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File metadata and controls

336 lines (260 loc) · 20.8 KB



本项目基于 react-native-fs@2.20.0 开发。

Version Package Name Repository Release
<= 2.20.0-0.1.14@deprecated @react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-fs Github(deprecated) Github Releases(deprecated)
>= 2.20.1 @react-native-ohos/react-native-fs Gitee Gitee Releases

1. 安装与使用



npm install @react-native-ohos/react-native-fs


yarn add @react-native-ohos/react-native-fs


[!WARNING] 使用时 import 的库名不变。

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { SafeAreaView, StyleSheet, ScrollView, View, Text, StatusBar, TextInput, Button } from "react-native";
import FS from "react-native-fs";
import { Colors } from "react-native/Libraries/NewAppScreen";

function App(): React.JSX.Element {
  const [mkdirParam, setMkdirParam] = useState("");
  const mkdirExample = () => {
    FS.mkdir(FS.DocumentDirectoryPath + "/" + mkdirParam).then(
      (result) => {
        console.log("file mkdirParam: " + mkdirParam);
        console.log("file Successfully created directory.");
      (err) => {
        console.error("file mkdir: " + err.message);

  return (
      <StatusBar barStyle="dark-content" />
        <ScrollView contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior="automatic" style={styles.scrollView}>
          <Text style={styles.sectionTitle}>{"React Native File Harmony Demo App"}</Text>
          <View style={styles.body}>
            <View style={styles.sectionContainer}>
              <Text style={styles.sectionTitle}>{"mkdir"}</Text>
              <View style={styles.sectionDescription}>
                  placeholder="Folder Path"
                  onChangeText={(mkdirParam) => setMkdirParam(mkdirParam)}
              <Button title="Create Directory" color="#9a73ef" onPress={mkdirExample} />

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  scrollView: {
  engine: {
    position: "absolute",
    right: 0,
  body: {
    backgroundColor: Colors.dark,
  sectionContainer: {
    marginTop: 32,
    paddingHorizontal: 24,
  sectionTitle: {
    fontSize: 24,
    fontWeight: "600",
    color: Colors.white,
  sectionDescription: {
    marginTop: 8,
    fontSize: 18,
    fontWeight: "400",
    color: Colors.dark,
  input: {
    marginTop: 12,

export default App;

2. Manual Link


首先需要使用 DevEco Studio 打开项目里的 HarmonyOS 工程 harmony

2.1. Overrides RN SDK

为了让工程依赖同一个版本的 RN SDK,需要在工程根目录的 oh-package.json5 添加 overrides 字段,指向工程需要使用的 RN SDK 版本。替换的版本既可以是一个具体的版本号,也可以是一个模糊版本,还可以是本地存在的 HAR 包或源码目录。


  "overrides": {
    "@rnoh/react-native-openharmony": "^0.72.38" // ohpm 在线版本
    // "@rnoh/react-native-openharmony" : "./react_native_openharmony.har" // 指向本地 har 包的路径
    // "@rnoh/react-native-openharmony" : "./react_native_openharmony" // 指向源码路径

2.2. 引入原生端代码


  • 通过 har 包引入;
  • 直接链接源码。

方法一:通过 har 包引入(推荐)

[!TIP] har 包位于三方库安装路径的 harmony 文件夹下。

打开 entry/oh-package.json5,添加以下依赖

"dependencies": {
    "@rnoh/react-native-openharmony": "file:../react_native_openharmony",
    "@react-native-ohos/react-native-fs": "file:../../node_modules/@react-native-ohos/react-native-fs/harmony/fs.har"

点击右上角的 sync 按钮


cd entry
ohpm install


[!TIP] 如需使用直接链接源码,请参考直接链接源码说明

2.3. 配置 CMakeLists 和引入 RNFSPackage

[!TIP] 版本 v2.20.1 及以上需要

打开 entry/src/main/cpp/CMakeLists.txt,添加:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1)
+ set(OH_MODULES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../../oh_modules")
set(RNOH_CPP_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../../../../../react-native-harmony/harmony/cpp")

add_subdirectory("${RNOH_CPP_DIR}" ./rn)

# RNOH_BEGIN: manual_package_linking_1
add_subdirectory("../../../../sample_package/src/main/cpp" ./sample-package)
+ add_subdirectory("${OH_MODULES}/@react-native-ohos/react-native-fs/src/main/cpp" ./fs)
# RNOH_END: manual_package_linking_1

add_library(rnoh_app SHARED

target_link_libraries(rnoh_app PUBLIC rnoh)

# RNOH_BEGIN: manual_package_linking_2
target_link_libraries(rnoh_app PUBLIC rnoh_sample_package)
+ target_link_libraries(rnoh_app PUBLIC rnoh_fs)
# RNOH_END: manual_package_linking_2

打开 entry/src/main/cpp/PackageProvider.cpp,添加:

#include "RNOH/PackageProvider.h"
#include "SamplePackage.h"
+ #include "RNFSPackage.h"

using namespace rnoh;

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Package>> PackageProvider::getPackages(Package::Context ctx) {
    return {
+     std::make_shared<RNFSPackage>(ctx)

