This is a complete reference for everything you get when you import patsy.
.. module:: patsy
.. ipython:: python :suppress: from patsy import *
.. autofunction:: dmatrix
.. autofunction:: dmatrices
.. autofunction:: incr_dbuilders
.. autofunction:: incr_dbuilder
.. autoexception:: PatsyError :members:
.. autofunction:: balanced
.. autofunction:: demo_data
.. autoclass:: DesignInfo Here's an example of the most common way to get a :class:`DesignInfo`: .. ipython:: python mat = dmatrix("a + x", demo_data("a", "x", nlevels=3)) di = mat.design_info .. attribute:: column_names The names of each column, represented as a list of strings in the proper order. Guaranteed to exist. .. ipython:: python di.column_names .. attribute:: column_name_indexes An :class:`~collections.OrderedDict` mapping column names (as strings) to column indexes (as integers). Guaranteed to exist and to be sorted from low to high. .. ipython:: python di.column_name_indexes .. attribute:: term_names The names of each term, represented as a list of strings in the proper order. Guaranteed to exist. There is a one-to-many relationship between columns and terms -- each term generates one or more columns. .. ipython:: python di.term_names .. attribute:: term_name_slices An :class:`~collections.OrderedDict` mapping term names (as strings) to Python :func:`slice` objects indicating which columns correspond to each term. Guaranteed to exist. The slices are guaranteed to be sorted from left to right and to cover the whole range of columns with no overlaps or gaps. .. ipython:: python di.term_name_slices .. attribute:: terms A list of :class:`Term` objects representing each term. May be None, for example if a user passed in a plain preassembled design matrix rather than using the Patsy machinery. .. ipython:: python di.terms [ for term in di.terms] .. attribute:: term_slices An :class:`~collections.OrderedDict` mapping :class:`Term` objects to Python :func:`slice` objects indicating which columns correspond to which terms. Like :attr:`terms`, this may be None. .. ipython:: python di.term_slices .. attribute:: factor_infos A dict mapping factor objects to :class:`FactorInfo` objects providing information about each factor. Like :attr:`terms`, this may be None. .. ipython:: python di.factor_infos .. attribute:: term_codings An :class:`~collections.OrderedDict` mapping each :class:`Term` object to a list of :class:`SubtermInfo` objects which together describe how this term is encoded in the final design matrix. Like :attr:`terms`, this may be None. .. ipython:: python di.term_codings .. attribute:: builder In versions of patsy before 0.4.0, this returned a ``DesignMatrixBuilder`` object which could be passed to :func:`build_design_matrices`. Starting in 0.4.0, :func:`build_design_matrices` now accepts :class:`DesignInfo` objects directly, and writing ``f(design_info.builder)`` is now a deprecated alias for simply writing ``f(design_info)``. A number of convenience methods are also provided that take advantage of the above metadata: .. automethod:: describe .. automethod:: linear_constraint .. automethod:: slice .. automethod:: subset .. automethod:: from_array
.. autoclass:: FactorInfo
.. autoclass:: SubtermInfo
.. autoclass:: DesignMatrix .. automethod:: __new__
Patsy comes with a number of :ref:`stateful transforms <stateful-transforms>` built in:
.. autofunction:: center
.. autofunction:: standardize
.. function:: scale(x, center=True, rescale=True, ddof=0) An alias for :func:`standardize`, for R compatibility.
Finally, this is not itself a stateful transform, but it's useful if you want to define your own:
.. autofunction:: stateful_transform
.. autoclass:: Treatment
.. autoclass:: Diff
.. autoclass:: Poly
.. autoclass:: Sum
.. autoclass:: Helmert
.. autoclass:: ContrastMatrix
.. autofunction:: bs
.. autofunction:: cr
.. autofunction:: cc
.. autofunction:: te
.. autoclass:: Term
.. data:: INTERCEPT This is a pre-instantiated zero-factors :class:`Term` object representing the intercept, useful for making your code clearer. Do remember though that this is not a singleton object, i.e., you should compare against it using ``==``, not ``is``.
.. autoclass:: LookupFactor
.. autoclass:: EvalFactor
.. autoclass:: ModelDesc
.. autoclass:: EvalEnvironment :members:
.. autofunction:: design_matrix_builders
.. autofunction:: build_design_matrices
.. autoclass:: NAAction :members:
.. autoclass:: LinearConstraint
.. autoclass:: Origin :members: