2023-01-23 Version 5.7.0
- Update Android SDK to 5.2.7
- Update iOS SDK to 1.45.2
- Fix ~creation_source type - Thanks @vincent-paing
- Add export for success and error event - Thanks @vincent-paing
2022-10-13 Version 5.6.2
- Fixed bug with returning LATD on iOS
- Fixed bug with setIdentityAsync on Android
2022-10-03 Version 5.6.1
- Update Android SDK to 5.2.5
2022-09-30 Version 5.6.0
- Update Android SDK to 5.2.4
- Update iOS SDK to 1.43.2
- Fix BranchUniversalObject showShareSheet return type definition (thanks romanlitvin)
- Change customData type definition to String String dictionary (thanks vincent-paing!)
- Fixed clearPartnerParameters call (thanks danilobuerger!)
- Add callback to setIdentity in new function
2022-07-20 Version 5.5.0
- Branch QR code creation support added.
getBranchQRCode: ( settings: BranchQRCodeSettings, branchUniversalObject: BranchUniversalObjectOptions, linkProperties: BranchLinkProperties, controlParams: BranchLinkControlParams, ) => Promise<string>;
- Support for preinstall analytics.
setPreInstallCampaign = (campaign) => RNBranch.setPreinstallCampaign(campaign) setPreInstallPartner = (partner) => RNBranch.setPreinstallPartner(partner)
- Update react-native to 0.63.0
- Update Android SDK to 5.2.0
- Update iOS SDK to 1.43.1
2022-06-06 Version 5.4.1
- Update Android SDK to 5.1.5
- Update iOS SDK to 1.42.0
2022-02-10 Version 5.4.0
- Fix type definition of createBranchUniversalObject (Thanks v-fernandez!)
- Update Android SDK to 5.1.0
- Update iOS SDK to 1.41.0
- Update other dependencies to latest non-breaking
2022-01-31 Version 5.3.1
- Null checks for listeners. Thanks ilyagru!
- Depend on React-Core instead of React. Thanks radko93!
- Use @ReactModule annotation. Thanks janicduplessis!
2022-01-25 Version 5.3.0
- Swift support. Thanks giautm!
- Expose iOS method handleATTAuthorizationStatus. Thanks adkenyon!
- Remove jcenter repository. Thanks yash221b!
- Fix removeListener deprecate warning. Thanks addingama!
2021-10-29 Version 5.2.1
- Update iOS SDK to 1.40.2
2021-10-27 Version 5.2.0
- Update iOS SDK to 1.40.1
- Update Android SDK to 5.0.14
2021-10-01 Version 5.1.0
- Update Androd SDK to 5.0.13
- Removes credit related APIs. Feature has been deprecated and the supporting services will be shutdown.
2021-08-16 Version 5.0.4
Update iOS SDK to 1.39.4
Adds support to check the pasteboard for deferred deeplink data. Add
. The feature is optional and disabled by default. -
Update Android SDK to 5.0.9
2021-04-29 Version 5.0.3
- Update Android SDK to 5.0.8
2021-04-16 Version 5.0.2
Requires react-native >= 0.60
Update iOS SDK to 1.39.2
Update Android SDK to 5.0.7
Adds addFacebookPartnerParameter method. See FB documentation on partner parameters for details.
branch.addFacebookPartnerParameter('em', '11234e56af071e9c79927651156bd7a10bca8ac34672aba121056e2698ee7088')
Adds clearPartnerParameter method
Adds typescript. Thanks runtrizapps!
Adds enableLogging to the RNBranch class. Thanks jkadamczyk!
Fix issue with Android LATD. Thanks mauryakk15!
2021-02-04 Version 5.0.1
- Requires react-native >= 0.60
- Adds lastAttributedTouchData method.
See https://help.branch.io/developers-hub/docs/retrieving-branchs-last-attributed-touch-data for further details.
const attributionWindow = 365; branch.lastAttributedTouchData(attributionWindow, latData => { // latData is an Object });
2020-08-27 Version 5.0.0
- Requires react-native >= 0.60
- This release includes Branch native SDKs Android 5.0.3 and iOS 0.35.0.
- Added RNBranchModule.onNewIntent for Android. This replaces calling
.@Override public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { super.onNewIntent(intent); RNBranchModule.onNewIntent(intent); }
- Added
Boolean parameter toonOpenStart
callback. - Improved support of in-app linking via
. ThenewActivity
option for Android was removed. - There is a known issue with in-app linking on Android. When opening a link
within an app via
, there is noonOpenStart
callback and nouri
parameter in theonOpenComplete
callback. This will be addressed in the next release. - Rebuilt
with RN 0.62.2.
2020-07-23 Version 5.0.0-rc.1
- Requires react-native >= 0.60
- This release includes Branch native SDKs Android 5.0.1 and iOS 0.34.0.
- The
function is now called for Universal Links on iOS when launched from a link, and theuri
parameter is populated in theonOpenComplete
callback in this case. - The return value of
did not work as an unsubscribe function. This has been fixed. - Add support for all standard v2 events.
- Add support for an
property in Branch v2 events (also known as Customer Event Alias).
2020-04-10 Version 5.0.0-beta.1
For use with react-native >= 0.60
This release includes Branch native SDKs Android 5.0.0 and iOS 0.32.0.
callback now passes a third named parameter,uri
, which is the URI/URL that originally launched the app. In some cases this may benull
(e.g. deferred deep links). Consult the~referring_link
parameter in those cases. -
You can now be notified when Branch is about to open a link using two separate callbacks,
. TheonOpenComplete
callback is identical with the single callback passed tobranch.subscribe
.import branch from 'react-native-branch' branch.subscribe({ onOpenStart: ({uri}) => { console.log('Branch will open ' + uri) }, onOpenComplete: ({error, params, uri}) => { if (error) { console.log('Error from Branch opening ' + uri + ': ' + error) return } console.log('Branch opened ' + uri) // handle params }, })
In the AppDelegate, use the following methods:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(nonnull NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey,id> *)options {
return [RNBranch application:application openURL:url options:options];
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray<id<UIUserActivityRestoring>> *restorableObjects))restorationHandler {
return [RNBranch continueUserActivity:userActivity];
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
return RNBranch.application(app, open: url, options: options)
func application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool {
return RNBranch.continue(userActivity)
2020-04-10 Version 3.2.1
- For use with react-native < 0.60
- This release includes Branch native SDKs Android 5.0.0 and iOS 0.32.0.
2020-03-11 Version 4.4.0
- For use with react-native >= 0.60
- This release includes Branch native SDKs Android 4.3.2 and iOS 0.31.3.
- Introduced an enableFacebookLinkCheck Boolean parameter in branch.json. This results in calling enableFacebookAppLinkCheck() on Android and registerFacebookDeepLinkingClass: on iOS for use with react-native-fbsdk. Advanced users: You can still call these methods in native code as before if your use case dictates.
2020-03-11 Version 3.2.0
- For use with react-native < 0.60
- This release includes Branch native SDKs Android 4.3.2 and iOS 0.31.3.
- Fixed a crash due to NPE on Android experienced by some users. Now an error should be properly reported.
- Introduced an enableFacebookLinkCheck Boolean parameter in branch.json. This results in calling enableFacebookAppLinkCheck() on Android and registerFacebookDeepLinkingClass: on iOS for use with react-native-fbsdk. Advanced users: You can still call these methods in native code as before if your use case dictates.
2020-02-27 Version 3.1.2
- This release, for React Native < 0.60, updates native SDK support to Android 4.3.2 and iOS 0.31.3.
2020-02-13 Version 4.3.0
- Requires RN >= 0.60
- Uses native Branch SDKs 4.3.2 (Android), 0.31.x (iOS).
- SDK-802 accept PR to expose setMetadata at the JS layer
- SDK-714 add plugin identifier
- Addresses several github issues.
2019-09-30 Version 4.2.1
- Missed version update in iOS RNBranch.m
2019-09-27 Version 4.2.0
- Update Android Branch SDK to 4.1.0
- Update iOS Branch SDK to 0.29.0
- Expose Android reInit session for foreground links
2019-07-25 Version 3.1.1
- Requires RN < 0.60
- Fix a runtime iOS issue in 3.1.0
- Uses native Branch SDKs 3.2.0 (Android), 0.27.1 (iOS).
2019-07-25 Version 4.1.0
- Requires RN >= 0.60
- Added optional argument to getLatestReferringParams to allow deferring promise resolution.
