 in
-    let params = match _3 with None -> [] | Some x -> x in
-    (_2, body, _1, params)
-  )
-# 5028 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-               = _menhir_stack;
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 5097 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = let _4 =
-          let (_1_inlined1, _1) = (_1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x =
-            let _3 =
-              let (_2, _1) = (_2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 5116 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 2535 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                          ( _1 )
-# 5121 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2549 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                  (
-      let patterns = (fun p ->
-          match p.txt with
-          | Term (Optional _, x, y)  ->
-            syntax_error p.loc "Uncurried function definition with labelled \
-                                arguments is not supported at the moment.";
-            {p with txt = Term (Nolabel, x, y)}
-          | _ -> p
-        ) _3
-      in
-      (patterns, true)
-  )
-# 5139 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 126 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 5145 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _3 = 
-# 124 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 5151 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 5159 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1917 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (
-    let tree = match _4 with
-    | None -> []
-    | Some (lpl, _uncurried) -> lpl
-    in
-    let body = List.fold_right mkclass_fun tree _5 in
-    let params = match _3 with None -> [] | Some x -> x in
-    (_2, body, _1, params)
-  )
-# 5173 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 5237 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = let _4 = 
-# 124 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 5251 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let _3 =
-          let (_1_inlined1, _1) = (_1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 =
-                let x =
-                  let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-                  let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 5263 "src/reason-parser/"
-                   in
-# 2322 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                             (_1)
-# 5268 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 5274 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 5280 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2326 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( _1 )
-# 5286 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 126 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 5292 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 5301 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1917 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (
-    let tree = match _4 with
-    | None -> []
-    | Some (lpl, _uncurried) -> lpl
-    in
-    let body = List.fold_right mkclass_fun tree _5 in
-    let params = match _3 with None -> [] | Some x -> x in
-    (_2, body, _1, params)
-  )
-# 5315 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-               = {
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-                 = _menhir_stack;
-                        };
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined3 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined3 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 5393 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = let _4 =
-          let (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_, _2, _1) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined3_, _2_inlined1, _1_inlined3) in
-          let x =
-            let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-            let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2538 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  (
-    let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-    ([mkloc (Term (Nolabel, None, mkpat_constructor_unit loc loc)) loc], false)
-  )
-# 5415 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 126 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 5421 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _3 =
-          let (_1_inlined1, _1) = (_1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 =
-                let x =
-                  let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-                  let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 5434 "src/reason-parser/"
-                   in
-# 2322 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                             (_1)
-# 5439 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 5445 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 5451 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2326 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( _1 )
-# 5457 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 126 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 5463 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 5472 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1917 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (
-    let tree = match _4 with
-    | None -> []
-    | Some (lpl, _uncurried) -> lpl
-    in
-    let body = List.fold_right mkclass_fun tree _5 in
-    let params = match _3 with None -> [] | Some x -> x in
-    (_2, body, _1, params)
-  )
-# 5486 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined4;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined4_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined4_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined3;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined3_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined3_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-               = {
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-                 = {
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-                   = {
-                              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-                     = _menhir_stack;
-                            };
-                          };
-                        };
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _3_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _3_inlined1 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined4 : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined4 in
-        let _1_inlined3 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined3 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 5578 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = let _4 =
-          let (_3, _2, _1_inlined1, _1) = (_3_inlined1, _2_inlined1, _1_inlined4, _1_inlined3) in
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 =
-                let x =
-                  let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-                  let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 5599 "src/reason-parser/"
-                   in
-# 2535 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                          ( _1 )
-# 5604 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 5610 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 5616 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2542 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               (
-    (_1, false)
-  )
-# 5624 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 126 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 5630 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _3 =
-          let (_1_inlined1, _1) = (_1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 =
-                let x =
-                  let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-                  let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 5643 "src/reason-parser/"
-                   in
-# 2322 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                             (_1)
-# 5648 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 5654 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 5660 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2326 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( _1 )
-# 5666 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 126 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 5672 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 5681 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1917 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (
-    let tree = match _4 with
-    | None -> []
-    | Some (lpl, _uncurried) -> lpl
-    in
-    let body = List.fold_right mkclass_fun tree _5 in
-    let params = match _3 with None -> [] | Some x -> x in
-    (_2, body, _1, params)
-  )
-# 5695 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-               = {
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-                 = {
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-                   = _menhir_stack;
-                          };
-                        };
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _3_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _3_inlined1 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined3 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined3 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 5780 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = let _4 =
-          let (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_, _3, _2, _1) = (_endpos__3_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined3_, _3_inlined1, _2_inlined1, _1_inlined3) in
-          let x =
-            let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-            let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2545 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      (
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-      ([mkloc (Term (Nolabel, None, mkpat_constructor_unit loc loc)) loc], true)
-  )
-# 5802 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 126 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 5808 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _3 =
-          let (_1_inlined1, _1) = (_1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 =
-                let x =
-                  let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-                  let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 5821 "src/reason-parser/"
-                   in
-# 2322 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                             (_1)
-# 5826 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 5832 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 5838 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2326 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( _1 )
-# 5844 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 126 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 5850 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 5859 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1917 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (
-    let tree = match _4 with
-    | None -> []
-    | Some (lpl, _uncurried) -> lpl
-    in
-    let body = List.fold_right mkclass_fun tree _5 in
-    let params = match _3 with None -> [] | Some x -> x in
-    (_2, body, _1, params)
-  )
-# 5873 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined4;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined4_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined4_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined3;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined3_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined3_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-               = {
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-                 = {
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-                   = {
-                              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-                     = {
-                                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-                       = _menhir_stack;
-                              };
-                            };
-                          };
-                        };
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2_inlined2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined4 : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined4 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined3 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined3 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 5972 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = let _4 =
-          let (_2_inlined1, _1_inlined1, _2, _1) = (_2_inlined2, _1_inlined4, _2_inlined1, _1_inlined3) in
-          let x =
-            let _3 =
-              let (_2, _1) = (_2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 5991 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 2535 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                          ( _1 )
-# 5996 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2549 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                  (
-      let patterns = (fun p ->
-          match p.txt with
-          | Term (Optional _, x, y)  ->
-            syntax_error p.loc "Uncurried function definition with labelled \
-                                arguments is not supported at the moment.";
-            {p with txt = Term (Nolabel, x, y)}
-          | _ -> p
-        ) _3
-      in
-      (patterns, true)
-  )
-# 6014 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 126 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 6020 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _3 =
-          let (_1_inlined1, _1) = (_1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 =
-                let x =
-                  let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-                  let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 6033 "src/reason-parser/"
-                   in
-# 2322 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                             (_1)
-# 6038 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 6044 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 6050 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2326 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( _1 )
-# 6056 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 126 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 6062 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 6071 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1917 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (
-    let tree = match _4 with
-    | None -> []
-    | Some (lpl, _uncurried) -> lpl
-    in
-    let body = List.fold_right mkclass_fun tree _5 in
-    let params = match _3 with None -> [] | Some x -> x in
-    (_2, body, _1, params)
-  )
-# 6085 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 6135 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 6152 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2331 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( (_2, _5, _1, _3) )
-# 6158 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_description list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_description list) = let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 6202 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 2307 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let (ident, binding, virt, params) = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    ( ident binding ~virt ~params ~attrs:_1 ~loc :: _4)
-  )
-# 6216 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_description list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_description list) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 6268 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 6273 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 2307 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let (ident, binding, virt, params) = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    ( ident binding ~virt ~params ~attrs:_1 ~loc :: _4)
-  )
-# 6287 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1969 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 6313 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4797 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcl_loc = {x.pcl_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 6321 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 6327 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (unit) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-              let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2538 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  (
-    let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-    ([mkloc (Term (Nolabel, None, mkpat_constructor_unit loc loc)) loc], false)
-  )
-# 6389 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 1971 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (lp, _) = _2 in
-      List.fold_right mkclass_fun lp _4 )
-# 6396 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4797 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcl_loc = {x.pcl_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 6405 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 6411 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _3_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _3_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (unit) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let (_3, _1_inlined1, _1) = (_3_inlined1, _1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _1 =
-                let _1 =
-                  let x =
-                    let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-                    let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 6486 "src/reason-parser/"
-                     in
-# 2535 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                          ( _1 )
-# 6491 "src/reason-parser/"
-                  in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 6497 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 6503 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2542 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               (
-    (_1, false)
-  )
-# 6511 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 1971 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (lp, _) = _2 in
-      List.fold_right mkclass_fun lp _4 )
-# 6518 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4797 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcl_loc = {x.pcl_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 6527 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 6533 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _3_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _3_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (unit) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_, _3, _1) = (_endpos__3_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _3_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-              let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2545 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      (
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-      ([mkloc (Term (Nolabel, None, mkpat_constructor_unit loc loc)) loc], true)
-  )
-# 6602 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 1971 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (lp, _) = _2 in
-      List.fold_right mkclass_fun lp _4 )
-# 6609 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4797 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcl_loc = {x.pcl_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 6618 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 6624 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-               = _menhir_stack;
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _4_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _4_inlined1 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (unit) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let (_4, _1_inlined1, _1) = (_4_inlined1, _1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _3 =
-                let (_2, _1) = (_2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 6704 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-# 2535 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                          ( _1 )
-# 6709 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2549 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                  (
-      let patterns = (fun p ->
-          match p.txt with
-          | Term (Optional _, x, y)  ->
-            syntax_error p.loc "Uncurried function definition with labelled \
-                                arguments is not supported at the moment.";
-            {p with txt = Term (Nolabel, x, y)}
-          | _ -> p
-        ) _3
-      in
-      (patterns, true)
-  )
-# 6727 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 1971 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (lp, _) = _2 in
-      List.fold_right mkclass_fun lp _4 )
-# 6734 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4797 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcl_loc = {x.pcl_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 6743 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 6749 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1981 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkclass(Pcl_apply(_1, _2)) )
-# 6784 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4797 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcl_loc = {x.pcl_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 6792 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 6798 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1983 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( {_2 with pcl_attributes = _1 :: _2.pcl_attributes} )
-# 6831 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4797 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcl_loc = {x.pcl_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 6839 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 6845 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 6889 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 1997 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkclass(Pcl_constr(_2, _3)) )
-# 6895 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4797 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcl_loc = {x.pcl_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 6904 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 6910 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1999 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkclass(Pcl_extension _1) )
-# 6936 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4797 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcl_loc = {x.pcl_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 6944 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 6950 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1939 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-               ( _1 )
-# 6976 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos_x_ != _endpos_x_ then
-            _startpos_x_
-          else
-            _endpos in
-# 4797 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcl_loc = {x.pcl_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 6987 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1943 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 6993 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Reason_parser_def.let_bindings) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1941 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( class_of_let_bindings _1 _3 )
-# 7033 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos_x_ != _endpos_x_ then
-            _startpos_x_
-          else
-            _endpos in
-# 4797 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcl_loc = {x.pcl_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 7044 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1943 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 7050 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_structure) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1942 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( mkclass (Pcl_structure _1) )
-# 7076 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos_x_ != _endpos_x_ then
-            _startpos_x_
-          else
-            _endpos in
-# 4797 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcl_loc = {x.pcl_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 7087 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1943 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 7093 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (string option) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 7141 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 2019 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkcf_attrs (Pcf_inherit (_3, _4, _5)) _1 )
-# 7146 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4801 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with pcf_loc = {x.pcf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 7155 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2030 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 7161 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (string option) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 7217 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 7222 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2019 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkcf_attrs (Pcf_inherit (_3, _4, _5)) _1 )
-# 7228 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4801 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with pcf_loc = {x.pcf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 7237 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2030 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 7243 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 7278 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 2021 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkcf_attrs (Pcf_val _3) _1 )
-# 7283 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4801 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with pcf_loc = {x.pcf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 7292 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2030 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 7298 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 7341 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 7346 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2021 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkcf_attrs (Pcf_val _3) _1 )
-# 7352 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4801 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with pcf_loc = {x.pcf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 7361 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2030 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 7367 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 7401 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 2023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let (a, b) = _3 in mkcf_attrs (Pcf_method (a, _2, b)) _1 )
-# 7406 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4801 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with pcf_loc = {x.pcf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 7415 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2030 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 7421 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 7463 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 7468 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let (a, b) = _3 in mkcf_attrs (Pcf_method (a, _2, b)) _1 )
-# 7474 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4801 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with pcf_loc = {x.pcf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 7483 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2030 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 7489 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 7524 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 2025 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkcf_attrs (Pcf_constraint _3) _1 )
-# 7529 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4801 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with pcf_loc = {x.pcf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 7538 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2030 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 7544 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 7587 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 7592 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2025 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkcf_attrs (Pcf_constraint _3) _1 )
-# 7598 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4801 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with pcf_loc = {x.pcf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 7607 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2030 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 7613 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _3 =
-              let x =
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 7654 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 7663 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 7669 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 2027 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkcf_attrs (Pcf_initializer _3) _1 )
-# 7674 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4801 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with pcf_loc = {x.pcf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 7683 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2030 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 7689 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _3 =
-              let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-              let x =
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 7738 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 7747 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 7754 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 7759 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2027 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkcf_attrs (Pcf_initializer _3) _1 )
-# 7765 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4801 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with pcf_loc = {x.pcf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 7774 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2030 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 7780 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 7807 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 2029 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkcf_attrs (Pcf_extension _2) _1 )
-# 7812 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4801 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with pcf_loc = {x.pcf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 7821 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2030 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 7827 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 7862 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 7867 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2029 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkcf_attrs (Pcf_extension _2) _1 )
-# 7873 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4801 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with pcf_loc = {x.pcf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 7882 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2030 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 7888 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) = let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 7913 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 2032 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (fun x -> mkcf ~loc:x.loc (Pcf_attribute x.txt)) _1 )
-# 7918 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 7955 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2234 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkcty (Pcty_constr (_1, _2)) )
-# 7961 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__2_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4773 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcty_loc = {x.pcty_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 7970 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2243 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 7976 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2238 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( {_2 with pcty_attributes = _1 :: _2.pcty_attributes} )
-# 8009 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4773 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcty_loc = {x.pcty_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 8017 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2243 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 8023 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2240 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 8049 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4773 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcty_loc = {x.pcty_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 8057 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2243 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 8063 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2242 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkcty (Pcty_extension _1) )
-# 8089 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4773 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcty_loc = {x.pcty_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 8097 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2243 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 8103 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 8124 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4569 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                 ( Lident _1 )
-# 8132 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 8165 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4570 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                 ( Ldot(_1, _3) )
-# 8175 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = 
-# 1964 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-               ( _2 )
-# 8207 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 2268 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                 ( _2 )
-# 8239 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_signature) = 
-# 2260 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( _1 [] )
-# 8264 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_signature) = 
-# 2262 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( _1 _3 )
-# 8303 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_signature) = let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _endpos in
-# 2264 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( ( ~loc:(mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) Ptyp_any) _1 )
-# 8333 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) = let _1 = 
-# 4837 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( [] )
-# 8358 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 2256 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( List.concat _1 )
-# 8363 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 8396 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4838 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 8401 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2256 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( List.concat _1 )
-# 8407 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 8441 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 2274 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkctf_attrs (Pctf_inherit _3) _1 )
-# 8446 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4777 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pctf_loc = {x.pctf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 8455 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2285 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 8461 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 8503 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 8508 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2274 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkctf_attrs (Pctf_inherit _3) _1 )
-# 8514 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4777 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pctf_loc = {x.pctf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 8523 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2285 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 8529 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (string * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 8565 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 2276 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkctf_attrs (Pctf_val _3) _1 )
-# 8570 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4777 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pctf_loc = {x.pctf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 8579 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2285 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 8585 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (string * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 8629 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 8634 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2276 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkctf_attrs (Pctf_val _3) _1 )
-# 8640 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4777 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pctf_loc = {x.pctf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 8649 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2285 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 8655 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 8702 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _4 = 
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 8714 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 8719 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 2278 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkctf_attrs (Pctf_method (_4, Private, _3, _6)) _1 )
-# 8724 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__6_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4777 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pctf_loc = {x.pctf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 8733 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2285 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 8739 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 8792 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _4 =
-              let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 8807 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 8814 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 8819 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2278 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkctf_attrs (Pctf_method (_4, Private, _3, _6)) _1 )
-# 8825 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__6_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4777 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pctf_loc = {x.pctf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 8834 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2285 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 8840 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 8887 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _4 = 
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 8899 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 8904 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 2280 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkctf_attrs (Pctf_method (_4, Public, _3, _6)) _1 )
-# 8909 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__6_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4777 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pctf_loc = {x.pctf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 8918 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2285 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 8924 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 8977 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _4 =
-              let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 8992 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 8999 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 9004 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2280 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkctf_attrs (Pctf_method (_4, Public, _3, _6)) _1 )
-# 9010 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__6_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4777 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pctf_loc = {x.pctf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 9019 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2285 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 9025 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 9060 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 2282 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkctf_attrs (Pctf_constraint _3) _1 )
-# 9065 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4777 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pctf_loc = {x.pctf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 9074 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2285 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 9080 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 9123 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 9128 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2282 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkctf_attrs (Pctf_constraint _3) _1 )
-# 9134 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4777 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pctf_loc = {x.pctf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 9143 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2285 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 9149 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 9176 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 2284 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkctf_attrs (Pctf_extension _2) _1 )
-# 9181 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4777 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pctf_loc = {x.pctf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 9190 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2285 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 9196 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 9231 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 9236 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2284 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkctf_attrs (Pctf_extension _2) _1 )
-# 9242 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4777 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pctf_loc = {x.pctf_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 9251 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2285 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 9257 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) = let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 9282 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 2287 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (fun x -> mkctf ~loc:x.loc (Pctf_attribute x.txt)) _1 )
-# 9287 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 9317 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2005 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkclass(Pcl_constr(_1, [])) )
-# 9323 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4797 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcl_loc = {x.pcl_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 9331 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2012 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 9337 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 2014 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                ( _2 )
-# 9378 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 2007 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 9383 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4797 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcl_loc = {x.pcl_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 9392 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2012 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 9398 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2009 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkclass(Pcl_constraint(_2, _4)) )
-# 9452 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4797 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcl_loc = {x.pcl_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 9460 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2012 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 9466 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2011 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _2 )
-# 9506 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4797 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pcl_loc = {x.pcl_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 9514 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2012 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 9520 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 9552 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 2227 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                     (_1)
-# 9557 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_signature) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2247 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkcty ~loc:(mklocation _startpos _endpos) (Pcty_signature _2) )
-# 9598 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_signature) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2249 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-      let ct = mkcty ~loc (Pcty_signature _3) in
-      {ct with pcty_attributes = [uncurry_payload loc]}
-    )
-# 9649 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 9692 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 9709 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2354 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( (_2, _4, _1, _3) )
-# 9715 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_declaration list) = let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 9766 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 2337 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let (ident, instance_type, virt, params) = _4 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    ( ident instance_type ~virt ~params ~attrs:_1 ~loc :: _5)
-  )
-# 9780 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_declaration list) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 9839 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 9844 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 2337 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let (ident, instance_type, virt, params) = _4 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    ( ident instance_type ~virt ~params ~attrs:_1 ~loc :: _5)
-  )
-# 9858 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 9879 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4564 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                 ( Lident _1 )
-# 9887 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 9920 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4565 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                 ( Ldot(_1, _3) )
-# 9930 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1102 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * char option)
-# 9951 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) = 
-# 4428 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                 ( let (n, m) = _1 in ([], Pconst_integer (n, m)) )
-# 9960 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1060 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (char)
-# 9981 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) = 
-# 4429 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                 ( ([], Pconst_char _1) )
-# 9990 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1081 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * char option)
-# 10011 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) = 
-# 4430 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                 ( let (f, m) = _1 in ([], Pconst_float (f, m)) )
-# 10020 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1159 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * string option * string option)
-# 10041 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) = 
-# 4431 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                 (
-    let (s, raw, d) = _1 in
-    let attr = match raw with
-      | None -> []
-      | Some raw ->
-        let constant = Ast_helper.Exp.constant (Pconst_string (raw, None)) in
-        [Location.mknoloc "reason.raw_literal", PStr [mkstrexp constant []]]
-    in
-    (attr, Pconst_string (s, d))
-  )
-# 10059 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4515 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( _1 )
-# 10084 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4516 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Lident "[]" )
-# 10116 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4517 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Lident "()" )
-# 10148 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4518 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Lident "false" )
-# 10173 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4519 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Lident "true" )
-# 10198 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t) = let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2297 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( (_1, _3, mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 10240 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 2302 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( (_1, _3) )
-# 10280 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments) = 
-# 3942 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( Pcstr_tuple [_1] )
-# 10305 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments) = 
-# 3946 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( Pcstr_record _1 )
-# 10330 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration list) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 10370 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 10375 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3947 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( Pcstr_record _1 )
-# 10381 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 10421 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 10426 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3949 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( Pcstr_tuple _1 )
-# 10432 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 10464 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3938 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                    (_1)
-# 10469 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 10498 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = let _2 =
-          let x = 
-# 4500 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 10507 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 10515 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__2_ = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 10522 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 3914 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let args, res = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Type.constructor ~attrs:_1 _2 ~args ?res ~loc )
-# 10535 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = let _2 =
-          let x = 
-# 4501 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "[]" )
-# 10576 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 10584 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__2_ = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 10591 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 3914 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let args, res = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Type.constructor ~attrs:_1 _2 ~args ?res ~loc )
-# 10604 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = let _2 =
-          let x = 
-# 4502 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "()" )
-# 10645 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 10653 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__2_ = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 10660 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 3914 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let args, res = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Type.constructor ~attrs:_1 _2 ~args ?res ~loc )
-# 10673 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = let _2 =
-          let x = 
-# 4503 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "::" )
-# 10707 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 10715 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__2_ = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 10722 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 3914 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let args, res = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Type.constructor ~attrs:_1 _2 ~args ?res ~loc )
-# 10735 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = let _2 =
-          let x = 
-# 4505 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "false" )
-# 10769 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 10777 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__2_ = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 10784 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 3914 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let args, res = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Type.constructor ~attrs:_1 _2 ~args ?res ~loc )
-# 10797 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = let _2 =
-          let x = 
-# 4506 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "true" )
-# 10831 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 10839 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__2_ = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 10846 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 3914 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let args, res = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Type.constructor ~attrs:_1 _2 ~args ?res ~loc )
-# 10859 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 10894 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = let _2 =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4500 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 10905 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 10913 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__2_ = _startpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 10921 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 10926 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 3914 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let args, res = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Type.constructor ~attrs:_1 _2 ~args ?res ~loc )
-# 10939 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = let _2 =
-          let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4501 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "[]" )
-# 10988 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 10996 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__2_ = _startpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 11004 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 11009 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 3914 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let args, res = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Type.constructor ~attrs:_1 _2 ~args ?res ~loc )
-# 11022 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = let _2 =
-          let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4502 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "()" )
-# 11071 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 11079 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__2_ = _startpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 11087 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 11092 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 3914 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let args, res = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Type.constructor ~attrs:_1 _2 ~args ?res ~loc )
-# 11105 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = let _2 =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4503 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "::" )
-# 11147 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 11155 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__2_ = _startpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 11163 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 11168 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 3914 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let args, res = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Type.constructor ~attrs:_1 _2 ~args ?res ~loc )
-# 11181 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = let _2 =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4505 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "false" )
-# 11223 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 11231 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__2_ = _startpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 11239 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 11244 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 3914 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let args, res = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Type.constructor ~attrs:_1 _2 ~args ?res ~loc )
-# 11257 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = let _2 =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4506 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "true" )
-# 11299 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 11307 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__2_ = _startpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 11315 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 11320 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 3914 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let args, res = _3 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Type.constructor ~attrs:_1 _2 ~args ?res ~loc )
-# 11333 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration list *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration list *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = 
-# 3893 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let (cstrs, constraints, endpos, and_types) = _2 in
-    (_1 :: cstrs, constraints, endpos, and_types)
-  )
-# 11375 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration list *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration list *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = 
-# 3900 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (cstrs, constraints, endpos, and_types) = _2 in
-      (_1 :: cstrs, constraints, endpos, and_types)
-    )
-# 11417 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration list *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = let _1 = 
-# 3832 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 11446 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__0_ in
-# 3904 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( ([], _1, _endpos__1_, _2) )
-# 11452 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration list *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = let _1 = 
-# 3833 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 11490 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3904 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( ([], _1, _endpos__1_, _2) )
-# 11495 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4186 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 11521 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 11529 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4189 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 11535 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (string) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4188 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mktyp(Ptyp_alias(_1, _4)) )
-# 11582 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 11590 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4189 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 11596 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = ct;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_ct_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_ct_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let ct : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic ct in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_ct_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_ct_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 11621 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_ct_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos_ct_ in
-# 4202 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( match _1 with
-    | [] -> ct
-    | attrs ->
-      let loc_start = _symbolstartpos and loc_end = _endpos in
-      let ptyp_loc = {ct.ptyp_loc with loc_start; loc_end} in
-      let ptyp_attributes = attrs @ ct.ptyp_attributes in
-      {ct with ptyp_attributes; ptyp_loc}
-  )
-# 11639 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = ct;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_ct_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_ct_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let ct : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic ct in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_ct_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 11672 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 11677 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_ct_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos_ct_ in
-# 4202 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( match _1 with
-    | [] -> ct
-    | attrs ->
-      let loc_start = _symbolstartpos and loc_end = _endpos in
-      let ptyp_loc = {ct.ptyp_loc with loc_start; loc_end} in
-      let ptyp_attributes = attrs @ ct.ptyp_attributes in
-      {ct with ptyp_attributes; ptyp_loc}
-  )
-# 11695 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.direction_flag) = 
-# 4607 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Upto )
-# 11720 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.direction_flag) = 
-# 4608 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Downto )
-# 11745 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (unit) = 
-# 4813 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( _1 )
-# 11770 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (unit) = 
-# 4814 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( _1 )
-# 11795 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) = let _1 = 
-# 2022 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                 (Public)
-# 11820 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4813 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( _1 )
-# 11825 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) = let _1 = 
-# 2022 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               (Private)
-# 11850 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4814 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( _1 )
-# 11855 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = 
-# 4813 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( _1 )
-# 11880 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) = 
-# 4814 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( _1 )
-# 11905 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = 
-# 4813 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( _1 )
-# 11930 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = 
-# 4814 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( _1 )
-# 11955 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (Longident.t Location.loc *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option)
-  option) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t Location.loc *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option)
-  option) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12001 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 12006 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4813 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( _1 )
-# 12012 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t Location.loc *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option)
-  option) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t Location.loc *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option)
-  option) = 
-# 4814 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( _1 )
-# 12043 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12075 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4813 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( _1 )
-# 12080 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 = 
-# 2014 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                ( _2 )
-# 12119 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4814 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( _1 )
-# 12124 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = let _1 = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12156 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4813 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( _1 )
-# 12161 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = 
-# 4814 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( _1 )
-# 12186 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12218 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4813 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( _1 )
-# 12223 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 4814 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( _1 )
-# 12248 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12280 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4813 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( _1 )
-# 12285 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 4814 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( _1 )
-# 12310 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase) = let x = 
-# 1374 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( raise End_of_file )
-# 12335 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12340 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase) = let x = 
-# 1375 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( Ptop_def _1 )
-# 12372 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12377 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase) = let x = 
-# 1376 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 12409 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12414 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list) = let x = 
-# 1381 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                   ( [] )
-# 12439 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12444 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list) = let x = 
-# 1382 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( Ptop_def _1  :: _3 )
-# 12483 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12488 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list) = let x = 
-# 1383 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 :: _3 )
-# 12527 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12532 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list) = let x = 
-# 1384 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( [Ptop_def _1 ] )
-# 12564 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12569 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list) = let x = 
-# 1385 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( [_1] )
-# 12601 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12606 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (string) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) = let x = 
-# 3862 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( (mktyp (Ptyp_var _2) , Invariant    ) )
-# 12639 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12644 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) = let x = 
-# 3863 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( (mktyp (Ptyp_any)    , Invariant    ) )
-# 12670 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12675 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (string) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) = let x = 
-# 3864 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( (mktyp (Ptyp_var _3) , Covariant    ) )
-# 12715 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12720 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) = let x = 
-# 3865 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( (mktyp (Ptyp_any)    , Covariant    ) )
-# 12753 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12758 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (string) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) = let x = 
-# 3866 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( (mktyp (Ptyp_var _3) , Contravariant) )
-# 12798 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12803 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) = let x = 
-# 3867 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( (mktyp Ptyp_any      , Contravariant) )
-# 12836 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12841 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.directive_argument) = let x = 
-# 4577 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( Pdir_none )
-# 12859 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12864 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1159 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * string option * string option)
-# 12885 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.directive_argument) = let x = 
-# 4578 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( let (s, _, _) = _1 in Pdir_string s )
-# 12893 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12898 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1102 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * char option)
-# 12919 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.directive_argument) = let x = 
-# 4579 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( let (n, m) = _1 in Pdir_int (n, m) )
-# 12927 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12932 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.directive_argument) = let x = 
-# 4580 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( Pdir_ident _1 )
-# 12957 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12962 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.directive_argument) = let x = 
-# 4581 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( Pdir_ident _1 )
-# 12987 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 12992 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.directive_argument) = let x = 
-# 4582 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( Pdir_bool false )
-# 13017 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 13022 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.directive_argument) = let x = 
-# 4583 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( Pdir_bool true )
-# 13047 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 13052 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) = let x = 
-# 4612 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Public )
-# 13070 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 13075 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) = let x = 
-# 4613 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Private )
-# 13100 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 104 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 13105 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list * bool) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-          let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2538 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  (
-    let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-    ([mkloc (Term (Nolabel, None, mkpat_constructor_unit loc loc)) loc], false)
-  )
-# 13143 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2565 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                         ( _1 )
-# 13149 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list * bool) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 =
-              let x =
-                let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-                let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 13200 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-# 2535 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                          ( _1 )
-# 13205 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 13211 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 13217 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2542 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               (
-    (_1, false)
-  )
-# 13225 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2565 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                         ( _1 )
-# 13231 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list * bool) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-          let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2545 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      (
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-      ([mkloc (Term (Nolabel, None, mkpat_constructor_unit loc loc)) loc], true)
-  )
-# 13276 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2565 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                         ( _1 )
-# 13282 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list * bool) = let _1 =
-          let _3 =
-            let (_2, _1) = (_2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-            let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 13338 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 2535 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                          ( _1 )
-# 13343 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2549 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                  (
-      let patterns = (fun p ->
-          match p.txt with
-          | Term (Optional _, x, y)  ->
-            syntax_error p.loc "Uncurried function definition with labelled \
-                                arguments is not supported at the moment.";
-            {p with txt = Term (Nolabel, x, y)}
-          | _ -> p
-        ) _3
-      in
-      (patterns, true)
-  )
-# 13361 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2565 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                         ( _1 )
-# 13367 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : unit = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list * bool) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 13395 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2567 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( ([{_1 with txt = Term (Nolabel, None, mkpat ~loc:_1.loc Ppat_any)}], false) )
-# 13401 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list * bool) = 
-# 2569 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( ([Location.mkloc (Term (Nolabel, None, _1)) _1.ppat_loc], false) )
-# 13426 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 13460 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2741 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 13466 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 13475 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 13481 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 13487 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x = 
-# 2743 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _2 _3 )
-# 13529 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 13537 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 13543 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 13549 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list * bool) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-              let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2745 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (ps, uncurried) = _2 in
-      let exp = List.fold_right mkexp_fun ps _4 in
-      if uncurried then
-        let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-        {exp with pexp_attributes = (uncurry_payload loc)::exp.pexp_attributes}
-      else exp
-    )
-# 13606 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 13615 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 13621 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 13627 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list * bool) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-              let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2753 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (ps, uncurried) = _2 in
-    let exp = List.fold_right mkexp_fun ps
-        (ghexp_constraint (mklocation _startpos__4_ _endpos) _6 (Some _4, None))  in
-    if uncurried then
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-      {exp with pexp_attributes = (uncurry_payload loc)::exp.pexp_attributes}
-    else exp
-    )
-# 13699 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__6_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 13708 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 13714 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 13720 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2_inlined1 : ( list) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : ( = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _3 =
-                let (_2, _1) = (_2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _1 = 
-# 4827 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( _1 :: List.rev _2 )
-# 13772 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-# 3313 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                            ( _1 )
-# 13777 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2766 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _2 (mkexp (Pexp_function _3)) )
-# 13783 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 13792 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 13798 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 13804 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : ( list) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : ( = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _5 =
-                let (_2, _1) = (_2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _1 = 
-# 4827 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( _1 :: List.rev _2 )
-# 13877 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-# 3313 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                            ( _1 )
-# 13882 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2769 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _2 (mkexp (Pexp_match (_3, _5))) )
-# 13888 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__6_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 13897 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 13903 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 13909 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : ( list) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : ( = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _5 =
-                let (_2, _1) = (_2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _1 = 
-# 4827 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( _1 :: List.rev _2 )
-# 13982 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-# 3313 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                            ( _1 )
-# 13987 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2772 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _2 (mkexp (Pexp_try (_3, _5))) )
-# 13993 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__6_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 14002 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 14008 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 14014 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _5 = 
-# 124 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 14067 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-              let _4 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 14076 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2775 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _2 (mkexp (Pexp_ifthenelse(_3, _4, _5))) )
-# 14082 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 14091 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 14097 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 14103 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1_inlined2 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _5 =
-                let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-                let x = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 14172 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-# 126 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 14177 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _4 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 14187 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2775 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _2 (mkexp (Pexp_ifthenelse(_3, _4, _5))) )
-# 14193 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__1_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 14202 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 14208 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 14214 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _4 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 14271 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2777 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _2 (mkexp (Pexp_while(_3, _4))) )
-# 14277 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 14286 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 14292 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 14298 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _9;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__9_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__9_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _8;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__8_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__8_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-               = {
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-                 = {
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-                   = _menhir_stack;
-                          };
-                        };
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _9 : unit = Obj.magic _9 in
-        let _8 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _8 in
-        let _7 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.direction_flag) = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _10 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 14397 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2780 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _2 (mkexp (Pexp_for(_4, _6, _8, _7, _10))) )
-# 14403 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 14412 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 14418 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 14424 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _8;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__8_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__8_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-               = _menhir_stack;
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _8 : unit = Obj.magic _8 in
-        let _7 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__8_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _endpos = _endpos__8_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2782 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc_colon = mklocation _startpos__2_ _endpos__2_ in
-      let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkexp_cons loc_colon (mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_tuple[_5;_7])) loc
-    )
-# 14506 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__8_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 14515 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 14521 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 14527 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1093 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 14561 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4461 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 14575 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 14583 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 14593 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 14602 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 14608 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 14614 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1094 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 14648 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4462 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 14662 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 14670 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 14680 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 14689 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 14695 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 14701 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1095 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 14735 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4463 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 14749 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 14757 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 14767 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 14776 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 14782 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 14788 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1096 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 14822 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4464 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 14836 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 14844 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 14854 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 14863 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 14869 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 14875 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4466 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "/>" )
-# 14919 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 14927 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 14937 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 14946 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 14952 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 14958 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1099 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 14992 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4467 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 15006 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 15014 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 15024 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 15033 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 15039 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 15045 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4468 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "+" )
-# 15089 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 15097 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 15107 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 15116 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 15122 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 15128 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4469 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "+." )
-# 15172 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 15180 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 15190 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 15199 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 15205 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 15211 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4470 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "-" )
-# 15255 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 15263 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 15273 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 15282 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 15288 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 15294 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4471 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "-." )
-# 15338 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 15346 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 15356 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 15365 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 15371 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 15377 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4472 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "*" )
-# 15421 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 15429 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 15439 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 15448 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 15454 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 15460 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4473 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "<" )
-# 15504 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 15512 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 15522 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 15531 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 15537 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 15543 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4474 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( ">" )
-# 15587 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 15595 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 15605 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 15614 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 15620 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 15626 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4475 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "or" )
-# 15670 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 15678 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 15688 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 15697 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 15703 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 15709 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4476 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "||" )
-# 15753 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 15761 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 15771 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 15780 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 15786 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 15792 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4477 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "&" )
-# 15836 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 15844 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 15854 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 15863 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 15869 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 15875 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4478 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "&&" )
-# 15919 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 15927 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 15937 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 15946 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 15952 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 15958 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4479 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( ":=" )
-# 16002 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 16010 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 16020 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 16029 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 16035 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 16041 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4480 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "+=" )
-# 16085 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 16093 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 16103 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 16112 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 16118 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 16124 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4481 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "%" )
-# 16168 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 16176 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 16186 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 16195 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 16201 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 16207 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4488 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "<..>" )
-# 16251 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 16259 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 16269 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 16278 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 16284 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 16290 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4489 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( ">>" )
-# 16341 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 16349 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 16359 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 16368 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 16374 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 16380 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4490 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                     ( ">..." )
-# 16424 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 16432 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 16442 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 16451 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 16457 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 16463 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 16501 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkuminus _1 _2 )
-# 16507 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__2_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 16516 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 16522 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 16528 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 16566 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2795 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkuplus _1 _2 )
-# 16572 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__2_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 16581 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 16587 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 16593 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 =
-                let x = 
-# 2796 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ("!")
-# 16629 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 16637 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2797 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkoperator _1, [Nolabel,_2])) )
-# 16643 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 16652 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 16658 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 16664 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _3 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 16726 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _1 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 16735 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2799 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_setfield(_1, _3, _5)) )
-# 16741 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 16750 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 16756 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 16762 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 16831 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2801 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let exp = Pexp_ident(array_function ~loc "Array" "set") in
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc exp,
-                       [Nolabel,_1; Nolabel,_3; Nolabel,_6]))
-    )
-# 16843 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__6_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 16852 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 16858 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 16864 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _7 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 16940 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2807 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let exp = Pexp_ident(array_function ~loc "String" "set") in
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc exp,
-                       [Nolabel,_1; Nolabel,_4; Nolabel,_7]))
-    )
-# 16952 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__7_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 16961 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 16967 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 16973 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-               = _menhir_stack;
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _4_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_4, _1_inlined1, _1) = (_4_inlined1, _1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _3 =
-                  let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 17057 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 2899 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _3 )
-# 17063 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _1 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 17072 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2813 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      bigarray_set ~loc _1 _2 _4
-    )
-# 17082 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 17091 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 17097 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 17103 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 17138 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 =
-                let x = 
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 17150 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 17158 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2817 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_setinstvar(_1, _3)) )
-# 17164 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 17173 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 17179 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 17185 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 17227 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_assert _2) )
-# 17233 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 17242 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 17248 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 17254 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 17296 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2821 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_lazy _2) )
-# 17302 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 17311 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 17317 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 17323 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x = 
-# 2847 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (* Should use ghost expressions, but not sure how that would work with source maps *)
-      (* So ? will become true and : becomes false for now*)
-      let loc_question = mklocation _startpos__2_ _endpos__2_ in
-      let loc_colon = mklocation _startpos__4_ _endpos__4_ in
-      let fauxTruePat =
- ~loc:loc_question (Ppat_construct({txt = Lident "true"; loc = loc_question}, None)) in
-      let fauxFalsePat =
- ~loc:loc_colon (Ppat_construct({txt = Lident "false"; loc = loc_colon}, None)) in
-      let fauxMatchCaseTrue = fauxTruePat _3 in
-      let fauxMatchCaseFalse = fauxFalsePat _5 in
-      mkexp (Pexp_match (_1, [fauxMatchCaseTrue; fauxMatchCaseFalse]))
-    )
-# 17389 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 17397 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 17403 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 17409 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2870 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                     ( {_2 with pexp_attributes = _1 :: _2.pexp_attributes} )
-# 17442 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 17450 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2873 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 17456 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((Location.t option * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option) = let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 17489 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3351 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( match List.rev _1 with
-    (* Check if the last expr has been spread with `...` *)
-    | ((dotdotdot, e) as hd)::es ->
-      let (es, ext) = match dotdotdot with
-      | Some _ -> (es, Some e)
-      | None -> (hd::es, None)
-      in
-      let msg = "Lists can only have one `...` spread, at the end.
-Explanation: lists are singly-linked list, where a node contains a value and points to the next node. `[a, ...bc]` efficiently creates a new item and links `bc` as its next nodes. `[...bc, a]` would be expensive, as it'd need to traverse `bc` and prepend each item to `a` one by one. We therefore disallow such syntax sugar.
-Solution: directly use `concat` or other List helpers." in
-      let exprList = filter_raise_spread_syntax msg es in
-      (List.rev exprList, ext)
-    | [] -> [], None
-  )
-# 17507 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 17539 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3345 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( _1 )
-# 17544 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 3373 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-         ( _1 )
-# 17569 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3375 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( ghexp_constraint (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) _1 _2 )
-# 17604 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.payload) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (string Location.loc) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) = 
-# 4725 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                           ( (_2, _3) )
-# 17650 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 17679 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4500 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 17688 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 17696 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4018 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let args, res = _2 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Te.decl _1 ~args ?res ~loc
-  )
-# 17707 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = let _1 =
-          let (_endpos__2_, _2) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _2_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4501 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "[]" )
-# 17749 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 17757 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4018 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let args, res = _2 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Te.decl _1 ~args ?res ~loc
-  )
-# 17768 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = let _1 =
-          let (_endpos__2_, _2) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _2_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4502 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "()" )
-# 17810 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 17818 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4018 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let args, res = _2 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Te.decl _1 ~args ?res ~loc
-  )
-# 17829 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4503 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "::" )
-# 17863 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 17871 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4018 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let args, res = _2 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Te.decl _1 ~args ?res ~loc
-  )
-# 17882 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4505 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "false" )
-# 17916 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 17924 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4018 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let args, res = _2 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Te.decl _1 ~args ?res ~loc
-  )
-# 17935 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4506 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "true" )
-# 17969 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 17977 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4018 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let args, res = _2 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Te.decl _1 ~args ?res ~loc
-  )
-# 17988 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 18023 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 18034 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4500 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 18042 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 18050 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Te.rebind _1 _3 ~loc
-  )
-# 18060 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 18109 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _1 =
-          let (_endpos__2_, _2) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _2_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4501 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "[]" )
-# 18118 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 18126 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Te.rebind _1 _3 ~loc
-  )
-# 18136 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 18185 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _1 =
-          let (_endpos__2_, _2) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _2_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4502 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "()" )
-# 18194 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 18202 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Te.rebind _1 _3 ~loc
-  )
-# 18212 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 18254 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4503 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "::" )
-# 18262 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 18270 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Te.rebind _1 _3 ~loc
-  )
-# 18280 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 18322 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4505 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "false" )
-# 18330 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 18338 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Te.rebind _1 _3 ~loc
-  )
-# 18348 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 18390 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4506 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "true" )
-# 18398 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 18406 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    Te.rebind _1 _3 ~loc
-  )
-# 18416 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 18451 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 18462 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3480 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( (_1, _3) )
-# 18468 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 18489 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3482 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-     let lident_loc = mkloc _1 loc in
-     let lident_lident_loc = mkloc (Lident _1) loc in
-     (lident_loc, mkexp (Pexp_ident lident_lident_loc))
-   )
-# 18503 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let (_endpos__2_, _2) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _2_inlined1) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-          let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2538 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  (
-    let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-    ([mkloc (Term (Nolabel, None, mkpat_constructor_unit loc loc)) loc], false)
-  )
-# 18556 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3329 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-    let (pl, uncurried) = _1 in
-    let exp = List.fold_right mkexp_fun pl
-        (match _2 with
-        | None -> _3
-        | Some ct -> Exp.constraint_ ~loc _3 ct)
-    in
-    if uncurried then
-      {exp with pexp_attributes = (uncurry_payload loc)::exp.pexp_attributes}
-    else exp
-  )
-# 18574 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _3_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _3_inlined1 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let (_3, _2) = (_3_inlined1, _2_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 =
-              let x =
-                let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-                let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 18640 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-# 2535 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                          ( _1 )
-# 18645 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 18651 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 18657 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2542 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               (
-    (_1, false)
-  )
-# 18665 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3329 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-    let (pl, uncurried) = _1 in
-    let exp = List.fold_right mkexp_fun pl
-        (match _2 with
-        | None -> _3
-        | Some ct -> Exp.constraint_ ~loc _3 ct)
-    in
-    if uncurried then
-      {exp with pexp_attributes = (uncurry_payload loc)::exp.pexp_attributes}
-    else exp
-  )
-# 18683 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _3_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _3_inlined1 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let (_endpos__3_, _3, _2) = (_endpos__3_inlined1_, _3_inlined1, _2_inlined1) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-          let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2545 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      (
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-      ([mkloc (Term (Nolabel, None, mkpat_constructor_unit loc loc)) loc], true)
-  )
-# 18743 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3329 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-    let (pl, uncurried) = _1 in
-    let exp = List.fold_right mkexp_fun pl
-        (match _2 with
-        | None -> _3
-        | Some ct -> Exp.constraint_ ~loc _3 ct)
-    in
-    if uncurried then
-      {exp with pexp_attributes = (uncurry_payload loc)::exp.pexp_attributes}
-    else exp
-  )
-# 18761 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2_inlined2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let (_2_inlined1, _2) = (_2_inlined2, _2_inlined1) in
-          let _3 =
-            let (_2, _1) = (_2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-            let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 18832 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 2535 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                          ( _1 )
-# 18837 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2549 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                  (
-      let patterns = (fun p ->
-          match p.txt with
-          | Term (Optional _, x, y)  ->
-            syntax_error p.loc "Uncurried function definition with labelled \
-                                arguments is not supported at the moment.";
-            {p with txt = Term (Nolabel, x, y)}
-          | _ -> p
-        ) _3
-      in
-      (patterns, true)
-  )
-# 18855 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3329 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-    let (pl, uncurried) = _1 in
-    let exp = List.fold_right mkexp_fun pl
-        (match _2 with
-        | None -> _3
-        | Some ct -> Exp.constraint_ ~loc _3 ct)
-    in
-    if uncurried then
-      {exp with pexp_attributes = (uncurry_payload loc)::exp.pexp_attributes}
-    else exp
-  )
-# 18873 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let (_endpos__2_, _2) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _2_inlined1) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-          let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2538 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  (
-    let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-    ([mkloc (Term (Nolabel, None, mkpat_constructor_unit loc loc)) loc], false)
-  )
-# 18926 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3329 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-    let (pl, uncurried) = _1 in
-    let exp = List.fold_right mkexp_fun pl
-        (match _2 with
-        | None -> _3
-        | Some ct -> Exp.constraint_ ~loc _3 ct)
-    in
-    if uncurried then
-      {exp with pexp_attributes = (uncurry_payload loc)::exp.pexp_attributes}
-    else exp
-  )
-# 18944 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _3_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _3_inlined1 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let (_3, _2) = (_3_inlined1, _2_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 =
-              let x =
-                let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-                let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 19010 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-# 2535 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                          ( _1 )
-# 19015 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 19021 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 19027 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2542 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               (
-    (_1, false)
-  )
-# 19035 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3329 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-    let (pl, uncurried) = _1 in
-    let exp = List.fold_right mkexp_fun pl
-        (match _2 with
-        | None -> _3
-        | Some ct -> Exp.constraint_ ~loc _3 ct)
-    in
-    if uncurried then
-      {exp with pexp_attributes = (uncurry_payload loc)::exp.pexp_attributes}
-    else exp
-  )
-# 19053 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _3_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _3_inlined1 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let (_endpos__3_, _3, _2) = (_endpos__3_inlined1_, _3_inlined1, _2_inlined1) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-          let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2545 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      (
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-      ([mkloc (Term (Nolabel, None, mkpat_constructor_unit loc loc)) loc], true)
-  )
-# 19113 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3329 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-    let (pl, uncurried) = _1 in
-    let exp = List.fold_right mkexp_fun pl
-        (match _2 with
-        | None -> _3
-        | Some ct -> Exp.constraint_ ~loc _3 ct)
-    in
-    if uncurried then
-      {exp with pexp_attributes = (uncurry_payload loc)::exp.pexp_attributes}
-    else exp
-  )
-# 19131 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2_inlined2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let (_2_inlined1, _2) = (_2_inlined2, _2_inlined1) in
-          let _3 =
-            let (_2, _1) = (_2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-            let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 19202 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 2535 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                          ( _1 )
-# 19207 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2549 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                  (
-      let patterns = (fun p ->
-          match p.txt with
-          | Term (Optional _, x, y)  ->
-            syntax_error p.loc "Uncurried function definition with labelled \
-                                arguments is not supported at the moment.";
-            {p with txt = Term (Nolabel, x, y)}
-          | _ -> p
-        ) _3
-      in
-      (patterns, true)
-  )
-# 19225 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3329 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-    let (pl, uncurried) = _1 in
-    let exp = List.fold_right mkexp_fun pl
-        (match _2 with
-        | None -> _3
-        | Some ct -> Exp.constraint_ ~loc _3 ct)
-    in
-    if uncurried then
-      {exp with pexp_attributes = (uncurry_payload loc)::exp.pexp_attributes}
-    else exp
-  )
-# 19243 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) = let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1426 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-      [mkloc (Some (mkloc "*" loc), None) loc]
-    )
-# 19281 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) = 
-# 1437 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                   ([_2])
-# 19324 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) = 
-# 1438 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                         ([_2])
-# 19374 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let (_1_inlined1, _1) = (_1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _1 =
-                let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
-                let _3 =
-                  let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 19448 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 4849 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                         ( _1 :: _3 )
-# 19454 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 1421 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         (_1)
-# 19460 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 19466 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 19472 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1439 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                            ( _1 )
-# 19478 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments option) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = 
-# 3934 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( ((match _1 with None -> Pcstr_tuple [] | Some x -> x), _2) )
-# 19511 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 2640 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( ">..." )
-# 19536 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 2640 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( ">..." )
-# 19568 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 19589 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4453 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( _1 )
-# 19597 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 19618 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4453 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( _1 )
-# 19626 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (
-# 1323 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.structure)
-# 19658 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = 
-# 1365 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( apply_mapper_to_structure _1 reason_mapper )
-# 19662 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.signature) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (
-# 1325 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature)
-# 19694 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = 
-# 1370 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( apply_mapper_to_signature _1 reason_mapper )
-# 19698 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.payload) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (string Location.loc) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) = 
-# 4729 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                  ( (_2, _3) )
-# 19744 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (string Location.loc) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs * string Location.loc) = 
-# 4721 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( ([], _2) )
-# 19776 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2644 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let body = mktailexp_extension loc _2 None in
-      makeFrag loc body
-    )
-# 19820 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-   list -> Location.t -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) *
-  Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2649 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (component, _) = _1 in
-      let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      component [
-        (Labelled "children", mktailexp_extension loc [] None);
-        (Nolabel, mkexp_constructor_unit loc loc)
-      ] loc
-    )
-# 19863 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (
-# 1151 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 19902 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-   list -> Location.t -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) *
-  Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-# 2657 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (component, start) = _1 in
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos__4_ _endpos in
-      (* TODO: Make this tag check simply a warning *)
-      let endName = Longident.parse _4 in
-      let _ = ensureTagsAreEqual start endName loc in
-      let siblings = if List.length _3 > 0 then _3 else [] in
-      component [
-        (Labelled "children", mktailexp_extension loc siblings None);
-        (Nolabel, mkexp_constructor_unit loc loc)
-      ] loc
-    )
-# 19927 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (
-# 1151 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 19966 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (string) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-   list -> Location.t -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) *
-  Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2670 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (component, start) = _1 in
-      let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      (* TODO: Make this tag check simply a warning *)
-      let endName = Longident.parse _4 in
-      let _ = ensureTagsAreEqual start endName loc in
-      let child = _3 in
-      component [
-        (Labelled "children", child);
-        (Nolabel, mkexp_constructor_unit loc loc)
-      ] loc
-    )
-# 19992 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = 
-# 2574 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-              ( [] )
-# 20012 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 20066 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _4 =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-          let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 20080 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2576 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (* a=?b *)
-      [(Optional _1, _4)] @ _5
-    )
-# 20088 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 20124 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = 
-# 2580 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (* <Foo ?bar /> punning with explicitly passed optional *)
-      let loc_lident = mklocation _startpos__2_ _endpos__2_ in
-      [(Optional _2, mkexp (Pexp_ident {txt = Lident _2; loc = loc_lident}) ~loc:loc_lident)] @ _3
-    )
-# 20138 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 20185 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _3 =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-          let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 20199 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2585 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (* a=b *)
-      [(Labelled _1, _3)] @ _4
-    )
-# 20207 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 20237 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = 
-# 2589 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (* a (punning) *)
-      let loc_lident = mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__1_ in
-      [(Labelled _1, mkexp (Pexp_ident {txt = Lident _1; loc = loc_lident}) ~loc:loc_lident)] @ _2
-    )
-# 20250 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (
-# 1096 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 20271 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 20284 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2598 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (
-    begin match _1.txt with
-      | "/>>" ->
-         syntax_error _1.loc
-          {|JSX in a JSX-argument needs to be wrapped in braces.
-      If you wrote:
-        <Description term=<Text text="Age" />> child </Description>
-      Try wrapping <Text /> in braces.
-        <Description term={<Text text="Age" />}> child </Description>|}
-      | "/>/>" ->
-         syntax_error _1.loc
-           {|JSX in a JSX-argument needs to be wrapped in braces.
-      If you wrote:
-        <Description term=<Text text="Age" />/>
-      Try wrapping <Text /> in braces.
-        <Description term={<Text text="Age" />} />|}
-      | _ -> syntax_error _1.loc "Syntax error"
-    end;
-    []
-  )
-# 20309 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (
-# 1114 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 20339 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-   list -> Location.t -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) *
-  Longident.t) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 20353 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2622 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let name = Longident.parse _1.txt in
-      (jsx_component {_1 with txt = name} _2, name)
-    )
-# 20361 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-   list -> Location.t -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) *
-  Longident.t) = let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 20408 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2626 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( jsx_component _2 _3, _2.txt )
-# 20414 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-   list -> Location.t -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) *
-  Longident.t) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 20454 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2631 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (jsx_component _1 _2, _1.txt) )
-# 20460 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 20490 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-   list -> Location.t -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) *
-  Longident.t) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 20504 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2633 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let lident = Longident.Lident _1.txt in
-      (jsx_component {_1 with txt = lident } _2, lident)
-    )
-# 20512 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2684 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                  (
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    let body = mktailexp_extension loc _2 None in
-    makeFrag loc body
-  )
-# 20557 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-   list -> Location.t -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) *
-  Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2689 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                             (
-    let (component, _) = _1 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    component [
-      (Labelled "children", mktailexp_extension loc [] None);
-      (Nolabel, mkexp_constructor_unit loc loc)
-    ] loc
-  )
-# 20601 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (
-# 1151 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 20640 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-   list -> Location.t -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) *
-  Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2697 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                                                   (
-    let (component, start) = _1 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    (* TODO: Make this tag check simply a warning *)
-    let endName = Longident.parse _4 in
-    let _ = ensureTagsAreEqual start endName loc in
-    let siblings = if List.length _3 > 0 then _3 else [] in
-    component [
-      (Labelled "children", mktailexp_extension loc siblings None);
-      (Nolabel, mkexp_constructor_unit loc loc)
-    ] loc
-  )
-# 20667 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (
-# 1151 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 20706 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (string) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-   list -> Location.t -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) *
-  Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2709 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                                                           (
-    let (component, start) = _1 in
-    let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    (* TODO: Make this tag check simply a warning *)
-    let endName = Longident.parse _4 in
-    let _ = ensureTagsAreEqual start endName loc in
-    let child = _3 in
-    component [
-      (Labelled "children", child);
-      (Nolabel, mkexp_constructor_unit loc loc)
-    ] loc
-  )
-# 20733 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 20754 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4523 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Lident _1 )
-# 20762 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 20795 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4524 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Ldot(_1, _3) )
-# 20805 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 20835 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [(Nolabel, _1)] )
-# 20841 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4837 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( [] )
-# 20885 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 3116 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                        ( _1 )
-# 20890 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 20896 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 20902 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3122 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( match _1 with
-      | [] -> let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-              [(Nolabel, mkexp_constructor_unit loc loc)]
-      | xs -> xs
-    )
-# 20915 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-              let _1 =
-                let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 20970 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-# 4838 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 20975 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 3116 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                        ( _1 )
-# 20981 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 20987 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 20993 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3122 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( match _1 with
-      | [] -> let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-              [(Nolabel, mkexp_constructor_unit loc loc)]
-      | xs -> xs
-    )
-# 21006 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3128 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-      [(Nolabel, mkexp_constructor_unit ~uncurried:true loc loc)]
-    )
-# 21051 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 3162 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                             ( (Nolabel, _1) )
-# 21077 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t Location.loc *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option)
-  option) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 21116 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3164 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (* add(~a, ~b) -> parses ~a & ~b *)
-      let lident_loc, maybe_typ = _2.txt in
-      let exp = mkexp (Pexp_ident lident_loc) ~loc:lident_loc.loc in
-      let labeled_exp = match maybe_typ with
-      | None -> exp
-      | Some typ ->
-          ghexp_constraint _2.loc exp typ
-      in
-      (Labelled (Longident.last lident_loc.txt), labeled_exp)
-    )
-# 21131 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 21174 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3175 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (* foo(~a?)  -> parses ~a? *)
-      let exp = mkexp (Pexp_ident _2) ~loc:_2.loc in
-      (Optional (Longident.last _2.txt), exp)
-    )
-# 21183 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Longident.t Location.loc -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (string -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 21231 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 21244 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3180 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (* foo(~bar=?Some(1)) or add(~x=1, ~y=2) -> parses ~bar=?Some(1) & ~x=1 & ~y=1 *)
-      (_4 _2.txt, _5 { _2 with txt = Lident _2.txt })
-    )
-# 21252 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic x_inlined1 in
-        let _4 : (string -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 21300 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _5 =
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_, x) = (_endpos_x_inlined1_, _startpos_x_inlined1_, x_inlined1) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 21314 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 21323 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3184 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (* foo(~l =_) *)
-      let loc = _5.loc in
-      let exp = mkexp (Pexp_ident (mkloc (Lident "_") loc)) ~loc in
-      (_4 _2.txt, exp)
-    )
-# 21333 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : unit = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 21362 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3190 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (* foo(_) *)
-      let loc = _1.loc in
-      let exp = mkexp (Pexp_ident (mkloc (Lident "_") loc)) ~loc in
-      (Nolabel, exp)
-    )
-# 21372 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t Location.loc -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 3134 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                             ( fun _punned -> _1 )
-# 21397 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t Location.loc -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-# 3136 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( fun punned ->
-      let exp = mkexp (Pexp_ident punned) ~loc:punned.loc in
-      match _1 with
-      | typ ->
-        let loc = mklocation punned.loc.loc_start _endpos in
-        ghexp_constraint loc exp typ
-    )
-# 21430 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (string Location.loc -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 21464 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 21478 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2521 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( Term (Labelled _2.txt, None, _3 _2) )
-# 21484 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 21493 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2530 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 21499 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (string Location.loc -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 21547 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 21561 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2523 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( Term (Optional _2.txt, Some _5, _3 _2) )
-# 21567 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 21576 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2530 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 21582 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (string Location.loc -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 21630 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 21644 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2525 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( Term (Optional _2.txt, None, _3 _2) )
-# 21650 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 21659 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2530 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 21665 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2527 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( Term (Nolabel, None, _1) )
-# 21691 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 21699 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2530 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 21705 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 21732 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2529 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( Type _2 )
-# 21742 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 21750 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2530 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 21756 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (string Location.loc -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = 
-# 2506 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                   ( fun _punned -> _2 )
-# 21788 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string Location.loc -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-# 2508 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( fun punned ->
-      let pat = mkpat (Ppat_var punned) ~loc:punned.loc in
-      match _1 with
-      | None -> pat
-      | Some typ ->
-        let loc = mklocation punned.loc.loc_start _endpos in
-        mkpat ~loc (Ppat_constraint(pat, typ))
-    )
-# 21821 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : (string -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 21876 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 4230 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (_6 _2, _4) )
-# 21886 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 21928 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3752 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( (_1,_3) )
-# 21934 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 21962 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3753 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( (_1, pat_of_label _1) )
-# 21968 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x_inlined1 : (string) = Obj.magic x_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _3 =
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_, x) = (_endpos_x_inlined1_, _startpos_x_inlined1_, x_inlined1) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 22011 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 22020 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3755 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (* punning with alias eg. {ReasonReact.state as prevState}
-       *  -> {ReasonReact.state: state as prevState} *)
-      (_1, mkpat(Ppat_alias(pat_of_label _1, _3)))
-    )
-# 22029 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs * string Location.loc) option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Reason_parser_def.let_bindings) = let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 22076 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 3213 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    let pat, expr = _5 in
-    mklbs _3 _4 ( ~loc ~attrs:_1 pat expr) loc )
-# 22089 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs * string Location.loc) option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Reason_parser_def.let_bindings) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 22144 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 22149 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 3213 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    let pat, expr = _5 in
-    mklbs _3 _4 ( ~loc ~attrs:_1 pat expr) loc )
-# 22162 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3220 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      (_1, ghexp_constraint loc _4 _2) )
-# 22213 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 3223 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (_1, _2) )
-# 22246 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (string list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _7 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 22317 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__7_ = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3226 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let typ = mktyp ~ghost:true (Ptyp_poly(_3, _5)) in
-      let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      (mkpat ~ghost:true ~loc (Ppat_constraint(_1, typ)), _7)
-    )
-# 22329 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-               = _menhir_stack;
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _7 : unit = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (string list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _8 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 22407 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__8_ = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__8_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3279 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( let exp, poly = wrap_type_annotation _4 _6 _8 in
-     let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-     (mkpat ~ghost:true ~loc (Ppat_constraint(_1, poly)), exp)
-   )
-# 22419 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 3295 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (_1, _3) )
-# 22459 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3297 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      (mkpat ~loc (Ppat_constraint(_1, _3)), _5)
-    )
-# 22517 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.value_binding list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Reason_parser_def.let_bindings) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Reason_parser_def.let_bindings) = 
-# 3208 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                           ( addlbs _1 _2 )
-# 22549 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_declaration list) = 
-# 211 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 22567 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_declaration list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_declaration) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_declaration list) = 
-# 213 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 22599 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_description list) = 
-# 211 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 22617 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_description list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_description) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_description list) = 
-# 213 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 22649 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_declaration list) = 
-# 211 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 22667 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_declaration list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_declaration) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_declaration list) = 
-# 213 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 22699 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.value_binding list) = 
-# 211 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 22717 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.value_binding list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.value_binding list) = let x =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 22758 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-            _startpos__1_
-          else
-            _startpos__2_ in
-# 3204 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let pat, expr = _3 in
- ~loc:(mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) ~attrs:_1 pat expr )
-# 22770 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 213 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 22776 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.value_binding list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.value_binding list) = let x =
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 22825 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 22830 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-            _startpos__1_
-          else
-            _startpos__2_ in
-# 3204 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let pat, expr = _3 in
- ~loc:(mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) ~attrs:_1 pat expr )
-# 22842 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 213 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 22848 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_binding list) = 
-# 211 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 22866 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_binding list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_binding) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_binding list) = 
-# 213 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 22898 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_declaration list) = 
-# 211 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 22916 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_declaration list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_declaration) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_declaration list) = 
-# 213 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 22948 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = 
-# 211 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 22966 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 23006 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 23011 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 23016 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 213 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 23022 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 23070 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 23075 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 23081 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 23086 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 213 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 23092 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 23139 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 23145 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 23150 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 23156 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 213 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 23162 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 =
-            let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 23218 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 23223 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 23230 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 23235 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 23241 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 213 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 23247 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = 
-# 211 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 23265 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 23305 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 23310 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 23315 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 213 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 23321 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 23369 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 23374 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 23380 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 23385 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 213 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 23391 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 23438 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 23444 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 23449 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 23455 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 213 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 23461 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 =
-            let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 23517 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 23522 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 23529 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 23534 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 23540 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 213 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 23546 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field list) = 
-# 211 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 23564 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field list) = 
-# 213 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 23596 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = 
-# 211 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 23614 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = 
-# 213 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 23646 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : ( list) = 
-# 4832 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( [] )
-# 23664 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : ( = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ( list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : ( list) = 
-# 4833 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                   ( _2 :: _1 )
-# 23696 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : ( list) = 
-# 4832 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( [] )
-# 23714 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : ( = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ( list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : ( list) = 
-# 4833 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                   ( _2 :: _1 )
-# 23746 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = 
-# 4832 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( [] )
-# 23766 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = let _2 =
-          let (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined2_, _1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x =
-            let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-            let _2 =
-              let _1 =
-                let _1 =
-                  let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                  let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 23839 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 3408 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( (_1, _3) )
-# 23845 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 3416 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                        (_1)
-# 23851 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__3_ in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 23863 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 23869 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4833 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                   ( _2 :: _1 )
-# 23875 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = let _2 =
-          let (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined2_, _1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x =
-            let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-            let _2 =
-              let _1 =
-                let _1 =
-                  let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                  let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 23934 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 3412 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                            ( (_1, exp_of_label _1) )
-# 23940 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 3417 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                    (_1)
-# 23946 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos__2_ = _endpos_x_ in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 23958 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 23964 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4833 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                   ( _2 :: _1 )
-# 23970 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option)
-  option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t Location.loc *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option)
-  option) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 24010 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3159 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
- ( _1, _2 )
-# 24016 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = 
-# 142 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 24036 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = let x =
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 =
-              let x =
-                let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-                let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 24091 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-# 2322 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                             (_1)
-# 24096 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 24102 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 24108 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2326 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( _1 )
-# 24114 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 144 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 24120 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) = 
-# 142 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 24140 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) = 
-# 144 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 24169 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = 
-# 142 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 24187 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = let x = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 24212 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 144 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 24217 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) = 
-# 142 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 24237 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) = 
-# 144 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 24266 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = 
-# 142 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 24284 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = let x =
-          let _1 = 
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 24324 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 24329 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 144 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 24335 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = 
-# 142 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 24355 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = let x =
-          let _1 = 
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 24399 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 24404 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 144 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 24410 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (string list) = 
-# 142 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 24428 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (string list) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (string list) = let x = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 24460 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 144 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 24465 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field list) = 
-# 142 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 24483 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field list) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field list) = 
-# 144 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 24508 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list) = 
-# 142 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 24526 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((Location.t option * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list) = let x =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 24560 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 3713 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let msg = "Array's `...` spread is not supported in pattern matches.
-Explanation: such spread would create a subarray; out of performance concern, our pattern matching currently guarantees to never create new intermediate data.
-Solution: if it's to validate the first few elements, use a `when` clause + Array size check + `get` checks on the current pattern. If it's to obtain a subarray, use `Array.sub` or `Belt.Array.slice`." in
-    filter_raise_spread_syntax msg _1 )
-# 24568 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 191 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 24574 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 144 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 24580 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = 
-# 142 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [] )
-# 24598 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = 
-# 144 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 24623 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.with_constraint) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.with_constraint list) = 
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 24648 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.with_constraint) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.with_constraint list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.with_constraint list) = 
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 24687 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = 
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 24712 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = 
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 24751 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = 
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 24776 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = 
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 24815 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = 
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 24840 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = 
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 24879 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : ((string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) list) = 
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 24904 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) list) = 
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 24943 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list) = 
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 24968 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list) = 
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 25007 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t list) = 
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 25032 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t list) = 
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 25071 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr list) = 
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 25096 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr list) = 
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 25135 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) = 
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 25164 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) = 
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 25209 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) = 
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 25237 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) = 
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 25281 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : ((Location.t option * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) list) = let _1 = 
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 25318 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 25323 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((Location.t option * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : ((Location.t option * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) list) = let _3 =
-          let (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_, _2, _1) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 25376 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 25382 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let _2 =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 25436 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 3408 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( (_1, _3) )
-# 25442 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3416 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                        (_1)
-# 25448 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__3_ in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 25460 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 25466 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let _2 =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 25506 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 3412 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                            ( (_1, exp_of_label _1) )
-# 25512 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3417 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                    (_1)
-# 25518 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos__2_ = _endpos_x_ in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 25530 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 25536 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = let _3 =
-          let (_startpos__1_, _2, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-          let _2 =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 25607 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 3408 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( (_1, _3) )
-# 25613 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3416 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                        (_1)
-# 25619 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__3_ in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 25631 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 25637 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = let _3 =
-          let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let _2 =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 25694 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 3412 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                            ( (_1, exp_of_label _1) )
-# 25700 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3417 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                    (_1)
-# 25706 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos__2_ = _endpos_x_ in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 25718 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 25724 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : ((Location.t option * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) list) = let _1 = 
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 25761 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 25766 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((Location.t option * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : ((Location.t option * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) list) = let _3 =
-          let (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_, _2, _1) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 25819 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 25825 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list) = 
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 25850 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list) = 
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 25889 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = 
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 25914 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = 
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 25953 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration list) = 
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 25978 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration list) = 
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 26017 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : ((Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = 
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 26043 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = 
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 26084 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) = 
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 26112 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) = 
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 26156 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = 
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 26184 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = 
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 26228 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = 
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 26256 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = 
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 26300 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-   Location.loc * bool)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let _2 =
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 26340 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4242 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let uncurried = match _1 with | Some _ -> true | None -> false in
-    match _2.txt with
-    | _ -> (_2, uncurried)
-  )
-# 26354 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 26360 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-   Location.loc * bool)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-   Location.loc * bool)
-  list) = let _3 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-          let _2 =
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 26418 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4242 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let uncurried = match _1 with | Some _ -> true | None -> false in
-    match _2.txt with
-    | _ -> (_2, uncurried)
-  )
-# 26432 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 26438 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-          let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3146 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      (
-    let uncurried = match _1 with | Some _ -> true | None -> false in
-    if uncurried then
-      let (lbl, argExpr) = _2 in
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-      let up = uncurry_payload ~name:"uncurry" loc in
-      (lbl, {argExpr with pexp_attributes = up::argExpr.pexp_attributes})
-    else _2
-  )
-# 26484 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 26490 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _3 =
-          let (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_, _2, _1) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-          let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3146 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      (
-    let uncurried = match _1 with | Some _ -> true | None -> false in
-    if uncurried then
-      let (lbl, argExpr) = _2 in
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-      let up = uncurry_payload ~name:"uncurry" loc in
-      (lbl, {argExpr with pexp_attributes = up::argExpr.pexp_attributes})
-    else _2
-  )
-# 26553 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 26559 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list list) = 
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 26584 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list list) = 
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 26623 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list list) = 
-# 4844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 26648 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list list) = 
-# 4845 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 26687 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : unit = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : ( = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 26743 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3317 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let pat = {_2 with ppat_loc =
-      { _2.ppat_loc with
-        loc_start = _1.loc.loc_start
-      }
-    } in
- pat ?guard:_3 _5 )
-# 26754 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : unit = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : ( = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 26810 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3317 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let pat = {_2 with ppat_loc =
-      { _2.ppat_loc with
-        loc_start = _1.loc.loc_start
-      }
-    } in
- pat ?guard:_3 _5 )
-# 26821 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 26868 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind) = let _3 =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 26880 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 26888 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2068 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( if _1 = Override then
-        syntax_error (mklocation _startpos _endpos)
-          "cannot override a virtual method";
-      (_3, Cfk_virtual _5)
-    )
-# 26900 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 26934 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind) = let _2 =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 26945 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 26953 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__2_ = _startpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 2074 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      (_2, Cfk_concrete (_1, mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_poly (_3, None))))
-    )
-# 26967 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 27008 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind) = let _2 =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 27019 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 27027 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__2_ = _startpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 2080 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      (_2, Cfk_concrete (_1, mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_poly(_4, _3))))
-    )
-# 27041 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _8;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__8_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__8_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-               = _menhir_stack;
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _8 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _8 in
-        let _7 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (string list) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 27110 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__8_ in
-        let _v : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind) = let _2 =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 27121 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 27129 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__2_ = _startpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__8_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 2088 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (
-      (* For non, methods we'd create a pattern binding:
-         ((Ppat_constraint(mkpatvar ..., Ptyp_poly (typeVars, poly_type_varified))),
-          exp_with_newtypes_constrained_by_non_varified)
-         For methods, we create:
-         Pexp_poly (Pexp_constraint (methodFunWithNewtypes, non_varified), Some (Ptyp_poly newTypes varified))
-       *)
-      let (exp_non_varified, poly_vars) = wrap_type_annotation _5 _7 _8 in
-      let exp = Pexp_poly(exp_non_varified, Some poly_vars) in
-      let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      (_2, Cfk_concrete (_1, mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc exp))
-    )
-# 27153 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (Longident.t list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 27195 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = let _2 =
-          let (_1_inlined1, _1) = (_1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 27208 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 27214 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 27220 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4542 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Lident _1 )
-# 27227 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4550 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( if not !Clflags.applicative_functors then (
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-      raise_error (Applicative_path loc) loc
-    );
-    List.fold_left (fun p1 p2 -> Lapply (p1, p2)) _1 _2
-  )
-# 27239 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _3_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (Longident.t list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 27293 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = let _2 =
-          let (_3, _1_inlined1, _1) = (_3_inlined1, _1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 27308 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 27314 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 27320 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__3_inlined1_ in
-        let _1 =
-          let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
-# 4543 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Ldot(_1, _3) )
-# 27329 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4550 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( if not !Clflags.applicative_functors then (
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-      raise_error (Applicative_path loc) loc
-    );
-    List.fold_left (fun p1 p2 -> Lapply (p1, p2)) _1 _2
-  )
-# 27342 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (Longident.t list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = let _2 =
-          let (_1_inlined1, _1) = (_1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 27393 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 27399 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 27405 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4544 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( _1 )
-# 27412 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4550 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( if not !Clflags.applicative_functors then (
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-      raise_error (Applicative_path loc) loc
-    );
-    List.fold_left (fun p1 p2 -> Lapply (p1, p2)) _1 _2
-  )
-# 27424 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 27445 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = let _1 = 
-# 4542 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Lident _1 )
-# 27453 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4539 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( _1 )
-# 27458 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 27491 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = let _1 = 
-# 4543 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Ldot(_1, _3) )
-# 27501 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4539 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( _1 )
-# 27506 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = let _1 = 
-# 4544 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( _1 )
-# 27531 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4539 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( _1 )
-# 27536 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 27557 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4535 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Lident _1 )
-# 27565 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 27598 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4536 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Ldot(_1, _3) )
-# 27608 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr list) = 
-# 1468 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( [_1] )
-# 27633 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr list) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr list) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 27673 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 27678 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1470 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( match _1 with
-      | [] -> [mkmod ~loc:(mklocation _startpos _endpos) (Pmod_structure [])]
-      | xs -> xs
-    )
-# 27690 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr list) = let _1 = 
-# 4837 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( [] )
-# 27715 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 1465 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                     (_1)
-# 27720 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr list) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 27753 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4838 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 27758 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1465 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                     (_1)
-# 27764 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = 
-# 1671 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mk_functor_mod _1 _2 )
-# 27798 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = 
-# 1673 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _startpos__3_ _endpos__4_ in
-      mk_functor_mod _1 (mkmod ~loc (Pmod_constraint(_4, _3))) )
-# 27847 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1445 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 27873 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4769 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmod_loc = {x.pmod_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 27881 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1462 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 27887 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1447 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkmod(Pmod_constraint(_1, _3)) )
-# 27927 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4769 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmod_loc = {x.pmod_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 27935 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1462 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 27941 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1449 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkmod(Pmod_unpack _2) )
-# 27974 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4769 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmod_loc = {x.pmod_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 27982 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1462 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 27988 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1451 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkmod (Pmod_unpack(
-           mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_constraint(_2, _5))))
-    )
-# 28048 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4769 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmod_loc = {x.pmod_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 28057 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1462 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 28063 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _8;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__8_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__8_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-               = _menhir_stack;
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _8 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _8 in
-        let _7 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__8_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _endpos = _endpos__8_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1456 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkmod (Pmod_unpack(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_coerce(_2, Some _5, _8)))) )
-# 28142 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__8_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4769 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmod_loc = {x.pmod_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 28151 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1462 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 28157 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1459 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkmod (Pmod_unpack(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_coerce(_2, None, _5))))
-    )
-# 28216 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4769 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmod_loc = {x.pmod_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 28225 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1462 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 28231 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = 
-# 1891 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mk_functor_mty _1 _2 )
-# 28265 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 28295 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 1486 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkmod(Pmod_ident _1) )
-# 28301 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4769 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmod_loc = {x.pmod_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 28309 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1513 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 28315 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1487 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( _1 )
-# 28341 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4769 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmod_loc = {x.pmod_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 28349 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1513 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 28355 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1489 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _2 )
-# 28395 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4769 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmod_loc = {x.pmod_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 28403 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1513 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 28409 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1491 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkmod (Pmod_structure []) )
-# 28442 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4769 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmod_loc = {x.pmod_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 28450 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1513 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 28456 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1493 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkmod (Pmod_extension _1) )
-# 28482 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4769 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmod_loc = {x.pmod_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 28490 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1513 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 28496 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (unit) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-# 1501 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let me = match _3 with
-        | None -> _5
-        | Some mt ->
-          let loc = mklocation _startpos__3_ _endpos in
-          mkmod ~loc (Pmod_constraint(_5, mt))
-      in
-      mk_functor_mod _2 me
-    )
-# 28561 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4769 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmod_loc = {x.pmod_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 28570 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1513 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 28576 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1510 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( List.fold_left mkmod_app _1 _2 )
-# 28609 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4769 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmod_loc = {x.pmod_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 28617 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1513 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 28623 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1512 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( {_2 with pmod_attributes = _1 :: _2.pmod_attributes} )
-# 28656 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4769 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmod_loc = {x.pmod_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 28664 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1513 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 28670 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 28702 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 1476 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 28707 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = 
-# 1476 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 28732 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1480 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkmod ~loc:(mklocation _startpos _endpos) (Pmod_structure(_2)) )
-# 28773 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-            let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1413 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Some (mkloc "*" (mklocation _startpos _endpos)), None) )
-# 28811 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 28820 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1418 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (_1)
-# 28826 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 28861 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let x = 
-# 1414 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  (_1)
-# 28874 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-              let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 28882 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 1415 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Some _1, Some _3) )
-# 28888 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 28897 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1418 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (_1)
-# 28903 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let x = 
-# 1414 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                    ("_")
-# 28947 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-              let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 28955 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 1415 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Some _1, Some _3) )
-# 28961 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 28970 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1418 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (_1)
-# 28976 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1417 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (None, Some _1) )
-# 29004 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 29012 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1418 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  (_1)
-# 29018 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.with_constraint list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let (_1_inlined1, _1) = (_1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _2 =
-                let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 29063 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 1734 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                      ( _2 )
-# 29069 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 1754 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkmty (Pmty_with(_1, _2)) )
-# 29075 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_inlined2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4789 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmty_loc = {x.pmty_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 29084 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1807 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 29090 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1756 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 29116 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4789 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmty_loc = {x.pmty_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 29124 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1807 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 29130 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1758 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkmty (Pmty_typeof _5) )
-# 29191 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__6_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4789 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmty_loc = {x.pmty_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 29199 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1807 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 29205 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1760 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( {_2 with pmty_attributes = _1 :: _2.pmty_attributes} )
-# 29238 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4789 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmty_loc = {x.pmty_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 29246 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1807 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 29252 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1806 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mk_functor_mty _1 _3 )
-# 29294 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4789 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmty_loc = {x.pmty_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 29302 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1807 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 29308 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = 
-# 1895 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _2 )
-# 29340 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = 
-# 1896 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( _1 )
-# 29365 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = 
-# 1895 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _2 )
-# 29397 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = 
-# 1896 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( _1 )
-# 29422 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.signature) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkmty ~loc:(mklocation _startpos _endpos) (Pmty_signature _2) )
-# 29463 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (string) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4559 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                 ( Lident _1 )
-# 29488 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (string) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4560 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                 ( Ldot(_1, _3) )
-# 29527 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag) = 
-# 4617 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Immutable )
-# 29545 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag) = 
-# 4618 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Mutable )
-# 29570 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = 
-# 4627 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Immutable, Concrete )
-# 29589 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = 
-# 4628 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                         ( _2, Virtual )
-# 29622 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = 
-# 4629 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                         ( Mutable, _2 )
-# 29655 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 4284 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 29680 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 4286 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( {_2 with ptyp_attributes = _1 :: _2.ptyp_attributes} )
-# 29712 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 4317 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( _1 )
-# 29737 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 29765 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4318 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( _1 )
-# 29771 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4310 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( match _1 with
-      | [one] -> one
-      | many -> mktyp (Ptyp_tuple many)
-    )
-# 29800 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 29808 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4314 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 29814 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-              let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 29864 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 3106 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                   ( _1 )
-# 29869 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 29875 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 29881 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3109 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 29887 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3111 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-      [mkexp_constructor_unit loc loc] )
-# 29922 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 29943 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (string list) = 
-# 221 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [ x ] )
-# 29951 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (string list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 29979 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (string list) = 
-# 223 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 29987 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1159 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * string option * string option)
-# 30008 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string list) = let x = 
-# 3763 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                            ( let (s, _, _) = _1 in s )
-# 30016 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 221 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [ x ] )
-# 30021 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (string list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1159 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * string option * string option)
-# 30049 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (string list) = let x = 
-# 3763 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                            ( let (s, _, _) = _1 in s )
-# 30057 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 223 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 30062 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = let x =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 30090 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 221 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [ x ] )
-# 30096 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = let x =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 30131 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 223 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 30137 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 30170 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 30175 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 30180 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 221 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [ x ] )
-# 30186 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 30227 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 30232 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 30238 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 30243 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 221 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [ x ] )
-# 30249 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 30289 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 30295 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 30300 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 30306 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 221 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [ x ] )
-# 30312 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 =
-            let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 30361 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 30366 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 30373 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 30378 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 30384 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 221 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [ x ] )
-# 30390 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 30430 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 30435 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 30440 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 223 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 30446 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 30494 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 30499 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 30505 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 30510 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 223 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 30516 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 30563 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 30569 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 30574 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 30580 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 223 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 30586 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 =
-            let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 30642 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 30647 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 30654 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 30659 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 30665 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 223 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 30671 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 30704 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 30709 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 30714 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 221 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [ x ] )
-# 30720 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 30761 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 30766 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 30772 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 30777 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 221 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [ x ] )
-# 30783 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 30823 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 30829 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 30834 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 30840 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 221 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [ x ] )
-# 30846 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 =
-            let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 30895 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 30900 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 30907 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 30912 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 30918 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 221 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [ x ] )
-# 30924 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 30964 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 30969 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 30974 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 223 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 30980 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 31028 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 31033 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 31039 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 31044 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 223 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 31050 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 31097 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 31103 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 31108 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 31114 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 223 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 31120 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
-          let _3 =
-            let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 31176 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 31181 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 31188 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 31193 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4000 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( {_4 with pext_attributes = List.concat [_1; _3; _4.pext_attributes]} )
-# 31199 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 223 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 31205 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (string) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (string list) = let x = 
-# 4592 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( _2 )
-# 31237 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 221 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [ x ] )
-# 31242 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (string list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _2 : (string) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (string list) = let x = 
-# 4592 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( _2 )
-# 31281 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 223 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 31286 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list) = let x = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 31321 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 221 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [ x ] )
-# 31326 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list) = let x = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 31370 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 223 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 31375 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (string list) = let x = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 31407 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 221 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [ x ] )
-# 31412 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (string list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (string list) = let x = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 31451 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 223 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 31456 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) = 
-# 4602 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Recursive )
-# 31474 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) = 
-# 4603 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Nonrecursive )
-# 31499 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_structure) = let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 31534 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1951 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let attrs = (fun x -> mkcf ~loc:x.loc (Pcf_attribute x.txt)) _1 in
- _2 attrs )
-# 31541 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_structure) = let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 31590 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1956 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let attrs = (fun x -> mkcf ~loc:x.loc (Pcf_attribute x.txt)) _1 in
- _2 (attrs @ _4) )
-# 31597 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_structure) = let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _endpos in
-# 1959 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _symbolstartpos in
- (mkpat ~loc (Ppat_var (mkloc "this" loc))) _1 )
-# 31628 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) = let _1 = 
-# 4837 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( [] )
-# 31653 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 1946 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                             ( List.concat _1 )
-# 31658 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 31691 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4838 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 31696 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1946 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                             ( List.concat _1 )
-# 31702 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 31723 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 31735 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 31741 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4369 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (_2.txt, _1, mkct _2) )
-# 31746 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 31773 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 31786 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 31793 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 31798 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4369 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (_2.txt, _1, mkct _2) )
-# 31804 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 31839 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 31848 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4371 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (_2, _1, _4) )
-# 31853 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 31894 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 31905 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 31910 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4371 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (_2, _1, _4) )
-# 31916 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) = let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 31952 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4375 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                   ( _1 )
-# 31957 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4349 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      syntax_error_typ loc "an object type cannot be empty" )
-# 31992 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4352 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (* `{. "foo": bar}` -> `Js.t({. foo: bar})` *)
-      let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkBsObjTypeSugar ~loc ~closed:Closed _3
-    )
-# 32045 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4357 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (* `{.. "foo": bar}` -> `Js.t({.. foo: bar})` *)
-      let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkBsObjTypeSugar ~loc ~closed:Open _3
-    )
-# 32098 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 4362 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mktyp (Ptyp_object (_3, Closed)) )
-# 32146 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 4364 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mktyp (Ptyp_object (_3, Open)) )
-# 32194 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.open_description) = let _4 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 32236 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__4_ = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 32243 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1886 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( _4 ~override:_3 ~attrs:_1 ~loc:(mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 32254 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.open_description) = let _4 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 32303 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__4_ = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 32311 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 32316 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1886 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( _4 ~override:_3 ~attrs:_1 ~loc:(mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 32327 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1142 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 32348 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4494 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32356 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1143 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 32377 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4495 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32385 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4496 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "!" )
-# 32410 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1093 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 32431 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4461 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32439 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32444 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1094 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 32465 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4462 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32473 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32478 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1095 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 32499 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4463 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32507 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32512 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1096 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 32533 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4464 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32541 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32546 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4466 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "/>" )
-# 32571 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32576 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1099 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 32597 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4467 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32605 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32610 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4468 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "+" )
-# 32635 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32640 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4469 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "+." )
-# 32665 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32670 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4470 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "-" )
-# 32695 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32700 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4471 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "-." )
-# 32725 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32730 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4472 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "*" )
-# 32755 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32760 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4473 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "<" )
-# 32785 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32790 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4474 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( ">" )
-# 32815 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32820 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4475 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "or" )
-# 32845 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32850 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4476 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "||" )
-# 32875 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32880 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4477 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "&" )
-# 32905 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32910 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4478 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "&&" )
-# 32935 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32940 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4479 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( ":=" )
-# 32965 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 32970 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4480 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "+=" )
-# 32995 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 33000 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4481 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "%" )
-# 33025 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 33030 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4488 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "<..>" )
-# 33055 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 33060 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4489 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( ">>" )
-# 33092 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 33097 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 4490 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                     ( ">..." )
-# 33122 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 33127 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (unit) = 
-# 4590 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( () )
-# 33152 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (unit) = 
-# 4590 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                           ( () )
-# 33184 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 33217 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (unit) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 33230 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1601 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( _3 )
-# 33236 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 33269 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (unit) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 33282 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1603 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( syntax_error _3.loc lowercase_module_msg; _3 )
-# 33288 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 33315 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (unit) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str) = let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 33327 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1595 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( _2 )
-# 33333 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 33360 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (unit) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str) = let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 33372 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1597 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( syntax_error _2.loc lowercase_module_msg; _2 )
-# 33378 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (unit option) = 
-# 114 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 33396 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : unit = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (unit option) = 
-# 116 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 33421 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (unit option) = 
-# 114 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 33439 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : unit = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (unit option) = 
-# 116 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 33464 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (unit option) = 
-# 114 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 33482 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : unit = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (unit option) = 
-# 116 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 33507 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (unit option) = 
-# 114 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 33525 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : unit = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (unit option) = 
-# 116 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 33550 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (unit option) = 
-# 114 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 33568 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : unit = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (unit option) = 
-# 116 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 33593 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (unit option) = 
-# 114 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 33611 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : unit = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (unit option) = 
-# 116 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 33636 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (unit option) = 
-# 114 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 33654 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : unit = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (unit option) = 
-# 116 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 33679 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments option) = 
-# 114 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 33697 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments option) = 
-# 116 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 33722 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs * string Location.loc) option) = 
-# 114 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 33740 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs * string Location.loc) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs * string Location.loc) option) = 
-# 116 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 33765 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (string option) = 
-# 114 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 33783 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 33810 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (string option) = let x = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 33819 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 116 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 33824 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type option) = 
-# 114 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 33842 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type option) = let x = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 33874 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 116 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 33879 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = 
-# 114 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 33897 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = let x = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 33929 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 116 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 33934 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option) = 
-# 114 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 33952 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option) = let x = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 33984 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 116 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 33989 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = 
-# 114 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 34007 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = let x = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 34039 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 116 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 34044 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = 
-# 114 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 34062 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = let x = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 34094 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 116 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 34099 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option) = 
-# 114 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 34117 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option) = let x = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 34149 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 116 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 34154 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = 
-# 114 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 34172 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = let x = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 34204 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 116 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 34209 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option) = 
-# 114 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 34227 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option) = let x = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 34259 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 116 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 34264 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option)
-  option) = 
-# 114 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 34284 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option)
-  option) = 
-# 116 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 34312 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (string -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label) = 
-# 4764 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( fun x -> Labelled x )
-# 34330 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label) = 
-# 4765 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-             ( fun x -> Optional x )
-# 34355 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 2724 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( fun exp -> exp )
-# 34374 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs * string Location.loc) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 2725 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                         ( fun exp -> expression_extension _1 exp  )
-# 34400 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag) = 
-# 4633 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Fresh )
-# 34418 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag) = 
-# 4634 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Override )
-# 34443 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4387 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-    match package_type_of_module_type _1 with
-    | Some result -> mktyp ~loc (Ptyp_package result)
-    | None ->
-       syntax_error_typ _1.pmty_loc
-         "only module type identifier and 'with type' constraints are supported"
-  )
-# 34476 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 2881 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 34501 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2883 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-      mkexp_constructor_unit ~uncurried:true loc loc )
-# 34543 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2886 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( may_tuple _startpos _endpos _2 )
-# 34584 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (
-# 1331 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-# 34616 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = 
-# 1395 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( apply_mapper_to_type _1 reason_mapper )
-# 34620 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (
-# 1333 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-# 34652 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = 
-# 1400 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( apply_mapper_to_expr _1 reason_mapper )
-# 34656 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (
-# 1335 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern)
-# 34688 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = 
-# 1405 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( apply_mapper_to_pattern _1 reason_mapper )
-# 34692 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = 
-# 3513 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( _1 )
-# 34717 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 3514 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( mkpat(Ppat_or(_1, _3)) )
-# 34757 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 34765 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3514 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 34771 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((Location.t option * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern option) = let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 34804 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3721 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( match List.rev _1 with
-    (* spread syntax is only allowed at the end *)
-    | ((dotdotdot, p) as hd)::ps ->
-      let (ps, spreadPat) = match dotdotdot with
-      | Some _ -> (ps, Some p)
-      | None -> (hd::ps, None)
-      in
-      let msg = "List pattern matches only supports one `...` spread, at the end.
-Explanation: a list spread at the tail is efficient, but a spread in the middle would create new list(s); out of performance concern, our pattern matching currently guarantees to never create new intermediate data." in
-      let patList = filter_raise_spread_syntax msg ps in
-      (List.rev patList, spreadPat)
-    | [] -> [], None
-  )
-# 34821 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list) = 
-# 3522 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [_1] )
-# 34846 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-              let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 34896 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 3518 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 34901 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 34907 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 34913 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3524 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 34919 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 3696 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                            ( _1 )
-# 34945 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 34953 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3708 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 34959 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 3698 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkpat(Ppat_constraint(_1, _3)) )
-# 34999 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 35007 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3708 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 35013 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic x_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 35061 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _4 =
-              let (_endpos_x_, _startpos__1_, x, _1) = (_endpos_x_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, x_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-              let x = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 35074 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-              let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__1_ in
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 35082 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 35091 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3707 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkpat (Ppat_constraint (mkpat (Ppat_unpack _2), _4)) )
-# 35097 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos_x_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 35106 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3708 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 35112 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 3545 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                   ( _1 )
-# 35138 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 35146 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3602 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 35152 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _3 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 35196 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3548 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkpat(Ppat_alias(_1, _3)) )
-# 35202 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__1_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 35211 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3602 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 35217 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 35254 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3566 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( match is_pattern_list_single_any _2 with
-      | Some singleAnyPat ->
-        mkpat (Ppat_construct(_1, Some singleAnyPat))
-      | None ->
-        let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-        let argPattern = simple_pattern_list_to_tuple ~loc _2 in
-        mkExplicitArityTuplePat (Ppat_construct(_1, Some argPattern))
-    )
-# 35270 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__2_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 35279 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3602 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 35285 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : (string) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
-# 4592 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( _2 )
-# 35328 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3575 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                            ( mkpat (Ppat_variant(_1, Some _2)) )
-# 35334 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 35343 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3602 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 35349 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : unit = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 35393 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3578 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( syntax_error _2.loc
-        ":: is not supported in Reason, please use [hd,] instead";
-      let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkpat_cons (mkpat ~ghost:true ~loc (Ppat_tuple[_1;_3])) loc
-    )
-# 35405 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 35414 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3602 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 35420 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _8;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__8_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__8_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-               = _menhir_stack;
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _8 : unit = Obj.magic _8 in
-        let _7 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__8_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _endpos = _endpos__8_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3585 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkpat_cons (mkpat ~ghost:true ~loc (Ppat_tuple[_5;_7])) loc
-    )
-# 35500 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__8_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 35509 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3602 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 35515 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 3590 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkpat(Ppat_exception _2) )
-# 35548 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 35556 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3602 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 35562 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 3592 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                        ( mkpat(Ppat_lazy _2) )
-# 35595 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 35603 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3602 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 35609 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 3600 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( {_2 with ppat_attributes = _1 :: _2.ppat_attributes} )
-# 35642 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 35650 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3602 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 35656 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.payload) = 
-# 4733 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                    ( PStr _1 )
-# 35681 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.signature) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.payload) = 
-# 4734 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                    ( PSig _2 )
-# 35713 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.payload) = 
-# 4735 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                    ( PTyp _2 )
-# 35745 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.payload) = 
-# 4736 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                    ( PPat (_2, None) )
-# 35777 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.payload) = 
-# 4737 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                    ( PPat (_2, Some _4) )
-# 35823 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.payload) = let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4757 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let expr = Exp.fun_ ~loc Nolabel None _1 _3 in
-      PStr([mkstrexp expr []])
-    )
-# 35867 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4069 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 35893 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 35901 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4072 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 35907 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (string list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4071 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mktyp(Ptyp_poly(_1, _3)) )
-# 35947 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 35955 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4072 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 35961 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (string list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string list) = 
-# 3763 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                         (_1)
-# 35986 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 36020 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-            let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__1_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 36028 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 3497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                     (_1)
-# 36034 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4304 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( _1 )
-# 36040 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 4304 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( _1 )
-# 36065 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) = 
-# 4597 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Nonrecursive )
-# 36083 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) = 
-# 4598 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Recursive )
-# 36108 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration list) = let _2 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 36156 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3965 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( _2 )
-# 36162 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-               = {
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-                 = _menhir_stack;
-                        };
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2_inlined2 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = Obj.magic _2_inlined2 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _3 =
-          let (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _2, _1_inlined1, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined2_, _2_inlined2, _1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
-            let x =
-              let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _2 =
-                let _1 =
-                  let _1 =
-                    let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                    let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 36258 "src/reason-parser/"
-                  in
-# 3408 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( (_1, _3) )
-# 36264 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 3416 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                        (_1)
-# 36270 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__3_ in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 36282 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 36288 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4827 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( _1 :: List.rev _2 )
-# 36294 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3381 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let exprList = filter_raise_spread_syntax record_exp_spread_msg _3
-      in (Some _2, exprList)
-    )
-# 36302 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _3 =
-          let (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _2, _1_inlined1, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined2_, _2_inlined1, _1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _2 =
-                let _1 =
-                  let _1 =
-                    let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                    let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 36383 "src/reason-parser/"
-                  in
-# 3412 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                            ( (_1, exp_of_label _1) )
-# 36389 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 3417 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                    (_1)
-# 36395 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _endpos__2_ = _endpos_x_ in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 36407 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 36413 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4827 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( _1 :: List.rev _2 )
-# 36419 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3381 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let exprList = filter_raise_spread_syntax record_exp_spread_msg _3
-      in (Some _2, exprList)
-    )
-# 36427 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _4 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 36486 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3387 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( raise_record_trailing_semi_error'
-        (mklocation _startpos__3_ _endpos__3_) )
-# 36493 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-               = {
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-                 = _menhir_stack;
-                        };
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2_inlined2 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = Obj.magic _2_inlined2 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _3 =
-          let (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _2, _1_inlined1, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined2_, _2_inlined2, _1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
-            let x =
-              let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _2 =
-                let _1 =
-                  let _1 =
-                    let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                    let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 36589 "src/reason-parser/"
-                  in
-# 3408 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( (_1, _3) )
-# 36595 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 3416 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                        (_1)
-# 36601 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__3_ in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 36613 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 36619 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4827 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( _1 :: List.rev _2 )
-# 36625 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3392 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( raise_record_trailing_semi_error'
-        (mklocation _startpos__4_ _endpos__4_) )
-# 36632 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _3 =
-          let (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _2, _1_inlined1, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined2_, _2_inlined1, _1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _2 =
-                let _1 =
-                  let _1 =
-                    let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                    let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 36713 "src/reason-parser/"
-                  in
-# 3412 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                            ( (_1, exp_of_label _1) )
-# 36719 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 3417 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                    (_1)
-# 36725 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _endpos__2_ = _endpos_x_ in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 36737 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 36743 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4827 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( _1 :: List.rev _2 )
-# 36749 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3392 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( raise_record_trailing_semi_error'
-        (mklocation _startpos__4_ _endpos__4_) )
-# 36756 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
-          let _1 =
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 36809 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 3408 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( (_1, _3) )
-# 36815 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3395 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (None, [_1]) )
-# 36821 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
-          let _1 =
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 36874 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 3408 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( (_1, _3) )
-# 36880 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3397 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( raise_record_trailing_semi_error'
-        (mklocation _startpos__2_ _endpos__2_) )
-# 36887 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3_inlined2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_inlined2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_inlined2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3_inlined1;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_inlined1_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_inlined1_;
-               = {
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-                 = {
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-                   = _menhir_stack;
-                          };
-                        };
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _3_inlined2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3_inlined2 in
-        let _2_inlined2 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined2 in
-        let x_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _3_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3_inlined1 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _2 =
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_, _endpos__3_, _3, _2_inlined1, x) = (_endpos_x_inlined1_, _startpos_x_inlined1_, _endpos__3_inlined2_, _3_inlined2, _2_inlined2, x_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
-            let x =
-              let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _2 =
-                let _1 =
-                  let _1 =
-                    let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                    let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 36990 "src/reason-parser/"
-                  in
-# 3408 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( (_1, _3) )
-# 36996 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 3416 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                        (_1)
-# 37002 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__3_ in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 37014 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 37020 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4827 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( _1 :: List.rev _2 )
-# 37026 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let (_3, _2) = (_3_inlined1, _2_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 37038 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3408 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( (_1, _3) )
-# 37044 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 3416 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                        (_1)
-# 37050 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3400 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let exprList = filter_raise_spread_syntax record_exp_spread_msg _2 in
-      (None, _1 :: exprList) )
-# 37057 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3_inlined1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_inlined1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_inlined1_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-               = _menhir_stack;
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _3_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3_inlined1 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _2 =
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_, x) = (_endpos_x_inlined1_, _startpos_x_inlined1_, x_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _2 =
-                let _1 =
-                  let _1 =
-                    let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                    let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 37145 "src/reason-parser/"
-                  in
-# 3412 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                            ( (_1, exp_of_label _1) )
-# 37151 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 3417 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                    (_1)
-# 37157 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _endpos__2_ = _endpos_x_ in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 37169 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 37175 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4827 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( _1 :: List.rev _2 )
-# 37181 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let (_3, _2) = (_3_inlined1, _2_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 37193 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3408 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( (_1, _3) )
-# 37199 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 3416 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                        (_1)
-# 37205 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3400 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let exprList = filter_raise_spread_syntax record_exp_spread_msg _2 in
-      (None, _1 :: exprList) )
-# 37212 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-               = _menhir_stack;
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _3_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3_inlined1 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let x_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _2 =
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_, _endpos__3_, _3, x) = (_endpos_x_inlined1_, _startpos_x_inlined1_, _endpos__3_inlined1_, _3_inlined1, x_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
-            let x =
-              let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _2 =
-                let _1 =
-                  let _1 =
-                    let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                    let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 37301 "src/reason-parser/"
-                  in
-# 3408 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( (_1, _3) )
-# 37307 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 3416 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                        (_1)
-# 37313 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__3_ in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 37325 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 37331 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4827 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( _1 :: List.rev _2 )
-# 37337 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 37348 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3412 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                            ( (_1, exp_of_label _1) )
-# 37354 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 3417 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                    (_1)
-# 37360 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3400 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let exprList = filter_raise_spread_syntax record_exp_spread_msg _2 in
-      (None, _1 :: exprList) )
-# 37367 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _2 =
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_, x) = (_endpos_x_inlined1_, _startpos_x_inlined1_, x_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _2 =
-                let _1 =
-                  let _1 =
-                    let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                    let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 37441 "src/reason-parser/"
-                  in
-# 3412 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                            ( (_1, exp_of_label _1) )
-# 37447 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 3417 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                    (_1)
-# 37453 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _endpos__2_ = _endpos_x_ in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 37465 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 37471 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4827 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( _1 :: List.rev _2 )
-# 37477 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 37488 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3412 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                            ( (_1, exp_of_label _1) )
-# 37494 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 3417 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                    (_1)
-# 37500 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3400 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let exprList = filter_raise_spread_syntax record_exp_spread_msg _2 in
-      (None, _1 :: exprList) )
-# 37507 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3_inlined2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_inlined2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_inlined2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3_inlined1;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_inlined1_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_inlined1_;
-               = {
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-                 = {
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-                   = _menhir_stack;
-                          };
-                        };
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _3_inlined2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3_inlined2 in
-        let _2_inlined2 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined2 in
-        let x_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _3_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3_inlined1 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _2 =
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_, _endpos__3_, _3, _2_inlined1, x) = (_endpos_x_inlined1_, _startpos_x_inlined1_, _endpos__3_inlined2_, _3_inlined2, _2_inlined2, x_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
-            let x =
-              let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _2 =
-                let _1 =
-                  let _1 =
-                    let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                    let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 37610 "src/reason-parser/"
-                  in
-# 3408 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( (_1, _3) )
-# 37616 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 3416 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                        (_1)
-# 37622 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__3_ in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 37634 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 37640 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4827 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( _1 :: List.rev _2 )
-# 37646 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let (_3, _2) = (_3_inlined1, _2_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 37658 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3408 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( (_1, _3) )
-# 37664 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 3416 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                        (_1)
-# 37670 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3403 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( raise_record_trailing_semi_error'
-        (mklocation _startpos__3_ _endpos__3_) )
-# 37677 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3_inlined1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_inlined1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_inlined1_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-               = _menhir_stack;
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _3_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3_inlined1 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _2 =
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_, x) = (_endpos_x_inlined1_, _startpos_x_inlined1_, x_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _2 =
-                let _1 =
-                  let _1 =
-                    let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                    let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 37765 "src/reason-parser/"
-                  in
-# 3412 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                            ( (_1, exp_of_label _1) )
-# 37771 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 3417 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                    (_1)
-# 37777 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _endpos__2_ = _endpos_x_ in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 37789 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 37795 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4827 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( _1 :: List.rev _2 )
-# 37801 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let (_3, _2) = (_3_inlined1, _2_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 37813 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3408 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( (_1, _3) )
-# 37819 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 3416 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                        (_1)
-# 37825 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3403 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( raise_record_trailing_semi_error'
-        (mklocation _startpos__3_ _endpos__3_) )
-# 37832 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-               = _menhir_stack;
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _3_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3_inlined1 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let x_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _2 =
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_, _endpos__3_, _3, x) = (_endpos_x_inlined1_, _startpos_x_inlined1_, _endpos__3_inlined1_, _3_inlined1, x_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
-            let x =
-              let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _2 =
-                let _1 =
-                  let _1 =
-                    let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                    let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 37921 "src/reason-parser/"
-                  in
-# 3408 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( (_1, _3) )
-# 37927 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 3416 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                        (_1)
-# 37933 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__3_ in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 37945 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 37951 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4827 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( _1 :: List.rev _2 )
-# 37957 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 37968 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3412 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                            ( (_1, exp_of_label _1) )
-# 37974 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 3417 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                    (_1)
-# 37980 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3403 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( raise_record_trailing_semi_error'
-        (mklocation _startpos__3_ _endpos__3_) )
-# 37987 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _2 =
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_, x) = (_endpos_x_inlined1_, _startpos_x_inlined1_, x_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _2 =
-                let _1 =
-                  let _1 =
-                    let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                    let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 38061 "src/reason-parser/"
-                  in
-# 3412 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                            ( (_1, exp_of_label _1) )
-# 38067 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 3417 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                    (_1)
-# 38073 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _endpos__2_ = _endpos_x_ in
-# 4819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let dotdotdot = match _1 with
-      | Some _ -> Some (mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_)
-      | None -> None
-      in
-      (dotdotdot, _2)
-    )
-# 38085 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 38091 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4827 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( _1 :: List.rev _2 )
-# 38097 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 38108 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3412 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                            ( (_1, exp_of_label _1) )
-# 38114 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 3417 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                    (_1)
-# 38120 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3403 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( raise_record_trailing_semi_error'
-        (mklocation _startpos__3_ _endpos__3_) )
-# 38127 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : ((Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = 
-# 3422 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Some _2, _4) )
-# 38176 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1159 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * string option * string option)
-# 38218 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3424 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let (s, _, _) = _1 in
-      let lident_lident_loc = mkloc (Lident s) loc in
-      (None, [(lident_lident_loc, _3)])
-    )
-# 38234 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : ((Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = 
-# 3429 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                                  (
-    (None, _1 :: _2)
-  )
-# 38271 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 38298 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 38310 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let (_endpos__3_, _startpos__3_) = (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 38317 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          if _startpos__2_ != _endpos__2_ then
-            _startpos__2_
-          else
-            _startpos__3_ in
-# 3954 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      Type.field _3 (mkct _3) ~attrs:_1 ~mut:_2 ~loc
-    )
-# 38333 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 38366 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 38379 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let (_endpos__3_, _startpos__3_) = (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 38387 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 38392 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          if _startpos__2_ != _endpos__2_ then
-            _startpos__2_
-          else
-            _startpos__3_ in
-# 3954 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      Type.field _3 (mkct _3) ~attrs:_1 ~mut:_2 ~loc
-    )
-# 38408 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 38449 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 38461 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__3_ = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 38468 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          if _startpos__2_ != _endpos__2_ then
-            _startpos__2_
-          else
-            _startpos__3_ in
-# 3958 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      Type.field _3 _5 ~attrs:_1 ~mut:_2 ~loc
-    )
-# 38484 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 38531 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 38544 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__3_ = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 38552 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 38557 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          if _startpos__2_ != _endpos__2_ then
-            _startpos__2_
-          else
-            _startpos__3_ in
-# 3958 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      Type.field _3 _5 ~attrs:_1 ~mut:_2 ~loc
-    )
-# 38573 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) = 
-# 4402 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( _1 )
-# 38598 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) = 
-# 4403 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( Rinherit _1 )
-# 38623 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field list) = 
-# 4397 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                             ( _1 :: _2 )
-# 38655 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field list) = 
-# 4398 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                 ( _1 :: _2 )
-# 38687 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = 
-# 241 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( [ x ] )
-# 38712 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let xs : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = 
-# 243 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x :: xs )
-# 38751 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2432 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 38777 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 38785 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2440 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 38791 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs * string Location.loc) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 38828 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2434 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( expression_extension _1 _2 )
-# 38834 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__1_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 38843 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2440 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 38849 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2436 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_sequence(_1, _3)) )
-# 38889 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 38897 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2440 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 38903 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs * string Location.loc) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2438 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__2_ in
-      mkexp (Pexp_sequence(expression_extension ~loc _1 _2, _4)) )
-# 38951 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 38959 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2440 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 38965 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 2410 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-             ( _1 )
-# 38997 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 2412 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkexp (Pexp_letmodule(_1, _2, _4)) )
-# 39043 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _7 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _5 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 39106 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 39112 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 2414 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let exp = mkexp (Pexp_open(_4, _5, _7)) in
-    { exp with pexp_attributes = _1 }
-  )
-# 39119 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _7 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _5 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 39189 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 39196 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 39201 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2414 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let exp = mkexp (Pexp_open(_4, _5, _7)) in
-    { exp with pexp_attributes = _1 }
-  )
-# 39209 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 2417 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          (
-   mkexp (Pexp_letexception (_1, _3)) )
-# 39249 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Reason_parser_def.let_bindings) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 2420 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__3_ in
-    expr_of_let_bindings ~loc _1 _3
-  )
-# 39290 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Reason_parser_def.let_bindings) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2424 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-    expr_of_let_bindings ~loc _1 (ghunit ~loc ())
-  )
-# 39326 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 39358 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3929 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {_3 with pext_attributes = _3.pext_attributes @ _1} )
-# 39363 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 39403 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 39408 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3929 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {_3 with pext_attributes = _3.pext_attributes @ _1} )
-# 39414 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = constructors;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_constructors_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_constructors_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = priv;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_priv_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_priv_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = params;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_params_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_params_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = flag;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_flag_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_flag_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let constructors : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic constructors in
-        let priv : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) = Obj.magic priv in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let params : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic params in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 39477 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) = Obj.magic flag in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_constructors_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_extension) = let ident =
-          let x = 
-# 4530 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Lident _1 )
-# 39488 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 39496 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let attrs = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 39502 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3993 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( if flag <> Recursive then
-      not_expecting _startpos_flag_ _endpos_flag_ "nonrec flag";
- ~params ~priv ~attrs ident constructors
-  )
-# 39510 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = constructors;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_constructors_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_constructors_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = priv;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_priv_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_priv_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = params;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_params_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_params_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = flag;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_flag_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_flag_;
-               = {
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-                 = _menhir_stack;
-                        };
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let constructors : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic constructors in
-        let priv : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) = Obj.magic priv in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let params : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic params in
-        let _3 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 39585 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) = Obj.magic flag in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_constructors_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_extension) = let ident =
-          let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
-          let x = 
-# 4531 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Ldot(_1, _3) )
-# 39599 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 39607 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let attrs = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 39613 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3993 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( if flag <> Recursive then
-      not_expecting _startpos_flag_ _endpos_flag_ "nonrec flag";
- ~params ~priv ~attrs ident constructors
-  )
-# 39621 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = constructors;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_constructors_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_constructors_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = priv;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_priv_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_priv_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = params;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_params_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_params_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = flag;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_flag_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_flag_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-               = _menhir_stack;
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let constructors : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic constructors in
-        let priv : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) = Obj.magic priv in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let params : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic params in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 39690 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) = Obj.magic flag in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_constructors_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_extension) = let ident =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4530 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Lident _1 )
-# 39703 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 39711 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let attrs =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 39718 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 39723 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3993 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( if flag <> Recursive then
-      not_expecting _startpos_flag_ _endpos_flag_ "nonrec flag";
- ~params ~priv ~attrs ident constructors
-  )
-# 39732 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = constructors;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_constructors_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_constructors_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = priv;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_priv_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_priv_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = params;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_params_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_params_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = flag;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_flag_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_flag_;
-               = {
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-                 = {
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-                   = _menhir_stack;
-                          };
-                        };
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let constructors : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic constructors in
-        let priv : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) = Obj.magic priv in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let params : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic params in
-        let _3 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 39813 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) = Obj.magic flag in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_constructors_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_extension) = let ident =
-          let (_startpos__1_, _2, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4531 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Ldot(_1, _3) )
-# 39828 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 39836 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let attrs =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 39843 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 39848 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3993 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( if flag <> Recursive then
-      not_expecting _startpos_flag_ _endpos_flag_ "nonrec flag";
- ~params ~priv ~attrs ident constructors
-  )
-# 39857 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.signature) = 
-# 1810 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( [] )
-# 39875 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.signature) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.signature) = 
-# 1811 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                    ( _1 )
-# 39900 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.signature) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.signature) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.signature) = 
-# 1812 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                   ( _1 @ _3 )
-# 39939 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 39988 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 39994 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-# 1818 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _startpos__2_ _endpos in
-      Psig_value ( _3 _5 ~attrs:_1 ~loc)
-    )
-# 40002 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 40058 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 40065 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 40070 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-# 1818 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _startpos__2_ _endpos in
-      Psig_value ( _3 _5 ~attrs:_1 ~loc)
-    )
-# 40079 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _7 : (string list) = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 40142 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 40148 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1823 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      Psig_value ( _3 _5 ~prim:_7 ~attrs:_1 ~loc)
-    )
-# 40161 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _7 : (string list) = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 40231 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 40238 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 40243 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1823 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      Psig_value ( _3 _5 ~prim:_7 ~attrs:_1 ~loc)
-    )
-# 40256 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 40312 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 40318 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1828 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      Psig_value ( _3 _5 ~prim:[""] ~attrs:_1 ~loc)
-    )
-# 40331 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _3 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 40394 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 40401 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 40406 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1828 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      Psig_value ( _3 _5 ~prim:[""] ~attrs:_1 ~loc)
-    )
-# 40419 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = 
-# 1832 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (nonrec_flag, tyl) = _1 in Psig_type (nonrec_flag, tyl) )
-# 40445 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_extension) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = 
-# 1834 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( Psig_typext _1 )
-# 40470 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = 
-# 1836 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( Psig_exception _1 )
-# 40495 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 40527 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1838 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      Psig_module ( _2 _3 ~attrs:_1 ~loc)
-    )
-# 40540 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 40580 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 40585 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1838 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      Psig_module ( _2 _3 ~attrs:_1 ~loc)
-    )
-# 40598 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _4 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 40640 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let (_endpos__4_, _startpos__4_) = (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 40647 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1842 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let loc_mod = mklocation _startpos__4_ _endpos__4_ in
-      Psig_module (
-            _2
-            (Mty.alias ~loc:loc_mod _4)
-            ~attrs:_1
-            ~loc
-            )
-    )
-# 40667 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _4 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 40716 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let (_endpos__4_, _startpos__4_) = (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 40724 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 40729 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1842 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let loc_mod = mklocation _startpos__4_ _endpos__4_ in
-      Psig_module (
-            _2
-            (Mty.alias ~loc:loc_mod _4)
-            ~attrs:_1
-            ~loc
-            )
-    )
-# 40749 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_declaration list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 40788 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1854 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos__3_ in
-      Psig_recmodule ( _2 _3 ~attrs:_1 ~loc :: _4) )
-# 40799 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_declaration list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 40846 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 40851 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1854 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos__3_ in
-      Psig_recmodule ( _2 _3 ~attrs:_1 ~loc :: _4) )
-# 40862 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _4 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 40904 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__4_ = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 40911 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1857 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      Psig_modtype ( _4 ~attrs:_1 ~loc)
-    )
-# 40924 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _4 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 40973 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__4_ = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 40981 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 40986 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1857 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      Psig_modtype ( _4 ~attrs:_1 ~loc)
-    )
-# 40999 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _4 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 41048 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 41054 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1861 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      Psig_modtype ( _4 ~typ:_5 ~loc ~attrs:_1)
-    )
-# 41067 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _4 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 41123 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 41130 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 41135 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1861 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      Psig_modtype ( _4 ~typ:_5 ~loc ~attrs:_1)
-    )
-# 41148 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.open_description) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = 
-# 1865 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( Psig_open _1 )
-# 41173 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 41205 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1867 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      Psig_include ( _3 ~attrs:_1 ~loc)
-    )
-# 41218 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 41258 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 41263 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 1867 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      Psig_include ( _3 ~attrs:_1 ~loc)
-    )
-# 41276 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_description list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = 
-# 1871 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( Psig_class _1 )
-# 41301 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = 
-# 1873 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( Psig_class_type _1 )
-# 41326 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 41351 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 1875 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( Psig_extension (_2, _1) )
-# 41356 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 41389 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 41394 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1875 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( Psig_extension (_2, _1) )
-# 41400 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.signature) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 41428 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1879 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                           ( [mksig ~loc:_1.loc _1.txt] )
-# 41434 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.signature) = let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 41459 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 1881 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (fun x -> mksig ~loc:x.loc (Psig_attribute x.txt)) _1 )
-# 41464 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) = 
-# 4444 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                 ( _1 )
-# 41491 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (
-# 1102 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * char option)
-# 41518 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) = 
-# 4445 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                 ( let (n, m) = _2 in ([], Pconst_integer("-" ^ n, m)) )
-# 41528 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (
-# 1081 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * char option)
-# 41555 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) = 
-# 4446 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                 ( let (f, m) = _2 in ([], Pconst_float("-" ^ f, m)) )
-# 41565 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (
-# 1102 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * char option)
-# 41592 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) = 
-# 4447 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                 ( let (n, m) = _2 in ([], Pconst_integer (n, m)) )
-# 41602 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (
-# 1081 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * char option)
-# 41629 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) = 
-# 4448 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                 ( let (f, m) = _2 in ([], Pconst_float(f, m)) )
-# 41639 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 41672 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2910 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( mkexp (Pexp_ident _1) )
-# 41678 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 41686 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 41692 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2912 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let attrs, cst = _1 in mkexp ~attrs (Pexp_constant cst) )
-# 41722 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 41730 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 41736 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2913 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( _1 )
-# 41765 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 41773 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 41779 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2914 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                ( _1 )
-# 41808 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 41816 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 41822 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _2 = 
-# 4837 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( [] )
-# 41867 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 2894 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let msg = "Arrays can't use the `...` spread currently. Please use `concat` or other Array helpers." in
-    filter_raise_spread_syntax msg _2
-  )
-# 41874 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2916 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_array _1) )
-# 41880 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 41889 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 41895 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : ((Location.t option * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _2 =
-                let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-                let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 41949 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-# 4838 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 41954 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2894 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let msg = "Arrays can't use the `...` spread currently. Please use `concat` or other Array helpers." in
-    filter_raise_spread_syntax msg _2
-  )
-# 41962 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2916 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_array _1) )
-# 41968 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 41977 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 41983 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 42016 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2920 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_construct (_1, None)) )
-# 42022 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 42030 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 42036 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (string) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4592 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( _2 )
-# 42073 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 2922 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_variant (_1, None)) )
-# 42078 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 42087 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 42093 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-            let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2924 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( may_tuple _startpos _endpos _2 )
-# 42139 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 42148 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 42154 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (
-# 1143 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 42181 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 42201 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-              let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 42210 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2926 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkoperator _2, [Nolabel, _1])) )
-# 42216 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__1_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 42225 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 42231 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 42292 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2928 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_open(Fresh, _1, may_tuple _startpos__3_ _endpos__5_ _4)) )
-# 42298 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__5_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 42307 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 42313 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _3 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 42363 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-              let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 42372 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2930 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_field(_1, _3)) )
-# 42378 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__1_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 42387 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 42393 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 42447 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2932 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let pat = mkpat (Ppat_var (mkloc "this" loc)) in
-      mkexp(Pexp_open (Fresh, _1,
-                       mkexp(Pexp_object( pat []))))
-    )
-# 42460 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__4_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 42469 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 42475 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-              let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 42532 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2938 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let exp = Pexp_ident(array_function ~loc "Array" "get") in
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc exp, [Nolabel,_1; Nolabel,_3]))
-    )
-# 42543 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 42552 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 42558 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-              let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 42622 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2943 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let exp = Pexp_ident(array_function ~loc "String" "get") in
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc exp, [Nolabel,_1; Nolabel,_4]))
-    )
-# 42633 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 42642 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 42648 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let (_1_inlined1, _1) = (_1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _3 =
-                let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 42720 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2899 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _3 )
-# 42726 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-              let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 42736 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2948 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      bigarray_get ~loc _1 _2 )
-# 42745 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 42754 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 42760 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 42823 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2951 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkexp(Pexp_open(Fresh, _1, mk_record_expr ~loc _4))
-    )
-# 42834 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__5_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 42843 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 42849 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 42912 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2955 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (exten, fields) = _4 in
-      let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let rec_exp = mkexp ~loc (Pexp_extension (mkloc ("bs.obj") loc,
-             PStr [mkstrexp (mkexp ~loc (Pexp_record(fields, exten))) []]))
-      in
-      mkexp(Pexp_open(Fresh, _1, rec_exp))
-    )
-# 42927 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__5_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 42936 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 42942 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 43003 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2963 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let rec_exp = ~loc ~attrs:[] (Pexp_array _4) in
-      mkexp(Pexp_open(Fresh, _1, rec_exp))
-    )
-# 43015 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__5_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 43024 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 43030 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 43091 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2969 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let seq, ext_opt = [_4], None in
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos__4_ _endpos__4_ in
-      let list_exp = make_real_exp (mktailexp_extension loc seq ext_opt) in
-      let list_exp = { list_exp with pexp_loc = loc } in
-      mkexp (Pexp_open (Fresh, _1, list_exp))
-    )
-# 43102 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__5_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 43111 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 43117 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 43171 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2976 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _startpos__3_ _endpos__4_ in
-      let list_exp = make_real_exp (mktailexp_extension loc [] None) in
-      let list_exp = { list_exp with pexp_loc = loc } in
-      mkexp (Pexp_open (Fresh, _1, list_exp))
-    )
-# 43181 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__4_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 43190 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 43196 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 43258 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2982 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let seq, ext_opt = _4 in
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos__4_ _endpos__4_ in
-      let list_exp = make_real_exp (mktailexp_extension loc seq ext_opt) in
-      let list_exp = { list_exp with pexp_loc = loc } in
-      mkexp (Pexp_open (Fresh, _1, list_exp))
-    )
-# 43269 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__5_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 43278 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 43284 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let x : (
-# 1142 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 43315 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-              let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 43331 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 43340 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2989 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkoperator _1, [Nolabel, _2])) )
-# 43346 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__1_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 43355 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 43361 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 43401 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2999 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_new _2) )
-# 43407 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__1_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 43416 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 43422 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _1 : ((string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _4 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 43488 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 3489 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                     ( _1 )
-# 43493 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 43502 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3001 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let exp = ~loc ~attrs:[] (Pexp_override _4) in
-      mkexp (Pexp_open(Fresh, _1, exp))
-    )
-# 43514 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__6_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 43523 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 43529 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 43562 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _3 =
-              let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 43582 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-              let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 43591 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3006 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_send(_1, _3)) )
-# 43597 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 43606 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 43612 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (
-# 1155 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 43646 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 43666 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-              let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 43675 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3008 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkinfixop _1 (mkoperator _2) _3 )
-# 43681 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 43690 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 43696 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let x : unit = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _3 =
-              let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-              let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 43750 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 43759 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-              let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 43768 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3010 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = { _2 with txt = "#=" } in
-      mkinfixop _1 (mkoperator op) _3 )
-# 43775 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 43784 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 43790 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : unit = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 43840 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-              let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 43849 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3013 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkinfixop _1 (mkoperator {_2 with txt = "|."}) _3 )
-# 43855 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 43864 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 43870 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _8;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__8_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__8_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-               = _menhir_stack;
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _8 : unit = Obj.magic _8 in
-        let _7 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__8_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 43952 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__8_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3015 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkexp (Pexp_open(Fresh, _1,
-        mkexp ~loc (Pexp_constraint (mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_pack _5), _7))))
-    )
-# 43964 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__8_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 43973 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 43979 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 3020 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_extension _1) )
-# 44008 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 44016 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3055 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                         ( (_1, []) )
-# 44022 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = 
-# 3057 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (body, args) = _1 in
-      (body, List.rev_append _2 args) )
-# 44063 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = 
-# 3060 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let seq, ext_opt = _2 in
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos__2_ _endpos__2_ in
-      (make_real_exp (mktailexp_extension loc seq ext_opt), [])
-    )
-# 44109 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = 
-# 3064 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( (_1, []) )
-# 44137 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 3079 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( _1 )
-# 44162 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 3081 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let entireLoc = mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__4_ in
-      let (seq, ext_opt) = _4 in
-      mktailexp_extension entireLoc (_2::seq) ext_opt
-    )
-# 44219 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 3086 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let entireLoc = mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__3_ in
-      mktailexp_extension entireLoc (_2::[]) None
-    )
-# 44260 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 3090 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let entireLoc = mklocation _startpos__1_ _endpos__4_ in
-      mktailexp_extension entireLoc [_2] None
-    )
-# 44308 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : ((string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _2 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-          let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 44356 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 3489 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                     ( _1 )
-# 44361 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3094 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_override _2) )
-# 44367 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 3096 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_override []))
-# 44399 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 3098 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_pack _3) )
-# 44445 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3100 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkexp (Pexp_constraint (mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_pack _3), _5))
-    )
-# 44509 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 44539 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2910 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( mkexp (Pexp_ident _1) )
-# 44545 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 44553 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 44559 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2912 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let attrs, cst = _1 in mkexp ~attrs (Pexp_constant cst) )
-# 44586 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 44594 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 44600 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2913 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( _1 )
-# 44626 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 44634 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 44640 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2914 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                ( _1 )
-# 44666 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 44674 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 44680 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _2 = 
-# 4837 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( [] )
-# 44722 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 2894 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let msg = "Arrays can't use the `...` spread currently. Please use `concat` or other Array helpers." in
-    filter_raise_spread_syntax msg _2
-  )
-# 44729 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2916 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_array _1) )
-# 44735 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 44744 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 44750 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : ((Location.t option * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _2 =
-                let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-                let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 44801 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-# 4838 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 44806 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2894 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let msg = "Arrays can't use the `...` spread currently. Please use `concat` or other Array helpers." in
-    filter_raise_spread_syntax msg _2
-  )
-# 44814 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2916 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_array _1) )
-# 44820 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 44829 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 44835 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 44865 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2920 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_construct (_1, None)) )
-# 44871 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 44879 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 44885 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (string) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4592 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( _2 )
-# 44919 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 2922 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_variant (_1, None)) )
-# 44924 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 44933 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 44939 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-            let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2924 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( may_tuple _startpos _endpos _2 )
-# 44982 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 44991 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 44997 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (
-# 1143 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 45024 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 45038 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2926 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkoperator _2, [Nolabel, _1])) )
-# 45044 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__1_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 45053 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 45059 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 45117 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2928 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_open(Fresh, _1, may_tuple _startpos__3_ _endpos__5_ _4)) )
-# 45123 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__5_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 45132 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 45138 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _3 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 45182 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2930 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_field(_1, _3)) )
-# 45188 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__1_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 45197 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 45203 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 45254 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2932 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let pat = mkpat (Ppat_var (mkloc "this" loc)) in
-      mkexp(Pexp_open (Fresh, _1,
-                       mkexp(Pexp_object( pat []))))
-    )
-# 45267 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__4_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 45276 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 45282 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2938 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let exp = Pexp_ident(array_function ~loc "Array" "get") in
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc exp, [Nolabel,_1; Nolabel,_3]))
-    )
-# 45335 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 45344 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 45350 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2943 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let exp = Pexp_ident(array_function ~loc "String" "get") in
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc exp, [Nolabel,_1; Nolabel,_4]))
-    )
-# 45410 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 45419 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 45425 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let (_1_inlined1, _1) = (_1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _3 =
-                let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 45491 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2899 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _3 )
-# 45497 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2948 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      bigarray_get ~loc _1 _2 )
-# 45507 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 45516 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 45522 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 45582 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2951 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkexp(Pexp_open(Fresh, _1, mk_record_expr ~loc _4))
-    )
-# 45593 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__5_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 45602 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 45608 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 45668 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2955 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (exten, fields) = _4 in
-      let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let rec_exp = mkexp ~loc (Pexp_extension (mkloc ("bs.obj") loc,
-             PStr [mkstrexp (mkexp ~loc (Pexp_record(fields, exten))) []]))
-      in
-      mkexp(Pexp_open(Fresh, _1, rec_exp))
-    )
-# 45683 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__5_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 45692 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 45698 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 45756 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2963 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let rec_exp = ~loc ~attrs:[] (Pexp_array _4) in
-      mkexp(Pexp_open(Fresh, _1, rec_exp))
-    )
-# 45768 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__5_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 45777 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 45783 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 45841 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2969 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let seq, ext_opt = [_4], None in
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos__4_ _endpos__4_ in
-      let list_exp = make_real_exp (mktailexp_extension loc seq ext_opt) in
-      let list_exp = { list_exp with pexp_loc = loc } in
-      mkexp (Pexp_open (Fresh, _1, list_exp))
-    )
-# 45852 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__5_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 45861 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 45867 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 45918 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2976 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _startpos__3_ _endpos__4_ in
-      let list_exp = make_real_exp (mktailexp_extension loc [] None) in
-      let list_exp = { list_exp with pexp_loc = loc } in
-      mkexp (Pexp_open (Fresh, _1, list_exp))
-    )
-# 45928 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__4_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 45937 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 45943 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 46002 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2982 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let seq, ext_opt = _4 in
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos__4_ _endpos__4_ in
-      let list_exp = make_real_exp (mktailexp_extension loc seq ext_opt) in
-      let list_exp = { list_exp with pexp_loc = loc } in
-      mkexp (Pexp_open (Fresh, _1, list_exp))
-    )
-# 46013 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__5_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 46022 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 46028 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (
-# 1142 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 46056 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 46069 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2989 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkoperator _1, [Nolabel, _2])) )
-# 46075 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__2_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 46084 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 46090 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 46127 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2999 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_new _2) )
-# 46133 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__1_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 46142 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 46148 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _1 : ((string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _4 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 46211 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 3489 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                     ( _1 )
-# 46216 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 46225 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3001 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let exp = ~loc ~attrs:[] (Pexp_override _4) in
-      mkexp (Pexp_open(Fresh, _1, exp))
-    )
-# 46237 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__6_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 46246 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 46252 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 46285 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _3 =
-              let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 46299 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3006 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_send(_1, _3)) )
-# 46305 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 46314 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 46320 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (
-# 1155 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 46354 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 46368 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3008 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkinfixop _1 (mkoperator _2) _3 )
-# 46374 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 46383 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 46389 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let x : unit = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _3 =
-              let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-              let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 46437 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 46446 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3010 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = { _2 with txt = "#=" } in
-      mkinfixop _1 (mkoperator op) _3 )
-# 46453 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 46462 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 46468 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : unit = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 46512 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3013 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkinfixop _1 (mkoperator {_2 with txt = "|."}) _3 )
-# 46518 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 46527 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 46533 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _8;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__8_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__8_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-               = _menhir_stack;
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _8 : unit = Obj.magic _8 in
-        let _7 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__8_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 46612 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__8_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3015 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkexp (Pexp_open(Fresh, _1,
-        mkexp ~loc (Pexp_constraint (mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_pack _5), _7))))
-    )
-# 46624 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__8_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 46633 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 46639 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 3020 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_extension _1) )
-# 46665 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 46673 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _1 )
-# 46679 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 3051 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 46704 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 46734 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2910 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( mkexp (Pexp_ident _1) )
-# 46740 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 46748 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 46754 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2912 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let attrs, cst = _1 in mkexp ~attrs (Pexp_constant cst) )
-# 46781 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 46789 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 46795 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2913 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( _1 )
-# 46821 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 46829 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 46835 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 2914 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                ( _1 )
-# 46861 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 46869 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 46875 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _2 = 
-# 4837 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( [] )
-# 46917 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 2894 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let msg = "Arrays can't use the `...` spread currently. Please use `concat` or other Array helpers." in
-    filter_raise_spread_syntax msg _2
-  )
-# 46924 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2916 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_array _1) )
-# 46930 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 46939 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 46945 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : ((Location.t option * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _2 =
-                let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-                let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 46996 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-# 4838 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 47001 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2894 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let msg = "Arrays can't use the `...` spread currently. Please use `concat` or other Array helpers." in
-    filter_raise_spread_syntax msg _2
-  )
-# 47009 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2916 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_array _1) )
-# 47015 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 47024 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 47030 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 47060 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2920 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_construct (_1, None)) )
-# 47066 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 47074 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 47080 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (string) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4592 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( _2 )
-# 47114 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 2922 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_variant (_1, None)) )
-# 47119 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 47128 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 47134 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-            let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2924 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( may_tuple _startpos _endpos _2 )
-# 47177 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 47186 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 47192 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (
-# 1143 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 47219 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 47233 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2926 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkoperator _2, [Nolabel, _1])) )
-# 47239 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__1_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 47248 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 47254 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 47312 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2928 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_open(Fresh, _1, may_tuple _startpos__3_ _endpos__5_ _4)) )
-# 47318 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__5_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 47327 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 47333 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _3 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 47377 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2930 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_field(_1, _3)) )
-# 47383 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__1_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 47392 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 47398 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 47449 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2932 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let pat = mkpat (Ppat_var (mkloc "this" loc)) in
-      mkexp(Pexp_open (Fresh, _1,
-                       mkexp(Pexp_object( pat []))))
-    )
-# 47462 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__4_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 47471 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 47477 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2938 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let exp = Pexp_ident(array_function ~loc "Array" "get") in
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc exp, [Nolabel,_1; Nolabel,_3]))
-    )
-# 47530 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 47539 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 47545 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2943 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let exp = Pexp_ident(array_function ~loc "String" "get") in
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc exp, [Nolabel,_1; Nolabel,_4]))
-    )
-# 47605 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 47614 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 47620 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let (_1_inlined1, _1) = (_1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _3 =
-                let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 47686 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2899 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _3 )
-# 47692 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2948 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      bigarray_get ~loc _1 _2 )
-# 47702 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 47711 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 47717 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 47777 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2951 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkexp(Pexp_open(Fresh, _1, mk_record_expr ~loc _4))
-    )
-# 47788 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__5_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 47797 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 47803 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 47863 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2955 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (exten, fields) = _4 in
-      let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let rec_exp = mkexp ~loc (Pexp_extension (mkloc ("bs.obj") loc,
-             PStr [mkstrexp (mkexp ~loc (Pexp_record(fields, exten))) []]))
-      in
-      mkexp(Pexp_open(Fresh, _1, rec_exp))
-    )
-# 47878 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__5_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 47887 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 47893 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 47951 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2963 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let rec_exp = ~loc ~attrs:[] (Pexp_array _4) in
-      mkexp(Pexp_open(Fresh, _1, rec_exp))
-    )
-# 47963 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__5_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 47972 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 47978 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 48036 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2969 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let seq, ext_opt = [_4], None in
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos__4_ _endpos__4_ in
-      let list_exp = make_real_exp (mktailexp_extension loc seq ext_opt) in
-      let list_exp = { list_exp with pexp_loc = loc } in
-      mkexp (Pexp_open (Fresh, _1, list_exp))
-    )
-# 48047 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__5_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 48056 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 48062 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 48113 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2976 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _startpos__3_ _endpos__4_ in
-      let list_exp = make_real_exp (mktailexp_extension loc [] None) in
-      let list_exp = { list_exp with pexp_loc = loc } in
-      mkexp (Pexp_open (Fresh, _1, list_exp))
-    )
-# 48123 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__4_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 48132 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 48138 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 48197 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2982 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let seq, ext_opt = _4 in
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos__4_ _endpos__4_ in
-      let list_exp = make_real_exp (mktailexp_extension loc seq ext_opt) in
-      let list_exp = { list_exp with pexp_loc = loc } in
-      mkexp (Pexp_open (Fresh, _1, list_exp))
-    )
-# 48208 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__5_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 48217 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 48223 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (
-# 1142 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 48251 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 48264 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2989 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkoperator _1, [Nolabel, _2])) )
-# 48270 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__2_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 48279 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 48285 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 48322 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 2999 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_new _2) )
-# 48328 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__1_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 48337 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 48343 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _1 : ((string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _4 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 48406 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 3489 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                     ( _1 )
-# 48411 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 48420 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3001 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let exp = ~loc ~attrs:[] (Pexp_override _4) in
-      mkexp (Pexp_open(Fresh, _1, exp))
-    )
-# 48432 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__6_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 48441 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 48447 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 48480 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _3 =
-              let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 48494 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3006 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_send(_1, _3)) )
-# 48500 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 48509 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 48515 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (
-# 1155 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 48549 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 48563 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3008 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkinfixop _1 (mkoperator _2) _3 )
-# 48569 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 48578 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 48584 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let x : unit = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _3 =
-              let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-              let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 48632 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 48641 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3010 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = { _2 with txt = "#=" } in
-      mkinfixop _1 (mkoperator op) _3 )
-# 48648 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 48657 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 48663 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : unit = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 48707 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3013 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkinfixop _1 (mkoperator {_2 with txt = "|."}) _3 )
-# 48713 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 48722 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 48728 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _8;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__8_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__8_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-               = _menhir_stack;
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _8 : unit = Obj.magic _8 in
-        let _7 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__8_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 48807 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__8_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3015 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkexp (Pexp_open(Fresh, _1,
-        mkexp ~loc (Pexp_constraint (mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_pack _5), _7))))
-    )
-# 48819 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__8_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 48828 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 48834 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 3020 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_extension _1) )
-# 48860 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 48868 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3026 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      ( _1 )
-# 48874 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _2 =
-          let x = 
-# 3031 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                    ( mkexp (Pexp_tuple(_1)) )
-# 48907 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 48915 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 48924 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3034 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkExplicitArityTupleExp (Pexp_construct(_1, Some _2))
-    )
-# 48931 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _2 =
-          let x = 
-# 3032 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                    ( _1 )
-# 48964 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 48972 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 48981 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3034 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkExplicitArityTupleExp (Pexp_construct(_1, Some _2))
-    )
-# 48988 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : (string) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _2 =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 3039 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-        ( (* only wrap in a tuple if there are more than one arguments *)
-          match _1 with
-          | [x] -> x
-          | l -> mkexp (Pexp_tuple(l))
-        )
-# 49033 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 49041 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
-# 4592 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( _2 )
-# 49049 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3046 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_variant(_1, Some _2)) )
-# 49055 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : (string) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _2 =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 3044 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                    ( _1 )
-# 49096 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 49104 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
-# 4592 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( _2 )
-# 49112 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3046 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_variant(_1, Some _2)) )
-# 49118 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 49162 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 49167 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 1703 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( match _1.txt with
-      | (None, Some x) -> x
-      | _ -> syntax_error_mty _1.loc "Expecting a simple module type"
-    )
-# 49176 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4789 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmty_loc = {x.pmty_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 49185 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 49191 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1707 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                          ( _1 )
-# 49217 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4789 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmty_loc = {x.pmty_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 49225 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 49231 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 49261 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 1709 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkmty (Pmty_ident _1) )
-# 49267 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4789 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmty_loc = {x.pmty_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 49275 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 49281 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1711 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkmty (Pmty_extension _1) )
-# 49307 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4789 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pmty_loc = {x.pmty_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 49315 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 49321 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = 
-# 3620 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                             ( _1 )
-# 49346 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = 
-# 3620 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                             ( _1 )
-# 49371 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 49401 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3538 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkpat(Ppat_construct(mkloc _1.txt _1.loc, None)) )
-# 49407 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 49415 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3540 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 49421 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern))
-  list * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.closed_flag) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 =
-                let _2 =
-                  let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 3746 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let (fields, closed) = _1 in
-    (filter_raise_spread_syntax record_pat_spread_msg fields, closed)
-  )
-# 49470 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 3681 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (fields, closed) = _2 in mkpat (Ppat_record (fields, closed)) )
-# 49476 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 3675 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                   ( _1 )
-# 49482 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3539 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                             ( _1 )
-# 49488 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 49497 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3540 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 49503 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 3686 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( make_real_pat (mktailpat_extension (mklocation _startpos__2_ _endpos__2_) _2) )
-# 49546 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 3676 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                   ( _1 )
-# 49551 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3539 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                             ( _1 )
-# 49557 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 49566 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3540 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 49572 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 3691 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkpat (Ppat_array _2) )
-# 49614 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 3677 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                   ( _1 )
-# 49619 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3539 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                             ( _1 )
-# 49625 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 49634 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3540 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 49640 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 49668 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3624 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                    ( mkpat ~loc:_1.loc (Ppat_var _1) )
-# 49674 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 3630 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkpat (Ppat_any) )
-# 49700 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 49708 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3655 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 49714 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 3632 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let attrs, cst = _1 in mkpat ~attrs (Ppat_constant cst) )
-# 49741 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 49749 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3655 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 49755 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 3634 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkpat (Ppat_interval (snd _1, snd _3)) )
-# 49797 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 49805 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3655 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 49811 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 49841 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3636 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkpat (Ppat_construct (_1, None)) )
-# 49847 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 49855 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3655 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 49861 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (string) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4592 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( _2 )
-# 49895 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 3638 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkpat (Ppat_variant (_1, None)) )
-# 49900 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 49909 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3655 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 49915 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.lid) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 3640 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkpat (Ppat_type (_2)) )
-# 49948 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 49956 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3655 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 49962 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _2 =
-              let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 50012 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-            let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3642 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( match _2 with
-      | [] -> (* This shouldn't be possible *)
-        let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-        mkpat_constructor_unit loc loc
-      | [hd] -> hd
-      | _ :: _ -> mkpat (Ppat_tuple _2)
-    )
-# 50026 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 50035 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3655 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 50041 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let x : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 50081 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _3 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 50096 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3650 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkpat(Ppat_unpack(_3)) )
-# 50102 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 50111 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3655 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 50117 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 3652 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 50143 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 50151 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3655 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 50157 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 3654 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkpat(Ppat_extension _1) )
-# 50183 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4805 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( {x with ppat_loc = {x.ppat_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 50191 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3655 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 50197 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern))
-  list * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.closed_flag) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let _2 =
-              let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 3746 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let (fields, closed) = _1 in
-    (filter_raise_spread_syntax record_pat_spread_msg fields, closed)
-  )
-# 50244 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3681 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (fields, closed) = _2 in mkpat (Ppat_record (fields, closed)) )
-# 50250 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 3675 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                   ( _1 )
-# 50256 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3659 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 50262 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 3686 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( make_real_pat (mktailpat_extension (mklocation _startpos__2_ _endpos__2_) _2) )
-# 50303 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 3676 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                   ( _1 )
-# 50308 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3659 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 50314 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 3691 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkpat (Ppat_array _2) )
-# 50354 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 3677 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                   ( _1 )
-# 50359 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3659 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 50365 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern))
-  list * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.closed_flag) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _3 =
-          let _1 =
-            let _2 =
-              let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 3746 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let (fields, closed) = _1 in
-    (filter_raise_spread_syntax record_pat_spread_msg fields, closed)
-  )
-# 50426 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 3681 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (fields, closed) = _2 in mkpat (Ppat_record (fields, closed)) )
-# 50432 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 3675 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                   ( _1 )
-# 50438 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 50447 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3661 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkpat ~loc (Ppat_open (_1, _3))
-    )
-# 50458 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern option) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _3 =
-          let (_endpos__2_, _startpos__2_, _2) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _startpos__2_inlined1_, _2_inlined1) in
-          let _1 = 
-# 3686 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( make_real_pat (mktailpat_extension (mklocation _startpos__2_ _endpos__2_) _2) )
-# 50514 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 3676 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                   ( _1 )
-# 50519 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 50528 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3661 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkpat ~loc (Ppat_open (_1, _3))
-    )
-# 50539 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _3 =
-          let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
-          let _1 = 
-# 3691 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkpat (Ppat_array _2) )
-# 50594 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 3677 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                   ( _1 )
-# 50599 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 50608 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3661 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkpat ~loc (Ppat_open (_1, _3))
-    )
-# 50619 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 50675 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3665 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkpat ~loc (Ppat_open (_1, _4)) )
-# 50685 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _3 =
-          let (_endpos__2_, _2) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _2_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 3667 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       (Lident "[]")
-# 50733 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 50741 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__3_ = _endpos__2_inlined1_ in
-        let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 50751 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3668 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkpat ~loc (Ppat_open(_1, mkpat ~loc:_3.loc (Ppat_construct(_3, None)))) )
-# 50761 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = let _3 =
-          let (_endpos__2_, _2) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _2_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 3670 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                   (Lident "()")
-# 50809 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 50817 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__3_ = _endpos__2_inlined1_ in
-        let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 50827 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3671 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkpat ~loc (Ppat_open(_1, mkpat ~loc:_3.loc (Ppat_construct(_3, None)))) )
-# 50837 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 50858 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4648 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( _1 )
-# 50866 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 50887 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4649 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( _1 )
-# 50895 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4650 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "and" )
-# 50920 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4651 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "as" )
-# 50945 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4652 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "assert" )
-# 50970 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4653 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "begin" )
-# 50995 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4654 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "class" )
-# 51020 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4655 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "constraint" )
-# 51045 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4656 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "do" )
-# 51070 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4657 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "done" )
-# 51095 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4658 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "downto" )
-# 51120 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4659 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "else" )
-# 51145 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4660 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "end" )
-# 51170 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4661 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "exception" )
-# 51195 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4662 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "external" )
-# 51220 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4663 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "false" )
-# 51245 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "for" )
-# 51270 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4665 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "fun" )
-# 51295 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4666 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "function" )
-# 51320 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4667 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "functor" )
-# 51345 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4668 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "if" )
-# 51370 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4669 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "in" )
-# 51395 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4670 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "include" )
-# 51420 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4671 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "inherit" )
-# 51445 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4672 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "initializer" )
-# 51470 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4673 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "lazy" )
-# 51495 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4674 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "let" )
-# 51520 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4675 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "switch" )
-# 51545 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4676 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "module" )
-# 51570 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4677 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "mutable" )
-# 51595 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4678 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "new" )
-# 51620 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4679 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "nonrec" )
-# 51645 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4680 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "object" )
-# 51670 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4681 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "of" )
-# 51695 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4682 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "open" )
-# 51720 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4683 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "or" )
-# 51745 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4684 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "private" )
-# 51770 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4685 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "rec" )
-# 51795 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4686 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "sig" )
-# 51820 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4687 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "struct" )
-# 51845 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4688 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "then" )
-# 51870 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4689 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "to" )
-# 51895 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4690 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "true" )
-# 51920 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4691 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "try" )
-# 51945 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4692 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "type" )
-# 51970 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4693 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "val" )
-# 51995 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4694 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "virtual" )
-# 52020 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4695 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "when" )
-# 52045 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4696 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "while" )
-# 52070 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4697 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( "with" )
-# 52095 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 52127 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3923 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {_3 with pext_attributes = _3.pext_attributes @ _1} )
-# 52132 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 52172 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 52177 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3923 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {_3 with pext_attributes = _3.pext_attributes @ _1} )
-# 52183 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = constructors;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_constructors_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_constructors_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = priv;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_priv_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_priv_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = params;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_params_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_params_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = flag;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_flag_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_flag_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let constructors : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic constructors in
-        let priv : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) = Obj.magic priv in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let params : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic params in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 52246 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) = Obj.magic flag in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_constructors_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_extension) = let ident =
-          let x = 
-# 4530 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Lident _1 )
-# 52257 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 52265 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let attrs = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 52271 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3979 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( if flag <> Recursive then
-      not_expecting _startpos_flag_ _endpos_flag_ "nonrec flag";
- ~params ~priv ~attrs ident constructors
-  )
-# 52279 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = constructors;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_constructors_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_constructors_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = priv;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_priv_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_priv_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = params;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_params_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_params_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = flag;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_flag_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_flag_;
-               = {
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-                 = _menhir_stack;
-                        };
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let constructors : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic constructors in
-        let priv : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) = Obj.magic priv in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let params : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic params in
-        let _3 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 52354 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) = Obj.magic flag in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_constructors_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_extension) = let ident =
-          let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
-          let x = 
-# 4531 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Ldot(_1, _3) )
-# 52368 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 52376 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let attrs = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 52382 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3979 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( if flag <> Recursive then
-      not_expecting _startpos_flag_ _endpos_flag_ "nonrec flag";
- ~params ~priv ~attrs ident constructors
-  )
-# 52390 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = constructors;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_constructors_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_constructors_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = priv;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_priv_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_priv_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = params;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_params_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_params_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = flag;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_flag_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_flag_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-               = _menhir_stack;
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let constructors : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic constructors in
-        let priv : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) = Obj.magic priv in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let params : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic params in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 52459 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) = Obj.magic flag in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_constructors_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_extension) = let ident =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4530 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Lident _1 )
-# 52472 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 52480 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let attrs =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 52487 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 52492 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3979 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( if flag <> Recursive then
-      not_expecting _startpos_flag_ _endpos_flag_ "nonrec flag";
- ~params ~priv ~attrs ident constructors
-  )
-# 52501 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = constructors;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_constructors_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_constructors_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = priv;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_priv_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_priv_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = params;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_params_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_params_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = flag;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_flag_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_flag_;
-               = {
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-                 = {
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-                   = _menhir_stack;
-                          };
-                        };
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let constructors : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = Obj.magic constructors in
-        let priv : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) = Obj.magic priv in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let params : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic params in
-        let _3 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 52582 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) = Obj.magic flag in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_constructors_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_extension) = let ident =
-          let (_startpos__1_, _2, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4531 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Ldot(_1, _3) )
-# 52597 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 52605 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let attrs =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 52612 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 52617 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3979 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( if flag <> Recursive then
-      not_expecting _startpos_flag_ _endpos_flag_ "nonrec flag";
- ~params ~priv ~attrs ident constructors
-  )
-# 52626 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1159 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * string option * string option)
-# 52654 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3456 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-    let (s, _, _) = _1 in
-    let lident_lident_loc = mkloc (Lident s) loc in
-    let exp = match _2 with
-      | Some x -> x
-      | None -> mkexp ~loc (Pexp_ident lident_lident_loc)
-    in
-    (lident_lident_loc, exp)
-  )
-# 52672 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1159 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * string option * string option)
-# 52700 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3440 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-    let (s, _, _) = _1 in
-    let lident_lident_loc = mkloc (Lident s) loc in
-    let exp = mkexp ~loc (Pexp_ident lident_lident_loc) in
-    (lident_lident_loc, exp)
-  )
-# 52715 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1159 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * string option * string option)
-# 52757 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3447 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-    let (s, _, _) = _1 in
-    let lident_lident_loc = mkloc (Lident s) loc in
-    let exp = _3 in
-    (lident_lident_loc, exp)
-  )
-# 52772 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : ((Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 52806 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3435 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                           ( _1 )
-# 52811 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (
-# 1159 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * string option * string option)
-# 52846 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 52855 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4379 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let (label, _raw, _delim) = _2 in (label, _1, _4) )
-# 52860 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (
-# 1159 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * string option * string option)
-# 52901 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 52912 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 52917 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4379 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let (label, _raw, _delim) = _2 in (label, _1, _4) )
-# 52923 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) = let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 52959 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4383 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                               ( _1 )
-# 52964 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = 
-# 1589 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( [] )
-# 52982 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = 
-# 1590 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                   ( _1 )
-# 53007 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = 
-# 1591 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( _1 @ _3 )
-# 53046 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 53073 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 1611 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkstrexp _2 _1 )
-# 53078 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 53087 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 53093 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 53128 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 53133 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 1611 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkstrexp _2 _1 )
-# 53139 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 53148 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 53154 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs * string Location.loc) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 53188 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 1613 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let (ext_attrs, ext_id) = _2 in
-        struct_item_extension (_1@ext_attrs, ext_id) _3 )
-# 53194 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 53203 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 53209 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs * string Location.loc) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 53251 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 53256 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 1613 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let (ext_attrs, ext_id) = _2 in
-        struct_item_extension (_1@ext_attrs, ext_id) _3 )
-# 53263 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 53272 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 53278 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _7 : (string list) = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _3 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 53343 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 53349 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-            let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-              _startpos__1_
-            else
-              _startpos__2_ in
-# 1617 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-        mkstr (Pstr_primitive ( _3 _5 ~prim:_7 ~attrs:_1 ~loc)) )
-# 53361 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__7_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 53370 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 53376 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _7 : (string list) = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _3 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 53448 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 53455 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 53460 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-              _startpos__1_
-            else
-              _startpos__2_ in
-# 1617 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-        mkstr (Pstr_primitive ( _3 _5 ~prim:_7 ~attrs:_1 ~loc)) )
-# 53472 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__7_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 53481 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 53487 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _3 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 53545 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 53551 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-            let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-              _startpos__1_
-            else
-              _startpos__2_ in
-# 1621 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-        mkstr (Pstr_primitive ( _3 _5 ~prim:[""] ~attrs:_1 ~loc)) )
-# 53563 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__6_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 53572 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 53578 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _3 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 53643 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 53650 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 53655 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-              _startpos__1_
-            else
-              _startpos__2_ in
-# 1621 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-        mkstr (Pstr_primitive ( _3 _5 ~prim:[""] ~attrs:_1 ~loc)) )
-# 53667 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__6_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 53676 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 53682 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1624 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let (nonrec_flag, tyl) = _1 in mkstr(Pstr_type (nonrec_flag, tyl)) )
-# 53709 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 53717 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 53723 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_extension) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1626 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkstr(Pstr_typext _1) )
-# 53749 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 53757 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 53763 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1628 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkstr(Pstr_exception _1) )
-# 53789 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 53797 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 53803 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 53837 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-            let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-              _startpos__1_
-            else
-              _startpos__2_ in
-# 1630 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-        mkstr(Pstr_module ( _2 _3 ~attrs:_1 ~loc)) )
-# 53849 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 53858 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 53864 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 53906 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 53911 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-              _startpos__1_
-            else
-              _startpos__2_ in
-# 1630 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-        mkstr(Pstr_module ( _2 _3 ~attrs:_1 ~loc)) )
-# 53923 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 53932 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 53938 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_binding list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 53979 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-            let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-            let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-              _startpos__1_
-            else
-              _startpos__2_ in
-# 1634 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos__2_ in
-        mkstr (Pstr_recmodule (( _2 _3 ~attrs:_1 ~loc) :: _4))
-      )
-# 53991 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 54000 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 54006 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_binding list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 54055 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 54060 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-              _startpos__1_
-            else
-              _startpos__2_ in
-# 1634 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos__2_ in
-        mkstr (Pstr_recmodule (( _2 _3 ~attrs:_1 ~loc) :: _4))
-      )
-# 54072 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 54081 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 54087 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _4 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _5 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 54138 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos__5_ = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 54145 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-            let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-              _startpos__1_
-            else
-              _startpos__2_ in
-# 1638 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-        mkstr(Pstr_modtype ( _5 ~attrs:_1 ~loc)) )
-# 54157 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__2_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 54166 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 54172 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _4 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _5 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 54230 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos__5_ = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 54238 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 54243 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-              _startpos__1_
-            else
-              _startpos__2_ in
-# 1638 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-        mkstr(Pstr_modtype ( _5 ~attrs:_1 ~loc)) )
-# 54255 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__1_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 54264 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 54270 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _4 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _5 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 54328 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 54334 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-            let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-              _startpos__1_
-            else
-              _startpos__2_ in
-# 1641 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-        mkstr(Pstr_modtype ( _5 ~typ:_6 ~attrs:_1 ~loc)) )
-# 54346 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__6_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 54355 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 54361 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _4 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _5 =
-              let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 54426 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 54433 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 54438 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-              _startpos__1_
-            else
-              _startpos__2_ in
-# 1641 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-        mkstr(Pstr_modtype ( _5 ~typ:_6 ~attrs:_1 ~loc)) )
-# 54450 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__6_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 54459 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 54465 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.open_description) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1644 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkstr(Pstr_open _1) )
-# 54491 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 54499 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 54505 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_declaration list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 54551 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-            let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-            let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-              _startpos__1_
-            else
-              _startpos__2_ in
-# 1646 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let (ident, binding, virt, params) = _3 in
-        let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos__3_ in
-        let first = ident binding ~virt ~params ~attrs:_1 ~loc in
-        mkstr (Pstr_class (first :: _4))
-      )
-# 54565 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 54574 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 54580 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_declaration list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 54634 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 54639 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-              _startpos__1_
-            else
-              _startpos__2_ in
-# 1646 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let (ident, binding, virt, params) = _3 in
-        let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos__3_ in
-        let first = ident binding ~virt ~params ~attrs:_1 ~loc in
-        mkstr (Pstr_class (first :: _4))
-      )
-# 54653 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 54662 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 54668 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1653 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkstr(Pstr_class_type _1) )
-# 54694 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 54702 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 54708 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 54742 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-            let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-              _startpos__1_
-            else
-              _startpos__2_ in
-# 1655 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-        mkstr(Pstr_include ( _3 ~attrs:_1 ~loc))
-      )
-# 54755 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 54764 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 54770 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 54812 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 54817 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-              _startpos__1_
-            else
-              _startpos__2_ in
-# 1655 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-        mkstr(Pstr_include ( _3 ~attrs:_1 ~loc))
-      )
-# 54830 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 54839 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 54845 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 54872 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-# 1661 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkstr(Pstr_extension (_2, _1)) )
-# 54877 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__2_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 54886 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 54892 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x =
-            let _1 =
-              let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 54927 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 54932 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 1661 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( mkstr(Pstr_extension (_2, _1)) )
-# 54938 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 54947 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 54953 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Reason_parser_def.let_bindings) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 1663 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( val_of_let_bindings _1 )
-# 54979 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pstr_loc = {x.pstr_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 54987 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 1664 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( [_1] )
-# 54993 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) = let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 55018 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 1666 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-   ( (fun x -> mkstr ~loc:x.loc (Pstr_attribute x.txt)) _1 )
-# 55023 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4638 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( "-"  )
-# 55048 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4639 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( "-." )
-# 55073 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (bool) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (string) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) = let _2 = 
-# 4592 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( _2 )
-# 55119 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 55124 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4420 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( Rtag (_2, _1, _3, _4) )
-# 55129 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (bool) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (string) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) = let _2 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4592 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( _2 )
-# 55184 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 55191 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 55196 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4420 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( Rtag (_2, _1, _3, _4) )
-# 55202 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (string) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) = let _2 = 
-# 4592 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( _2 )
-# 55234 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 55239 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 4422 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( Rtag (_2, _1, true, []) )
-# 55244 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (string) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) = let _2 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4592 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( _2 )
-# 55285 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 55292 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 55297 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4422 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( Rtag (_2, _1, true, []) )
-# 55303 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.directive_argument) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (string) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase) = 
-# 4585 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( Ptop_dir(_2, _3) )
-# 55342 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (
-# 1327 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase)
-# 55367 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = 
-# 1377 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( apply_mapper_to_toplevel_phrase _1 reason_mapper )
-# 55371 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = 
-# 3503 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Some _2, _3) )
-# 55411 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = 
-# 3505 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (None, Some _2) )
-# 55444 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = let _2 =
-          let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let x = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 55487 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-            let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__1_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 55495 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 3497 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                     (_1)
-# 55501 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3507 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Some _2, None) )
-# 55507 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 55550 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-   (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-   list *
-   (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-   list * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) *
-  Lexing.position * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 55570 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3811 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( syntax_error _1.loc
-        "a type name must start with a lower-case letter or an underscore";
-      let (kind, priv, manifest), constraints, endpos, and_types = _3 in
-      ((_1, _2, constraints, kind, priv, manifest), endpos, and_types) )
-# 55579 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 55622 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-   (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-   list *
-   (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-   list * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) *
-  Lexing.position * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = let _1 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 55642 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3816 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (kind, priv, manifest), constraints, endpos, and_types = _3 in
-      ((_1, _2, constraints, kind, priv, manifest), endpos, and_types) )
-# 55649 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration list *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = let _2 = 
-# 4612 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Public )
-# 55691 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3822 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (cstrs, constraints, endpos, and_types) = _3 in
-      ((Ptype_variant (cstrs), _2, None), constraints, endpos, and_types) )
-# 55697 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration list *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = let _2 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4613 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Private )
-# 55748 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3822 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (cstrs, constraints, endpos, and_types) = _3 in
-      ((Ptype_variant (cstrs), _2, None), constraints, endpos, and_types) )
-# 55755 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration list *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = let _4 = 
-# 4612 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Public )
-# 55811 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3825 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (cstrs, constraints, endpos, and_types) = _5 in
-      ((Ptype_variant cstrs, _4, Some _2), constraints, endpos, and_types) )
-# 55817 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration list *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = let _4 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4613 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Private )
-# 55882 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3825 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (cstrs, constraints, endpos, and_types) = _5 in
-      ((Ptype_variant cstrs, _4, Some _2), constraints, endpos, and_types) )
-# 55889 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = let _2 = 
-# 3832 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 55929 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__1_ in
-# 3828 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (_1, _2, _endpos__2_, _3) )
-# 55935 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = let _2 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 3833 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 55986 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-# 3828 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (_1, _2, _endpos__2_, _3) )
-# 55993 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-   (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-   list *
-   (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-   list * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) *
-  Lexing.position * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__2_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = let _1 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 56042 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3791 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let (ident, params, constraints, kind, priv, manifest), endpos, and_types = _4 in
-    let loc = mklocation _startpos__2_ endpos in
-    let ty = ident ~params:params ~cstrs:constraints
-             ~kind ~priv ?manifest ~attrs:_1 ~loc in
-    (_3, ty :: and_types)
-  )
-# 56052 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-   (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-   list *
-   (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-   list * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) *
-  Lexing.position * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 56109 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 56114 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3791 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let (ident, params, constraints, kind, priv, manifest), endpos, and_types = _4 in
-    let loc = mklocation _startpos__2_ endpos in
-    let ty = ident ~params:params ~cstrs:constraints
-             ~kind ~priv ?manifest ~attrs:_1 ~loc in
-    (_3, ty :: and_types)
-  )
-# 56125 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 56146 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.lid) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4530 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Lident _1 )
-# 56155 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 56163 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4527 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( _1 )
-# 56169 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 56202 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.lid) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 4531 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Ldot(_1, _3) )
-# 56213 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 56221 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4527 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                        ( _1 )
-# 56227 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = 
-# 3838 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Ptype_abstract, Public, None) )
-# 56247 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = let _2 = 
-# 4612 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Public )
-# 56281 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3840 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Ptype_abstract, _2, Some _3) )
-# 56286 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = let _2 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4613 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Private )
-# 56329 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3840 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Ptype_abstract, _2, Some _3) )
-# 56335 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = let _3 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 56369 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let _2 = 
-# 4612 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Public )
-# 56374 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3842 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Ptype_record (prepend_attrs_to_labels _3 _4), _2, None) )
-# 56379 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = let _3 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 56422 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 56427 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _2 = 
-# 4612 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Public )
-# 56433 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3842 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Ptype_record (prepend_attrs_to_labels _3 _4), _2, None) )
-# 56438 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = let _3 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 56479 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let _2 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4613 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Private )
-# 56486 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3842 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Ptype_record (prepend_attrs_to_labels _3 _4), _2, None) )
-# 56492 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration list) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = let _3 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 56542 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 56547 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _2 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4613 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Private )
-# 56555 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3842 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Ptype_record (prepend_attrs_to_labels _3 _4), _2, None) )
-# 56561 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = 
-# 3844 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Ptype_open, Public, None) )
-# 56595 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = 
-# 3846 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Ptype_open, Public, Some _2) )
-# 56643 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration list) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = let _5 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 56691 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let _4 = 
-# 4612 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Public )
-# 56696 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3848 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Ptype_record (prepend_attrs_to_labels _5 _6), _4, Some _2) )
-# 56701 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration list) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = let _5 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 56758 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 56763 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _4 = 
-# 4612 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Public )
-# 56769 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3848 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Ptype_record (prepend_attrs_to_labels _5 _6), _4, Some _2) )
-# 56774 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration list) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = let _5 = 
-# 4716 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 56829 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let _4 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4613 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Private )
-# 56836 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3848 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Ptype_record (prepend_attrs_to_labels _5 _6), _4, Some _2) )
-# 56842 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration list) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = let _5 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-          let _1 = 
-# 4712 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                               ( _1 )
-# 56906 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-# 4717 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                       ( (fun x -> x.txt) _1 )
-# 56911 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _4 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4613 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Private )
-# 56919 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3848 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (Ptype_record (prepend_attrs_to_labels _5 _6), _4, Some _2) )
-# 56925 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) = 
-# 3877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                            ( (_2, _1) )
-# 56958 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-              let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 57008 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-# 4290 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                           (_1)
-# 57013 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-# 200 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 57019 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 4851 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                       ( _1 )
-# 57025 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4294 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                             ( _1 )
-# 57031 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (string) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
-          let x = 
-# 3887 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-               ( mktyp (Ptyp_var _2) )
-# 57064 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4785 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with ptyp_loc = {x.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 57072 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 3888 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( _1 )
-# 57078 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) = let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3869 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let first, second = _1 in
-    let ptyp_loc =
-        {first.ptyp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}
-    in
-    ({first with ptyp_loc}, second)
-  )
-# 57112 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = 
-# 3857 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( _1 )
-# 57141 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = let _1 = 
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 57177 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-# 3852 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                      (_1)
-# 57182 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) = 
-# 3880 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( Invariant )
-# 57200 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) = 
-# 3881 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( Covariant )
-# 57225 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) = 
-# 3882 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ( Contravariant )
-# 57250 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 4213 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                 ( _1 )
-# 57275 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 4214 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                             ( _1 )
-# 57300 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 57334 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2741 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 57340 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 57349 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 57355 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 57361 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x = 
-# 2743 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _2 _3 )
-# 57403 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 57411 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 57417 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 57423 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list * bool) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-              let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2745 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (ps, uncurried) = _2 in
-      let exp = List.fold_right mkexp_fun ps _4 in
-      if uncurried then
-        let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-        {exp with pexp_attributes = (uncurry_payload loc)::exp.pexp_attributes}
-      else exp
-    )
-# 57480 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 57489 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 57495 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 57501 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list * bool) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-              let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2753 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let (ps, uncurried) = _2 in
-    let exp = List.fold_right mkexp_fun ps
-        (ghexp_constraint (mklocation _startpos__4_ _endpos) _6 (Some _4, None))  in
-    if uncurried then
-      let loc = mklocation _startpos _endpos in
-      {exp with pexp_attributes = (uncurry_payload loc)::exp.pexp_attributes}
-    else exp
-    )
-# 57573 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__6_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 57582 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 57588 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 57594 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2_inlined1 : ( list) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : ( = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _3 =
-                let (_2, _1) = (_2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _1 = 
-# 4827 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( _1 :: List.rev _2 )
-# 57646 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-# 3313 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                            ( _1 )
-# 57651 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2766 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _2 (mkexp (Pexp_function _3)) )
-# 57657 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 57666 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 57672 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 57678 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : ( list) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : ( = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _5 =
-                let (_2, _1) = (_2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _1 = 
-# 4827 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( _1 :: List.rev _2 )
-# 57751 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-# 3313 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                            ( _1 )
-# 57756 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2769 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _2 (mkexp (Pexp_match (_3, _5))) )
-# 57762 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__6_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 57771 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 57777 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 57783 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _2_inlined1 : ( list) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : ( = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _5 =
-                let (_2, _1) = (_2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _1 = 
-# 4827 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                          ( _1 :: List.rev _2 )
-# 57856 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-# 3313 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                            ( _1 )
-# 57861 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2772 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _2 (mkexp (Pexp_try (_3, _5))) )
-# 57867 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__6_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 57876 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 57882 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 57888 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _5 = 
-# 124 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( None )
-# 57941 "src/reason-parser/"
-               in
-              let _4 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 57950 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2775 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _2 (mkexp (Pexp_ifthenelse(_3, _4, _5))) )
-# 57956 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 57965 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 57971 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 57977 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1_inlined2 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _5 =
-                let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-                let x = 
-# 183 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( x )
-# 58046 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-# 126 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( Some x )
-# 58051 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _4 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 58061 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2775 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _2 (mkexp (Pexp_ifthenelse(_3, _4, _5))) )
-# 58067 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__1_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 58076 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 58082 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 58088 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _4 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 58145 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2777 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _2 (mkexp (Pexp_while(_3, _4))) )
-# 58151 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 58160 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 58166 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 58172 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _9;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__9_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__9_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _8;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__8_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__8_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-               = {
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-                 = {
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-                   = _menhir_stack;
-                          };
-                        };
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _9 : unit = Obj.magic _9 in
-        let _8 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _8 in
-        let _7 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.direction_flag) = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _10 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 58271 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2780 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _2 (mkexp (Pexp_for(_4, _6, _8, _7, _10))) )
-# 58277 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 58286 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 58292 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 58298 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _8;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__8_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__8_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-               = _menhir_stack;
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _8 : unit = Obj.magic _8 in
-        let _7 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__8_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _endpos = _endpos__8_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2782 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc_colon = mklocation _startpos__2_ _endpos__2_ in
-      let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      mkexp_cons loc_colon (mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc (Pexp_tuple[_5;_7])) loc
-    )
-# 58380 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__8_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 58389 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 58395 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 58401 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1093 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 58435 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4461 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 58449 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 58457 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 58467 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 58476 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 58482 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 58488 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1094 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 58522 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4462 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 58536 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 58544 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 58554 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 58563 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 58569 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 58575 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1095 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 58609 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4463 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 58623 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 58631 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 58641 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 58650 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 58656 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 58662 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1096 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 58696 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4464 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 58710 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 58718 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 58728 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 58737 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 58743 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 58749 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4466 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "/>" )
-# 58793 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 58801 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 58811 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 58820 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 58826 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 58832 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1099 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 58866 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4467 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 58880 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 58888 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 58898 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 58907 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 58913 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 58919 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4468 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "+" )
-# 58963 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 58971 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 58981 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 58990 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 58996 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 59002 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4469 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "+." )
-# 59046 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 59054 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 59064 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 59073 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 59079 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 59085 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4470 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "-" )
-# 59129 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 59137 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 59147 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 59156 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 59162 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 59168 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4471 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "-." )
-# 59212 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 59220 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 59230 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 59239 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 59245 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 59251 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4472 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "*" )
-# 59295 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 59303 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 59313 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 59322 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 59328 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 59334 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4473 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "<" )
-# 59378 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 59386 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 59396 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 59405 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 59411 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 59417 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4474 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( ">" )
-# 59461 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 59469 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 59479 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 59488 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 59494 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 59500 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4475 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "or" )
-# 59544 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 59552 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 59562 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 59571 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 59577 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 59583 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4476 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "||" )
-# 59627 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 59635 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 59645 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 59654 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 59660 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 59666 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4477 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "&" )
-# 59710 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 59718 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 59728 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 59737 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 59743 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 59749 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4478 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "&&" )
-# 59793 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 59801 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 59811 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 59820 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 59826 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 59832 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4479 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( ":=" )
-# 59876 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 59884 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 59894 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 59903 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 59909 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 59915 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4480 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "+=" )
-# 59959 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 59967 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 59977 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 59986 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 59992 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 59998 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4481 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "%" )
-# 60042 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 60050 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 60060 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 60069 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 60075 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 60081 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4488 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( "<..>" )
-# 60125 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 60133 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 60143 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 60152 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 60158 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 60164 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_startpos__1_, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4489 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( ">>" )
-# 60215 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 60223 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 60233 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 60242 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 60248 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 60254 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let x = 
-# 4490 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                     ( ">..." )
-# 60298 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 60306 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2787 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let op = match _2.txt with
-      | "->" -> {_2 with txt = "|."}
-      | _ -> _2
-      in mkinfix _1 op _3
-    )
-# 60316 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 60325 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 60331 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 60337 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 60375 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2793 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkuminus _1 _2 )
-# 60381 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__2_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 60390 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 60396 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 60402 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let x : (string) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 60440 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2795 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkuplus _1 _2 )
-# 60446 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let _endpos_x_ = _endpos__2_ in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 60455 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 60461 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 60467 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 =
-                let x = 
-# 2796 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                ("!")
-# 60503 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 60511 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2797 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkoperator _1, [Nolabel,_2])) )
-# 60517 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 60526 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 60532 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 60538 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _3 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 60600 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _1 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 60609 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2799 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_setfield(_1, _3, _5)) )
-# 60615 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 60624 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 60630 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 60636 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 60705 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2801 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let exp = Pexp_ident(array_function ~loc "Array" "set") in
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc exp,
-                       [Nolabel,_1; Nolabel,_3; Nolabel,_6]))
-    )
-# 60717 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__6_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 60726 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 60732 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 60738 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _7 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 60814 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2807 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let exp = Pexp_ident(array_function ~loc "String" "set") in
-      mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkexp ~ghost:true ~loc exp,
-                       [Nolabel,_1; Nolabel,_4; Nolabel,_7]))
-    )
-# 60826 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__7_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 60835 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 60841 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 60847 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-             = {
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                        MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-               = _menhir_stack;
-                      };
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4_inlined1 : (unit option) = Obj.magic _4_inlined1 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_4, _1_inlined1, _1) = (_4_inlined1, _1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _3 =
-                  let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4841 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                       ( List.rev _1 )
-# 60931 "src/reason-parser/"
-                in
-# 2899 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                                 ( _3 )
-# 60937 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _1 =
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 60946 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-              let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-              let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2813 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      bigarray_set ~loc _1 _2 _4
-    )
-# 60956 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__4_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 60965 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 60971 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 60977 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 61012 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _1 =
-                let x = 
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 61024 "src/reason-parser/"
-                 in
-                let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-                let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 61032 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2817 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp(Pexp_setinstvar(_1, _3)) )
-# 61038 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 61047 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 61053 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 61059 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 61101 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2819 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_assert _2) )
-# 61107 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 61116 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 61122 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 61128 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-   = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x =
-              let _2 =
-                let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-                let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-                let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 3023 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                      ( mkexp_app_rev _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 61170 "src/reason-parser/"
-              in
-# 2821 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( mkexp (Pexp_lazy _2) )
-# 61176 "src/reason-parser/"
-            in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 61185 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 61191 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 61197 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
-          let _1 =
-            let x = 
-# 2847 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (* Should use ghost expressions, but not sure how that would work with source maps *)
-      (* So ? will become true and : becomes false for now*)
-      let loc_question = mklocation _startpos__2_ _endpos__2_ in
-      let loc_colon = mklocation _startpos__4_ _endpos__4_ in
-      let fauxTruePat =
- ~loc:loc_question (Ppat_construct({txt = Lident "true"; loc = loc_question}, None)) in
-      let fauxFalsePat =
- ~loc:loc_colon (Ppat_construct({txt = Lident "false"; loc = loc_colon}, None)) in
-      let fauxMatchCaseTrue = fauxTruePat _3 in
-      let fauxMatchCaseFalse = fauxFalsePat _5 in
-      mkexp (Pexp_match (_1, [fauxMatchCaseTrue; fauxMatchCaseFalse]))
-    )
-# 61263 "src/reason-parser/"
-             in
-            let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos__1_) in
-            let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4781 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( {x with pexp_loc = {x.pexp_loc with loc_start = _symbolstartpos; loc_end = _endpos}} )
-# 61271 "src/reason-parser/"
-          in
-# 2859 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    (_1)
-# 61277 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2877 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                                ( _1 )
-# 61283 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (
-# 1329 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list)
-# 61308 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = 
-# 1390 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                     ( apply_mapper_to_use_file _1 reason_mapper )
-# 61312 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list) = 
-# 1386 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 61337 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 61358 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4456 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                           ( _1 )
-# 61366 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : (string) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (string) = 
-# 4457 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                           ( _2 )
-# 61405 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : (string) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4510 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Lident _1 )
-# 61430 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-     = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : (string) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4511 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                  ( Ldot(_1, _3) )
-# 61469 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 61522 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind) = let _4 =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 61536 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 61544 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 2038 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( if _1 = Override then
-        not_expecting _symbolstartpos _endpos
-          "members marked virtual may not also be marked overridden";
-      (_4, Mutable, Cfk_virtual _6)
-    )
-# 61559 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _7;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__7_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__7_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _7 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _7 in
-        let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 61620 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
-        let _v : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind) = let _4 =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 61634 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 61642 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          _startpos__2_ in
-# 2044 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( not_expecting _startpos__6_ _endpos__6_
-        "not expecting equal - cannot specify value for virtual val";
-      let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let e = ghexp_constraint loc _7 _5 in
-      (_4, Mutable, Cfk_concrete (_1, e)) )
-# 61657 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 61704 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind) = let _3 =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 61717 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 61725 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2050 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (_3, _2, Cfk_virtual _5) )
-# 61731 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 61786 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind) = let _3 =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 61799 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 61807 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 2052 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( not_expecting _startpos__5_ _endpos__5_
-        "not expecting equal - cannot specify value for virtual val";
-      let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let e = ghexp_constraint loc _6 _4 in
-      (_3, _2, Cfk_concrete (Fresh, e)) )
-# 61819 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 61866 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind) = let _3 =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 61879 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 61887 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2058 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( (_3, _2, Cfk_concrete (_1, _5)) )
-# 61893 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 61948 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind) = let _3 =
-          let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
-          let x = 
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 61961 "src/reason-parser/"
-           in
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 61969 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _startpos__3_ = _startpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
-          _startpos__1_
-        else
-          if _startpos__2_ != _endpos__2_ then
-            _startpos__2_
-          else
-            _startpos__3_ in
-# 2060 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let e = ghexp_constraint loc _6 _4 in
-      (_3, _2, Cfk_concrete (_1, e)) )
-# 61986 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 62027 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (string * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = let _2 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4594 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                      ( _1 )
-# 62041 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 2292 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( let (mut, virt) = _1 in (_2, mut, virt, _4) )
-# 62047 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let _menhir_s = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.current in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _endpos = _startpos in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = 
-# 4622 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Concrete )
-# 62065 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) = 
-# 4623 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                  ( Virtual )
-# 62090 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-           = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.with_constraint) = let _7 = 
-# 3832 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( [] )
-# 62152 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        let _endpos__7_ = _endpos__6_ in
-        let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 62161 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4036 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let typ = {_2 with txt=Longident.last _2.txt}
-                  ~params:_3 ~cstrs:_7 ~manifest:_6 ~priv:_5 ~loc in
-      Pwith_type (_2, typ)
-    )
-# 62173 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _6;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__6_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__6_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-         = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-           = {
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                      MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-             = _menhir_stack;
-                    };
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _1_inlined1 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _6 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _6 in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.with_constraint) = let _7 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 3833 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-                                     ( _1 )
-# 62246 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos__7_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
-        let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 62256 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4036 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      let typ = {_2 with txt=Longident.last _2.txt}
-                  ~params:_3 ~cstrs:_7 ~manifest:_6 ~priv:_5 ~loc in
-      Pwith_type (_2, typ)
-    )
-# 62268 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _5;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__5_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__5_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-       = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-         = _menhir_stack;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _5 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _5 in
-        let _4 : unit = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.with_constraint) = let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 62326 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let (_endpos__2_, _startpos__2_) = (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_) in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4045 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-    ( let last = match _2.txt with
-        | Lident s -> s
-        | other ->
-          not_expecting _startpos__2_ _endpos__2_ "Long type identifier";
-          let rec fallback = function
-            | Lident s -> s
-            | Ldot (_, s) -> s
-            | Lapply (l, _) -> fallback l
-          in
-          fallback other
-      in
-      let loc = mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos in
-      Pwith_typesubst ( {_2 with txt=last} ~params:_3 ~manifest:_5 ~loc)
-    )
-# 62348 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.with_constraint) = let _4 =
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_, x) = (_endpos_x_inlined1_, _startpos_x_inlined1_, x_inlined1) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 62398 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 62407 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4060 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( Pwith_module (_2, _4) )
-# 62413 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x_inlined1;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_inlined1_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_inlined1_;
- = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-   = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = x;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_x_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_x_;
-     = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-       = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let x_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic x_inlined1 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let x : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 62454 "src/reason-parser/"
-        ) = Obj.magic x in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos_x_inlined1_ in
-        let _v : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.with_constraint) = let _4 =
-          let (_endpos_x_, _startpos_x_, x) = (_endpos_x_inlined1_, _startpos_x_inlined1_, x_inlined1) in
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 62467 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-        let _2 =
-          let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
-# 4809 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-  ( mkloc x (mklocation _symbolstartpos _endpos) )
-# 62476 "src/reason-parser/"
-        in
-# 4062 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      ( Pwith_modsubst (_2, _4) )
-# 62482 "src/reason-parser/"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
- = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-    |]
-  and trace =
-    None
-module MenhirInterpreter = struct
-  module ET = MenhirLib.TableInterpreter.MakeEngineTable (Tables)
-  module TI = MenhirLib.Engine.Make (ET)
-  include TI
-  module Symbols = struct
-    type _ terminal = 
-      | T_error : unit terminal
-      | T_WITH : unit terminal
-      | T_WHILE : unit terminal
-      | T_WHEN : unit terminal
-      | T_VIRTUAL : unit terminal
-      | T_VAL : unit terminal
-      | T_UNDERSCORE : unit terminal
-      | T_UIDENT : (
-# 1168 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 62519 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) terminal
-      | T_TYPE : unit terminal
-      | T_TRY : unit terminal
-      | T_TRUE : unit terminal
-      | T_TO : unit terminal
-      | T_TILDE : unit terminal
-      | T_THEN : unit terminal
-      | T_SWITCH : unit terminal
-      | T_STRUCT : unit terminal
-      | T_STRING : (
-# 1159 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * string option * string option)
-# 62532 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) terminal
-      | T_STAR : unit terminal
-      | T_SLASHGREATER : unit terminal
-      | T_SIG : unit terminal
-      | T_SHARPOP : (
-# 1155 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 62540 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) terminal
-      | T_SHARPEQUAL : unit terminal
-      | T_SHARP : unit terminal
-      | T_SEMISEMI : unit terminal
-      | T_SEMI : unit terminal
-      | T_RPAREN : unit terminal
-      | T_REC : unit terminal
-      | T_RBRACKET : unit terminal
-      | T_RBRACE : unit terminal
-      | T_QUOTE : unit terminal
-      | T_QUESTION : unit terminal
-      | T_PUB : unit terminal
-      | T_PRI : unit terminal
-      | T_PREFIXOP : (
-# 1142 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 62557 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) terminal
-      | T_POSTFIXOP : (
-# 1143 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 62562 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) terminal
-      | T_PLUSEQ : unit terminal
-      | T_PLUSDOT : unit terminal
-      | T_PLUS : unit terminal
-      | T_PERCENT : unit terminal
-      | T_OR : unit terminal
-      | T_OPEN : unit terminal
-      | T_OF : unit terminal
-      | T_OBJECT : unit terminal
-      | T_NONREC : unit terminal
-      | T_NEW : unit terminal
-      | T_NATIVEINT : (
-# 1131 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (nativeint)
-# 62577 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) terminal
-      | T_MUTABLE : unit terminal
-      | T_MODULE : unit terminal
-      | T_MINUSGREATER : unit terminal
-      | T_MINUSDOT : unit terminal
-      | T_MINUS : unit terminal
-      | T_LPAREN : unit terminal
-      | T_LIDENT : (
-# 1120 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 62588 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) terminal
-      | T_LET : unit terminal
-# 1151 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 62594 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) terminal
-      | T_LESSSLASHGREATER : unit terminal
-      | T_LESSIDENT : (
-# 1114 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 62600 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) terminal
-      | T_LESSGREATER : unit terminal
-      | T_LESSDOTDOTGREATER : unit terminal
-      | T_LESS : unit terminal
-      | T_LBRACKETPERCENTPERCENT : unit terminal
-      | T_LBRACKETPERCENT : unit terminal
-      | T_LBRACKETLESS : unit terminal
-      | T_LBRACKETGREATER : unit terminal
-      | T_LBRACKETBAR : unit terminal
-      | T_LBRACKETAT : unit terminal
-      | T_LBRACKET : unit terminal
-      | T_LBRACELESS : unit terminal
-      | T_LBRACE : unit terminal
-      | T_LAZY : unit terminal
-      | T_INT : (
-# 1102 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * char option)
-# 62618 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) terminal
-      | T_INITIALIZER : unit terminal
-      | T_INHERIT : unit terminal
-      | T_INFIXOP4 : (
-# 1099 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 62625 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) terminal
-      | T_INFIXOP3 : (
-# 1096 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 62630 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) terminal
-      | T_INFIXOP2 : (
-# 1095 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 62635 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) terminal
-      | T_INFIXOP1 : (
-# 1094 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 62640 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) terminal
-      | T_INFIXOP0 : (
-# 1093 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 62645 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) terminal
-      | T_INCLUDE : unit terminal
-      | T_IN : unit terminal
-      | T_IF : unit terminal
-      | T_GREATERRBRACE : unit terminal
-      | T_GREATERDOTDOTDOT : unit terminal
-      | T_GREATER : unit terminal
-      | T_FUNCTOR : unit terminal
-      | T_FUNCTION : unit terminal
-      | T_FUN : unit terminal
-      | T_FOR : unit terminal
-      | T_FLOAT : (
-# 1081 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * char option)
-# 62660 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) terminal
-      | T_FALSE : unit terminal
-      | T_EXTERNAL : unit terminal
-      | T_EXCEPTION : unit terminal
-      | T_ES6_FUN : unit terminal
-      | T_EQUALGREATER : unit terminal
-      | T_EQUAL : unit terminal
-      | T_EOL : unit terminal
-      | T_EOF : unit terminal
-      | T_END : unit terminal
-      | T_ELSE : unit terminal
-      | T_DOWNTO : unit terminal
-      | T_DOTDOTDOT : unit terminal
-      | T_DOTDOT : unit terminal
-      | T_DOT : unit terminal
-      | T_DONE : unit terminal
-      | T_DOCSTRING : (
-# 1176 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string)
-# 62680 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) terminal
-      | T_DO : unit terminal
-      | T_CONSTRAINT : unit terminal
-      | T_COMMENT : (
-# 1175 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (string * Location.t)
-# 62687 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) terminal
-      | T_COMMA : unit terminal
-      | T_COLONGREATER : unit terminal
-      | T_COLONEQUAL : unit terminal
-      | T_COLONCOLON : unit terminal
-      | T_COLON : unit terminal
-      | T_CLASS : unit terminal
-      | T_CHAR : (
-# 1060 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-       (char)
-# 62698 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) terminal
-      | T_BEGIN : unit terminal
-      | T_BARRBRACKET : unit terminal
-      | T_BARBAR : unit terminal
-      | T_BAR : unit terminal
-      | T_BANG : unit terminal
-      | T_BACKQUOTE : unit terminal
-      | T_ASSERT : unit terminal
-      | T_AS : unit terminal
-      | T_AND : unit terminal
-      | T_AMPERSAND : unit terminal
-      | T_AMPERAMPER : unit terminal
-    type _ nonterminal = 
-      | N_with_constraint : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.with_constraint) nonterminal
-      | N_virtual_flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) nonterminal
-      | N_value_type : (string * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_value : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind) nonterminal
-      | N_val_longident : (Longident.t) nonterminal
-      | N_val_ident : (string) nonterminal
-      | N_use_file_no_mapper : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list) nonterminal
-      | N_use_file : (
-# 1329 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list)
-# 62726 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) nonterminal
-      | N_unattributed_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_unattributed_core_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_type_variance : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) nonterminal
-      | N_type_variables_with_variance_comma_list : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_type_variables_with_variance : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_type_variable_with_variance : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) nonterminal
-      | N_type_variable : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_type_parameters : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) nonterminal
-      | N_type_parameter : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) nonterminal
-      | N_type_other_kind : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) nonterminal
-      | N_type_longident : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.lid) nonterminal
-      | N_type_declarations : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) nonterminal
-      | N_type_declaration_kind : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) nonterminal
-      | N_type_declaration_details : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-   (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-   list *
-   (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-   list * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) *
-  Lexing.position * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) nonterminal
-      | N_type_constraint : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) nonterminal
-      | N_toplevel_phrase : (
-# 1327 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase)
-# 62771 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) nonterminal
-      | N_toplevel_directive : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase) nonterminal
-      | N_tag_field : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) nonterminal
-      | N_subtractive : (string) nonterminal
-      | N_structure_item : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) nonterminal
-      | N_structure : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.structure) nonterminal
-      | N_string_literal_labels : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_string_literal_label : (string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_string_literal_exprs_maybe_punned : ((Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_string_literal_expr_maybe_punned_with_comma : (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_string_literal_expr_maybe_punned : (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_str_type_extension : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_extension) nonterminal
-      | N_str_exception_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) nonterminal
-      | N_single_attr_id : (string) nonterminal
-      | N_simple_pattern_not_ident_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-      | N_simple_pattern_not_ident : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-      | N_simple_pattern_ident : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-      | N_simple_pattern_direct_argument : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-      | N_simple_pattern : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-      | N_simple_module_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) nonterminal
-      | N_simple_expr_template_constructor : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_simple_expr_no_constructor : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_simple_expr_no_call : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_simple_expr_direct_argument : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_simple_expr_call : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_signed_constant : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) nonterminal
-      | N_signature_items : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.signature) nonterminal
-      | N_signature_item : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc) nonterminal
-      | N_signature : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.signature) nonterminal
-      | N_sig_type_extension : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_extension) nonterminal
-      | N_sig_exception_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) nonterminal
-      | N_seq_expr_no_seq : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_seq_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_separated_nonempty_list_AMPERSAND_non_arrowed_simple_core_types_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) nonterminal
-      | N_row_field_list : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field list) nonterminal
-      | N_row_field : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) nonterminal
-      | N_record_label_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration) nonterminal
-      | N_record_expr_with_string_keys : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_record_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option *
-  (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_record_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration list) nonterminal
-      | N_rec_flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) nonterminal
-      | N_protected_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_primitive_declaration : (string list) nonterminal
-      | N_poly_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_payload : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.payload) nonterminal
-      | N_pattern_without_or : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-      | N_pattern_optional_constraint : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-      | N_pattern_constructor_argument : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list) nonterminal
-      | N_pattern_comma_list_extension : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern option) nonterminal
-      | N_pattern : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-      | N_parse_pattern : (
-# 1335 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern)
-# 62838 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) nonterminal
-      | N_parse_expression : (
-# 1333 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-# 62843 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) nonterminal
-      | N_parse_core_type : (
-# 1331 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-# 62848 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) nonterminal
-      | N_parenthesized_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_package_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_override_flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag) nonterminal
-      | N_optional_expr_extension : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression ->
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_optional : (string -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label) nonterminal
-      | N_option_type_constraint_ : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option)
-  option) nonterminal
-      | N_option_preceded_WHEN_expr__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option) nonterminal
-      | N_option_preceded_COLONGREATER_core_type__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) nonterminal
-      | N_option_preceded_COLON_simple_module_type__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option) nonterminal
-      | N_option_preceded_COLON_poly_type__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) nonterminal
-      | N_option_preceded_COLON_non_arrowed_core_type__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) nonterminal
-      | N_option_preceded_COLON_expr__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option) nonterminal
-      | N_option_preceded_COLON_core_type__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) nonterminal
-      | N_option_preceded_COLON_class_constructor_type__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type option) nonterminal
-      | N_option_preceded_AS_LIDENT__ : (string option) nonterminal
-      | N_option_item_extension_sugar_ : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs * string Location.loc) option) nonterminal
-      | N_option_constructor_arguments_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments option) nonterminal
-      | N_option_SEMI_ : (unit option) nonterminal
-      | N_option_OF_ : (unit option) nonterminal
-      | N_option_MODULE_ : (unit option) nonterminal
-      | N_option_LET_ : (unit option) nonterminal
-      | N_option_DOTDOTDOT_ : (unit option) nonterminal
-      | N_option_DOT_ : (unit option) nonterminal
-      | N_option_COMMA_ : (unit option) nonterminal
-      | N_opt_LET_MODULE_ident : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str) nonterminal
-      | N_opt_LET_MODULE_REC_ident : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str) nonterminal
-      | N_opt_LET_MODULE : (unit) nonterminal
-      | N_operator : (string) nonterminal
-      | N_open_statement : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.open_description) nonterminal
-      | N_object_record_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_object_label_declarations : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_object_label_declaration : (string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_object_body_class_fields : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) nonterminal
-      | N_object_body : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_structure) nonterminal
-      | N_nonrec_flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag) nonterminal
-      | N_nonempty_list_preceded_QUOTE_ident__ : (string list) nonterminal
-      | N_nonempty_list_preceded_CONSTRAINT_constrain__ : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_nonempty_list_name_tag_ : (string list) nonterminal
-      | N_nonempty_list_attributed_ext_constructor_extension_constructor_declaration__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) nonterminal
-      | N_nonempty_list_attributed_ext_constructor_either_extension_constructor_declaration_extension_constructor_rebind___ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) nonterminal
-      | N_nonempty_list_as_loc_attribute__ : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) nonterminal
-      | N_nonempty_list___anonymous_32_ : (string list) nonterminal
-      | N_nonempty_list_LIDENT_ : (string list) nonterminal
-      | N_non_labeled_argument_list : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) nonterminal
-      | N_non_arrowed_simple_core_types : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_non_arrowed_simple_core_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_non_arrowed_core_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_mutable_or_virtual_flags : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag) nonterminal
-      | N_mutable_flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag) nonterminal
-      | N_mty_longident : (Longident.t) nonterminal
-      | N_module_type_signature : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) nonterminal
-      | N_module_type_body_EQUAL_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) nonterminal
-      | N_module_type_body_COLON_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) nonterminal
-      | N_module_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) nonterminal
-      | N_module_parameter : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc) nonterminal
-      | N_module_expr_structure : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) nonterminal
-      | N_module_expr_body : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) nonterminal
-      | N_module_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) nonterminal
-      | N_module_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type) nonterminal
-      | N_module_complex_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) nonterminal
-      | N_module_binding_body : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr) nonterminal
-      | N_module_arguments_comma_list : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr list) nonterminal
-      | N_module_arguments : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr list) nonterminal
-      | N_mod_longident : (Longident.t) nonterminal
-      | N_mod_ext_longident : (Longident.t) nonterminal
-      | N_mod_ext_apply : (Longident.t) nonterminal
-      | N_method_ : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind) nonterminal
-      | N_match_case_seq_expr_ : ( nonterminal
-      | N_match_case_expr_ : ( nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_SEMI_class_sig_field_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_SEMI_class_field_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_uncurried_labeled_expr_ : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_uncurried_arrow_type_parameter_ : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-   Location.loc * bool)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_type_variable_with_variance_ : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_type_parameter_ : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_string_literal_label_ : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_string_literal_expr_maybe_punned_ : ((Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_record_label_declaration_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_protected_type_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_pattern_optional_constraint_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_opt_spread_pattern__ : ((Location.t option * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_opt_spread_lbl_expr__ : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_opt_spread_expr_optional_constraint__ : ((Location.t option * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_object_label_declaration_ : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_module_parameter_ : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_module_complex_expr_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_mod_ext_longident_ : (Longident.t list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_labeled_pattern_ : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_field_expr_ : ((string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_expr_optional_constraint_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_expr_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_core_type_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) nonterminal
-      | N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_AND_with_constraint_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.with_constraint list) nonterminal
-      | N_loption_type_parameters_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) nonterminal
-      | N_loption_terminated_pattern_comma_list_option_COMMA___ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern list) nonterminal
-      | N_loption_row_field_list_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field list) nonterminal
-      | N_loption_preceded_GREATER_nonempty_list_name_tag___ : (string list) nonterminal
-      | N_loption_parenthesized_type_variables_with_variance_comma_list__ : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_loption_parenthesized_class_type_arguments_comma_list__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) nonterminal
-      | N_loption_object_label_declarations_ : ((string * Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attributes *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_loption_located_attributes_ : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute Location.loc list) nonterminal
-      | N_loption_functor_parameters_ : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) nonterminal
-      | N_loption_class_type_parameters_ : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_longident_type_constraint : (Longident.t Location.loc *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option)
-  option) nonterminal
-      | N_llist_aux_preceded_COMMA_opt_spread_lbl_expr___ : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression))
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_llist_aux_match_case_seq_expr__ : ( list) nonterminal
-      | N_llist_aux_match_case_expr__ : ( list) nonterminal
-      | N_list_simple_expr_no_call_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) nonterminal
-      | N_list_bar_row_field_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field list) nonterminal
-      | N_list_attributed_ext_constructor_extension_constructor_declaration__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) nonterminal
-      | N_list_attributed_ext_constructor_either_extension_constructor_declaration_extension_constructor_rebind___ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) nonterminal
-      | N_list_and_module_rec_declaration_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_declaration list) nonterminal
-      | N_list_and_module_bindings_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_binding list) nonterminal
-      | N_list_and_let_binding_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.value_binding list) nonterminal
-      | N_list_and_class_type_declaration_ : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_declaration list) nonterminal
-      | N_list_and_class_description_ : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_description list) nonterminal
-      | N_list_and_class_declaration_ : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_declaration list) nonterminal
-      | N_let_bindings : (Reason_parser_def.let_bindings) nonterminal
-      | N_let_binding_body : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_let_binding : (Reason_parser_def.let_bindings) nonterminal
-      | N_lbl_pattern : (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-      | N_labelled_arrow_type_parameter_optional : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_labeled_pattern_constraint : (string Location.loc -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-      | N_labeled_pattern : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc) nonterminal
-      | N_labeled_expr_constraint : (Longident.t Location.loc -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_labeled_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_labeled_arguments : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_label_longident : (Longident.t) nonterminal
-      | N_jsx_without_leading_less : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_jsx_start_tag_and_args_without_leading_less : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-   list -> Location.t -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) *
-  Longident.t) nonterminal
-      | N_jsx_start_tag_and_args : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-   list -> Location.t -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) *
-  Longident.t) nonterminal
-      | N_jsx_arguments : ((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_jsx : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_item_extension_sugar : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs * string Location.loc) nonterminal
-      | N_item_extension : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) nonterminal
-      | N_interface : (
-# 1325 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature)
-# 63043 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) nonterminal
-      | N_implementation : (
-# 1323 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.structure)
-# 63048 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ) nonterminal
-      | N_ident : (string) nonterminal
-      | N_greater_spread : (string) nonterminal
-      | N_generalized_constructor_arguments : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option) nonterminal
-      | N_functor_parameters : ((string Location.loc option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type option)
-  Location.loc list) nonterminal
-      | N_fun_def_EQUALGREATER_non_arrowed_core_type_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_fun_def_EQUAL_core_type_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_field_expr : (string Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_extension_constructor_rebind : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) nonterminal
-      | N_extension_constructor_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) nonterminal
-      | N_extension : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.extension) nonterminal
-      | N_expr_optional_constraint : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_expr_list : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list) nonterminal
-      | N_expr_comma_seq_extension : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression list *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression option) nonterminal
-      | N_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_es6_parameters : (Reason_parser_def.labelled_parameter Location.loc list * bool) nonterminal
-      | N_embedded_private_flag_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) nonterminal
-      | N_embedded___anonymous_39_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.directive_argument) nonterminal
-      | N_embedded___anonymous_33_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance) nonterminal
-      | N_embedded___anonymous_1_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list) nonterminal
-      | N_embedded___anonymous_0_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase) nonterminal
-      | N_either_preceded_EQUALGREATER_expr__braced_expr_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_either_preceded_EQUAL_expr__braced_expr_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_either_preceded_EQUAL_class_instance_type__class_type_body_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) nonterminal
-      | N_either_preceded_EQUAL_class_expr__class_body_expr_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) nonterminal
-      | N_either_parenthesized_longident_type_constraint__longident_type_constraint_ : (Longident.t Location.loc *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type option)
-  option) nonterminal
-      | N_either_extension_constructor_declaration_extension_constructor_rebind_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor) nonterminal
-      | N_either_constructor_declaration_bar_constructor_declaration_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) nonterminal
-      | N_either___anonymous_12___anonymous_13_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag) nonterminal
-      | N_either_ES6_FUN_FUN_ : (unit) nonterminal
-      | N_direction_flag : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.direction_flag) nonterminal
-      | N_core_type2 : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_core_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_constructor_declarations_aux : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration list *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) nonterminal
-      | N_constructor_declarations : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration list *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t)
-  list * Lexing.position *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) nonterminal
-      | N_constructor_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) nonterminal
-      | N_constructor_arguments_comma_list : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) nonterminal
-      | N_constructor_arguments : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments) nonterminal
-      | N_constrain_field : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_constrain : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type * Location.t) nonterminal
-      | N_constr_longident : (Longident.t) nonterminal
-      | N_constant : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.attrs *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constant) nonterminal
-      | N_clty_longident : (Longident.t) nonterminal
-      | N_class_type_declarations : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_declaration list) nonterminal
-      | N_class_type_declaration_details : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_class_type_body : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) nonterminal
-      | N_class_type_arguments_comma_list : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type list) nonterminal
-      | N_class_simple_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) nonterminal
-      | N_class_sig_field : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) nonterminal
-      | N_class_sig_body_fields : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field list) nonterminal
-      | N_class_sig_body : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_signature) nonterminal
-      | N_class_self_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_class_self_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern) nonterminal
-      | N_class_longident : (Longident.t) nonterminal
-      | N_class_instance_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) nonterminal
-      | N_class_field : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field list) nonterminal
-      | N_class_expr_lets_and_rest : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) nonterminal
-      | N_class_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) nonterminal
-      | N_class_descriptions : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_description list) nonterminal
-      | N_class_description_details : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_class_declaration_details : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Ast_helper.str *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag *
-  (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type *
-   Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.variance)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_class_declaration_body : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr) nonterminal
-      | N_class_constructor_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type) nonterminal
-      | N_braced_expr : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression) nonterminal
-      | N_boption_AMPERSAND_ : (bool) nonterminal
-      | N_basic_core_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_bar_row_field : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field) nonterminal
-      | N_bar_constructor_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration) nonterminal
-      | N_attributed_ext_constructors_extension_constructor_declaration_ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) nonterminal
-      | N_attributed_ext_constructors_either_extension_constructor_declaration_extension_constructor_rebind__ : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor list) nonterminal
-      | N_attribute : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.attribute) nonterminal
-      | N_attr_id : (string Location.loc) nonterminal
-      | N_arrowed_simple_core_type : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_arrow_type_parameters : (((Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-    Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-   Location.loc * bool)
-  list) nonterminal
-      | N_arrow_type_parameter : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label *
-  Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type) nonterminal
-      | N_and_type_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration list) nonterminal
-      | N_and_module_rec_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_declaration) nonterminal
-      | N_and_module_bindings : (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.module_binding) nonterminal
-      | N_and_class_type_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_type_declaration) nonterminal
-      | N_and_class_description : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_description) nonterminal
-      | N_and_class_declaration : (Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Parsetree.class_declaration) nonterminal
-      | N_additive : (string) nonterminal
-      | N__lbl_pattern_list : ((Location.t option *
-   (Longident.t Location.loc * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern))
-  list * Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Asttypes.closed_flag) nonterminal
-  end
-  include Symbols
-  include MenhirLib.InspectionTableInterpreter.Make (Tables) (struct
-    include TI
-    include Symbols
-    include MenhirLib.InspectionTableInterpreter.Symbols (Symbols)
-    let terminal =
-      fun t ->
-        match t with
-        | 0 ->
-            X (T T_error)
-        | 1 ->
-            X (T T_WITH)
-        | 2 ->
-            X (T T_WHILE)
-        | 3 ->
-            X (T T_WHEN)
-        | 4 ->
-            X (T T_VIRTUAL)
-        | 5 ->
-            X (T T_VAL)
-        | 6 ->
-            X (T T_UNDERSCORE)
-        | 7 ->
-            X (T T_UIDENT)
-        | 8 ->
-            X (T T_TYPE)
-        | 9 ->
-            X (T T_TRY)
-        | 10 ->
-            X (T T_TRUE)
-        | 11 ->
-            X (T T_TO)
-        | 12 ->
-            X (T T_TILDE)
-        | 13 ->
-            X (T T_THEN)
-        | 14 ->
-            X (T T_SWITCH)
-        | 15 ->
-            X (T T_STRUCT)
-        | 16 ->
-            X (T T_STRING)
-        | 17 ->
-            X (T T_STAR)
-        | 18 ->
-            X (T T_SLASHGREATER)
-        | 19 ->
-            X (T T_SIG)
-        | 20 ->
-            X (T T_SHARPOP)
-        | 21 ->
-            X (T T_SHARPEQUAL)
-        | 22 ->
-            X (T T_SHARP)
-        | 23 ->
-            X (T T_SEMISEMI)
-        | 24 ->
-            X (T T_SEMI)
-        | 25 ->
-            X (T T_RPAREN)
-        | 26 ->
-            X (T T_REC)
-        | 27 ->
-            X (T T_RBRACKET)
-        | 28 ->
-            X (T T_RBRACE)
-        | 29 ->
-            X (T T_QUOTE)
-        | 30 ->
-            X (T T_QUESTION)
-        | 31 ->
-            X (T T_PUB)
-        | 32 ->
-            X (T T_PRI)
-        | 33 ->
-            X (T T_PREFIXOP)
-        | 34 ->
-            X (T T_POSTFIXOP)
-        | 35 ->
-            X (T T_PLUSEQ)
-        | 36 ->
-            X (T T_PLUSDOT)
-        | 37 ->
-            X (T T_PLUS)
-        | 38 ->
-            X (T T_PERCENT)
-        | 39 ->
-            X (T T_OR)
-        | 40 ->
-            X (T T_OPEN)
-        | 41 ->
-            X (T T_OF)
-        | 42 ->
-            X (T T_OBJECT)
-        | 43 ->
-            X (T T_NONREC)
-        | 44 ->
-            X (T T_NEW)
-        | 45 ->
-            X (T T_NATIVEINT)
-        | 46 ->
-            X (T T_MUTABLE)
-        | 47 ->
-            X (T T_MODULE)
-        | 48 ->
-            X (T T_MINUSGREATER)
-        | 49 ->
-            X (T T_MINUSDOT)
-        | 50 ->
-            X (T T_MINUS)
-        | 51 ->
-            X (T T_LPAREN)
-        | 52 ->
-            X (T T_LIDENT)
-        | 53 ->
-            X (T T_LET)
-        | 54 ->
-        | 55 ->
-        | 56 ->
-            X (T T_LESSIDENT)
-        | 57 ->
-            X (T T_LESSGREATER)
-        | 58 ->
-        | 59 ->
-            X (T T_LESS)
-        | 60 ->
-        | 61 ->
-            X (T T_LBRACKETPERCENT)
-        | 62 ->
-            X (T T_LBRACKETLESS)
-        | 63 ->
-            X (T T_LBRACKETGREATER)
-        | 64 ->
-            X (T T_LBRACKETBAR)
-        | 65 ->
-            X (T T_LBRACKETAT)
-        | 66 ->
-            X (T T_LBRACKET)
-        | 67 ->
-            X (T T_LBRACELESS)
-        | 68 ->
-            X (T T_LBRACE)
-        | 69 ->
-            X (T T_LAZY)
-        | 70 ->
-            X (T T_INT)
-        | 71 ->
-            X (T T_INITIALIZER)
-        | 72 ->
-            X (T T_INHERIT)
-        | 73 ->
-            X (T T_INFIXOP4)
-        | 74 ->
-            X (T T_INFIXOP3)
-        | 75 ->
-            X (T T_INFIXOP2)
-        | 76 ->
-            X (T T_INFIXOP1)
-        | 77 ->
-            X (T T_INFIXOP0)
-        | 78 ->
-            X (T T_INCLUDE)
-        | 79 ->
-            X (T T_IN)
-        | 80 ->
-            X (T T_IF)
-        | 81 ->
-            X (T T_GREATERRBRACE)
-        | 82 ->
-        | 83 ->
-            X (T T_GREATER)
-        | 84 ->
-            X (T T_FUNCTOR)
-        | 85 ->
-            X (T T_FUNCTION)
-        | 86 ->
-            X (T T_FUN)
-        | 87 ->
-            X (T T_FOR)
-        | 88 ->
-            X (T T_FLOAT)
-        | 89 ->
-            X (T T_FALSE)
-        | 90 ->
-            X (T T_EXTERNAL)
-        | 91 ->
-            X (T T_EXCEPTION)
-        | 92 ->
-            X (T T_ES6_FUN)
-        | 93 ->
-            X (T T_EQUALGREATER)
-        | 94 ->
-            X (T T_EQUAL)
-        | 95 ->
-            X (T T_EOL)
-        | 96 ->
-            X (T T_EOF)
-        | 97 ->
-            X (T T_END)
-        | 98 ->
-            X (T T_ELSE)
-        | 99 ->
-            X (T T_DOWNTO)
-        | 100 ->
-            X (T T_DOTDOTDOT)
-        | 101 ->
-            X (T T_DOTDOT)
-        | 102 ->
-            X (T T_DOT)
-        | 103 ->
-            X (T T_DONE)
-        | 104 ->
-            X (T T_DOCSTRING)
-        | 105 ->
-            X (T T_DO)
-        | 106 ->
-            X (T T_CONSTRAINT)
-        | 107 ->
-            X (T T_COMMENT)
-        | 108 ->
-            X (T T_COMMA)
-        | 109 ->
-            X (T T_COLONGREATER)
-        | 110 ->
-            X (T T_COLONEQUAL)
-        | 111 ->
-            X (T T_COLONCOLON)
-        | 112 ->
-            X (T T_COLON)
-        | 113 ->
-            X (T T_CLASS)
-        | 114 ->
-            X (T T_CHAR)
-        | 115 ->
-            X (T T_BEGIN)
-        | 116 ->
-            X (T T_BARRBRACKET)
-        | 117 ->
-            X (T T_BARBAR)
-        | 118 ->
-            X (T T_BAR)
-        | 119 ->
-            X (T T_BANG)
-        | 120 ->
-            X (T T_BACKQUOTE)
-        | 121 ->
-            X (T T_ASSERT)
-        | 122 ->
-            X (T T_AS)
-        | 123 ->
-            X (T T_AND)
-        | 124 ->
-            X (T T_AMPERSAND)
-        | 125 ->
-            X (T T_AMPERAMPER)
-        | _ ->
-            assert false
-    and nonterminal =
-      fun nt ->
-        match nt with
-        | 301 ->
-            X (N N__lbl_pattern_list)
-        | 300 ->
-            X (N N_additive)
-        | 299 ->
-            X (N N_and_class_declaration)
-        | 298 ->
-            X (N N_and_class_description)
-        | 297 ->
-            X (N N_and_class_type_declaration)
-        | 296 ->
-            X (N N_and_module_bindings)
-        | 295 ->
-            X (N N_and_module_rec_declaration)
-        | 294 ->
-            X (N N_and_type_declaration)
-        | 293 ->
-            X (N N_arrow_type_parameter)
-        | 292 ->
-            X (N N_arrow_type_parameters)
-        | 291 ->
-            X (N N_arrowed_simple_core_type)
-        | 290 ->
-            X (N N_attr_id)
-        | 289 ->
-            X (N N_attribute)
-        | 288 ->
-            X (N N_attributed_ext_constructors_either_extension_constructor_declaration_extension_constructor_rebind__)
-        | 287 ->
-            X (N N_attributed_ext_constructors_extension_constructor_declaration_)
-        | 286 ->
-            X (N N_bar_constructor_declaration)
-        | 285 ->
-            X (N N_bar_row_field)
-        | 284 ->
-            X (N N_basic_core_type)
-        | 283 ->
-            X (N N_boption_AMPERSAND_)
-        | 282 ->
-            X (N N_braced_expr)
-        | 281 ->
-            X (N N_class_constructor_type)
-        | 280 ->
-            X (N N_class_declaration_body)
-        | 279 ->
-            X (N N_class_declaration_details)
-        | 278 ->
-            X (N N_class_description_details)
-        | 277 ->
-            X (N N_class_descriptions)
-        | 276 ->
-            X (N N_class_expr)
-        | 275 ->
-            X (N N_class_expr_lets_and_rest)
-        | 274 ->
-            X (N N_class_field)
-        | 273 ->
-            X (N N_class_instance_type)
-        | 272 ->
-            X (N N_class_longident)
-        | 271 ->
-            X (N N_class_self_expr)
-        | 270 ->
-            X (N N_class_self_type)
-        | 269 ->
-            X (N N_class_sig_body)
-        | 268 ->
-            X (N N_class_sig_body_fields)
-        | 267 ->
-            X (N N_class_sig_field)
-        | 266 ->
-            X (N N_class_simple_expr)
-        | 265 ->
-            X (N N_class_type_arguments_comma_list)
-        | 264 ->
-            X (N N_class_type_body)
-        | 263 ->
-            X (N N_class_type_declaration_details)
-        | 262 ->
-            X (N N_class_type_declarations)
-        | 261 ->
-            X (N N_clty_longident)
-        | 260 ->
-            X (N N_constant)
-        | 259 ->
-            X (N N_constr_longident)
-        | 258 ->
-            X (N N_constrain)
-        | 257 ->
-            X (N N_constrain_field)
-        | 256 ->
-            X (N N_constructor_arguments)
-        | 255 ->
-            X (N N_constructor_arguments_comma_list)
-        | 254 ->
-            X (N N_constructor_declaration)
-        | 253 ->
-            X (N N_constructor_declarations)
-        | 252 ->
-            X (N N_constructor_declarations_aux)
-        | 251 ->
-            X (N N_core_type)
-        | 250 ->
-            X (N N_core_type2)
-        | 249 ->
-            X (N N_direction_flag)
-        | 248 ->
-            X (N N_either_ES6_FUN_FUN_)
-        | 247 ->
-            X (N N_either___anonymous_12___anonymous_13_)
-        | 246 ->
-            X (N N_either_constructor_declaration_bar_constructor_declaration_)
-        | 245 ->
-            X (N N_either_extension_constructor_declaration_extension_constructor_rebind_)
-        | 244 ->
-            X (N N_either_parenthesized_longident_type_constraint__longident_type_constraint_)
-        | 243 ->
-            X (N N_either_preceded_EQUAL_class_expr__class_body_expr_)
-        | 242 ->
-            X (N N_either_preceded_EQUAL_class_instance_type__class_type_body_)
-        | 241 ->
-            X (N N_either_preceded_EQUAL_expr__braced_expr_)
-        | 240 ->
-            X (N N_either_preceded_EQUALGREATER_expr__braced_expr_)
-        | 239 ->
-            X (N N_embedded___anonymous_0_)
-        | 238 ->
-            X (N N_embedded___anonymous_1_)
-        | 237 ->
-            X (N N_embedded___anonymous_33_)
-        | 236 ->
-            X (N N_embedded___anonymous_39_)
-        | 235 ->
-            X (N N_embedded_private_flag_)
-        | 234 ->
-            X (N N_es6_parameters)
-        | 233 ->
-            X (N N_expr)
-        | 232 ->
-            X (N N_expr_comma_seq_extension)
-        | 231 ->
-            X (N N_expr_list)
-        | 230 ->
-            X (N N_expr_optional_constraint)
-        | 229 ->
-            X (N N_extension)
-        | 228 ->
-            X (N N_extension_constructor_declaration)
-        | 227 ->
-            X (N N_extension_constructor_rebind)
-        | 226 ->
-            X (N N_field_expr)
-        | 225 ->
-            X (N N_fun_def_EQUAL_core_type_)
-        | 224 ->
-            X (N N_fun_def_EQUALGREATER_non_arrowed_core_type_)
-        | 223 ->
-            X (N N_functor_parameters)
-        | 222 ->
-            X (N N_generalized_constructor_arguments)
-        | 221 ->
-            X (N N_greater_spread)
-        | 220 ->
-            X (N N_ident)
-        | 219 ->
-            X (N N_implementation)
-        | 218 ->
-            X (N N_interface)
-        | 217 ->
-            X (N N_item_extension)
-        | 216 ->
-            X (N N_item_extension_sugar)
-        | 215 ->
-            X (N N_jsx)
-        | 214 ->
-            X (N N_jsx_arguments)
-        | 213 ->
-            X (N N_jsx_start_tag_and_args)
-        | 212 ->
-            X (N N_jsx_start_tag_and_args_without_leading_less)
-        | 211 ->
-            X (N N_jsx_without_leading_less)
-        | 210 ->
-            X (N N_label_longident)
-        | 209 ->
-            X (N N_labeled_arguments)
-        | 208 ->
-            X (N N_labeled_expr)
-        | 207 ->
-            X (N N_labeled_expr_constraint)
-        | 206 ->
-            X (N N_labeled_pattern)
-        | 205 ->
-            X (N N_labeled_pattern_constraint)
-        | 204 ->
-            X (N N_labelled_arrow_type_parameter_optional)
-        | 203 ->
-            X (N N_lbl_pattern)
-        | 202 ->
-            X (N N_let_binding)
-        | 201 ->
-            X (N N_let_binding_body)
-        | 200 ->
-            X (N N_let_bindings)
-        | 199 ->
-            X (N N_list_and_class_declaration_)
-        | 198 ->
-            X (N N_list_and_class_description_)
-        | 197 ->
-            X (N N_list_and_class_type_declaration_)
-        | 196 ->
-            X (N N_list_and_let_binding_)
-        | 195 ->
-            X (N N_list_and_module_bindings_)
-        | 194 ->
-            X (N N_list_and_module_rec_declaration_)
-        | 193 ->
-            X (N N_list_attributed_ext_constructor_either_extension_constructor_declaration_extension_constructor_rebind___)
-        | 192 ->
-            X (N N_list_attributed_ext_constructor_extension_constructor_declaration__)
-        | 191 ->
-            X (N N_list_bar_row_field_)
-        | 190 ->
-            X (N N_list_simple_expr_no_call_)
-        | 189 ->
-            X (N N_llist_aux_match_case_expr__)
-        | 188 ->
-            X (N N_llist_aux_match_case_seq_expr__)
-        | 187 ->
-            X (N N_llist_aux_preceded_COMMA_opt_spread_lbl_expr___)
-        | 186 ->
-            X (N N_longident_type_constraint)
-        | 185 ->
-            X (N N_loption_class_type_parameters_)
-        | 184 ->
-            X (N N_loption_functor_parameters_)
-        | 183 ->
-            X (N N_loption_located_attributes_)
-        | 182 ->
-            X (N N_loption_object_label_declarations_)
-        | 181 ->
-            X (N N_loption_parenthesized_class_type_arguments_comma_list__)
-        | 180 ->
-            X (N N_loption_parenthesized_type_variables_with_variance_comma_list__)
-        | 179 ->
-            X (N N_loption_preceded_GREATER_nonempty_list_name_tag___)
-        | 178 ->
-            X (N N_loption_row_field_list_)
-        | 177 ->
-            X (N N_loption_terminated_pattern_comma_list_option_COMMA___)
-        | 176 ->
-            X (N N_loption_type_parameters_)
-        | 175 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_AND_with_constraint_)
-        | 174 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_core_type_)
-        | 173 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_expr_)
-        | 172 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_expr_optional_constraint_)
-        | 171 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_field_expr_)
-        | 170 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_labeled_pattern_)
-        | 169 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_mod_ext_longident_)
-        | 168 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_module_complex_expr_)
-        | 167 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_module_parameter_)
-        | 166 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_object_label_declaration_)
-        | 165 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_opt_spread_expr_optional_constraint__)
-        | 164 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_opt_spread_lbl_expr__)
-        | 163 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_opt_spread_pattern__)
-        | 162 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_pattern_optional_constraint_)
-        | 161 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_protected_type_)
-        | 160 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_record_label_declaration_)
-        | 159 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_string_literal_expr_maybe_punned_)
-        | 158 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_string_literal_label_)
-        | 157 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_type_parameter_)
-        | 156 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_type_variable_with_variance_)
-        | 155 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_uncurried_arrow_type_parameter_)
-        | 154 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_uncurried_labeled_expr_)
-        | 153 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_SEMI_class_field_)
-        | 152 ->
-            X (N N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_SEMI_class_sig_field_)
-        | 151 ->
-            X (N N_match_case_expr_)
-        | 150 ->
-            X (N N_match_case_seq_expr_)
-        | 149 ->
-            X (N N_method_)
-        | 148 ->
-            X (N N_mod_ext_apply)
-        | 147 ->
-            X (N N_mod_ext_longident)
-        | 146 ->
-            X (N N_mod_longident)
-        | 145 ->
-            X (N N_module_arguments)
-        | 144 ->
-            X (N N_module_arguments_comma_list)
-        | 143 ->
-            X (N N_module_binding_body)
-        | 142 ->
-            X (N N_module_complex_expr)
-        | 141 ->
-            X (N N_module_declaration)
-        | 140 ->
-            X (N N_module_expr)
-        | 139 ->
-            X (N N_module_expr_body)
-        | 138 ->
-            X (N N_module_expr_structure)
-        | 137 ->
-            X (N N_module_parameter)
-        | 136 ->
-            X (N N_module_type)
-        | 135 ->
-            X (N N_module_type_body_COLON_)
-        | 134 ->
-            X (N N_module_type_body_EQUAL_)
-        | 133 ->
-            X (N N_module_type_signature)
-        | 132 ->
-            X (N N_mty_longident)
-        | 131 ->
-            X (N N_mutable_flag)
-        | 130 ->
-            X (N N_mutable_or_virtual_flags)
-        | 129 ->
-            X (N N_non_arrowed_core_type)
-        | 128 ->
-            X (N N_non_arrowed_simple_core_type)
-        | 127 ->
-            X (N N_non_arrowed_simple_core_types)
-        | 126 ->
-            X (N N_non_labeled_argument_list)
-        | 125 ->
-            X (N N_nonempty_list_LIDENT_)
-        | 124 ->
-            X (N N_nonempty_list___anonymous_32_)
-        | 123 ->
-            X (N N_nonempty_list_as_loc_attribute__)
-        | 122 ->
-            X (N N_nonempty_list_attributed_ext_constructor_either_extension_constructor_declaration_extension_constructor_rebind___)
-        | 121 ->
-            X (N N_nonempty_list_attributed_ext_constructor_extension_constructor_declaration__)
-        | 120 ->
-            X (N N_nonempty_list_name_tag_)
-        | 119 ->
-            X (N N_nonempty_list_preceded_CONSTRAINT_constrain__)
-        | 118 ->
-            X (N N_nonempty_list_preceded_QUOTE_ident__)
-        | 117 ->
-            X (N N_nonrec_flag)
-        | 116 ->
-            X (N N_object_body)
-        | 115 ->
-            X (N N_object_body_class_fields)
-        | 114 ->
-            X (N N_object_label_declaration)
-        | 113 ->
-            X (N N_object_label_declarations)
-        | 112 ->
-            X (N N_object_record_type)
-        | 111 ->
-            X (N N_open_statement)
-        | 110 ->
-            X (N N_operator)
-        | 109 ->
-            X (N N_opt_LET_MODULE)
-        | 108 ->
-            X (N N_opt_LET_MODULE_REC_ident)
-        | 107 ->
-            X (N N_opt_LET_MODULE_ident)
-        | 106 ->
-            X (N N_option_COMMA_)
-        | 105 ->
-            X (N N_option_DOT_)
-        | 104 ->
-            X (N N_option_DOTDOTDOT_)
-        | 103 ->
-            X (N N_option_LET_)
-        | 102 ->
-            X (N N_option_MODULE_)
-        | 101 ->
-            X (N N_option_OF_)
-        | 100 ->
-            X (N N_option_SEMI_)
-        | 99 ->
-            X (N N_option_constructor_arguments_)
-        | 98 ->
-            X (N N_option_item_extension_sugar_)
-        | 97 ->
-            X (N N_option_preceded_AS_LIDENT__)
-        | 96 ->
-            X (N N_option_preceded_COLON_class_constructor_type__)
-        | 95 ->
-            X (N N_option_preceded_COLON_core_type__)
-        | 94 ->
-            X (N N_option_preceded_COLON_expr__)
-        | 93 ->
-            X (N N_option_preceded_COLON_non_arrowed_core_type__)
-        | 92 ->
-            X (N N_option_preceded_COLON_poly_type__)
-        | 91 ->
-            X (N N_option_preceded_COLON_simple_module_type__)
-        | 90 ->
-            X (N N_option_preceded_COLONGREATER_core_type__)
-        | 89 ->
-            X (N N_option_preceded_WHEN_expr__)
-        | 88 ->
-            X (N N_option_type_constraint_)
-        | 87 ->
-            X (N N_optional)
-        | 86 ->
-            X (N N_optional_expr_extension)
-        | 85 ->
-            X (N N_override_flag)
-        | 84 ->
-            X (N N_package_type)
-        | 83 ->
-            X (N N_parenthesized_expr)
-        | 82 ->
-            X (N N_parse_core_type)
-        | 81 ->
-            X (N N_parse_expression)
-        | 80 ->
-            X (N N_parse_pattern)
-        | 79 ->
-            X (N N_pattern)
-        | 78 ->
-            X (N N_pattern_comma_list_extension)
-        | 77 ->
-            X (N N_pattern_constructor_argument)
-        | 76 ->
-            X (N N_pattern_optional_constraint)
-        | 75 ->
-            X (N N_pattern_without_or)
-        | 74 ->
-            X (N N_payload)
-        | 73 ->
-            X (N N_poly_type)
-        | 72 ->
-            X (N N_primitive_declaration)
-        | 71 ->
-            X (N N_protected_type)
-        | 70 ->
-            X (N N_rec_flag)
-        | 69 ->
-            X (N N_record_declaration)
-        | 68 ->
-            X (N N_record_expr)
-        | 67 ->
-            X (N N_record_expr_with_string_keys)
-        | 66 ->
-            X (N N_record_label_declaration)
-        | 65 ->
-            X (N N_row_field)
-        | 64 ->
-            X (N N_row_field_list)
-        | 63 ->
-            X (N N_separated_nonempty_list_AMPERSAND_non_arrowed_simple_core_types_)
-        | 62 ->
-            X (N N_seq_expr)
-        | 61 ->
-            X (N N_seq_expr_no_seq)
-        | 60 ->
-            X (N N_sig_exception_declaration)
-        | 59 ->
-            X (N N_sig_type_extension)
-        | 58 ->
-            X (N N_signature)
-        | 57 ->
-            X (N N_signature_item)
-        | 56 ->
-            X (N N_signature_items)
-        | 55 ->
-            X (N N_signed_constant)
-        | 54 ->
-            X (N N_simple_expr_call)
-        | 53 ->
-            X (N N_simple_expr_direct_argument)
-        | 52 ->
-            X (N N_simple_expr_no_call)
-        | 51 ->
-            X (N N_simple_expr_no_constructor)
-        | 50 ->
-            X (N N_simple_expr_template_constructor)
-        | 49 ->
-            X (N N_simple_module_type)
-        | 48 ->
-            X (N N_simple_pattern)
-        | 47 ->
-            X (N N_simple_pattern_direct_argument)
-        | 46 ->
-            X (N N_simple_pattern_ident)
-        | 45 ->
-            X (N N_simple_pattern_not_ident)
-        | 44 ->
-            X (N N_simple_pattern_not_ident_)
-        | 43 ->
-            X (N N_single_attr_id)
-        | 42 ->
-            X (N N_str_exception_declaration)
-        | 41 ->
-            X (N N_str_type_extension)
-        | 40 ->
-            X (N N_string_literal_expr_maybe_punned)
-        | 39 ->
-            X (N N_string_literal_expr_maybe_punned_with_comma)
-        | 38 ->
-            X (N N_string_literal_exprs_maybe_punned)
-        | 37 ->
-            X (N N_string_literal_label)
-        | 36 ->
-            X (N N_string_literal_labels)
-        | 35 ->
-            X (N N_structure)
-        | 34 ->
-            X (N N_structure_item)
-        | 33 ->
-            X (N N_subtractive)
-        | 32 ->
-            X (N N_tag_field)
-        | 31 ->
-            X (N N_toplevel_directive)
-        | 30 ->
-            X (N N_toplevel_phrase)
-        | 29 ->
-            X (N N_type_constraint)
-        | 28 ->
-            X (N N_type_declaration_details)
-        | 27 ->
-            X (N N_type_declaration_kind)
-        | 26 ->
-            X (N N_type_declarations)
-        | 25 ->
-            X (N N_type_longident)
-        | 24 ->
-            X (N N_type_other_kind)
-        | 23 ->
-            X (N N_type_parameter)
-        | 22 ->
-            X (N N_type_parameters)
-        | 21 ->
-            X (N N_type_variable)
-        | 20 ->
-            X (N N_type_variable_with_variance)
-        | 19 ->
-            X (N N_type_variables_with_variance)
-        | 18 ->
-            X (N N_type_variables_with_variance_comma_list)
-        | 17 ->
-            X (N N_type_variance)
-        | 16 ->
-            X (N N_unattributed_core_type)
-        | 15 ->
-            X (N N_unattributed_expr)
-        | 14 ->
-            X (N N_use_file)
-        | 13 ->
-            X (N N_use_file_no_mapper)
-        | 12 ->
-            X (N N_val_ident)
-        | 11 ->
-            X (N N_val_longident)
-        | 10 ->
-            X (N N_value)
-        | 9 ->
-            X (N N_value_type)
-        | 8 ->
-            X (N N_virtual_flag)
-        | 7 ->
-            X (N N_with_constraint)
-        | _ ->
-            assert false
-    and lr0_incoming =
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`\000\007\003\018`\000\130\000(\016\b\001\000\000\000\000\000\024\004H\000\002\b\000\128@\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\002\001\000\000\128\000\000\000\000\000\128\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\b\000\000\002\000\000\128\000\004\000\000\000\000\000`\017 \000\000\000\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\128\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002\003\000\002\004\000\000\b\007(\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\002\000\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\004\000\000\000\000\b\000 \000H\000\000\000\000\004\000\024\000\000\016\000 @\128\001 \000\000\000\000\016\000`\000\000@\000\129\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\002\000\000\007\223q\002\b\031\176\192\000X8\247\007\022\005\007\000\194\000\129\000\000\002\001\202\000\000\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\016\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\012 \b\016\000\004`\029\160\000\000 \002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\004\000\000\000\000\b\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\016\000\000\000\000 \000\004\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000\128\000\016\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\002\000\000@\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\004\000\000\000\000\b\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\016\000\000\000\000 \000\004\000\000\000\000\012\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\004\000\000\000\000\000 \000\000\000\000\000 \000\000\000")
-  end) (ET) (TI)
-let use_file =
-  fun lexer lexbuf ->
-    (Obj.magic (MenhirInterpreter.entry 2349 lexer lexbuf) : (
-# 1329 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list)
-# 64066 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ))
-and toplevel_phrase =
-  fun lexer lexbuf ->
-    (Obj.magic (MenhirInterpreter.entry 2332 lexer lexbuf) : (
-# 1327 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase)
-# 64074 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ))
-and parse_pattern =
-  fun lexer lexbuf ->
-    (Obj.magic (MenhirInterpreter.entry 2328 lexer lexbuf) : (
-# 1335 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern)
-# 64082 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ))
-and parse_expression =
-  fun lexer lexbuf ->
-    (Obj.magic (MenhirInterpreter.entry 2324 lexer lexbuf) : (
-# 1333 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-# 64090 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ))
-and parse_core_type =
-  fun lexer lexbuf ->
-    (Obj.magic (MenhirInterpreter.entry 2320 lexer lexbuf) : (
-# 1331 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-# 64098 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ))
-and interface =
-  fun lexer lexbuf ->
-    (Obj.magic (MenhirInterpreter.entry 2316 lexer lexbuf) : (
-# 1325 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature)
-# 64106 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ))
-and implementation =
-  fun lexer lexbuf ->
-    (Obj.magic (MenhirInterpreter.entry 0 lexer lexbuf) : (
-# 1323 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.structure)
-# 64114 "src/reason-parser/"
-    ))
-module Incremental = struct
-  let use_file =
-    fun initial_position ->
-      (Obj.magic (MenhirInterpreter.start 2349 initial_position) : (
-# 1329 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list)
-# 64124 "src/reason-parser/"
-      ) MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint)
-  and toplevel_phrase =
-    fun initial_position ->
-      (Obj.magic (MenhirInterpreter.start 2332 initial_position) : (
-# 1327 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase)
-# 64132 "src/reason-parser/"
-      ) MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint)
-  and parse_pattern =
-    fun initial_position ->
-      (Obj.magic (MenhirInterpreter.start 2328 initial_position) : (
-# 1335 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern)
-# 64140 "src/reason-parser/"
-      ) MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint)
-  and parse_expression =
-    fun initial_position ->
-      (Obj.magic (MenhirInterpreter.start 2324 initial_position) : (
-# 1333 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.expression)
-# 64148 "src/reason-parser/"
-      ) MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint)
-  and parse_core_type =
-    fun initial_position ->
-      (Obj.magic (MenhirInterpreter.start 2320 initial_position) : (
-# 1331 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type)
-# 64156 "src/reason-parser/"
-      ) MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint)
-  and interface =
-    fun initial_position ->
-      (Obj.magic (MenhirInterpreter.start 2316 initial_position) : (
-# 1325 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.signature)
-# 64164 "src/reason-parser/"
-      ) MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint)
-  and implementation =
-    fun initial_position ->
-      (Obj.magic (MenhirInterpreter.start 0 initial_position) : (
-# 1323 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-      (Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree.structure)
-# 64172 "src/reason-parser/"
-      ) MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint)
-# 4853 "src/reason-parser/reason_parser.mly"
-# 64180 "src/reason-parser/"
-# 269 "<standard.mly>"
-# 64185 "src/reason-parser/"
-module Reason_declarative_lexer
-= struct
-#1 ""
-# 68 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-open Lexing
-open Reason_parser
-open Reason_errors
-(* The table of keywords *)
-let keyword_table, reverse_keyword_table =
-  let create_hashtable n l =
-    let t = Hashtbl.create n in
-    let rev_t = Hashtbl.create n in
-    List.iter (fun (k, v) ->
-      Hashtbl.add t k v;
-      Hashtbl.add rev_t v k;
-    ) l;
-    t, rev_t
-  in
-  create_hashtable 149 [
-    "and", AND;
-    "as", AS;
-    "assert", ASSERT;
-    "begin", BEGIN;
-    "class", CLASS;
-    "constraint", CONSTRAINT;
-    "do", DO;
-    "done", DONE;
-    "downto", DOWNTO;
-    "else", ELSE;
-    "end", END;
-    "exception", EXCEPTION;
-    "external", EXTERNAL;
-    "false", FALSE;
-    "for", FOR;
-    "fun", FUN;
-    "esfun", ES6_FUN;
-    "function", FUNCTION;
-    "functor", FUNCTOR;
-    "if", IF;
-    "in", IN;
-    "include", INCLUDE;
-    "inherit", INHERIT;
-    "initializer", INITIALIZER;
-    "lazy", LAZY;
-    "let", LET;
-    "switch", SWITCH;
-    "module", MODULE;
-    "pub", PUB;
-    "mutable", MUTABLE;
-    "new", NEW;
-    "nonrec", NONREC;
-    "object", OBJECT;
-    "of", OF;
-    "open", OPEN;
-    "or", OR;
-(*  "parser", PARSER; *)
-    "pri", PRI;
-    "rec", REC;
-    "sig", SIG;
-    "struct", STRUCT;
-    "then", THEN;
-    "to", TO;
-    "true", TRUE;
-    "try", TRY;
-    "type", TYPE;
-    "val", VAL;
-    "virtual", VIRTUAL;
-    "when", WHEN;
-    "while", WHILE;
-    "with", WITH;
-    "mod", INFIXOP3("mod");
-    "land", INFIXOP3("land");
-    "lor", INFIXOP3("lor");
-    "lxor", INFIXOP3("lxor");
-    "lsl", INFIXOP4("lsl");
-    "lsr", INFIXOP4("lsr");
-    "asr", INFIXOP4("asr")
-(* The only internal state of the lexer is two scratch buffers.
