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121 lines (89 loc) · 14 KB

File metadata and controls

121 lines (89 loc) · 14 KB



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npm install react-native-render-html@6.3.4


yarn add react-native-render-html@6.3.4


[!WARNING] 使用时 import 的库名不变。

import React from "react";
import { useWindowDimensions } from "react-native";
import RenderHtml from "react-native-render-html";

const source = {
  html: `
<p style='text-align:center;'>
  Hello World!

export default function App() {
  const { width } = useWindowDimensions();
  return <RenderHtml contentWidth={width} source={source} />;




  1. RNOH:0.72.27; SDK:HarmonyOS-Next-DB1; IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:;
  2. RNOH:0.72.33; SDK:OpenHarmony Version 12 Release); IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:NEXT.0.0.71;


[!TIP] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。

[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。

组件 RenderHtml

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
allowedStyles Whitelist specific inline CSS style properties and ignore the others. CSSPropertyNameList NO Android、iOS Yes
baseStyle The default style for the document (root). Inheritable styles will be transferred to children. That works also for textual styles. MixedStyleDeclaration NO Android、iOS Yes
classesStyles Provide mixed styles to target elements selected by CSS classes. Readonly<Record<string, MixedStyleDeclaration>> NO Android、iOS Yes
computeEmbeddedMaxWidth A function which takes contentWidth and tagName as arguments and returns a new width. Can return Infinity to denote unconstrained widths. (contentWidth: number, tagName: string) => number NO Android、iOS Yes
contentWidth The width of the HTML content to display. The recommended practice is to pass useWindowDimensions().width minus any padding or margins. number NO Android、iOS Yes
customHTMLElementModels Customize element models for target tags. HTMLElementModelRecord NO Android、iOS Yes
dangerouslyDisableHoisting Disable hoisting. Especially useful for rendering with react-native-web.Note that your layout might break in native! boolean NO Android、iOS Yes
dangerouslyDisableWhitespaceCollapsing Disable whitespace collapsing. Especially useful if your html is being pre-processed server-side with a minifier. boolean NO Android、iOS Yes
debug Log to the console a snapshot of the rendered TDocument after each transient render tree invalidation. boolean NO Android、iOS Yes
defaultTextProps Default props for Text elements in the render tree. TextProps NO Android、iOS Yes
defaultViewProps Default props for View elements in the render tree. ViewProps NO Android、iOS Yes
domVisitors An object which callbacks will be invoked when a DOM element or text node has been parsed and its children attached. This is great to tamper the dom, remove children, insert nodes, change text nodes data... etc. DomVisitorCallbacks NO Android、iOS Yes
emSize The default value in pixels for 1em. number NO Android、iOS Yes
enableCSSInlineProcessing Enable or disable inline CSS processing of inline styles. boolean NO Android、iOS Yes
enableExperimentalBRCollapsing Recommended value is true on non-web platforms. Also note that this is an experimental feature, thus subject to behavioral instability. boolean NO Android、iOS Yes
enableExperimentalMarginCollapsing Enable or disable margin collapsing CSS behavior (experimental!). boolean NO Android、iOS Yes
idsStyles Enable or disable margin collapsing CSS behavior (experimental!). boolean NO Android、iOS Yes
ignoreDomNode Ignore specific DOM nodes. (node: Node, parent: NodeWithChildren) => unknown NO Android、iOS Yes
ignoredDomTags A list of lowercase tags which should not be included in the DOM. Array NO Android、iOS Yes
ignoredStyles Blacklist specific inline CSS style properties and allow the others. CSSPropertyNameList NO Android、iOS Yes
bypassAnonymousTPhrasingNodes The most simple one is that itsimplifies the render tree boolean NO Android、iOS Yes
onDocumentMetadataLoaded Handler invoked when the document metadata is available. It will re-trigger on HTML content changes. (documentMetadata: DocumentMetadata) => void NO Android、iOS Yes
onHTMLLoaded Triggered when HTML is available to the RenderHTML component. (html: string) => void NO Android、iOS Yes
onTTreeChange Triggered when the transient render tree changes. Useful for debugging. (ttree: TDocument) => void NO Android、iOS Yes
renderers Your custom renderers. CustomTagRendererRecor NO Android、iOS Yes
selectDomRoot Select the DOM root before TTree generation. For example, you could iterate over children until you reach an article element and return this element. TRenderEngineOptions NO Android、iOS Yes
setMarkersForTNode Set custom markers from a TNode and all its descendants. Markers will be accessible in custom renderers via tnode.markers prop. SetMarkersForTNode NO Android、iOS Yes
source The object source to render (either { uri }, { html } or { dom }). HTMLSource Yes Android、iOS Yes
renderersProps Props to use in custom renderers with useRendererProps. Partial NO Android、iOS Yes
systemFonts A list of fonts available in the current platform. These fonts will be used to select the first match in CSS fontFamily property, which supports a comma-separated list of fonts. By default, a handful of fonts are selected per platform. Array No Android、iOS Yes
tagsStyles Provide mixed styles to target HTML tag names. Readonly<Record<string, MixedStyleDeclaration>> NO Android、iOS Yes



  • img 的宽度不会随着 contentWidth 的动态修改而更改,接口属性原库本身不支持(与iOS/Android表现一致)(由 RN 基座引起,RNImage 组件更新状态时 this.descriptorWrapper 没有重新赋值) issue#638


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