- Uses native Branch SDKs 3.2.0 (Android), 0.27.1 (iOS).
2019-07-25 Version 3.1.0
- Requires RN < 0.60
- Added optional argument to getLatestReferringParams to allow deferring promise resolution.
- Fix clicked_branch_link false positive (#466) from @sjchmiela.
- Uses native Branch SDKs 3.2.0 (Android), 0.27.1 (iOS).
2019-07-16 Version 4.0.0
- Full support for React Native 0.60, AndroidX and autolinking
- Fix clicked_branch_link false positive (#466) from @sjchmiela.
- Uses native Branch SDKs 3.2.0 (Android), 0.27.1 (iOS).
2019-05-22 Version 3.0.1
- Added Carthage/Build/iOS to Framework Search Paths for Carthage support.
- Uses native Branch SDKs 3.2.0 (Android), 0.27.0 (iOS).
2019-04-30 Version 3.0.0
- Changed
in build.gradle. This exposes the native Branch SDK to native code and avoids the need to importio.branch.sdk.android:library
in theapp/build.gradle
, which introduces the potential for conflicts. Theapp/build.gradle
import viaimplementation 'io.branch.sdk.android:library:3.1.2'
is no longer necessary and should be removed. - Uses native Branch SDKs 3.1.2 (Android), 0.27.0 (iOS).
2019-04-19 Version 3.0.0-rc.1
Removed docs folder from distro.
Updated to iOS SDK 0.26.0, Android 3.1.1.
Removed Branch-SDK & react-native-branch-segment podspecs. Removed Branch iOS SDK source code from distribution in favor of using CocoaPods.
Renamed cached_initial_event parameter +rn_cached_initial_event.
Updated all examples to RN 0.59.6, React 16.8.6.
NPM is not currently supported (#433). package-lock.json removed from all examples. NPM removed from instructions in docs.
Updating to 3.0.0
- If using the
parameter, change it to+rn_cached_initial_event
. - [Android] Add
implementation 'io.branch.sdk.android:library:3.+'
. - [Android] Change the call to
. - [iOS] Add version 0.26.0 of the Branch pod to your Podfile:
Pure RN app with react-native link
If you already have a Podfile, add
pod 'Branch', '0.26.0'
. Then runpod install
. -
If you don't have a Podfile, add one to your
subdirectory using these contents:platform :ios, "9.0" use_frameworks! pod "Branch", "0.26.0" target "MyApp"
to the name of your application target. Install CocoaPods if necessary: https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/getting-started.html#installation. Runpod install
in the ios subdirectory. Note that this creates a workspace calledMyApp.xcworkspace
in the same directory. From now on, open the workspace, not the project. -
Note that if your local podspec repo is quite old, you may need to update it to get the current version of the Branch SDK. Do this by running
pod install --repo-update
or by runningpod repo update
beforepod install
Native iOS app with the react-native-branch pod
- Remove
pod 'Branch-SDK'
from your Podfile. Runpod install
- If using the
2019-03-27 Version 2.3.5
- Remove docs folder from distro.
- Updated to iOS SDK 0.26.0.
2019-03-05 Version 3.0.0-beta.3
- Added react-native-branch-segment.podspec for use with the Segment integration.
2019-02-22 Version 3.0.0-beta.2
- Remove weak reference from BranchUniversalReferralInitListener (#372)
- Check for null params (#364)
- Support for setting Branch keys in branch.json
2019-02-22 Version 2.3.4
- Remove weak reference from BranchUniversalReferralInitListener (#372)
- Check for null params (#364)
2019-01-28 Version 3.0.0-beta.1
- Remove native Branch Android jar from repo and distro.
2018-07-25 Version 2.3.3
- Updated to iOS SDK 0.25.1 and Android SDK 2.19.0.
2018-07-20 Version 2.3.2
- Updated to iOS SDK 0.24.1 and Android SDK 2.17.1.
- V2 event support updates.
- Link data read updates.
- Node dependency updates.
2018-04-14 Version 2.2.5
support to RNBranch module.- Fixed custom event issues on iOS and Android #317.
- Fixed async
call issue #322. - Fixed
release issue #282. - Updated to iOS SDK 0.22.5 and Android SDK 2.15.0.
- Includes native SDKs 0.22.5 (iOS), 2.15.0 (Android).
2018-01-09 Version 2.2.4
- Updated to Android SDK 2.14.4.