-   They could be allocated everytime they are needed, but
-   for better performance (FIXME: does this really matter?)
-   they are preallocated.*)
-type state = {
-  raw_buffer : Buffer.t;
-  txt_buffer : Buffer.t;
-let get_scratch_buffers { raw_buffer; txt_buffer } =
-  Buffer.reset raw_buffer;
-  Buffer.reset txt_buffer;
-  ( raw_buffer, txt_buffer )
-let flush_buffer buffer =
-  let result = Buffer.contents buffer in
-  Buffer.reset buffer;
-  result
-let make () = {
-  raw_buffer = Buffer.create 255;
-  txt_buffer = Buffer.create 255;
-(* Specialize raise_error for lexing errors *)
-let raise_error loc error = raise_error (Lexing_error error) loc
-let store_lexeme buffer lexbuf =
-  Buffer.add_string buffer (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
-(* To "unlex" a few characters *)
-let set_lexeme_length buf n = (
-  let open Lexing in
-  if n < 0 then
-    invalid_arg "set_lexeme_length: offset should be positive";
-  if n > buf.lex_curr_pos - buf.lex_start_pos then
-    invalid_arg "set_lexeme_length: offset larger than lexeme";
-  buf.lex_curr_pos <- buf.lex_start_pos + n;
-  buf.lex_curr_p <- {buf.lex_start_p
-                     with pos_cnum = buf.lex_abs_pos + buf.lex_curr_pos};
-(* This cut comment characters of the current buffer.
- * Operators (including "/*" and "//") are lexed with the same rule, and this
- * function cuts the lexeme at the beginning of an operator. *)
-let lexeme_without_comment buf = (
-  let lexeme = Lexing.lexeme buf in
-  let i = ref 0 and len = String.length lexeme - 1 in
-  let found = ref (-1) in
-  while !i < len && !found = -1 do
-    begin match lexeme.[!i], lexeme.[!i+1] with
-      | ('/', '*') | ('/', '/') | ('*', '/') ->
-        found := !i;
-      | _ -> ()
-    end;
-    incr i
-  done;
-  match !found with
-  | -1 -> lexeme
-  | n ->
-      set_lexeme_length buf n;
-      String.sub lexeme 0 n
-(* Operators that could conflict with comments (those containing /*, */ and //)
- * are escaped in the source. The lexer removes the escapes so that the
- * identifier looks like OCaml ones.
- * An escape in first position is kept to distinguish "verbatim" operators
- * (\=== for instance). *)
-let unescape_operator str =
-  if (str <> "" && String.contains_from str 1 '\\') then (
-    let b = Buffer.create (String.length str) in
-    Buffer.add_char b str.[0];
-    for i = 1 to String.length str - 1 do
-      let c = str.[i] in
-      if c <> '\\' then Buffer.add_char b c
-    done;
-    Buffer.contents b
-  ) else str
-let lexeme_operator lexbuf =
-  unescape_operator (lexeme_without_comment lexbuf)
-(* To translate escape sequences *)
-let char_for_backslash = function
-  | 'n' -> '\010'
-  | 'r' -> '\013'
-  | 'b' -> '\008'
-  | 't' -> '\009'
-  | c   -> c
-let char_for_decimal_code lexbuf i =
-  let c = 100 * (Char.code(Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf i) - 48) +
-           10 * (Char.code(Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf (i+1)) - 48) +
-                (Char.code(Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf (i+2)) - 48) in
-  if (c < 0 || c > 255) then (
-    raise_error
-        (Location.curr lexbuf)
-        (Illegal_escape (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
-    'x'
-  ) else Char.chr c
-let char_for_hexadecimal_code lexbuf i =
-  let d1 = Char.code (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf i) in
-  let val1 = if d1 >= 97 then d1 - 87
-             else if d1 >= 65 then d1 - 55
-             else d1 - 48
-  in
-  let d2 = Char.code (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf (i+1)) in
-  let val2 = if d2 >= 97 then d2 - 87
-             else if d2 >= 65 then d2 - 55
-             else d2 - 48
-  in
-  Char.chr (val1 * 16 + val2)
-(* To convert integer literals, allowing max_int + 1 (PR#4210) *)
-let cvt_int_literal s =
-  - int_of_string ("-" ^ s)
-let cvt_int32_literal s =
-  Int32.neg (Int32.of_string ("-" ^ String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 1)))
-let cvt_int64_literal s =
-  Int64.neg (Int64.of_string ("-" ^ String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 1)))
-let cvt_nativeint_literal s =
-  Nativeint.neg (Nativeint.of_string ("-" ^ String.sub s 0
-                                                       (String.length s - 1)))
-(* Remove underscores from float literals *)
-let remove_underscores s =
-  let l = String.length s in
-  let b = Bytes.create l in
-  let rec remove src dst =
-    if src >= l then
-      if dst >= l then s else Bytes.sub_string b 0 dst
-    else
-      match s.[src] with
-        '_' -> remove (src + 1) dst
-      |  c  -> Bytes.set b dst c; remove (src + 1) (dst + 1)
-  in remove 0 0
-(* Update the current location with file name and line number. *)
-let update_loc lexbuf file line absolute chars =
-  let pos = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
-  let new_file = match file with
-                 | None -> pos.pos_fname
-                 | Some s -> s
-  in
-  lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- { pos with
-    pos_fname = new_file;
-    pos_lnum = if absolute then line else pos.pos_lnum + line;
-    pos_bol = pos.pos_cnum - chars;
-  }
-# 241 "src/reason-parser/"
-let __ocaml_lex_tables = {
-  Lexing.lex_base =
-   "\000\000\149\255\150\255\224\000\003\001\038\001\073\001\108\001\
-    \143\001\178\001\185\255\213\001\192\255\250\001\091\000\063\002\
-    \068\000\071\000\084\000\155\002\219\255\190\002\221\255\222\255\
-    \224\255\225\002\064\003\012\001\094\003\238\255\178\003\006\004\
-    \090\004\042\005\250\005\202\006\169\007\204\007\239\007\013\008\
-    \122\000\254\255\001\000\003\009\038\009\073\009\108\009\143\009\
-    \178\009\255\255\005\000\213\009\093\000\248\009\027\010\094\000\
-    \062\010\095\000\096\000\097\000\006\000\103\000\129\010\221\010\
-    \000\011\067\011\151\011\148\004\235\011\063\012\147\012\231\012\
-    \059\013\143\013\227\013\055\014\139\014\223\014\051\015\108\000\
-    \135\015\219\015\047\016\131\016\215\016\043\017\127\017\211\017\
-    \039\018\118\000\123\018\103\005\237\255\062\003\021\000\237\018\
-    \065\019\197\255\011\001\194\255\156\019\108\000\109\000\007\000\
-    \236\255\235\255\231\255\242\002\128\000\110\000\234\255\011\002\
-    \113\000\233\255\069\006\147\000\232\255\060\007\124\006\181\019\
-    \216\000\222\019\001\020\227\255\011\000\012\000\008\001\024\001\
-    \016\000\227\255\017\000\036\020\071\020\106\020\141\000\212\255\
-    \208\255\209\255\210\255\206\255\141\020\176\020\243\020\071\021\
-    \155\021\071\008\245\021\052\022\166\022\193\255\015\001\166\022\
-    \002\023\151\000\177\255\200\255\201\255\129\000\181\255\175\255\
-    \069\023\184\255\161\023\196\023\231\023\005\024\095\024\157\024\
-    \187\255\247\024\026\025\061\025\096\025\182\255\163\025\225\025\
-    \059\026\094\026\129\026\164\026\199\026\010\001\012\001\234\026\
-    \040\001\046\001\013\027\065\001\075\001\248\255\143\000\079\001\
-    \081\001\254\000\254\255\255\255\250\255\100\001\251\255\149\000\
-    \249\255\040\011\246\255\247\255\018\000\248\255\064\002\011\027\
-    \253\255\200\000\223\000\255\255\254\255\252\255\043\027\134\027\
-    \234\000\236\000\139\001\251\255\250\255\249\255\030\007\155\002\
-    \252\000\081\003\005\001\080\010\014\001\146\001\199\001\247\255\
-    \248\255\249\255\147\001\161\027\255\255\250\255\194\020\091\003\
-    \253\255\046\001\148\001\164\001\223\004\252\255\020\023\251\255\
-    \174\001\234\001\252\255\185\027\254\255\255\255\181\001\182\001\
-    \253\255\214\027\033\001\037\001\069\001\079\001\039\001\080\001\
-    \056\001\013\000\255\255";
-  Lexing.lex_backtrk =
-   "\255\255\255\255\255\255\102\000\097\000\096\000\095\000\086\000\
-    \081\000\103\000\255\255\066\000\255\255\069\000\052\000\050\000\
-    \048\000\044\000\041\000\089\000\255\255\035\000\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\029\000\040\000\032\000\064\000\255\255\011\000\011\000\
-    \010\000\009\000\008\000\007\000\051\000\005\000\004\000\003\000\
-    \002\000\255\255\106\000\106\000\103\000\103\000\099\000\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\094\000\255\255\084\000\085\000\255\255\
-    \101\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\095\000\038\000\
-    \006\000\095\000\039\000\072\000\015\000\015\000\013\000\012\000\
-    \015\000\012\000\012\000\011\000\013\000\012\000\013\000\255\255\
-    \013\000\015\000\014\000\014\000\014\000\011\000\011\000\015\000\
-    \013\000\255\255\013\000\065\000\255\255\255\255\060\000\059\000\
-    \059\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\024\000\024\000\024\000\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\027\000\
-    \255\255\026\000\025\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\030\000\090\000\037\000\042\000\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\095\000\091\000\095\000\056\000\
-    \255\255\255\255\092\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\095\000\
-    \093\000\079\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\053\000\255\255\255\255\
-    \095\000\255\255\095\000\095\000\057\000\077\000\095\000\076\000\
-    \255\255\067\000\100\000\103\000\103\000\255\255\103\000\075\000\
-    \082\000\083\000\098\000\088\000\087\000\255\255\255\255\097\000\
-    \255\255\255\255\104\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\007\000\007\000\
-    \002\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\003\000\255\255\002\000\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\009\000\255\255\009\000\009\000\
-    \255\255\009\000\009\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\008\000\008\000\255\255\255\255\005\000\005\000\
-    \255\255\001\000\005\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\003\000\255\255\255\255\003\000\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\002\000\255\255\255\255\001\000\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255";
-  Lexing.lex_default =
-   "\001\000\000\000\000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\000\000\255\255\000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\000\000\255\255\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\255\255\255\255\101\000\255\255\000\000\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\000\000\255\255\000\000\106\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\000\000\255\255\
-    \255\255\000\000\255\255\255\255\000\000\125\000\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\000\000\255\255\125\000\126\000\125\000\
-    \128\000\000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\000\000\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\000\000\000\000\000\000\255\255\000\000\000\000\
-    \255\255\000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\000\000\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\189\000\000\000\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\193\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\255\255\000\000\255\255\
-    \000\000\202\000\000\000\000\000\255\255\000\000\216\000\255\255\
-    \000\000\255\255\255\255\000\000\000\000\000\000\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\000\000\000\000\000\000\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\231\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\255\255\237\000\000\000\000\000\255\255\255\255\
-    \000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\000\000\255\255\000\000\
-    \255\255\250\000\000\000\255\255\000\000\000\000\255\255\255\255\
-    \000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\004\001\007\001\255\255\007\001\
-    \255\255\255\255\000\000";
-  Lexing.lex_trans =
-   "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\040\000\041\000\041\000\040\000\042\000\060\000\049\000\
-    \041\000\102\000\050\000\060\000\103\000\123\000\123\000\010\001\
-    \124\000\124\000\129\000\129\000\203\000\130\000\130\000\229\000\
-    \040\000\008\000\029\000\026\000\006\000\003\000\025\000\027\000\
-    \023\000\022\000\021\000\007\000\020\000\019\000\018\000\009\000\
-    \031\000\030\000\030\000\030\000\030\000\030\000\030\000\030\000\
-    \030\000\030\000\017\000\016\000\015\000\036\000\013\000\037\000\
-    \005\000\033\000\033\000\033\000\033\000\033\000\033\000\033\000\
-    \033\000\033\000\033\000\033\000\033\000\033\000\033\000\033\000\
-    \033\000\033\000\033\000\033\000\033\000\033\000\033\000\033\000\
-    \033\000\033\000\033\000\014\000\043\000\012\000\004\000\039\000\
-    \024\000\035\000\035\000\035\000\035\000\035\000\035\000\035\000\
-    \035\000\035\000\035\000\035\000\035\000\035\000\035\000\035\000\
-    \035\000\035\000\035\000\035\000\035\000\035\000\035\000\035\000\
-    \035\000\035\000\035\000\028\000\011\000\010\000\038\000\139\000\
-    \153\000\138\000\134\000\040\000\137\000\136\000\040\000\051\000\
-    \046\000\056\000\056\000\044\000\051\000\046\000\044\000\056\000\
-    \044\000\006\000\099\000\105\000\104\000\110\000\006\000\156\000\
-    \113\000\155\000\040\000\154\000\080\000\080\000\080\000\080\000\
-    \080\000\080\000\080\000\080\000\080\000\080\000\088\000\088\000\
-    \088\000\088\000\088\000\088\000\088\000\088\000\088\000\088\000\
-    \111\000\111\000\111\000\111\000\111\000\111\000\111\000\111\000\
-    \111\000\111\000\116\000\135\000\159\000\158\000\200\000\199\000\
-    \032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\
-    \032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\
-    \032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\157\000\
-    \032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\034\000\
-    \034\000\034\000\034\000\034\000\034\000\034\000\034\000\034\000\
-    \034\000\034\000\034\000\034\000\034\000\034\000\034\000\034\000\
-    \034\000\034\000\034\000\034\000\034\000\034\000\034\000\212\000\
-    \034\000\034\000\034\000\034\000\034\000\034\000\034\000\034\000\
-    \002\000\186\000\119\000\186\000\186\000\186\000\186\000\119\000\
-    \195\000\211\000\186\000\186\000\255\255\186\000\186\000\186\000\
-    \255\255\221\000\123\000\220\000\098\000\124\000\102\000\098\000\
-    \150\000\103\000\186\000\150\000\186\000\186\000\186\000\186\000\
-    \186\000\127\000\123\000\221\000\183\000\124\000\183\000\183\000\
-    \183\000\183\000\128\000\098\000\221\000\183\000\183\000\150\000\
-    \183\000\183\000\183\000\255\255\178\000\221\000\005\000\241\000\
-    \127\000\178\000\126\000\005\000\187\000\183\000\186\000\183\000\
-    \183\000\183\000\183\000\183\000\003\001\097\000\004\001\005\000\
-    \008\001\005\000\005\000\005\000\005\000\149\000\241\000\005\001\
-    \005\000\005\000\183\000\005\000\005\000\005\000\183\000\183\000\
-    \183\000\006\001\006\001\009\001\186\000\183\000\186\000\184\000\
-    \005\000\183\000\005\000\005\000\005\000\005\000\005\000\000\000\
-    \100\000\000\000\006\000\186\000\006\000\006\000\006\000\006\000\
-    \186\000\000\000\000\000\006\000\006\000\190\000\006\000\006\000\
-    \006\000\192\000\191\000\197\000\000\000\000\000\193\000\183\000\
-    \196\000\183\000\182\000\006\000\005\000\006\000\006\000\006\000\
-    \006\000\006\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\046\000\199\000\046\000\
-    \046\000\046\000\046\000\198\000\000\000\217\000\046\000\178\000\
-    \218\000\046\000\180\000\046\000\203\000\233\000\241\000\229\000\
-    \248\000\243\000\005\000\000\000\005\000\061\000\046\000\006\000\
-    \046\000\179\000\046\000\046\000\046\000\000\000\241\000\000\000\
-    \051\000\243\000\051\000\051\000\051\000\051\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \233\000\051\000\051\000\248\000\051\000\051\000\051\000\253\000\
-    \253\000\000\000\255\000\255\000\000\000\006\000\000\000\006\000\
-    \055\000\051\000\046\000\051\000\176\000\051\000\051\000\051\000\
-    \000\000\233\000\000\000\044\000\234\000\044\000\044\000\044\000\
-    \044\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\044\000\044\000\000\000\044\000\
-    \044\000\044\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \046\000\236\000\046\000\052\000\044\000\051\000\044\000\044\000\
-    \170\000\044\000\044\000\000\000\253\000\000\000\006\000\254\000\
-    \006\000\006\000\006\000\006\000\000\000\000\000\194\000\006\000\
-    \006\000\000\000\006\000\006\000\006\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \255\255\000\000\000\000\051\000\255\255\051\000\059\000\006\000\
-    \044\000\006\000\006\000\006\000\006\000\006\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \255\255\000\000\000\000\006\000\000\000\006\000\006\000\006\000\
-    \006\000\000\000\000\000\235\000\006\000\006\000\000\000\006\000\
-    \162\000\006\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\044\000\000\000\
-    \044\000\061\000\168\000\006\000\006\000\000\000\160\000\006\000\
-    \006\000\006\000\006\000\112\000\112\000\112\000\112\000\112\000\
-    \112\000\112\000\112\000\112\000\112\000\255\255\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\217\000\255\255\000\000\218\000\000\000\255\255\
-    \255\255\169\000\000\000\006\000\000\000\000\000\061\000\000\000\
-    \006\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \006\000\000\000\006\000\006\000\006\000\006\000\251\000\219\000\
-    \000\000\006\000\006\000\000\000\006\000\140\000\142\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\006\000\161\000\
-    \006\000\006\000\000\000\006\000\006\000\141\000\006\000\006\000\
-    \144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\
-    \144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\
-    \144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\
-    \144\000\144\000\000\000\061\000\215\000\006\000\143\000\000\000\
-    \143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\
-    \143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\
-    \143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\
-    \143\000\143\000\000\000\006\000\046\000\006\000\046\000\046\000\
-    \046\000\046\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\046\000\046\000\232\000\
-    \046\000\132\000\046\000\225\000\225\000\225\000\225\000\225\000\
-    \225\000\225\000\225\000\225\000\225\000\046\000\000\000\046\000\
-    \046\000\133\000\046\000\046\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\044\000\
-    \000\000\044\000\044\000\044\000\044\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \056\000\044\000\252\000\044\000\044\000\044\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\055\000\
-    \044\000\046\000\044\000\044\000\044\000\044\000\044\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\006\000\000\000\006\000\006\000\006\000\131\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\006\000\006\000\000\000\006\000\006\000\
-    \006\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\046\000\
-    \000\000\046\000\057\000\006\000\044\000\006\000\006\000\006\000\
-    \006\000\006\000\114\000\114\000\114\000\114\000\114\000\114\000\
-    \114\000\114\000\114\000\114\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\114\000\114\000\114\000\114\000\114\000\
-    \114\000\000\000\044\000\000\000\044\000\061\000\000\000\006\000\
-    \255\255\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\118\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\114\000\114\000\114\000\114\000\114\000\
-    \114\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\006\000\000\000\006\000\
-    \118\000\119\000\000\000\119\000\119\000\119\000\119\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\119\000\119\000\000\000\119\000\119\000\119\000\
-    \117\000\117\000\117\000\117\000\117\000\117\000\117\000\117\000\
-    \117\000\117\000\119\000\000\000\119\000\121\000\119\000\119\000\
-    \119\000\226\000\226\000\226\000\226\000\226\000\226\000\226\000\
-    \226\000\226\000\226\000\244\000\244\000\244\000\244\000\244\000\
-    \244\000\244\000\244\000\244\000\244\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\091\000\000\000\120\000\093\000\119\000\093\000\
-    \093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\
-    \093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\
-    \093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\
-    \093\000\000\000\092\000\000\000\119\000\093\000\119\000\093\000\
-    \093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\
-    \093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\
-    \093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\093\000\
-    \093\000\068\000\092\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \070\000\000\000\030\000\030\000\030\000\030\000\030\000\030\000\
-    \030\000\030\000\030\000\030\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\068\000\068\000\068\000\068\000\069\000\
-    \068\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\
-    \071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\
-    \071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\030\000\000\000\068\000\068\000\068\000\068\000\069\000\
-    \068\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\
-    \071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\
-    \071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\068\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\070\000\000\000\030\000\030\000\
-    \030\000\030\000\030\000\030\000\030\000\030\000\030\000\030\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\068\000\
-    \072\000\068\000\068\000\069\000\068\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\
-    \071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\073\000\071\000\071\000\
-    \071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\074\000\071\000\
-    \071\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\030\000\000\000\068\000\
-    \072\000\068\000\068\000\069\000\068\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\
-    \071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\073\000\071\000\071\000\
-    \071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\071\000\074\000\071\000\
-    \071\000\032\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\
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-    \067\000\067\000\067\000\067\000\067\000\067\000\067\000\067\000\
-    \067\000\067\000\067\000\067\000\067\000\067\000\067\000\067\000\
-    \067\000\067\000\067\000\067\000\067\000\067\000\067\000\245\000\
-    \245\000\245\000\245\000\245\000\245\000\245\000\245\000\245\000\
-    \245\000\000\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\032\000\
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-    \165\000\165\000\165\000\165\000\165\000\165\000\165\000\165\000\
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-    \166\000\255\255\166\000\166\000\166\000\166\000\255\255\255\255\
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-    \255\255\166\000\255\255\166\000\166\000\166\000\166\000\166\000\
-    \166\000\166\000\166\000\166\000\166\000\166\000\166\000\166\000\
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-    \166\000\166\000\255\255\166\000\255\255\166\000\166\000\255\255\
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-    \166\000\166\000\255\255\166\000\255\255\166\000\167\000\167\000\
-    \167\000\167\000\167\000\167\000\167\000\167\000\167\000\167\000\
-    \167\000\167\000\167\000\167\000\167\000\167\000\167\000\167\000\
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-    \170\000\170\000\170\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\171\000\255\255\
-    \171\000\171\000\171\000\171\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\171\000\
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-    \170\000\171\000\171\000\171\000\171\000\171\000\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\172\000\255\255\172\000\172\000\172\000\172\000\255\255\
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-    \172\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
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-    \255\255\171\000\255\255\171\000\172\000\172\000\172\000\255\255\
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-    \174\000\174\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\174\000\174\000\255\255\
-    \174\000\174\000\174\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
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-    \174\000\174\000\174\000\174\000\174\000\174\000\174\000\174\000\
-    \174\000\174\000\174\000\174\000\174\000\174\000\174\000\174\000\
-    \174\000\174\000\174\000\174\000\174\000\174\000\255\255\174\000\
-    \255\255\174\000\174\000\255\255\174\000\174\000\174\000\174\000\
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-    \174\000\174\000\174\000\174\000\174\000\174\000\255\255\174\000\
-    \255\255\174\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\
-    \175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\
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-    \175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \175\000\255\255\175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\
-    \175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\
-    \175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\175\000\
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-    \176\000\176\000\176\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
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-    \176\000\176\000\176\000\176\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\177\000\
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-    \177\000\177\000\255\255\177\000\177\000\177\000\255\255\255\255\
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-    \255\255\176\000\177\000\178\000\177\000\178\000\178\000\178\000\
-    \178\000\178\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\179\000\255\255\179\000\
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-    \179\000\255\255\179\000\180\000\183\000\180\000\183\000\183\000\
-    \183\000\183\000\183\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\186\000\255\255\
-    \186\000\186\000\186\000\186\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\186\000\
-    \186\000\255\255\186\000\186\000\186\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\
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-    \183\000\186\000\186\000\186\000\186\000\186\000\255\255\255\255\
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-    \183\000\186\000\207\000\186\000\207\000\207\000\207\000\207\000\
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-    \255\255\186\000\214\000\186\000\214\000\214\000\214\000\214\000\
-    \214\000\214\000\214\000\214\000\214\000\214\000\214\000\214\000\
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-    \215\000\255\255\255\255\235\000\255\255\215\000\235\000\255\255\
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-    \215\000\215\000\215\000\215\000\215\000\215\000\215\000\215\000\
-    \255\255\235\000\255\255\235\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \235\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\235\000\235\000\235\000\235\000\235\000\235\000\235\000\
-    \235\000\235\000\235\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
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-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\235\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\235\000\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\235\000\255\255\235\000\255\255\255\255\
-    \251\000\235\000\251\000\251\000\251\000\251\000\251\000\251\000\
-    \251\000\251\000\251\000\251\000\251\000\251\000\251\000\251\000\
-    \251\000\251\000\251\000\251\000\251\000\251\000\251\000\251\000\
-    \251\000\251\000\251\000\251\000\255\255\001\001\251\000\001\001\
-    \001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\
-    \001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\
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-    \001\001\255\255\255\255\001\001\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
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-    \255\255\235\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
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-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255";
-  Lexing.lex_base_code =
-   "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\010\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\022\000\034\000\
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-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
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-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\044\000\054\000\000\000\
-    \064\000\070\000\085\000\110\000\165\000\140\000\188\000\198\000\
-    \220\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\236\000\246\000\078\000\254\000\
-    \012\001\022\001\038\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\048\001\074\001\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\029\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002\000\
-    \000\000\044\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\100\001\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\184\001\042\002\056\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\002\000\004\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000";
-  Lexing.lex_backtrk_code =
-   "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\018\000\018\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \018\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\018\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\018\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\064\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000";
-  Lexing.lex_default_code =
-   "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
-    \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
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-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
-    \255\255\255\255\255\255";
-  Lexing.lex_code =
-   "\255\004\255\255\006\255\005\255\255\010\255\255\007\255\255\005\
-    \255\255\000\005\255\006\255\255\009\255\008\255\255\003\255\000\
-    \004\001\007\255\009\255\255\008\255\009\255\255\000\004\001\007\
-    \003\008\002\009\255\011\255\255\000\010\001\011\255\001\255\255\
-    \000\001\255";
-let rec token state lexbuf =
-  lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem <- Array.make 12 (-1); __ocaml_lex_token_rec state lexbuf 0
-and __ocaml_lex_token_rec state lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
-  match Lexing.new_engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf with
-      | 0 ->
-# 349 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                 (
-      raise_error
-        (Location.curr lexbuf)
-        (Illegal_character (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0));
-      update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 0;
-      token state lexbuf
-    )
-# 2528 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 1 ->
-# 357 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 0;
-      token state lexbuf
-    )
-# 2535 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 2 ->
-# 361 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( token state lexbuf )
-# 2540 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 3 ->
-# 363 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-# 2545 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 4 ->
-# 365 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( TILDE )
-# 2550 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 5 ->
-# 367 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( QUESTION )
-# 2555 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 6 ->
-# 369 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( set_lexeme_length lexbuf 1; EQUAL )
-# 2560 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 7 ->
-# 371 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
-      try Hashtbl.find keyword_table s
-      with Not_found -> LIDENT s
-    )
-# 2568 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 8 ->
-# 376 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( Ocaml_util.warn_latin1 lexbuf; LIDENT (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) )
-# 2573 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 9 ->
-# 378 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( UIDENT(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) )
-# 2578 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 10 ->
-# 380 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( Ocaml_util.warn_latin1 lexbuf; UIDENT(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) )
-# 2583 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 11 ->
-# 382 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( INT (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf, None) )
-# 2588 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 12 ->
-# 383 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                    lit
-# 2594 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos + -1)
-# 383 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                                              modif
-# 2599 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme_char lexbuf (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos + -1) in
-# 384 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( INT (lit, Some modif) )
-# 2603 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 13 ->
-# 386 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( FLOAT (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf, None) )
-# 2608 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 14 ->
-# 387 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                                            lit
-# 2614 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos + -1)
-# 387 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                                                                      modif
-# 2619 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme_char lexbuf (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos + -1) in
-# 388 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( FLOAT (lit, Some modif) )
-# 2623 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 15 ->
-# 389 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                                            lit
-# 2629 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.(0) in
-# 390 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( raise_error
-        (Location.curr lexbuf)
-        (Invalid_literal (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
-      FLOAT (lit, None)
-    )
-# 2637 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 16 ->
-# 395 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                    lit
-# 2643 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.(0) in
-# 396 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( raise_error
-        (Location.curr lexbuf)
-        (Invalid_literal (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
-      INT (lit, None)
-    )
-# 2651 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 17 ->
-# 402 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( let string_start = lexbuf.lex_start_p in
-      let start_loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
-      let raw_buffer, txt_buffer = get_scratch_buffers state in
-      if not (string raw_buffer (Some txt_buffer) lexbuf) then
-        raise_error start_loc Unterminated_string;
-      lexbuf.lex_start_p <- string_start;
-      let txt = flush_buffer txt_buffer in
-      let raw = flush_buffer raw_buffer in
-      STRING (txt, Some raw, None)
-    )
-# 2665 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 18 ->
-# 412 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                       delim
-# 2671 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos + 1) (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos + -1) in
-# 413 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( let string_start = lexbuf.lex_start_p in
-      let start_loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
-      let raw_buffer, _ = get_scratch_buffers state in
-      if not (quoted_string raw_buffer delim lexbuf) then
-        raise_error start_loc Unterminated_string;
-      lexbuf.lex_start_p <- string_start;
-      let txt = flush_buffer raw_buffer in
-      STRING (txt, None, Some delim)
-    )
-# 2683 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 19 ->
-# 423 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( (* newline can span multiple characters
-         (if the newline starts with \13)
-         Only the first one is returned, maybe we should warn? *)
-      update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 1;
-      CHAR (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 1)
-    )
-# 2693 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 20 ->
-# 429 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                                        c
-# 2699 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme_char lexbuf (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos + 1) in
-# 430 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( CHAR c )
-# 2703 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 21 ->
-# 431 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                                                  c
-# 2709 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme_char lexbuf (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos + 2) in
-# 432 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( CHAR (char_for_backslash c) )
-# 2713 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 22 ->
-# 434 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( CHAR (char_for_decimal_code lexbuf 2) )
-# 2718 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 23 ->
-# 436 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( CHAR (char_for_hexadecimal_code lexbuf 3) )
-# 2723 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 24 ->
-# 437 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                     esc
-# 2729 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos + 1) (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos + 3) in
-# 438 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( raise_error (Location.curr lexbuf) (Illegal_escape esc);
-      token state lexbuf
-    )
-# 2735 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 25 ->
-# 442 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( (* Allow parsing of foo#=<bar /> *)
-      set_lexeme_length lexbuf 2;
-    )
-# 2743 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 26 ->
-# 447 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-# 2748 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 27 ->
-# 449 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( SHARPOP (lexeme_operator lexbuf) )
-# 2753 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 28 ->
-# 450 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                                   num
-# 2759 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.(0) lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.(1)
-# 451 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                                           name
-# 2764 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme_opt lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.(3) lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.(2) in
-# 453 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( update_loc lexbuf name (int_of_string num) true 0;
-      token state lexbuf
-    )
-# 2770 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 29 ->
-# 456 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( AMPERSAND )
-# 2775 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 30 ->
-# 457 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( AMPERAMPER )
-# 2780 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 31 ->
-# 458 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( BACKQUOTE )
-# 2785 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 32 ->
-# 459 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( QUOTE )
-# 2790 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 33 ->
-# 460 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( LPAREN )
-# 2795 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 34 ->
-# 461 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( RPAREN )
-# 2800 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 35 ->
-# 462 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( STAR )
-# 2805 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 36 ->
-# 463 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( COMMA )
-# 2810 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 37 ->
-# 464 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( MINUSGREATER )
-# 2815 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 38 ->
-# 465 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( EQUALGREATER )
-# 2820 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 39 ->
-# 467 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                                                     (
-    set_lexeme_length lexbuf 2;
-  )
-# 2828 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 40 ->
-# 471 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( SHARP )
-# 2833 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 41 ->
-# 472 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( DOT )
-# 2838 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 42 ->
-# 473 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( DOTDOT )
-# 2843 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 43 ->
-# 474 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( DOTDOTDOT )
-# 2848 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 44 ->
-# 475 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( COLON )
-# 2853 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 45 ->
-# 476 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( COLONCOLON )
-# 2858 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 46 ->
-# 477 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( COLONEQUAL )
-# 2863 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 47 ->
-# 478 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( COLONGREATER )
-# 2868 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 48 ->
-# 479 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( SEMI )
-# 2873 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 49 ->
-# 480 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( SEMISEMI )
-# 2878 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 50 ->
-# 481 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( LESS )
-# 2883 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 51 ->
-# 482 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( EQUAL )
-# 2888 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 52 ->
-# 483 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( LBRACKET )
-# 2893 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 53 ->
-# 484 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( LBRACKETBAR )
-# 2898 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 54 ->
-# 485 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( LBRACKETLESS )
-# 2903 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 55 ->
-# 486 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-# 2908 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 56 ->
-# 487 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                                                               tag
-# 2914 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos + 1) lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos in
-# 488 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( LESSIDENT tag )
-# 2918 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 57 ->
-# 489 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-           ( GREATERDOTDOTDOT )
-# 2923 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 58 ->
-# 499 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( set_lexeme_length lexbuf 2;
-    )
-# 2930 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 59 ->
-# 503 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( (* allows parsing of `{<Text` in <Description term={<Text text="Age" />}>
-         as correct jsx
-       *)
-      set_lexeme_length lexbuf 1;
-      LBRACE
-    )
-# 2940 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 60 ->
-# 509 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-          (
-    set_lexeme_length lexbuf 1;
-  )
-# 2948 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 61 ->
-# 513 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-           (
-    set_lexeme_length lexbuf 2;
-  )
-# 2956 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 62 ->
-# 517 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                                                               tag
-# 2962 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.(0) lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.(1) in
-# 518 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-# 2966 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 63 ->
-# 519 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( RBRACKET )
-# 2971 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 64 ->
-# 520 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( LBRACE )
-# 2976 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 65 ->
-# 521 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( LBRACELESS )
-# 2981 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 66 ->
-# 522 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( BAR )
-# 2986 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 67 ->
-# 523 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( BARBAR )
-# 2991 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 68 ->
-# 524 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( BARRBRACKET )
-# 2996 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 69 ->
-# 525 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( GREATER )
-# 3001 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 70 ->
-# 531 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( RBRACE )
-# 3006 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 71 ->
-# 532 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( GREATERRBRACE )
-# 3011 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 72 ->
-# 534 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( (* allow `let x=<div />;` *)
-      set_lexeme_length lexbuf 1;
-      EQUAL
-    )
-# 3019 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 73 ->
-# 539 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( (* jsx in arrays: [|<div />|]*)
-      set_lexeme_length lexbuf 2;
-    )
-# 3027 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 74 ->
-# 544 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( set_lexeme_length lexbuf 2;
-    )
-# 3034 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 75 ->
-# 549 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( (* allow parsing of <div asd=1></div> *)
-      set_lexeme_length lexbuf 2;
-    )
-# 3042 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 76 ->
-# 554 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( (* allow parsing of <div asd=1></div> *)
-      set_lexeme_length lexbuf 1;
-      GREATER
-    )
-# 3050 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 77 ->
-# 559 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( (* allow parsing of <div><span> *)
-      set_lexeme_length lexbuf 1;
-      GREATER
-    )
-# 3058 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 78 ->
-# 563 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( LBRACKETAT )
-# 3063 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 79 ->
-# 564 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-# 3068 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 80 ->
-# 565 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-# 3073 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 81 ->
-# 566 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( BANG )
-# 3078 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 82 ->
-# 567 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( INFIXOP0 "!=" )
-# 3083 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 83 ->
-# 568 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-          ( INFIXOP0 "!==" )
-# 3088 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 84 ->
-# 569 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-           ( INFIXOP0 "!=" )
-# 3093 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 85 ->
-# 570 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-            ( INFIXOP0 "!==" )
-# 3098 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 86 ->
-# 571 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( PLUS )
-# 3103 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 87 ->
-# 572 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( PLUSDOT )
-# 3108 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 88 ->
-# 573 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( PLUSEQ )
-# 3113 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 89 ->
-# 574 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( MINUS )
-# 3118 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 90 ->
-# 575 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( MINUSDOT )
-# 3123 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 91 ->
-# 576 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( LESSGREATER )
-# 3128 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 92 ->
-# 577 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-# 3133 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 93 ->
-# 578 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-# 3138 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 94 ->
-# 580 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( PREFIXOP (lexeme_operator lexbuf) )
-# 3143 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 95 ->
-# 582 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( INFIXOP0 (lexeme_operator lexbuf) )
-# 3148 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 96 ->
-# 584 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( INFIXOP1 (lexeme_operator lexbuf) )
-# 3153 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 97 ->
-# 586 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( match lexeme_without_comment lexbuf with
-      | "^." | "^|" ->
-        (* ^| is not an infix op in [|a^|] *)
-        set_lexeme_length lexbuf
-          (if Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0 = '\\' then 2 else 1);
-        POSTFIXOP "^"
-      | "^" -> POSTFIXOP "^"
-      | op -> INFIXOP1 (unescape_operator op)
-    )
-# 3166 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 98 ->
-# 596 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( INFIXOP1 (lexeme_operator lexbuf) )
-# 3171 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 99 ->
-# 598 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( INFIXOP2 (lexeme_operator lexbuf) )
-# 3176 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 100 ->
-# 600 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         ( SLASHGREATER )
-# 3181 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 101 ->
-# 611 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( INFIXOP4 (lexeme_operator lexbuf) )
-# 3186 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 102 ->
-# 612 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-        ( PERCENT )
-# 3191 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 103 ->
-# 614 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( match lexeme_operator lexbuf with
-      | "" ->
-          (* If the operator is empty, it means the lexeme is beginning
-           * by a comment sequence: we let the comment lexer handle
-           * the case. *)
-          enter_comment state lexbuf
-      | op -> INFIXOP3 op )
-# 3202 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 104 ->
-# 622 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( INFIXOP3 (lexeme_operator lexbuf) )
-# 3207 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 105 ->
-# 623 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-        ( EOF )
-# 3212 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 106 ->
-# 625 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( raise_error
-        (Location.curr lexbuf)
-        (Illegal_character (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0));
-      token state lexbuf
-    )
-# 3221 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | __ocaml_lex_state -> lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
-      __ocaml_lex_token_rec state lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state
-and enter_comment state lexbuf =
-   __ocaml_lex_enter_comment_rec state lexbuf 188
-and __ocaml_lex_enter_comment_rec state lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
-  match Lexing.engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf with
-      | 0 ->
-# 632 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                                line
-# 3234 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos + 2) lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos in
-# 633 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 0;
-      let physical_loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
-      let location = { physical_loc with
-        loc_end = { physical_loc.loc_end with
-          (* Don't track trailing `\n` in the location
-           * 1| // comment
-           * 2| let x = 1;
-           * By omitting the `\n` at the end of line 1, the location of the
-           * comment spans line 1. Otherwise the comment on line 1 would end
-           * on the second line. The printer looks at the closing pos_lnum
-           * location to interleave whitespace correct. It needs to align
-           * with what we visually see (i.e. it ends on line 1) *)
-          pos_lnum = physical_loc.loc_end.pos_lnum - 1;
-          pos_cnum = physical_loc.loc_end.pos_cnum + 1;
-      }} in
-      COMMENT (line, location)
-    )
-# 3254 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 1 ->
-# 650 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                            line
-# 3260 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos + 2) lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos in
-# 651 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 0;
-      let physical_loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
-      let location = { physical_loc with
-        loc_end = { physical_loc.loc_end with
-          pos_lnum = physical_loc.loc_end.pos_lnum - 1;
-          pos_cnum = physical_loc.loc_end.pos_cnum + 1;
-      }} in
-      COMMENT (line, location)
-    )
-# 3272 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 2 ->
-# 661 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( set_lexeme_length lexbuf 2;
-      let loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
-      let raw_buffer, _ = get_scratch_buffers state in
-      ignore (comment raw_buffer loc loc lexbuf : bool);
-      lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_p <- loc.Location.loc_start;
-      let loc_end = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p in
-      COMMENT (flush_buffer raw_buffer,
-               {loc with Location.loc_end})
-    )
-# 3285 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 3 ->
-# 671 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( let loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
-      let raw_buffer, _ = get_scratch_buffers state in
-      ignore (comment raw_buffer loc loc lexbuf : bool);
-      lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_p <- loc.Location.loc_start;
-      DOCSTRING (flush_buffer raw_buffer)
-    )
-# 3295 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 4 ->
-# 678 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( DOCSTRING "" )
-# 3300 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 5 ->
-# 680 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( let loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
-      Location.prerr_warning loc Warnings.Comment_start;
-      let raw_buffer, _ = get_scratch_buffers state in
-      ignore (comment raw_buffer loc loc lexbuf : bool);
-      let loc_end = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p in
-      COMMENT (flush_buffer raw_buffer,
-               {loc with Location.loc_end})
-    )
-# 3312 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 6 ->
-# 689 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( let loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
-      Location.prerr_warning loc Warnings.Comment_not_end;
-      set_lexeme_length lexbuf 1;
-      STAR
-    )
-# 3321 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 7 ->
-# 694 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-      ( assert false )
-# 3326 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | __ocaml_lex_state -> lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
-      __ocaml_lex_enter_comment_rec state lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state
-and comment buffer firstloc nestedloc lexbuf =
-   __ocaml_lex_comment_rec buffer firstloc nestedloc lexbuf 201
-and __ocaml_lex_comment_rec buffer firstloc nestedloc lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
-  match Lexing.engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf with
-      | 0 ->
-# 703 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( store_lexeme buffer lexbuf;
-      if comment buffer firstloc (Location.curr lexbuf) lexbuf then (
-        store_lexeme buffer lexbuf;
-        comment buffer firstloc nestedloc lexbuf
-      )
-      else
-        false
-    )
-# 3345 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 1 ->
-# 712 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( true )
-# 3350 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 2 ->
-# 714 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( Buffer.add_char buffer '"';
-      let string_start = Location.curr lexbuf in
-      let terminated_string = string buffer None lexbuf in
-      Buffer.add_char buffer '"';
-      if terminated_string then
-        comment buffer firstloc nestedloc lexbuf
-      else (
-        raise_error nestedloc
-          (Unterminated_string_in_comment (firstloc, string_start));
-        false
-      )
-    )
-# 3366 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 3 ->
-# 726 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                       delim
-# 3372 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos + 1) (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos + -1) in
-# 727 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( store_lexeme buffer lexbuf;
-      let stringloc = Location.curr lexbuf in
-      let terminated_string = quoted_string buffer delim lexbuf in
-      Buffer.add_char buffer '|';
-      Buffer.add_string buffer delim;
-      Buffer.add_char buffer '}';
-      if terminated_string then
-        comment buffer firstloc nestedloc lexbuf
-      else (
-        raise_error nestedloc
-          (Unterminated_string_in_comment (firstloc, stringloc));
-        false
-      )
-    )
-# 3389 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 4 ->
-# 742 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( store_lexeme buffer lexbuf;
-      comment buffer firstloc nestedloc lexbuf
-    )
-# 3396 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 5 ->
-# 746 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( store_lexeme buffer lexbuf;
-      update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 1;
-      comment buffer firstloc nestedloc lexbuf
-    )
-# 3404 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 6 ->
-# 754 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( store_lexeme buffer lexbuf;
-      comment buffer firstloc nestedloc lexbuf
-    )
-# 3411 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 7 ->
-# 758 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( raise_error nestedloc (Unterminated_comment firstloc);
-      false
-    )
-# 3418 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 8 ->
-# 762 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( store_lexeme buffer lexbuf;
-      update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 0;
-      comment buffer firstloc nestedloc lexbuf
-    )
-# 3426 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 9 ->
-# 767 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( store_lexeme buffer lexbuf;
-      comment buffer firstloc nestedloc lexbuf
-    )
-# 3433 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | __ocaml_lex_state -> lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
-      __ocaml_lex_comment_rec buffer firstloc nestedloc lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state
-and string rawbuf txtbuf lexbuf =
-  lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem <- Array.make 2 (-1); __ocaml_lex_string_rec rawbuf txtbuf lexbuf 230
-and __ocaml_lex_string_rec rawbuf txtbuf lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
-  match Lexing.new_engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf with
-      | 0 ->
-# 782 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( true )
-# 3445 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 1 ->
-# 783 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                                  space
-# 3451 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.(0) lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos in
-# 784 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( store_lexeme rawbuf lexbuf;
-      update_loc lexbuf None 1 false (String.length space);
-      string rawbuf txtbuf lexbuf
-    )
-# 3458 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 2 ->
-# 788 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                                                 c
-# 3464 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme_char lexbuf (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos + 1) in
-# 789 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( store_lexeme rawbuf lexbuf;
-      begin match txtbuf with
-      | None -> ()
-      | Some buf -> Buffer.add_char buf (char_for_backslash c);
-      end;
-      string rawbuf txtbuf lexbuf
-    )
-# 3474 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 3 ->
-# 797 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( store_lexeme rawbuf lexbuf;
-      begin match txtbuf with
-      | None -> ()
-      | Some buf -> Buffer.add_char buf (char_for_decimal_code lexbuf 1);
-      end;
-      string rawbuf txtbuf lexbuf
-    )
-# 3485 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 4 ->
-# 805 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( store_lexeme rawbuf lexbuf;
-      begin match txtbuf with
-      | None -> ()
-      | Some buf -> Buffer.add_char buf (char_for_hexadecimal_code lexbuf 2);
-      end;
-      string rawbuf txtbuf lexbuf
-    )
-# 3496 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 5 ->
-# 813 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( store_lexeme rawbuf lexbuf;
-      begin match txtbuf with
-      | None -> ()
-      | Some buf ->
-         store_lexeme buf lexbuf;
-         (*  FIXME: Warnings should probably go in Reason_errors
-            Should be an error, but we are very lax.
-              raise (Error (Illegal_escape (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf),
-                        Location.curr lexbuf))
-           FIXME Using Location relies too much on compiler internals
-          *)
-         Location.prerr_warning (Location.curr lexbuf)
-           Warnings.Illegal_backslash;
-      end;
-      string rawbuf txtbuf lexbuf
-    )
-# 3516 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 6 ->
-# 830 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( store_lexeme rawbuf lexbuf;
-      begin match txtbuf with
-      | None -> ()
-      | Some buf ->
-        store_lexeme buf lexbuf;
-        Location.prerr_warning (Location.curr lexbuf)
-          Warnings.Eol_in_string
-      end;
-      update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 0;
-      string rawbuf txtbuf lexbuf
-    )
-# 3531 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 7 ->
-# 842 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( false )
-# 3536 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 8 ->
-# 844 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( store_lexeme rawbuf lexbuf;
-      begin match txtbuf with
-      | None -> ()
-      | Some buf -> Buffer.add_char buf (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0);
-      end;
-      string rawbuf txtbuf lexbuf
-    )
-# 3547 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | __ocaml_lex_state -> lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
-      __ocaml_lex_string_rec rawbuf txtbuf lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state
-and quoted_string buffer delim lexbuf =
-   __ocaml_lex_quoted_string_rec buffer delim lexbuf 249
-and __ocaml_lex_quoted_string_rec buffer delim lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
-  match Lexing.engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf with
-      | 0 ->
-# 863 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( store_lexeme buffer lexbuf;
-      update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 0;
-      quoted_string buffer delim lexbuf
-    )
-# 3562 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 1 ->
-# 868 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( false )
-# 3567 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 2 ->
-# 869 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-                       edelim
-# 3573 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos + 1) (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos + -1) in
-# 870 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( if delim = edelim then
-        true
-      else (
-        store_lexeme buffer lexbuf;
-        quoted_string buffer delim lexbuf
-      )
-    )
-# 3583 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 3 ->
-# 877 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-         c
-# 3589 "src/reason-parser/"
-= Lexing.sub_lexeme_char lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos in
-# 878 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-    ( Buffer.add_char buffer c;
-      quoted_string buffer delim lexbuf
-    )
-# 3595 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | __ocaml_lex_state -> lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
-      __ocaml_lex_quoted_string_rec buffer delim lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state
-and skip_sharp_bang lexbuf =
-   __ocaml_lex_skip_sharp_bang_rec lexbuf 258
-and __ocaml_lex_skip_sharp_bang_rec lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
-  match Lexing.engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf with
-      | 0 ->
-# 884 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-       ( update_loc lexbuf None 3 false 0 )
-# 3607 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 1 ->
-# 886 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-       ( update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 0 )
-# 3612 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | 2 ->
-# 887 "src/reason-parser/reason_declarative_lexer.mll"
-       ( () )
-# 3617 "src/reason-parser/"
-  | __ocaml_lex_state -> lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
-      __ocaml_lex_skip_sharp_bang_rec lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state
-module Reason_lexer : sig 
-#1 "reason_lexer.mli"
-open Reason_parser
-type t
-type 'a positioned = 'a * Lexing.position * Lexing.position
-val init : ?insert_completion_ident:Lexing.position -> Lexing.lexbuf -> t
-val token : t -> token positioned
-val lexbuf : t -> Lexing.lexbuf
-type comment = string * Location.t
-(* Some docstrings are not accepted by the parser
-   and turned into comments. *)
-type invalid_docstrings
-val empty_invalid_docstrings : invalid_docstrings
-val add_invalid_docstring :
-  string -> Lexing.position -> Lexing.position ->
-  invalid_docstrings -> invalid_docstrings
-val get_comments : t -> invalid_docstrings -> comment list
-end = struct
-#1 ""
-open Reason_parser
-type 'a positioned = 'a * Lexing.position * Lexing.position
-type t = {
-  declarative_lexer_state: Reason_declarative_lexer.state;
-  lexbuf: Lexing.lexbuf;
-  mutable comments: (string * Location.t) list;
-  mutable queued_tokens: token positioned list;
-  mutable queued_exn: exn option;
-  mutable last_cnum: int;
-  mutable completion_ident_offset: int;
-  completion_ident_pos: Lexing.position
-let init ?insert_completion_ident lexbuf =
-  let declarative_lexer_state = Reason_declarative_lexer.make () in
-  let completion_ident_offset, completion_ident_pos =
-    match insert_completion_ident with
-    | None -> (min_int, Lexing.dummy_pos)
-    | Some pos -> (pos.Lexing.pos_cnum, pos)
-  in
-  { declarative_lexer_state; lexbuf;
-    comments = [];
-    queued_tokens = [];
-    queued_exn = None;
-    last_cnum = -1;
-    completion_ident_offset;
-    completion_ident_pos;
-  }
-let lexbuf state = state.lexbuf
-let rec token state =
-  match
-    Reason_declarative_lexer.token
-      state.declarative_lexer_state state.lexbuf
-  with
-  | COMMENT (s, comment_loc) ->
-     state.comments <- (s, comment_loc) :: state.comments;
-     token state
-  | tok -> tok
-(* Routines for manipulating lexer state *)
-let save_triple lexbuf tok =
-  (tok, lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_p, lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p)
-let fake_triple t (_, pos, _) =
-  (t, pos, pos)
-(* insert ES6_FUN *)
-exception Lex_balanced_failed of token positioned list * exn option
-let closing_of = function
-  | _ -> assert false
-let inject_es6_fun = function
-  | tok :: acc ->
-    tok :: fake_triple ES6_FUN tok :: acc
-  | _ -> assert false
-let is_triggering_token = function
-  | _ -> false
-let rec lex_balanced_step state closing acc tok =
-  let lexbuf = state.lexbuf in
-  let acc = save_triple lexbuf tok :: acc in
-  match tok, closing with
-    acc
-  | ((RPAREN | RBRACE | RBRACKET | EOF), _) ->
-    raise (Lex_balanced_failed (acc, None))
-    lex_balanced state closing (lex_balanced state RBRACKET acc)
-  | ((LPAREN | LBRACE), _) ->
-    let rparen =
-      try lex_balanced state (closing_of tok) []
-      with (Lex_balanced_failed (rparen, None)) ->
-        raise (Lex_balanced_failed (rparen @ acc, None))
-    in
-    begin match token state with
-    | exception exn ->
-      raise (Lex_balanced_failed (rparen @ acc, Some exn))
-    | tok' ->
-      let acc = if is_triggering_token tok' then inject_es6_fun acc else acc in
-      lex_balanced_step state closing (rparen @ acc) tok'
-    end
-  | ((LIDENT _ | UNDERSCORE), _) ->
-    begin match token state with
-    | exception exn ->
-      raise (Lex_balanced_failed (acc, Some exn))
-    | tok' ->
-      let acc = if is_triggering_token tok' then inject_es6_fun acc else acc in
-      lex_balanced_step state closing acc tok'
-    end
-  (* `...` with a closing `}` indicates that we're definitely not in an es6_fun
-   * Image the following:
-   *    true ? (Update({...a, b: 1}), None) : x;
-   *    true ? ({...a, b: 1}) : a;
-   *    true ? (a, {...a, b: 1}) : a;
-   * The lookahead_esfun is triggered initiating the lex_balanced procedure.
-   * Since we now "over"-parse spread operators in pattern position (for
-   * better errors), the ... pattern in ({...a, b: 1}) is now a valid path.
-   * This means that the above expression `({...a, b: 1}) :` is seen as a pattern.
-   * I.e. the arguments of an es6 function: (pattern) :type => expr
-   * We exit here, to indicate that an expression needs to be parsed instead
-   * of a pattern.
-   *)
-  | (DOTDOTDOT, RBRACE) -> acc
-  | _ -> lex_balanced state closing acc
-and lex_balanced state closing acc =
-  match token state with
-  | exception exn ->
-    raise (Lex_balanced_failed (acc, Some exn))
-  | tok -> lex_balanced_step state closing acc tok
-let lookahead_esfun state (tok, _, _ as lparen) =
-  match lex_balanced state (closing_of tok) [] with
-  | exception (Lex_balanced_failed (tokens, exn)) ->
-     state.queued_tokens <- List.rev tokens;
-     state.queued_exn <- exn;
-     lparen
-  | tokens ->
-     begin match token state with
-     | exception exn ->
-        state.queued_tokens <- List.rev tokens;
-        state.queued_exn <- Some exn;
-        lparen
-     | token ->
-        let tokens = save_triple state.lexbuf token :: tokens in
-        if is_triggering_token token then (
-          state.queued_tokens <- lparen :: List.rev tokens;
-          fake_triple ES6_FUN lparen
-        ) else (
-          state.queued_tokens <- List.rev tokens;
-          lparen
-        )
-     end
-let token state =
-  let lexbuf = state.lexbuf in
-  match state.queued_tokens, state.queued_exn with
-  | [], Some exn ->
-    state.queued_exn <- None;
-    raise exn
-  | [(LPAREN, _, _) as lparen], None ->
-    lookahead_esfun state lparen
-  | [(LBRACE, _, _) as lparen], None ->
-    lookahead_esfun state lparen
-  | [], None ->
-    begin match token state with
-    | LPAREN | LBRACE as tok ->
-        lookahead_esfun state (save_triple state.lexbuf tok)
-    | (LIDENT _ | UNDERSCORE) as tok ->
-        let tok = save_triple lexbuf tok in
-        begin match token state with
-        | exception exn ->
-           state.queued_exn <- Some exn;
-           tok
-        | tok' ->
-          if is_triggering_token tok' then (
-            state.queued_tokens <- [tok; save_triple lexbuf tok'];
-            fake_triple ES6_FUN tok
-          ) else (
-            state.queued_tokens <- [save_triple lexbuf tok'];
-            tok
-          )
-        end
-    | token -> save_triple lexbuf token
-    end
-  | x :: xs, _ ->
-    state.queued_tokens <- xs; x
-let token state =
-  let space_start = state.last_cnum in
-  let (token', start_p, curr_p) as token = token state in
-  let token_start = start_p.Lexing.pos_cnum in
-  let token_stop = curr_p.Lexing.pos_cnum in
-  state.last_cnum <- token_stop;
-  if state.completion_ident_offset > min_int &&
-     space_start <= state.completion_ident_offset &&
-     token_stop >= state.completion_ident_offset then (
-    match token' with
-    | LIDENT _ | UIDENT _
-      when token_start <= state.completion_ident_offset ->
-      state.completion_ident_offset <- min_int;
-      token
-    | _ ->
-      state.queued_tokens <- token :: state.queued_tokens;
-      state.completion_ident_offset <- min_int;
-      (LIDENT "_", state.completion_ident_pos, state.completion_ident_pos)
-  ) else
-    token
-type comment = string * Location.t
-type invalid_docstrings = comment list
-let empty_invalid_docstrings = []
-let add_invalid_docstring text loc_start loc_end invalid_docstrings =
-  let loc = {Location. loc_start; loc_end; loc_ghost = false} in
-  ((text, loc) :: invalid_docstrings)
-let get_comments state invalid_docstrings =
-  let cnum (_, loc) = loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
-  let rec merge_comments acc = function
-    | [], xs | xs, [] -> List.rev_append xs acc
-    | ((x :: _) as xs), (y :: ys) when cnum x >= cnum y ->
-      merge_comments (y :: acc) (xs, ys)
-    | x :: xs, ys ->
-      merge_comments (x :: acc) (xs, ys)
-  in
-  merge_comments [] (state.comments, invalid_docstrings)
-module Reason_heuristics
-= struct
-#1 ""
-open Migrate_parsetree
-let is_punned_labelled_expression e lbl =
-  let open Ast_404.Parsetree in
-  match e.pexp_desc with
-  | Pexp_ident { txt }
-  | Pexp_constraint ({pexp_desc = Pexp_ident { txt }}, _)
-  | Pexp_coerce ({pexp_desc = Pexp_ident { txt }}, _, _)
-    -> txt = Longident.parse lbl
-  | _ -> false
-(* We manually check the length of `, bar, baz`,
- * in `, bar, baz, (a) => doStuff(a))`
- * because Easyformat doesn't have a hook to change printing when a list breaks
- *
- * we check if all arguments aside from the final one are either strings or identifiers,
- * where the sum of the string contents and identifier names are less than the print width
- *)
-let funAppCallbackExceedsWidth ~printWidth ~args ~funExpr () =
-  let open Ast_404.Parsetree in
-  let open Ast_404.Asttypes in
-  let funLen = begin match funExpr.pexp_desc with
-    | Pexp_ident ident ->
-       let identList = Longident.flatten ident.txt in
-       let lengthOfDots = List.length identList - 1 in
-       let len = List.fold_left (fun acc curr ->
-         acc + (String.length curr)) lengthOfDots identList in
-       len
-    | _ -> -1
-  end in
-  (* eats an argument & substract its length from the printWidth
-   * as soon as the print width reaches a sub-zero value,
-   * we know the print width is exceeded & returns *)
-  let rec aux len = function
-    | _ when len < 0 -> true
-    | [] -> false
-    | arg::args ->
-      begin match arg with
-      | (label, ({ pexp_desc = Pexp_ident ident } as e)) ->
-        let identLen = List.fold_left (fun acc curr ->
-          acc + (String.length curr)
-        ) len (Longident.flatten ident.txt) in
-        begin match label with
-        | Nolabel -> aux (len - identLen) args
-        | Labelled s when is_punned_labelled_expression e s ->
-            aux (len - (identLen + 1)) args
-        | Labelled s ->
-            aux (len - (identLen + 2 + String.length s)) args
-        | Optional s ->
-            aux (len - (identLen + 3 + String.length s)) args
-        end
-      | (label, {pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (str, _))}) ->
-        let strLen = String.length str in
-        begin match label with
-        | Nolabel -> aux (len - strLen) args
-        | Labelled s ->
-            aux (len - (strLen + 2 + String.length s)) args
-        | Optional s ->
-            aux (len - (strLen + 3 + String.length s)) args
-        end
-      | _ ->
-        (* if we encounter a non-string or non-identifier argument exit *)
-          true
-    end
-  in
-  aux (printWidth - funLen) args
- * Whether or not an identiier is small enough to justify omitting the
- * trailing comma for single identifier patterns. For single identifier
- * patterns, usually the identifier is not "far right" in the document, and
- * is one of the last things to require breaking. We can omit the trailing comma
- * in these cases because it likely will never render anyways and therefore the
- * space taken up by the trailing comma doesn't disrupt wrapping length calculations.
- *
- * For example, the `X` hardly ever benefits from a trailing comma.
- * | X(y) =>
- *)
-let singleTokenPatternOmmitTrail txt = String.length txt < 4
-(* Indicates whether an expression can be printed with the uncurried
- * dot notation. At the moment uncurried function application & definition
- * only makes sense in the context of a Pexp_apply or Pexp_fun
- *
- * Examples:
- * [@bs] add(2, 3); -> add(. 2, 3);   (* Pexp_apply *)
- * setTimeout([@bs] () => Js.log("hola"), 1000);  (* Pexp_fun *)
- *  -> setTimeout((.) => Js.log("hola"), 1000);
- *)
-let bsExprCanBeUncurried expr =
-  match Ast_404.Parsetree.(expr.pexp_desc) with
-  | Pexp_fun _
-  | Pexp_apply _ -> true
-  | _ -> false
-let isUnderscoreIdent expr =
-  match Ast_404.Parsetree.(expr.pexp_desc) with
-  | Pexp_ident ({txt = Lident "_"}) -> true
-  | _ -> false
-let isPipeFirst e = match Ast_404.Parsetree.(e.pexp_desc) with
-  | Pexp_ident({txt = Longident.Lident("|.")}) -> true
-  | Pexp_apply(
-    {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident({txt = Longident.Lident("|.")})},
-      _
-    ) -> true
-  | _ -> false
-let isUnderscoreApplication expr =
-  let open Ast_404.Parsetree in
-  match expr with
-  | {pexp_attributes = []; pexp_desc = Pexp_fun(
-        Nolabel,
-        None,
-        {
-          ppat_desc = Ppat_var({txt = "__x"});
-          ppat_attributes = []
-        },
-        _
-      )
-    } -> true
-  | _ -> false
-(* <div> {items->>ReasonReact.array} </div>;
- * An application with pipe first inside jsx children requires special treatment.
- * Jsx children don't allow expression application, hence we need the braces
- * preserved in this case. *)
-let isPipeFirstWithNonSimpleJSXChild e = match Ast_404.Parsetree.(e.pexp_desc) with
-  | Pexp_apply(
-    {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident({txt = Longident.Lident("|.")})},
-      [Nolabel, {pexp_desc = Pexp_apply(_)}; _]
-    ) -> true
-  (* Handle <div> {url->a(b, _)} </div>;
-   * underscore sugar needs protection *)
-  | Pexp_apply(
-    {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident({txt = Longident.Lident("|.")})},
-      [_; Nolabel, fe]
-    ) when isUnderscoreApplication fe -> true
-  | _ -> false
-module Reason_location
-= struct
-#1 ""
-module Comment = Reason_comment
-module Range = struct
-  (** [t] represents an interval, including endpoints,
-   * delimited by two linenumbers. *)
-  type t = {
-    lnum_start: int;
-    lnum_end: int
-  }
-  (**
-   * make a range delimited by [loc1] and [loc2]
-   * 1| let a = 1;
-   * 2|
-   * 3|
-   * 4|
-   * 5| let b = 2;
-   * If loc1 represents `let a = 1` and loc2 represents `let b = 2`,
-   * we get the range: {lnum_start: 2; lnum_end 4}
-   *)
-  let makeRangeBetween loc1 loc2 = Location.{
-    lnum_start = loc1.loc_end.pos_lnum + 1;
-    lnum_end = loc2.loc_start.pos_lnum - 1;
-  }
-  (** check whether [range] contains the [loc] *)
-  let containsLoc range loc =
-    let open Location in
-    range.lnum_start <= loc.loc_start.pos_lnum
-    && range.lnum_end >= loc.loc_end.pos_lnum
-  (**
-   * checks if [range] contains whitespace.
-   * When comments are passed, the computation
-   * takes the height of the comments into account.
-   *
-   * Example:
-   * 1| let a = 1;
-   * 2|
-   * 3| /* a multi-
-   * 4|   line comment */
-   * 5| let b = 1;
-   * The range (line 2 - line 4) has whitespace.
-   *
-   * 1| let a = 1;
-   * 2| /* a multi-
-   * 3|   line comment */
-   * 4| let b = 1;
-   * The range (line 2 - line 3) does not have whitespace.
-   *)
-  let containsWhitespace ?comments ~range () =
-    (* compute the amount of lines the comments occupy in the given range *)
-    let h = match comments with
-    | Some(comments) ->
-      List.fold_left (fun acc (curr : Comment.t) ->
-        let cl = Comment.location curr in
-        let open Location in
-        let startLnum = cl.loc_start.pos_lnum in
-        let endLnum = cl.loc_end.pos_lnum in
-        if containsLoc range cl then
-          acc + (endLnum - startLnum + 1)
-        else acc
-    | None -> 0
-    in
-    range.lnum_end - range.lnum_start - h >= 0
-(** compute if there's space (one or more line) between [loc1] and [loc2] *)
-let hasSpaceBetween loc1 loc2 =
-  Location.(loc1.loc_start.pos_lnum - loc2.loc_end.pos_lnum) > 1
-module Vendored_easy_format : sig 
-#1 "vendored_easy_format.mli"
-   Easy_format: indentation made easy.
-  This module provides a functional, simplified layer over
-  the Format module of the standard library.
-  Input data must be first modelled as a tree using 3 kinds of nodes:
-  - atoms
-  - lists
-  - labelled nodes
-  Atoms represent any text that is guaranteed to be printed as-is.
-  Lists can model any sequence of items such as arrays of data
-  or lists of definitions that are labelled with something
-  like "int main", "let x =" or "x:".
-type wrap =
-    [ `Wrap_atoms
-    | `Always_wrap
-    | `Never_wrap
-    | `Force_breaks
-    | `Force_breaks_rec
-    | `No_breaks ]
-(** List wrapping conditions:
-    - [`Wrap_atoms]: wrap if the list contains only atoms
-    - [`Always_wrap]: always wrap when needed
-    - [`Never_wrap]: never wrap,
-      i.e. the list is either horizontal or vertical
-    - [`Force_breaks]: align vertically,
-      i.e. always break line between list items and
-      align the left edge of each item.
-    - [`Force_breaks_rec]: same as [`Force_breaks] but turns
-      any wrappable ancestor node's wrap property ([`Wrap_atoms]
-      or [`Always_wrap]) into [`Force_breaks].
-    - [`No_breaks]: align horizontally,
-      i.e. never break line between list items
-type label_break = [
-  | `Auto
-  | `Always
-  | `Always_rec
-  | `Never
-(** When to break the line after a [Label]:
-    - [Auto]: break after the label if there's not enough room
-    - [Always]: always break after the label
-    - [Always_rec]: always break after the label and force breaks in all parent
-      lists and labels, similarly to [`Force_breaks_rec] for lists.
-    - [Never]: never break after the label
-type style_name = string
-type style = {
-  tag_open : string;
-  tag_close : string
-    (** Pair of opening and closing tags that are inserted around
-	text after pretty-printing. *)
-type atom_param = {
-  atom_style : style_name option; (** Default: [None] *)
-val atom : atom_param
-(** List-formatting parameters.
-    Always derive a new set of parameters from an existing record.
-    See {!Easy_format.list}.
-type list_param = {
-  space_after_opening : bool; (** Whether there must be some whitespace
-				  after the opening string.
-				  Default: [true] *)
-  space_after_separator : bool; (** Whether there must be some whitespace
-				    after the item separators.
-				    Default: [true] *)
-  space_before_separator : bool; (** Whether there must be some whitespace
-				     before the item separators.
-				     Default: [false] *)
-  separators_stick_left : bool; (** Whether the separators must
-				    stick to the item on the left.
-				    Default: [true] *)
-  space_before_closing : bool; (** Whether there must be some whitespace
-				   before the closing string.
-				   Default: [true] *)
-  stick_to_label : bool; (** Whether the opening string should be fused
-			     with the preceding label.
-			     Default: [true] *)
-  align_closing : bool; (** Whether the beginning of the
-			    closing string must be aligned
-			    with the beginning of the opening string
-			    (stick_to_label = false) or
-			    with the beginning of the label if any
-			    (stick_to_label = true).
-			    Default: [true] *)
-  wrap_body : wrap; (** Defines under which conditions the list body
-			may be wrapped, i.e. allow several lines
-			and several list items per line.
-			Default: [`Wrap_atoms] *)
-  indent_body : int; (** Extra indentation of the list body.
-			 Default: [2] *)
-  list_style : style_name option; (** Default: [None] *)
-  opening_style : style_name option; (** Default: [None] *)
-  body_style : style_name option; (** Default: [None] *)
-  separator_style : style_name option; (** Default: [None] *)
-  closing_style : style_name option; (** Default: [None] *)
-val list : list_param
-  (** Default list-formatting parameters, using the default values
-      described in the type definition above.
-      In order to make code compatible with future versions of the library,
-      the record inheritance syntax should be used, e.g.
-      [ { list with align_closing = false } ].
-      If new record fields are added, the program would still compile
-      and work as before.
-  *)
-(** Label-formatting parameters.
-    Always derive a new set of parameters from an existing record.
-    See {!Easy_format.label}.
-type label_param = {
-  label_break: label_break;
-    (** Whether to break the line after the label.
-        Introduced in version 1.2.0.
-        Default: [`Auto] *)
-  space_after_label : bool;
-    (** Whether there must be some whitespace after the label.
-	Default: [true] *)
-  indent_after_label : int;
-    (** Extra indentation before the item that comes after a label.
-	Default: [2]
-    *)
-  label_style : style_name option;
-    (** Default: [None] *)
-val label : label_param
-  (** Default label-formatting parameters, using the default values
-      described in the type definition above.
-      In order to make code compatible with future versions of the library,
-      the record inheritance syntax should be used, e.g.
-      [ { label with indent_after_label = 0 } ].
-      If new record fields are added, the program would still compile
-      and work as before.
- *)
-type t =
-    Atom of string * atom_param (** Plain string normally
-				    without line breaks. *)
-  | List of
-      (
-	string    (* opening *)
-	* string  (* separator *)
-	* string  (* closing *)
-	* list_param
-      )
-      * t list
-	(** [List ((opening, separator, closing, param), nodes)] *)
-  | Label of (t * label_param) * t
-      (** [Label ((label, param), node)]: labelled node. *)
-  | Custom of (Format.formatter -> unit)
-      (** User-defined printing function that allows to use the
-	  Format module directly if necessary. It is responsible
-	  for leaving the formatter in a clean state. *)
-(** The type of the tree to be pretty-printed. Each node contains
-    its own formatting parameters.
-    Detail of a list node
-    [List ((opening, separator, closing, param), nodes)]:
-    - [opening]: opening string such as ["\{"] ["\["] ["("] ["begin"] [""] etc.
-    - [separator]: node separator such as [";"] [","] [""] ["+"] ["|"] etc.
-    - [closing]: closing string such as ["\}"] ["\]"] [")"] ["end"] [""] etc.
-    - [nodes]: elements of the list.
-type escape =
-    [ `None
-    | `Escape of
-	((string -> int -> int -> unit) -> string -> int -> int -> unit)
-    | `Escape_string of (string -> string) ]
-type styles = (style_name * style) list
-(** The regular pretty-printing functions *)
-module Pretty :
-  val define_styles : Format.formatter -> escape -> styles -> unit
-  val to_formatter : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
-  val to_buffer : ?escape:escape -> ?styles:styles -> Buffer.t -> t -> unit
-  val to_string : ?escape:escape -> ?styles:styles -> t -> string
-  val to_channel : ?escape:escape -> ?styles:styles -> out_channel -> t -> unit
-  val to_stdout : ?escape:escape -> ?styles:styles -> t -> unit
-  val to_stderr : ?escape:escape -> ?styles:styles -> t -> unit
-(** No spacing or newlines other than those in the input data
-    or those produced by [Custom] printing. *)
-module Compact :
-  val to_buffer : Buffer.t -> t -> unit
-  val to_string : t -> string
-  val to_channel : out_channel -> t -> unit
-  val to_stdout : t -> unit
-  val to_stderr : t -> unit
-  val to_formatter : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
- end
-(** Deprecated. Predefined sets of parameters *)
-module Param :
-  val list_true : list_param
-    (** Deprecated. All boolean fields set to true. indent_body = 2. *)
-  val label_true : label_param
-    (** Deprecated. All boolean fields set to true. indent_after_label = 2. *)
-  val list_false : list_param
-    (** Deprecated. All boolean fields set to false. indent_body = 2. *)
-  val label_false : label_param
-    (** Deprecated. All boolean fields set to false. indent_after_label = 2. *)
-end = struct
-#1 ""
-open Format
-(** Shadow map and split with tailrecursive variants. *)
-module List = struct
-  include List
-  (** Tail recursive of map *)
-  let map f l = List.rev_map f l |> List.rev
-  (** Tail recursive version of split *)
-  let rev_split l =
-    let rec inner xs ys = function
-      | (x, y) :: xys ->
-          inner (x::xs) (y::ys) xys
-      | [] -> (xs, ys)
-    in
-    inner [] [] l
-  let split l = rev_split (List.rev l)
-type wrap = [
-  | `Wrap_atoms
-  | `Always_wrap
-  | `Never_wrap
-  | `Force_breaks
-  | `Force_breaks_rec
-  | `No_breaks
-type label_break = [
-  | `Auto
-  | `Always
-  | `Always_rec
-  | `Never
-type style_name = string
-type style = {
-  tag_open : string;
-  tag_close : string
-type atom_param = {
-  atom_style : style_name option;
-let atom = {
-  atom_style = None
-type list_param = {
-  space_after_opening : bool;
-  space_after_separator : bool;
-  space_before_separator : bool;
-  separators_stick_left : bool;
-  space_before_closing : bool;
-  stick_to_label : bool;
-  align_closing : bool;
-  wrap_body : wrap;
-  indent_body : int;
-  list_style : style_name option;
-  opening_style : style_name option;
-  body_style : style_name option;
-  separator_style : style_name option;
-  closing_style : style_name option;
-let list = {
-  space_after_opening = true;
-  space_after_separator = true;
-  space_before_separator = false;
-  separators_stick_left = true;
-  space_before_closing = true;
-  stick_to_label = true;
-  align_closing = true;
-  wrap_body = `Wrap_atoms;
-  indent_body = 2;
-  list_style = None;
-  opening_style = None;
-  body_style = None;
-  separator_style = None;
-  closing_style = None;
-type label_param = {
-  label_break: label_break;
-  space_after_label : bool;
-  indent_after_label : int;
-  label_style : style_name option;
-let label = {
-  label_break = `Auto;
-  space_after_label = true;
-  indent_after_label = 2;
-  label_style = None;
-type t =
-    Atom of string * atom_param
-  | List of (string * string * string * list_param) * t list
-  | Label of (t * label_param) * t
-  | Custom of (formatter -> unit)
-type escape =
-    [ `None
-    | `Escape of
-        ((string -> int -> int -> unit) -> string -> int -> int -> unit)
-    | `Escape_string of (string -> string) ]
-type styles = (style_name * style) list
-   Transform a tree starting from the leaves, propagating and merging
-   accumulators until reaching the root.
-let propagate_from_leaf_to_root
-  ~init_acc  (* create initial accumulator for a leaf *)
-  ~merge_acc (* merge two accumulators coming from child nodes *)
-  ~map_node  (* (node, acc) -> (node, acc) *)
-  x =
-  let rec aux x =
-    match x with
-    | Atom _ ->
-        let acc = init_acc x in
-        map_node x acc
-    | List (param, children) ->
-        let new_children, accs = List.rev_split (List.rev_map aux children) in
-        let acc = List.fold_left merge_acc (init_acc x) accs in
-        map_node (List (param, new_children)) acc
-    | Label ((x1, param), x2) ->
-        let acc0 = init_acc x in
-        let new_x1, acc1 = aux x1 in
-        let new_x2, acc2 = aux x2 in
-        let acc = merge_acc (merge_acc acc0 acc1) acc2 in
-        map_node (Label ((new_x1, param), new_x2)) acc
-    | Custom _ ->
-        let acc = init_acc x in
-        map_node x acc
-  in
-  aux x
-   Convert wrappable lists into vertical lists if any of their descendants
-   has the attribute wrap_body = `Force_breaks_rec.
-let propagate_forced_breaks x =
-  (* acc = whether to force breaks in wrappable lists or labels *)
-  let init_acc = function
-    | List ((_, _, _, { wrap_body = `Force_breaks_rec }), _)
-    | Label ((_, { label_break = `Always_rec }), _) -> true
-    | Atom _
-    | Label _
-    | Custom _
-    | List _ -> false
-  in
-  let merge_acc force_breaks1 force_breaks2 =
-    force_breaks1 || force_breaks2
-  in
-  let map_node x force_breaks =
-    match x with
-    | List ((_, _, _, { wrap_body = `Force_breaks_rec }), _) -> x, true
-    | List ((_, _, _, { wrap_body = `Force_breaks }), _) -> x, force_breaks
-    | List ((op, sep, cl, ({ wrap_body = (`Wrap_atoms
-                                         | `Never_wrap
-                                         | `Always_wrap) } as p)),
-            children) ->
-        if force_breaks then
-          let p = { p with wrap_body = `Force_breaks } in
-          List ((op, sep, cl, p), children), true
-        else
-          x, false
-    | Label ((a, ({ label_break = `Auto } as lp)), b) ->
-        if force_breaks then
-          let lp = { lp with label_break = `Always } in
-          Label ((a, lp), b), true
-        else
-          x, false
-    | List ((_, _, _, { wrap_body = `No_breaks }), _)
-    | Label ((_, { label_break = (`Always | `Always_rec | `Never) }), _)
-    | Atom _
-    | Custom _ -> x, force_breaks
-  in
-  let new_x, forced_breaks =
-    propagate_from_leaf_to_root
-      ~init_acc
-      ~merge_acc
-      ~map_node
-      x
-  in
-  new_x
-module Pretty =
-  (*
-     Rewrite the tree to be printed.
-     Currently, this is used only to handle `Force_breaks_rec.
-  *)
-  let rewrite x = propagate_forced_breaks x
-  (*
-    Relies on the fact that mark_open_tag and mark_close_tag
-    are called exactly once before calling pp_output_string once.
-    It's a reasonable assumption although not guaranteed by the
-    documentation of the Format module.
-  *)
-  let set_escape fmt escape =
-    let print0, flush0 = pp_get_formatter_output_functions fmt () in
-    let tagf0 = (pp_get_formatter_tag_functions [@warning "-3"]) fmt () in
-    let is_tag = ref false in
-    let mot tag =
-      is_tag := true;
-      tagf0.mark_open_tag tag
-    in
-    let mct tag =
-      is_tag := true;
-      tagf0.mark_close_tag tag
-    in
-    let print s p n =
-      if !is_tag then
-        (print0 s p n;
-         is_tag := false)
-      else
-        escape print0 s p n
-    in
-    let tagf = {
-      tagf0 with
-        mark_open_tag = mot;
-        mark_close_tag = mct
-    }
-    in
-    pp_set_formatter_output_functions fmt print flush0;
-    (pp_set_formatter_tag_functions [@warning "-3"]) fmt tagf
-  let set_escape_string fmt esc =
-    let escape print s p n =
-      let s0 = String.sub s p n in
-      let s1 = esc s0 in
-      print s1 0 (String.length s1)
-    in
-    set_escape fmt escape
-  let define_styles fmt escape l =
-    if l <> [] then (
-      pp_set_tags fmt true;
-      let tbl1 = Hashtbl.create (2 * List.length l) in
-      let tbl2 = Hashtbl.create (2 * List.length l) in
-      List.iter (
-        fun (style_name, style) ->
-          Hashtbl.add tbl1 style_name style.tag_open;
-          Hashtbl.add tbl2 style_name style.tag_close
-      ) l;
-      let mark_open_tag style_name =
-        try Hashtbl.find tbl1 style_name
-        with Not_found -> ""
-      in
-      let mark_close_tag style_name =
-        try Hashtbl.find tbl2 style_name
-        with Not_found -> ""
-      in
-      let tagf = {
-        ((pp_get_formatter_tag_functions [@warning "-3"]) fmt ()) with
-          mark_open_tag = mark_open_tag;
-          mark_close_tag = mark_close_tag
-      }
-      in
-      (pp_set_formatter_tag_functions [@warning "-3"]) fmt tagf
-    );
-    (match escape with
-         `None -> ()
-       | `Escape esc -> set_escape fmt esc
-       | `Escape_string esc -> set_escape_string fmt esc)
-  let pp_open_xbox fmt p indent =
-    match p.wrap_body with
-	`Always_wrap
-      | `Never_wrap
-      | `Wrap_atoms -> pp_open_hvbox fmt indent
-      | `Force_breaks
-      | `Force_breaks_rec -> pp_open_vbox fmt indent
-      | `No_breaks -> pp_open_hbox fmt ()
-  let extra_box p l =
-    let wrap =
-      match p.wrap_body with
-          `Always_wrap -> true
-        | `Never_wrap
-        | `Force_breaks
-        | `Force_breaks_rec
-        | `No_breaks -> false
-        | `Wrap_atoms ->
-            List.for_all (function Atom _ -> true | _ -> false) l
-    in
-    if wrap then
-      ((fun fmt -> pp_open_hovbox fmt 0),
-       (fun fmt -> pp_close_box fmt ()))
-    else
-      ((fun fmt -> ()),
-       (fun fmt -> ()))
-  let pp_open_nonaligned_box fmt p indent l =
-    match p.wrap_body with
-        `Always_wrap -> pp_open_hovbox fmt indent
-      | `Never_wrap -> pp_open_hvbox fmt indent
-      | `Wrap_atoms ->
-          if List.for_all (function Atom _ -> true | _ -> false) l then
-            pp_open_hovbox fmt indent
-          else
-            pp_open_hvbox fmt indent
-      | `Force_breaks
-      | `Force_breaks_rec -> pp_open_vbox fmt indent
-      | `No_breaks -> pp_open_hbox fmt ()
-  let open_tag fmt = function
-      None -> ()
-    | Some s -> (pp_open_tag [@warning "-3"]) fmt s
-  let close_tag fmt = function
-      None -> ()
-    | Some _ -> (pp_close_tag [@warning "-3"]) fmt ()
-  let tag_string fmt o s =
-    match o with
-        None -> pp_print_string fmt s
-      | Some tag ->
-          (pp_open_tag [@warning "-3"]) fmt tag;
-          pp_print_string fmt s;
-          (pp_close_tag [@warning "-3"]) fmt ()
-  let rec fprint_t fmt = function
-      Atom (s, p) ->
-        tag_string fmt p.atom_style s;
-    | List ((_, _, _, p) as param, l) ->
-        open_tag fmt p.list_style;
-        if p.align_closing then
-          fprint_list fmt None param l
-        else
-          fprint_list2 fmt param l;
-        close_tag fmt p.list_style
-    | Label (label, x) -> fprint_pair fmt label x
-    | Custom f -> f fmt
-  and fprint_list_body_stick_left fmt p sep hd tl =
-    open_tag fmt p.body_style;
-    fprint_t fmt hd;
-    List.iter (
-      fun x ->
-        if p.space_before_separator then
-          pp_print_string fmt " ";
-        tag_string fmt p.separator_style sep;
-        if p.space_after_separator then
-          pp_print_space fmt ()
-        else
-          pp_print_cut fmt ();
-        fprint_t fmt x
-    ) tl;
-    close_tag fmt p.body_style
-  and fprint_list_body_stick_right fmt p sep hd tl =
-    open_tag fmt p.body_style;
-    fprint_t fmt hd;
-    List.iter (
-      fun x ->
-        if p.space_before_separator then
-          pp_print_space fmt ()
-        else
-          pp_print_cut fmt ();
-        tag_string fmt p.separator_style sep;
-        if p.space_after_separator then
-          pp_print_string fmt " ";
-        fprint_t fmt x
-    ) tl;
-    close_tag fmt p.body_style
-  and fprint_opt_label fmt = function
-      None -> ()
-    | Some (lab, lp) ->
-        open_tag fmt lp.label_style;
-        fprint_t fmt lab;
-        close_tag fmt lp.label_style;
-        if lp.space_after_label then
-          pp_print_string fmt " "
-  (* Either horizontal or vertical list *)
-  and fprint_list fmt label ((op, sep, cl, p) as param) = function
-      [] ->
-        fprint_opt_label fmt label;
-        tag_string fmt p.opening_style op;
-        if p.space_after_opening || p.space_before_closing then
-          pp_print_string fmt " ";
-        tag_string fmt p.closing_style cl
-    | hd :: tl as l ->
-        if tl = [] || p.separators_stick_left then
-          fprint_list_stick_left fmt label param hd tl l
-        else
-          fprint_list_stick_right fmt label param hd tl l
-  and fprint_list_stick_left fmt label (op, sep, cl, p) hd tl l =
-    let indent = p.indent_body in
-    pp_open_xbox fmt p indent;
-    fprint_opt_label fmt label;
-    tag_string fmt p.opening_style op;
-    if p.space_after_opening then
-      pp_print_space fmt ()
-    else
-      pp_print_cut fmt ();
-    let open_extra, close_extra = extra_box p l in
-    open_extra fmt;
-    fprint_list_body_stick_left fmt p sep hd tl;
-    close_extra fmt;
-    if p.space_before_closing then
-      pp_print_break fmt 1 (-indent)
-    else
-      pp_print_break fmt 0 (-indent);
-    tag_string fmt p.closing_style cl;
-    pp_close_box fmt ()
-  and fprint_list_stick_right fmt label (op, sep, cl, p) hd tl l =
-    let base_indent = p.indent_body in
-    let sep_indent =
-      String.length sep + (if p.space_after_separator then 1 else 0)
-    in
-    let indent = base_indent + sep_indent in
-    pp_open_xbox fmt p indent;
-    fprint_opt_label fmt label;
-    tag_string fmt p.opening_style op;
-    if p.space_after_opening then
-      pp_print_space fmt ()
-    else
-      pp_print_cut fmt ();
-    let open_extra, close_extra = extra_box p l in
-    open_extra fmt;
-    fprint_t fmt hd;
-    List.iter (
-      fun x ->
-        if p.space_before_separator then
-          pp_print_break fmt 1 (-sep_indent)
-        else
-          pp_print_break fmt 0 (-sep_indent);
-        tag_string fmt p.separator_style sep;
-        if p.space_after_separator then
-          pp_print_string fmt " ";
-        fprint_t fmt x
-    ) tl;
-    close_extra fmt;
-    if p.space_before_closing then
-      pp_print_break fmt 1 (-indent)
-    else
-      pp_print_break fmt 0 (-indent);
-    tag_string fmt p.closing_style cl;
-    pp_close_box fmt ()
-  (* align_closing = false *)
-  and fprint_list2 fmt (op, sep, cl, p) = function
-      [] ->
-        tag_string fmt p.opening_style op;
-        if p.space_after_opening || p.space_before_closing then
-          pp_print_string fmt " ";
-        tag_string fmt p.closing_style cl
-    | hd :: tl as l ->
-        tag_string fmt p.opening_style op;
-        if p.space_after_opening then
-          pp_print_string fmt " ";
-        pp_open_nonaligned_box fmt p 0 l ;
-        if p.separators_stick_left then
-          fprint_list_body_stick_left fmt p sep hd tl
-        else
-          fprint_list_body_stick_right fmt p sep hd tl;
-        pp_close_box fmt ();
-        if p.space_before_closing then
-          pp_print_string fmt " ";
-        tag_string fmt p.closing_style cl
-  (* Printing a label:value pair.
-     The opening bracket stays on the same line as the key, no matter what,
-     and the closing bracket is either on the same line
-     or vertically aligned with the beginning of the key.
-  *)
-  and fprint_pair fmt ((lab, lp) as label) x =
-    match x with
-        List ((op, sep, cl, p), l) when p.stick_to_label && p.align_closing ->
-          fprint_list fmt (Some label) (op, sep, cl, p) l
-      | _ ->
-          let indent = lp.indent_after_label in
-          pp_open_hvbox fmt 0;
-          open_tag fmt lp.label_style;
-          fprint_t fmt lab;
-          close_tag fmt lp.label_style;
-          (match lp.label_break with
-           | `Auto ->
-               if lp.space_after_label then
-                 pp_print_break fmt 1 indent
-               else
-                 pp_print_break fmt 0 indent
-           | `Always
-           | `Always_rec ->
-               pp_force_newline fmt ();
-               pp_print_string fmt (String.make indent ' ')
-           | `Never ->
-               if lp.space_after_label then
-                 pp_print_char fmt ' '
-               else
-                 ()
-          );
-          fprint_t fmt x;
-          pp_close_box fmt ()
-  let to_formatter fmt x =
-    let x = rewrite x in
-    fprint_t fmt x;
-    pp_print_flush fmt ()
-  let to_buffer ?(escape = `None) ?(styles = []) buf x =
-    let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
-    define_styles fmt escape styles;
-    to_formatter fmt x
-  let to_string ?escape ?styles x =
-    let buf = Buffer.create 500 in
-    to_buffer ?escape ?styles buf x;
-    Buffer.contents buf
-  let to_channel ?(escape = `None) ?(styles = []) oc x =
-    let fmt = formatter_of_out_channel oc in
-    define_styles fmt escape styles;
-    to_formatter fmt x
-  let to_stdout ?escape ?styles x = to_channel ?escape ?styles stdout x
-  let to_stderr ?escape ?styles x = to_channel ?escape ?styles stderr x
-module Compact =
-  open Printf
-  let rec fprint_t buf = function
-      Atom (s, _) -> Buffer.add_string buf s
-    | List (param, l) -> fprint_list buf param l
-    | Label (label, x) -> fprint_pair buf label x
-    | Custom f ->
-        (* Will most likely not be compact *)
-        let fmt = formatter_of_buffer buf in
-        f fmt;
-        pp_print_flush fmt ()
-  and fprint_list buf (op, sep, cl, _) = function
-      [] -> bprintf buf "%s%s" op cl
-    | x :: tl ->
-        Buffer.add_string buf op;
-        fprint_t buf x;
-        List.iter (
-          fun x ->
-            Buffer.add_string buf sep;
-            fprint_t buf x
-        ) tl;
-        Buffer.add_string buf cl
-  and fprint_pair buf (label, _) x =
-    fprint_t buf label;
-    fprint_t buf x
-  let to_buffer buf x = fprint_t buf x
-  let to_string x =
-    let buf = Buffer.create 500 in
-    to_buffer buf x;
-    Buffer.contents buf
-  let to_formatter fmt x =
-    let s = to_string x in
-    Format.fprintf fmt "%s" s;
-    pp_print_flush fmt ()
-  let to_channel oc x =
-    let buf = Buffer.create 500 in
-    to_buffer buf x;
-    Buffer.output_buffer oc buf
-  let to_stdout x = to_channel stdout x
-  let to_stderr x = to_channel stderr x
-(* Obsolete *)
-module Param =
-  let list_true = {
-    space_after_opening = true;
-    space_after_separator = true;
-    space_before_separator = true;
-    separators_stick_left = true;
-    space_before_closing = true;
-    stick_to_label = true;
-    align_closing = true;
-    wrap_body = `Wrap_atoms;
-    indent_body = 2;
-    list_style = None;
-    opening_style = None;
-    body_style = None;
-    separator_style = None;
-    closing_style = None;
-  }
-  let list_false = {
-    space_after_opening = false;
-    space_after_separator = false;
-    space_before_separator = false;
-    separators_stick_left = false;
-    space_before_closing = false;
-    stick_to_label = false;
-    align_closing = false;
-    wrap_body = `Wrap_atoms;
-    indent_body = 2;
-    list_style = None;
-    opening_style = None;
-    body_style = None;
-    separator_style = None;
-    closing_style = None;
-  }
-  let label_true = {
-    label_break = `Auto;
-    space_after_label = true;
-    indent_after_label = 2;
-    label_style = None;
-  }
-  let label_false = {
-    label_break = `Auto;
-    space_after_label = false;
-    indent_after_label = 2;
-    label_style = None;
-  }
-module Reason_layout
-= struct
-#1 ""
-module Easy_format = Vendored_easy_format
-module Comment = Reason_comment
-module Range = Reason_location.Range
-type break_criterion =
-  | Never
-  | IfNeed
-  | Always
-  (* Always_rec not only will break, it will break recursively up to the root *)
-  | Always_rec
- Modeling separators:
-  Special ability to render the final separator distinctly. This is so we can
-  replace them when they do/don't occur next to newlines.
-    If sepLeft:true
-    {
-      final item1
-      sep   item2
-      sep   item3
-    }
-    If sepLeft:false
-    {
-      item1 sep
-      item2 sep
-      item3 final
-    }
-(* You can't determine the final separator unless you specify a separator *)
-type separator =
-  | NoSep
-  | Sep of string
-  | SepFinal of string * string
- * Module concerning info to correctly interleave whitespace above a layout node.
- *)
-module WhitespaceRegion = struct
-  type t = {
-    (* range of the region *)
-    range: Range.t;
-    (* inserted comments into the whitespace region *)
-    comments: Comment.t list;
-    (* amount of newlines to be interleaved *)
-    newlines: int;
-  }
-  let make ~range ~newlines () = {
-    range;
-    comments = [];
-    newlines;
-  }
-  let newlines t = t.newlines
-  let range t = t.range
-  let comments t = t.comments
-  let addComment t comment = { t with
-    comments = comment::t.comments
-  }
-  let modifyNewlines t newNewlines = { t with
-    newlines = newNewlines
-  }
- * These represent "intent to format" the AST, with some parts being annotated
- * with original source location. The benefit of tracking this in an
- * intermediate structure, is that we can then interleave comments throughout
- * the tree before generating the final representation. That prevents the
- * formatting code from having to thread comments everywhere.
- *
- * The final representation is rendered using Easy_format.
- *)
-type t =
-  | SourceMap of Location.t * t (* a layout with location info *)
-  | Sequence of config * (t list)
-  | Label of (Easy_format.t -> Easy_format.t -> Easy_format.t) * t * t
-  | Easy of Easy_format.t
-  (* Extra variant representing "intent to interleave whitespace" above a
-   * layout node. Why the extra representation?
-   * Since comments get interleaved after formatting the ast,
-   * the inserting of actual newlines has to happen after the comments
-   * have been formatted/inserted. *)
-  | Whitespace of WhitespaceRegion.t * t
-and config = {
-  break: break_criterion;
-  (* Break setting that becomes activated if a comment becomes interleaved into
-   * this list. Typically, if not specified, the behavior from [break] will be
-   * used.
-   *)
-  wrap: string * string;
-  inline: bool * bool;
-  sep: separator;
-  indent: int;
-  sepLeft: bool;
-  preSpace: bool;
-  (* Really means space_after_separator *)
-  postSpace: bool;
-  pad: bool * bool;
-  (* A function, because the system might rearrange your previous settings, and
-   * a function allows you to not be locked into some configuration that is made
-   * out of date by the formatting system (suppose it removes the separator
-   * token etc.) Having a function allows you to instruct our formatter how to
-   * extend the "freshest" notion of the list config when comments are
-   * interleaved. *)
-  listConfigIfCommentsInterleaved: (config -> config) option;
-  (* Formatting to use if an item in a list had an end-of-line comment appended *)
-  listConfigIfEolCommentsInterleaved: (config -> config) option;
-let string_of_easy = function
-  | Easy_format.Atom (s,_) -> s
-  | Easy_format.List (_,_) -> "list"
-  | Easy_format.Label (_,_) -> "label"
-  | Easy_format.Custom _ -> "custom"
-let indent_more indent = "  " ^ indent
-let dump_easy ppf easy =
-  let printf fmt = Format.fprintf ppf fmt in
-  let rec traverse indent = function
-    | Easy_format.Atom (s,_) ->
-      printf "%s Atom:'%s'\n" indent s
-    | Easy_format.List ((opening, sep, closing, config), items) ->
-      let break = (match config.wrap_body with
-          | `No_breaks -> "No_breaks"
-          | `Wrap_atoms -> "Wrap_atoms"
-          | `Never_wrap -> "Never_wrap"
-          | `Force_breaks -> "Force_breaks"
-          | `Force_breaks_rec -> "Force_breaks_rec"
-          | `Always_wrap -> "Always_wrap") in
-      printf "%s List: open %s close %s sep %s break %s \n"
-        indent opening closing sep break;
-      let _ = (traverse (indent_more indent)) items in
-      ()
-    | Easy_format.Label ((left, config), right) ->
-      let break = match config.label_break with
-        | `Never -> "Never"
-        | `Always_rec -> "Always_rec"
-        | `Auto -> "Auto"
-        | `Always -> "Always" in
-      printf "%s Label (break = %s): \n" indent break;
-      printf "  %s left \n" indent;
-      let indent' = indent_more indent in
-      traverse indent' left;
-      printf "  %s right \n" indent;
-      traverse indent' right;
-    | Easy_format.Custom _ ->
-      printf "custom \n"
-  in
-  traverse "" easy
-let dump ppf layout =
-  let printf fmt = Format.fprintf ppf fmt in
-  let rec traverse indent = function
-    | SourceMap (loc, layout) ->
-      printf "%s SourceMap [(%d:%d)-(%d:%d)]\n" indent
-        loc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_lnum
-        (loc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum - loc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_bol)
-        loc.loc_end.Lexing.pos_lnum
-        (loc.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum - loc.loc_end.Lexing.pos_bol);
-      traverse (indent_more indent) layout
-    | Sequence (config, layout_list) ->
-      let break = match config.break with
-        | Never  -> "Never"
-        | IfNeed  -> "if need"
-        | Always  -> "Always"
-        | Always_rec  -> "Always_rec" in
-      let sep = match config.sep with
-        | NoSep -> "NoSep"
-        | Sep s -> "Sep '" ^ s ^ "'"
-        | SepFinal (s, finalSep) -> "SepFinal ('" ^ s ^ "', '" ^ finalSep ^ "')" in
-      printf "%s Sequence of %d, sep: %s, stick_to_left: %s break: %s\n"
-        indent (List.length layout_list) sep (string_of_bool config.sepLeft) break;
-      List.iter (traverse (indent_more indent)) layout_list
-    | Label (_, left, right) ->
-      printf "%s Label: \n" indent;
-      printf "  %s left \n" indent;
-      let indent' = indent_more (indent_more indent) in
-      traverse indent' left;
-      printf "  %s right \n" indent;
-      traverse indent' right;
-    | Easy e ->
-      printf "%s Easy: '%s' \n" indent (string_of_easy e)
-    | Whitespace (region, sublayout) ->
-      let open WhitespaceRegion in
-      printf" %s Whitespace (%d) [%d %d]:\n" indent region.newlines region.range.lnum_start region.range.lnum_end;
-      (traverse (indent_more indent) sublayout)
-  in
-  traverse "" layout
-let source_map ?(loc=Location.none) layout =
-  if loc = Location.none then layout
-  else SourceMap (loc, layout)
-let default_list_settings = {
-  Easy_format.space_after_opening = false;
-  space_after_separator = false;
-  space_before_separator = false;
-  separators_stick_left = true;
-  space_before_closing = false;
-  stick_to_label = true;
-  align_closing = true;
-  wrap_body = `No_breaks;
-  indent_body = 0;
-  list_style = Some "list";
-  opening_style = None;
-  body_style = None;
-  separator_style = None;
-  closing_style = None;
-let easy_settings_from_config
-    { break; wrap; inline; indent; preSpace; postSpace; pad; sep } =
-  (* TODO: Stop handling separators in Easy_format since we handle most of
-      them before Easy_format anyways. There's just some that we still rely on
-      Easy_format for. Easy_format's sep wasn't powerful enough.
-  *)
-  let (opn, cls) = wrap in
-  let (padOpn, padCls) = pad in
-  let (inlineStart, inlineEnd) = inline in
-  let sepStr = match sep with NoSep -> "" | Sep s | SepFinal(s, _) -> s in
-  (opn, sepStr, cls,
-   { default_list_settings with
-     Easy_format.
-     wrap_body = (match break with
-         | Never -> `No_breaks
-         (* Yes, `Never_wrap is a horrible name - really means "if needed". *)
-         | IfNeed -> `Never_wrap
-         | Always -> `Force_breaks
-         | Always_rec -> `Force_breaks_rec
-       );
-     indent_body = indent;
-     space_after_separator = postSpace;
-     space_before_separator = preSpace;
-     space_after_opening = padOpn;
-     space_before_closing = padCls;
-     stick_to_label = inlineStart;
-     align_closing = not inlineEnd;
-   })
-let to_easy_format layout =
-  let rec traverse = function
-    | Sequence (config, sublayouts) ->
-      let items = traverse sublayouts in
-      Easy_format.List (easy_settings_from_config config, items)
-    | Label (labelFormatter, left, right) ->
-      labelFormatter (traverse left) (traverse right)
-    | SourceMap (_, subLayout) ->
-      traverse subLayout
-    | Easy e -> e
-    | Whitespace (_, subLayout) ->
-      traverse subLayout
-  in
-  traverse layout
-(** [getLocFromLayout] recursively takes the unioned location of its children,
- *  and returns the max one *)
-let get_location layout =
-  let union loc1 loc2 =
-    match (loc1, loc2) with
-    | None, _ -> loc2
-    | _, None -> loc1
-    | Some loc1, Some loc2  ->
-      Some {loc1 with Location.loc_end = loc2.Location.loc_end}
-  in
-  let rec traverse = function
-    | Sequence (_, subLayouts) ->
-      let locs = traverse subLayouts in
-      List.fold_left union None locs
-    | Label (_, left, right) ->
-      union (traverse left) (traverse right)
-    | SourceMap (loc, _) -> Some loc
-    | Whitespace(_, sub) -> traverse sub
-    | _ -> None
-  in
-  traverse layout
-let is_before ~location layout =
-  match get_location layout with
-  | None -> true
-  | Some loc -> Reason_syntax_util.location_is_before loc location
-let contains_location layout ~location =
-  match get_location layout with
-  | None -> false
-  | Some layout_loc -> Reason_syntax_util.location_contains layout_loc location
-module Reason_pprint_ast : sig 
-#1 "reason_pprint_ast.mli"
-open Migrate_parsetree.Ast_404.Parsetree
-val configure :
-  width:int ->
-  assumeExplicitArity:bool -> constructorLists:string list -> unit
-val createFormatter : unit ->
-  <
-    case_list : Format.formatter -> case list -> unit;
-    core_type : Format.formatter -> core_type -> unit;
-    expression : Format.formatter -> expression -> unit;
-    pattern : Format.formatter -> pattern -> unit;
-    signature : Reason_comment.t list -> Format.formatter -> signature -> unit;
-    structure : Reason_comment.t list -> Format.formatter -> structure -> unit;
-    toplevel_phrase : Format.formatter -> toplevel_phrase -> unit;
-  >
-end = struct
-#1 ""
- * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
- *
- * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
- * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
- *  Forked from OCaml, which is provided under the license below:
- *
- *  Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt
- *
- *  Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Inria
- *
- *  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to the Licensee obtaining a
- *  copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
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- *
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- *  2.	Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
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- *
- *  Disclaimer
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- *  This software is provided by Inria and contributors “as is” and any express
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- *
- *)
-(* TODO more fine-grained precedence pretty-printing *)
-module Easy_format = Vendored_easy_format
-open Migrate_parsetree
-open Ast_404
-open Asttypes
-open Location
-open Longident
-open Parsetree
-open Easy_format
-open Reason_syntax_util
-open Reason_attributes
-module Comment = Reason_comment
-module Layout = Reason_layout
-module WhitespaceRegion = Layout.WhitespaceRegion
-module Range = Reason_location.Range
-let source_map = Layout.source_map
-exception NotPossible of string
-let commaTrail = Layout.SepFinal (",", Reason_syntax_util.TrailingCommaMarker.string)
-let commaSep = Layout.Sep (",")
-type ruleInfoData = {
-  reducePrecedence: precedence;
-  shiftPrecedence: precedence;
-and ruleCategory =
-  (* Printing will be parsed with very high precedence, so not much need to
-     worry about ensuring it will reduce correctly. In short, you can put
-     `FunctionApplication` content anywhere around an infix identifier without
-     wrapping in parens. For example `myFunc x y z` or `if x {y} else {z}`
-     The layout is kept in list form only to allow for elegant wrapping rules
-     to take into consideration the *number* of high precedence parsed items. *)
-  | FunctionApplication of Layout.t list
-  (* Care should be taken to ensure the rule that caused it to be parsed will
-     reduce again on the printed output - context should carefully consider
-     wrapping in parens according to the ruleInfoData. *)
-  | SpecificInfixPrecedence of ruleInfoData * resolvedRule
-  (* Not safe to include anywhere between infix operators without wrapping in
-     parens. This describes expressions like `fun x => x` which doesn't fit into
-     our simplistic algorithm for printing function applications separated by infix.
