[!TIP] Github 地址
npm install react-native-reanimated-carousel@3.5.1
yarn add react-native-reanimated-carousel@3.5.1
[!TIP] 本示例依赖 react-native-gesture-handler、react-native-reanimated 库,参照@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-gesture-handler 文档、@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-reanimated 文档进行引入。
import React, { useState, useRef } from "react";
import { ScrollView } from "react-native-gesture-handler";
import type { ICarouselInstance } from "react-native-reanimated-carousel";
import Carousel from "react-native-reanimated-carousel";
import { View, Text, Button, Dimensions, SafeAreaView, StyleSheet } from "react-native";
import { useSharedValue } from "react-native-reanimated";
const PAGE_HEIGHT = Dimensions.get("window").height;
const PAGE_WIDTH = Dimensions.get("window").width;
export function ReanimatedCarouselExample() {
const scrollOffsetValue = useSharedValue<number>(1);
const [data, setData] = useState([...new Array(4).keys()]);
const [isVertical, setIsVertical] = useState(false);
const [isFast, setIsFast] = useState(false);
const [isAutoPlay, setIsAutoPlay] = useState(true);
const [isPagingEnabled, setIsPagingEnabled] = useState(true);
const [value, setValue] = useState(0);
const ref = useRef<ICarouselInstance>(null);
return (
<SafeAreaView edges={["bottom"]} style={{ flex: 1 }}>
height={PAGE_HEIGHT / 2}
enabled // Default is true, just for demo
autoPlayInterval={isFast ? 200 : 2000}
onSnapToItem={(index) => setValue(index)}
renderItem={({ index }) => {
return (
width: PAGE_WIDTH,
height: PAGE_HEIGHT / 2,
<Text style={{ fontSize: 20, color: "white" }}>{`slide${value + 1}`}</Text>
<ScrollView style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<View style={styles.optView}>
title="Change the data length to 5"
onPress={() => {
setData([...new Array(5).keys()]);
<View style={styles.optView}>
title="Change the data length to 3"
onPress={() => {
setData([...new Array(3).keys()]);
<View style={styles.optView}>
title={isVertical ? "Set horizontal" : "Set Vertical"}
onPress={() => {
<View style={styles.optView}>
title={isFast ? "NORMAL" : "FAST"}
onPress={() => {
<View style={styles.optView}>
onPress={() => {
<View style={styles.optView}>
onPress={() => {
<View style={styles.optView}>
onPress={() => {
ref.current?.scrollTo({ count: -1, animated: true });
<View style={styles.optView}>
onPress={() => {
ref.current?.scrollTo({ count: 1, animated: true });
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
swiperView: {
backgroundColor: "skyblue",
justifyContent: "center",
alignItems: "center"
optView: {
flexDirection: "row",
gap: 10,
padding: 5
本库鸿蒙侧实现依赖@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-gesture-handler、@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-reanimated 的原生端代码,如已在鸿蒙工程中引入过这两个库,则无需再次引入,可跳过本章节步骤,直接使用。
如未引入请参照@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-gesture-handler 文档、@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-reanimated 文档进行引入
- RNOH: 0.72.29; SDK: HarmonyOS-Next-DB6; IDE: DevEco Studio; ROM: NEXT.0.0.61;
[!TIP] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。
[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。
Name | Description | Required | Default | Type | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
data | Carousel items data set | yes | T[] | All | yes | |
renderItem | Render carousel item | yes | (info: { item: T, index: number, animationValue: SharedValue<number> }) => React.ReactElement | All | yes | |
defaultScrollOffsetValue | The default animated value of the carousel. | no | useSharedValue(0) | boolean | All | yes |
autoFillData | Auto fill data array to allow loop playback when the loop props is true.([1] => [1, 1, 1];[1, 2] => [1, 2, 1, 2]) | no | true | boolean | All | yes |
vertical | Layout items vertically instead of horizontally | no | false | boolean | All | yes |
width | Specified carousel item width | vertical no horizontal yes |
'100%' | number | undefined | All | yes |
height | Specified carousel item height | vertical yes horizontal no |
'100%' | number | undefined | All | yes |
mode | Carousel Animated transitions | no | default | 'horizontal-stack'|'vertical-stack'|'parallax' | All | yes |
modeConfig | Stack layout animation style. Different modes correspond to different configurations | no | { snapDirection: 'left',moveSize: window.width,stackInterval: 30,scaleInterval: 0.08,rotateZDeg: 135} | All | yes | |
style | Carousel container style | no | {} | ViewStyle | All | yes |
defaultIndex | Default index | no | 0 | number | All | yes |
autoPlay | Auto play | no | false | boolean | All | yes |
autoPlayReverse | Auto play reverse playback | no | false | boolean | All | yes |
autoPlayInterval | Auto play playback interval | no | 1000 | number | All | yes |
scrollAnimationDuration | Time a scroll animation takes to finish | no | 500 | number | All | yes |
loop | Carousel loop playback | no | true | boolean | All | yes |
testID | Used to locate this view in end-to-end tests | no | string | All | yes | |
onSnapToItem | Callback fired when navigating to an item | no | (index: number) => void | All | yes | |
onScrollBegin | Callback fired when scroll begin | no | () => void | All | yes | |
onScrollEnd | Callback fired when scroll end | no | (index: number) => void | All | yes | |
withAnimation | Specifies the scrolling animation effect | no | {type: 'spring';config: WithSpringConfig;} | {type: 'timing';config: WithTimingConfig;} | All | yes | |
panGestureHandlerProps | PanGestureHandler props | no | {} | Omit<Partial<PanGestureHandlerProps>,'onHandlerStateChange'> | All | yes |
windowSize | The maximum number of items that can respond to pan gesture events, 0 means all items will respond to pan gesture events |
no | 0 | number | All | yes |
onProgressChange | On progress change. offsetProgress :Total of offset distance (0 390 780 ...); absoluteProgress :Convert to index (0 1 2 ...) |
no | onProgressChange?: (offsetProgress: number,absoluteProgress: number) => void | All | yes | |
pagingEnabled | When true, the scroll view stops on multiples of the scroll view's size when scrolling | no | true | boolean | All | yes |
overscrollEnabled | If enabled, the item will scroll to the first placement when scrolling past the edge rather than closing to the last. (previous conditions: loop=false) | no | true | boolean | All | yes |
snapEnabled | If enabled, releasing the touch will scroll to the nearest item, valid when pagingEnabled=false | no | true | boolean | All | yes |
enabled | when false, Carousel will not respond to any gestures | no | true | boolean | All | yes |
customConfig | Custom carousel config | no | () => {type?: 'negative' | 'positive';viewCount?: number;} | All | yes | |
customAnimation | Custom animations | no | (value: number) => Animated.AnimatedStyleProp | All | yes | |
maxScrollDistancePerSwipe | Maximum offset value for one scroll. If props.vertical = true , this will be maxScrollDistancePerSwipeY . If props.vertical = false , this will be maxScrollDistancePerSwipeX . |
no | number | All | yes |
Name | Description | Required | Default | Type | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
parallaxScrollingOffset | control prev/next item offset | no | 100 | number | All | yes |
parallaxScrollingScale | control prev/current/next item scale | no | 0.8 | number | All | yes |
parallaxAdjacentItemScale | control prev/next item scale | no | parallaxAdjacentItemScale || Math.pow(parallaxScrollingScale, 2) | number | All | yes |
Name | Description | Required | Default | Type | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
showLength | Display number | no | data.length-1 | number | All | yes |
moveSize | Item translate size | no | screen.width | number | All | yes |
stackInterval | The spacing of each item | no | 18 | number | All | yes |
scaleInterval | The scale of each item | no | 0.04 | number | All | yes |
opacityInterval | The opacity of each item | no | 0.1 | number | All | yes |
rotateZDeg | The item rotation Angle | no | 30 | number | All | yes |
snapDirection | Slide direction | no | 'left' | 'left'|'right' | All | yes |
Name | description | Required | Default | Type | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
prev | Scroll to previous item, it takes one optional argument (count), which allows you to specify how many items to cross | no | ({ count: number, animated: boolean, onFinished?: () => void }) => void | All | yes | |
next | Scroll to next item, it takes one optional argument (count), which allows you to specify how many items to cross | no | ({ count: number, animated: boolean, onFinished?: () => void }) => void | All | yes | |
scrollTo | Use count to scroll to a position where relative to the current position, scrollTo({count:-2}) is equivalent to prev(2), scrollTo({count:2}) is equivalent to next(2). And also can jump to specific position, e.g. scrollTo({index:2,animated:false}) | no | ({ index: number, count: number, animated: boolean, onFinished?: () => void }) => void | All | yes | |
getCurrentIndex | Get current item index | no | ()=>number | All | yes |
本项目基于 The MIT License (MIT) ,请自由地享受和参与开源。