- Includes native SDKs 0.22.4 (iOS), 2.14.4 (Android).
2018-01-04 Version 2.2.3
- Updated to iOS SDK 0.22.4 to fix backward compatibility issues with metadata. #311
- Includes native SDKs 0.22.4 (iOS), 2.14.3 (Android).
2017-12-22 Version 2.2.2
- Get rid of unnecessary version check for iOS 8 (#309)
- Some corrections to handling of Branch Universal Object content metadata.
- Includes native SDKs 0.21.16 (iOS), 2.14.3 (Android).
2017-12-14 Version 2.2.1
- Fixes certain BUO content metadata field mappings: productCategory, addressPostalCode, ratingAverage
- Includes native SDKs 0.21.14 (iOS), 2.14.2 (Android).
2017-12-11 Version 2.2.0
- Adds BranchEvent class
- Adds new Branch Universal Object API
- Added requiresMainQueueSetup as required by v0.49+ of RN via @UrbanChrisy (#299)
- Fix incorrect event type when error = null via @wildseansy (#285)
- Includes native SDKs 0.21.14 (iOS), 2.14.2 (Android).
2017-10-17 Version 2.1.1
- Fix for +non_branch_link issue on Android (#216).
- Suppress some warnings with Xcode 9.
- Added a troubleshooting section to the README.
- Includes native SDKs 0.19.5 (iOS), 2.12.2 (Android).
2017-10-02 Version 2.1.0
- Added an openURL method for programmatic deep linking from anywhere in an app (e.g., a QR reader).
- Allow loading rewards from different buckets via an optional argument to loadRewards().
- Return RNBranch::Error::DuplicateResourceError in case of an existing alias.
- Further rework of the README.
- Introduced a tutorial app.
- Includes native SDKs 0.19.5 (iOS), 2.12.1 (Android).
2017-08-30 Version 2.0.0
- Added sendCommerceEvent method.
- Complete rewrite of the README.
- Removed the peerDependency on
. - Includes native SDKs 0.17.10 (iOS), 2.12.0 (Android).
2017-08-21 Version 2.0.0-rc.2
- Fixed automation bug that generated an RNBranch.xcodeproj that failed with
react-native link
. - Regenerated RNBranch.xcodeproj to fix
react-native link
bug (#239). - Includes native SDKs 0.17.9 (iOS), 2.11.1 (Android).
2017-08-17 Version 2.0.0-rc.1
- (Internal) Native SDK updates are now automated.
- Includes native SDKs 0.17.9 (iOS), 2.11.1 (Android).
2017-08-04 Version 2.0.0-beta.8
- Support for RN >= 0.47 (#231).
- Added support for platform-specific branch.json.
- Includes native SDKs 0.16.2 (iOS), 2.10.3 (Android).
2017-06-19 Version 2.0.0-beta.7
- This release adds support for an optional
configuration file. See https://rnbranch.app.link/branch-json for details. - Deprecated
[RNBranch handleDeepLink:]
. See https://rnbranch.app.link/version-2#ios-api-changes for details. - Includes native SDKs 0.15.3 (iOS), 2.9.0 (Android).
2017-05-30 Version 2.0.0-beta.6
- This release adds some native wrapper methods to simplify certain native code changes that cannot be supported in JS.
- Includes native SDKs 0.15.3 (iOS), 2.8.0 (Android).
2017-05-19 Version 2.0.0-beta.5
- This release disables the unsupportable
method and provides new native methods to take its place. See https://rnbranch.app.link/hGj7E61EhD for details. - Removed the filter in the native layers that was passing null
to thebranch.subscribe
callback. Nowparams
will never be null in the callback. Non-Branch links are available using the+non_branch_link
parameter, like the rest of Branch's SDKs. See in particular the webview_example for updated usage. Theuri
parameter still exists, and its behavior is largely unchanged, but it should now be considered deprecated and will be removed in a future release. - Includes native SDKs 0.14.12 (iOS), 2.8.0 (Android).
2017-05-10 Version 2.0.0-beta.4
- This release restores the React dependency to the react-native-branch podspec for full Swift support.
- Improvements to webview_example_native_ios to take advantage of full Swift support.
- Includes native SDKs 0.14.12 (iOS), 2.6.1 (Android).