-     It might be possible to include these in between infix, but there are
-     tricky rules to determining when these must be guarded by parens (it
-     depends highly on context that is hard to reason about). It's so nuanced
-     that it's easier just to always wrap them in parens.  *)
-  | PotentiallyLowPrecedence of Layout.t
-  (* Simple means it is clearly one token (such as (anything) or [anything] or identifier *)
-  | Simple of Layout.t
-(* Represents a ruleCategory where the precedence has been resolved.
- * The precedence of a ruleCategory gets resolved in `ensureExpression` or
- * `ensureContainingRule`. The result is either a plain Layout.t (where
- * parens probably have been applied) or an InfixTree containing the operator and
- * a left & right resolvedRule. The latter indicates that the precedence has been resolved,
- * but the actual formatting is deferred to a later stadium.
- * Think `let x = foo |> f |> z |>`, which requires a certain formatting style when
- * things break over multiple lines. *)
-and resolvedRule =
-  | LayoutNode of Layout.t
-  | InfixTree of string * resolvedRule * resolvedRule
-and associativity =
-  | Right
-  | Nonassoc
-  | Left
-and precedenceEntryType =
-  | TokenPrecedence
-  | CustomPrecedence
-and precedence =
-  | Token of string
-  | Custom of string
-(* Describes the "fixity" of a token, and stores its *printed* representation
-   should it be rendered as infix/prefix (This rendering may be different than
-   how it is stored in the AST). *)
-and tokenFixity =
-  (* Such as !simple_expr and ~!simple_expr. These function applications are
-     considered *almost* "simple" because they may be allowed anywhere a simple
-     expression is accepted, except for when on the left hand side of a
-     dot/send. *)
-  | AlmostSimplePrefix of string
-  | UnaryPlusPrefix of string
-  | UnaryMinusPrefix of string
-  | UnaryNotPrefix of string
-  | UnaryPostfix of string
-  | Infix of string
-  | Normal
-(* Type which represents a resolvedRule's InfixTree flattened *)
-type infixChain =
-  | InfixToken of string
-  | Layout of Layout.t
-(* Helpers for dealing with extension nodes (%expr) *)
-let expression_extension_sugar x =
-  if x.pexp_attributes != [] then None
-  else match x.pexp_desc with
-    | Pexp_extension (name, PStr [{pstr_desc = Pstr_eval(expr, [])}])
-      when name.txt <> "bs.obj" ->
-      Some (name, expr)
-    | _ -> None
-let expression_immediate_extension_sugar x =
-  match expression_extension_sugar x with
-  | None -> (None, x)
-  | Some (name, expr) ->
-    match expr.pexp_desc with
-    | Pexp_for _ | Pexp_while _ | Pexp_ifthenelse _
-    | Pexp_function _ | Pexp_newtype _
-    | Pexp_try _ | Pexp_match _ ->
-      (Some name, expr)
-    | _ -> (None, x)
-let expression_not_immediate_extension_sugar x =
-  match expression_immediate_extension_sugar x with
-  | (Some _, _) -> None
-  | (None, _) -> expression_extension_sugar x
-let add_extension_sugar keyword = function
-  | None -> keyword
-  | Some str -> keyword ^ "%" ^ str.txt
-let string_equal : string -> string -> bool = (=)
-let longident_same l1 l2 =
-  let rec equal l1 l2 =
-    match l1, l2 with
-    | Lident l1, Lident l2 -> string_equal l1 l2
-    | Ldot (path1, l1), Ldot (path2, l2) ->
-      equal path1 path2 && string_equal l1 l2
-    | Lapply (l11, l12), Lapply (l21, l22) ->
-      equal l11 l21 && equal l12 l22
-    | _ -> false
-  in
-  equal l1.txt l2.txt
-(* A variant of List.for_all2 that returns false instead of failing on lists
-   of different size *)
-let for_all2' pred l1 l2 =
-  List.length l1 = List.length l2 &&
-  List.for_all2 pred l1 l2
-   Checks to see if two types are the same modulo the process of varification
-   which turns abstract types into type variables of the same name.
-   For example, [same_ast_modulo_varification] would consider (a => b) and ('a
-   => 'b) to have the same ast. This is useful in recovering syntactic sugar
-   for explicit polymorphic types with locally abstract types.
-   Does not compare attributes, or extensions intentionally.
-   TODO: This has one more issue: We need to compare only accepting t1's type
-   variables, to be considered compatible with t2's type constructors - not the
-   other way around.
- *)
-let same_ast_modulo_varification_and_extensions t1 t2 =
-  let rec loop t1 t2 = match (t1.ptyp_desc, t2.ptyp_desc) with
-    (* Importantly, cover the case where type constructors (of the form [a])
-       are converted to type vars of the form ['a].
-     *)
-    | (Ptyp_constr({txt=Lident s1}, []), Ptyp_var s2) -> string_equal s1 s2
-    (* Now cover the case where type variables (of the form ['a]) are
-       converted to type constructors of the form [a].
-     *)
-    | (Ptyp_var s1, Ptyp_constr({txt=Lident s2}, [])) -> string_equal s1 s2
-    (* Now cover the typical case *)
-    | (Ptyp_constr(longident1, lst1), Ptyp_constr(longident2, lst2))  ->
-      longident_same longident1 longident2 &&
-      for_all2' loop lst1 lst2
-    | (Ptyp_any, Ptyp_any) -> true
-    | (Ptyp_var x1, Ptyp_var x2) -> string_equal x1 x2
-    | (Ptyp_arrow (label1, core_type1, core_type1'), Ptyp_arrow (label2, core_type2, core_type2')) ->
-      begin
-         match label1, label2 with
-         | Nolabel, Nolabel -> true
-         | Labelled s1, Labelled s2 -> string_equal s1 s2
-         | Optional s1, Optional s2 -> string_equal s1 s2
-         | _ -> false
-      end &&
-      loop core_type1 core_type2 &&
-      loop core_type1' core_type2'
-    | (Ptyp_tuple lst1, Ptyp_tuple lst2) -> for_all2' loop lst1 lst2
-    | (Ptyp_object (lst1, o1), Ptyp_object (lst2, o2)) ->
-      let tester = fun (s1, _, t1) (s2, _, t2) ->
-        string_equal s1 s2 &&
-        loop t1 t2
-      in
-      for_all2' tester lst1 lst2 && o1 = o2
-    | (Ptyp_class (longident1, lst1), Ptyp_class (longident2, lst2)) ->
-      longident_same longident1 longident2 &&
-      for_all2' loop lst1 lst2
-    | (Ptyp_alias(core_type1, string1), Ptyp_alias(core_type2, string2)) ->
-      loop core_type1 core_type2 &&
-      string_equal string1 string2
-    | (Ptyp_variant(row_field_list1, flag1, lbl_lst_option1), Ptyp_variant(row_field_list2, flag2, lbl_lst_option2)) ->
-      for_all2' rowFieldEqual row_field_list1 row_field_list2 &&
-      flag1 = flag2 &&
-      lbl_lst_option1 = lbl_lst_option2
-    | (Ptyp_poly (string_lst1, core_type1), Ptyp_poly (string_lst2, core_type2))->
-      for_all2' string_equal string_lst1 string_lst2 &&
-      loop core_type1 core_type2
-    | (Ptyp_package(longident1, lst1), Ptyp_package (longident2, lst2)) ->
-      longident_same longident1 longident2 &&
-      for_all2' testPackageType lst1 lst2
-    | (Ptyp_extension (s1, _), Ptyp_extension (s2, _)) ->
-      string_equal s1.txt s2.txt
-    | _ -> false
-  and testPackageType (lblLongIdent1, ct1) (lblLongIdent2, ct2) =
-    longident_same lblLongIdent1 lblLongIdent2 &&
-    loop ct1 ct2
-  and rowFieldEqual f1 f2 = match (f1, f2) with
-    | ((Rtag(label1, _, flag1, lst1)), (Rtag (label2, _, flag2, lst2))) ->
-      string_equal label1 label2 &&
-      flag1 = flag2 &&
-      for_all2' loop lst1 lst2
-    | (Rinherit t1, Rinherit t2) -> loop t1 t2
-    | _ -> false
-  in
-  loop t1 t2
-let expandLocation pos ~expand:(startPos, endPos) =
-  { pos with
-    loc_start = {
-      pos.loc_start with
-        Lexing.pos_cnum = pos.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum + startPos
-    };
-    loc_end = {
-      pos.loc_end with
-        Lexing.pos_cnum = pos.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum + endPos
-    }
-  }
-(* Computes the location of the attribute with the lowest line number
- * that isn't ghost. Useful to determine the start location of an item
- * in the parsetree that has attributes.
- * If there are no valid attributes, defaults to the passed location.
- * 1| [@attr]           --> notice how the "start" is determined
- * 2| let f = ...           by the attr on line 1, not the lnum of the `let`
- *)
-let rec firstAttrLoc loc = function
-  | ((attrLoc, _) : Ast_404.Parsetree.attribute) ::attrs ->
-      if attrLoc.loc.loc_start.pos_lnum < loc.loc_start.pos_lnum
-         && not attrLoc.loc.loc_ghost
-      then
-        firstAttrLoc attrLoc.loc attrs
-      else
-        firstAttrLoc loc attrs
-  | [] -> loc
-let extractLocationFromValBindList expr vbs =
-  let rec extract loc = function
-    | x::xs ->
-        let {pvb_expr} = x in
-        let loc = {loc with loc_end = pvb_expr.pexp_loc.loc_end} in
-        extract loc xs
-    | [] -> loc
-  in
-  let loc = match vbs with
-    | x::xs ->
-        let {pvb_pat; pvb_expr} = x in
-        let loc = {pvb_pat.ppat_loc with loc_end = pvb_expr.pexp_loc.loc_end} in
-        extract loc xs
-    | [] -> expr.pexp_loc
-  in
-  { loc with loc_start = expr.pexp_loc.loc_start }
-let extractLocValBinding {pvb_pat; pvb_expr; pvb_attributes;} =
-  let estimatedLoc = firstAttrLoc pvb_pat.ppat_loc pvb_attributes in
-  {estimatedLoc with loc_end = pvb_expr.pexp_loc.loc_end}
-let extractLocModuleBinding {pmb_expr; pmb_attributes} =
-  let estimatedLoc = firstAttrLoc pmb_expr.pmod_loc pmb_attributes in
-  {estimatedLoc with loc_end = pmb_expr.pmod_loc.loc_end}
-let extractLocModDecl {pmd_type; pmd_attributes} =
-  let estimatedLoc = firstAttrLoc pmd_type.pmty_loc pmd_attributes in
-  {estimatedLoc with loc_end = pmd_type.pmty_loc.loc_end}
-let rec sequentialIfBlocks x =
-  match x with
-    | Some ({pexp_desc=Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, els)}) -> (
-       let (nestedIfs, finalExpression) = (sequentialIfBlocks els) in
-       ((e1, e2)::nestedIfs, finalExpression)
-      )
-    | Some e -> ([], Some e)
-    | None -> ([], None)
-  TODO: IDE integration beginning with Vim:
-  - Create recovering version of parser that creates regions of "unknown"
-    content in between let sequence bindings (anything between semicolons,
-    really).
-  - Use Easy_format's "style" features to tag each known node.
-  - Turn those style annotations into editor highlight commands.
-  - Editors have a set of keys that retrigger the parsing/rehighlighting
-    process (typically newline/semi/close-brace).
-  - On every parsing/rehighlighting, this pretty printer can be used to
-    determine the highlighting of recovered regions, and the editor plugin can
-    relegate highlighting of malformed regions to the editor which mostly does
-    so based on token patterns.
-     @avoidSingleTokenWrapping
-  +-----------------------------+
-  |+------+                     |     Another label
-  || let ( \                    |
-  ||    a  | Label              |
-  ||    o  |                    |     The thing to the right of any label must be a
-  ||    p _+ label RHS          |     list in order for it to wrap correctly. Lists
-  ||  ): /   v                  |     will wrap if they need to/can. NON-lists will
-  |+--+ sixteenTuple = echoTuple|(    wrap (indented) even though they're no lists!
-  +---/ 0,\---------------------+     To prevent a single item from wrapping, make
-        0,                            an unbreakable list via ensureSingleTokenSticksToLabel.
-        0
-      );                              In general, the best approach for indenting
-                                      let bindings is to keep building up labels from
-                                      the "let", always ensuring things that you want
-                                      to wrap will either be lists or guarded in
-                                      [ensureSingleTokenSticksToLabel].
-                                      If you must join several lists together (via =)
-                                      (or colon), ensure that joining is done via
-                                      [makeList] (which won't break), and that new
-                                      list is always appended to the left
-                                      hand side of the label. (So that the right hand
-                                      side may always be the untouched list that you want
-                                      to wrap with aligned closing).
-                                      Always make sure rhs of the label are the
-                                      Creating nested labels will preserve the original
-                                      indent location ("let" in this
-                                      case) as long as that nesting is
-                                      done on the left hand side of the labels.
-    Table 2.1. Precedence and associativity.
-    Precedence from highest to lowest: From RWOC, modified to include !=
-    ---------------------------------------
-    Operator prefix	Associativity
-    !..., ?..., ~...	                              Prefix
-    ., .(, .[	-
-    function application, constructor, assert, lazy	Left associative
-    -, -.                                           Prefix
-    **..., lsl, lsr, asr                            Right associative
-    *..., /..., %..., mod, land, lor, lxor          Left associative
-    +..., -...                                      Left associative
-    ::                                              Right associative
-    @..., ^...                                      Right associative
-    !=                                              Left associative (INFIXOP0 listed first in lexer)
-    =..., <..., >..., |..., &..., $...              Left associative (INFIXOP0)
-    =, <, >                                         Left associative (IN SAME row as INFIXOP0 listed after)
-    &, &&                                           Right associative
-    or, ||                                          Right associative
-    ,                                               -
-    :=, =                                         	Right associative
-    if                                              -
-    ;                                               Right associative
-   Note: It would be much better if &... and |... were in separate precedence
-   groups just as & and | are. This way, we could encourage custom infix
-   operators to use one of the two precedences and no one would be confused as
-   to precedence (leading &, | are intuitive). Two precedence classes for the
-   majority of infix operators is totally sufficient.
-   TODO: Free up the (&) operator from pervasives so it can be reused for
-   something very common such as string concatenation or list appending.
-   let x = tail & head;
- *)
-(* "Almost Simple Prefix" function applications parse with the rule:
-   `PREFIXOP simple_expr %prec below_DOT_AND_SHARP`, which in turn is almost
-   considered a "simple expression" (it's acceptable anywhere a simple
-   expression is except in a couple of edge cases.
-   "Unary Prefix" function applications parse with the rule:
-   `MINUS epxr %prec prec_unary_minus`, which in turn is considered an
-   "expression" (not simple). All unary operators are mapped into an identifier
-   beginning with "~".
-   TODO: Migrate all "almost simple prefix" to "unsary prefix". When `!`
-   becomes "not", then it will make more sense that !myFunc (arg) is parsed as
-   !(myFunc arg) instead of (!myFunc) arg.
- *)
-let almost_simple_prefix_symbols  = [ '!'; '?'; '~'] ;;
-(* Subset of prefix symbols that have special "unary precedence" *)
-let unary_minus_prefix_symbols  = [ "~-"; "~-."] ;;
-let unary_plus_prefix_symbols  = ["~+"; "~+." ] ;;
-let infix_symbols = [ '='; '<'; '>'; '@'; '^'; '|'; '&'; '+'; '-'; '*'; '/';
-                      '$'; '%'; '\\'; '#' ]
-let special_infix_strings =
-  ["asr"; "land"; "lor"; "lsl"; "lsr"; "lxor"; "mod"; "or"; ":="; "!="; "!=="]
-let updateToken = "="
-let sharpOpEqualToken = "#="
-let pipeFirstToken = "->"
-let requireIndentFor = [updateToken; ":="]
-let namedArgSym = "~"
-let requireNoSpaceFor tok =
-  tok = pipeFirstToken || (tok.[0] = '#' && tok <> "#=")
-let funToken = "fun"
-let getPrintableUnaryIdent s =
-  if List.mem s unary_minus_prefix_symbols ||
-     List.mem s unary_plus_prefix_symbols
-  then String.sub s 1 (String.length s -1)
-  else s
-(* determines if the string is an infix string.
-   checks backwards, first allowing a renaming postfix ("_102") which
-   may have resulted from Pexp -> Texp -> Pexp translation, then checking
-   if all the characters in the beginning of the string are valid infix
-   characters. *)
-let printedStringAndFixity = function
-  | s when List.mem s special_infix_strings -> Infix s
-  | "^" -> UnaryPostfix "^"
-  | s when List.mem s.[0] infix_symbols -> Infix s
-  (* Correctness under assumption that unary operators are stored in AST with
-     leading "~" *)
-  | s when List.mem s.[0] almost_simple_prefix_symbols &&
-           not (List.mem s special_infix_strings) &&
-           not (s = "?") -> (
-      (* What *kind* of prefix fixity? *)
-      if List.mem s unary_plus_prefix_symbols then
-        UnaryPlusPrefix (getPrintableUnaryIdent s)
-      else if List.mem s unary_minus_prefix_symbols then
-        UnaryMinusPrefix (getPrintableUnaryIdent s)
-      else if s = "!" then
-        UnaryNotPrefix s
-      else
-        AlmostSimplePrefix s
-  )
-  | _ -> Normal
-(* Also, this doesn't account for != and !== being infixop!!! *)
-let isSimplePrefixToken s = match printedStringAndFixity s with
-  | AlmostSimplePrefix _ | UnaryPostfix "^" -> true
-  | _ -> false
-(* Convenient bank of information that represents the parser's precedence
-   rankings.  Each instance describes a precedence table entry. The function
-   tests either a token string encountered by the parser, or (in the case of
-   `CustomPrecedence`) the string name of a custom rule precedence declared
-   using %prec *)
-let rules = [
-  [
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s = pipeFirstToken)));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s.[0] = '#' &&
-                                       s <> sharpOpEqualToken &&
-                                       s <> "#")));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s = ".")));
-    (CustomPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s = "prec_lbracket")));
-  ];
-  [
-    (CustomPrecedence, (fun s -> (Nonassoc, s = "prec_functionAppl")));
-  ];
-  [
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Right, isSimplePrefixToken s)));
-  ];
-  [
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s = sharpOpEqualToken)));
-  ];
-  [
-    (CustomPrecedence, (fun s -> (Nonassoc, s = "prec_unary")));
-  ];
-  (* Note the special case for "*\*", BARBAR, and LESSMINUS, AMPERSAND(s) *)
-  [
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Right, s = "**")));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Right, String.length s > 1 && s.[0] == '*' && s.[1] == '\\' && s.[2] == '*')));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Right, s = "lsl")));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Right, s = "lsr")));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Right, s = "asr")));
-  ];
-  [
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s.[0] == '*' && (String.length s == 1 || s != "*\\*"))));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s.[0] == '/')));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s.[0] == '%' )));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s = "mod" )));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s = "land" )));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s = "lor" )));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s = "lxor" )));
-  ];
-  [
-    (* Even though these use the same *tokens* as unary plus/minus at parse
-       time, when unparsing infix -/+, the CustomPrecedence rule would be
-       incorrect to use, and instead we need a rule that models what infix
-       parsing would use - just the regular token precedence without a custom
-       precedence. *)
-    (TokenPrecedence,
-    (fun s -> (
-      Left,
-      if String.length s > 1 && s.[0] == '+' && s.[1] == '+' then
-        (*
-          Explicitly call this out as false because the other ++ case below
-          should have higher *lexing* priority. ++operator_chars* is considered an
-          entirely different token than +(non_plus_operator_chars)*
-        *)
-        false
-      else
-        s.[0] == '+'
-    )));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s.[0] == '-' && s <> pipeFirstToken)));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s = "!" )));
-  ];
-  [
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Right, s = "::")));
-  ];
-  [
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Right, s.[0] == '@')));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Right, s.[0] == '^')));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Right, String.length s > 1 && s.[0] == '+' && s.[1] == '+')));
-  ];
-  [
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s.[0] == '=' && not (s = "=") && not (s = "=>"))));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s.[0] == '<' && not (s = "<"))));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s.[0] == '>' && not (s = ">"))));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s = "!=")));  (* Not preset in the RWO table! *)
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s = "!==")));  (* Not preset in the RWO table! *)
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s = "==")));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s = "===")));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s = "<")));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s = ">")));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s.[0] == '|' && not (s = "||"))));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s.[0] == '&' && not (s = "&") && not (s = "&&"))));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s.[0] == '$')));
-  ];
-  [
-    (CustomPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s = funToken)));
-  ];
-  [
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Right, s = "&")));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Right, s = "&&")));
-  ];
-  [
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Right, s = "or")));
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Right, s = "||")));
-  ];
-  [
-    (* The Left shouldn't ever matter in practice. Should never get in a
-       situation with two consecutive infix ? - the colon saves us. *)
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Left, s = "?")));
-  ];
-  [
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Right, s = ":=")));
-  ];
-  [
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Right, s = updateToken)));
-  ];
-  (* It's important to account for ternary ":" being lower precedence than "?" *)
-  [
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Right, s = ":")))
-  ];
-  [
-    (TokenPrecedence, (fun s -> (Nonassoc, s = "=>")));
-  ];
-(* remove all prefixing backslashes, e.g. \=== becomes === *)
-let without_prefixed_backslashes str =
-  if str = "" then str
-  else if String.get str 0 = '\\' then String.sub str 1 (String.length str - 1)
-  else str
-let indexOfFirstMatch ~prec lst =
-  let rec aux n = function
-    | [] -> None
-    | [] :: tl -> aux (n + 1) tl
-    | ((kind, tester) :: hdTl) :: tl ->
-      match prec, kind with
-      | Token str, TokenPrecedence | Custom str, CustomPrecedence ->
-        let associativity, foundMatch = tester str in
-        if foundMatch
-        then Some (associativity, n)
-        else aux n (hdTl::tl)
-      | _ -> aux n (hdTl::tl)
-  in
-  aux 0 lst
-(* Assuming it's an infix function application. *)
-let precedenceInfo ~prec =
-  (* Removes prefixed backslashes in order to do proper conversion *)
-  let prec = match prec with
-    | Token str -> Token (without_prefixed_backslashes str)
-    | Custom _ -> prec
-  in
-  indexOfFirstMatch ~prec rules
-let isLeftAssociative ~prec = match precedenceInfo ~prec with
-  | None -> false
-  | Some (Left, _) -> true
-  | Some (Right, _) -> false
-  | Some (Nonassoc, _) -> false
-let isRightAssociative ~prec = match precedenceInfo ~prec with
-  | None -> false
-  | Some (Right, _) -> true
-  | Some (Left, _) -> false
-  | Some (Nonassoc, _) -> false
-let higherPrecedenceThan c1 c2 =
-  match ((precedenceInfo ~prec:c1), (precedenceInfo ~prec:c2)) with
-  | (_, None)
-  | (None, _) ->
-    let (str1, str2) = match (c1, c2) with
-      | (Token s1, Token s2) -> ("Token " ^ s1, "Token " ^ s2)
-      | (Token s1, Custom s2) -> ("Token " ^ s1, "Custom " ^ s2)
-      | (Custom s1, Token s2) -> ("Custom " ^ s1, "Token " ^ s2)
-      | (Custom s1, Custom s2) -> ("Custom " ^ s1, "Custom " ^ s2)
-    in
-    raise (NotPossible ("Cannot determine precedence of two checks " ^ str1 ^ " vs. " ^ str2))
-  | (Some (_, p1), Some (_, p2)) -> p1 < p2
-let printedStringAndFixityExpr = function
-  | {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident {txt=Lident l}} -> printedStringAndFixity l
-  | _ -> Normal
-(* which identifiers are in fact operators needing parentheses *)
-let needs_parens txt =
-  match printedStringAndFixity txt with
-  | Infix _ -> true
-  | UnaryPostfix _ -> true
-  | UnaryPlusPrefix _ -> true
-  | UnaryMinusPrefix _ -> true
-  | UnaryNotPrefix _ -> true
-  | AlmostSimplePrefix _ -> true
-  | Normal -> false
-(* some infixes need spaces around parens to avoid clashes with comment
-   syntax. This isn't needed for comment syntax /* */ *)
-let needs_spaces txt =
-  txt.[0]='*' || txt.[String.length txt - 1] = '*'
-let rec orList = function (* only consider ((A|B)|C)*)
-  | {ppat_desc = Ppat_or (p1, p2)} -> (orList p1) @ (orList p2)
-  | x -> [x]
-let override = function
-  | Override -> "!"
-  | Fresh -> ""
-(* variance encoding: need to sync up with the [parser.mly] *)
-let type_variance = function
-  | Invariant -> ""
-  | Covariant -> "+"
-  | Contravariant -> "-"
-type construct =
-  [ `cons of expression list
-  | `list of expression list
-  | `nil
-  | `normal
-  | `simple of Longident.t
-  | `tuple ]
-let view_expr x =
-  match x.pexp_desc with
-  | Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident "()"},_) -> `tuple
-  | Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident "[]"},_) -> `nil
-  | Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident"::"},Some _) ->
-    let rec loop exp acc = match exp with
-      | {pexp_desc=Pexp_construct ({txt=Lident "[]"},_)} ->
-        (List.rev acc,true)
-      | {pexp_desc=
-          Pexp_construct ({txt=Lident "::"},
-                           Some ({pexp_desc= Pexp_tuple([e1;e2])}))} ->
-        loop e2 (e1::acc)
-      | e -> (List.rev (e::acc),false) in
-    let (ls,b) = loop x []  in
-    if b
-    then `list ls
-    else `cons ls
-  | Pexp_construct (x,None) -> `simple x.txt
-  | _ -> `normal
-let is_simple_list_expr x =
-  match view_expr x with
-  | `list _ | `cons _ -> true
-  | _ -> false
-let is_simple_construct : construct -> bool = function
-  | `nil | `tuple | `list _ | `simple _ | `cons _  -> true
-  | `normal -> false
-let uncurriedTable = Hashtbl.create 42
-(* Determines if a list of expressions contains a single unit construct
- * e.g. used to check: MyConstructor() -> exprList == [()]
- * useful to determine if MyConstructor(()) should be printed as MyConstructor()
- * *)
-let is_single_unit_construct exprList =
-  match exprList with
-  | x::[] ->
-    let view = view_expr x in
-    (match view with
-    | `tuple -> true
-    | _ -> false)
-  | _ -> false
-let detectTernary l = match l with
-  | [{
-      pc_lhs={ppat_desc=Ppat_construct ({txt=Lident "true"}, _)};
-      pc_guard=None;
-      pc_rhs=ifTrue
-    };
-    {
-      pc_lhs={ppat_desc=Ppat_construct ({txt=Lident "false"}, _)};
-      pc_guard=None;
-      pc_rhs=ifFalse
-    }] -> Some (ifTrue, ifFalse)
-  | _ -> None
-type funcApplicationLabelStyle =
-  (* No attaching to the label, but if the entire application fits on one line,
-     the entire application will appear next to the label as you 'd expect. *)
-  | NeverWrapFinalItem
-  (* Attach the first term if there are exactly two terms involved in the
-     application.
-     let x = firstTerm (secondTerm_1 secondTerm_2) thirdTerm;
-     Ideally, we'd be able to attach all but the last argument into the label any
-     time all but the last term will fit - and *not* when (attaching all but
-     the last term isn't enough to prevent a wrap) - But there's no way to tell
-     ahead of time if it would prevent a wrap.
-     However, the number two is somewhat convenient. This models the
-     indentation that you'd prefer in non-curried syntax languages like
-     JavaScript, where application only ever has two terms.
-  *)
-  | WrapFinalListyItemIfFewerThan of int
-type formatSettings = {
-  (* Whether or not to expect that the original parser that generated the AST
-     would have annotated constructor argument tuples with explicit arity to
-     indicate that they are multiple arguments. (True if parsed in original
-     OCaml AST, false if using Reason parser).
-  *)
-  constructorTupleImplicitArity: bool;
-  space: int;
-  (* For curried arguments in function *definitions* only: Number of [space]s
-     to offset beyond the [let] keyword. Default 1.
-  *)
-  listsRecordsIndent: int;
-  indentWrappedPatternArgs: int;
-  indentMatchCases: int;
-  (* Amount to indent in label-like constructs such as wrapped function
-     applications, etc - or even record fields. This is not the same concept as an
-     indented curried argument list. *)
-  indentAfterLabels: int;
-  (* Amount to indent after the opening brace of switch/try.
-     Here's an example of what it would look like w/ [trySwitchIndent = 2]:
-     Sticks the expression to the last item in a sequence in several [X | Y | Z
-     => expr], and forces X, Y, Z to be split onto several lines. (Otherwise,
-     sticking to Z would result in hanging expressions).  TODO: In the first case,
-     it's clear that we want patterns to have an "extra" indentation with matching
-     in a "match". Create extra config param to pass to [self#pattern] for extra
-     indentation in this one case.
-      switch x {
-      | TwoCombos
-          (HeresTwoConstructorArguments x y)
-          (HeresTwoConstructorArguments a b) =>
-          ((a + b) + x) + y;
-      | Short
-      | AlsoHasARecord a b {x, y} => (
-          retOne,
-          retTwo
-        )
-      | AlsoHasARecord a b {x, y} =>
-        callMyFunction
-          withArg
-          withArg
-          withArg
-          withArg;
-      }
-  *)
-  trySwitchIndent: int;
-  (* In the case of two term function application (when flattened), the first
-     term should become part of the label, and the second term should be able to wrap
-     This doesn't effect n != 2.
-       [true]
-       let x = reallyShort allFitsOnOneLine;
-       let x = someFunction {
-         reallyLongObject: true,
-         thatWouldntFitOnThe: true,
-         firstLine: true
-       };
-       [false]
-       let x = reallyShort allFitsOnOneLine;
-       let x =
-        someFunction
-          {
-            reallyLongObject: true,
-            thatWouldntFitOnThe: true,
-            firstLine: true
-          };
-  *)
-  funcApplicationLabelStyle: funcApplicationLabelStyle;
-  funcCurriedPatternStyle: funcApplicationLabelStyle;
-  width: int;
-  assumeExplicitArity: bool;
-  constructorLists: string list;
-let defaultSettings = {
-  constructorTupleImplicitArity = false;
-  space = 1;
-  listsRecordsIndent = 2;
-  indentWrappedPatternArgs = 2;
-  indentMatchCases = 2;
-  indentAfterLabels = 2;
-  trySwitchIndent = 0;
-  funcApplicationLabelStyle = WrapFinalListyItemIfFewerThan 3;
-  (* WrapFinalListyItemIfFewerThan is currently a bad idea for curried
-     arguments: It looks great in some cases:
-        let myFun (a:int) :(
-          int,
-          string
-        ) => (a, "this is a");
-     But horrible in others:
-        let myFun
-            {
-              myField,
-              yourField
-            } :someReturnType => myField + yourField;
-        let myFun
-            {            // Curried arg wraps
-              myField,
-              yourField
-            } : (       // But the last is "listy" so it docks
-          int,          // To the [let].
-          int,
-          int
-        ) => myField + yourField;
-     We probably want some special listy label docking/wrapping mode for
-     curried function bindings.
-  *)
-  funcCurriedPatternStyle = NeverWrapFinalItem;
-  width = 80;
-  assumeExplicitArity = false;
-  constructorLists = [];
-let configuredSettings = ref defaultSettings
-let configure ~width ~assumeExplicitArity ~constructorLists = (
-  configuredSettings := {defaultSettings with width; assumeExplicitArity; constructorLists}
-let createFormatter () =
-let module Formatter = struct
-let settings = !configuredSettings
-(* How do we make
-   this a label?
-   /---------------------\
-   let myVal = (oneThing, {
-   field: [],
-   anotherField: blah
-   });
-   But in this case, this wider region a label?
-   /------------------------------------------------------\
-   let myVal = callSomeFunc (oneThing, {field: [], anotherField: blah}, {
-   boo: 'hi'
-   });
-   This is difficult. You must form a label from the preorder traversal of every
-   node - except the last encountered in the traversal. An easier heuristic is:
-   - The last argument to a functor application is expanded.
-   React.CreateClass SomeThing {
-   let render {props} => {
-   };
-   }
-   - The last argument to a function application is expanded on the same line.
-   - Only if it's not curried with another invocation.
-   -- Optionally: "only if everything else is an atom"
-   -- Optionally: "only if there are no other args"
-   React.createClass someThing {
-   render: fn x => y,
-   }
-   !!! NOT THIS
-   React.createClass someThing {
-   render: fn x => y,
-   }
-   somethingElse
-let isArityClear attrs =
-  (!configuredSettings).assumeExplicitArity ||
-  List.exists
-    (function
-      | ({txt="explicit_arity"}, _) -> true
-      | _ -> false
-    )
-    attrs
-let default_indent_body =
-  settings.listsRecordsIndent *
-let makeList
-    ?listConfigIfCommentsInterleaved
-    ?listConfigIfEolCommentsInterleaved
-    ?(break=Layout.Never)
-    ?(wrap=("", ""))
-    ?(inline=(true, false))
-    ?(sep=Layout.NoSep)
-    ?(indent=default_indent_body)
-    ?(sepLeft=true)
-    ?(preSpace=false)
-    ?(postSpace=false)
-    ?(pad=(false,false))
-    lst =
-  let config =
-    { Layout.
-      listConfigIfCommentsInterleaved; listConfigIfEolCommentsInterleaved;
-      break; wrap; inline; sep; indent; sepLeft; preSpace; postSpace; pad;
-    }
-  in
-  Layout.Sequence (config, lst)
-let makeAppList = function
-  | [hd] -> hd
-  | l -> makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~postSpace:true ~break:IfNeed l
-let makeTup ?(wrap=("", ""))?(trailComma=true) ?(uncurried = false) l =
-  let (lwrap, rwrap) = wrap in
-  let lparen = lwrap ^ (if uncurried then "(. " else "(") in
-  makeList
-    ~wrap:(lparen, ")" ^ rwrap)
-    ~sep:(if trailComma then commaTrail else commaSep)
-    ~postSpace:true
-    ~break:IfNeed l
-let ensureSingleTokenSticksToLabel x =
-  let listConfigIfCommentsInterleaved cfg =
-    let inline = (true, true) and postSpace = true and indent = 0 in
-    {cfg with Layout.break=Always_rec; postSpace; indent; inline}
-  in
-  makeList ~listConfigIfCommentsInterleaved [x]
-let unbreakLabelFormatter formatter =
-  let newFormatter labelTerm term =
-    match formatter labelTerm term with
-    | Easy_format.Label ((labelTerm, settings), term) ->
-       Easy_format.Label ((labelTerm,
-                           {settings with label_break = `Never}),
-                          term)
-    | _ -> failwith "not a label"
-  in newFormatter
-let inlineLabel labelTerm term =
-  let settings = {
-    label_break = `Never;
-    space_after_label = true;
-    indent_after_label = 0;
-    label_style = Some "inlineLabel";
-  } in
-  Easy_format.Label ((labelTerm, settings), term)
-(* Just for debugging: Set debugWithHtml = true *)
-let debugWithHtml = ref false
-let html_escape_string s =
-  let buf = Buffer.create (2 * String.length s) in
-  for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
-    match s.[i] with
-        '&' -> Buffer.add_string buf "&amp;"
-      | '<' -> Buffer.add_string buf "&lt;"
-      | '>' -> Buffer.add_string buf "&gt;"
-      | c -> Buffer.add_char buf c
-  done;
-  Buffer.contents buf
-let html_escape = `Escape_string html_escape_string
-let html_style = [
-  "atom", { Easy_format.tag_open = "<a>"; tag_close = "</a>" };
-  "body", { tag_open = "<lb>"; tag_close = "</lb>" };
-  "list", { tag_open = "<l>"; tag_close = "</l>" };
-  "op", { tag_open = "<op>"; tag_close = "</op>" };
-  "cl", { tag_open = "<cl>"; tag_close = "</cl>" };
-  "sep", { tag_open = "<sep>"; tag_close = "</sep>" };
-  "label", { tag_open = "<la>"; tag_close = "</la>" };
-let easyLabel
-    ?(break=`Auto) ?(space=false) ?(indent=settings.indentAfterLabels)
-    labelTerm term =
-  let settings = {
-    label_break = break;
-    space_after_label = space;
-    indent_after_label = indent;
-    label_style = Some "label";
-  } in
-  Easy_format.Label ((labelTerm, settings), term)
-let label ?break ?space ?indent (labelTerm:Layout.t) (term:Layout.t) =
-  Layout.Label (easyLabel ?break ?indent ?space, labelTerm, term)
-let atom ?loc str =
-  let style = { Easy_format.atom_style = Some "atomClss" } in
-  source_map ?loc (Layout.Easy (Easy_format.Atom(str, style)))
-(** Take x,y,z and n and generate [x, y, z, ...n] *)
-let makeES6List ?wrap:((lwrap,rwrap)=("", "")) lst last =
-  makeList
-    ~wrap:(lwrap ^ "[", "]" ^ rwrap)
-    ~break:IfNeed ~postSpace:true ~sep:commaTrail
-    (lst @ [makeList [atom "..."; last]])
-let makeNonIndentedBreakingList lst =
-    (* No align closing: So that semis stick to the ends of every break *)
-  makeList ~break:Always_rec ~indent:0 ~inline:(true, true) lst
-(* Like a <span> could place with other breakableInline lists without upsetting final semicolons *)
-let makeSpacedBreakableInlineList lst =
-  makeList ~break:IfNeed ~inline:(true, true) ~postSpace:true lst
-let makeCommaBreakableListSurround opn cls lst =
-  makeList ~break:IfNeed ~postSpace:true ~sep:(Sep ",") ~wrap:(opn, cls) lst
-(* TODO: Allow configuration of spacing around colon symbol *)
-let formatPrecedence ?(inline=false) ?(wrap=("(", ")")) ?loc formattedTerm =
-  source_map ?loc (makeList ~inline:(true, inline) ~wrap ~break:IfNeed [formattedTerm])
-let wrap fn term =
-  ignore (Format.flush_str_formatter ());
-  fn Format.str_formatter term;
-  atom (Format.flush_str_formatter ())
-(* Don't use `trim` since it kills line return too? *)
-let rec beginsWithStar_ line length idx =
-  if idx = length then false else
-    match String.get line idx with
-    | '*' -> true
-    | '\t' | ' ' -> beginsWithStar_ line length (idx + 1)
-    | _ -> false
-let beginsWithStar line = beginsWithStar_ line (String.length line) 0
-let rec numLeadingSpace_ line length idx accum =
-  if idx = length then accum else
-    match String.get line idx with
-    | '\t' | ' ' -> numLeadingSpace_ line length (idx + 1) (accum + 1)
-    | _ -> accum
-let numLeadingSpace line = numLeadingSpace_ line (String.length line) 0 0
-(* Computes the smallest leading spaces for non-empty lines *)
-let smallestLeadingSpaces strs =
-  let rec smallestLeadingSpaces curMin strs = match strs with
-    | [] -> curMin
-    | ""::tl -> smallestLeadingSpaces curMin tl
-    | hd::tl ->
-      let leadingSpace = numLeadingSpace hd in
-      let nextMin = min curMin leadingSpace in
-      smallestLeadingSpaces nextMin tl
-  in
-  smallestLeadingSpaces 99999 strs
-let rec isSequencey = function
-  | Layout.SourceMap (_, sub) -> isSequencey sub
-  | Layout.Sequence _ -> true
-  | Layout.Label (_, _, _) -> false
-  | Layout.Easy (Easy_format.List _) -> true
-  | Layout.Easy _ -> false
-  | Layout.Whitespace (_, sub) -> isSequencey sub
-let inline ?(preSpace=false) ?(postSpace=false) labelTerm term =
-  makeList [labelTerm; term]
-    ~inline:(true, true) ~postSpace ~preSpace ~indent:0 ~break:Layout.Never
-let breakline labelTerm term =
-  makeList [labelTerm; term]
-    ~inline:(true, true) ~indent:0 ~break:Always_rec
-let insertBlankLines n term =
-  if n = 0
-  then term
-  else makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~indent:0 ~break:Always_rec
-      (Array.to_list (Array.make n (atom "")) @ [term])
-let string_after s n = String.sub s n (String.length s - n)
-(* This is a special-purpose functions only used by `formatComment_`. Notice we
-skip a char below during usage because we know the comment starts with `/*` *)
-let rec lineZeroMeaningfulContent_ line length idx accum =
-  if idx = length then None
-  else
-    let ch = String.get line idx in
-    if ch = '\t' || ch = ' ' || ch = '*' then
-      lineZeroMeaningfulContent_ line length (idx + 1) (accum + 1)
-    else Some accum
-let lineZeroMeaningfulContent line =
-  lineZeroMeaningfulContent_ line (String.length line) 1 0
-let formatComment_ txt =
-  let commLines =
-    Reason_syntax_util.split_by ~keep_empty:true (fun x -> x = '\n')
-      (Comment.wrap txt)
-  in
-  match commLines with
-  | [] -> atom ""
-  | [hd] ->
-    atom hd
-  | zero::one::tl ->
-    let attemptRemoveCount = (smallestLeadingSpaces (one::tl)) in
-    let leftPad =
-      if beginsWithStar one then 1
-      else match lineZeroMeaningfulContent zero with
-        | None -> 1
-        | Some num -> num + 1
-    in
-    let padNonOpeningLine s =
-      let numLeadingSpaceForThisLine = numLeadingSpace s in
-      if String.length s == 0 then ""
-      else (String.make leftPad ' ') ^
-           (string_after s (min attemptRemoveCount numLeadingSpaceForThisLine)) in
-    let lines = zero :: padNonOpeningLine (one::tl) in
-    makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~indent:0 ~break:Always_rec ( atom lines)
-let formatComment comment =
-  source_map ~loc:(Comment.location comment) (formatComment_ comment)
-let rec append ?(space=false) txt = function
-  | Layout.SourceMap (loc, sub) ->
-    Layout.SourceMap (loc, append ~space txt sub)
-  | Sequence (config, l) when snd config.wrap <> "" ->
-    let sep = if space then " " else "" in
-    Sequence ({config with wrap=(fst config.wrap, snd config.wrap ^ sep ^ txt)}, l)
-  | Sequence (config, []) ->
-    Sequence (config, [atom txt])
-  | Sequence ({sep=NoSep} as config, l)
-  | Sequence ({sep=Sep("")} as config, l) ->
-    let len = List.length l in
-    let sub = List.mapi (fun i layout ->
-        (* append to the end of the list *)
-        if i + 1 = len then
-          append ~space txt layout
-        else
-          layout
-      ) l in
-    Sequence (config, sub)
-  | Label (formatter, left, right) ->
-    Label (formatter, left, append ~space txt right)
-  | Whitespace(info, sub) ->
-      Whitespace(info, append ~space txt sub)
-  | layout ->
-    inline ~postSpace:space layout (atom txt)
-let appendSep spaceBeforeSep sep layout =
-  append (if spaceBeforeSep then " " ^ sep else sep) layout
-let rec flattenCommentAndSep ?spaceBeforeSep:(spaceBeforeSep=false) ?sepStr = function
-  | Layout.SourceMap (loc, sub) ->
-     Layout.SourceMap (loc, flattenCommentAndSep ~spaceBeforeSep ?sepStr sub)
-  | Layout.Whitespace(info, sub) ->
-     Layout.Whitespace(info, flattenCommentAndSep ~spaceBeforeSep ?sepStr sub)
-  | layout ->
-     begin
-       match sepStr with
-       | None -> layout
-       | Some sep -> appendSep spaceBeforeSep sep layout
-     end
-let rec preOrderWalk f layout =
-  match f layout with
-  | Layout.Sequence (listConfig, sublayouts) ->
-    let newSublayouts = (preOrderWalk f) sublayouts in
-    Layout.Sequence (listConfig, newSublayouts)
-  | Layout.Label (formatter, left, right) ->
-    let newLeftLayout = preOrderWalk f left in
-    let newRightLayout = preOrderWalk f right in
-    Layout.Label (formatter, newLeftLayout, newRightLayout)
-  | Layout.SourceMap (loc, sub) ->
-    Layout.SourceMap (loc, preOrderWalk f sub)
-  | Layout.Easy _ as layout -> layout
-  | Layout.Whitespace (info, sub) ->
-      Layout.Whitespace(info, preOrderWalk f sub)
-(** Recursively unbreaks a layout to make sure they stay within the same line *)
-let unbreaklayout = preOrderWalk (function
-  | Layout.Sequence (listConfig, sublayouts) ->
-    Layout.Sequence ({listConfig with break=Layout.Never}, sublayouts)
-  | Layout.Label (formatter, left, right) ->
-    Layout.Label (unbreakLabelFormatter formatter, left, right)
-  | layout -> layout
-(** [consolidateSeparator layout] walks the [layout], extract separators out of each
- *  list and insert them into PrintTree as separated items
- *)
-let consolidateSeparator l = preOrderWalk (function
-  | Sequence (listConfig, sublayouts) when listConfig.sep != NoSep && listConfig.sepLeft ->
-     (* TODO: Support !sepLeft, and this should apply to the *first* separator if !sepLeft.  *)
-     let sublayoutsLen = List.length sublayouts in
-     let mapSublayout i layout =
-        match (listConfig.sep, (i + 1 = sublayoutsLen)) with
-        | (NoSep, _) -> raise (NotPossible "We already covered this case. This shouldn't happen.")
-        | (Sep _, true) -> layout
-        | (SepFinal (sepStr, _), false)
-        | (Sep sepStr, false) ->
-          flattenCommentAndSep ~spaceBeforeSep:listConfig.preSpace ~sepStr:sepStr layout
-        | (SepFinal (_, finalSepStr), true) ->
-          flattenCommentAndSep ~spaceBeforeSep:listConfig.preSpace ~sepStr:finalSepStr layout
-     in
-     let layoutsWithSepAndComment = List.mapi mapSublayout sublayouts in
-     let sep = Layout.NoSep in
-     let preSpace = false in
-     Sequence ({listConfig with sep; preSpace}, layoutsWithSepAndComment)
-  | layout -> layout
-) l
-(** [insertLinesAboveItems layout] walks the [layout] and insert empty lines *)
-let insertLinesAboveItems items = preOrderWalk (function
-  | Whitespace(region, sub) ->
-      insertBlankLines (WhitespaceRegion.newlines region) sub
-  | layout -> layout
-) items
-let insertCommentIntoWhitespaceRegion comment region subLayout =
-  let cl = Comment.location comment in
-  let range = WhitespaceRegion.range region in
-  (* append the comment to the list of inserted comments in the whitespace region *)
-  let nextRegion = WhitespaceRegion.addComment region comment in
-  let formattedComment = formatComment comment in
-  match WhitespaceRegion.comments region with
-  (* the comment inserted into the whitespace region is the first in the region *)
-  | [] ->
-      (*
-       * 1| let a = 1;
-       * 2|
-       * 3| /* comment at end of whitespace region */
-       * 4| let b = 2;
-       *)
-      if range.lnum_end = cl.loc_end.pos_lnum then
-        let subLayout = breakline formattedComment subLayout in
-        Layout.Whitespace(nextRegion, subLayout)
-      (*
-       * 1| let a = 1;
-       * 2| /* comment at start of whitespace region */
-       * 3|
-       * 4| let b = 2;
-       *)
-      else if range.lnum_start = cl.loc_start.pos_lnum then
-        let subLayout = breakline formattedComment (insertBlankLines 1 subLayout) in
-        let nextRegion = WhitespaceRegion.modifyNewlines nextRegion 0 in
-        Whitespace(nextRegion, subLayout)
-      (*
-       * 1| let a = 1;
-       * 2|
-       * 3| /* comment floats in whitespace region */
-       * 4|
-       * 5| let b = 2;
-       *)
-      else
-        let subLayout = breakline formattedComment (insertBlankLines 1 subLayout) in
-        Whitespace(nextRegion, subLayout)
-  (* The whitespace region contains already inserted comments *)
-  | prevComment::_cs ->
-      let pcl = Comment.location prevComment in
-      (* check if the comment is attached to the start of the region *)
-      let attachedToStartRegion = cl.loc_start.pos_lnum = range.lnum_start in
-      let nextRegion =
-        (*
-         * 1| let a = 1;
-         * 2| /* comment sits on the beginning of the region */
-         * 3| /* previous comment */
-         * 4|
-         * 5| let b = 2;
-         *)
-        if attachedToStartRegion then
-          (* we don't want a newline between `let a = 1` and the `comment sits
-           * on the beginning of the region` comment*)
-          WhitespaceRegion.modifyNewlines nextRegion 0
-        (*
-         * 1| let a = 1;
-         * 2|
-         * 3| /* comment isn't located at the beginnin of a region*/
-         * 4| /* previous comment */
-         * 5|
-         * 6| let b = 2;
-         *)
-        else
-          nextRegion
-      in
-      (*
-       * 1| let a = 1;
-       * 2| /* comment */
-       * 3|                      --> whitespace between
-       * 4| /* previous comment */
-       * 5| let b = 1;
-       *)
-      if Reason_location.hasSpaceBetween pcl cl then
-      (* pcl.loc_start.pos_lnum - cl.loc_end.pos_lnum > 1 then *)
-        let subLayout = breakline formattedComment (insertBlankLines 1 subLayout) in
-        let withComment = Layout.Whitespace(nextRegion, subLayout) in
-        withComment
-      (*
-       * 1| let a = 1;
-       * 2|
-       * 3| /* comment */          | no whitespace between `comment`
-       * 4| /* previous comment */ | and `previous comment`
-       * 5| let b = 1;
-       *)
-      else
-        let subLayout = breakline formattedComment subLayout in
-        let withComment =  Layout.Whitespace(nextRegion, subLayout) in
-        withComment
- * prependSingleLineComment inserts a single line comment right above layout
- *)
-let rec prependSingleLineComment comment layout =
-  match layout with
-  | Layout.SourceMap (loc, sub) ->
-     Layout.SourceMap (loc, prependSingleLineComment comment sub)
-  | Sequence (config, hd::tl) when config.break = Always_rec->
-     Sequence(config, (prependSingleLineComment comment hd)::tl)
-  | Whitespace(info, sub) ->
-      insertCommentIntoWhitespaceRegion comment info sub
-  | layout ->
-      breakline (formatComment comment) layout
-(* breakAncestors break ancestors above node, but not comment attachment itself.*)
-let appendComment ~breakAncestors layout comment =
-  let text = Comment.wrap comment in
-  let layout = match layout with
-  | Layout.Whitespace(info, sublayout) ->
-    Layout.Whitespace(info, makeList ~break:Layout.Never ~postSpace:true [sublayout; atom text])
-  | layout ->
-      makeList ~break:Layout.Never ~postSpace:true [layout; atom text]
-  in
-  if breakAncestors then
-    makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~postSpace:false ~preSpace:true ~indent:0
-      ~break:Always_rec [layout]
-  else
-    layout
- * [looselyAttachComment layout comment] preorderly walks the layout and
- * find a place where the comment can be loosely attached to
- *)
-let rec looselyAttachComment ~breakAncestors layout comment =
-  let location = Comment.location comment in
-  match layout with
-  | Layout.SourceMap (loc, sub) ->
-     Layout.SourceMap (loc, looselyAttachComment ~breakAncestors sub comment)
-  | Layout.Whitespace (info, sub) ->
-     Layout.Whitespace(info, looselyAttachComment ~breakAncestors sub comment)
-  | Easy _ ->
-     inline ~postSpace:true layout (formatComment comment)
-  | Sequence (listConfig, subLayouts)
-    when List.exists (Layout.contains_location ~location) subLayouts ->
-     (* If any of the subLayout strictly contains this comment, recurse into to it *)
-    let recurse_sublayout layout =
-      if Layout.contains_location layout ~location
-      then begin
-        looselyAttachComment ~breakAncestors layout comment
-      end
-      else layout
-    in
-    Sequence (listConfig, recurse_sublayout subLayouts)
-  | Sequence (listConfig, subLayouts) when subLayouts == [] ->
-    (* If there are no subLayouts (empty body), create a Sequence of just the comment *)
-    Sequence (listConfig, [formatComment comment])
-  | Sequence (listConfig, subLayouts) ->
-    let (beforeComment, afterComment) =
-      Reason_syntax_util.pick_while (Layout.is_before ~location) subLayouts in
-    let newSubLayout = match List.rev beforeComment with
-      | [] ->
-        Reason_syntax_util.map_first (prependSingleLineComment comment) afterComment
-      | hd :: tl ->
-        List.rev_append
-          (appendComment ~breakAncestors hd comment :: tl) afterComment
-    in
-    Sequence (listConfig, newSubLayout)
-  | Label (formatter, left, right) ->
-    let newLeft, newRight =
-      match (Layout.get_location left, Layout.get_location right) with
-      | (None, None) ->
-        (left, looselyAttachComment ~breakAncestors right comment)
-      | (_, Some loc2) when location_contains loc2 location ->
-        (left, looselyAttachComment ~breakAncestors right comment)
-      | (Some loc1, _) when location_contains loc1 location ->
-        (looselyAttachComment ~breakAncestors left comment, right)
-      | (Some loc1, Some _) when location_is_before location loc1 ->
-        (prependSingleLineComment comment left, right)
-      | (Some _, Some loc2) when location_is_before location loc2 ->
-        (left, prependSingleLineComment comment right)
-      | _ -> (left, appendComment ~breakAncestors right comment)
-    in
-    Label (formatter, newLeft, newRight)
- * [insertSingleLineComment layout comment] preorderly walks the layout and
- * find a place where the SingleLineComment can be fit into
- *)
-let rec insertSingleLineComment layout comment =
-  let location = Comment.location comment in
-  match layout with
-  | Layout.SourceMap (loc, sub) ->
-    Layout.SourceMap (loc, insertSingleLineComment sub comment)
-  | Layout.Whitespace (info, sub) ->
-      let range = WhitespaceRegion.range info in
-      if Range.containsLoc range location then
-        insertCommentIntoWhitespaceRegion comment info sub
-      else
-        Layout.Whitespace(info, insertSingleLineComment sub comment)
-  | Easy _ ->
-    prependSingleLineComment comment layout
-  | Sequence (listConfig, subLayouts) when subLayouts == [] ->
-    (* If there are no subLayouts (empty body), create a Sequence of just the
-     * comment. We need to be careful when the empty body contains a //-style
-     * comment. Example:
-     *   let make = () => {
-     *     //
-     *   };
-     * It is clear that the sequence needs to always break here, otherwise
-     * we get a parse error: let make = () => { // };
-     * The closing brace and semicolon `};` would become part of the comment…
-     *)
-    let listConfig =
-      if Reason_comment.isLineComment comment then
-        {listConfig with break = Always_rec}
-      else
-        listConfig
-    in
-    Sequence (listConfig, [formatComment comment])
-  | Sequence (listConfig, subLayouts) ->
-    let (beforeComment, afterComment) =
-      Reason_syntax_util.pick_while (Layout.is_before ~location) subLayouts in
-    begin match afterComment with
-      (* Nothing in the list is after comment, attach comment to the statement before the comment *)
-      | [] ->
-        let break sublayout = breakline sublayout (formatComment comment) in
-        Sequence (listConfig, Reason_syntax_util.map_last break beforeComment)
-      | hd::tl ->
-        let afterComment =
-          match Layout.get_location hd with
-          | Some loc when location_contains loc location ->
-            insertSingleLineComment hd comment :: tl
-          | Some loc ->
-            Layout.SourceMap (loc, (prependSingleLineComment comment hd)) :: tl
-          | _ ->
-            prependSingleLineComment comment hd :: tl
-        in
-        Sequence (listConfig, beforeComment @ afterComment)
-    end
-  | Label (formatter, left, right) ->
-    let leftLoc = Layout.get_location left in
-    let rightLoc = Layout.get_location right in
-    let newLeft, newRight = match (leftLoc, rightLoc) with
-      | (None, None) ->
-        (left, insertSingleLineComment right comment)
-      | (_, Some loc2) when location_contains loc2 location ->
-        (left, insertSingleLineComment right comment)
-      | (Some loc1, _) when location_contains loc1 location ->
-        (insertSingleLineComment left comment, right)
-      | (Some loc1, Some _) when location_is_before location loc1 ->
-        (prependSingleLineComment comment left, right)
-      | (Some _, Some loc2) when location_is_before location loc2 ->
-        (left, prependSingleLineComment comment right)
-      | _ ->
-        (left, breakline right (formatComment comment))
-    in
-    Label (formatter, newLeft, newRight)
-let rec attachCommentToNodeRight layout comment =
-  match layout with
-  | Layout.Sequence (config, sub) when snd config.wrap <> "" ->
-    (* jwalke: This is quite the abuse of the "wrap" config *)
-    let lwrap, rwrap = config.wrap in
-    let rwrap = rwrap ^ " " ^ Comment.wrap comment in
-    Layout.Sequence ({config with wrap=(lwrap, rwrap)}, sub)
-  | Layout.SourceMap (loc, sub) ->
-    Layout.SourceMap (loc, attachCommentToNodeRight sub comment)
-  | layout -> inline ~postSpace:true layout (formatComment comment)
-let rec attachCommentToNodeLeft comment layout =
-  match layout with
-  | Layout.Sequence (config, sub) when snd config.wrap <> "" ->
-    let lwrap, rwrap = config.wrap in
-    let lwrap = Comment.wrap comment ^ " " ^ lwrap in
-    Layout.Sequence ({config with wrap = (lwrap, rwrap)}, sub)
-  | Layout.SourceMap (loc, sub) ->
-    Layout.SourceMap (loc, attachCommentToNodeLeft comment sub )
-  | layout ->
-    Layout.Label (inlineLabel, formatComment comment, layout)
-(** [tryPerfectlyAttachComment layout comment] postorderly walk the [layout] and tries
- *  to perfectly attach a comment with a layout node.
- *
- *  Perfectly attach here means a comment's start location is equal to the node's end location
- *  and vice versa.
- *
- *  If the comment can be perfectly attached to any layout node, returns (newLayout, None),
- *  meaning the comment is consumed. Otherwise returns the (unchangedLayout, Some comment),
- *  meaning the comment is not consumed.
- *
- * "perfect attachment" doesn't make sense for end of line comments:
- *
- *       {
- *         x: 0,
- *         y: 0
- *       }
- *
- * One of these will be "perfectly attached" to the zero and the other won't.
- * Why should the comma have such an influence? Trailing commas and semicolons
- * may be inserted or removed, an we need end-of-line comments to never be
- * impacted by that. Therefore, never try to "perfectly" attach EOL comments.
- *)
-let rec tryPerfectlyAttachComment layout = function
-  | None -> (layout, None)
-  | Some comment -> perfectlyAttachComment comment layout
-and perfectlyAttachComment comment = function
-  | Layout.Sequence (listConfig, subLayouts) ->
-    let distributeCommentIntoSubLayouts (i, processed, newComment) layout =
-      let (layout, newComment) =
-        tryPerfectlyAttachComment layout newComment in
-      (i + 1, layout::processed, newComment)
-    in
-    let (_, processed, consumed) =
-      List.fold_left
-        distributeCommentIntoSubLayouts
-        (0, [], Some comment) (List.rev subLayouts)
-    in
-    Layout.Sequence (listConfig, processed), consumed
-  | Layout.Label (labelFormatter, left, right) ->
-    let (newRight, comment) = perfectlyAttachComment comment right in
-    let (newLeft, comment) = tryPerfectlyAttachComment left comment in
-    Layout.Label (labelFormatter, newLeft, newRight), comment
-  | Layout.SourceMap (loc, subLayout) ->
-    let commloc = Comment.location comment in
-    if loc.loc_end.Lexing.pos_lnum = loc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_lnum &&
-       commloc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum = loc.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum
-    then
-      (Layout.SourceMap (loc, makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~break:Always
-                    [unbreaklayout (attachCommentToNodeRight subLayout comment)]),
-       None)
-    else
-      let (layout, comment) = perfectlyAttachComment comment subLayout in
-      begin match comment with
-        | None -> (Layout.SourceMap (loc, layout), None)
-        | Some comment ->
-          if commloc.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum =
-             loc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum  then
-            (Layout.SourceMap (loc, attachCommentToNodeLeft comment layout), None)
-          else if commloc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum = loc.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum then
-            (Layout.SourceMap (loc, attachCommentToNodeRight layout comment), None)
-          else
-            (Layout.SourceMap (loc, layout), Some comment)
-      end
-  | Whitespace(info, subLayout) ->
-      begin match perfectlyAttachComment comment subLayout with
-      | (newLayout, None) -> (Whitespace(info, newLayout), None)
-      | (newLayout, Some c) -> (Whitespace(info, newLayout), Some c)
-      end
-  | layout -> (layout, Some comment)
-let insertRegularComment layout comment =
-  match perfectlyAttachComment comment layout with
-  | (layout, None) -> layout
-  | (layout, Some _) ->
-      looselyAttachComment ~breakAncestors:false layout comment
-let insertEndOfLineComment layout comment =
-  looselyAttachComment ~breakAncestors:true layout comment
-let rec partitionComments_ ((singleLines, endOfLines, regulars) as soFar) = function
-  | [] -> soFar
-  | com :: tl ->
-    match Comment.category com with
-    | Comment.EndOfLine ->
-      partitionComments_ (singleLines, (com :: endOfLines), regulars) tl
-    | Comment.SingleLine ->
-      partitionComments_ ((com :: singleLines), endOfLines, regulars) tl
-    | Comment.Regular ->
-      partitionComments_ (singleLines, endOfLines, (com :: regulars)) tl
-let partitionComments comments =
-  let (singleLines, endOfLines, regulars) =
-    partitionComments_ ([], [], []) comments in
-  (singleLines, List.rev endOfLines, regulars)
- * Partition single line comments based on a location into two lists:
- * - one contains the comments before/same height of that location
- * - the other contains the comments after the location
- *)
-let partitionSingleLineComments loc singleLineComments =
-  let (before, after) = List.fold_left (fun (before, after) comment ->
-    let cl = Comment.location comment in
-    let isAfter = loc.loc_end.pos_lnum < cl.loc_start.pos_lnum in
-    if isAfter then
-      (before, comment::after)
-    else
-      (comment::before, after)
-  ) ([], []) singleLineComments
-  in (List.rev before, after)
- * appends all [singleLineComments] after the [layout].
- * [loc] marks the end of [layout]
- *)
-let appendSingleLineCommentsToEnd loc layout singleLineComments =
-  let rec aux prevLoc layout i = function
-    | comment::cs ->
-        let loc = Comment.location comment in
-        let formattedComment = formatComment comment in
-        let commentLayout = if Reason_location.hasSpaceBetween loc prevLoc then
-          insertBlankLines 1 formattedComment
-        else
-          formattedComment
-        in
-        (* The initial layout breaks ugly with `breakline`,
-         * an inline list (that never breaks) fixes this *)
-        let newLayout = if i == 0 then
-          makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~break:Never [layout; commentLayout]
-        else
-          breakline layout commentLayout
-        in
-        aux loc newLayout (i + 1) cs
-    | [] -> layout
-  in
-  aux loc layout 0 singleLineComments
- * For simplicity, the formatting of comments happens in two parts in context of a source map:
- * 1) insert the singleLineComments with the interleaving algorithm contained in
- *    `insertSingleLineComment` for all comments overlapping with the sourcemap.
- *    A `Layout.Whitespace` node signals an intent to preserve whitespace here.
- * 2) SingleLineComments after the sourcemap, e.g. at the end of .re/.rei file,
- *    get attached with `appendSingleLineCommentsToEnd`. Due to the fact there
- *    aren't any real ocaml ast nodes anymore after the sourcemap (end of a
- *    file), the printing of the comments can be done in one pass with
- *    `appendSingleLineCommentsToEnd`. This is more performant and
- *    simplifies the implementation of comment attachment.
- *)
-let attachSingleLineComments singleLineComments = function
-  | Layout.SourceMap(loc, subLayout) ->
-      let (before, after) = partitionSingleLineComments loc singleLineComments in
-      let layout = List.fold_left insertSingleLineComment subLayout before in
-      appendSingleLineCommentsToEnd loc layout after
-  | layout ->
-    List.fold_left insertSingleLineComment layout singleLineComments
-let format_layout ?comments ppf layout =
-  let easy = match comments with
-    | None -> Layout.to_easy_format layout
-    | Some comments ->
-      let (singleLines, endOfLines, regulars) = partitionComments comments in
-      (* TODO: Stop generating multiple versions of the tree, and instead generate one new tree. *)
-      (* Layout.dump Format.std_formatter layout; *)
-      let layout = List.fold_left insertRegularComment layout regulars in
-      let layout = consolidateSeparator layout in
-      let layout = List.fold_left insertEndOfLineComment layout endOfLines in
-      (* Layout.dump Format.std_formatter layout; *)
-      let layout = attachSingleLineComments singleLines layout in
-      (* Layout.dump Format.std_formatter layout; *)
-      let layout = insertLinesAboveItems layout in
-      let layout = Layout.to_easy_format layout in
-      (* Layout.dump_easy Format.std_formatter layout; *)
-      layout
-  in
-  let buf = Buffer.create 1000 in
-  let fauxmatter = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
-  let _ = Format.pp_set_margin fauxmatter settings.width in
-  if debugWithHtml.contents then
-    Easy_format.Pretty.define_styles fauxmatter html_escape html_style;
-  let _ = Easy_format.Pretty.to_formatter fauxmatter easy in
-  let trimmed = Reason_syntax_util.processLineEndingsAndStarts (Buffer.contents buf) in
-  Format.fprintf ppf "%s\n" trimmed;
-  Format.pp_print_flush ppf ()
-let partitionFinalWrapping listTester wrapFinalItemSetting x =
-  let rev = List.rev x in
-  match (rev, wrapFinalItemSetting) with
-    | ([], _) -> raise (NotPossible "shouldnt be partitioning 0 label attachments")
-    | (_, NeverWrapFinalItem) -> None
-    | (last::revEverythingButLast, WrapFinalListyItemIfFewerThan max) ->
-        if not (listTester last) || (List.length x) >= max then
-          None
-        else
-          Some (List.rev revEverythingButLast, last)
-let semiTerminated term = makeList [term; atom ";"]
-(* postSpace is so that when comments are interleaved, we still use spacing rules. *)
-let makeLetSequence ?(wrap=("{", "}")) letItems =
-  makeList
-    ~break:Always_rec
-    ~inline:(true, false)
-    ~wrap
-    ~postSpace:true
-    ~sep:(SepFinal (";", ";"))
-    letItems
-let makeLetSequenceSingleLine ?(wrap=("{", "}")) letItems =
-  makeList
-    ~break:IfNeed
-    ~inline:(true, false)
-    ~wrap
-    ~preSpace:true
-    ~postSpace:true
-    ~sep:(Sep ";")
-    letItems
-(* postSpace is so that when comments are interleaved, we still use spacing rules. *)
-let makeUnguardedLetSequence ?(sep=(Layout.SepFinal (";", ";"))) letItems =
-  makeList
-    ~break:Always_rec
-    ~inline:(true, true)
-    ~wrap:("", "")
-    ~indent:0
-    ~postSpace:true
-    ~sep
-    letItems
-let formatSimpleAttributed x y =
-  makeList
-    ~wrap:("(", ")")
-    ~break:IfNeed
-    ~indent:0
-    ~postSpace:true
-    (List.concat [y; [x]])
-let formatAttributed ?(labelBreak=`Auto) x y =
-  label
-    ~break:labelBreak
-    ~indent:0
-    ~space:true
-    (makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~postSpace:true y)
-    x
-(* For when the type constraint should be treated as a separate breakable line item itself
-   not docked to some value/pattern label.
-   fun x
-       y
-       : retType => blah;
- *)
-let formatJustTheTypeConstraint typ =
-  makeList ~postSpace:false ~sep:(Sep " ") [atom ":"; typ]
-let formatTypeConstraint one two =
-  label ~space:true (makeList ~postSpace:false [one; atom ":"]) two
-let formatCoerce expr optType coerced =
-  match optType with
-    | None ->
-      label ~space:true (makeList ~postSpace:true [expr; atom ":>"]) coerced
-    | Some typ ->
-      label ~space:true (makeList ~postSpace:true [formatTypeConstraint expr typ; atom ":>"]) coerced
-(* Standard function application style indentation - no special wrapping
- * behavior.
- *
- * Formats like this:
- *
- *   let result =
- *     someFunc
- *       (10, 20);
- *
- *
- * Instead of this:
- *
- *   let result =
- *     someFunc (
- *       10,
- *       20
- *     );
- *
- * The outer list wrapping fixes #566: format should break the whole
- * application before breaking arguments.
- *)
-let formatIndentedApplication headApplicationItem argApplicationItems =
-  makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~postSpace:true ~break:IfNeed [
-    label
-      ~space:true
-      headApplicationItem
-      (makeAppList argApplicationItems)
-  ]
-(* The loc, is an optional location or the returned app terms *)
-let formatAttachmentApplication finalWrapping (attachTo: (bool * Layout.t) option) (appTermItems, loc) =
-  let partitioning = finalWrapping appTermItems in
-  match partitioning with
-    | None -> (
-        match (appTermItems, attachTo) with
-          | ([], _) -> raise (NotPossible "No app terms")
-          | ([hd], None) -> source_map ?loc hd
-          | ([hd], (Some (useSpace, toThis))) -> label ~space:useSpace toThis (source_map ?loc hd)
-          | (hd::tl, None) ->
-            source_map ?loc (formatIndentedApplication hd tl)
-          | (hd::tl, (Some (useSpace, toThis))) ->
-            label
-              ~space:useSpace
-              toThis
-              (source_map ?loc (formatIndentedApplication hd tl))
-      )
-    | Some (attachedList, wrappedListy) -> (
-        match (attachedList, attachTo) with
-        | ([], Some (useSpace, toThis)) ->
-          label ~space:useSpace toThis (source_map ?loc wrappedListy)
-        | ([], None) ->
-          (* Not Sure when this would happen *)
-          source_map ?loc wrappedListy
-        | (_::_, Some (useSpace, toThis)) ->
-          (* TODO: Can't attach location to this - maybe rewrite anyways *)
-          let attachedArgs = makeAppList attachedList in
-          label ~space:useSpace toThis
-            (label ~space:true attachedArgs wrappedListy)
-        | (_::_, None) ->
-          (* Args that are "attached to nothing" *)
-          let appList = makeAppList attachedList in
-          source_map ?loc (label ~space:true appList wrappedListy)
-      )
-  Preprocesses an expression term for the sake of label attachments ([letx =
-  expr]or record [field: expr]). Function application should have special
-  treatment when placed next to a label. (The invoked function term should
-  "stick" to the label in some cases). In others, the invoked function term
-  should become a new label for the remaining items to be indented under.
- *)
-let applicationFinalWrapping x =
-  partitionFinalWrapping isSequencey settings.funcApplicationLabelStyle x
-let curriedFunctionFinalWrapping x =
-  partitionFinalWrapping isSequencey settings.funcCurriedPatternStyle x
-let typeApplicationFinalWrapping typeApplicationItems =
-  partitionFinalWrapping isSequencey settings.funcApplicationLabelStyle typeApplicationItems
-(* add parentheses to binders when they are in fact infix or prefix operators *)
-let protectIdentifier txt =
-  if not (needs_parens txt) then atom txt
-  else if needs_spaces txt then makeList ~wrap:("(", ")") ~pad:(true, true) [atom txt]
-  else atom ("(" ^ txt ^ ")")
-let protectLongIdentifier longPrefix txt =
-  makeList [longPrefix; atom "."; protectIdentifier txt]
-let paren b fu ppf x =
-  if b
-  then Format.fprintf ppf "(%a)" fu x
-  else fu ppf x
-let constant_string ppf s =
-  Format.fprintf ppf "%S" s
-let tyvar ppf str =
-  Format.fprintf ppf "'%s" str
-(* In some places parens shouldn't be printed for readability:
- * e.g. Some((-1)) should be printed as Some(-1)
- * In `1 + (-1)` -1 should be wrapped in parens for readability
- *)
-let constant ?raw_literal ?(parens=true) ppf = function
-  | Pconst_char i ->
-    Format.fprintf ppf "%C"  i
-  | Pconst_string (i, None) ->
-    begin match raw_literal with
-      | Some text ->
-        Format.fprintf ppf "\"%s\"" text
-      | None ->
-        Format.fprintf ppf "\"%s\"" (Reason_syntax_util.escape_string i)
-    end
-  | Pconst_string (i, Some delim) ->
-    Format.fprintf ppf "{%s|%s|%s}" delim i delim
-  | Pconst_integer (i, None) ->
-    paren (parens && i.[0] = '-')
-      (fun ppf -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s") ppf i
-  | Pconst_integer (i, Some m) ->
-    paren (parens && i.[0] = '-')
-      (fun ppf (i, m) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s%c" i m) ppf (i,m)
-  | Pconst_float (i, None) ->
-    paren (parens && i.[0] = '-')
-      (fun ppf -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s") ppf i
-  | Pconst_float (i, Some m) ->
-    paren (parens && i.[0] = '-')
-      (fun ppf (i,m) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s%c" i m) ppf (i,m)
-let is_punned_labelled_expression e lbl = match e.pexp_desc with
-  | Pexp_ident { txt }
-  | Pexp_constraint ({pexp_desc = Pexp_ident { txt }}, _)
-  | Pexp_coerce ({pexp_desc = Pexp_ident { txt }}, _, _)
-    -> txt = Longident.parse lbl
-  | _ -> false
-let is_punned_labelled_pattern p lbl = match p.ppat_desc with
-  | Ppat_constraint ({ ppat_desc = Ppat_var _; ppat_attributes = _::_ }, _)
-    -> false
-  | Ppat_constraint ({ ppat_desc = Ppat_var { txt } }, _)
-  | Ppat_var { txt }
-    -> txt = lbl
-  | _ -> false
-let isLongIdentWithDot = function
-  | Ldot _ -> true
-  | _ -> false
-(* Js.t -> useful for bucklescript sugar `Js.t({. foo: bar})` -> `{. "foo": bar}` *)
-let isJsDotTLongIdent ident = match ident with
-  | Ldot (Lident "Js", "t") -> true
-  | _ -> false
-let recordRowIsPunned pld =
-      let name = pld.pld_name.txt in
-      (match pld.pld_type with
-        | { ptyp_desc = (
-            Ptyp_constr (
-              { txt },
-              (* don't pun parameterized types, e.g. {tag: tag 'props} *)
-              [])
-            );
-            (* Don't pun types that have attributes attached, e.g. { foo: [@bar] foo } *)
-            ptyp_attributes = [];
-          _}
-            when
-            (Longident.last txt = name
-              (* Don't pun types from other modules, e.g. type bar = {foo:}; *)
-              && isLongIdentWithDot txt == false) -> true
-        | _ -> false)
-let isPunnedJsxArg lbl ident =
-  not (isLongIdentWithDot ident.txt) && (Longident.last ident.txt) = lbl
-let is_unit_pattern x = match x.ppat_desc with
-  | Ppat_construct ( {txt= Lident"()"}, None) -> true
-  | _ -> false
-let is_ident_pattern x = match x.ppat_desc with
-  | Ppat_var _ -> true
-  | _ -> false
-let is_any_pattern x = x.ppat_desc = Ppat_any
-let is_direct_pattern x = x.ppat_attributes == [] && match x.ppat_desc with
-  | Ppat_construct ( {txt= Lident"()"}, None) -> true
-  | _ -> false
-let isJSXComponent expr =
-  match expr with
-  | ({pexp_desc= Pexp_apply ({pexp_desc=Pexp_ident _}, args); pexp_attributes})
-  | ({pexp_desc= Pexp_apply ({pexp_desc=Pexp_letmodule(_,_,_)}, args); pexp_attributes}) ->
-    let {jsxAttrs} = partitionAttributes pexp_attributes in
-    let hasLabelledChildrenLiteral = List.exists (function
-      | (Labelled "children", _) -> true
-      | _ -> false
-    ) args in
-    let rec hasSingleNonLabelledUnitAndIsAtTheEnd l = match l with
-    | [] -> false
-    | (Nolabel, {pexp_desc = Pexp_construct ({txt = Lident "()"}, _)}) :: [] -> true
-    | (Nolabel, _) :: _ -> false
-    | _ :: rest -> hasSingleNonLabelledUnitAndIsAtTheEnd rest
-    in
-    if jsxAttrs != []
-       && hasLabelledChildrenLiteral
-       && hasSingleNonLabelledUnitAndIsAtTheEnd args
-    then
-      true
-    else
-      false
-  | _ -> false
-(* Some cases require special formatting when there's a function application
- * with a single argument containing some kind of structure with braces/parens/brackets.
- * Example: `foo({a: 1, b: 2})` needs to be formatted as
- *  foo({
- *    a: 1,
- *    b: 2
- *  })
- *  when the line length dictates breaking. Notice how `({` and `})` 'hug'.
- *  Also applies to (poly)variants because they can be seen as a form of "function application".
- *  This function says if a list of expressions fulfills the need to be formatted like
- *  the example above. *)
-let isSingleArgParenApplication = function
-  | [{pexp_attributes = []; pexp_desc = Pexp_record _}]
-  | [{pexp_attributes = []; pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple _}]
-  | [{pexp_attributes = []; pexp_desc = Pexp_array _}]
-  | [{pexp_attributes = []; pexp_desc = Pexp_object _}] -> true
-  | [{pexp_attributes = []; pexp_desc = Pexp_extension (s, _)}] when s.txt = "bs.obj" -> true
-  | [({pexp_attributes = []} as exp)] when (is_simple_list_expr exp) -> true
-  | _ -> false
- * Determines if the arguments of a constructor pattern match need
- * special printing. If there's one argument & they have some kind of wrapping,
- * they're wrapping need to 'hug' the surrounding parens.
- * Example:
- *  switch x {
- *  | Some({
- *      a,
- *      b,
- *    }) => ()
- *  }
- *
- *  Notice how ({ and }) hug.
- *  This applies for records, arrays, tuples & lists.
- *  See `singleArgParenPattern` for the acutal formatting
- *)
-let isSingleArgParenPattern = function
-  | [{ppat_attributes = []; ppat_desc = Ppat_record _}]
-  | [{ppat_attributes = []; ppat_desc = Ppat_array _}]
-  | [{ppat_attributes = []; ppat_desc = Ppat_tuple _}] -> true
-  | [{ppat_attributes = []; ppat_desc = Ppat_construct (({txt=Lident "::"}), _)}] -> true
-  | _ -> false
-(* Flattens a resolvedRule into a list of infixChain nodes.
- * When foo |> f |> z gets parsed, we get the following tree:
- *         |>
- *        /  \
- *    foo      |>
- *            /  \
- *          f      z
- * To format this recursive tree in a way that allows nice breaking
- * & respects the print-width, we need some kind of flattened
- * version of the above tree. `computeInfixChain` transforms the tree
- * in a flattened version which allows flexible formatting.
- * E.g. we get
- *  [LayoutNode foo; InfixToken |>; LayoutNode f; InfixToken |>; LayoutNode z]
- *)
-let rec computeInfixChain = function
-  | LayoutNode layoutNode -> [Layout layoutNode]
-  | InfixTree (op, leftResolvedRule, rightResolvedRule) ->
-      (computeInfixChain leftResolvedRule) @ [InfixToken op] @ (computeInfixChain rightResolvedRule)
-let equalityOperators = ["!="; "!=="; "==="; "=="; ">="; "<="; "<"; ">"]
-(* Formats a flattened list of infixChain nodes into a list of layoutNodes
- * which allow smooth line-breaking
- * e.g. [LayoutNode foo; InfixToken |>; LayoutNode f; InfixToken |>; LayoutNode z]
- * becomes
- * [
- *   foo
- * ; |> f        --> label
- * ; |> z        --> label
- * ]
- * If you make a list out of this items, we get smooth line breaking
- *  foo |> f |> z
- * becomes
- *  foo
- *  |> f
- *  |> z
- *  when the print-width forces line breaks.
- *)
-let formatComputedInfixChain infixChainList =
-  let layout_of_group group currentToken =
-    (* Represents the `foo` in
-     * foo
-     * |> f
-     * |> z *)
-    if List.length group < 2 then
-      makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~sep:(Sep " ") group
-    (* Basic equality operators require special formatting, we can't give it
-     * 'classic' infix operator formatting, otherwise we would get
-     * let example =
-     *  true
-     *  != false
-     *  && "a"
-     *  == "b"
-     *  *)
-    else if List.mem currentToken equalityOperators then
-      let hd = List.hd group in
-      let tl = makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~sep:(Sep " ") ( group) in
-      makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~sep:(Sep " ") ~break:IfNeed [hd; tl]
-    else if currentToken.[0] = '#' then
-      let isSharpEqual = currentToken = sharpOpEqualToken in
-      makeList ~postSpace:isSharpEqual group
-    else
-      (* Represents `|> f` in foo |> f
-       * We need a label here to indent possible closing parens
-       * on the same height as the infix operator
-       * e.g.
-       * >|= (
-       *   fun body =>
-       *     Printf.sprintf
-       *       "okokok" uri meth headers body
-       * )   <-- notice how this closing paren is on the same height as >|=
-       *)
-      label ~break:`Never ~space:true (atom currentToken) (List.nth group 1)
-  in
-  let rec print acc group currentToken l =
-    match l with
-    | x::xs -> (match x with
-      | InfixToken t ->
-          (* = or := *)
-          if List.mem t requireIndentFor then
-            let groupNode =
-              makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~sep:(Sep " ") ((print [] group currentToken []) @ [atom t])
-            in
-            let children =
-              makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~preSpace:true ~break:IfNeed
-                (print [] [] t xs)
-            in
-            print (acc @ [label ~space:true groupNode children]) [] t []
-          (* Represents:
-           * @@
-           * List.length
-           *
-           * Notice how we want the `@@` on the first line.
-           * Extra indent puts pressure on the subsequent line lengths
-           * *)
-          else if t = "@@" then
-            let groupNode =
-              makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~sep:(Sep " ") (group @ [atom t])
-            in
-            print (acc @ [groupNode]) [] t xs
-          (* != !== === == >= <= < > etc *)
-          else if List.mem t equalityOperators then
-            print acc ((print [] group currentToken []) @ [atom t]) t xs
-          else
-            begin if requireNoSpaceFor t then
-              begin if (currentToken = "" || requireNoSpaceFor currentToken) then
-                print acc (group@[atom t]) t xs
-              else
-                (* a + b + foo##bar##baz
-                 * `foo` needs to be picked from the current group
-                 * and inserted into a new one. This way `foo`
-                 * gets the special "chained"-printing:
-                 * foo##bar##baz. *)
-                 begin match List.rev group with
-                 |  hd::tl ->
-                     let acc =
-                       acc @ [layout_of_group (List.rev tl) currentToken]
-                      in
-                     print acc [hd; atom t] t xs
-                 | [] -> print acc (group@[atom t]) t xs
-                 end
-              end
-            else
-              print (acc @ [layout_of_group group currentToken]) [(atom t)] t xs
-            end
-      | Layout layoutNode -> print acc (group @ [layoutNode]) currentToken xs
-      )
-    | [] ->
-      if List.mem currentToken requireIndentFor then
-        acc @ group
-        else
-          acc @ [layout_of_group group currentToken]
-  in
-  let l = print [] [] "" infixChainList in
-  makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~sep:(Sep " ") ~break:IfNeed l
- * [groupAndPrint] will print every item in [items] according to the function [xf].
- * [getLoc] will extract the location from an item. Based on the difference
- * between the location of two items, if there's whitespace between the two
- * (taken possible comments into account), items get grouped.
- * Every group designates a series of layout nodes "in need
- * of whitespace above". A group gets decorated with a Whitespace node
- * containing enough info to interleave whitespace at a later time during
- * printing.
- *)
-let groupAndPrint ~xf ~getLoc ~comments items =
-  let rec group prevLoc curr acc = function
-    (* group items *)
-    | x::xs ->
-        let item = xf x in
-        let loc = getLoc x in
-        (* Get the range between the current and previous item
-         * Example:
-         * 1| let a = 1;
-         * 2|            --> this is the range between the two
-         * 3| let b = 2;
-         * *)
-        let range = Range.makeRangeBetween prevLoc loc in
-        (* If there's whitespace interleaved, append the new layout node
-         * to a new group, otherwise keep it in the current group.
-         * Takes possible comments interleaved into account.
-         *
-         * Example:
-         * 1| let a = 1;
-         * 2|
-         * 3| let b = 2;
-         * 4| let c = 3;
-         * `let b = 2` will mark the start of a new group
-         * `let c = 3` will be added to the group containing `let b = 2`
-         *)
-        if Range.containsWhitespace ~range ~comments () then
-          group loc [(range, item)] ((List.rev curr)::acc) xs
-        else
-          group loc ((range, item)::curr) acc xs
-    (* convert groups into "Layout.Whitespace" *)
-    | [] ->
-        let groups = List.rev ((List.rev curr)::acc) in
-        List.mapi (fun i group -> match group with
-          | curr::xs ->
-              let (range, x) = curr in
-              (* if this is the first group of all "items", the number of
-               * newlines interleaved should be 0, else we collapse all newlines
-               * to 1.
-               *
-               * Example:
-               * module Abc = {
-               *   let a = 1;
-               *
-               *   let b = 2;
-               * }
-               * `let a = 1` should be wrapped in a `Layout.Whitespace` because a
-               * user might put comments above the `let a = 1`.
-               * e.g.
-               * module Abc = {
-               *   /* comment 1 */
-               *
-               *   /* comment 2 */
-               *   let a = 1;
-               *
-               *  A Whitespace-node will automatically take care of the whitespace
-               *  interleaving between the comments.
-               *)
-              let newlines = if i > 0 then 1 else 0 in
-              let region = WhitespaceRegion.make ~range ~newlines () in
-              let firstLayout = Layout.Whitespace(region, x) in
-              (* the first layout node of every group taks care of the
-               * whitespace above a group*)
-              (firstLayout::( snd xs))
-          | [] -> []
-        ) groups
-  in
-  match items with
-  | first::rest ->
-      List.concat (group (getLoc first) [] [] (first::rest))
-  | [] -> []
-let printer = object(self:'self)
-  val pipe = false
-  val semi = false
-  val inline_braces = false
-  val preserve_braces = true
-  (* *Mutable state* in the printer to keep track of all comments
-   * Used when whitespace needs to be interleaved.
-   * The printing algorithm needs to take the comments into account in between
-   * two items, to correctly determine if there's whitespace between two items.
-   * The ast doesn't know if there are comments between two items, since
-   * comments are store separately. The location diff between two items
-   * might indicate whitespace between the two. While in reality there are
-   * comments filling that whitespace. The printer needs access to the comments
-   * for this reason.
-   *
-   * Example:
-   * 1| let a = 1;
-   * 2|
-   * 3|
-   * 4| let b = 2;
-   *  -> here we can just diff the locations between `let a = 1` and `let b = 2`
-   *
-   * 1| let a = 1;
-   * 2| /* a comment */
-   * 3| /* another comment */
-   * 4| let b = 2;
-   *  -> here the location diff will result into false info if we don't include
-   *  the comments in the diffing
-   *)
-  val mutable comments = []
-  method comments = comments
-  method trackComment comment = comments <- comment::comments
-  (* The test and first branch of ternaries must be guarded *)
-  method under_pipe = {<pipe=true>}
-  method under_semi = {<semi=true>}
-  method reset_semi = {<semi=false>}
-  method reset_pipe = {<pipe=false>}
-  method reset = {<pipe=false;semi=false>}
-  method inline_braces = {<inline_braces=true>}
-  method dont_preserve_braces = {<preserve_braces=false>}
-  method reset_request_braces = {<inline_braces=false; preserve_braces=true>}
-  method longident = function
-    | Lident s -> (protectIdentifier s)
-    | Ldot(longPrefix, s) ->
-        (protectLongIdentifier (self#longident longPrefix) s)
-    | Lapply (y,s) -> makeList [self#longident y; atom "("; self#longident s; atom ")";]
-  (* This form allows applicative functors. *)
-  method longident_class_or_type_loc x = self#longident x.txt
-  (* TODO: Fail if observing applicative functors for this form. *)
-  method longident_loc (x:Longident.t Location.loc) =
-    source_map ~loc:x.loc (self#longident x.txt)
-  method constant ?raw_literal ?(parens=true) =
-    wrap (constant ?raw_literal ~parens)
-  method constant_string = wrap constant_string
-  method tyvar = wrap tyvar
-  (* c ['a,'b] *)
-  method class_params_def = function
-    | [] -> atom ""
-    | l -> makeTup ( self#type_param l)
-  (* This will fall through to the simple version. *)
-  method non_arrowed_core_type x = self#non_arrowed_non_simple_core_type x
-  method core_type2 x =
-    let {stdAttrs; uncurried} = partitionAttributes x.ptyp_attributes in
-    let uncurried = uncurried || try Hashtbl.find uncurriedTable x.ptyp_loc with | Not_found -> false in
-    if stdAttrs != [] then
-      formatAttributed
-        (self#non_arrowed_simple_core_type {x with ptyp_attributes = []})
-        (self#attributes stdAttrs)
-    else
-      let x = if uncurried then { x with ptyp_attributes = [] } else x in
-      match x.ptyp_desc with
-        | Ptyp_arrow _ ->
-          let rec allArrowSegments ?(uncurried=false) acc = function
-            | { ptyp_desc = Ptyp_arrow (l, ct1, ct2); ptyp_attributes = []} ->
-              allArrowSegments ~uncurried:false
-                ((l,ct1, false || uncurried) :: acc) ct2
-            | rhs ->
-              let rhs = self#core_type2 rhs in
-              let is_tuple typ = match typ.ptyp_desc with
-                | Ptyp_tuple _ -> true
-                | _ -> false
-              in
-              match acc with
-              | [(Nolabel, lhs, uncurried )] when not (is_tuple lhs) ->
-                  let t = self#non_arrowed_simple_core_type lhs in
-                  let lhs = if uncurried then
-                    makeList ~wrap:("(. ", ")") ~postSpace:true [t]
-                  else t in
-                (lhs, rhs)
-              | acc ->
-                let params = List.rev_map self#type_with_label acc in
-                (makeCommaBreakableListSurround "(" ")" params, rhs)
-          in
-          let (lhs, rhs) = allArrowSegments ~uncurried [] x in
-          let normalized = makeList
-              ~preSpace:true ~postSpace:true ~inline:(true, true)
-              ~break:IfNeed ~sep:(Sep "=>") [lhs; rhs]
-          in source_map ~loc:x.ptyp_loc normalized
-        | Ptyp_poly (sl, ct) ->
-          let ct = self#core_type ct in
-          let poly = match sl with
-          | [] -> ct
-          | sl ->
-            makeList ~break:IfNeed ~postSpace:true [
-              makeList [
-                makeList ~postSpace:true ( (fun x -> self#tyvar x) sl);
-                atom ".";
-              ];
-              ct
-            ]
-          in source_map ~loc:x.ptyp_loc poly
-        | _ -> self#non_arrowed_core_type x
-  (* Same as core_type2 but can be aliased *)
-  method core_type x =
-    let {stdAttrs; uncurried} = partitionAttributes x.ptyp_attributes in
-    let () = if uncurried then Hashtbl.add uncurriedTable x.ptyp_loc true in
-    if stdAttrs != [] then
-      formatAttributed
-        (self#non_arrowed_simple_core_type {x with ptyp_attributes = []})
-        (self#attributes stdAttrs)
-    else match x.ptyp_desc with
-      | (Ptyp_alias (ct, s)) ->
-        source_map ~loc:x.ptyp_loc
-          (label
-             ~space:true
-             (self#core_type ct)
-             (makeList ~postSpace:true [atom "as"; atom ("'" ^ s)]))
-      | _ -> self#core_type2 x
-  method type_with_label (lbl, c, uncurried) =
-    let typ = self#core_type c in
-    let t = match lbl with
-    | Nolabel -> typ
-    | Labelled lbl ->
-        makeList ~sep:(Sep " ") [atom (namedArgSym ^ lbl ^ ":"); typ]
-    | Optional lbl ->
-        makeList ~sep:(Sep " ") [atom (namedArgSym ^ lbl ^ ":"); label typ (atom "=?")]
-    in
-    if uncurried then
-      makeList ~postSpace:true [atom "."; t]
-    else t
-  method type_param (ct, a) =
-    makeList [atom (type_variance a); self#core_type ct]
-  (* According to the parse rule [type_declaration], the "type declaration"'s
-   * physical location (as indicated by [td.ptype_loc]) begins with the
-   * identifier and includes the constraints. *)
-  method formatOneTypeDef prepend name assignToken ({ptype_params; ptype_kind; ptype_loc} as td) =
-    let (equalInitiatedSegments, constraints) = (self#type_declaration_binding_segments td) in
-    let formattedTypeParams = self#type_param ptype_params in
-    let binding = makeList ~postSpace:true [prepend;name] in
-    (*
-        /-----------everythingButConstraints--------------  | -constraints--\
-       /-innerL---| ------innerR--------------------------\
-      /binding\     /typeparams\ /--equalInitiatedSegments-\
-      type name      'v1    'v1  =  foo = private bar        constraint a = b
-    *)
-    let labelWithParams = match formattedTypeParams with
-      | [] -> binding
-      | l -> label binding (makeTup l)
-    in
-    let everythingButConstraints =
-      let nameParamsEquals = makeList ~postSpace:true [labelWithParams; assignToken] in
-      match equalInitiatedSegments with
-        | [] -> labelWithParams
-        | _::_::_::_ -> raise (NotPossible "More than two type segments.")
-        | hd::[] ->
-            formatAttachmentApplication
-              typeApplicationFinalWrapping
-              (Some (true, nameParamsEquals))
-              (hd, None)
-        | hd::hd2::[] ->
-            let first = makeList ~postSpace:true ~break:IfNeed ~inline:(true, true) (hd @ [atom "="]) in
-            (*
-             * Because we want a record as a label with the opening brace on the same line
-             * and the closing brace indented at the beginning, we can't wrap it in a list here
-             * Example:
-             * type doubleEqualsRecord =
-             *  myRecordWithReallyLongName = {   <- opening brace on the same line
-             *    xx: int,
-             *    yy: int
-             *  };                               <- closing brace indentation
-             *)
-            let second = match ptype_kind with
-              | Ptype_record _ -> List.hd hd2
-              | _ -> makeList ~postSpace:true ~break:IfNeed ~inline:(true, true) hd2
-            in
-            label ~space:true nameParamsEquals (
-              label ~space:true first second
-            )
-    in
-    let everything =
-      match constraints with
-        | [] -> everythingButConstraints
-        | hd::tl -> makeList ~break:IfNeed ~postSpace:true ~indent:0 ~inline:(true, true) (everythingButConstraints::hd::tl)
-    in
-    source_map ~loc:ptype_loc everything
-  method formatOneTypeExt prepend name assignToken te =
-    let privateAtom = (atom "pri") in
-    let privatize scope lst = match scope with
-      | Public -> lst
-      | Private -> privateAtom::lst in
-    let equalInitiatedSegments =
-      let segments = self#type_extension_binding_segments te.ptyext_constructors in
-      let privatized_segments = privatize te.ptyext_private segments in
-      [makeList ~break:Always_rec ~postSpace:true ~inline:(true, true) privatized_segments] in
-    let formattedTypeParams = self#type_param te.ptyext_params in
-    let binding = makeList ~postSpace:true (prepend::name::[]) in
-    let labelWithParams = match formattedTypeParams with
-      | [] -> binding
-      | l -> label binding (makeTup l)
-    in
-    let everything =
-      let nameParamsEquals = makeList ~postSpace:true [labelWithParams; assignToken] in
-      formatAttachmentApplication
-             typeApplicationFinalWrapping
-             (Some (true, nameParamsEquals))
-             (equalInitiatedSegments, None)
-    in
-    source_map ~loc:te.ptyext_path.loc everything
-  method type_extension_binding_segments {pext_kind; pext_loc; pext_attributes; pext_name} =
-    let normalize lst = match lst with
-        | [] -> raise (NotPossible "should not be called")
-        | [hd] -> hd
-        | _::_ -> makeList lst
-      in
-      let add_bar name attrs args =
-        let lbl = begin match args with
-        | None -> name
-        | Some args -> label name args
-        end in
-        if attrs != [] then
-         label ~space:true
-            (makeList
-              ~postSpace:true
-              [
-                atom "|";
-                makeList
-                  ~postSpace:true
-                  ~break:Layout.IfNeed
-                  ~inline:(true, true)
-                  (self#attributes attrs)
-              ]
-            )
-            lbl
-        else
-          makeList ~postSpace:true [atom "|"; lbl]
-      in
-    let sourceMappedName = atom ~loc:pext_name.loc pext_name.txt in
-    let resolved = match pext_kind with
-      | Pext_decl (ctor_args, gadt) ->
-        let formattedArgs = match ctor_args with
-          | Pcstr_tuple [] -> []
-          | Pcstr_tuple args -> [makeTup ( self#non_arrowed_non_simple_core_type args)]
-          | Pcstr_record r -> [self#record_declaration ~wrap:("({", "})") r]
-        in
-        let formattedGadt = match gadt with
-        | None -> None
-        | Some x -> Some (
-            makeList [
-              formatJustTheTypeConstraint (self#core_type x)
-            ]
-          )
-        in
-        (formattedArgs, formattedGadt)
-      (* type bar += Foo = Attr.Foo *)
-      | Pext_rebind rebind ->
-        let r = self#longident_loc rebind in
-        (* we put an empty space before the '=': we don't have access to the fact
-         * that we need a space because of the Pext_rebind later *)
-        let prepend = (atom " =") in
-        ([makeList ~postSpace:true [prepend; r]], None)
-    in
-      (*
-        The first element of the tuple represents constructor arguments,
-        the second an optional formatted gadt.
-        Case 1: No constructor arguments, neither a gadt
-          type attr = ..;
-          type attr += | Str
-        Case 2: No constructor arguments, is a gadt
-          type attr = ..;
-          type attr += | Str :attr
-        Case 3: Has Constructor args, not a gadt
-          type attr  = ..;
-          type attr += | Str(string);
-          type attr += | Point(int, int);
-        Case 4: Has Constructor args & is a gadt
-          type attr  = ..;
-          type attr += | Point(int, int) :attr;
-      *)
-    let everything = match resolved with
-      | ([], None) -> add_bar sourceMappedName pext_attributes None
-      | ([], Some gadt) -> add_bar sourceMappedName pext_attributes (Some gadt)
-      | (ctorArgs, None) -> add_bar sourceMappedName pext_attributes (Some (normalize ctorArgs))
-      | (ctorArgs, Some gadt) -> add_bar sourceMappedName pext_attributes (Some (normalize (ctorArgs@[gadt])))
-    in
-    source_map ~loc:pext_loc everything
-  (* shared by [Pstr_type,Psig_type]*)
-  method type_def_list (rf, l) =
-    (* As oposed to used in type substitution. *)
-    let formatOneTypeDefStandard prepend td =
-      let itm =
-        self#formatOneTypeDef
-          prepend
-          (atom ~loc:td.ptype_name.loc td.ptype_name.txt)
-          (atom "=")
-          td
-      in
-      let {stdAttrs; docAttrs} = partitionAttributes ~partDoc:true td.ptype_attributes in
-      let layout = self#attach_std_item_attrs stdAttrs itm in
-      self#attachDocAttrsToLayout
-        ~stdAttrs
-        ~docAttrs
-        ~loc:td.ptype_loc
-        ~layout
-        ()
-    in
-    match l with
-      | [] -> raise (NotPossible "asking for type list of nothing")
-      | hd::tl ->
-          let first =
-            match rf with
-            | Recursive -> formatOneTypeDefStandard (atom "type") hd
-            | Nonrecursive ->
-                formatOneTypeDefStandard (atom "type nonrec") hd
-          in
-          match tl with
-            (* Exactly one type *)
-            | [] -> first
-            | _::_ as typeList ->
-                let items = (hd.ptype_loc, first)::( (fun ptyp ->
-                    (ptyp.ptype_loc, formatOneTypeDefStandard (atom "and") ptyp)
-                  ) typeList
-                ) in
-                makeList ~indent:0 ~inline:(true, true) ~break:Always_rec (
-                  groupAndPrint
-                    ~xf:snd
-                    ~getLoc:fst
-                    ~comments:self#comments
-                    items
-                )
-  method type_variant_leaf ?opt_ampersand:(a=false) ?polymorphic:(p=false) = self#type_variant_leaf1 a p true
-  method type_variant_leaf_nobar ?opt_ampersand:(a=false) ?polymorphic:(p=false) = self#type_variant_leaf1 a p false
-  (* TODOATTRIBUTES: Attributes on the entire variant leaf are likely
-   * not parsed or printed correctly. *)
-  method type_variant_leaf1 opt_ampersand polymorphic print_bar x =
-    let {pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_res; pcd_loc; pcd_attributes} = x in
-    let {stdAttrs; docAttrs} = partitionAttributes ~partDoc:true pcd_attributes in
-    let ampersand_helper i arg =
-      let ct = self#core_type arg in
-      let ct = match arg.ptyp_desc with
-        | Ptyp_tuple _ -> ct
-        | _ -> makeTup [ct]
-      in
-      if i == 0 && not opt_ampersand then
-        ct
-      else
-        label (atom "&") ct
-    in
-    let args = match pcd_args with
-      | Pcstr_record r ->
-          [self#record_declaration ~wrap:("({", "})") r]
-      | Pcstr_tuple [] -> []
-      | Pcstr_tuple l when polymorphic -> List.mapi ampersand_helper l
-      (* Here's why this works. With the new syntax, all the args, are already inside of
-        a safely guarded place like Constructor(here, andHere). Compare that to the
-        previous syntax Constructor here andHere. In the previous syntax, we needed to
-        require that we print "non-arrowed" types for here, and andHere to avoid
-        something like Constructor a=>b c=>d. In the new syntax, we don't care if here
-        and andHere have unguarded arrow types like a=>b because they're safely
-        separated by commas.
-       *)
-      | Pcstr_tuple l -> [makeTup ( self#core_type l)]
-    in
-    let gadtRes = match pcd_res with
-      | None -> None
-      | Some x -> Some (
-          formatJustTheTypeConstraint (self#core_type x)
-        )
-    in
-    let normalize lst = match lst with
-      | [] -> raise (NotPossible "should not be called")
-      | [hd] -> hd
-      | _::_ -> makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~break:IfNeed ~postSpace:true lst
-    in
-    let add_bar constructor =
-      makeList ~postSpace:true (if print_bar then [atom "|"; constructor] else [constructor])
-    in
-    (* In some cases (e.g. inline records) we want the label with bar & the gadt resolution
-     * as a list.
-     *   | If {
-     *       pred: expr bool,
-     *       true_branch: expr 'a,
-     *       false_branch: expr 'a
-     *     }                           ==> end of label
-     *     :expr 'a;                   ==> gadt res
-     * The label & the gadt res form two separate units combined into a list.
-     * This is necessary to properly align the closing '}' on the same height as the 'If'.
-     *)
-    let add_bar_2 ?gadt name args =
-      let lbl = label name args in
-      let fullLbl = match gadt with
-        | Some g -> makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~break:IfNeed [lbl; g]
-        | None -> lbl
-      in
-      add_bar fullLbl
-    in
-    let prefix = if polymorphic then "`" else "" in
-    let sourceMappedName = atom ~loc:pcd_name.loc (prefix ^ pcd_name.txt) in
-    let sourceMappedNameWithAttributes =
-      let layout = match stdAttrs with
-      | [] -> sourceMappedName
-      | stdAttrs ->
-        formatAttributed sourceMappedName (self#attributes stdAttrs)
-      in
-      match docAttrs with
-      | [] -> layout
-      | docAttrs ->
-        makeList ~break:Always ~inline:(true, true) [
-          makeList (self#attributes docAttrs);
-          layout
-        ]
-    in
-    let constructorName = makeList ~postSpace:true [sourceMappedNameWithAttributes] in
-    let everything = match (args, gadtRes) with
-      | ([], None) -> add_bar sourceMappedNameWithAttributes
-      | ([], Some gadt) -> add_bar_2 sourceMappedNameWithAttributes gadt
-      | (_::_, None) -> add_bar_2 constructorName (normalize args)
-      | (_::_, Some gadt) ->
-          (match pcd_args with
-            | Pcstr_record _ -> add_bar_2 ~gadt constructorName (normalize args)
-            | _ -> add_bar_2 constructorName ~gadt (normalize args))
-    in
-    source_map ~loc:pcd_loc everything
-  method record_declaration ?(wrap=("{", "}")) ?assumeRecordLoc lbls =
-    let recordRow pld =
-      let hasPunning = recordRowIsPunned pld in
-      let name =
-        if hasPunning
-        then [atom pld.pld_name.txt]
-        else [atom pld.pld_name.txt; atom ":"]
-      in
-      let name = source_map ~loc:pld.pld_name.loc (makeList name) in
-      let withMutable =
-        match pld.pld_mutable with
-        | Immutable -> name
-        | Mutable -> makeList ~postSpace:true [atom "mutable"; name]
-      in
-      let recordRow = if hasPunning then
-          label withMutable (atom "")
-        else
-          label ~space:true withMutable (self#core_type pld.pld_type)
-      in
-      let recordRow = match pld.pld_attributes with
-      | [] -> recordRow
-      | attrs ->
-          let {stdAttrs; docAttrs} = partitionAttributes ~partDoc:true attrs in
-        let stdAttrsLayout =
-          makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~postSpace:true (self#attributes stdAttrs)
-        in
-        let docAttrsLayout = makeList ~inline:(true, true) (self#attributes docAttrs) in
-        let children = match (docAttrs, stdAttrs) with
-        | [], [] -> [recordRow]
-        | _, [] -> [docAttrsLayout; recordRow]
-        | [], _ -> [stdAttrsLayout; recordRow]
-        | _, _ ->
-            [docAttrsLayout; stdAttrsLayout; recordRow]
-        in
-        makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~break:Always_rec children
-      in
-      source_map ~loc:pld.pld_loc recordRow
-    in
-    let rows = recordRow lbls in
-    (* if a record has more than 2 rows, always break *)
-    let break =
-      if List.length rows >= 2
-      then Layout.Always_rec
-      else Layout.IfNeed
-    in
-    source_map ?loc:assumeRecordLoc
-      (makeList ~wrap ~sep:commaTrail ~postSpace:true ~break rows)
-  (* Returns the type declaration partitioned into three segments - one
-     suitable for appending to a label, the actual type manifest
-     and the list of constraints. *)
-  method type_declaration_binding_segments x =
-    (* Segments of the type binding (occuring after the type keyword) that
-       should begin with "=". Zero to two total sections.
-       This is just a straightforward reverse mapping from the original parser:
-        type_kind:
-            /*empty*/
-              { (Ptype_abstract, Public, None) }
-          | EQUAL core_type
-              { (Ptype_abstract, Public, Some $2) }
-          | EQUAL PRIVATE core_type
-              { (Ptype_abstract, Private, Some $3) }
-          | EQUAL constructor_declarations
-              { (Ptype_variant(List.rev $2), Public, None) }
-          | EQUAL PRIVATE constructor_declarations
-              { (Ptype_variant(List.rev $3), Private, None) }
-          | EQUAL private_flag BAR constructor_declarations
-              { (Ptype_variant(List.rev $4), $2, None) }
-          | EQUAL DOTDOT
-              { (Ptype_open, Public, None) }
-          | EQUAL private_flag LBRACE label_declarations opt_comma RBRACE
-              { (Ptype_record(List.rev $4), $2, None) }
-          | EQUAL core_type EQUAL private_flag opt_bar constructor_declarations
-              { (Ptype_variant(List.rev $6), $4, Some $2) }
-          | EQUAL core_type EQUAL DOTDOT
-              { (Ptype_open, Public, Some $2) }
-          | EQUAL core_type EQUAL private_flag LBRACE label_declarations opt_comma RBRACE
-              { (Ptype_record(List.rev $6), $4, Some $2) }
-    *)
-    let privateAtom = (atom "pri") in
-    let privatize scope lst = match scope with
-      | Public -> lst
-      | Private -> privateAtom::lst in
-    let estimateRecordOpenBracePoint () =
-      match x.ptype_params with
-        | [] -> x.ptype_name.loc.loc_end
-        | _ ->
-          (fst (List.nth x.ptype_params (List.length x.ptype_params - 1))).ptyp_loc.loc_end
-    in
-    let equalInitiatedSegments = match (x.ptype_kind, x.ptype_private, x.ptype_manifest) with
-      (* /*empty*/ {(Ptype_abstract, Public, None)} *)
-      | (Ptype_abstract, Public, None) -> [
-        ]
-      (* EQUAL core_type {(Ptype_abstract, Public, Some _)} *)
-      | (Ptype_abstract, Public, Some y) -> [
-          [self#core_type y]
-        ]
-      (* EQUAL PRIVATE core_type {(Ptype_abstract, Private, Some $3)} *)
-      | (Ptype_abstract, Private, Some y) -> [
-          [privateAtom; self#core_type y]
-        ]
-      (* EQUAL constructor_declarations {(Ptype_variant _., Public, None)} *)
-      (* This case is redundant *)
-      (* | (Ptype_variant lst, Public, None) -> [ *)
-      (*     [makeSpacedBreakableInlineList ( type_variant_leaf lst)] *)
-      (*   ] *)
-      (* EQUAL PRIVATE constructor_declarations {(Ptype_variant _, Private, None)} *)
-      | (Ptype_variant lst, Private, None) -> [
-          [privateAtom; makeList ~break:IfNeed ~postSpace:true ~inline:(true, true) ( self#type_variant_leaf lst)]
-        ]
-      (* EQUAL private_flag BAR constructor_declarations {(Ptype_variant _, $2, None)} *)
-      | (Ptype_variant lst, scope, None) ->  [
-          privatize scope [makeList ~break:Always_rec ~postSpace:true ~inline:(true, true) ( self#type_variant_leaf lst)]
-        ]
-      (* EQUAL DOTDOT {(Ptype_open, Public, None)} *)
-      | (Ptype_open, Public, None) -> [
-          [atom ".."]
-        ]
-      (* Super confusing how record/variants' manifest is not actually the
-         description of the structure. What's in the manifest in that case is
-         the *second* EQUALS asignment. *)
-      (* EQUAL private_flag LBRACE label_declarations opt_comma RBRACE {(Ptype_record _, $2, None)} *)
-      | (Ptype_record lst, scope, None) ->
-          let assumeRecordLoc = {loc_start = estimateRecordOpenBracePoint(); loc_end = x.ptype_loc.loc_end; loc_ghost = false} in
-          [privatize scope [self#record_declaration ~assumeRecordLoc lst]]
-      (* And now all of the forms involving *TWO* equals *)
-      (* Again, super confusing how manifests of variants/records represent the
-         structure after the second equals. *)
-      (* ================================================*)
-      (* EQUAL core_type EQUAL private_flag opt_bar constructor_declarations {
-         (Ptype_variant _, _, Some _)} *)
-      | (Ptype_variant lst, scope, Some mani) -> [
-          [self#core_type mani];
-          let variant = makeList ~break:IfNeed ~postSpace:true ~inline:(true, true) ( self#type_variant_leaf lst) in
-          privatize scope [variant];
-        ]
-      (* EQUAL core_type EQUAL DOTDOT {(Ptype_open, Public, Some $2)} *)
-      | (Ptype_open, Public, Some mani) -> [
-          [self#core_type mani];
-          [atom ".."];
-        ]
-      (* EQUAL core_type EQUAL private_flag LBRACE label_declarations opt_comma RBRACE
-           {(Ptype_record _, $4, Some $2)} *)
-      | (Ptype_record lst, scope, Some mani) ->
-          let declaration = self#record_declaration lst in
-          let record = match scope with
-            | Public -> [declaration]
-            | Private -> [label ~space:true privateAtom declaration]
-          in
-          [ [self#core_type mani]; record ]
-      (* Everything else is impossible *)
-      (* ================================================*)
-      | (_, _, _ ) ->  raise (NotPossible "Encountered impossible type specification")
-    in
-    let makeConstraint (ct1, ct2, _) =
-      let constraintEq = makeList ~postSpace:true [
-        atom "constraint";
-        self#core_type ct1;
-        atom "=";
-      ] in
-      label ~space:true constraintEq (self#core_type ct2) in
-    let constraints = makeConstraint x.ptype_cstrs in
-    (equalInitiatedSegments, constraints)
-  (* "non-arrowed" means "a type where all arrows are inside at least one level of parens"
-    z => z: not a "non-arrowed" type.
