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The official VSCode plugin for ReScript.


bs-platform 8.2.0 installed locally in your project.


The plugin's on VSCode Marketplace. In VSCode, cmd-shift-p -> "Install Extensions", then find "rescript-vscode".

The plugin activates on .res and .resi files. If you've already got Reason-Language-Server installed, it's possible that the latter took precedence over this one. Make sure you're using this plugin ("ReScript syntax") rather than Reason-Language-Server ("BuckleScript syntax").


  • Syntax highlighting (.res, .resi).
  • Formatting, with caveats:
    • Currently requires the file to be part of a ReScript project, i.e. with a bsconfig.json.
    • Cannot be a temporary file
  • Syntax errors diagnosis (only after formatting).

Upcoming Features

  • Formatting of temporary files
  • Formatting of files outside of a ReScript project root
  • Type diagnosis


Other Editors With Language-Server Support

This repo happens to also contain a language-server usable by other editors. If you'd like to use this language-server with e.g. Atom, for now, you have to clone the repo and run npm run compile. The language server will be at server/out/server.js. Wire that into your editor.


├── client // Language Client
│   ├── src
│   │   └── extension.ts // Language Client entry point
├── package.json // The extension manifest.
└── server // Language Server
    └── src
        └── server.ts // Language Server entry point

Running the Project

  • Run npm install in this folder. This installs all necessary npm modules in both the client and server folder
  • Open VS Code on this folder.
  • Press Ctrl+Shift+B to compile the client and server.
  • Switch to the Debug viewlet (command palette -> View: Show Run and Debug).
  • Select Launch Client from the drop down.
  • Run the launch config.
  • If you want to debug the server as well use the launch configuration Attach to Server
  • In the [Extension Development Host] instance of VSCode, open a document in 'plain text' language mode.
  • Try ReScript mode formatting with .res or .resi files.

Change the Grammar

  • Modify grammars/rescript.tmLanguage.json.

Currently the best way to test it is to link your extension to ~/.vscode/extensions then reload a separate test VSCode .res tab after each grammar change.

For more grammar inspirations, check: