[!TIP] Github 地址
npm install react-native-autocomplete-dropdown@4.0.0-rc.5
yarn add react-native-autocomplete-dropdown@4.0.0-rc.5
[!WARNING] 使用时 import 的库名不变。
- Wrap your root component in AutocompleteDropdownContextProvider from react-native-autocomplete-dropdown
import { AutocompleteDropdownContextProvider } from 'react-native-autocomplete-dropdown';
import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native'
AppRegistry.setWrapperComponentProvider(appParams => {
return ({ children }) => (
<AutocompleteDropdownContextProvider >
- Example with local Dataset
import React, { memo, useState } from 'react'
import { Text, View } from 'react-native'
import type { TAutocompleteDropdownItem } from 'react-native-autocomplete-dropdown'
import { AutocompleteDropdown } from 'react-native-autocomplete-dropdown'
const ItemSeparatorComponent = () => <View style={{ height: 1, width: '100%', backgroundColor: '#d8e1e6' }} />
export const LocalDataSetExample = memo(() => {
const [selectedItem, setSelectedItem] = useState<TAutocompleteDropdownItem | null>(null)
return (
initialValue={{ id: '2' }} // or just '2'
onSelectItem={item => setSelectedItem(item)}
{ id: '1', title: 'Alpha' },
{ id: '2', title: 'Beta' },
{ id: '3', title: 'Gamma' },
<Text style={{ color: '#668', fontSize: 13 }}>Selected item: {JSON.stringify(selectedItem)}</Text>
本库 HarmonyOS 侧实现依赖@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-svg 的原生端代码,如已在 HarmonyOS 工程中引入过该库,则无需再次引入,可跳过本章节步骤,直接使用。
如未引入请参照@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-svg 文档进行引入
- RNOH: 0.72.27; SDK:HarmonyOS-Next-DB1; IDE: DevEco Studio; ROM:;
[!TIP] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。
[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
dataSet | set of list items | array | no | iOS/Android | yes |
initialValue | string (id) or object that contain id | object | string | no | iOS/Android | yes |
loading | loading state | boolean | no | iOS/Android | yes |
useFilter | whether use local filter by dataSet (useful set to false for remote filtering to prevent rerender twice) | boolean | no | iOS/Android | yes |
showClear | show clear button | boolean | no | iOS/Android | yes |
showChevron | show chevron (open/close) button | boolean | no | iOS/Android | yes |
closeOnSubmit | sets the max stroke line width | boolean | no | iOS/Android | yes |
clearOnFocus | whether to clear typed text on focus | boolean | no | iOS/Android | yes |
caseSensitive | whether to perform case-sensitive search | boolean | no | iOS/Android | yes |
ignoreAccents | ignore diacritics | boolean | no | iOS/Android | yes |
trimSearchText | trim the searched text | boolean | no | iOS/Android | yes |
editable | is textInput editable | boolean | no | iOS/Android | yes |
debounce | wait ms before call onChangeText | number | no | iOS/Android | yes |
suggestionsListMaxHeight | max height of dropdown | number | no | iOS/Android | yes |
direction | "up" or "down" | up | down | no | iOS/Android | yes |
matchFrom | whether match suggestions from start of titles or anywhere in the title. Possible values are "any" or "start" | any | start | no | iOS/Android | yes |
onChangeText | event textInput onChangeText | function | no | iOS/Android | yes |
onSelectItem | event onSelectItem | function | no | iOS/Android | yes |
onOpenSuggestionsList | event onOpenSuggestionsList | function | no | iOS/Android | yes |
onChevronPress | event onChevronPress | function | no | iOS/Android | yes |
onClear | event on clear button press | function | no | iOS/Android | yes |
onSubmit | event on submit KB button press | function | no | iOS/Android | yes |
onBlur | event fired on text input blur | function | no | iOS/Android | yes |
onFocus | event on focus text input | function | no | iOS/Android | yes |
renderItem | JSX for render item (item, searchText) => JSX | function | no | iOS/Android | yes |
controller | return reference to module controller with methods close, open, toggle, clear, setInputText, setItem | function | no | iOS/Android | yes |
containerStyle | containerStyle | ViewStyle | no | iOS/Android | yes |
inputContainerStyle | custom input container style | ViewStyle | no | iOS/Android | yes |
rightButtonsContainerStyle | rightButtonsContainerStyle | ViewStyle | no | iOS/Android | yes |
suggestionsListContainerStyle | suggestionsListContainerStyle | ViewStyle | no | iOS/Android | yes |
suggestionsListTextStyle | suggestionsListTextStyle | TextStyle | no | iOS/Android | yes |
rightIconComponent | custom chevron icon | React.Component | no | iOS/Android | yes |
ChevronIconComponent | Chevron Custom Icon | React.Component | no | iOS/Android | yes |
ClearIconComponent | Clear Custom Icon | React.Component | no | iOS/Android | yes |
EmptyResultComponent | replace the default `` Component on empty result | React.Component | no | iOS/Android | yes |
InputComponent | input element component | React.ComponentType | no | iOS/Android | yes |
emptyResultText | replace the default "Nothing found" text on empty result | string | no | iOS/Android | yes |
textInputProps | text input props | TextInputProps | no | iOS/Android | yes |
flatListProps | props for \ component | FlatListProps | no | iOS/Android | yes |
- TextInput在页面底部时,键盘弹起会导致View标签measure方法计算pageY错误,导致dropdown位置不正确,RN框架问题。
- closeOnBlur、bottomOffset属性在4.0.0-rc5版本不支持,源码组件入口props中不接收这两个属性 源码:index.tsx
本项目基于 The MIT License (MIT) ,请自由地享受和参与开源。