-    (a, b): a "non-arrowed" type.
-    (z=>z): a "non-arrowed" type because the arrows are guarded by parens.
-    A "non arrowed, non simple" type would be one that is not-arrowed, and also
-    not "simple". Simple means it is "clearly one unit" like (a, b), identifier,
-    "hello", None.
-  *)
-  method non_arrowed_non_simple_core_type x =
-    let {stdAttrs} = partitionAttributes x.ptyp_attributes in
-    if stdAttrs != [] then
-      formatAttributed
-        (self#non_arrowed_simple_core_type {x with ptyp_attributes=[]})
-        (self#attributes stdAttrs)
-    else
-      match x.ptyp_desc with
-      (* This significantly differs from the standard OCaml printer/parser:
-         Type constructors are no longer simple *)
-      | _ -> self#non_arrowed_simple_core_type x
-  method type_param_list_element = function
-    | {ptyp_attributes = []; ptyp_desc = Ptyp_package(lid,cstrs)} ->
-        self#typ_package ~mod_prefix:true lid cstrs
-    | t -> self#core_type t
-  method non_arrowed_simple_core_type x =
-    let {stdAttrs} = partitionAttributes x.ptyp_attributes in
-    if stdAttrs != [] then
-      formatSimpleAttributed
-        (self#non_arrowed_simple_core_type {x with ptyp_attributes=[]})
-        (self#attributes stdAttrs)
-    else
-      let result =
-        match x.ptyp_desc with
-        (*   LPAREN core_type_comma_list RPAREN %prec below_NEWDOT *)
-        (*       { match $2 with *)
-        (*         | [] -> raise Parse_error *)
-        (*         | one::[] -> one *)
-        (*         | moreThanOne -> mktyp(Ptyp_tuple(List.rev moreThanOne)) } *)
-        | Ptyp_tuple l -> makeTup ( self#type_param_list_element l)
-        | Ptyp_object (l, o) -> self#unparseObject l o
-        | Ptyp_package (lid, cstrs) ->
-            self#typ_package ~protect:true ~mod_prefix:true lid cstrs
-        (*   | QUOTE ident *)
-        (*       { mktyp(Ptyp_var $2) } *)
-        | Ptyp_var s -> ensureSingleTokenSticksToLabel (self#tyvar s)
-        (*   | UNDERSCORE *)
-        (*       { mktyp(Ptyp_any) } *)
-        | Ptyp_any -> ensureSingleTokenSticksToLabel (atom "_")
-        (*   | type_longident *)
-        (*       { mktyp(Ptyp_constr(mkrhs $1 1, [])) } *)
-        | Ptyp_constr (li, []) ->
-          (* [ensureSingleTokenSticksToLabel] loses location information which is important
-               when you are embedded inside a list and comments are to be interleaved around you.
-               Therefore, we wrap the result in the correct [SourceMap].  *)
-          source_map ~loc:li.loc
-            (ensureSingleTokenSticksToLabel (self#longident_loc li))
-        | Ptyp_constr (li, l) ->
-            (match l with
-            | [{ptyp_desc = Ptyp_object (_::_ as l, o) }] when isJsDotTLongIdent li.txt ->
-                (* should have one or more rows, Js.t({..}) should print as Js.t({..})
-                 * {..} has a totally different meaning than Js.t({..}) *)
-                self#unparseObject ~withStringKeys:true l o
-            | [{ptyp_desc = Ptyp_object (l, o) }] when not (isJsDotTLongIdent li.txt) ->
-                label (self#longident_loc li)
-                  (self#unparseObject ~wrap:("(",")") l o)
-            | [{ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr(lii, [{ ptyp_desc = Ptyp_object (_::_ as ll, o)}])}]
-              when isJsDotTLongIdent lii.txt ->
-              label (self#longident_loc li)
-                (self#unparseObject ~withStringKeys:true ~wrap:("(",")") ll o)
-            | _ ->
-              (* small guidance: in `type foo = bar`, we're now at the `bar` part *)
-              (* The single identifier has to be wrapped in a [ensureSingleTokenSticksToLabel] to
-                 avoid (@see @avoidSingleTokenWrapping): *)
-              label
-                (self#longident_loc li)
-                (makeTup (
-         self#type_param_list_element l
-                ))
-            )
-        | Ptyp_variant (l, closed, low) ->
-          let pcd_loc = x.ptyp_loc in
-          let pcd_attributes = x.ptyp_attributes in
-          let pcd_res = None in
-          let variant_helper i rf =
-            match rf with
-              | Rtag (label, attrs, opt_ampersand, ctl) ->
-                let pcd_name = {
-                  txt = label;
-                  loc = pcd_loc;
-                } in
-                let pcd_args = Pcstr_tuple ctl in
-                let all_attrs = List.concat [pcd_attributes; attrs] in
-                self#type_variant_leaf ~opt_ampersand ~polymorphic:true {pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_res; pcd_loc; pcd_attributes = all_attrs}
-              | Rinherit ct ->
-                (* '| type' is required if the Rinherit is not the first
-                  row_field in the list
-                 *)
-                if i = 0 then
-                  self#core_type ct
-                else
-                  makeList ~postSpace:true [atom "|"; self#core_type ct] in
-          let (designator, tl) =
-            match (closed,low) with
-              | (Closed,None) -> ("", [])
-              | (Closed,Some tl) -> ("<", tl)
-              | (Open,_) -> (">", []) in
-          let node_list = List.mapi variant_helper l in
-          let ll = ( (fun t -> atom ("`" ^ t)) tl) in
-          let tag_list = makeList ~postSpace:true ~break:IfNeed ((atom ">")::ll) in
-          let type_list = if tl != [] then node_list@[tag_list] else node_list in
-          makeList ~wrap:("[" ^ designator,"]") ~pad:(true, false) ~postSpace:true ~break:IfNeed type_list
-        | Ptyp_class (li, []) -> makeList [atom "#"; self#longident_loc li]
-        | Ptyp_class (li, l) ->
-          label
-            (makeList [atom "#"; self#longident_loc li])
-            (makeTup ( self#core_type l))
-        | Ptyp_extension e -> self#extension e
-        | Ptyp_arrow (_, _, _)
-        | Ptyp_alias (_, _)
-        | Ptyp_poly (_, _) ->
-            makeList ~wrap:("(",")") ~break:IfNeed [self#core_type x]
-      in
-      source_map ~loc:x.ptyp_loc result
-  (* TODO: ensure that we have a form of desugaring that protects *)
-  (* when final argument of curried pattern is a type constraint: *)
-  (* | COLON non_arrowed_core_type EQUALGREATER expr
-      { mkexp_constraint $4 (Some $2, None) }         *)
-  (*                         \----/   \--/
-                             constraint coerce
-                             Creates a ghost expression:
-                             mkexp_constraint | Some t, None -> ghexp(Pexp_constraint(e, t))
-  *)
-  method pattern_list_split_cons acc = function
-    | {
-      ppat_desc = Ppat_construct (
-        { txt = Lident("::")},
-        Some {ppat_desc = Ppat_tuple ([pat1; pat2])}
-      ) } ->
-        self#pattern_list_split_cons (pat1::acc) pat2
-    | p -> (List.rev acc), p
-  (*
-   * Adds parens to the right sub-tree when it is not a single node:
-   *
-   * A | B                   is formatted as    A | B
-   * A | (B | C)             is formatted as    A | (B | C)
-   *
-   * Also, adds parens to both sub-trees when both of them
-   * are not a single node:
-   * (A | B) | (C | D)       is formatted as    A | B | (C | D)
-   * A | B | (C | D)         is formatted as    A | B | (C | D)
-   * (A | B) | C             is formatted as    A | B | C
-   * A | B | C               is formatted as    A | B | C
-   *
-   *)
-  method or_pattern p1 p2 =
-    let (p1_raw, p2_raw) = (self#pattern p1, self#pattern p2) in
-    let (left, right) =
-      match p2.ppat_desc with
-        | Ppat_or _ -> (p1_raw, formatPrecedence p2_raw)
-        | _ -> (p1_raw, p2_raw)
-    in
-    makeList
-      ~break:IfNeed
-      ~inline:(true, true)
-      ~sep:(Sep "|")
-      ~postSpace:true
-      ~preSpace:true
-      [left; right]
-  method pattern_without_or x =
-    (* TODOATTRIBUTES: Handle the stdAttrs here *)
-    let {arityAttrs} = partitionAttributes x.ppat_attributes in
-    match x.ppat_desc with
-      | Ppat_alias (p, s) ->
-          let raw_pattern = (self#pattern p) in
-          let pattern_with_precedence = match p.ppat_desc with
-            | Ppat_or (p1, p2) -> formatPrecedence (self#or_pattern p1 p2)
-            | _ -> raw_pattern
-          in
-          label ~space:true
-            (source_map ~loc:p.ppat_loc pattern_with_precedence)
-            (makeList ~postSpace:true [
-              atom "as";
-              (source_map ~loc:s.loc (protectIdentifier s.txt))
-            ]) (* RA*)
-      | Ppat_variant (l, Some p) ->
-          if arityAttrs != [] then
-            raise (NotPossible "Should never see embedded attributes on poly variant")
-          else
-            source_map ~loc:x.ppat_loc
-              (self#constructor_pattern (atom ("`" ^ l)) p
-                 ~polyVariant:true ~arityIsClear:true)
-      | Ppat_lazy p -> label ~space:true (atom "lazy") (self#simple_pattern p)
-      | Ppat_construct (({txt} as li), po) when not (txt = Lident "::")-> (* FIXME The third field always false *)
-          let formattedConstruction = match po with
-            (* TODO: Check the explicit_arity field on the pattern/constructor
-               attributes to determine if should desugar to an *actual* tuple. *)
-            (* | Some ({ *)
-            (*   ppat_desc=Ppat_tuple l; *)
-            (*   ppat_attributes=[{txt="explicit_arity"; loc}] *)
-            (* }) -> *)
-            (*   label ~space:true (self#longident_loc li) (makeSpacedBreakableInlineList ( self#simple_pattern l)) *)
-            | Some pattern ->
-                let arityIsClear = isArityClear arityAttrs in
-                self#constructor_pattern ~arityIsClear (self#longident_loc li) pattern
-            | None ->
-                self#longident_loc li
-          in
-          source_map ~loc:x.ppat_loc formattedConstruction
-      | _ -> self#simple_pattern x
-  method pattern x =
-    let {arityAttrs; stdAttrs} = partitionAttributes x.ppat_attributes in
-    if stdAttrs != [] then
-      formatAttributed
-        (* Doesn't need to be simple_pattern because attributes are parse as
-         * appyling to the entire "function application style" syntax preceeding them *)
-        (self#pattern {x with ppat_attributes=arityAttrs})
-        (self#attributes stdAttrs)
-    else match x.ppat_desc with
-      | Ppat_or (p1, p2) ->
-        self#or_pattern p1 p2
-      | _ -> self#pattern_without_or x
-  method patternList ?(wrap=("","")) pat =
-    let pat_list, pat_last = self#pattern_list_split_cons [] pat in
-    let pat_list = self#pattern pat_list in
-    match pat_last with
-    | {ppat_desc = Ppat_construct ({txt=Lident "[]"},_)} -> (* [x,y,z] *)
-      let (lwrap, rwrap) = wrap in
-      makeList pat_list
-        ~break:Layout.IfNeed ~sep:commaTrail ~postSpace:true
-        ~wrap:(lwrap ^ "[", "]" ^ rwrap)
-    | _ -> (* x::y *)
-      makeES6List pat_list (self#pattern pat_last) ~wrap
-  (* In some contexts the Ptyp_package needs to be protected by parens, or
-   * the `module` keyword needs to be added.
-   * Example: let f = (module Add: S.Z, x) => Add.add(x);
-   *  It's clear that `S.Z` is a module because it constraints the
-   *  `module Add` pattern. No need to add "module" before `S.Z`.
-   *
-   * Example2:
-   *   type t = (module Console);
-   *   In this case the "module" keyword needs to be printed to indicate
-   *   usage of a first-class-module.
-   *)
-  method typ_package ?(protect=false) ?(mod_prefix=true) lid cstrs =
-    let packageIdent =
-      let packageIdent = self#longident_loc lid in
-      if mod_prefix then
-        makeList ~postSpace:true [atom "module"; packageIdent]
-      else packageIdent
-    in
-    let unwrapped_layout = match cstrs with
-    | [] -> packageIdent
-    | cstrs ->
-        label ~space:true
-          (makeList ~postSpace:true [packageIdent; atom "with"])
-          (makeList
-            ~inline:(true, true)
-            ~break:IfNeed
-            ~sep:(Sep " and ")
-            ( (fun (s, ct) ->
-              label ~space:true
-                (makeList
-                  ~break:IfNeed ~postSpace:true
-                  [atom "type"; self#longident_loc s; atom "="])
-                (self#core_type ct)
-            ) cstrs))
-    in
-    if protect then
-      makeList ~postSpace:true ~wrap:("(", ")") [unwrapped_layout ]
-    else unwrapped_layout
-  method constrained_pattern x = match x.ppat_desc with
-    | Ppat_constraint (p, ct) ->
-        let (pat, typ) = begin match (p, ct) with
-        | (
-            {ppat_desc = Ppat_unpack(unpack)},
-            {ptyp_desc = Ptyp_package (lid, cstrs)}
-          ) ->
-            (makeList ~postSpace:true [atom "module"; atom unpack.txt],
-             self#typ_package ~mod_prefix:false lid cstrs)
-        | _ ->
-          (self#pattern p, self#core_type ct)
-        end in
-        formatTypeConstraint pat typ
-    | _  -> self#pattern x
-  method simple_pattern x =
-    let {arityAttrs; stdAttrs} = partitionAttributes x.ppat_attributes in
-    if stdAttrs != [] then
-      formatSimpleAttributed
-        (self#simple_pattern {x with ppat_attributes=arityAttrs})
-        (self#attributes stdAttrs)
-    else
-      let itm =
-        match x.ppat_desc with
-          | Ppat_construct (({loc; txt=Lident ("()"|"[]" as x)}), _) ->
-              (* Patterns' locations might include a leading bar depending on the
-               * context it was parsed in. Therefore, we need to include further
-               * information about the contents of the pattern such as tokens etc,
-               * in order to get comments to be distributed correctly.*)
-            atom ~loc x
-          | Ppat_construct (({txt=Lident "::"}), _) ->
-            self#patternList x (* LIST PATTERN *)
-          | Ppat_construct (li, None) ->
-            source_map ~loc:x.ppat_loc (self#longident_loc li)
-          | Ppat_any -> atom "_"
-          | Ppat_var ({loc; txt = txt}) ->
-            (*
-               To prevent this:
-                 let oneArgShouldWrapToAlignWith
-                   theFunctionNameBinding => theFunctionNameBinding;
-               And instead do:
-                 let oneArgShouldWrapToAlignWith
-                     theFunctionNameBinding => theFunctionNameBinding;
-               We have to do something to the non "listy" patterns. Non listy
-               patterns don't indent the same amount as listy patterns when docked
-               to a label.
-               If wrapping the non-listy pattern in [ensureSingleTokenSticksToLabel]
-               you'll get the following (even though it should wrap)
-                 let oneArgShouldWrapToAlignWith theFunctionNameBinding => theFunctionNameBinding;
-             *)
-            source_map ~loc (protectIdentifier txt)
-          | Ppat_array l ->
-              self#patternArray l
-          | Ppat_unpack s ->
-              makeList ~wrap:("(", ")") ~break:IfNeed ~postSpace:true [atom "module"; atom s.txt]
-          | Ppat_open (lid, pat) ->
-            (* let someFn Qualified.{ record } = ... *)
-            let needsParens = match pat.ppat_desc with
-              | Ppat_exception _ -> true
-              | _ -> false
-            in
-            let pat = self#simple_pattern pat in
-            label
-              (label (self#longident_loc lid) (atom (".")))
-              (if needsParens then formatPrecedence pat else pat)
-          | Ppat_type li ->
-              makeList [atom "#"; self#longident_loc li]
-          | Ppat_record (l, closed) ->
-             self#patternRecord l closed
-          | Ppat_tuple l ->
-             self#patternTuple l
-          | Ppat_constant c ->
-            let raw_literal, _ = extract_raw_literal x.ppat_attributes in
-            (self#constant ?raw_literal c)
-          | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) ->
-            makeList [self#constant c1; atom ".."; self#constant c2]
-          | Ppat_variant (l, None) -> makeList[atom "`"; atom l]
-          | Ppat_constraint (p, ct) ->
-              formatPrecedence (formatTypeConstraint (self#pattern p) (self#core_type ct))
-          | Ppat_lazy p ->formatPrecedence (label ~space:true (atom "lazy") (self#simple_pattern p))
-          | Ppat_extension e -> self#extension e
-          | Ppat_exception p ->
-              (*
-                An exception pattern with an alias should be wrapped in (...)
-                The rules for what goes to the right of the exception are a little (too) nuanced.
-                It accepts "non simple" parameters, except in the case of `as`.
-                Here we consistently apply "simplification" to the exception argument.
-                Example:
-                  | exception (Sys_error _ as exc) => raise exc
-                 parses correctly while
-                  | Sys_error _ as exc => raise exc
-                 results in incorrect parsing with type error otherwise.
-              *)
-               (makeList ~postSpace:true [atom "exception"; self#simple_pattern p])
-          | _ -> formatPrecedence (self#pattern x) (* May have a redundant sourcemap *)
-        in
-        source_map ~loc:x.ppat_loc itm
-  method label_exp lbl opt pat =
-    let term = self#constrained_pattern pat in
-    let param = match lbl with
-      | Nolabel -> term
-      | Labelled lbl | Optional lbl when is_punned_labelled_pattern pat lbl ->
-        makeList [atom namedArgSym; term]
-      | Labelled lbl | Optional lbl ->
-        let lblLayout=
-          makeList ~sep:(Sep " ") ~break:Layout.Never
-            [atom (namedArgSym ^ lbl); atom "as"]
-        in
-        label lblLayout ~space:true term
-    in
-    match opt, lbl with
-    | None, Optional _ -> makeList [param; atom "=?"]
-    | None, _ -> param
-    | Some o, _ -> makeList [param; atom "="; (self#unparseProtectedExpr ~forceParens:true o)]
-  method access op cls e1 e2 = makeList [
-    (* Important that this be not breaking - at least to preserve same
-       behavior as stock desugarer. It might even be required (double check
-       in parser.mly) *)
-    e1;
-    atom op;
-    e2;
-    atom cls;
-  ]
-  method simple_get_application x =
-    let {stdAttrs; jsxAttrs} = partitionAttributes x.pexp_attributes in
-    match (x.pexp_desc, stdAttrs, jsxAttrs) with
-    | (_, _::_, []) -> None (* Has some printed attributes - not simple *)
-    | (Pexp_apply ({pexp_desc=Pexp_ident loc}, l), [], _jsx::_) -> (
-      (* TODO: Soon, we will allow the final argument to be an identifier which
-         represents the entire list. This would be written as
-         `<tag>...list</tag>`. If you imagine there being an implicit [] inside
-         the tag, then it would be consistent with array spread:
-         [...list] evaluates to the thing as list.
-      *)
-      let hasLabelledChildrenLiteral = List.exists (function
-        | (Labelled "children", _) -> true
-        | _ -> false
-      ) l in
-      let rec hasSingleNonLabelledUnitAndIsAtTheEnd l = match l with
-      | [] -> false
-      | (Nolabel, {pexp_desc = Pexp_construct ({txt = Lident "()"}, _)}) :: [] -> true
-      | (Nolabel, _) :: _ -> false
-      | _ :: rest -> hasSingleNonLabelledUnitAndIsAtTheEnd rest
-      in
-      if hasLabelledChildrenLiteral && hasSingleNonLabelledUnitAndIsAtTheEnd l then
-        let moduleNameList = List.rev ( (List.rev (Longident.flatten loc.txt))) in
-        if moduleNameList != [] then
-          if Longident.last loc.txt = "createElement" then
-            Some (self#formatJSXComponent (String.concat "." moduleNameList) l)
-          else None
-        else Some (self#formatJSXComponent (Longident.last loc.txt) l)
-      else None
-    )
-    | (Pexp_apply (
-        {pexp_desc=
-          Pexp_letmodule(_,
-            ({pmod_desc=Pmod_apply _} as app),
-            {pexp_desc=Pexp_ident loc}
-          )}, l), [], _jsx::_) -> (
-      (* TODO: Soon, we will allow the final argument to be an identifier which
-         represents the entire list. This would be written as
-         `<tag>...list</tag>`. If you imagine there being an implicit [] inside
-         the tag, then it would be consistent with array spread:
-         [...list] evaluates to the thing as list.
-      *)
-      let rec extract_apps args = function
-        | { pmod_desc = Pmod_apply (m1, {pmod_desc=Pmod_ident loc}) } ->
-          let arg = String.concat "." (Longident.flatten loc.txt) in
-          extract_apps (arg :: args) m1
-        | { pmod_desc=Pmod_ident loc } -> (String.concat "." (Longident.flatten loc.txt))::args
-        | _ -> failwith "Functors in JSX tags support only module names as parameters" in
-      let hasLabelledChildrenLiteral = List.exists (function
-        | (Labelled "children", _) -> true
-        | _ -> false
-      ) l in
-      let rec hasSingleNonLabelledUnitAndIsAtTheEnd l = match l with
-      | [] -> false
-      | (Nolabel, {pexp_desc = Pexp_construct ({txt = Lident "()"}, _)}) :: [] -> true
-      | (Nolabel, _) :: _ -> false
-      | _ :: rest -> hasSingleNonLabelledUnitAndIsAtTheEnd rest
-      in
-      if hasLabelledChildrenLiteral && hasSingleNonLabelledUnitAndIsAtTheEnd l then
-        if List.length (Longident.flatten loc.txt) > 1 then
-          if Longident.last loc.txt = "createElement" then
-            begin match extract_apps [] app with
-              | ftor::args ->
-                let applied = ftor ^ "(" ^ String.concat ", " args ^ ")" in
-                Some (self#formatJSXComponent ~closeComponentName:ftor applied l)
-              | _ -> None
-            end
-          else None
-        else Some (self#formatJSXComponent (Longident.last loc.txt) l)
-      else None
-    )
-    | _ -> None
-  (** Detects "sugar expressions" (sugar for array/string setters) and returns their separate
-      parts.  *)
-  method sugar_set_expr_parts e =
-    if e.pexp_attributes != [] then None
-    (* should also check attributes underneath *)
-    else match e.pexp_desc with
-      | Pexp_apply ({pexp_desc=Pexp_ident{txt=Ldot (Lident ("Array"), "set")}}, [(_,e1);(_,e2);(_,e3)]) ->
-        let prec = Custom "prec_lbracket" in
-        let lhs = self#unparseResolvedRule (
-            self#ensureExpression ~reducesOnToken:prec e1
-          ) in
-        Some (self#access "[" "]" lhs (self#unparseExpr e2), e3)
-      | Pexp_apply ({pexp_desc=Pexp_ident {txt=Ldot (Lident "String", "set")}}, [(_,e1);(_,e2);(_,e3)]) ->
-        let prec = Custom "prec_lbracket" in
-        let lhs = self#unparseResolvedRule (
-            self#ensureExpression ~reducesOnToken:prec e1
-          ) in
-        Some ((self#access ".[" "]" lhs (self#unparseExpr e2)), e3)
-      | Pexp_apply (
-        {pexp_desc=Pexp_ident {txt = Ldot (Ldot (Lident "Bigarray", array), "set")}},
-        label_exprs
-      ) -> (
-        match array with
-          | "Genarray" -> (
-            match label_exprs with
-            | [(_,a);(_,{pexp_desc=Pexp_array ls});(_,c)] ->
-              let formattedList = self#unparseExpr ls in
-              let lhs = makeList [self#simple_enough_to_be_lhs_dot_send a; atom "."] in
-              let rhs = makeList ~break:IfNeed ~postSpace:true ~sep:commaSep ~wrap:("{", "}") formattedList
-              in
-              Some (label lhs rhs, c)
-            | _ -> None
-          )
-          | ("Array1"|"Array2"|"Array3") -> (
-            match label_exprs with
-            | (_,a)::rest -> (
-              match List.rev rest with
-              | (_,v)::rest ->
-                let args = snd (List.rev rest) in
-                let formattedList = self#unparseExpr args in
-                let lhs = makeList [self#simple_enough_to_be_lhs_dot_send a; atom "."] in
-                let rhs = makeList ~break:IfNeed ~postSpace:true ~sep:commaSep ~wrap:("{", "}") formattedList in
-                Some (label lhs rhs, v)
-              | _ -> assert false
-            )
-            | _ -> assert false
-          )
-          | _ -> None
-        )
-      | _ -> None
-  (*
-     How would we know not to print the sequence without { }; protecting the let a?
-                            let a
-                             |
-                           sequence
-                          /        \
-                    let a           print a
-                    alert a
-     let res = {
-       let a = something();
-       {                     \
-         alert(a);           | portion to be parsed as a sequence()
-         let a = 20;         | The final ; print(a) causes the entire
-         alert(a);           | portion to be parsed as a sequence()
-       };                    |
-       print (a);            /
-     }
-     ******************************************************************
-     Any time the First expression of a sequence is another sequence, or (as in
-     this case) a let, wrapping the first sequence expression in { } is
-     required.
-     ******************************************************************
-  *)
-  (**
-     TODO: Configure the optional ability to print the *minimum* number of
-     parens. It's simply a matter of changing [higherPrecedenceThan] to
-     [higherOrEqualPrecedenceThan].
-   *)
-  (* The point of the function is to ensure that ~reducesAfterRight:rightExpr will reduce
-     at the proper time when it is reparsed, possibly wrapping it
-     in parenthesis if needed. It ensures a rule doesn't reduce
-     until *after* `reducesAfterRight` gets a chance to reduce.
-     Example: The addition rule which has precedence of rightmost
-     token "+", in `x + a * b` should not reduce until after the a * b gets
-     a chance to reduce. This function would determine the minimum parens to
-     ensure that. *)
-  method ensureContainingRule ~withPrecedence ~reducesAfterRight () =
-    match self#unparseExprRecurse reducesAfterRight with
-    | SpecificInfixPrecedence ({shiftPrecedence}, rightRecurse) ->
-      if higherPrecedenceThan shiftPrecedence withPrecedence then rightRecurse
-      else if (higherPrecedenceThan withPrecedence shiftPrecedence) then
-        LayoutNode (formatPrecedence ~loc:reducesAfterRight.pexp_loc (self#unparseResolvedRule rightRecurse))
-      else (
-        if isRightAssociative ~prec:withPrecedence then
-         rightRecurse
-        else
-          LayoutNode (formatPrecedence ~loc:reducesAfterRight.pexp_loc (self#unparseResolvedRule rightRecurse))
-      )
-    | FunctionApplication itms ->
-      let funApplExpr = formatAttachmentApplication applicationFinalWrapping None (itms, Some reducesAfterRight.pexp_loc)
-      in
-      (* Little hack: need to print parens for the `bar` application in e.g.
-         `foo->other##(bar(baz))` or `foo->other->(bar(baz))`. *)
-      if higherPrecedenceThan withPrecedence (Custom "prec_functionAppl")
-      then LayoutNode (formatPrecedence ~loc:reducesAfterRight.pexp_loc funApplExpr)
-      else LayoutNode funApplExpr
-    | PotentiallyLowPrecedence itm -> LayoutNode (formatPrecedence ~loc:reducesAfterRight.pexp_loc itm)
-    | Simple itm -> LayoutNode itm
-  method ensureExpression ~reducesOnToken expr =
-    match self#unparseExprRecurse expr with
-    | SpecificInfixPrecedence ({reducePrecedence}, leftRecurse) ->
-      if higherPrecedenceThan reducePrecedence reducesOnToken then leftRecurse
-      else if higherPrecedenceThan reducesOnToken reducePrecedence then
-        LayoutNode (formatPrecedence ~loc:expr.pexp_loc (self#unparseResolvedRule leftRecurse))
-      else (
-        if isLeftAssociative ~prec:reducesOnToken then
-          leftRecurse
-        else
-          LayoutNode (formatPrecedence ~loc:expr.pexp_loc (self#unparseResolvedRule leftRecurse))
-      )
-    | FunctionApplication itms -> LayoutNode (formatAttachmentApplication applicationFinalWrapping None (itms, Some expr.pexp_loc))
-    | PotentiallyLowPrecedence itm -> LayoutNode (formatPrecedence ~loc:expr.pexp_loc itm)
-    | Simple itm -> LayoutNode itm
-  (** Attempts to unparse: The beginning of a more general printing algorithm,
-      that determines how to print based on precedence of tokens and rules.
-      The end goal is that this should be completely auto-generated from the
-      Menhir parsing tables. We could move more and more into this function.
-      You could always just call self#expression, but `unparseExpr` will render
-      infix/prefix/unary/terary fixities in their beautiful forms while
-      minimizing parenthesis.
-  *)
-  method unparseExpr x =
-    match self#unparseExprRecurse x with
-    | SpecificInfixPrecedence (_, resolvedRule) ->
-        self#unparseResolvedRule resolvedRule
-    | FunctionApplication itms ->
-        formatAttachmentApplication applicationFinalWrapping None (itms, Some x.pexp_loc)
-    | PotentiallyLowPrecedence itm -> itm
-    | Simple itm -> itm
-  (* This method may not even be needed *)
-  method unparseUnattributedExpr x =
-    match partitionAttributes x.pexp_attributes with
-    | {docAttrs = []; stdAttrs = []} -> self#unparseExpr x
-    | _ -> makeList ~wrap:("(",")") [self#unparseExpr x]
-  (* ensureExpr ensures that the expression is wrapped in parens
-   * e.g. is necessary in cases like:
-   * let display = (:message=("hello": string)) => 1;
-   * but not in cases like:
-   * let f = (a: bool) => 1;
-   * TODO: in the future we should probably use the type ruleCategory
-   * to 'automatically' ensure the validity of a constraint expr with parens...
-   *)
-  method unparseProtectedExpr ?(forceParens=false) e =
-    let itm =
-      match e with
-      | { pexp_attributes = []; pexp_desc = Pexp_constraint (x, ct)} ->
-        let x = self#unparseExpr x in
-        let children = [x; label ~space:true (atom ":") (self#core_type ct)] in
-        if forceParens then
-          makeList ~wrap:("(", ")") children
-        else makeList children
-      | { pexp_attributes; pexp_desc = Pexp_constant c } ->
-        (* When we have Some(-1) or someFunction(-1, -2), the arguments -1 and -2
-         * pass through this case. In this context they don't need to be wrapped in extra parens
-         * Some((-1)) should be printed as Some(-1). This is in contrast with
-         * 1 + (-1) where we print the parens for readability. *)
-          let raw_literal, pexp_attributes =
-            extract_raw_literal pexp_attributes
-          in
-          let constant = self#constant ?raw_literal ~parens:forceParens c in
-          begin match pexp_attributes with
-          | [] -> constant
-          | attrs ->
-              let formattedAttrs = makeSpacedBreakableInlineList ( self#item_attribute attrs) in
-               makeSpacedBreakableInlineList [formattedAttrs; constant]
-          end
-      | {pexp_desc = Pexp_fun _ } -> self#formatPexpFun e
-      | x -> self#unparseExpr x
-    in
-    source_map ~loc:e.pexp_loc itm
-  method simplifyUnparseExpr ?(inline=false) ?(wrap=("(", ")")) x =
-    match self#unparseExprRecurse x with
-    | SpecificInfixPrecedence (_, itm) ->
-        formatPrecedence
-          ~inline
-          ~wrap
-          ~loc:x.pexp_loc
-          (self#unparseResolvedRule itm)
-    | FunctionApplication itms ->
-      formatPrecedence
-        ~inline
-        ~wrap
-        ~loc:x.pexp_loc
-        (formatAttachmentApplication applicationFinalWrapping None (itms, Some x.pexp_loc))
-    | PotentiallyLowPrecedence itm ->
-        formatPrecedence
-          ~inline
-          ~wrap
-          ~loc:x.pexp_loc
-          itm
-    | Simple itm -> itm
-  method unparseResolvedRule  = function
-    | LayoutNode layoutNode -> layoutNode
-    | InfixTree _ as infixTree ->
-      formatComputedInfixChain (computeInfixChain infixTree)
-  method unparseExprApplicationItems x =
-    match self#unparseExprRecurse x with
-    | SpecificInfixPrecedence (_, wrappedRule) ->
-        let itm = self#unparseResolvedRule wrappedRule in
-        ([itm], Some x.pexp_loc)
-    | FunctionApplication itms -> (itms, Some x.pexp_loc)
-    | PotentiallyLowPrecedence itm -> ([itm], Some x.pexp_loc)
-    | Simple itm -> ([itm], Some x.pexp_loc)
-  (* Provides beautiful printing for pipe first sugar:
-   * foo
-   * ->f(a, b)
-   * ->g(c, d)
-   *)
-  method formatPipeFirst e =
-    let module PipeFirstTree = struct
-      type exp = Parsetree.expression
-      type flatNode =
-        | Exp of exp
-        | ExpU of exp (* uncurried *)
-        | Args of (Asttypes.arg_label * exp) list
-      type flatT = flatNode list
-      type node = {
-        exp: exp;
-        args: (Asttypes.arg_label *exp) list;
-        uncurried: bool;
-      }
-      type t = node list
-      let formatNode ?prefix ?(first=false) {exp; args; uncurried} =
-        let formatLayout expr =
-          let formatted = if first then
-            self#ensureExpression ~reducesOnToken:(Token pipeFirstToken) expr
-          else
-            match expr with
-            (* a->foo(x, _) and a->(foo(x, _)) are equivalent under pipe first
-             * (a->foo)(x, _) is unnatural and desugars to
-             *    (__x) => (a |. foo)(x, __x)
-             * Under `->`, it makes more sense to desugar into
-             *  a |. (__x => foo(x, __x))
-             *
-             * Hence we don't need parens in this case.
-             *)
-            | expr when Reason_heuristics.isUnderscoreApplication expr ->
-                LayoutNode (self#unparseExpr expr)
-            | _ ->
-              self#ensureContainingRule
-                ~withPrecedence:(Token pipeFirstToken) ~reducesAfterRight:expr ()
-          in
-          self#unparseResolvedRule formatted
-        in
-        let parens = match (exp.pexp_desc) with
-        | Pexp_apply (e,_) -> printedStringAndFixityExpr e = UnaryPostfix "^"
-        | _ -> false
-        in
-        let layout = match args with
-        | [] ->
-          let e = formatLayout exp in
-          (match prefix with
-          | Some l -> makeList [l; e]
-          | None -> e)
-        | args ->
-            let args =
-              (fun (label, arg) ->
-                label, self#process_underscore_application arg)
-              args
-            in
-            let fakeApplExp =
-              let loc_end = match List.rev args with
-                | (_, e)::_ -> e.pexp_loc.loc_end
-                | _ -> exp.pexp_loc.loc_end
-              in
-              {exp with pexp_loc = { exp.pexp_loc with loc_end = loc_end } }
-            in
-            makeList (
-              self#formatFunAppl
-                ?prefix
-                ~jsxAttrs:[]
-                ~args
-                ~funExpr:exp
-                ~applicationExpr:fakeApplExp
-                ~uncurried
-                ()
-            )
-        in
-        if parens then
-          formatPrecedence layout
-        else layout
-    end in
-    (* Imagine: foo->f(a, b)->g(c,d)
-     * The corresponding parsetree looks more like:
-     *   (((foo->f)(a,b))->g)(c, d)
-     * The extra Pexp_apply nodes, e.g. (foo->f), result into a
-     * nested/recursive ast which is pretty inconvenient in terms of printing.
-     * For printing purposes we actually want something more like:
-     *  foo->|f(a,b)|->|g(c, d)|
-     * in order to provide to following printing:
-     *  foo
-     *  ->f(a, b)
-     *  ->g(c, d)
-     * The job of "flatten" is to turn the inconvenient, nested ast
-     *  (((foo->f)(a,b))->g)(c, d)
-     * into
-     *  [Exp foo; Exp f; Args [a; b]; Exp g; Args [c; d]]
-     * which can be processed for printing purposes.
-     *)
-    let rec flatten ?(uncurried=false) acc = function
-      | {pexp_desc = Pexp_apply(
-          {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident({txt = Longident.Lident("|.")})},
-          [Nolabel, arg1; Nolabel, arg2]
-         )} ->
-          flatten ((PipeFirstTree.Exp arg2)::acc) arg1
-      | {pexp_attributes;
-         pexp_desc = Pexp_apply(
-          {pexp_desc = Pexp_apply(
-           {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident({txt = Longident.Lident("|.")})},
-             [Nolabel, arg1; Nolabel, arg2]
-           )},
-           args
-         )} as e ->
-          let args = PipeFirstTree.Args args in
-          begin match pexp_attributes with
-          | [{txt = "bs"}, PStr []] ->
-            flatten ((PipeFirstTree.ExpU arg2)::args::acc) arg1
-          | [] ->
-              (* the uncurried attribute might sit on the Pstr_eval
-               * enclosing the Pexp_apply*)
-              if uncurried then
-                flatten ((PipeFirstTree.ExpU arg2)::args::acc) arg1
-              else
-                flatten ((PipeFirstTree.Exp arg2)::args::acc) arg1
-          | _ ->
-            (PipeFirstTree.Exp e)::acc
-          end
-      | {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident({txt = Longident.Lident("|.")})} -> acc
-      | arg -> ((PipeFirstTree.Exp arg)::acc)
-    in
-    (* Given: foo->f(a, b)->g(c, d)
-     * We get the following PipeFirstTree.flatNode list:
-     *   [Exp foo; Exp f; Args [a; b]; Exp g; Args [c; d]]
-     * The job of `parse` is to turn the "flat representation"
-     * (a.k.a. PipeFirstTree.flastNode list) into a more convenient structure
-     * that allows us to express the segments: "foo" "f(a, b)" "g(c, d)".
-     * PipeFirstTree.t expresses those segments.
-     *  [{exp = foo; args = []}; {exp = f; args = [a; b]}; {exp = g; args = [c; d]}]
-     *)
-    let rec parse acc = function
-    | (PipeFirstTree.Exp e)::(PipeFirstTree.Args args)::xs ->
-        parse ((PipeFirstTree.{exp = e; args; uncurried = false})::acc) xs
-    | (PipeFirstTree.ExpU e)::(PipeFirstTree.Args args)::xs ->
-        parse ((PipeFirstTree.{exp = e; args; uncurried = true})::acc) xs
-    | (PipeFirstTree.Exp e)::xs ->
-        parse ((PipeFirstTree.{exp = e; args = []; uncurried = false})::acc) xs
-    | _ -> List.rev acc
-    in
-    (* Given: foo->f(. a,b);
-     * The uncurried attribute doesn't sit on the Pexp_apply, but sits on
-     * the top level Pstr_eval. We don't have access to top-level context here,
-     * hence the lookup in the global uncurriedTable to correctly determine
-     * if we need to print uncurried. *)
-    let uncurried = try Hashtbl.find uncurriedTable e.pexp_loc with
-      | Not_found -> false
-    in
-    (* Turn
-     *  foo->f(a, b)->g(c, d)
-     * into
-     *  [Exp foo; Exp f; Args [a; b]; Exp g; Args [c; d]]
-     *)
-    let (flatNodes : PipeFirstTree.flatT) = flatten ~uncurried [] e in
-    (* Turn
-     *  [Exp foo; Exp f; Args [a; b]; Exp g; Args [c; d]]
-     * into
-     *  [{exp = foo; args = []}; {exp = f; args = [a; b]}; {exp = g; args = [c; d]}]
-     *)
-    let (pipetree : PipeFirstTree.t) = parse [] flatNodes in
-    (* Turn
-     *  [{exp = foo; args = []}; {exp = f; args = [a; b]}; {exp = g; args = [c; d]}]
-     * into
-     *  [foo; ->f(a, b); ->g(c, d)]
-     *)
-    let pipeSegments = match pipetree with
-    (* Special case printing of
-     * foo->bar(
-     *  aa,
-     *  bb,
-     * )
-     *
-     *  We don't want
-     *  foo
-     *  ->bar(
-     *      aa,
-     *      bb
-     *    )
-     *
-     *  Notice how `foo->bar` shouldn't break, it wastes space and is
-     *  inconsistent with
-     *
-     *    aa,
-     *    bb,
-     *  )
-     *)
-    | [({exp = {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident _ }} as hd); last] ->
-        let prefix = Some (
-          makeList [PipeFirstTree.formatNode ~first:true hd; atom "->"]
-        ) in
-        [PipeFirstTree.formatNode ?prefix last]
-    | hd::tl ->
-        let hd = PipeFirstTree.formatNode ~first:true hd in
-        let tl = (fun node ->
-          makeList [atom "->"; PipeFirstTree.formatNode node]
-        ) tl in
-        hd::tl
-    | [] -> []
-    in
-    (* Provide nice breaking for: [foo; ->f(a, b); ->g(c, d)]
-     * foo
-     * ->f(a, b)
-     * ->g(c, d)
-     *)
-    makeList ~break:IfNeed ~inline:(true, true) pipeSegments
-  (*
-   * Replace (__x) => foo(__x) with foo(_)
-   *)
-  method process_underscore_application x =
-    let process_application expr =
-      let process_arg (l,e) = match e.pexp_desc with
-        | Pexp_ident ({ txt = Lident "__x"} as id) ->
-          let pexp_desc = Pexp_ident {id with txt = Lident "_"} in
-          (l, {e with pexp_desc})
-        | _ ->
-          (l,e) in
-      match expr.pexp_desc with
-      | Pexp_apply (e_fun, args) ->
-        let pexp_desc = Pexp_apply (e_fun, process_arg args) in
-        {expr with pexp_desc}
-      | _ ->
-        expr in
-    match x.pexp_desc with
-    | Pexp_fun (Nolabel, None, {ppat_desc = Ppat_var {txt="__x"}},
-        ({pexp_desc = Pexp_apply _} as e)) ->
-      process_application e
-    | Pexp_fun (l, eo, p, e) ->
-       let e_processed = self#process_underscore_application e in
-       if e == e_processed then
-         x
-       else
-         {x with pexp_desc = Pexp_fun (l, eo, p, e_processed)}
-    | _ ->
-      x
-  method unparseExprRecurse x =
-    let x = self#process_underscore_application x in
-    (* If there are any attributes, render unary like `(~-) x [@ppx]`, and infix like `(+) x y [@attr]` *)
-    let {arityAttrs; stdAttrs; jsxAttrs; stylisticAttrs; uncurried} =
-      partitionAttributes ~allowUncurry:(Reason_heuristics.bsExprCanBeUncurried x) x.pexp_attributes
-    in
-    let stylisticAttrs = Reason_attributes.maybe_remove_stylistic_attrs stylisticAttrs preserve_braces in
-    let () = if uncurried then Hashtbl.add uncurriedTable x.pexp_loc true in
-    let x = {x with pexp_attributes = (stylisticAttrs @ arityAttrs @ stdAttrs @ jsxAttrs) } in
-    (* If there's any attributes, recurse without them, then apply them to
-       the ends of functions, or simplify infix printings then append. *)
-    if stdAttrs != [] then
-      let withoutVisibleAttrs = {x with pexp_attributes=(stylisticAttrs @ arityAttrs @ jsxAttrs)} in
-      let attributesAsList = ( self#attribute stdAttrs) in
-      let itms = match self#unparseExprRecurse withoutVisibleAttrs with
-        | SpecificInfixPrecedence ({reducePrecedence}, wrappedRule) ->
-            let itm = self#unparseResolvedRule wrappedRule in
-            (match reducePrecedence with
-             (* doesn't need wrapping; we know how to parse *)
-             | Custom "prec_lbracket" | Token "." -> [itm]
-             | _ -> [formatPrecedence ~loc:x.pexp_loc itm])
-        | FunctionApplication itms -> itms
-        | PotentiallyLowPrecedence itm -> [formatPrecedence ~loc:x.pexp_loc itm]
-        | Simple itm -> [itm]
-      in
-      FunctionApplication [
-        makeList
-          ~break:IfNeed
-          ~inline:(true, true)
-          ~indent:0
-          ~postSpace:true
-          (List.concat [attributesAsList; itms])
-      ]
-    else
-    match self#simplest_expression x with
-    | Some se -> Simple se
-    | None ->
-    let self = self#reset_request_braces in
-    match x.pexp_desc with
-    | Pexp_apply (e, ls) -> (
-      let ls = (fun (l,expr) -> (l, self#process_underscore_application expr)) ls in
-      match (e, ls) with
-      | (e, _) when Reason_heuristics.isPipeFirst e ->
-        let prec = Token pipeFirstToken in
-          SpecificInfixPrecedence
-            ({reducePrecedence=prec; shiftPrecedence=prec}, LayoutNode (self#formatPipeFirst x))
-      | ({pexp_desc = Pexp_ident {txt = Ldot (Lident ("Array"),"get")}}, [(_,e1);(_,e2)]) ->
-        begin match e1.pexp_desc with
-          | Pexp_ident ({txt = Lident "_"}) ->
-            let k = atom "Array.get" in
-            let v = makeList ~postSpace:true ~sep:(Layout.Sep ",") ~wrap:("(", ")")
-                [atom "_"; self#unparseExpr e2]
-            in
-            Simple (label k v)
-          | _ ->
-            let prec = Custom "prec_lbracket" in
-            let lhs = self#unparseResolvedRule (
-              self#ensureExpression ~reducesOnToken:prec e1
-            ) in
-            let rhs = self#unparseExpr e2 in
-            SpecificInfixPrecedence
-              ({reducePrecedence=prec; shiftPrecedence=prec}, LayoutNode (self#access "[" "]" lhs rhs))
-        end
-      | ({pexp_desc = Pexp_ident {txt = Ldot (Lident ("String"),"get")}}, [(_,e1);(_,e2)]) ->
-        if Reason_heuristics.isUnderscoreIdent e1 then
-          let k = atom "String.get" in
-          let v = makeList ~postSpace:true ~sep:(Layout.Sep ",") ~wrap:("(", ")")
-              [atom "_"; self#unparseExpr e2]
-          in
-          Simple (label k v)
-        else
-          let prec = Custom "prec_lbracket" in
-            let lhs = self#unparseResolvedRule (
-              self#ensureExpression ~reducesOnToken:prec e1
-            ) in
-            let rhs = self#unparseExpr e2 in
-          SpecificInfixPrecedence
-            ({reducePrecedence=prec; shiftPrecedence=prec}, LayoutNode (self#access ".[" "]" lhs rhs))
-      | (
-        {pexp_desc= Pexp_ident {txt=Ldot (Ldot (Lident "Bigarray", "Genarray" ), "get")}},
-        [(_,e1); (_,({pexp_desc=Pexp_array ls} as e2))]
-      ) ->
-        if (Reason_heuristics.isUnderscoreIdent e1) then
-          let k = atom "Bigarray.Genarray.get" in
-          let v = makeList ~postSpace:true ~sep:(Layout.Sep ",") ~wrap:("(", ")")
-              [atom "_"; self#unparseExpr e2]
-          in
-          Simple (label k v)
-        else
-          let formattedList = self#unparseExpr ls in
-          let lhs = makeList [(self#simple_enough_to_be_lhs_dot_send e1); atom "."] in
-          let rhs = makeList ~break:IfNeed ~postSpace:true ~sep:commaSep ~wrap:("{", "}") formattedList in
-          let prec = Custom "prec_lbracket" in
-          SpecificInfixPrecedence ({reducePrecedence=prec; shiftPrecedence=prec}, LayoutNode (label lhs rhs))
-      | (
-        {pexp_desc= Pexp_ident {txt=
-                                  Ldot (Ldot (Lident "Bigarray", (("Array1"|"Array2"|"Array3") as arrayIdent)), "get")}
-        },
-        (_,e1)::rest
-      ) ->
-        if Reason_heuristics.isUnderscoreIdent e1 then
-          let k = atom("Bigarray." ^ arrayIdent ^ ".get") in
-          let v = makeList ~postSpace:true ~sep:(Layout.Sep ",") ~wrap:("(", ")")
-              ((atom "_")::( (fun (_, e) -> self#unparseExpr e) rest))
-          in
-          Simple (label k v)
-        else
-          let formattedList = self#unparseExpr ( snd rest) in
-          let lhs = makeList [(self#simple_enough_to_be_lhs_dot_send e1); atom "."] in
-          let rhs = makeList ~break:IfNeed ~postSpace:true ~sep:commaSep ~wrap:("{", "}") formattedList in
-          let prec = Custom "prec_lbracket" in
-          SpecificInfixPrecedence ({reducePrecedence=prec; shiftPrecedence=prec}, LayoutNode (label lhs rhs))
-      | _ -> (
-          match (self#sugar_set_expr_parts x) with
-      (* Returns None if there's attributes - would render as regular function *)
-      (* Format as if it were an infix function application with identifier "=" *)
-      | Some (simplyFormatedLeftItm, rightExpr) -> (
-        let tokenPrec = Token updateToken in
-        let rightItm = self#ensureContainingRule ~withPrecedence:tokenPrec ~reducesAfterRight:rightExpr () in
-        let leftWithOp = makeList ~postSpace:true [simplyFormatedLeftItm; atom updateToken] in
-        let expr = label ~space:true leftWithOp (self#unparseResolvedRule rightItm) in
-        SpecificInfixPrecedence ({reducePrecedence=tokenPrec; shiftPrecedence=tokenPrec}, LayoutNode expr)
-      )
-      | None -> (
-        match (printedStringAndFixityExpr e, ls) with
-       (* We must take care not to print two subsequent prefix operators without
-         spaces between them (`! !` could become `!!` which is totally
-         different).  *)
-        | (AlmostSimplePrefix prefixStr, [(Nolabel, rightExpr)]) ->
-        let forceSpace = match rightExpr.pexp_desc with
-          | Pexp_apply (ee, _) ->
-            (match printedStringAndFixityExpr ee with | AlmostSimplePrefix _ -> true | _ -> false)
-          | _ -> false
-        in
-        let prec = Token prefixStr in
-        let rightItm = self#unparseResolvedRule (
-          self#ensureContainingRule ~withPrecedence:prec ~reducesAfterRight:rightExpr ()
-        ) in
-        SpecificInfixPrecedence
-          ({reducePrecedence=prec; shiftPrecedence = prec}, LayoutNode (label ~space:forceSpace (atom prefixStr) rightItm))
-        | (UnaryPostfix postfixStr, [(Nolabel, leftExpr)]) ->
-          let forceSpace = match leftExpr.pexp_desc with
-            | Pexp_apply (ee, _) ->
-              (match printedStringAndFixityExpr ee with
-               | UnaryPostfix "^" | AlmostSimplePrefix _ -> true
-               | _ -> false)
-            | _ -> false
-          in
-          let leftItm = (match leftExpr.pexp_desc with
-            | Pexp_apply (e,_) ->
-              (match printedStringAndFixityExpr e with
-               | Infix printedIdent
-                 when requireNoSpaceFor printedIdent ||
-                      Reason_heuristics.isPipeFirst e ->
-                 self#unparseExpr leftExpr
-               | _ -> self#simplifyUnparseExpr leftExpr)
-            | Pexp_field _ -> self#unparseExpr leftExpr
-            | _ -> self#simplifyUnparseExpr leftExpr
-          )
-          in
-          Simple (label ~space:forceSpace leftItm (atom postfixStr))
-        | (Infix printedIdent, [(Nolabel, leftExpr); (Nolabel, rightExpr)]) ->
-          let infixToken = Token printedIdent in
-          let rightItm = self#ensureContainingRule ~withPrecedence:infixToken ~reducesAfterRight:rightExpr () in
-          let leftItm = self#ensureExpression ~reducesOnToken:infixToken leftExpr in
-          (* Left exprs of infix tokens which we don't print spaces for (e.g. `##`)
-             need to be wrapped in parens in the case of postfix `^`. Otherwise,
-             printing will be ambiguous as `^` is also a valid start of an infix
-             operator. *)
-          let formattedLeftItm = (match leftItm with
-            | LayoutNode x -> begin match leftExpr.pexp_desc with
-                | Pexp_apply (e,_) ->
-                  (match printedStringAndFixityExpr e with
-                   | UnaryPostfix "^" when requireNoSpaceFor printedIdent ->
-                     LayoutNode (formatPrecedence ~loc:leftExpr.pexp_loc x)
-                   | _ -> leftItm)
-                | _ -> leftItm
-              end
-            | InfixTree _ -> leftItm
-          ) in
-          let infixTree = InfixTree (printedIdent, formattedLeftItm, rightItm) in
-          SpecificInfixPrecedence ({reducePrecedence=infixToken; shiftPrecedence=infixToken}, infixTree)
-        (* Will be rendered as `(+) a b c` which is parsed with higher precedence than all
-           the other forms unparsed here.*)
-        | (UnaryPlusPrefix printedIdent, [(Nolabel, rightExpr)]) ->
-          let prec = Custom "prec_unary" in
-          let rightItm = self#unparseResolvedRule (
-            self#ensureContainingRule ~withPrecedence:prec ~reducesAfterRight:rightExpr ()
-          ) in
-          let expr = label ~space:true (atom printedIdent) rightItm in
-          SpecificInfixPrecedence ({reducePrecedence=prec; shiftPrecedence=Token printedIdent}, LayoutNode expr)
-        | (UnaryMinusPrefix printedIdent as x, [(Nolabel, rightExpr)])
-        | (UnaryNotPrefix printedIdent as x, [(Nolabel, rightExpr)]) ->
-          let forceSpace = (match x with
-              | UnaryMinusPrefix _ -> true
-              | _ -> begin match rightExpr.pexp_desc with
-                  | Pexp_apply ({pexp_desc = Pexp_ident {txt = Lident s}}, _) ->
-                    isSimplePrefixToken s
-                  | _ -> false
-                end) in
-          let prec = Custom "prec_unary" in
-          let rightItm = self#unparseResolvedRule (
-            self#ensureContainingRule ~withPrecedence:prec ~reducesAfterRight:rightExpr ()
-          ) in
-          let expr = label ~space:forceSpace (atom printedIdent) rightItm in
-          SpecificInfixPrecedence ({reducePrecedence=prec; shiftPrecedence=Token printedIdent}, LayoutNode expr)
-        (* Will need to be rendered in self#expression as (~-) x y z. *)
-        | (_, _) ->
-        (* This case will happen when there is something like
-             Bar.createElement a::1 b::2 [] [@bla] [@JSX]
-           At this point the bla will be stripped (because it's a visible
-           attribute) but the JSX will still be there.
-         *)
-        (* this case also happens when we have something like:
-         * => a + 1, numbers);
-         * We got two "" as Pexp_ident & a list of arguments:
-         * [`(a) => a + 1`; `numbers`]
-         *
-         * Another possible case is:
-         * describe("App", () =>
-         *   test("math", () =>
-         *     Expect.expect(1 + 2) |> toBe(3)));
-         *)
-        let uncurried = try Hashtbl.find uncurriedTable x.pexp_loc with | Not_found -> false in
-        FunctionApplication (
-          self#formatFunAppl
-            ~uncurried
-            ~jsxAttrs
-            ~args:ls
-            ~applicationExpr:x
-            ~funExpr:e
-            ()
-          )
-        )
-      )
-    )
-    | Pexp_field (e, li) ->
-        let prec = Token "." in
-        let leftItm = self#unparseResolvedRule (
-          self#ensureExpression ~reducesOnToken:prec e
-        ) in
-        let {stdAttrs} = partitionAttributes e.pexp_attributes in
-        let formattedLeftItm = if stdAttrs == [] then
-            leftItm
-          else
-            formatPrecedence ~loc:e.pexp_loc leftItm
-        in
-        let layout = label (makeList [formattedLeftItm; atom "."]) (self#longident_loc li) in
-        SpecificInfixPrecedence ({reducePrecedence=prec; shiftPrecedence=prec}, LayoutNode layout)
-    | Pexp_construct (li, Some eo) when not (is_simple_construct (view_expr x)) -> (
-        match view_expr x with
-        (* TODO: Explicit arity *)
-        | `normal ->
-            let arityIsClear = isArityClear arityAttrs in
-            FunctionApplication [self#constructor_expression ~arityIsClear stdAttrs (self#longident_loc li) eo]
-        | _ -> assert false
-      )
-    | Pexp_variant (l, Some eo) ->
-        if arityAttrs != [] then
-          raise (NotPossible "Should never see embedded attributes on poly variant")
-        else
-          FunctionApplication [self#constructor_expression ~polyVariant:true ~arityIsClear:true stdAttrs (atom ("`" ^ l)) eo]
-    (* TODO: Should protect this identifier *)
-    | Pexp_setinstvar (s, rightExpr) ->
-      let rightItm = self#unparseResolvedRule (
-        self#ensureContainingRule ~withPrecedence:(Token updateToken) ~reducesAfterRight:rightExpr ()
-      ) in
-      let expr = label ~space:true (makeList ~postSpace:true [(protectIdentifier s.txt); atom updateToken]) rightItm in
-      SpecificInfixPrecedence ({reducePrecedence=(Token updateToken); shiftPrecedence=(Token updateToken)}, LayoutNode expr)
-    | Pexp_setfield (leftExpr, li, rightExpr) ->
-      let rightItm = self#unparseResolvedRule (
-        self#ensureContainingRule ~withPrecedence:(Token updateToken) ~reducesAfterRight:rightExpr ()
-      ) in
-      let leftItm = self#unparseResolvedRule (
-        self#ensureExpression ~reducesOnToken:(Token ".") leftExpr
-      ) in
-      let leftLbl =
-        label
-          (makeList [leftItm; atom "."])
-          (self#longident_loc li) in
-      let expr = label ~space:true (makeList ~postSpace:true [leftLbl; atom updateToken]) rightItm in
-      SpecificInfixPrecedence ({reducePrecedence=(Token updateToken); shiftPrecedence=(Token updateToken)}, LayoutNode expr)
-    | Pexp_match (e, l) when detectTernary l != None -> (
-      match detectTernary l with
-      | None -> raise (Invalid_argument "Impossible")
-      | Some (tt, ff) ->
-        let ifTrue = self#reset_request_braces#unparseExpr tt in
-        let testItem = self#unparseResolvedRule (
-          self#reset_request_braces#ensureExpression e ~reducesOnToken:(Token "?")
-        ) in
-        let ifFalse = self#unparseResolvedRule (
-          self#reset_request_braces#ensureContainingRule ~withPrecedence:(Token ":") ~reducesAfterRight:ff ()
-        ) in
-        let trueBranch = label ~space:true ~break:`Never (atom "?") ifTrue
-        in
-        let falseBranch = label ~space:true ~break:`Never (atom ":") ifFalse
-        in
-        let expr = label ~space:true testItem (makeList ~break:IfNeed ~sep:(Sep " ") ~inline:(true, true) [trueBranch; falseBranch])
-        in
-        SpecificInfixPrecedence ({reducePrecedence=Token ":"; shiftPrecedence=Token "?"}, LayoutNode expr)
-      )
-    | _ -> (
-      match self#expression_requiring_parens_in_infix x with
-      | Some e -> e
-      | None -> raise (Invalid_argument "No match for unparsing expression")
-    )
-  method formatNonSequencyExpression e =
-    (*
-     * Instead of printing:
-     *   let result =  { open Fmt; strf(foo);}
-     *
-     * We format as:
-     *   let result = Fmt.(strf(foo))
-     *
-     * (Also see
-     *)
-    match e.pexp_attributes, e.pexp_desc with
-    | [], Pexp_record _ (* syntax sugar for M.{x:1} *)
-    | [], Pexp_tuple _ (* syntax sugar for M.(a, b) *)
-    | [], Pexp_object {pcstr_fields = []} (* syntax sugar for M.{} *)
-    | [], Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident"::"},Some _)
-    | [], Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident"[]"},_)
-    | [], Pexp_extension ( {txt = "bs.obj"}, _ ) ->
-      self#simplifyUnparseExpr e (* syntax sugar for M.[x,y] *)
-    (* syntax sugar for the rest, wrap with parens to avoid ambiguity.
-     * E.g., avoid M.(M2.v) being printed as M.M2.v
-     * Or ReasonReact.(<> {string("Test")} </>);
-     *)
-    | _ -> makeList ~wrap:("(",")") ~break:IfNeed [self#unparseExpr e]
-  (*
-     It's not enough to only check if precedence of an infix left/right is
-     greater than the infix itself. We also should likely pay attention to
-     left/right associativity. So how do we render the minimum number of
-     parenthesis?
-     The intuition is that sequential right associative operators will
-     naturally build up deep trees on the right side (left builds up left-deep
-     trees). So by default, we add parens to model the tree structure that
-     we're rendering except when the parser will *naturally* parse the tree
-     structure that the parens assert.
-     Sequential identical infix operators:
-     ------------------------------------
-     So if we see a nested infix operator of precedence Y, as one side of
-     another infix operator that has the same precedence (Y), that is S
-     associative on the S side of the function application, we don't need to
-     wrap in parens. In more detail:
-     -Add parens around infix binary function application
-       Exception 1: Unless we are a left-assoc operator of precedence X in the left branch of an operator w/ precedence X.
-       Exception 2: Unless we are a right-assoc operator of precedence X in the right branch of an operator w/ precedence X.
-       Exception 3: Unless we are a _any_-assoc X operator in the _any_ branch of an Y operator where X has greater precedence than Y.
-     Note that the exceptions do not specify any special cases for mixing
-     left/right associativity. Precedence is what determines necessity of
-     parens for operators with non-identical precedences. Associativity
-     only determines necessity of parens for identically precedented operators.
-     PLUS is left assoc:
-     - So this one *shouldn't* expand into two consecutive infix +:
-            [Pexp_apply]
-              /      \
-         first +   [Pexp_apply]
-                      /   \
-                  second + third
-     - This one *should*:
-                    [Pexp_apply]
-                      /      \
-           [  Pexp_apply  ] + third
-              /     \
-           first +  second
-     COLONCOLON is right assoc, so
-     - This one *should* expand into two consecutive infix ::  :
-            [Pexp_apply]
-              /      \
-         first ::   [Pexp_apply]
-                      /   \
-                  second :: third
-     - This one *shouldn't*:
-                    [Pexp_apply]
-                      /      \
-           [  Pexp_apply  ] :: third
-              /     \
-           first ::  second
-     Sequential differing infix operators:
-     ------------------------------------
-     Neither of the following require paren grouping because of rule 3.
-            [Pexp_apply]
-              /      \
-         first  +  [Pexp_apply]
-                      /   \
-                  second * third
-                    [Pexp_apply]
-                      /      \
-            [Pexp_apply  +  third
-              /     \
-           first *  second
-      The previous has nothing to do with the fact that + and * have the same
-      associativity. Exception 3 applies to the following where :: is right assoc
-      and + is left. + has higher precedence than ::
-      - so parens aren't required to group + when it is in a branch of a
-        lower precedence ::
-            [Pexp_apply]
-              /      \
-         first ::   [Pexp_apply]
-                      /   \
-                  second + third
-      - Whereas there is no Exception that applies in this case (Exception 3
-        doesn't apply) so parens are required around the :: in this case.
-                    [Pexp_apply]
-                      /      \
-           [  Pexp_apply  ] + third
-              /     \
-           first ::  second
-  *)
-  method classExpressionToFormattedApplicationItems = function
-    | { pcl_desc = Pcl_apply (ce, l) } ->
-      [label (self#simple_class_expr ce) (self#label_x_expression_params l)]
-    | x -> [self#class_expr x]
-  (**
-        How JSX is formatted/wrapped. We want the attributes to wrap independently
-        of children.
-        <xxx
-          attr1=blah
-          attr2=foo>
-          child
-          child
-          child
-        </x>
-      +-------------------------------+
-      |  left   right (list of attrs) |
-      |   / \   /   \                 |
-      |   <tag                        |
-      |     attr1=blah                |
-      |     attr2=foo                 |
-      +-------------------------------+
-       |
-       |
-       |
-       |      left       right  list of children with
-       |   /       \    /  \     open,close = > </tag>
-       |  +---------+
-       +--|         |    >
-          +---------+
-          </tag>           *)
-  method formatJSXComponent componentName ?closeComponentName args =
-    let self = self#inline_braces in
-    let rec processArguments arguments processedAttrs children =
-      match arguments with
-      | (Labelled "children", {pexp_desc = Pexp_construct (_, None)}) :: tail ->
-        processArguments tail processedAttrs None
-      | (Labelled "children", {pexp_desc = Pexp_construct ({txt = Lident"::"}, Some {pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple components} )}) :: tail ->
-        processArguments tail processedAttrs (self#formatChildren components [])
-      | (Labelled "children", expr) :: tail ->
-          let dotdotdotChild = match expr with
-            | {pexp_desc = Pexp_apply (funExpr, args)}
-              when printedStringAndFixityExpr funExpr == Normal &&
-                   Reason_attributes.without_stylistic_attrs expr.pexp_attributes == [] ->
-              begin match (self#formatFunAppl ~prefix:(atom "...") ~wrap:("{", "}") ~jsxAttrs:[] ~args ~funExpr ~applicationExpr:expr ()) with
-              | [x] -> x
-              | xs -> makeList xs
-              end
-            | {pexp_desc = Pexp_fun _ } ->
-                self#formatPexpFun ~prefix:(atom "...") ~wrap:("{", "}") expr
-            | _ ->
-              let childLayout = self#dont_preserve_braces#simplifyUnparseExpr ~wrap:("{", "}") expr in
-              makeList ~break:Never [atom "..."; childLayout]
-          in
-          processArguments tail processedAttrs (Some [dotdotdotChild])
-      | (Optional lbl, expression) :: tail ->
-        let {jsxAttrs; _} = partitionAttributes expression.pexp_attributes in
-        let value_has_jsx = jsxAttrs != [] in
-        let nextAttr =
-          match expression.pexp_desc with
-          | Pexp_ident ident when isPunnedJsxArg lbl ident ->
-              makeList ~break:Layout.Never [atom "?"; atom lbl]
-           | Pexp_construct _ when value_has_jsx ->
-               label
-                (makeList ~break:Layout.Never [atom lbl; atom "=?"])
-                (self#simplifyUnparseExpr ~wrap:("{","}") expression)
-          | _ ->
-              label
-                (makeList ~break:Layout.Never [atom lbl; atom "=?"])
-                (self#dont_preserve_braces#simplifyUnparseExpr ~wrap:("{","}") expression) in
-        processArguments tail (nextAttr :: processedAttrs) children
-      | (Labelled lbl, expression) :: tail ->
-         let {jsxAttrs; _} = partitionAttributes expression.pexp_attributes in
-         let value_has_jsx = jsxAttrs != [] in
-         let nextAttr =
-           match expression.pexp_desc with
-           | Pexp_ident ident when isPunnedJsxArg lbl ident -> atom lbl
-           | _ when isJSXComponent expression  ->
-               label (atom (lbl ^ "="))
-                     (makeList ~break:IfNeed ~wrap:("{", "}")
-                       [self#dont_preserve_braces#simplifyUnparseExpr expression])
-           | Pexp_open (_, lid, e)
-             when self#isSeriesOfOpensFollowedByNonSequencyExpression expression ->
-             label (makeList [atom lbl;
-                              atom "=";
-                              (label (self#longident_loc lid) (atom "."))])
-                   (self#formatNonSequencyExpression e)
-           | Pexp_apply ({pexp_desc = Pexp_ident _} as funExpr, args)
-                when printedStringAndFixityExpr funExpr == Normal &&
-                     Reason_attributes.without_stylistic_attrs expression.pexp_attributes == [] ->
-             let lhs = makeList [atom lbl; atom "="] in
-             begin match (
-               self#formatFunAppl
-                ~prefix:lhs
-                ~wrap:("{", "}")
-                ~jsxAttrs:[]
-                ~args
-                ~funExpr
-                ~applicationExpr:expression
-                ())
-             with
-             | [x] -> x
-             | xs -> makeList xs
-             end
-           | Pexp_apply (eFun, _) ->
-             let lhs = makeList [atom lbl; atom "="] in
-             let rhs = (match printedStringAndFixityExpr eFun with
-                 | Infix str when requireNoSpaceFor str -> self#unparseExpr expression
-                 | _ -> self#dont_preserve_braces#simplifyUnparseExpr ~wrap:("{","}") expression)
-             in label lhs rhs
-           | Pexp_construct _ when value_has_jsx ->
-               label
-                (makeList [atom lbl; atom "="])
-                (self#simplifyUnparseExpr ~wrap:("{","}") expression)
-           | Pexp_record _
-           | Pexp_construct _
-           | Pexp_array _
-           | Pexp_tuple _
-           | Pexp_match _
-           | Pexp_extension _
-           | Pexp_function _ ->
-               label
-                (makeList [atom lbl; atom "="])
-                (self#dont_preserve_braces#simplifyUnparseExpr ~wrap:("{","}") expression)
-           | Pexp_fun _ ->
-               let propName = makeList [atom lbl; atom "="] in
-               self#formatPexpFun ~wrap:("{", "}") ~prefix:propName expression
-           | _ -> makeList [
-                    atom lbl;
-                    atom "=";
-                    self#dont_preserve_braces#simplifyUnparseExpr ~wrap:("{","}") expression
-                  ]
-         in
-         processArguments tail (nextAttr :: processedAttrs) children
-      | [] -> (processedAttrs, children)
-      | _ :: tail -> processArguments tail processedAttrs children
-    in
-    let (reversedAttributes, children) = processArguments args [] None in
-    match children with
-    | None ->
-      makeList
-        ~break:IfNeed
-        ~wrap:("<" ^ componentName, "/>")
-        ~pad:(true, true)
-        ~inline:(false, false)
-        ~postSpace:true
-        (List.rev reversedAttributes)
-    | Some renderedChildren ->
-      let openTagAndAttrs =
-        match reversedAttributes with
-        | [] -> (atom ("<" ^ componentName ^ ">"))
-        | revAttrHd::revAttrTl ->
-          let finalAttrList = (List.rev (makeList ~break:Layout.Never [revAttrHd; atom ">"] :: revAttrTl)) in
-          let renderedAttrList = (makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~break:IfNeed ~pad:(false, false) ~preSpace:true finalAttrList) in
-          label
-            ~space:true
-            (atom ("<" ^ componentName))
-            renderedAttrList
-      in
-      label
-        openTagAndAttrs
-        (makeList
-          ~wrap:("", "</" ^ (match closeComponentName with None -> componentName | Some close -> close) ^ ">")
-          ~inline:(true, false)
-          ~break:IfNeed
-          ~pad:(true, true)
-          ~postSpace:true
-          renderedChildren)
-  (*
-   * Format Pexp_fun expression: (a, b) => a + b;
-   * Example: the `onClick` prop with Pexp_fun in
-   *  <div
-   *    onClick={(event) => {
-   *      Js.log(event);
-   *      handleChange(event);
-   *    }}
-   *  />;
-   *
-   *  The arguments of the callback (Pexp_fun) should be inlined as much as
-   *  possible on the same line as `onClick={`.
-   *  Also notice the brace-hugging `}}` at the end.
-   *
-   *  ~prefix -> prefixes the Pexp_fun layout, example `onClick=`
-   *  ~wrap -> wraps the `Pexp_fun` in the tuple passed to wrap, e.g. `{` and
-   *  `}` for jsx
-   *)
-  method formatPexpFun ?(prefix=(atom "")) ?(wrap=("","")) expression =
-    let (lwrap, rwrap) = wrap in
-    let {stdAttrs; uncurried} = partitionAttributes expression.pexp_attributes in
-    if uncurried then Hashtbl.add uncurriedTable expression.pexp_loc true;
-    let (args, ret) =
-      (* omit attributes here, we're formatting them manually *)
-      self#curriedPatternsAndReturnVal {expression with pexp_attributes = [] }
-    in
-    (* Format `onClick={` *)
-    let propName = makeList ~wrap:("", lwrap) [prefix] in
-    let argsList =
-      let args = match args with
-      | [argsList] -> argsList
-      | args -> makeList args
-      in
-      match stdAttrs with
-      | [] -> args
-      | attrs ->
-          (* attach attributes to the args of the Pexp_fun: `[@attr] (event)` *)
-          let attrList =
-            makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~break:IfNeed ~postSpace:true
-              ( self#attribute attrs)
-          in
-          let all = [attrList; args] in
-          makeList ~break:IfNeed ~inline:(true, true) ~postSpace:true all
-    in
-    (* Format `onClick={(event)` *)
-    let propNameWithArgs = label propName argsList in
-    (* Pick constraints: (a, b) :string => ...
-     * :string is the constraint here *)
-    let (return, optConstr) = match ret.pexp_desc with
-      | Pexp_constraint (e, ct) -> (e, Some (self#non_arrowed_core_type ct))
-      | _ -> (ret, None)
-    in
-    let returnExpr, leftWrap = match (self#letList return) with
-    | [x] ->
-      (* Format `handleChange(event)}` or
-       *  handleChange(event)
-       * }
-       *
-       * If the closing rwrap is empty, we need it to be inline, otherwise
-       * we get a empty newline when the layout breaks:
-       * ```
-       *  handleChange(event)
-       *
-       * ```
-       * (Notice to nonsense newline)
-       *)
-       let shouldPreserveBraces = self#should_preserve_requested_braces return in
-       let rwrap = if shouldPreserveBraces then
-         "}" ^ rwrap
-       else
-         rwrap
-       in
-       let inlineClosing = rwrap = "" in
-       let layout =
-         makeList ~break:IfNeed ~inline:(true, inlineClosing) ~wrap:("", rwrap) [x]
-       in
-       layout, if shouldPreserveBraces then "{" else ""
-    | xs ->
-      (* Format `Js.log(event)` and `handleChange(event)` as
-       * {
-       *   Js.log(event);
-       *   handleChange(event);
-       * }}
-       *)
-      let layout = makeList
-          ~break:Always_rec ~sep:(SepFinal (";", ";")) ~wrap:("{", "}" ^ rwrap)
-          xs
-      in
-      layout, ""
-    in
-    match optConstr with
-    | Some typeConstraint ->
-      let upToConstraint =
-        label ~space:true
-          (makeList ~wrap:("", ":") [propNameWithArgs])
-          typeConstraint
-      in
-      label
-        (makeList ~wrap:("", " => " ^ leftWrap) [upToConstraint])
-        returnExpr
-    | None ->
-      label
-        (makeList ~wrap:("", " => " ^ leftWrap) [propNameWithArgs])
-        returnExpr
-  (* Creates a list of simple module expressions corresponding to module
-     expression or functor application. *)
-  method moduleExpressionToFormattedApplicationItems ?(prefix="") x =
-    match x with
-    (* are we formatting a functor application with a module structure as arg?
-     * YourLib.Make({
-     *   type t = int;
-     *   type s = string;
-     * });
-     *
-     * We should "hug" the parens here: ({ & }) should stick together.
-     *)
-    | { pmod_desc = Pmod_apply (
-            ({pmod_desc = Pmod_ident _} as m1),
-            ({pmod_desc = Pmod_structure _} as m2)
-         )
-      } ->
-        let modIdent = source_map ~loc:m1.pmod_loc (self#simple_module_expr m1) in
-        let name = if prefix <> "" then
-          makeList ~postSpace:true[atom prefix; modIdent]
-          else modIdent
-        in
-        let arg = source_map ~loc:m2.pmod_loc (self#simple_module_expr ~hug:true m2) in
-        label name arg
-    | _ ->
-      let rec extract_apps args = function
-        | { pmod_desc = Pmod_apply (me1, me2) } ->
-          let arg = source_map ~loc:me2.pmod_loc (self#simple_module_expr me2) in
-          extract_apps (arg :: args) me1
-        | me ->
-          let head = source_map ~loc:me.pmod_loc (self#module_expr me) in
-          if args == [] then head else label head (makeTup args)
-      in
-      let functor_application = extract_apps [] x in
-      if prefix <> "" then
-        makeList ~postSpace:true [atom prefix; functor_application]
-      else
-        functor_application
-  (*
-     Watch out, if you see something like below (sixteenTuple getting put on a
-     newline), yet a paren-wrapped list wouldn't have had an extra newlin, you
-     might need to wrap the single token (sixteenTuple) in [ensureSingleTokenSticksToLabel].
-     let (
-        axx,
-        oxx,
-        pxx
-      ):
-        sixteenTuple = echoTuple (
-        0,
-        0,
-        0
-      );
-  *)
-  method formatSimplePatternBinding labelOpener layoutPattern typeConstraint appTerms =
-    let letPattern = label ~break:`Never ~space:true (atom labelOpener) layoutPattern in
-    let upUntilEqual =
-      match typeConstraint with
-        | None -> letPattern
-        | Some tc -> formatTypeConstraint letPattern tc
-    in
-    let includingEqual = makeList ~postSpace:true [upUntilEqual; atom "="] in
-    formatAttachmentApplication applicationFinalWrapping (Some (true, includingEqual)) appTerms
-  (*
-     The [bindingLabel] is either the function name (if let binding) or first
-     arg (if lambda).
-     For defining layout of the following form:
-         lbl one
-             two
-             constraint => {
-           ...
-         }
-     If using "=" as the arrow, can also be used for:
-         met private
-             myMethod
-             constraint = fun ...
-   *)
-  method wrapCurriedFunctionBinding
-         ?attachTo
-         ~arrow
-         ?(sweet=false)
-         ?(spaceBeforeArrow=true)
-         prefixText
-         bindingLabel
-         patternList
-         returnedAppTerms =
-    let allPatterns = bindingLabel::patternList in
-    let partitioning = curriedFunctionFinalWrapping allPatterns in
-    let everythingButReturnVal =
-      (*
-         Because align_closing is set to false, you get:
-         (Brackets[] inserted to show boundaries between open/close of pattern list)
-         let[firstThing
-             secondThing
-             thirdThing]
-         It only wraps to indent four by coincidence: If the "opening" token was
-         longer, you'd get:
-         letReallyLong[firstThing
-                       secondThing
-                       thirdThing]
-         For curried let bindings, we stick the arrow in the *last* pattern:
-         let[firstThing
-             secondThing
-             thirdThing =>]
-         But it could have just as easily been the "closing" token corresponding to
-         "let". This works because we have [align_closing = false]. The benefit of
-         shoving it in the last pattern, is that we can turn [align_closing = true]
-         and still have the arrow stuck to the last pattern (which is usually what we
-         want) (See modeTwo below).
-      *)
-      match partitioning with
-        | None when sweet ->
-          makeList
-            ~pad:(false, spaceBeforeArrow)
-            ~wrap:("", arrow)
-            ~indent:( * settings.indentWrappedPatternArgs)
-            ~postSpace:true
-            ~inline:(true, true)
-            ~break:IfNeed
-            allPatterns
-        | None ->
-            (* We want the binding label to break *with* the arguments. Again,
-               there's no apparent way to add additional indenting for the
-               args with this setting. *)
-            (*
-               Formats lambdas by treating the first pattern as the
-               "bindingLabel" which is kind of strange in some cases (when
-               you only have one arg that wraps)...
-                  echoTheEchoer (
-                    fun (
-                          a,
-                          p
-                        ) => (
-                      a,
-                      b
-                    )
-               But it makes sense in others (where you have multiple args):
-                  echoTheEchoer (
-                    fun (
-                          a,
-                          p
-                        )
-                        mySecondArg
-                        myThirdArg => (
-                      a,
-                      b
-                    )
-               Try any other convention for wrapping that first arg and it
-               won't look as balanced when adding multiple args.
-            *)
-          makeList
-            ~pad:(true, spaceBeforeArrow)
-            ~wrap:(prefixText, arrow)
-            ~indent:( * settings.indentWrappedPatternArgs)
-            ~postSpace:true
-            ~inline:(true, true)
-            ~break:IfNeed
-            allPatterns
-        | Some (attachedList, wrappedListy) ->
-            (* To get *only* the final argument to "break", while not
-               necessarily breaking the prior arguments, we dock everything
-               but the last item to a created label *)
-          label
-            ~space:true
-            (
-              makeList
-                ~pad:(true, spaceBeforeArrow)
-                ~wrap:(prefixText, arrow)
-                ~indent:( * settings.indentWrappedPatternArgs)
-                ~postSpace:true
-                ~inline:(true, true)
-                ~break:IfNeed
-                attachedList
-            )
-            wrappedListy
-    in
-    let everythingButAppTerms = match attachTo with
-      | None -> everythingButReturnVal
-      | Some toThis -> label ~space:true toThis everythingButReturnVal
-    in
-    formatAttachmentApplication
-      applicationFinalWrapping
-      (Some (true, everythingButAppTerms))
-      returnedAppTerms
-  method leadingCurriedAbstractTypes x =
-    let rec argsAndReturn xx =
-      match xx.pexp_desc with
-        | Pexp_newtype (str,e) ->
-            let (nextArgs, return) = argsAndReturn e in
-            (str::nextArgs, return)
-        | _ -> ([], xx.pexp_desc)
-    in argsAndReturn x
-  method curriedConstructorPatternsAndReturnVal cl =
-    let rec argsAndReturn args = function
-      | { pcl_desc = Pcl_fun (label, eo, p, e); pcl_attributes = [] } ->
-        let arg = source_map ~loc:p.ppat_loc (self#label_exp label eo p) in
-        argsAndReturn (arg :: args) e
-      | xx ->
-        if args == [] then (None, xx) else (Some (makeTup (List.rev args)), xx)
-    in
-    argsAndReturn [] cl
-  (*
-    Returns the arguments list (if any, that occur before the =>), and the
-    final expression (that is either returned from the function (after =>) or
-    that is bound to the value (if there are no arguments, and this is just a
-    let pattern binding)).
-  *)
-  method curriedPatternsAndReturnVal x =
-    let uncurried = try Hashtbl.find uncurriedTable x.pexp_loc with | Not_found -> false in
-    let rec extract_args xx =
-      let {stdAttrs} = partitionAttributes ~allowUncurry:false xx.pexp_attributes in
-      if stdAttrs != [] then
-        ([], xx)
-      else match xx.pexp_desc with
-        (* label * expression option * pattern * expression *)
-        | Pexp_fun (l, eo, p, e) ->
-          let args, ret = extract_args e in
-          (`Value (l,eo,p) :: args, ret)
-        | Pexp_newtype (newtype,e) ->
-          let args, ret = extract_args e in
-          (`Type newtype :: args, ret)
-        | Pexp_constraint _ -> ([], xx)
-        | _ -> ([], xx)
-    in
-    let prepare_arg = function
-      | `Value (l,eo,p) -> source_map ~loc:p.ppat_loc (self#label_exp l eo p)
-      | `Type nt -> atom ("type " ^ nt)
-    in
-    let single_argument_no_parens p ret =
-      if uncurried then false
-      else
-        let isUnitPat = is_unit_pattern p in
-        let isAnyPat = is_any_pattern p in
-        begin match ret.pexp_desc with
-        (* (event) :ReasonReact.event => {...}
-         * The above Pexp_fun with constraint ReasonReact.event requires parens
-         * surrounding the single argument `event`.*)
-        | Pexp_constraint _ when not isUnitPat && not isAnyPat -> false
-        | _ -> isUnitPat || isAnyPat || is_ident_pattern p
-      end
-    in
-    match extract_args x with
-    | ([], ret) -> ([], ret)
-    | ([`Value (Nolabel, None, p) ], ret) when is_unit_pattern p && uncurried ->
-        ( [atom "(.)"], ret)
-    | ([`Value (Nolabel, None, p) as arg], ret) when single_argument_no_parens p ret ->
-      ([prepare_arg arg], ret)
-    | (args, ret) ->
-        ([makeTup ~uncurried ( prepare_arg args)], ret)
-  (* Returns the (curriedModule, returnStructure) for a functor *)
-  method curriedFunctorPatternsAndReturnStruct = function
-    (* string loc * module_type option * module_expr *)
-    | { pmod_desc = Pmod_functor(s, mt, me2) } ->
-        let firstOne =
-          match mt with
-            | None -> atom "()"
-            | Some mt' -> self#module_type (makeList [atom s.txt; atom ":"]) mt'
-        in
-        let (functorArgsRecurse, returnStructure) = (self#curriedFunctorPatternsAndReturnStruct me2) in
-        (firstOne::functorArgsRecurse, returnStructure)
-    | me -> ([], me)
-  method isRenderableAsPolymorphicAbstractTypes
-         typeVars
-         polyType
-         leadingAbstractVars
-         nonVarifiedType =
-      same_ast_modulo_varification_and_extensions polyType nonVarifiedType &&
-      for_all2' string_equal typeVars leadingAbstractVars
-  (* Reinterpret this as a pattern constraint since we don't currently have a
-     way to disambiguate. There is currently a way to disambiguate a parsing
-     from Ppat_constraint vs.  Pexp_constraint. Currently (and consistent with
-     OCaml standard parser):
-       let (x: typ) = blah;
-         Becomes Ppat_constraint
-       let x:poly . type = blah;
-         Becomes Ppat_constraint
-       let x:typ = blah;
-         Becomes Pexp_constraint(ghost)
-       let x = (blah:typ);
-         Becomes Pexp_constraint(ghost)
-     How are double constraints represented?
-     let (x:typ) = (blah:typ);
-     If currently both constraints are parsed into a single Pexp_constraint,
-     then something must be lost, and how could you fail type checking on:
-     let x:int = (10:string) ?? Answer: It probably parses into a nested
-     Pexp_constraint.
-     Proposal:
-       let (x: typ) = blah;
-         Becomes Ppat_constraint   (still)
-       let x:poly . type = blah;
-         Becomes Ppat_constraint   (still)
-       let x:typ = blah;
-         Becomes Ppat_constraint
-       let x = blah:typ;
-         Becomes Pexp_constraint
-     Reasoning: Allows parsing of any of the currently valid ML forms, but
-     combines the two most similar into one form. The only lossyness is the
-     unnecessary parens, which there is already precedence for dropping in
-     expressions. In the existing approach, preserving a paren-constrained
-     expression is *impossible* because it becomes pretty printed as
-     let x:t =.... In the proposal, it is not impossible - it is only
-     impossible to preserve unnecessary parenthesis around the let binding.
-     The one downside is that integrating with existing code that uses [let x =
-     (blah:typ)] in standard OCaml will be parsed as a Pexp_constraint. There
-     might be some lossiness (beyond parens) that occurs in the original OCaml
-     parser.
-  *)
-  method locallyAbstractPolymorphicFunctionBinding prefixText layoutPattern funWithNewTypes absVars bodyType =
-    let appTerms = self#unparseExprApplicationItems funWithNewTypes in
-    let locallyAbstractTypes = ( atom absVars) in
-    let typeLayout =
-      source_map ~loc:bodyType.ptyp_loc (self#core_type bodyType)
-    in
-    let polyType =
-      label
-        ~space:true
-        (* TODO: This isn't a correct use of sep! It ruins how
-         * comments are interleaved. *)
-        (makeList [makeList ~sep:(Sep " ") (atom "type"::locallyAbstractTypes); atom "."])
-        typeLayout
-      in
-    self#formatSimplePatternBinding
-      prefixText
-      layoutPattern
-      (Some polyType)
-      appTerms
-  (**
-      Intelligently switches between:
-      Curried function binding w/ constraint on return expr:
-         lbl patt
-             pattAux
-             arg
-             :constraint => {
-           ...
-         }
-      Constrained:
-         lbl patt
-             pattAux...
-             :constraint = {
-           ...
-         }
-   *)
-  method wrappedBinding prefixText ~arrow pattern patternAux expr =
-    let expr = self#process_underscore_application expr in
-    let (argsList, return) = self#curriedPatternsAndReturnVal expr in
-    let patternList = match patternAux with
-      | [] -> pattern
-      | _::_ -> makeList ~postSpace:true ~inline:(true, true) ~break:IfNeed (pattern::patternAux)
-    in
-    match (argsList, return.pexp_desc) with
-      | ([], Pexp_constraint (e, ct)) ->
-          let typeLayout =
-            source_map ~loc:ct.ptyp_loc
-              begin match ct.ptyp_desc with
-              | Ptyp_package (li, cstrs) ->
-                self#typ_package li cstrs
-              | _ ->
-                self#core_type ct
-              end
-          in
-          let appTerms = self#unparseExprApplicationItems e in
-          self#formatSimplePatternBinding prefixText patternList (Some typeLayout) appTerms
-      | ([], _) ->
-          (* simple let binding, e.g. `let number = 5` *)
-          (* let f = (. a, b) => a + b; *)
-          let appTerms = self#unparseExprApplicationItems expr in
-          self#formatSimplePatternBinding prefixText patternList None appTerms
-      | (_::_, _) ->
-          let (argsWithConstraint, actualReturn) = self#normalizeFunctionArgsConstraint argsList return in
-          let fauxArgs =
-            List.concat [patternAux; argsWithConstraint] in
-          let returnedAppTerms = self#unparseExprApplicationItems actualReturn in
-           (* Attaches the `=` to `f` to recreate javascript function syntax in
-            * let f = (a, b) => a + b; *)
-          let lbl = makeList ~sep:(Sep " ") ~break:Layout.Never [pattern; atom "="] in
-          self#wrapCurriedFunctionBinding prefixText ~arrow lbl fauxArgs returnedAppTerms
-  (* Similar to the above method. *)
-  method wrappedClassBinding prefixText pattern patternAux expr =
-    let (args, return) = self#curriedConstructorPatternsAndReturnVal expr in
-    let patternList =
-      match patternAux with
-        | [] -> pattern
-        | _::_ -> makeList ~postSpace:true ~inline:(true, true) ~break:IfNeed (pattern::patternAux)
-    in
-    match (args, return.pcl_desc) with
-      | (None, Pcl_constraint (e, ct)) ->
-          let typeLayout = source_map ~loc:ct.pcty_loc (self#class_constructor_type ct) in
-          self#formatSimplePatternBinding prefixText patternList (Some typeLayout)
-            (self#classExpressionToFormattedApplicationItems e, None)
-      | (None, _) ->
-          self#formatSimplePatternBinding prefixText patternList None
-            (self#classExpressionToFormattedApplicationItems expr, None)
-      | (Some args, _) ->
-          let (argsWithConstraint, actualReturn) =
-            self#normalizeConstructorArgsConstraint [args] return in
-          let fauxArgs =
-            List.concat [patternAux; argsWithConstraint] in
-          self#wrapCurriedFunctionBinding prefixText ~arrow:"=" pattern fauxArgs
-            (self#classExpressionToFormattedApplicationItems actualReturn, None)
-  (* Attaches doc comments to a layout, with whitespace preserved
-   * Example:
-   * /** Doc comment */
-   *
-   * /* another random comment */
-   * let a = 1;
-   *)
-  method attachDocAttrsToLayout
-    (* all std attributes attached on the ast node backing the layout *)
-    ~stdAttrs:(stdAttrs : Ast_404.Parsetree.attributes)
-    (* all doc comments attached on the ast node backing the layout *)
-    ~docAttrs:(docAttrs : Ast_404.Parsetree.attributes)
-    (* location of the layout *)
-    ~loc
-    (* layout to attach the doc comments to *)
-    ~layout () =
-    (*
-     * compute the correct location of layout
-     * Example:
-     * 1| /** doc-comment */
-     * 2|
-     * 3| [@attribute]
-     * 4| let a = 1;
-     *
-     * The location might indicate a start of line 4 for the ast-node
-     * representing `let a = 1`. The reality is that `[@attribute]` should be
-     * included (start of line 3), to represent the correct start location
-     * of the whole layout.
-     *)
-    let loc = match stdAttrs with
-    | (astLoc, _)::_ -> astLoc.loc
-    | [] -> loc
-    in
-    let rec aux prevLoc layout = function
-      | ((x, _) as attr : Ast_404.Parsetree.attribute)::xs ->
-        let newLayout =
-          let range = Range.makeRangeBetween x.loc prevLoc in
-          let layout =
-            if Range.containsWhitespace ~range ~comments:self#comments () then
-              let region = WhitespaceRegion.make ~range ~newlines:1 () in
-              Layout.Whitespace(region, layout)
-            else layout
-          in
-          makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~break:Always [
-            self#attribute attr;
-            layout
-          ]
-        in aux x.loc newLayout xs
-      | [] -> layout
-    in
-    aux loc layout (List.rev docAttrs)
-  method binding prefixText x = (* TODO: print attributes *)
-    let body = match x.pvb_pat.ppat_desc with
-      | (Ppat_var _) ->
-        self#wrappedBinding prefixText ~arrow:"=>"
-          (source_map ~loc:x.pvb_pat.ppat_loc (self#simple_pattern x.pvb_pat))
-          [] x.pvb_expr
-      (*
-         Ppat_constraint is used in bindings of the form
-            let (inParenVar:typ) = ...
-         And in the case of let bindings for explicitly polymorphic type
-         annotations (see parser for more details).
-         See reason_parser.mly for explanation of how we encode the two primary
-         forms of explicit polymorphic annotations in the parse tree, and how
-         we must recover them here.
-       *)
-      | (Ppat_constraint(p, ty)) -> (
-          (* Locally abstract forall types are *seriously* mangled by the parsing
-             stage, and we have to be very smart about how to recover it.
-              let df_locallyAbstractFuncAnnotated:
-                type a b.
-                  a =>
-                  b =>
-                  (inputEchoRecord a, inputEchoRecord b) =
-                fun (input: a) (input2: b) => (
-                  {inputIs: input},
-                  {inputIs: input2}
-                );
-             becomes:
-               let df_locallyAbstractFuncAnnotatedTwo:
-                 'a 'b .
-                 'a => 'b => (inputEchoRecord 'a, inputEchoRecord 'b)
-                =
-                 fun (type a) (type b) => (
-                   fun (input: a) (input2: b) => ({inputIs: input}, {inputIs:input2}):
-                     a => b => (inputEchoRecord a, inputEchoRecord b)
-                 );
-          *)
-          let layoutPattern =
-            source_map ~loc:x.pvb_pat.ppat_loc (self#simple_pattern p)
-          in
-          let leadingAbsTypesAndExpr = self#leadingCurriedAbstractTypes x.pvb_expr in
-          match (p.ppat_desc, ty.ptyp_desc, leadingAbsTypesAndExpr) with
-            | (Ppat_var _,
-               Ptyp_poly (typeVars, varifiedPolyType),
-               (_::_ as absVars, Pexp_constraint(funWithNewTypes, nonVarifiedExprType)))
-              when self#isRenderableAsPolymorphicAbstractTypes
-                  typeVars
-                  (* If even artificially varified - don't know until returns*)
-                  varifiedPolyType
-                  absVars
-                  nonVarifiedExprType ->
-              (*
-                 We assume was the case whenever we see this pattern in the
-                 AST, it was because the parser parsed the polymorphic locally
-                 abstract type sugar.
-                 Ppat_var..Ptyp_poly...Pexp_constraint:
-                    let x: 'a 'b . 'a => 'b => 'b =
-                      fun (type a) (type b) =>
-                         (fun aVal bVal => bVal : a => b => b);
-                 We need to be careful not to accidentally detect similar
-                 forms, that cannot be printed as sugar.
-                    let x: 'a 'b . 'a => 'b => 'b =
-                      fun (type a) (type b) =>
-                         (fun aVal bVal => bVal : int => int => int);
-                 Should *NOT* be formatted as:
-                    let x: type a b. int => int => int = fun aVal bVal => bVal;
-                 The helper function
-                 [same_ast_modulo_varification_and_extensions] was created to
-                 help compare the varified constraint pattern body, and the
-                 non-varified expression constraint type.
-                 The second requirement that we check before assuming that the
-                 sugar form is correct, is to make sure the list of type vars
-                 corresponds to a leading prefix of the Pexp_newtype variables.
-              *)
-              self#locallyAbstractPolymorphicFunctionBinding
-                prefixText
-                layoutPattern
-                funWithNewTypes
-                absVars
-                nonVarifiedExprType
-            | _ ->
-              let typeLayout = source_map ~loc:ty.ptyp_loc (self#core_type ty) in
-              let appTerms = self#unparseExprApplicationItems x.pvb_expr in
-              self#formatSimplePatternBinding
-                prefixText
-                layoutPattern
-                (Some typeLayout)
-                appTerms
-        )
-      | _ ->
-        let layoutPattern =
-          source_map ~loc:x.pvb_pat.ppat_loc (self#pattern x.pvb_pat)
-        in
-        let appTerms = self#unparseExprApplicationItems x.pvb_expr in
-        self#formatSimplePatternBinding prefixText layoutPattern None appTerms
-    in
-    let {stdAttrs; docAttrs} = partitionAttributes ~partDoc:true x.pvb_attributes in
-    let body = makeList ~inline:(true, true) [body] in
-    let layout = self#attach_std_item_attrs stdAttrs (source_map ~loc:x.pvb_loc body) in
-    self#attachDocAttrsToLayout
-      ~stdAttrs
-      ~docAttrs
-      ~loc:x.pvb_pat.ppat_loc
-      ~layout
-      ()
-  (* Ensures that the constraint is formatted properly for sake of function
-     binding (formatted without arrows)
-     let x y z : no_unguarded_arrows_allowed_here => ret;
-   *)
-  method normalizeFunctionArgsConstraint argsList return =
-    match return.pexp_desc with
-      | Pexp_constraint (e, ct) ->
-        let typeLayout =
-          source_map ~loc:ct.ptyp_loc
-            (self#non_arrowed_non_simple_core_type ct)
-        in
-        ([makeList
-           ~break:IfNeed
-           ~inline:(true, true)
-           (argsList@[formatJustTheTypeConstraint typeLayout])], e)
-      | _ -> (argsList, return)
-  method normalizeConstructorArgsConstraint argsList return =
-    match return.pcl_desc with
-      | Pcl_constraint (e, ct) when return.pcl_attributes == [] ->
-        let typeLayout =
-          source_map ~loc:ct.pcty_loc
-            (self#non_arrowed_class_constructor_type ct)
-        in
-        (argsList@[formatJustTheTypeConstraint typeLayout], e)
-      | _ -> (argsList, return)
-  method bindingsLocationRange ?extension l =
-    let len = List.length l in
-    let fstLoc = match extension with
-    | Some ({pexp_loc = {loc_ghost = false}} as ext) -> ext.pexp_loc
-    | _ -> (List.nth l 0).pvb_loc
-    in
-    let lstLoc = (List.nth l (len - 1)).pvb_loc in
-    {
-      loc_start = fstLoc.loc_start;
-      loc_end = lstLoc.loc_end;
-      loc_ghost = false
-    }
-  method bindings ?extension (rf, l) =
-    let label = add_extension_sugar "let" extension in
-    let label = match rf with
-      | Nonrecursive -> label
-      | Recursive -> label ^ " rec"
-    in
-    match l with
-    | [x] -> self#binding label x
-    | l ->
-      let items = List.mapi (fun i x ->
-        let loc = extractLocValBinding x in
-        let layout = self#binding (if i == 0 then label else "and") x in
-        (loc, layout)
-      ) l
-      in
-      let itemsLayout = groupAndPrint
-        ~xf:(fun (_, layout) -> layout)
-        ~getLoc:(fun (loc, _) -> loc)
-        ~comments:self#comments
-        items
-      in
-      makeList
-        ~postSpace:true
-        ~break:Always
-        ~indent:0
-        ~inline:(true, true)
-        itemsLayout
-  method letList expr =
-    (* Recursively transform a nested ast of "let-items", into a flat
-     * list containing the location indicating start/end of the "let-item" and
-     * its layout. *)
-    let rec processLetList acc expr =
-      let {stdAttrs; arityAttrs; jsxAttrs} =
-        partitionAttributes ~allowUncurry:false expr.pexp_attributes
-      in
-      match (stdAttrs, expr.pexp_desc) with
-        | ([], Pexp_let (rf, l, e)) ->
-          (* For "letList" bindings, the start/end isn't as simple as with
-           * module value bindings. For "let lists", the sequences were formed
-           * within braces {}. The parser relocates the first let binding to the
-           * first brace. *)
-           let bindingsLayout = self#bindings (rf, l) in
-           let bindingsLoc = self#bindingsLocationRange l in
-           let layout = source_map ~loc:bindingsLoc bindingsLayout in
-           processLetList ((bindingsLoc, layout)::acc) e
-        | (attrs, Pexp_open (ovf, lid, e))
-            (* Add this when check to make sure these are handled as regular "simple expressions" *)
-            when not (self#isSeriesOfOpensFollowedByNonSequencyExpression {expr with pexp_attributes = []}) ->
-          let overrideStr = match ovf with | Override -> "!" | Fresh -> "" in
-          let openLayout = label ~space:true
-            (atom ("open" ^ overrideStr))
-            (self#longident_loc lid)
-          in
-          let attrsOnOpen =
-            makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~postSpace:true ~break:Always
-            ((self#attributes attrs)@[openLayout])
-          in
-          (* Just like the bindings, have to synthesize a location since the
-           * Pexp location is parsed (potentially) beginning with the open
-           * brace {} in the let sequence. *)
-          let layout = source_map ~loc:lid.loc attrsOnOpen in
-          let loc = {
-            lid.loc with
-            loc_start = {
-              lid.loc.loc_start with
-              pos_lnum = expr.pexp_loc.loc_start.pos_lnum
-            }
-          } in
-          processLetList ((loc, layout)::acc) e
-        | ([], Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e)) ->
-            let prefixText = "module" in
-            let bindingName = atom ~loc:s.loc s.txt in
-            let moduleExpr = me in
-            let letModuleLayout =
-              (self#let_module_binding prefixText bindingName moduleExpr) in
-            let letModuleLoc = {
-              loc_start = s.loc.loc_start;
-              loc_end = me.pmod_loc.loc_end;
-              loc_ghost = false
-            } in
-            (* Just like the bindings, have to synthesize a location since the
-             * Pexp location is parsed (potentially) beginning with the open
-             * brace {} in the let sequence. *)
-          let layout = source_map ~loc:letModuleLoc letModuleLayout in
-          let (_, return) = self#curriedFunctorPatternsAndReturnStruct moduleExpr in
-            let loc = {
-              letModuleLoc with
-              loc_end = return.pmod_loc.loc_end
-            } in
-           processLetList ((loc, layout)::acc) e
-        | ([], Pexp_letexception (extensionConstructor, expr)) ->
-            let exc = self#exception_declaration extensionConstructor in
-            let layout = source_map ~loc:extensionConstructor.pext_loc exc in
-            processLetList ((extensionConstructor.pext_loc, layout)::acc) expr
-        | ([], Pexp_sequence (({pexp_desc=Pexp_sequence _ }) as e1, e2))
-        | ([], Pexp_sequence (({pexp_desc=Pexp_let _      }) as e1, e2))
-        | ([], Pexp_sequence (({pexp_desc=Pexp_open _     }) as e1, e2))
-        | ([], Pexp_sequence (({pexp_desc=Pexp_letmodule _}) as e1, e2))
-        | ([], Pexp_sequence (e1, e2)) ->
-            let e1Layout = match expression_not_immediate_extension_sugar e1 with
-              | Some (extension, e) ->
-                    self#attach_std_item_attrs ~extension []
-                      (self#unparseExpr e)
-              | None ->
-                  self#unparseExpr e1
-            in
-            let loc = e1.pexp_loc in
-            let layout = source_map ~loc e1Layout in
-            processLetList ((loc, layout)::acc) e2
-        | _ ->
-          let expr = { expr with pexp_attributes = (arityAttrs @ stdAttrs @ jsxAttrs) }
-          in
-          match expression_not_immediate_extension_sugar expr with
-          | Some (extension, {pexp_attributes = []; pexp_desc = Pexp_let (rf, l, e)}) ->
-            let bindingsLayout = self#bindings ~extension (rf, l) in
-            let bindingsLoc = self#bindingsLocationRange ~extension:expr l in
-            let layout = source_map ~loc:bindingsLoc bindingsLayout in
-            processLetList ((extractLocationFromValBindList expr l, layout)::acc) e
-          | Some (extension, e) ->
-            let layout = self#attach_std_item_attrs ~extension [] (self#unparseExpr e) in
-            (expr.pexp_loc, layout)::acc
-          | None ->
-            (* Should really do something to prevent infinite loops here. Never
-               allowing a top level call into letList to recurse back to
-               self#unparseExpr- top level calls into letList *must* be one of the
-               special forms above whereas lower level recursive calls may be of
-               any form. *)
-            let layout = source_map ~loc:expr.pexp_loc (self#unparseExpr expr) in
-            (expr.pexp_loc, layout)::acc
-    in
-    let es = processLetList [] expr in
-    (* Interleave whitespace between the "let-items" when appropriate *)
-    groupAndPrint
-      ~xf:(fun (_, layout) -> layout)
-      ~getLoc:(fun (loc, _) -> loc)
-      ~comments:self#comments
-      (List.rev es)
-  method constructor_expression ?(polyVariant=false) ~arityIsClear stdAttrs ctor eo =
-    let (implicit_arity, arguments) =
-      match eo.pexp_desc with
-      | Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident "()"},_) ->
-        (* `foo() is a polymorphic variant that contains a single unit construct as expression
-         * This requires special formatting: `foo(()) -> `foo() *)
-        (false, atom "()")
-      (* special printing: MyConstructor(()) -> MyConstructor() *)
-      | Pexp_tuple l when is_single_unit_construct l ->
-          (false, atom "()")
-      | Pexp_tuple l when polyVariant == true ->
-          (false, self#unparseSequence ~wrap:("(", ")") ~construct:`Tuple l)
-      | Pexp_tuple l ->
-        (* There is no ambiguity when the number of tuple components is 1.
-             We don't need put implicit_arity in that case *)
-        (match l with
-        | exprList when isSingleArgParenApplication exprList ->
-            (false, self#singleArgParenApplication exprList)
-        | _ ->
-            (not arityIsClear, makeTup ( self#unparseProtectedExpr l)))
-      | _ when isSingleArgParenApplication [eo] ->
-          (false, self#singleArgParenApplication [eo])
-      | _ ->
-          (false, makeTup [self#unparseProtectedExpr eo])
-    in
-    let arguments = source_map ~loc:eo.pexp_loc arguments in
-    let construction =
-      label ctor (if isSequencey arguments
-                  then arguments
-                  else (ensureSingleTokenSticksToLabel arguments))
-    in
-    let attrs =
-      if implicit_arity && (not polyVariant) then
-        ({txt="implicit_arity"; loc=eo.pexp_loc}, PStr []) :: stdAttrs
-      else
-        stdAttrs
-    in
-    match attrs with
-      | [] -> construction
-      | _::_ -> formatAttributed construction (self#attributes attrs)
-  (* TODOATTRIBUTES: Handle stdAttrs here (merge with implicit_arity) *)
-  method constructor_pattern ?(polyVariant=false) ~arityIsClear ctor po =
-    let (implicit_arity, arguments) =
-      match po.ppat_desc with
-      (* There is no ambiguity when the number of tuple components is 1.
-           We don't need put implicit_arity in that case *)
-      | Ppat_tuple (([] | _::[]) as l) ->
-        (false, l)
-      | Ppat_tuple l ->
-        (not arityIsClear, l)
-      | _ -> (false, [po])
-    in
-    let space, arguments = match arguments with
-      | [x] when is_direct_pattern x -> (true, self#simple_pattern x)
-      | xs when isSingleArgParenPattern xs -> (false, self#singleArgParenPattern xs)
-      (* Optimize the case when it's a variant holding a shot variable - avoid trailing*)
-      | [{ppat_desc=Ppat_constant (Pconst_string (s, None))} as x]
-      | [{ppat_desc=Ppat_construct (({txt=Lident s}), None)} as x]
-      | [{ppat_desc=Ppat_var ({txt = s})} as x]
-        when Reason_heuristics.singleTokenPatternOmmitTrail s ->
-        let layout = makeTup ~trailComma:false [self#pattern x] in
-        (false, source_map ~loc:po.ppat_loc layout)
-      | [{ppat_desc=Ppat_any} as x]
-      | [{ppat_desc=Ppat_constant (Pconst_char _)} as x]
-      | [{ppat_desc=Ppat_constant (Pconst_integer _)} as x] ->
-        let layout = makeTup ~trailComma:false [self#pattern x] in
-        (false, source_map ~loc:po.ppat_loc layout)
-      | xs ->
-        let layout = makeTup ( self#pattern xs) in
-        (false, source_map ~loc:po.ppat_loc layout)
-    in
-    let construction = label ~space ctor arguments in
-    if implicit_arity && (not polyVariant) then
-      formatAttributed construction
-        (self#attributes [({txt="implicit_arity"; loc=po.ppat_loc}, PStr [])])
-    else
-      construction
-  (*
-   * Provides special printing for constructor arguments:
-   * iff there's one argument & they have some kind of wrapping,
-   * they're wrapping need to 'hug' the surrounding parens.
-   * Example:
-   *  switch x {
-   *  | Some({
-   *      a,
-   *      b,
-   *    }) => ()
-   *  }
-   *
-   *  Notice how ({ and }) hug.
-   *  This applies for records, arrays, tuples & lists.
-   *  Also see `isSingleArgParenPattern` to determine if this kind of wrapping applies.
-   *)
-  method singleArgParenPattern = function
-    | [{ppat_desc = Ppat_record (l, closed); ppat_loc = loc}] ->
-      source_map ~loc (self#patternRecord ~wrap:("(", ")") l closed)
-    | [{ppat_desc = Ppat_array l; ppat_loc = loc}] ->
-      source_map ~loc (self#patternArray ~wrap:("(", ")") l)
-    | [{ppat_desc = Ppat_tuple l; ppat_loc = loc}] ->
-      source_map ~loc (self#patternTuple ~wrap:("(", ")") l)
-    | [{ppat_desc = Ppat_construct (({txt=Lident "::"}), _); ppat_loc} as listPattern]  ->
-      source_map ~loc:ppat_loc (self#patternList ~wrap:("(", ")")  listPattern)
-    | _ -> assert false
-  method patternArray ?(wrap=("","")) l =
-    let (left, right) = wrap in
-    let wrap = (left ^ "[|", "|]" ^ right) in
-    makeList ~wrap ~break:IfNeed ~postSpace:true ~sep:commaTrail ( self#pattern l)
-  method patternTuple ?(wrap=("","")) l =
-    let (left, right) = wrap in
-    let wrap = (left ^ "(", ")" ^ right) in
-    makeList ~wrap ~sep:commaTrail ~postSpace:true ~break:IfNeed ( self#constrained_pattern l)
-  method patternRecord ?(wrap=("","")) l closed =
-    let longident_x_pattern (li, p) =
-      match (li, p.ppat_desc) with
-        | ({txt = ident}, Ppat_var {txt}) when Longident.last ident = txt ->
-          (* record field punning when destructuring. {x: x, y: y} becomes {x, y} *)
-          (* works with module prefix too: {MyModule.x: x, y: y} becomes {MyModule.x, y} *)
-            self#longident_loc li
-        | ({txt = ident},
-           Ppat_alias ({ppat_desc = (Ppat_var {txt = ident2}) }, {txt = aliasIdent}))
-           when Longident.last ident = ident2 ->
-          (* record field punning when destructuring with renaming. {state: state as prevState} becomes {state as prevState *)
-          (* works with module prefix too: {ReasonReact.state: state as prevState} becomes {ReasonReact.state as prevState *)
-            makeList ~sep:(Sep " ") [self#longident_loc li; atom "as"; atom aliasIdent]
-        | _ ->
-            label ~space:true (makeList [self#longident_loc li; atom ":"]) (self#pattern p)
-    in
-    let rows = ( longident_x_pattern l)@(
-      match closed with
-        | Closed -> []
-        | _ -> [atom "_"]
-    ) in
-    let (left, right) = wrap in
-    let wrap = (left ^ "{", "}" ^ right) in
-    makeList
-      ~wrap
-      ~break:IfNeed
-      ~sep:commaTrail
-      ~postSpace:true
-      rows
-  method patternFunction ?extension loc l =
-    let estimatedFunLocation = {
-        loc_start = loc.loc_start;
-        loc_end = {loc.loc_start with pos_cnum = loc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum + 3};
-        loc_ghost = false;
-    } in
-    makeList
-      ~postSpace:true
-      ~break:IfNeed
-      ~inline:(true, true)
-      ~pad:(false, false)
-      ((atom ~loc:estimatedFunLocation (add_extension_sugar funToken extension)) :: (self#case_list l))
-  method parenthesized_expr ?break expr =
-    let result = self#unparseExpr expr in
-    match expr.pexp_attributes, expr.pexp_desc with
-    | [], (Pexp_tuple _ | Pexp_construct ({txt=Lident "()"}, None)) -> result
-    | _ -> makeList ~wrap:("(",")") ?break [self#unparseExpr expr]
-  (* Expressions requiring parens, in most contexts such as separated by infix *)
-  method expression_requiring_parens_in_infix x =
-    let {stdAttrs} = partitionAttributes x.pexp_attributes in
-    assert (stdAttrs == []);
-    (* keep the incoming expression around, an expr with
-     * immediate extension sugar might contain less than perfect location
-     * info in its children (used for comment interleaving), the expression passed to
-     * 'expression_requiring_parens_in_infix' contains the correct location *)
-    let originalExpr = x in
-    let extension, x = expression_immediate_extension_sugar x in
-    match x.pexp_desc with
-      (* The only reason Pexp_fun must also be wrapped in parens when under
-         pipe, is that its => token will be confused with the match token.
-         Simple expression will also invoke `#reset`. *)
-      | Pexp_function _ when pipe || semi -> None (* Would be rendered as simplest_expression  *)
-      (* Pexp_function, on the other hand, doesn't need wrapping in parens in
-         most cases anymore, since `fun` is not ambiguous anymore (we print Pexp_fun
-         as ES6 functions). *)
-      | Pexp_function l ->
-        let prec = Custom funToken in
-        let expr = self#patternFunction ?extension x.pexp_loc l in
-        Some (SpecificInfixPrecedence
-                ({reducePrecedence=prec; shiftPrecedence=prec}, LayoutNode expr))
-      | _ ->
-        (* The Pexp_function cases above don't use location because comment printing
-          breaks for them. *)
-        let itm = match x.pexp_desc with
-          | Pexp_fun _
-          | Pexp_newtype _ ->
-            (* let uncurried =  *)
-            let (args, ret) = self#curriedPatternsAndReturnVal x in
-            (match args with
-              | [] -> raise (NotPossible ("no arrow args in unparse "))
-              | firstArg::tl ->
-                (* Suboptimal printing of parens:
-                      something >>= fun x => x + 1;
-                   Will be printed as:
-                      something >>= (fun x => x + 1);
-                   Because the arrow has lower precedence than >>=, but it wasn't
-                   needed because
-                      (something >>= fun x) => x + 1;
-                   Is not a valid parse. Parens around the `=>` weren't needed to
-                   prevent reducing instead of shifting. To optimize this part, we need
-                   a much deeper encoding of the parse rules to print parens only when
-                   needed, testing which rules will be reduced. It really should be
-                   integrated deeply with Menhir.
-                   One question is, if it's this difficult to describe when parens are
-                   needed, should we even print them with the minimum amount?  We can
-                   instead model everything as "infix" with ranked precedences.  *)
-                let retValUnparsed = self#unparseExprApplicationItems ret in
-                Some (self#wrapCurriedFunctionBinding
-                        ~sweet:(extension = None)
-                        (add_extension_sugar funToken extension)
-                        ~arrow:"=>" firstArg tl retValUnparsed)
-            )
-          | Pexp_try (e, l) ->
-            let estimatedBracePoint = {
-              loc_start = e.pexp_loc.loc_end;
-              loc_end = x.pexp_loc.loc_end;
-              loc_ghost = false;
-            }
-            in
-            let cases = (self#case_list ~allowUnguardedSequenceBodies:true l) in
-            let switchWith = self#dont_preserve_braces#formatSingleArgLabelApplication
-              (atom (add_extension_sugar "try" extension))
-              e
-            in
-            Some (
-              label
-                ~space:true
-                switchWith
-                (source_map ~loc:estimatedBracePoint
-                   (makeList ~indent:settings.trySwitchIndent ~wrap:("{", "}")
-                      ~break:Always_rec ~postSpace:true cases))
-            )
-          (* These should have already been handled and we should never havgotten this far. *)
-          | Pexp_setinstvar _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Cannot handle setinstvar here - call unparseExpr")
-          | Pexp_setfield (_, _, _) -> raise (Invalid_argument "Cannot handle setfield here - call unparseExpr")
-          | Pexp_apply _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Cannot handle apply here - call unparseExpr")
-          | Pexp_match (e, l) ->
-             let estimatedBracePoint = {
-               loc_start = e.pexp_loc.loc_end;
-               (* See originalExpr binding, for more info.
-                * It contains the correct location under immediate extension sugar *)
-               loc_end = originalExpr.pexp_loc.loc_end;
-               loc_ghost = false;
-             }
-             in
-             let cases = (self#case_list ~allowUnguardedSequenceBodies:true l) in
-             let switchWith =
-               label ~space:true (atom (add_extension_sugar "switch" extension))
-                 (self#parenthesized_expr ~break:IfNeed e)
-             in
-             let lbl =
-               label
-                 ~space:true
-                 switchWith
-                 (source_map ~loc:estimatedBracePoint
-                    (makeList ~indent:settings.trySwitchIndent ~wrap:("{", "}")
-                       ~break:Always_rec ~postSpace:true cases))
-             in
-             Some lbl
-          | Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, eo) ->
-            let (blocks, finalExpression) = sequentialIfBlocks eo in
-            let rec singleExpression exp =
-              match exp.pexp_desc with
-              | Pexp_ident _ -> true
-              | Pexp_constant _ -> true
-              | Pexp_construct (_, arg) ->
-                (match arg with
-                | None -> true
-                | Some x -> singleExpression x)
-              | _ -> false
-            in
-            let singleLineIf =
-              (singleExpression e1) &&
-              (singleExpression e2) &&
-              (match eo with
-               | Some expr -> singleExpression expr
-               | None -> true
-              )
-            in
-            let makeLetSequence =
-              if singleLineIf then
-                makeLetSequenceSingleLine
-              else
-                makeLetSequence
-            in
-            let rec sequence soFar remaining = (
-              match (remaining, finalExpression) with
-                | ([], None) -> soFar
-                | ([], Some e) ->
-                  let soFarWithElseAppended = makeList ~postSpace:true [soFar; atom "else"] in
-                  label ~space:true soFarWithElseAppended
-                    (source_map ~loc:e.pexp_loc (makeLetSequence (self#letList e)))
-                | (hd::tl, _) ->
-                  let (e1, e2) = hd in
-                  let soFarWithElseIfAppended =
-                    label
-                      ~space:true
-                      (makeList ~postSpace:true [soFar; atom "else if"])
-                      (makeList ~wrap:("(",")") [self#unparseExpr e1])
-                  in
-                  let nextSoFar =
-                    label ~space:true soFarWithElseIfAppended
-                      (source_map ~loc:e2.pexp_loc (makeLetSequence (self#letList e2)))
-                  in
-                  sequence nextSoFar tl
-            ) in
-            let init =
-              let if_ = atom (add_extension_sugar "if" extension) in
-              let cond = self#parenthesized_expr e1 in
-              label ~space:true
-                (source_map ~loc:e1.pexp_loc (label ~space:true if_ cond))
-                (source_map ~loc:e2.pexp_loc (makeLetSequence (self#letList e2)))
-            in
-            Some (sequence init blocks)
-          | Pexp_while (e1, e2) ->
-            let lbl =
-              let while_ = atom (add_extension_sugar "while" extension) in
-              let cond = self#parenthesized_expr e1 in
-              label ~space:true
-                (label ~space:true while_ cond)
-                (source_map ~loc:e2.pexp_loc (makeLetSequence (self#letList e2)))
-            in
-            Some lbl
-          | Pexp_for (s, e1, e2, df, e3) ->
-            (*
-             *  for longIdentifier in
-             *      (longInit expr) to
-             *      (longEnd expr) {
-             *    print_int longIdentifier;
-             *  };
-             *)
-            let identifierIn = (makeList ~postSpace:true [self#pattern s; atom "in";]) in
-            let dockedToFor = makeList
-                ~break:IfNeed
-                ~postSpace:true
-                ~inline:(true, true)
-                ~wrap:("(",")")
-                [
-                  identifierIn;
-                  makeList ~postSpace:true [self#unparseExpr e1; self#direction_flag df];
-                  (self#unparseExpr e2);
-                ]
-            in
-            let upToBody = makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~postSpace:true
-                [atom (add_extension_sugar "for" extension); dockedToFor]
-            in
-            Some (label ~space:true upToBody
-                    (source_map ~loc:e3.pexp_loc (makeLetSequence (self#letList e3))))
-          | Pexp_new li ->
-            Some (label ~space:true (atom "new") (self#longident_class_or_type_loc li))
-          | Pexp_assert e ->
-            Some (
-              label
-                (atom "assert")
-                (makeTup [(self#unparseExpr e)]);
-            )
-          | Pexp_lazy e ->
-            Some (self#formatSingleArgLabelApplication (atom "lazy") e)
-          | Pexp_poly _ ->
-            failwith (
-              "This version of the pretty printer assumes it is impossible to " ^
-              "construct a Pexp_poly outside of a method definition - yet it sees one."
-            )
-          | _ -> None
-        in
-        match itm with
-          | None -> None
-          | Some i -> Some (PotentiallyLowPrecedence (source_map ~loc:x.pexp_loc i))
-  method potentiallyConstrainedExpr x =
-    match x.pexp_desc with
-      | Pexp_constraint (e, ct) ->
-          formatTypeConstraint (self#unparseExpr e) (self#core_type ct)
-      | _ -> self#unparseExpr x
-  (*
-   * Because the rule BANG simple_expr was given %prec below_DOT_AND_SHARP,
-   * !x.y.z will parse as !(x.y.z) and not (!x).y.z.
-   *
-   *     !x.y.z == !((x.y).z)
-   *     !x#y#z == !((x#y)#z)
-   *
-   * So the intuition is: In general, any simple expression can exist to the
-   * left of a `.`, except `BANG simple_expr`, which has special precedence,
-   * and must be guarded in this one case.
-   *
-   * TODO: Instead of special casing this here, we should continue to extend
-   * unparseExpr to also unparse simple expressions, (by encoding the
-   * rules precedence below_DOT_AND_SHARP).
-   *
-   * TODO:
-   *  Some would even have the prefix application be parsed with lower
-   *  precedence function *application*. In the case of !, where ! means not,
-   *  it makes a lot of sense because (!identifier)(arg) would be meaningless.
-   *
-   *  !callTheFunction(1, 2, 3)(andEvenCurriedArgs)
-   *
-   * Only problem is that it could then not appear anywhere simple expressions
-   * would appear.
-   *
-   * We could make a special case for ! followed by one simple expression, and
-   * consider the result simple.
-   *
-   * Alternatively, we can figure out a way to not require simple expressions
-   * in the most common locations such as if/while tests. This is really hard
-   * (impossible w/ grammars Menhir supports?)
-   *
-   * if ! myFunc argOne argTwo {
-   *
-   * } else {
-   *
-   * };
-   *
-   *)
-  method simple_enough_to_be_lhs_dot_send x =
-    match x.pexp_desc with
-    | (Pexp_apply (eFun, _)) -> (
-        match printedStringAndFixityExpr eFun with
-        | AlmostSimplePrefix _
-        | UnaryPlusPrefix _
-        | UnaryMinusPrefix _
-        | UnaryNotPrefix _
-        | UnaryPostfix _
-        | Infix _ -> self#simplifyUnparseExpr x
-        | Normal ->
-          if x.pexp_attributes == [] then
-            (* `let a = foo().bar` instead of `let a = (foo()).bar *)
-            (* same for foo()##bar, foo()#=bar, etc. *)
-            self#unparseExpr x
-          else
-            self#simplifyUnparseExpr x
-      )
-    | _ -> self#simplifyUnparseExpr x
-  method unparseRecord
-    ?wrap:((lwrap, rwrap)=("", ""))
-    ?withStringKeys:(withStringKeys=false)
-    ?allowPunning:(allowPunning=true)
-    ?forceBreak:(forceBreak=false)
-    l eo =
-    (* forceBreak is a ref which can be set to always break the record rows.
-     * Example, when we have a row which contains a nested record,
-     * this ref can be set to true from inside the printing of that row,
-     * which forces breaks for the outer record structure. *)
-    let forceBreak = ref forceBreak in
-    let quote = (atom "\"") in
-    let maybeQuoteFirstElem fst rest =
-        if withStringKeys then (match fst.txt with
-          | Lident s -> quote::(atom s)::quote::rest
-          | Ldot _  | Lapply _ -> assert false
-          )
-        else
-          (self#longident_loc fst)::rest
-    in
-    let makeRow (li, e) shouldPun =
-      let totalRowLoc = {
-        loc_start = li.Asttypes.loc.loc_start;
-        loc_end = e.pexp_loc.loc_end;
-        loc_ghost = false;
-      } in
-      let theRow = match (e.pexp_desc, shouldPun, allowPunning) with
-        (* record value punning. Turns {foo: foo, bar: 1} into {foo, bar: 1} *)
-        (* also turns { bar, baz: 1} into {, baz: 1} *)
-        (* don't turn {bar:, baz: 1} into {bar, baz: 1}, naturally *)
-        | (Pexp_ident {txt = Lident value}, true, true) when Longident.last li.txt = value ->
-          makeList (maybeQuoteFirstElem li [])
-          (* Force breaks for nested records or bs obj sugar
-           * Example:
-           *  let person = {name: {first: "Bob", last: "Zhmith"}, age: 32};
-           * is a lot less readable than
-           *  let person = {
-           *   "name": {
-           *     "first": "Bob",
-           *     "last": "Zhmith"
-           *   },
-           *  "age": 32
-           *  };
-           *)
-        | (Pexp_record (recordRows, optionalGadt), _, _) ->
-            forceBreak := true;
-            let keyWithColon = makeList (maybeQuoteFirstElem li [atom ":"]) in
-            let value = self#unparseRecord ~forceBreak: true recordRows optionalGadt in
-            label ~space:true keyWithColon value
-        | (Pexp_extension (s, p), _, _) when s.txt = "bs.obj" ->
-            forceBreak := true;
-            let keyWithColon = makeList (maybeQuoteFirstElem li [atom ":"]) in
-            let value = self#formatBsObjExtensionSugar ~forceBreak:true p in
-            label ~space:true keyWithColon value
-        | (Pexp_object classStructure, _, _) ->
-            forceBreak := true;
-            let keyWithColon = makeList (maybeQuoteFirstElem li [atom ":"]) in
-            let value = self#classStructure ~forceBreak:true classStructure in
-            label ~space:true keyWithColon value
-        | _ ->
-          let (argsList, return) = self#curriedPatternsAndReturnVal e in
-          match argsList with
-          | [] ->
-            let appTerms = self#unparseExprApplicationItems e in
-            let upToColon = makeList (maybeQuoteFirstElem li [atom ":"]) in
-            formatAttachmentApplication applicationFinalWrapping (Some (true, upToColon)) appTerms
-          | firstArg :: tl ->
-            let upToColon = makeList (maybeQuoteFirstElem li [atom ":"]) in
-            let returnedAppTerms = self#unparseExprApplicationItems return in
-            self#wrapCurriedFunctionBinding
-              ~sweet:true ~attachTo:upToColon funToken ~arrow:"=>"
-              firstArg tl returnedAppTerms
-      in (source_map ~loc:totalRowLoc theRow, totalRowLoc)
-    in
-    let rec getRows l =
-      match l with
-        | [] -> []
-        | hd::[] -> [makeRow hd true]
-        | hd::hd2::tl -> (makeRow hd true)::(getRows (hd2::tl))
-    in
-    let allRows = match eo with
-      | None -> (
-        match l with
-          (* No punning (or comma) for records with only a single field. It's ambiguous with an expression in a scope *)
-          (* See comment in parser.mly for lbl_expr_list_with_at_least_one_non_punned_field *)
-          | [hd] -> [makeRow hd false]
-          | _ -> getRows l
-        )
-      (* This case represents a "spread" being present -> {...x, a: 1, b: 2} *)
-      | Some withRecord ->
-        let firstRow =
-          let row = (
-            (* Unclear why "sugar_expr" was special cased hre. *)
-            let appTerms = self#unparseExprApplicationItems withRecord in
-            formatAttachmentApplication applicationFinalWrapping (Some (false, (atom "..."))) appTerms
-          )
-          in (
-            source_map ~loc:withRecord.pexp_loc row,
-            withRecord.pexp_loc
-          )
-        in
-        firstRow::(getRows l)
-    in
-    makeList
-      ~wrap:(lwrap ^ "{" ,"}" ^ rwrap)
-      ~break:(if !forceBreak then Layout.Always else Layout.IfNeed)
-      ~sep:commaTrail
-      ~postSpace:true
-      (groupAndPrint ~xf:fst ~getLoc:snd ~comments:self#comments allRows)
-  method isSeriesOfOpensFollowedByNonSequencyExpression expr =
-    match (expr.pexp_attributes, expr.pexp_desc) with
-        | ([], Pexp_let _) -> false
-        | ([], Pexp_sequence _) -> false
-        | ([], Pexp_letmodule _) -> false
-        | ([], Pexp_open (ovf, _, e)) ->
-          ovf == Fresh && self#isSeriesOfOpensFollowedByNonSequencyExpression e
-        | ([], Pexp_letexception _) -> false
-        | ([], Pexp_extension ({txt}, _)) -> txt = "bs.obj"
-        | _ -> true
-  method unparseObject ?wrap:((lwrap,rwrap)=("", "")) ?(withStringKeys=false) l o =
-    let core_field_type (s, attrs, ct) =
-      let l = extractStdAttrs attrs in
-      let row =
-         let rowKey = if withStringKeys then
-            (makeList ~wrap:("\"", "\"") [atom s])
-          else (atom s)
-          in
-          label ~space:true
-                (makeList ~break:Layout.Never [rowKey; (atom ":")])
-                (self#core_type ct)
-      in
-      (match l with
-       | [] -> row
-       | _::_ ->
-         makeList
-           ~postSpace:true
-           ~break:IfNeed
-           ~inline:(true, true)
-           (List.concat [self#attributes attrs; [row]]))
-    in
-    let rows = core_field_type l in
-    let openness = match o with
-      | Closed -> atom "."
-      | Open -> atom ".."
-    in
-    (* if an object has more than 2 rows, always break for readability *)
-    let rows_layout = makeList
-        ~inline:(true, true) ~postSpace:true ~sep:commaTrail rows
-        ~break:(if List.length rows >= 2
-                then Layout.Always_rec
-                else Layout.IfNeed)
-    in
-    makeList
-      ~break:Layout.IfNeed
-      ~preSpace:(rows != [])
-      ~wrap:(lwrap ^ "{", "}" ^ rwrap)
-      (openness::[rows_layout])
-  method unparseSequence ?wrap:(wrap=("", "")) ~construct l =
-    match construct with
-    | `ES6List ->
-      let seq, ext = (match List.rev l with
-        | ext :: seq_rev -> (List.rev seq_rev, ext)
-        | [] -> assert false) in
-      makeES6List ~wrap ( self#unparseExpr seq) (self#unparseExpr ext)
-    | _ ->
-      let (left, right) = wrap in
-      let (xf, (leftDelim, rightDelim)) = (match construct with
-        | `List -> (self#unparseExpr, ("[", "]"))
-        | `Array -> (self#unparseExpr, ("[|", "|]"))
-        | `Tuple -> (self#potentiallyConstrainedExpr, ("(", ")"))
-        | `ES6List -> assert false)
-      in
-      let wrap = (left ^ leftDelim, rightDelim ^ right) in
-      makeList
-        ~wrap
-        ~sep:commaTrail
-        ~break:IfNeed
-        ~postSpace:true
-        ( xf l)
-  method formatBsObjExtensionSugar ?wrap:(wrap=("", "")) ?(forceBreak=false) payload =
-    match payload with
-    | PStr [itm] -> (
-      match itm with
-      | {pstr_desc = Pstr_eval ({ pexp_desc = Pexp_record (l, eo) }, []) } ->
-        self#unparseRecord ~forceBreak ~wrap ~withStringKeys:true ~allowPunning:false l eo
-      | {pstr_desc = Pstr_eval ({ pexp_desc = Pexp_extension ({txt = "bs.obj"}, payload) }, []) } ->
-        (* some folks write `[%bs.obj [%bs.obj {foo: bar}]]`. This looks improbable but
-          it happens often if you use the sugared version: `[%bs.obj {"foo": bar}]`.
-          We're gonna be lenient here and treat it as if they wanted to just write
-          `{"foo": bar}`. ReScript does the same relaxation when parsing bs.obj
-        *)
-        self#formatBsObjExtensionSugar ~wrap ~forceBreak payload
-      | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "bs.obj only accepts a record. You've passed something else"))
-    | _ -> assert false
-  method should_preserve_requested_braces expr =
-    let {stylisticAttrs} = partitionAttributes expr.pexp_attributes in
-    match expr.pexp_desc with
-    | Pexp_ifthenelse _
-    | Pexp_try _ -> false
-    | Pexp_sequence _ ->
-      (* `let ... in` should _always_ preserve braces *)
-      true
-    | _ ->
-        preserve_braces &&
-        Reason_attributes.has_preserve_braces_attrs stylisticAttrs
-  method simplest_expression x =
-    let {stdAttrs; jsxAttrs} = partitionAttributes x.pexp_attributes in
-    if stdAttrs != [] then
-      None
-    else if self#should_preserve_requested_braces x then
-      let layout =
-        makeList
-          ~break:(if inline_braces then Always else Always_rec)
-          ~inline:(true, inline_braces)
-          ~wrap:("{", "}")
-          ~postSpace:true
-          ~sep:(if inline_braces then (Sep ";") else (SepFinal (";", ";")))
-          (self#letList x)
-      in
-      Some layout
-    else
-      let item =
-        match x.pexp_desc with
-        (* The only reason Pexp_fun must also be wrapped in parens is that its =>
-           token will be confused with the match token. *)
-        | Pexp_fun _ when pipe || semi -> Some (self#reset#simplifyUnparseExpr x)
-        | Pexp_function l when pipe || semi -> Some (formatPrecedence ~loc:x.pexp_loc (self#reset#patternFunction x.pexp_loc l))
-        | Pexp_apply _ -> (
-          match self#simple_get_application x with
-          (* If it's the simple form of application. *)
-          | Some simpleGet -> Some simpleGet
-          | None -> None
-        )
-        | Pexp_object cs -> Some (self#classStructure cs)
-        | Pexp_override l -> (* FIXME *)
-          let string_x_expression (s, e) =
-            label ~space:true (atom (s.txt ^ ":")) (self#unparseExpr e)
-          in
-          Some (
-            makeList
-              ~postSpace:true
-              ~wrap:("{<", ">}")
-              ~sep:(Sep ",")
-              ( string_x_expression l)
-          )
-        | Pexp_construct _  when is_simple_construct (view_expr x) ->
-            let hasJsxAttribute = jsxAttrs != [] in
-            Some (
-              match view_expr x with
-              | `nil -> if hasJsxAttribute then atom "<> </>" else atom "[]"
-              | `tuple -> atom "()"
-              | `list xs -> (* LIST EXPRESSION *)
-                if hasJsxAttribute then
-                  let actualChildren =
-                    match self#formatChildren xs [] with
-                    | None -> []
-                    | Some ch -> ch
-                  in
-                    makeList
-                      ~break:IfNeed
-                      ~inline:(false, false)
-                      ~postSpace:true
-                      ~wrap:("<>", "</>")
-                      ~pad:(true, true)
-                      actualChildren
-                else
-                  self#unparseSequence ~construct:`List xs
-              | `cons xs ->
-                  self#unparseSequence ~construct:`ES6List xs
-              | `simple x -> self#longident x
-              | _ -> assert false
-            )
-        | Pexp_ident li ->
-            (* Lone identifiers shouldn't break when to the right of a label *)
-            Some (ensureSingleTokenSticksToLabel (self#longident_loc li))
-        | Pexp_constant c ->
-            (* Constants shouldn't break when to the right of a label *)
-          let raw_literal, _ = extract_raw_literal x.pexp_attributes in
-            Some (ensureSingleTokenSticksToLabel
-                    (self#constant ?raw_literal c))
-        | Pexp_pack me ->
-          Some (
-            makeList
-              ~break:IfNeed
-              ~postSpace:true
-              ~wrap:("(", ")")
-              ~inline:(true, true)
-              [atom "module"; self#module_expr me;]
-          )
-        | Pexp_tuple l ->
-            (* TODO: These may be simple, non-simple, or type constrained
-               non-simple expressions *)
-          Some (self#unparseSequence ~construct:`Tuple l)
-        | Pexp_constraint (e, ct) ->
-          Some (
-            makeList
-              ~break:IfNeed
-              ~wrap:("(", ")")
-              [formatTypeConstraint (self#unparseExpr e) (self#core_type ct)]
-          )
-        | Pexp_coerce (e, cto1, ct) ->
-            let optFormattedType = match cto1 with
-              | None -> None
-              | Some typ -> Some (self#core_type typ) in
-            Some (
-              makeList
-                ~break:IfNeed
-                ~wrap:("(", ")")
-                [formatCoerce (self#unparseExpr e) optFormattedType (self#core_type ct)]
-            )
-        | Pexp_variant (l, None) ->
-            Some (ensureSingleTokenSticksToLabel (atom ("`" ^ l)))
-        | Pexp_record (l, eo) -> Some (self#unparseRecord l eo)
-        | Pexp_array l ->
-          Some (self#unparseSequence ~construct:`Array l)
-        | Pexp_let _ | Pexp_sequence _
-        | Pexp_letmodule _ | Pexp_letexception _ ->
-          Some (makeLetSequence (self#letList x))
-        | Pexp_extension e ->
-          begin match expression_immediate_extension_sugar x with
-            | (Some _, _) -> None
-            | (None, _) ->
-              match expression_extension_sugar x with
-              | None -> Some (self#extension e)
-              | Some (_, x') ->
-                match x'.pexp_desc with
-                | Pexp_let _ ->
-                  Some (makeLetSequence (self#letList x))
-                | _ -> Some (self#extension e)
-          end
-        | Pexp_open (_, lid, e) ->
-            if self#isSeriesOfOpensFollowedByNonSequencyExpression x then
-              Some (label (label (self#longident_loc lid) (atom (".")))
-                          (self#formatNonSequencyExpression e))
-          else
-            Some (makeLetSequence (self#letList x))
-        | Pexp_send (e, s) ->
-          let needparens = match e.pexp_desc with
-            | Pexp_apply (ee, _) ->
-              (match printedStringAndFixityExpr ee with
-               | UnaryPostfix "^" -> true
-               | _ -> false)
-            | _ -> false
-          in
-          let lhs = self#simple_enough_to_be_lhs_dot_send e in
-          let lhs = if needparens then makeList ~wrap:("(",")") [lhs] else lhs in
-          Some (label (makeList [lhs; atom "#";]) (atom s))
-        | _ -> None
-      in
-      match item with
-      | None -> None
-      | Some i -> Some (source_map ~loc:x.pexp_loc i)
-  method formatChildren children processedRev =
-    match children with
-    | {pexp_desc = Pexp_constant constant} as x :: remaining ->
-      let raw_literal, _ = extract_raw_literal x.pexp_attributes in
-      self#formatChildren remaining (self#constant ?raw_literal constant :: processedRev)
-    | {pexp_desc = Pexp_construct ({txt = Lident "::"}, Some {pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple children} )} as x :: remaining ->
-      let {jsxAttrs} = partitionAttributes x.pexp_attributes in
-      if jsxAttrs != [] then
-        match self#simplest_expression x with
-        | Some r -> self#formatChildren remaining (r :: processedRev)
-        | None -> self#formatChildren (remaining @ children) processedRev
-      else
-        self#formatChildren (remaining @ children) processedRev
-    | ({pexp_desc = Pexp_apply _} as e) :: remaining ->
-        let child =
-        (* Pipe first behaves differently according to the expression on the
-         * right. In example (1) below, it's a `SpecificInfixPrecedence`; in
-         * (2), however, it's `Simple` and doesn't need to be wrapped in parens.
-         *
-         * (1). <div> {items->>ReasonReact.array} </div>;
-         * (2). <Foo> (title === "" ? [1, 2, 3] : blocks)->Foo.toString </Foo>; *)
-        if Reason_heuristics.isPipeFirst e &&
-           not (Reason_heuristics.isPipeFirstWithNonSimpleJSXChild e)
-        then
-          self#formatPipeFirst e
-        else
-          self#inline_braces#simplifyUnparseExpr ~inline:true ~wrap:("{", "}") e
-        in
-        self#formatChildren remaining (child::processedRev)
-    | {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident li} :: remaining ->
-      self#formatChildren remaining (self#longident_loc li :: processedRev)
-    | {pexp_desc = Pexp_construct ({txt = Lident "[]"}, None)} :: remaining -> self#formatChildren remaining processedRev
-    | {pexp_desc = Pexp_match _ } as head :: remaining ->
-        self#formatChildren
-          remaining
-          (self#inline_braces#simplifyUnparseExpr ~inline:true ~wrap:("{", "}") head :: processedRev)
-    | head :: remaining ->
-        self#formatChildren
-          remaining
-          (self#inline_braces#simplifyUnparseExpr ~inline:true ~wrap:("{", "}") head :: processedRev)
-    | [] -> match processedRev with
-        | [] -> None
-        | _::_ -> Some (List.rev processedRev)
-  method direction_flag = function
-    | Upto -> atom "to"
-    | Downto -> atom "downto"
-  method payload ppxToken ppxId e =
-    let wrap = ("[" ^ ppxToken ^ ppxId.txt, "]") in
-    let wrap_prefix str (x,y) = (x^str, y) in
-    let break = Layout.IfNeed in
-    let pad = (true, false) in
-    let postSpace = true in
-    match e with
-    | PStr [] -> atom ("[" ^ ppxToken  ^ ppxId.txt  ^ "]")
-    | PStr [itm] -> makeList ~break ~wrap ~pad [self#structure_item itm]
-    | PStr (_::_ as items) ->
-      let rows = self#structure_item items in
-      makeList ~wrap ~break ~pad ~postSpace ~sep:(Layout.Sep ";") rows
-    | PTyp x ->
-      let wrap = wrap_prefix ":" wrap in
-      makeList ~wrap ~break ~pad [self#core_type x]
-    (* Signatures in attributes were added recently *)
-    | PSig [] -> atom ("[" ^ ppxToken ^ ppxId.txt ^":]")
-    | PSig [x] ->
-      let wrap = wrap_prefix ":" wrap in
-      makeList ~break ~wrap ~pad [self#signature_item x]
-    | PSig items ->
-      let wrap = wrap_prefix ":" wrap in
-      let rows = self#signature_item items in
-      makeList ~wrap ~break ~pad ~postSpace ~sep:(Layout.Sep ";") rows
-    | PPat (x, None) ->
-      let wrap = wrap_prefix "?" wrap in
-      makeList ~wrap ~break ~pad [self#pattern x]
-    | PPat (x, Some e) ->
-      let wrap = wrap_prefix "?" wrap in
-      makeList ~wrap ~break ~pad ~postSpace [
-        self#pattern x;
-        label ~space:true (atom "when") (self#unparseExpr e)
-      ]
-  method extension (s, p) =
-    match s.txt with
-    (* We special case "bs.obj" for now to allow for a nicer interop with
-     * ReScript. We might be able to generalize to any kind of record
-     * looking thing with struct keys. *)
-    | "bs.obj" -> self#formatBsObjExtensionSugar p
-    | _ -> (self#payload "%" s p)
-  method item_extension (s, e) = (self#payload "%%" s e)
-  (* [@ ...] Simple attributes *)
-  method attribute = function
-    | { Location. txt = ("ocaml.doc" | "ocaml.text") },
-      PStr [{ pstr_desc = Pstr_eval ({ pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(text, None)) } , _);
-              pstr_loc }] ->
-      let text = if text = "" then "/**/" else "/**" ^ text ^ "*/" in
-      makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~postSpace:true ~preSpace:true ~indent:0 ~break:IfNeed [atom ~loc:pstr_loc text]
-    | (s, e) -> self#payload "@" s e
-  (* [@@ ... ] Attributes that occur after a major item in a structure/class *)
-  method item_attribute = self#attribute
-  (* [@@ ...] Attributes that occur not *after* an item in some structure/class/sig, but
-     rather as their own standalone item. Note that syntactic distinction
-     between item_attribute and floating_attribute is no longer necessary with
-     Reason. Thank you semicolons. *)
-  method floating_attribute = self#item_attribute
-  method attributes l = self#attribute l
-  method attach_std_attrs l toThis =
-    let l = extractStdAttrs l in
-    match l with
-      | [] -> toThis
-      | _::_ -> makeList ~postSpace:true (List.concat [self#attributes l; [toThis]])
-  method attach_std_item_attrs ?(allowUncurry=true) ?extension l toThis =
-    let l = (partitionAttributes ~allowUncurry l).stdAttrs in
-    match extension, l with
-    | None, [] -> toThis
-    | _, _ ->
-      let extension = match extension with
-        | None -> []
-        | Some id -> [atom ("%" ^ id.txt)]
-      in
-      makeList
-        ~postSpace:true ~indent:0 ~break:Layout.Always_rec ~inline:(true, true)
-        (extension @ self#item_attribute l @ [toThis])
-  method exception_declaration ed =
-    let pcd_name = ed.pext_name in
-    let pcd_loc = ed.pext_loc in
-    let pcd_attributes = [] in
-    let exn_arg = match ed.pext_kind with
-      | Pext_decl (args, type_opt) ->
-          let pcd_args, pcd_res = args, type_opt in
-          [self#type_variant_leaf_nobar {pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_res; pcd_loc; pcd_attributes}]
-      | Pext_rebind id ->
-          [atom pcd_name.txt; atom "="; (self#longident_loc id)] in
-    let {stdAttrs; docAttrs} =
-      partitionAttributes ~partDoc:true ed.pext_attributes
-    in
-    let layout =
-      self#attach_std_item_attrs
-        stdAttrs
-        (label ~space:true
-          (atom "exception")
-          (makeList ~postSpace:true ~inline:(true, true) exn_arg))
-    in
-    self#attachDocAttrsToLayout
-      ~stdAttrs
-      ~docAttrs
-      ~loc:ed.pext_loc
-      ~layout
-      ()
-  (*
-    Note: that override doesn't appear in class_sig_field, but does occur in
-    class/object expressions.
-   *)
-  method method_sig_flags_for s = function
-    | Virtual -> [atom "virtual"; atom s]
-    | Concrete ->  [atom s]
-  method value_type_flags_for s = function
-    | (Virtual, Mutable) -> [atom "virtual"; atom "mutable"; atom s]
-    | (Virtual, Immutable) -> [atom "virtual"; atom s]
-    | (Concrete, Mutable) -> [atom "mutable"; atom s]
-    | (Concrete, Immutable) -> [atom s]
-  method class_sig_field x =
-    match x.pctf_desc with
-    | Pctf_inherit ct ->
-      label ~space:true (atom "inherit") (self#class_constructor_type ct)
-    | Pctf_val (s, mf, vf, ct) ->
-      let valueFlags = self#value_type_flags_for (s ^ ":") (vf, mf) in
-      label
-        ~space:true
-        (
-          label ~space:true
-            (atom "val")
-            (makeList ~postSpace:true ~inline:(false, true) ~break:IfNeed valueFlags)
-        )
-        (self#core_type ct)
-    | Pctf_method (s, pf, vf, ct) ->
-      let methodFlags = self#method_sig_flags_for (s ^ ":") vf
-      in
-      let pubOrPrivate =
-        match pf with
-        | Private -> "pri"
-        | Public -> "pub"
-      in
-      let m = label
-        ~space:true
-        (label ~space:true
-            (atom pubOrPrivate)
-            (makeList ~postSpace:true ~inline:(false, true) ~break:IfNeed methodFlags)
-        )
-        (self#core_type ct)
-      in
-      (self#attach_std_item_attrs x.pctf_attributes m)
-    | Pctf_constraint (ct1, ct2) ->
-      label
-        ~space:true
-        (atom "constraint")
-        (label ~space:true
-            (makeList ~postSpace:true [self#core_type ct1; atom "="])
-            (self#core_type ct2)
-        )
-    | Pctf_attribute a -> self#floating_attribute a
-    | Pctf_extension e -> self#item_extension e
-  (*
-    /** doc comment */                                    (* formattedDocs *)
-    [@bs.val] [@bs.module "react-dom"]                    (* formattedAttrs *)
-    external render : reactElement => element => unit =   (* frstHalf *)
-      "render";                                           (* sndHalf *)
-    To improve the formatting with breaking & indentation:
-      * consider the part before the '=' as a label
-      * combine that label with '=' in a list
-      * consider the part after the '=' as a list
-      * combine both parts as a label
-      * format the doc comment with a ~postSpace:true (inline, not inline) list
-      * format the attributes with a ~postSpace:true (inline, inline) list
-      * format everything together in a ~postSpace:true (inline, inline) list
-        for nicer breaking
-  *)
-  method primitive_declaration vd =
-    let lblBefore =
-      label
-        ~space:true
-        (makeList
-           [(makeList ~postSpace:true [atom "external"; protectIdentifier vd.pval_name.txt]); (atom ":")])
-        (self#core_type vd.pval_type)
-    in
-    let primDecl =
-      match vd.pval_prim with
-      | [""] -> lblBefore
-      | _ ->
-        let frstHalf = makeList ~postSpace:true [lblBefore; atom "="] in
-        let sndHalf = makeSpacedBreakableInlineList ( self#constant_string vd.pval_prim) in
-        label ~space:true frstHalf sndHalf
-    in
-    match vd.pval_attributes with
-    | [] -> primDecl
-    | attrs ->
-        let {stdAttrs; docAttrs} = partitionAttributes ~partDoc:true attrs in
-        let docs = self#item_attribute docAttrs in
-        let formattedDocs = makeList ~postSpace:true docs in
-        let attrs = self#item_attribute stdAttrs in
-        let formattedAttrs = makeSpacedBreakableInlineList attrs in
-        let layouts = match (docAttrs, stdAttrs) with
-        | ([], _) -> [formattedAttrs; primDecl]
-        | (_, []) -> [formattedDocs; primDecl]
-        | _ -> [formattedDocs; formattedAttrs; primDecl] in
-        makeSpacedBreakableInlineList layouts
-  method class_instance_type x =
-    match x.pcty_desc with
-    | Pcty_signature cs ->
-      let {pcsig_self = ct; pcsig_fields = l} = cs in
-      let instTypeFields = self#class_sig_field l in
-      let allItems = match ct.ptyp_desc with
-        | Ptyp_any -> instTypeFields
-        | _ ->
-          label ~space:true (atom "as") (self#core_type ct) ::
-          instTypeFields
-      in
-      self#attach_std_item_attrs ~allowUncurry:false x.pcty_attributes (
-        makeList
-          ~wrap:("{", "}")
-          ~postSpace:true
-          ~break:Layout.Always_rec
-          ( semiTerminated allItems)
-      )
-    | Pcty_constr (li, l) ->
-      self#attach_std_attrs x.pcty_attributes (
-        match l with
-        | [] -> self#longident_loc li
-        | _::_ ->
-          label
-            (self#longident_loc li)
-            (makeList ~wrap:("(", ")") ~sep:commaTrail ( self#core_type l))
-      )
-    | Pcty_extension e ->
-      self#attach_std_item_attrs x.pcty_attributes (self#extension e)
-    | Pcty_arrow _ -> failwith "class_instance_type should not be printed with Pcty_arrow"
-  method class_declaration_list l =
-    let class_declaration ?(class_keyword=false)
-        ({pci_params=ls; pci_name={txt}; pci_virt; pci_loc} as x) =
-      let (firstToken, pattern, patternAux) = self#class_opening class_keyword txt pci_virt ls in
-      let classBinding = self#wrappedClassBinding firstToken pattern patternAux x.pci_expr in
-      source_map ~loc:pci_loc
-        (self#attach_std_item_attrs x.pci_attributes classBinding)
-    in
-    (match l with
-      | [] -> raise (NotPossible "Class definitions will have at least one item.")
-      | x::rest ->
-        makeNonIndentedBreakingList (
-          class_declaration ~class_keyword:true x ::
- class_declaration rest
-        )
-    )
-  (* For use with [class type a = class_instance_type]. Class type
-     declarations/definitions declare the types of instances generated by class
-     constructors.
-     We have to call self#class_instance_type because self#class_constructor_type
-     would add a "new" before the type.
-  *)
-  method class_type_declaration_list l =
-    let class_type_declaration kwd ({pci_params=ls;pci_name;pci_attributes} as x) =
-      let opener = match x.pci_virt with
-        | Virtual -> kwd ^ " " ^ "virtual"
-        | Concrete -> kwd
-      in
-      let upToName =
-        if ls == [] then
-          label ~space:true (atom opener) (atom pci_name.txt)
-        else
-          label
-            ~space:true
-            (label ~space:true (atom opener) (atom pci_name.txt))
-            (self#class_params_def ls)
-      in
-      let includingEqual = makeList ~postSpace:true [upToName; atom "="] in
-      let {stdAttrs; docAttrs} =
-        partitionAttributes ~partDoc:true pci_attributes
-      in
-      let layout =
-        self#attach_std_item_attrs stdAttrs @@
-        label ~space:true includingEqual (self#class_instance_type x.pci_expr)
-      in
-      self#attachDocAttrsToLayout
-        ~stdAttrs
-        ~docAttrs
-        ~loc:pci_name.loc
-        ~layout
-        ()
-    in
-    match l with
-    | [] -> failwith "Should not call class_type_declaration with no classes"
-    | [x] -> class_type_declaration "class type" x
-    | x :: xs ->
-      makeList
-        ~break:Always_rec
-        ~indent:0
-        ~inline:(true, true)
-        (
-          (class_type_declaration "class type" x)::
- (class_type_declaration "and") xs
-        )
-  (*
-     Formerly the [class_type]
-     Notice how class_constructor_type doesn't have any type attributes -
-     class_instance_type does.
-     TODO: Divide into class_constructor_types that allow arrows and ones
-     that don't.
-   *)
-  method class_constructor_type x =
-    match x.pcty_desc with
-    | Pcty_arrow _ ->
-      let rec allArrowSegments acc = function
-        | { pcty_desc = Pcty_arrow (l, ct1, ct2); } ->
-            allArrowSegments (self#type_with_label (l, ct1, false) :: acc) ct2
-        (* This "new" is unfortunate. See reason_parser.mly for details. *)
-        | xx -> (List.rev acc, self#class_constructor_type xx)
-      in
-      let (params, return) = allArrowSegments [] x in
-      let normalized =
-        makeList ~break:IfNeed
-          ~sep:(Sep "=>")
-          ~preSpace:true ~postSpace:true ~inline:(true, true)
-        [makeCommaBreakableListSurround "(" ")" params; return]
-      in
-      source_map ~loc:x.pcty_loc normalized
-    | _ ->
-      (* Unfortunately, we have to have final components of a class_constructor_type
-         be prefixed with the `new` keyword.  Hopefully this is temporary. *)
-      self#class_instance_type x
-  method non_arrowed_class_constructor_type x =
-    match x.pcty_desc with
-    | Pcty_arrow _ ->
-      source_map ~loc:x.pcty_loc
-        (formatPrecedence (self#class_constructor_type x))
-    | _ -> self#class_instance_type x
-  method class_field x =
-    let itm =
-      match x.pcf_desc with
-      | Pcf_inherit (ovf, ce, so) ->
-        let inheritText = ("inherit" ^ override ovf) in
-        let inheritExp = self#class_expr ce in
-        label
-          ~space:true
-          (atom inheritText)
-          (
-            match so with
-            | None -> inheritExp;
-            | Some s -> label ~space:true inheritExp (atom ("as " ^ s))
-          )
-      | Pcf_val (s, mf, Cfk_concrete (ovf, e)) ->
-        let opening = match mf with
-          | Mutable ->
-            let mutableName = [atom "mutable"; atom s.txt] in
-            label
-              ~space:true
-              (atom ("val" ^ override ovf))
-              (makeList ~postSpace:true ~inline:(false, true) ~break:IfNeed mutableName)
-          | Immutable -> label ~space:true (atom ("val" ^ override ovf)) (atom s.txt)
-        in
-        let valExprAndConstraint = match e.pexp_desc with
-          | Pexp_constraint (ex, ct) ->
-            let openingWithTypeConstraint = formatTypeConstraint opening (self#core_type ct) in
-            label
-              ~space:true
-              (makeList ~postSpace:true [openingWithTypeConstraint; atom "="])
-              (self#unparseExpr ex)
-          | _ ->
-            label ~space:true (makeList ~postSpace:true [opening; atom "="]) (self#unparseExpr e)
-        in
-        valExprAndConstraint
-      | Pcf_val (s, mf, Cfk_virtual ct) ->
-        let opening = match mf with
-          | Mutable ->
-            let mutableVirtualName = [atom "mutable"; atom "virtual"; atom s.txt] in
-            let openingTokens =
-              (makeList ~postSpace:true ~inline:(false, true) ~break:IfNeed mutableVirtualName) in
-            label ~space:true (atom "val") openingTokens
-          | Immutable ->
-            let virtualName = [atom "virtual"; atom s.txt] in
-            let openingTokens =
-              (makeList ~postSpace:true ~inline:(false, true) ~break:IfNeed virtualName) in
-            label ~space:true (atom "val") openingTokens
-        in
-        formatTypeConstraint opening (self#core_type ct)
-      | Pcf_method (s, pf, Cfk_virtual ct) ->
-        let opening = match pf with
-          | Private ->
-            let privateVirtualName = [atom "virtual"; atom s.txt] in
-            let openingTokens =
-              (makeList ~postSpace:true ~inline:(false, true) ~break:IfNeed privateVirtualName) in
-            label ~space:true (atom "pri") openingTokens
-          | Public ->
-            let virtualName = [atom "virtual"; atom s.txt] in
-            let openingTokens =
-              (makeList ~postSpace:true ~inline:(false, true) ~break:IfNeed virtualName) in
-            label ~space:true (atom "pub") openingTokens
-        in
-        formatTypeConstraint opening (self#core_type ct)
-      | Pcf_method (s, pf, Cfk_concrete (ovf, e)) ->
-        let methodText =
-           let postFix = if ovf == Override then "!" else "" in
-           (
-           match pf with
-           | Private -> "pri" ^ postFix
-           | Public -> "pub" ^ postFix
-           ) in
-        (* Should refactor the binding logic so faking out the AST isn't needed,
-           currently, it includes a ton of nuanced logic around recovering explicitly
-           polymorphic type definitions, and that furthermore, that representation...
-           Actually, let's do it.
-           For some reason, concrete methods are only ever parsed as Pexp_poly.
-           If there *is* no polymorphic function for the method, then the return
-           value of the function is wrapped in a ghost Pexp_poly with [None] for
-           the type vars.*)
-        (match e.pexp_desc with
-          | (Pexp_poly
-              ({pexp_desc=Pexp_constraint (methodFunWithNewtypes, nonVarifiedExprType)},
-                Some ({ptyp_desc=Ptyp_poly (typeVars, varifiedPolyType)})
-              )
-            ) when (
-              let (leadingAbstractVars, _) =
-                self#leadingCurriedAbstractTypes methodFunWithNewtypes in
-              self#isRenderableAsPolymorphicAbstractTypes
-                typeVars
-                (* If even artificially varified. Don't know until this returns*)
-                varifiedPolyType
-                leadingAbstractVars
-                nonVarifiedExprType
-          ) ->
-            let (leadingAbstractVars, _) =
-              self#leadingCurriedAbstractTypes methodFunWithNewtypes in
-            self#locallyAbstractPolymorphicFunctionBinding
-              methodText
-              (atom s.txt)
-              methodFunWithNewtypes
-              leadingAbstractVars
-              nonVarifiedExprType
-          | Pexp_poly (e, Some ct) ->
-            self#formatSimplePatternBinding methodText (atom s.txt)
-              (Some (source_map ~loc:ct.ptyp_loc (self#core_type ct)))
-              (self#unparseExprApplicationItems e)
-          (* This form means that there is no type constraint - it's a strange node name.*)
-          | Pexp_poly (e, None) ->
-            self#wrappedBinding methodText ~arrow:"=>" (atom s.txt) [] e
-          | _ -> failwith "Concrete methods should only ever have Pexp_poly."
-        )
-      | Pcf_constraint (ct1, ct2) ->
-        label
-          ~space:true
-          (atom "constraint")
-          (
-            makeList ~postSpace:true ~inline:(true, false) [
-              makeList ~postSpace:true [self#core_type ct1; atom "="];
-              self#core_type ct2
-            ]
-          )
-      | Pcf_initializer e ->
-        label
-          ~space:true
-          (atom "initializer")
-          (self#simplifyUnparseExpr e)
-      | Pcf_attribute a -> self#floating_attribute a
-      | Pcf_extension e ->
-        (* And don't forget, we still need to print post_item_attributes even for
-           this case *)
-        self#item_extension e
-    in
-    let layout = self#attach_std_attrs x.pcf_attributes itm in
-    source_map ~loc:x.pcf_loc layout
-  method class_self_pattern_and_structure {pcstr_self = p; pcstr_fields = l} =
-    let fields = self#class_field l in
-    (* Recall that by default self is bound to "this" at parse time. You'd
-       have to go out of your way to bind it to "_". *)
-    match (p.ppat_attributes, p.ppat_desc) with
-      | ([], Ppat_var ({txt = "this"})) -> fields
-      | _ ->
-        let field = label ~space:true (atom "as") (self#pattern p) in
-        source_map ~loc:p.ppat_loc field :: fields
-  method simple_class_expr x =
-    let {stdAttrs} = partitionAttributes x.pcl_attributes in
-    if stdAttrs != [] then
-      formatSimpleAttributed
-        (self#simple_class_expr {x with pcl_attributes=[]})
-        (self#attributes stdAttrs)
-    else
-      let itm =
-        match x.pcl_desc with
-        | Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
-          formatTypeConstraint (self#class_expr ce) (self#class_constructor_type ct)
-        (* In OCaml,
-          - In the most recent version of OCaml, when in the top level of a
-            module, let _ = ... is a PStr_eval.
-          - When in a function, it is a Pexp_let PPat_any
-          - When in class pre-member let bindings it is a Pcl_let PPat_any
-           Reason normalizes all of these to be simple imperative expressions
-           with trailing semicolons, *except* in the case of classes because it
-           will likely introduce a conflict with some proposed syntaxes for
-           objects.
-        *)
-        | Pcl_let _
-        | Pcl_structure _ ->
-          let rows = (self#classExprLetsAndRest x) in
-          makeList ~wrap:("{", "}") ~inline:(true, false) ~postSpace:true ~break:Always_rec ( semiTerminated rows)
-        | Pcl_extension e -> self#extension e
-        | _ -> formatPrecedence (self#class_expr x)
-     in source_map ~loc:x.pcl_loc itm
-  method classExprLetsAndRest x =
-    match x.pcl_desc with
-      | Pcl_structure cs -> self#class_self_pattern_and_structure cs
-      | Pcl_let (rf, l, ce) ->
-        (* For "letList" bindings, the start/end isn't as simple as with
-         * module value bindings. For "let lists", the sequences were formed
-         * within braces {}. The parser relocates the first let binding to the
-         * first brace. *)
-        let binding =
-          source_map ~loc:(self#bindingsLocationRange l)
-            (self#bindings (rf, l))
-        in
-        (binding :: self#classExprLetsAndRest ce)
-      | _ -> [self#class_expr x]
-  method class_expr x =
-    let {stdAttrs} = partitionAttributes x.pcl_attributes in
-    (* We cannot handle the attributes here. Must handle them in each item *)
-    if stdAttrs != [] then
-      (* Do not need a "simple" attributes precedence wrapper. *)
-      formatAttributed
-        (self#simple_class_expr {x with pcl_attributes=[]})
-        (self#attributes stdAttrs)
-    else
-      match x.pcl_desc with
-      | Pcl_fun _ ->
-        (match self#curriedConstructorPatternsAndReturnVal x with
-         | None, _ ->
-           (* x just matched Pcl_fun, there is at least one parameter *)
-           assert false
-         | Some args, e ->
-           label ~space:true
-             (makeList ~postSpace:true
-                [label ~space:true (atom funToken) args; atom "=>"])
-             (self#class_expr e))
-      | Pcl_apply _ ->
-        formatAttachmentApplication applicationFinalWrapping None
-         (self#classExpressionToFormattedApplicationItems x, None)
-      | Pcl_constr (li, []) ->
-        label ~space:true (atom "class") (self#longident_loc li)
-      | Pcl_constr (li, l) ->
-        label
-          (makeList ~postSpace:true [atom "class"; self#longident_loc li])
-          (makeTup ( self#non_arrowed_non_simple_core_type l))
-      | Pcl_constraint _
-      | Pcl_extension _
-      | Pcl_let _
-      | Pcl_structure _ -> self#simple_class_expr x;
-  method classStructure ?(forceBreak=false) ?(wrap=("", "")) cs =
-    let (left, right) = wrap in
-    makeList
-      ~sep:(Layout.Sep ";")
-      ~wrap:(left ^ "{", "}" ^ right)
-      ~break:(if forceBreak then Layout.Always else Layout.IfNeed)
-      ~postSpace:true
-      ~inline:(true, false)
-      (self#class_self_pattern_and_structure cs)
-  method signature signatureItems =
-    match signatureItems with
-    | [] -> atom ""
-    | first::_ as signatureItems ->
-      let last = match (List.rev signatureItems) with | last::_ -> last | [] -> assert false in
-      let loc_start = first.psig_loc.loc_start in
-      let loc_end = last.psig_loc.loc_end in
-      let items =
-        groupAndPrint
-          ~xf:self#signature_item
-          ~getLoc:(fun x -> x.psig_loc)
-          ~comments:self#comments
-          signatureItems
-      in
-      source_map ~loc:{loc_start; loc_end; loc_ghost=false}
-        (makeList
-           ~postSpace:true
-           ~break:Layout.Always_rec
-           ~indent:0
-           ~inline:(true, false)
-           ~sep:(SepFinal (";", ";"))
-           items)
-  method signature_item x : Layout.t =
-    let item: Layout.t =
-      match x.psig_desc with
-        | Psig_type (rf, l) ->
-            self#type_def_list (rf, l)
-        | Psig_value vd ->
-            if vd.pval_prim != [] then
-              self#primitive_declaration vd
-            else
-              let intro = atom "let" in
-              let {stdAttrs; docAttrs} = partitionAttributes ~partDoc:true vd.pval_attributes in
-              let layout = self#attach_std_item_attrs stdAttrs
-                (formatTypeConstraint
-                   (label ~space:true intro
-                      (source_map ~loc:vd.pval_name.loc
-                         (protectIdentifier vd.pval_name.txt)))
-                  (self#core_type vd.pval_type))
-              in
-              self#attachDocAttrsToLayout
-                ~stdAttrs
-                ~docAttrs
-                ~loc:vd.pval_loc
-                ~layout
-                ()
-        | Psig_typext te ->
-            self#type_extension te
-        | Psig_exception ed ->
-            self#exception_declaration ed
-        | Psig_class l ->
-            let class_description
-                ?(class_keyword=false)
-                ({pci_params=ls; pci_name={txt}; pci_loc} as x) =
-              let (firstToken, pattern, patternAux) = self#class_opening class_keyword txt x.pci_virt ls in
-              let withColon = self#wrapCurriedFunctionBinding
-                ~arrow:":"
-                ~spaceBeforeArrow:false
-                firstToken
-                pattern
-                patternAux
-                ([(self#class_constructor_type x.pci_expr)], None)
-              in
-              let {stdAttrs; docAttrs} = partitionAttributes ~partDoc:true x.pci_attributes in
-              let layout = self#attach_std_item_attrs stdAttrs withColon in
-              source_map ~loc:pci_loc
-                (self#attachDocAttrsToLayout
-                  ~stdAttrs
-                  ~docAttrs
-                  ~loc:x.pci_name.loc
-                  ~layout
-                  ())
-            in
-            makeNonIndentedBreakingList (
-              match l with
-              | [] -> raise (NotPossible "No recursive class bindings")
-              | [x] -> [class_description ~class_keyword:true x]
-              | x :: xs ->
-                 (class_description ~class_keyword:true x)::
-                 ( class_description xs)
-            )
-        | Psig_module {pmd_name; pmd_type={pmty_desc=Pmty_alias alias}; pmd_attributes} ->
-            let {stdAttrs; docAttrs} =
-              partitionAttributes ~partDoc:true pmd_attributes
-            in
-            let layout =
-              self#attach_std_item_attrs stdAttrs @@
-              label ~space:true
-                (makeList ~postSpace:true [
-                   atom "module";
-                   atom pmd_name.txt;
-                   atom "="
-                 ])
-                (self#longident_loc alias)
-            in
-            self#attachDocAttrsToLayout
-              ~stdAttrs
-              ~docAttrs
-              ~loc:pmd_name.loc
-              ~layout
-              ()
-        | Psig_module pmd ->
-            let {stdAttrs; docAttrs} =
-              partitionAttributes ~partDoc:true pmd.pmd_attributes
-            in
-            let letPattern =
-              makeList
-                [makeList ~postSpace:true [atom "module"; (atom pmd.pmd_name.txt)];
-                 atom ":"]
-            in
-            let layout =
-              self#attach_std_item_attrs stdAttrs @@
-              (self#module_type letPattern pmd.pmd_type)
-            in
-            self#attachDocAttrsToLayout
-              ~stdAttrs
-              ~docAttrs
-              ~loc:pmd.pmd_name.loc
-              ~layout
-              ()
-        | Psig_open od ->
-          let {stdAttrs; docAttrs} =
-            partitionAttributes ~partDoc:true od.popen_attributes
-          in
-          let layout =
-            self#attach_std_item_attrs stdAttrs @@
-            label ~space:true
-              (atom ("open" ^ (override od.popen_override)))
-              (self#longident_loc od.popen_lid)
-          in
-          self#attachDocAttrsToLayout
-            ~stdAttrs
-            ~docAttrs
-            ~loc:od.popen_lid.loc
-            ~layout
-            ()
-        | Psig_include incl ->
-          let {stdAttrs; docAttrs} =
-            partitionAttributes ~partDoc:true incl.pincl_attributes
-          in
-          let layout =
-            self#attach_std_item_attrs stdAttrs @@
-            (self#module_type (atom "include") incl.pincl_mod)
-          in
-          self#attachDocAttrsToLayout
-            ~stdAttrs
-            ~docAttrs
-            ~loc:incl.pincl_mod.pmty_loc
-            ~layout
-            ()
-        | Psig_modtype x ->
-          let name = atom x.pmtd_name.txt in
-          let letPattern = makeList ~postSpace:true [atom "module type"; name; atom "="] in
-          let main = match x.pmtd_type with
-            | None -> makeList ~postSpace:true [atom "module type"; name]
-            | Some mt -> self#module_type letPattern mt
-          in
-          let {stdAttrs; docAttrs} =
-            partitionAttributes ~partDoc:true x.pmtd_attributes
-          in
-          let layout =
-            self#attach_std_item_attrs stdAttrs main
-          in
-          self#attachDocAttrsToLayout
-            ~stdAttrs
-            ~docAttrs
-            ~loc:x.pmtd_name.loc
-            ~layout
-            ()
-        | Psig_class_type l -> self#class_type_declaration_list l
-        | Psig_recmodule decls ->
-            let items = List.mapi (fun i xx ->
-              let {stdAttrs; docAttrs} =
-                partitionAttributes ~partDoc:true xx.pmd_attributes
-              in
-              let letPattern =
-                makeList [
-                  makeList ~postSpace:true [
-                    atom (if i == 0 then "module rec" else "and");
-                    atom xx.pmd_name.txt
-                  ];
-                 atom ":"
-                ]
-              in
-              let layout =
-                self#attach_std_item_attrs stdAttrs
-                  (self#module_type ~space:true letPattern xx.pmd_type)
-              in
-              let layoutWithDocAttrs =
-                self#attachDocAttrsToLayout
-                 ~stdAttrs
-                 ~docAttrs
-                 ~loc:xx.pmd_name.loc
-                 ~layout
-                 ()
-              in
-              (extractLocModDecl xx, layoutWithDocAttrs)
-            ) decls
-            in
-            makeNonIndentedBreakingList
-              (groupAndPrint
-                ~xf:(fun (_, layout) -> layout)
-                ~getLoc:(fun (loc, _) -> loc)
-                ~comments:self#comments
-                items)
-        | Psig_attribute a -> self#floating_attribute a
-        | Psig_extension (({loc}, _) as ext, attrs) ->
-          let {stdAttrs; docAttrs} =
-            partitionAttributes ~partDoc:true attrs
-          in
-          let layout =
-            self#attach_std_item_attrs stdAttrs (self#item_extension ext)
-          in
-          self#attachDocAttrsToLayout
-            ~stdAttrs
-            ~docAttrs
-            ~loc
-            ~layout
-            ()
-    in
-    source_map ~loc:x.psig_loc item
-  method non_arrowed_module_type ?(space=true) letPattern x =
-    match x.pmty_desc with
-      | Pmty_alias li ->
-        label ~space
-          letPattern
-          (formatPrecedence (label ~space:true (atom "module") (self#longident_loc li)))
-      | Pmty_typeof me ->
-        let labelWithoutFinalWrap =
-          label ~space:true
-            (label ~space:true
-               letPattern
-               (makeList
-                  ~inline:(false, false)
-                  ~wrap:("(","")
-                  ~postSpace:true
-                  [atom "module type of"]))
-            (self#module_expr me)
-        in
-        makeList ~wrap:("",")") [labelWithoutFinalWrap]
-      | _ -> self#simple_module_type ~space letPattern x
-  method simple_module_type ?(space=true) letPattern x =
-    match x.pmty_desc with
-      | Pmty_ident li -> label ~space letPattern (self#longident_loc li)
-      | Pmty_signature s ->
-        let items =
-          groupAndPrint
-          ~xf:self#signature_item
-          ~getLoc:(fun x -> x.psig_loc)
-          ~comments:self#comments
-          s
-        in
-        let shouldBreakLabel = if List.length s > 1 then `Always else `Auto in
-        label
-          ~indent:0
-          ~break:shouldBreakLabel
-          (makeList
-            [label
-               ~break:shouldBreakLabel
-                (makeList
-                  ~postSpace:true
-                  [letPattern; (atom "{")])
-              (source_map
-                 ~loc:x.pmty_loc
-                 (makeList
-                    ~break:(if List.length s > 1 then Always else IfNeed)
-                    ~inline:(true, true)
-                    ~postSpace:true
-                    ~sep:(SepFinal (";", ";"))
-                    items))])
-          (atom "}")
-      | Pmty_extension (s, e) -> label ~space letPattern (self#payload "%" s e)
-      | _ ->
-        makeList ~break:IfNeed ~wrap:("", ")")
-          [self#module_type ~space:false (makeList ~pad:(false,true) ~wrap:("","(") [letPattern]) x]
-  method module_type ?(space=true) letPattern x =
-    let pmty = match x.pmty_desc with
-      | Pmty_functor _ ->
-        (* The segments that should be separated by arrows. *)
-        let rec extract_args args xx = match xx.pmty_desc with
-          | Pmty_functor (_, None, mt2) -> extract_args (`Unit :: args) mt2
-          | Pmty_functor (s, Some mt1, mt2) ->
-            let arg =
-              if s.txt = "_"
-              then self#module_type ~space:false (atom "") mt1
-              else self#module_type ~space (makeList [(atom s.txt); atom ":"]) mt1
-            in
-            extract_args (`Arg arg :: args) mt2
-          | _ ->
-            let prepare_arg = function
-              | `Unit -> atom "()"
-              | `Arg x -> x
-            in
-            let args = match args with
-              | [`Unit] -> []
-              | _ -> List.rev_map prepare_arg args
-            in
-            (args, self#module_type (atom "") xx)
-        in
-        let args, ret = extract_args [] x in
-        label ~space letPattern
-          (makeList
-             ~break:IfNeed
-             ~sep:(Sep "=>")
-             ~preSpace:true
-             ~inline:(true, true)
-             [makeTup args; ret])
-      (* See comments in sugar_parser.mly about why WITH constraints aren't "non
-       * arrowed" *)
-      | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
-          let modSub atm li2 token = makeList ~postSpace:true [
-            atom "module";
-            atm;
-            atom token;
-            self#longident_loc li2
-          ] in
-          let typeAtom = atom "type" in
-          let eqAtom = atom "=" in
-          let destrAtom = atom ":=" in
-          let with_constraint = function
-            | Pwith_type (li, td) ->
-                self#formatOneTypeDef
-                  typeAtom
-                  (makeList ~preSpace:true [(self#longident_loc li)])
-                  eqAtom
-                  td
-            | Pwith_module (li, li2) ->
-                modSub (self#longident_loc li) li2 "="
-            | Pwith_typesubst td ->
-                self#formatOneTypeDef
-                  typeAtom
-                  (atom ~loc:td.ptype_name.loc td.ptype_name.txt)
-                  destrAtom
-                  td
-            | Pwith_modsubst (s, li2) -> modSub (atom s.txt) li2 ":="
-          in
-          (match l with
-            | [] -> self#module_type ~space letPattern mt
-            | _ ->
-              label ~space letPattern
-                (label ~space:true
-                  (makeList ~preSpace:true [self#module_type ~space:false (atom "") mt; atom "with"])
-                  (makeList
-                     ~break:IfNeed
-                     ~inline:(true, true)
-                     ~sep:(Sep "and")
-                     ~postSpace:true
-                     ~preSpace:true
-                     ( with_constraint l)))
-          )
-        (* Seems like an infinite loop just waiting to happen. *)
-        | _ -> self#non_arrowed_module_type ~space letPattern x
-    in
-    source_map ~loc:x.pmty_loc pmty
-  method simple_module_expr ?(hug=false) x = match x.pmod_desc with
-    | Pmod_unpack e ->
-        let exprLayout = match e.pexp_desc with
-        | Pexp_constraint (e, {ptyp_desc = Ptyp_package(lid, cstrs)}) ->
-          formatTypeConstraint
-            (makeList ~postSpace:true [atom "val"; (self#unparseExpr e)])
-            (self#typ_package ~mod_prefix:false lid cstrs)
-        | _ -> makeList ~postSpace:true [atom "val"; (self#unparseExpr e)]
-        in formatPrecedence exprLayout
-    | Pmod_ident li ->
-        ensureSingleTokenSticksToLabel (self#longident_loc li)
-    | Pmod_constraint (unconstrainedRet, mt) ->
-        let letPattern = makeList [(self#module_expr unconstrainedRet); atom ":"]
-        in
-        formatPrecedence (self#module_type letPattern mt)
-    | Pmod_structure s ->
-        let wrap = if hug then ("({", "})") else ("{", "}") in
-        let items =
-          groupAndPrint
-            ~xf:self#structure_item
-            ~getLoc:(fun x -> x.pstr_loc)
-            ~comments:self#comments
-            s
-        in
-        makeList
-          ~break:Always_rec
-          ~inline:(true, false)
-          ~wrap
-          ~postSpace:true
-          ~sep:(SepFinal (";", ";"))
-          items
-    | _ ->
-        (* For example, functor application will be wrapped. *)
-        formatPrecedence (self#module_expr x)
-  method module_expr x =
-    match x.pmod_desc with
-    | Pmod_functor _ ->
-      let (argsList, return) = self#curriedFunctorPatternsAndReturnStruct x in
-      (* See #19/20 in - cannot annotate return type at
-               the moment. *)
-      self#wrapCurriedFunctionBinding funToken ~sweet:true ~arrow:"=>" (makeTup argsList) []
-        ([self#moduleExpressionToFormattedApplicationItems return], None)
-    | Pmod_apply _ ->
-      self#moduleExpressionToFormattedApplicationItems x
-    | Pmod_extension (s, e) -> self#payload "%" s e
-    | Pmod_unpack _
-    | Pmod_ident _
-    | Pmod_constraint _
-    | Pmod_structure _ -> self#simple_module_expr x
-  method structure structureItems =
-    match structureItems with
-    | [] -> atom ""
-    | first::_ as structureItems ->
-      let last = match (List.rev structureItems) with | last::_ -> last | [] -> assert false in
-      let loc_start = first.pstr_loc.loc_start in
-      let loc_end = last.pstr_loc.loc_end in
-      let items =
-        groupAndPrint
-          ~xf:self#structure_item
-          ~getLoc:(fun x -> x.pstr_loc)
-          ~comments:self#comments
-          structureItems
-      in
-      source_map ~loc:{loc_start; loc_end; loc_ghost = false}
-        (makeList
-           ~postSpace:true
-           ~break:Always_rec
-           ~indent:0
-           ~inline:(true, false)
-           ~sep:(SepFinal (";", ";"))
-           items)
-  (*
-     How do modules become parsed?
-     let module (X: sig) = blah;
-       Will not parse! (Should just make it parse to let [X:sig =]).
-     let module X: sig = blah;
-       Becomes Pmod_constraint
-     let module X: sig = (blah:sig);
-       Becomes Pmod_constraint .. Pmod_constraint
-     let module X = blah:typ;
-       Becomes Pmod_constraint
-     let module X (Y:y) (Z:z):r => Q
-       Becomes Pmod_functor...=> Pmod_constraint
-     let module X (Y:y) (Z:z):r => (Q:r2)
-       Probably becomes Pmod_functor...=> (Pmod_constraint..
-       Pmod_constraint)
-    let (module X) =
-      Is a *completely* different thing (unpacking/packing first class modules).
-      We should make sure this is very well distinguished.
-      - Just replace all "let module" with a new three letter keyword (mod)?
-      - Reserve let (module X) for unpacking first class modules.
-    See the notes about how Ppat_constraint become parsed and attempt to unify
-    those as well.
-  *)
-  method let_module_binding prefixText bindingName moduleExpr =
-    let (argsList, return) = self#curriedFunctorPatternsAndReturnStruct moduleExpr in (
-      match (argsList, return.pmod_desc) with
-        (* Simple module with type constraint, no functor args. *)
-        | ([], Pmod_constraint (unconstrainedRetTerm, ct)) ->
-            let letPattern =
-              makeList
-                [makeList ~postSpace:true [atom prefixText; bindingName];
-                 atom ":"]
-            in
-            let typeConstraint = self#module_type letPattern ct in
-            let includingEqual = makeList ~postSpace:true [typeConstraint; atom "="]
-            in
-            formatAttachmentApplication applicationFinalWrapping (Some (true, includingEqual))
-              ([self#moduleExpressionToFormattedApplicationItems unconstrainedRetTerm], None)
-        (* Simple module with type no constraint, no functor args. *)
-        | ([], _) ->
-          self#formatSimplePatternBinding prefixText bindingName None
-            ([self#moduleExpressionToFormattedApplicationItems return], None)
-        | (_, _) ->
-            (* A functor *)
-            let (argsWithConstraint, actualReturn) = (
-              match return.pmod_desc with
-                (* A functor with constrained return type:
-                 *
-                 * let module X = (A) (B) : Ret => ...
-                 * *)
-                | Pmod_constraint (me, ct) ->
-                  ([makeTup argsList;
-                    self#non_arrowed_module_type (atom ":") ct], me)
-                | _ -> ([makeTup argsList], return)
-            ) in
-            self#wrapCurriedFunctionBinding prefixText ~arrow:"=>"
-              (makeList [bindingName; atom " ="]) argsWithConstraint
-              ([self#moduleExpressionToFormattedApplicationItems actualReturn], None)
-    )
-    method class_opening class_keyword name pci_virt ls =
-      let firstToken = if class_keyword then "class" else "and" in
-      match (pci_virt, ls) with
-        (* When no class params, it's a very simple formatting for the
-           opener - no breaking. *)
-        | (Virtual, []) ->
-          (firstToken, atom "virtual", [atom name])
-        | (Concrete, []) ->
-          (firstToken, atom name, [])
-        | (Virtual, _::_) ->
-          (firstToken, atom "virtual", [atom name; self#class_params_def ls])
-        | (Concrete, _::_) ->
-          (firstToken, atom name, [self#class_params_def ls])
-  (* TODO: TODOATTRIBUTES: Structure items don't have attributes, but each
-     pstr_desc *)
-  method structure_item term =
-    let item = (
-      match term.pstr_desc with
-        | Pstr_eval (e, attrs) ->
-            let {stdAttrs; jsxAttrs; uncurried} = partitionAttributes attrs in
-            if uncurried then Hashtbl.add uncurriedTable e.pexp_loc true;
-            let layout = self#attach_std_item_attrs stdAttrs (self#unparseUnattributedExpr e) in
-            (* If there was a JSX attribute BUT JSX component wasn't detected,
-               that JSX attribute needs to be pretty printed so it doesn't get
-               lost *)
-            (match jsxAttrs with
-            | [] -> layout
-            | _::_ ->
-              let jsxAttrNodes = self#attribute jsxAttrs in
-              makeList ~sep:(Sep " ") (jsxAttrNodes @ [layout]))
-        | Pstr_type (_, []) -> assert false
-        | Pstr_type (rf, l)  -> (self#type_def_list (rf, l))
-        | Pstr_value (rf, l) -> (self#bindings (rf, l))
-        | Pstr_typext te -> (self#type_extension te)
-        | Pstr_exception ed -> (self#exception_declaration ed)
-        | Pstr_module x ->
-            let bindingName = atom ~loc:x.pmb_name.loc x.pmb_name.txt in
-            self#attach_std_item_attrs x.pmb_attributes @@
-            self#let_module_binding "module" bindingName x.pmb_expr
-        | Pstr_open od ->
-            self#attach_std_item_attrs od.popen_attributes @@
-            makeList ~postSpace:true [
-              atom ("open" ^ (override od.popen_override));
-              self#longident_loc od.popen_lid;
-            ]
-        | Pstr_modtype x ->
-            let name = atom x.pmtd_name.txt in
-            let letPattern = makeList ~postSpace:true [atom "module type"; name; atom "="] in
-            let main = match x.pmtd_type with
-              | None -> makeList ~postSpace:true [atom "module type"; name]
-              | Some mt -> self#module_type letPattern mt
-            in
-            self#attach_std_item_attrs x.pmtd_attributes main
-        | Pstr_class l -> self#class_declaration_list l
-        | Pstr_class_type l -> self#class_type_declaration_list l
-        | Pstr_primitive vd -> self#primitive_declaration vd
-        | Pstr_include incl ->
-            self#attach_std_item_attrs incl.pincl_attributes @@
-            (* Kind of a hack *)
-            let moduleExpr = incl.pincl_mod in
-            self#moduleExpressionToFormattedApplicationItems
-              ~prefix:"include"
-              moduleExpr
-        | Pstr_recmodule decls -> (* 3.07 *)
-            let items = List.mapi (fun i xx ->
-              let {stdAttrs; docAttrs} =
-                partitionAttributes ~partDoc:true xx.pmb_attributes
-              in
-              let layout =
-                self#attach_std_item_attrs stdAttrs @@
-                self#let_module_binding
-                  (if i == 0 then "module rec" else "and")
-                  (atom xx.pmb_name.txt)
-                  xx.pmb_expr
-              in
-              let layoutWithDocAttrs =
-                self#attachDocAttrsToLayout
-                 ~stdAttrs
-                 ~docAttrs
-                 ~loc:xx.pmb_name.loc
-                 ~layout
-                 ()
-              in
-              (extractLocModuleBinding xx, layoutWithDocAttrs)
-            ) decls
-            in
-            makeNonIndentedBreakingList
-              (groupAndPrint
-                ~xf:(fun (_, layout) -> layout)
-                ~getLoc:(fun (loc, _) -> loc)
-                ~comments:self#comments
-                items)
-        | Pstr_attribute a -> self#floating_attribute a
-        | Pstr_extension ((extension, PStr [item]), a) ->
-          begin match item.pstr_desc with
-            | Pstr_value (rf, l) -> self#bindings ~extension (rf, l)
-            | _ ->
-                let {stdAttrs; docAttrs} =
-                  partitionAttributes ~partDoc:true a
-                in
-                let layout =
-                  self#attach_std_item_attrs ~extension stdAttrs
-                     (self#structure_item item)
-                in
-                makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~break:Always
-                  (( self#attribute docAttrs)@[layout])
-          end
-        | Pstr_extension (e, a) ->
-          (* Notice how extensions have attributes - but not every structure
-             item does. *)
-          self#attach_std_item_attrs a (self#item_extension e)
-    ) in
-    source_map ~loc:term.pstr_loc item
-  method type_extension te =
-    let formatOneTypeExtStandard prepend ({ptyext_path} as te) =
-      let name = self#longident_loc ptyext_path in
-      let item = self#formatOneTypeExt prepend name (atom "+=") te in
-      let {stdAttrs; docAttrs} =
-        partitionAttributes ~partDoc:true te.ptyext_attributes
-      in
-      let layout = self#attach_std_item_attrs stdAttrs item in
-      self#attachDocAttrsToLayout
-        ~stdAttrs
-        ~docAttrs
-        ~loc:ptyext_path.loc
-        ~layout
-        ()
-    in
-    formatOneTypeExtStandard (atom "type") te
-  (* [allowUnguardedSequenceBodies] allows sequence expressions {} to the right of `=>` to not
-     be guarded in `{}` braces. *)
-  method case_list ?(allowUnguardedSequenceBodies=false) l =
-    let rec appendLabelToLast items rhs =
-      match items with
-        | hd::[] -> (label ~indent:0 ~space:true hd rhs)::[]
-        | hd::tl -> hd::(appendLabelToLast tl rhs)
-        | [] -> raise (NotPossible "Cannot append to last of nothing")
-    in
-    let case_row {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} =
-      let theOrs = orList pc_lhs in
-      (* match x with *)
-      (* | AnotherReallyLongVariantName (_, _, _)   *)
-      (* | AnotherReallyLongVariantName2 (_, _, _)
-           when true => {                           *)
-      (*   }                                        *)
-      (*<sbi><X>match x with</X>   *)
-      (*     <Y>everythingElse</Y> *)
-      (*</sbi>                     *)
-      (*     ............................................................
-             :    each or segment has a spaced list <> that ties its    :
-             : bar "|" to its pattern                                   :
-             ...:..........................................................:.....
-             :  :  each or-patterned match is grouped in SpacedBreakableInline  :
-             :  :                                                          :    :
-             v  v                                                          v    v
-             <sbi><>|<lb><A><>     FirstThingStandalone t =></A></><B>t</B></lb></></sbi>
-             <sbi><>|<C>           AnotherReallyLongVariantName (_, _, _)</C></>
-             ^    <>|<lb><><lb><D>AnotherReallyLongVariantNam2 (_, _, _)</D>             (label the last in or ptn for or and label it again for arrow)
-             :        ^  ^   ^     <E>when true<E></lb> =></><F>{
-             :        :  :   :    </F>}</lb></sbi> ^       ^
-             :        :  :   :            ^     ^   :      :
-             :        :  :   :            :     :   :      :
-             :        :  :   :If there is :a WHERE  :      :
-             :        :  :   :an extra    :label is :      :
-             :        :  :   :inserted bef:ore the  :      :
-             :        :  :   :arrow.      :     :   :      :
-             :        :  :   :............:.....:...:      :
-             :        :  :                :     :          :
-             :        :  :                :     :          :
-             :        :  :                :     :          :
-             :        :  :The left side of:this final label:
-             :        :  :uses a list to  :append the arrow:
-             :        :  :................:.....:..........:
-             :        :                   :     :
-             :        :                   :     :
-             :        :                   :     :
-             :        :Final or segment is:     :
-             :        :wrapped in lbl that:     :
-             :        :partitions pattern :     :
-             :        :and arrow from     :     :
-             :        :expression.        :     :
-             :        :                   :     :
-             :        :...................:     :
-             :     [orsWithWhereAndArrowOnLast] :
-             :                                  :
-             :..................................:
-                         [row]
-      *)
-      let bar xx = makeList ~postSpace:true [atom "|"; xx] in
-      let appendWhereAndArrow p = match pc_guard with
-        | None -> makeList ~postSpace:true [p; atom "=>"]
-        | Some g ->
-          (* when x should break as a whole - extra list added around it to make it break as one *)
-          let withWhen = label ~space:true p
-              (makeList ~break:Layout.Never ~inline:(true, true) ~postSpace:true
-                 [label ~space:true (atom "when") (self#unparseExpr g)])
-          in
-          makeList ~inline:(true, true) ~postSpace:true [withWhen; atom "=>"]
-      in
-      let rec appendWhereAndArrowToLastOr = function
-        | [] -> []
-        | hd::tl ->
-          let formattedHd = self#pattern hd in
-          let formattedHd =
-            if tl == [] then appendWhereAndArrow formattedHd else formattedHd
-          in
-          (formattedHd :: appendWhereAndArrowToLastOr tl)
-      in
-      let orsWithWhereAndArrowOnLast = appendWhereAndArrowToLastOr theOrs in
-      let rhs =
-        if allowUnguardedSequenceBodies then
-          match (self#under_pipe#letList pc_rhs) with
-          (* TODO: Still render a list with located information here so that
-               comments (eol) are interleaved *)
-          | [hd] -> hd
-          (* In this case, we don't need any additional indentation, because there aren't
-             wrapping {} which would cause zero indentation to look strange. *)
-          | lst -> makeUnguardedLetSequence lst
-        else self#under_pipe#unparseExpr pc_rhs
-      in
-      source_map
-        (* Fake shift the location to accommodate for the bar, to make sure
-           * the wrong comments don't make their way past the next bar. *)
-        ~loc:(expandLocation ~expand:(0, 0) {
-            loc_start = pc_lhs.ppat_loc.loc_start;
-            loc_end = pc_rhs.pexp_loc.loc_end;
-            loc_ghost = false;
-          })
-        (makeList ~break:Always_rec ~inline:(true, true)
-           ( bar (appendLabelToLast orsWithWhereAndArrowOnLast rhs)))
-    in
-    groupAndPrint
-      ~xf:case_row
-      ~getLoc:(fun {pc_lhs; pc_rhs} -> {pc_lhs.ppat_loc with loc_end = pc_rhs.pexp_loc.loc_end})
-      ~comments:self#comments
-      l
-  (* Formats a list of a single expr param in such a way that the parens of the function or
-   * (poly)-variant application and the wrapping of the param stick together when the layout breaks.
-   *  Example: `foo({a: 1, b: 2})` needs to be formatted as
-   *  foo({
-   *    a: 1,
-   *    b: 2
-   *  })
-   *  when the line length dictates breaking. Notice how `({` and `})` 'hug'.
-   *  Also see "isSingleArgParenApplication" which determines if
-   *  this kind of formatting should happen. *)
-  method singleArgParenApplication ?(wrap=("", "")) ?(uncurried=false) es =
-    let (lwrap, rwrap) = wrap in
-    let lparen = lwrap ^ (if uncurried then  "(. " else "(") in
-    let rparen = ")" ^ rwrap in
-    match es with
-    | [{pexp_attributes = []; pexp_desc = Pexp_record (l, eo)}] ->
-      self#unparseRecord ~wrap:(lparen, rparen) l eo
-    | [{pexp_attributes = []; pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple l}] ->
-      self#unparseSequence ~wrap:(lparen, rparen) ~construct:`Tuple l
-    | [{pexp_attributes = []; pexp_desc = Pexp_array l}] ->
-      self#unparseSequence ~wrap:(lparen, rparen) ~construct:`Array l
-    | [{pexp_attributes = []; pexp_desc = Pexp_object cs}] ->
-      self#classStructure ~wrap:(lparen, rparen) cs
-    | [{pexp_attributes = []; pexp_desc = Pexp_extension (s, p)}] when s.txt = "bs.obj" ->
-      self#formatBsObjExtensionSugar ~wrap:(lparen, rparen) p
-    | [({pexp_attributes = []} as exp)] when (is_simple_list_expr exp) ->
-          (match view_expr exp with
-          | `list xs ->
-              self#unparseSequence ~construct:`List ~wrap:(lparen, rparen) xs
-          | `cons xs ->
-              self#unparseSequence ~construct:`ES6List ~wrap:(lparen, rparen) xs
-          | _ -> assert false)
-    | _ -> assert false
-  method formatSingleArgLabelApplication labelTerm rightExpr =
-    let layout_right = match rightExpr with
-    | {pexp_desc = Pexp_let _} ->
-      makeLetSequence ~wrap:("({", "})") (self#letList rightExpr)
-    | e when isSingleArgParenApplication [rightExpr] ->
-      self#singleArgParenApplication [e]
-    | {pexp_desc = Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident"()"},_)} ->
-      (* special case unit such that we don't end up with double parens *)
-      self#simplifyUnparseExpr rightExpr
-    | _ ->
-      formatPrecedence (self#unparseExpr rightExpr)
-    in
-    label labelTerm layout_right
-  method label_x_expression_param (l, e) =
-    let term = self#unparseProtectedExpr e in
-    let param = match (l, e) with
-      | (Nolabel, _) -> term
-      | (Labelled lbl, _) when is_punned_labelled_expression e lbl ->
-        makeList [atom namedArgSym; term]
-      | (Optional lbl, _) when is_punned_labelled_expression e lbl ->
-        makeList [atom namedArgSym; label term (atom "?")]
-      | (Labelled lbl, _) ->
-        label (atom (namedArgSym ^ lbl ^ "=")) term
-      | (Optional lbl, _) ->
-        label (atom (namedArgSym ^ lbl ^ "=?")) term
-    in
-    source_map ~loc:e.pexp_loc param
-  method label_x_expression_params ?wrap ?(uncurried=false) xs =
-    match xs with
-      (* function applications with unit as only argument should be printed differently
-       * e.g. print_newline(()) should be printed as print_newline() *)
-      | [(Nolabel, {pexp_attributes = []; pexp_desc = Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident "()"}, None)})]
-          -> makeList
-              ~break:Never
-              ?wrap
-              [if uncurried then atom "(.)" else atom "()"]
-      (* The following cases provide special formatting when there's only one expr_param that is a tuple/array/list/record etc.
-       *  e.g. foo({a: 1, b: 2})
-       *  becomes ->
-       *  foo({
-       *    a: 1,
-       *    b: 2,
-       *  })
-       *  when the line-length indicates breaking.
-       *)
-      | [(Nolabel, exp)] when isSingleArgParenApplication [exp] ->
-          self#singleArgParenApplication ?wrap ~uncurried [exp]
-      | params ->
-          makeTup ?wrap ~uncurried ( self#label_x_expression_param params)
-  (*
-   * Prefix represents an optional layout. When passed it will be "prefixed" to
-   * the funExpr. Example, given `bar(x, y)` with prefix `foo`, we get
-   * foobar(x,y). When the arguments break, the closing `)` is nicely aligned
-   * on the height of the prefix:
-   *  foobar(
-   *    x,
-   *    y,
-   *  )  --> notice how `)` sits on the height of `foo` instead of `bar`
-   *
-   *  ~wrap -> represents optional "wrapping", might be useful in context of jsx
-   *  where braces are required:
-   * prop={bar(   -> `{` is formatted before the funExpr
-   *   x,
-   *   y,
-   * )}      -> notice how the closing brace hugs: `)}`
-   *)
-  method formatFunAppl ?(prefix=(atom "")) ?(wrap=("", "")) ~jsxAttrs ~args ~funExpr ~applicationExpr ?(uncurried=false) () =
-    let (leftWrap, rightWrap) = wrap in
-    let uncurriedApplication = uncurried in
-    (* If there was a JSX attribute BUT JSX component wasn't detected,
-       that JSX attribute needs to be pretty printed so it doesn't get
-       lost *)
-    let maybeJSXAttr = self#attribute jsxAttrs in
-    let categorizeFunApplArgs args =
-      let reverseArgs = List.rev args in
-      match reverseArgs with
-      | ((_, {pexp_desc = Pexp_fun _}) as callback)::args
-          when
-            [] == List.filter (fun (_, e) -> match e.pexp_desc with Pexp_fun _ -> true | _ -> false) args
-          (* default to normal formatting if there's more than one callback *)
-          -> `LastArgIsCallback(callback, List.rev args)
-      | _ -> `NormalFunAppl args
-    in
-    let formattedFunExpr = match funExpr.pexp_desc with
-      (* pipe first chain or sharpop chain as funExpr, no parens needed, we know how to parse *)
-      | Pexp_apply ({pexp_desc = Pexp_ident {txt = Lident s}}, _)
-        when requireNoSpaceFor s ->
-        self#unparseExpr funExpr
-      | Pexp_field _ -> self#unparseExpr funExpr
-      | _ -> self#simplifyUnparseExpr funExpr
-    in
-    let formattedFunExpr = makeList [prefix; atom leftWrap; formattedFunExpr] in
-    begin match categorizeFunApplArgs args with
-    | `LastArgIsCallback(callbackArg, args) ->
-        (* This is the following case:
-         *, bar, baz, (abc, z) =>
-         *   MyModuleBlah.toList(argument)
-         *)
-        let (argLbl, cb) = callbackArg in
-        let {stdAttrs; uncurried} = partitionAttributes cb.pexp_attributes in
-        let cbAttrs = stdAttrs in
-        if uncurried then Hashtbl.add uncurriedTable cb.pexp_loc true;
-        let (cbArgs, retCb) = self#curriedPatternsAndReturnVal {cb with pexp_attributes = []} in
-        let cbArgs = if cbAttrs != [] then
-            makeList ~break:IfNeed ~inline:(true, true) ~postSpace:true
-              ( self#attribute cbAttrs @ cbArgs)
-        else makeList cbArgs in
-        let theCallbackArg = match argLbl with
-          | Optional s -> makeList ([atom namedArgSym; atom s; atom "=?"]@[cbArgs])
-          | Labelled s -> makeList ([atom namedArgSym; atom s; atom "="]@[cbArgs])
-          | Nolabel -> cbArgs
-        in
-        let theFunc =
-          source_map ~loc:funExpr.pexp_loc
-            (makeList
-               ~wrap:("", (if uncurriedApplication then "(." else "("))
-               [formattedFunExpr])
-        in
-        let formattedFunAppl = begin match self#letList retCb with
-        | [x] ->
-          (* force breaks for test assertion style callbacks, e.g.
-           *  describe("App", () => test("math", () => Expect.expect(1 + 2) |> toBe(3)));
-           * should always break for readability of the tests:
-           *  describe("App", () =>
-           *    test("math", () =>
-           *      Expect.expect(1 + 2) |> toBe(3)
-           *    )
-           *  );
-           *)
-          let forceBreak = match funExpr.pexp_desc with
-          | Pexp_ident ident when
-              let lastIdent = Longident.last ident.txt in
-              List.mem lastIdent ["test"; "describe"; "it"; "expect"] -> true
-          | _ -> false
-          in
-          let (leftWrap, rightWrap) as wrap = ("=> ", ")" ^ rightWrap) in
-          let wrap = if self#should_preserve_requested_braces retCb then
-            (leftWrap ^ "{", "}" ^ rightWrap)
-          else
-            wrap
-          in
-          let returnValueCallback =
-            makeList
-              ~break:(if forceBreak then Always else IfNeed)
-              ~wrap
-              [x]
-          in
-          let argsWithCallbackArgs = List.concat [( self#label_x_expression_param args); [theCallbackArg]] in
-          let left = label
-            theFunc
-            (makeList
-               ~pad:(uncurriedApplication, false)
-               ~wrap:("", " ") ~break:IfNeed ~inline:(true, true) ~sep:(Sep ",") ~postSpace:true
-              argsWithCallbackArgs)
-          in
-          label left returnValueCallback
-        | xs ->
-          let printWidthExceeded = Reason_heuristics.funAppCallbackExceedsWidth ~printWidth:settings.width ~args ~funExpr () in
-          if not printWidthExceeded then
-              (*
-               *, bar, baz, (abc, z) =>
-               *   MyModuleBlah.toList(argument)
-               * )
-               *
-               * To get this kind of formatting we need to construct the following tree:
-               * <Label>
-               * <left>, bar, baz, (abc, z)</left><right>=>
-               *   MyModuleBlah.toList(argument)
-               * )</right>
-               * </Label>
-               *
-               * where left is
-               * <Label><left></left></right>foo, bar, baz, (abc, z) </right></Label>
-               *
-               * The <right> part of that label could be a <List> with wrap:("", " ") break:IfNeed inline:(true, true)
-               * with items: "foo", "bar", "baz", "(abc, z)", separated by commas.
-               *
-               * this is also necessary to achieve the following formatting where }) hugs :
-               * test("my test", () => {
-               *   let x = a + b;
-               *   let y = z + c;
-               *   x + y
-               * });
-               *)
-            let (leftWrap, rightWrap) as wrap = ("=> ", ")" ^ rightWrap) in
-            let wrap = if self#should_preserve_requested_braces retCb then
-              (leftWrap ^ "{", "}" ^ rightWrap)
-            else
-              wrap
-            in
-            let right =
-              source_map ~loc:retCb.pexp_loc
-                (makeList ~break:Always_rec ~wrap ~sep:(SepFinal (";", ";")) xs)
-            in
-            let argsWithCallbackArgs =
-     self#label_x_expression_param args @ [theCallbackArg]
-            in
-            let left = label
-                theFunc
-                (makeList ~wrap:("", " ") ~break:IfNeed ~inline:(true, true) ~sep:(Sep ",") ~postSpace:true
-                   argsWithCallbackArgs)
-            in
-            label left right
-          else
-            (* Since the heuristic says the line length is exceeded in this case,
-             * we conveniently format everything as
-             * <label><left></left><right><list>
-             *   foo,
-             *   bar,
-             *   baz,
-             *   <label> <left>(abc) =></left> <right><list> {
-             *     let x = 1;
-             *     let y = 2;
-             *     x + y
-             *   }</list></right></label>
-             * )</list></right></label>
-            *)
-            let args =
-              makeList ~break:Always ~wrap:("", ")" ^ rightWrap) ~sep:commaTrail (
-                ( self#label_x_expression_param args) @
-                [label ~space:true (makeList ~wrap:("", " =>") [theCallbackArg])
-                   (source_map ~loc:retCb.pexp_loc (makeLetSequence xs))]
-              )
-            in
-            label theFunc args
-        end in
-        maybeJSXAttr @ [formattedFunAppl]
-    | `NormalFunAppl args ->
-      let theFunc =
-        source_map ~loc:funExpr.pexp_loc formattedFunExpr
-      in
-      (* reset here only because [function,match,try,sequence] are lower priority *)
-      (* The "expression location" might be different than the location of the actual
-       * function application because things like surrounding { } expand the
-       * parsed location (in body of while loop for example).
-       * We recover the most meaningful function application location we can.*)
-      let (syntheticApplicationLocation, syntheticArgLoc) = match args with
-        | [] -> (funExpr.pexp_loc, funExpr.pexp_loc)
-        | _::_ ->
-          {funExpr.pexp_loc with loc_end = applicationExpr.pexp_loc.loc_end},
-          {funExpr.pexp_loc with loc_start = funExpr.pexp_loc.loc_end; loc_end = applicationExpr.pexp_loc.loc_end}
-      in
-      let theArgs = self#reset#label_x_expression_params ~wrap:("", rightWrap) ~uncurried args in
-      maybeJSXAttr @ [source_map ~loc:syntheticApplicationLocation
-                        (label theFunc (source_map ~loc:syntheticArgLoc theArgs))]
-    end
-let toplevel_phrase ppf x =
-  match x with
-  | Ptop_def s -> format_layout ppf (printer#structure s)
-  | Ptop_dir _ -> print_string "(* top directives not supported *)"
-let case_list ppf x =
-  List.iter (format_layout ppf) (printer#case_list x)
-(* Convert a Longident to a list of strings.
-   E.g. M.Constructor will be ["Constructor"; "M.Constructor"]
-   Also support ".Constructor" to specify access without a path.
- *)
-let longident_for_arity lid =
-  let rec toplevel = function
-    | Lident s ->
-        [s]
-    | Ldot (lid, s) ->
-        let append_s x = x ^ "." ^ s in
-        s :: ( append_s (toplevel lid))
-    | Lapply (_,s) ->
-        toplevel s in
-   match lid with
-    | Lident s ->
-        ("." ^ s) :: toplevel lid
-    | _ ->
-        toplevel lid
-(* add expilcit_arity to a list of attributes
- *)
-let add_explicit_arity loc attributes =
-  ({txt="explicit_arity"; loc}, PStr []) ::
-  normalized_attributes "explicit_arity" attributes
-(* explicit_arity_exists check if expilcit_arity exists
- *)
-let explicit_arity_not_exists attributes =
-  not (attribute_exists "explicit_arity" attributes)
-(* wrap_expr_with_tuple wraps an expression
- * with tuple as a sole argument.
- *)
-let wrap_expr_with_tuple exp =
-  {exp with pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple [exp]}
-(* wrap_pat_with_tuple wraps an pattern
- * with tuple as a sole argument.