2.4. 在 ArkTs 侧引入 FsPackage

打开 entry/src/main/ets/RNPackagesFactory.ts,添加:

import type { RNPackageContext, RNPackage } from 'rnoh/ts';
+ import { FsPackage } from '@react-native-ohos/react-native-fs/ts';

export function createRNPackages(ctx: RNPackageContext): RNPackage[] {
  return [
    new SamplePackage(ctx),
+   new FsPackage(ctx)

2.5. 运行

点击右上角的 sync 按钮


cd entry
ohpm install


3. 约束与限制

3.1. 兼容性

请到三方库相应的 Releases 发布地址查看 Release 配套的版本信息:@react-native-ohos/react-native-fs Releases

4. 静态方法

[!TIP] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。

[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support Remark
DocumentDirectoryPath System Path string No iOS/Android yes
CachesDirectoryPath System Path string No iOS/Android yes
MainBundlePath System Path string No iOS yes
ExternalCachesDirectoryPath System Path string No Android No Android only
DownloadDirectoryPath System Path string No Android/Windows No not available on Harmony
TemporaryDirectoryPath System Path string No iOS/Android yes
LibraryDirectoryPath System Path string No iOS yes
ExternalDirectoryPath System Path string No Android No Android only
ExternalStorageDirectoryPath System Path string No Android No Android only
PicturesDirectoryPath System Path string No Windows No Windows only
RoamingDirectoryPath System Path string No Windows No Windows only

5. API

[!TIP] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。

[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。

Name Description Type Platform Required HarmonyOS Support Remark
mkdir Create a directory at filepath. function Android No yes
exists Check if the item exists at filepath. function iOS/Android No yes
readFile Reads the file at path and return contents. function iOS/Android No yes
readFileAssets Reads the file at path in the harmony app's assets folder and return contents. function Android No yes
writeFile Write the contents to filepath. function iOS/Android No yes
appendFile Append the contents to filepath. function iOS/Android No yes
copyFile Copies the file located at filepath to destPath. function iOS No yes
unlink Unlinks the item at filepath. function iOS/Android No yes
hash Reads the file at path and returns its checksum as determined by algorithm, which can be one of md5, sha1, sha256. function iOS/Android No partially
moveFile Moves the file located at filepath to destPath. function iOS/Android No yes
read Reads length bytes from the given position of the file at path and returns contents. function iOS/Android No yes
write Write the contents to filepath at the given random access position. function iOS/Android No yes
touch Sets the modification timestamp mtimeof the file at filepath. function iOS/Android No partially
stat Stats an item at filepath. function iOS/Android No yes
readDir Reads the contents of path. function iOS/Android No yes
readDirAssets Reads the contents of dirpath in the Android app's assets folder. function Android No No Android only
readdir Node.js style version of readDir that returns only the names. function iOS/Android No No No API on Harmony
readFileRes Reads the file named filename in the Android app's res folder and return contents. function Android No No Android only
copyFolder Copies the contents located at srcFolderPath to destFolderPath. function Windows No No Windows only
copyFileAssets Copies the file at filepath in the Android app's assets folder and copies it to the given destPath path. function Android No No Android only
copyFileRes Copies the file named filename in the Android app's res folder and copies it to the given destPath path. function Android No No Android only
copyAssetsFileIOS Reads an image file from Camera Roll and writes to destPath. function iOS No No iOS only
copyAssetsVideoIOS Copies a video from assets-library, that is prefixed with 'assets-library://asset/asset.MOV?...' to a specific destination. function iOS No No iOS only
existsAssets Check in the Android assets folder if the item exists. function Android No yes
existsRes Check in the Android res folder if the item named filename exists. function Android No No Android only
downloadFile Abort the current download job with this ID. function iOS/Android No yes
stopDownload Abort the current download job with this ID. function iOS/Android No No No API on Harmony
resumeDownload Resume the current download job with this ID. function iOS No No iOS only
isResumable Check if the the download job with this ID is resumable with resumeDownload(). function iOS No No iOS only
completeHandlerIOS For use when using background downloads, tell iOS you are done handling a completed download. function iOS No No iOS only
uploadFiles Percentage can be computed easily by dividing totalBytesSent by totalBytesExpectedToSend. function iOS/Android No No No API on Harmony
stopUpload Abort the current upload job with this ID. function iOS No No iOS only
getFSInfo Returns an object with the following properties. function iOS/Android No No No API on Harmony
scanFile Scan the file using Media Scanner. function Android No No Android only
getAllExternalFilesDirs Returns an array with the absolute paths to application-specific directories on all shared/external storage devices where the application can place persistent files it owns. function Android No No Android only
pathForGroup Returns the absolute path to the directory shared for all applications with the same security group identifier. function iOS No No iOS only

6. 遗留问题

  • HarmonyOS 的 hash 哈希 API 中关于算法参数 algorithm 目前仅支持"md5"、"sha1"、 "sha256",其他相关算法参数目前不支持,问题: issue#1
  • 原库部分接口在 HarmonyOS 中没有对应文件路径常量及接口处理相关逻辑,问题: issue#2

7. 其他

8. 开源协议

本项目基于 The MIT License (MIT) ,请自由地享受和参与开源。