2017-04-26 Version 2.0.0-beta.3
- This release fixes an Android crash introduced in 2.0.0-beta.2. (#187)
- Includes native SDKs 0.14.12 (iOS), 2.6.1 (Android).
2017-04-24 Version 2.0.0-beta.2
- Implemented an RCTEventEmitter in iOS.
- Rebuilt JS link caching to address #79.
- Corrected link property mappings on Android (thanks to @jchesne for the PR).
- Includes native SDKs 0.14.12 (iOS), 2.6.1 (Android).
- Added missing AddToCartEvent, listed in the docs.
- Export event constants from the native layer for better consistency.
- Support for routing links in native Android apps that include RN components.
- Added/improved example applications. The master branch includes five examples for 2.0.0:
- testbed_simple
- testbed_native_ios
- testbed_native_android
- webview_example
- webview_native_ios As well as the two legacy examples testbed_carthage and testbed_cocoapods for 1.1. The webview_example and webview_example_native_ios apps are complete, practical examples of content-sharing apps that route links and follow Branch's best practices. All examples are fully set up for the bnctestbed.app.link domain.
- All 2.0 examples now include support for both the test and live Branch keys. All Android examples will use the test key in Debug builds and the live key in Release builds. This is also true for testbed_simple and webview_example. testbed_native_ios and webview_example_native_ios use custom build configurations and schemes to differentiate the live and test environments (this approach is only possible when using CocoaPods on iOS; it is easily arranged using productFlavors on Android and very similar to the existing setup).
- Added an experimental Fastlane plugin to set up example apps for iOS without using Xcode to make it easy to run them on a device and test link routing.
- Greatly expanded CI and unit testing, including native unit tests, for improved stability.
2017-03-23 Version 2.0.0-beta.1
- Reduce the number of manual steps required to get started.
- Remove any need for CocoaPods, Carthage or manual iOS SDK installation in a React Native app.
- Pin to specific versions of the native SDKs to avoid issues arising from version mismatches.
- Fully support integration of react-native-branch in a React Native component within a native app that also uses the native Branch SDK.
- Includes native SDKS 0.13.5 (iOS), 2.5.9 (Android)
See Release 2.0.0 for more details.
2017-03-21 Version 1.1.1
- Decrease buildToolsVersion to 23.0.1 in build.gradle
- Fixed broken Carthage build (#128)
- Updated README to reflect async createBranchUniversalObject method.
2017-03-21 Version 0.9.7
- Decrease buildToolsVersion to 23.0.1 in build.gradle
2017-03-16 Version 1.1.0
- This release introduces a userCompletedAction() method on the Branch Universal Object. The registerView() method is deprecated in favor of userCompletedAction(RegisterViewEvent).
- The createBranchUniversalObject() method now allocates native resources supporting the BUO. These are eventually cleaned up when unused for some time. An optional release() method is also provided to ensure they are released immediately, e.g. when componentWillUnmount() is called.
- Corrected a react-native version limitation in the build.gradle to ensure the version from node_modules is used.
- The native iOS dependencies for the testbed apps were updated to 0.13.5.
2017-03-16 Version 0.9.6
- Corrected a react-native version limitation in the build.gradle to ensure the version from node_modules is used.
2017-02-24 Version 1.0.5
- Improved support for manual installation of Branch SDK
- Fix for non-Branch links with Universal Links on iOS
2017-02-24 Version 0.9.5
- Improved support for manual installation of Branch SDK
- Fix for non-Branch links with Universal Links on iOS
2017-02-15 Version 1.0.4
- Reduced iOS deploy target from 9.2 to 8.0.
2017-02-15 Version 0.9.3
- Reduced iOS deploy target from 9.2 to 8.0.
2017-02-06 Version 1.0.2
- Corrected peerDependencies
- Fixed an issue that prevented App Store submission
2017-02-06 Version 0.9.2
- Corrected peerDependencies
2017-01-31 Version 1.0.1
- Fixed unsubscribe bug (#73)
- Support all parameters of Branch Universal Object and link properties
2017-01-31 Version 0.9.1
- Fixed unsubscribe bug (#73)
- Full support for Carthage
- Support all parameters of Branch Universal Object and link properties
2017-01-13 Version 1.0.0
- Support for react-native 0.40.0
- Configuration changes to support various toolchains
- Full support for Carthage