- *)
-let wrap_pat_with_tuple pat =
-  {pat with ppat_desc = Ppat_tuple [pat]}
-(* explicit_arity_constructors is a set of constructors that are known to have
- * multiple arguments
- *
- *)
-module StringSet = Set.Make(String);;
-let built_in_explicit_arity_constructors = ["Some"; "Assert_failure"; "Match_failure"]
-let explicit_arity_constructors = StringSet.of_list(built_in_explicit_arity_constructors @ (!configuredSettings).constructorLists)
-let add_explicit_arity_mapper super =
-  let super_expr = super.Ast_mapper.expr in
-  let super_pat = super.Ast_mapper.pat in
-  let expr mapper expr =
-    let expr =
-      match expr with
-      | {pexp_desc=Pexp_construct(lid, Some sp);
-         pexp_loc;
-         pexp_attributes} when
-          List.exists
-            (fun c -> StringSet.mem c explicit_arity_constructors)
-            (longident_for_arity lid.txt) &&
-          explicit_arity_not_exists pexp_attributes ->
-        {pexp_desc=Pexp_construct(lid, Some (wrap_expr_with_tuple sp));
-         pexp_loc;
-         pexp_attributes=add_explicit_arity pexp_loc pexp_attributes}
-      | x -> x
-    in
-    super_expr mapper expr
-  and pat mapper pat =
-    let pat =
-      match pat with
-      | {ppat_desc=Ppat_construct(lid, Some sp);
-         ppat_loc;
-         ppat_attributes} when
-          List.exists
-            (fun c -> StringSet.mem c explicit_arity_constructors)
-            (longident_for_arity lid.txt) &&
-          explicit_arity_not_exists ppat_attributes ->
-        {ppat_desc=Ppat_construct(lid, Some (wrap_pat_with_tuple sp));
-         ppat_loc;
-         ppat_attributes=add_explicit_arity ppat_loc ppat_attributes}
-      | x -> x
-    in
-    super_pat mapper pat
-  in
-  { super with Ast_mapper. expr; pat }
-let preprocessing_mapper =
-  ml_to_reason_swap_operator_mapper
-    (escape_stars_slashes_mapper
-      (add_explicit_arity_mapper Ast_mapper.default_mapper))
-let core_type ppf x =
-  format_layout ppf
-    (printer#core_type (apply_mapper_to_type x preprocessing_mapper))
-let pattern ppf x =
-  format_layout ppf
-    (printer#pattern (apply_mapper_to_pattern x preprocessing_mapper))
-let signature (comments : Comment.t list) ppf x =
-  List.iter (fun comment -> printer#trackComment comment) comments;
-  format_layout ppf ~comments
-    (printer#signature (apply_mapper_to_signature x preprocessing_mapper))
-let structure (comments : Comment.t list) ppf x =
-  List.iter (fun comment -> printer#trackComment comment) comments;
-  format_layout ppf ~comments
-    (printer#structure (apply_mapper_to_structure x preprocessing_mapper))
-let expression ppf x =
-  format_layout ppf
-    (printer#unparseExpr (apply_mapper_to_expr x preprocessing_mapper))
-let case_list = case_list
-  method core_type = Formatter.core_type
-  method pattern = Formatter.pattern
-  method signature = Formatter.signature
-  method structure = Formatter.structure
-  (* For merlin-destruct *)
-  method toplevel_phrase = Formatter.toplevel_phrase
-  method expression = Formatter.expression
-  method case_list = Formatter.case_list
-module Merlin_recovery : sig 
-#1 "merlin_recovery.mli"
-module Make
-    (Parser : MenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.EVERYTHING)
-    (Recovery : sig
-       val default_value : Location.t -> 'a Parser.symbol -> 'a
-       type action =
-         | Abort
-         | R of int
-         | S : 'a Parser.symbol -> action
-         | Sub of action list
-       type decision =
-         | Nothing
-         | One of action list
-         | Select of (int -> action list)
-       val depth : int array
-       val can_pop : 'a Parser.terminal -> bool
-       val recover : int -> decision
-       val guide : 'a Parser.symbol -> bool
-       val token_of_terminal : 'a Parser.terminal -> 'a -> Parser.token
-       val nullable : 'a Parser.nonterminal -> bool
-     end) :
-  type 'a candidate = {
-    line: int;
-    min_col: int;
-    max_col: int;
-    env: 'a Parser.env;
-  }
-  type 'a candidates = {
-    shifted: Parser.xsymbol option;
-    final: 'a option;
-    candidates: 'a candidate list;
-  }
-  val attempt : 'a candidates ->
-    Parser.token * Lexing.position * Lexing.position ->
-    [> `Accept of 'a
-    | `Fail
-    | `Ok of 'a Parser.checkpoint * 'a Parser.env ]
-  val generate : 'a Parser.env -> 'a candidates
-end = struct
-#1 ""
-let split_pos {Lexing. pos_lnum; pos_bol; pos_cnum; _} =
-  (pos_lnum, pos_cnum - pos_bol)
-let rev_filter ~f xs =
-  let rec aux f acc = function
-    | x :: xs when f x -> aux f (x :: acc) xs
-    | _ :: xs -> aux f acc xs
-    | [] -> acc
-  in
-  aux f [] xs
-let rec rev_scan_left acc ~f ~init = function
-  | [] -> acc
-  | x :: xs ->
-    let init = f init x in
-    rev_scan_left (init :: acc) ~f ~init xs
-module Make
-    (Parser : MenhirLib.IncrementalEngine.EVERYTHING)
-    (Recovery : sig
-       val default_value : Location.t -> 'a Parser.symbol -> 'a
-       type action =
-         | Abort
-         | R of int
-         | S : 'a Parser.symbol -> action
-         | Sub of action list
-       type decision =
-         | Nothing
-         | One of action list
-         | Select of (int -> action list)
-       val depth : int array
-       val recover : int -> decision
-       val guide : 'a Parser.symbol -> bool
-       val token_of_terminal : 'a Parser.terminal -> 'a -> Parser.token
-       val nullable : 'a Parser.nonterminal -> bool
-     end) =
-  type 'a candidate = {
-    line: int;
-    min_col: int;
-    max_col: int;
-    env: 'a Parser.env;
-  }
-  type 'a candidates = {
-    shifted: Parser.xsymbol option;
-    final: 'a option;
-    candidates: 'a candidate list;
-  }
-  module T = struct
-    [@@@ocaml.warning "-37"]
-    type 'a checkpoint =
-      | InputNeeded of 'a Parser.env
-      | Shifting of 'a Parser.env * 'a Parser.env * bool
-      | AboutToReduce of 'a Parser.env * Parser.production
-      | HandlingError of 'a Parser.env
-      | Accepted of 'a
-      | Rejected
-    external inj : 'a checkpoint -> 'a Parser.checkpoint = "%identity"
-  end
-  let feed_token ~allow_reduction token env =
-    let rec aux allow_reduction = function
-      | Parser.HandlingError _ | Parser.Rejected -> `Fail
-      | Parser.AboutToReduce _ when not allow_reduction -> `Fail
-      | Parser.Accepted v -> `Accept v
-      | Parser.Shifting _ | Parser.AboutToReduce _ as checkpoint ->
-        aux true (Parser.resume checkpoint)
-      | Parser.InputNeeded env as checkpoint -> `Recovered (checkpoint, env)
-    in
-    aux allow_reduction (Parser.offer (T.inj (T.InputNeeded env)) token)
-  let rec follow_guide col env = match env with
-    | None -> col
-    | Some (Parser.Element (state, _, pos, _)) ->
-      if (Parser.incoming_symbol state) then
-        match Parser.pop env with
-        | None -> col
-        | Some env -> follow_guide (snd (split_pos pos)) env
-      else
-        col
-  let candidate env =
-    let line, min_col, max_col =
-      match env with
-      | None -> 1, 0, 0
-      | Some (Parser.Element (state, _, pos, _)) ->
-        let depth = Recovery.depth.(Parser.number state) in
-        let line, col = split_pos pos in
-        if depth = 0 then
-          line, col, col
-        else
-          let col' = match Parser.pop_many depth env with
-            | None -> max_int
-            | Some env ->
-              match env with
-              | None -> max_int
-              | Some (Parser.Element (_, _, pos, _)) ->
-                follow_guide (snd (split_pos pos)) env
-          in
-          line, min col col', max col col'
-    in
-    { line; min_col; max_col; env }
-  let attempt r token =
-    let _, startp, _ = token in
-    let line, col = split_pos startp in
-    let more_indented candidate =
-      line <> candidate.line && candidate.min_col > col in
-    let recoveries =
-      let rec aux = function
-        | x :: xs when more_indented x -> aux xs
-        | xs -> xs
-      in
-      aux r.candidates
-    in
-    let same_indented candidate =
-      line = candidate.line ||
-      (candidate.min_col <= col && col <= candidate.max_col)
-    in
-    let recoveries =
-      let rec aux = function
-        | x :: xs when same_indented x -> x :: aux xs
-        | _ -> []
-      in
-      aux recoveries
-    in
-    let rec aux = function
-      | [] -> `Fail
-      | x :: xs -> match feed_token ~allow_reduction:true token x.env with
-        | `Fail ->
-          aux xs
-        | `Recovered (checkpoint, _) -> `Ok (checkpoint, x.env)
-        | `Accept v ->
-          begin match aux xs with
-            | `Fail -> `Accept v
-            | x -> x
-          end
-    in
-    aux recoveries
-  let decide env =
-    let rec nth_state env n =
-      if n = 0 then
-        match env with
-        | None -> -1 (*allow giving up recovery on empty files*)
-        | Some (Parser.Element (state, _, _, _)) -> Parser.number state
-      else
-        match Parser.pop env with
-        | None -> assert (n = 1); -1
-        | Some env -> nth_state env (n - 1)
-    in
-    let st = nth_state env 0 in
-    match Recovery.recover st with
-    | Recovery.Nothing -> []
-    | Recovery.One actions -> actions
-    | Recovery.Select f -> f (nth_state env Recovery.depth.(st))
-  let generate (type a) (env : a Parser.env) =
-    let module E = struct
-      exception Result of a
-    end in
-    let shifted = ref None in
-    let rec aux acc env =
-      match env with
-      | None -> None, acc
-      | Some (Parser.Element (_state, _, _startp, endp)) ->
-        let actions = decide env in
-        let candidate0 = candidate env in
-        let rec eval (env : a Parser.env) : Recovery.action -> a Parser.env = function
-          | Recovery.Abort ->
-            raise Not_found
-          | Recovery.R prod ->
-            let prod = Parser.find_production prod in
-            Parser.force_reduction prod env
-          | Recovery.S (Parser.N n as sym) ->
-            let xsym = Parser.X sym in
-            if !shifted = None && not (Recovery.nullable n) then
-              shifted := Some xsym;
-            let loc = {Location. loc_start = endp; loc_end = endp; loc_ghost = true} in
-            let v = Recovery.default_value loc sym in
-            Parser.feed sym endp v endp env
-          | Recovery.S (Parser.T t as sym) ->
-            let xsym = Parser.X sym in
-            if !shifted = None then shifted := Some xsym;
-            let loc = {Location. loc_start = endp; loc_end = endp; loc_ghost = true} in
-            let v = Recovery.default_value loc sym in
-            let token = (Recovery.token_of_terminal t v, endp, endp) in
-            begin match feed_token ~allow_reduction:true token env with
-              | `Fail -> assert false
-              | `Accept v -> raise (E.Result v)
-              | `Recovered (_,env) -> env
-            end
-          | Recovery.Sub actions ->
-            List.fold_left eval env actions
-        in
-        match
-          rev_scan_left [] ~f:eval ~init:env actions
-          |> (fun env -> {candidate0 with env})
-        with
-        | exception Not_found -> None, acc
-        | exception (E.Result v) -> Some v, acc
-        | [] -> None, acc
-        | (candidate :: _) as candidates ->
-          aux (candidates @ acc) candidate.env
-    in
-    let final, candidates = aux [] env in
-    (!shifted, final, candidates)
-  let generate env =
-    let shifted, final, candidates = generate env in
-    let candidates = rev_filter candidates
-        ~f:(fun t -> not (Parser.env_has_default_reduction t.env))
-    in
-    { shifted; final; candidates = (candidate env) :: candidates }
-module Reason_single_parser : sig 
-#1 "reason_single_parser.mli"
-type 'a parser
-val initial :
-  (Lexing.position -> 'a Reason_parser.MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint) ->
-  Lexing.position -> 'a parser
-type 'a step =
-  | Intermediate of 'a parser
-  | Success of 'a * Reason_lexer.invalid_docstrings
-  | Error
-val step : 'a parser -> Reason_parser.token Reason_lexer.positioned -> 'a step
-(* Interface for recovery *)
-val recover :
-  'a Reason_parser.MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint ->
-  Reason_lexer.invalid_docstrings ->
-  'a parser
-val recovery_env :
-  'a parser ->
-  'a Reason_parser.MenhirInterpreter.env * Reason_lexer.invalid_docstrings
-end = struct
-#1 ""
-module I = Reason_parser.MenhirInterpreter
-type token = Reason_parser.token
-type invalid_docstrings = Reason_lexer.invalid_docstrings
-module Step : sig
-  type 'a parser
-  type 'a step =
-    | Intermediate of 'a parser
-    | Success of 'a * invalid_docstrings
-    | Error
-  val initialize : 'a I.checkpoint -> 'a step
-  val offer : 'a parser -> token Reason_lexer.positioned -> 'a step
-  val add_docstring :
-    string -> Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> 'a parser -> 'a parser
-  val recover : 'a I.checkpoint -> invalid_docstrings -> 'a parser
-  val recovery_env : 'a parser -> 'a I.env * invalid_docstrings
-end = struct
-  type 'a postfix_state = {
-    checkpoint: 'a I.checkpoint;
-    docstrings: invalid_docstrings;
-    fallback: 'a I.checkpoint;
-    postfix_ops: int;
-    postfix_pos: Lexing.position;
-  }
-  type 'a parser =
-    | Normal of 'a I.checkpoint * invalid_docstrings
-    | After_potential_postfix of 'a postfix_state
-  type 'a step =
-    | Intermediate of 'a parser
-    | Success of 'a * invalid_docstrings
-    | Error
-  let mark_potential_postfix token fallback =
-    let string_forall f s =
-      let i = ref 0 in
-      let len = String.length s in
-      let valid = ref true in
-      while !i < len && !valid do
-        valid := f s.[!i];
-        incr i;
-      done;
-      !valid
-    in
-    match token with
-    | (Reason_parser.INFIXOP1 s, pos, _)
-      when string_forall ((=) '^') s ->
-      (fun checkpoint docstrings ->
-         After_potential_postfix {
-           checkpoint; fallback; docstrings;
-           postfix_ops = String.length s;
-           postfix_pos = pos;
-         })
-    | _ ->
-      (fun checkpoint docstrings ->
-         Normal (checkpoint, docstrings))
-  let rec offer_postfix count pos = function
-    | I.Shifting _ | I.AboutToReduce _ as checkpoint ->
-      offer_postfix count pos (I.resume checkpoint)
-    | I.InputNeeded _ as checkpoint ->
-      if count <= 0 then checkpoint else (
-        let pos_cnum = pos.Lexing.pos_cnum in
-        let pos' = {pos with Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum + 1} in
-        offer_postfix (count - 1) pos'
-          (I.offer checkpoint (Reason_parser.POSTFIXOP "^", pos, pos'))
-      )
-    | other -> other
-  let rec step mark_potential_postfix safepoint docstrings = function
-    | I.Shifting _ | I.AboutToReduce _ as checkpoint ->
-       step mark_potential_postfix safepoint docstrings (I.resume checkpoint)
-    | I.InputNeeded _ as checkpoint ->
-      Intermediate (mark_potential_postfix checkpoint docstrings)
-    | I.Accepted x -> Success (x, docstrings)
-    | I.Rejected | I.HandlingError _ -> Error
-  let offer parser token =
-    match parser with
-    | Normal (checkpoint, docstrings) ->
-      step (mark_potential_postfix token checkpoint) checkpoint
-        docstrings (I.offer checkpoint token)
-    | After_potential_postfix r ->
-      match step (mark_potential_postfix token r.checkpoint) r.checkpoint
-              r.docstrings (I.offer r.checkpoint token)
-      with
-      | Error ->
-        begin (* Try applying postfix operators on fallback parser *)
-          match offer_postfix r.postfix_ops r.postfix_pos r.fallback with
-          | I.InputNeeded _ as checkpoint ->
-            step (mark_potential_postfix token checkpoint) checkpoint
-              r.docstrings (I.offer checkpoint token)
-          | _ -> Error
-        end
-      | result -> result
-  let add_docstring text startp endp parser =
-    match parser with
-    | Normal (checkpoint, docstrings) ->
-      let docstrings =
-        Reason_lexer.add_invalid_docstring text startp endp docstrings
-      in
-      Normal (checkpoint, docstrings)
-    | After_potential_postfix r ->
-      let docstrings =
-        Reason_lexer.add_invalid_docstring text startp endp r.docstrings
-      in
-      After_potential_postfix {r with docstrings}
-  let initialize checkpoint =
-    step (fun parser ds -> Normal (parser, ds)) checkpoint
-      Reason_lexer.empty_invalid_docstrings checkpoint
-  let recover cp ds =
-    begin match cp with
-      | I.InputNeeded _ -> ()
-      | _ -> assert false
-    end;
-    Normal (cp, ds)
-  let recovery_env parser =
-    let cp, ds = match parser with
-      | Normal (cp, ds) -> (cp, ds)
-      | After_potential_postfix r -> (r.checkpoint, r.docstrings)
-    in
-    match cp with
-    | I.InputNeeded env -> (env, ds)
-    | _ -> assert false
-type 'a parser = 'a Step.parser
-type 'a step = 'a Step.step =
-  | Intermediate of 'a parser
-  | Success of 'a * invalid_docstrings
-  | Error
-let initial entry position =
-  match Step.initialize (entry position) with
-  | Step.Intermediate parser -> parser
-  | _ -> assert false
-let rec offer_many parser = function
-  | [] -> Step.Intermediate parser
-  | [token] -> Step.offer parser token
-  | token :: tokens ->
-     match Step.offer parser token with
-     | Step.Intermediate parser -> offer_many parser tokens
-     | other -> other
-(* Logic for inserting ';' *)
-let try_insert_semi_on = function
-  | Reason_parser.LET | Reason_parser.TYPE | Reason_parser.MODULE
-  | Reason_parser.OPEN | Reason_parser.EXCEPTION
-  | Reason_parser.INCLUDE | Reason_parser.DOCSTRING _
-  | Reason_parser.LIDENT _ | Reason_parser.UIDENT _
-  | Reason_parser.IF | Reason_parser.WHILE
-  | Reason_parser.FOR | Reason_parser.SWITCH
-  | Reason_parser.TRY | Reason_parser.ASSERT
-  | Reason_parser.EXTERNAL | Reason_parser.LAZY
-  | Reason_parser.LBRACKETAT -> true
-  | _ -> false
-(* Logic for splitting '=?...' operators into '=' '?' '...' *)
-let token_for_label_operator = function
-  | "-" -> Some Reason_parser.MINUS
-  | "-." -> Some Reason_parser.MINUSDOT
-  | "+" -> Some Reason_parser.PLUS
-  | "+." -> Some Reason_parser.PLUSDOT
-  | "!" -> Some Reason_parser.BANG
-  | _ -> None
-let split_label s =
-  let is_optional = String.length s > 1 && s.[1] == '?' in
-  let idx = if is_optional then 2 else 1 in
-  let operator = String.sub s idx (String.length s - idx) in
-  (token_for_label_operator operator, is_optional)
-let try_split_label (tok_kind, pos0, posn) =
-  match tok_kind with
-  | Reason_parser.INFIXOP0 s when s.[0] == '=' ->
-    begin match split_label s with
-    | None, _ -> []
-    | Some new_token, is_optional ->
-      let advance p n = {p with Lexing.pos_cnum = p.Lexing.pos_cnum + n} in
-      let pos1 = advance pos0 1 in
-      let pos2 = if is_optional then advance pos1 1 else pos1 in
-      let token0 = (Reason_parser.EQUAL, pos0, pos1) in
-      let token2 = (new_token, pos2, posn) in
-      if is_optional then
-        let token1 = (Reason_parser.QUESTION, pos1, pos2) in
-        [token0; token1; token2]
-      else
-        [token0; token2]
-    end
-  | _ -> []
-(* Logic for attempting to consume a token
-   and try alternatives on failure *)
-let step parser token =
-  match Step.offer parser token with
-  | (Success _ | Intermediate _) as step -> step
-  | Error ->
-     let try_alternative_tokens = function
-       | [] -> Error
-       | tokens ->
-          match offer_many parser tokens with
-          | (Step.Intermediate _ | Step.Success _) as result -> result
-          (* Alternative failed... Return original failure *)
-          | Step.Error -> Error
-     in
-     let alternative =
-       match token with
-       | tok_kind, pos, _ when try_insert_semi_on tok_kind ->
-         try_alternative_tokens [(Reason_parser.SEMI, pos, pos); token]
-       | _ -> try_alternative_tokens (try_split_label token)
-     in
-     match alternative, token with
-     | Error, (Reason_parser.DOCSTRING text, startp, endp) ->
-       Intermediate (Step.add_docstring text startp endp parser)
-     | _ -> alternative
-(* Interface for recovery *)
-let recover = Step.recover
-let recovery_env = Step.recovery_env
-module Reason_multi_parser : sig 
-#1 "reason_multi_parser.mli"
-type 'a parser
-val initial :
-  (Lexing.position -> 'a Reason_parser.MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint) ->
-  Lexing.position -> 'a parser
-type 'a step =
-  | Intermediate of 'a parser
-  | Success of 'a * Reason_lexer.invalid_docstrings
-  | Error
-val step : 'a parser -> Reason_parser.token Reason_lexer.positioned -> 'a step
-(* Interface for recovery *)
-val recover :
-  'a Reason_parser.MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint ->
-  Reason_lexer.invalid_docstrings ->
-  'a parser
-val recovery_env :
-  'a parser ->
-  'a Reason_parser.MenhirInterpreter.env * Reason_lexer.invalid_docstrings
-end = struct
-#1 ""
-module S = Reason_single_parser
-type 'a parser = 'a S.parser list
-let initial entry_point position =
-  [S.initial entry_point position]
-type 'a step =
-  | Intermediate of 'a parser
-  | Success of 'a * Reason_lexer.invalid_docstrings
-  | Error
-let rec fork token = function
-  | [] -> []
-  | x :: xs ->
-    begin match S.step x token with
-    | S.Intermediate x' -> x :: x' :: fork token xs
-    | _ -> x :: fork token xs
-    end
-let rec progress_successful token acc = function
-  | [] -> Intermediate (List.rev acc)
-  | x :: xs ->
-    begin match S.step x token with
-      | S.Intermediate p ->
-        progress_successful token (p :: acc) xs
-      | S.Error ->
-        progress_successful token acc xs
-      | S.Success (result, ds) -> Success (result, ds)
-    end
-let step parsers token =
-  match token with
-  | (Reason_parser.ES6_FUN, _, _) ->
-    (* Fork case *)
-    Intermediate (fork token parsers)
-  | _ ->
-    (* Regular case *)
-    match parsers with
-    | [x] ->
-      (* Fast-path: One parser *)
-      begin match S.step x token with
-        | S.Intermediate parser -> Intermediate [parser]
-        | S.Success (result, ds) -> Success (result, ds)
-        | S.Error -> Error
-      end
-    (* Parallel parsing case *)
-    | x :: xs ->
-      begin match S.step x token with
-        | S.Intermediate p -> progress_successful token [p] xs
-        | S.Success (result, ds) -> Success (result, ds)
-        | S.Error ->
-          begin match progress_successful token [] xs with
-            | Intermediate [] -> Error
-            | result -> result
-          end
-      end
-    (* Impossible case *)
-    | [] -> assert false
-(* Interface for recovery *)
-let recover cp ds =
-  [S.recover cp ds]
-let recovery_env = function
-  | [] -> assert false
-  | x :: _xs -> S.recovery_env x
-module Reason_parser_explain_raw
-= struct
-#1 ""
-let transitions_on_lident = function
-  | 2357
-  | 2354
-  | 2349
-  | 2334
-  | 2333
-  | 2332
-  | 2328
-  | 2324
-  | 2320
-  | 2311
-  | 2310
-  | 2308
-  | 2305
-  | 2304
-  | 2303
-  | 2302
-  | 2300
-  | 2298
-  | 2296
-  | 2294
-  | 2292
-  | 2290
-  | 2289
-  | 2288
-  | 2286
-  | 2285
-  | 2281
-  | 2278
-  | 2272
-  | 2265
-  | 2247
-  | 2242
-  | 2224
-  | 2223
-  | 2221
-  | 2193
-  | 2189
-  | 2184
-  | 2183
-  | 2173
-  | 2167
-  | 2148
-  | 2146
-  | 2140
-  | 2138
-  | 2137
-  | 2135
-  | 2134
-  | 2132
-  | 2131
-  | 2130
-  | 2126
-  | 2123
-  | 2118
-  | 2116
-  | 2113
-  | 2111
-  | 2110
-  | 2104
-  | 2103
-  | 2101
-  | 2100
-  | 2098
-  | 2097
-  | 2094
-  | 2091
-  | 2088
-  | 2085
-  | 2081
-  | 2080
-  | 2078
-  | 2076
-  | 2075
-  | 2074
-  | 2071
-  | 2070
-  | 2068
-  | 2067
-  | 2066
-  | 2064
-  | 2063
-  | 2061
-  | 2060
-  | 2058
-  | 2056
-  | 2043
-  | 2039
-  | 2035
-  | 2032
-  | 2029
-  | 2024
-  | 2021
-  | 2020
-  | 2019
-  | 2013
-  | 2010
-  | 2009
-  | 2001
-  | 1999
-  | 1998
-  | 1996
-  | 1995
-  | 1993
-  | 1991
-  | 1990
-  | 1988
-  | 1983
-  | 1981
-  | 1979
-  | 1975
-  | 1968
-  | 1966
-  | 1965
-  | 1964
-  | 1961
-  | 1957
-  | 1955
-  | 1952
-  | 1950
-  | 1949
-  | 1947
-  | 1946
-  | 1943
-  | 1942
-  | 1939
-  | 1938
-  | 1936
-  | 1924
-  | 1923
-  | 1922
-  | 1919
-  | 1909
-  | 1906
-  | 1904
-  | 1903
-  | 1902
-  | 1901
-  | 1900
-  | 1899
-  | 1898
-  | 1897
-  | 1896
-  | 1893
-  | 1891
-  | 1890
-  | 1888
-  | 1885
-  | 1883
-  | 1881
-  | 1879
-  | 1878
-  | 1876
-  | 1875
-  | 1874
-  | 1873
-  | 1872
-  | 1871
-  | 1865
-  | 1829
-  | 1828
-  | 1827
-  | 1826
-  | 1823
-  | 1809
-  | 1805
-  | 1802
-  | 1799
-  | 1795
-  | 1793
-  | 1790
-  | 1789
-  | 1787
-  | 1784
-  | 1782
-  | 1781
-  | 1779
-  | 1776
-  | 1775
-  | 1773
-  | 1771
-  | 1769
-  | 1767
-  | 1764
-  | 1763
-  | 1761
-  | 1759
-  | 1757
-  | 1755
-  | 1753
-  | 1751
-  | 1749
-  | 1747
-  | 1745
-  | 1743
-  | 1741
-  | 1739
-  | 1737
-  | 1735
-  | 1733
-  | 1731
-  | 1729
-  | 1727
-  | 1725
-  | 1724
-  | 1721
-  | 1719
-  | 1716
-  | 1714
-  | 1711
-  | 1693
-  | 1690
-  | 1680
-  | 1674
-  | 1669
-  | 1664
-  | 1657
-  | 1654
-  | 1652
-  | 1648
-  | 1645
-  | 1640
-  | 1637
-  | 1636
-  | 1628
-  | 1626
-  | 1625
-  | 1622
-  | 1620
-  | 1619
-  | 1618
-  | 1615
-  | 1612
-  | 1611
-  | 1609
-  | 1607
-  | 1606
-  | 1605
-  | 1603
-  | 1600
-  | 1598
-  | 1596
-  | 1593
-  | 1591
-  | 1590
-  | 1589
-  | 1587
-  | 1581
-  | 1578
-  | 1575
-  | 1570
-  | 1565
-  | 1563
-  | 1561
-  | 1556
-  | 1554
-  | 1548
-  | 1547
-  | 1546
-  | 1544
-  | 1543
-  | 1542
-  | 1541
-  | 1540
-  | 1539
-  | 1538
-  | 1535
-  | 1533
-  | 1531
-  | 1530
-  | 1528
-  | 1511
-  | 1510
-  | 1503
-  | 1501
-  | 1499
-  | 1497
-  | 1495
-  | 1492
-  | 1491
-  | 1482
-  | 1474
-  | 1473
-  | 1467
-  | 1465
-  | 1448
-  | 1431
-  | 1428
-  | 1425
-  | 1421
-  | 1418
-  | 1413
-  | 1410
-  | 1405
-  | 1401
-  | 1392
-  | 1391
-  | 1388
-  | 1386
-  | 1384
-  | 1382
-  | 1381
-  | 1379
-  | 1377
-  | 1376
-  | 1374
-  | 1370
-  | 1367
-  | 1365
-  | 1364
-  | 1362
-  | 1354
-  | 1350
-  | 1347
-  | 1345
-  | 1343
-  | 1342
-  | 1340
-  | 1338
-  | 1337
-  | 1336
-  | 1334
-  | 1332
-  | 1330
-  | 1329
-  | 1328
-  | 1327
-  | 1326
-  | 1325
-  | 1315
-  | 1309
-  | 1308
-  | 1307
-  | 1306
-  | 1299
-  | 1297
-  | 1295
-  | 1294
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-  | 1290
-  | 1288
-  | 1286
-  | 1259
-  | 1255
-  | 1253
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-  | 1218
-  | 1217
-  | 1213
-  | 1211
-  | 1210
-  | 1208
-  | 1206
-  | 1205
-  | 1203
-  | 1200
-  | 1199
-  | 1198
-  | 1197
-  | 1192
-  | 1187
-  | 1184
-  | 1182
-  | 1180
-  | 1177
-  | 1175
-  | 1174
-  | 1172
-  | 1170
-  | 1169
-  | 1168
-  | 1167
-  | 1165
-  | 1164
-  | 1163
-  | 1159
-  | 1157
-  | 1154
-  | 1153
-  | 1152
-  | 1151
-  | 1150
-  | 1149
-  | 1148
-  | 1141
-  | 1138
-  | 1136
-  | 1135
-  | 1130
-  | 1125
-  | 1122
-  | 1120
-  | 1118
-  | 1115
-  | 1112
-  | 1110
-  | 1108
-  | 1107
-  | 1106
-  | 1104
-  | 1102
-  | 1100
-  | 1098
-  | 1097
-  | 1094
-  | 1093
-  | 1091
-  | 1090
-  | 1089
-  | 1086
-  | 1085
-  | 1083
-  | 1080
-  | 1076
-  | 1074
-  | 1071
-  | 1070
-  | 1068
-  | 1065
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-  | 1053
-  | 1050
-  | 1042
-  | 1040
-  | 1039
-  | 1037
-  | 1035
-  | 1022
-  | 1020
-  | 1019
-  | 1015
-  | 1013
-  | 1008
-  | 1006
-  | 1003
-  | 1001
-  | 1000
-  | 997
-  | 995
-  | 994
-  | 992
-  | 991
-  | 987
-  | 984
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-  | 979
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-  | 900
-  | 898
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-  | 830
-  | 827
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-  | 812
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-  | 800
-  | 799
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-  | 794
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-  | 789
-  | 779
-  | 775
-  | 773
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-  | 768
-  | 764
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-  | 755
-  | 752
-  | 748
-  | 746
-  | 735
-  | 725
-  | 721
-  | 718
-  | 714
-  | 712
-  | 707
-  | 704
-  | 699
-  | 695
-  | 692
-  | 691
-  | 690
-  | 688
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-  | 679
-  | 678
-  | 675
-  | 673
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-  | 646
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-  | 244
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-  | 161
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-  | 153
-  | 152
-  | 151
-  | 150
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-  | 145
-  | 144
-  | 143
-  | 142
-  | 141
-  | 140
-  | 139
-  | 138
-  | 137
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-  | 135
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-  | 88
-  | 87
-  | 85
-  | 84
-  | 82
-  | 78
-  | 75
-  | 73
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-  | 67
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-  | 64
-  | 63
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-  | 52
-  | 51
-  | 50
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-  | 42
-  | 41
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-  | 39
-  | 38
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-  | 33
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-  | 31
-  | 30
-  | 29
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-  | 25
-  | 24
-  | 23
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-  | 20
-  | 19
-  | 18
-  | 17
-  | 16
-  | 15
-  | 14
-  | 13
-  | 12
-  | 11
-  | 10
-  | 9
-  | 8
-  | 7
-  | 6
-  | 5
-  | 4
-  | 3
-  | 2
-  | 0
-      -> true
-  | _ -> false
-let transitions_on_uident = function
-  | 2357
-  | 2354
-  | 2349
-  | 2334
-  | 2333
-  | 2332
-  | 2328
-  | 2324
-  | 2320
-  | 2311
-  | 2310
-  | 2308
-  | 2305
-  | 2304
-  | 2303
-  | 2302
-  | 2300
-  | 2298
-  | 2296
-  | 2294
-  | 2292
-  | 2290
-  | 2289
-  | 2288
-  | 2286
-  | 2285
-  | 2281
-  | 2278
-  | 2272
-  | 2269
-  | 2268
-  | 2265
-  | 2262
-  | 2261
-  | 2254
-  | 2249
-  | 2246
-  | 2245
-  | 2242
-  | 2225
-  | 2224
-  | 2223
-  | 2221
-  | 2204
-  | 2200
-  | 2193
-  | 2189
-  | 2184
-  | 2183
-  | 2173
-  | 2167
-  | 2140
-  | 2138
-  | 2137
-  | 2135
-  | 2134
-  | 2132
-  | 2131
-  | 2130
-  | 2126
-  | 2123
-  | 2118
-  | 2116
-  | 2113
-  | 2111
-  | 2110
-  | 2104
-  | 2103
-  | 2101
-  | 2100
-  | 2098
-  | 2097
-  | 2094
-  | 2091
-  | 2088
-  | 2085
-  | 2081
-  | 2080
-  | 2078
-  | 2076
-  | 2075
-  | 2074
-  | 2070
-  | 2068
-  | 2067
-  | 2066
-  | 2064
-  | 2063
-  | 2061
-  | 2060
-  | 2058
-  | 2056
-  | 2043
-  | 2035
-  | 2032
-  | 2029
-  | 2024
-  | 2022
-  | 2021
-  | 2020
-  | 2019
-  | 2013
-  | 2010
-  | 2009
-  | 2001
-  | 1999
-  | 1998
-  | 1996
-  | 1995
-  | 1993
-  | 1991
-  | 1990
-  | 1988
-  | 1986
-  | 1985
-  | 1983
-  | 1981
-  | 1979
-  | 1975
-  | 1973
-  | 1972
-  | 1968
-  | 1966
-  | 1965
-  | 1964
-  | 1961
-  | 1957
-  | 1955
-  | 1950
-  | 1949
-  | 1947
-  | 1946
-  | 1943
-  | 1942
-  | 1939
-  | 1938
-  | 1936
-  | 1924
-  | 1923
-  | 1922
-  | 1919
-  | 1909
-  | 1906
-  | 1904
-  | 1903
-  | 1902
-  | 1901
-  | 1900
-  | 1899
-  | 1898
-  | 1897
-  | 1896
-  | 1893
-  | 1891
-  | 1890
-  | 1886
-  | 1885
-  | 1883
-  | 1881
-  | 1878
-  | 1877
-  | 1876
-  | 1875
-  | 1874
-  | 1873
-  | 1872
-  | 1871
-  | 1869
-  | 1868
-  | 1865
-  | 1854
-  | 1853
-  | 1850
-  | 1849
-  | 1840
-  | 1839
-  | 1835
-  | 1834
-  | 1833
-  | 1832
-  | 1829
-  | 1828
-  | 1827
-  | 1826
-  | 1823
-  | 1820
-  | 1816
-  | 1809
-  | 1807
-  | 1805
-  | 1802
-  | 1799
-  | 1795
-  | 1793
-  | 1790
-  | 1789
-  | 1787
-  | 1784
-  | 1782
-  | 1781
-  | 1779
-  | 1776
-  | 1775
-  | 1773
-  | 1771
-  | 1769
-  | 1767
-  | 1764
-  | 1763
-  | 1761
-  | 1759
-  | 1757
-  | 1755
-  | 1753
-  | 1751
-  | 1749
-  | 1747
-  | 1745
-  | 1743
-  | 1741
-  | 1739
-  | 1737
-  | 1735
-  | 1733
-  | 1731
-  | 1729
-  | 1727
-  | 1725
-  | 1724
-  | 1721
-  | 1719
-  | 1716
-  | 1693
-  | 1690
-  | 1680
-  | 1674
-  | 1669
-  | 1664
-  | 1657
-  | 1654
-  | 1652
-  | 1648
-  | 1645
-  | 1637
-  | 1636
-  | 1628
-  | 1625
-  | 1622
-  | 1615
-  | 1612
-  | 1611
-  | 1609
-  | 1607
-  | 1606
-  | 1605
-  | 1603
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-  | 8
-  | 7
-  | 6
-  | 5
-  | 4
-  | 3
-  | 2
-  | 0
-      -> true
-  | _ -> false
-let transitions_on_semi = function
-  | 2356
-  | 2353
-  | 2346
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-  | 2341
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-  | 2019
-  | 2007
-  | 2001
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-  | 1995
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-  | 1990
-  | 1987
-  | 1978
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-  | 1895
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-  | 1891
-  | 1890
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-  | 801
-  | 799
-  | 797
-  | 794
-  | 792
-  | 750
-  | 743
-  | 738
-  | 733
-  | 732
-  | 729
-  | 728
-  | 727
-  | 724
-  | 722
-  | 720
-  | 717
-  | 715
-  | 713
-  | 712
-  | 711
-  | 710
-  | 709
-  | 706
-  | 703
-  | 698
-  | 693
-  | 691
-  | 682
-  | 681
-  | 680
-  | 678
-  | 677
-  | 676
-  | 673
-  | 672
-  | 671
-  | 669
-  | 668
-  | 667
-  | 666
-  | 665
-  | 664
-  | 663
-  | 661
-  | 644
-  | 638
-  | 633
-  | 628
-  | 627
-  | 625
-  | 624
-  | 622
-  | 620
-  | 616
-  | 611
-  | 610
-  | 609
-  | 607
-  | 606
-  | 603
-  | 602
-  | 601
-  | 598
-  | 596
-  | 595
-  | 594
-  | 591
-  | 587
-  | 585
-  | 584
-  | 579
-  | 576
-  | 573
-  | 572
-  | 571
-  | 570
-  | 568
-  | 564
-  | 560
-  | 553
-  | 552
-  | 551
-  | 550
-  | 547
-  | 546
-  | 545
-  | 544
-  | 543
-  | 542
-  | 541
-  | 539
-  | 538
-  | 537
-  | 533
-  | 532
-  | 531
-  | 530
-  | 529
-  | 528
-  | 527
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-  | 525
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-  | 516
-  | 515
-  | 514
-  | 513
-  | 512
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-  | 501
-  | 500
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-  | 494
-  | 492
-  | 491
-  | 490
-  | 489
-  | 488
-  | 487
-  | 486
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-  | 483
-  | 482
-  | 475
-  | 473
-  | 447
-  | 444
-  | 424
-  | 422
-  | 419
-  | 397
-  | 392
-  | 391
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-  | 374
-  | 371
-  | 370
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-  | 364
-  | 363
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-  | 356
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-  | 347
-  | 346
-  | 345
-  | 344
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-  | 311
-  | 284
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-  | 278
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-  | 274
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-  | 270
-  | 264
-  | 244
-  | 243
-  | 242
-  | 241
-  | 240
-  | 239
-  | 238
-  | 237
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-  | 231
-  | 230
-  | 229
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-  | 222
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-  | 218
-  | 217
-  | 212
-  | 208
-  | 203
-  | 199
-  | 172
-  | 168
-  | 161
-  | 151
-  | 144
-  | 143
-  | 136
-  | 134
-  | 132
-  | 125
-  | 111
-  | 109
-  | 108
-  | 102
-  | 100
-  | 99
-  | 98
-  | 95
-  | 94
-  | 93
-  | 90
-  | 89
-  | 84
-  | 82
-  | 78
-  | 75
-  | 73
-  | 69
-  | 68
-  | 61
-      -> true
-  | _ -> false
-let transitions_on_rbracket = function
-  | 2312
-  | 2306
-  | 2304
-  | 2302
-  | 2300
-  | 2298
-  | 2296
-  | 2294
-  | 2292
-  | 2289
-  | 2285
-  | 2277
-  | 2275
-  | 2272
-  | 2271
-  | 2270
-  | 2263
-  | 2260
-  | 2259
-  | 2258
-  | 2257
-  | 2256
-  | 2255
-  | 2253
-  | 2252
-  | 2251
-  | 2250
-  | 2248
-  | 2244
-  | 2243
-  | 2241
-  | 2240
-  | 2239
-  | 2238
-  | 2237
-  | 2236
-  | 2235
-  | 2234
-  | 2233
-  | 2232
-  | 2230
-  | 2229
-  | 2228
-  | 2227
-  | 2226
-  | 2224
-  | 2222
-  | 2220
-  | 2219
-  | 2218
-  | 2217
-  | 2216
-  | 2215
-  | 2214
-  | 2213
-  | 2212
-  | 2211
-  | 2210
-  | 2208
-  | 2207
-  | 2206
-  | 2205
-  | 2203
-  | 2201
-  | 2199
-  | 2198
-  | 2197
-  | 2196
-  | 2195
-  | 2194
-  | 2193
-  | 2192
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-  | 2185
-  | 2182
-  | 2181
-  | 2180
-  | 2178
-  | 2177
-  | 2176
-  | 2175
-  | 2174
-  | 2171
-  | 2170
-  | 2169
-  | 2168
-  | 2167
-  | 2166
-  | 2165
-  | 2157
-  | 2145
-  | 2140
-  | 2138
-  | 2137
-  | 2135
-  | 2134
-  | 2133
-  | 2132
-  | 2131
-  | 2130
-  | 2129
-  | 2128
-  | 2126
-  | 2123
-  | 2121
-  | 2120
-  | 2113
-  | 2110
-  | 2108
-  | 2106
-  | 2095
-  | 2094
-  | 2092
-  | 2091
-  | 2088
-  | 2086
-  | 2085
-  | 2082
-  | 2080
-  | 2078
-  | 2076
-  | 2074
-  | 2070
-  | 2069
-  | 2068
-  | 2067
-  | 2066
-  | 2063
-  | 2062
-  | 2060
-  | 2058
-  | 2054
-  | 2037
-  | 2035
-  | 2030
-  | 2019
-  | 2011
-  | 2007
-  | 2001
-  | 1999
-  | 1998
-  | 1996
-  | 1995
-  | 1991
-  | 1990
-  | 1958
-  | 1949
-  | 1946
-  | 1943
-  | 1942
-  | 1936
-  | 1922
-  | 1915
-  | 1914
-  | 1912
-  | 1911
-  | 1910
-  | 1907
-  | 1906
-  | 1905
-  | 1903
-  | 1902
-  | 1901
-  | 1899
-  | 1898
-  | 1896
-  | 1895
-  | 1893
-  | 1891
-  | 1890
-  | 1889
-  | 1887
-  | 1885
-  | 1883
-  | 1878
-  | 1875
-  | 1874
-  | 1870
-  | 1863
-  | 1862
-  | 1861
-  | 1860
-  | 1859
-  | 1858
-  | 1857
-  | 1856
-  | 1855
-  | 1851
-  | 1848
-  | 1847
-  | 1846
-  | 1845
-  | 1844
-  | 1843
-  | 1842
-  | 1841
-  | 1837
-  | 1836
-  | 1831
-  | 1830
-  | 1828
-  | 1827
-  | 1826
-  | 1825
-  | 1824
-  | 1823
-  | 1822
-  | 1818
-  | 1815
-  | 1813
-  | 1812
-  | 1811
-  | 1808
-  | 1805
-  | 1803
-  | 1801
-  | 1800
-  | 1798
-  | 1794
-  | 1792
-  | 1791
-  | 1788
-  | 1786
-  | 1785
-  | 1783
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-  | 1780
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-  | 1778
-  | 1777
-  | 1775
-  | 1774
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-  | 1770
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-  | 1717
-  | 1716
-  | 1715
-  | 1712
-  | 1710
-  | 1709
-  | 1708
-  | 1704
-  | 1703
-  | 1699
-  | 1695
-  | 1692
-  | 1686
-  | 1682
-  | 1677
-  | 1676
-  | 1675
-  | 1673
-  | 1671
-  | 1668
-  | 1666
-  | 1664
-  | 1661
-  | 1660
-  | 1659
-  | 1658
-  | 1655
-  | 1653
-  | 1652
-  | 1648
-  | 1637
-  | 1636
-  | 1608
-  | 1576
-  | 1571
-  | 1566
-  | 1562
-  | 1560
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-  | 1558
-  | 1557
-  | 1552
-  | 1551
-  | 1550
-  | 1549
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-  | 1505
-  | 1500
-  | 1498
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-  | 1487
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-  | 1409
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-  | 1407
-  | 1406
-  | 1404
-  | 1401
-  | 1399
-  | 1392
-  | 1391
-  | 1364
-  | 1363
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-  | 1359
-  | 1358
-  | 1353
-  | 1352
-  | 1351
-  | 1348
-  | 1336
-  | 1325
-  | 1305
-  | 1303
-  | 1301
-  | 1296
-  | 1294
-  | 1293
-  | 1289
-  | 1285
-  | 1284
-  | 1283
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-  | 1274
-  | 1273
-  | 1272
-  | 1270
-  | 1268
-  | 1266
-  | 1265
-  | 1262
-  | 1260
-  | 1259
-  | 1258
-  | 1257
-  | 1255
-  | 1250
-  | 1240
-  | 1239
-  | 1238
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-  | 1232
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-  | 1226
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-  | 1218
-  | 1215
-  | 1214
-  | 1212
-  | 1211
-  | 1206
-  | 1197
-  | 1192
-  | 1187
-  | 1183
-  | 1182
-  | 1181
-  | 1175
-  | 1166
-  | 1164
-  | 1163
-  | 1161
-  | 1153
-  | 1152
-  | 1147
-  | 1146
-  | 1145
-  | 1144
-  | 1143
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-  | 1135
-  | 1130
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-  | 1121
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-  | 1119
-  | 1111
-  | 1103
-  | 1099
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-  | 1093
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-  | 1087
-  | 1086
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-  | 1075
-  | 1073
-  | 1072
-  | 1069
-  | 1067
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-  | 1065
-  | 1037
-  | 1035
-  | 991
-  | 982
-  | 976
-  | 975
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-  | 969
-  | 967
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-  | 950
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-  | 915
-  | 913
-  | 911
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-  | 907
-  | 905
-  | 903
-  | 901
-  | 899
-  | 897
-  | 895
-  | 893
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-  | 887
-  | 885
-  | 883
-  | 881
-  | 877
-  | 875
-  | 873
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-  | 871
-  | 870
-  | 869
-  | 864
-  | 860
-  | 841
-  | 838
-  | 836
-  | 823
-  | 819
-  | 818
-  | 815
-  | 814
-  | 807
-  | 801
-  | 799
-  | 797
-  | 794
-  | 792
-  | 751
-  | 750
-  | 743
-  | 741
-  | 740
-  | 739
-  | 738
-  | 733
-  | 732
-  | 729
-  | 728
-  | 727
-  | 724
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-  | 722
-  | 721
-  | 720
-  | 717
-  | 715
-  | 713
-  | 712
-  | 711
-  | 710
-  | 709
-  | 706
-  | 705
-  | 704
-  | 703
-  | 698
-  | 693
-  | 691
-  | 682
-  | 681
-  | 680
-  | 678
-  | 677
-  | 676
-  | 673
-  | 672
-  | 671
-  | 669
-  | 668
-  | 667
-  | 666
-  | 665
-  | 664
-  | 663
-  | 661
-  | 646
-  | 645
-  | 644
-  | 643
-  | 642
-  | 638
-  | 633
-  | 628
-  | 627
-  | 625
-  | 624
-  | 622
-  | 620
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-  | 616
-  | 611
-  | 610
-  | 609
-  | 607
-  | 606
-  | 603
-  | 602
-  | 601
-  | 598
-  | 596
-  | 595
-  | 594
-  | 591
-  | 587
-  | 585
-  | 584
-  | 579
-  | 576
-  | 573
-  | 572
-  | 571
-  | 570
-  | 568
-  | 564
-  | 560
-  | 553
-  | 552
-  | 551
-  | 550
-  | 547
-  | 546
-  | 545
-  | 544
-  | 543
-  | 542
-  | 541
-  | 539
-  | 538
-  | 537
-  | 533
-  | 532
-  | 531
-  | 530
-  | 529
-  | 528
-  | 527
-  | 526
-  | 525
-  | 524
-  | 520
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-  | 516
-  | 515
-  | 514
-  | 513
-  | 512
-  | 511
-  | 510
-  | 506
-  | 505
-  | 502
-  | 501
-  | 500
-  | 499
-  | 498
-  | 497
-  | 496
-  | 495
-  | 494
-  | 492
-  | 491
-  | 490
-  | 489
-  | 488
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-  | 453
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-  | 447
-  | 446
-  | 445
-  | 444
-  | 443
-  | 442
-  | 441
-  | 440
-  | 438
-  | 435
-  | 434
-  | 433
-  | 431
-  | 430
-  | 427
-  | 424
-  | 422
-  | 419
-  | 397
-  | 387
-  | 374
-  | 371
-  | 370
-  | 369
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-  | 364
-  | 363
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-  | 356
-  | 355
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-  | 346
-  | 345
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-  | 274
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-  | 272
-  | 271
-  | 270
-  | 264
-  | 244
-  | 243
-  | 242
-  | 241
-  | 240
-  | 239
-  | 238
-  | 237
-  | 236
-  | 234
-  | 232
-  | 231
-  | 230
-  | 229
-  | 228
-  | 224
-  | 222
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-  | 219
-  | 218
-  | 217
-  | 212
-  | 211
-  | 210
-  | 209
-  | 208
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-  | 205
-  | 203
-  | 199
-  | 172
-  | 168
-  | 161
-  | 151
-  | 144
-  | 143
-  | 140
-  | 138
-  | 136
-  | 134
-  | 132
-  | 125
-  | 111
-  | 109
-  | 108
-  | 107
-  | 102
-  | 100
-  | 99
-  | 98
-  | 95
-  | 94
-  | 93
-  | 90
-  | 89
-  | 84
-  | 82
-  | 78
-  | 75
-  | 73
-  | 69
-  | 68
-  | 61
-  | 55
-  | 53
-  | 52
-  | 51
-  | 50
-  | 49
-  | 48
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-  | 46
-  | 45
-  | 44
-  | 43
-  | 42
-  | 41
-  | 40
-  | 39
-  | 38
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-  | 34
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-  | 30
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-  | 24
-  | 23
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-  | 20
-  | 19
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-  | 16
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-  | 14
-  | 13
-  | 12
-  | 11
-  | 10
-  | 9
-  | 8
-  | 7
-  | 6
-  | 5
-  | 4
-  | 3
-      -> true
-  | _ -> false
-let transitions_on_rparen = function
-  | 2309
-  | 2307
-  | 2306
-  | 2304
-  | 2302
-  | 2300
-  | 2298
-  | 2296
-  | 2294
-  | 2292
-  | 2289
-  | 2285
-  | 2277
-  | 2275
-  | 2274
-  | 2273
-  | 2272
-  | 2223
-  | 2209
-  | 2202
-  | 2192
-  | 2191
-  | 2190
-  | 2189
-  | 2188
-  | 2187
-  | 2184
-  | 2179
-  | 2178
-  | 2170
-  | 2158
-  | 2157
-  | 2145
-  | 2140
-  | 2138
-  | 2137
-  | 2136
-  | 2135
-  | 2134
-  | 2132
-  | 2130
-  | 2126
-  | 2123
-  | 2120
-  | 2119
-  | 2114
-  | 2113
-  | 2112
-  | 2110
-  | 2109
-  | 2108
-  | 2107
-  | 2106
-  | 2105
-  | 2102
-  | 2099
-  | 2096
-  | 2095
-  | 2094
-  | 2091
-  | 2088
-  | 2086
-  | 2085
-  | 2084
-  | 2083
-  | 2082
-  | 2080
-  | 2078
-  | 2076
-  | 2074
-  | 2070
-  | 2068
-  | 2066
-  | 2063
-  | 2060
-  | 2059
-  | 2058
-  | 2057
-  | 2054
-  | 2027
-  | 2025
-  | 2019
-  | 2001
-  | 1999
-  | 1998
-  | 1996
-  | 1995
-  | 1991
-  | 1990
-  | 1949
-  | 1946
-  | 1942
-  | 1941
-  | 1940
-  | 1938
-  | 1937
-  | 1936
-  | 1935
-  | 1934
-  | 1933
-  | 1932
-  | 1931
-  | 1930
-  | 1929
-  | 1928
-  | 1927
-  | 1926
-  | 1925
-  | 1922
-  | 1921
-  | 1920
-  | 1917
-  | 1916
-  | 1915
-  | 1914
-  | 1906
-  | 1903
-  | 1902
-  | 1901
-  | 1899
-  | 1898
-  | 1896
-  | 1893
-  | 1891
-  | 1890
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-  | 1160
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-  | 75
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-  | 68
-  | 61
-      -> true
-  | _ -> false
-let transitions_on_rbrace = function
-  | 2312
-  | 2306
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-  | 2300
-  | 2299
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-  | 2019
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-  | 1891
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-      -> true
-  | _ -> false
-module Reason_parser_explain
-= struct
-#1 ""
-(* See the comments in *)
-open Reason_string
-module Parser = Reason_parser
-module Interp = Parser.MenhirInterpreter
-module Raw = Reason_parser_explain_raw
-let identlike_keywords =
-  let reverse_table = lazy (
-    let table = Hashtbl.create 7 in
-    let flip_add k v = Hashtbl.add table v k in
-    Hashtbl.iter flip_add Reason_declarative_lexer.keyword_table;
-    table
-  ) in
-  function
-  | Parser.SIG    -> Some "sig"
-  | Parser.MODULE -> Some "module"
-  | Parser.BEGIN  -> Some "begin"
-  | Parser.END    -> Some "end"
-  | Parser.OBJECT -> Some "object"
-  | Parser.SWITCH -> Some "switch"
-  | Parser.TO     -> Some "to"
-  | Parser.THEN   -> Some "then"
-  | Parser.TYPE   -> Some "type"
-  | token ->
-    match Hashtbl.find (Lazy.force reverse_table) token with
-    | name -> Some name
-    | exception Not_found -> None
-let keyword_confused_with_ident state token =
-  match identlike_keywords token with
-  | Some name when Raw.transitions_on_lident state
-                || Raw.transitions_on_uident state ->
-    (name ^ " is a reserved keyword, it cannot be used as an identifier. Try `" ^ name ^ "_` or `_" ^ name ^ "` instead")
-  | _ -> raise Not_found
-let uppercased_instead_of_lowercased state token =
-  match token with
-  | Parser.UIDENT name when Raw.transitions_on_lident state ->
-    let name = String.uncapitalize_ascii name in
-    if Hashtbl.mem Reason_declarative_lexer.keyword_table name then
-      "variables and labels should be lowercased"
-    else
-      Printf.sprintf "variables and labels should be lowercased. Try `%s'" name
-  | _ -> raise Not_found
-let semicolon_might_be_missing state _token =
-  (*let state = Interp.current_state_number env in*)
-  if Raw.transitions_on_semi state then
-    "syntax error, consider adding a `;' before"
-  else
-    raise Not_found
-let token_specific_message = function
-  | Parser.UNDERSCORE ->
-    "underscore is not a valid identifier. Use _ only in pattern matching and partial function application"
-  | _ ->
-    raise Not_found
-let unclosed_parenthesis is_opening_symbol closing_symbol check_function env =
-  let state = Interp.current_state_number env in
-  if check_function state then
-    let rec find_opening_location = function
-      | None -> None
-      | Some env ->
-        let found =
-          match env with
-          | Some (Interp.Element (state, _, startp, endp))
-            when (is_opening_symbol (Interp.X (Interp.incoming_symbol state))) ->
-            Some (startp, endp)
-          | Some (Interp.Element (state, _, _, _))
-            when (Interp.X (Interp.incoming_symbol state) = closing_symbol) ->
-            raise Not_found
-          | _ -> None
-        in
-        match found with
-        | Some _ -> found
-        | _ -> find_opening_location (Interp.pop env)
-    in
-    try find_opening_location (Some env)
-    with Not_found -> None
-  else
-    None
-let check_unclosed env =
-  let check (message, opening_symbols, closing_symbol, check_function) =
-    match
-      unclosed_parenthesis (fun x -> List.mem x opening_symbols)
-        closing_symbol check_function env
-    with
-    | None -> None
-    | Some (loc_start, _) ->
-      Some (Format.asprintf "Unclosed %S (opened line %d, column %d)"
-              message loc_start.pos_lnum
-              (loc_start.pos_cnum - loc_start.pos_bol))
-  in
-  let rec check_list = function
-    | [] -> raise Not_found
-    | x :: xs ->
-      match check x with
-      | None -> check_list xs
-      | Some result -> result
-  in
-  check_list [
-    ("(", Interp.[X (T T_LPAREN)],
-     Interp.X (T T_RPAREN),
-     Raw.transitions_on_rparen);
-    ("{", Interp.[X (T T_LBRACE); X (T T_LBRACELESS)],
-     Interp.X (T T_RBRACE),
-     Raw.transitions_on_rbrace);
-    ("[", Interp.[ X (T T_LBRACKET); X (T T_LBRACKETAT);
-                   X (T T_LBRACKETBAR); X (T T_LBRACKETGREATER);
-                   X (T T_LBRACKETLESS); X (T T_LBRACKETPERCENT);
-                   X (T T_LBRACKETPERCENTPERCENT); ],
-     Interp.X (T T_RBRACKET),
-     Raw.transitions_on_rbracket);
-  ]
-let message env (token, _, _) =
-  let state = Interp.current_state_number env in
-  (* Identify a keyword used as an identifier *)
-  try keyword_confused_with_ident state token
-  with Not_found ->
-  try check_unclosed env
-  with Not_found ->
-  (* Identify an uppercased identifier in a lowercase place *)
-  try uppercased_instead_of_lowercased state token
-  with Not_found ->
-  try semicolon_might_be_missing state token
-  with Not_found ->
-  try token_specific_message token
-  with Not_found ->
-  (* Is there a message for this specific state ? *)
-    (* TODO: we don't know what to say *)
-    "Syntax error"
-module Reason_parser_recover
-= struct
-#1 ""
-open Reason_parser
-module Default = struct
-  open Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_helper
-  let default_loc = ref Location.none
-  let default_expr () =
-    let id = Location.mkloc "merlin.hole" !default_loc in
- ~loc:!default_loc (Pexp_extension (id, PStr []))
-  let default_pattern () = Pat.any ~loc:!default_loc ()
-  let default_module_expr () = Mod.structure ~loc:!default_loc[]
-  let default_module_type () = Mty.signature ~loc:!default_loc[]
-  let value (type a) : a MenhirInterpreter.symbol -> a = function
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_error -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_WITH -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_WHILE -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_WHEN -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_VIRTUAL -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_VAL -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_UNDERSCORE -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_UIDENT -> ""
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_TYPE -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_TRY -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_TRUE -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_TO -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_TILDE -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_THEN -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_SWITCH -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_STRUCT -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_STRING -> ("", None, None)
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_STAR -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_SLASHGREATER -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_SIG -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_SHARPOP -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_SHARPEQUAL -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_SHARP -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_SEMISEMI -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_SEMI -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_RPAREN -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_REC -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_RBRACKET -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_RBRACE -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_QUOTE -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_QUESTION -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_PUB -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_PRI -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_PREFIXOP -> ""
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_POSTFIXOP -> ""
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_PLUSEQ -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_PLUSDOT -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_PLUS -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_PERCENT -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_OR -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_OPEN -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_OF -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_OBJECT -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_NONREC -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_NEW -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_NATIVEINT -> 0n
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_MUTABLE -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_MODULE -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_MINUSGREATER -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_MINUSDOT -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_MINUS -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LPAREN -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LIDENT -> ""
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LET -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LESSSLASHIDENTGREATER -> ""
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LESSSLASHGREATER -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LESSIDENT -> ""
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LESSGREATER -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LESSDOTDOTGREATER -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LESS -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LBRACKETPERCENTPERCENT -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LBRACKETPERCENT -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LBRACKETLESS -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LBRACKETGREATER -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LBRACKETBAR -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LBRACKETAT -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LBRACKET -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LBRACELESS -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LBRACE -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LAZY -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_INT -> ("0", None)
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_INITIALIZER -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_INHERIT -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_INFIXOP4 -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_INFIXOP3 -> ""
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_INFIXOP2 -> ""
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_INFIXOP1 -> ""
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_INFIXOP0 -> ""
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_INCLUDE -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_IN -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_IF -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATERRBRACE -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATERDOTDOTDOT -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATER -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_FUNCTOR -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_FUNCTION -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_FUN -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_FOR -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_FLOAT -> ("0.0", None)
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_FALSE -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_EXTERNAL -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_EXCEPTION -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_ES6_FUN -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_EQUALGREATER -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_EQUAL -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_EOL -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_EOF -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_END -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_ELSE -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOWNTO -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTDOTDOT -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTDOT -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOT -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DONE -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOCSTRING -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DO -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_CONSTRAINT -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_COMMENT -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_COMMA -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_COLONGREATER -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_COLONEQUAL -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_COLONCOLON -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_COLON -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_CLASS -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_CHAR -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_BEGIN -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_BARRBRACKET -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_BARBAR -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_BAR -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_BANG -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_BACKQUOTE -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_ASSERT -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_AS -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_AND -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_AMPERSAND -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_AMPERAMPER -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_with_constraint -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_virtual_flag -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_value_type -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_value -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_val_longident -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_val_ident -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_use_file_no_mapper -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_use_file -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_unattributed_expr -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_unattributed_core_type -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_type_variance -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_type_variables_with_variance_comma_list -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_type_variables_with_variance -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_type_variable_with_variance -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_type_variable -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_type_parameters -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_type_parameter -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_type_other_kind -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_type_longident -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_type_declarations -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_type_declaration_kind -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_type_declaration_details -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_type_constraint -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_toplevel_phrase -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_toplevel_directive -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_tag_field -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_subtractive -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_structure_item -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_structure -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_string_literal_labels -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_string_literal_label -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_string_literal_exprs_maybe_punned -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_string_literal_expr_maybe_punned_with_comma -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_string_literal_expr_maybe_punned -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_str_type_extension -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_str_exception_declaration -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_single_attr_id -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_simple_pattern_not_ident_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_simple_pattern_not_ident -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_simple_pattern_ident -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_simple_pattern_direct_argument -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_simple_pattern -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_simple_module_type -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_simple_expr_template_constructor -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_simple_expr_no_constructor -> default_expr ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_simple_expr_no_call -> default_expr ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_simple_expr_direct_argument -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_simple_expr_call -> (default_expr (), [])
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_signed_constant -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_signature_items -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_signature_item -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_signature -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_sig_type_extension -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_sig_exception_declaration -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_seq_expr_no_seq -> default_expr ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_seq_expr -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_separated_nonempty_list_AMPERSAND_non_arrowed_simple_core_types_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_row_field_list -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_row_field -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_record_label_declaration -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_record_expr_with_string_keys -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_record_expr -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_record_declaration -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_rec_flag -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_protected_type -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_primitive_declaration -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_poly_type -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_payload -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_pattern_without_or -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_pattern_optional_constraint -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_pattern_constructor_argument -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_pattern_comma_list_extension -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_pattern -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_parse_pattern -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_parse_expression -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_parse_core_type -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_parenthesized_expr -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_package_type -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_override_flag -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_optional_expr_extension -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_optional -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_option_type_constraint_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_option_preceded_WHEN_expr__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_option_preceded_COLONGREATER_core_type__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_option_preceded_COLON_simple_module_type__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_option_preceded_COLON_poly_type__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_option_preceded_COLON_non_arrowed_core_type__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_option_preceded_COLON_expr__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_option_preceded_COLON_core_type__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_option_preceded_COLON_class_constructor_type__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_option_preceded_AS_LIDENT__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_option_item_extension_sugar_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_option_constructor_arguments_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_option_SEMI_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_option_OF_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_option_MODULE_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_option_LET_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_option_DOTDOTDOT_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_option_DOT_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_option_COMMA_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_opt_LET_MODULE_ident -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_opt_LET_MODULE_REC_ident -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_opt_LET_MODULE -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_operator -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_open_statement -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_object_record_type -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_object_label_declarations -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_object_label_declaration -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_object_body_class_fields -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_object_body -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_nonrec_flag -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_nonempty_list_preceded_QUOTE_ident__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_nonempty_list_preceded_CONSTRAINT_constrain__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_nonempty_list_name_tag_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_nonempty_list_attributed_ext_constructor_extension_constructor_declaration__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_nonempty_list_attributed_ext_constructor_either_extension_constructor_declaration_extension_constructor_rebind___ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_nonempty_list_as_loc_attribute__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_nonempty_list___anonymous_32_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_nonempty_list_LIDENT_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_non_labeled_argument_list -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_non_arrowed_simple_core_types -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_non_arrowed_simple_core_type -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_non_arrowed_core_type -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_mutable_or_virtual_flags -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_mutable_flag -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_mty_longident -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_module_type_signature -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_module_type_body_EQUAL_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_module_type_body_COLON_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_module_type -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_module_parameter -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_module_expr_structure -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_module_expr_body -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_module_expr -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_module_declaration -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_module_complex_expr -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_module_binding_body -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_module_arguments_comma_list -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_module_arguments -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_mod_longident -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_mod_ext_longident -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_mod_ext_apply -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_method_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_match_case_seq_expr_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_match_case_expr_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_SEMI_class_sig_field_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_SEMI_class_field_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_uncurried_labeled_expr_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_uncurried_arrow_type_parameter_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_type_variable_with_variance_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_type_parameter_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_string_literal_label_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_string_literal_expr_maybe_punned_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_record_label_declaration_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_protected_type_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_pattern_optional_constraint_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_opt_spread_pattern__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_opt_spread_lbl_expr__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_opt_spread_expr_optional_constraint__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_object_label_declaration_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_module_parameter_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_module_complex_expr_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_mod_ext_longident_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_labeled_pattern_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_field_expr_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_expr_optional_constraint_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_expr_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_COMMA_core_type_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lseparated_nonempty_list_aux_AND_with_constraint_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_loption_type_parameters_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_loption_terminated_pattern_comma_list_option_COMMA___ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_loption_row_field_list_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_loption_preceded_GREATER_nonempty_list_name_tag___ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_loption_parenthesized_type_variables_with_variance_comma_list__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_loption_parenthesized_class_type_arguments_comma_list__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_loption_object_label_declarations_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_loption_located_attributes_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_loption_functor_parameters_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_loption_class_type_parameters_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_longident_type_constraint -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_llist_aux_preceded_COMMA_opt_spread_lbl_expr___ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_llist_aux_match_case_seq_expr__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_llist_aux_match_case_expr__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_list_simple_expr_no_call_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_list_bar_row_field_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_list_attributed_ext_constructor_extension_constructor_declaration__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_list_attributed_ext_constructor_either_extension_constructor_declaration_extension_constructor_rebind___ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_list_and_module_rec_declaration_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_list_and_module_bindings_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_list_and_let_binding_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_list_and_class_type_declaration_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_list_and_class_description_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_list_and_class_declaration_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_let_bindings -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_let_binding_body -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_let_binding -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lbl_pattern -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_labelled_arrow_type_parameter_optional -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_labeled_pattern_constraint -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_labeled_pattern -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_labeled_expr_constraint -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_labeled_expr -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_labeled_arguments -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_label_longident -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_jsx_without_leading_less -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_jsx_start_tag_and_args_without_leading_less -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_jsx_start_tag_and_args -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_jsx_arguments -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_jsx -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_item_extension_sugar -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_item_extension -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_interface -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_implementation -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_ident -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_greater_spread -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_generalized_constructor_arguments -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_functor_parameters -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_fun_def_EQUALGREATER_non_arrowed_core_type_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_fun_def_EQUAL_core_type_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_field_expr -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_extension_constructor_rebind -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_extension_constructor_declaration -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_extension -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_expr_optional_constraint -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_expr_list -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_expr_comma_seq_extension -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_expr -> default_expr ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_es6_parameters -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_embedded_private_flag_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_embedded___anonymous_39_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_embedded___anonymous_33_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_embedded___anonymous_1_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_embedded___anonymous_0_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_either_preceded_EQUALGREATER_expr__braced_expr_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_either_preceded_EQUAL_expr__braced_expr_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_either_preceded_EQUAL_class_instance_type__class_type_body_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_either_preceded_EQUAL_class_expr__class_body_expr_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_either_parenthesized_longident_type_constraint__longident_type_constraint_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_either_extension_constructor_declaration_extension_constructor_rebind_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_either_constructor_declaration_bar_constructor_declaration_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_either___anonymous_12___anonymous_13_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_either_ES6_FUN_FUN_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_direction_flag -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_core_type2 -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_core_type -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_constructor_declarations_aux -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_constructor_declarations -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_constructor_declaration -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_constructor_arguments_comma_list -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_constructor_arguments -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_constrain_field -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_constrain -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_constr_longident -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_constant -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_clty_longident -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_type_declarations -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_type_declaration_details -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_type_body -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_type_arguments_comma_list -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_simple_expr -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_sig_field -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_sig_body_fields -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_sig_body -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_self_type -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_self_expr -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_longident -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_instance_type -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_field -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_expr_lets_and_rest -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_expr -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_descriptions -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_description_details -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_declaration_details -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_declaration_body -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_class_constructor_type -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_braced_expr -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_boption_AMPERSAND_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_basic_core_type -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_bar_row_field -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_bar_constructor_declaration -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_attributed_ext_constructors_extension_constructor_declaration_ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_attributed_ext_constructors_either_extension_constructor_declaration_extension_constructor_rebind__ -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_attribute -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_attr_id -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_arrowed_simple_core_type -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_arrow_type_parameters -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_arrow_type_parameter -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_and_type_declaration -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_and_module_rec_declaration -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_and_module_bindings -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_and_class_type_declaration -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_and_class_description -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_and_class_declaration -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_additive -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N__lbl_pattern_list -> raise Not_found
-let default_value = Default.value
-open MenhirInterpreter
-type action =
-  | Abort
-  | R of int
-  | S : 'a symbol -> action
-  | Sub of action list
-type decision =
-  | Nothing
-  | One of action list
-  | Select of (int -> action list)
-let depth =
-  [|0;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;2;3;2;2;1;1;2;1;1;1;1;2;3;1;1;1;2;1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4;2;3;5;6;3;4;1;2;3;1;1;1;1;2;3;3;2;1;1;1;1;2;1;1;1;1;2;1;2;1;1;2;1;2;1;1;2;1;2;2;3;1;2;2;3;2;3;1;1;2;3;1;2;2;1;1;2;1;1;1;1;2;1;2;1;1;1;1;2;1;1;2;1;1;1;2;1;1;2;3;1;1;2;1;1;2;1;1;1;2;1;1;1;2;1;1;2;3;1;1;2;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;2;1;1;1;2;1;2;3;2;2;3;1;2;1;2;2;3;1;1;2;1;1;1;1;1;1;2;1;2;1;2;3;1;1;1;1;4;2;1;1;2;3;3;1;1;1;3;1;1;2;3;4;1;1;2;1;2;3;2;3;4;1;2;1;3;2;3;1;2;1;2;2;1;2;3;1;1;1;2;2;1;2;3;2;2;3;1;2;3;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;2;1;1;1;1;1;2;3;1;1;2;1;1;2;3;1;4;5;1;6;1;1;1;1;2;2;1;2;1;2;1;2;3;1;1;1;1;1;2;3;1;1;1;1;2;4;5;1;6;1;1;2;1;1;1;2;3;1;2;1;3;1;2;3;1;2;1;1;2;3;4;1;1;1;2;2;2;3;4;3;4;2;3;4;3;1;2;3;1;1;2;3;3;4;1;1;1;1;2;3;4;2;3;4;1;2;3;1;2;1;2;3;1;2;3;4;2;3;4;3;4;1;1;2;1;3;4;1;2;3;1;2;1;2;3;4;5;1;1;1;1;2;2;3;1;1;2;3;2;1;2;1;1;2;1;1;1;2;3;4;5;1;2;3;4;2;2;3;3;4;2;3;1;2;3;2;1;2;3;1;1;1;2;2;1;2;1;1;2;1;2;3;1;2;3;1;2;1;2;1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4;5;3;4;2;3;1;1;1;2;3;1;2;3;4;5;3;4;4;2;3;2;7;1;1;1;2;3;2;3;1;1;1;1;2;3;2;2;1;2;3;3;2;3;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;1;1;2;3;2;1;2;3;1;1;1;1;2;2;1;1;1;2;3;2;3;4;5;6;7;4;5;1;2;3;4;2;3;4;1;3;2;3;1;2;3;3;1;1;2;3;1;1;2;1;4;1;2;2;3;4;1;2;1;1;1;2;1;2;2;1;2;2;1;1;2;3;4;3;1;4;5;1;1;1;1;1;2;3;1;2;3;1;1;2;3;4;5;4;1;2;1;1;1;1;2;1;2;1;1;1;1;3;1;2;3;1;1;2;3;4;1;1;2;3;1;1;1;1;2;1;1;2;3;2;3;1;2;2;2;3;3;4;1;1;2;2;3;1;2;3;1;2;3;1;2;1;1;2;3;4;5;3;4;5;3;4;4;5;3;4;5;1;2;2;3;4;2;3;2;3;2;3;4;2;2;2;3;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;2;3;1;2;1;1;2;1;2;1;2;1;3;4;5;1;2;3;4;5;1;1;1;2;2;3;1;3;2;3;4;5;1;2;3;4;1;2;3;1;1;2;2;3;2;1;1;2;3;2;1;2;3;4;1;1;1;5;1;1;1;2;3;1;2;1;2;3;1;1;2;3;1;1;1;1;2;3;2;1;2;2;3;4;5;6;1;2;1;2;3;3;4;1;4;2;3;5;6;2;3;2;1;1;2;3;2;3;4;5;2;6;7;8;1;1;1;1;1;1;2;1;1;1;2;1;2;1;2;3;1;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;4;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;4;5;2;2;1;4;5;3;1;2;4;5;1;2;2;3;4;2;3;2;3;2;2;3;4;2;3;4;2;3;4;5;3;4;2;3;5;6;1;3;3;4;5;3;4;4;5;3;4;2;3;5;6;1;3;1;2;2;3;4;4;4;1;2;3;1;2;3;4;4;2;3;4;5;6;5;3;1;1;2;2;4;1;4;5;6;7;8;9;2;3;4;5;6;9;6;7;7;1;2;3;2;1;2;4;5;4;5;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;8;5;6;6;2;3;4;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;10;7;8;8;4;3;3;4;5;6;2;3;4;5;6;7;3;4;5;6;7;8;3;4;5;1;2;2;3;4;2;3;4;5;3;4;5;6;3;4;3;4;5;6;1;6;1;1;7;8;9;10;1;5;2;1;2;3;1;2;4;1;2;3;4;5;3;4;5;6;7;2;3;4;5;6;1;2;1;2;3;4;5;3;4;2;3;4;1;2;1;3;4;5;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;2;3;1;2;3;1;2;1;3;1;2;3;4;5;1;1;2;3;1;2;4;1;2;3;4;5;3;4;5;6;7;2;3;4;5;6;2;3;1;2;4;5;6;7;8;3;4;5;6;7;2;1;2;3;2;3;4;2;1;2;3;4;1;1;2;1;2;1;2;3;4;5;6;1;1;2;3;4;3;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;1;2;3;4;5;5;1;2;6;1;1;1;2;1;3;1;2;3;1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4;1;2;3;1;2;3;1;1;2;1;2;3;4;3;4;5;6;1;1;2;1;2;3;4;5;5;6;1;2;1;1;2;1;2;1;1;1;1;1;2;2;1;2;2;3;3;4;3;1;1;1;2;1;2;2;1;2;3;4;1;1;2;3;4;5;1;2;3;4;5;1;1;1;2;3;1;1;1;1;2;2;3;2;1;2;1;2;2;1;1;2;3;2;1;2;1;1;2;3;2;3;4;5;6;2;3;4;5;6;2;3;2;3;2;1;2;1;3;2;1;1;3;4;1;2;3;2;3;1;2;4;1;3;1;2;1;2;3;4;1;2;1;2;3;4;1;5;1;2;3;2;1;2;1;2;3;3;1;2;1;1;2;1;3;1;1;1;2;3;2;1;1;2;1;2;1;1;2;1;2;3;1;2;3;4;3;1;2;1;2;2;3;3;2;1;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;4;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;2;3;4;2;3;4;5;2;3;4;5;2;3;2;3;4;5;6;6;7;2;3;2;3;4;5;3;4;2;3;4;3;2;3;4;2;1;1;1;2;1;2;1;1;2;3;4;1;2;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;2;1;2;1;2;1;3;1;1;2;3;4;1;2;1;5;1;2;3;4;5;6;4;5;6;7;8;3;4;5;6;7;3;1;2;4;1;2;1;1;1;1;2;3;1;2;3;4;5;6;5;6;7;2;3;4;5;4;5;6;2;3;4;5;2;3;2;3;4;5;2;3;2;2;1;2;3;4;5;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;2;3;4;3;3;1;2;1;1;1;2;3;2;1;1;2;2;3;4;1;1;2;1;1;2;1;2;3;4;3;2;3;1;1;2;3;2;3;3;4;5;2;3;1;2;2;5;1;1;4;5;6;5;6;7;8;4;5;6;7;8;9;8;9;10;9;10;11;12;8;9;10;11;7;4;5;6;7;3;2;1;2;1;2;3;3;1;2;1;2;1;2;1;1;2;3;2;3;2;3;4;5;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;4;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;1;1;2;1;2;3;1;1;1;2;3;4;5;6;2;3;4;5;6;7;3;4;5;6;7;8;3;4;5;1;2;1;1;2;2;3;1;4;2;1;2;1;2;3;1;2;3;4;3;1;2;1;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4;5;3;4;2;3;1;1;1;2;3;1;2;3;4;5;3;4;4;2;3;2;8;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;2;3;4;5;6;2;2;3;2;3;4;5;6;6;7;2;3;2;3;4;2;2;3;2;3;4;2;3;1;1;2;1;1;1;2;2;1;1;2;3;3;4;2;3;3;1;2;1;2;2;3;2;3;4;5;1;5;1;2;3;1;2;2;1;2;3;2;2;3;4;3;4;2;2;3;4;2;3;4;2;3;2;3;2;2;3;2;3;4;4;1;2;3;4;1;1;1;2;1;3;1;2;3;4;5;6;1;2;3;4;1;1;2;2;3;4;5;6;7;1;2;3;1;2;2;3;4;1;2;3;1;2;2;5;5;6;7;2;2;3;4;5;3;4;5;6;3;1;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;4;5;3;4;5;3;4;5;3;4;4;5;3;4;5;6;3;4;4;5;4;5;1;1;1;1;2;3;5;6;7;8;4;5;3;4;5;3;4;5;3;4;4;5;3;4;5;6;3;4;4;5;4;5;5;6;2;3;4;2;3;2;2;3;4;4;3;4;3;2;3;4;5;3;4;5;6;7;8;2;2;3;3;4;4;5;6;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;2;2;3;2;3;4;2;3;2;3;3;4;4;5;2;2;3;2;2;3;3;4;5;6;7;4;5;3;4;2;3;2;3;4;5;6;7;2;3;2;3;4;5;6;7;3;4;1;2;3;2;1;1;2;3;2;3;4;1;2;1;2;2;1;2;3;1;2;2;3;3;4;1;2;3;1;2;1;2;1;1;1;1;1;2;3;2;3;2;3;4;2;3;4;2;3;2;3;2;3;3;2;2;2;2;3;4;1;1;2;1;2;1;2;1;3;3;1;1;2;2;2;3;2;3;4;1;5;5;6;5;4;4;4;5;4;2;3;3;4;5;6;7;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;3;4;3;2;3;4;2;4;5;4;5;6;2;1;1;2;3;4;5;3;4;5;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;1;1;2;3;3;4;2;3;2;3;3;4;1;2;1;0;1;2;1;0;1;1;2;0;1;1;2;0;1;2;1;0;1;2;1;1;1;1;1;1;3;1;1;1;2;1;2;1;0;1;1;1;1;2;3;1;2;3;1;2;2;|]
-let can_pop (type a) : a terminal -> bool = function
-  | T_WITH -> true
-  | T_WHILE -> true
-  | T_WHEN -> true
-  | T_VIRTUAL -> true
-  | T_VAL -> true
-  | T_UNDERSCORE -> true
-  | T_TYPE -> true
-  | T_TRY -> true
-  | T_TRUE -> true
-  | T_TO -> true
-  | T_TILDE -> true
-  | T_THEN -> true
-  | T_SWITCH -> true
-  | T_STRUCT -> true
-  | T_STAR -> true
-  | T_SLASHGREATER -> true
-  | T_SIG -> true
-  | T_SHARPEQUAL -> true
-  | T_SHARP -> true
-  | T_SEMISEMI -> true
-  | T_SEMI -> true
-  | T_RPAREN -> true
-  | T_REC -> true
-  | T_RBRACKET -> true
-  | T_RBRACE -> true
-  | T_QUOTE -> true
-  | T_QUESTION -> true
-  | T_PUB -> true
-  | T_PRI -> true
-  | T_PLUSEQ -> true
-  | T_PLUSDOT -> true
-  | T_PLUS -> true
-  | T_PERCENT -> true
-  | T_OR -> true
-  | T_OPEN -> true
-  | T_OF -> true
-  | T_OBJECT -> true
-  | T_NONREC -> true
-  | T_NEW -> true
-  | T_MUTABLE -> true
-  | T_MODULE -> true
-  | T_MINUSGREATER -> true
-  | T_MINUSDOT -> true
-  | T_MINUS -> true
-  | T_LPAREN -> true
-  | T_LET -> true
-  | T_LESSGREATER -> true
-  | T_LESS -> true
-  | T_LBRACKETLESS -> true
-  | T_LBRACKETBAR -> true
-  | T_LBRACKETAT -> true
-  | T_LBRACKET -> true
-  | T_LBRACELESS -> true
-  | T_LBRACE -> true
-  | T_LAZY -> true
-  | T_INITIALIZER -> true
-  | T_INHERIT -> true
-  | T_INCLUDE -> true
-  | T_IN -> true
-  | T_IF -> true
-  | T_GREATERRBRACE -> true
-  | T_GREATER -> true
-  | T_FUNCTOR -> true
-  | T_FUNCTION -> true
-  | T_FUN -> true
-  | T_FOR -> true
-  | T_FALSE -> true
-  | T_EXTERNAL -> true
-  | T_EXCEPTION -> true
-  | T_ES6_FUN -> true
-  | T_EQUALGREATER -> true
-  | T_EQUAL -> true
-  | T_EOL -> true
-  | T_END -> true
-  | T_ELSE -> true
-  | T_DOWNTO -> true
-  | T_DOTDOTDOT -> true
-  | T_DOTDOT -> true
-  | T_DOT -> true
-  | T_DONE -> true
-  | T_DO -> true
-  | T_CONSTRAINT -> true
-  | T_COMMA -> true
-  | T_COLONGREATER -> true
-  | T_COLONEQUAL -> true
-  | T_COLONCOLON -> true
-  | T_COLON -> true
-  | T_CLASS -> true
-  | T_BEGIN -> true
-  | T_BARRBRACKET -> true
-  | T_BARBAR -> true
-  | T_BAR -> true
-  | T_BANG -> true
-  | T_BACKQUOTE -> true
-  | T_ASSERT -> true
-  | T_AS -> true
-  | T_AND -> true
-  | T_AMPERSAND -> true
-  | T_AMPERAMPER -> true
-  | _ -> false
-let recover =
-  let r0 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 663] in
-  let r1 = Sub [S (T T_DOT); r0] in
-  let r2 = Sub [S (T T_LPAREN); r1] in
-  let r3 = Sub [S (N N_simple_expr_call); R 1070] in
-  let r4 = Sub [r2; r3] in
-  let r5 = Sub [S (T T_WITH); R 968; R 33] in
-  let r6 = Sub [S (N N_simple_expr_call); R 237] in
-  let r7 = Sub [r2; r6] in
-  let r8 = Sub [S (N N_seq_expr_no_seq); R 727] in
-  let r9 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 58] in
-  let r10 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 1117] in
-  let r11 = Sub [S (T T_EQUAL); r10] in
-  let r12 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); r11] in
-  let r13 = Sub [R 526; r12] in
-  let r14 = Sub [R 659; r13] in
-  let r15 = Sub [S (T T_UNDERSCORE); R 49; R 534] in
-  let r16 = Sub [r15; R 1059] in
-  let r17 = Sub [r16; R 177] in
-  let r18 = Sub [r17; R 175] in
-  let r19 = Sub [r18; R 1115] in
-  let r20 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r19] in
-  let r21 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); r20] in
-  let r22 = Sub [S (T T_UIDENT); R 481] in
-  let r23 = Sub [r22; R 434] in
-  let r24 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 478] in
-  let r25 = Sub [r23; r24] in
-  let r26 = Sub [S (T T_UIDENT); R 482] in
-  let r27 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 479] in
-  let r28 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 480] in
-  let r29 = Sub [r18; R 695] in
-  let r30 = Sub [R 655; R 354] in
-  let r31 = Sub [S (T T_EQUAL); r30] in
-  let r32 = Sub [r29; r31] in
-  let r33 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r32] in
-  let r34 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); R 109] in
-  let r35 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); R 110] in
-  let r36 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 1051] in
-  let r37 = Sub [R 617; r36] in
-  let r38 = Sub [r29; R 452; r37] in
-  let r39 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); R 310] in
-  let r40 = Sub [r39; R 47] in
-  let r41 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 523] in
-  let r42 = Sub [R 744; r41] in
-  let r43 = Sub [S (T T_LBRACE); r42] in
-  let r44 = Sub [r43; R 890] in
-  let r45 = Sub [r44; R 515] in
-  let r46 = Sub [r45; R 661] in
-  let r47 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 510] in
-  let r48 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 889] in
-  let r49 = Sub [S (T T_LPAREN); r47; r48] in
-  let r50 = Sub [r45; R 512] in
-  let r51 = Sub [R 982; R 685] in
-  let r52 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 279] in
-  let r53 = Sub [r51; r52] in
-  let r54 = Sub [R 412; R 1054] in
-  let r55 = Sub [R 23; R 1031] in
-  let r56 = Sub [R 1037; r55] in
-  let r57 = Sub [r56; R 1026] in
-  let r58 = Sub [r54; r57] in
-  let r59 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); r58] in
-  let r60 = Sub [r59; R 1033] in
-  let r61 = Sub [R 566; r60] in
-  let r62 = Sub [r56; R 1025] in
-  let r63 = Sub [r54; r62] in
-  let r64 = Sub [R 617; R 1055] in
-  let r65 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 413] in
-  let r66 = Sub [S (T T_UNDERSCORE); R 208; R 1053; R 462; r64; r65] in
-  let r67 = Sub [R 639; R 306] in
-  let r68 = Sub [R 631; r67] in
-  let r69 = Sub [r68; R 159] in
-  let r70 = Sub [r15; R 531] in
-  let r71 = Sub [r70; R 722] in
-  let r72 = Sub [R 390; R 723] in
-  let r73 = Sub [r71; r72] in
-  let r74 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 54] in
-  let r75 = Sub [R 414; r74] in
-  let r76 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 53] in
-  let r77 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 35] in
-  let r78 = Sub [r51; r77] in
-  let r79 = Sub [S (T T_UNDERSCORE); R 900; R 894] in
-  let r80 = Sub [r79; R 676] in
-  let r81 = Sub [r80; R 668] in
-  let r82 = Sub [r8; R 473] in
-  let r83 = Sub [S (T T_EQUALGREATER); r82] in
-  let r84 = Sub [R 651; r83] in
-  let r85 = Sub [r81; r84] in
-  let r86 = Sub [S (T T_BAR); r85] in
-  let r87 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 1067] in
-  let r88 = Sub [R 396; r87] in
-  let r89 = Sub [r86; r88] in
-  let r90 = Sub [S (T T_LBRACE); r89] in
-  let r91 = Sub [S (N N_simple_expr_no_constructor); r90] in
-  let r92 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 1110] in
-  let r93 = Sub [S (T T_GREATERDOTDOTDOT); R 610; r92] in
-  let r94 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 234] in
-  let r95 = Sub [R 396; r94] in
-  let r96 = Sub [r86; r95] in
-  let r97 = Sub [S (T T_LBRACE); r96] in
-  let r98 = Sub [S (N N_simple_expr_no_constructor); r97] in
-  let r99 = Sub [R 319; R 321] in
-  let r100 = Sub [R 319; R 322] in
-  let r101 = Sub [R 319; R 320] in
-  let r102 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 233] in
-  let r103 = Sub [R 396; r102] in
-  let r104 = Sub [r86; r103] in
-  let r105 = Sub [S (T T_LBRACE); r104] in
-  let r106 = Sub [S (N N_simple_expr_no_constructor); r105] in
-  let r107 = Sub [S (T T_LESSSLASHGREATER); R 315] in
-  let r108 = Sub [R 319; R 326] in
-  let r109 = Sub [S (T T_LESSSLASHGREATER); R 329] in
-  let r110 = Sub [R 392; r109] in
-  let r111 = Sub [S (T T_GREATER); r110] in
-  let r112 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 816] in
-  let r113 = Sub [S (T T_BARRBRACKET); R 826] in
-  let r114 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 277] in
-  let r115 = Sub [r114; R 442] in
-  let r116 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 502] in
-  let r117 = Sub [S (T T_LPAREN); r116] in
-  let r118 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 820] in
-  let r119 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 270] in
-  let r120 = Sub [S (T T_BARRBRACKET); R 784] in
-  let r121 = Sub [S (T T_BARRBRACKET); R 785] in
-  let r122 = Sub [R 617; R 275] in
-  let r123 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 812] in
-  let r124 = Sub [S (N N_simple_expr_call); R 235] in
-  let r125 = Sub [r2; r124] in
-  let r126 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 148] in
-  let r127 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 834] in
-  let r128 = Sub [S (T T_LBRACE); r127] in
-  let r129 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 851] in
-  let r130 = Sub [r46; r129] in
-  let r131 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r130] in
-  let r132 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 509] in
-  let r133 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 1066] in
-  let r134 = Sub [R 396; r133] in
-  let r135 = Sub [r86; r134] in
-  let r136 = Sub [S (T T_LBRACE); r135] in
-  let r137 = Sub [S (N N_simple_expr_no_constructor); r136] in
-  let r138 = Sub [S (T T_BARRBRACKET); R 858] in
-  let r139 = Sub [S (T T_BARRBRACKET); R 859] in
-  let r140 = Sub [S (T T_LESSSLASHIDENTGREATER); R 317] in
-  let r141 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 336] in
-  let r142 = Sub [S (T T_UNDERSCORE); R 344] in
-  let r143 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); R 1109] in
-  let r144 = Sub [S (T T_QUESTION); R 341] in
-  let r145 = Sub [R 649; R 1022] in
-  let r146 = Sub [r18; r145] in
-  let r147 = Sub [r68; R 285] in
-  let r148 = Sub [S (T T_TRUE); r147] in
-  let r149 = Sub [R 385; R 39] in
-  let r150 = Sub [r148; r149] in
-  let r151 = Sub [r150; R 740] in
-  let r152 = Sub [r68; R 280] in
-  let r153 = Sub [r18; R 424] in
-  let r154 = Sub [R 617; R 158] in
-  let r155 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 157] in
-  let r156 = Sub [r153; r154; r155] in
-  let r157 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 52] in
-  let r158 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 578] in
-  let r159 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 582] in
-  let r160 = Sub [r18; R 691] in
-  let r161 = Sub [r160; R 979] in
-  let r162 = Sub [r39; R 564] in
-  let r163 = Sub [r29; R 26] in
-  let r164 = Sub [r163; R 464] in
-  let r165 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 29] in
-  let r166 = Sub [R 617; r165] in
-  let r167 = Sub [R 619; r164; r166] in
-  let r168 = Sub [r17; R 30] in
-  let r169 = Sub [S (T T_EQUALGREATER); r168] in
-  let r170 = Sub [r29; R 27] in
-  let r171 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r170] in
-  let r172 = Sub [r16; R 178] in
-  let r173 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); R 1036] in
-  let r174 = Sub [r17; R 31] in
-  let r175 = Sub [r39; R 176] in
-  let r176 = Sub [r18; R 692] in
-  let r177 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); R 574] in
-  let r178 = Sub [r160; R 980] in
-  let r179 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r178] in
-  let r180 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 581] in
-  let r181 = Sub [S (T T_LPAREN); r38; R 535; R 725] in
-  let r182 = Sub [r39; R 1019] in
-  let r183 = Sub [S (T T_BACKQUOTE); r182] in
-  let r184 = Sub [r71; R 44] in
-  let r185 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); R 718] in
-  let r186 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); R 717] in
-  let r187 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 698] in
-  let r188 = Sub [R 617; r187] in
-  let r189 = Sub [r68; R 282] in
-  let r190 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); r189] in
-  let r191 = Sub [r68; R 281] in
-  let r192 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); r191] in
-  let r193 = Sub [r68; R 284] in
-  let r194 = Sub [r68; R 283] in
-  let r195 = Sub [r148; R 554] in
-  let r196 = Sub [R 385; R 386] in
-  let r197 = Sub [R 385; R 387] in
-  let r198 = Sub [R 385; R 388] in
-  let r199 = Sub [r148; r198] in
-  let r200 = Sub [R 385; R 389] in
-  let r201 = Sub [r18; R 152] in
-  let r202 = Sub [S (T T_EQUAL); r201] in
-  let r203 = Sub [r59; R 25] in
-  let r204 = Sub [r150; R 741] in
-  let r205 = Sub [R 220; r204] in
-  let r206 = Sub [S (T T_PLUSEQ); r205] in
-  let r207 = Sub [r54; r206] in
-  let r208 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); r207] in
-  let r209 = Sub [S (T T_UIDENT); R 484] in
-  let r210 = Sub [r209; R 583] in
-  let r211 = Sub [S (T T_UIDENT); R 485] in
-  let r212 = Sub [r39; R 762] in
-  let r213 = Sub [r22; R 1126] in
-  let r214 = Sub [S (T T_COLONEQUAL); r213] in
-  let r215 = Sub [S (T T_UIDENT); r214] in
-  let r216 = Sub [S (T T_MODULE); r215] in
-  let r217 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); R 333] in
-  let r218 = Sub [r18; R 1124] in
-  let r219 = Sub [S (T T_COLONEQUAL); r218] in
-  let r220 = Sub [r54; r219] in
-  let r221 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); R 334] in
-  let r222 = Sub [r18; R 1122] in
-  let r223 = Sub [r22; R 1125] in
-  let r224 = Sub [r39; R 525] in
-  let r225 = Sub [r45; R 518] in
-  let r226 = Sub [r18; R 747] in
-  let r227 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r226] in
-  let r228 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 313] in
-  let r229 = Sub [r51; r228] in
-  let r230 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 907] in
-  let r231 = Sub [r46; R 675] in
-  let r232 = Sub [R 625; r231] in
-  let r233 = Sub [S (T T_BARRBRACKET); R 912] in
-  let r234 = Sub [r81; R 448] in
-  let r235 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 911] in
-  let r236 = Sub [R 617; R 670] in
-  let r237 = Sub [r217; R 356; R 7] in
-  let r238 = Sub [R 621; r237] in
-  let r239 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 910] in
-  let r240 = Sub [r39; R 904] in
-  let r241 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 917] in
-  let r242 = Sub [S (T T_LBRACKET); r241] in
-  let r243 = Sub [r81; R 673] in
-  let r244 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 672] in
-  let r245 = Sub [R 617; r244] in
-  let r246 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r232] in
-  let r247 = Sub [S (T T_BARRBRACKET); R 898] in
-  let r248 = Sub [R 621; r234; r236] in
-  let r249 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 897] in
-  let r250 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 896] in
-  let r251 = Sub [S (T T_BARRBRACKET); R 915] in
-  let r252 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 913] in
-  let r253 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 906] in
-  let r254 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 681] in
-  let r255 = Sub [r80; r254] in
-  let r256 = Sub [S (T T_COMMA); r255] in
-  let r257 = Sub [r80; r256] in
-  let r258 = Sub [S (T T_LPAREN); r257] in
-  let r259 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 197] in
-  let r260 = Sub [S (T T_EQUALGREATER); r259] in
-  let r261 = Sub [r260; R 298] in
-  let r262 = Sub [R 643; r261] in
-  let r263 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); r262] in
-  let r264 = Sub [S (T T_LPAREN); r263] in
-  let r265 = Sub [r264; R 229] in
-  let r266 = Sub [R 639; R 353; R 347] in
-  let r267 = Sub [S (T T_DOWNTO); R 180] in
-  let r268 = Sub [S (N N_simple_expr_call); R 238] in
-  let r269 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); r268] in
-  let r270 = Sub [S (N N_expr); r269] in
-  let r271 = Sub [r267; r270] in
-  let r272 = Sub [S (N N_expr); r271] in
-  let r273 = Sub [S (T T_IN); r272] in
-  let r274 = Sub [r81; r273] in
-  let r275 = Sub [S (T T_LPAREN); r274] in
-  let r276 = Sub [S (T T_UNDERSCORE); R 226] in
-  let r277 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 230] in
-  let r278 = Sub [S (T T_EQUALGREATER); r277] in
-  let r279 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 225] in
-  let r280 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 223] in
-  let r281 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 793] in
-  let r282 = Sub [S (N N_expr); r281] in
-  let r283 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 792] in
-  let r284 = Sub [S (T T_LBRACE); r283] in
-  let r285 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 809] in
-  let r286 = Sub [r46; r285] in
-  let r287 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r286] in
-  let r288 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 487] in
-  let r289 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 302] in
-  let r290 = Sub [r117; R 504] in
-  let r291 = Sub [S (T T_EQUALGREATER); r290] in
-  let r292 = Sub [R 647; r291] in
-  let r293 = Sub [r45; R 511] in
-  let r294 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 516] in
-  let r295 = Sub [r117; r294] in
-  let r296 = Sub [S (T T_OF); r295] in
-  let r297 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 305] in
-  let r298 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 274] in
-  let r299 = Sub [R 617; R 276] in
-  let r300 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 273] in
-  let r301 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r300] in
-  let r302 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 799] in
-  let r303 = Sub [S (T T_LESSSLASHIDENTGREATER); R 331] in
-  let r304 = Sub [S (T T_LESSSLASHIDENTGREATER); R 332] in
-  let r305 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 835] in
-  let r306 = Sub [S (N N_expr); r305] in
-  let r307 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 836] in
-  let r308 = Sub [S (N N_expr); r307] in
-  let r309 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 426] in
-  let r310 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 837] in
-  let r311 = Sub [R 617; r310] in
-  let r312 = Sub [r114; R 428; r299] in
-  let r313 = Sub [S (T T_BARRBRACKET); R 798] in
-  let r314 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); R 293; R 430] in
-  let r315 = Sub [S (T T_GREATERRBRACE); R 804] in
-  let r316 = Sub [R 617; r315] in
-  let r317 = Sub [R 617; R 715] in
-  let r318 = Sub [S (N N_expr); r317] in
-  let r319 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r318] in
-  let r320 = Sub [R 617; R 700] in
-  let r321 = Sub [R 398; r320] in
-  let r322 = Sub [r217; r321] in
-  let r323 = Sub [R 621; r322] in
-  let r324 = Sub [S (T T_COMMA); r323] in
-  let r325 = Sub [r217; R 445] in
-  let r326 = Sub [R 617; R 701] in
-  let r327 = Sub [R 641; R 975] in
-  let r328 = Sub [R 617; R 699] in
-  let r329 = Sub [R 398; r328] in
-  let r330 = Sub [R 617; R 978] in
-  let r331 = Sub [R 617; R 704] in
-  let r332 = Sub [S (N N_expr); r331] in
-  let r333 = Sub [R 617; R 709] in
-  let r334 = Sub [R 398; r333] in
-  let r335 = Sub [r217; r334] in
-  let r336 = Sub [R 617; R 708] in
-  let r337 = Sub [R 398; r336] in
-  let r338 = Sub [R 617; R 707] in
-  let r339 = Sub [R 398; r338] in
-  let r340 = Sub [R 617; R 706] in
-  let r341 = Sub [R 398; r340] in
-  let r342 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 794] in
-  let r343 = Sub [S (N N_expr); r342] in
-  let r344 = Sub [S (T T_LBRACKET); r343] in
-  let r345 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 795] in
-  let r346 = Sub [R 617; r345] in
-  let r347 = Sub [r309; r346] in
-  let r348 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 231] in
-  let r349 = Sub [S (T T_EQUALGREATER); r348] in
-  let r350 = Sub [r260; R 300] in
-  let r351 = Sub [R 643; r350] in
-  let r352 = Sub [r260; R 301] in
-  let r353 = Sub [R 643; r352] in
-  let r354 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); r353] in
-  let r355 = Sub [r260; R 299] in
-  let r356 = Sub [R 643; r355] in
-  let r357 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); r356] in
-  let r358 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 472] in
-  let r359 = Sub [S (T T_EQUALGREATER); r358] in
-  let r360 = Sub [R 651; r359] in
-  let r361 = Sub [r39; R 1000] in
-  let r362 = Sub [R 627; r361] in
-  let r363 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 1072] in
-  let r364 = Sub [S (N N_expr); r363] in
-  let r365 = Sub [S (T T_COMMA); r364] in
-  let r366 = Sub [S (N N_expr); r365] in
-  let r367 = Sub [S (T T_LPAREN); r366] in
-  let r368 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); r367] in
-  let r369 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 1103] in
-  let r370 = Sub [S (T T_MODULE); R 612] in
-  let r371 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 364] in
-  let r372 = Sub [S (T T_EQUAL); r371] in
-  let r373 = Sub [r81; r372] in
-  let r374 = Sub [r373; R 358] in
-  let r375 = Sub [R 696; r374] in
-  let r376 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 365] in
-  let r377 = Sub [S (T T_EQUAL); r376] in
-  let r378 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 195] in
-  let r379 = Sub [S (T T_EQUAL); r378] in
-  let r380 = Sub [r379; R 294] in
-  let r381 = Sub [R 639; r380] in
-  let r382 = Sub [r379; R 296] in
-  let r383 = Sub [R 639; r382] in
-  let r384 = Sub [r379; R 297] in
-  let r385 = Sub [R 639; r384] in
-  let r386 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); r385] in
-  let r387 = Sub [r379; R 295] in
-  let r388 = Sub [R 639; r387] in
-  let r389 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); r388] in
-  let r390 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); R 538] in
-  let r391 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 363] in
-  let r392 = Sub [S (T T_EQUAL); r391] in
-  let r393 = Sub [r18; r392] in
-  let r394 = Sub [S (T T_DOT); r393] in
-  let r395 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 362] in
-  let r396 = Sub [S (T T_EQUAL); r395] in
-  let r397 = Sub [r18; r396] in
-  let r398 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 360] in
-  let r399 = Sub [S (N N_simple_expr_call); R 1068] in
-  let r400 = Sub [r2; r399] in
-  let r401 = Sub [r264; R 1062] in
-  let r402 = Sub [S (N N_simple_expr_call); R 1071] in
-  let r403 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); r402] in
-  let r404 = Sub [S (N N_expr); r403] in
-  let r405 = Sub [r267; r404] in
-  let r406 = Sub [S (N N_expr); r405] in
-  let r407 = Sub [S (T T_IN); r406] in
-  let r408 = Sub [r81; r407] in
-  let r409 = Sub [S (T T_LPAREN); r408] in
-  let r410 = Sub [S (T T_SEMI); R 991] in
-  let r411 = Sub [r18; r410] in
-  let r412 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r411] in
-  let r413 = Sub [S (T T_STRING); R 540; R 693] in
-  let r414 = Sub [S (T T_TRUE); R 151] in
-  let r415 = Sub [r414; R 291] in
-  let r416 = Sub [S (T T_TRUE); S (T T_EQUAL); r415; R 188] in
-  let r417 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 149] in
-  let r418 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 1063] in
-  let r419 = Sub [S (T T_EQUALGREATER); r418] in
-  let r420 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 1064] in
-  let r421 = Sub [S (T T_EQUALGREATER); r420] in
-  let r422 = Sub [S (T T_SEMI); R 751] in
-  let r423 = Sub [r18; r422] in
-  let r424 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r423] in
-  let r425 = Sub [R 629; R 116] in
-  let r426 = Sub [r425; R 115] in
-  let r427 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 136] in
-  let r428 = Sub [r426; r427] in
-  let r429 = Sub [S (T T_LBRACE); r428; R 194; R 138] in
-  let r430 = Sub [R 402; r429] in
-  let r431 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); r430] in
-  let r432 = Sub [R 1120; r431] in
-  let r433 = Sub [R 371; R 139] in
-  let r434 = Sub [r432; r433] in
-  let r435 = Sub [r39; R 1052] in
-  let r436 = Sub [S (T T_QUOTE); r435; R 1050] in
-  let r437 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 403] in
-  let r438 = Sub [R 617; r437] in
-  let r439 = Sub [r18; R 1119] in
-  let r440 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r439] in
-  let r441 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); r440] in
-  let r442 = Sub [R 528; r441] in
-  let r443 = Sub [r160; R 124] in
-  let r444 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r443] in
-  let r445 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); r444] in
-  let r446 = Sub [r160; R 122] in
-  let r447 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r446] in
-  let r448 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); r447] in
-  let r449 = Sub [R 410; R 105] in
-  let r450 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); R 141; r449] in
-  let r451 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); R 142] in
-  let r452 = Sub [R 617; R 135] in
-  let r453 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 411] in
-  let r454 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 137] in
-  let r455 = Sub [r18; R 153] in
-  let r456 = Sub [S (T T_EQUAL); r455] in
-  let r457 = Sub [r18; r456] in
-  let r458 = Sub [r160; R 125] in
-  let r459 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r458] in
-  let r460 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); r459] in
-  let r461 = Sub [r160; R 123] in
-  let r462 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r461] in
-  let r463 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); r462] in
-  let r464 = Sub [r432; R 18] in
-  let r465 = Sub [r450; R 64] in
-  let r466 = Sub [r465; R 77] in
-  let r467 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r466] in
-  let r468 = Sub [R 402; r467] in
-  let r469 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); r468] in
-  let r470 = Sub [r465; R 65] in
-  let r471 = Sub [R 1120; r469] in
-  let r472 = Sub [r471; R 16] in
-  let r473 = Sub [r209; R 758] in
-  let r474 = Sub [r43; R 520] in
-  let r475 = Sub [R 378; R 760] in
-  let r476 = Sub [r474; R 21] in
-  let r477 = Sub [r474; R 22] in
-  let r478 = Sub [S (T T_UIDENT); r477] in
-  let r479 = Sub [S (T T_UIDENT); R 615] in
-  let r480 = Sub [r59; R 1034] in
-  let r481 = Sub [R 566; r480] in
-  let r482 = Sub [r150; R 742] in
-  let r483 = Sub [r150; R 743] in
-  let r484 = Sub [R 220; r483] in
-  let r485 = Sub [S (T T_PLUSEQ); r484] in
-  let r486 = Sub [r54; r485] in
-  let r487 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); r486] in
-  let r488 = Sub [r209; R 584] in
-  let r489 = Sub [r39; R 763] in
-  let r490 = Sub [r18; R 748] in
-  let r491 = Sub [S (T T_SEMI); R 752] in
-  let r492 = Sub [r18; r491] in
