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218 lines (168 loc) · 12.1 KB

File metadata and controls

218 lines (168 loc) · 12.1 KB



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[!TIP] Github 地址





npm install -D jest@29.7.0
npm install -D @testing-library/react-native@12.5.1


yarn add -D jest@29.7.0
yarn add -D @testing-library/react-native@12.5.1



import '@testing-library/react-native/extend-expect';


  "preset": "react-native",
  "setupFilesAfterEnv": ["@testing-library/react-native/extend-expect"]


[!WARNING] 使用时 import 的库名不变。

import * as React from 'react';
import { Pressable, ScrollView, Text, TextInput, View } from 'react-native';
import { render, screen, userEvent } from '@testing-library/react-native';

type QuestionsBoardProps = {
  questions: string[];
  onSubmit: (obj: {}) => void;


function QuestionsBoard({ questions, onSubmit }: QuestionsBoardProps) {
  const [data, setData] = React.useState({});

  return (
      {, index) => {
        return (
          <View key={q}>
              accessibilityLabel="answer input"
              onChangeText={(text) => {
                setData((state) => ({
                  [index + 1]: { q, a: text },
      <Pressable accessibilityRole={'button'} onPress={() => onSubmit(data)}>

test('form submits two answers', async () => {
  const questions = ['q1', 'q2'];
  const onSubmit = jest.fn();

  const user = userEvent.setup();
  render(<QuestionsBoard questions={questions} onSubmit={onSubmit} />);

  const answerInputs = screen.getAllByLabelText('answer input');
  await user.type(answerInputs[0], 'a1');
  await user.type(answerInputs[1], 'a2');
  await'button', { name: 'Submit' }));

    '1': { q: 'q1', a: 'a1' },
    '2': { q: 'q2', a: 'a2' },




  1. RNOH: 0.72.27; SDK: HarmonyOS-Next-DB1; IDE: DevEco Studio; ROM:;
  2. RNOH:0.72.33; SDK:OpenHarmony Version 12 Release); IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:NEXT.0.0.71;


详细请查看 react-native-testing-library 的文档介绍

[!TIP] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。

[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
render render your UI components for testing purposes function yes All yes
screen access rendered UI object no All yes
userEvent simulate common user interactions like press or type in a realistic way object no All yes
fireEvent simulate any component event in a simplified way function no All yes
renderHook render hooks for testing purposes function no All yes
waitFor Waits for a period of time for the expectation function no All yes
configure configure function no All yes
resetToDefaults reset to Defaults function no All yes
isHiddenFromAccessibility Checks if given element is hidden from assistive technology, e.g. screen readers. function no All yes
within performs queries scoped to given element function no All yes
act action function no All yes
cleanup Unmounts React trees that were mounted with render and clears screen variable that holds latest render output. function no All yes


[!TIP] "*"号表示省略了变体或者谓词部;查询接口由两部分组成:变体和谓词,它们之间由单词by分隔,例如: getBy*是查询变体,*ByRole是谓词;变体和谓词之间可以任意组合。

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
getBy* Exactly one matching element function no All yes
getAllBy* At least one matching element function no All yes
queryBy* Zero or one matching element function no All yes
queryAllBy* No assertion function no All yes
findBy* Exactly one matching element function no All yes
findAllBy* At least one matching element function no All yes
*ByRole Returns a ReactTestInstance with matching role or accessibilityRole prop. function no All yes
*ByLabelText Returns a ReactTestInstance with matching label function no All yes
*ByPlaceholderText Returns a ReactTestInstance for a TextInput with a matching placeholder – may be a string or regular expression function no All yes
*ByDisplayValue Returns a ReactTestInstance for a TextInput with a matching display value – may be a string or regular expression function no All yes
*ByText Returns a ReactTestInstance with matching text – may be a string or regular expression function no All yes
*ByHintText Returns a ReactTestInstance with matching accessibilityHint prop function no All yes
*ByTestId Returns a ReactTestInstance with matching testID prop. testID – may be a string or a regular expression function no All yes
rerender Re-render the in-memory tree with a new root element function no All yes
unmount Unmount the in-memory tree, triggering the appropriate lifecycle events function no All yes
debug Pretty prints deeply rendered component passed to render function no All yes
toJSON Get the rendered component JSON representation, e.g. for snapshot testing function no All yes
root Returns the rendered root host element object no All yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
setup Creates a User Event object instance, which can be used to trigger events. function no All yes
press This helper simulates a press on any pressable element function no All yes
longPress Simulates a long press user interaction. function no All yes
type This helper simulates the user focusing on a TextInput element function no All yes
clear This helper simulates the user clearing the content of a TextInput element function no All yes
scrollTo This helper simulates the user scrolling a host ScrollView element function no All yes

Jest matchers

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
toBeOnTheScreen This allows you to assert whether an element is attached to the element tree or not. If you hold a reference to an element and it gets unmounted during the test it will no longer pass this assertion. function no All yes
toHaveTextContent This allows you to assert whether the given element has the given text content or not. It accepts either string or RegExp matchers, as well as text match options of exact and normalizer function no All yes
toContainElement This allows you to assert whether the given container element does contain another host element. function no All yes
toBeEmptyElement This allows you to assert whether the given element does not have any host child elements or text content function no All yes
toHaveDisplayValue This allows you to assert whether the given TextInput element has a specified display value. It accepts either string or RegExp matchers, as well as text match options of exact and normalizer function no All yes
toHaveAccessibilityValue This allows you to assert whether the given element has a specified accessible value function no All yes
toBeEnabled These allow you to assert whether the given element is enabled or disabled from the user's perspective. It relies on the accessibility disabled state as set by aria-disabled or accessibilityState.disabled props. It will consider a given element disabled when it or any of its ancestors is disabled. function no All yes
toBeSelected This allows you to assert whether the given element is selected from the user's perspective. It relies on the accessibility selected state as set by aria-selected or accessibilityState.selected props function no All yes
toBeChecked These allow you to assert whether the given element is checked or partially checked from the user's perspective. It relies on the accessibility checked state as set by aria-checked or accessibilityState.checked props function no All yes
toBeExpanded These allows you to assert whether the given element is expanded or collapsed from the user's perspective. It relies on the accessibility disabled state as set by aria-expanded or accessibilityState.expanded props function no All yes
toBeBusy This allows you to assert whether the given element is busy from the user's perspective. It relies on the accessibility selected state as set by aria-busy or accessibilityState.busy props. function no All yes
toHaveStyle This allows you to assert whether the given element has given styles function no All yes
toHaveAccessibleName This allows you to assert whether the given element has a specified accessible name. It accepts either string or RegExp matchers, as well as text match options of exact and normalizer function no All yes
toHaveProp This allows you to assert whether the given element has a given prop. When the value parameter is undefined it will only check for existence of the prop, and when value is defined it will check if the actual value matches passed value. function no All yes




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