-  let r493 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r492] in
-  let r494 = Sub [R 371; R 140] in
-  let r495 = Sub [r432; r494] in
-  let r496 = Sub [r209; R 759] in
-  let r497 = Sub [R 378; R 761] in
-  let r498 = Sub [R 629; R 571] in
-  let r499 = Sub [r498; R 570; R 91] in
-  let r500 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 192] in
-  let r501 = Sub [r499; r500] in
-  let r502 = Sub [S (T T_LBRACE); r501; R 66] in
-  let r503 = Sub [R 637; r502] in
-  let r504 = Sub [r503; R 67] in
-  let r505 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); r504] in
-  let r506 = Sub [R 1120; r505] in
-  let r507 = Sub [R 367; R 1005] in
-  let r508 = Sub [r503; R 68] in
-  let r509 = Sub [r34; R 131; R 80] in
-  let r510 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 134] in
-  let r511 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 132] in
-  let r512 = Sub [R 635; R 92] in
-  let r513 = Sub [r509; r512] in
-  let r514 = Sub [R 420; R 87] in
-  let r515 = Sub [r509; R 81] in
-  let r516 = Sub [S (T T_EQUALGREATER); r515] in
-  let r517 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); r516] in
-  let r518 = Sub [r509; R 83] in
-  let r519 = Sub [S (T T_EQUALGREATER); r518] in
-  let r520 = Sub [r509; R 84] in
-  let r521 = Sub [S (T T_EQUALGREATER); r520] in
-  let r522 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); r521] in
-  let r523 = Sub [r509; R 82] in
-  let r524 = Sub [S (T T_EQUALGREATER); r523] in
-  let r525 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); r524] in
-  let r526 = Sub [r18; R 1113] in
-  let r527 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r526] in
-  let r528 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 1114] in
-  let r529 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 1118] in
-  let r530 = Sub [r373; R 359] in
-  let r531 = Sub [R 696; r530] in
-  let r532 = Sub [R 633; r531] in
-  let r533 = Sub [R 635; R 93] in
-  let r534 = Sub [r509; r533] in
-  let r535 = Sub [r379; R 476] in
-  let r536 = Sub [R 645; r535] in
-  let r537 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); r536] in
-  let r538 = Sub [R 659; r537] in
-  let r539 = Sub [r160; R 474] in
-  let r540 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r539] in
-  let r541 = Sub [r379; R 477] in
-  let r542 = Sub [r18; r541] in
-  let r543 = Sub [S (T T_DOT); r542] in
-  let r544 = Sub [r81; R 111] in
-  let r545 = Sub [r499; R 90] in
-  let r546 = Sub [R 373; R 374] in
-  let r547 = Sub [R 373; R 375] in
-  let r548 = Sub [r373; r547] in
-  let r549 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 133] in
-  let r550 = Sub [r503; R 70] in
-  let r551 = Sub [r503; R 71] in
-  let r552 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); r551] in
-  let r553 = Sub [r503; R 72] in
-  let r554 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); r553] in
-  let r555 = Sub [r503; R 73] in
-  let r556 = Sub [r503; R 75] in
-  let r557 = Sub [r503; R 76] in
-  let r558 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); r557] in
-  let r559 = Sub [r503; R 74] in
-  let r560 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); r559] in
-  let r561 = Sub [r503; R 69] in
-  let r562 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); r561] in
-  let r563 = Sub [r506; R 14] in
-  let r564 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 1106] in
-  let r565 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r564] in
-  let r566 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 1100] in
-  let r567 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 1101] in
-  let r568 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 1102] in
-  let r569 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 1099] in
-  let r570 = Sub [r117; R 507] in
-  let r571 = Sub [S (T T_EQUAL); r570] in
-  let r572 = Sub [r571; R 490] in
-  let r573 = Sub [R 404; r572] in
-  let r574 = Sub [r571; R 491] in
-  let r575 = Sub [R 376; R 998] in
-  let r576 = Sub [r573; R 19] in
-  let r577 = Sub [r573; R 20] in
-  let r578 = Sub [S (T T_UIDENT); r577] in
-  let r579 = Sub [R 380; R 37] in
-  let r580 = Sub [r416; r579] in
-  let r581 = Sub [r580; R 973] in
-  let r582 = Sub [r416; R 546] in
-  let r583 = Sub [R 380; R 381] in
-  let r584 = Sub [R 380; R 382] in
-  let r585 = Sub [R 380; R 383] in
-  let r586 = Sub [r416; r585] in
-  let r587 = Sub [R 380; R 384] in
-  let r588 = Sub [r580; R 974] in
-  let r589 = Sub [R 220; r588] in
-  let r590 = Sub [S (T T_PLUSEQ); r589] in
-  let r591 = Sub [r54; r590] in
-  let r592 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); r591] in
-  let r593 = Sub [r39; R 1001] in
-  let r594 = Sub [R 627; r593] in
-  let r595 = Sub [S (T T_SEMI); R 992] in
-  let r596 = Sub [r18; r595] in
-  let r597 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r596] in
-  let r598 = Sub [R 367; R 1006] in
-  let r599 = Sub [R 376; R 999] in
-  let r600 = Sub [S (N N_simple_expr_call); R 1061; R 985] in
-  let r601 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 690] in
-  let r602 = Sub [r143; R 1112] in
-  let r603 = Sub [S (T T_UNDERSCORE); R 343] in
-  let r604 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 337] in
-  let r605 = Sub [S (T T_LESSSLASHIDENTGREATER); R 318] in
-  let r606 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 867] in
-  let r607 = Sub [r8; R 735] in
-  let r608 = Sub [r8; R 733] in
-  let r609 = Sub [S (T T_SEMI); r608] in
-  let r610 = Sub [r209; r609] in
-  let r611 = Sub [R 659; r610] in
-  let r612 = Sub [r8; R 732] in
-  let r613 = Sub [S (T T_SEMI); r612] in
-  let r614 = Sub [r8; R 734] in
-  let r615 = Sub [S (T T_SEMI); r614] in
-  let r616 = Sub [r209; r615] in
-  let r617 = Sub [R 659; r616] in
-  let r618 = Sub [S (T T_OPEN); r617] in
-  let r619 = Sub [R 629; R 731] in
-  let r620 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 868] in
-  let r621 = Sub [S (N N_expr); r620] in
-  let r622 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 869] in
-  let r623 = Sub [R 617; r622] in
-  let r624 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 866] in
-  let r625 = Sub [S (T T_LBRACE); r624] in
-  let r626 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 883] in
-  let r627 = Sub [r46; r626] in
-  let r628 = Sub [S (T T_COLON); r627] in
-  let r629 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 873] in
-  let r630 = Sub [S (T T_BARRBRACKET); R 872] in
-  let r631 = Sub [S (T T_GREATERRBRACE); R 878] in
-  let r632 = Sub [R 617; r631] in
-  let r633 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 841] in
-  let r634 = Sub [S (T T_BARRBRACKET); R 840] in
-  let r635 = Sub [S (T T_GREATERRBRACE); R 846] in
-  let r636 = Sub [R 617; r635] in
-  let r637 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 536] in
-  let r638 = Sub [S (T T_GREATERRBRACE); R 818] in
-  let r639 = Sub [r46; R 497] in
-  let r640 = Sub [r46; R 495] in
-  let r641 = Sub [r46; R 496] in
-  let r642 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 821] in
-  let r643 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); R 239] in
-  let r644 = Sub [S (N N_expr); r643] in
-  let r645 = Sub [S (T T_COMMA); r644] in
-  let r646 = Sub [S (N N_expr); r645] in
-  let r647 = Sub [S (T T_LPAREN); r646] in
-  let r648 = Sub [S (T T_BARRBRACKET); R 827] in
-  let r649 = Sub [r39; R 560] in
-  let r650 = Sub [r68; R 164] in
-  let r651 = Sub [r68; R 161] in
-  let r652 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); r651] in
-  let r653 = Sub [r68; R 160] in
-  let r654 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); r653] in
-  let r655 = Sub [S (T T_TRUE); r650] in
-  let r656 = Sub [r68; R 168] in
-  let r657 = Sub [S (T T_COLONCOLON); r656] in
-  let r658 = Sub [r68; R 165] in
-  let r659 = Sub [r68; R 167] in
-  let r660 = Sub [S (T T_RPAREN); r659] in
-  let r661 = Sub [r68; R 166] in
-  let r662 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); r661] in
-  let r663 = Sub [r655; R 42] in
-  let r664 = Sub [R 23; R 173] in
-  let r665 = Sub [r664; R 171] in
-  let r666 = Sub [R 526; r186; R 454; r188] in
-  let r667 = Sub [r580; R 971] in
-  let r668 = Sub [r580; R 972] in
-  let r669 = Sub [R 220; r668] in
-  let r670 = Sub [S (T T_PLUSEQ); r669] in
-  let r671 = Sub [r54; r670] in
-  let r672 = Sub [S (T T_LIDENT); r671] in
-  let r673 = Sub [S (N N_expr); R 1116] in
-  let r674 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); R 59] in
-  let r675 = Sub [R 617; r674] in
-  let r676 = Sub [S (T T_DOT); r284] in
-  let r677 = Sub [R 213; R 1020] in
-  let r678 = Sub [S (T T_EOF); R 202; R 1108] in
-  let r679 = Sub [S (T T_EQUAL); r566] in
-  let r680 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); r679] in
-  let r681 = Sub [S (T T_EQUAL); r567] in
-  let r682 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACKET); r681] in
-  let r683 = Sub [S (N N_expr); r682] in
-  let r684 = Sub [S (T T_EQUAL); r568] in
-  let r685 = Sub [S (T T_RBRACE); r684] in
-  let r686 = Sub [R 617; r685] in
-  function
-  | 0 | 2316 | 2320 | 2324 | 2328 | 2332 | 2349 -> Nothing
-  | 1 -> One [R 657; r4]
-  | 2 -> One [r5; R 314]
-  | 3 -> One [R 968]
-  | 4 -> One [R 967]
-  | 5 -> One [R 966]
-  | 6 -> One [R 965]
-  | 7 -> One [R 964]
-  | 8 -> One [R 920]
-  | 9 -> One [R 963]
-  | 10 -> One [R 962]
-  | 11 -> One [R 961]
-  | 12 -> One [R 960]
-  | 13 -> One [R 959]
-  | 14 -> One [R 946]
-  | 15 -> One [R 958]
-  | 16 -> One [R 957]
-  | 17 -> One [R 956]
-  | 18 -> One [R 955]
-  | 19 -> One [R 954]
-  | 20 -> One [R 953]
-  | 21 -> One [R 952]
-  | 22 -> One [R 951]
-  | 23 -> One [R 950]
-  | 24 -> One [R 949]
-  | 25 -> One [R 948]
-  | 26 -> One [R 947]
-  | 27 -> One [R 919]
-  | 28 -> One [R 945]
-  | 29 -> One [R 944]
-  | 30 -> One [R 943]
-  | 31 -> One [R 942]
-  | 32 -> One [R 941]
-  | 33 -> One [R 940]
-  | 34 -> One [R 939]
-  | 35 -> One [R 938]
-  | 36 -> One [R 937]
-  | 37 -> One [R 936]
-  | 38 -> One [R 935]
-  | 39 -> One [R 934]
-  | 40 -> One [R 933]
-  | 41 -> One [R 932]
-  | 42 -> One [R 931]
-  | 43 -> One [R 930]
-  | 44 -> One [R 929]
-  | 45 -> One [R 928]
-  | 46 -> One [R 927]
-  | 47 -> One [R 926]
-  | 48 -> One [R 925]
-  | 49 -> One [R 924]
-  | 50 -> One [R 923]
-  | 51 -> One [R 922]
-  | 52 -> One [R 921]
-  | 53 -> One [R 33]
-  | 54 -> One [r5; R 34]
-  | 55 -> One [R 34]
-  | 56 -> One [R 314]
-  | 57 -> One [r4]
-  | 58 -> One [r1]
-  | 59 -> One [R 657; r7]
-  | 60 -> One [r7]
-  | 61 -> One [r8; r9]
-  | 62 -> One [r14; R 94]
-  | 63 -> One [R 526; r21]
-  | 64 -> One [R 527]
-  | 65 -> One [r21]
-  | 66 -> One [r20]
-  | 67 -> One [r18; R 1023]
-  | 68 -> One [R 49]
-  | 69 -> One [R 481]
-  | 70 -> One [r25]
-  | 71 -> One [R 434]
-  | 72 -> One [r26]
-  | 73 -> One [R 482]
-  | 74 -> One [r23; r27]
-  | 75 -> One [R 483]
-  | 76 -> One [r23; r28]
-  | 77 -> One [r28]
-  | 78 -> One [R 480]
-  | 79 -> One [r22; R 435]
-  | 80 -> One [R 435]
-  | 81 -> One [r27]
-  | 82 -> One [R 479]
-  | 83 -> One [r24]
-  | 84 -> One [R 478]
-  | 85 -> One [S (T T_LIDENT); r33]
-  | 86 -> One [r33]
-  | 87 -> One [r32]
-  | 88 -> One [r34; R 48]
-  | 89 -> One [R 484]
-  | 90 -> One [R 109]
-  | 91 -> One [S (T T_DOT); r35]
-  | 92 -> One [r35]
-  | 93 -> One [R 485]
-  | 94 -> One [R 110]
-  | 95 -> One [R 48]
-  | 96 -> One [r38]
-  | 97 -> One [r40]
-  | 98 -> One [R 309]
-  | 99 -> One [R 310]
-  | 100 -> One [R 47]
-  | 101 -> One [r46; R 694]
-  | 102 -> One [R 481]
-  | 103 -> One [r49]
-  | 104 -> One [S (T T_COLON); r50]
-  | 105 -> One [r50]
-  | 106 -> One [r5; r53]
-  | 107 -> One [r53]
-  | 108 -> One [r61]
-  | 109 -> One [R 567]
-  | 110 -> One [r60]
-  | 111 -> One [r63]
-  | 112 -> One [r66]
-  | 113 -> One [R 208]
-  | 114 -> One [r39; R 207]
-  | 115 -> One [R 207]
-  | 116 -> One [S (T T_UNDERSCORE); R 210]
-  | 117 -> One [R 210]
-  | 118 -> One [r39; R 209]
-  | 119 -> One [R 209]
-  | 120 -> One [S (T T_UNDERSCORE); R 212]
-  | 121 -> One [R 212]
-  | 122 -> One [r39; R 211]
-  | 123 -> One [R 211]
-  | 124 -> One [r65]
-  | 125 -> One [R 413]
-  | 126 -> One [R 462]
-  | 127 -> One [r64]
-  | 128 -> One [R 618]
-  | 129 -> One [R 463]
-  | 130 -> One [R 1053]
-  | 131 -> One [R 1055]
-  | 132 -> One [r62]
-  | 133 -> One [S (T T_DOTDOT); R 1044]
-  | 134 -> One [r69]
-  | 136 -> One [R 1035]
-  | 137 -> One [r73; r75]
-  | 138 -> One [R 416; r76]
-  | 139 -> One [r5; r78]
-  | 140 -> One [r78]
-  | 141 -> One [R 657; r91]
-  | 142 -> One [r91]
-  | 143 -> One [R 151]
-  | 144 -> One [R 146]
-  | 145 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_no_constructor); R 876]
-  | 146 -> One [r34; R 877]
-  | 147 -> One [R 877]
-  | 148 -> One [r93]
-  | 149 -> One [R 657; r98]
-  | 150 -> One [r98]
-  | 151 -> One [R 1109]
-  | 152 -> One [R 319; R 325]
-  | 153 -> One [S (T T_LIDENT); r99]
-  | 154 -> One [r99]
-  | 155 -> One [R 319; R 323]
-  | 156 -> One [R 324]
-  | 157 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_call); r100]
-  | 158 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_call); r101]
-  | 159 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_call); R 802]
-  | 160 -> One [r34; R 803]
-  | 161 -> One [R 803]
-  | 162 -> One [r93]
-  | 163 -> One [R 657; r106]
-  | 164 -> One [r106]
-  | 165 -> One [R 392; r107]
-  | 166 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_no_call); R 844]
-  | 167 -> One [r34; R 845]
-  | 168 -> One [R 845]
-  | 169 -> One [r93]
-  | 170 -> One [R 598]
-  | 171 -> One [R 592]
-  | 172 -> One [R 149]
-  | 173 -> One [R 585]
-  | 174 -> One [r22; r108]
-  | 175 -> One [r108]
-  | 176 -> One [R 326]
-  | 177 -> One [r111; r112]
-  | 178 -> One [R 319; R 328]
-  | 179 -> One [R 328]
-  | 180 -> One [r110]
-  | 181 -> One [R 617; r113]
-  | 182 -> One [R 622]
-  | 183 -> One [R 618]
-  | 184 -> One [r115]
-  | 185 -> One [R 12]
-  | 186 -> One [R 11]
-  | 187 -> One [R 1015]
-  | 188 -> One [R 1014]
-  | 190 -> One [R 586]
-  | 191 -> One [R 606]
-  | 192 -> One [R 595]
-  | 193 -> One [R 594]
-  | 194 -> One [R 607]
-  | 195 -> One [R 601]
-  | 196 -> One [r117; r118]
-  | 197 -> One [r116]
-  | 198 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 494]
-  | 200 -> One [r119]
-  | 201 -> One [R 617; r120]
-  | 202 -> One [r120]
-  | 203 -> One [R 784]
-  | 204 -> One [R 617; r121]
-  | 205 -> One [R 618]
-  | 206 -> One [r114; R 443]
-  | 208 -> One [R 148]
-  | 209 -> One [r122]
-  | 210 -> One [R 275]
-  | 211 -> One [r123]
-  | 212 -> One [R 812]
-  | 213 -> One [S (T T_GREATERRBRACE); R 819]
-  | 214 -> One [R 293]
-  | 215 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 292]
-  | 216 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_call); R 272]
-  | 217 -> One [R 143]
-  | 218 -> One [R 145]
-  | 219 -> One [R 150]
-  | 220 -> One [R 144]
-  | 221 -> One [r39; R 787]
-  | 222 -> One [R 787]
-  | 223 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); R 537]
-  | 224 -> One [R 537]
-  | 225 -> One [R 657; r125]
-  | 226 -> One [r125]
-  | 227 -> One [r124]
-  | 228 -> One [R 780]
-  | 229 -> One [R 1111]
-  | 230 -> One [R 813]
-  | 231 -> One [R 783]
-  | 232 -> One [R 235]
-  | 233 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_no_call); R 806]
-  | 234 -> One [r126]
-  | 235 -> One [r39; R 829]
-  | 236 -> One [R 829]
-  | 237 -> One [R 888]
-  | 238 -> One [R 887]
-  | 239 -> One [R 814]
-  | 240 -> One [R 822]
-  | 241 -> One [R 853]
-  | 242 -> One [R 806]
-  | 243 -> One [R 825]
-  | 244 -> One [S (T T_DOT); r128]
-  | 245 -> One [r128]
-  | 246 -> One [r93]
-  | 247 -> One [r117; r131]
-  | 248 -> One [R 982; r132]
-  | 249 -> One [R 657; r137]
-  | 250 -> One [r137]
-  | 251 -> One [R 617; r138]
-  | 252 -> One [r138]
-  | 253 -> One [R 858]
-  | 254 -> One [R 617; r139]
-  | 255 -> One [r139]
-  | 256 -> One [R 859]
-  | 257 -> One [r39; R 861]
-  | 258 -> One [R 861]
-  | 259 -> One [R 854]
-  | 260 -> One [r136]
-  | 261 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_no_call); R 880]
-  | 262 -> One [R 880]
-  | 263 -> One [S (T T_SLASHGREATER); R 316]
-  | 264 -> One [R 316]
-  | 265 -> One [R 307]
-  | 266 -> One [R 392; r140]
-  | 267 -> One [R 308]
-  | 268 -> One [R 392; R 393]
-  | 269 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_no_call); R 848]
-  | 270 -> One [R 848]
-  | 271 -> One [R 824]
-  | 272 -> One [R 852]
-  | 273 -> One [R 828]
-  | 274 -> One [R 886]
-  | 275 -> One [R 885]
-  | 276 -> One [R 823]
-  | 277 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_call); R 849]
-  | 278 -> One [R 849]
-  | 279 -> One [R 789]
-  | 280 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_no_call); R 808]
-  | 281 -> One [R 808]
-  | 282 -> One [R 617; r141]
-  | 283 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); R 338]
-  | 284 -> One [R 338]
-  | 285 -> One [r142; R 466]
-  | 286 -> One [R 344]
-  | 287 -> One [r143; R 1111; r144]
-  | 288 -> One [r93]
-  | 289 -> One [R 585]
-  | 290 -> One [R 595]
-  | 291 -> One [R 594]
-  | 292 -> One [R 597]
-  | 293 -> One [R 596]
-  | 294 -> One [r93]
-  | 295 -> One [R 608]
-  | 296 -> One [R 599]
-  | 297 -> One [R 593]
-  | 298 -> One [R 591]
-  | 299 -> One [R 590]
-  | 300 -> One [R 589]
-  | 301 -> One [R 588]
-  | 302 -> One [R 610]
-  | 303 -> One [R 600]
-  | 304 -> One [R 609]
-  | 305 -> One [R 605]
-  | 306 -> One [R 602]
-  | 307 -> One [R 587]
-  | 308 -> One [R 603]
-  | 309 -> One [R 604]
-  | 310 -> One [r92]
-  | 311 -> One [R 1110]
-  | 312 -> One [R 653; R 401]
-  | 313 -> One [r146]
-  | 314 -> One [r46; R 1024]
-  | 315 -> One [r42]
-  | 316 -> One [r61]
-  | 317 -> One [r60]
-  | 318 -> One [r58]
-  | 319 -> One [r66]
-  | 320 -> One [r57]
-  | 321 -> One [R 220; r151]
-  | 322 -> One [R 221]
-  | 323 -> One [r151]
-  | 324 -> One [r152]
-  | 325 -> One [r156]
-  | 326 -> One [r73; r157]
-  | 327 -> One [r158]
-  | 328 -> One [R 578]
-  | 329 -> One [R 408; r159]
-  | 330 -> One [S (T T_COLON); r161]
-  | 331 -> One [r161]
-  | 334 -> One [r162]
-  | 335 -> One [R 564]
-  | 336 -> One [R 565]
-  | 337 -> One [S (T T_LPAREN); r167; r169]
-  | 338 -> One [r167]
-  | 339 -> One [R 620]
-  | 340 -> One [r164]
-  | 341 -> One [S (T T_LIDENT); r171]
-  | 342 -> One [r171]
-  | 343 -> One [r170]
-  | 344 -> One [R 36]
-  | 345 -> One [R 177]
-  | 346 -> One [R 535]
-  | 347 -> One [R 50]
-  | 348 -> One [R 45]
-  | 349 -> One [R 27]
-  | 350 -> One [r30]
-  | 351 -> One [R 656]
-  | 352 -> One [R 354]
-  | 353 -> One [R 51]
-  | 354 -> One [r172]
-  | 355 -> One [R 178]
-  | 356 -> One [R 533]
-  | 357 -> One [R 1059]
-  | 358 -> One [S (T T_DOT); r173]
-  | 360 -> One [R 1036]
-  | 361 -> One [S (T T_EQUALGREATER); r174]
-  | 362 -> One [r174]
-  | 363 -> One [R 55]
-  | 364 -> One [R 31]
-  | 365 -> One [R 534]
-  | 366 -> One [r17; R 32]
-  | 367 -> One [R 32]
-  | 368 -> One [R 542]
-  | 369 -> One [R 543]
-  | 370 -> One [R 1060]
-  | 371 -> One [R 175]
-  | 372 -> One [S (T T_QUOTE); r175]
-  | 373 -> One [r175]
-  | 374 -> One [R 176]
-  | 375 -> One [R 695]
-  | 376 -> One [R 26]
-  | 377 -> One [R 28]
-  | 378 -> One [R 464]
-  | 379 -> One [r166]
-  | 380 -> One [R 618]
-  | 381 -> One [r163; R 465]
-  | 382 -> One [R 465]
-  | 383 -> One [r165]
-  | 384 -> One [R 29]
-  | 385 -> One [r169]
-  | 386 -> One [r168]
-  | 387 -> One [R 30]
-  | 388 -> One [R 979]
-  | 389 -> One [S (T T_DOT); r176]
-  | 390 -> One [r176]
-  | 391 -> One [R 692]
-  | 392 -> One [R 691]
-  | 393 -> One [R 573]
-  | 394 -> One [r160; R 575]
-  | 395 -> One [R 575]
-  | 396 -> One [S (T T_RBRACE); R 580]
-  | 397 -> One [R 580]
-  | 398 -> One [R 458]
-  | 399 -> One [R 409]
-  | 400 -> One [R 440]
-  | 401 -> One [r177]
-  | 402 -> One [r179]
-  | 403 -> One [r178]
-  | 404 -> One [R 980]
-  | 405 -> One [R 574]
-  | 406 -> One [r160; R 576]
-  | 407 -> One [R 576]
-  | 408 -> One [R 617; R 981]
-  | 409 -> One [R 618]
-  | 410 -> One [R 459]
-  | 411 -> One [S (T T_STRING); r179]
-  | 412 -> One [R 981]
-  | 413 -> One [R 617; R 577]
-  | 414 -> One [R 618]
-  | 415 -> One [R 441]
-  | 416 -> One [r177]
-  | 417 -> One [R 577]
-  | 418 -> One [r159]
-  | 419 -> One [R 582]
-  | 420 -> One [R 408; r180]
-  | 421 -> One [S (T T_RBRACE); R 579]
-  | 422 -> One [R 579]
-  | 423 -> One [r180]
-  | 424 -> One [R 581]
-  | 425 -> One [r71; R 43]
-  | 426 -> One [r39; R 1018]
-  | 427 -> One [R 1018]
-  | 428 -> One [R 57]
-  | 429 -> One [r181; R 1016]
-  | 430 -> One [R 1016]
-  | 431 -> One [R 725]
-  | 432 -> One [r181; R 726]
-  | 433 -> One [R 726]
-  | 434 -> One [R 721]
-  | 435 -> One [R 43]
-  | 436 -> One [r183]
-  | 437 -> One [r182]
-  | 438 -> One [R 1019]
-  | 439 -> One [r181; R 1017]
-  | 440 -> One [R 1017]
-  | 441 -> One [R 531]
-  | 442 -> One [R 722]
-  | 443 -> One [R 534]
-  | 444 -> One [R 542]
-  | 445 -> One [R 532]
-  | 446 -> One [r157]
-  | 447 -> One [R 52]
-  | 448 -> One [r72]
-  | 449 -> One [S (T T_BAR); r184]
-  | 450 -> One [r184]
-  | 451 -> One [R 44]
-  | 452 -> One [R 723]
-  | 453 -> One [R 390; R 391]
-  | 454 -> One [R 391]
-  | 455 -> One [r183]
-  | 456 -> One [R 390; R 724]
-  | 457 -> One [R 724]
-  | 459 -> One [R 454]
-  | 460 -> One [R 526; r185]
-  | 461 -> One [r185]
-  | 462 -> One [R 718]
-  | 463 -> One [r160; R 720]
-  | 464 -> One [R 720]
-  | 465 -> One [r186]
-  | 466 -> One [R 717]
-  | 467 -> One [r160; R 719]
-  | 468 -> One [R 719]
-  | 469 -> One [r188]
-  | 470 -> One [R 618]
-  | 471 -> One [R 455]
-  | 472 -> One [r187]
-  | 473 -> One [R 698]
-  | 474 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); R 156]
-  | 475 -> One [R 156]
-  | 476 -> One [r154]
-  | 477 -> One [R 618]
-  | 478 -> One [R 425]
-  | 479 -> One [R 158]
-  | 480 -> One [R 424]
-  | 481 -> One [r155]
-  | 482 -> One [R 157]
-  | 483 -> One [R 155]
-  | 484 -> One [r67]
-  | 485 -> One [r18; R 640]
-  | 486 -> One [R 640]
-  | 487 -> One [R 306]
-  | 488 -> One [R 154]
-  | 489 -> One [R 280]
-  | 490 -> One [R 632]
-  | 491 -> One [r147]
-  | 492 -> One [R 285]
-  | 493 -> One [r190]
-  | 494 -> One [r189]
-  | 495 -> One [R 282]
-  | 496 -> One [r192]
-  | 497 -> One [r191]
-  | 498 -> One [R 281]
-  | 499 -> One [r193]
-  | 500 -> One [R 284]
-  | 501 -> One [r194]
-  | 502 -> One [R 283]
-  | 503 -> One [r148; R 552]
-  | 504 -> One [r148; R 553]
-  | 505 -> One [R 553]
-  | 506 -> One [R 557]
-  | 507 -> One [S (T T_BAR); r195]
-  | 508 -> One [r195]
-  | 509 -> One [r148; R 555]
-  | 510 -> One [R 555]
-  | 511 -> One [R 559]
-  | 512 -> One [R 554]
-  | 513 -> One [R 558]
-  | 514 -> One [R 552]
-  | 515 -> One [R 556]
-  | 516 -> One [R 40]
-  | 517 -> One [r149]
-  | 518 -> One [r148; r196]
-  | 519 -> One [r148; r197]
-  | 520 -> One [r197]
-  | 521 -> One [S (T T_BAR); r199]
-  | 522 -> One [r199]
-  | 523 -> One [r148; r200]
-  | 524 -> One [r200]
-  | 525 -> One [R 389]
-  | 526 -> One [r198]
-  | 527 -> One [R 388]
-  | 528 -> One [R 387]
-  | 529 -> One [r196]
-  | 530 -> One [R 386]
-  | 531 -> One [R 39]
-  | 532 -> One [R 740]
-  | 533 -> One [r55]
-  | 534 -> One [r18; r202; R 562]
-  | 535 -> One [r202]
-  | 536 -> One [r201]
-  | 537 -> One [R 152]
-  | 538 -> One [R 562]
-  | 539 -> One [R 563]
-  | 540 -> One [r59; R 24]
-  | 541 -> One [r63]
-  | 542 -> One [R 1054]
-  | 543 -> One [r58]
-  | 544 -> One [r57]
-  | 545 -> One [R 1026]
-  | 546 -> One [R 24]
-  | 547 -> One [R 23; R 1032]
-  | 548 -> One [S (T T_AND); r203]
-  | 549 -> One [r203]
-  | 550 -> One [R 25]
-  | 551 -> One [R 1032]
-  | 552 -> One [R 1031]
-  | 553 -> One [R 1033]
-  | 554 -> One [S (T T_DOT); r208]
-  | 555 -> One [r208]
-  | 556 -> One [r207]
-  | 557 -> One [r206]
-  | 558 -> One [r205]
-  | 559 -> One [r204]
-  | 560 -> One [R 741]
-  | 561 -> One [R 659; r210]
-  | 562 -> One [R 660]
-  | 563 -> One [r210]
-  | 564 -> One [R 583]
-  | 565 -> One [r211]
-  | 567 -> One [r212]
-  | 568 -> One [R 762]
-  | 569 -> One [r45; R 521]
-  | 570 -> One [R 515]
-  | 571 -> One [R 891]
-  | 572 -> One [R 890]
-  | 573 -> One [R 521]
-  | 574 -> One [r216; R 422; R 514]
-  | 575 -> One [r217; r220]
-  | 576 -> One [R 333]
-  | 577 -> One [S (T T_DOT); r221]
-  | 578 -> One [r221]
-  | 579 -> One [R 334]
-  | 580 -> One [r220]
-  | 581 -> One [r219]
-  | 582 -> One [R 220; r222]
-  | 583 -> One [r222]
-  | 584 -> One [R 1122]
-  | 585 -> One [R 1123]
-  | 586 -> One [r218]
-  | 587 -> One [R 1124]
-  | 588 -> One [r215]
-  | 589 -> One [r214]
-  | 590 -> One [r213]
-  | 591 -> One [R 1126]
-  | 592 -> One [S (T T_EQUAL); r223]
-  | 593 -> One [r223]
-  | 594 -> One [R 1125]
-  | 595 -> One [R 422]
-  | 596 -> One [R 514]
-  | 597 -> One [r216; R 423]
-  | 598 -> One [R 423]
-  | 599 -> One [S (T T_DOT); r224]
-  | 600 -> One [r224]
-  | 601 -> One [R 309]
-  | 602 -> One [R 525]
-  | 603 -> One [R 524]
-  | 604 -> One [S (T T_EQUALGREATER); r225]
-  | 605 -> One [r225]
-  | 606 -> One [R 518]
-  | 607 -> One [R 892]
-  | 608 -> One [r45; R 517]
-  | 609 -> One [R 517]
-  | 610 -> One [R 522]
-  | 611 -> One [R 764]
-  | 613 -> One [R 612]
-  | 614 -> One [r227]
-  | 615 -> One [r226]
-  | 616 -> One [R 747]
-  | 617 -> One [r5; r229]
-  | 618 -> One [r229]
-  | 619 -> One [r81; R 688]
-  | 620 -> One [R 900]
-  | 621 -> One [S (T T_LIDENT); R 1035; R 905]
-  | 622 -> One [R 905]
-  | 623 -> One [S (T T_INT); R 778]
-  | 624 -> One [R 778]
-  | 625 -> One [R 779]
-  | 626 -> One [S (T T_INT); R 776]
-  | 627 -> One [R 776]
-  | 628 -> One [R 777]
-  | 630 -> One [R 594]
-  | 631 -> One [S (T T_UIDENT); r230]
-  | 632 -> One [r230]
-  | 633 -> One [R 907]
-  | 634 -> One [r232]
-  | 635 -> One [R 626]
-  | 636 -> One [r231]
-  | 637 -> One [R 675]
-  | 638 -> One [R 661]
-  | 639 -> One [R 596]
-  | 640 -> One [R 418; r233]
-  | 641 -> One [r234]
-  | 643 -> One [r235]
-  | 644 -> One [R 911]
-  | 645 -> One [r236]
-  | 646 -> One [R 618]
-  | 647 -> One [r81; R 449]
-  | 648 -> One [r238; r239]
-  | 649 -> One [r237]
-  | 650 -> One [R 7]
-  | 651 -> One [R 8]
-  | 652 -> One [R 617; R 9]
-  | 653 -> One [R 9]
-  | 654 -> One [R 10]
-  | 655 -> One [R 356]
-  | 656 -> One [r81; R 355]
-  | 657 -> One [r79; R 683]
-  | 658 -> One [r93]
-  | 659 -> One [r80; R 682]
-  | 660 -> One [r240]
-  | 661 -> One [R 904]
-  | 662 -> One [r240]
-  | 663 -> One [R 904]
-  | 664 -> One [R 899]
-  | 665 -> One [R 908]
-  | 666 -> One [R 894]
-  | 667 -> One [R 893]
-  | 668 -> One [R 679]
-  | 669 -> One [R 901]
-  | 670 -> One [S (T T_PLUS); S (T T_FLOAT); R 779; R 902]
-  | 671 -> One [R 902]
-  | 672 -> One [R 775]
-  | 674 -> One [r242]
-  | 675 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); R 918]
-  | 676 -> One [R 918]
-  | 677 -> One [R 676]
-  | 678 -> One [R 668]
-  | 679 -> One [r80; R 680]
-  | 680 -> One [R 680]
-  | 681 -> One [R 909]
-  | 682 -> One [R 903]
-  | 683 -> One [r243; R 450; r245]
-  | 684 -> One [S (T T_UIDENT); r246]
-  | 685 -> One [r246]
-  | 686 -> One [R 450]
-  | 687 -> One [R 673]
-  | 688 -> One [r18; R 674]
-  | 689 -> One [R 674]
-  | 690 -> One [r81; R 669]
-  | 691 -> One [R 669]
-  | 692 -> One [r80; R 684]
-  | 693 -> One [R 684]
-  | 694 -> One [r245]
-  | 695 -> One [R 618]
-  | 696 -> One [R 451]
-  | 697 -> One [r244]
-  | 698 -> One [R 672]
-  | 699 -> One [R 418; r247]
-  | 700 -> One [R 617; R 419]
-  | 701 -> One [R 419]
-  | 702 -> One [r247]
-  | 703 -> One [R 898]
-  | 704 -> One [r248; r249]
-  | 705 -> One [r249]
-  | 706 -> One [R 897]
-  | 707 -> One [r238; r250]
-  | 708 -> One [r250]
-  | 709 -> One [R 896]
-  | 710 -> One [R 671]
-  | 711 -> One [R 678]
-  | 712 -> One [R 147]
-  | 713 -> One [R 895]
-  | 714 -> One [r143; R 677]
-  | 715 -> One [R 677]
-  | 716 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); R 916]
-  | 717 -> One [R 916]
-  | 718 -> One [R 418; r251]
-  | 719 -> One [r251]
-  | 720 -> One [R 915]
-  | 721 -> One [r241]
-  | 722 -> One [R 917]
-  | 723 -> One [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 914]
-  | 724 -> One [R 914]
-  | 725 -> One [r238; r252]
-  | 726 -> One [r252]
-  | 727 -> One [R 913]
-  | 728 -> One [R 903]
-  | 729 -> One [R 682]
-  | 730 -> One [R 617; r253]
-  | 731 -> One [r253]
-  | 732 -> One [R 906]
-  | 733 -> One [R 683]
-  | 734 -> One [R 355]
-  | 735 -> One [r143; R 357]
-  | 736 -> One [R 357]
-  | 737 -> One [r239]
-  | 738 -> One [R 910]
-  | 739 -> One [R 449]
-  | 740 -> One [R 670]
-  | 741 -> One [R 448]
-  | 742 -> One [r233]
-  | 743 -> One [R 912]
-  | 744 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); r258]
-  | 745 -> One [r258]
-  | 746 -> One [r257]
-  | 747 -> One [r256]
-  | 748 -> One [r255]
-  | 749 -> One [r254]
-  | 750 -> One [R 681]
-  | 751 -> One [R 688]
-  | 752 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 689]
-  | 753 -> One [R 657; r265]
-  | 754 -> One [r265]
-  | 755 -> One [r263]
-  | 756 -> One [S (T T_LIDENT); R 351]
-  | 757 -> One [R 351]
-  | 758 -> One [S (T T_LIDENT); r266]
-  | 759 -> One [r266]
-  | 760 -> One [r243; R 352]
-  | 761 -> One [R 352]
-  | 762 -> One [R 353]
-  | 763 -> One [R 347]
-  | 764 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 348]
-  | 765 -> One [R 349]
-  | 766 -> One [R 657; r275]
-  | 767 -> One [r275]
-  | 768 -> One [r274]
-  | 769 -> One [r273]
-  | 770 -> One [r272]
-  | 771 -> One [r276; r278]
-  | 772 -> One [R 226]
-  | 773 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); R 222]
-  | 774 -> One [R 222]
-  | 775 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); R 224]
-  | 776 -> One [R 224]
-  | 777 -> One [R 350]
-  | 778 -> One [R 617; r279]
-  | 779 -> One [R 618]
-  | 780 -> One [R 433]
-  | 781 -> One [r279]
-  | 782 -> One [R 225]
-  | 783 -> One [R 432]
-  | 784 -> One [R 617; r280]
-  | 785 -> One [r280]
-  | 786 -> One [R 223]
-  | 787 -> One [R 227]
-  | 788 -> One [r278]
-  | 789 -> One [r277]
-  | 790 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 265]
-  | 791 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_call); R 271]
-  | 792 -> One [R 271]
-  | 793 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_call); R 807]
-  | 794 -> One [R 807]
-  | 795 -> One [r282]
-  | 796 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 263]
-  | 797 -> One [R 228]
-  | 798 -> One [S (T T_LIDENT); R 805]
-  | 799 -> One [R 805]
-  | 800 -> One [r282]
-  | 802 -> One [r284]
-  | 803 -> One [r93]
-  | 804 -> One [r117; r287]
-  | 805 -> One [R 182]
-  | 806 -> One [R 181]
-  | 807 -> One [R 500]
-  | 808 -> One [r287]
-  | 809 -> One [R 617; R 488; r288]
-  | 810 -> One [R 488]
-  | 811 -> One [R 492]
-  | 812 -> One [r45; R 493]
-  | 813 -> One [R 493]
-  | 814 -> One [R 486]
-  | 815 -> One [R 505]
-  | 816 -> One [R 436]
-  | 817 -> One [r288]
-  | 818 -> One [R 487]
-  | 819 -> One [R 499]
-  | 820 -> One [R 617; R 489]
-  | 821 -> One [R 618]
-  | 822 -> One [R 437]
-  | 823 -> One [R 503]
-  | 824 -> One [S (T T_LPAREN); r289; r292]
-  | 825 -> One [r289]
-  | 826 -> One [S (T T_COLON); r293]
-  | 827 -> One [r293]
-  | 828 -> One [R 511]
-  | 829 -> One [R 302]
-  | 830 -> One [r47]
-  | 831 -> One [R 510]
-  | 832 -> One [S (T T_TYPE); r296]
-  | 833 -> One [r296]
-  | 834 -> One [r295]
-  | 835 -> One [r294]
-  | 836 -> One [R 516]
-  | 837 -> One [r117; R 506]
-  | 838 -> One [R 506]
-  | 839 -> One [R 513]
-  | 840 -> One [r48]
-  | 841 -> One [R 889]
-  | 842 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); R 304]
-  | 843 -> One [R 304]
-  | 844 -> One [R 438]
-  | 845 -> One [R 617; r297]
-  | 846 -> One [R 618]
-  | 847 -> One [R 439]
-  | 848 -> One [r297]
-  | 849 -> One [R 305]
-  | 850 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); R 303]
-  | 851 -> One [R 303]
-  | 852 -> One [r292]
-  | 853 -> One [r44; R 648]
-  | 854 -> One [r49]
-  | 855 -> One [r48]
-  | 856 -> One [R 889]
-  | 857 -> One [R 648]
-  | 858 -> One [r291]
-  | 859 -> One [r290]
-  | 860 -> One [R 504]
-  | 861 -> One [R 489]
-  | 862 -> One [r286]
-  | 863 -> One [r285]
-  | 864 -> One [R 809]
-  | 865 -> One [R 597]
-  | 866 -> One [R 596]
-  | 867 -> One [R 599]
-  | 868 -> One [R 587]
-  | 869 -> One [R 782]
-  | 870 -> One [R 810]
-  | 871 -> One [R 265]
-  | 872 -> One [R 786]
-  | 873 -> One [R 781]
-  | 874 -> One [r298]
-  | 875 -> One [R 274]
-  | 876 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 264]
-  | 877 -> One [R 264]
-  | 878 -> One [r299]
-  | 879 -> One [R 618]
-  | 880 -> One [R 429]
-  | 881 -> One [R 277]
-  | 882 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 250]
-  | 883 -> One [R 250]
-  | 884 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 245]
-  | 885 -> One [R 245]
-  | 886 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 244]
-  | 887 -> One [R 244]
-  | 888 -> One [S (N N_expr); r301]
-  | 889 -> One [r301]
-  | 890 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 258]
-  | 891 -> One [R 258]
-  | 892 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 259]
-  | 893 -> One [R 259]
-  | 894 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 243]
-  | 895 -> One [R 243]
-  | 896 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 247]
-  | 897 -> One [R 247]
-  | 898 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 246]
-  | 899 -> One [R 246]
-  | 900 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 253]
-  | 901 -> One [R 253]
-  | 902 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 249]
-  | 903 -> One [R 249]
-  | 904 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 248]
-  | 905 -> One [R 248]
-  | 906 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 260]
-  | 907 -> One [R 260]
-  | 908 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 242]
-  | 909 -> One [R 242]
-  | 910 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 241]
-  | 911 -> One [R 241]
-  | 912 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 251]
-  | 913 -> One [R 251]
-  | 914 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 240]
-  | 915 -> One [R 240]
-  | 916 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 262]
-  | 917 -> One [R 262]
-  | 918 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 252]
-  | 919 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 261]
-  | 920 -> One [R 261]
-  | 921 -> One [R 252]
-  | 922 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 254]
-  | 923 -> One [R 254]
-  | 924 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 255]
-  | 925 -> One [R 255]
-  | 926 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 256]
-  | 927 -> One [R 256]
-  | 928 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 257]
-  | 929 -> One [R 257]
-  | 930 -> One [r300]
-  | 931 -> One [R 273]
-  | 932 -> One [R 278]
-  | 933 -> One [R 276]
-  | 934 -> One [R 428]
-  | 935 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); R 790]
-  | 936 -> One [R 790]
-  | 937 -> One [r111; r302]
-  | 938 -> One [R 319; R 327]
-  | 939 -> One [R 327]
-  | 940 -> One [r302]
-  | 941 -> One [R 799]
-  | 942 -> One [S (T T_SLASHGREATER); R 330]
-  | 943 -> One [R 330]
-  | 944 -> One [R 392; r303]
-  | 945 -> One [r303]
-  | 946 -> One [R 331]
-  | 947 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_no_call); r304]
-  | 948 -> One [r304]
-  | 949 -> One [S (T T_LIDENT); R 847]
-  | 950 -> One [R 847]
-  | 951 -> One [R 831]
-  | 952 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_no_call); R 850]
-  | 953 -> One [R 850]
-  | 954 -> One [R 332]
-  | 955 -> One [r306]
-  | 956 -> One [r305]
-  | 957 -> One [R 835]
-  | 958 -> One [S (T T_LBRACKET); r308]
-  | 959 -> One [r308]
-  | 960 -> One [r307]
-  | 961 -> One [R 836]
-  | 962 -> One [r309; r311]
-  | 963 -> One [r311]
-  | 964 -> One [R 618]
-  | 965 -> One [R 427]
-  | 966 -> One [r310]
-  | 967 -> One [R 837]
-  | 968 -> One [R 426]
-  | 969 -> One [R 833]
-  | 970 -> One [r312; r313]
-  | 971 -> One [r313]
-  | 972 -> One [R 798]
-  | 973 -> One [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 800]
-  | 974 -> One [R 800]
-  | 975 -> One [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 801]
-  | 976 -> One [R 801]
-  | 977 -> One [r314; r316]
-  | 978 -> One [r316]
-  | 979 -> One [R 618]
-  | 980 -> One [R 431]
-  | 981 -> One [r315]
-  | 982 -> One [R 804]
-  | 983 -> One [R 430]
-  | 984 -> One [r283]
-  | 985 -> One [r319]
-  | 986 -> One [R 976]
-  | 987 -> One [r318]
-  | 988 -> One [r317]
-  | 989 -> One [R 618]
-  | 990 -> One [R 715]
-  | 991 -> One [R 792]
-  | 992 -> One [r114; r324]
-  | 993 -> One [r324]
-  | 994 -> One [R 621; r325; r326]
-  | 995 -> One [r325]
-  | 996 -> One [R 445]
-  | 997 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 444]
-  | 998 -> One [R 444]
-  | 999 -> One [r326]
-  | 1000 -> One [R 618]
-  | 1001 -> One [r217; R 447]
-  | 1002 -> One [R 447]
-  | 1003 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 446]
-  | 1004 -> One [R 446]
-  | 1005 -> One [R 701]
-  | 1006 -> One [r323]
-  | 1007 -> One [r327]
-  | 1008 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 642]
-  | 1009 -> One [R 642]
-  | 1010 -> One [R 975]
-  | 1011 -> One [R 714]
-  | 1012 -> One [R 456]
-  | 1013 -> One [r322]
-  | 1014 -> One [r321]
-  | 1015 -> One [S (N N_expr); r329]
-  | 1016 -> One [r329]
-  | 1017 -> One [r328]
-  | 1018 -> One [R 702]
-  | 1019 -> One [R 618]
-  | 1020 -> One [r217; R 400]
-  | 1021 -> One [R 400]
-  | 1022 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 399]
-  | 1023 -> One [R 399]
-  | 1024 -> One [R 699]
-  | 1025 -> One [r320]
-  | 1026 -> One [R 703]
-  | 1027 -> One [R 700]
-  | 1028 -> One [r330]
-  | 1029 -> One [R 618]
-  | 1030 -> One [R 457]
-  | 1031 -> One [R 978]
-  | 1032 -> One [S (T T_STRING); r327; R 456; r330; R 716]
-  | 1033 -> One [R 716]
-  | 1034 -> One [S (T T_RBRACE); R 797]
-  | 1035 -> One [R 797]
-  | 1036 -> One [S (T T_RBRACE); R 796]
-  | 1037 -> One [R 796]
-  | 1038 -> One [S (T T_COLON); r332]
-  | 1039 -> One [R 621; r335]
-  | 1040 -> One [r335]
-  | 1041 -> One [r334]
-  | 1042 -> One [S (N N_expr); r337]
-  | 1043 -> One [r337]
-  | 1044 -> One [r336]
-  | 1045 -> One [R 712]
-  | 1046 -> One [R 708]
-  | 1047 -> One [r333]
-  | 1048 -> One [R 713]
-  | 1049 -> One [R 709]
-  | 1050 -> One [r332]
-  | 1051 -> One [r331]
-  | 1052 -> One [R 705]
-  | 1053 -> One [R 618]
-  | 1054 -> One [r217; r339]
-  | 1055 -> One [r339]
-  | 1056 -> One [S (N N_expr); r341]
-  | 1057 -> One [r341]
-  | 1058 -> One [r340]
-  | 1059 -> One [R 710]
-  | 1060 -> One [R 706]
-  | 1061 -> One [r338]
-  | 1062 -> One [R 711]
-  | 1063 -> One [R 707]
-  | 1064 -> One [R 704]
-  | 1065 -> One [R 1112]
-  | 1066 -> One [r281]
-  | 1067 -> One [R 793]
-  | 1068 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 267]
-  | 1069 -> One [R 267]
-  | 1070 -> One [r344]
-  | 1071 -> One [r343]
-  | 1072 -> One [r342]
-  | 1073 -> One [R 794]
-  | 1074 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 268]
-  | 1075 -> One [R 268]
-  | 1076 -> One [r347]
-  | 1077 -> One [r346]
-  | 1078 -> One [r345]
-  | 1079 -> One [R 795]
-  | 1080 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 269]
-  | 1081 -> One [R 269]
-  | 1082 -> One [R 791]
-  | 1083 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 266]
-  | 1084 -> One [R 266]
-  | 1085 -> One [R 335]
-  | 1086 -> One [R 811]
-  | 1087 -> One [R 263]
-  | 1088 -> One [r281]
-  | 1089 -> One [R 793]
-  | 1090 -> One [r344]
-  | 1091 -> One [r343]
-  | 1092 -> One [r342]
-  | 1093 -> One [R 794]
-  | 1094 -> One [r347]
-  | 1095 -> One [r346]
-  | 1096 -> One [r345]
-  | 1097 -> One [R 795]
-  | 1098 -> One [R 791]
-  | 1099 -> One [R 230]
-  | 1100 -> One [r70; r349]
-  | 1101 -> One [r349]
-  | 1102 -> One [r348]
-  | 1103 -> One [R 231]
-  | 1104 -> One [r70; R 532]
-  | 1105 -> One [r271]
-  | 1106 -> One [R 179]
-  | 1107 -> One [R 180]
-  | 1108 -> One [r270]
-  | 1109 -> One [r269]
-  | 1110 -> One [r268]
-  | 1111 -> One [R 238]
-  | 1112 -> One [R 658]
-  | 1113 -> One [R 348]
-  | 1114 -> One [r262]
-  | 1115 -> One [r70; R 644]
-  | 1116 -> One [R 644]
-  | 1117 -> One [r261]
-  | 1118 -> One [r259]
-  | 1119 -> One [R 197]
-  | 1120 -> One [R 298]
-  | 1121 -> One [R 198]
-  | 1122 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); r351]
-  | 1123 -> One [r351]
-  | 1124 -> One [r350]
-  | 1125 -> One [R 300]
-  | 1126 -> One [R 617; r354]
-  | 1127 -> One [r354]
-  | 1128 -> One [r353]
-  | 1129 -> One [r352]
-  | 1130 -> One [R 301]
-  | 1131 -> One [R 617; r357]
-  | 1132 -> One [r357]
-  | 1133 -> One [r356]
-  | 1134 -> One [r355]
-  | 1135 -> One [R 299]
-  | 1136 -> One [r81; r360]
-  | 1137 -> One [r360]
-  | 1138 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 652]
-  | 1139 -> One [R 652]
-  | 1140 -> One [r359]
-  | 1141 -> One [r358]
-  | 1142 -> One [R 472]
-  | 1143 -> One [R 394; R 232]
-  | 1144 -> One [R 232]
-  | 1145 -> One [R 395]
-  | 1146 -> One [R 229]
-  | 1147 -> One [R 689]
-  | 1149 -> One [r362]
-  | 1150 -> One [R 628]
-  | 1151 -> One [r361]
-  | 1152 -> One [R 1000]
-  | 1153 -> One [R 1002]
-  | 1155 -> One [r368]
-  | 1156 -> One [r367]
-  | 1157 -> One [r366]
-  | 1158 -> One [r365]
-  | 1159 -> One [r364]
-  | 1160 -> One [r363]
-  | 1161 -> One [R 1072]
-  | 1162 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); R 788]
-  | 1163 -> One [R 788]
-  | 1165 -> One [r369]
-  | 1166 -> One [R 1103]
-  | 1167 -> One [r370]
-  | 1168 -> One [r375]
-  | 1169 -> One [R 697]
-  | 1170 -> One [r374]
-  | 1171 -> One [R 894]
-  | 1172 -> One [r18; r377]
-  | 1173 -> One [r377]
-  | 1174 -> One [r376]
-  | 1175 -> One [R 365]
-  | 1176 -> One [R 893]
-  | 1177 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); r381]
-  | 1178 -> One [r381]
-  | 1179 -> One [r380]
-  | 1180 -> One [r378]
-  | 1181 -> One [R 195]
-  | 1182 -> One [R 294]
-  | 1183 -> One [R 196]
-  | 1184 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); r383]
-  | 1185 -> One [r383]
-  | 1186 -> One [r382]
-  | 1187 -> One [R 296]
-  | 1188 -> One [R 617; r386]
-  | 1189 -> One [r386]
-  | 1190 -> One [r385]
-  | 1191 -> One [r384]
-  | 1192 -> One [R 297]
-  | 1193 -> One [R 617; r389]
-  | 1194 -> One [r389]
-  | 1195 -> One [r388]
-  | 1196 -> One [r387]
-  | 1197 -> One [R 295]
-  | 1198 -> One [r146]
-  | 1199 -> One [r390; r394]
-  | 1200 -> One [R 538]
-  | 1201 -> One [R 539]
-  | 1202 -> One [r394]
-  | 1203 -> One [r393]
-  | 1204 -> One [r392]
-  | 1205 -> One [r391]
-  | 1206 -> One [R 363]
-  | 1207 -> One [S (T T_DOT); r397]
-  | 1208 -> One [r397]
-  | 1209 -> One [r396]
-  | 1210 -> One [r395]
-  | 1211 -> One [R 362]
-  | 1212 -> One [r145]
-  | 1213 -> One [r18; R 650]
-  | 1214 -> One [R 650]
-  | 1215 -> One [R 1022]
-  | 1216 -> One [S (T T_EQUAL); r398]
-  | 1217 -> One [r398]
-  | 1218 -> One [R 360]
-  | 1219 -> One [R 361]
-  | 1220 -> One [r372]
-  | 1221 -> One [r371]
-  | 1222 -> One [R 364]
-  | 1223 -> One [R 358]
-  | 1224 -> One [R 634]
-  | 1225 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_call); R 1105]
-  | 1226 -> One [R 1105]
-  | 1227 -> One [r117; R 1008]
-  | 1228 -> One [R 1008]
-  | 1229 -> One [R 657; r400]
-  | 1230 -> One [r400]
-  | 1231 -> One [r399]
-  | 1232 -> One [R 1068]
-  | 1233 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1069]
-  | 1234 -> One [R 1069]
-  | 1235 -> One [R 662]
-  | 1236 -> One [R 657; r401]
-  | 1237 -> One [r401]
-  | 1238 -> One [R 394; R 1065]
-  | 1239 -> One [R 1065]
-  | 1240 -> One [R 1062]
-  | 1241 -> One [R 657; r409]
-  | 1242 -> One [r409]
-  | 1243 -> One [r408]
-  | 1244 -> One [r407]
-  | 1245 -> One [r406]
-  | 1246 -> One [r405]
-  | 1247 -> One [r404]
-  | 1248 -> One [r403]
-  | 1249 -> One [r402]
-  | 1250 -> One [R 1071]
-  | 1251 -> One [r143; r412]
-  | 1252 -> One [r412]
-  | 1253 -> One [r411]
-  | 1254 -> One [r410]
-  | 1255 -> One [R 991]
-  | 1256 -> One [r413; R 989]
-  | 1257 -> One [R 540]
-  | 1258 -> One [R 541]
-  | 1259 -> One [R 989]
-  | 1260 -> One [R 693]
-  | 1261 -> One [r416; R 969]
-  | 1262 -> One [r152]
-  | 1263 -> One [r414; R 286]
-  | 1264 -> One [r417]
-  | 1265 -> One [R 286]
-  | 1266 -> One [r147]
-  | 1267 -> One [r415]
-  | 1268 -> One [R 291]
-  | 1269 -> One [r190]
-  | 1270 -> One [r189]
-  | 1271 -> One [r414; R 288]
-  | 1272 -> One [R 288]
-  | 1273 -> One [r192]
-  | 1274 -> One [r191]
-  | 1275 -> One [r414; R 287]
-  | 1276 -> One [R 287]
-  | 1277 -> One [r193]
-  | 1278 -> One [r414; R 290]
-  | 1279 -> One [R 290]
-  | 1280 -> One [r194]
-  | 1281 -> One [r414; R 289]
-  | 1282 -> One [R 289]
-  | 1283 -> One [R 188]
-  | 1284 -> One [R 187]
-  | 1285 -> One [R 969]
-  | 1286 -> One [r276; r419]
-  | 1287 -> One [r419]
-  | 1288 -> One [r418]
-  | 1289 -> One [R 1063]
-  | 1290 -> One [r70; r421]
-  | 1291 -> One [r421]
-  | 1292 -> One [r420]
-  | 1293 -> One [R 1064]
-  | 1294 -> One [R 744; R 686]
-  | 1295 -> One [r45; R 767]
-  | 1296 -> One [R 767]
-  | 1297 -> One [r143; r424]
-  | 1298 -> One [r424]
-  | 1299 -> One [r423]
-  | 1300 -> One [r422]
-  | 1301 -> One [R 751]
-  | 1302 -> One [r413; R 749]
-  | 1303 -> One [R 749]
-  | 1304 -> One [r148; R 738]
-  | 1305 -> One [R 738]
-  | 1306 -> One [S (T T_TYPE); r434]
-  | 1307 -> One [R 1121]
-  | 1308 -> One [r434]
-  | 1309 -> One [r431]
-  | 1310 -> One [r430]
-  | 1311 -> One [R 1056; r436; R 460; r438]
-  | 1312 -> One [R 1057]
-  | 1313 -> One [R 1058]
-  | 1314 -> One [r436]
-  | 1315 -> One [r435]
-  | 1316 -> One [R 1052]
-  | 1317 -> One [R 1050]
-  | 1318 -> One [R 460]
-  | 1319 -> One [r438]
-  | 1320 -> One [R 618]
-  | 1321 -> One [R 461]
-  | 1322 -> One [r437]
-  | 1323 -> One [R 403]
-  | 1324 -> One [r429]
-  | 1325 -> One [r428]
-  | 1326 -> One [r442; R 120]
-  | 1327 -> One [R 526; R 529]
-  | 1328 -> One [R 529]
-  | 1329 -> One [R 1120; R 530]
-  | 1330 -> One [R 530]
-  | 1331 -> One [R 120]
-  | 1332 -> One [r441]
-  | 1333 -> One [r440]
-  | 1334 -> One [r439]
-  | 1335 -> One [R 1119]
-  | 1336 -> One [R 630]
-  | 1337 -> One [R 1120; r445]
-  | 1338 -> One [r445]
-  | 1339 -> One [r444]
-  | 1340 -> One [r443]
-  | 1341 -> One [R 124]
-  | 1342 -> One [R 1120; r448]
-  | 1343 -> One [r448]
-  | 1344 -> One [r447]
-  | 1345 -> One [r446]
-  | 1346 -> One [R 122]
-  | 1347 -> One [r450; R 118]
-  | 1348 -> One [R 141]
-  | 1349 -> One [S (T T_DOT); r451]
-  | 1350 -> One [r451]
-  | 1351 -> One [R 142]
-  | 1352 -> One [R 108]
-  | 1353 -> One [r449]
-  | 1354 -> One [r153; r452; r453]
-  | 1355 -> One [r452]
-  | 1356 -> One [R 135]
-  | 1357 -> One [r453]
-  | 1358 -> One [R 411]
-  | 1359 -> One [R 105]
-  | 1360 -> One [R 107]
-  | 1361 -> One [R 118]
-  | 1362 -> One [r450; R 106]
-  | 1363 -> One [R 106]
-  | 1364 -> One [r426; r454]
-  | 1365 -> One [r457; R 126]
-  | 1366 -> One [r456]
-  | 1367 -> One [r455]
-  | 1368 -> One [R 153]
-  | 1369 -> One [R 126]
-  | 1370 -> One [r18; R 112]
-  | 1371 -> One [R 112]
-  | 1372 -> One [R 116]
-  | 1373 -> One [R 130]
-  | 1374 -> One [r442; R 121]
-  | 1375 -> One [R 121]
-  | 1376 -> One [R 1120; r460]
-  | 1377 -> One [r460]
-  | 1378 -> One [r459]
-  | 1379 -> One [r458]
-  | 1380 -> One [R 125]
-  | 1381 -> One [R 1120; r463]
-  | 1382 -> One [r463]
-  | 1383 -> One [r462]
-  | 1384 -> One [r461]
-  | 1385 -> One [R 123]
-  | 1386 -> One [r450; R 119]
-  | 1387 -> One [R 119]
-  | 1388 -> One [r457; R 127]
-  | 1389 -> One [R 127]
-  | 1390 -> One [R 129]
-  | 1391 -> One [R 629; R 117]
-  | 1392 -> One [R 630]
-  | 1393 -> One [R 128]
-  | 1394 -> One [R 471]
-  | 1395 -> One [R 117]
-  | 1396 -> One [R 470]
-  | 1397 -> One [R 115]
-  | 1398 -> One [r454]
-  | 1399 -> One [R 137]
-  | 1400 -> One [R 113]
-  | 1401 -> One [r425; R 114]
-  | 1402 -> One [R 114]
-  | 1403 -> One [r427]
-  | 1404 -> One [R 136]
-  | 1405 -> One [r450; R 193]
-  | 1406 -> One [R 193]
-  | 1407 -> One [R 138]
-  | 1408 -> One [R 194]
-  | 1409 -> One [r433]
-  | 1410 -> One [r432; R 17]
-  | 1411 -> One [R 17]
-  | 1412 -> One [S (T T_AND); r464]
-  | 1413 -> One [r464]
-  | 1414 -> One [R 18]
-  | 1415 -> One [R 139]
-  | 1416 -> One [R 371; R 372]
-  | 1417 -> One [R 372]
-  | 1418 -> One [r469]
-  | 1419 -> One [r468]
-  | 1420 -> One [r467]
-  | 1421 -> One [r466]
-  | 1422 -> One [R 64]
-  | 1423 -> One [R 77]
-  | 1424 -> One [S (T T_EQUALGREATER); r470]
-  | 1425 -> One [r470]
-  | 1426 -> One [R 65]
-  | 1427 -> One [R 369; R 78]
-  | 1428 -> One [r471; R 15]
-  | 1429 -> One [R 15]
-  | 1430 -> One [S (T T_AND); r472]
-  | 1431 -> One [r472]
-  | 1432 -> One [R 16]
-  | 1433 -> One [R 78]
-  | 1434 -> One [R 369; R 370]
-  | 1435 -> One [R 370]
-  | 1436 -> One [R 753]
-  | 1437 -> One [R 745]
-  | 1438 -> One [R 744; R 746]
-  | 1439 -> One [R 773]
-  | 1440 -> One [R 746]
-  | 1441 -> One [R 754]
-  | 1442 -> One [R 755]
-  | 1443 -> One [S (T T_EQUAL); r473]
-  | 1444 -> One [r473]
-  | 1445 -> One [R 758]
-  | 1446 -> One [R 756]
-  | 1447 -> One [r474; R 498]
-  | 1448 -> One [r45; R 519]
-  | 1449 -> One [R 519]
-  | 1450 -> One [R 520]
-  | 1451 -> One [R 498]
-  | 1452 -> One [R 405]
-  | 1453 -> One [r474; r475]
-  | 1454 -> One [r475]
-  | 1455 -> One [S (T T_UIDENT); r476]
-  | 1456 -> One [r476]
-  | 1457 -> One [R 21]
-  | 1458 -> One [S (T T_AND); r478]
-  | 1459 -> One [r478]
-  | 1460 -> One [r477]
-  | 1461 -> One [R 22]
-  | 1462 -> One [R 760]
-  | 1463 -> One [R 378; R 379]
-  | 1464 -> One [R 379]
-  | 1465 -> One [r479]
-  | 1466 -> One [R 615]
-  | 1467 -> One [S (T T_UIDENT); R 613]
-  | 1468 -> One [R 613]
-  | 1469 -> One [R 614]
-  | 1470 -> One [R 616]
-  | 1471 -> One [R 766]
-  | 1472 -> One [R 774]
-  | 1473 -> One [r481]
-  | 1474 -> One [r480]
-  | 1475 -> One [r58]
-  | 1476 -> One [r57]
-  | 1477 -> One [R 220; r482]
-  | 1478 -> One [r482]
-  | 1479 -> One [R 742]
-  | 1480 -> One [R 1034]
-  | 1481 -> One [S (T T_DOT); r487]
-  | 1482 -> One [r487]
-  | 1483 -> One [r486]
-  | 1484 -> One [r485]
-  | 1485 -> One [r484]
-  | 1486 -> One [r483]
-  | 1487 -> One [R 743]
-  | 1488 -> One [R 659; r488]
-  | 1489 -> One [r488]
-  | 1490 -> One [R 584]
-  | 1491 -> One [S (T T_TYPE); r489]
-  | 1492 -> One [r489]
-  | 1493 -> One [R 763]
-  | 1494 -> One [R 765]
-  | 1495 -> One [r370]
-  | 1496 -> One [S (T T_COLON); r490]
-  | 1497 -> One [r490]
-  | 1498 -> One [R 748]
-  | 1499 -> One [r45; R 768]
-  | 1500 -> One [R 768]
-  | 1501 -> One [r143; r493]
-  | 1502 -> One [r493]
-  | 1503 -> One [r492]
-  | 1504 -> One [r491]
-  | 1505 -> One [R 752]
-  | 1506 -> One [r413; R 750]
-  | 1507 -> One [R 750]
-  | 1508 -> One [r148; R 739]
-  | 1509 -> One [R 739]
-  | 1510 -> One [S (T T_TYPE); r495]
-  | 1511 -> One [r495]
-  | 1512 -> One [r494]
-  | 1513 -> One [R 140]
-  | 1514 -> One [R 369; R 79]
-  | 1515 -> One [R 79]
-  | 1516 -> One [S (T T_EQUAL); r496]
-  | 1517 -> One [r496]
-  | 1518 -> One [R 759]
-  | 1519 -> One [R 757]
-  | 1520 -> One [r474; r497]
-  | 1521 -> One [r497]
-  | 1522 -> One [R 761]
-  | 1523 -> One [R 772]
-  | 1524 -> One [R 771]
-  | 1525 -> One [R 770]
-  | 1526 -> One [R 769]
-  | 1527 -> One [R 686]
-  | 1528 -> One [R 774]
-  | 1529 -> One [R 687]
-  | 1530 -> One [r506; r507]
-  | 1531 -> One [r505]
-  | 1532 -> One [r504]
-  | 1533 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); r508]
-  | 1534 -> One [r508]
-  | 1535 -> One [r465; R 638]
-  | 1536 -> One [R 638]
-  | 1537 -> One [r502]
-  | 1538 -> One [r501]
-  | 1539 -> One [R 183]
-  | 1540 -> One [R 184]
-  | 1541 -> One [r509; r510]
-  | 1542 -> One [r499; r511]
-  | 1543 -> One [R 633; r375]
-  | 1544 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_call); R 100]
-  | 1545 -> One [R 100]
-  | 1546 -> One [R 659; r513]
-  | 1547 -> One [r513]
-  | 1548 -> One [r34; r514]
-  | 1549 -> One [r514]
-  | 1550 -> One [R 421]
-  | 1551 -> One [R 87]
-  | 1552 -> One [R 88]
-  | 1553 -> One [S (T T_LPAREN); r517]
-  | 1554 -> One [r517]
-  | 1555 -> One [r516]
-  | 1556 -> One [r515]
-  | 1557 -> One [R 80]
-  | 1558 -> One [R 85]
-  | 1559 -> One [R 131]
-  | 1560 -> One [R 81]
-  | 1561 -> One [r509; R 86]
-  | 1562 -> One [R 86]
-  | 1563 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); r519]
-  | 1564 -> One [r519]
-  | 1565 -> One [r518]
-  | 1566 -> One [R 83]
-  | 1567 -> One [R 617; r522]
-  | 1568 -> One [r522]
-  | 1569 -> One [r521]
-  | 1570 -> One [r520]
-  | 1571 -> One [R 84]
-  | 1572 -> One [R 617; r525]
-  | 1573 -> One [r525]
-  | 1574 -> One [r524]
-  | 1575 -> One [r523]
-  | 1576 -> One [R 82]
-  | 1577 -> One [r512]
-  | 1578 -> One [S (T T_LIDENT); R 636]
-  | 1579 -> One [R 636]
-  | 1580 -> One [R 92]
-  | 1581 -> One [r457; R 98]
-  | 1582 -> One [R 98]
-  | 1583 -> One [R 571]
-  | 1584 -> One [R 570]
-  | 1585 -> One [R 91]
-  | 1586 -> One [R 407]
-  | 1587 -> One [r14; R 95]
-  | 1588 -> One [R 95]
-  | 1589 -> One [r13]
-  | 1590 -> One [R 527]
-  | 1591 -> One [S (T T_LIDENT); r527]
-  | 1592 -> One [r527]
-  | 1593 -> One [r526]
-  | 1594 -> One [R 1113]
-  | 1595 -> One [S (T T_EQUAL); r528]
-  | 1596 -> One [r528]
-  | 1597 -> One [R 1114]
-  | 1598 -> One [r12]
-  | 1599 -> One [r11]
-  | 1600 -> One [r10]
-  | 1601 -> One [R 1117]
-  | 1602 -> One [S (T T_EQUAL); r529]
-  | 1603 -> One [r529]
-  | 1604 -> One [R 1118]
-  | 1605 -> One [r532]
-  | 1606 -> One [r531]
-  | 1607 -> One [r530]
-  | 1608 -> One [R 359]
-  | 1609 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_call); R 101]
-  | 1610 -> One [R 101]
-  | 1611 -> One [R 659; r534]
-  | 1612 -> One [r534]
-  | 1613 -> One [r533]
-  | 1614 -> One [R 93]
-  | 1615 -> One [r457; R 99]
-  | 1616 -> One [R 99]
-  | 1617 -> One [R 103]
-  | 1618 -> One [r538; R 97]
-  | 1619 -> One [r537]
-  | 1620 -> One [S (T T_LIDENT); r540]
-  | 1621 -> One [r540]
-  | 1622 -> One [r539]
-  | 1623 -> One [R 474]
-  | 1624 -> One [r536]
-  | 1625 -> One [r160; R 646]
-  | 1626 -> One [r390; r543]
-  | 1627 -> One [r543]
-  | 1628 -> One [r542]
-  | 1629 -> One [r541]
-  | 1630 -> One [R 477]
-  | 1631 -> One [R 646]
-  | 1632 -> One [r535]
-  | 1633 -> One [R 476]
-  | 1634 -> One [R 475]
-  | 1635 -> One [R 97]
-  | 1636 -> One [R 629; R 572]
-  | 1637 -> One [R 630]
-  | 1638 -> One [R 104]
-  | 1639 -> One [R 102]
-  | 1640 -> One [r538; R 96]
-  | 1641 -> One [R 96]
-  | 1642 -> One [R 469]
-  | 1643 -> One [R 572]
-  | 1644 -> One [S (T T_AS); r544; R 568]
-  | 1645 -> One [r544]
-  | 1646 -> One [R 111]
-  | 1647 -> One [R 568]
-  | 1648 -> One [r498; R 569]
-  | 1649 -> One [R 569]
-  | 1650 -> One [R 468]
-  | 1651 -> One [S (T T_SEMI); r545]
-  | 1652 -> One [r545]
-  | 1653 -> One [R 373; R 366]
-  | 1654 -> One [r373; r546]
-  | 1655 -> One [r546]
-  | 1656 -> One [S (T T_AND); r548]
-  | 1657 -> One [r548]
-  | 1658 -> One [r547]
-  | 1659 -> One [R 375]
-  | 1660 -> One [R 374]
-  | 1661 -> One [R 366]
-  | 1662 -> One [R 90]
-  | 1663 -> One [R 89]
-  | 1664 -> One [R 542]
-  | 1665 -> One [r511]
-  | 1666 -> One [R 132]
-  | 1667 -> One [r510]
-  | 1668 -> One [R 134]
-  | 1669 -> One [r465; r549]
-  | 1670 -> One [r549]
-  | 1671 -> One [R 133]
-  | 1672 -> One [r500]
-  | 1673 -> One [R 192]
-  | 1674 -> One [r509; R 191]
-  | 1675 -> One [R 191]
-  | 1676 -> One [R 66]
-  | 1677 -> One [R 68]
-  | 1678 -> One [R 1057]
-  | 1679 -> One [R 1058]
-  | 1680 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); r550]
-  | 1681 -> One [r550]
-  | 1682 -> One [R 70]
-  | 1683 -> One [R 617; r552]
-  | 1684 -> One [r552]
-  | 1685 -> One [r551]
-  | 1686 -> One [R 71]
-  | 1687 -> One [R 617; r554]
-  | 1688 -> One [r554]
-  | 1689 -> One [r553]
-  | 1690 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); r555]
-  | 1691 -> One [r555]
-  | 1692 -> One [R 73]
-  | 1693 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); r556]
-  | 1694 -> One [r556]
-  | 1695 -> One [R 75]
-  | 1696 -> One [R 617; r558]
-  | 1697 -> One [r558]
-  | 1698 -> One [r557]
-  | 1699 -> One [R 76]
-  | 1700 -> One [R 617; r560]
-  | 1701 -> One [r560]
-  | 1702 -> One [r559]
-  | 1703 -> One [R 74]
-  | 1704 -> One [R 72]
-  | 1705 -> One [R 617; r562]
-  | 1706 -> One [r562]
-  | 1707 -> One [r561]
-  | 1708 -> One [R 69]
-  | 1709 -> One [R 67]
-  | 1710 -> One [r507]
-  | 1711 -> One [r506; R 13]
-  | 1712 -> One [R 13]
-  | 1713 -> One [S (T T_AND); r563]
-  | 1714 -> One [r563]
-  | 1715 -> One [R 14]
-  | 1716 -> One [R 1005]
-  | 1717 -> One [R 367; R 368]
-  | 1718 -> One [R 368]
-  | 1719 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1098]
-  | 1720 -> One [R 1098]
-  | 1721 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_call); R 1104]
-  | 1722 -> One [R 1104]
-  | 1723 -> One [R 899]
-  | 1724 -> One [R 985]
-  | 1725 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1083]
-  | 1726 -> One [R 1083]
-  | 1727 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1077]
-  | 1728 -> One [R 1077]
-  | 1729 -> One [S (N N_expr); r565]
-  | 1730 -> One [r565]
-  | 1731 -> One [r564]
-  | 1732 -> One [R 1106]
-  | 1733 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1091]
-  | 1734 -> One [R 1091]
-  | 1735 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1080]
-  | 1736 -> One [R 1080]
-  | 1737 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1079]
-  | 1738 -> One [R 1079]
-  | 1739 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1092]
-  | 1740 -> One [R 1092]
-  | 1741 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1086]
-  | 1742 -> One [R 1086]
-  | 1743 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1082]
-  | 1744 -> One [R 1082]
-  | 1745 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1081]
-  | 1746 -> One [R 1081]
-  | 1747 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1093]
-  | 1748 -> One [R 1093]
-  | 1749 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1084]
-  | 1750 -> One [R 1084]
-  | 1751 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1078]
-  | 1752 -> One [R 1078]
-  | 1753 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1076]
-  | 1754 -> One [R 1076]
-  | 1755 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1075]
-  | 1756 -> One [R 1075]
-  | 1757 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1074]
-  | 1758 -> One [R 1074]
-  | 1759 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1073]
-  | 1760 -> One [R 1073]
-  | 1761 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1095]
-  | 1762 -> One [R 1095]
-  | 1763 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1085]
-  | 1764 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1094]
-  | 1765 -> One [R 1094]
-  | 1766 -> One [R 1085]
-  | 1767 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1090]
-  | 1768 -> One [R 1090]
-  | 1769 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1087]
-  | 1770 -> One [R 1087]
-  | 1771 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1088]
-  | 1772 -> One [R 1088]
-  | 1773 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1089]
-  | 1774 -> One [R 1089]
-  | 1775 -> One [R 993]
-  | 1776 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1096]
-  | 1777 -> One [R 1096]
-  | 1778 -> One [R 983]
-  | 1779 -> One [R 982; R 984]
-  | 1780 -> One [R 984]
-  | 1781 -> One [R 994]
-  | 1782 -> One [R 995]
-  | 1783 -> One [R 1061]
-  | 1787 -> One [r566]
-  | 1788 -> One [R 1100]
-  | 1793 -> One [r567]
-  | 1794 -> One [R 1101]
-  | 1799 -> One [r568]
-  | 1800 -> One [R 1102]
-  | 1802 -> One [r569]
-  | 1803 -> One [R 1099]
-  | 1804 -> One [r573; R 996]
-  | 1805 -> One [R 996]
-  | 1806 -> One [r572]
-  | 1807 -> One [r570]
-  | 1808 -> One [R 507]
-  | 1809 -> One [r45; r574]
-  | 1810 -> One [r574]
-  | 1811 -> One [R 508]
-  | 1812 -> One [R 491]
-  | 1813 -> One [R 490]
-  | 1814 -> One [r573; r575]
-  | 1815 -> One [r575]
-  | 1816 -> One [S (T T_UIDENT); r576]
-  | 1817 -> One [r576]
-  | 1818 -> One [R 19]
-  | 1819 -> One [S (T T_AND); r578]
-  | 1820 -> One [r578]
-  | 1821 -> One [r577]
-  | 1822 -> One [R 20]
-  | 1823 -> One [R 998]
-  | 1824 -> One [R 376; R 377]
-  | 1825 -> One [R 377]
-  | 1826 -> One [R 1004]
-  | 1827 -> One [R 1013]
-  | 1828 -> One [r481]
-  | 1829 -> One [r480]
-  | 1830 -> One [r58]
-  | 1831 -> One [r57]
-  | 1832 -> One [R 220; r581]
-  | 1833 -> One [r581]
-  | 1834 -> One [r416; R 544]
-  | 1835 -> One [r416; R 545]
-  | 1836 -> One [R 545]
-  | 1837 -> One [R 549]
-  | 1838 -> One [S (T T_BAR); r582]
-  | 1839 -> One [r582]
-  | 1840 -> One [r416; R 547]
-  | 1841 -> One [R 547]
-  | 1842 -> One [R 551]
-  | 1843 -> One [R 546]
-  | 1844 -> One [R 550]
-  | 1845 -> One [R 544]
-  | 1846 -> One [R 548]
-  | 1847 -> One [R 38]
-  | 1848 -> One [r579]
-  | 1849 -> One [r416; r583]
-  | 1850 -> One [r416; r584]
-  | 1851 -> One [r584]
-  | 1852 -> One [S (T T_BAR); r586]
-  | 1853 -> One [r586]
-  | 1854 -> One [r416; r587]
-  | 1855 -> One [r587]
-  | 1856 -> One [R 384]
-  | 1857 -> One [r585]
-  | 1858 -> One [R 383]
-  | 1859 -> One [R 382]
-  | 1860 -> One [r583]
-  | 1861 -> One [R 381]
-  | 1862 -> One [R 37]
-  | 1863 -> One [R 973]
-  | 1864 -> One [S (T T_DOT); r592]
-  | 1865 -> One [r592]
-  | 1866 -> One [r591]
-  | 1867 -> One [r590]
-  | 1868 -> One [r589]
-  | 1869 -> One [r588]
-  | 1870 -> One [R 974]
-  | 1871 -> One [S (T T_TYPE); r594]
-  | 1872 -> One [r594]
-  | 1873 -> One [r593]
-  | 1874 -> One [R 1001]
-  | 1875 -> One [R 1003]
-  | 1877 -> One [r117; R 1009]
-  | 1878 -> One [R 1009]
-  | 1879 -> One [r143; r597]
-  | 1880 -> One [r597]
-  | 1881 -> One [r596]
-  | 1882 -> One [r595]
-  | 1883 -> One [R 992]
-  | 1884 -> One [r413; R 990]
-  | 1885 -> One [R 990]
-  | 1886 -> One [r416; R 970]
-  | 1887 -> One [R 970]
-  | 1888 -> One [r506; r598]
-  | 1889 -> One [r598]
-  | 1890 -> One [R 1006]
-  | 1891 -> One [R 986]
-  | 1892 -> One [r573; R 997]
-  | 1893 -> One [R 997]
-  | 1894 -> One [r573; r599]
-  | 1895 -> One [r599]
-  | 1896 -> One [R 999]
-  | 1897 -> One [r600; R 988]
-  | 1898 -> One [R 988]
-  | 1899 -> One [R 1012]
-  | 1900 -> One [r600; R 987]
-  | 1901 -> One [R 987]
-  | 1902 -> One [R 1010]
-  | 1903 -> One [R 1007]
-  | 1904 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 1097]
-  | 1905 -> One [R 1097]
-  | 1906 -> One [R 1011]
-  | 1907 -> One [R 685]
-  | 1908 -> One [S (T T_EQUALGREATER); r601]
-  | 1909 -> One [r601]
-  | 1910 -> One [R 690]
-  | 1911 -> One [r228]
-  | 1912 -> One [R 313]
-  | 1913 -> One [r41]
-  | 1914 -> One [R 523]
-  | 1915 -> One [R 1024]
-  | 1916 -> One [R 654]
-  | 1917 -> One [R 401]
-  | 1918 -> One [S (T T_DOT); r602]
-  | 1920 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); R 189]
-  | 1921 -> One [R 189]
-  | 1922 -> One [R 1109]
-  | 1923 -> One [R 655; r603]
-  | 1924 -> One [r603]
-  | 1925 -> One [R 343]
-  | 1926 -> One [R 346]
-  | 1927 -> One [R 342]
-  | 1928 -> One [R 345]
-  | 1929 -> One [r144]
-  | 1930 -> One [R 341]
-  | 1931 -> One [R 190]
-  | 1932 -> One [R 340]
-  | 1933 -> One [R 466]
-  | 1934 -> One [R 339]
-  | 1935 -> One [r141]
-  | 1936 -> One [R 336]
-  | 1937 -> One [R 617; r604]
-  | 1938 -> One [R 618]
-  | 1939 -> One [r142; R 467]
-  | 1940 -> One [R 467]
-  | 1941 -> One [r604]
-  | 1942 -> One [R 337]
-  | 1943 -> One [r306]
-  | 1944 -> One [R 393]
-  | 1945 -> One [r140]
-  | 1946 -> One [R 317]
-  | 1947 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_no_call); r605]
-  | 1948 -> One [r605]
-  | 1949 -> One [R 318]
-  | 1950 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_call); R 881]
-  | 1951 -> One [R 881]
-  | 1952 -> One [S (T T_LIDENT); R 879]
-  | 1953 -> One [R 879]
-  | 1954 -> One [R 863]
-  | 1955 -> One [S (N N_simple_expr_no_call); R 882]
-  | 1956 -> One [R 882]
-  | 1957 -> One [S (N N_expr); r606]
-  | 1958 -> One [r606]
-  | 1959 -> One [R 867]
-  | 1960 -> One [r135]
-  | 1961 -> One [r85]
-  | 1962 -> One [r84]
-  | 1963 -> One [r83]
-  | 1964 -> One [r82]
-  | 1965 -> One [R 611]
-  | 1966 -> One [R 624]
-  | 1967 -> One [S (T T_SEMI); r607]
-  | 1968 -> One [r607]
-  | 1969 -> One [R 727]
-  | 1970 -> One [R 735]
-  | 1971 -> One [S (T T_OPEN); r611]
-  | 1972 -> One [r611]
-  | 1973 -> One [r610]
-  | 1974 -> One [r609]
-  | 1975 -> One [r608]
-  | 1976 -> One [R 733]
-  | 1977 -> One [r573; r613]
-  | 1978 -> One [r613]
-  | 1979 -> One [r612]
-  | 1980 -> One [R 732]
-  | 1981 -> One [r479]
-  | 1982 -> One [R 623; r618]
-  | 1983 -> One [R 624]
-  | 1984 -> One [r618]
-  | 1985 -> One [r617]
-  | 1986 -> One [r616]
-  | 1987 -> One [r615]
-  | 1988 -> One [r614]
-  | 1989 -> One [R 734]
-  | 1990 -> One [R 629; R 737]
-  | 1991 -> One [R 630]
-  | 1992 -> One [R 736]
-  | 1993 -> One [S (N N_seq_expr_no_seq); R 728]
-  | 1994 -> One [R 728]
-  | 1995 -> One [r619]
-  | 1996 -> One [R 630]
-  | 1997 -> One [R 730]
-  | 1998 -> One [r619]
-  | 1999 -> One [R 630]
-  | 2000 -> One [R 729]
-  | 2002 -> One [R 731]
-  | 2003 -> One [R 737]
-  | 2004 -> One [R 473]
-  | 2005 -> One [r134]
-  | 2006 -> One [r133]
-  | 2007 -> One [R 1066]
-  | 2008 -> One [R 397]
-  | 2009 -> One [S (T T_LBRACKET); r621]
-  | 2010 -> One [r621]
-  | 2011 -> One [r620]
-  | 2012 -> One [R 868]
-  | 2013 -> One [r309; r623]
-  | 2014 -> One [r623]
-  | 2015 -> One [r622]
-  | 2016 -> One [R 869]
-  | 2017 -> One [R 865]
-  | 2018 -> One [R 857]
-  | 2019 -> One [S (T T_DOT); r625]
-  | 2020 -> One [r625]
-  | 2021 -> One [r93]
-  | 2022 -> One [r117; r628]
-  | 2023 -> One [r628]
-  | 2024 -> One [r627]
-  | 2025 -> One [r626]
-  | 2026 -> One [R 883]
-  | 2027 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); R 864]
-  | 2028 -> One [R 864]
-  | 2029 -> One [r111; r629]
-  | 2030 -> One [r629]
-  | 2031 -> One [R 873]
-  | 2032 -> One [r312; r630]
-  | 2033 -> One [r630]
-  | 2034 -> One [R 872]
-  | 2035 -> One [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 874]
-  | 2036 -> One [R 874]
-  | 2037 -> One [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 875]
-  | 2038 -> One [R 875]
-  | 2039 -> One [r314; r632]
-  | 2040 -> One [r632]
-  | 2041 -> One [r631]
-  | 2042 -> One [R 878]
-  | 2043 -> One [r624]
-  | 2044 -> One [R 866]
-  | 2045 -> One [S (T T_RBRACE); R 871]
-  | 2046 -> One [R 871]
-  | 2047 -> One [S (T T_RBRACE); R 870]
-  | 2048 -> One [R 870]
-  | 2049 -> One [R 856]
-  | 2050 -> One [R 884]
-  | 2051 -> One [R 860]
-  | 2052 -> One [R 855]
-  | 2053 -> One [r132]
-  | 2054 -> One [R 509]
-  | 2055 -> One [r131]
-  | 2056 -> One [r130]
-  | 2057 -> One [r129]
-  | 2058 -> One [R 851]
-  | 2059 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); R 832]
-  | 2060 -> One [R 832]
-  | 2061 -> One [r111; r633]
-  | 2062 -> One [r633]
-  | 2063 -> One [R 841]
-  | 2064 -> One [r312; r634]
-  | 2065 -> One [r634]
-  | 2066 -> One [R 840]
-  | 2067 -> One [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 842]
-  | 2068 -> One [R 842]
-  | 2069 -> One [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 843]
-  | 2070 -> One [R 843]
-  | 2071 -> One [r314; r636]
-  | 2072 -> One [r636]
-  | 2073 -> One [r635]
-  | 2074 -> One [R 846]
-  | 2075 -> One [r127]
-  | 2076 -> One [R 834]
-  | 2077 -> One [S (T T_RBRACE); R 839]
-  | 2078 -> One [R 839]
-  | 2079 -> One [S (T T_RBRACE); R 838]
-  | 2080 -> One [R 838]
-  | 2081 -> One [S (N N_expr); R 236]
-  | 2082 -> One [R 236]
-  | 2083 -> One [R 617; r637]
-  | 2084 -> One [r637]
-  | 2085 -> One [R 536]
-  | 2086 -> One [R 272]
-  | 2087 -> One [R 292]
-  | 2088 -> One [R 819]
-  | 2089 -> One [R 617; r638]
-  | 2090 -> One [r638]
-  | 2091 -> One [R 818]
-  | 2092 -> One [R 443]
-  | 2093 -> One [r121]
-  | 2094 -> One [R 785]
-  | 2095 -> One [R 270]
-  | 2096 -> One [R 494]
-  | 2097 -> One [R 625; r639]
-  | 2098 -> One [r639]
-  | 2099 -> One [R 497]
-  | 2100 -> One [R 625; r640]
-  | 2101 -> One [r640]
-  | 2102 -> One [R 495]
-  | 2103 -> One [R 625; r641]
-  | 2104 -> One [r641]
-  | 2105 -> One [R 496]
-  | 2106 -> One [R 502]
-  | 2107 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); R 501]
-  | 2108 -> One [R 501]
-  | 2109 -> One [r118]
-  | 2110 -> One [R 820]
-  | 2111 -> One [r46; r642]
-  | 2112 -> One [r642]
-  | 2113 -> One [R 821]
-  | 2114 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); r647]
-  | 2115 -> One [r647]
-  | 2116 -> One [r646]
-  | 2117 -> One [r645]
-  | 2118 -> One [r644]
-  | 2119 -> One [r643]
-  | 2120 -> One [R 239]
-  | 2121 -> One [R 442]
-  | 2122 -> One [r113]
-  | 2123 -> One [R 826]
-  | 2124 -> One [R 617; r648]
-  | 2125 -> One [r648]
-  | 2126 -> One [R 827]
-  | 2127 -> One [r109]
-  | 2128 -> One [R 329]
-  | 2129 -> One [r112]
-  | 2130 -> One [R 816]
-  | 2131 -> One [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 817]
-  | 2132 -> One [R 817]
-  | 2133 -> One [S (T T_RBRACKET); R 815]
-  | 2134 -> One [R 815]
-  | 2135 -> One [R 802]
-  | 2136 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); R 830]
-  | 2137 -> One [R 830]
-  | 2138 -> One [R 844]
-  | 2139 -> One [r107]
-  | 2140 -> One [R 315]
-  | 2141 -> One [r105]
-  | 2142 -> One [r104]
-  | 2143 -> One [r103]
-  | 2144 -> One [r102]
-  | 2145 -> One [R 233]
-  | 2146 -> One [r101]
-  | 2147 -> One [R 320]
-  | 2148 -> One [r100]
-  | 2149 -> One [R 322]
-  | 2150 -> One [R 323]
-  | 2151 -> One [R 321]
-  | 2152 -> One [R 325]
-  | 2153 -> One [r97]
-  | 2154 -> One [r96]
-  | 2155 -> One [r95]
-  | 2156 -> One [r94]
-  | 2157 -> One [R 234]
-  | 2158 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); R 862]
-  | 2159 -> One [R 862]
-  | 2160 -> One [R 876]
-  | 2161 -> One [r90]
-  | 2162 -> One [r89]
-  | 2163 -> One [r88]
-  | 2164 -> One [r87]
-  | 2165 -> One [R 1067]
-  | 2166 -> One [r77]
-  | 2167 -> One [R 35]
-  | 2168 -> One [R 417]
-  | 2169 -> One [r76]
-  | 2170 -> One [R 53]
-  | 2171 -> One [r75]
-  | 2172 -> One [S (T T_BACKQUOTE); r649; R 415]
-  | 2173 -> One [r649]
-  | 2174 -> One [R 560]
-  | 2175 -> One [R 561]
-  | 2176 -> One [R 415]
-  | 2177 -> One [r74]
-  | 2178 -> One [R 54]
-  | 2179 -> One [R 434]
-  | 2180 -> One [R 159]
-  | 2181 -> One [r650]
-  | 2182 -> One [R 164]
-  | 2183 -> One [r18; R 1039]
-  | 2184 -> One [r652]
-  | 2185 -> One [r651]
-  | 2186 -> One [R 161]
-  | 2187 -> One [R 452]
-  | 2188 -> One [r37]
-  | 2189 -> One [R 618]
-  | 2190 -> One [R 453]
-  | 2191 -> One [r36]
-  | 2192 -> One [R 1051]
-  | 2193 -> One [r654]
-  | 2194 -> One [r653]
-  | 2195 -> One [R 160]
-  | 2196 -> One [r68; R 163]
-  | 2197 -> One [R 163]
-  | 2198 -> One [r68; R 162]
-  | 2199 -> One [R 162]
-  | 2200 -> One [r655; R 41]
-  | 2201 -> One [r69]
-  | 2202 -> One [r652]
-  | 2203 -> One [r654]
-  | 2204 -> One [r657]
-  | 2205 -> One [r658]
-  | 2206 -> One [R 165]
-  | 2207 -> One [r68; R 170]
-  | 2208 -> One [R 170]
-  | 2209 -> One [r660]
-  | 2210 -> One [r659]
-  | 2211 -> One [R 167]
-  | 2212 -> One [r662]
-  | 2213 -> One [r661]
-  | 2214 -> One [R 166]
-  | 2215 -> One [r68; R 169]
-  | 2216 -> One [R 169]
-  | 2217 -> One [r656]
-  | 2218 -> One [R 168]
-  | 2219 -> One [R 41]
-  | 2220 -> One [R 1042]
-  | 2221 -> One [r172]
-  | 2222 -> One [r658]
-  | 2223 -> One [r660]
-  | 2224 -> One [r662]
-  | 2225 -> One [r663]
-  | 2226 -> One [R 42]
-  | 2227 -> One [R 1043]
-  | 2228 -> One [r665]
-  | 2229 -> One [R 23; R 174]
-  | 2230 -> One [R 174]
-  | 2231 -> One [S (T T_BAR); r663]
-  | 2232 -> One [R 171]
-  | 2233 -> One [r664; R 172]
-  | 2234 -> One [R 172]
-  | 2235 -> One [R 173]
-  | 2236 -> One [R 1039]
-  | 2237 -> One [R 1028]
-  | 2238 -> One [R 185]
-  | 2239 -> One [R 186]
-  | 2240 -> One [R 1044]
-  | 2241 -> One [R 1040]
-  | 2242 -> One [r172]
-  | 2243 -> One [R 1041]
-  | 2244 -> One [R 1038]
-  | 2245 -> One [S (T T_DOTDOT); R 1045]
-  | 2246 -> One [r655; R 185; r665; R 1030]
-  | 2247 -> One [r666]
-  | 2248 -> One [R 1048]
-  | 2249 -> One [r657]
-  | 2250 -> One [R 1049]
-  | 2251 -> One [R 1030]
-  | 2252 -> One [R 1045]
-  | 2253 -> One [R 1046]
-  | 2254 -> One [r657]
-  | 2255 -> One [R 1047]
-  | 2256 -> One [R 1029]
-  | 2257 -> One [R 1027]
-  | 2258 -> One [R 1025]
-  | 2259 -> One [r58]
-  | 2260 -> One [r57]
-  | 2261 -> One [R 220; r667]
-  | 2262 -> One [r667]
-  | 2263 -> One [R 971]
-  | 2264 -> One [S (T T_DOT); r672]
-  | 2265 -> One [r672]
-  | 2266 -> One [r671]
-  | 2267 -> One [r670]
-  | 2268 -> One [r669]
-  | 2269 -> One [r668]
-  | 2270 -> One [R 972]
-  | 2271 -> One [r52]
-  | 2272 -> One [R 279]
-  | 2273 -> One [R 512]
-  | 2274 -> One [R 694]
-  | 2275 -> One [R 46]
-  | 2276 -> One [r31]
-  | 2277 -> One [R 1023]
-  | 2278 -> One [r19]
-  | 2279 -> One [R 1115]
-  | 2280 -> One [S (T T_EQUAL); r673]
-  | 2281 -> One [r673]
-  | 2282 -> One [R 1116]
-  | 2283 -> One [R 94]
-  | 2284 -> One [r319]
-  | 2285 -> One [R 333]
-  | 2286 -> One [r114; r675]
-  | 2287 -> One [r675]
-  | 2288 -> One [S (T T_RBRACE); R 60]
-  | 2289 -> One [R 60]
-  | 2290 -> One [R 618]
-  | 2291 -> One [r674]
-  | 2292 -> One [R 59]
-  | 2293 -> One [r9]
-  | 2294 -> One [R 58]
-  | 2295 -> One [S (T T_RBRACE); R 62]
-  | 2296 -> One [R 62]
-  | 2297 -> One [S (T T_RBRACE); R 61]
-  | 2298 -> One [R 61]
-  | 2299 -> One [S (T T_RBRACE); R 63]
-  | 2300 -> One [R 63]
-  | 2301 -> One [R 407]
-  | 2302 -> One [r676]
-  | 2303 -> One [r284]
-  | 2304 -> One [R 334]
-  | 2305 -> One [r6]
-  | 2306 -> One [R 237]
-  | 2307 -> One [r0]
-  | 2308 -> One [R 663]
-  | 2309 -> One [S (T T_RPAREN); R 664]
-  | 2310 -> One [R 664]
-  | 2311 -> One [r3]
-  | 2312 -> One [R 1070]
-  | 2313 -> One [S (T T_EOF); R 311]
-  | 2314 -> One [R 311]
-  | 2315 -> One [R 0]
-  | 2317 -> One [S (T T_EOF); R 312]
-  | 2318 -> One [R 312]
-  | 2319 -> One [R 1]
-  | 2321 -> One [R 2]
-  | 2322 -> One [S (T T_EOF); R 665]
-  | 2323 -> One [R 665]
-  | 2325 -> One [R 3]
-  | 2326 -> One [S (T T_EOF); R 666]
-  | 2327 -> One [R 666]
-  | 2329 -> One [S (T T_EOF); R 667]
-  | 2330 -> One [R 667]
-  | 2331 -> One [R 4]
-  | 2333 -> One [r39; r677]
-  | 2334 -> One [r677]
-  | 2335 -> One [R 219]
-  | 2336 -> One [R 214]
-  | 2337 -> One [R 215]
-  | 2338 -> One [R 218]
-  | 2339 -> One [R 216]
-  | 2340 -> One [R 217]
-  | 2341 -> One [R 1020]
-  | 2342 -> One [R 199]
-  | 2343 -> One [R 5]
-  | 2344 -> One [S (T T_SEMI); R 201]
-  | 2345 -> One [R 201]
-  | 2346 -> One [S (T T_SEMI); R 200]
-  | 2347 -> One [R 200]
-  | 2348 -> One [R 1021]
-  | 2350 -> One [R 202]
-  | 2351 -> One [R 1107]
-  | 2352 -> One [R 6]
-  | 2353 -> One [S (T T_EOF); R 206]
-  | 2354 -> One [r678; R 204]
-  | 2355 -> One [R 204]
-  | 2356 -> One [S (T T_EOF); R 205]
-  | 2357 -> One [r678; R 203]
-  | 2358 -> One [R 203]
-  | 2359 -> One [R 1108]
-  | 2360 -> One [R 205]
-  | 2361 -> One [R 206]
-  | 135 -> Select (function
-    | 133 | 2183 -> [r25]
-    | _ -> [r156])
-  | 189 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [r417]
-    | _ -> [r93])
-  | 199 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [R 1109]
-    | _ -> [S (T T_EQUAL); r119])
-  | 207 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [r126]
-    | _ -> [R 621; r115; r122; r123])
-  | 332 -> Select (function
-    | 1198 -> [r40]
-    | _ -> [r162])
-  | 333 -> Select (function
-    | 1198 -> [R 47]
-    | _ -> [R 564])
-  | 359 -> Select (function
-    | 135 -> [r26]
-    | _ -> [r173])
-  | 458 -> Select (function
-    | 135 | 325 -> [r666]
-    | _ -> [r158])
-  | 566 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [R 611]
-    | _ -> [S (T T_TYPE); r212])
-  | 612 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [r370]
-    | _ -> [r143; r227])
-  | 629 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [r417]
-    | _ -> [r93])
-  | 642 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [r126]
-    | _ -> [r248; r235])
-  | 673 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [R 147]
-    | _ -> [S (T T_DOT); r242])
-  | 801 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [R 147]
-    | _ -> [r676])
-  | 1148 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [R 611]
-    | _ -> [S (T T_TYPE); r362])
-  | 1154 -> Select (function
-    | 107 | 140 | 618 -> [r93]
-    | -1 -> [r417]
-    | _ -> [S (T T_COLONCOLON); r368])
-  | 1164 -> Select (function
-    | -1 | 107 | 140 | 618 -> [R 1109]
-    | _ -> [S (T T_EQUAL); r369])
-  | 1784 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [r282]
-    | _ -> [S (N N_expr); r680])
-  | 1785 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [r281]
-    | _ -> [r680])
-  | 1786 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [R 793]
-    | _ -> [r679])
-  | 1789 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [r344]
-    | _ -> [S (T T_LBRACKET); r683])
-  | 1790 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [r343]
-    | _ -> [r683])
-  | 1791 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [r342]
-    | _ -> [r682])
-  | 1792 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [R 794]
-    | _ -> [r681])
-  | 1795 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [r347]
-    | _ -> [r309; r686])
-  | 1796 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [r346]
-    | _ -> [r686])
-  | 1797 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [r345]
-    | _ -> [r685])
-  | 1798 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [R 795]
-    | _ -> [r684])
-  | 1801 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [R 791]
-    | _ -> [S (T T_EQUAL); r569])
-  | 1876 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> [r532]
-    | _ -> [r370])
-  | 1919 -> Select (function
-    | 2334 -> [r211]
-    | _ -> [r602])
-  | 2001 -> Select (function
-    | 1993 -> [r298]
-    | _ -> [R 542])
-  | _ -> raise Not_found
-let token_of_terminal (type a) (t : a MenhirInterpreter.terminal) (v : a) : token =
-  match t with
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_error -> assert false
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_WITH -> WITH
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_WHILE -> WHILE
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_WHEN -> WHEN
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_VIRTUAL -> VIRTUAL
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_VAL -> VAL
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_UNDERSCORE -> UNDERSCORE
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_UIDENT -> UIDENT v
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_TYPE -> TYPE
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_TRY -> TRY
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_TRUE -> TRUE
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_TO -> TO
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_TILDE -> TILDE
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_THEN -> THEN
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_SWITCH -> SWITCH
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_STRUCT -> STRUCT
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_STRING -> STRING v
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_STAR -> STAR
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_SIG -> SIG
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_SHARPOP -> SHARPOP v
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_SHARPEQUAL -> SHARPEQUAL
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_SHARP -> SHARP
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_SEMISEMI -> SEMISEMI
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_SEMI -> SEMI
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_RPAREN -> RPAREN
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_REC -> REC
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_RBRACKET -> RBRACKET
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_RBRACE -> RBRACE
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_QUOTE -> QUOTE
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_QUESTION -> QUESTION
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_PUB -> PUB
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_PRI -> PRI
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_PREFIXOP -> PREFIXOP v
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_POSTFIXOP -> POSTFIXOP v
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_PLUSEQ -> PLUSEQ
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_PLUSDOT -> PLUSDOT
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_PLUS -> PLUS
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_PERCENT -> PERCENT
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_OR -> OR
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_OPEN -> OPEN
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_OF -> OF
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_OBJECT -> OBJECT
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_NONREC -> NONREC
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_NEW -> NEW
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_NATIVEINT -> NATIVEINT v
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_MUTABLE -> MUTABLE
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_MODULE -> MODULE
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_MINUSDOT -> MINUSDOT
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_MINUS -> MINUS
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_LPAREN -> LPAREN
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_LIDENT -> LIDENT v
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_LET -> LET
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_LESSIDENT -> LESSIDENT v
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_LESSGREATER -> LESSGREATER
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_LESS -> LESS
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_LBRACKETBAR -> LBRACKETBAR
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_LBRACKETAT -> LBRACKETAT
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_LBRACKET -> LBRACKET
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_LBRACELESS -> LBRACELESS
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_LBRACE -> LBRACE
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_LAZY -> LAZY
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_INT -> INT v
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_INITIALIZER -> INITIALIZER
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_INHERIT -> INHERIT
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_INFIXOP4 -> INFIXOP4 v
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_INFIXOP3 -> INFIXOP3 v
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_INFIXOP2 -> INFIXOP2 v
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_INFIXOP1 -> INFIXOP1 v
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_INFIXOP0 -> INFIXOP0 v
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_INCLUDE -> INCLUDE
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_IN -> IN
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_IF -> IF
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATER -> GREATER
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_FUNCTOR -> FUNCTOR
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_FUNCTION -> FUNCTION
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_FUN -> FUN
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_FOR -> FOR
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_FLOAT -> FLOAT v
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_FALSE -> FALSE
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_EXTERNAL -> EXTERNAL
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_EXCEPTION -> EXCEPTION
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_ES6_FUN -> ES6_FUN
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_EQUAL -> EQUAL
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_EOL -> EOL
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_EOF -> EOF
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_END -> END
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_ELSE -> ELSE
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_DOWNTO -> DOWNTO
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTDOTDOT -> DOTDOTDOT
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTDOT -> DOTDOT
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_DOT -> DOT
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_DONE -> DONE
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_DOCSTRING -> DOCSTRING v
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_DO -> DO
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_CONSTRAINT -> CONSTRAINT
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_COMMENT -> COMMENT v
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_COMMA -> COMMA
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_COLONEQUAL -> COLONEQUAL
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_COLONCOLON -> COLONCOLON
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_COLON -> COLON
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_CLASS -> CLASS
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_CHAR -> CHAR v
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_BEGIN -> BEGIN
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_BARRBRACKET -> BARRBRACKET
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_BARBAR -> BARBAR
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_BAR -> BAR
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_BANG -> BANG
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_BACKQUOTE -> BACKQUOTE
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_ASSERT -> ASSERT
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_AS -> AS
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_AND -> AND
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_AMPERSAND -> AMPERSAND
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_AMPERAMPER -> AMPERAMPER
-let nullable (type a) : a MenhirInterpreter.nonterminal -> bool =
-  let open MenhirInterpreter in function
-  | N_virtual_flag -> true
-  | N_type_variance -> true
-  | N_type_variables_with_variance -> true
-  | N_type_other_kind -> true
-  | N_type_declaration_kind -> true
-  | N_structure -> true
-  | N_signature -> true
-  | N_rec_flag -> true
-  | N_payload -> true
-  | N_override_flag -> true
-  | N_optional_expr_extension -> true
-  | N_optional -> true
-  | N_option_type_constraint_ -> true
-  | N_option_preceded_WHEN_expr__ -> true
-  | N_option_preceded_COLONGREATER_core_type__ -> true
-  | N_option_preceded_COLON_simple_module_type__ -> true
-  | N_option_preceded_COLON_poly_type__ -> true
-  | N_option_preceded_COLON_non_arrowed_core_type__ -> true
-  | N_option_preceded_COLON_expr__ -> true
-  | N_option_preceded_COLON_core_type__ -> true
-  | N_option_preceded_COLON_class_constructor_type__ -> true
-  | N_option_preceded_AS_LIDENT__ -> true
-  | N_option_item_extension_sugar_ -> true
-  | N_option_constructor_arguments_ -> true
-  | N_option_SEMI_ -> true
-  | N_option_OF_ -> true
-  | N_option_MODULE_ -> true
-  | N_option_LET_ -> true
-  | N_option_DOTDOTDOT_ -> true
-  | N_option_DOT_ -> true
-  | N_option_COMMA_ -> true
-  | N_object_body_class_fields -> true
-  | N_object_body -> true
-  | N_nonrec_flag -> true
-  | N_mutable_or_virtual_flags -> true
-  | N_mutable_flag -> true
-  | N_module_arguments_comma_list -> true
-  | N_loption_type_parameters_ -> true
-  | N_loption_terminated_pattern_comma_list_option_COMMA___ -> true
-  | N_loption_row_field_list_ -> true
-  | N_loption_preceded_GREATER_nonempty_list_name_tag___ -> true
-  | N_loption_parenthesized_type_variables_with_variance_comma_list__ -> true
-  | N_loption_parenthesized_class_type_arguments_comma_list__ -> true
-  | N_loption_object_label_declarations_ -> true
-  | N_loption_located_attributes_ -> true
-  | N_loption_functor_parameters_ -> true
-  | N_loption_class_type_parameters_ -> true
-  | N_llist_aux_preceded_COMMA_opt_spread_lbl_expr___ -> true
-  | N_llist_aux_match_case_seq_expr__ -> true
-  | N_llist_aux_match_case_expr__ -> true
-  | N_list_simple_expr_no_call_ -> true
-  | N_list_bar_row_field_ -> true
-  | N_list_attributed_ext_constructor_extension_constructor_declaration__ -> true
-  | N_list_attributed_ext_constructor_either_extension_constructor_declaration_extension_constructor_rebind___ -> true
-  | N_list_and_module_rec_declaration_ -> true
-  | N_list_and_module_bindings_ -> true
-  | N_list_and_let_binding_ -> true
-  | N_list_and_class_type_declaration_ -> true
-  | N_list_and_class_description_ -> true
-  | N_list_and_class_declaration_ -> true
-  | N_labeled_pattern_constraint -> true
-  | N_jsx_arguments -> true
-  | N_generalized_constructor_arguments -> true
-  | N_embedded_private_flag_ -> true
-  | N_embedded___anonymous_39_ -> true
-  | N_constructor_declarations_aux -> true
-  | N_class_sig_body_fields -> true
-  | N_class_sig_body -> true
-  | N_class_expr_lets_and_rest -> true
-  | N_boption_AMPERSAND_ -> true
-  | N_and_type_declaration -> true
-  | _ -> false
-module Reason_recover_parser : sig 
-#1 "reason_recover_parser.mli"
-type 'a parser
-val initial :
-  (Lexing.position -> 'a Reason_parser.MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint) ->
-  Lexing.position -> 'a parser
-type 'a step =
-  | Intermediate of 'a parser
-  | Success of 'a * Reason_lexer.invalid_docstrings
-  | Error
-val step : 'a parser -> Reason_parser.token Reason_lexer.positioned -> 'a step
-end = struct
-#1 ""
-module M = Reason_multi_parser
-module R =
-  Merlin_recovery.Make(Reason_parser.MenhirInterpreter)
-    (struct
-      include Reason_parser_recover
-      let default_value loc x =
-        Default.default_loc := loc;
-        default_value x
-      let guide _ = false
-    end)
-type 'a parser =
-  | Correct of 'a M.parser
-  | Recovering of 'a R.candidates * Reason_lexer.invalid_docstrings
-let initial entry_point position =
-  Correct (M.initial entry_point position)
-type 'a step =
-  | Intermediate of 'a parser
-  | Success of 'a * Reason_lexer.invalid_docstrings
-  | Error
-let step parser token =
-  match parser with
-  | Correct parser ->
-    begin match M.step parser token with
-      | M.Intermediate parser -> Intermediate (Correct parser)
-      | M.Success (x, ds) -> Success (x, ds)
-      | M.Error ->
-        let (_, loc_start, loc_end) = token in
-        let loc = {Location. loc_start; loc_end; loc_ghost = false} in
-        let env, ds = M.recovery_env parser in
-        let message = Reason_parser_explain.message env token in
-        Reason_errors.raise_error
-          (Reason_errors.Parsing_error message) loc;
-        Intermediate (Recovering (R.generate env, ds))
-    end
-  | Recovering (candidates, ds) ->
-    begin match token with
-      | Reason_parser.DOCSTRING text, startp, endp ->
-        let ds = Reason_lexer.add_invalid_docstring text startp endp ds in
-        Intermediate (Recovering (candidates, ds))
-      | _ ->
-        begin match R.attempt candidates token with
-          | `Ok (cp, _) -> Intermediate (Correct (M.recover cp ds))
-          | `Accept x -> Success (x, ds)
-          | `Fail ->
-            begin match token with
-              | Reason_parser.EOF, _, _ ->
-                begin match with
-                  | None -> Error
-                  | Some x -> Success (x, ds)
-                end
-              | _ -> Intermediate parser
-            end
-        end
-    end
-module Reason_toolchain_reason
-= struct
-#1 ""
-open Reason_toolchain_conf
-open Reason_errors
-module P = Reason_recover_parser
-module Lexer = Reason_lexer
-(* From Reason source text to OCaml AST
-   1. Make a lexbuf from source text
-   2. Reason_lexer:
-      a. Using OCamllex:
-         extract one token from stream of characters
-      b. post-process token:
-         - store comments separately
-         - insert ES6_FUN token
-         - insert completion identifier
-   3. Reason_parser, using Menhir:
-      A parser with explicit continuations, which take a new token and return:
-      - an AST when parse succeeded
-      - a new continuation if more tokens are needed
-      - nothing, if the parser got stuck (token is invalid in current state)
-   4. Reason_toolchain connect lexer and parser:
-type token = Reason_parser.token
-type invalid_docstrings = Reason_lexer.invalid_docstrings
-let rec loop lexer parser =
-  let token = Lexer.token lexer in
-  match P.step parser token with
-  | P.Intermediate parser' ->
-    loop lexer parser'
-  | P.Error ->
-    (* Impossible to reach this case? *)
-    let _, loc_start, loc_end = token in
-    let loc = {Location. loc_start; loc_end; loc_ghost = false} in
-    raise_fatal_error (Parsing_error "Syntax error") loc
-  | P.Success (x, docstrings) ->
-    (x, docstrings)
-let initial_run entry_point lexer =
-  loop lexer
-    (P.initial entry_point (Lexer.lexbuf lexer).Lexing.lex_curr_p)
-let implementation lexer =
-  initial_run Reason_parser.Incremental.implementation lexer
-let interface lexer =
-  initial_run Reason_parser.Incremental.interface lexer
-let core_type lexer =
-  initial_run Reason_parser.Incremental.parse_core_type lexer
-let toplevel_phrase lexer =
-  initial_run Reason_parser.Incremental.toplevel_phrase lexer
-let use_file lexer =
-  initial_run Reason_parser.Incremental.use_file lexer
-(* Skip tokens to the end of the phrase *)
-let rec skip_phrase lexer =
-  try
-    match Lexer.token lexer with
-    | (Reason_parser.SEMI | Reason_parser.EOF), _, _ -> ()
-    | _ -> skip_phrase lexer
-  with Reason_error (Lexing_error ( Unterminated_comment _
-                                  | Unterminated_string
-                                  | Unterminated_string_in_comment _
-                                  | Illegal_character _) , _ ) ->
-    skip_phrase lexer
-let safeguard_parsing lexbuf fn =
-  try fn ()
-  with
-  | Reason_error _ as err
-    when !Location.input_name = "//toplevel//"->
-    skip_phrase (Lexer.init lexbuf);
-    raise err
-  | Location.Error _ as x ->
-     let loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
-     if !Location.input_name = "//toplevel//"
-     then
-       let _ = skip_phrase (Lexer.init lexbuf) in
-       raise(Syntaxerr.Error(Syntaxerr.Other loc))
-     else
-       raise x
-let format_interface_with_comments (signature, comments) formatter =
-  let reason_formatter = Reason_pprint_ast.createFormatter () in
-  reason_formatter#signature comments formatter signature
-let format_implementation_with_comments (implementation, comments) formatter =
-  let reason_formatter = Reason_pprint_ast.createFormatter () in
-  reason_formatter#structure comments formatter implementation
-module Reason_toolchain
-= struct
-#1 ""
-(*                                                                     *)
-(*                                Reason                               *)
-(*                                                                     *)
- * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
- *
- * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
- * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
- *)
-(* Entry points in the parser *)
- * Provides a simple interface to the most common parsing entrypoints required
- * by editor/IDE toolchains, preprocessors, and pretty printers.
- *
- * The form of this entrypoint includes more than what the standard OCaml
- * toolchain (oprof/ocamldoc) expects, but is still compatible.
- *
- * [implementation_with_comments] and [interface_with_comments] includes
- * additional information (about comments) suitable for building pretty
- * printers, editor, IDE and VCS integration.
- *
- * The comments include the full text of the comment (typically in between the
- * "(*" and the "*)", as well as location information for that comment.
- *
- * WARNING: The "end" location is one greater than the actual final position!
- * (for both [associatedTextLoc] and [commentLoc]).
- *
- * Currently, the location information for comments is of the form:
- *
- *  (associatedTextLoc)
- *
- * But we should quickly change it to be of the form:
- *
- *  (associatedTextLoc, commentLoc)
- *
- * Where the [commentLoc] is the actual original location of the comment,
- * and the [associatedTextLoc] records the location in the file that the
- * comment is attached to. If [associatedTextLoc] and [commentLoc] are the
- * same, then the comment is "free floating" in that it only attaches to itself.
- * The [Reason] pretty printer will try its best to interleave those comments
- * in the containing list etc. But if [associatedTextLoc] expands beyond
- * the [commentLoc] it means the comment and the AST that is captured by
- * the [associatedTextLoc] are related - where "related" is something
- * this [reason_toolchain] decides (but in short it handles "end of line
- * comments"). Various pretty printers can decide how to preserve this
- * relatedness. Ideally, it would preserve end of line comments, but in the
- * short term, it might merely use that relatedness to correctly attach
- * end of line comments to the "top" of the AST node.
- *
- *    let lst = [
- *
- *    ];   (*    Comment    *)
- *         ----commentLoc-----
- *    ---associatedTextLoc----
- *
- *
- * Ideally that would be formatted as:
- *
- *    let lst = [
- *
- *    ];   (*    Comment    *)
- *
- * Or:
- *
- *    let lst = [ ];   (*    Comment    *)
- *
- *
- * But a shorter term solution would use that [associatedTextLoc] to at least
- * correctly attach the comment to the correct node, even if not "end of line".
- *
- *   (*    Comment    *)
- *   let lst = [ ];
- *)
-open Reason_toolchain_conf
-open Location
-open Lexing
-module Comment = Reason_comment
-let setup_lexbuf use_stdin filename =
-  (* Use custom method of lexing from the channel to keep track of the input so that we can
-     reformat tokens in the toolchain*)
-  let lexbuf =
-    match use_stdin with
-      | true -> Lexing.from_channel
-        stdin
-      | false ->
-        let file_chan = open_in filename in
-        seek_in file_chan 0;
-        Lexing.from_channel file_chan
-  in
-  Location.init lexbuf filename;
-  lexbuf
-let rec left_expand_comment should_scan_prev_line source loc_start =
-  if loc_start = 0 then
-    (String.unsafe_get source 0, true, 0)
-  else
-    let c = String.unsafe_get source (loc_start - 1) in
-    match c with
-    | '\t' | ' ' -> left_expand_comment should_scan_prev_line source (loc_start - 1)
-    | '\n' when should_scan_prev_line -> left_expand_comment should_scan_prev_line source (loc_start - 1)
-    | '\n' -> (c, true, loc_start)
-    | _ -> (c, false, loc_start)
-let rec right_expand_comment should_scan_next_line source loc_start =
-  if loc_start = String.length source then
-    (String.unsafe_get source (String.length source - 1), true, String.length source)
-  else
-    let c = String.unsafe_get source loc_start in
-    match c with
-    | '\t' | ' ' -> right_expand_comment should_scan_next_line source (loc_start + 1)
-    | '\n' when should_scan_next_line -> right_expand_comment should_scan_next_line source (loc_start + 1)
-    | '\n' -> (c, true, loc_start)
-    | _ -> (c, false, loc_start)
-module Create_parse_entrypoint (Toolchain_impl: Toolchain_spec) :Toolchain = struct
-  let buffer_add_lexbuf buf skip lexbuf =
-    let bytes = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_buffer in
-    let start = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos + skip in
-    let stop = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_buffer_len in
-    Buffer.add_subbytes buf bytes start (stop - start)
-  let refill_buff buf refill lb =
-    let skip = lb.Lexing.lex_buffer_len - lb.Lexing.lex_start_pos in
-    let result = refill lb in
-    buffer_add_lexbuf buf skip lb;
-    result
-  (* replaces Lexing.from_channel so we can keep track of the input for comment modification *)
-  let keep_from_lexbuf buffer lexbuf =
-    buffer_add_lexbuf buffer 0 lexbuf;
-    let refill_buff = refill_buff buffer lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff in
-    {lexbuf with refill_buff}
-  let extensions_of_errors errors =
-    ignore (Format.flush_str_formatter () : string);
-    let error_extension (err, loc) =
-      Reason_errors.report_error Format.str_formatter ~loc err;
-      let msg = Format.flush_str_formatter () in
-      let due_to_recovery = match err with
-        | Reason_errors.Parsing_error _ -> true
-        | Reason_errors.Lexing_error _ -> false
-        | Reason_errors.Ast_error _ -> false
-      in
-      if due_to_recovery then
-        Reason_errors.error_extension_node_from_recovery loc msg
-      else
-        Reason_errors.error_extension_node loc msg
-    in
- error_extension errors
-  let wrap_with_comments parsing_fun attach_fun lexbuf =
-    let input_copy = Buffer.create 0 in
-    let lexbuf = keep_from_lexbuf input_copy lexbuf in
-    Toolchain_impl.safeguard_parsing lexbuf (fun () ->
-      let lexer =
-        let insert_completion_ident =
-          !Reason_toolchain_conf.insert_completion_ident in
-        Toolchain_impl.Lexer.init ?insert_completion_ident lexbuf
-      in
-      let ast, invalid_docstrings =
-        let result =
-          if !Reason_config.recoverable
-          then Reason_errors.recover_non_fatal_errors
-              (fun () -> parsing_fun lexer)
-          else (Ok (parsing_fun lexer), [])
-        in
-        match result with
-        | Ok x, [] -> x
-        | Ok (x, ds), errors -> (attach_fun x (extensions_of_errors errors), ds)
-        | Error exn, _ -> raise exn
-      in
-      let unmodified_comments =
-        Toolchain_impl.Lexer.get_comments lexer invalid_docstrings
-      in
-      let contents = Buffer.contents input_copy in
-      Buffer.reset input_copy;
-      if contents = "" then
-        let _  = Parsing.clear_parser() in
-        let make_regular (text, location) =
-          Comment.make ~location Comment.Regular text in
-        (ast, make_regular unmodified_comments)
-      else
-        let rec classifyAndNormalizeComments unmodified_comments =
-          match unmodified_comments with
-          | [] -> []
-          | hd :: tl -> (
-              let classifiedTail = classifyAndNormalizeComments tl in
-              let (txt, physical_loc) = hd in
-              (* When searching for "^" regexp, returns location of newline + 1 *)
-              let (stop_char, eol_start, virtual_start_pos) =
-                left_expand_comment false contents physical_loc.loc_start.pos_cnum
-              in
-              if Reason_syntax_util.isLineComment txt then
-                let comment = Comment.make
-                  ~location:physical_loc
-                  (if eol_start then SingleLine else EndOfLine)
-                  txt
-                in
-                comment :: classifiedTail
-              else
-              let one_char_before_stop_char =
-                if virtual_start_pos <= 1 then
-                  ' '
-                else
-                  String.unsafe_get contents (virtual_start_pos - 2)
-              in
-              (*
-               *
-               * The following logic are designed for cases like:
-               * | (* comment *)
-               *   X => 1
-               * we want to extend the comment to the next line so it can be
-               * correctly attached to X
-               *
-               * But we don't want it to extend to next line in this case:
-               *
-               * true || (* comment *)
-               *   false
-               *
-               *)
-              let should_scan_next_line = stop_char = '|' &&
-                                          (one_char_before_stop_char = ' ' ||
-                                           one_char_before_stop_char = '\n' ||
-                                           one_char_before_stop_char = '\t' ) in
-              let (_, eol_end, virtual_end_pos) = right_expand_comment should_scan_next_line contents physical_loc.loc_end.pos_cnum in
-              let end_pos_plus_one = physical_loc.loc_end.pos_cnum in
-              let comment_length = (end_pos_plus_one - physical_loc.loc_start.pos_cnum - 4) in
-              let original_comment_contents = String.sub contents (physical_loc.loc_start.pos_cnum + 2) comment_length in
-              let location = {
-                physical_loc with
-                loc_start = {physical_loc.loc_start with pos_cnum = virtual_start_pos};
-                loc_end = {physical_loc.loc_end with pos_cnum = virtual_end_pos}
-              } in
-              let just_after loc' =
-                loc'.loc_start.pos_cnum == location.loc_end.pos_cnum - 1 &&
-                loc'.loc_start.pos_lnum == location.loc_end.pos_lnum
-              in
-              let category = match (eol_start, eol_end, classifiedTail) with
-                | (true, true, _) -> Comment.SingleLine
-                | (false, true, _) -> Comment.EndOfLine
-                | (false, false, comment :: _)
-                  (* End of line comment is one that has nothing but newlines or
-                   * other comments its right, and has some AST to the left of it.
-                   * For example, there are two end of line comments in:
-                   *
-                   *    | Y(int, int); /* eol1 */ /* eol2 */
-                   *)
-                  when Comment.category comment = Comment.EndOfLine
-                    && just_after (Comment.location comment) ->
-                  Comment.EndOfLine
-                | _ -> Comment.Regular
-              in
-              let comment =
-                Comment.make ~location category original_comment_contents
-              in
-              comment :: classifiedTail
-            )
-        in
-        let modified_and_comment_with_category = classifyAndNormalizeComments unmodified_comments in
-        let _  = Parsing.clear_parser() in
-        (ast, modified_and_comment_with_category)
-    )
-  let default_error lexbuf err =
-    if !Reason_config.recoverable then
-      let loc, msg = match err with
-        | Location.Error err ->
-          Reason_syntax_util.split_compiler_error err
-        | Reason_errors.Reason_error (e, loc) ->
-          Reason_errors.report_error Format.str_formatter ~loc e;
-          (loc, Format.flush_str_formatter ())
-        | exn ->
-          (Location.curr lexbuf, "default_error: " ^ Printexc.to_string exn)
-      in
-      (loc, Reason_errors.error_extension_node loc msg)
-    else
-      raise err
-  let ignore_attach_errors x _extensions =
-    (* FIXME: attach errors in AST *) x
-  (*
-   * The canonical interface/implementations (with comments) are used with
-   * recovering mode for IDE integration. The parser itself likely
-   * implements its own recovery, but we need to recover in the event
-   * that the file couldn't even lex.
-   * Note, the location reported here is broken for some lexing errors
-   * (nested comments or unbalanced strings in comments) but at least we don't
-   * crash the process. TODO: Report more accurate location in those cases.
-   *)
-  let implementation_with_comments lexbuf =
-    let attach impl extensions =
-      (impl @ Ast_helper.Str.extension extensions)
-    in
-    try wrap_with_comments Toolchain_impl.implementation attach lexbuf
-    with err ->
-      let loc, error = default_error lexbuf err in
-      ([ ~loc (Parsetree.Pstr_extension (error, []))], [])
-  let core_type_with_comments lexbuf =
-    try wrap_with_comments Toolchain_impl.core_type ignore_attach_errors lexbuf
-    with err ->
-      let loc, error = default_error lexbuf err in
-      ( ~loc (Parsetree.Ptyp_extension error), [])
-  let interface_with_comments lexbuf =
-    let attach impl extensions =
-      (impl @ Ast_helper.Sig.extension extensions)
-    in
-    try wrap_with_comments Toolchain_impl.interface attach lexbuf
-    with err ->
-      let loc, error = default_error lexbuf err in
-      ([ ~loc (Parsetree.Psig_extension (error, []))], [])
-  let toplevel_phrase_with_comments lexbuf =
-    wrap_with_comments
-      Toolchain_impl.toplevel_phrase ignore_attach_errors lexbuf
-  let use_file_with_comments lexbuf =
-    wrap_with_comments Toolchain_impl.use_file ignore_attach_errors lexbuf
-  (** [ast_only] wraps a function to return only the ast component
-   *)
-  let ast_only f =
-    (fun lexbuf -> lexbuf |> f |> fst)
-  let implementation = ast_only implementation_with_comments
-  let core_type = ast_only core_type_with_comments
-  let interface = ast_only interface_with_comments
-  let toplevel_phrase = ast_only toplevel_phrase_with_comments
-  let use_file = ast_only use_file_with_comments
-  (* Printing *)
-  let print_interface_with_comments formatter interface =
-    Toolchain_impl.format_interface_with_comments interface formatter
-  let print_implementation_with_comments formatter implementation =
-    Toolchain_impl.format_implementation_with_comments implementation formatter
-module ML = Create_parse_entrypoint (Reason_toolchain_ocaml)
-module RE = Create_parse_entrypoint (Reason_toolchain_reason)
-module From_current = From_current
-module To_current = To_current

From e33b675a33a4883c13bc6fda960904d77123a08e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Ecker <>
Date: Sat, 7 May 2022 21:19:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 11/13] Make repl.js more reliable with missing .mli files

 scripts/repl.js | 9 ++++++++-
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/scripts/repl.js b/scripts/repl.js
index f9ff44f4d0..6a297435e1 100755
--- a/scripts/repl.js
+++ b/scripts/repl.js
@@ -64,8 +64,15 @@ function prepare(isDev, targetCompilerFile) {
     ? ["development", "-g ", "--pretty "]
     : ["production", "", ""];
   console.log(`building byte code version of the compiler [${env}]`);
+  const mliFile = path.join(sourceDir, targetCompilerFile + ".mli")
+  const mlFile = path.join(sourceDir, targetCompilerFile + ".ml")
+  // There may be a situation where the .mli file doesn't exist (mostly when
+  // the snapshot hasn't been checked into `lib/4.06.1/unstable`
+  e(`touch ${mliFile}`)
-    `${OCAMLC} ${ocamlFlag}-w -30-40 -no-check-prims -I ${sourceDir} ${sourceDir}/${targetCompilerFile}.mli ${sourceDir}/${targetCompilerFile}.ml -o jsc.byte `
+    `${OCAMLC} ${ocamlFlag}-w -30-40 -no-check-prims -I ${sourceDir} ${mliFile} ${mlFile} -o jsc.byte `
   console.log("building js version");
   e(`${JSOO} compile jsc.byte ${jsooFlag}-o exports.js`);

From a0224aef9e46c3e70ce423a33813605883dd44cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Ecker <>
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2022 11:10:19 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 12/13] repl.js: Log target compiler file, set
 js_playground_main as default

 scripts/repl.js | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/repl.js b/scripts/repl.js
index 6a297435e1..96196b2fa8 100755
--- a/scripts/repl.js
+++ b/scripts/repl.js
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ function prepare(isDev, targetCompilerFile) {
   var [env, ocamlFlag, jsooFlag] = isDev
     ? ["development", "-g ", "--pretty "]
     : ["production", "", ""];
-  console.log(`building byte code version of the compiler [${env}]`);
+  console.log(`building byte code version of target compiler file '${targetCompilerFile}' [${env}]`);
   const mliFile = path.join(sourceDir, targetCompilerFile + ".mli")
   const mlFile = path.join(sourceDir, targetCompilerFile + ".ml")
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ function prepare(isDev, targetCompilerFile) {
     `${OCAMLC} ${ocamlFlag}-w -30-40 -no-check-prims -I ${sourceDir} ${mliFile} ${mlFile} -o jsc.byte `
-  console.log("building js version");
+  console.log(`building js version for compiler target '${targetCompilerFile}'`);
   e(`${JSOO} compile jsc.byte ${jsooFlag}-o exports.js`);
   console.log("copy js artifacts");
   e(`cp ../lib/js/*.js ${playground}/stdlib`);
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ function prepublish() {
 // Relevant target compiler files can be found in jscomp/
-let targetCompilerFile = "js_compiler"
+let targetCompilerFile = "js_playground_compiler"
 // Let's derive the target file to compile from the last argument list.
 if(process.argv.length > 2) {

From 37051ee904cfa55980b07e4210d7f1747ea75480 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Ecker <>
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2022 11:20:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 13/13] Update CONTRIBUTING to align with the renamed
 playground jsoo entrypoint

--- | 10 +++++-----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index c04a667370..1fb79cb6ab 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -225,17 +225,17 @@ opam install js_of_ocaml.4.0.0
 ### Building the Bundle
-The entry point of the JSOO bundle is located in `jscomp/main/`, the code for packing the compiler into a single compiler file is located in `jscomp/`, and the script for running JSOO can be found in `scripts/repl.js`. A full clean build can be done like this:
+The entry point of the JSOO bundle is located in `jscomp/main/`, the code for packing the compiler into a single compiler file is located in `jscomp/`, and the script for running JSOO can be found in `scripts/repl.js`. A full clean build can be done like this:
 # We create a target directory for storing the bundle / stdlib files
 mkdir playground && mkdir playground/stdlib
-# We build the ReScript source code and also the bytecode for
+# We build the ReScript source code and also the bytecode for the JSOO entrypoint
 node scripts/ninja.js config && node scripts/ninja.js build
 # Now we run the repl.js script pointing to our playground directory (note how it needs to be relative to the repl.js file)
-PLAYGROUND=../playground node scripts/repl.js js_refmt_compiler
+PLAYGROUND=../playground node scripts/repl.js
 _Troubleshooting: if ninja build step failed with `Error: cannot find file '+runtime.js'`, make sure `ocamlfind` is installed with `opam install ocamlfind`._
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ $ node
 ### Playground JS bundle API
-As soon as the bundle is loaded, you will get access to the functions exposed in [``](jscomp/refmt/ Best way to check out the API is by inspecting a compiler instance it either in node, or in the browser:
+As soon as the bundle is loaded, you will get access to the functions exposed in [``](jscomp/main/ Best way to check out the API is by inspecting a compiler instance it either in node, or in the browser:
 $ node
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ require('./exports.js')
 ### Working on the Playground JS API
-Whenever you are modifying any files in the ReScript compiler, or in the `` file, you'll need to rebuild the source and recreate the JS bundle.
+Whenever you are modifying any files in the ReScript compiler, or in the `` file, you'll need to rebuild the source and recreate the JS bundle.
 node scripts/ninja.js config && node scripts/ninja.js build